! "W N   @ &   / e&7 J  j De Ԥ!@eW  8m RW et ZEWue T!eB >5 &     7= ߋpF@E A Ze      @7@ eE "   r t@P ljɋU$$ !                       c !-<NOQRSTUZ\z&3cewx   .;<{}~  cpW  m 8oXYZ[\]^_m  `m k Lgjm  rmpsvbehkm   nqtwx{~m  m k #m  Um  m  5m  Em ,m ;,m p _m Z $m 8   m    m    m   ,m l  -036"%m   (+.1478m  ';>Am  JDGJM9m  <?Bm  }Em t Hm X 8\m < orm 5P f2um  8 @.m l jm m . m  m  ?m  u m  m 8m  m m m V Nm  &m   m  m  m  D m  ` m  m  "%m  pm 8m A #m S  &m P m G m  5m  @m  yPm  q^m  m  m   m  6"m  m  m } m n m  Zm k m 8m !;m M!m   m 4P m , H봁m 5P im 5m y4 m 5P  m 5m |4m 5P m   $'m 8m a"R*m " -m |"  ),/03m 8m N!069m 8m <?Bm 8m E147  :k  D}=@CFm  D258;m  D>m  D"ADGHKm  CmNm " Qm " Tm " :Wm  Zm   ]ILORUm  C~X[^JMm  9PSm  9VY\m  9_`m  9"cm k  9nm g  9qtwxm E  9{~m 9  9m "  9\}m " [ m   9[m   9m   9m   9 m   8& m  8m " m  8m  8Dm  8m  8^m  8m  8m  8m n"  #m  8m  8Dm v 8J-m Yk  m = 8m 9 8  m . 7m * 7m  7Q,m  7%m " (m  7M9<m  7 ?BEHKN:m  7=m " @m  7n\m  7Rm  7wzm " }m " im  7lom 4P rm " um r 7xm ] 7m Q 74m D 7m 4P m 9 7Pm 8 UKm , 7.m  6 m  6m  63m  6m  6@m  6m  6;m  6m 8m }m 8m "T,m  㴑m  & m     m  m z <m \k  q%m l  ;>*-03m I @6m 8m 9<?@m < Cm (l Mm ! oYPm ! o0Sm ! oVm ! o"Bm ! o`EHm K ôkKm ! oNQTWm ~! oXm |! o[m z! o^m w! oadm u! oOgm ! ojm a ômm s! o#Ym q! o,\_bm ! oIehm o! o knZm m! oL]m k! o`m i! ocfilom g! npm d! nsm ! nvm b! nzy|m `! nm ^! n qm \! ntm Z! nCwzm ! n}m X! n,m m" m V! nrm P! num T! nxm R! nL{m .! b/~m +! bm )! bym '! bm %! bm #! bLm Z ô9m ! b0m ! bm ! b]m E! bm ! bm ! bzm ! bm ! bm ! am ! aAm ! am ! atm ! am  am ! am ! am ! am ?! am  am 6! am  am  am  am  am  am  am  am  a m 1! am  a{ m k m  aim  `Gm  Em  Em  Em  Em 8m #Tm  D"m  Dm  D(m  D>m  D m  Dm  Dm  8m  Dm l m  DLm  D9   m  Dm  D m  D m  Dm  DBm k z괁Z!$'*m k ~괁-m l lm  "%(m k , +. m k 1괁P#&),m k 6괁/0m k :괁369m k ?광<m k D괁M258m k G괁;>m k K괁 ADGHKNm k PQm 8m Tm k n촁WZm k r촁]m k 괁ILOm k 괁RUX[m k 괁p ^JMPSVm k 괁3Y\m m _m k v촁7`cfim k 鴁lorm k 鴁uadm k 鴁ygjmm k 鴁psm k 鴁wvm k 鴁bem k 괁hm k z촁C knqtwm  )x{~k k 촁 y|m D,m  m   zm 8m }m 8m m 8m Rm k m 8m 'm 8m @m 8m m 8m m 8m @m 8m   m 8m  m O  m  )m = 賴jm k m . Q m  m 5P ]m =  m  ( <m ! {Jm "m um !k (ﴑ m !k %ﴁ m !k ﴑm !k ﴑm !k ﴁd  m !k ﴑDm !k ﴁ /25!$'m  ( *-036"m !k ﴑv%m !k ﴑ$Am !k ﴑc1Om !k 0km !k 9m !k m 7" zm +" zSm $" z m " z m " z5 m " zm ! zfm 4" z m ! zV m h4P m 5P  m k4P m | 7zm 5P m 8m /5m ^4P  m m m 8m \m > m ! p[m ! p$ m y  m ! pm ! pm ! pm k H촁m k M촁m k P촁m k a촁m k W촁"m k R촁%m yk 9촁m wk 5촁7m uk 0촁cm pk )촁!m kk #촁' m hk 촁#m _k 촁&m ]k 촁6m [k 촁m Yk 봁m k B촁m bk 촁m k \촁!m Uk 봁$m Sk 봁'(+.1m k 봁F47:=m J P)m 5P ,m fk 촁/m ak 촁2m rk -I5m p" 8;>*-m 4m 40m k j촁N3m dk 촁6m r" 9m {k <촁K<m k ?m Wk 봁@m k >촁Cm mk &촁8Fm Mk ~봁uIm Ck k봁LORm *k 5봁UADm ,k =봁Gm .k A봁OJMm 0k E봁Pm 2k I봁!SVBm 4k N봁&EHKm 6k R봁7NQm :k Z봁!Tm 8k V봁WXm >k b봁o[m <k _봁D ^adgjmm @k g봁]Ym `"m \m Ek n봁_m Gk r봁bem Hk w봁hm 'k 0봁bknZm Jk {봁]`m "k 봁)cfm "k 봁ilopsm "k 봁vym !k 봁|qm !k 봁' twz}m !k 괁 rux{~m !k 괁m k 괁m k 괁m t" #m k 괁m k 괁[m k 괁m k 괁xm k 괁m k 광 m k 괁m k 괁m k 괁<m k 괁lm k 괁m k 괁m k 괁m g"  m k 괁m k 괁m k 괁 m k 괁m k 괁m k m 8m #m i" m k h괁Mm k 괁Gm m m k m괁m k q괁xm k vem k 贁m 4P rm k" m k 촁)m k 촁m k 촁m k 촁m k ,m m 4m k 촁nm k 촑,m b ôm 8 Tm 8m bm k m 5P tm k 촁Gm k m  vm k 贁< m # p m /# r m |m  m 4P  ' m # 2( m # / m #m 0 3 6 9 < ? B E m K# +1 m " K m R# ^ m ?#  J m D# M m 8m I#P m 8m # S m xl Po m "  v m ;# %b m |#  z } m 3#   m l  m "  % m l : m +#m +# ^- m l   m tl _ m (#     m Ul  $! m l  4 m l   m l o# m 3 & m 8m ,# H) m l   2= m ;l  f.^ m Wl  > y |  m ml   m l < m "  m "  m 4P  m 5m 4. m b#  m ^  m c"  m   m d"  m k 봁 m k 봁 m k 봁 m k 봁 m k 봁U k k 봁f k k 봁 k k 봁 m k e촁 m k J촁% m  b m  w m   m a " m .  m  | m  / m # U m  }   m  < m  + m     m |     m u      " % m l  m e  m \ 4 m W   # & m N  m I  m D  m >   m 7 ! m ( $ ' ( + m  g. m  Y1 4 m  7 m  f: m  v= m  ) , m  / m  y2 5 8 m +#m ; m 5P Y> * - m k 촁N 0 3 6 9 < m k 촑|? m M ôD m 4P 9G J M m !m V P S V B E H ) 1P K m m ?N Q T W X [ ^ a m k 贁dd g m k 贁8 j m Y \ _ b e m k 贁h m k 贁k m   9n Z ] ` c f i l m m <o p s m k 贁v y |  m k 贁 q t m k 贁w m # z m # Q} m #  m # a m #  m # r m # :u x { m " x~ m "  m "  m "  m " 5 m "  m " I m "  m "  m "  m " | m "  m " , m "  m " ^ m " d m " 0 m "  m " < m " P m " 0 m k 贑1 m k 贁 m k 贁 m k 贁3 m k 贁 m k 贁f m c"  m 8m y" m R  9 m  洁 m k 贁 m k 贁 m m   m x"m  m k :      m l ...es1ds2cs3bs4Atmgm6_s7[fortyaccsno,cratiolibcrefmdec9assallocLs5Vrunsysx#define PLOT 006 /* ack */ #define BEL 007 /* exit plot mode */ #define ESC 033 /* escape */ #define HFWD '9' #define HREV '8' #define FREV '7' #define SO 016 /* shift out - enter greek */ #define SI 017 /* shift in */ #define UP 013 #define DN 012 #define RT ' ' #define LF '\b' int restore(); int svmode, mode[3]; main(argc,argv) int argc; char **argv; { int c, textmode; extern int fin,fout; fin = dup(0); fout = dup(1); if ((signal(2, 1) & 01) == 0) signal(2, &restore); gtty(1, mode); svmode = mode[2]; mode[2] =& 0777757; /* turn off cr-lf */ mode[2] =| 03; /* turn off delays, tabs */ stty(1, mode); textmode = 1; while( (c=getchar()) != '\0' ){ if( c==SO ){ special(); continue; } if (c== PLOT) textmode = 1-textmode; if (c==BEL) textmode = 1; if( c=='\n' && textmode ) putchar(015); /* CR */ if( c!=ESC ){ putchar(c); continue; } putchar(PLOT); c = getchar(); if( c == HREV ) nplot(4,UP); else if( c == HFWD ) nplot(4,DN); else if( c == FREV ) nplot(8,UP); putchar(PLOT); } flush(); restore(); } restore(){ mode[2] = svmode; stty(1, mode); exit(); } int tab[]{ 'A', /* alpha */ 'B', /* beta */ 'D', /* delta */ 'W', /* DELTA */ 'S', /* epsilon */ 'N', /* eta */ '\\', /* gamma */ 'G', /* GAMMA */ 'o', /* infinity - not in M37 */ '^', /* integral */ 'L', /* lambda */ 'E', /* LAMBDA */ 'M', /* mu */ '[', /* nabla (del) */ '_', /* not */ '@', /* nu */ 'C', /* omega */ 'Z', /* OMEGA */ ']', /* partial */ 'U', /* phi */ 'F', /* PHI */ 'V', /* psi */ 'H', /* PSI */ 'J', /* pi */ 'P', /* PI */ 'K', /* rho */ 'Y', /* sigma */ 'R', /* SIGMA */ 'I', /* tau */ 'T', /* theta */ 'O', /* THETA */ 'X', /* xi */ 'Q', /* zeta */ 0 }; int trans[]{ alpha, beta, delta, DELTA, epsilon, eta, gamma, GAMMA, infinity, integral, lambda, LAMBDA, mu, nabla, not, nu, omega, OMEGA, partial, phi, PHI, psi, PSI, pi, PI, rho, sigma, SIGMA, tau, theta, THETA, xi, zeta, 0 }; int alpha[] {LF,'c',RT,RT,'(',LF,0}; int beta[] {'B',LF,LF,DN,DN,'|',RT,RT,UP,UP,0}; int delta[] {'o',UP,UP,'<',DN,DN,0}; int DELTA[] {LF,LF,'/',-3,DN,'-',-4,RT,'-',-3,UP,'\\',LF,LF,0}; int epsilon[] {'<','-',0}; int eta[] {'n',RT,RT,DN,DN,'|',LF,LF,UP,UP,0}; int gamma[] {')',RT,'/',LF,0}; int GAMMA[] {LF,LF,'|',RT,RT,-3,UP,'-',-3,DN,RT,RT,'`',LF,LF,0}; int infinity[] {LF,LF,'c',-4,RT,'o',LF,LF,0}; int integral[] {'|','\'',RT,RT,'`',-3,LF,-6,DN,'\'',LF,'`',RT,RT,-6,UP,0}; int lambda[] {'\\',-4,DN,LF,'\'',DN,LF,'\'',-5,UP,RT,RT,0}; int LAMBDA[] {LF,LF,'/',-4,RT,'\\',LF,LF,0}; int mu[] {'u',LF,LF,',',RT,RT,0}; int nabla[] {LF,LF,'\\',-3,UP,'-',-4,RT,'-',-3,DN,'/',LF,LF,0}; int not[] {'-',-2,RT,UP,',',DN,-2,LF,0}; int nu[] {LF,'(',-3,RT,'/',LF,LF,0}; int omega[] {LF,'u',-3,RT,'u',LF,LF,0}; int OMEGA[] {'O',DN,DN,LF,'-',RT,RT,'-',LF,UP,UP,0}; int partial[] {'o',RT,DN,'`',LF,UP,'`',LF,UP,'`',RT,DN,0}; int phi[] {'o','/',0}; int PHI[] {'o','[',']',0}; int psi[] {'/','-',DN,DN,RT,RT,'\'',-4,LF,'\'',RT,RT,UP,UP,0}; int PSI[] {'[',']','-',DN,DN,RT,RT,'\'',-4,LF,'`',RT,RT,UP,UP,0}; int pi[] {UP,'-',-3,DN,'"',DN,'"',-3,UP,0}; int PI[] {LF,LF,'[',']',-4,RT,'[',']',LF,LF,-3,UP,'-',-3,DN,0}; int rho[] {'o',LF,LF,DN,DN,'|',UP,UP,RT,RT,0}; int sigma[] {'o',DN,RT,RT,'~',UP,LF,LF,0}; int SIGMA[] {'>',-2,DN,'-',-5,UP,'-',-3,DN,0}; int tau[] {'t',DN,RT,RT,'~',LF,LF,LF,'~',RT,UP,0}; int theta[] {'O','-',0}; int THETA[] {'O','=',0}; int xi[] {'c',RT,DN,',',LF,-3,UP,'c',LF,DN,'`',RT,DN,0}; int zeta[] {'c',RT,DN,',',LF,-3,UP,'<',DN,DN,0}; special(){ int c,i,j,t; loop: if( (c=getchar()) == SI ) return; for( i=0; tab[i]!=0; i++) if( c==tab[i] ){ plot(trans[i]); goto loop; } putchar(c); goto loop; } plot(s) int *s; { int i,c; putchar(PLOT); for( i=0; (c=s[i])!=0; i++ ) if( c<0 ) nplot(-c,s[++i]); else putchar(c); putchar(PLOT); putchar(' '); } nplot(n,c) int n,c; { while(n--) putchar(c); } cfiloruadif (cclass(ep, *lp++, 0)) { ep =+ *ep; continue; } return(0); case CDOT|STAR: curlp = lp; while (*lp++); goto star; case CCHR|STAR: curlp = lp; while (*lp++ == *ep); ep++; goto star; case CCL|STAR: case NCCL|STAR: curlp = lp; while (cclass(ep, *lp++, ep[-1]==(CCL|STAR))); ep =+ *ep; goto star; star: do { lp--; if (advance(lp, ep)) return(1); } while (lp > curlp); return(0); default: printf2("RE botch\n"); } } cclass(aset, ac, af) { register chaile; char **aarg; { register char *file, **arg; arg = aarg; file = afile; execv(file, arg); if (errno==ENOEXEC) { arg[0] = file; *--arg = "/bin/sh"; execv(*arg, arg); } if (errno==E2BIG) toolong(); } toolong() { write(2, "Arg list too long\n", 18); exit(); } match(s, p) char *s, *p; { if (*s=='.' && *p!='.') return(0); return(amatch(s, p)); } amatch(as, ap) char *as, *ap; { register char *s, *p; register scc; int c, cc, ok, lc; s = as; p = ap; if (scc = *s++) if ((scc =& 01# /* * grep -- print lines matching (or not matching) a pattern * */ #define CCHR 2 #define CDOT 4 #define CCL 6 #define NCCL 8 #define CDOL 10 #define CEOF 11 #define STAR 01 #define LBSIZE 256 #define ESIZE 256 char ibuf[512]; char expbuf[ESIZE]; int lnum[2]; char linebuf[LBSIZE+1]; int bflag; int nflag; int cflag; int vflag; int nfile; int circf; int blkno; int tln[2]; main(argc, argv) char **argv; { extern fout; fout = dup(1); flush(); while (--argc > 0 && (++argv)[0][0]=='-') switch (argr *set, c; register n; set = aset; if ((c = ac) == 0) return(0); n = *set++; while (--n) if (*set++ == c) return(af); return(!af); } printf2(s, a) { extern fout; flush(); fout = 2; printf(s, a); flush(); exit(2); } succeed(f) { if (cflag) { if (++tln[1]==0) tln[0]++; return; } if (nfile > 1) printf("%s:", f); if (bflag) printf("%l:", blkno); if (nflag) printf("%s:", locv(lnum[0], lnum[1])); printf("%s\n", linebuf); } 77) == 0) scc = 0200; switch (c = *p++) { case '[': ok = 0; lc = 077777; while (cc = *p++) { if (cc==']') { if (ok) return(amatch(s, p)); else return(0); } else if (cc=='-') { if (lc<=scc && scc<=(c = *p++)) ok++; } else if (scc == (lc=cc)) ok++; } return(0); default: if (c!=scc) return(0); case '?': if (scc) return(amatch(s, p)); return(0); case '*': return(umatch(--s, p)); case '\0': return(!scc); } } umatch(s, p) char v[0][1]) { case 'v': vflag++; continue; case 'b': bflag++; continue; case 'c': cflag++; continue; case 'n': nflag++; continue; default: printf2("Unknown flag\n"); continue; } if (argc<=0) exit(2); compile(*argv); nfile = --argc; if (argc<=0) execute(0); else while (--argc >= 0) { argv++; execute(*argv); } flush(); exit(0); } compile(astr) char *astr; { register c; register char *ep, *sp; char *lastep; int cclcnt; ep = expbuf; sp = astr; int offset 0; main(argc, argv) char *argv[]; { extern fin; char line[64]; if (argc<2 || ttyn(0)!='x') { write(1, "goto error\n", 11); seek(0, 0, 2); return; } seek(0, 0, 0); fin = dup(0); loop: if (getlin(line)) { write(1, "label not found\n", 16); return; } if (compar(line, argv[1])) goto loop; seek(0, offset, 0); } getlin(s) char s[]; { int ch, i; i = 0; l: if ((ch=getc())=='\0') return(1); if (ch!=':') { while(ch!='\n' && ch!='\0') ch = getc(); goto l; } while ((ch*s, *p; { if(*p==0) return(1); while(*s) if (amatch(s++,p)) return(1); return(0); } compar(as1, as2) char *as1, *as2; { register char *s1, *s2; s1 = as1; s2 = as2; while (*s1++ == *s2) if (*s2++ == 0) return(0); return (*--s1 - *s2); } cat(as1, as2) char *as1, *as2; { register char *s1, *s2; register int c; s2 = string; s1 = as1; while (c = *s1++) { if (s2 > &ab[STRSIZ]) toolong(); c =& 0177; if (c==0) { *s2++ = '/'; break; } *s2++ = c; } s1 = as2; do { if (*sp == '^') { circf++; sp++; } for (;;) { if (ep >= &expbuf[ESIZE]) goto cerror; if ((c = *sp++) != '*') lastep = ep; switch (c) { case '\0': *ep++ = CEOF; return; case '.': *ep++ = CDOT; continue; case '*': if (lastep==0) goto defchar; *lastep =| STAR; continue; case '$': if (*sp != '\0') goto defchar; *ep++ = CDOL; continue; case '[': *ep++ = CCL; *ep++ = 0; cclcnt = 1; if ((c = *sp++) == '^') { c = *sp++; ep[-=getc())==' '); while (ch!=' ' && ch!='\n' && ch!='\0') { s[i++] = ch; ch = getc(); } while(ch != '\n') ch = getc(); s[i] = '\0'; return(0); } compar(s1, s2) char s1[], s2[]; { int c, i; i = 0; l: if(s1[i] != s2[i]) return(1); if (s1[i++] == '\0') return(0); goto l; } getc() { offset++; return(getchar()); } if (s2 > &ab[STRSIZ]) toolong(); *s2++ = c = *s1++; } while (c); s1 = string; string = s2; return(s1); } 2] = NCCL; } do { *ep++ = c; cclcnt++; if (c=='\0' || ep >= &expbuf[ESIZE]) goto cerror; } while ((c = *sp++) != ']'); lastep[1] = cclcnt; continue; case '\\': if ((c = *sp++) == '\0') goto cerror; defchar: default: *ep++ = CCHR; *ep++ = c; } } cerror: printf2("RE error\n"); } execute(file) { register char *p1, *p2; register c; int f; char *ebp, *cbp; if (file) { if ((f = open(file, 0)) < 0) { printf2("Can't open %s\n", file); } } el# /* global command -- glob params "*" in params matches r.e ".*" "?" in params matches r.e. "." "[...]" in params matches character class "[...a-z...]" in params matches a through z. perform command with argument list constructed as follows: if param does not contain "*", "[", or "?", use it as is if it does, find all files in current directory which match the param, sort them, and use them prepend the command name with "/bin" or "/usr/bin" as required. */ #def# /* * getty -- adapt to terminal speed on dialup, and call login */ /* * tty flags */ #define HUPCL 01 #define XTABS 02 #define LCASE 04 #define ECHO 010 #define CRMOD 020 #define RAW 040 #define ODDP 0100 #define EVENP 0200 #define ANYP 0300 /* * Delay algorithms */ #define CR1 010000 #define CR2 020000 #define CR3 030000 #define NL1 000400 #define NL2 001000 #define NL3 001400 #define TAB1 002000 #define TAB2 004000 #define TAB3 006000 #define FF1 040000 #define ERASE '#' #define KILL '@' /* *se f = 0; ebp = ibuf; cbp = ibuf; lnum[0] = 0; lnum[1] = 0; tln[0] = 0; tln[1] = 0; blkno = -1; for (;;) { if ((++lnum[1])==0) lnum[1]++; if((lnum[1]&0377) == 0) flush(); p1 = linebuf; p2 = cbp; for (;;) { if (p2 >= ebp) { if ((c = read(f, ibuf, 512)) <= 0) { close(f); if (cflag) { if (nfile > 1) printf("%s:", file); p1 = locv(tln[0],tln[1]); printf("%s\n", p1); } return; } blkno++; p2 = ibuf; ebp = ibuf+c; } ine E2BIG 7 #define ENOEXEC 8 #define ENOENT 2 #define STRSIZ 522 char ab[STRSIZ]; /* generated characters */ char *ava[200]; /* generated arguments */ char **av &ava[1]; char *string ab; int errno; int ncoll; main(argc, argv) char *argv[]; { register char *cp; if (argc < 3) { write(2, "Arg count\n", 10); return; } argv++; *av++ = *argv; while (--argc >= 2) expand(*++argv); if (ncoll==0) { write(2, "No match\n", 9); return; } execute(ava[1], &ava[1]); cp = cat("/usr/bin/", ava[1]); speeds */ #define B110 3 #define B150 5 #define B300 7 #define B9600 13 #define SIGINT 2 #define SIGQIT 3 struct sgtty { char sgispd, sgospd; char sgerase, sgkill; int sgflag; } tmode; struct tab { int tname; /* this table name */ int nname; /* successor table name */ int iflags; /* initial flags */ int fflags; /* final flags */ int ispeed; /* input speed */ int ospeed; /* output speed */ char *message; /* login message */ } itab[] { /* table '0'-1-2 300,150,110 */ '0', 1, ANYP+RAW+ if ((c = *p2++) == '\n') break; if(c) if (p1 < &linebuf[LBSIZE-1]) *p1++ = c; } *p1++ = 0; cbp = p2; p1 = linebuf; p2 = expbuf; if (circf) { if (advance(p1, p2)) goto found; goto nfound; } /* fast check for first character */ if (*p2==CCHR) { c = p2[1]; do { if (*p1!=c) continue; if (advance(p1, p2)) goto found; } while (*p1++); goto nfound; } /* regular algorithm */ do { if (advance(p1, p2)) goto found; } while (*p1++); execute(cp+4, &ava[1]); execute(cp, &ava[1]); write(2, "Command not found.\n", 19); } expand(as) char *as; { register char *s, *cs; register int dirf; char **oav; static struct { int ino; char name[16]; } entry; s = cs = as; while (*cs!='*' && *cs!='?' && *cs!='[') { if (*cs++ == 0) { *av++ = cat(s, ""); return; } } for (;;) { if (cs==s) { dirf = open(".", 0); s = ""; break; } if (*--cs == '/') { *cs = 0; dirf = open(s==cs? "/": s, 0); *cs++ = 0200; breNL1+CR1, ANYP+ECHO+CR1, B300, B300, "\n\r\033;\007login: ", 1, 2, ANYP+RAW+NL1+CR1, EVENP+ECHO+FF1+CR2+TAB1+NL1, B150, B150, "\n\r\033:\006\006\017login: ", 2, '0', ANYP+RAW+NL1+CR1, ANYP+ECHO+CRMOD+XTABS+LCASE+CR1, B110, B110, "\n\rlogin: ", /* table '-' -- Console TTY 110 */ '-', '-', ANYP+RAW+NL1+CR1, ANYP+ECHO+CRMOD+XTABS+LCASE+CR1, B110, B110, "\n\rlogin: ", /* table '1' -- 150 */ '1', '1', ANYP+RAW+NL1+CR1, EVENP+ECHO+FF1+CR2+TAB1+NL1, B150, B150, "\n\r\033:\006\006\017login: ", nfound: if (vflag) succeed(file); continue; found: if (vflag==0) succeed(file); } } advance(alp, aep) { register char *lp, *ep, *curlp; char *nextep; lp = alp; ep = aep; for (;;) switch (*ep++) { case CCHR: if (*ep++ == *lp++) continue; return(0); case CDOT: if (*lp++) continue; return(0); case CDOL: if (*lp==0) continue; return(0); case CEOF: return(1); case CCL: if (cclass(ep, *lp++, 1)) { ep =+ *ep; continue; } return(0); case NCCL: ak; } } if (dirf<0) { write(2, "No directory\n", 13); exit(); } oav = av; while (read(dirf, &entry, 16) == 16) { if (entry.ino==0) continue; if (match(entry.name, cs)) { *av++ = cat(s, entry.name); ncoll++; } } close(dirf); sort(oav); } sort(oav) char **oav; { register char **p1, **p2, **c; p1 = oav; while (p1 < av-1) { p2 = p1; while(++p2 < av) { if (compar(*p1, *p2) > 0) { c = *p1; *p1 = *p2; *p2 = c; } } p1++; } } execute(afile, aarg) char *af /* table '2' -- 9600 */ '2', '2', ANYP+RAW+NL1+CR1, ANYP+XTABS+ECHO+CRMOD+FF1, B9600, B9600, "\n\r\033;login: ", }; #define NITAB sizeof itab/sizeof itab[0] char name[16]; int crmod; int upper; int lower; main(argc, argv) char **argv; { register struct tab *tabp; register tname; /* signal(SIGINT, 1); signal(SIGQIT, 0); */ tname = '0'; if (argc > 1) tname = *argv[1]; for (;;) { for(tabp = itab; tabp < &itab[NITAB]; tabp++) if(tabp->tname == tname) break; if(tabp >= &itab[NITAB]) tabp = itab; tmode.sgispd = tabp->ispeed; tmode.sgospd = tabp->ospeed; tmode.sgflag = tabp->iflags; tmode.sgispd = tabp->ispeed; tmode.sgospd = tabp->ospeed; stty(0, &tmode); puts(tabp->message); stty(0, &tmode); if(getname()) { tmode.sgerase = ERASE; tmode.sgkill = KILL; tmode.sgflag = tabp->fflags; if(crmod) tmode.sgflag =| CRMOD; if(upper) tmode.sgflag =| LCASE; if(lower) tmode.sgflag =& ~LCASE; stty(0, &tmode); execl("/bin/login", "login", name, 0/* find -- find files in a pathname. Use of find is documented in /usr/man/man1/find.1 . In addition, find has a secret first arg "+" which causes each file name to be printed along with a period if the predicates succeed. */ int randlast; char *pathname; int verbose; struct anode { int (*F)(); struct anode *L, *R; } node[100]; int nn; /* number of nodes */ char *fname, *path; int now[2]; int ap, ac; char **av; struct ibuf { int idev; int inum; int iflags; char inl; char iuid; char igid; ch))?1:0); } or(p) struct anode *p; { return(((*p->L->F)(p->L)) || ((*p->R->F)(p->R))?1:0); } not(p) struct anode *p; { return( !((*p->L->F)(p->L))); } glob(p) struct { int f; char *pat; } *p; { return(gmatch(fname,p->pat)); } print() { printf("%s\n",path); return(1); } mtime(p) struct { int f, t, s; } *p; { return(scomp((now[0]-statb.imtime[0])*3/4,p->t,p->s)); } atime(p) struct { int f, t, s; } *p; { return(scomp((now[0]-statb.iatime[0])*3/4,p->t,p->s)); } user(p) struct { int f, u, s; } *p; { ); exit(1); } tname = tabp->nname; } } getname() { register char *np; register c; static cs; crmod = 0; upper = 0; lower = 0; np = name; do { if (read(0, &cs, 1) <= 0) exit(0); if ((c = cs&0177) == 0) return(0); write(1, &cs, 1); if (c>='a' && c <='z') lower++; else if (c>='A' && c<='Z') { upper++; c =+ 'a'-'A'; } else if (c==ERASE) { if (np > name) np--; continue; } else if (c==KILL) { np = name; continue; } *np++ = c; } while (c!='\n' && ar isize0; char *isize; int iaddr[8]; int iatime[2]; int imtime[2]; } statb; main(argc,argv) char *argv[]; { struct anode *exlist; int find(); time(&now); ac = argc; av = argv; ap = 2; pathname = argv[1]; if(compstr(argv[1],"+")==0) { verbose++; ap++; pathname = argv[2]; } else verbose = 0; argv[argc] = 0; if(argc<3) { printf("Insufficient args\n"); exit(9); } if(!(exlist = exp())) { /* parse and compile the arguments */ printf("Odd usage\n"); exit(9); } if(apu,p->s)); } group(p) struct { int f, u; } *p; { return(p->u == statb.igid); } links(p) struct { int f, link, s; } *p; { return(scomp(statb.inl,p->link,p->s)); } size(p) struct { int f, sz, s; } *p; { register int i; i = statb.isize0 << 7; i = i | ((statb.isize>>9) & 0177); return(scomp(i,p->sz,p->s)); } perm(p) struct { int f, per, s; } *p; { int i; i = (p->s=='-') ? p->per : 03777; /* '-' means only arg bits */ return((statb.iflags & i & 017777) == p->per); } type(p) c!='\r' && np <= &name[16]); *--np = 0; if (c == '\r') { write(1, "\n", 1); crmod++; } else write(1, "\r", 1); return(1); } puts(as) char *as; { register char *s; s = as; while (*s) write(1, s++, 1); } tf("Missing conjunction\n"); exit(9); } descend(pathname,'f',find,exlist); /* to find files that match */ } /* compile time functions: priority is exp()per); } exeq(p) struct { int f, com; } *p; { return(doex(p->com)); } ok(p) struct { int f, com; } *p; { char c; int yes; yes = 0; printf("%s ... %s ...? ",av[p->com],path); if((c=getchar())=='y') yes = 1; while(c!='\n') c = getchar(); if(yes) return(doex(p->com)); return(0); } /* support functions */ scomp(a,b,s) char s; { /* funny signed compare */ if(s == '+') return(a > b); if(s == '-') return(a < (b * -1)); return(a == b) struct { int word; }; struct { /*"put stack", currently gathering args*/ int prev; /*previous frame ptr, self-relative*/ int pan; /*argument number of arg being collected*/ int pa0; /*self-relative ptr oo arg0*/ #define pend 6 }; struct { /*"get stack", currently expanding macros*/ int prev; /* prev frame ptr, self-realtive*/ int mframe; /* ptr to macro definition frame*/ int mchar; /* next char relative to def. frame*/ int marg; /* 0 or ptr to next arg char reltive to gf*/ int ga0; /* arg0 "-a")==0) { randlast--; return(mk(&and,p1,e1())); } else if(*na!=0) --ap; return(p1); } struct anode *e2() { /* parse not (!) */ int not(); char *na; if(randlast) { printf("operand follows operand.\n"); exit(9); } randlast++; if(compstr(na=nxtarg(),"!")==0) return(mk(¬,e3(),0)); else if(*na!=0) --ap; return(e3()); } struct anode *e3() { /* parse parens and predicates */ int exeq(), ok(), glob(), mtime(), atime(), user(), group(), size(), perm(), links(), print(), type(); int p; } doex(com) { int ccode; int np, i, c; char *nargv[50], *ncom, *na; ccode = np = 0; while (na=av[com++]) { if(compstr(na,";")==0) break; if(compstr(na,"{}")==0) nargv[np++] = path; else nargv[np++] = na; } nargv[np] = 0; if (np==0) return(9); if(fork()) /*parent*/ wait(&ccode); else { /*child*/ execv(nargv[0], nargv, np); i = 0; ncom = "/usr/bin/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"; while(c=nargv[0][i]) { ncom[9+i++] = c; } ncom[9+i] = '\0'; execv(ncom+4, nargv, np); execv(ptr self-rel*/ }; struct { /*"definition stack"*/ int prev; /* prev frame ptr, self-relative*/ int dswitch; /* builtin func code, neg for dead definition*/ int dtext; /* definition text prt rel to df*/ int dident; /* first char of identifier naming def*/ #define dend 6 }; char metas[]; #define lquote metas[0] #define rquote metas[1] #define sharp metas[2] #define colon metas[3] #define semi metas[4] #define comma metas[5] #define dollar metas[6] #define NMETA 7 char one[]; int rescan; int traceflag;1, i; char *a, *b, s; a = nxtarg(); if(compstr(a,"(")==0) { randlast--; p1 = exp(); a = nxtarg(); if(compstr(a,")")!=0) goto err; return(p1); } else if(compstr(a,"-print")==0) { return(mk(&print,0,0)); } b = nxtarg(); s = *b; if(s=='+') b++; if(compstr(a,"-name")==0) return(mk(&glob,b,0)); else if(compstr(a,"-mtime")==0) return(mk(&mtime,atoi(b),s)); else if(compstr(a,"-atime")==0) return(mk(&atime,atoi(b),s)); else if(compstr(a,"-user")==0) { if((i=getunum(b)) == -1) { pncom, nargv, np); exit(9); } return(ccode ? 0:1); } char fin[518]; getunum(s) char *s; { /* find username in /etc/passwd & return num. */ int i; char str[20], *sp, c; i = -1; fin[0] = open("/etc/passwd",0); while(c = getchar()) { if(c=='\n') { sp = str; while((*sp = getchar()) != ':') if(! *sp++) goto RET; *sp = '\0'; if(compstr(str,s)==0) { while((c=getchar()) != ':') if(! c) goto RET; sp = str; while((*sp = getchar()) != ':') sp++; *sp = '\0'; i = atoi(st int trashflag; /* nonzero when dead def'n exist*/ int lp; /* arg collection level (out level)*/ int lg; /*input level (get level) */ int lq; /*quote level*/ int l9; /*apparent call level within arg 9*/ char c; /*current input character*/ char *pf; /*put stack frame ptr*/ char *pe; /*put stack end*/ char *pmax; /*top of put stack*/ char p0[]; /*put stack*/ char *gf; /*get stack frame ptr*/ char *ge; /*get stack end*/ char *gmax; /*get stack limit*/ char g0[]; /*get stack*/ char *df; rintf("Cannot find user \"%s\"\n",b); exit(9); } return(mk(&user,i,s)); } else if(compstr(a,"-group")==0) return(mk(&group,atoi(b),s)); else if(compstr(a,"-size")==0) return(mk(&size,atoi(b),s)); else if(compstr(a,"-links")==0) return(mk(&links,atoi(b),s)); else if(compstr(a,"-perm")==0) { for(i=0; *b ; ++b) { if(*b=='-') continue; i =<< 3; i = i + (*b - '0'); } return(mk(&perm,i,s)); } else if(compstr(a,"-type")==0) { i = s=='d' ? 040000 : s=='b' ? 060000 : r); break; } } } RET: close(fin); fin[0] = 0; return(i); } compstr(s1,s2) char s1[], s2[]; { /* compare strings: */ register char *c1, *c2; c1 = s1; c2 = s2; while(*c1 == *c2) if(*c1++ == '\0') return(0); /* s1 == s2 */ else c2++; return(*c1 > *c2 ? 1 : -1); } int descend(name,goal,func,arg) int (*func)(); char *name, goal; { int dir /* open directory */, offset /* in directory */; int dsize, top; struct { int dinode; char dname[14]; } dentry[32]; register int i, j, k; /*definition stack frame ptr*/ char *de; /*def stack end*/ char *dmax; /*def stack limit*/ char d0[]; /*def stack*/ char dummy[]; /*dummy empty macro*/ s=='c' ? 020000 : 000000; return(mk(&type,i,0)); } else if (compstr(a,"-exec")==0) { i = ap - 1; while(compstr(nxtarg(),";")!=0); return(mk(&exeq,i,0)); } else if (compstr(a,"-ok")==0) { i = ap - 1; while(compstr(nxtarg(),";")!=0); return(mk(&ok,i,0)); } err: printf("Bad option: \"%s\" \"%s\"\n",a,b); exit(9); } struct anode *mk(f,l,r) struct anode *l,*r; { /*make an expression node*/ node[nn].F = f; node[nn].L = l; node[nn].R = r; return(&(node[nn++])); } nxtarg() { /* get n char aname[128]; if(stat(name,&statb)<0) { printf("--bad status %s\n",name); return(0); } /* if((statb.iflags&060000)!=040000){ /*not a directory*/ /* if(goal=='f'||goal=='b') /* search goal for files */ /* (*func)(arg,name); return(1); } else if(goal=='d' || goal=='b') /* search goal is directories */ /* (*func)(arg,name); */ (*func)(arg,name); if((statb.iflags&060000)!=040000) return(1); top = statb.isize; for(offset=0 ; offset < top ; offset =+ 512) { /* each block */ dsize y|z}ext arg from command line */ if(ap>=ac) return(""); return(av[ap++]); } find(exlist,fullname) /* execute predicat list with current file */ struct anode *exlist; char *fullname; { register int i; path = fullname; if(verbose) printf("%s",path); for(i=0;fullname[i];++i) if(fullname[i]=='/') fname = &fullname[i+1]; i = (*exlist->F)(exlist); if(verbose) if(i) printf(".\n"); else printf("\n"); } /* execution time functions */ and(p) struct anode *p; { return(((*p->L->F)(p->L)) && ((*p->R->F)(p->R= 512<(top-offset) ? 512 : (top-offset); if((dir=open(name,0))<0) { printf("--cannot open %s\n",name); return(0); } if(offset) seek(dir,offset,0); if(read(dir,&dentry,dsize)<0) { printf("--cannot read %s\n",name); return(0); } close(dir); for(i = 0; i < (dsize>>4); ++i) { /* each dir. entry */ if(dentry[i].dinode==0 || compstr(dentry[i].dname,".")==0 || compstr(dentry[i].dname,"..")==0) continue; if (dentry[i].dinode == -1) break; for(j=0;aname[j]=name[j];++j); if(aname[j-1]!='/') aname[j++] = '/'; for(k=0; (aname[j++]=dentry[i].dname[k]) && k<13; ++k); aname[j] = '\0'; if(descend(aname,goal,func,arg)==0) printf("--%s\n",name); } } return(1); } gmatch(s, p) /* string match as in glob */ char *s, *p; { if (*s=='.' && *p!='.') return(0); return(amatch(s, p)); } amatch(s, p) char *s, *p; { register int cc, scc, k; int c, lc; scc = *s; lc = 077777; switch (c = *p) { case '[': k = 0; while (cc = *++p) { switch (cc) { case '\n' || buf[i] == ' ' || buf[i] == '\t')if(i++ >= in)goto notas; j = i-1; if(buf[i] == '.'){ i++; if(lookup(as) == 1){ printf("assembler program"); goto outa; } else if(buf[j] == '\n'){ printf("roff, nroff, or eqn input"); goto outa; } } } printf("assembler program"); goto outa; notas: for(i=0; i < in; i++)if(buf[i] <= 0){ printf("data\n"); goto out; } if((mbuf[2] & 00111) != 0) printf("commands"); else printf("probably text"); outa: while(i < in) ifintf("move failed: %s\n", t); cflag++; } } nocom: if (cflag==0 && nl!=0) { i = 0; av[0] = "ld"; av[1] = "-x"; av[2] = "/lib/fr0.o"; j = 3; while(i 0) for(i = 0; i < in; i++) if(buf[i] <= 0){ printf(" with garbage\n"); goto out; } printf("\n"); out: close(ibuf[0]); } lookup(tab) char *tab[]; { char r; int k,j,l; while(buf[i] == ' ' || buf[i] == '\t' || buf[i] == '\n')i++; for(j=0; tab[j] != 0; j++){ l=0; for(k=i; ((r=tab[j][l++]) == buf[k] && r != '\0');k++); if(r == '\0') if(buf[k] == ' ' || buf[k] == '\n' || buf[k] == '196], sbf[1024]; int c; exfail = 0; ibuf = ibuf1 = ib1; ibuf2 = ib2; if (fopen(file, ibuf1)<0) return(file); if (getc(ibuf1) != '#') { close(ibuf1[0]); return(file); } ibuf1[1]++; ibuf1[2]--; obuf = ob; symtab = stab; for (c=0; c<200; c++) { stab[c].name[0] = '\0'; stab[c].value = 0; } defloc = lookup("define", 1); defloc->value = defloc->name; incloc = lookup("include", 1); incloc->value = incloc->name; stringbuf = sbf; line = ln; lineno = 0; tmp = setsuf(copy(file), 'i'); \t' || buf[k] == '{' || buf[k] == '/'){ i=k; return(1); } } return(0); } ccom(){ char cc; while((cc = buf[i]) == ' ' || cc == '\t' || cc == '\n')if(i++ >= in)return(0); if(buf[i] == '/' && buf[i+1] == '*'){ i =+ 2; while(buf[i] != '*' || buf[i+1] != '/'){ if(buf[i] == '\\')i =+ 2; else i++; if(i >= in)return(0); } if((i =+ 2) >= in)return(0); } if(buf[i] == '\n')if(ccom() == 0)return(0); return(1); } ascom(){ while(buf[i] == '/'){ i++; while(buf[i++] != '\n')i if (fcreat(tmp, obuf) < 0) { printf("Can't creat %s\n", tmp); dexit(); } while(getline()) { /* if (ibuf==ibuf2) putc(001, obuf); /*SOH: insert */ if (ln[0] != '#') for (lp=line; *lp!='\0'; lp++) putc(*lp, obuf); putc('\n', obuf); } fflush(obuf); close(obuf[0]); close(ibuf1[0]); return(tmp); } getline() { int c, sc, state; struct symtab *np; char *namep, *filname; if (ibuf==ibuf1) lineno++; lp = line; *lp = '\0'; state = 0; if ((c=getch()) == '#') state = 1; while (int in; int i 0; char buf[512]; int *wd { &buf[0]}; char *fort[]{ "function","subroutine","common","dimension","block","integer", "real","data","double",0}; char *asc[]{ "sys","mov","tst","clr","jmp",0}; char *c[]{ "int","char","float","double","struct","extern",0}; char *as[]{ "globl","byte","even","text","data","bss","comm",0}; int ibuf[260]; main(argc, argv) char **argv; { while(argc > 1) { printf("%s: ", argv[1]); type(argv[1]); argc--; argv++; } } type(file) char *file; { int j,nl; f(i >= in)return(0); while(buf[i] == '\n')if(i++ >= in)return(0); } return(1); } c!='\n' && c!='\0') { if ('a'<=c && c<='z' || 'A'<=c && c<='Z' || c=='_') { namep = lp; sch(c); while ('a'<=(c=getch()) && c<='z' ||'A'<=c && c<='Z' ||'0'<=c && c<='9' ||c=='_') sch(c); sch('\0'); lp--; np = lookup(namep, state); if (state==1) { if (np==defloc) state = 2; else if (np==incloc) state = 3; else { error("Undefined control"); while (c!='\n' && c!='\0') c = getch(); return(c); } } else if (stachar ch; int mbuf[20]; if(stat(file, mbuf) < 0) { printf("cannot stat\n"); return; } switch(mbuf[2]&060000) { case 020000: printf("character"); goto spcl; case 040000: printf("directory\n"); return; case 060000: printf("block"); spcl: printf(" special (%d/%d)\n", (mbuf[6]>>8)&0377, mbuf[6]&0377); return; } ibuf[0] = open(file, 0); if(ibuf[0] < 0) { printf("cannot open\n"); return; } in = read(ibuf[0], buf, 512); switch(*wd) { case 0407: printf("executable\n")te==2) { np->value = stringbuf; while ((c=getch())!='\n' && c!='\0') savch(c); savch('\0'); return(1); } continue; } else if ((sc=c)=='\'' || sc=='"') { sch(sc); filname = lp; instring++; while ((c=getch())!=sc && c!='\n' && c!='\0') { sch(c); if (c=='\\') sch(getch()); } instring = 0; if (state==3) { *lp = '\0'; while ((c=getch())!='\n' && c!='\0'); if (ibuf==ibuf2) error("Nested 'include'"); if (fopen(filname, ibuf2)<0) ; goto out; case 0410: printf("pure executable\n"); goto out; case 0411: printf("separate executable\n"); goto out; case 0177555: printf("archive\n"); goto out; } i = 0; if(ccom() == 0)goto notc; while(buf[i] == '#'){ j = i; while(buf[i++] != '\n'){ if(i - j > 255){ printf("data\n"); goto out; } if(i >= in)goto notc; } if(ccom() == 0)goto notc; } check: if(lookup(c) == 1){ while((ch = buf[i++]) != ';' && ch != '{')if(i >= in)goto notc; printf("c progr/* Fortran command */ char *tmp; char ts[1000]; char *tsp ts; char *av[50]; char *clist[50]; char *llist[50]; int instring; int pflag; int cflag; char *complr; int *ibuf; int *ibuf1; int *ibuf2; int *obuf; char *lp; char *line; int lineno; int exfail; struct symtab { char name[8]; char *value; } *symtab; int symsiz 200; struct symtab *defloc; struct symtab *incloc; char *stringbuf; main(argc, argv) char *argv[]; { char *t; int nc, nl, i, j, c, nxo; int dexit(); complr = "/usr/fort/fc1"; i = nc = n error("Missing file %s", filname); else ibuf = ibuf2; return(c); } } sch(c); c = getch(); } sch('\0'); if (state>1) error("Control syntax"); return(c); } error(s, x) { printf("%d: ", lineno); printf(s, x); putchar('\n'); exfail++; cflag++; } sch(c) { if (lp==line+194) error("Line overflow"); *lp++ = c; if (lp>line+195) lp = line+195; } savch(c) { *stringbuf++ = c; } getch() { static peekc; int c; if (peekc) { c = peekc; peekc = 0; return(c); } loop:am"); goto outa; } nl = 0; while(buf[i] != '('){ if(buf[i] <= 0){ printf("data\n"); goto out; } if(buf[i] == ';'){ i++; goto check; } if(buf[i++] == '\n') if(nl++ > 6)goto notc; if(i >= in)goto notc; } while(buf[i] != ')'){ if(buf[i++] == '\n') if(nl++ > 6)goto notc; if(i >= in)goto notc; } while(buf[i] != '{'){ if(buf[i++] == '\n') if(nl++ > 6)goto notc; if(i >= in)goto notc; } printf("c program"); goto outa; notc: i = 0; while(buf[i] == 'c' || bufl = nxo = 0; while(++i < argc) { if(*argv[i] == '-') switch (argv[i][1]) { default: goto passa; case 'p': pflag++; case 'c': cflag++; break; case '2': complr = "/usr/fort/fc2"; break; } else { passa: t = argv[i]; if(getsuf(t)=='f') { clist[nc++] = t; t = setsuf(copy(t), 'o'); } if (nodup(llist, t)) { llist[nl++] = t; if (getsuf(t)=='o') nxo++; } } } if(nc==0) goto nocom; if ((signal(2, 1) & 01) == 0) sign if ((c=getc1())=='/' && !instring) { if ((peekc=getc1())!='*') return('/'); peekc = 0; for(;;) { c = getc1(); cloop: switch (c) { case '\0': return('\0'); case '*': if ((c=getc1())=='/') goto loop; goto cloop; case '\n': if (ibuf==ibuf1) { putc('\n', obuf); lineno++; } continue; } } } return(c); } getc1() { int c; if ((c = getc(ibuf)) < 0 && ibuf==ibuf2) { close(ibuf2[0]); ibuf = ibuf1; putc('\n', obuf); c = getc1(); }[i] == '#'){ while(buf[i++] != '\n')if(i >= in)goto notfort; } if(lookup(fort) == 1){ printf("fortran"); goto outa; } notfort: i=0; if(ascom() == 0)goto notas; j = i-1; if(buf[i] == '.'){ i++; if(lookup(as) == 1){ printf("assembler program"); goto outa; } else if(buf[j] == '\n'){ printf("roff, nroff, or eqn input"); goto outa; } } while(lookup(asc) == 0){ if(ascom() == 0)goto notas; while(buf[i] != '\n' && buf[i++] != ':') if(i >= in)goto notas; while(buf[i] ==al(2, &dexit); for (i=0; i1) printf("%s:\n", clist[i]); tmp = 0; av[0] = complr; av[1] = expand(clist[i]); if (pflag || exfail) continue; if (av[1] == 0) { cflag++; continue; } av[2] = 0; t = callsys(complr, av); if(tmp) cunlink(tmp); if(t) { cflag++; continue; } av[0] = "as"; av[1] = "-"; av[2] = "f.tmp1"; av[3] = 0; callsys("/bin/as", av); t = setsuf(clist[i], 'o'); cunlink(t); if(link("a.out", t) || cunlink("a.out")) { pr if (c<0) return(0); return(c); } lookup(namep, enterf) char *namep; { char *np, *snp; struct symtab *sp; int i, c; np = namep; i = 0; while (c = *np++) i =+ c; i =% symsiz; sp = &symtab[i]; while (sp->name[0]) { snp = sp; np = namep; while (*snp++ == *np) if (*np++ == '\0' || np==namep+8) { if (!enterf) subst(namep, sp); return(sp); } if (sp++ > &symtab[symsiz]) sp = symtab; } if (enterf) { for (i=0; i<8; i++) if (sp->name[i] = *namep) namep++; while (*namep) namep++; } return(sp); } subst(np, sp) char *np; struct symtab *sp; { char *vp; lp = np; if ((vp = sp->value) == 0) return; sch(' '); while (*vp) sch(*vp++); sch(' '); } getsuf(s) char s[]; { int c; char t, *os; c = 0; os = s; while(t = *s++) if (t=='/') c = 0; else c++; s =- 3; if (c<=14 && c>2 && *s++=='.') return(*s); return(0); } setsuf(s, ch) char s[]; { char *os; os = s; while(*s++); s[-2] = ch; return(os); } callsys(f, v) char f[], *v[]; { intr); setexit(); commands(); unlink(tfname); } commands() { int getfile(), gettty(); register *a1, c; register char *p; int r; for (;;) { if (pflag) { pflag = 0; addr1 = addr2 = dot; goto print; } addr1 = 0; addr2 = 0; do { addr1 = addr2; if ((a1 = address())==0) { c = getchar(); break; } addr2 = a1; if ((c=getchar()) == ';') { c = ','; dot = a1; } } while (c==','); if (addr1==0) addr1 = addr2; switch(c) { case 'a': setdot(); newline(); append(gettt; } if (c!=' ') error; while ((c = getchar()) == ' '); if (c=='\n') error; p1 = file; do { *p1++ = c; } while ((c = getchar()) != '\n'); *p1++ = 0; if (savedfile[0]==0) { p1 = savedfile; p2 = file; while (*p1++ = *p2++); } } exfile() { close(io); io = -1; if (vflag) { putd(); putchar('\n'); } } onintr() { signal(SIGINTR, onintr); putchar('\n'); lastc = '\n'; error; } errfunc() { register c; listf = 0; puts("?"); count[0] = 0; seek(0, 0, 2); pflag = 0; if (globp) int t, status; if ((t=fork())==0) { execv(f, v); printf("Can't find %s\n", f); exit(1); } else if (t == -1) { printf("Try again\n"); return(1); } while(t!=wait(&status)); if ((t=(status&0377)) != 0 && t!=14) { if (t!=2) /* interrupt */ printf("Fatal error in %s\n", f); dexit(); } return((status>>8) & 0377); } copy(s) char s[]; { char *otsp; otsp = tsp; while(*tsp++ = *s++); return(otsp); } nodup(l, s) char **l, s[]; { char *t, *os, c; if (getsuf(s) != 'o') return(1y, addr2); continue; case 'c': delete(); append(gettty, addr1-1); continue; case 'd': delete(); continue; case 'e': setnoaddr(); if ((peekc = getchar()) != ' ') error; savedfile[0] = 0; init(); addr2 = zero; goto caseread; case 'f': setnoaddr(); if ((c = getchar()) != '\n') { peekc = c; savedfile[0] = 0; filename(); } puts(savedfile); continue; case 'g': global(1); continue; case 'i': setdot(); nonzero(); newline(); append(gettty, addr2-1 lastc = '\n'; globp = 0; peekc = lastc; while ((c = getchar()) != '\n' && c != EOF); if (io > 0) { close(io); io = -1; } reset(); } getchar() { if (lastc=peekc) { peekc = 0; return(lastc); } if (globp) { if ((lastc = *globp++) != 0) return(lastc); globp = 0; return(EOF); } if (read(0, &lastc, 1) <= 0) return(lastc = EOF); lastc =& 0177; return(lastc); } gettty() { register c, gf; register char *p; p = linebuf; gf = globp; while ((c = getchar()) != '\n') { if (c==E); os = s; while(t = *l++) { s = os; while(c = *s++) if (c != *t++) break; if (*t++ == '\0') return(0); } return(1); } cunlink(f) char *f; { if (f==0) return(0); return(unlink(f)); } ); continue; case 'k': if ((c = getchar()) < 'a' || c > 'z') error; newline(); setdot(); nonzero(); names[c-'a'] = *addr2 | 01; continue; case 'm': move(0); continue; case '\n': if (addr2==0) addr2 = dot+1; addr1 = addr2; goto print; case 'l': listf++; case 'p': newline(); print: setdot(); nonzero(); a1 = addr1; do puts(getline(*a1++)); while (a1 <= addr2); dot = addr2; listf = 0; continue; case 'q': setnoaddr(); newline(); unlink(tfnameOF) { if (gf) peekc = c; return(c); } if ((c =& 0177) == 0) continue; *p++ = c; if (p >= &linebuf[LBSIZE-2]) error; } *p++ = 0; if (linebuf[0]=='.' && linebuf[1]==0) return(EOF); return(0); } getfile() { register c; register char *lp, *fp; lp = linebuf; fp = nextip; do { if (--ninbuf < 0) { if ((ninbuf = read(io, genbuf, LBSIZE)-1) < 0) return(EOF); fp = genbuf; } if (lp >= &linebuf[LBSIZE]) error; if ((*lp++ = c = *fp++ & 0177) == 0) { lp--; c/* exit -- end runcom */ main() { seek(0, 0, 2); } ); exit(); case 'r': caseread: filename(); if ((io = open(file, 0)) < 0) { lastc = '\n'; error; } setall(); ninbuf = 0; append(getfile, addr2); exfile(); continue; case 's': setdot(); nonzero(); substitute(globp); continue; case 't': move(1); continue; case 'v': global(0); continue; case 'w': setall(); nonzero(); filename(); if ((io = creat(file, 0666)) < 0) error; putfile(); exfile(); continue; case '=': setall(); newline(); count[ontinue; } if (++count[1] == 0) ++count[0]; } while (c != '\n'); *--lp = 0; nextip = fp; return(0); } putfile() { int *a1; register char *fp, *lp; register nib; nib = 512; fp = genbuf; a1 = addr1; do { lp = getline(*a1++); for (;;) { if (--nib < 0) { write(io, genbuf, fp-genbuf); nib = 511; fp = genbuf; } if (++count[1] == 0) ++count[0]; if ((*fp++ = *lp++) == 0) { fp[-1] = '\n'; break; } } } while (a1 <= addr2); write(io, genbuf, fp-genbuf)1] = (addr2-zero)&077777; putd(); putchar('\n'); continue; case '!': unix(); continue; case EOF: return; } error; } } address() { register *a1, minus, c; int n, relerr; minus = 0; a1 = 0; for (;;) { c = getchar(); if ('0'<=c && c<='9') { n = 0; do { n =* 10; n =+ c - '0'; } while ((c = getchar())>='0' && c<='9'); peekc = c; if (a1==0) a1 = zero; if (minus<0) n = -n; a1 =+ n; minus = 0; continue; } relerr = 0; if (a1 || minus) ; } append(f, a) int (*f)(); { register *a1, *a2, *rdot; int nline, tl; struct { int integer; }; nline = 0; dot = a; while ((*f)() == 0) { if (dol >= endcore) { if (sbrk(1024) == -1) error; endcore.integer =+ 1024; } tl = putline(); nline++; a1 = ++dol; a2 = a1+1; rdot = ++dot; while (a1 > rdot) *--a2 = *--a1; *rdot = tl; } return(nline); } unix() { register savint, pid, rpid; int retcode; setnoaddr(); if ((pid = fork()) == 0) { signal(SIGHUP, onhup); signa# /* * Editor */ #define SIGHUP 1 #define SIGINTR 2 #define SIGQUIT 3 #define FNSIZE 64 #define LBSIZE 512 #define ESIZE 128 #define GBSIZE 256 #define NBRA 5 #define EOF -1 #define CBRA 1 #define CCHR 2 #define CDOT 4 #define CCL 6 #define NCCL 8 #define CDOL 10 #define CEOF 11 #define CKET 12 #define STAR 01 #define error goto errlab #define READ 0 #define WRITE 1 int peekc; int lastc; char savedfile[FNSIZE]; char file[FNSIZE]; char linebuf[LBSIZE]; char rhsbuf[LBSIZE/2]; char expbuf[ESIZE+4]; int relerr++; switch(c) { case ' ': case '\t': continue; case '+': minus++; if (a1==0) a1 = dot; continue; case '-': case '^': minus--; if (a1==0) a1 = dot; continue; case '?': case '/': compile(c); a1 = dot; for (;;) { if (c=='/') { a1++; if (a1 > dol) a1 = zero; } else { a1--; if (a1 < zero) a1 = dol; } if (execute(0, a1)) break; if (a1==dot) error; } break; case '$': a1 = doll(SIGQUIT, onquit); execl("/bin/sh", "sh", "-t", 0); exit(); } savint = signal(SIGINTR, 1); while ((rpid = wait(&retcode)) != pid && rpid != -1); signal(SIGINTR, savint); puts("!"); } delete() { register *a1, *a2, *a3; setdot(); newline(); nonzero(); a1 = addr1; a2 = addr2+1; a3 = dol; dol =- a2 - a1; do *a1++ = *a2++; while (a2 <= a3); a1 = addr1; if (a1 > dol) a1 = dol; dot = a1; } getline(tl) { register char *bp, *lp; register nl; lp = linebuf; bp = getblock(tl, READ); circfl; int *zero; int *dot; int *dol; int *endcore; int *fendcore; int *addr1; int *addr2; char genbuf[LBSIZE]; int count[2]; char *nextip; char *linebp; int ninbuf; int io; int pflag; int onhup; int onquit; int vflag 1; int listf; int col; char *globp; int tfile -1; int tline; char *tfname; char *loc1; char *loc2; char *locs; char ibuff[512]; int iblock -1; char obuff[512]; int oblock -1; int ichanged; int nleft; int errfunc(); int *errlab errfunc; char TMPERR[] "TMP"; int names[26]; char *braslist[NBRA]; break; case '.': a1 = dot; break; case '\'': if ((c = getchar()) < 'a' || c > 'z') error; for (a1=zero; a1<=dol; a1++) if (names[c-'a'] == (*a1|01)) break; break; default: peekc = c; if (a1==0) return(0); a1 =+ minus; if (a1dol) error; return(a1); } if (relerr) error; } } setdot() { if (addr2 == 0) addr1 = addr2 = dot; if (addr1 > addr2) error; } setall() { if (addr2==0) { addr1 = zero+1; addr2 = dol; if (dnl = nleft; tl =& ~0377; while (*lp++ = *bp++) if (--nl == 0) { bp = getblock(tl=+0400, READ); nl = nleft; } return(linebuf); } putline() { register char *bp, *lp; register nl; int tl; lp = linebuf; tl = tline; bp = getblock(tl, WRITE); nl = nleft; tl =& ~0377; while (*bp = *lp++) { if (*bp++ == '\n') { *--bp = 0; linebp = lp; break; } if (--nl == 0) { bp = getblock(tl=+0400, WRITE); nl = nleft; } } nl = tline; tline =+ (((lp-linebuf)+03)>>1)&077776; return; char *braelist[NBRA]; main(argc, argv) char **argv; { register char *p1, *p2; extern int onintr(); onquit = signal(SIGQUIT, 1); onhup = signal(SIGHUP, 1); argv++; if (argc > 1 && **argv=='-') { vflag = 0; /* allow debugging quits? */ if ((*argv)[1]=='q') { signal(SIGQUIT, 0); vflag++; } argv++; argc--; } if (argc>1) { p1 = *argv; p2 = savedfile; while (*p2++ = *p1++); globp = "r"; } fendcore = sbrk(0); init(); if ((signal(SIGINTR, 1) & 01) == 0) signal(SIGINTR, onol==zero) addr1 = zero; } setdot(); } setnoaddr() { if (addr2) error; } nonzero() { if (addr1<=zero || addr2>dol) error; } newline() { register c; if ((c = getchar()) == '\n') return; if (c=='p' || c=='l') { pflag++; if (c=='l') listf++; if (getchar() == '\n') return; } error; } filename() { register char *p1, *p2; register c; count[1] = 0; c = getchar(); if (c=='\n' || c==EOF) { p1 = savedfile; if (*p1==0) error; p2 = file; while (*p2++ = *p1++); return(nl); } getblock(atl, iof) { extern read(), write(); register bno, off; bno = (atl>>8)&0377; off = (atl<<1)&0774; if (bno >= 255) { puts(TMPERR); error; } nleft = 512 - off; if (bno==iblock) { ichanged =| iof; return(ibuff+off); } if (bno==oblock) return(obuff+off); if (iof==READ) { if (ichanged) blkio(iblock, ibuff, write); ichanged = 0; iblock = bno; blkio(bno, ibuff, read); return(ibuff+off); } if (oblock>=0) blkio(oblock, obuff, write); oblock = bno; return(obuff+off); } blkio(b, buf, iofcn) int (*iofcn)(); { seek(tfile, b, 3); if ((*iofcn)(tfile, buf, 512) != 512) { puts(TMPERR); error; } } init() { register char *p; register pid; close(tfile); tline = 0; iblock = -1; oblock = -1; tfname = "/tmp/exxxxx"; ichanged = 0; pid = getpid(); for (p = &tfname[11]; p > &tfname[6];) { *--p = (pid&07) + '0'; pid =>> 3; } close(creat(tfname, 0600)); tfile = open(tfname, 2); brk(fendcore); dot = zero = dol = fendcore; endcore = fendcore - 2; } g switch (c) { case '\\': if ((c = getchar())=='(') { if (nbra >= NBRA) goto cerror; *bracketp++ = nbra; *ep++ = CBRA; *ep++ = nbra++; continue; } if (c == ')') { if (bracketp <= bracket) goto cerror; *ep++ = CKET; *ep++ = *--bracketp; continue; } *ep++ = CCHR; if (c=='\n') goto cerror; *ep++ = c; continue; case '.': *ep++ = CDOT; continue; case '\n': goto cerror; case '*': if (*lastep==CBRA || *lastep==CKET) main(argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { int i; argc--; for(i=1; i<=argc; i++) printf("%s%c", argv[i], i==argc? '\n': ' '); } lobal(k) { register char *gp; register c; register int *a1; char globuf[GBSIZE]; if (globp) error; setall(); nonzero(); if ((c=getchar())=='\n') error; compile(c); gp = globuf; while ((c = getchar()) != '\n') { if (c==EOF) error; if (c=='\\') { c = getchar(); if (c!='\n') *gp++ = '\\'; } *gp++ = c; if (gp >= &globuf[GBSIZE-2]) error; } *gp++ = '\n'; *gp++ = 0; for (a1=zero; a1<=dol; a1++) { *a1 =& ~01; if (a1>=addr1 && a1<=addr2 && execute(0, a1)==k) *a1 error; *lastep =| STAR; continue; case '$': if ((peekc=getchar()) != eof) goto defchar; *ep++ = CDOL; continue; case '[': *ep++ = CCL; *ep++ = 0; cclcnt = 1; if ((c=getchar()) == '^') { c = getchar(); ep[-2] = NCCL; } do { if (c=='\n') goto cerror; *ep++ = c; cclcnt++; if (ep >= &expbuf[ESIZE]) goto cerror; } while ((c = getchar()) != ']'); lastep[1] = cclcnt; continue; defchar: default: *ep++ = CCHR; *ep++ = =| 01; } for (a1=zero; a1<=dol; a1++) { if (*a1 & 01) { *a1 =& ~01; dot = a1; globp = globuf; commands(); a1 = zero; } } } substitute(inglob) { register gsubf, *a1, nl; int getsub(); gsubf = compsub(); for (a1 = addr1; a1 <= addr2; a1++) { if (execute(0, a1)==0) continue; inglob =| 01; dosub(); if (gsubf) { while (*loc2) { if (execute(1)==0) break; dosub(); } } *a1 = putline(); nl = append(getsub, a1); a1 =+ nl; addr2 =+ nl; } if (inglob=c; } } cerror: expbuf[0] = 0; error; } execute(gf, addr) int *addr; { register char *p1, *p2, c; if (gf) { if (circfl) return(0); p1 = linebuf; p2 = genbuf; while (*p1++ = *p2++); locs = p1 = loc2; } else { if (addr==zero) return(0); p1 = getline(*addr); locs = 0; } p2 = expbuf; if (circfl) { loc1 = p1; return(advance(p1, p2)); } /* fast check for first character */ if (*p2==CCHR) { c = p2[1]; do { if (*p1!=c) continue; if (advance(p1, p2)) { lo# /* * incremental dump * dump fisbuodh filesystem * f take output tape from arglist * i from date in /etc/dtab * s specify tape size in feet (feet = blocks/9) * b specify tape size in blocks * u update /etc/dtab to current date * 0 dump from the epoch * d dump specified number of days * h dump specified number of hours * a on incremental dump, dump files even >= MAXSIZE */ char *dargv[] { 0, "i", "/dev/rp0", 0 }; #include "/usr/sys/ino.h" #include "/usr/sys/filsys.h" #define MAXSIZE 1000=0) error; } compsub() { register seof, c; register char *p; int gsubf; if ((seof = getchar()) == '\n') error; compile(seof); p = rhsbuf; for (;;) { c = getchar(); if (c=='\\') c = getchar() | 0200; if (c=='\n') error; if (c==seof) break; *p++ = c; if (p >= &rhsbuf[LBSIZE/2]) error; } *p++ = 0; if ((peekc = getchar()) == 'g') { peekc = 0; newline(); return(1); } newline(); return(0); } getsub() { register char *p1, *p2; p1 = linebuf; if ((p2 = linebp) ==c1 = p1; return(1); } } while (*p1++); return(0); } /* regular algorithm */ do { if (advance(p1, p2)) { loc1 = p1; return(1); } } while (*p1++); return(0); } advance(alp, aep) { register char *lp, *ep, *curlp; char *nextep; lp = alp; ep = aep; for (;;) switch (*ep++) { case CCHR: if (*ep++ == *lp++) continue; return(0); case CDOT: if (*lp++) continue; return(0); case CDOL: if (*lp==0) continue; return(0); case CEOF: loc2 = lp; return(1); ca struct filsys sblock; struct { char name[16]; int date[2]; } dtab[10]; char *dfile "/etc/dtab"; char *ofile; int *talist; int fi; int buf[256]; int dbuf[256]; int ibuf[256]; int vbuf[256]; char *date[2]; char *ddate[2]; int fo -1; int pher; int dflg; int iflg; int cflg; int aflg; char *tsize 19000; char *taddr; main(argc, argv) char **argv; { char *key; int s, i, nfil, nblk, f; register *tap; register struct inode *ip; int ino; ofile = "/dev/mt0"; time(date); if(argc == 1) { argv = dargv; f 0) return(EOF); while (*p1++ = *p2++); linebp = 0; return(0); } dosub() { register char *lp, *sp, *rp; int c; lp = linebuf; sp = genbuf; rp = rhsbuf; while (lp < loc1) *sp++ = *lp++; while (c = *rp++) { if (c=='&') { sp = place(sp, loc1, loc2); continue; } else if (c<0 && (c =& 0177) >='1' && c < NBRA+'1') { sp = place(sp, braslist[c-'1'], braelist[c-'1']); continue; } *sp++ = c&0177; if (sp >= &genbuf[LBSIZE]) error; } lp = loc2; loc2 = sp + linebuf - genbuf; wse CCL: if (cclass(ep, *lp++, 1)) { ep =+ *ep; continue; } return(0); case NCCL: if (cclass(ep, *lp++, 0)) { ep =+ *ep; continue; } return(0); case CBRA: braslist[*ep++] = lp; continue; case CKET: braelist[*ep++] = lp; continue; case CDOT|STAR: curlp = lp; while (*lp++); goto star; case CCHR|STAR: curlp = lp; while (*lp++ == *ep); ep++; goto star; case CCL|STAR: case NCCL|STAR: curlp = lp; while (cclass(ep, *lp++, ep[-1]==(CCL|STAR))); ep =+ *or(argc = 1; dargv[argc]; argc++); } argc--; argv++; key = *argv; while(*key) switch(*key++) { default: printf("bad character in key\n"); exit(); case 'a': /* dump all (even large) */ aflg++; continue; case '-': continue; case 'c': /* increment file name */ cflg++; continue; case 'f': /* file name from arg list */ argc--; argv++; ofile = *argv; continue; case 'i': /* date from date file */ iflg++; continue; case 's': /* tape size */ tsize = number(argv[1]) * hile (*sp++ = *lp++) if (sp >= &genbuf[LBSIZE]) error; lp = linebuf; sp = genbuf; while (*lp++ = *sp++); } place(asp, al1, al2) { register char *sp, *l1, *l2; sp = asp; l1 = al1; l2 = al2; while (l1 < l2) { *sp++ = *l1++; if (sp >= &genbuf[LBSIZE]) error; } return(sp); } move(cflag) { register int *adt, *ad1, *ad2; int getcopy(); setdot(); nonzero(); if ((adt = address())==0) error; newline(); ad1 = addr1; ad2 = addr2; if (cflag) { ad1 = dol; append(getcopy, ad1++); ep; goto star; star: do { lp--; if (lp==locs) break; if (advance(lp, ep)) return(1); } while (lp > curlp); return(0); default: error; } } cclass(aset, ac, af) { register char *set, c; register n; set = aset; if ((c = ac) == 0) return(0); n = *set++; while (--n) if (*set++ == c) return(af); return(!af); } putd() { register r; extern ldivr; count[1] = ldiv(count[0], count[1], 10); count[0] = 0; r = ldivr; if (count[1]) putd(); putchar(r + '0'); } put9; argv++; argc--; continue; case 'b': /* tape size */ tsize = number(argv[1]); argv++; argc--; continue; case 'u': /* rewrite date */ dflg++; continue; case '0': /* dump all */ ddate[0] = ddate[1] = 0; continue; case 'd': /* dump some number of days */ i = 21600; goto sd; case 'h': /* dump some number of hours */ i = 900; goto sd; sd: ddate[0] = date[0]; ddate[1] = date[1]; s = number(argv[1])*4; argv++; argc--; while(s) { if(i > ddate[1]) ddate[ ad2 = dol; } ad2++; if (adt= ad2) { dot = adt++; reverse(ad1, ad2); reverse(ad2, adt); reverse(ad1, adt); } else error; } reverse(aa1, aa2) { register int *a1, *a2, t; a1 = aa1; a2 = aa2; for (;;) { t = *--a2; if (a2 <= a1) return; *a2 = *a1; *a1++ = t; } } getcopy() { if (addr1 > addr2) return(EOF); getline(*addr1++); return(s(as) { register char *sp; sp = as; col = 0; while (*sp) putchar(*sp++); putchar('\n'); } char line[70]; char *linp line; putchar(ac) { register char *lp; register c; lp = linp; c = ac; if (listf) { col++; if (col >= 72) { col = 0; *lp++ = '\\'; *lp++ = '\n'; } if (c=='\t') { c = '>'; goto esc; } if (c=='\b') { c = '<'; esc: *lp++ = '-'; *lp++ = '\b'; *lp++ = c; goto out; } if (c<' ' && c!= '\n') { *lp++ = '\\'; *lp++ = (c>>3)+'0'; *lp0]--; ddate[1] =- i; s--; } continue; } if(argc <= 1) { printf("no file system specified\n"); exit(); } if(iflg) { f = open(dfile, 0); if(f >= 0) { read(f, dtab, sizeof dtab); close(f); for(i=0; i<10; i++) if(equal(dtab[i].name, argv[1])) { ddate[0] = dtab[i].date[0]; ddate[1] = dtab[i].date[1]; } } } printf("%s:\n", argv[1]); fi = open(argv[1], 0); if(fi < 0) { printf("cannot open %s\n", argv[1]); exit(); } printf("incremental dump from\n"); pda0); } compile(aeof) { register eof, c; register char *ep; char *lastep; char bracket[NBRA], *bracketp; int nbra; int cclcnt; ep = expbuf; eof = aeof; bracketp = bracket; nbra = 0; if ((c = getchar()) == eof) { if (*ep==0) error; return; } circfl = 0; if (c=='^') { c = getchar(); circfl++; } if (c=='*') goto cerror; peekc = c; for (;;) { if (ep >= &expbuf[ESIZE]) goto cerror; c = getchar(); if (c==eof) { *ep++ = CEOF; return; } if (c!='*') lastep = ep; ++ = (c&07)+'0'; col =+ 2; goto out; } } *lp++ = c; out: if(c == '\n' || lp >= &line[64]) { linp = line; write(1, line, lp-line); return; } linp = lp; } /* * Get process ID routine if system call is unavailable. getpid() { register f; int b[1]; f = open("/dev/kmem", 0); if(f < 0) return(-1); seek(f, 0140074, 0); read(f, b, 2); seek(f, b[0]+8, 0); read(f, b, 2); close(f); return(b[0]); } */ te(ddate); sync(); bread(1, &sblock); talist = sbrk(size(0, sblock.s_isize*32)*512); tap = talist; if(tap == -1) { printf("No memory\n"); exit(); } nfil = 0; nblk = size(0, sblock.s_isize*32); ino = 0; for(i=0; ii_mode == 0 || ip->i_nlink == 0) { *tap++ = -1; continue; } if(ip->i_mtime[0] < ddate[0]) goto no; if(ip->i_mtime[0] == ddate[0] && ip->i_mtime[1] < ddate[1]) goto no; s = size(ip->i_size0&0377, ip->i_size1) + 1; if (s>MAXSIZE && aflg==0 && iflg!=0) { printf("%l big; not dumped.\n", ino); goto no; } nfil++; nblk =+ s; *tap++ = s; continue; no: *tap++ = 0; } } printf("%l files\n%l blocks\n", nfil, nblk); i = ldiv(0, nblk, ldiv(0, tsize, 10)); printf("%l.%l tapes\n", i/10, i%10); tap = buf; clrbuf(tap); *tap++ = sblock.s_isize; *tap++ = sblock.s_fsize; *tap++ = date[0]; *tap++ = date[1]; *tap++ = ddate[0]; ; while(area > top) { if(sbrk(1024) == -1) { mesg("Out of space\n"); exit(1); } top =+ 1024; } return(p); } mesg(s) char *s; { while(*s) write(2,s++,1); } sort(a,n) /*shellsort CACM #201*/ struct line *a; { struct line w; register int j,m; struct line *ai; register struct line *aim; int k; for(j=1;j<=n;j=* 2) m = 2*j - 1; for(m=/2;m!=0;m=/2) { k = n-m; for(j=1;j<=k;j++) { for(ai = &a[j]; ai > a; ai =- m) { aim = &ai[m]; if(aim->value > ai[0].value || aim->v *tap++ = ddate[1]; *tap++ = tsize; swrite(buf); i = size(0, sblock.s_isize*32); tap = talist; while(i--) { bwrite(tap); tap =+ 256; } tap = talist; for(i=0; iserial > ai[0].serial) break; w.value = ai[0].value; ai[0].value = aim->value; aim->value = w.value; w.serial = ai[0].serial; ai[0].serial = aim->serial; aim->serial = w.serial; } } } } unsort(f, l, b) struct line *f; int *b; { int *a; int i; a = alloc((l+1)*sizeof(a[0])); for(i=1;i<=l;i++) a[f[i].serial] = f[i].value; for(i=1;i<=l;i++) b[i] = a[i]; area = a; } prepare(i, arg) char *arg; { register char *temp; temp = file[i]not create %s\n", dfile); exit(); } } else read(f, dtab, sizeof dtab); for(i=0; i<10; i++) if(dtab[i].name[0] == 0 || equal(dtab[i].name, argv[1])) goto found; printf("%s full\n", dfile); exit(); found: for(s=0; s<15; s++) { dtab[i].name[s] = argv[1][s]; if(argv[1][s] == 0) break; } dtab[i].date[0] = date[0]; dtab[i].date[1] = date[1]; seek(f, 0, 0); write(f, dtab, sizeof dtab); printf("date updated\n"); pdate(date); } pdate(d) int *d; { if(d[0] == 0 && d[1] == 0) printfcts the equivalence classes in file1 together. * Subroutine equiv____ replaces the value of each line in * file0 by the index of the first element of its * matching equivalence in (the reordered) file1. * To save space equiv_____ squeezes file1 into a single * array member______ in which the equivalence classes * are simply concatenated, except that their first * members are flagged by changing sign. * * Next the indices that point into member______ are unsorted_______ into = area; alloc(sizeof(line)); input(arg); len[i] = (area - temp)/sizeof(line) - 1; alloc(sizeof(line)); sort(file[i], len[i]); } input(arg) { register int h, i; register struct line *p; if(fopen(arg,buf1) == -1) { mesg("Cannot open "); mesg(arg); mesg("\n"); exit(1); } for(i=0; h=readhash(buf1);) { p = alloc(sizeof(line)); p->serial = ++i; p->value = h; } close(buf1->fdes); } equiv(a,n,b,m,c) struct line *a, *b; int *c; { register int i, j; i = j = 1; while(i<=n && j<=m) { i("the epoch\n"); else printf(ctime(d)); } dump(ip, sz) struct inode *ip; { register *p, *q, *r; p = dbuf; q = ip; clrbuf(p); while(q < &ip->i_mtime[2]) *p++ = *q++; swrite(dbuf); if(ip->i_mode & (IFBLK&IFCHR)) { if(sz != 0) printf("special\n"); return; } for(p = &ip->i_addr[0]; p < &ip->i_addr[8]; p++) if(*p) { if(ip->i_mode&ILARG) { bread(*p, ibuf); for(q = &ibuf[0]; q < &ibuf[256]; q++) if(*q) { if(p == &ip->i_addr[7]) { bread(*q, vbuf); for(r = &vbuf[0]; r * array class_____ according to the original order of file0. * * The cleverness lies in routine stone______. This marches * through the lines of file0, developing a vector klist_____ * of "k-candidates". At step i a k-candidate is a matched * pair of lines x,y (x in file0 y in file1) such that * there is a common subsequence of lenght k * between the first i lines of file0 and the first y * lines of file1, but there is no such subsequence for * any smaller y. x is the earliest possible mate f(a[i].value 1 && *argv[1]=='-') { argc--; argv++; } if(argc!=3) { mesg("Arg count\n"); exit(1); } area = top = sbrk(0); buf1 = alloc(sizeof(*bu< &vbuf[256]; r++) if(*r) { if(--sz < 0) goto pe; bread(*r, dbuf); bwrite(dbuf); } continue; } if(--sz < 0) goto pe; bread(*q, dbuf); bwrite(dbuf); } } else { if(--sz < 0) goto pe; bread(*p, dbuf); bwrite(dbuf); } } if(sz) goto pe; return; pe: clrbuf(dbuf); while(--sz >= 0) bwrite(dbuf); pher++; } bread(bno, b) { seek(fi, bno, 3); if(read(fi, b, 512) != 512) { printf("read error %l\n", bno); } } clrbuf(b) intto y * that occurs in such a subsequence. * * Whenever any of the members of the equivalence class of * lines in file1 matable to a line in file0 has serial number * less than the y of some k-candidate, that k-candidate * with the smallest such y is replaced. The new * k-candidate is chained (via pred____) to the current * k-1 candidate so that the actual subsequence can * be recovered. When a member has serial number greater * that the y of all k-candidates, the klist is extended. * At the end, the f1)); prepare(0, argv[1]); prepare(1, argv[2]); member = file[1]; equiv(file[0], len[0], file[1], len[1], member); class = file[0]; unsort(file[0], len[0], class); klist = &class[len[0]+2]; area = &member[len[1]+2]; k = stone(class, len[0], member, klist); J = class; unravel(klist[k]); ixold = klist; ixnew = file[1]; area = &ixnew[len[1]+2]; buf2 = alloc(sizeof(*buf2)); if(check(argv)) mesg("Jackpot\n"); output(argv); } stone(a,n,b,c) int *a; int *b; struct cand **c; { register int *b; { register i, *p; p = b; i = 256; while(i--) *p++ = 0; } swrite(b) int *b; { register i, s, *p; i = 254; s = taddr; p = b; while(i--) s =+ *p++; *p++ = taddr; *p = 031415 - s; bwrite(b); } bwrite(b) { if(taddr == 0) { if(fo != -1) { printf("change tapes\n"); close(fo); rdline(); } otape(); } wloop: if(write(fo, b, 512) != 512) { printf("write error\n"); rdline(); seek(fo, taddr, 3); goto wloop; } taddr++; if(taddr >= tsize) taddr = 0; } rdline() { ilongest subsequence is pulled out * and placed in the array J by unravel_______. * * With J in hand, the matches there recorded are * check_____ed against reality to assure that no spurious * matches have crept in due to hashing. If they have, * they are broken, and "jackpot " is recorded--a harmless * matter except that a true match for a spuriously * mated line may now be unnecessarily reported as a change. * * Much of the complexity of the program comes simply * from trying to minimize core ui, k,y; int j, l; int skip; k = 0; c[0] = 0; for(i=1; i<=n; i++) { j = a[i]; if(j==0) continue; skip = 0; do { y = b[j]; if(y<0) y = -y; if(skip) continue; l = search(c, k, y); if(l > k) { c[k+1] = newcand(i,y,c[k]); skip = 1; k++; } else if(c[l]->y > y && c[l]->x < i) c[l] = newcand(i,y,c[l-1]); } while(b[++j] > 0); } return(k); } struct cand * newcand(x,y,pred) struct cand *pred; { struct cand *p; p = alloc(sizeof(cand)); p->x = x; p->y = ynt c; loop: c = 0; read(0, &c, 1); if(c == 0) exit(); if(c != '\n') goto loop; } number(s) char *s; { register n, c; n = 0; while(c = *s++) { if(c<'0' || c>'9') continue; n = n*10+c-'0'; } return(n); } size(s0, s1) { register s; extern ldivr; s = ldiv(s0&0377, s1, 512); if(ldivr) s++; return(s); } otape() { register char *p; fo = creat(ofile, 0666); if(fo < 0) { printf("can not open %s\n", ofile); exit(); } if(!cflg) return; p = ofile; while(*p++) ; p[-2]++;tilization and * maximize the range of doable problems by dynamically * allocating what is needed and reusing what is not. * The core requirements for problems larger than somewhat * are (in words) 2*length(file0) + length(file1) + * 3*(number of k-candidates installed), typically about * 6n words for files of length n. There is also space for buf1 * used which could, by moving data underfoot and reallocating * buf1 together with buf2, be completely overlaid. */ struct buf { int fdes; char data[516]; } *; p->pred = pred; return(p); } search(c, k, y) struct cand **c; { register int i, j, l; int t; i = 0; j = k+1; while((l=(i+j)/2) > i) { t = c[l]->y; if(t > y) j = l; else if(t < y) i = l; else return(l); } return(l+1); } unravel(p) struct cand *p; { int i; for(i=0; i<=len[0]; i++) J[i] = 0; while(p) { J[p->x] = p->y; p = p->pred; } } /* check does double duty: 1. ferret out any fortuitous correspondences due to counfounding by hashing (which result in "jackpot") 2. c } equal(a, b) char *a, *b; { while(*a++ == *b) if(*b++ == 0) return(1); return(0); } buf1, *buf2; struct cand { int x; int y; struct cand *pred; } cand; struct line { int serial; int value; } *file[2], line; int len[2]; int *class; /*will be overlaid on file[0]*/ int *member; /*will be overlaid on file[1]*/ struct cand **klist; /*will be overlaid on file[0] after class*/ int *J; /*will be overlaid on class*/ int *ixold; /*will be overlaid on klist*/ int *ixnew; /*will be overlaid on file[1]*/ char *area; char *top; alloc(n) { register char *p; p = area; n = (n+1) & ~1; area =+ nollect random access indexes to the two files */ check(argv) char **argv; { register int i, j; int ctold, ctnew; int jackpot; char c,d; fopen(argv[1],buf1); fopen(argv[2],buf2); j = 1; ctold = ctnew = 0; ixold[0] = ixnew[0] = 0; jackpot = 0; for(i=1;i<=len[0];i++) { if(J[i]==0) { while(getc(buf1)!='\n') ctold++; ixold[i] = ++ctold; continue; } while(jfdes); close(buf2->fdes); return(jackpot); } output(argv) char **argv; { int dir; int m; int i0,i1,j0,j1; extern fout; dir = **argv=='-'; fout = dup(1)#define LCASE 01 #define UCASE 02 #define SWAB 04 #define NERR 010 #define SYNC 020 int cflag; int fflag; int skip; int count; char *string; char *ifile; char *ofile; char *ibuf; char *obuf; char *ibs 512; char *obs 512; char *bs; char *cbs; char *ibc; char *obc; char *cbc; int nifr; int nipr; int nofr; int nopr; int ntrunc; int ibf; int obf; char *op; int nspace; char etoa[] { 0000,0001,0002,0003,0234,0011,0206,0177, 0227,0215,0216,0013,0014,0015,0016,0017, 0020,0021,0022,0023,0235,0205,0010,0207, 0030flag =| UCASE; goto cloop; } if(match("swab")) { cflag =| SWAB; goto cloop; } if(match("noerror")) { cflag =| NERR; goto cloop; } if(match("sync")) { cflag =| SYNC; goto cloop; } } printf("bad arg: %s\n", string); exit(); } if(conv == null && cflag&(LCASE|UCASE)) conv = cnull; if (ifile) ibf = open(ifile, 0); else ibf = dup(0); if(ibf < 0) { printf("cannot open: %s\n", ifile); exit(); } if (ofile) obf = creat(ofile, 0666); else obf; buf1->fdes = open(argv[1],0); buf2->fdes = open(argv[2],0); m = len[0]; J[0] = 0; J[m+1] = len[1]+1; if(dir==0) for(i0=1;i0<=m;i0=i1+1) { while(i0<=m&&J[i0]==J[i0-1]+1) i0++; j0 = J[i0-1]+1; i1 = i0-1; while(i1=1;i0=i1-1) { while(i0>=1&&J[i0]==J[i0+1]-1&&J[i0]!=0) i0--; j0 = J[i0+1]-1; i1 = i0+1; while(i1>1&&J[i1-1]==0) i1--; j1 = J[i1-1]+1; J[i1] = j1; change(i1,i0,j1,j0,dir); ,0031,0222,0217,0034,0035,0036,0037, 0200,0201,0202,0203,0204,0012,0027,0033, 0210,0211,0212,0213,0214,0005,0006,0007, 0220,0221,0026,0223,0224,0225,0226,0004, 0230,0231,0232,0233,0024,0025,0236,0032, 0040,0240,0241,0242,0243,0244,0245,0246, 0247,0250,0133,0056,0074,0050,0053,0041, 0046,0251,0252,0253,0254,0255,0256,0257, 0260,0261,0135,0044,0052,0051,0073,0136, 0055,0057,0262,0263,0264,0265,0266,0267, 0270,0271,0174,0054,0045,0137,0076,0077, 0272,0273,0274,0275,0276,0277,0300,0301, 0302,0140,00 = dup(1); if(obf < 0) { printf("cannot create: %s\n", ofile); exit(); } if (bs) { ibs = obs = bs; if (conv == null) fflag++; } if(ibs == 0 || obs == 0) { printf("counts: cannot be zero\n"); exit(); } ibuf = sbrk(ibs); if (fflag) obuf = ibuf; else obuf = sbrk(obs); if(ibuf == -1 || obuf == -1) { printf("not enough memory\n"); exit(); } ibc = 0; obc = 0; cbc = 0; op = obuf; if ((signal(2, 1) & 01) == 0) signal(2, term); while(skip) { read(ibf, ibuf, ibs); skip-- } if(m==0) change(1,0,1,len[1],dir); flush(); } change(a,b,c,d,dir) { if(a>b&&c>d) return; range(a,b); putchar(a>b?'a':c>d?'d':'c'); if(dir==0) range(c,d); putchar('\n'); if(dir==0) { fetch(ixold,a,b,buf1,"* "); if(a<=b&&c<=d) printf("---\n"); } fetch(ixnew,c,d,buf2,dir==0?". ":""); if(dir!=0&&c<=d) printf(".\n"); } range(a,b) { if(a>b) printf("%d",b); if(a<=b) printf("%d",a); if(aibuf;) *--ip = 0; ibc = read(ibf, ibuf, ibs); } if(ibc == -1) { perror("read"); if((cflag&NERR) == 0) { flsh(); term(); } ibc = 0; for(c=0; cfdes,f[i-1],0); nc = read(lb->fdes,lb->data,f[i]-f[i-1]); printf(pref); for(j=0;jdata[j]); } } 0360,0361,0362,0363, 0134,0237,0123,0124,0125,0126,0127,0130, 0131,0132,0364,0365,0366,0367,0370,0371, 0060,0061,0062,0063,0064,0065,0066,0067, 0070,0071,0372,0373,0374,0375,0376,0377, }; char atoe[] { 0000,0001,0002,0003,0067,0055,0056,0057, 0026,0005,0045,0013,0014,0015,0016,0017, 0020,0021,0022,0023,0074,0075,0062,0046, 0030,0031,0077,0047,0034,0035,0036,0037, 0100,0117,0177,0173,0133,0154,0120,0175, 0115,0135,0134,0116,0153,0140,0113,0141, 0360,0361,0362,0363,0364,0365,0366,0367, 0370,0371,0>>1) & ~1; if(cflag&SWAB && c) do { a = *ip++; ip[-1] = *ip; *ip++ = a; } while(--c); ip = ibuf; if (fflag) { obc = ibc; flsh(); ibc = 0; } goto loop; } c = 0; c =| *ip++; (*conv)(c); goto loop; } flsh() { register c; if(obc) { if(obc == obs) nofr++; else nopr++; c = write(obf, obuf, obc); if(c != obc) { perror("write"); term(); } obc = 0; } } match(s) char *s; { register char *cs; cs = string; while(*cs++ == *s) if(*s++ == '\0') gotochar *dargv[] { 0, "/dev/rk0", "/dev/rk1", "/dev/rk2", 0 }; struct { char *s_isize; char *s_fsize; int s_nfree; int s_free[100]; int s_ninode; int s_inode[100]; char s_flock; char s_ilock; char s_fmod; int time[2]; int pad[50]; } sblock; int fi; main(argc, argv) char **argv; { int i; if(argc <= 1) { for(argc = 1; dargv[argc]; argc++); argv = dargv; } for(i=1; i 1) printf("%s ", argv[i]); dfree(argv[i]); } } dfree(file) char *file; { int i; fi = 172,0136,0114,0176,0156,0157, 0174,0301,0302,0303,0304,0305,0306,0307, 0310,0311,0321,0322,0323,0324,0325,0326, 0327,0330,0331,0342,0343,0344,0345,0346, 0347,0350,0351,0112,0340,0132,0137,0155, 0171,0201,0202,0203,0204,0205,0206,0207, 0210,0211,0221,0222,0223,0224,0225,0226, 0227,0230,0231,0242,0243,0244,0245,0246, 0247,0250,0251,0300,0152,0320,0241,0007, 0040,0041,0042,0043,0044,0025,0006,0027, 0050,0051,0052,0053,0054,0011,0012,0033, 0060,0061,0032,0063,0064,0065,0066,0010, 0070,0071,0072,0073 true; if(*s != '\0') return(0); true: cs--; string = cs; return(1); } number() { register char *cs; register n; cs = string; n = 0; while(*cs >= '0' && *cs <= '9') n = n*10 + *cs++ - '0'; for(;;) switch(*cs++) { case 'k': n =* 1024; continue; case 'w': n =* 2; continue; case 'b': n =* 512; continue; case '*': case 'x': string = cs; n =* number(); case '\0': return(n); } printf("not a number: %s\n", string); exit(); } cnull(cc) { register c; c = cc; if(open(file, 0); if(fi < 0) { printf("cannot open %s\n", file); return; } sync(); bread(1, &sblock); i = 0; while(alloc()) i++; printf("%l\n", i); close(fi); } alloc() { int b, i, buf[256]; i = --sblock.s_nfree; if(i<0 || i>=100) { printf("bad free count\n"); return(0); } b = sblock.s_free[i]; if(b == 0) return(0); if(b=sblock.s_fsize) { printf("bad free block (%l)\n", b); return(0); } if(sblock.s_nfree <= 0) { bread(b, buf); sblock.s_nfree = buf[0,0004,0024,0076,0341, 0101,0102,0103,0104,0105,0106,0107,0110, 0111,0121,0122,0123,0124,0125,0126,0127, 0130,0131,0142,0143,0144,0145,0146,0147, 0150,0151,0160,0161,0162,0163,0164,0165, 0166,0167,0170,0200,0212,0213,0214,0215, 0216,0217,0220,0232,0233,0234,0235,0236, 0237,0240,0252,0253,0254,0255,0256,0257, 0260,0261,0262,0263,0264,0265,0266,0267, 0270,0271,0272,0273,0274,0275,0276,0277, 0312,0313,0314,0315,0316,0317,0332,0333, 0334,0335,0336,0337,0352,0353,0354,0355, 0356,0357,0372,0373,0374,03cflag&UCASE && c>='a' && c<='z') c =+ 'A'-'a'; if(cflag&LCASE && c>='A' && c<='Z') c =+ 'a'-'A'; null(c); } null(c) { *op = c; op++; if(++obc >= obs) { flsh(); op = obuf; } } ascii(cc) { register c; c = 0; c =| etoa[cc]; if(cbs == 0) { cnull(c); return; } if(c == ' ') { nspace++; goto out; } while(nspace > 0) { null(' '); nspace--; } cnull(c); out: if(++cbc >= cbs) { null('\n'); cbc = 0; nspace = 0; } } ebcdic(cc) { register c; c = cc; if(cflag&UCASE && ]; for(i=0; i<100; i++) sblock.s_free[i] = buf[i+1]; } return(b); } bread(bno, buf) { int n; extern errno; seek(fi, bno, 3); if((n=read(fi, buf, 512)) != 512) { printf("read error %d\n", bno); printf("count = %d; errno = %d\n", n, errno); exit(); } } 75,0376,0377, }; main(argc, argv) int argc; char **argv; { register (*conv)(); register char *ip; register c; int ebcdic(), ascii(), null(), cnull(), term(); int a; conv = null; for(c=1; c= 0) { time(wtmp[1].wtime); wtmp[1].tty = '}'; seek(wf, 0, 2); write(wf, wtmp, 32); } } if (tfailed==0) time(timbuf); cbp = cbuf; ctime(timbuf); write(1, cbuf, 20); tzn = tzname[localtime(timbuf)[8]]; if (tzn) writehtab[i%hshsiz].hflag = FKEYW; } while(!eof) { extdef(); blkend(); } outcode("B", EOF); strflg++; outcode("B", EOF); fflush(obuf); fflush(sbuf); exit(nerror!=0); } /* * Look up the identifier in symbuf in the symbol table. * If it hashes to the same spot as a keyword, try the keyword table * first. An initial "." is ignored in the hash. * Return is a ptr to the symbol table entry. */ lookup() { int ihash; register struct hshtab *rp; register char *sp, *np; ihash = 0; sp = symbuf; inerror); } while (--argc) { argv++; if (**argv=='-') switch ((*argv)[1]) { case 's': sflg++; continue; case 'i': lp = ilist; while (lp < &ilist[NI-1] && (n = number(argv[1]))) { *lp++ = n; argv++; argc--; } *lp++ = -1; continue; default: printf("Bad flag\n"); } check(*argv); } return(nerror); } check(file) char *file; { register i, j; fi = open(file, 0); if(fi < 0) { printf("cannot open %s\n", file); return; } headpr = 0; printf("%s:\n", fil(1, tzn, 3); write(1, cbuf+19, 6); } gtime() { register int i; register int y, t; int d, h, m; extern int *localtime(); int nt[2]; t = gpair(); if(t<1 || t>12) goto bad; d = gpair(); if(d<1 || d>31) goto bad; h = gpair(); if(h == 24) { h = 0; d++; } m = gpair(); if(m<0 || m>59) goto bad; y = gpair(); if (y<0) { time(nt); y = localtime(nt)[5]; } if (*cbp == 'p') h =+ 12; if (h<0 || h>23) goto bad; timbuf[0] = 0; timbuf[1] = 0; y =+ 1900; for(i=1970; ihflag&FKEYW) if (findkw()) return(KEYW); while (*(np = rp->name)) { for (sp=symbuf; sp= &hshtab[hshsiz]) rp = hshtab; } if(++hshused >= hshsiz) { error("Symbol table overflow"); exit(1); } rp->hclass = 0; rp->htype = 0; rp->hoffset = 0; rp->dimp = 0; rp->hflag =| xdflg; sp = symbuf; for (e); sync(); bread(1, &sblock, 512); nfiles = sblock.s_isize*16; if (lasts < nfiles) { if ((sbrk(nfiles - lasts)) == -1) { printf("Not enough core\n"); exit(04); } lasts = nfiles; } for (i=0; i= 3) gdadd(1); while(--t) gdadd(dmsize[t-1]); gdadd(d-1); gmdadd(24, h); gmdadd(60, m); gmdadd(60, 0); return(0); bad: return(1); } gdadd(n) { register char *t; t = timbuf[1]+n; if(t < timbuf[1]) timbuf[0]++; timbuf[1] = t; } gmdadd(m, n) { register int t1; timbuf[0] =* m; t1 = timbuf[1]; while(--m) gdadd(t1); gdadd(n); } gpair() { register int c, d; register char *cp; cp = cbp; if(*cp == 0) return(-1); c = (*cp+np=rp->name; spkwname); kp++) { p1 = wp; while (*p1 == *p2++) if (*p1++ == '\0') { cval = kp->kwval; return(1); } } return(0); } /* * Return the next symbol from the input. * peeksym is ailes; j++) { ino++; pass2(&inode[j]); } } } pass1(aip) struct inode *aip; { register doff; register struct inode *ip; register struct dir *dp; int i; ip = aip; if((ip->i_mode&IALLOC) == 0) return; if((ip->i_mode&IFMT) != IFDIR) return; doff = 0; while (dp = dread(ip, doff)) { doff =+ 16; if (dp->ino==0) continue; for (i=0; ilist[i] != -1; i++) if (ilist[i]==dp->ino) printf("%5l arg; %l/%.14s\n", dp->ino, ino, dp->name); ecount[dp->ino]++; } } pass2(aip) { registe+ - '0') * 10; if (c<0 || c>100) return(-1); if(*cp == 0) return(-1); if ((d = *cp++ - '0') < 0 || d > 9) return(-1); cbp = cp; return (c+d); } pushed-back symbol, peekc is a pushed-back * character (after peeksym). * mosflg means that the next symbol, if an identifier, * is a member of structure or a structure tag, and it * gets a "." prepended to it to distinguish * it from other identifiers. */ symbol() { register c; register char *sp; if (peeksym>=0) { c = peeksym; peeksym = -1; if (c==NAME) mosflg = 0; return(c); } if (peekc) { c = peekc; peekc = 0; } else if (eof) return(EOF); else c = getchar(); loop: r struct inode *ip; register i; ip = aip; i = ino; if ((ip->i_mode&IALLOC)==0 && ecount[i]==0) return; if (ip->i_nlink==ecount[i] && ip->i_nlink!=0) return; if (headpr==0) { printf("entries link cnt\n"); headpr++; } printf("%l %d %d\n", ino, ecount[i]&0377, ip->i_nlink&0377); } dread(aip, aoff) { register b, off; register struct inode *ip; static ibuf[256]; static char buf[512]; off = aoff; ip = aip; if ((off&0777)==0) { if (off==0177000) { printf("Monstrous directory %l\   #&),/25!$'*switch(ctab[c]) { case INSERT: /* ignore newlines */ inhdr = 1; c = getchar(); goto loop; case NEWLN: if (!inhdr) line++; inhdr = 0; case SPACE: c = getchar(); goto loop; case EOF: eof++; return(0); case PLUS: return(subseq(c,PLUS,INCBEF)); case MINUS: return(subseq(c,subseq('>',MINUS,ARROW),DECBEF)); case ASSIGN: if (subseq(' ',0,1)) return(ASSIGN); c = symbol(); if (c>=PLUS && c<=EXOR) { if (spnextchar() != ' ' && (c==MINUS || c==AND || c==TIMES)) { n", ino); return(0); } if ((ip->i_mode&ILARG)==0) { if (off>=010000 || (b = ip->i_addr[off>>9])==0) return(0); bread(b, buf, 512); } else { if (off==0) { if (ip->i_addr[0]==0) return(0); bread(ip->i_addr[0], ibuf, 512); } if ((b = ibuf[(off>>9)&0177])==0) return(0); bread(b, buf, 512); } } return(&buf[off&0777]); } bread(bno, buf, cnt) { seek(fi, bno, 3); if(read(fi, buf, cnt) != cnt) { printf("read error %d\n", bno); exit(); } } bwrite(bno, buf)# /* C compiler * * * * Called from cc: * c0 source temp1 temp2 [ profileflag ] * temp1 contains some ascii text and the binary expression * trees. Each tree is introduced by the # character. * Strings are put on temp2, which cc tacks onto * temp1 for assembly. */ #include "c0h.c" int isn 1; int stflg 1; int peeksym -1; int line 1; int debug 0; int dimp 0; struct tname funcblk { NAME, 0, 0, REG, 0, 0 }; int *treespace { osspace }; struct kwtab { char *kwname; int kwval; } kwtab[] { "int", error("Warning: assignment operator assumed"); nerror--; } return(c+ASPLUS-PLUS); } if (c==ASSIGN) return(EQUAL); peeksym = c; return(ASSIGN); case LESS: if (subseq(c,0,1)) return(LSHIFT); return(subseq('=',LESS,LESSEQ)); case GREAT: if (subseq(c,0,1)) return(RSHIFT); return(subseq('=',GREAT,GREATEQ)); case EXCLA: return(subseq('=',EXCLA,NEQUAL)); case DIVIDE: if (subseq('*',1,0)) return(DIVIDE); while ((c = spnextchar()) != EOF) { peekc = 0; if (c=='*') { seek(fi, bno, 3); if(write(fi, buf, 512) != 512) { printf("write error %d\n", bno); exit(); } } number(as) char *as; { register n, c; register char *s; s = as; n = 0; while ((c = *s++) >= '0' && c <= '9') { n = n*10+c-'0'; } return(n); } INT, "char", CHAR, "float", FLOAT, "double", DOUBLE, "struct", STRUCT, "long", LONG, "auto", AUTO, "extern", EXTERN, "static", STATIC, "register", REG, "goto", GOTO, "return", RETURN, "if", IF, "while", WHILE, "else", ELSE, "switch", SWITCH, "case", CASE, "break", BREAK, "continue", CONTIN, "do", DO, "default", DEFAULT, "for", FOR, "sizeof", SIZEOF, 0, 0, }; main(argc, argv) char *argv[]; { extern fin; register char *sp; register i; register struct kwtab *ip; if(arg{ if (spnextchar() == '/') { peekc = 0; c = getchar(); goto loop; } } } eof++; error("Nonterminated comment"); return(0); case PERIOD: case DIGIT: peekc = c; if ((c=getnum(c=='0'?8:10)) == FCON) cval = isn++; return(c); case DQUOTE: return(getstr()); case SQUOTE: return(getcc()); case LETTER: sp = symbuf; if (mosflg) { *sp++ = '.'; mosflg = 0; } while(ctab[c]==LETTER || ctab[c]==DIGIT) { if (sp 1) { cbp = argv[1]; if(gtime()) { write(1, "bad conversion\n", 15); exit(); } if (*cbp != 's') { /* convert to Greenwich time, on assumption of Standard time. */ dpadd(timbuf, timezone);c<3) { error("Arg count"); exit(1); } if((fin=open(argv[1],0))<0) { error("Can't find %s", argv[1]); exit(1); } if (fcreat(argv[2], obuf)<0 || fcreat(argv[3], sbuf)<0) { error("Can't create temp"); exit(1); } if (argc>4) proflg++; /* * The hash table locations of the keywords * are marked; if an identifier hashes to one of * these locations, it is looked up in in the keyword * table first. */ for (ip=kwtab; (sp = ip->kwname); ip++) { i = 0; while (*sp) i =+ *sp++; hs); } while(sp= 0) { nchstr++; if (sp >= &savstr[STRSIZ]) { sp = savstr; error("String too long"); } *sp++ = c; } strptr = sp; cval = isn++; return(STRING); } /* * Write out a string, either in-line * or in the string temp file labelled by * lab. */ putstr(lab) { register char *sp; if (lab) { strflg++; outcode("BN(opdope[o]>>9) & 077; if ((o==COMMA || o==COLON) && initflg) p = 05; opon1: ps = *pp; if (p>ps || p==ps && (opdope[o]&RASSOC)!=0) { switch (o) { case INCAFT: case DECAFT: p = 37; break; case LPARN: case LBRACK: case CALL: p = 04; } if (op >= &opst[SSIZE-1]) { error("expression overflow"); exit(1); } *++op = o; *++pp = p; goto advanc; } --pp; switch (os = *op--) { case SEOF: peeksym = o; build(0); /* flush conversions */ return(*--cp); case CALL: i*wheel4; wheel5 = *wheel5; wheel6 = *wheel6; random = 0; i = 27; while (i--){ random = random + ((temp & cage[i]) != 0); } random =% 26; /* now we have a random number to use to encrypt the input it is done in such a way that the process is its own inverse. */ if ( precious=='\n' || precious==' ') crypt = precious; else{ crypt = ('a' + 'z' - precious + random)%0400; if (crypt >= 'a' && crypt <= 'z' && precious > 'z') crypt =+ 26; if (crypt > 'z' && precious >= 'a' & precious <= 'zB", LABEL, lab, BDATA); } else outcode("B", BDATA); for (sp = savstr; sp= 0) if(cc++ < NCPW) *ccp++ = c; if(cc>NCPW) error("Long character constant"); return(CON); } /* * Read a character inf (o!=RPARN) goto syntax; build(os); goto advanc; case MCALL: *cp++ = block(0,0,0,0); /* 0 arg call */ os = CALL; break; case INCBEF: case INCAFT: case DECBEF: case DECAFT: *cp++ = block(1, CON, INT, 0, 1); break; case LPARN: if (o!=RPARN) goto syntax; goto advanc; case LBRACK: if (o!=RBRACK) goto syntax; build(LBRACK); goto advanc; } build(os); goto opon1; syntax: error("Expression syntax"); errflush(o); return(0); } /* * Generate a tree node for a name.') crypt =- 26; if (crypt == '\n' || crypt == ' ') crypt = precious; } putchar(crypt); } flush(); return; } char ibuf[512]; char obuf[512]; char *ibufp; int icnt; int ocnt; getchar() { if(icnt == 0) { icnt = read(0, ibuf, 512); if(icnt <= 0) return(-1); ibufp = ibuf; } icnt --; return(*ibufp++ & 0377); } putchar(c) { obuf[ocnt++] = c; if(ocnt >= 512) flush(); } flush() { if(ocnt > 0) write(1, obuf, ocnt); ocnt = 0; } a string or character constant, * detecting the end of the string. * It implements the escape sequences. */ mapch(ac) { register int a, c, n; static mpeek; c = ac; if (a = mpeek) mpeek = 0; else a = getchar(); loop: if (a==c) return(-1); switch(a) { case '\n': case '\0': error("Nonterminated string"); peekc = a; return(-1); case '\\': switch (a=getchar()) { case 't': return('\t'); case 'n': return('\n'); case 'b': return('\b'); case '0': case '1': case '2' * All the relevant info from the symbol table is * copied out, including the name if it's an external. * This is because the symbol table is gone in the next * pass, so a ptr isn't sufficient. */ copname(acs) struct hshtab *acs; { register struct hshtab *cs; register struct tname *tp; register char *cp1; int i; char *cp2; cs = acs; tp = gblock(sizeof(*tp)/NCPW); tp->op = NAME; tp->type = cs->htype; tp->dimp = cs->hdimp; if ((tp->class = cs->hclass)==0) tp->class = STATIC; tp->offset = 0#define ANY -1 #define LIST -2 #define RANGE -3 #define EOF -4 char *crontab "/usr/lib/crontab"; char *crontmp "/tmp/crontmp"; char *aend; char *itime[2]; int *loct; int *localtime(); int reset(); int flag; main() { register i, t; register char *cp; extern char end[]; setuid(1); itime[0] = fork(); if(itime[0]) exit(); setexit(); signal(1, reset); time(itime); while(*localtime(itime)) if(itime[1]-- == 0) itime[0]--; loop: init(); for(i=60; i; i--) { loct = localtime(itime); for(cp =: case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': n = 0; c = 0; while (++c<=3 && '0'<=a && a<='7') { n =<< 3; n =+ a-'0'; a = getchar(); } mpeek = a; return(n); case 'r': return('\r'); case '\n': if (!inhdr) line++; inhdr = 0; a = getchar(); goto loop; } } return(a); } /* * Read an expression and return a pointer to its tree. * It's the classical bottom-up, priority-driven scheme. * The initflg prevents the parse from going past * "," or ":; tp->nloc = cs->hoffset; if (cs->hclass==EXTERN) { gblock((ncps-NCPW)/NCPW); cp1 = tp->nname; cp2 = cs->name; i = ncps; do { *cp1++ = *cp2++; } while (--i); } if (cs->hflag&FFIELD) tp->class = FMOS; return(tp); } end; *cp != EOF;) { flag = 0; cp = cmp(cp, loct[1]); /* minute */ cp = cmp(cp, loct[2]); /* hour */ cp = cmp(cp, loct[3]); /* day */ cp = cmp(cp, loct[4]); /* month */ cp = cmp(cp, loct[6]); /* day of week */ if(flag == 0) { slp(); ex(cp); } while(*cp++ != 0) ; } t = itime[1] + 60; if(t < itime[1]) itime[0]++; itime[1] = t; } slp(); goto loop; } cmp(p, v) char *p; { register char *cp; cp = p; switch(*cp++) { case ANY: return(cp); case LIST: " because those delimitesrs are special * in initializer (and some other) expressions. */ tree() { #define SEOF 200 #define SSIZE 20 int *op, opst[SSIZE], *pp, prst[SSIZE]; register int andflg, o; register struct hshtab *cs; int p, ps, os; space = treespace; op = opst; pp = prst; cp = cmst; *op = SEOF; *pp = 06; andflg = 0; advanc: switch (o=symbol()) { case NAME: cs = csym; if (cs->hclass==0 && cs->htype==0) if(nextchar()=='(') { /* set function */ cs->hclass = EXTERN; /* This routine is an exact implementation of Boris Hagelin's cryptographic machine. See U. S. Patent #2,089,603. */ int cagetable[] { 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6, 8, 8, 9, 10, 12, 16, 16, 17, 18, 20, 24, 32, 32, 33, 34, 36, 40, 48}; int warr1[52]; int warr2[50]; int warr3[46]; int warr4[42]; int warr5[38]; int warr6[34]; int *wheel1 warr1; int *wheel2 warr2; int *wheel3 warr3; int *wheel4 warr4; int *wheel5 warr5; int *wheel6 warr6; char key[130]; int xxx; /* subroutine to manufacture a wheel */ setwhile(*cp != LIST) if(*cp++ == v) { while(*cp++ != LIST) ; return(cp); } flag++; return(cp+1); case RANGE: if(*cp > v || cp[1] < v) flag++; return(cp+2); } if(cp[-1] != v) flag++; return(cp); } slp() { register i; int t[2]; time(t); i = itime[1] - t[1]; if(i > 0) sleep(i); } ex(s) char *s; { register i; if(fork()) { wait(); return; } for(i=0; s[i]; i++); close(0); creat(crontmp, 0600); write(0, s, i); close(0); open(crontmp, 0); unlink(crontmp); cs->htype = FUNC; } else if (initflg) cs->hclass = EXTERN; else { /* set label */ cs->htype = ARRAY; if (cs->hoffset==0) cs->hoffset = isn++; } *cp++ = copname(cs); goto tand; case FCON: if (!initflg) outcode("BBNB1N1N1N1N0B", DATA,LABEL, cval, WDATA, fcval, PROG); case CON: case SFCON: *cp++ = block(1,o,(o==CON?INT:DOUBLE),0,cval); goto tand; /* fake a static char array */ case STRING: putstr(cval); *cp++ = block(3, NAME, ARRAY+CHAR,0,STATIC,0,cup(list,n) int list[]; {int *lp; lp = list; while(--n){ *lp = lp+2; lp[1] = getbit(); if(xxx) putchar(lp[1]+'0'); lp = lp + 2; } *lp = list; lp[1] = getbit(); if(xxx){ putchar(lp[1]+'0'); putchar('\n'); } } /* subroutine to return the next bit from the main routines argument */ getbit(){ static i,j; int b; b = (key[j] >> i) & 1; if (i++ > 5) { j++; i = 0; } return (b); } main(ncooky,cookyp) int ncooky; char *cookyp[]; { char *ip, *jp; int temp; int random; i if(fork()) exit(); execl("/bin/sh", "sh", "-t", 0); exit(); } init() { int ib[259], t[10]; register i, c; register char *cp; char *ocp; int n; extern char end[]; if(fopen(crontab, ib) < 0) { write(1, "cannot open table\n", 18); exit(); } cp = end; if(aend == 0) aend = cp; loop: ocp = cp; if(cp+100 > aend) { aend =+ 512; brk(aend); } for(i=0;; i++) { do c = getc(ib); while(c == ' ' || c == '\t'); if(c <= 0 || c == '\n') goto ignore; if(i == 5) break; if(c ==val); tand: if(cp>=cmst+cmsiz) { error("Expression overflow"); exit(1); } if (andflg) goto syntax; andflg = 1; goto advanc; case INCBEF: case DECBEF: if (andflg) o =+ 2; goto oponst; case COMPL: case EXCLA: case SIZEOF: if (andflg) goto syntax; goto oponst; case MINUS: if (!andflg) { if ((peeksym=symbol())==FCON) { fcval = - fcval; goto advanc; } if (peeksym==SFCON) { fcval = - fcval; cval =^ 0100000; goto advanc; } o = NEG; nt i,j; int precious; int crypt; int cage[27]; xxx = 0; /* copy input key and pad with clever junk */ jp = key; *jp++ = 004; *jp++ = 034; if(ncooky > 1){ while (*jp++ = *cookyp[1]++); jp--; } ip = key; while (jp < key+128) { *jp = jp[-1] ^ *ip++; jp++; } /* manufacture six wheels of various length */ setup(wheel1,26); setup(wheel2,25); setup(wheel3,23); setup(wheel4,21); setup(wheel5,19); setup(wheel6,17); /* set up the cage bars from the key area */ jp = key; i = 27; '*') { *cp++ = ANY; continue; } n = 0; while(c >= '0' && c <= '9') { n = n*10 + c-'0'; c = getc(ib); } if(n < 0 || n > 100) goto ignore; if(c == ',') goto list; if(c == '-') goto range; if(c != '\t' && c != ' ') goto ignore; *cp++ = n; continue; list: *cp++ = LIST; *cp++ = n; list1: n = 0; c = getc(ib); while(c >= '0' && c <= '9') { n = n*10 + c-'0'; c = getc(ib); } if(n < 0 || n > 100) goto ignore; *cp++ = n; if(c == ',') goto li} andflg = 0; goto oponst; case AND: case TIMES: if (andflg) andflg = 0; else if(o==AND) o = AMPER; else o = STAR; goto oponst; case LPARN: if (andflg) { o = symbol(); if (o==RPARN) o = MCALL; else { peeksym = o; o = CALL; andflg = 0; } } goto oponst; case RBRACK: case RPARN: if (!andflg) goto syntax; goto oponst; case DOT: case ARROW: mosflg++; break; } /* binaries */ if (!andflg) goto syntax; andflg = 0; oponst: p = while (i--){ cage[i] = cagetable[*jp++ % 28]; if(xxx && (cage[i] != 0)){ putchar( cage[i]/8 + '0'); putchar( cage[i]%8 + '0'); putchar(' '); } } if(xxx) putchar('\n'); /* the internal settings are now complete it's time to turn the crank, running the cage bars against the wheel lugs. */ while ((precious = getchar()) >=0){ temp = 040*wheel1[1] + 020*wheel2[1] + 010*wheel3[1] + 004*wheel4[1] + 002*wheel5[1] + 001*wheel6[1]; wheel1 = *wheel1; wheel2 = *wheel2; wheel3 = *wheel3; wheel4 = st1; if(c != '\t' && c != ' ') goto ignore; *cp++ = LIST; continue; range: *cp++ = RANGE; *cp++ = n; n = 0; c = getc(ib); while(c >= '0' && c <= '9') { n = n*10 + c-'0'; c = getc(ib); } if(n < 0 || n > 100) goto ignore; if(c != '\t' && c != ' ') goto ignore; *cp++ = n; } while(c != '\n') { if(c <= 0) goto ignore; if(c == '%') c = '\n'; *cp++ = c; c = getc(ib); } *cp++ = '\n'; *cp++ = 0; goto loop; ignore: cp = ocp; while(c != '\n') { if(c <= 0) { close(ib[0]); *cp++ = EOF; *cp++ = EOF; aend = cp; brk(aend); return; } c = getc(ib); } goto loop; } e if(fopen(s, b) == -1) { printf("Can't open %s\n", s); exit(1); } } g", 0100077, 0005500, SINGLE, "adc", 0100077, 0005600, SINGLE, "sbc", 0100077, 0005700, SINGLE, "tst", 0100077, 0006000, SINGLE, "ror", 0100077, 0006100, SINGLE, "rol", 0100077, 0006200, SINGLE, "asr", 0100077, 0006300, SINGLE, "asl", 0000077, 0000100, SINGLE, "jmp", 0000077, 0000300, SINGLE, "swab", 0000077, 0170100, SINGLW, "ldfps", 0000077, 0170200, SINGLW, "stfps", 0000077, 0170300, SINGLW, "stst", 0000077, 0170400, SINGLW, "clrf", 0000077, 0170500, SINGLW, "tstf", 0000077, 0170600, SINGL/* * cp oldfile newfile */ main(argc,argv) char **argv; { static int buf[256]; int fold, fnew, n; register char *p1, *p2, *bp; int mode; if(argc != 3) { write(1, "Usage: cp oldfile newfile\n", 26); exit(1); } if((fold = open(argv[1], 0)) < 0) { write(1, "Cannot open old file.\n", 22); exit(1); } fstat(fold, buf); mode = buf[2]; /* is target a directory? */ if (stat(argv[2], buf+50)>=0 && (buf[52]&060000)==040000) { p1 = argv[1]; p2 = argv[2]; bp = buf+100; while(*bp++ = *p2++int ibuf1[259]; int ibuf2[259]; int eflg; int lflg 1; int line[2] {0, 1}; int chr[2] { -1, -1}; main(argc, argv) char **argv; { register c1, c2; char *arg; if(argc < 3) goto narg; arg = argv[1]; if(arg[0] == '-' && arg[1] == 's') { lflg--; argv++; argc--; } arg = argv[1]; if(arg[0] == '-' && arg[1] == 'l') { lflg++; argv++; argc--; } if(argc < 3) goto narg; arg = argv[1]; if( arg[0]=='-' && arg[1]==0 ) ibuf1[0] = dup(0); else if(fopen(arg, ibuf1) < 0) goto barg; arg = argW, "absf", 0000077, 0170700, SINGLW, "negf", 0000077, 0006700, SINGLW, "sxt", 0000077, 0006600, SINGLW, "mtpi", 0000077, 0106600, SINGLW, "mtpd", 0000077, 0006500, SINGLW, "mfpi", 0000077, 0106500, SINGLW, "mfpd", 0000777, 0070000, MULDIV, "mul", 0000777, 0071000, MULDIV, "div", 0000777, 0072000, MULDIV, "ash", 0000777, 0073000, MULDIV, "ashc", 0000377, 0000400, BRANCH, "br", 0000377, 0001000, BRANCH, "bne", 0000377, 0001400, BRANCH, "beq", 0000377, 0002000, BRANCH, "bge", 0000377, 0002400, B); bp[-1] = '/'; p2 = bp; while(*bp = *p1++) if(*bp++ == '/') bp = p2; argv[2] = buf+100; } if (stat(argv[2], buf+50) >= 0) { if (buf[0]==buf[50] && buf[1]==buf[51]) { write(1, "Copying file to itself.\n", 24); exit(1); } } if ((fnew = creat(argv[2], mode)) < 0) { write(1, "Can't create new file.\n", 23); exit(1); } while(n = read(fold, buf, 512)) { if(n < 0) { write(1, "Read error\n", 11); exit(1); } else if(write(fnew, buf, n) != n){ write(1, "Write error.\nv[2]; if(fopen(arg, ibuf2) < 0) goto barg; loop: if (++chr[1]==0) chr[0]++; c1 = getc(ibuf1); c2 = getc(ibuf2); if(c1 == c2) { if (c1 == '\n') if (++line[1]==0) line[0]++; if(c1 == -1) { if(eflg) exit(1); exit(0); } goto loop; } if(lflg == 0) exit(1); if(c1 == -1) { arg = argv[1]; goto earg; } if(c2 == -1) goto earg; if(lflg == 1) { printf("%s %s differ: char %s, line ", argv[1], arg, locv(chr[0], chr[1])); printf("%s\n", locv(line[0], line[1])); exiRANCH, "blt", 0000377, 0003000, BRANCH, "bgt", 0000377, 0003400, BRANCH, "ble", 0000377, 0100000, BRANCH, "bpl", 0000377, 0100400, BRANCH, "bmi", 0000377, 0101000, BRANCH, "bhi", 0000377, 0101400, BRANCH, "blos", 0000377, 0102000, BRANCH, "bvc", 0000377, 0102400, BRANCH, "bvs", 0000377, 0103000, BRANCH, "bhis", 0000377, 0103400, BRANCH, "blo", 0000000, 0000000, NOADDR, "halt", 0000000, 0000001, NOADDR, "wait", 0000000, 0000002, NOADDR, "rti", 0000000, 0000004, NOADDR, "iot", 0000000, 0000005,", 13); exit(1); } } exit(0); } t(1); } eflg = 1; printf("%5s %3o %3o\n", locv(chr[0], chr[1]), c1, c2); goto loop; narg: printf("arg count\n"); exit(2); barg: printf("cannot open %s\n", arg); exit(2); earg: printf("EOF on %s\n", arg); exit(1); } putchar(c) { write(1, &c, 1); } NOADDR, "reset", 0000377, 0171000, FLTREV, "mulf", 0000377, 0171400, FLTREV, "modf", 0000377, 0172000, FLTREV, "addf", 0000377, 0172400, FLTREV, "movf", 0000377, 0173000, FLTREV, "subf", 0000377, 0173400, FLTREV, "cmpf", 0000377, 0174000, FLTNOR, "movf", 0000377, 0174400, FLTREV, "divf", 0000377, 0175000, FLTNOR, "movei", 0000377, 0175400, FLTNOR, "movfi", 0000377, 0176000, FLTNOR, "movfo", 0000377, 0176400, FLTREV, "movie", 0000377, 0177000, FLTREV, "movif", 0000377, 0177400, FLTREV, "movof"#define LB 250 int one; int two; int three; char *ldr[3]; char ib1[518]; char ib2[518]; main(argc,argv) char *argv[]; { extern fout; int l; char lb1[LB],lb2[80]; ldr[0] = ""; ldr[1] = "\t"; ldr[2] = "\t\t"; if(argc > 1) { if(*argv[1] == '-' && argv[1][1] != 0) { l = 1; while(*++argv[1]) { switch(*argv[1]) { case'1': if(!one) { one = 1; ldr[1][0] = ldr[2][l--] = '\0'; } break; case '2': if(!two) { two = 1; ldr[2][l--] = '\0'; main(argc, argv) char **argv; { register i, m; register char *c; int count; if(argc < 3) { printf("arg count\n"); exit(1); } c = argv[1]; m = 0; for(m=0; *c; c++) { if(*c < '0' || *c > '7') { printf("bad mode\n"); exit(1); } m = (m<<3) | *c - '0'; } for(i=2; i=0) { if(*buf == '\n' || i > LB-2) { *buf = '\0'; return(0); } i++; buf++; } return(-1); } wr(str,n) char *str; { switch(n) { c# /* * C debugger -- part 2 */ char ssymbol[]; int dotinc; int dot; psymoff(v, lim) { register char *w; w = vallook(v); if (w > lim) { printf("%.1o", v); return; } printf("%.8s", ssymbol); if (w) printf("+%d", w); } #define ISP 1 #define DOUBLE 0 #define SINGLE 1 #define SINGLW 2 #define MULDIV 4 #define BRANCH 5 #define NOADDR 6 #define FLTREV 7 #define FLTNOR 8 #define SPECL1 9 #define SPECL2 10 #define SPECL3 11 #define SPECL4 12 #define SPECL5 13 #define SPECL6 14 #define SPECL7 15 #dtty", 0, "33", 0, "nice", 0, "sleep", 0, "sync", 1, "kill", 0, "switch", 0, "39", 0, "40", 0, "dup", 0, "pipe", 1, "times", 4, "profil", 0, "45", 0, "setgid", 0, "getgid", 2, "signal", 0, "49", 0, "50", 0, "51", 0, "52", 0, "53", 0, "54", 0, "55", 0, "56", 0, "57", 0, "58", 0, "59", 0, "60", 0, "61", 0, "62", 0, "63", }; char *regname[] { "r0", "r1", "r2", "r3", "r4", "r5", "sp", "pc"}; printins(f) { register ins, w; register struct optab *p; dotinc = 2; ins = cget(dot,ase 1: if(one) return; break; case 2: if(two) return; break; case 3: if(three) return; } printf("%s%s\n",ldr[n-1],str); } copy(ibuf,lbuf,n) { do { wr(lbuf,n); } while(rd(ibuf,lbuf) >= 0); flush(); exit(); } compare(a,b) char *a,*b; { register char *ra,*rb; ra = --a; rb = --b; while(*++ra == *++rb) if(*ra == '\0') return(0); if(*ra < *rb) return(1); return(2); } fexit() { flush(); exit(); } openfil(s,b) char *s; int *b; { if(s[0]=='-' && s[1]==0) b[0] = 0; elsefine SPECL8 18 #define SPECL9 19 struct optab { int mask; int val; int itype; char *iname; } optab[] { 0107777, 0010000, DOUBLE, "mov", 0107777, 0020000, DOUBLE, "cmp", 0107777, 0030000, DOUBLE, "bit", 0107777, 0040000, DOUBLE, "bic", 0107777, 0050000, DOUBLE, "bis", 0007777, 0060000, DOUBLE, "add", 0007777, 0160000, DOUBLE, "su", 0100077, 0005000, SINGLE, "clr", 0100077, 0005100, SINGLE, "com", 0100077, 0005200, SINGLE, "inc", 0100077, 0005300, SINGLE, "dec", 0100077, 0005400, SINGLE, "ne ISP); if (vallook(dot)==0) printf("%.8s:", ssymbol); printf("\t"); for (p=optab;; p++) if ((ins & ~p->mask) == p->val) break; printf("%s", p->iname); switch (p->itype) { /* rts */ case SPECL2: ins =& 07; case SINGLE: if (ins < 0) printf("b"); case SINGLW: printf("\t"); paddr(ins); return; case FLTREV: ins =& 0377; case MULDIV: ins = ((ins>>6)&07) | ((ins<<6)&07700); goto doub; case FLTNOR: ins =& 0377; /* jsr, xor */ case SPECL1: ins =& 0777; goto doub; case DOUBLE: if (ins<0) printf("b"); doub: printf("\t"); paddr(ins>>6); printf(","); paddr(ins); return; case NOADDR: return; /* sob */ case SPECL8: printf("\t"); paddr((ins>>6)&07); printf(","); ins = - (ins&077); goto bran; case BRANCH: printf("\t"); bran: ins =& 0377; if (ins&0200) ins =| 0177400; ins = dot + (ins<<1) + 2; psymoff(ins, 010000); return; /* emt */ case SPECL4: ins =& 0377; /* mark */ case SPECL7: ins =& 077; /* spl */ case SPE", "Memory fault", "Bad system call", "", "", "", }; main(argc, argv) char **argv; { int onintr(); if (argc>1) symfil = argv[1]; if (argc>2) corfil = argv[2]; fcore = open(corfil, 0); if ((fsym = open(symfil, 0)) < 0) { printf("%s not found\n", symfil); return; } read(fsym, regbuf, 020); if (regbuf[0]==0411) /* I/D separated */ idsep++; else if (regbuf[0]!=0410 && regbuf[0]!=0407) { /* magic */ printf("Bad format: %s\n", symfil); return; } symoff = regbuf[1] + regbuf[2]; s (donef) return(adrflg); else lastop = *lp++; } goto loop; case ' ': case '\t': lp++; goto loop; case '[': lp++; t1 = ssymval; t2 = tdot; if (expr() == 0) tdot = 0; ssymval = cget(t1 + (tdot<<1), DSP); tdot = t2; if (*lp == ']') lp++; goto loop; } } symcollect(c) { register char *p; p = tsym; if (c) *p++ = c; while (symchar(1)) { if (p < &tsym[8]) *p++ = *lp; lp++; } while (p < &tsym[8]) *p++ = 0; } symchar(dig) { if (*lp>='a'&&*lp<='z' || CL9: ins =& 07; printf("\t%d", ins); return; /* sys */ case SPECL5: printf("\t%s", systab[ins =& 077].sname); if (ins==0 && f==0) { /* indir */ w = dot; dot = cget(dot+2, ISP); printf(" {"); printins(1); printf("}"); dotinc = 4; dot = w; return; } w = systab[ins].argc; while (w--) { printf("; "); psymoff(cget(dot+dotinc, ISP), 010000); dotinc =+ 2; } return; default: printf("\t%.1o", ins); } } paddr(aa) { register a, r; a = aa; r = a&07; a =ymlen = regbuf[4]; if (regbuf[7] != 1) symoff =<< 1; symoff =+ 020; seek(fsym, symoff, 0); symcor = read(fsym, symbuf, sizeof symbuf); if (symcor>0) symoff =+ symcor; symcor =>> 1; read(fcore, regbuf, 1024); signo = regbuf[0].u_arg[0]&017; regbuf->u_tsize =<< 6; regbuf->u_dsize =<< 6; regbuf->u_ssize =<< 6; rtsize = (regbuf->u_tsize+017777) & ~017777; if (symlook("csv\0\0\0\0")) loccsv = ssymval; if (symlook("savr5\0\0\0")) locsr5 = ssymval; setstack(); signal(SIGINS, onintr); setex*lp=='_') return(1); if (dig && *lp>='0' && *lp<='9') return(1); return(0); } error() { errflg++; reset(); } printtrace() { int tpc, tr5, narg, argp, i; if (modifier=='r') { printregs(); return; } if (modifier=='f' || modifier=='d') { printfregs(); return; } tpc = uregs[pc]; tr5 = uregs[r5]; if (locsr5) if (narg = get(locsr5, DSP)) { tr5 = narg; } callev = 0; while (errflg == 0) { narg = findroutine(tpc, tr5); printf("%2d: %.8s(", callev, ssymbol); if (--narg >= 0) & 070; if (r==7 && a&020) { if (a&010) printf("*"); if (a&040) psymoff(cget(dot+dotinc, ISP)+dot+dotinc+2, 010000); else { printf("$"); psymoff(cget(dot+dotinc, ISP), 010000); } dotinc =+ 2; return; } r = regname[r]; switch (a) { /* r */ case 000: printf("%s", r); return; /* (r) */ case 010: printf("(%s)", r); return; /* *(r)+ */ case 030: printf("*"); /* (r)+ */ case 020: printf("(%s)+", r); return; /* *-(r) */ case 050: printf("*"); /* -(r) */ cit(); signal(SIGINT, onintr); loop: if (errflg) { printf("?\n"); errflg = 0; } lp = line; while ((*lp = getchar()) != '\n') if (*lp++ == '\0') { if (pid) ptrace(EXIT, pid, 0, 0); return; } lp = line; command(); goto loop; } command() { register n; adrflg = expr(); if (errflg) return; n = getcnt(); if (lastcom=='$') lastcom = '/'; if (*lp == '\n') { if (!adrflg) dot =+ dotinc; } else lastcom = *lp++; modifier = 0; if (*lp != '\n') modifier = *lp++; if (lastc printf("%.1o", get(tr5+4, DSP)); argp = tr5+4; while(--narg >= 0) printf(",%.1o", get(argp =+ 2, DSP)); printf(")\n"); tpc = get(tr5+2, DSP); if (callev < 50) { entpt[callev] = ssymval; callist[callev++] = tr5; } if ((tr5 = get(tr5, DSP)) == 0) break; } } setstack() { register int tpc, tr5, i; tpc = uregs[pc]; tr5 = uregs[r5]; if (locsr5) if (i = get(locsr5, DSP)) { tr5 = i; } callev = 0; while (errflg == 0) { findroutine(tpc, tr5); tpc = get(tr5+2, DSP); iase 040: printf("-(%s)", r); return; /* *x(r) */ case 070: printf("*"); /* x(r) */ case 060: psymoff(cget(dot+dotinc, ISP), 010000); dotinc =+ 2; printf("(%s)", r); return; } } om=='%' && modifier=='r') { runcom(); return; } if (*lp != '\n') { errflg++; return; } if (adrflg) dot = tdot; while(n) { scommand(n); if (errflg) return; if (--n) dot =+ dotinc; } } scommand(n) { register w, c; double fw; struct { int i[4]; }; int onintr(); switch(lastcom) { case '/': w = cget(dot, DSP); if (modifier) lastype = modifier; switch(lastype) { case 'o': printf("%.1o\n", w); dotinc = 2; return; case 'i': printf("%d\n", w); dotincf (callev >= 50) break; entpt[callev] = ssymval; callist[callev++] = tr5; if ((tr5 = get(tr5, DSP)) == 0) break; } errflg = 0; } printfregs() { register i; double f; printf("fpsr %.1o\n", regbuf[0].fpsr); for (i=0; i<6; i++) { if (regbuf[0].fpsr&0200) /* long mode */ f = regbuf[0].lfr[frnames[i]]; else f = regbuf[0].sfr[frnames[i]]; printf("fr%d %e\n", i, f); } } printregs() { register struct reglist *p; register char *v, *d; for (p=reglist; p < ®list[9]; p++) { pr_beQTWZ]`cfRUX[^adghknqtwz}il = 2; return; case 'f': fw = 0; fw.i[0] = w; fw.i[1] = cget(dot+2, DSP); printf("%e\n", fw); dotinc = 4; return; case 'd': fw.i[0] = w; fw.i[1] = cget(dot+2, DSP); fw.i[2] = cget(dot+4, DSP); fw.i[3] = cget(dot+6, DSP); printf("%e\n", fw); dotinc = 8; return; } errflg++; return; case '\\': printf("%.1o\n", cget(dot, DSP)&0377); dotinc = 1; return; case '=': printf("%.1o\n", dot); return; case '\'': printc(cget(dot, DSP) & 0377); if (nintf("%s %.1o", p->rname, v=uregs[p->roffs]); d = vallook(v); if (d < 010000) { printf(" %.8s", ssymbol); if (d) printf("+%.1o", d); } printf("\n"); } } findroutine(rpc, rr5) { register callpt, inst, narg; callpt = get(rr5+2, DSP); if ((inst=get(callpt-4, ISP)) == 04737) /* jsr pc,*$... */ narg = 1; else if ((inst&~077)==04700) /* jsr pc,... */ narg = 0; else { errflg++; return(0); } inst = vallook((inst==04767?callpt:0) + get(callpt-2, ISP)); if (inst) { ssymbol[0] =# /* C debugger */ #include "/usr/sys/param.h" #include "/usr/sys/user.h" #define DSP 0 #define ISP 1 #define NBKP 10 #define SYMSIZ 12*400 #define BADJST 01 int fcore; int errno; int fsym; int symoff; char *lp; int errflg; int symlen; int symct; int symcor; int symbuf[SYMSIZ]; int *symptr; struct { int loc; int ins; int count; int flag; } bkptl[NBKP]; int lastbp; char symbol[8]; int symflg; int symval; char tsym[8]; char fsymbol[10]; char ssymbol[8]; int ssymflg; int ssymval; int signo; char line<=1) putchar('\n'); dotinc = 1; return; case '"': w = cget(dot, DSP); while(c = cget(w++, DSP)&0377) printc(c); putchar('\n'); return; case '&': psymoff(cget(dot, DSP), 0100000); printf("\n"); return; case '$': printf("%s\n", signals[signo]); printtrace(); return; case '?': printins(0); printf("\n"); return; case '%': runcom(); signal(SIGINT, onintr); return; } errflg++; } getcnt() { register t1, t2; if (*lp != ',') return(1); lp++; t1 = tdot; '?'; ssymbol[1] = 0; ssymval = 0; } inst = get(callpt, ISP); if (inst == 05726) /* tst (sp)+ */ return(narg+1); if (inst == 022626) /* cmp (sp)+,(sp)+ */ return(narg+2); if (inst == 062706) /* add $n,sp */ return(narg+get(callpt+2, ISP)/2); return(narg); } runcom() { int stat; register w, i; switch(modifier) { /* delete breakpoint */ case 'd': if (adrflg==0) error(); for (w=0; w'~') printf("\\%o", c); else printf("%c", c); } expr() { int i, t1, t2, donef, lastop, b; tdot = 0; adrflg = 0; lastop = '+'; ssymval = 0; donef = 0; loop: fsymbol[0] = 0; if (symchar(0)) { adrflg++; symcollect('_'); if (*lp++==':' && symchar(0)) { for (i=0; i<8; i++) fsymbol[i if (lastbp==bkptl[w].loc) { ptrace(WUREGS,pid,2*(512+ps),uregs[ps]&~020); lastbp = 0; } else { ptrace(WUSER,pid,bkptl[w].loc,bkptl[w].ins); } bkptl[w].loc = 0; bkptl[w].flag = 0; return; } } error(); /* set breakpoint */ case 'b': if (adrflg==0) error(); for (w=0; w='0' && *lp<='9') { adrflg++; ssymval = 0; if (*lp == '0') b = 8; else b = 10; while (*lp>='0' && *lp<='9') { ssymval =* b; ssymval =+ *lp++ -'0'; } goto loop; } switch (*lp) { default: donef++; case '+': case '-': switch(lastop) { case '+': tdot =+ ssymval; goto op; case '-': tdot =- ssymval; op: ifrn; } error(); /* run program */ case 'r': lastbp = 0; if (pid) { ptrace(EXIT, pid, 0, 0); pid = 0; } if ((pid = fork())==0) { ptrace(SETTRC, 0, 0, 0); signal(SIGINT, 0); signal(SIGINS, 0); doexec(); printf("Can't execute %s\n", symfil); exit(0); } bpwait(0); setbp(1); ptrace(WUREGS, pid, 2*(512+ps), 0170000); case 'c': if (pid==0) error(); setbp(0); if (lastbp) { w = lastbp; ptrace(CONTIN, pid, 0, 0); bpwait(1); ptrace(WUSER, pid, w, 03); ptrace(WUREGS, pid, 2*(512+ps), uregs[ps]&~020); lastbp = 0; } ptrace(CONTIN, pid, 0, 0); bpwait(1); w = uregs[pc]-2; for (i=0; i= NBKP) { printf("%s\n", signals[signo]); return; } lastbp = w; ptrace(WUSER, pid, w, bkptl[i].ins); ptrace(WUREGS, pid, 2*(512+pc), w); ptrace(WUREGS, pid, 2*(512+ps), uregs[ps]|020); printf("Breakpoint: "); psymoff(w, 0777); printf("\n"); return; } error(); } doexec() { exter>u_dsize + regbuf->u_ssize; else errflg++; seek(fcore, addr+1024, 0); if (read(fcore, &w, 2) < 2) errflg++; return(w); } symset() { symct = symlen; symptr = symbuf; seek(fsym, symoff, 0); } symget() { register int *p, *q; if ((symct =- 12) < 0) return(0); if (symptr < &symbuf[symcor]) { p = symptr; for (q=symbol; q <= &symval;) *q++ = *p++; symptr = p; return(1); } return(read(fsym, symbol, 12) == 12); } savsym(skip) { register int ch; register char *p, *q; p = symbol; qsr/c/c1"; if (argv[i][2]=='2') pass2 = "/usr/c/c2"; break; } else { passa: t = argv[i]; if(getsuf(t)=='c') { clist[nc++] = t; t = setsuf(t, 'o'); } if (nodup(llist, t)) { llist[nl++] = t; if (getsuf(t)=='o') nxo++; } } } if(nc==0) goto nocom; if (pflag==0) { tmp0 = copy("/tmp/ctm0a"); while((c=open(tmp0, 0))>=0) { close(c); tmp0[9]++; } while((creat(tmp0, 0400))<0) tmp0[9]++; } if ((signal(2, 1) & 01) == 0) signal(2, &dexn _exectrap; char *argl[32]; register char *p, **ap; register c; _exectrap++; ap = argl; *ap++ = symfil; p = lp; do { while (*p==' ') p++; if (*p=='\n' || *p=='\0') break; *ap++ = p; while (*p!=' ' && *p!='\n') p++; c = *p; *p++ = '\0'; } while (c != '\n'); *ap++ = 0; execv(symfil, argl); } setbp(runflag) { register w, i1, l; int i2; for (w=0; w1) printf("%s:\n", clist[i]); av[0] = "c0"; if (pflag) tmp4 = setsuf(clist[i], 'i'); av[1] = expand(clist[i]); if (pflag || exfail) continue; if (av[1] == 0) { cflag++; continue; } av[2] = tmp1; av[3] = tmp2; if (proflag) { av[4] = "-P"; av[5] = 0; { /* jsr r5,... */ i2 = ptrace(RUSER, pid, l+2, 0); if (loccsv == i2+l+4) { /* jsr r5,csv */ l =+ 4; bkptl[w].loc = l; bkptl[w].flag =| BADJST; i1 = ptrace(RUSER, pid, l, 0); } } bkptl[w].ins = i1; ptrace(WUSER, pid, l, 03); if (errno) { printf("Can't set breakpoint "); psymoff(bkptl[w].loc); printf("\n"); } } } } bpwait(f) { extern int onintr(); register w; int stat; loop: signal(SIGINT, 1); while ((w = wait(&stat))!=pid && w != -1); / copy and execute DEC loaders core = 24. prs = 177550 mov $dldr,r0 mov $[core*2048.]-300,r1 mov r1,r2 1: mov (r0)+,(r1)+ cmp r0,$end blo 1b jmp (r2) dldr: 10706 24646 10705 62705 114 5001 13716 177570 6016 103402 5016 404 241 6116 1001 10116 5000 4715 105303 1374 4715 4767 74 10402 162702 4 22702 2 1441 4767 54 61604 10401 4715 2004 105700 1753 0 751 110321 770 16703 150 105213 105713 100376 116303 2 60300 42703 177400 5302 207 12667 44 4715} else av[4] = 0; if (callsys(pass0, av)) { cflag++; continue; } av[0] = "c1"; av[1] = tmp1; av[2] = tmp2; if (sflag) tmp3 = setsuf(clist[i], 's'); av[3] = tmp3; if (oflag) av[3] = tmp5; av[4] = 0; if(callsys(pass1, av)) { cflag++; continue; } if (oflag) { av[0] = "c2"; av[1] = tmp5; av[2] = tmp3; av[3] = 0; callsys(pass2, av); unlink(tmp5); } if (sflag) continue; av[0] = "as"; av[1] = "-"; av[2] = tmp3; av[3] = 0; cunlink(tmp1) signal(SIGINT, onintr); if (w == -1) { ptrace(EXIT, pid, 0, 0); pid = 0; printf("Wait error\n"); reset(); } if ((stat & 0377) != 0177) { if (signo = stat&0177) printf("%s\n", signals[signo]); printf("Process terminated.\n"); if (pid == w) { pid = 0; reset(); } goto loop; } signo = stat>>8; collinfo(); if (signo!=SIGTRC) { printf("%s\n", signals[signo]); reset(); } } collinfo() { register i; for (i=0; i<9; i++) uregs[reglist[i].roffs] = ptrace(RUREGS, pid, 10304 4715 303 50304 16707 26 4767 177752 4715 105700 1342 6204 103002 0 677 6304 114 0 . = dldr-500+744 16701 26 12702 352 5211 105711 100376 116162 2 [core*2048.]-400 5267 177756 765 prs end: ; cunlink(tmp2); cunlink(tmp4); callsys("/bin/as", av); t = setsuf(clist[i], 'o'); cunlink(t); if(link("a.out", t) || cunlink("a.out")) { printf("move failed: %s\n", t); cflag++; } } nocom: if (cflag==0 && nl!=0) { i = 0; av[0] = "ld"; av[1] = "-X"; av[2] = pref; j = 3; while(i=2 && symflg<=4) { ssymval = symval; return(1); } /* auto, arg */ if (symflg==1) { for (i=0; i>8)&0377 | (w1<<8); } errflg = errno; return(w); } w = 0; if (idsep==0&&addru_tsize || idsep&&space==ISP) { seek(fsym, addr+020, 0); if (read(fsym, &w, 2) != 2) errflg++; return(w); } if (addr < rtsize+regbuf->u_dsize) { if (idsep==0) addr =- rtsize; } else if (-addr < regbuf->u_ssize) addr =+ regbuf- break; case 'p': proflag++; pref = "/lib/mcrt0.o"; break; case 'P': pflag++; case 'c': cflag++; break; case 'f': pref = "/lib/fcrt0.o"; pass0 = "/lib/fc0"; pass1 = "/lib/fc1"; break; case '2': if(argv[i][2] == '\0') pref = "/lib/crt2.o"; else { pref = "/lib/crt20.o"; f20 = 1; } break; case 't': if (argv[i][2]=='0') pass0 = "/usr/c/c0"; if (argv[i][2]=='1') pass1 = "/uwhile ('a'<=(c=getch()) && c<='z' ||'A'<=c && c<='Z' ||'0'<=c && c<='9' ||c=='_') sch(c); sch('\0'); lp--; if (state>3) { if (flslvl==0 &&(state+!lookup(namep,-1)->name[0])==5) trulvl++; else flslvl++; out: while (c!='\n' && c!= '\0') c = getch(); return(c); } if (state!=2 || flslvl==0) { ungetc(c); np = lookup(namep, state); c = getch(); } if (state==1) { if (np==defloc) state = 2; else if (np==incloc) state = 3; else if (np==ifnloc) state = 4; else if (np==ifdloc) state = 5; else if (np==eifloc) { if (flslvl) --flslvl; else if (trulvl) --trulvl; else error("If-less endif"); goto out; } else { error("Undefined control"); while (c!='\n' && c!='\0') c = getch(); return(c); } } else if (state==2) { if (flslvl) goto out; np->value = stringbuf; savch(c); while ((c=getch())!='\n' && c!=(t=fork())==0) { execv(f, v); printf("Can't find %s\n", f); exit(1); } else if (t == -1) { printf("Try again\n"); return(1); } while(t!=wait(&status)); if ((t=(status&0377)) != 0 && t!=14) { if (t!=2) /* interrupt */ printf("Fatal error in %s\n", f); dexit(); } return((status>>8) & 0377); } copy(as) char as[]; { register char *otsp, *s; otsp = tsp; s = as; while(*tsp++ = *s++); return(otsp); } nodup(l, os) char **l, *os; { register char *t, *s; register int c; s = os# /* C compiler * * */ #include "c0h.c" /* * Process a single external definition */ extdef() { register o, elsize; int type, sclass; register struct hshtab *ds; if(((o=symbol())==EOF) || o==SEMI) return; peeksym = o; type = INT; sclass = EXTERN; xdflg = FNDEL; if ((elsize = getkeywords(&sclass, &type)) == -1 && peeksym!=NAME) goto syntax; if (type==STRUCT) blkhed(); do { defsym = 0; decl1(EXTERN, type, 0, elsize); if ((ds=defsym)==0) return; funcsym = ds; ds->hflag =| '\0') savch(c); savch('\0'); return(1); } continue; } else if ((sc=c)=='\'' || sc=='"') { sch(sc); filname = lp; instring++; while ((c=getch())!=sc && c!='\n' && c!='\0') { sch(c); if (c=='\\') sch(getch()); } instring = 0; if (flslvl) goto out; if (state==3) { if (flslvl) goto out; *lp = '\0'; while ((c=getch())!='\n' && c!='\0'); if (ibuf==ibuf2) error("Nested 'include'"); if (fopen(filname, ibuf2)<0) error("M; if (getsuf(s) != 'o') return(1); while(t = *l++) { while(c = *s++) if (c != *t++) break; if (*t=='\0' && c=='\0') return(0); s = os; } return(1); } cunlink(f) char *f; { if (f==0) return(0); return(unlink(f)); } expdef(proto) char *proto; { char buffer[100], *parg[20], *pval[20], name[20], *cspace, *wp; char protcop[100], *pr; int narg, k, i, c; pr = protcop; while (*pr++ = *proto++); proto= protcop; for (narg=0; (parg[narg] = token(&proto)) != 0; narg++) ; /* now scan input FNDEL; outcode("BS", SYMDEF, ds->name); xdflg = 0; if ((ds->type&XTYPE)==FUNC) { if ((peeksym=symbol())==LBRACE || peeksym==KEYW) { funcblk.type = decref(ds->type); cfunc(ds->name); return; } } else cinit(ds); } while ((o=symbol())==COMMA); if (o==SEMI) return; syntax: if (o==RBRACE) { error("Too many }'s"); peeksym = 0; return; } error("External definition syntax"); errflush(o); statement(0); } /* * Process a function definition. */ cfunc(cs) char *cs; { regissing file %s", filname); else ibuf = ibuf2; return(c); } } sch(c); c = getch(); } sch('\0'); if (state>1) error("Control syntax"); return(c); } insym(sp, namep) struct symtab **sp; char *namep; { register struct symtab *np; *sp = np = lookup(namep, 1); np->value = np->name; } error(s, x) { printf("%d: ", lineno); printf(s, x); putchar('\n'); exfail++; cflag++; } sch(c) { register char *rlp; rlp = lp; if (rlp==line+194) error("Line overflow"); *rlp++ = c; if */ cspace = buffer; while ((c=getch()) == ' '); if (c != '(') { error("defined function requires arguments"); return; } ungetc(c); for(k=0; pval[k] = coptok(&cspace); k++); if (k!=narg) { error("define argument mismatch"); return; } while (c= *proto++) { if (!letter(c)) backsch(c); else { wp = name; *wp++ = c; while (letnum(*proto)) *wp++ = *proto++; *wp = 0; for (k=0; ktype; /* * If it's an array, find the number of elements. * "bas(rlp>line+195) rlp = line+195; lp = rlp; } savch(c) { *stringbuf++ = c; if (stringbuf-sbf < SBSIZE) return; error("Too much defining"); dexit(); } getch() { register int c; loop: if ((c=getc1())=='/' && !instring) { if ((c=getc1())!='*') { ungetc(c); return('/'); } for(;;) { c = getc1(); cloop: switch (c) { case '\0': return('\0'); case '*': if ((c=getc1())=='/') goto loop; goto cloop; case '\n': if (ibuf==ibuf1) { putc('\n', obuf);ssp&0377])==0) nel = 1; basetype = decref(basetype); } realwidth = width = length(ds) / nel; /* * Pretend a structure is kind of an array of integers. * This is a kludge. */ if (basetype==STRUCT) { nel =* realwidth/2; width = 2; } if ((peeksym=symbol())==COMMA || peeksym==SEMI) { outcode("BSN",CSPACE,ds->name,(nel*width+ALIGN)&~ALIGN); return; } ninit = 0; outcode("BBS", lineno++; } continue; } } } return(c); } char pushbuff[300]; char *pushp pushbuff; ungetc(c) { *++pushp = c; } getc1() { register c; if (*pushp !=0) return(*pushp--); depth=0; if ((c = getc(ibuf)) < 0 && ibuf==ibuf2) { close(ibuf2[0]); ibuf = ibuf1; putc('\n', obuf); lineno++; c = getc1(); } if (c<0) return(0); return(c); } lookup(namep, enterf) char *namep; { register char *np, *snp; register struct symtab *sp; int i, c, around; np = namep; around = i = return(0); while (((stc = getch()) != ',' && stc != ')') || paren > 0) { if (stc == '"' || stc == '\'') { stop = stc; if (stop == '\'') *(*cpp)++ = '\''; while ( (stc = getch()) != stop) { if (stc == '\n') { error ("non-terminated string"); break; } if (stc == '\\') if ((stc= getch()) != stop && stc != '\\') *(*cpp)++ = '\\'; *(*cpp)++ = stc; } if (stop == '\'') *(*cpp)++ = '\''; } eDATA, NLABEL, ds->name); if ((o=symbol())==LBRACE) { do ninit = cinit1(ds, basetype, width, ninit, nel); while ((o=symbol())==COMMA); if (o!=RBRACE) peeksym = o; } else { peeksym = o; ninit = cinit1(ds, basetype, width, 0, nel); } /* * Above we pretended that a structure was a bunch of integers. * Readjust in accordance with reality. * First round up partial initializations. */ if (basetype==STRUCT) { if (o = 2*ninit % realwidth) outcode("BN", SSPACE, realwidth-o); ninit 0; while (c = *np++) i =+ c; i =% symsiz; sp = &symtab[i]; while (sp->name[0]) { snp = sp; np = namep; while (*snp++ == *np) if (*np++ == '\0' || np==namep+8) { if (!enterf) subst(namep, sp); return(sp); } if (++sp >= &symtab[symsiz]) if (around++) { error("too many defines"); dexit(); } else sp = symtab; } if (enterf>0) { snp = namep; for (np = &sp->name[0]; np < &sp->name[8];) if (*np++ = *snp) snp++; } return(sp); } char revbuff[200lse if (stc == '\\') { stc = getch(); if (stc != '"' && stc != '\\') *(*cpp)++ = '\\'; *(*cpp)++ = stc; } else { *(*cpp)++ = stc; if (stc == '(') paren++; if (stc == ')') paren--; } } *(*cpp)++ = 0; ungetc(stc); return(val); } letter(c) { if ((c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (c == '_')) return (1); else return(0); } letnum(c) { if (letter(c) || (c >= '0' && c <= '9')) return(1); else return(0= (2*ninit+realwidth-2) / realwidth; nel =/ realwidth/2; } /* * If there are too few initializers, allocate * more storage. * If there are too many initializers, extend * the declared size for benefit of "sizeof" */ if (ninitnel) { if ((ds->type&XTYPE)==ARRAY) dimtab[ds->ssp&0377] = ninit; nel = ninit; } /* * If it's not an array, only one initializer is allowed. */ if (ninit>1 && (ds->type&XTYPE)!=ARRAY) er]; char *bp; backsch(c) { if (bp-revbuff > 200) error("Excessive define looping", bp--); *bp++ = c; } subst(np, sp) char *np; struct symtab *sp; { register char *vp; lp = np; bp = revbuff; if (depth++>100) { error("define recursion loop\n"); return; } if ((vp = sp->value) == 0) return; /* arrange that define unix unix still has no effect, avoiding rescanning */ if (streq(sp->name,sp->value)) { while (*vp) sch(*vp++); return; } backsch(' '); if (*vp == '(') expdef(vp)); } streq(s,t) char *s, *t; { int c; while ( (c= *s++) == *t++) if (c==0) return(1); return(0); } ror("Too many initializers"); if (((nel&width)&ALIGN)) outcode("B", EVEN); } /* * Process a single expression in a sequence of initializers * for an external. Mainly, it's for checking * type compatibility. */ cinit1(ds, type, awidth, aninit, nel) struct hshtab *ds; { float sf; register struct tnode *s; register width, ninit; width = awidth; ninit = aninit; if ((peeksym=symbol())==STRING && type==CHAR) { peeksym = -1; if (ninit) bxdec(); putstr(0); if (nel>nchstr) { strflg++; ; else while (*vp) backsch(*vp++); backsch(' '); while (bp>revbuff) ungetc(*--bp); } getsuf(as) char as[]; { register int c; register char *s; register int t; s = as; c = 0; while(t = *s++) if (t=='/') c = 0; else c++; s =- 3; if (c<=14 && c>2 && *s++=='.') return(*s); return(0); } setsuf(as, ch) char as[]; { register char *s, *s1; s = s1 = copy(as); while(*s) if (*s++ == '/') s1 = s; s[-1] = ch; return(s1); } callsys(f, v) char f[], *v[]; { int t, status; if ( outcode("BN", SSPACE, nel-nchstr); strflg = 0; nchstr = nel; } return(nchstr); } if (peeksym==RBRACE) return(ninit); initflg++; s = tree(); initflg = 0; switch(width) { case 1: if (s->op != CON) goto bad; outcode("B1N0", BDATA, s->value); break; case 2: if (s->op==CON) { outcode("B1N0", WDATA, s->value); break; } if (s->op==FCON || s->op==SFCON) { if (type==STRUCT) { ninit =+ 3; goto prflt; } goto bad; } rcexpr(block(1,INIT,0,0,s)); break; case 4: sf = fcval; outcode("B1N1N0", WDATA, sf); goto flt; case 8: prflt: outcode("B1N1N1N1N0", WDATA, fcval); flt: if (s->op==FCON || s->op==SFCON) break; default: bad: bxdec(); } return(++ninit); } bxdec() { error("Inconsistent external initialization"); } /* * Process one statement in a function. */ statement(d) { register o, o1, o2; int o3, o4; struct tnode *np; stmt: switch(o=symbol()) { case EOF: error("Unexpected EOF"); case SEMI: return; case LBRACE: iock(1,CBRANCH,tree(),brklab,0)); if ((o=symbol()) != SEMI) return(o); } if ((peeksym=symbol()) == RPARN) { /* incr part */ peeksym = -1; statement(0); branch(contlab); return(0); } l = contlab; contlab = isn++; st = tree(); sline = line; if ((o=symbol()) != RPARN) return(o); ss = treespace; treespace = space; statement(0); sline1 = line; line = sline; label(contlab); rcexpr(st); line = sline1; treespace = ss; branch(l); return(0); } /* * A parenthesized expression, * as as atan.s; mv a.out atan.o as crypt.s; mv a.out crypt.o as dpadd.s; mv a.out dpadd.o as ecvt.s; mv a.out ecvt.o as exp.s; mv a.out exp.o as floor.s; mv a.out floor.o as fmod.s; mv a.out fmod.o as fp?.s; mv a.out fp.o : as fakfp.s: mv a.out fp.o as gamma.s; mv a.out gamma.o as get.s; mv a.out get.o as ldiv.s; mv a.out ldiv.o as log.s; mv a.out log.o as mesg.s; mv a.out mesg.o as pow.s; mv a.out pow.o as put.s; mv a.out put.o as rand.s; mv a.out rand.o as savr5.s; mv a.out savr5.o as sin.s; mv a.out sin.o as f (d) { if (proflg) outcode("BN", PROFIL, isn++); outcode("BN", SAVE, blkhed()); } while (!eof) { if ((o=symbol())==RBRACE) return; peeksym = o; statement(0); } error("Missing '}'"); return; case KEYW: switch(cval) { case GOTO: if (o1 = simplegoto()) branch(o1); else dogoto(); goto semi; case RETURN: doret(); goto semi; case IF: np = pexpr(); o2 = 0; if ((o1=symbol())==KEYW) switch (cval) { case GOTO: if (o2=simplegoto()) after "if". */ pexpr() { register o, t; if ((o=symbol())!=LPARN) goto syntax; t = tree(); if ((o=symbol())!=RPARN) goto syntax; return(t); syntax: error("Statement syntax"); errflush(o); return(0); } /* * The switch stateent, which involves collecting the * constants and labels for the cases. */ pswitch() { register struct swtab *cswp, *sswp; int dl, swlab; cswp = sswp = swp; if (swp==0) cswp = swp = swtab; branch(swlab=isn++); dl = deflab; deflab = 0; statement(0); branch(brklsqrt.s; mv a.out sqrt.o as switch.s; mv a.out switch.o as ttyn.s; mv a.out ttyn.o ar r /lib/liba.a rm *.o goto simpif; cbranch(np, o2=isn++, 0); dogoto(); label(o2); goto hardif; case RETURN: if (nextchar()==';') { o2 = retlab; goto simpif; } cbranch(np, o1=isn++, 0); doret(); label(o1); o2++; goto hardif; case BREAK: o2 = brklab; goto simpif; case CONTIN: o2 = contlab; simpif: chconbrk(o2); cbranch(np, o2, 1); hardif: if ((o=symbol())!=SEMI) goto syntax; if ((o1=symbol())==KEYW && cval==ELSE) gotab); label(swlab); if (deflab==0) deflab = brklab; outcode("BNN", SWIT, deflab, line); for (; cswp < swp; cswp++) outcode("NN", cswp->swlab, cswp->swval); outcode("0"); label(brklab); deflab = dl; swp = sswp; } /* * blkhed is called at the start of each function. * It reads the declarations at the start; * then assigns storage locations for the * parameters (which have been linked into a list, * in order of appearance). * This list is necessary because in * f(a, b) float b; int a; ... *char dayw[] { " S M Tu W Th F S" }; char *smon[] { "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec", }; char string[432]; main(argc, argv) char *argv[]; { register y, i, j; int m; if(argc < 2) { printf("usage: cal [month] year\n"); exit(); } if(argc == 2) goto xlong; /* * print out just month */ m = number(argv[1]); if(m<1 || m>12) goto badarg; y = number(argv[2]); if(y<1 || y>9999) goto badarg; printf(" %s %l\n", smon[m-1], y); printfo stmt; peeksym = o1; return; } peeksym = o1; cbranch(np, o1=isn++, 0); statement(0); if ((o=symbol())==KEYW && cval==ELSE) { o2 = isn++; branch(o2); label(o1); statement(0); label(o2); return; } peeksym = o; label(o1); return; case WHILE: o1 = contlab; o2 = brklab; label(contlab = isn++); cbranch(pexpr(), brklab=isn++, 0); statement(0); branch(contlab); label(brklab); contlab = o1; brklab = o2; return; case BREAK the names are seen before the types. * Also, the routine adjusts structures involved * in some kind of forward-referencing. */ blkhed() { register pl; register struct hshtab *cs; autolen = 6; declist(0); pl = 4; while(paraml) { parame->hoffset = 0; cs = paraml; paraml = paraml->hoffset; if (cs->htype==FLOAT) cs->htype = DOUBLE; cs->hoffset = pl; cs->hclass = AUTO; if ((cs->htype&XTYPE) == ARRAY) { cs->htype =- (ARRAY-PTR); /* set ptr */ cs->ssp++; /* pop dims */ } pl =("%s\n", dayw); cal(m, y, string, 24); for(i=0; i<6*24; i=+24) pstr(string+i, 24); exit(); /* * print out complete year */ xlong: y = number(argv[1]); if(y<1 || y>9999) goto badarg; printf("\n\n\n"); printf(" %l\n", y); printf("\n"); for(i=0; i<12; i=+3) { for(j=0; j<6*72; j++) string[j] = '\0'; printf(" %s", smon[i]); printf(" %s", smon[i+1]); printf(" %s\n", smon[i+2]); printf("%s %s %s\n", dayw, dayw, dayw); cal(i+1, y, string, 72); cal(i+2, y, string+2: chconbrk(brklab); branch(brklab); goto semi; case CONTIN: chconbrk(contlab); branch(contlab); goto semi; case DO: o1 = contlab; o2 = brklab; contlab = isn++; brklab = isn++; label(o3 = isn++); statement(0); label(contlab); contlab = o1; if ((o=symbol())==KEYW && cval==WHILE) { cbranch(tree(), o3, 1); label(brklab); brklab = o2; goto semi; } goto syntax; case CASE: o1 = conexp(); if ((o=symbol())!=COLON) goto syntax; i+ rlength(cs); } for (cs=hshtab; csname[0] == '\0') continue; /* check tagged structure */ if (cs->hclass>KEYWC && (cs->htype&TYPE)==RSTRUCT) { cs->lenp = dimtab[cs->lenp&0377]->lenp; cs->htype = cs->htype&~TYPE | STRUCT; } if (cs->hclass == STRTAG && dimtab[cs->lenp&0377]==0) error("Undefined structure: %.8s", cs->name); if (cs->hclass == ARG) error("Not an argument: %.8s", cs->name); if (stflg) prste(cs); } space = treespace; outcode("BN3, 72); cal(i+3, y, string+46, 72); for(j=0; j<6*72; j=+72) pstr(string+j, 72); } printf("\n\n\n"); exit(); badarg: printf("Bad argument\n"); } number(str) char *str; { register n, c; register char *s; n = 0; s = str; while(c = *s++) { if(c<'0' || c>'9') return(0); n = n*10 + c-'0'; } return(n); } pstr(str, n) char *str; { register i; register char *s; s = str; i = n; while(i--) if(*s++ == '\0') s[-1] = ' '; i = n+1; while(i--) if(*--s != ' ') break; s[1] = '\f (swp==0) { error("Case not in switch"); goto stmt; } if(swp>=swtab+swsiz) { error("Switch table overflow"); } else { swp->swlab = isn; (swp++)->swval = o1; label(isn++); } goto stmt; case SWITCH: o1 = brklab; brklab = isn++; np = pexpr(); chkw(np, -1); rcexpr(block(1,RFORCE,0,0,np)); pswitch(); brklab = o1; return; case DEFAULT: if (swp==0) error("Default not in switch"); if ((o=symbol())!=COLON) goto syntax; label(defla", SETREG, regvar); return(autolen); } /* * After a function definition, delete local * symbols. * Also complain about undefineds. */ blkend() { register struct hshtab *cs; for (cs=hshtab; csname[0]) { if (cs->hclass==0 && (cs->hflag&FNUND)==0) { error("%.8s undefined", cs->name); cs->hflag =| FNUND; } if((cs->hflag&FNDEL)==0) { cs->name[0] = '\0'; hshused--; cs->hflag =& ~(FNUND|FFIELD); } } } } /* * write out special definitio0'; printf("%s\n", str); } char mon[] { 0, 31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, }; cal(m, y, p, w) char *p; { register d, i; register char *s; s = p; d = jan1(y); mon[2] = 29; mon[9] = 30; switch((jan1(y+1)+7-d)%7) { /* * non-leap year */ case 1: mon[2] = 28; break; /* * 1752 */ default: mon[9] = 19; break; /* * leap year */ case 2: ; } for(i=1; ihclass>0) { error("Redefinition"); goto stmt; } o1->hclass = STATIC; o1->htype = ARRAY; if (o1->hoffset==0) o1->hoffset = isn++; label(o1->hoffset); ns of local symbols for * benefit of the debugger. None of these are used * by the assembler except to save them. */ prste(acs) { register struct hshtab *cs; register nkind; cs = acs; switch (cs->hclass) { case REG: nkind = RNAME; break; case AUTO: nkind = ANAME; break; case STATIC: nkind = SNAME; break; default: return; } outcode("BSN", nkind, cs->name, cs->hoffset); } /* * In case of error, skip to the next * statement delimiter. */ errflush(ao) { register o; o = ao=+ 11; mon[m] =+ 11; } if(i > 9) *s = i/10+'0'; s++; *s++ = i%10+'0'; s++; if(++d == 7) { d = 0; s = p+w; p = s; } } } /* * return day of the week * of jan 1 of given year */ jan1(yr) { register y, d; /* * normal gregorian calendar * one extra day per four years */ y = yr; d = 4+y+(y+3)/4; /* * julian calendar * regular gregorian * less three days per 400 */ if(y > 1800) { d =- (y-1701)/100; d =+ (y-1601)/400; } /* * great calendar changeover instant goto stmt; } } peeksym = o; rcexpr(tree()); semi: if ((o=symbol())==SEMI) return; syntax: error("Statement syntax"); errflush(o); } /* * Process a for statement. */ forstmt() { register int l, o, sline; int sline1, *ss; struct tnode *st; if ((o=symbol()) != LPARN) return(o); if ((o=symbol()) != SEMI) { /* init part */ peeksym = o; rcexpr(tree()); if ((o=symbol()) != SEMI) return(o); } label(contlab); if ((o=symbol()) != SEMI) { /* test part */ peeksym = o; rcexpr(bl; while(o>RBRACE) /* ; { } */ o = symbol(); peeksym = o; } */ if(y > 1752) d =+ 3; return(d%7); } int chtab[]{ 00000, /* */ 03004, /* ! */ 02404, /* " */ 02040, /* sharp */ 02042, /* $ */ 02104, /* % */ 00001, /* & */ 03002, /* ' */ 02201, /* ( */ 02202, /* ) */ 02102, /* * */ 00005, /* + */ 02044, /* , */ 00002, /* - */ 02041, /* . */ 00014, /* / */ 00004, /* 0 */ 00010, /* 1 */ 00020, /* 2 */ 00040, /* 3 */ 00100, /* 4 */ 00200, /* 5 */ 00400, /* 6 */ 01000, /* 7 */ 02000, /* 8 */ 04000, /* 9 */ 02200, /* : */ 02402, /* ; */ 02401, /* < */ 02204, /* = */ 02400, /* > */ 03000, /* ? */ 02100, /* at */op() { double ltod(); register i; register struct tbuf *tp; register struct ubuf *up; if (ibuf.fill1||ibuf.fill2) return; ibuf.time = ltod(&ibuf.time)/60.; if(ibuf.tty == '|') { dtime = ibuf.time; return; } if(ibuf.tty == '}') { if(dtime == 0.) return; for(tp = tbuf; tp < &tbuf[TSIZE]; tp++) tp->ttime =+ ibuf.time-dtime; dtime = 0.; return; } if (lastime>ibuf.time || lastime+(1.5*day) midnight) { upall(1); print(); newday(); for (up=ubuf; up < &ubuf[USIZE]; up++) up->utime = 0.0; } if (ibuf.tty == '~') { ibuf.name[0] = '\0'; upall(0); return; } if ((i = ibuf.tty) >= 'a') i =- 'a' - '9'; i =- '0'; if (i<0 || i>=TSIZE) i = TSIZE-1; tp = &tbuf[i]; update(tp, 0); } print() { int i; float ttime, t; ttime = 0.0; for (i=0; i0.0) ttime =+ t; if (pflag && ubuf[i].utimemov $buf,r1 3: jsr r5,getc; proto bes 1f movb r0,(r1)+ cmp r0,$'\n bne 3b clrb -(r1) sys unlink; buf br 2b 1: mov proto,r0 sys close sys unlink; dbuf+2 br loop / list of special characters / switchout sptab: 'L; literal 'B; binary 'F; form 'U; loop1 / unlink on second pass 0; 0 literal: jmp loop1 form: clrb -(r1) mov $buf+1,r0 jsr r5,fopen; insert bes loop1 mov $14,r0 jsr r5,putc; print br 1f binary: clrb -(r1) mov $buf+1,r0 jsr r5,fopen; insert bes loop1 1: jsr r5,getc__________________________"); puts("________________\n"); spp = sp; while(*spp++); spp--; l = spp - sp; putchar('/'); puts(sp); i = 49 - l; while(--i>0) putchar(' '); puts("|\n"); j = 0; spp = sp; while (j++<12) { putchar('|'); i = 0; spp = sp; while (i<48) { c = *spp++ - 040; i++; if (c>='a'-040) c = c - 040; if (i>l) c = 0; if (c<0 | c>137) c = 0; if ((chtab[c]>>(j-1))&1) puts("[]"); else putchar(j>3?'0'+j-3:' '); } puts("|\n"); } putchar('|') > 0.0) { printf("\t%-8.8s%6.2f\n", ubuf[i].name, ubuf[i].utime/60.); } } if (ttime > 0.0) { pdate(); printf("\ttotal%9.2f\n", ttime/60.); } } upall(f) { register struct tbuf *tp; for (tp=tbuf; tp < &tbuf[TSIZE]; tp++) update(tp, f); } update(tp, f) struct tbuf *tp; { int i, j; struct ubuf *up; double t, t1; if (f) t = midnight; else t = ibuf.time; if (tp->userp) { t1 = t - tp->ttime; if (t1>0.0 && t1 < 1.5*day) tp->userp->utime =+ t1; } tp->ttime = t; if (f) ; insert bes 1f jsr r5,putc; print br 1b 1: jsr r5,flush; print mov insert,r0 sys close br loop1 aclose: mov $9.,r1 1: mov r1,r0 sys close dec r1 bge 1b rts r5 lpr: lock: lpd: .even .bss ch: .=.+2 dfi: .=.+2 dbuf: .=.+18. print: .=.+518. proto: .=.+518. insert: .=.+518. buf: .=.+400. sleep = 35. signal = 48. ; puts("____________"); puts("____________________________________"); puts("|\n"); puts("\n\n\n\n"); } puts(ss) char *ss; { int i; char t; i = 0; while(t = *ss++) { if(t >= 'a' && t <= 'z') t =+ 'A'-'a'; putchar(t); } } return; if (ibuf.name[0]=='\0') { tp->userp = 0; return; } for (up=ubuf; up < &ubuf[USIZE]; up++) { if (up->name[0] == '\0') break; for (j=0; j<8 && up->name[j]==ibuf.name[j]; j++); if (j>=8) break; } for (j=0; j<8; j++) up->name[j] = ibuf.name[j]; tp->userp = up; } among(i) { register j, k; register char *p; if (pcount==0) return(1); for (j=0; jc04.c7c20.ctable.iDc12.cc05.c3c2h.cc00.o5c21.cc01.oc02.oc03.oc04.oc05.oc10.oc11.oc12.oc13.olse break; } } return(0); } newday() { if(midnight == 0.) midnight = 240.; while (midnight <= ibuf.time) midnight =+ day; } pdate() { register days, mons, yrs; double year, tim; if (byday==0) return; yrs = 2; tim = 0.0; for(;;) { year = 365. * day; if(yrs%4 == 0) year =+ day; if(tim+year > midnight) break; yrs++; tim =+ year; } days = (midnight-tim-720.)/day; montab[1] = 28; if(yrs%4 == 0) montab[1]++; for (mons=0; montab[mons]<=days; mons++) days =- montab[c1t.otable.oc0t.oc20.oc21.ol.outa.outl.outa.outc20.oc21.ol.outa.outc04.oc0t.oc10.oc11.oc12.o runc13.oc1t.otable.otprint.cc20.oc21.oa.out# /* * acct [ -w wtmp ] [ -d ] [ -p people ] */ #define TSIZE 30 #define USIZE 200 struct { char name[8]; char tty; char fill1; float time; int fill2; } ibuf; struct ubuf { char name[8]; float utime; } ubuf[USIZE]; struct tbuf { struct ubuf *userp; float ttime; } tbuf[TSIZE]; char *wtmp; int pflag, byday; double dtime; double midnight; double lastime; double day 1440.; int pcount; char **pptr; int montab[] { 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 3mons]; mons =% 12; printf("%s %2d", monasc[mons], days+1); } / assure fake printf (no floating) .globl fltused; fltused = 0 / convert stream to number; result is type. / value in cval or fcval fpp = 1 .globl _getnum .globl _peekc .globl _getchar .globl _cval .globl _fcval .globl _error _getnum: .if fpp movif $10.,fr3 clrf fr0 .endif clr nfract clr totdig clr decpt clr _cval mov 2(sp),base mov r2,-(sp) 1: jsr r5,getdig br 2f .if fpp mulf fr3,fr0 movif r0,fr1 addf fr1,fr0 .endif inc nfract br 1b 2: tst decpt bne 1f clr nfract cmp r0,$'. b0, 31, 30, 31 }; char *monasc[] { "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" }; main(argc, argv) char **argv; { int c, fl; register i; register char *ip; extern fin; int f; wtmp = "/usr/adm/wtmp"; while (--argc > 0 && **++argv == '-') switch(*++*argv) { case 'd': byday++; continue; case 'w': if (--argc>0) wtmp = *++argv; continue; case 'p': pflag++; continue; } pcount = argc; pptr = argv; if (fopen(wtmp, &fin) < 0) { p/ lpd -- Line Printer daemon .globl fopen, getc .globl fcreat, putc, flush .globl switch sys signal; 1; 1 sys signal; 2; 1 sys signal; 3; 1 / ignore quit,intr,hup sys stat; lock; buf bec 2f sys creat; lock; 0 bes 2f sys open; lpd; 0 bes 3f mov r0,r1 1: mov r1,r0 sys read; dbuf; 16. bes 3f tst r0 beq 3f tst dbuf beq 1b cmp dbuf+2,$"df bne 1b sys fork br retry sys exit 3: sys unlink; lock 2: sys exit / get line printer retry: jsr r5,aclose mov $lpr,r0 jsr r5,fcreat; print bes ne 1f mov pc,decpt br 1b 1: tst totdig beq 1f cmp r0,$'e bne 1f clr -(sp) clr _cval mov pc,decpt clr _cval mov $10.,base jsr pc,_getchar cmp r0,$'+ beq 2f cmp r0,$'- bne 3f inc (sp) br 2f 3: mov r0,_peekc 2: jsr r5,getdig br 2f br 2b 2: tst (sp)+ beq 2f neg _cval 2: sub _cval,nfract 1: mov r0,_peekc tst totdig bne 1f mov $39.,r0 / "." operator 9: mov (sp)+,r2 rts pc 1: tst decpt bne 1f mov $21.,r0 / fixed constant br 9b 1: .if fpp movif $1,fr2 mov nfract,r2 mov r2,rintf("No %s\n", wtmp); return; } for(;;) { ip = &ibuf; for (i=0; i<16; i++) { if ((c=getc(&fin)) < 0) goto brk; *ip++ = c; } fl = 0; for (i=0; i<8; i++) { c = ibuf.name[i]; if ('0'<=c&&c<='9'||'a'<=c&&c<='z'||'A'<=c&&c<='Z') { if (fl) goto skip; continue; } if (c==' ' || c=='\0') { fl++; ibuf.name[i] = '\0'; } else goto skip; } loop(); skip:; } brk: ibuf.name[0] = '\0'; ibuf.tty = '~'; time(&ibuf.time); loop(); print(); } loerror sys chdir; lpd bes error sys open; lpd; 0 bes error mov r0,dfi br loop done: sys unlink; lock sys exit error: jsr r5,aclose mov $10.,r0 sys sleep sys stat; lock; buf bes done / die if lock is gone br retry / look in directory for work loop: mov dfi,r0 sys seek; 0; 0 1: mov dfi,r0 sys read; dbuf; 16. bes error tst r0 beq done / only non-error return tst dbuf beq 1b mov $dbuf+2,r0 cmp (r0),$"df / look for daemon file bne 1b / found prototype file jsr r5,fopen; proto -(sp) beq 2f bgt 1f neg r2 1: mulf fr3,fr2 sob r2,1b 2: tst (sp)+ ble 1f divf fr2,fr0 br 2f 1: mulf fr2,fr0 2: mov $_fcval,r0 movf fr0,(r0) tst (r0)+ tst (r0)+ bne 1f tst (r0)+ bne 1f tst (r0)+ bne 1f mov $24.,r0 mov _fcval,_cval br 9b 1: mov $23.,r0 br 9b .endif .if 1-fpp mov $fperr,-(sp) jsr pc,_error tst (sp)+ mov $21.,r0 br 9b fperr: ; .even .endif getdig: mov _peekc,r0 beq 1f clr _peekc br 2f 1: jsr pc,_getchar 2: sub $'0,r0 cmp r0,$9. bhi 1f inc totdig mov _cval,r1 mul base,r1 add r0,r1 mov r1,_cval tst (r5)+ rts r5 1: add $'0,r0 rts r5 .bss base: .=.+2 nfract: .=.+2 decpt: .=.+2 totdig: .=.+2 (sp) jsr pc,preposterous / / find free list index and link block to that entry / inc stats+2 mov frlist(r0),w(r1) clr r(r1) sub $hblk,r1 mov r1,frlist(r0) clr r1 /self-defense mov (sp)+,r0 rts pc / / / jsr pc,collect / / coalesce free storage by rejoining paired blocks / on the free list. / zero is returned in r0 if no paired blocks were found. / collect: mov r1,-(sp) mov r2,-(sp) mov r3,-(sp) mov r4,-(sp) clr useful inc stats+4. clr r0 /start with smallest blocks /r0 contains frlist i b1e: .=.+numb2 w1: .=.+numb2 u1: .=.+numb2 b1: .=. + [512.*numb] flag: .=.+2 stats: .=.+24. /alloc/release/collect/get/put/seek/copy useful: .=.+2 afi: .=.+2 afout: .=.+2 asmem: .=.+2 nchar: .=.+2 / / hblk: .=.+2 /must remain here - pointer to free header frlist: .=hblk+34. frend: asmdisc:.=.+2 headers: .=hblk+hsz headend: .text / kill process mov (sp)+,r4 tst (sp)+ loop: dec r4 ble done mov (sp)+,r5 clr r3 cmpb (r5),$'- bne 1f inc r5 clr signo 1: movb (r5)+,r0 beq 1f sub $'0,r0 cmp r0,$9 bhi error mul $10.,r3 add r0,r3 br 1b 1: tst signo bne 1f tst r3 ble error cmp r3,$12. bgt error mov r3,signo br loop 1: mov r3,r0 sys 37.; signo: 9. / kill bec loop mov r3,r0 jsr pc,decml mov $1,r0 sys write; m1; em1-m1 br loop error: mov $1,r0 sys write; m2; em2-m2 br loop done: sys exit decml: mov r0ndex loop1: mov $frlist,r1 add r0,r1 / / try next list member at this level / loop2: mov (r1),r3 beq advance /list is empty add $hblk,r3 tst (r3) /W beq advance /only one list element / / calculate address of buddy / mov a(r3),r4 sub $hsz,r4 mov exp2(r0),r2 xor r2,r4 1: add $hsz,r4 / / and search for him / loop3: cmp a(r3),r4 beq coal mov r3,r2 mov w(r3),r3 tst r3 beq nocoal add $hblk,r3 br loop3 / / have found a pair; remove both blocks from list, / coalesce them, and put them on next h,r1 clr r0 div $10.,r0 mov r1,-(sp) tst r0 beq 1f jsr pc,decml 1: mov (sp)+,r0 add $'0,r0 mov r0,ch mov $1,r0 sys write; ch; 1 rts pc m1: <: not found\n> em1: m2: em2: .bss ch: .=.+2 igher list / coal: mov $1,useful mov w(r3),w(r2) /remove him from list mov (r1),r2 add $hblk,r2 mov r3,r4 mov w(r2),w(r1) /remove other one cmp a(r2),a(r4) bhi 1f mov r2,-(sp) mov r4,r2 mov (sp)+,r4 1: mov hblk,(r2) clr r(r2) mov $hsz,a(r2) mov $hsz,l(r2) sub $hblk,r2 mov r2,hblk add exp2(r0),l(r4) /L clr r(r4) mov frlist+2(r0),w(r4) sub $hblk,r4 mov r4,frlist+2(r0) br loop2 / / no buddy found, try next block on this list / nocoal: mov (r1),r1 add $hblk,r1 br loop2 / / advance to nex.globl b1 .globl hblk .globl headers .globl initl .globl asmem .globl b1s .globl b1e .globl w1 .globl stats .globl lookchar .globl flush .globl fsfile .globl seekchar .globl backspace .globl alterchar .globl zero .globl getchar .globl putchar .globl copy .globl rewind .globl create .globl allocate .globl release .globl collect .globl w,r,a,l .globl getword .globl putword .globl backword .globl alterword / / / routine to read next character from string / pointer to by r1; character returned in r0 / c-bit sett free list / advance: tst (r0)+ cmp r0,$frend-frlist blo loop1 mov useful,r0 / / do we have enough headers to continue? / tst garbage beq 1f mov $1,r0 sys write; 4f; 5f-4f 4 / 4: 5: .even / / / restore registers and return / 1: inc garbage mov (sp)+,r4 mov (sp)+,r3 mov (sp)+,r2 mov (sp)+,r1 rts pc / garbage:.=.+2 / / routine to find integer part of log2(x) / / jsr pc,log2 / / r0 = log2(r0) / log2: mov $15.,-(sp) tst r0 bne 1f clr (sp) br 2f 1: asl r0 bcs 2f dec (sp if character not availiable (eof) / / mov ...,r1 / jsr pc,getchar / movb r0,... / getchar: jsr pc,lookchar bes 1f inc r(r1) tst r0 /clears c-bit 1: rts pc / / / routine to read a string backwards / the read pointer is decremented before reading / / mov ...,r1 / jsr pc,backspace / mov r0,... / backspace: cmp a(r1),r(r1) bhis nochc dec r(r1) jsr pc,lookchar rts pc nochc: clr r0 sec rts pc / / / routine to put a word onto the string / / mov ...,r1 / mov ...,r0 / jsr pc,putword / putword: mov r0,-.globl b1 .globl log2 .globl frlist .globl stats .globl b1s .globl b1e .globl w1 / here to allocate a new block / / / mov ...,r0 / jsr pc,allocate / mov r1,... / / requested size in bytes in r0 / pointer to header of allocated block returned in r1 / r0 is preserved / / convert to words, adjust for header, round up / to a power of two / / each block has a four-word header / W - write ptr (also used as link ptr in frlist) / R - read ptr / A - pointer to head of data / L - ptr to (end+1) of data hsz=6144. ) br 1b 2: mov (sp)+,r0 rts pc / 0 exp2: 1;2;4;10;20;40;100;200;400;1000;2000;4000; 10000;20000;40000;100000 / / routine to discover whether r1 points to / a plausible header - to avoid ruination. / / r1 is preserved and r0 gets a suitable index for frlist / / jsr pc,preposterous / preposterous: cmp r1,$headers bhis 9f; 4; 9: cmp r1,$headend blo 9f; 4; 9: cmp a(r1),$hsz /A bhis 9f; 4; 9: cmp l(r1),$hsz+datasz /L blos 9f; 4; 9: mov l(r1),r0 /L sub a(r1),r0 /A mov r0,-(sp) jsr pc,log2 asl(sp) sub $hblk,r0 jsr pc,putchar swab r0 jsr pc,putchar mov (sp)+,r0 rts pc / / / routine to get a word from the string / / mov ...,r1 / jsr pc,getword / mov r0,... / getword: jsr pc,lookchar bes 1f movb r0,nchar inc r(r1) jsr pc,lookchar bes 1f movb r0,nchar+1 inc r(r1) mov nchar,r0 add $hblk,r0 1: rts pc / / / routine to alter the word pointed to by r(r1) / by replacing the word there with r0 / / mov wd,r0 / mov ...,r1 / jsr pc,alterword / alterword: mov r0,-(sp) sub $hblk,r0 jsr pc,altdatasz = 32768. numb=4. numb2=2*numb w=0 r=2 a=4 l=6 / allocate: clr garbage mov r0,-(sp) mov r2,-(sp) mov r3,-(sp) inc stats bne 9f; inc stats; 9: cmp r0,$datasz blo 9f; 4; 9: dec r0 bmi 1f jsr pc,log2 inc r0 1: asl r0 mov r0,-(sp) add $2,r0 cmp r0,$frend-frlist+2 blo zzz 4 / / look on free list for block of required size / zzz: mov (sp),r0 tst frlist(r0) beq xxx / / found it, allocate and return / mov frlist(r0),r1 add $hblk,r1 mov (r1),frlist(r0) mov a(r1),r0 mov r0,w(r1) /W mo r0 cmp exp2(r0),(sp) beq 9f; 4; 9: add $2,r0 cmp r0,$frend-frlist+2 blo 9f; 4; 9: sub $2,r0 mov r0,(sp) mov frlist(r0),r0 1: beq 1f add $hblk,r0 cmp r0,r1 bne 9f; 4; 9: mov (r0),r0 br 1b 1: mov (sp)+,r0 rts pc / / / whead: inc stats+22. mov r0,-(sp) mov afout,r0 sys seek; 0; 0 sys write; hblk; hsz mov (sp)+,r0 rts pc / / initl: clr hblk mov r0,-(sp) mov r2,-(sp) sys open;almem; 1 /open for write bec 2f sys creat;almem; 666 bes err2 inc hblk 2: mov r0,afout sys open; almem; 0 erchar swab r0 jsr pc,alterchar mov (sp)+,r0 rts pc / / / routine to get words backwards from string / / mov ...,r1 / jsr pc,backword / mov r0,... / backword: cmp a(r1),r(r1) bhis nochw dec r(r1) jsr pc,lookchar movb r0,nchar+1 cmp a(r1),r(r1) bhis nochw dec r(r1) jsr pc,lookchar movb r0,nchar mov nchar,r0 add $hblk,r0 rts pc / nochw: clr r0 sec rts pc / / / routine to copy the contents of one string / to another. / / mov source,r0 / mov dest,r1 / jsr pc,copy / mov r1,... / / on return, v r0,r(r1) /R tst (sp)+ mov (sp)+,r3 mov (sp)+,r2 mov (sp)+,r0 / jsr pc,whead rts pc / / no block of required size / look for larger block / xxx: tst hblk beq www tst (r0)+ cmp r0,$frend-frlist bhis www tst frlist(r0) bne yyy br xxx / / there are no larger blocks; must garbage collect / www: jsr pc,collect tst r0 bne zzz / / out of space / mov $1,r0 sys write; 1f; 2f-1f jmp interrupt 1: 2: .even / / split larger block into two smaller pieces and / link together as small/open for read bes err2 mov r0,afi br 1f / err2: mov $1,r0 sys write; 4f; 5f-4f 4 .data 4: 5: almem: .even .text / 1: tst hblk bgt 1f sys read; hblk; hsz /r0 already afi mov asmdisc,asmem add $hblk,asmem br 2f 1: mov $headers,r2 mov r2,r0 sub $hblk,r0 mov r0,hblk 1: add $8,r0 mov r0,(r2) add $8,r2 cmp r2,$headend-8. blo 1b clr -8(r2) mov $frlist,r0 1: clr (r0)+ cmp r0,$frend blo 1b mov hblk,r2 add $hblk,r2 mov (r2),hblk clr w(r2) mov r1 points to the new string and should / be saved. r0 is preserved. / copy: inc stats+12. mov r0,-(sp) mov r1,-(sp) mov r2,-(sp) mov r3,-(sp) mov w(r0),r2 sub a(r0),r2 /W-A (old) mov l(r1),r3 sub a(r1),r3 /L-A (new) cmp r2,r3 blos 1f mov r2,r0 jsr pc,allocate mov 4(sp),r0 /new jsr pc,swap jsr pc,release mov r0,r1 mov 0(sp),r0 /old 1: mov a(r1),w(r1) /rewind w pointer cmp r2,$512. blos copy1 /is a short string / jsr pc,flush jsr pc,reset / mov a(r0),-(sp) 4: mov (sp),0f mov afi,r0er blocks in the free list. / yyy: mov hblk,r3 /get free header block beq www /should never get this mov frlist(r0),r1 add $hblk,r1 mov w(r1),frlist(r0) mov r3,w(r1) add $hblk,r3 mov exp2-2(r0),r2 add a(r1),r2 mov w(r3),hblk mov l(r1),l(r3) mov r2,l(r1) /L mov r2,a(r3) clr w(r3) /W' mov r1,r2 sub $hblk,r2 mov r2,frlist-2(r0) br zzz / / / here to release a block / / mov ...,r1 / jsr pc,release / / pointer to block in r1 / release: / / discover that this is a plausible pointer / mov r0,-$hsz,a(r2) mov $hsz+datasz,l(r2) mov $datasz,r0 jsr pc,log2 asl r0 cmp r0,$frend-frlist blo 9f; 4; 9: sub $hblk,r2 mov r2,frlist(r0) / / install plausible pointers to make octal dumps look nice / mov $hblk,r1 1: mov (r1),r1 tst r1 beq 1f add $hblk,r1 mov $hsz,a(r1) mov $hsz,l(r1) mov $hsz,r(r1) br 1b 1: mov afout,r0 sys write;hblk;hsz jsr pc,reset mov $4,r0 jsr pc,allocate mov r1,asmem mov r1,asmdisc sub $hblk,asmdisc 2: mov (sp)+,r2 mov (sp)+,r0 rts pc / / .bss / b1s: .=.+numb2 sys seek;0:.. ;0 /set input pointer cmp r2,$512. blos 2f mov $512.,r3 /# output this time mov r3,0f mov r3,3f add r3,(sp) sub r3,r2 /# left to output br 1f 2: mov r2,0f mov r2,3f mov r2,r3 clr r2 1: mov afi,r0 sys read;b1;0:.. bes bad cmp r0,r3 bne bad mov afout,r0 mov (r1),0f add r3,(r1) sys seek;0:.. ;0 sys write;b1;3:.. bes bad tst r2 bgt 4b tst (sp)+ / / fix up read ptr of new string / copy2: mov 6(sp),r0 /restore r0 mov r(r0),r2 sub a(r0),r2 add a(r1),r2 mov r2,r(r1) / / restore and return / mov (sp)+,r3 mov (sp)+,r2 mov (sp)+,r1 mov (sp)+,r0 rts pc / bad: mov $1,r0 sys write;1f;2f-1f 4 1: 2: .even / swap: mov w(r1),-(sp) mov w(r0),w(r1) mov (sp),w(r0) mov r(r1),(sp) mov r(r0),r(r1) mov (sp),r(r0) mov a(r1),(sp) mov a(r0),a(r1) mov (sp),a(r0) mov l(r1),(sp) mov l(r0),l(r1) mov (sp)+,l(r0) rts pc / / copy a short string / copy1: mov r(r0),-(sp) mov a(r0),r(r0) mov nchar,-(sp) mov r0,r2 /old mov r1,r3 /new 1: mov r2,r1 jsr pc,r3,r1 ashc $9.,r1 bic $777,r1 add $b1,r1 jsr pc,clean 2: inc r3 br 1b 1: mov (sp)+,r3 mov (sp)+,r2 mov (sp)+,r1 rts pc / / reset: mov r3,-(sp) mov r2,-(sp) clr r3 1: cmp r3,$numb bge 1f mov r3,r2 asl r2 mov $-1.,w1(r2) clr b1s(r2) clr b1e(r2) clr u1(r2) inc r3 br 1b 1: clr flag mov (sp)+,r2 mov (sp)+,r3 rts pc / / / routine to read from disc to a buffer / wcing the buffer if necessary / / mov disc addr,r0 / mov buffer addr,r2 / jsr pc,getb / / on return r0 = addr of byte in bufferf movb r0,r2 mov 4(sp),r1 jsr pc,getchar bes 4f cmpb r0,r2 beq 2b 4: tst (sp)+ 4: mov (sp),r1 add $2,r(r1) br 3b 2: tst (sp)+ mov 2(sp),r1 cmp r(r1),w(r1) bne 4b mov (sp)+,r1 jsr pc,getword tst (sp)+ rts pc 1: mov (sp)+,r1 mov (sp)+,r0 sec rts pc / / / tfoput / / jsr r5,tfoput / tfoput: mov r0,ch mov $1,r0 sys write; ch; 1 rts r5 / / / tfiget / / jsr r5,tfiget / tfiget: clr r0 sys read; ch; 1 bes 1f tst r0 beq 1f movb ch,r0 rts r5 1: jsr r5,flushb tst argf beq 1f mov opogetchar bes 1f mov r3,r1 jsr pc,putchar br 1b 1: mov r2,r0 mov (sp)+,nchar mov (sp)+,r(r0) mov r3,r1 br copy2 / / / / / / routine to rewind read pointer of string / pointed to by r1 / / mov ...,r1 / jsr pc,rewind / rewind: mov a(r1),r(r1) rts pc / / / routine to rewind write pointer of string / pointed to by r1 / / mov ...,r1 / jsr pc,create / create: mov a(r1),w(r1) mov a(r1),r(r1) rts pc / / / routine to zero a string / / mov ...,r1 / jsr pc,zero / zero: mov r0,-(sp) .if testing jsr pc,pr / getb: mov r3,-(sp) mov r1,-(sp) mov r0,-(sp) mov r2,r3 asr r3 mov r3,r1 ashc $9.,r1 bic $777,r1 add $b1,r1 tst w1(r2) / w ble 1f jsr pc,clean 1: mov (sp),r0 bic $777,r0 /get lowest multiple of 512. mov r0,0f mov r0,b1s(r2) /set start mov afi,r0 sys seek;0:..;0 mov r1,0f sys read;0:..;512. mov b1s(r2),b1e(r2) add $512.,b1e(r2) / set end clr w1(r2) /clear w mov (sp)+,r0 sub b1s(r2),r0 add r1,r0 / set r0=byte addr in buffer mov (sp)+,r1 mov (sp)+,r3 rts pc / / / routine to inter,r1 jsr pc,pop 1: mov $5,tflag jmp interrupt / / putc / jsr r5,putc / putc: mov r1,-(sp) mov r2,-(sp) mov $rfo+2,r1 mov r1,r2 add (r1),r2 movb r0,2(r2) inc (r1) cmp (r1),$512. bge 1f mov (sp)+,r2 mov (sp)+,r1 rts r5 1: mov (sp)+,r2 mov (sp)+,r1 / / / flush output buffer to output file. / flushb: mov r1,-(sp) mov r0,-(sp) mov $rfo,r1 mov (r1)+,r0 mov (r1),0f+2 beq 1f clr (r1)+ mov r1,0f sys write; 0:..;.. 1: mov (sp)+,r0 mov (sp)+,r1 rts r5 relarg: mov $arg,r2 1: mov (r2)+eposterous .endif mov a(r1),w(r1) clrb r0 1: cmp w(r1),l(r1) bhis 1f jsr pc,putchar br 1b 1: mov a(r1),w(r1) mov (sp)+,r0 rts pc / / / / routine to move the read pointer of a string to the / relative position indicated by r0. the string is / extended if necessary - there is no error return. / / mov position,r0 / mov ...,r1 / jsr pc,seekchar / seekchar: mov r1,-(sp) mov r0,-(sp) .if testing jsr pc,preposterous .endif inc stats+10. 1: mov (sp),r0 add a(r1),r0 cmp r0,l(r1) bhi 3f mov r0,r(rwc a buffer / / mov buffer addr,r2 / mov buffer addr+6,r1 beginning of buffer / jsr pc,clean / clean: inc stats+24. mov r0,-(sp) mov b1s(r2),0f mov afout,r0 sys seek;0:..;0 mov r1,0f sys write;0:..;512. clr w1(r2) /clear w mov (sp)+,r0 rts pc / / / routine to get buffer addr of byte whose disc / addr is in r0 - also returns addr of write / flag for buffer in r2 / / mov disc addr,r0 / jsr pc,bufchar / mov (r0),r0 for read / inc (r2) for write must inc w / / c-bit set if char not in either buffer /,r1 beq 2f jsr pc,release br 1b 2: cmp r2,$arge blt 1b rts pc / relcurl: mov curly,r1 jsr pc,rewind 1: jsr pc,getword bes 1f mov r0,r1 jsr pc,release mov curly,r1 br 1b 1: jsr pc,release rts pc / int: inc iflag rti / interrupt: jsr pc,relarg tst opointer beq 2f 1: mov opointer,r1 jsr pc,rewind 1: jsr pc,getword bes 1f mov r0,r1 jsr pc,release mov opointer,r1 br 1b 1: mov opointer,r1 jsr pc,release tst ipointer beq 2f mov ipointer,r1 jsr pc,release tst curly beq 2f jsr p1) cmp r0,w(r1) blo 1f mov r0,w(r1) br 1f 3: mov (sp),r0 jsr pc,allocate mov 2(sp),r0 jsr pc,copy jsr pc,swap jsr pc,release mov 2(sp),r1 br 1b 1: mov (sp)+,r0 mov (sp)+,r1 rts pc / / / routine to move read pointer of string to end of string / / mov ...,r1 / jsr pc,fsfile / fsfile: mov r0,-(sp) .if testing jsr pc,preposterous .endif inc stats+10. mov w(r1),r(r1) mov (sp)+,r0 rts pc / / / routine to place the character in r0 at the current / position of the read pointer - the read poin bufchar: mov r1,-(sp) mov r3,-(sp) clr r3 1: mov r3,r2 asl r2 cmp r0,b1s(r2) blo 2f cmp r0,b1e(r2) bhis 2f sub b1s(r2),r0 mov r3,r1 ashc $9.,r1 bic $777,r1 add r1,r0 add $b1,r0 mov (sp)+,r3 mov (sp)+,r1 clc rts pc 2: inc r3 cmp r3,$numb blt 1b mov (sp)+,r3 mov (sp)+,r1 sec rts pc / / / routine to get a buffer / / mov disc addr,r0 / jsr pc,getbuf / mov (r0),r0 (for read) / inc (r2) must inc w for w / getbuf: mov r4,-(sp) mov r3,-(sp) mov $2,r3 clr r2 mov $1,r4 1: cmp r4,$nuc,relcurl tst scr beq 2f mov scr,r1 jsr pc,release 2: jsr pc,flush jsr pc,whead sys exit letter: .=.+2 arg: .=.+20. arge: 0 argf: .=.+2 switch: .=.+2 curly: .=.+2 curlyf: .=.+2 ch: .=.+2 opointer: .=.+2 ipointer: .=.+2 scr: .=.+2 iflag: 0 tflag: 0 end: ter / is not moved. / / movb ch,r0 / mov ...,r1 / jsr pc,alterchar / mov r1,... / alterchar: mov r2,-(sp) mov r1,-(sp) mov r0,nchar .if testing jsr pc,preposterous .endif inc stats+8. 1: cmp r(r1),l(r1) /W,L blo 3f mov l(r1),r0 inc r0 sub a(r1),r0 /W-A+1 jsr pc,allocate mov (sp),r0 jsr pc,copy jsr pc,swap jsr pc,release mov (sp),r1 3: mov r(r1),r0 jsr pc,bufchar bec 2f jsr pc,getbuf 2: movb nchar,(r0) mov $1,w1(r2) mov nchar,r0 /to preserve r0 for user inc r(r1) cmp r(r1),w(r1) blmb bge 1f cmp u1(r3),u1(r2) bhis 2f mov r3,r2 2: inc r4 add $2.,r3 br 1b 1: mov r2,r3 jsr pc,getb add $stats+14.,r3 inc (r3) mov (sp)+,r3 mov (sp)+,r4 rts pc / / / this routine renumbers the time used cell u1(r2) / of the buffers when the clock overflows / fixct: mov r1,-(sp) mov r3,-(sp) mov $numb,r1 mov $numb,flag 2: mov r1,u1(r2) dec r1 bge 1f mov (sp)+,r3 mov (sp)+,r1 rts pc 1: clr r2 mov $2,r3 1: cmp r3,$numb2 bge 2b cmp u1(r3),u1(r2) blo 2f mov r3,r2 2: add $2,r3 br 1b/ esub / r1 = pointer to input string / esub: mov r1,-(sp) tst switch beq 1f mov opointer,r1 jsr pc,putword 1: tst iflag beq 1f mov $2,tflag jmp interrupt 1: inc switch mov $10.,r0 jsr pc,allocate mov r1,r0 mov opointer,r1 jsr pc,putword mov (sp)+,r1 jsr pc,scan tst iflag beq 1f mov $3,tflag jmp interrupt 1: mov r2,-(sp) mov r1,r0 mov ipointer,r1 jsr pc,putword mov opointer,r1 jsr pc,pop bec 9f; 4; 9: mov r0,-(sp) /last output mov asmem,r1 jsr pc,getsp bes 2f 5: clr curlyf os 3f mov r(r1),w(r1) 3: mov (sp)+,r1 mov (sp)+,r2 rts pc / / / routine to look at next character from string / pointed to by r1; character returned in r0 / c-bit set if character not available (end of file) / r1 is preserved / / mov ...,r1 / jsr pc,lookchar / movb r0,... / lookchar: mov r2,-(sp) inc stats+6. .if testing jsr pc,preposterous .endif cmp w(r1),r(r1) /W,R blos noch mov r(r1),r0 jsr pc,bufchar bec 2f jsr pc,getbuf / 2: inc flag bne 2f jsr pc,fixct br 1f 2: mov flag,u1(r2) 1: mov (sp),r1 mov r0,r2 jsr pc,release 6: mov opointer,r1 jsr pc,pop bec 4f clr switch 4: mov r2,r1 jsr pc,rewind tst (sp)+ mov (sp)+,r2 rts pc / not in memory 2: mov curly,r1 jsr pc,getsp bes 2f br 5b 2: mov (sp),r1 jsr pc,rewind mov $'\[,r0 1: jsr r5,tfoput jsr pc,getchar bec 1b mov $'\],r0 jsr r5,tfoput mov $10.,r0 jsr pc,allocate mov r1,r2 mov (sp),r0 tst curlyf beq 1f clr curlyf mov curly,r1 jsr pc,addentry br 2f 1: mov asmem,r1 jsr pc,whead jsr pc,addentry 2: mov r mov (sp)+,r2 movb (r0),r0 tst r0 /clears c-bit rts pc / noch: mov (sp)+,r2 clr r0 sec rts pc / / / routine to put a character into the string / pointed to by r1; character in r0 / r0 is preserved; r1 points to the string / after return and must be saved. / / movb ch,r0 / mov ...,r1 / jsr pc,putchar / mov r1,... / putchar: mov r2,-(sp) mov r1,-(sp) mov r0,nchar .if testing jsr pc,preposterous .endif inc stats+8. 1: cmp w(r1),l(r1) /W,L blo 3f mov w(r1),r0 inc r0 sub a(r1),r0 /W-A+1 jsr rti = 2 / accept / r1 = header of where to put it / accept: mov r0,-(sp) movb $':,r0 jsr r5,tfoput movb $' ,r0 jsr r5,tfoput 2: jsr r5,tfiget cmpb r0,$'\n beq 1f jsr pc,putchar br 2b 1: jsr pc,putchar jsr r5,tfiget cmpb r0,$'\n beq 1f jsr pc,putchar br 2b 1: mov (sp)+,r0 rts pc / / / routine to get the last word from the string / r1=header addr / pop: jsr pc,fsfile jsr pc,backword bes 1f sub $2,w(r1) 1: rts pc / / / routine to add an entry to assoc mem or curly / r1 = header / r0 = he2,r1 jsr pc,accept br 6b / / / earg / r0 = number in ascii / earg: tst iflag beq 1f mov $4,tflag jmp interrupt 1: mov r1,-(sp) inc argf sub $'0,r0 asl r0 mov arg(r0),r1 beq 5f 4: mov (sp),r0 mov r1,(sp) mov ipointer,r1 jsr pc,putword mov opointer,r1 jsr pc,pop bec 3f clr switch 3: mov (sp)+,r1 jsr pc,rewind jsr pc,scan mov r0,-(sp) mov ipointer,r1 jsr pc,pop bec 9f; 4; 9: mov r0,r1 clr argf clr curlyf mov (sp)+,r0 rts pc 5: mov r0,-(sp) mov $'\[,r0 jsr r5,tfoput mov (sp),pc,allocate mov (sp),r0 jsr pc,copy jsr pc,swap jsr pc,release mov (sp),r1 3: mov w(r1),r0 jsr pc,bufchar bec 2f jsr pc,getbuf 2: movb nchar,(r0) mov $1,w1(r2) mov nchar,r0 /to preserve r0 for user inc w(r1) inc flag bne 2f jsr pc,fixct br 1f 2: mov flag,u1(r2) 1: mov (sp)+,r1 mov (sp)+,r2 rts pc / / / routine to flush contents of all buffers. / / jsr pc,flush / flush: mov r1,-(sp) mov r2,-(sp) mov r3,-(sp) clr r3 1: cmp r3,$numb bhis 1f mov r3,r2 asl r2 tst w1(r2) ble 2f mov ader of string name / r2 = header of string / addentry: jsr pc,putword mov r2,r0 jsr pc,putword rts pc / / / routine to find the string pointed to by r0 / in either memory or curly / r1 = where to look / / returns error set if string not there / returns r1 = header of string if there / getsp: mov r0,-(sp) mov r1,-(sp) jsr pc,rewind /memory 3: mov 2(sp),r1 jsr pc,rewind /output mov (sp),r1 jsr pc,getword bes 1f mov r0,r1 mov r0,-(sp) jsr pc,rewind /string 2: mov (sp),r1 jsr pc,getchar bes 2r0 asr r0 add $'0,r0 jsr r5,tfoput mov $'\],r0 jsr r5,tfoput mov $10.,r0 jsr pc,allocate mov (sp)+,r0 mov r1,arg(r0) jsr pc,accept br 4b / scan / r1 = pointer to input header / r0 = pointer to output header / switch = 0 real output / not 0 output to r0 scan: mov r0,-(sp) mov r1,-(sp) 1: mov (sp),r1 jsr pc,getchar bes 5f cmpb r0,$'\\ beq 3f cmpb r0,$'\[ beq 4f cmpb r0,$'\{ beq 4f cmpb r0,$'\] beq 1f cmpb r0,$'\} beq 7f cmpb r0,$'\n bne 6f jsr pc,lookchar bes 5f movb $'\n,r0 6: tst switch beq 2f mov 2(sp),r1 jsr pc,putchar br 1b 2: jsr r5,putc br 1b 3: jsr pc,getchar br 6b / have [ or { 4: mov r(r1),-(sp) jsr rti = 2 .globl rm .globl ck .globl loop .globl oct .globl argc .globl arg .globl tfiget .globl asmem .globl qflag .globl vflag .globl getspq .globl q .globl ask .globl getword .globl r .globl w .globl output .globl buffer .globl bufend .globl fv .globl getsp .globl release .globl nothere .globl getn .globl getchar .globl rewind .globl iflag .globl inter / output buffer / r2 = last char in buffer + 1 / r2 returned at beginning of buffer / output: sub $buffer,r2 blos 1f mov r2,0f mov $1,r0 sys write; buf: .=.+2 buffer: .=.+512. bufend: .=.+2 argc = buffer + 20. arg = buffer + 256. fv: .=.+2 .text pc,getchar bes 1f cmpb r0,$'0 blt 4f cmpb r0,$'9 bgt 4f jsr pc,getchar cmpb r0,$'\] beq 3f cmpb r0,$'\} beq 3f 4: mov (sp)+,r(r1) mov 2(sp),r0 jsr pc,esub mov r1,(sp) mov r0,2(sp) br 1b / have arg 3: tst switch beq 2f mov opointer,r1 mov 4(sp),r0 jsr pc,putword mov 2(sp),r1 2: mov (sp)+,r(r1) jsr pc,getchar inc r(r1) /skip ] jsr pc,earg br 1b 5: tst argf bne 1f mov ipointer,r1 jsr pc,pop bes 1f mov r0,(sp) br 1b 7: inc curlyf 1: mov (sp)+,r1 mov (sp)+,r0 rts pc fer; 0:.. mov $buffer,r2 1: rts pc / / / routine to find the string pointed to by r0 / in either memory or curly / r1 = where to look / / returns error set if string not there / returns r1 = header of string if there getsp: mov r0,-(sp) mov asmem,r1 jsr pc,rewind /memory 3: jsr pc,getword bes 1f mov r0,r1 jsr pc,rewind mov (sp),r2 2: jsr pc,getchar bes 2f tstb (r2) beq 4f cmpb r0,(r2)+ beq 2b 4: mov asmem,r1 add $2,r(r1) br 3b 2: tstb (r2) bne 4b mov r1,r2 mov asmem,r1 jsr pc,getword  signal = 48. testing = 0 / form letter generator / command sequence / form proto arg1 arg2... / where proto is letter rfo: sys signal; 2; int mov $-1,buf mov (sp)+,r2 /arg count tst (sp)+ /skip first arg sub $2,r2 bge 2f mov $default,-(sp) 2: mov (sp)+,letter 1: sys stat; otfil; buf bec 2f sys creat; otfil; 666 bec cont 2: cmpb $'z,otfil+4 beq err3 incb otfil+4 br 1b err3: mov $1,r0 sys write; mes3; 24. sys exit mes3: otfil: default: . tst (sp)+ rts pc 1: mov (sp)+,r0 sec rts pc / / finds header of string with name same as that pointed to by r0 / taking into account ? and * getspq: mov r0,-(sp) mov asmem,r1 tst qflag bgt 1f jsr pc,rewind 1: jsr pc,getword bes 1f mov r0,r1 jsr pc,rewind mov (sp),r2 2: cmpb (r2),$'* bne 3f clr strflg mov $2,qflag inc r2 tstb (r2) beq 6f mov r2,ch 3: jsr pc,getchar bes 2f tstb (r2) bne 3f cmp $2,qflag bne 4f mov ch,r2 3: cmpb (r2),$'? bne 3f inc r2 tst qflag bne 2b mov $/ / ed: mov (sp)+,r3 ble error econ: sys stat; ftemp; buffer bec 2f sys creat; ftemp; 666 mov r0,tmpw sys open; ftemp; 0 mov r0,tmpr br 1f 2: cmpb $'z,ftemp+9. bne 2f mov $1,r0 sys write; erm; 23. jmp loop 2: incb ftemp+9. br econ 1: mov (sp),r0 jsr pc,getspq bes 3f mov r0,r4 mov r2,r1 jsr pc,rewind mov $buffer,r2 1: jsr pc,getchar bes 1f movb r0,(r2)+ br 1b 1: movb $'\n,(r2)+ jsr pc,output mov r4,r1 jsr pc,rewind 2: mov $buffer,r2 1: jsr pc,getchar bes 1f movb r0,(r2)+ ceven cont: mov r0,rfo clr rfo+2 jsr pc,initl / set up argument list / mov $arg,r3 mov $10.,r0 jsr pc,allocate mov r1,(r3)+ 1: dec r2 blt 1f mov $10.,r0 jsr pc,allocate mov r1,(r3)+ mov (sp)+,r4 2: movb (r4)+,r0 beq 1b jsr pc,putchar br 2b 1: sys time ashc $-7,r0 div $675.,r0 mov $daytab,r2 sub $1461.,r0 1: sub (r2)+,r0 bge 1b add -(r2),r0 mov r0,-(sp) mov arg,r1 mov montab-daytab(r2),r2 1: movb (r2)+,r0 beq 1f jsr pc,putchar br 1b 1: movb $' ,r0 jsr pc,putchar clr r0 m1,qflag br 2b 3: cmpb r0,(r2)+ bne 5f inc strflg br 2b 5: cmp $2,qflag bne 4f tst strflg bne 4f dec r2 br 2b 4: mov asmem,r1 add $2,r(r1) br 1b 2: tstb (r2) bne 4b 6: mov r1,r2 mov asmem,r1 jsr pc,getword tst (sp)+ rts pc 1: mov $-1.,qflag mov (sp)+,r0 sec rts pc / / tfiget / jsr r5,tfiget / tfiget: clr r0 sys read; ch; 1 bes 1f tst iflag beq 9f; jmp loop; 9: tst r0 beq 1f movb ch,r0 rts pc 1: jmp q / / routine to print file name and error message / r2 = next free byte in bmp r2,$bufend blo 1b mov tmpw,r0 sys write; buffer; 512. br 2b 1: sub $buffer,r2 beq 4f mov r2,0f mov tmpw,r0 sys write; buffer; 0:.. 4: tst iflag beq 1f mov tmpw,r0 sys close mov tmpr,r0 sys close sys unlink; ftemp jmp loop 1: mov tmpw,r0 sys close sys fork br 5f mov r1,-(sp) sys wait sys signal; 2; inter mov (sp)+,r1 mov a(r1),w(r1) 2: mov tmpr,r0 sys read; buffer; 512. tst r0 beq 2f add $buffer,r0 mov r0,bufend mov $buffer,r2 1: movb (r2)+,r0 jsr pc,putchar cmp r2,bufeov (sp),r1 inc r1 div $10.,r0 mov r1,(sp) mov arg,r1 tst r0 beq 1f add $'0,r0 jsr pc,putchar 1: mov (sp)+,r0 add $'0,r0 jsr pc,putchar jmp loop daytab: 31.; 28.; 31.; 30.; 31.; 30.; 31.; 31.; 30.; 31.; 30.; 999. montab: m1; m2; m3; m4; m5; m6; m7; m8; m9; m10; m11; m12 m1: m2: m3: m4: m5: m6: m7: m8: m9: m10: m11: m12: buf: .=.+34. .=rfo+516. loop: mov $10.,uffer / nothere: mov $buffer,r2 1: tstb (r1) beq 1f movb (r1)+,(r2)+ br 1b 1: sub $buffer,r2 mov r2,0f mov $1,r0 sys write; buffer; 0:.. mov $1,r0 sys write; err4; 16. rts pc / / / routine to put characters from string in buffer / r1 = header of string / on return r2 = next free byte in buffer / getn: mov $buffer,r2 jsr pc,rewind 1: jsr pc,getchar bes 1f movb r0,(r2)+ cmp r2,$bufend bhis 1f br 1b 1: rts pc / ask: mov r2,-(sp) mov r0,r1 jsr pc,getn movb $' ,(r2)+ jsr pc,output jsr pnd blo 1b br 2b 2: mov tmpr,r0 sys close sys unlink; ftemp tst iflag beq 1f jmp loop 1: tst qflag bgt 1f tst (sp)+ dec r3 bgt 1f jmp loop 1: jmp econ jmp loop 3: mov (sp),r2 mov $2,r0 jsr pc,allocate 1: tstb (r2) beq 1f movb (r2)+,r0 jsr pc,putchar br 1b 1: mov r1,r0 mov asmem,r1 jsr pc,putword mov $2,r0 jsr pc,allocate mov r1,r0 mov asmem,r1 jsr pc,putword mov r0,r1 br 4b 5: mov $2,r0 1: sys close inc r0 cmp r0,$10. blo 1b sys exec; edd; eda sys exit eda: edd; ftemp;r0 jsr pc,allocate mov r1,opointer jsr pc,allocate mov r1,ipointer jsr pc,allocate mov r1,curly mov $10.,r0 jsr pc,allocate mov r1,scr mov letter,r3 movb $'\{,r0 jsr pc,putchar 1: movb (r3)+,r0 beq 1f jsr pc,putchar br 1b 1: movb $'\},r0 jsr pc,putchar clr switch tst iflag beq 1f mov $1,tflag jmp interrupt 1: jsr pc,scan movb $'\n,r0 jsr r5,putc jsr r5,flushb mov scr,r1 jsr pc,release jsr pc,relarg mov opointer,r1 jsr pc,release mov ipointer,r1 jsr pc,release jsr pc,rec,tfiget cmpb $'\n,r0 bne 1f 2: mov asmem,r1 add $2,r(r1) mov (sp)+,r2 sec rts pc 1: cmpb r0,$'y beq 4f cmpb r0,$'q beq 3f 1: tst iflag bne 2b jsr pc,tfiget cmpb $'\n,r0 bne 1b br 2b 4: tst iflag bne 2b jsr pc,tfiget cmpb $'\n,r0 bne 1b mov asmem,r1 mov (sp)+,r2 clc rts pc 3: tst iflag bne 2b jsr pc,tfiget cmpb $'\n,r0 bne 1b mov (sp)+,r2 jmp loop inter: inc iflag rti / to remove an entry from asmem - r points to name ptr / rm: mov r3,-(sp) mov asmem,r1 mov r(r1),r3 su 0 edd: .even ftemp: erm: .even tmpw: .=.+2 tmpr: .=.+2 / / remove a 'file' from memory / remove: mov (sp)+,r3 bgt 5f mov $1,vflag mov asmem,r1 jsr pc,rewind mov r(r1),-(sp) 4: tst iflag beq 1f jmp loop 1: jsr pc,getword bes 4f mov r0,r2 jsr pc,ask bec 1f mov r(r1),(sp) br 4b 1: jsr pc,getword br 2f 5: mov (sp),r0 jsr pc,getspq bec 2f tst qflag blt 6f mov (sp),r1 jsr pc,nothere br 3f 2: mov r0,r1 jsr pc,release mov r2,r1 jlcurl jsr pc,flush jsr pc,whead .if testing 4 .endif sys exit b $4,r(r1) mov r(r1),r2 mov r2,-(sp) 1: mov r3,r(r1) jsr pc,getword bes 1f mov r(r1),r3 mov r2,r(r1) jsr pc,alterword mov r(r1),r2 br 1b 1: mov r2,w(r1) mov (sp)+,r(r1) mov (sp)+,r3 rts pc / / check that header pointed to by r2 released / ck: mov r2,-(sp) mov l(r2),r0 sub a(r2),r0 sub $hblk,r2 jsr pc,log2 asl r0 mov r0,ch mov frlist(r0),r0 1: beq 1f cmp r2,r0 beq 2f add $hblk,r0 mov (r0),r0 br 1b 2: mov ch,r0 inc freeb(r0) mov (sp)+,r2 rts pc 1: mov (sp)+,r2 sec rts pc octsr pc,release jsr pc,rm 3: tst vflag bne 3f tst iflag beq 1f jmp loop 1: tst qflag bgt 5b 6: tst (sp)+ dec r3 bgt 5b jmp loop 3: mov asmem,r1 mov (sp),r(r1) br 4b 4: tst (sp)+ jmp loop / / rename a 'file' / rename: mov (sp)+,r3 bne 1f jmp error 1: sub $2,r3 blt 1f 5: mov (sp),r0 jsr pc,getsp bes 4f tst (sp)+ sub $4,r(r1) mov (sp),r0 mov r2,-(sp) mov r(r1),-(sp) jsr pc,getsp bes 3f mov r2,-(sp) mov r0,r1 jsr pc,release jsr pc,rm mov (sp)+,r0 mov (sp)+,r(r1) jsr pc,alter : mov r1,-(sp) mov r0,r1 clr r0 div $8.,r0 mov r1,-(sp) add $'0,(sp) tst r0 beq 1f jsr r5,oct 1: movb (sp)+,ch mov $1,r0 sys write; ch; 1 mov (sp)+,r1 rts r5 decml: mov r1,-(sp) mov r0,r1 clr r0 div $10.,r0 mov r1,-(sp) add $'0,(sp) tst r0 beq 1f jsr r5,decml 1: movb (sp)+,ch mov $1,r0 sys write; ch; 1 mov (sp)+,r1 rts r5 / / iflag: 0 qflag: 0 vflag: 0 .data err4: < not in memory.\n> err1: end1: .even .bss freeh: .=.+2 freeb: .=.+32. freen: ch: .=.+2 strflgword mov (sp)+,r1 jsr pc,release br 5f 3: mov (sp)+,r(r1) mov (sp)+,r1 jsr pc,release mov $2,r0 jsr pc,allocate mov (sp)+,r2 2: movb (r2)+,r0 beq 2f jsr pc,putchar br 2b 2: mov r1,r0 mov asmem,r1 jsr pc,alterword 5: tst iflag beq 2f jmp loop 2: tst r3 beq 2f sub $2,r3 bge 5b 1: tst (sp)+ jmp error 2: jmp loop 4: mov (sp)+,r1 jsr pc,nothere tst (sp)+ br 5b / / list contents of asmem / list: mov $buffer,r2 movb $'\n,(r2)+ jsr pc,output mov (sp)+,r3 beq 1f mov $1,vflag 5: tst iflag beq 2f jmp loop 2: mov (sp),r0 jsr pc,getspq bes 4f mov r2,r1 br 3f 1: mov asmem,r1 jsr pc,fsfile sub $2,r(r1) 2: tst iflag bne 2f jsr pc,backword bes 2f mov r0,r1 3: jsr pc,getn movb $'\n,(r2)+ jsr pc,output tst vflag bne 1f mov asmem,r1 sub $2,r(r1) br 2b 1: tst qflag bgt 5b 4: tst (sp)+ dec r3 bgt 5b 2: mov $buffer,r2 movb $'\n,(r2)+ jsr pc,output jmp loop / / list a 'file / listf: mov (sp)+,r3 bgt 4f jmp error 4: mov (sp),r0 jsr pc,getspq bes 3f mov r0,r4 \0> c2: c3: c4: c5: c6: c7: c8: err: endt: .even jtable: list; listf; ed; remove; rename; fin; q; memck; spi: .=.+2 sv: .=.+2 4 bne 1b mov $buf+2,r2 2: tstb (r2)+ bne 2b movb $' ,-(r2) sub $buf+1,r2 mov r2,0f 2: mov $1,r0 sys write; buf+2; 0:.. clr r0 sys read; ch; 1 cmpb ch,$'\n beq 1b clr r0 sys read; ch1; 1 cmpb ch1,$'\n beq 3f 4: clr r0 sys read; ch; 1 cmpb ch,$'\n beq 2b br 4b 3: cmpb ch,$'x beq done cmpb ch,$'y bne 2b sys unlink; obuf bes error br 1b done: sys exit error: mov $1,r0 sys write; mes; 2 sys exit dot: <.\0> mes: .bss obuf: .=.+100. stbuf: .=.+40. buf: .=.+18. ch: .=.+1 mov r2,r1 jsr pc,rewind mov $buffer,r2 movb $'\n,(r2)+ 1: jsr pc,getchar bes 1f movb r0,(r2)+ cmp r2,$bufend blo 1b jsr pc,output br 1b 1: mov r4,r1 jsr pc,rewind movb $':,(r2)+ cmp r2,$bufend blo 2f jsr pc,output 2: movb $'\n,(r2)+ 1: tst iflag beq 2f jmp loop 2: cmp r2,$bufend blo 2f jsr pc,output 2: jsr pc,getchar bes 1f movb r0,(r2)+ br 1b 1: jsr pc,output 3: tst qflag bgt 4b tst (sp)+ dec r3 bgt 4b mov $buffer,r2 movb $'\n,(r2)+ jsr pc,output jmp loop / fin: jsr p9...as11.sas12.sas13.sas14.sas15.sas16.sas17.sas18.sas19.sas21.sas22.sas23.sas24.sas25.sas26.sas27.sas28.sas29.sruna.outl.out ch1: .=.+1 c,flush jsr pc,whead 4 q: jsr pc,flush jsr pc,whead sys exit memck: mov (sp)+,r3 2: ble 2f mov (sp)+,r1 cmpb (r1),$'p bne 1f bis $1,vflag br 3f 1: cmpb (r1),$'f bne 3f bis $2,vflag 3: dec r3 br 2b 2: clr freeh mov $freeb,r2 1: clr (r2)+ cmp r2,$freen blo 1b mov $headers,r2 2: cmp l(r2),$hsz beq 6f jsr pc,ck bec 1f cmp r2,asmem beq 1f mov asmem,r1 jsr pc,rewind clr r3 4: inc r3 jsr pc,getword bes 5f cmp r0,r2 bne 4b 6: inc freeh 1: cont: add $8.,r2 cmp r2,$headend-4 bl/ dusg -- summarize disk usage .globl putc, flush, _end mov $1,obuf mov (sp)+,r5 tst (sp)+ 1: dec r5 bgt 2f tstb buf1 beq 3f jsr r5,flush; obuf sys exit 3: mov $dot,r0 br 3f 2: mov (sp)+,r0 3: cmpb (r0),$'- bne 2f cmpb 1(r0),$'a bne 3f inc aflg br 1b 3: cmpb 1(r0),$'s bne 1b dec aflg br 1b 2: mov $buf1,r1 2: movb (r0)+,(r1)+ bne 2b dec r1 clr buf3+10. mov $_end,iptr mov $_end,brk sys break; _end jsr pc,tree tst aflg bpl 1b jsr r5,name br 1b tree: sys stat; buf1; buf2 b/ hash routine for diff / effectively spreads the string out into 7-bit / bytes, then sums the result 1's-complement / by 16-bit bytes and adds 1 to avoid zero answer / r4 hash accumulator / r3 current offset / r2 first time flag .globl _readhash .globl getc .data _readhash: mov 2(sp),0f mov r5,-(sp) mov r4,-(sp) mov r3,-(sp) mov r2,-(sp) mov $1,r4 mov r4,r2 clr r3 1: jsr r5,getc; 0: 0 bes 2f clr r2 cmp r0,$'\n beq 1f ashc $-16.,r0 ashc r3,r0 add r0,r4 adc r4 add r1,r4 adc r4 add $7,r3o 2b mov asmem,r1 jsr pc,rewind 4: jsr pc,getword bes 4f tst r(r0) beq 2f mov r0,r2 jsr pc,ck bes 4b 2: sub $hblk,r0 jsr r5,oct mov $1,r0 sys write; re; 24. cmp vflag,$1 beq 4b bit $1,r3 beq 2f jsr pc,getword mov r0,r1 jsr pc,release br 3f 2: jsr pc,backword add $4,r(r1) mov r0,r1 jsr pc,release 3: jsr pc,rm clr r3 br 4b 4: mov freeh,r0 jsr r5,decml mov $1,r0 sys write; frh; 14. mov $freeb,r2 mov $1,r3 6: cmp r2,$freen bhis 6f mov (r2)+,r0 beq 3f jsr r5,decml mov $1,res 1f bic $!60000,buf2+4 bit $20000,buf2+4 beq 2f 1: clr r4 rts pc 2: mov $_end,r2 mov buf2+2,r3 1: cmp r2,iptr bhis 1f cmp r3,(r2)+ bne 1b clr r4 jsr r5,cname rts pc 1: cmp r2,brk blo 1f add $512.,brk sys break; brk: .. 1: mov r3,(r2)+ mov r2,iptr cmp $40000,buf2+4 beq 1f jsr pc,gsize jsr r5,cname rts pc 1: jsr pc,gsize mov r4,r3 sys open; buf1; 0 bec 1f rts pc 1: mov r0,-(sp) mov r1,-(sp) 1: mov 2(sp),r0 sys read; buf3; 16. bes 1f tst r0 beq 1f tst buf3 beq 1b cmp b cmp r3,$16. blt 1b sub $16.,r3 br 1b 2: tst r2 bne 2f mov $2,r0 sys write; 3f; 4f-3f 2: clr r4 1: mov r4,r0 mov (sp)+,r2 mov (sp)+,r3 mov (sp)+,r4 mov (sp)+,r5 rts pc 3: 4: .even 0 sys write; frb; 18. mov r3,r0 jsr r5,decml mov $1,r0 sys write; lf; 1. 3: asl r3 br 6b 6: mov $1,r0 sys write; lf; 1. jmp loop 5: mov r2,r0 sub $hblk,r0 jsr r5,oct mov $1,r0 sys write; un; 26. tst vflag beq 1b mov r2,r1 cmp vflag,$2 beq 3f jsr pc,rewind mov $buffer,r2 2: jsr pc,getchar bes 2f movb r0,(r2)+ cmp r2,$buffer+80. blo 2b jsr pc,output br 2b 2: movb $'\n,(r2)+ jsr pc,output mov r1,r2 cmp vflag,$1 bne 3f jmp cont 3: jsr pc,release jmp cont / interrupt: 4 / un:uf3+2,$".\0 beq 1b cmp buf3+2,$".. bne 2f tst buf3+4 beq 1b 2: mov $buf3+2,r2 mov (sp),r1 movb $'/,(r1)+ cmpb -2(r1),$'/ bne 2f dec r1 2: movb (r2)+,(r1)+ bne 2b dec r1 mov r3,-(sp) jsr pc,tree mov r4,r3 add (sp)+,r3 br 1b 1: mov (sp)+,r1 clrb (r1) mov (sp)+,r0 sys close mov r3,r4 tst aflg bmi 1f jsr r5,name 1: rts pc cname: tst aflg bgt name rts r5 name: jsr pc,pnum mov $011,r0 jsr pc,pchar mov $buf1,r2 1: movb (r2)+,r0 beq 1f jsr pc,pchar br 1b 1: mov $'\n,r0 jsr!$'(+.147:=),/2 < header not accounted for\n> re: < part of asmem released\n> lf: <\n> frh: < free headers\n > frb: < free blocks size > endc: .even pc,pchar rts r5 gsize: mov r5,-(sp) mov buf2+10.,r5 / size movb buf2+9.,r4 add $511.,r5 adc r4 alsc $-9,r4 cmp r5,$8. blo 1f mov r5,-(sp) add $255.,r5 alsc $-8,r4 add (sp)+,r5 1: mov r5,r4 mov (sp)+,r5 rts pc pnum: mov r4,-(sp) mov r5,-(sp) mov r4,r5 jsr pc,1f mov (sp)+,r5 mov (sp)+,r4 rts pc 1: clr r4 dvd $10.,r4 mov r5,-(sp) mov r4,r5 beq 1f jsr pc,1b 1: mov (sp)+,r0 add $'0,r0 jsr pc,pchar rts pc pchar: jsr r5,putc; obuf rts pc dot: <.\0> .bss iptr: .=.+2 buf1:/ / / here to allocate a new block / / mov ...,r0 / jsr pc,allocate / mov r1,... / / requested size in bytes in r0 / pointer to header of allocated block returned in r1 / r0 is preserved / / convert to words, adjust for header, round up / to a power of two / / each block has a four-word header / W - write ptr (also used as link ptr in frlist) / R - read ptr / A - pointer to head of data / L - ptr to (end+1) of data w=0 r=2 a=4 l=6 / allocate: clr garbage mov r0,-(sp) mov r2,-(sp) tst stats bne 1f signal = 48. testing = 0 / / command interpreter for form letter editor / / / command: sys signal; 2; inter jsr pc,initl mov sp,spi loop: mov spi,sp mov $buffer,r2 clr r4 clr iflag 1: jsr pc,tfiget cmpb $' ,r0 beq 1f cmpb $'\n,r0 bne 2f clrb (r2) br 4f 2: movb r0,(r2)+ br 1b 1: clrb (r2) mov $argc,r3 3: mov $arg,r2 2: jsr pc,tfiget cmpb $' ,r0 beq 1f cmpb $'\n,r0 beq 1f movb r0,(r2)+ br 2b 1: clrb (r2)+ inc r4 1: movb -(r2),sv cmp r2,$arg blos 1f movb -(r2),-(sp) movb sv,1(s .=.+100. buf2: .=.+40. buf3: .=.+18. aflg: .=.+2 obuf: .=.+520. jsr pc,init 1: inc stats bne 9f; inc stats; 9: cmp r0,$strend-strbuf blos 9f; 4; 9: 1: cmp $8.,r0 blo 2f mov $3.,r0 br 1f 2: sub $1,r0 bmi 1f jsr pc,log2 add $1,r0 1: asl r0 /bite to word mov r0,-(sp) add $2,r0 cmp r0,$frend-frlist+2 blo zzz jmp err / / look on free list for block of required size / zzz: mov (sp),r0 tst frlist(r0) beq xxx / / found it, allocate and return / mov frlist(r0),r1 mov (r1),frlist(r0) mov a(r1),r0 mov r0,w(r1) /W mov r0,r(r1) /R tst (sp)+ mov (sp)+,r2p) cmp r2,$arg bhi 1b mov sp,(r3)+ br 2f 1: clrb -(sp) movb sv,1(sp) mov sp,(r3) add $1,(r3)+ 2: cmpb r0,$'\n bne 3b 1: mov -(r3),-(sp) cmp r3,$argc bhi 1b 4: mov r4,-(sp) 3: clr r0 mov $tabl,r4 2: mov (r4)+,r1 cmp r4,$tend bhi error add $2,r0 mov $buffer,r2 1: cmpb (r1)+,(r2)+ bne 2b tstb (r1) bne 1b tstb (r2) bne 2b sub $2,r0 add $jtable,r0 clr vflag clr qflag jmp *(r0) / error: mov $1,r0 sys write; err; 2 br loop / / tabl: c1; c2; c3; c4; c5; c6; c7; c8; tend: 0 c1: 2: .even / / split larger block into two smaller pieces and / link together as smaller blocks in the free list. / yyy: mov frlist(r0),r1 mov (r1),frlist(r0) mov hdrptr,r2 bne 1f mov r0,-(sp) jsr pc,morehd tst r0 bne out mov (sp)+,r0 mov hdrptr,r2 1: mov (r2),hdrptr clr (r2) mov r2,(r1) mov r1,hdrptr(r0) mov l(r1),l(r2) mov l(r1),r0 sub a(r1),r0 asr r0 add a(r1),r0 mov r0,l(r1) mov r0,a(r2) br zzz / / / here to release a block / / mov ...,r1 / jsr pc,release / / pointer to block in r1 / release: / / discover that this is a plausible pointe2) blo 1f cmp (r2),lhblock beq 2f add $2,r2 br 1b 1: sub $2,r2 2: mov (r2),r2 add $1024.,r2 cmp r1,r2 blo 9f;4;9: mov $block,r2 1: cmp a(r1),(r2) blo 1f cmp (r2),lblock beq 2f add $2,r2 br 1b 1: sub $2,r2 2: cmp l(r1),(r2) bhis 9f;4;9: mov (r2),r2 add $10000,r2 cmp a(r1),r2 blo 9f;4;9: cmp l(r1),r2 blos 9f;4;9: mov (sp)+,r2 mov l(r1),r0 /L sub a(r1),r0 /A mov r0,-(sp) jsr pc,log2 asl r0 cmp exp2(r0),(sp) beq 9f; 4; 9: add $2,r0 cmp r0,$frend-frlist+2 blo 9f; 4; 9: sub jsr pc,lookchar / movb r0,... / lookchar: .if testing jsr pc,plausible inc stats+6. .endif cmp w(r1),r(r1) blos noch movb *r(r1),r0 clc rts pc / plausible: cmp r1,$headers bhis 9f; 4; 9: cmp r1,$headend blo 9f; 4; 9: rts pc / / / / routine to move the read pointer of a string to a / specified point. If the string is not long enough, / the string is extended / / mov position,r0 / mov ...,r1 / jsr pc,seekchar / seekchar: mov r1,-(sp) mov r0,-(sp) .if testing jsr pc,plausible inc stats+10.r / mov r0,-(sp) jsr pc,preposterous / / find free list index and link block to that entry / inc stats+2 mov frlist(r0),(r1) clr r(r1) mov r1,frlist(r0) clr r1 /self-defense mov (sp)+,r0 rts pc / / / jsr pc,collect / / coalesce free storage by rejoining paired blocks / on the free list. / zero is returned in r0 if no paired blocks were found. / collect: mov r1,-(sp) mov r2,-(sp) mov r3,-(sp) mov r4,-(sp) clr useful inc stats+4. clr r0 /start with smallest blocks /r0 contains frlist ind $2,r0 mov r0,(sp) mov frlist(r0),r0 1: beq 1f cmp r0,r1 bne 9f; 4; 9: mov (r0),r0 br 1b 1: mov (sp)+,r0 rts pc / / / routine to initialize storage area, headers and / free list upon first call to allocate a block. / The entire storage area is formed into a single block. / init: mov r0,-(sp) mov r1,-(sp) / / form all the headers into a single list. / mov $headers,r0 mov r0,hdrptr 1: add $8,r0 mov r0,-8(r0) cmp r0,$headend-8 blos 1b clr -8(r0) mov $frlist,r0 1: clr (r0)+ cmp r0,$frend blo 1 .endif 1: mov (sp),r0 add a(r1),r0 cmp r0,l(r1) bhi 3f mov r0,r(r1) cmp r0,w(r1) blo 1f mov r0,w(r1) br 1f 3: mov (sp),r0 jsr pc,allocate mov 2(sp),r0 jsr pc,move jsr pc,swap jsr pc,release mov 2(sp),r1 br 1b 1: mov (sp)+,r0 mov (sp)+,r1 rts pc / / / routine to move read pointer of string to end of string / / mov ...,r1 / jsr pc,fsfile / fsfile: .if testing jsr pc,plausible inc stats+10. .endif mov w(r1),r(r1) rts pc / / / routine to read a string backwards / the read pointer is ex loop1: mov $frlist,r1 add r0,r1 / / try next list member at this level / loop2: mov (r1),r3 beq advance /list is empty tst *(r1) /W beq advance /only one list element / / calculate address of buddy / mov a(r3),r4 mov $block,r2 1: cmp r4,(r2) blo 1f cmp r2,lblock beq 2f add $2,r2 br 1b 1: sub $2,r2 2: mov (r2),beg sub beg,r4 bit exp2(r0),r4 beq 2f bic exp2(r0),r4 br 1f 2: bis exp2(r0),r4 1: add beg,r4 / / and search for him / loop3: tst 0(r3) beq nocoal mov (r3),r2 cmp a(r2),r4 bb / mov hdrptr,r1 mov (r1),hdrptr clr w(r1) mov $strbuf,r0 mov r0,a(r1) mov $strend-strbuf,r0 jsr pc,log2 asl r0 cmp r0,$frend-frlist blo 9f; 4; 9: mov r1,frlist(r0) mov exp2(r0),r0 add $strbuf,r0 mov r0,l(r1) mov $hdrptr,r1 1: mov (r1),r1 tst r1 beq 1f mov $strbuf,a(r1) mov $strbuf,l(r1) br 1b 1: mov $end,brk add $2,nblock mov $strbuf,block mov $strbuf,lblock mov $headers,hblock add $2,nhdr mov $headers,lhblock mov (sp)+,r1 mov (sp)+,r0 rts pc / / .bss nhdr: .=.+2 lhblock: .=.decremented before reading / / mov ...,r1 / jsr pc,backspace / mov r0,... / backspace: .if testing jsr pc,plausible inc stats+6. .endif cmp a(r1),r(r1) bhis noch dec r(r1) movb *r(r1),r0 clc rts pc / / / / / routine to put a character into the string / pointed to by r1; character in r0 / r0 and r1 are preserved. / / movb ch,r0 / mov ...,r1 / jsr pc,putchar / putchar: mov r1,-(sp) mov r0,-(sp) .if testing jsr pc,plausible inc stats+8. .endif 1: cmp w(r1),l(r1) blt 3f mov w(r1),r0 inc r0 eq coal mov (r3),r3 br loop3 / / have found a pair; remove both blocks from list, / coalesce them, and put them on next higher list / coal: inc useful mov (r3),r4 mov (r4),(r3) /remove him from list mov (r1),r2 mov (r2),(r1) /remove the other one cmp a(r2),a(r4) bgt 1f mov r2,-(sp) mov r4,r2 mov (sp)+,r4 1: add exp2(r0),l(r4) clr r(r4) mov frlist+2(r0),(r4) mov r4,frlist+2(r0) mov hdrptr,(r2) mov r2,hdrptr clr r(r2) mov beg,a(r2) mov beg,l(r2) br loop2 / / no buddy found, try next block +2 hblock: .=.+20. hblkend: stats: .=.+16. useful: .=.+2 beg: .=.+2 lblock: .=.+2 nblock: .=.+2 block: .=.+40. blkend: brk: .=.+2 hdrptr: .=.+2 /do not move me frlist: .=hdrptr+32. frend: headers:.=hdrptr+1024. headend: strbuf: .=.+10000 strend: end: signal = 48. sub a(r1),r0 /W-A+1 jsr pc,allocate mov 2(sp),r0 /r1 jsr pc,move jsr pc,swap jsr pc,release mov 2(sp),r1 /r1 cmp w(r1),l(r1) blt 3f jmp err / 3: movb (sp),*w(r1) inc w(r1) mov (sp)+,r0 tst (sp)+ rts pc / / swap: mov w(r1),-(sp) mov w(r0),w(r1) mov (sp),w(r0) mov r(r1),(sp) mov r(r0),r(r1) mov (sp),r(r0) mov a(r1),(sp) mov a(r0),a(r1) mov (sp),a(r0) mov l(r1),(sp) mov l(r0),l(r1) mov (sp)+,l(r0) rts pc / / / routine to alter a character in the string / pointed to by r1; character ion this list / nocoal: mov (r1),r1 br loop2 / / advance to next free list / advance: tst (r0)+ cmp r0,$frend-frlist blo loop1 mov useful,r0 / / do we have enough headers to continue? / cmp garbage,$2 blo 1f mov $1,r0 sys write; 4f; 5f-4f jmp reset / 4: 5: .even / / / restore registers and return / 1: inc garbage mov (sp)+,r4 mov (sp)+,r3 mov (sp)+,r2 mov (sp)+,r1 rts pc / .bss garbage: .=.+2 .text / / routine to get more space for strings / moresp: mov r8;>*-0369<?n r0 / r0 and r1 are preserved. / / movb ch,r0 / mov ...,r1 / jsr pc,alterchar / alterchar: mov r1,-(sp) mov r0,-(sp) .if testing jsr pc,preposterous inc stats+8. .endif 1: cmp r(r1),l(r1) blt 3f mov l(r1),r0 inc r0 sub a(r1),r0 /W-A+1 jsr pc,allocate mov 2(sp),r0 /r1 jsr pc,move jsr pc,swap jsr pc,release mov 2(sp),r1 /r1 cmp r(r1),l(r1) blt 3f jmp err / 3: movb (sp),*r(r1) inc r(r1) cmp r(r1),w(r1) ble 1f mov r(r1),w(r1) 1: mov (sp)+,r0 tst (sp)+ rts pc / / / routine to move the 2,-(sp) mov r1,-(sp) mov brk,r1 mov $block,r2 add nblock,r2 cmp r2,$blkend bhis rout mov r1,(r2) mov r1,lblock add $2,nblock add $10000,r1 mov r1,9f sys break;9:.. bes 2f mov hdrptr,r2 bne 1f jsr pc,morehd tst r0 beq 2f mov hdrptr,r2 1: mov (r2),hdrptr mov brk,a(r2) mov r1,brk mov r1,l(r2) clr r(r2) mov $10000,r0 jsr pc,log2 asl r0 mov frlist(r0),w(r2) mov r2,frlist(r0) clr r0 mov (sp)+,r1 mov (sp)+,r2 rts pc 2: mov $1,r0 mov (sp)+,r1 mov (sp)+,r2 rts pc / / routine to g.globl getchar .globl stats .globl lookchar .globl fsfile .globl seekchar .globl backspace .globl putchar .globl alterchar .globl move .globl rewind .globl create .globl zero .globl allocate .globl release .globl collect .globl getword, putword .globl length, position .globl w, r, a, l / testing = 0 / / / routine to return the length of a string / / mov ...,r1 / jsr pc,length / mov r0,... / length: mov w(r1),r0 sub a(r1),r0 rts pc / / / routine to return the read pointer position / / mov ...,r1 / jsr pc,contents of one string / to another. / / mov source,r0 / mov dest,r1 / jsr pc,move / / on return, r1 points to the new string and should / be saved. r0 is preserved. / move: mov r3,-(sp) mov r2,-(sp) mov r1,-(sp) mov r0,-(sp) mov w(r0),r2 sub a(r0),r2 /W-A mov l(r1),r3 sub a(r1),r3 /L-A cmp r2,r3 ble 1f mov r2,r0 jsr pc,allocate mov 2(sp),r0 /r1 jsr pc,swap jsr pc,release mov r0,r1 mov 0(sp),r0 /r0 / 1: mov a(r0),(r0) mov a(r1),(r1) 1: dec r2 blt 1f movb *(r0),*(r1) inc (r0) inc (r1) et move space for headers / morehd: mov r2,-(sp) mov brk,r0 mov $hblock,r2 add nhdr,r2 cmp r2,$hblkend bhis rout mov r0,(r2) mov r0,lhblock add $2,nhdr add $1024.,r0 mov r0,9f sys break;9:.. bes 2f mov brk,r2 mov r2,hdrptr mov r0,brk sub $8,r0 1: add $8,r2 mov r2,-8(r2) cmp r2,r0 blos 1b clr -8(r2) clr r0 mov (sp)+,r2 rts pc 2: mov $1,r0 mov (sp)+,r2 rts pc rout: mov $1,r0 sys write; 4f; 5f-4f jmp reset / 4: 5: .even / / routine to findposition / mov r0,... / position: mov r(r1),r0 sub a(r1),r0 rts pc / / / / / routine to get a word from the string / mov ...,r1 / jsr pc,getword / mov r0,... / getword: jsr pc,getchar bes noch movb r0,nchar jsr pc,getchar bec 2f dec r(r1) br noch 2: movb r0,nchar+1 mov nchar,r0 tst r0 /tst clears c-bit rts pc / / / routine to put a word onto the string / mov ...,r1 / mov ...,r0 / jsr pc,putword / putword: jsr pc,putchar swab r0 jsr pc,putchar swab r0 rts pc / .bss nchar: .=.+2 .text / / / br 1b / / fix up read ptr of new string / 1: mov r(r0),r2 sub a(r0),r2 add a(r1),r2 mov r2,r(r1) / / restore and return / mov (sp)+,r0 mov (sp)+,r1 mov (sp)+,r2 mov (sp)+,r3 rts pc / / / routine to rewind read pointer of string / pointed to by r1 / / mov ...,r1 / jsr pc,rewind / rewind: .if testing jsr pc,plausible inc stats+10. .endif mov a(r1),r(r1) rts pc / / routine to rewind write pointer of string / pointed to by r1 / / mov ...,r1 / jsr pc,create / create: .if testing jsr pc,plausible integer part of log2(x) / / jsr pc,log2 / / r0 = log2(r0) / log2: mov r0,-(sp) bge 9f; 4; 9: mov $15.,r0 1: rol (sp) bmi 1f sob r0,1b 1: dec r0 tst (sp)+ rts pc / 0 /Don't move me, I'm exp(-1) exp2: 1;2;4;10;20;40;100;200;400;1000;2000;4000; 10000;20000;40000;100000 / / routine to discover whether r1 points to / a plausible header - to avoid ruination. / / r1 is preserved and r0 gets a suitable index for frlist / / jsr pc,preposterous / preposterous: mov r2,-(sp) mov $hblock,r2 1: cmp r1,(r / routine to read next character from string / pointed to by r1; character returned in r0 / c-bit set if character not available (end of file) / r1 is preserved / / mov ...,r1 / jsr pc,getchar / movb r0,... / getchar: jsr pc,lookchar bec 2f rts pc 2: inc r(r1) tst r0 /tst clears c-bit rts pc / noch: clr r0 sec rts pc / / routine to look at next character from string / pointed to by r1; character returned in r0 / c-bit set if character not available (end of file) / r1 is preserved / / mov ...,r1 / inc stats+10. .endif mov a(r1),w(r1) mov a(r1),r(r1) rts pc / / / routine to zero a string / / mov ...,r1 / jsr pc,zero / zero: mov r0,-(sp) .if testing jsr pc,preposterous .endif mov a(r1),r0 1: cmp r0,l(r1) bhis 1f clrb (r0)+ br 1b 1: mov (sp)+,r0 rts pc / / CFILORUADGJMvcarry 2: jsr pc,alterchar br 1b / 1: tst divcarry beq 1f mov $1.,r0 jsr pc,alterchar 1: jsr pc,fsfile 1: jsr pc,backspace bes 1f bne 1f mov r(r1),w(r1) br 1b 1: / / change sign of result if necessary / tst divsign bpl 1f jsr pc,chsign 1: mov dividend,r1 jsr pc,fsfile 1: jsr pc,backspace bes 1f bne 1f mov r(r1),w(r1) br 1b 1: bugout: tst remsign bpl 1f mov dividend,r1 jsr pc,chsign / / clean up junk, restore registers, and return / 1: mov divisor,r1 jsr pc,release mov (sp)+,r1 mackspace bes 2f beq 2b inc r(r1) 2: mov r(r1),w(r1) / / strip leading 99's / jsr pc,fsfile jsr pc,backspace cmpb r0,$-1 bne 1f 2: jsr pc,backspace bes 2f cmpb r0,$99. beq 2b jsr pc,getchar 2: mov $-1,r0 jsr pc,alterchar mov r(r1),w(r1) / / restore and return / 1: mov (sp)+,r1 mov (sp)+,r2 mov (sp)+,r3 mov (sp)+,r5 mov (sp)+,r4 mov (sp)+,r0 rts pc / .bss carry: .=.+2 .text / / / routine to change the sign of the centennial number / pointed to by r1. / negative numbers are stored in 100'/ / / routine to divide the two centennial numbers pointed / to by r2 (the divisor) and r3 (the dividend). / A pointer to the result is returned in r1. All other / registers are preserved. If the divisor is zero, zero / is returned and the carry bit is set. / Remainder is returned in r4 and has the sign / of the dividend. / / / mov divisor,r2 / mov dividend,r3 / jsr pc,div3 / mov r1,result / mov r4,remainder / / div3: mov r5,-(sp) mov r3,-(sp) /dividend mov r2,-(sp) /divisor mov r0,-(sp) tst -(sp) /rov (sp)+,r0 mov (sp)+,r2 mov (sp)+,r3 mov dividend,r4 mov (sp)+,r5 clc rts pc / / / / .bss divisor: .=.+2 dividend: .=.+2 divxyz: .=.+2 divoffset:.=.+2 divcarry: .=.+2 divsign: .=.+2 trial: .=.+2 remsign: .=.+2 magic: .=.+2 .text / / / / routine to exponentiate the two centennial numbers / pointed to by r2 (the base) and r3 (the exponent). / A pointer to the result is returned in r1. / / mov base,r2 / mov exp,r3 / jsr pc,exp3 / mov r1,... / / / save registers / exp3: mov r3,-(sp) /exponent mov r2,-(s complement form with / -1 as the high order digit; the second digit is not 99. / / mov ...,r1 / jsr pc,chsign / chsign: mov r1,-(sp) mov r0,-(sp) jsr pc,rewind clr chcarry / 1: jsr pc,lookchar bes 1f negb r0 sub chcarry,r0 mov $1,chcarry add $100.,r0 cmpb $100.,r0 bgt 2f sub $100.,r0 clr chcarry 2: jsr pc,alterchar br 1b / 1: clr r0 sub chcarry,r0 beq 2f jsr pc,putchar jsr pc,fsfile jsr pc,backspace jsr pc,backspace cmp r0,$99. bne 1f mov r(r1),w(r1) mov $-1,r0 jsr pc,putchar esult / / allocate space for result; allocate temps if necessary / clr r0 jsr pc,allocate mov r1,0(sp) /result / / / check for divisor zero / mov 4(sp),r2 /divisor mov w(r2),r0 sub a(r2),r0 bne 1f jmp eh 1: / / compute sign of result and make arguments positive / clr divsign mov r2,r1 jsr pc,length jsr pc,allocate mov r1,divisor mov r2,r0 jsr pc,move jsr pc,fsfile jsr pc,backspace bpl 1f 2: jsr pc,chsign mov r1,divisor com divsign 1: clr remsign mov r3,r1 jsr pc,length jsr pc,allocasp) /base mov r0,-(sp) / / 1: mov $1,r0 jsr pc,allocate mov r1,-(sp) /accumulated result mov $1,r0 jsr pc,putchar / mov r2,r1 jsr pc,length jsr pc,allocate mov r1,-(sp) /powers of the base mov r2,r0 jsr pc,move / mov r3,r1 jsr pc,length jsr pc,allocate mov r1,-(sp) /exponent mov r3,r0 jsr pc,move jsr pc,fsfile clr exptemp jsr pc,backspace bpl 1f inc exptemp jsr pc,chsign / 1: mov 0(sp),r1 jsr pc,length beq 1f mov sqtemp,r2 mov 0(sp),r3 jsr pc,div3 mov r1,0(sp) mov r3,r1 jsr br 1f / 2: jsr pc,fsfile jsr pc,backspace bne 1f mov r(r1),w(r1) / 1: mov (sp)+,r0 mov (sp)+,r1 rts pc / .bss chcarry: .=.+2 .text / / / / / routine to multiply the two centennial numbers / pointed to by r2 and r3. / a pointer to the result is returned in r1 / r2 and r3 are preserved / / mov ptr1,r2 / mov ptr2,r3 / jsr pc,mul3 / mov r1,... / / save registers and make space for temps / mul3: mov r5,-(sp) mov r3,-(sp) /arg2 mov r2,-(sp) /arg1 mov r0,-(sp) tst -(sp) /result tst -(sp) /arg1 tst te mov r1,dividend mov r3,r0 jsr pc,move jsr pc,fsfile jsr pc,backspace bpl 1f 2: jsr pc,chsign mov r1,dividend com divsign com remsign 1: / / / find out how many digits in the quotient result / 1: mov dividend,r2 mov divisor,r3 mov w(r2),r0 sub a(r2),r0 add a(r3),r0 sub w(r3),r0 jlo bugout mov r0,divoffset mov 0(sp),r1 /result inc r0 jsr pc,seekchar clr r0 mov dividend,r1 jsr pc,putchar / / load r5 with binary divisor for finding / trial quotient digits. If leading digit of / divisopc,release mov r4,r1 jsr pc,length jsr pc,release tst r0 beq 2f / / / mov 2(sp),r2 mov 4(sp),r3 jsr pc,mul3 mov r1,4(sp) mov r3,r1 jsr pc,release 2: mov 2(sp),r3 mov r3,r1 jsr pc,length jsr pc,allocate mov r1,r2 mov r3,r0 jsr pc,move jsr pc,mul3 mov r1,2(sp) mov r3,r1 jsr pc,release mov r2,r1 jsr pc,release br 1b 1: tst exptemp beq 1f mov 10(sp),r1 jsr pc,length bne 2f jmp eh 2: cmp r0,$1 blos 2f mov 4(sp),r1 jsr pc,create br 1f 2: jsr pc,rewind jsr pc,getchar cmp r0,$-(sp) /arg2 tst -(sp) /carry / / compute sign of result and make args positive / clr outsign mov r2,r1 jsr pc,fsfile jsr pc,backspace bmi 2f mov r2,4(sp) /arg1 br 1f 2: jsr pc,length jsr pc,allocate mov r1,4(sp) mov r2,r0 jsr pc,move jsr pc,chsign com outsign 1: mov r3,r1 jsr pc,fsfile jsr pc,backspace bmi 2f mov r3,2(sp) /arg2 br 1f 2: mov r3,r1 jsr pc,length jsr pc,allocate mov r1,2(sp) mov r3,r0 jsr pc,move jsr pc,chsign com outsign 1: / / compute the length of the result ar is <10, it is scaled / clr magic mov divisor,r1 jsr pc,fsfile jsr pc,backspace mov r0,r5 cmp r5,$10. bge 2f inc magic 2: mpy $100.,r5 jsr pc,backspace add r0,r5 tst magic beq 2f mov r5,r4 mpy $100.,r4 jsr pc,backspace add r0,r5 adc r4 asl r5 rol r4 dvd $25.,r4 mov r4,r5 2: / / compute trial quotient digit / 1: mov dividend,r1 jsr pc,fsfile jsr pc,backspace bec 9f; 4; 9: mov r0,r3 mpy $100.,r3 mov r3,r2 jsr pc,backspace add r0,r2 mpy $100.,r2 jsr pc,backspace add r0,r3 ad1 bgt 2f mov 4(sp),r1 jsr pc,create jsr pc,putchar br 1f 2: mov 4(sp),r1 jsr pc,create 1: mov (sp)+,r1 jsr pc,release mov (sp)+,r1 jsr pc,release mov (sp)+,r1 / mov (sp)+,r0 mov (sp)+,r2 mov (sp)+,r3 rts pc / .bss exptemp: .=.+2 .text / nd / allocate space for it / mov w(r2),r0 sub a(r2),r0 add w(r3),r0 sub a(r3),r0 jsr pc,allocate jsr pc,zero mov r1,6(sp) /result clr offset mov 2(sp),r1 /arg2 jsr pc,rewind / / work on next digit of arg2, starting over on arg1 / 1: mov 4(sp),r1 /arg1 jsr pc,rewind mov 2(sp),r1 /arg2 jsr pc,getchar bes 3f mov r0,r2 mov 6(sp),r1 /result jsr pc,rewind add offset,r(r1) clr 0(sp) /carry / / work on next digit of arg3 / form the product of the two digits, / add to what is already there and adc r2 tst divoffset bne 2f add $1,r3 adc r2 2: / tst magic beq 3f ashc $3,r2 3: mov r5,r0 tst divoffset beq 2f inc r0 2: dvd r0,r2 mov r2,trial / / / multiply divisor by trial digit / mov divisor,r1 jsr pc,rewind jsr pc,length inc r0 mov divxyz,r1 jsr pc,rewind clr -(sp) 2: mov divisor,r1 jsr pc,getchar bes 2f mov r0,r3 mpy trial,r3 add (sp),r3 /carry clr r2 dvd $100.,r2 mov r2,(sp) /carry mov r3,r0 mov divxyz,r1 jsr pc,alterchar br 2b 2: mov divxyz,r1 mov (sp)+,r0 jsr pSVBEHKNQTWX[d in old carry / to generate new dit and new carry. / 2: mov 4(sp),r1 /arg1 jsr pc,getchar bes 2f mov r0,r3 mpy r2,r3 add (sp),r3 /carry mov 6(sp),r1 /result jsr pc,lookchar add r0,r3 mov r3,r1 clr r0 dvd $100.,r0 mov r0,(sp) /carry mov r1,r0 mov 6(sp),r1 /result jsr pc,alterchar br 2b / 2: inc offset tst (sp) /carry beq 1b mov 6(sp),r1 /result jsr pc,lookchar add (sp),r0 /carry jsr pc,alterchar br 1b / 3: / / change sign of result if necessary / tst outsign bpl 1f mov 6(sp),rc,alterchar 3: / / and subtract from dividend / jsr pc,rewind mov divoffset,r0 mov dividend,r1 jsr pc,seekchar clr -(sp) / 2: mov dividend,r1 jsr pc,lookchar bes 2f mov r0,r2 / mov divxyz,r1 jsr pc,getchar sub r0,r2 sub (sp),r2 clr (sp) mov r2,r0 bpl 3f add $100.,r0 mov $1.,(sp) 3: mov dividend,r1 jsr pc,alterchar br 2b / / put away the quotient digit / 2: mov (sp)+,divcarry mov 0(sp),r1 /result jsr pc,backspace mov trial,r0 jsr pc,alterchar jsr pc,backspace / / and go for another d/ / / routine to add the two centennial numbers / pointed to by r2 and r3. / a pointer to the result is returned in r1 / r2 and r3 are preserved / / mov ptr1,r2 / mov ptr2,r3 / jsr pc,add3 / mov r1,... / add3: mov r0,-(sp) mov r4,-(sp) mov r5,-(sp) mov r3,-(sp) mov r2,-(sp) / / allocate a new string whose length is / the max of the two addends. / mov w(r2),r0 sub a(r2),r0 mov w(r3),r4 sub a(r3),r4 cmp r0,r4 bgt 1f mov r4,r0 1: mov r0,r4 jsr pc,allocate mov r1,-(sp) / / get everything ready / m1 /result jsr pc,chsign / / release dregs if necessary / 1: cmp 2(sp),14(sp) beq 1f mov 2(sp),r1 jsr pc,release 1: cmp 4(sp),12(sp) beq 1f mov 4(sp),r1 jsr pc,release 1: / / restore registers and return / tst (sp)+ tst (sp)+ tst (sp)+ mov (sp)+,r1 mov (sp)+,r0 mov (sp)+,r2 mov (sp)+,r3 mov (sp)+,r5 rts pc / .bss outsign: .=.+2 offset: .=.+2 k: .=.+2 kptr: .=.+2 .text / sqrt: mov r4,-(sp) mov r3,-(sp) mov r2,-(sp) mov r0,-(sp) / / check for zero or negative / mov w(r1),r2 sub a(r1),r2igit / dec divoffset bmi 1f mov dividend,r1 dec w(r1) cmp w(r1),a(r1) bhis 9f; 4; 9: jmp 1b / / fix up the result / 1: tst divcarry beq 1f mov trial,r0 dec r0 jsr pc,alterchar mov dividend,r1 mov $-1,r0 jsr pc,alterchar mov divisor,r2 mov dividend,r3 jsr pc,add3 mov r1,-(sp) mov r3,r1 jsr pc,release mov (sp)+,dividend 1: mov 0(sp),r1 /result jsr pc,rewind clr divcarry 1: jsr pc,lookchar bes 1f bic $!377,r0 add divcarry,r0 clr divcarry cmp r0,$100. blt 2f sub $100.,r0 inc diov 2(sp),r1 jsr pc,rewind mov 4(sp),r1 jsr pc,rewind clr carry / / now add them / 2: dec r4 blt 3f mov 2(sp),r1 /r2 jsr pc,getchar mov r0,r5 mov 4(sp),r1 /r3 jsr pc,getchar add r5,r0 add carry,r0 clr carry cmp r0,$100. blt 1f sub $100.,r0 mov $1,carry 1: tstb r0 bpl 1f add $100.,r0 mov $-1,carry 1: mov (sp),r1 /r1 jsr pc,putchar br 2b / / perhaps there is an extra digit / 3: mov carry,r0 beq 2f mov (sp),r1 /r1 jsr pc,putchar / / strip leading zeros / 2: jsr pc,fsfile 2: jsr pc,b / / look at the top one or two digits / mov r1,r3 jsr pc,fsfile jsr pc,backspace mov r0,r4 bit $1,r2 bne 2f mov r4,r1 mul $100.,r1 mov r1,r4 mov r3,r1 jsr pc,backspace add r0,r4 2: / / allocate space for result / inc r2 asr r2 mov r2,r0 jsr pc,allocate jsr pc,zero mov r2,r0 jsr pc,seekchar mov r1,r2 / / get high order digit of arg and square root it / mov $1,r0 2: sub r0,r4 blt 2f add $2,r0 br 2b 2: inc r0 asr r0 mov r0,r4 mov r2,r1 jsr pc,fsfile jsr pc,backspace cmp r4,$100. blt 1f sub $100.,r4 mov r4,r0 jsr pc,alterchar mov $1,r0 jsr pc,putchar br 2f 1: mov r4,r0 jsr pc,alterchar 2: mov r1,-(sp) mov r3,-(sp) / / get successive approx. from Newton / 1: mov (sp),r3 /arg mov 2(sp),r2 /approx jsr pc,div3 mov r1,r3 jsr pc,add3 mov r1,-(sp) mov r3,r1 jsr pc,release mov r4,r1 jsr pc,release mov (sp)+,r1 mov sqtemp,r2 mov r1,r3 jsr pc,div3 mov r1,-(sp) mov r3,r1 jsr pc,release mov r4,r1 jsr pc,release mov (sp)+,r3 mov 2(sp),r1 jsr pc,length jsr pc,alln bne 1b clrb (r1)+ / sys fork br 9f sys wait mov $1,r0 sys write; screamer; 2 rts pc 9: sys exec; 6f; 8f sys exit .data 8: 6f; 7f; field; 0 6: 7: <-c\0> screamer: .even .bss field: .=.+70. .text / / / case d for duplicate / case144: cmp r5,$pdl jeq eh clr r0 jsr pc,allocate mov -2(r5),r0 jsr pc,move jsr pc,push jmp loop / / / case z for stack size / case172: clr r0 jsr pc,allocate mov r5,r3 sub $pdl,r3 asr r3 2: beq 2f clr r2 dvd $100.,r2 mov r3,r0 jsr pc,putcarray / case073: tst sfree bne 1f jsr pc,sinit 1: jsr pc,pop jes eh jsr pc,scalint jsr pc,fsfile jsr pc,backspace tst r0 jmi eh1 / neg. index jsr pc,length cmp r0,$2 jhi eh1 jsr pc,fsfile clr r3 cmp r0,$1 blo 1f beq 2f jsr pc,backspace mov r0,r3 mul $100.,r3 2: jsr pc,backspace add r0,r3 cmp r3,$2048. jhis eh1 / index too high asl r3 1: jsr pc,release jsr pc,readc asl r0 mov stable(r0),r1 beq 1f mov 2(r1),r1 jsr pc,length sub $2,r0 cmp r3,r0 bhi 1f / element not here movocate mov 2(sp),r0 jsr pc,move jsr pc,chsign mov r1,r2 jsr pc,add3 jsr pc,fsfile jsr pc,backspace jsr pc,release mov r2,r1 jsr pc,release tst r0 bpl 2f / / loop if new < old mov 2(sp),r1 jsr pc,release mov r3,2(sp) br 1b / 2: mov r3,r1 jsr pc,release mov (sp)+,r1 jsr pc,release mov (sp)+,r1 mov (sp)+,r0 mov (sp)+,r2 mov (sp)+,r3 mov (sp)+,r4 rts pc har mov r2,r3 br 2b 2: clr r0 jsr pc,putchar jsr pc,push jmp loop / / / case c for flush / case143: 2: jsr pc,pop jes loop jsr pc,release br 2b / / case s for save / case163: tst sfree bne 1f jsr pc,sinit 1: jsr pc,readc cmp r5,$pdl bne 2f movb $'s,ch jmp eh 2: clr r2 cmpb r0,$128. / check for array blo 1f inc r2 1: asl r0 mov stable(r0),r1 beq 2f mov r1,r0 mov 2(r0),r1 tst r2 beq 4f mov r1,-(sp) / have array - release elements jsr pc,rewind 1: mov (sp),r1 3: jsr pc,getword r3,r0 jsr pc,seekchar jsr pc,getword tst r0 beq 1f mov r0,r1 mov r1,-(sp) jsr pc,length jsr pc,allocate mov (sp)+,r0 jsr pc,move jsr pc,push jmp loop 1: clr r0 jsr pc,allocate jsr pc,putword jsr pc,push jmp loop / / / case L for load / case114: jsr pc,readc clr r2 cmp r0,$128. / check for array blo 1f inc r2 1: asl r0 mov stable(r0),r1 beq 4f mov (r1),stable(r0) mov sfree,(r1) mov r1,sfree mov 2(r1),r1 tst r2 beq 2f mov r1,-(sp) / have array - assume a throw away jsr pc,rewadgjmY\_behknZ]`cfilopsvy|qtwz}rux{~bes 1f tst r0 beq 3b mov r0,r1 jsr pc,release br 1b 1: mov (sp)+,r1 4: jsr pc,release jsr pc,pop mov r1,2(r0) jbr loop 2: mov sfree,stable(r0) mov stable(r0),r0 mov (r0),sfree beq symout clr (r0) jsr pc,pop mov r1,2(r0) jmp loop / symout: mov $1,r0 sys write; 7f; 8f-7f jmp reset / 7: 8: .even / / sinit: mov $sfree+4,r0 1: mov r0,-4(r0) clr -2(r0) add $4,r0 cmp r0,$sfend blos 1b clr sfend-4 rts pc / / .bss sfree: .=.+512. sfend: .text / / / case S for sind 1: mov (sp),r1 3: jsr pc,getword bes 1f tst r0 beq 3b mov r0,r1 jsr pc,release br 1b 1: mov (sp)+,r1 2: jsr pc,push jbr loop 4: movb $'L,ch jbr eh / / / case - for subtract / case055: jsr pc,in055 jmp loop / in055: jsr pc,pop jes eh jsr pc,fsfile jsr pc,backspace mov r0,savk dec w(r1) jsr pc,chsign mov savk,r0 jsr pc,putchar jsr pc,push br in053 / / / case + for add / case053: jsr pc,in053 jmp loop / in053: jsr pc,eqk mov $add3,r0 jsr pc,binop jsr pc,pop mov savk,r0 jsr.globl log2 .globl getchar .globl lookchar .globl fsfile .globl seekchar .globl backspace .globl putchar .globl alterchar .globl move .globl rewind .globl create .globl zero .globl allocate .globl release .globl collect .globl w, r, a, l / cmp (sp)+,$2 blo 1f tst (sp)+ mov (sp)+,0f cmpb *0f,$'- beq 8f sys 0; 9f .data 9: sys open; 0:.=.+2; 0 .text bec 2f mov $1,r0 sys write; 4f; 5f-4f sys exit / 4: 5: .even / 2: mov r0,source 1: sys signal; 2; 1 ror r0 bcs 1f sys signal; 2; ave / case123: tst sfree bne 1f jsr pc,sinit 1: jsr pc,readc cmp r5,$pdl bne 2f movb $'S,ch jbr eh 2: clr r3 cmp r0,$128. / check for array blo 1f inc r3 1: asl r0 mov stable(r0),r1 beq 2f mov sfree,r2 mov (r2),sfree beq symout mov stable(r0),(r2) mov r2,stable(r0) jsr pc,pop tst r3 beq 1f jsr pc,length / to make auto arrays work cmp r0,$1 bhi 1f jsr pc,zero 1: mov r1,2(r2) jbr loop 2: mov sfree,stable(r0) mov stable(r0),r2 mov (r2),sfree beq symout clr (r2) jsr pc,pop ts pc,putchar jsr pc,push rts pc / / / case * for multiply / case052: jsr pc,pop jes eh mov r1,-(sp) jsr pc,pop jec 1f mov (sp)+,r1 jsr pc,push jbr eh 1: jsr pc,fsfile jsr pc,backspace mov r0,savk2 dec w(r1) mov r1,r2 mov (sp)+,r1 jsr pc,fsfile jsr pc,backspace mov r0,savk1 dec w(r1) mov r1,r3 mov $mul3,r0 jsr pc,binop jsr pc,pop cmp savk1,savk2 blo 1f mov savk1,r2 br 2f 1: mov savk2,r2 2: cmp r2,k bhis 1f mov k,r2 1: add savk2,savk1 cmp r2,savk1 bhis 1f mov r2,-(sp) neg rcase177 1: 8: clr delflag mov $pdl,r5 / mov $10.,r0 jsr pc,log2 mov r0,log10 mov $1,r0 jsr pc,allocate mov r1,scalptr clr r0 jsr pc,putchar clr r0 jsr pc,allocate mov r1,basptr mov $10.,r0 jsr pc,putchar mov $1,r0 jsr pc,allocate mov r1,inbas mov $10.,r0 jsr pc,putchar mov $1,r0 jsr pc,allocate mov $10.,r0 jsr pc,putchar mov r1,tenptr clr r0 jsr pc,allocate mov r1,chptr clr r0 jsr pc,allocate mov r1,strptr mov $1,r0 jsr pc,allocate mov $2,r0 jsr pc,putchar mov r1,sqtemp t r3 beq 1f jsr pc,length cmp r0,$1 bhi 1f jsr pc,zero 1: mov r1,2(r2) jbr loop / / / case l for load / case154: jsr pc,in154 jmp loop / in154: jsr pc,readc clr r2 cmp r0,$128. / check for array blo 1f inc r2 1: asl r0 mov stable(r0),r1 beq 1f mov 2(r1),r1 mov r1,-(sp) jsr pc,length jsr pc,allocate tst r2 beq 2f mov r1,-(sp) / have array - copy elements mov 2(sp),r1 jsr pc,rewind 3: mov 2(sp),r1 jsr pc,getword bes 3f tst r0 beq 4f mov r0,-(sp) mov r0,r1 jsr pc,length jsr p2 add savk1,r2 jsr pc,removc mov (sp)+,r0 2: jsr pc,putchar jsr pc,push jmp loop 1: mov savk1,r0 br 2b / / r1 = string / r2 = count / result returned in r1 (old r1 released) / removc: mov r1,-(sp) jsr pc,rewind 1: cmp r2,$1 blos 1f jsr pc,getchar sub $2,r2 br 1b 1: mov $2,r0 jsr pc,allocate mov r1,-(sp) 1: mov 2(sp),r1 jsr pc,getchar bes 1f mov (sp),r1 jsr pc,putchar mov r1,(sp) br 1b 1: cmp r2,$1 bne 1f mov (sp),r3 mov tenptr,r2 jsr pc,div3 mov r1,(sp) mov r3,r1 jsr pc,releclr r0 jsr pc,allocate mov r1,divxyz loop: tst delflag bne in177 mov sp,errstack jsr pc,readc mov $casetab,r1 1: tst (r1)+ beq 2f cmp r0,(r1)+ bne 1b jmp *-4(r1) 2: jmp eh / / / case for new line (which is special for apl box) / case012: br loop / / / case q for quit / case161: cmp readptr,$readstack+2 blos 1f mov *readptr,r1 beq 2f jsr pc,release 2: sub $2,readptr mov *readptr,r1 beq 2f jsr pc,release 2: sub $2,readptr jmp loop 1: sys exit / / / case Q for controlled quit / case121:c,allocate mov (sp)+,r0 jsr pc,move mov r1,r0 mov (sp),r1 jsr pc,putword br 3b 4: clr r0 mov (sp),r1 jsr pc,putword br 3b 3: mov (sp)+,r1 jsr pc,push tst (sp)+ rts pc 2: mov (sp)+,r0 jsr pc,move jsr pc,push rts pc 1: clr r0 jsr pc,allocate jsr pc,putword jsr pc,push rts pc / / case : for save array / case072: tst sfree bne 1f jsr pc,sinit 1: jsr pc,pop jes eh jsr pc,scalint jsr pc,fsfile jsr pc,backspace tst r0 jmi eh1 / neg. index jsr pc,length cmp r0,$2 jhi eh1 / index ase mov r4,r1 jsr pc,release 1: mov 2(sp),r1 jsr pc,release mov (sp)+,r1 tst (sp)+ rts pc / / case / for divide / case057: jsr pc,dscale mov $div3,r0 jsr pc,binop mov r4,r1 jsr pc,release jsr pc,pop mov savk,r0 jsr pc,putchar jsr pc,push jmp loop / / dscale: jsr pc,pop jes eh mov r1,-(sp) jsr pc,pop bec 1f mov (sp)+,r1 jsr pc,push jmp eh 1: mov r1,-(sp) jsr pc,fsfile jsr pc,backspace mov r0,savk1 dec w(r1) jsr pc,rewind mov 2(sp),r1 jsr pc,fsfile jsr pc,backspace mov r0,sa jsr pc,pop jes eh jsr pc,length cmp r0,$2 jhi eh1 jsr pc,rewind jsr pc,getchar jmi eh1 jsr pc,release 1: cmp readptr,$readstack jlos eh mov *readptr,r1 beq 2f jsr pc,release 2: sub $2,readptr sob r0,1b jbr loop / / / case of delete character / case177: sys signal; 2; case177 mov $1,delflag mov r0,-(sp) mov 2(sp),r0 cmp -6(r0),$sys+read bne 1f sub $6,2(sp) clr delflag 1: mov (sp)+,r0 2 /rti / in177: mov $' ,ch mov $1,r0 sys write; 1f; 1 clr delflag jmp eh / .bss delflag: .=too high jsr pc,fsfile clr r3 cmp r0,$1 blo 1f beq 2f jsr pc,backspace mov r0,r3 mul $100.,r3 2: jsr pc,backspace add r0,r3 cmp r3,$2048. jhis eh1 / index too high asl r3 1: jsr pc,release jsr pc,readc cmp r5,$pdl bne 2f movb $':,ch jmp eh 2: asl r0 mov stable(r0),r1 beq 2f mov r1,-(sp) mov 2(r1),r1 mov l(r1),r0 sub a(r1),r0 sub $2,r0 cmp r3,r0 blos 1f mov r1,-(sp) / need more space mov r3,r0 add $2,r0 jsr pc,allocate jsr pc,zero mov (sp)+,r0 jsr pc,move mov r1,-(sp) movk2 dec w(r1) mov k,r2 sub savk1,r2 add savk2,r2 mov k,savk mov (sp)+,r1 tst r2 bmi 1f jsr pc,add0 br 2f 1: neg r2 jsr pc,removc 2: mov r1,r3 mov (sp)+,r2 rts pc / / / case % for remaindering / case045: jsr pc,dscale mov $div3,r0 jsr pc,binop jsr pc,pop jsr pc,release mov r4,r1 mov savk1,r0 add k,r0 jsr pc,putchar jsr pc,push jmp loop / / binop: jsr pc,(r0) jsr pc,push mov r2,r1 jsr pc,release mov r3,r1 jsr pc,release rts pc / eqk: jsr pc,pop jes eh mov r1,-(sp) jsr pc,p.+2 .text 1: <\n> .even / / / case digit / case060: movb r0,savec jsr pc,readin jsr pc,push br loop / / / case _ for negative numbers / case137: jsr pc,readin jsr pc,fsfile jsr pc,backspace mov r0,savk dec w(r1) jsr pc,chsign mov savk,r0 jsr pc,putchar jsr pc,push jbr loop / / / case screamer / case041: jsr pc,in041 jbr loop / in041: jsr pc,readc cmp r0,$'< jeq in74a cmp r0,$'= jeq in75a cmp r0,$'> jeq in76a / mov $field,r1 movb r0,(r1)+ 1: jsr pc,readc movb r0,(r1)+ cmpb r0,$'\v r0,r1 jsr pc,release mov (sp)+,r1 1: mov r1,-(sp) mov r3,r0 jsr pc,seekchar jsr pc,getword bes 1f sub $2,r(r1) tst r0 beq 1f mov r0,r1 jsr pc,release 1: jsr pc,pop jes eh mov r1,r0 mov (sp)+,r1 jsr pc,alterchar swab r0 jsr pc,alterchar mov (sp)+,r0 mov r1,2(r0) jmp loop 2: mov sfree,stable(r0) mov stable(r0),r0 mov (r0),sfree jeq symout clr (r0) mov r0,-(sp) mov r3,r0 add $2,r0 jsr pc,allocate jsr pc,zero sub $2,r0 jsr pc,seekchar mov r1,-(sp) br 1b / / case ; for load op bec 1f mov (sp)+,r1 jsr pc,push jbr eh 1: mov r1,-(sp) mov 2(sp),r1 jsr pc,fsfile jsr pc,backspace mov r0,savk1 dec w(r1) mov (sp),r1 jsr pc,fsfile jsr pc,backspace mov r0,savk2 dec w(r1) cmp r0,savk1 beq 1f blo 2f mov savk2,savk mov r0,r2 sub savk1,r2 mov 2(sp),r1 jsr pc,add0 mov r1,2(sp) br 4f 2: mov savk1,r2 sub savk2,r2 mov (sp),r1 jsr pc,add0 mov r1,(sp) 1: mov savk1,savk 4: mov 2(sp),r3 mov (sp)+,r2 tst (sp)+ rts pc .bss savk1: .=.+2 savk2: .=.+2 savk: .=.+2 .text / / / r2 = count / r1 = ptr / returns ptr in r1 add0: mov r1,-(sp) jsr pc,length jsr pc,allocate clr r0 1: cmp r2,$1 blos 1f jsr pc,putchar sub $2,r2 br 1b 1: mov r1,-(sp) mov 2(sp),r1 jsr pc,rewind 1: jsr pc,getchar bes 1f mov (sp),r1 jsr pc,putchar mov r1,(sp) mov 2(sp),r1 br 1b 1: cmp r2,$1 bne 1f mov (sp),r3 mov tenptr,r2 jsr pc,mul3 mov r1,(sp) mov r3,r1 jsr pc,release 1: mov 2(sp),r1 jsr pc,release mov (sp)+,r1 tst (sp)+ rts pc / case i for input base / case151: jsr p pc,push jmp case057 / .bss sav: .=.+2 negexp: .=.+2 .text / / case v for square root / case166: jsr pc,pop jes eh / jsr pc,fsfile jsr pc,backspace mov r0,savk dec w(r1) mov w(r1),r2 sub a(r1),r2 tst r2 beq sqz jsr pc,backspace tst r0 jmi eh1 mov k,r2 asl r2 sub savk,r2 beq 1f blo 2f jsr pc,add0 br 1f 2: neg r2 jsr pc,removc 1: jsr pc,sqrt mov k,r0 jsr pc,putchar jsr pc,push jmp loop / / sqz: mov savk,r0 jsr pc,putchar jsr pc,push jmp loop .bss sqtemp: .=.+2 .text / / / case lease mov (sp)+,r2 mov (sp)+,r3 jsr pc,div3 mov r1,-(sp) mov r2,r1 jsr pc,release mov r3,r1 jsr pc,release mov r4,r1 jsr pc,release mov (sp)+,r1 rts pc / / routine to read another character from the input / stream. If the caller does not want the character, / it is to be placed in the cell savec. / The routine exits to the system on end of file. / Character is returned in r0. / / jsr pc,readc / movb r0,... / / readc: tst savec beq 1f movb savec,r0 bic $177400,r0 clr savec rts pc 1: tst *c,in151 jmp loop / in151: jsr pc,pop jes eh jsr pc,scalint mov r1,-(sp) mov inbas,r1 mov (sp)+,inbas jsr pc,release rts pc case111: mov inbas,r1 jsr pc,length inc r0 jsr pc,allocate mov inbas,r0 jsr pc,move clr r0 jsr pc,putchar /scale jsr pc,push jmp loop / .bss inbas: .=.+2 .data / / / case o for output base / case157: jsr pc,in157 jmp loop / in157: jsr pc,pop jes eh jsr pc,scalint mov r1,-(sp) jsr pc,length jsr pc,allocate mov (sp),r0 jsr pc,move jsr pc,fsfile jsr pc,length[ for subroutine definition / case133: clr -(sp) clr r0 jsr pc,allocate jsr pc,push 1: jsr pc,readc cmp r0,$'] bne 3f tst (sp) beq 1f dec (sp) br 2f 3: cmp r0,$'[ bne 2f inc (sp) 2: jsr pc,putchar br 1b / 1: tst (sp)+ jmp loop / / / case x for execute top of stack / case170: jsr pc,in170 jmp loop / in170: jsr pc,pop jes eh mov r1,-(sp) tst *readptr beq 1f mov *readptr,r1 cmp r(r1),w(r1) bne 1f jsr pc,release br 2f 1: add $2,readptr cmp readptr,$readtop bhis 1f 2: mov (sp)+,r1 readptr bne 1f 2: mov source,r0 sys read; ch; 1 bes eof tst r0 beq eof movb ch,r0 bic $177400,r0 rts pc 1: mov r1,-(sp) mov *readptr,r1 jsr pc,getchar bes eof1 bic $177400,r0 mov r0,ch mov (sp)+,r1 rts pc / eof: tst source beq 1f clr source br 2b 1: sys exit / eof1: mov *readptr,r1 beq 2f jsr pc,release 2: sub $2,readptr mov (sp)+,r1 jmp readc / / / case p for print / case160: cmp r5,$pdl jeq eh jsr pc,in160 jmp loop / / in160: / mov $1,r0 / sys write; sphdr; 4 br 1f / sphdr: 1: cmp r0,$1 beq 1f jsr pc,backspace bpl 2f jsr pc,chsign jsr pc,length br 1b 2: clr sav mov r0,-(sp) 2: jsr pc,backspace bes 2f mov (sp),r2 clr r3 mul $100.,r2 add r0,r3 mov r3,(sp) tst sav beq 3f mov r2,r0 clr r3 mov sav,r2 mul $100.,r2 mov r3,sav add r0,sav br 2b 3: mov r2,sav br 2b 2: mov (sp)+,r0 tst sav beq 2f mov sav,r0 jsr pc,log2 add $16.,r0 mov r0,logo br 3f 1: jsr pc,backspace 2: tst r0 bpl 1f mov $15.,logo br 3f 1: jsr pc,log2 mov r0,logo 3: jsr pc,rel mov r1,*readptr beq 2f jsr pc,rewind rts pc 2: jsr pc,readc cmp r0,$'\n beq 3f mov r0,savec 3: rts pc 1: nderr: mov $1,r0 sys write; 1f; 2f-1f jmp reset 1: 2: .even / .data readptr: readstack .bss readstack: .=.+100. readtop: .text / / case ? for apl box function / case077: add $2,readptr cmp readptr,$readtop bhis nderr clr *readptr in077: mov source,-(sp) clr source jsr pc,readc cmp r0,$'! bne 1f jsr pc,in041 mov (sp)+,source br in077 1: mov r0,savec clr r0 jsr < > .even / 1: cmp r5,$pdl bne 1f mov $1,r0 sys write; qm; 1 mov $1,r0 sys write; nl; 1 rts pc / / do the conversion / 1: mov -2(r5),r1 jsr pc,printf rts pc / / / case f for print the stack / case146: mov r5,-(sp) 1: cmp r5,$pdl beq 2f 1: jsr pc,in160 jsr pc,pop cmp r5,$pdl bne 1b 2: mov $stable-2,r2 1: tst (r2)+ cmp r2,$stable+254. bhi 1f / mov (r2),r3 beq 1b movb $'0,7f+3 mov r2,r0 sub $stable,r0 asr r0 movb r0,7f+1 3: mov $1,r0 sys write; 7f; 8f-7f .data 7: <" (0)"> 8: .ease mov basptr,r1 jsr pc,release mov (sp),basptr / / set field widths for output / and set output digit handling routines / mov (sp),r1 mov $bigout,outdit jsr pc,length cmp r0,$1. bne 2f jsr pc,fsfile jsr pc,backspace cmp r0,$16. bhi 2f mov $hexout,outdit 2: jsr pc,length jsr pc,allocate mov (sp),r0 jsr pc,move clr (sp) jsr pc,fsfile jsr pc,backspace bpl 2f add $1.,(sp) jsr pc,chsign 2: mov r1,r2 mov $1,r0 jsr pc,allocate mov $-1,r0 jsr pc,putchar mov r1,r3 jsr pc,add3 jsr pc pc,allocate 2: jsr pc,readc jsr pc,putchar 1: jsr pc,readc jsr pc,putchar cmp r0,$'\\ beq 2b cmp r0,$'\n bne 1b mov (sp)+,source mov r1,*readptr jmp loop / / / case < for conditional execution / case074: jsr pc,in074 ble neg074 jmp aff074 / / / case !< for conditional execution / in74a: jsr pc,in074 bgt inneg jmp inaff / in074: jsr pc,in055 /go subtract jsr pc,pop jsr pc,length tst r0 beq 1f jsr pc,fsfile jsr pc,backspace jsr pc,backspace tst r0 1: rts pc / aff074: jsr pc,releaseven .text mov 2(r3),r1 jsr pc,printf tst (r3) beq 1b incb 7b+3 mov (r3),r3 br 3b 1: mov (sp)+,r5 jbr loop / / / routine to convert to decimal and print the / top element of the stack. / / jsr pc,printf / / printf: mov r4,-(sp) mov r3,-(sp) mov r2,-(sp) mov r1,-(sp) mov r0,-(sp) clr -(sp) jsr pc,rewind 2: jsr pc,getchar bes 2f cmp r0,$143 blos 2b cmp r0,$-1 beq 2b bis $1,(sp) br 2b 2: tst (sp)+ beq 2f jsr pc,length mov r0,0f mov a(r1),3f mov $1,r0 sys 0; 9f .data 9: sys write,length asl r0 add r0,(sp) jsr pc,fsfile jsr pc,backspace cmp r0,$9. blos 2f add $1,(sp) 2: jsr pc,release mov r2,r1 jsr pc,release mov r3,r1 jsr pc,release mov (sp)+,fw mov fw,fw1 dec fw1 cmp outdit,$hexout bne 2f mov $1,fw clr fw1 2: mov $70.,ll cmp fw,$70. blo 9f; rts pc; 9: mov $70.,r1 clr r0 dvd fw,r0 mov r0,r1 mpy fw,r1 mov r1,ll rts pc case117: mov basptr,r1 jsr pc,length inc r0 jsr pc,allocate mov basptr,r0 jsr pc,move clr r0 jsr pc,putchar /scale jsr pc,push je jsr pc,in154 /load from register jmp case170 / neg074: jsr pc,release jsr pc,readc jmp loop / / / case = for conditional execution / case075: jsr pc,in074 beq aff074 jmp neg074 / / / case != for conditional execution / in75a: jsr pc,in074 bne inaff jmp inneg / / / case > for conditional execution / case076: jsr pc,in074 bge neg074 jmp aff074 / / / case !> for conditional execution / in76a: jsr pc,in074 blt inneg jmp inaff / inaff: jsr pc,release jsr pc,in154 jsr pc,in170 rts pc / inne; 3:.=.+2; 0:.=.+2 .text jbr prout 2: jsr pc,fsfile jsr pc,backspace bec 1f mov $1,r0 sys write; asczero; 1 jbr prout 1: jsr pc,length mov r1,-(sp) jsr pc,allocate mov (sp),r0 mov r1,(sp) jsr pc,move mov ll,count / inc count jsr pc,fsfile jsr pc,backspace mov r0,savk dec w(r1) jsr pc,backspace cmpb r0,$-1 bne 2f mov basptr,r1 jsr pc,fsfile jsr pc,backspace cmp r0,$-1 beq 2f mov (sp),r1 jsr pc,chsign mov $'-,ch jsr pc,wrchar br 1f 2: / mov $' ,ch / jsr pc,wrchar 1: mov strptr,mp loop / .data fw: 1 /field width for digits fw1: 0 ll: 70. /line length .text / / / case k for skale factor / case153: jsr pc,pop jes eh jsr pc,scalint mov w(r1),r0 sub a(r1),r0 cmp r0,$1 jhi eh1 jsr pc,rewind jsr pc,getchar jmi eh1 mov r0,k mov r1,-(sp) mov scalptr,r1 jsr pc,release mov (sp)+,scalptr jmp loop / case113: mov scalptr,r1 jsr pc,length inc r0 jsr pc,allocate mov scalptr,r0 jsr pc,move clr r0 jsr pc,putchar jsr pc,push jmp loop scalint: jsr pc,fsfile jsr pc,bacg: jsr pc,release jsr pc,readc rts pc / err: mov $1,r0 sys write; 1f; 2f-1f jmp reset 1: ; 2: .even / eh1: jsr pc,release eh: movb ch,1f+2 mov $1,r0 sys write; 1f; 2f-1f mov $readstack,readptr mov errstack,sp jmp loop .data 1: <( ) ?\n> 2: .even .text / / / routine to read and convert a number from the / input stream. Numbers beginnig with 0 are / converted as octal. Routine converts / up to next nonnumeric. / / readin: clr dp clr dpt clr r0 jsr pc,allocate mov r1,-(sp) r1 jsr pc,create mov basptr,r1 jsr pc,length cmp r0,$1 jlo dingout bne 1f jsr pc,rewind jsr pc,getchar cmp r0,$1. jeq unout cmp r0,$-1 jeq dingout cmp r0,$10. jeq tenout 1: mov log10,r1 mul savk,r1 clr r0 div logo,r0 mov r0,dout clr ct 1: mov (sp),r3 mov savk,r2 jsr pc,getdec mov r1,decimal clr dflg mov (sp),r1 mov savk,r2 jsr pc,removc mov r1,(sp) 1: mov (sp),r3 mov basptr,r2 jsr pc,div3 mov r1,r2 mov (sp),r1 jsr pc,release mov r2,(sp) mov r4,r1 jsr pc,*outdit mov (spkspace dec w(r1) mov r0,r2 jsr pc,removc rts pc / / case ^ for exponentiation / case136: jsr pc,pop jes eh jsr pc,scalint jsr pc,fsfile jsr pc,backspace tst r0 bge 1f inc negexp jsr pc,chsign 1: jsr pc,length cmp r0,$3 jhis eh1 mov r1,r3 jsr pc,pop jes eh jsr pc,fsfile jsr pc,backspace mov r0,savk dec w(r1) mov r1,r2 jsr pc,exp3 mov r1,-(sp) mov r2,r1 jsr pc,release mov r3,r1 jsr pc,rewind jsr pc,getchar mov r0,-(sp) jsr pc,getchar bes 2f mov r0,r1 mul $100.,r1 add (sp)+mov strptr,r1 jsr pc,create jsr pc,readc 1: cmpb ch,$'0 blt 3f cmpb ch,$'9 bgt 3f mov ch,r0 sub $'0,r0 4: tst dp beq 8f cmp dpt,$99. beq 5f inc dpt 8: mov chptr,r1 jsr pc,create tst r0 beq 2f jsr pc,putchar 2: mov r1,chptr mov (sp),r3 mov inbas,r2 jsr pc,mul3 mov r1,(sp) mov r3,r1 jsr pc,release mov (sp),r3 mov chptr,r2 jsr pc,add3 mov r1,(sp) mov r3,r1 jsr pc,release 5: jsr pc,readc mov r0,ch br 1b 3: cmpb ch,$'A blt 1f cmpb ch,$'F bgt 1f mov ch,r0 sub $67,r0 br 4b 1),r1 jsr pc,length bne 1b / mov strptr,r1 jsr pc,fsfile 1: jsr pc,backspace bes 1f mov r0,ch jsr pc,wrchar br 1b 1: mov (sp)+,r1 jsr pc,release tst savk bne 1f mov decimal,r1 jsr pc,release br prout 1: mov dot,ch jsr pc,wrchar mov strptr,r1 jsr pc,create mov decimal,-(sp) inc dflg 1: mov (sp),r3 mov basptr,r2 jsr pc,mul3 mov r1,(sp) mov r3,r1 jsr pc,release mov (sp),r3 mov savk,r2 jsr pc,getdec mov r1,(sp) mov r3,r1 mov savk,r2 jsr pc,removc jsr pc,*outdit mov strptr,r1 ,r1 br 3f 2: mov (sp)+,r1 3: mul savk,r1 mov r1,r2 mov r3,r1 jsr pc,release tst negexp bne 4f cmp k,savk blo 1f mov k,r3 br 2f 1: mov savk,r3 2: cmp r3,r2 bhis 4f sub r3,r2 mov (sp)+,r1 mov r3,-(sp) jsr pc,removc mov (sp)+,r0 jsr pc,putchar jsr pc,push br 3f 4: mov (sp)+,r1 mov r2,r0 jsr pc,putchar jsr pc,push 3: tst negexp jeq loop clr negexp jsr pc,pop mov r1,-(sp) mov $2,r0 jsr pc,allocate mov $1,r0 jsr pc,putchar clr r0 jsr pc,putchar jsr pc,push mov (sp)+,r1 jsr: cmpb ch,$134 /backslash bne 1f jsr pc,readc br 5b 1: cmpb ch,$'. bne 1f tst dp bne 1f inc dp clr dpt br 5b 1: mov r0,savec / / scale up or down 2: tst dp bne 1f mov (sp)+,r1 clr r0 jsr pc,putchar rts pc 1: mov (sp),r1 jsr pc,scale mov dpt,r0 jsr pc,putchar tst (sp)+ rts pc / .bss dp: .=.+2 dpt: .=.+2 .text / scale: mov dpt,r2 jsr pc,add0 mov r1,-(sp) mov $1,r0 jsr pc,allocate mov dpt,r0 jsr pc,putchar mov r1,r3 mov inbas,r2 jsr pc,exp3 mov r1,-(sp) mov r3,r1 jsr pc,re inc ct cmp ct,dout blo 1b mov (sp)+,r1 jsr pc,release mov strptr,r1 jsr pc,rewind 1: jsr pc,getchar bes 1f mov r0,ch jsr pc,wrchar br 1b 1: / / cleanup, print new line and return / prout: mov $1,r0 sys write; nl; 1 mov (sp)+,r0 mov (sp)+,r1 mov (sp)+,r2 mov (sp)+,r3 mov (sp)+,r4 rts pc / / / / r2 = count / r3 = pointer (not released) / .bss dflg: .=.+2 dout: .=.+2 logo: .=.+2 log10: .=.+2 decimal: .=.+2 .text getdec: mov r3,-(sp) mov r3,r1 jsr pc,rewind jsr pc,length jsr pc,allocate mov r1,-(sp) 1: cmp r2,$1 blt 1f mov 2(sp),r1 jsr pc,getchar mov (sp),r1 jsr pc,putchar mov r1,(sp) sub $2,r2 br 1b 1: tst r2 beq 1f mov tenptr,r2 mov (sp),r3 jsr pc,mul3 mov r1,(sp) mov r3,r1 jsr pc,length jsr pc,release mov r0,r3 jsr pc,allocate mov r1,-(sp) mov 2(sp),r1 jsr pc,rewind 2: tst r3 beq 2f jsr pc,getchar mov (sp),r1 jsr pc,putchar mov r1,(sp) dec r3 mov 2(sp),r1 br 2b 2: clr r0 mov (sp),r1 jsr pc,putchar mov 2(sp),r1 jsr pc,release mov (sp),r3 mov tenptrlemented stuff / junk: movb r0,1f mov $1,r0 sys write; 1f; 2f-1f jmp loop .data 1: <0 not in switch.\n> 2: .even .text / / / / routine to place one word onto the pushdown list / Error exit to system on overflow. / / push: mov r1,(r5)+ cmp r5,$pdltop bhis pdlout rts pc / pdlout: mov $1,r0 sys write; 1f; 2f-1f jmp reset 1: 2: .even / / / routine to remove one word from the pushdown list / carry bit set on empty stack / / / jsr pc,pop / pop: cmp r5,$pdl bhi 1f clr r1 sec rt000; single; 100077; 005100; single; 100077; 005200; single; 100077; 005300; single; 100077; 005400; single; 100077; 005500; single; 100077; 005600; single; 100077; 005700; single; 100077; 006000; single; 100077; 006100; single; 100077; 006200; single; 100077; 006300; single; 000077; 000100; single; 000077; 000300; single; 000077,r2 jsr pc,div3 mov r1,(sp) mov r3,r1 jsr pc,release mov r4,r1 jsr pc,release mov (sp)+,r1 tst (sp)+ mov (sp)+,r3 rts pc 1: mov (sp)+,r1 mov (sp)+,r3 rts pc tenout: mov savk,ct mov $2,r0 jsr pc,allocate mov r1,-(sp) mov 2(sp),r1 jsr pc,fsfile jsr pc,backspace mov r0,r3 clr r2 dvd $10.,r2 beq 1f 3: add $60,r2 mov r2,r0 mov (sp),r1 jsr pc,putchar mov r1,(sp) 1: mov (sp),r1 add $60,r3 mov r3,r0 jsr pc,putchar mov 2(sp),r1 1: jsr pc,backspace bec 2f mov (sp),r1 jsr pc,lengts pc 1: mov -(r5),r1 clc rts pc / / / / .data outdit: hexout .bss source: .=.+2 savec: .=.+2 ch: .=.+2 .text nl: <\n> asczero: <0> qm: .even / .bss chptr: .=.+2 strptr: .=.+2 basptr: .=.+2 scalptr: .=.+2 errstack:.=.+2 / stable: .=.+512. .text casetab: case012; 012 /nl loop; 040 /sp case041; 041 /! case045; 045 /% case052; 052 /* case053; 053 /+ case055; 055 /- case060; 056 /. case057; 057 // case060; 060 /0 case060; 061 /1 case060; 062 /2 case060; 063 /3 case060; 064 /4 case060; ; 170100; singlw; 000077; 170200; singlw; 000077; 170300; singlw; 000077; 170400; singlw; 000077; 170500; singlw; 000077; 170600; singlw; 000077; 170700; singlw; 000077; 006700; singlw; 000077; 006600; singlw; 000077; 106600; singlw; 000077; 006500; singlw; 000077; 106500; singlw; 000777; 070000; muldiv; 000777; 071000; muldiv; 000777; 07200h cmp r0,ct beq 4f blo 5f sub ct,r0 mov r0,ct 1: jsr pc,getchar mov r0,ch jsr pc,wrchar dec ct bne 1b jsr pc,getchar bes 6f jsr pc,backspace 4: movb dot,ch jsr pc,wrchar 1: jsr pc,getchar bes 1f mov r0,ch jsr pc,wrchar br 1b 5: sub r0,ct movb dot,ch jsr pc,wrchar mov $60,ch 5: jsr pc,wrchar dec ct bne 5b br 1b 1: 6: mov (sp)+,r1 jsr pc,release mov (sp)+,r1 jsr pc,release jbr prout 2: mov r0,r3 clr r2 dvd $10.,r2 br 3b dot: <.> .even ct: .=.+2 / / dingout: clr -(sp) br065 /5 case060; 066 /6 case060; 067 /7 case060; 070 /8 case060; 071 /9 case072; 072 /: case073; 073 /; case074; 074 /< case075; 075 /= case076; 076 /> case077; 077 /? case060; 101 /A case060; 102 /B case060; 103 /C case060; 104 /D case060; 105 /E case060; 106 /F case111; 111 /I case113; 113 /K case114; 114 /L case117; 117 /O case120; 120 /P case121; 121 /Q case123; 123 /S case166; 126 /V case170; 130 /X case172; 132 /Z case133; 133 /[ case136; 136 /^ case137; 137 /_ case143; 10; muldiv; 000777; 073000; muldiv; 000377; 000400; branch; 000377; 001000; branch; 000377; 001400; branch; 000377; 002000; branch; 000377; 002400; branch; 000377; 003000; branch; 000377; 003400; branch; 000377; 100000; branch; 000377; 100400; branch; 000377; 101000; branch; 000377; 101400; branch; 000377; 102000; branch; 000377; 1f unout: mov $1,-(sp) 1: mov 2(sp),r1 mov savk,r2 jsr pc,removc mov r1,2(sp) mov strptr,r1 jsr pc,create mov $-1,r0 jsr pc,putchar mov r1,r3 1: mov 2(sp),r1 jsr pc,length beq 1f mov r1,r2 jsr pc,add3 mov r1,2(sp) mov r2,r1 jsr pc,release mov $1,r0 tst (sp) beq 2f mov $'1,ch jsr pc,wrchar br 1b 2: tst delflag jne in177 sys write; ding; 3 br 1b 1: tst (sp)+ mov (sp)+,r1 jsr pc,release jmp prout / ding: < > / sp5: <\\\n > minus: <-> one: <1> .ev43 /c case144; 144 /d case146; 146 /f case151; 151 /i case153; 153 /k case154; 154 /l case157; 157 /o case160; 160 /p case161; 161 /q case163; 163 /s case166; 166 /v case170; 170 /x case172; 172 /z 0;0 / .bss pdl: .=.+100. pdltop: .text reset: clr r0 sys seek; 0; 2 1: clr r0 sys read; rathole; 1 bes 1f tst r0 beq 1f cmpb rathole,$'q bne 1b 1: sys exit .bss rathole: .=.+2 .text 102400; branch; 000377; 103000; branch; 000377; 103400; branch; 000000; 000000; noaddr; 000000; 000001; noaddr; 000000; 000002; noaddr; 000000; 000004; noaddr; 000000; 000005; noaddr; 000377; 171000; fltrev; 000377; 171400; fltrev; 000377; 172000; fltrev; 000377; 172400; fltrev; 000377; 173000; fltrev; 000377; 173400; fltrev; 000377; 17en .bss count: .=.+2 .text / bigout: mov r1,-(sp) /big digit tst dflg beq 1f clr r0 jsr pc,allocate mov r1,tptr 1: mov strptr,r1 jsr pc,length add fw,r0 dec r0 mov r0,-(sp) /end of field clr -(sp) /negative mov 4(sp),r1 jsr pc,length bne 2f mov $'0,r0 tst dflg beq 3f mov tptr,r1 jsr pc,putchar mov r1,tptr br 1f 3: mov strptr,r1 jsr pc,putchar br 1f 2: mov 4(sp),r1 /digit jsr pc,fsfile jsr pc,backspace bpl 2f mov $1,(sp) /negative jsr pc,chsign 2: mov 4(sp),r3 /digit mov r3/ db4 -- debugger maxsym = 24000. core: a.out: .even zero: 0 .bss regbuf: .=.+1024. sigp = regbuf+310 txtsiz = regbuf+322 datsiz = regbuf+324 stksiz = regbuf+326 rtxtsiz: .=.+2 .data objmagic: 407 nobjmagic: 410 namsiz: nambuf incdot: 2 nlcom: '/ .bss starmod:.=.+2 symbol: .=.+10. getoff: .=.+2 namstrt: .=.+2 bytemod: .=.+2 savsp: .=.+2 error: .=.+2 ttyfin: .=.+2 dbfin: .=.+2 symfin: .=.+2 curfin: .=.+2 dbfout: .=.+2 ch: .=.+2 lastop: .=.+2 addres: .=.+2 taddr: .=.+2 adrflg: .=4000; fltnor; 000377; 174400; fltrev; 000377; 175000; fltnor; 000377; 175400; fltnor; 000377; 176000; fltnor; 000377; 176400; fltrev; 000377; 177000; fltrev; 000377; 177400; fltrev; 000000; 170000; noaddr; 000000; 170001; noaddr; 000000; 170002; noaddr; 000000; 170011; noaddr; 000000; 170012; noaddr; 000777; 004000; specl1; 000777; 074000; specl1,r1 jsr pc,length beq 1f mov tenptr,r2 jsr pc,div3 mov r1,4(sp) /digit mov r3,r1 jsr pc,release mov r4,r1 jsr pc,rewind jsr pc,getchar jsr pc,release add $'0,r0 tst dflg beq 3f mov tptr,r1 jsr pc,putchar mov r1,tptr br 2b 3: mov strptr,r1 jsr pc,putchar br 2b 1: tst dflg beq 4f mov tptr,r1 jsr pc,length cmp r0,fw1 bhis 2f mov fw1,r1 sub r0,r1 mov r1,-(sp) mov strptr,r1 3: mov $'0,r0 jsr pc,putchar dec (sp) bne 3b tst (sp)+ 2: mov tptr,r1 jsr pc,fsfile 2: mov tptr,r1 j.+2 fpsr: .=.+2 och: .=.+2 dot: .=.+2 count: .=.+2 syscnt: .=.+2 temp: .=.+2 temp1: .=.+2 obuf: .=.+8. inbuf: .=.+128. nambuf: .=.+20 ; 000007; 000200; specl2; 000017; 000240; specl3; 000017; 000260; specl3; 000377; 104000; specl4; 000377; 104400; specl5; 000077; 006400; specl7; 000777; 077000; specl8; 000007; 000230; specl9; 177777; 000000; specl6; fltrev: bic $!377,(sp) muldiv: jsr pc,psp mov (sp)+,r0 asl r0 asl r0 swab r0 aslb r0 aslb r0 aslb r0 aslb r0 asr r0 asr r0 asr r0 asr r0 bic $!7707,r0 sr pc,backspace bes 2f mov strptr,r1 jsr pc,putchar br 2b 2: mov tptr,r1 jsr pc,release br 1f 4: mov strptr,r1 jsr pc,length cmp r0,2(sp) /end of field bhis 1f mov $'0,r0 jsr pc,putchar br 1b 1: tst (sp) /negative beq 1f mov $'-,r0 mov strptr,r1 dec w(r1) jsr pc,putchar 1: mov strptr,r1 mov $' ,r0 jsr pc,putchar tst (sp)+ tst (sp)+ mov (sp)+,r1 jsr pc,release rts pc / .bss tptr: .=.+2 tenptr: .=.+2 .text / / / hexout: mov r1,-(sp) jsr pc,rewind jsr pc,getchar cmp r0,$16. blmov r0,-(sp) br fltnor1 fltnor: bic $!377,(sp) br 1f double: tst (sp) bge 1f jsr pc,pb 1: jsr pc,psp mov (sp),r0 fltnor1: als $-6,r0 jsr r5,decodadr; dot add r0,incdot add dot,r0 mov r0,temp jsr pc,pcom mov (sp)+,r0 jsr r5,decodadr; temp add r0,incdot rts pc single: tst (sp) bge singlw jsr pc,pb singlw: jsr pc,psp mov (sp)+,r0 jsr r5,decodadr; dot add r0,incdot rts pc specl8: / sob jsr pc,psp mov (sp),r3 als $-6,r3 jsr pc,preg jsr pc,pcom mov (sp)+,r0 bic $!77,r0 neg r0o 1f jmp err 1: add $60,r0 cmp r0,$'9 blos 2f add $'A-'9-1,r0 2: mov strptr,r1 jsr pc,putchar mov (sp)+,r1 jsr pc,release rts pc / / wrchar: tst delflag jne in177 mov $1,r0 tst count bne 7f sys write; sp5; 2 mov ll,count mov $1,r0 7: dec count sys write; ch; 1 rts pc / / / case P for print an ascii string / / case120: jsr pc,pop jes eh jsr pc,length mov r0,0f mov a(r1),3f mov $1,r0 sys 0; 9f jsr pc,release jmp loop .data 9: sys write; 3:.=.+2; 0:.=.+2 .text / / / here for unimp/ db3 -- debugger psym: mov $2,incdot jsr pc,prints jsr pc,pnl rts pc prints: mov r0,-(sp) mov $optab,r1 1: mov (sp),r0 bic (r1)+,r0 cmp (r1)+,r0 bne 2f mov (r1)+,-(sp) jsr pc,string jmp *(sp)+ 2: add $8.,r1 br 1b optab: 107777; 010000; double; 107777; 020000; double; 107777; 030000; double; 107777; 040000; double; 107777; 050000; double; 007777; 060000; double; 007777; 160000; double; 100077; 005 br 1f branch: jsr pc,psp mov (sp)+,r0 bic $!377,r0 bit $200,r0 beq 1f bis $177400,r0 1: inc r0 asl r0 add dot,r0 jsr pc,pname rts pc noaddr: tst (sp)+ rts pc specl1: / jsr jsr pc,psp mov (sp),r3 als $-6,r3 jsr pc,preg jsr pc,pcom mov (sp)+,r0 jsr r5,decodadr; dot add r0,incdot rts pc specl2: / rts jsr pc,psp mov (sp)+,r3 jsr pc,preg rts pc specl3: / opr jsr pc,psp mov (sp)+,r2 mov $3f,r1 1: bit $17,r2 beq 1f bit $10,r2 beq 2f movb (r1),r0 jsr pc,putc 2: inc r1 asl r2 br 1b 1: rts pc 3: specl7: / mark bic $!77,(sp) br specl4 specl9: / spl bic $!7,(sp) br specl4 specl4: / emt jsr pc,psp mov (sp)+,r0 bic $!377,r0 8: jsr pc,printo rts pc specl5: / sys jsr pc,psp mov (sp)+,r2 bic $!377,r2 mov r2,r0 asl r2 asl r2 cmp r2,$esystab-systab bhis 8b mov systab(r2),r1 jsr pc,string mov systab+2(r2),-(sp) mov dot,temp1 1: dec (sp) bge 2f tst (sp)+ rts pc 2: jsr r5,mesg; <;\0> add $2,temp1 add $2,incdot jsr r5,get; temp1 jsr pc,pname br 1f mov $1,0f+2 br 2f 1: mov $2,0f+2 2: sys write; 0:0; 2 bes 3b rts r5 decodadr: mov r0,r3 mov r3,-(sp) bic $!10,(sp) bic $!7,r0 cmp r0,$7 beq pcadr 7: mov r3,r0 asr r0 asr r0 asr r0 bic $!6,r0 jmp *1f(r0) 1: simp incr decr indx simp: tst (sp) beq 1f jsr pc,plp 1: jsr pc,preg tst (sp)+ beq 9f jsr pc,prp br 9f incr: tst (sp)+ beq 1f jsr pc,pstar 1: jsr pc,plp jsr pc,preg jsr r5,mesg; <)+\0>; .even br 9f decr: tst (sp)+ beq 1f jsr pc,pstar 1: jsr r5,mesg; <-(\0>; (r4)+,r0 mov addres,-(sp) mov adrflg,-(sp) jsr pc,readexp mov addres,count mov (sp)+,adrflg mov (sp)+,addres tst error bne errexit 2: movb (r4),r0 jsr pc,command tst error beq loop errexit: sys signal; 2; errexit mov savsp,sp jsr r5,mesg; ; .even br loop fnfnd: jsr r5,mesg; ; .even ex: sys exit readlin: mov $inbuf,r4 1: mov ttyfin,r0 sys read; ch; 1 tst r0 beq ex cmpb ch,$'\n beq 1f movb ch,(r4)+ br 1b 1: clrb (r4) mov $inbuf,r4 rts pc switch: m 1b systab: 1f; 0; .data; 1:; .text 1f; 0; .data; 1:; .text 1f; 0; .data; 1:; .text 1f; 2; .data; 1:; .text 1f; 2; .data; 1:; .text 1f; 2; .data; 1:; .text 1f; 0; .data; 1:; .text 1f; 0; .data; 1:; .text 1f; 2; .data; 1:; .text 1f; 2; .data; 1:; .text 1f; 1; .data; 1:; .text 1f; 2; .data; 1:; .text 1f; 1; .data; 1:; .text 1f; 0; .data; 1:; .text 1f; 1; .data; 1:; .t .even jsr pc,preg jsr pc,prp br 9f indx: tst (sp)+ beq 1f jsr pc,pstar 1: jsr pc,get1 jsr pc,pname jsr pc,plp jsr pc,preg jsr pc,prp br 5f pcadr: mov r3,r0 bit $20,r3 beq 7b tst (sp)+ beq 1f jsr pc,pstar 1: bit $40,r3 bne 6f jsr r5,mesg; <$\0> jsr pc,get1 jsr pc,pname br 5f 6: jsr pc,get1 add $2,r0 add r1,r0 mov $3,r1 jsr pc,pname br 5f 9: tst (r5)+ clr r0 rts r5 5: mov $2,r0 rts r5 preg: mov r3,r0 bic $!7,r0 asl r0 mov regtab(r0),obuf mov $1,r0 sys write; obuf; ov (r5)+,r1 2: cmp r0,(r1)+ bne 1f tst (sp)+ jmp *(r1) 1: tst (r1)+ bne 2b rts r5 readexp: mov $'+,lastop clr addres clr starmod clr taddr clr adrflg nextxp: movb (r4)+,r0 cmp r0,$'0 blt 1f cmp r0,$'9 ble numin cmp r0,$'a blt 1f cmp r0,$'z bgt 1f jmp letin 1: cmp r0,$'a-40 blt 1f cmp r0,$'z-40 ble letin 1: jsr r5,switch; expsw tstb -(r4) tst starmod beq 1f mov dot,taddr br operand 1: rts pc expsw: '+; opex '-; opex ' ; nextxp '.; letin '_; letin '^; circumf '*; starext 1f; 2; .data; 1:; .text 1f; 2; .data; 1:; .text 1f; 1; .data; 1:; .text 1f; 2; .data; 1:; .text 1f; 2; .data; 1:; .text 1f; 2; .data; 1:; .text 1f; 2; .data; 1:; .text 1f; 1; .data; 1:; .text 1f; 0; .data; 1:; .text 1f; 0; .data; 1:; .text 1f; 0; .data; 1:; .text 1f; 1; .data; 1:; .text 1f; 1; .data; 1:; .text 1f; 1; .data; 1:; .text 1f; 1; .data; 1:; .text 12 rts pc regtab: "r0 "r1 "r2 "r3 "r4 "r5 "sp "pc pname: mov r5,-(sp) mov r3,-(sp) mov r1,-(sp) jsr pc,lookupv tst r2 beq 5f cmp (sp),$1 bne 1f tst r3 bne 5f 1: mov r2,r1 mov $8,-(sp) mov r0,r5 1: movb (r1)+,r0 beq 1f jsr pc,putc dec (sp) bne 1b 1: tst (sp)+ cmp 12(r2),r5 beq 1f blt 2f jsr r5,mesg; <-\0> br 3f 2: jsr r5,mesg; <+\0> 3: mov r3,r0 5: jsr pc,printo 1: tst (sp)+ mov (sp)+,r3 mov (sp)+,r5 rts pc get1: mov *(r5)+,r1 add $2,r1 mov r1,temp jsr r5,get; te -1; 0 star: mov pc,starmod br nextxp operand: inc adrflg tst starmod beq 1f clr starmod bis bytemod,error jsr r5,get; taddr tst error bne 1f mov r0,taddr 1: cmp lastop,$'+ beq 1f sub taddr,addres br 2f 1: add taddr,addres 2: mov $'+,lastop br nextxp circumf: mov dot,taddr dec taddr tst bytemod bne operand dec taddr br operand numin: clr r1 clr r3 1: sub $'0,r0 asl r1 asl r1 asl r1 mpy $10.,r3 bis r0,r1 add r0,r3 movb (r4)+,r0 cmp r0,$'0 blo 1f cmp r0,$'9 blos 1b 1f; 1; .data; 1:; .text 1f; 1; .data; 1:; .text 1f; 1; .data; 1:; .text 1f; 1; .data; 1:; .text 1f; 0; .data; 1:; .text 1f; 0; .data; 1:; .text 1f; 0; .data; 1:; .text 1f; 0; .data; 1:; .text 1f; 0; .data; 1:; .text 1f; 0; .data; 1:; .text esystab: .data .even .text specl6: / unknown jsr pc,psp mov (sp)+,r0 jsr pc,printo rts pc mp rts pc : cmp r0,$'. bne 1f mov r3,r1 inc r4 1: mov r1,taddr dec r4 br operand letin: dec r4 mov $nambuf,namstrt letin1: mov $symbol,r1 clr (r1)+ clr (r1)+ clr (r1)+ clr (r1) mov $symbol,r1 mov $8.,-(sp) br 2f 1: tstb (r4)+ cmpb (r4),$'. beq 2f cmpb (r4),$'0 blo 3f cmpb (r4),$'9 blos 2f cmpb (r4),$'A blo 3f cmpb (r4),$'Z blos 2f cmpb (r4),$'_ beq 2f cmpb (r4),$'a blo 3f cmpb (r4),$'z bhi 3f 2: dec (sp) blt 1b movb (r4),(r1)+ br 1b 3: tst (sp)+ jsr pc,lookupn tst error bne / db2 -- debugger lookupn: cmp symbol,$'. bne 1f mov dot,taddr rts pc 1: tst error beq 1f rts pc 1: mov r2,-(sp) mov namstrt,r1 mov namsiz,r2 jsr pc,1f mov (sp)+,r2 rts pc 1: mov $symbol,r0 cmp (r0)+,(r1)+ bne 2f cmp (r0)+,(r1)+ bne 3f cmp (r0)+,(r1)+ bne 4f cmp (r0)+,(r1)+ bne 5f tst (r1)+ mov (r1)+,taddr rts pc 2: tst (r1)+ 3: tst (r1)+ 4: tst (r1)+ 5: cmp (r1)+,(r1)+ cmp r1,r2 blo 1b inc error clr taddr rts pc lookupv: mov r5,-(sp) mov $nambuf,r5 clr r2 mov $1777771f cmpb (r4),$'; beq 2f 1: jmp operand 2: tstb (r4)+ mov r1,namstrt br letin1 opex: mov r0,lastop jmp nextxp command: jsr r5,switch; comsw inc error rts pc comsw: '/; slash '\\; bslash '?; quest '\0; newln '^; circumf '=; equal ':; colon '!; excla ''; squote '"; dquote '$; dolr '&; amper '%; ex '`; grave -1; 0 dolr: mov sigp,r1 bic $!17,r1 asl r1 mov traptab(r1),r1 jsr pc,string jsr pc,pnl mov $doltab,r5 1: mov (r5)+,r1 beq 1f jsr pc,*(r5)+ br 1b .if fpp 1: mov (r,r3 1: cmp r5,namsiz bhis 4f mov 12(r5),r1 sub r0,r1 neg r1 blt 3f cmp r1,r3 bhi 3f cmp r1,$4000 bhis 3f cmp r2,r5 bhi 3f mov r1,r3 mov r5,r2 3: add $14,r5 br 1b 4: mov (sp)+,r5 rts pc get: mov *(r5)+,r0 jsr r5,remap tst error bne 2f mov r0,0f mov curfin,r0 sys seek; 0:0; 0 bec 1f 2: inc error rts r5 1: mov curfin,r0 sys read; temp; 2 bes 2b tst r0 beq 2b mov temp,r0 rts r5 remap: mov dbfin,curfin cmp getoff,$1024. bne 1f cmp r0,txtsiz bhis 2f add $20,r0 mov symfi/ db1 -- debugger fpp = 0 eae = 0 ldfps = 170100^tst db: mov sp,r5 mov (r5)+,r4 tst (r5)+ cmp r4,$2 blt 1f mov (r5),dbfile mov (r5),odbfil mov (r5)+,namfil cmp r4,$2 beq 1f mov (r5)+,namfil 1: sys open; dbfile: core; 0 bec 9f jmp fnfnd 9: mov r0,dbfin clr dbfout sys open; odbfil:core; 1 bes 1f mov r0,dbfout 1: sys open; namfil: a.out; 0 bes 1f mov r0,r1 mov r0,symfin sys read; nambuf; 20 cmp nambuf,nobjmagic beq 2f cmp nambuf,objmagic bne 1f 2: mov nambuf+2,r0 / text add nam5)+,r1 beq 1f ldfps fpsr jsr pc,*(r5)+ br 1b 1: mov (r5)+,r1 jsr pc,*(r5)+ .endif 1: rts pc traptab: 1f; .data; 1:; .text 1f; .data; 1:; .text 1f; .data; 1:; .text 1f; .data; 1:; .text 1f; .data; 1:; .text 1f; .data; 1:; .text 1f; .data; 1:; .text 1f; .data; 1:; .text 1f; .data; 1:; .text 1f; .data; 1:; .text 1f; .data; 1:; .text 1f; .data; 1:; .text 1f; .data; 1:; .text 1f; .data; 1:; .text 1f; .data; 1:; .text 1f; .data; 1:; .text locps: regbuf+1776 locpc: regbuf+1774 locr0: regbuf+1772 locr1: regbuf+1766 locr2: regbuf+1750 locr3: regbuf+1752 locr4: regbuf+1754 locsp: regbuf+1764 locr5: regbuf+1756 locfpsr: regbuf+4 locfr0: regbuf+6 locfr4: regbuf+16 locfr5: regbuf+26 locfr1: regbuf+36 locfr2: regbuf+46 locfr3: regbuf+56 doltab: 1f; prgreg; locsp; .data; 1:; .text 1f; proct; locps; . inc r5 bic $1,r5 rts r5 pnl: jsr r5,mesg; <\n\0> rts pc psp: jsr r5,mesg; < \0> rts pc pstar: jsr r5,mesg; <*\0> rts pc plp: jsr r5,mesg; <(\0> rts pc prp: jsr r5,mesg; <)\0> rts pc pb: jsr r5,mesg; rts pc pcom: jsr r5,mesg; <,\0> rts pc put: mov *(r5)+,r0 jsr r5,remap tst error bne 2f cmp curfin,dbfin bne 2f mov r0,0f mov dbfout,r0 bne 1f 2: tst (r5)+ 3: inc error rts r5 1: tst error bne 3b sys seek; 0:0; 0 bes 2b mov (r5)+,0f mov dbfout,r0 tst bytemod beqr4,$2 / arg count beq 9f / not core image cmp r4,$4 / no-core image flag beq 9f mov $1024.,getoff mov dbfin,r0 sys seek; 0; 0 mov dbfin,r0 sys read; regbuf; 1024. mov txtsiz,r0 ash $6,r0 mov r0,txtsiz add $17777,r0 bic $17777,r0 mov r0,rtxtsiz mov datsiz,r0 ash $6,r0 mov r0,datsiz mov stksiz,r0 ash $6,r0 mov r0,stksiz mov *locfpsr,r0 bic $!200,r0 mov r0,fpsr br loop 9: loop: clr error jsr pc,readlin jsr pc,readexp tst error bne errexit mov $1,count cmpb r0,$', bne 2f movbdata; 1:; .text 1f; prgreg; locpc; .data; 1:; .text 1f; prgreg; locr0; .data; 1:; .text 1f; prgreg; locr1; .data; 1:; .text 1f; prgreg; locr2; .data; 1:; .text 1f; prgreg; locr3; .data; 1:; .text 1f; prgreg; locr4; .data; 1:; .text 1f; prgreg; locr5; .data; 1:; .text 0 .if fpp 1f; prfreg; locfr0; .data; 1:; .text 1f; prfreg; locfr1; .data; 1:; .text 1f; prfreg; locfr2; .data; 1:; .text 1f; prfreg; locfr3; .data; 1:; .text 1f; prfreg; locfr4; .data; 1:; .text 1f; prfreg; locfr5; .data; 1:; .text 0 1f; proct; locfpsr; .data; 1:; .text .endif .data .even .text .if fpp prfreg: mov *(r5)+,r4 movf (r4),fr0 cfcc beq 1f jsr pc,string jsr pc,printf jsr pc,pnl 1: rts pc .endif prgreg: jsr pc,string mov *(r5)+,r4 mov (r4),r0 jsr pc,printo mov (r4),r0 jsr pc,lookupv tst r2 beq 1f jsr r5,mesg; < \0>; .even mov (r4),r0 jsr pc,pname 1: jsr pc,pnl rts pc proct: jsr pc,s error mov r0,-(sp) mov 0b,0f sys seek; 0:..; 3 mov (sp)+,r0 sys write; buf; 512. bes error sys exit error: mov $1,r0 sys write; 1f; 2f-1f sys exit 1: 2: filsys: .even .bss buf: .=.+512. ,$obuf+512. blo 1f mov $1,r0 sys write; obuf; 512. mov $obuf,r2 1: rts pc .bss ibuf: .=.+512. obuf: .=.+512. fin: .=.+2 .text tring mov *(r5)+,r4 mov (r4),r0 jsr pc,printo jsr pc,pnl rts pc string: movb (r1)+,r0 beq 1f jsr pc,putc br string 1: rts pc putc: mov r0,och mov $1,r0 sys write; och; 1 rts pc equal: jsr r5,coleq; printo rts pc amper: clr bytemod mov $2,incdot jsr r5,cycle; asymp rts pc asymp: jsr pc,pname jsr pc,pnl rts pc bslash: inc bytemod mov $1,incdot br 1f slash: clr bytemod mov $2,incdot 1: jsr r5,cycle; octp rts pc grave: clr bytemod mov $2,incdot jsr r5,cycle; decp rts pc/ chown -- change owner .globl fopen, getc, mesg mov sp,r5 mov (r5),r4 cmp r4,$3 bge 1f jsr r5,mesg; ; .even 1: add $4,r5 mov (r5),r3 cmpb (r3),$'0 blt 1f cmpb (r3),$'9 bgt 1f jsr r5,cvnum; geta br do 1: mov $uids,r0 jsr r5,fopen; ubuf bec 1f jsr r5,mesg; ; .even sys exit 1: mov r3,r2 2: jsr r5,getc; ubuf bcc 3f who: jsr r5,mesg; ; .even sys exit 3: cmp r0,$': beq 3f cmpb (r2)+,r0 beq 2b 2: jsr r5,getc; ubuf bcs who  quest: clr bytemod jsr r5,cycle; psym rts pc decp: jsr pc,printd jsr r5,mesg; <.\n\0>; .even rts pc octp: jsr pc,printo jsr pc,pnl rts pc newln: tst adrflg bne 1f add incdot,dot 1: mov nlcom,r0 jmp command excla: tst adrflg bne 1f 2: inc error rts pc 1: bit $1,dot beq 1f tst bytemod beq 2b 1: jsr r5,put; dot; addres rts pc squote: inc bytemod mov $1,incdot br 2f dquote: clr bytemod mov $2,incdot 2: jsr r5,cycle; ascp rts pc ascp: mov r0,-(sp) jsr pc,ascp1 mov (sp)+,cmp r0,$'\n bne 2b br 1b 3: tstb (r2) bne 2b 3: jsr r5,getc; ubuf cmpb r0,$': bne 3b jsr r5,cvnum; getc do: sub $2,r4 mov r1,0f+2 tst (r5)+ 1: mov (r5),0f mov (r5)+,9f sys stat; 9:..; statb movb statb+8,0f+3 sys chown; 0:..; 0 bec 2f mov 0b,r0 mov r0,0f clr 0f+2 3: tstb (r0)+ beq 3f inc 0f+2 br 3b 3: mov $1,r0 sys write; 0:..; .. jsr r5,mesg; ; .even 2: dec r4 bgt 1b sys exit cvnum: clr r1 1: jsr r5,*(r5); ubuf bcs 1f sub $'0,r0 cmp r0,$9. bhi 1f mpy $10.,r1 add/ / / bas0 -- basic scope = 1 .globl main .globl sin, cos, log, exp, atan, pow, sqrt .globl rand, srand .globl fptrap .globl fopen, getc indir = 0 /for indirect sys calls. (not in as) one = 40200 main: mov $1,prfile /initial print file sys signal; 4; fptrap setd sys time mov r1,r0 mov r0,randx jsr pc,srand sys signal; 2; intrup mov sp,gsp clr seeka mov $'a,r1 1: movb r1,tmpf+8 sys stat; tmpf; line bes 1f inc r1 cmp r1,$'z blos 1b br 2f 1: sys creat; tmpf; 600 bes 2f mov r0,tfo syr0 tst bytemod bne 1f swab r0 jsr pc,ascp1 1: cmp count,$1 bgt 1f jsr pc,pnl 1: rts pc ascp1: bic $!377,r0 cmp r0,$'\n beq 2f cmp r0,$011 beq 2f cmp r0,$40 blo 1f cmp r0,$177 bhis 1f 2: jsr pc,putc rts pc 1: mov r0,r1 jsr r5,mesg; <\\\0> clr r0 alsc $10.,r0 add $'0,r0 jsr pc,putc clr r0 alsc $3,r0 add $'0,r0 jsr pc,putc clr r0 alsc $3,r0 add $'0,r0 jsr pc,putc rts pc colon: jsr r5,coleq; pname rts pc coleq: jsr pc,setadr mov addres,r0 jsr pc,*(r5)+ jsr pc,pnl rts r0,r1 br 1b 1: tst (r5)+ rts r5 geta: movb (r3)+,r0 tst (r5)+ rts r5 uids: .bss statb: .=.+36. ubuf: .=.+518. s open; tmpf; 0 bec 1f 2: mov $3f,r0 jsr pc,print sys exit 3: ; .even 1: mov r0,tfi mov gsp,sp cmp (sp),$2 /is there a file argument blt noarg mov 4(sp),r0 mov $argname,r1 1: movb (r0)+,(r1)+ bne 1b aftered: / after edit mov $argname,r0 jsr r5,fopen; iobuf bes 1f noarg: jsr pc,isymtab br loop 1: mov $1f,r0 jsr pc,print br loop 1: ; .even intrup: sys signal; 2; intrup mov $'\n,r0 jsr r5,xputc jsr r5,error ; .even loop: mov gsp,sr5 cycle: mov r0,nlcom jsr pc,setadr mov addres,dot tst bytemod bne 1f bic $1,dot 1: jsr r5,get; dot tst error bne 1f tst bytemod beq 2f bic $!377,r0 2: jsr pc,*(r5) tst error bne 1f dec count ble 1f add incdot,dot br 1b 1: tst (r5)+ rts r5 setadr: tst adrflg bne 1f mov dot,addres 1: rts pc .if fpp printf: ldfps $200 / round+double mov r4,-(sp) mov r3,-(sp) movif $10.,r3 movif $1,r2 clr r4 tstf r0 cfcc beq 2f bge 1f negf r0 mov $'-,r0 jsr pc,putc 1: cmpf r3,r0 cf/ chgrp -- change group .globl fopen, getc, mesg mov sp,r5 mov (r5),r4 cmp r4,$3 bge 1f jsr r5,mesg; ; .even 1: add $4,r5 mov (r5),r3 cmpb (r3),$'0 blt 1f cmpb (r3),$'9 bgt 1f jsr r5,cvnum; geta br do 1: mov $uids,r0 jsr r5,fopen; ubuf bec 1f jsr r5,mesg; ; .even sys exit 1: mov r3,r2 2: jsr r5,getc; ubuf bcc 3f who: jsr r5,mesg; ; .even sys exit 3: cmp r0,$': beq 3f cmpb (r2)+,r0 beq 2b 2: jsr r5,getc; ubuf bcs who p clr lineno jsr pc,rdline mov $line,r3 1: movb (r3),r0 jsr pc,digit br 1f jsr r5,atoi cmp r0,$' / beq 3f cmp r0,$' /tab bne 1f 3: mov $lintab,r3 mov r1,r0 bgt 2f jsr pc,serror 2: cmp r0,(r3) beq 2f tst (r3) beq 2f add $6,r3 br 2b 2: cmp r3,$elintab-12. blo 2f jsr r5,error ; .even 2: mov r0,(r3)+ mov seeka,(r3)+ mov tfo,r0 mov seeka,seekx sys indir; sysseek mov $line,r0 jsr pc,size inc r0 add r0,seeka mov r0,wlen mov tfo,r0 mov $line,wbuf sys indicc bgt 1f inc r4 divf r3,r0 br 1b 1: cmpf r2,r0 cfcc ble 2f dec r4 mulf r3,r0 br 1b 2: modf r2,r0 movfi r1,r0 add $'0,r0 jsr pc,putc mov $'.,r0 jsr pc,putc mov $8.,r3 1: modf r3,r0 movfi r1,r0 add $'0,r0 jsr pc,putc dec r3 bgt 1b mov $'E,r0 jsr pc,putc mov r4,r0 mov (sp)+,r3 mov (sp)+,r4 br printd .endif printd: mov r1,-(sp) mov r0,r1 bpl 1f neg r1 mov $'-,r0 jsr pc,putc 1: jsr pc,1f mov (sp)+,r1 rts pc 1: clr r0 dvd $10.,r0 mov r1,-(sp) mov r0,r1 beq 1f jsr pc,cmp r0,$'\n bne 2b br 1b 3: tstb (r2) bne 2b 3: jsr r5,getc; ubuf cmpb r0,$': bne 3b jsr r5,cvnum; getc do: sub $2,r4 swab r1 mov r1,0f+2 tst (r5)+ 1: mov (r5),0f mov (r5)+,9f sys stat; 9:..; statb movb statb+7,0f+2 sys chown; 0:..; 0 bec 2f mov 0b,r0 mov r0,0f clr 0f+2 3: tstb (r0)+ beq 3f inc 0f+2 br 3b 3: mov $1,r0 sys write; 0:..; .. jsr r5,mesg; ; .even 2: dec r4 bgt 1b sys exit cvnum: clr r1 1: jsr r5,*(r5); ubuf bcs 1f sub $'0,r0 cmp r0,$9. bhi 1f mpy $10r;syswrit br loop 1: mov $line,r3 jsr pc,singstat br loop nextc: movb (r3)+,r0 rts r5 size: clr -(sp) 1: inc (sp) cmpb (r0),$'\n beq 1f cmpb (r0),$0 beq 1f inc r0 br 1b 1: mov (sp)+,r0 rts pc rdline: / read input (file or tty) to carr. ret. mov $line,r1 1: jsr r5,getc; iobuf bes 2f tst r0 beq 2f cmp r1,$line+99. bhis 2f / bad check, but a check movb r0,(r1)+ cmpb r0,$'\n bne 1b clrb (r1) rts pc 2: mov fi,r0 beq 1f sys close clr fi br 1b 1: jmp _done error: tst fi b1b 1: mov (sp)+,r0 add $'0,r0 jsr pc,putc rts pc .,r1 add r0,r1 br 1b 1: tst (r5)+ rts r5 geta: movb (r3)+,r0 tst (r5)+ rts r5 uids: .bss statb: .=.+36. ubuf: .=.+518. eq 1f sys close clr fi 1: tst lineno beq 1f jsr pc,nextlin br 1f mov $line,r0 jsr pc,print 1: mov r5,r0 jsr pc,print jmp loop serror: dec r3 tst fi beq 1f sys close clr fi 1: mov $line,r1 1: cmp r1,r3 bne 2f mov $'_,r0 jsr r5,xputc mov $10,r0 jsr r5,xputc 2: movb (r1),r0 jsr r5,xputc cmpb (r1)+,$'\n bne 1b jmp loop print: mov r0,wbuf jsr pc,size mov r0,wlen mov prfile,r0 sys indir; syswrit rts pc digit: cmp r0,$'0 blo 1f cmp r0,$'9 bhi 1f add $2,(sp) 1: rts pc al/ clri -- clear inode cmp (sp)+,$2 blt error beq 1f mov 4(sp),fs1 mov 4(sp),fs2 1: tst (sp)+ mov (sp)+,r0 clr r5 1: movb (r0)+,r1 beq 1f mpy $10.,r5 sub $'0,r1 cmp r1,$10. bhis error add r1,r5 br 1b 1: add $31.,r5 mov r5,r0 als $-4,r0 mov r0,0f sys open; fs1: filsys; 0 bes error mov r0,-(sp) sys seek; 0:..; 3 mov (sp),r0 sys read; buf; 512. mov (sp)+,r0 sys close mov r5,r0 als $5,r0 bic $!777,r0 add $buf,r0 mov $16.,r5 1: clr (r0)+ sob r5,1b sys open; fs2: filsys; 1 bes/ cat -- concatinate files mov (sp)+,r5 tst (sp)+ mov $obuf,r2 cmp r5,$1 beq 3f loop: dec r5 ble done mov (sp)+,r0 cmpb (r0),$'- bne 2f clr fin br 3f 2: mov r0,0f sys open; 0:..; 0 bes loop mov r0,fin 3: mov fin,r0 sys read; ibuf; 512. bes 3f mov r0,r4 beq 3f mov $ibuf,r3 4: movb (r3)+,r0 jsr pc,putc dec r4 bne 4b br 3b 3: mov fin,r0 beq loop sys close br loop done: sub $obuf,r2 beq 1f mov r2,0f mov $1,r0 sys write; obuf; 0:.. 1: sys exit putc: movb r0,(r2)+ cmp r2pha: cmp r0,$'a blo 1f cmp r0,$'z bhi 1f add $2,(sp) 1: cmp r0,$'A blo 1f cmp r0,$'Z bhi 1f add $2,(sp) 1: rts pc name: mov $nameb,r1 clr (r1) clr 2(r1) 1: cmp r1,$nameb+4 bhis 2f movb r0,(r1)+ 2: movb (r3)+,r0 jsr pc,alpha br 2f br 1b 2: jsr pc,digit br 2f br 1b 2: mov $resnam,r1 1: cmp nameb,(r1) bne 2f cmp nameb+2,2(r1) bne 2f sub $resnam,r1 asr r1 add $2,(sp) rts pc 2: add $4,r1 cmp r1,$eresnam blo 1b mov $symtab,r1 1: tst (r1) beq 1f cmp nameb,(r1) bne 2f cmp nameb+2,2(r1) bne 2f rts pc 2: add $14.,r1 br 1b 1: cmp r1,$esymtab-28. blo 1f jsr r5,error ; .even 1: mov nameb,(r1) mov nameb+2,2(r1) clr 4(r1) clr 14.(r1) rts pc skip: cmp r0,$' / beq 1f cmp r0,$' / tab bne 2f 1: movb (r3)+,r0 br skip 2: rts pc xputc: .if scope / for plotting tstb drflg beq 1f jsr pc,drput rts r5 1: .endif mov r0,ch mov $1,r0 sys write; ch; 1 rts r5 nextlin: clr -(sp) mov $lintab,r1 1: tst (r1) beq 1f cmp lineno,(r1) bhi(r0)+ br 1b 1: sys unlink; tmpf sys wait jmp aftered / start over newpr: sys exec; ed; edarg sys exit ed: ; .even ednm: <-\n> .even edarg: ednm; argname; 0 stcomment: /comment line cmp r0,$'\n beq 1f movb (r3)+,r0 br stcomment 1: rts pc stgoto: jsr pc,expr mov $_goto,(r4)+ rts pc streturn: cmp r0,$'\n beq 1f jsr pc,expr cmp r0,$'\n bne joe br 2f 1: clrf r0 jsr pc,const 2: mov $_return,(r4)+ rts pc joe: jsr pc,serror stfor: mov r4,-(sp) jsr pc,e2 mov r4,-(sp) cm cmpf $one,r0 cfcc bne 1f mov $_con1,(r4)+ br 2f 1: movfi r0,r0 movif r0,r1 cmpf r0,r1 cfcc bne 1f mov $_intcon,(r4)+ mov r0,(r4)+ br 2f 1: mov $_const,(r4)+ movf r0,(r4)+ 2: movf (sp)+,r1 mov (sp)+,r0 rts pc rlist: clr -(sp) cmpb (r3),$') bne 1f movb (r3)+,r0 br 2f 1: inc (sp) jsr pc,expr cmp r0,$', beq 1b 2: mov (r5)+,(r4)+ mov (sp)+,(r4)+ rts r5 / / / bas3 -- execution execute: mov $estack,r3 mov r3,sstack jmp *(r4)+ _if: tstf (r3)+ cfcc beq _tra tst (r4)+ jmp *( 2f mov (sp),r0 beq 3f cmp (r0),(r1) blos 2f 3: mov r1,(sp) 2: add $6,r1 br 1b 1: mov (sp)+,r1 beq 1f mov (r1)+,lineno mov (r1)+,seekx mov tfi,r0 sys indir; sysseek mov tfi,r0 sys read; line; 100. add $2,(sp) 1: rts pc getloc: mov $lintab,r1 1: tst (r1) beq 1f cmp r0,(r1) beq 2f add $6,r1 br 1b 1: jsr r5,error argname: vt: .even pname: <\0\0\0\0\0\0> .even resnam: / prompt is like print without \n (cr) / comment; mv a.out exit.o as ffltpr.s; mv a.out ffltpr.o as fltpr.s; mv a.out fltpr.o as fork.s; mv a.out fork.o as fstat.s; mv a.out fstat.o as getc.s; mv a.out getc.o as getchr.s; mv a.out getchr.o as getcsw.s; mv a.out getcsw.o as getgid.s; mv a.out getgid.o as getpid.s; mv a.out getpid.o as getuid.s; mv a.out getuid.o as gtty.s; mv a.out gtty.o as hmul.s; mv a.out hmul.o as kill.s; mv a.out kill.o as ladd.s; mv a.out ladd.o as ldfps.s; mv a.out ldfps.o as link.s; mv a.out link.o as locv.s; mv a.out locv.o as lt / 4096 movfi r0,r0 mov r0,-(sp) jsr pc,drput mov (sp)+,r0 swab r0 drput: movb r0,ch mov drfo,r0 bne 1f sys open; vt; 1 bec 2f 4 2: mov r0,drfo 1: sys write; ch; 1 rts pc .endif / bas4 -- old library routines atoi: clr r1 jsr r5,nextc clr -(sp) cmp r0,$'- bne 2f inc (sp) 1: jsr r5,nextc 2: sub $'0,r0 cmp r0,$9 bhi 1f mpy $10.,r1 bcs 3f / >32k add r0,r1 bcs 3f / >32k br 1b 1: add $'0,r0 tst (sp)+ beq 1f neg r1 1: rts r5 3: tst (sp)+ mov $'.,r0 / faking overflow br 1b .if scope / for plotting .endif eresnam: symtnam: esymtnam: / indirect sys calls: sysseek: sys seek; seekx: 0; 0 syswrit: sys write; wbuf: 0; wlen: 0 sysread: sys read; rbuf: 0; rlen: 0 sysopen: sys open; ofile: 0 ; omode: 0 syscreat: sys creat; cfile: 0; cmode: 0 .bss drx: .=.+8 dry: .=.+8 drfo: .=.+2 ch: .=.+2 drflg: .=.+2 randx: .=.+2 gsp: .=.+2 forp: .=.+2 exprloc:.=.+2 sstack: .=od.s; mv a.out ltod.o cc -c -O *.c ar r /lib/libc.a rm *.o ldfps = 170100^tst stfps = 170200^tst atof: stfps -(sp) ldfps $200 movf fr1,-(sp) mov r1,-(sp) mov r2,-(sp) clr -(sp) clrf fr0 clr r2 jsr r5,*(r5) cmpb r0,$'- bne 2f inc (sp) 1: jsr r5,*(r5) 2: sub $'0,r0 cmp r0,$9. bhi 2f jsr pc,dig br 1b inc r2 br 1b 2: cmpb r0,$'.-'0 bne 2f 1: jsr r5,*(r5) sub $'0,r0 cmp r0,$9. bhi 2f jsr pc,dig dec r2 br 1b 2: cmpb r0,$'e-'0 bne 1f jsr r5,atoi sub $'0,r0 add r1,r2 1: movf $one,fr1 mov r2,-(sp) beq 2f bgt 1f neg r2 1: cmp r2,$38..+2 sublev: .=.+2 val: .=.+2 splimit: .=.+2 / statement size limit iflev: .=.+20. / nested if compile stack: 10 deep ifp: .=.+2 / current pointer to iflev line: .=.+100. prfile: .=.+2 / output from _list or _save tfi: .=.+2 / input file func: .=.+2 / alternate functions, eg: _list or _save seeka: .=.+2 / seek offset 1 lineno: .=.+2 nameb: .=.+4 tfo: .=.+2 symtab: .=.+2800.; esymtab: / symbol=7wds; symtab for 200 space: .=.+8000.; espace: / code space exline: .=.+1000.; eexline: / line execute sp/ unix DEC-tape time/mtrack track formatter nword = 256. nblock = 578. endz = 7200. ps = 177776 tcst = 177340 tccm = 177342 tcwc = 177344 tcba = 177346 tcdt = 177350 mov r5,savr5 mov sp,savsp jsr pc,4(r5) ; .even jsr pc,2(r5) mov r0,-(sp) mov $'\n,r0 jsr pc,(r5) cmp (sp)+,$'y beq 1f rts pc 1: clr r0 mov $cobtab,r1 1: jsr pc,bcomobv mov r2,(r1)+ inc r0 cmp r0,$512. bne 1b mov $buffer,r0 1: mov $-1,(r0)+ cmp r0,$buffer+nword+nword blo 1b mov savr5,r5 blos 1f clrf fr0 tst (sp)+ bmi out movf $huge,fr0 br out 1: mulf $ten,fr1 sob r2,1b 2: tst (sp)+ bge 1f divf fr1,fr0 br 2f 1: mulf fr1,fr0 cfcc bvc 2f movf $huge,fr0 2: out: tst (sp)+ beq 1f negf fr0 1: add $'0,r0 mov (sp)+,r2 mov (sp)+,r1 movf (sp)+,fr1 ldfps (sp)+ tst (r5)+ rts r5 dig: cmpf $big,fr0 cfcc blt 1f mulf $ten,fr0 movif r0,fr1 addf fr1,fr0 rts pc 1: add $2,(sp) rts pc one = 40200 ten = 41040 big = 56200 huge = 77777 .globl _ndigits .globl ecvt .globl fcvt ace lintab: .=.+1800.; elintab: / 3wds per statement = 300 stmts stack: .=.+800.; estack: iobuf: fi: .=.+518. / should be aquired?? jsr pc,2(r5) mov $340,ps mov $tcdt,r5 mov $13,tccm jsr pc,flag / 8Kch for end zone mov $endz,r4 1: jsr r0,mtrack; 101101 dec r4 bne 1b / foreward guard mov $199.,r4 1: jsr r0,mtrack; 10101 dec r4 bne 1b / blocks mov $nblock,r3 1: jsr r0,mtrack; 10101 jsr r0,mtrack; 10110 jsr r0,mtrack; 11010 jsr r0,mtrack; 01000 jsr r0,mtrack; 01000 jsr r0,mtrack; 01000 jsr r0,mtrack; 01000 mov $nword-4,r4 2: jsr r0,mtrack; 111000 dec r4 bne 2b jsr r0,mtrack; 111011 jsr r0,mtrack; 111011 jsr r0,mtrack; 111011 jsr r0,mtrack; 111011 jsr r0,mtrack; 101001 jsr r0,mtrack; 100101 jsr r0,mtrack; 10101 dec r3 bne 1b / rear guard mov $199.,r4 1: jsr r0,mtrack; 10101 dec r4 bne 1b / rear end zone mov $endz,r4 1: jsr r0,mtrack; 10010 dec r4 bne 1b clr tccm / end of mtrack pass / go back 12 blocks mov $12.,r0 mov $4002,tccm 1: incb tccm jsr pc,flag dec r0 bne 1b / put comobv(nblock-1) in everything / up to end zone mov $nblock-1,r0 mov r0,bn jsr pc,comobv mov $17,tccm / rp03 disk driver rpda = 176724 mov dska,r1 clr r0 div $10.,r0 mov r1,-(sp) mov r0,r1 clr r0 div $20.,r0 bisb r1,1(sp) mov $rpda,r1 mov (sp)+,(r1) mov r0,-(r1) mov ba,-(r1) mov wc,-(r1) mov $iocom,-(r1) 1: tstb (r1) bpl 1b rts pc / ar -- archive/library mov (sp)+,r0 sub $2,r0 ble userr tst (sp)+ mov (sp)+,r1 clr r2 1: tstb (r1) beq 1f cmpb (r1),$'v bne 2f inc r1 incb vflg br 1b 2: tst r2 bne userr movb (r1)+,r2 br 1b 1: tst r2 beq userr mov $arglst,r1 1: mov (sp)+,(r1)+ dec r0 bgt 1b clr (r1)+ mov $swlst,r1 1: cmp r2,(r1)+ beq 1f tst (r1)+ bne 1b br userr 1: jmp *(r1) swlst: 'r; comr 'u; comu 'd; comd 'x; comx 't; comt 0; 0 userr: jsr r5,diag .even putc: movb r0,ch mov jsr pc,flag 1: movb r1,tcst mov r0,(r5) jsr pc,flag1 br 1b / reverse pass put in / foreward and reverse / block numbers mov $4017,tccm jsr pc,flag 1: mov $nword+3.,r4 2: clrb tcst clr (r5) jsr pc,flag dec r4 bne 2b clrb tcst clr (r5) mov bn,r0 jsr pc,comobv jsr pc,flag movb r1,tcst mov r0,(r5) jsr pc,flag dec bn blt check clrb tcst clr (r5) jsr pc,flag clrb tcst clr (r5) jsr pc,flag clrb tcst mov bn,(r5) jsr pc,flag clrb tcst clr (r5) jsr pc,flag clrb tcst clr (r5) jmts = 172520 mtc = 172522 mtbrc = 172524 mtcma = 172526 tread: 1: mov ba,mtma cmp mtapa,tapa beq 1f bhi 2f jsr pc,rrec br 1b 2: jsr pc,rew br 1b 1: mov wc,r1 1: jsr pc,rrec add $256.,r1 bmi 1b rts pc rrec: mov $mts,r0 bit $2,(r0)+ / rewind status bne rrec tstb (r0)+ / cu ready bpl rrec inc r0 mov $-512.,(r0)+ / byte count mov mtma,(r0) / bus address mov $mtc,r0 mov $60003,(r0) / read 800bpi 1: tstb (r0) bpl 1b tst (r0)+ bpl 1f mov $-1,(r0) mov $60013,-(r0) / backspace br$1,r0 sys write; ch; 1 rts r5 print: movb (r1)+,r0 beq 1f jsr r5,putc br print 1: rts r5 diag: mov r5,r1 jsr r5,print tst tfo beq 1f sys unlink; tfil 1: sys exit getaf: mov arglst,0f sys open; 0:..; 0 bes 1f mov r0,afi sys read; buf; 2 cmp buf,magic bne magerr tst (r5)+ 1: rts r5 magerr: mov arglst,r1 jsr r5,print jsr r5,diag < -- not in archive format\n\0> .even mktmp: sys stat; tfil; buf bes 1f incb tfil+8 cmpb tfil+8,$'z blo mktmp br tferr 1: sys signal; 2; 1 ror sr pc,flag br 1b / foreward pass / confirm block numbers / write all 1's in data check: clrb tcst clr (r5) jsr pc,flag1 br check clr r4 1: mov $3,tccm jsr pc,flag cmp (r5),r4 bne error1 mov $-nword,tcwc mov $buffer,tcba mov $15,tccm jsr pc,flag inc r4 cmp r4,$nblock bne 1b mov $3,tccm jsr pc,flag1 br error2 / reverse pass / confirm block numbers / read data and compare / to all 1's 1: mov $4003,tccm jsr pc,flag dec r4 cmp r4,(r5) bne error3 mov $-nword,tcwc mov $buffer,tcba rrec 1: add $512.,mtma inc mtapa rts pc rew: mov $60017,*$mtc clr mtapa rts pc mtapa: 0 mtma: 0 r0 bcs 1f sys signal; 2; done 1: sys creat; tfil; 600 bes tferr mov r0,tfo sys open; tfil; 0 bes tferr mov r0,tfi rts r5 tferr: jsr r5,diag .even getdir: mov afi,r0 sys read; dir; 16. cmp r0,$16. bne 1f jsr r5,mvname tst (r5)+ 1: rts r5 mvname: mov name,rname mov name+2,rname+2 mov name+4,rname+4 mov name+6,rname+6 rts r5 skip: mov size,r0 inc r0 bic $1,r0 mov r0,0f mov afi,r0 sys seek; 0:..; 1 rts r5 trim: mov r0,r2 1: tstb (r0) beq 1f cm mov $4005,tccm jsr pc,compare jsr pc,flag tst r4 bne 1b mov $4003,tccm jsr pc,flag1 br error4 jsr pc,compare mov savr5,r5 mov savsp,sp rts pc error1: mov $1,r0 br 1f error2: mov $1,r0 br 1f error3: mov $3,r0 br 1f error4: mov $4,r0 br 1f error5: mov $5,r0 br 1f error6: mov $6,r0 br 1f error7: mov $7,r0 1: mov $1,tccm mov savr5,r5 mov savsp,sp jsr pc,4(r5) ; .even rts pc compare: mov r0,-(sp) mov $buffer,r0 1: cmp (r0)+,$-1 bne error5 cmp r0,$buffer+nwo/ write rk wblk: iocom = 3 pb (r0)+,$'/ beq trim br 1b 1: rts r5 match: mov $arglst+2,r1 1: mov (r1)+,r0 beq 1f cmp r0,$-1 beq 1b jsr r5,trim mov $name,r0 2: cmp r0,$name+8. beq 2f cmpb (r0),(r2)+ bne 1b tstb (r0)+ bne 2b 2: cmp (r5)+,-(r1) 1: rts r5 mvfil: mov (r1),9f mov (r1),0f sys stat; 0:..; buf bes operr sys open; 9:..; 0 bes operr mov r0,fio mov (r1),r0 mov $-1,(r1) jsr r5,trim mov $name,r0 1: cmp r0,$name+8. beq 1f movb (r2)+,(r0)+ bne 1b 1: mov buf+32.,mtim mov buf+34.,mtim+2 movb buf+7.rd+nword blo 1b mov (sp)+,r0 rts pc mtrack: mov (r0)+,(r5) jsr pc,flag rts r0 flag: bit $100200,tccm beq flag blt error6 rts pc flag1: bit $100200,tccm beq flag1 bge 1f tst tcst bge error7 add $2,(sp) 1: rts pc comobv: mov r0,r4 bic $!777,r0 asl r0 mov cobtab(r0),r0 swab r0 clr r1 ror r0 rol r1 asl r0 asl r0 rol r1 swab r4 bic $177401,r4 bis cobtab(r4),r0 rts pc bcomobv: mov r0,r2 bic $!70,r2 mov r0,r3 mov $6.,r4 1: asr r3 dec r4 bne 1b bic $!7,r3 bis r3,r2 movhtcs1 = 172440 htba = 172444 htfc = 172446 htcs2 = 172450 htds = 172452 httc = 172472 P800 = 1300 P1600 = 2300 PIP = 20000 MOL = 10000 ERR = 40000 REV = 33 READ = 71 REW = 7 tread: 1: mov ba,mtma cmp mtapa,tapa beq 1f bhi 2f jsr pc,rrec br 1b 2: jsr pc,rew br 1b 1: mov wc,r1 1: jsr pc,rrec add $256.,r1 bmi 1b rts pc rrec: mov $htds,r0 tstb (r0) bpl rrec bit $PIP,(r0) bne rrec bit $MOL,(r0) beq rrec mov $htfc,r0 mov $-512.,(r0) mov mtma,-(r0) mov $-256.,-(r0) mov $READ,-(r0) 1,ouid movb buf+4.,mode mov buf+10.,size mov tfo,r0 sys write; dir; 16. mov size,r2 1: mov fio,r0 sys read; buf; 512. sub r0,r2 mov r0,0f beq 1f mov tfo,r0 sys write; buf; 0:.. br 1b 1: tst r2 bne phserr bit $1,size beq 1f mov tfo,r0 sys seek; 1; 1 1: mov fio,r0 sys close jsr r5,mvname rts r5 operr: mov 9b,r1 jsr r5,print jsr r5,diag < -- cannot open\n\0> .even phserr: mov 9b,r1 jsr r5,print jsr r5,diag < -- phase error\n\0> .even copyfl: mov tfo,r0 sys write; dir; 16. r0,r3 mov $6.,r4 1: asl r3 dec r4 bne 1b bic $!700,r3 bis r3,r2 com r2 bic $!777,r2 rts pc bn: .=.+2 savr5: .=.+2 savsp: .=.+2 cobtab: .=.+1024. buffer: .=.+nword+nword : tstb (r0) bpl 1b bit $ERR,*$htds bpl 1f mov $-1,*$htfc mov $REV,(r0) br rrec 1: add $512.,mtma inc mtapa rts pc rew: clr *$htcs2 mov $P800,*$httc mov $REW,*$htcs1 clr mtapa rts pc mtapa: 0 mtma: 0 mov size,r1 mov $rname,9b 1: mov r1,0f beq 1f cmp r1,$512. blo 2f mov $512.,0f 2: mov afi,r0 sys read; buf; 0:.. sub r0,r1 mov r0,0f beq phserr mov tfo,r0 sys write; buf; 0:.. br 1b 1: bit $1,size beq 1f mov afi,r0 sys seek; 1; 1 mov tfo,r0 sys seek; 1; 1 1: rts r5 xtract: / movb mode,0f sys creat; rname; 0:666 bes noxerr mov r0,fio mov size,r1 mov $rname,9b 1: mov r1,0f beq 1f cmp r1,$512. blo 2f mov $512.,0f 2: mov afi,r0 sys read; buf; 0:.. sub r0,r1 mov r0,0f beq pchdir /usr/sys; pwd; time sh run chdir /usr/source/as; pwd; time sh run chdir /usr/source/c; pwd; time sh run chdir /usr/source/cref; pwd; time sh run chdir /usr/source/fort; pwd; time sh run chdir /usr/source/iolib; pwd; time sh run chdir /usr/source/m6; pwd; time sh run chdir /usr/source/mdec; pwd; time sh run chdir /usr/source/rat; pwd; time sh run chdir /usr/source/s1; pwd; time sh run chdir /usr/source/s2; pwd; time sh run chdir /usr/source/s3; pwd; time sh run chdir /usr/source/s4; pwd; time sh run c/ rp04 disk driver hpcs1 = 176700 hpda = 176706 hpcs2 = 176710 hpof = 176732 hpca = 176734 fmt22 = 010000 preset = 021 clear = 040 first = .+2 / dirty, but i need the space tst $0 bne 1f mov $clear,*$hpcs2 mov $preset,*$hpcs1 mov $fmt22,*$hpof inc first 1: mov dska,r1 clr r0 div $22.,r0 mov r1,-(sp) mov r0,r1 clr r0 div $19.,r0 bisb r1,1(sp) mov r0,*$hpca mov $hpda,r1 mov (sp)+,(r1) mov ba,-(r1) mov wc,-(r1) mov $iocom,-(r1) 1: tstb (r1) bpl 1b rts pc hserr mov fio,r0 sys write; buf; 0:.. br 1b 1: mov fio,r0 sys close bit $1,size beq 1f mov afi,r0 sys seek; 1; 1 1: mov r0,-(sp) mov r1,-(sp) mov mtim+2,r1 mov mtim,r0 / sys mdate mov (sp)+,r1 mov (sp)+,r1 rts r5 noxerr: mov $rname,r1 jsr r5,print jsr r5,diag < -- cannot create\n\0> .even table: mov $rname,r1 jsr r5,print mov $'\n,r0 jsr r5,putc rts r5 mesg: mov r1,-(sp) mov (r5)+,r0 tstb vflg beq 1f jsr r5,putc mov $' ,r0 jsr r5,putc mov $rname,r1 jsr r5,print mov $'hdir /usr/source/s5; pwd; time sh run chdir /usr/source/s7; pwd; time sh run chdir /usr/source/salloc; pwd; time sh run chdir /usr/source/sno; pwd; time sh run chdir /usr/source/tmg; pwd; time sh run chdir /usr/source/yacc; pwd; time sh run  !\n,r0 jsr r5,putc 1: mov (sp)+,r1 rts r5 oldnew: sys stat; rname; buf bes 1f cmp buf+32.,mtim blo 1f bhi 2f cmp buf+34.,mtim+2 blos 1f 2: tst (r5)+ mov $rname,tname mov $tname,r1 1: rts r5 comr: jsr r5,mktmp jsr r5,getaf br copfl 1: jsr r5,getdir br copfl jsr r5,match br 2f jsr r5,mesg; 'r jsr r5,skip jsr r5,mvfil br 1b 2: jsr r5,copyfl jsr r5,mesg; 'c br 1b comu: jsr r5,mktmp jsr r5,getaf br noaf 1: jsr r5,getdir br copfl tst arglst+2 beq 2f jsr r5,match br 3f mov $-1,(r1) 2: jsr r5,oldnew br 3f jsr r5,mesg; 'r jsr r5,skip jsr r5,mvfil br 1b 3: jsr r5,copyfl jsr r5,mesg; 'c br 1b comd: jsr r5,mktmp jsr r5,getaf br noaf 1: jsr r5,getdir br 1f jsr r5,match br 2f mov $-1,(r1) jsr r5,skip jsr r5,mesg; 'd br 1b 2: jsr r5,copyfl jsr r5,mesg; 'c br 1b 1: jsr r5,nfound br copfl noaf: jsr r5,diag .even crterr: jsr r5,diag .even copfl: mov $arglst,r1 mov (r1)+,0f 1: tst (r1)#include "sno.h" /* * Snobol III */ int freesize; struct node *freespace &end; struct node *freelist 0; int *fault -1; mes(s) { sysput(strstr(s)); } init(s, t) { register struct node *a, *b; a = strstr(s); b = look(a); delete(a); b->typ = t; return(b); } main(argc, argv) char *argv[]; { extern fin, fout; register struct node *a, *b, *c; if(argc > 1) { fin = open(argv[1], 0); if(fin < 0) { mes("cannot open input"); exit(); } } fout = dup(1); lookf = init("f", 0); looks =ry) { int n, sign; register struct node *m, *p, *q; n = binary; p = alloc(); q = alloc(); sign = 1; if (binary<0) { sign = -1; n = -binary; } p->p2 = q; loop: q->ch = n%10+'0'; n = n / 10; if (n==0) { if (sign<0) { m = alloc(); m->p1 = q; q = m; q->ch = '-'; } p->p1 = q; return(p); } m = alloc(); m->p1 = q; q = m; goto loop; } add(string1, string2) { return(binstr(strbin(string1) + strbin(string2))); } sub(string1, string2) { return(binstr(strbin(string1) - strb+ beq 1f cmp -2(r1),$-1 beq 1b tst -(r1) jsr r5,mvfil jsr r5,mesg; 'a br 1b 1: sys signal; 2; 1 / no interrupts during copy back sys creat; 0:..; 666 bes crterr mov r0,afo sys write; magic; 2 1: mov tfi,r0 sys read; buf; 512. mov r0,0f beq done mov afo,r0 sys write; buf; 0:.. br 1b done: jsr r5,diag <\0> .even comx: jsr r5,getaf br noaf 1: jsr r5,getdir br 1f tst arglst+2 beq 3f jsr r5,match br 2f mov $-1,(r1) 3: jsr r5,xtract jsr r5,mesg; 'x br 1b 2: jsr r5,skip br init("s", 0); lookend = init("end", 0); lookstart = init("start", 0); lookdef = init("define", 0); lookret = init("return", 0); lookfret = init("freturn", 0); init("syspit", 3); init("syspot", 4); a = c = compile(); while (lookend->typ != 2) { a->p1 = b = compile(); a = b; } cfail = 1; a->p1 = 0; if (lookstart->typ == 2) c = lookstart->p2; while (c=execute(c)); flush(); } syspit() { extern fin; register struct node *b, *c, *d; int a; if ((a=getchar())=='\n') return(0); b = c =in(string2))); } mult(string1, string2) { return(binstr(strbin(string1) * strbin(string2))); } div(string1, string2) { return(binstr(strbin(string1) / strbin(string2))); } cat(string1, string2) struct node *string1, *string2; { register struct node *a, *b; if (string1==0) return(copy(string2)); if (string2==0) return(copy(string1)); a = copy(string1); b = copy(string2); a->p2->p1 = b->p1; a->p2 = b->p2; free(b); return(a); } dcat(a,b) struct node *a, *b; { register struct node *c; c 1b 1: jsr r5,nfound br done comt: jsr r5,getaf br noaf 1: jsr r5,getdir br 1f tst arglst+2 beq 2f jsr r5,match br 3f mov $-1,(r1) 2: jsr r5,table 3: jsr r5,skip br 1b 1: jsr r5,nfound br done nfound: mov $arglst+2,r2 1: mov (r2)+,r1 beq 1f cmp r1,$-1 beq 1b mov $-1,-(r2) jsr r5,print mov $notfnd,r1 jsr r5,print br 1b 1: rts r5 notfnd: < -- not found\n\0> .even tfil: .even magic: -147. .bss afi: .=.+2 afo: .=.+2 tfi: .=.+2 tfo: .=.+2 fio: .=.+2 rname: .= alloc(); while(a != '\n') { c->p1 = d = alloc(); c = d; l: c->ch = a; if(a == '\0') { if(fin) { close(fin); fin = 0; a = getchar(); goto l; } rfail = 1; break; } a = getchar(); } b->p2 = c; if(rfail) { delete(b); b = 0; } return(b); } syspot(string) struct node *string; { register struct node *a, *b, *s; s = string; if (s!=0) { a = s; b = s->p2; while(a != b) { a = a->p1; putchar(a->ch); } } putchar('\n'); } strstr(s) char s[]; { int= cat(a,b); delete(a); delete(b); return(c); } delete(string) struct node *string; { register struct node *a, *b, *c; if (string==0) return; a = string; b = string->p2; while(a != b) { c = a->p1; free(a); a = c; } free(a); } sysput(string) { syspot(string); delete(string); } dump() { dump1(namelist); } dump1(base) struct node *base; { register struct node *b, *c, *e; struct node *d; while (base) { b = base->p1; c = binstr(b->typ); d = strstr(" "); e = dcat(c, d); sys.+9. ch: .=.+1 vflg: .=.+1 .even tname: .=.+2 dir: name: .=.+8. mtim: .=.+4 ouid: .=.+1 mode: .=.+1 size: .=.+2 arglst: .=.+200. buf: .=.+512. c; register struct node *e, *f, *d; d = f = alloc(); while ((c = *s++)!='\0') { (e=alloc())->ch = c; f->p1 = e; f = e; } d->p2 = e; return(d); } class(c) { switch (c) { case ')': return(1); case '(': return(2); case '\t': case ' ': return(3); case '+': return(4); case '-': return(5); case '*': return(6); case '/': return(7); case '$': return(8); case '"': case '\'': return(9); case '=': return(10); case ',': return(11); } return(0); } alloc() { register put(cat(e, b->p1)); delete(e); if (b->typ==1) { c = strstr(" "); sysput(cat(c, b->p2)); delete(c); } base = base->p2; } } writes(s) { sysput(dcat(binstr(lc),dcat(strstr("\t"),strstr(s)))); flush(); if (cfail) { dump(); flush(); exit(); } while(getc()); while (compile()); flush(); exit(); } getc() { register struct node *a; static struct node *line; static linflg; while (line==0) { line = syspit(); if(rfail) { cfail++; writes("eof on input"); } lc++; }_...runl.outy.tab.cne1.one2.one3.one4.one5.one6.onelex.one.gne.hne1.c~ne2.c}ne3.c|ne4.c{ne5.czne6.cynelex.ca.outa.outvnroff1.sunroff2.stnroff3.ssnroff4.srnroff5.sqnroff8.spti.soroff1.snroff2.sstruct node *f; register int i; extern fout; if (freelist==0) { if (--freesize < 20) { if ((i=sbrk(1200)) == -1) { flush(); write (fout, "Out of free space\n", 18); exit(); } freesize =+ 200; } return(freespace++); } f = freelist; freelist = freelist->p1; return(f); } free(pointer) struct node *pointer; { pointer->p1 = freelist; freelist = pointer; } nfree() { register int i; register struct node *a; i = freesize; a = freelist; while(a) { a = a->p1; i++; } if (linflg) { line = 0; linflg = 0; return(0); } a = line->p1; if (a==line->p2) { free(line); linflg++; } else line->p1 = a->p1; return(a); } mroff3.slroff4.skroff5.sjroff7.siroff8.ssufrcgsuftab.stcatsim.strctroff1.stroff2.stroff3.stroff4.stroff5.stroff6.stroff6atroff8.sxxxxxreturn(i); } look(string) struct node *string; { register struct node *i, *j, *k; k = 0; i = namelist; while (i) { j = i->p1; if (equal(j->p1, string) == 0) return(j); i = (k=i)->p2; } i = alloc(); i->p2 = 0; if (k) k->p2 = i; else namelist = i; j = alloc(); i->p1 = j; j->p1 = copy(string); j->p2 = 0; j->typ = 0; return(j); } copy(string) struct node *string; { register struct node *j, *l, *m; struct node *i, *k; if (string == 0) return(0); i = l = alloc(); j = string;b...abort.sabs.salloc.satof.satoi.ccerror.schdir.schmod.s chown.s close.s creat.s crt0.s csv.sctime.cdup.serrlst.cexecl.sexecv.sexit.sfcrt0.sffltpr.sfltpr.sfork.sfstat.sgetc.sgetchr.sgetcsw.sgetgid.sgetpid.sgetpw.cstruct node { struct node *p1; struct node *p2; char typ; char ch; }; int freesize; struct node *lookf; struct node *looks; struct node *lookend; struct node *lookstart; struct node *lookdef; struct node *lookret; struct node *lookfret; int cfail; int rfail; struct node *freelist; struct node *namelist; int lc; struct node *schar; k = string->p2; while(j != k) { m = alloc(); m->ch = (j=j->p1)->ch; l->p1 = m; l = m; } i->p2 = l; return(i); } equal(string1, string2) struct node *string1, *string2; { register struct node *i, *j, *k; struct node *l; int n, m; if (string1==0) { if (string2==0) return(0); return(-1); } if (string2==0) return(1); i = string1; j = string1->p2; k = string2; l = string2->p2; for(;;) { m = (i=i->p1)->ch; n = (k=k->p1)->ch; if (m>n) return(1); if (mp1; q = s->p2; sign = 1; if (class(p->ch)==5) { /* minus */ sign = -1; if (p==q) return(0); p = p->p1; } loop: m = p->ch - '0'; if (m>9 | m<0) writes("bad integer string"); n = n * 10 + m; if (p==q) return(n*sign); p = p->p1; goto loop; } binstr(binagetcsw.ogetgid.ogetpid.ogetuid.ogtty.ohmul.okill.oladd.oldfps.olink.olocv.oltod.oatoi.octime.oerrlst.ogetpw.ounlink.sabs.owait.swrite.salloc.oatof.ocerror.ochdir.ochmod.ochown.oclose.ocreat.ocsv.odup.oexecl.oexecv.oexit.offltpr.ofltpr.ofork.ofstat.ogetc.ogetchr.ogetcsw.ogetgid.ogetpid.ogetuid.ogtty.ohmul.okill.oladd.oldfps.olink.olocv.oltod.omakdir.omcount.omdate.omknod.omount.onargs.onice.onlist.oopen.opipe.oprintf.oprof.optrace.o@dc3.s?dc4.s>dc5.s=diff2.sOrun;dsw.s:du.sfactor.s8fed1.s7fed2.s6fed3.s5form1.s4form2.s3form3.s2form4.s1form5.s0form6.s/kill.scdb1.o1cpall.ccdb2.o+lpd.s*ac.c)bcd.c(cal.cbanner.cbc.y%cc.ca.out#cdb1.c"cdb2.ccheck.cldfps = 170100^tst stfps = 170200^tst / ftoa -- basic g fp conversion .globl _ndigit .globl ecvt .globl fcvt / ecvt converts fr0 into decimal / the string of converted digits is pointed to by r0. / the number of digits are specified by _ndigit / r2 contains the decimal point / r1 contains the sign .globl _ecvt, _fcvt _ecvt: mov r5,-(sp) mov sp,r5 mov r2,-(sp) movf 4(r5),fr0 mov 14(r5),_ndigit jsr pc,ecvt br 1f _fcvt: mov r5,-(sp) mov sp,r5 mov r2,-(sp) movf 4(r5),fr0 mov 14(r5),_ndigit jsputc.oputchr.oread.oreset.osbrk.oseek.osetgid.osetuid.osignal.osleep.ostat.ostime.ostty.osync.otime.otimes.oumount.ounlink.owait.owrite.ocrt0.ofcrt0.omcrt0.oatoi.octime.oerrlst.ogetpw.omon.operror.oqsort.orin.o chmod.ccmp.ccol.ccomm.ccp.ccron.ccrypt.ccu.cdate.cdcheck.cdd.cdf.cdiff1.cdpr.cdump.cecho.ced.cexit.cfc.cfget.c file.c find.cfsend.c getty.cglob.cgoto.cgrep.cgsi.chcatsim.chyphen.cibm.cicheck.cr pc,fcvt 1: mov r2,*16(r5) mov r1,*20(r5) mov (sp)+,r2 mov (sp)+,r5 rts pc fcvt: clr eflag br 1f ecvt: mov $1,eflag 1: stfps -(sp) ldfps $200 movf fr0,-(sp) movf fr1,-(sp) mov r3,-(sp) mov $buf,r1 clr r2 clr sign tstf fr0 cfcc beq zer bgt 1f inc sign negf fr0 1: modf $one,fr0 tstf fr1 cfcc beq lss gtr: movf fr0,-(sp) movf fr1,fr0 1: mov $buftop,r3 1: modf tenth,fr0 movf fr0,fr2 movf fr1,fr0 addf $epsilon,fr2 modf $ten,fr2 movfi fr3,r0 add $'0,r0 movb r0,-(r3) inc r2 c...patan.sa.out'runatan.ocrypt.odpadd.ojcrypt.sidpadd.shecvt.sgexp.sffakfp.s-floor.s,fmod.s+fp1.s*fp2.s)fp3.s(fpx.s'gamma.secvt.oexp.o$get.sfloor.o"ldiv.s!log.s mesg.spow.sput.srand.ssavr5.sfmod.oif.cind.cinit.cjsts.cld.cln.clogin.clpr.cls.cbob.y tstf fr0 cfcc bne 1b / mov $buf,r1 1: movb (r3)+,(r1)+ cmp r3,$buftop blo 1b / movf (sp)+,fr0 br pad zer: inc r2 br pad lss: dec r2 modf $ten,fr0 tstf fr1 cfcc beq lss inc r2 jsr pc,digit1 pad: jsr pc,digit br out br pad digit: cmp r1,$buftop bhis 1f add $2,(sp) modf $ten,fr0 digit1: movfi fr1,r0 add $'0,r0 movb r0,(r1)+ 1: rts pc / out: mov $buf,r0 add _ndigit,r0 tst eflag bne 1f add r2,r0 1: cmp r0,$buf blo outout movb (r0),r3 add $5,r3 movb r3,(r0) 1: cmpb (rfp.osin.ssqrt.sswitch.sttyn.sgamma.oget.oldiv.olog.omesg.opow.oput.orand.osavr5.osin.osqrt.oswitch.ottyn.ottyn.o/ fakefp -- fake floating point simulator .globl fptrap fptrap: sub $2,(sp) mov r0,-(sp) sys signal; 4; 0 mov (sp)+,r0 2 / rti 0),$'9 ble 1f movb $'0,(r0) cmp r0,$buf blos 2f incb -(r0) br 1b 2: movb $'1,(r0) inc r2 1: outout: mov sign,r1 mov _ndigit,r0 tst eflag bne 1f add r2,r0 1: clrb buf(r0) mov $buf,r0 mov (sp)+,r3 movf (sp)+,fr1 movf (sp)+,fr0 ldfps (sp)+ rts pc epsilon = 037114 one = 40200 ten = 41040 .data tenth: 037314; 146314; 146314; 146315 _ndigit:10. .bss buf: .=.+40. buftop: sign: .=.+2 eflag: .=.+2 .text d...runpasswd.cmail.cmesg.cmkdir.smkfs.cmknod.cmount.cmv.cncheck.cnewgrp.c#tbl.cnice.cunits.cnm.cnohup.cl.outod.copr.ctty.sa.outa.outpfe.sa.outpinhead.hplot.cpr.cprof.cps.cpti.s.globl exp, _exp / ldfps = 170100^tst stfps = 170200^tst ldexp = 176400^movif stexp = 175000^movfi / / exp accepts its argument and returns its result / in fr0. The carry bit is set if the result overflows. / The coefficients are #1067 from Hart & Cheney. / / movf arg,fr0 / jsr pc,exp / movf fr0,result / _exp: mov r5,-(sp) mov sp,r5 mov 4(r5),fr0 jsr pc,exp mov (sp)+,r5 rts pc exp: stfps -(sp) ldfps $200 /di mode movf fr2,-(sp) movf fr1,-(sp) tstf fr0 cfcc bne 1f movf $one,fr0 /exp(0) clc / C library -- signed dp add / dpadd(l, i) / int l[2]; / l =+ i; .globl _dpadd _dpadd: mov r5,-(sp) mov sp,r5 mov 4(r5),r0 tst 6(r5) sxt r1 add r1,(r0)+ add 6(r5),(r0) adc -(r0) mov (sp)+,r5 rts pc ptx.cpwd.cquiz.cquot.crc.creloc.crestor.crew.srm.crmdir.ssa.csh.csize.csleep.csort.cspeak.cspeak.vspell.cspell1.cspell2.cspell3.cspline.csplit.cstrip.sstty.csu.csum.ssync.ctbl.ctee.ctekstare.ctime.s br out 1: modf log2e,fr0 /exp(x) = 2^(x*log2(e)) cfcc bmi 2f movfi fr1,-(sp) /save integer part subf $half,fr0 br 3f 2: movfi fr1,-(sp) dec (sp) addf $half,fr0 3: movf fr0,fr1 / -.5 < x < +.5 mulf fr1,fr1 /arg**2 / movf P2,fr2 mulf fr1,fr2 addf P1,fr2 mulf fr1,fr2 addf P0,fr2 mulf fr2,fr0 /xP(x**2) / movf fr1,fr2 addf Q1,fr2 mulf fr1,fr2 addf Q0,fr2 /Q(x**2) / movf fr2,fr1 subf fr0,fr1 addf fr2,fr0 divf fr1,fr0 /(Q+xP)/(Q-xP) mulf sqrt2,fr0 / stexp fr0,-(sp) add (sp)+,(sp) / crypt -- password incoding / mov $key,r0 / jsr pc,crypt .globl crypt, _crypt .globl savr5 _crypt: mov r5,-(sp) mov sp,r5 mov r5,savr5 mov 4(r5),r0 jsr pc,crypt clr savr5 mov (sp)+,r5 rts pc crypt: mov r1,-(sp) mov r2,-(sp) mov r3,-(sp) mov r4,-(sp) mov r5,-(sp) mov r0,r1 mov $key,r0 movb $004,(r0)+ movb $034,(r0)+ 1: cmp r0,$key+64. bhis 1f movb (r1)+,(r0)+ bne 1b 1: dec r0 / / / fill out key space with clever junk / mov $key,r1 1: movb -1(r0),r2 movb (r1)+,r3 xor r3,r2 movtp1.stp2.s~tp3.s}tp4.s|tr.ctss.stty.sytypo.cxumount.cwuniq.cvupdate.suusort.ctwall.cswc.crwho.cqwrite.s/ cmp (sp),$177 ble 2f tst (sp)+ movf big,fr0 /overflow sec br 1f 2: cmp (sp),$-177 bge 2f tst (sp)+ clrf fr0 /underflow clc br 1f 2: ldexp (sp)+,fr0 clc 1: out: movf (sp)+,fr1 movf (sp)+,fr2 ldfps (sp)+ rts pc / / .data P0: 42675; 36404; 77563; 46675 P1: 41241; 116724; 114237; 60333 P2: 36675; 27102; 125560; 136652 Q0: 43210; 100661; 76072; 62453 Q1: 42151; 27450; 75350; 112503 log2e: 40270; 125073; 24534; 13761 sqrt2: 40265; 02363; 31771; 157144 half = 40000 one = b r2,(r0)+ cmp r0,$key+128. blo 1b / / / establish wheel codes and cage codes / mov $wheelcode,r4 mov $cagecode,r5 mov $256.,-(sp) 2: clr r2 clr (r4) mov $wheeldiv,r3 3: clr r0 mov (sp),r1 div (r3)+,r0 add r1,r2 bic $40,r2 bis shift(r2),(r4) cmp r3,$wheeldiv+6. bhis 4f bis shift+4(r2),(r5) 4: cmp r3,$wheeldiv+10. blo 3b sub $2,(sp) tst (r4)+ tst (r5)+ cmp r4,$wheelcode+256. blo 2b tst (sp)+ / .data shift: 1;2;4;10;20;40;100;200;400;1000;2000;4000;10000;20000;40000;100000 1;2 wheelde...^ar.scol.cl.outdf.oa.outa.outa.outas17.sas18.sas19.sas21.sas22.sas23.sas24.sas25.sas26.sas27.sas28.sas29.sKbas.sJcat.sIchgrp.sHchown.sGclri.sFdb1.sEdb2.sDdb3.sCdb4.sBdc1.sAdc2.s40200 / big: 77777; 177777; 177777; 177777 / / P0 = .15139 06799 05433 89158 94328 d4 / P1 = .20202 06565 12869 27227 886 d2 / P2 = .23093 34775 37502 33624 d-1 / / Q0 = .43682 11662 72755 84984 96814 d4 / Q1 = .23318 42114 27481 62379 0295 d3 / Q2 = .1 d1 / / log2e = 1.44269 50408 88963 40735 99246 / sqrt2 = 1.41421 35623 73095 04880 16887 iv: 32.; 18.; 10.; 6.; 4. .bss cagecode: .=.+256. wheelcode: .=.+256. .text / / / make the internal settings of the machine / both the lugs on the 128 cage bars and the lugs / on the 16 wheels are set from the expanded key / mov $key,r0 mov $cage,r2 mov $wheel,r3 1: movb (r0)+,r1 bic $!177,r1 asl r1 mov cagecode(r1),(r2)+ mov wheelcode(r1),(r3)+ cmp r0,$key+128. blo 1b / / / now spin the cage against the wheel to produce output. / mov $word,r4 mov $wheel+128.,r3 3: mov -(r3),r2 mov $cage,r0 clr r5 1: bit r2,(r0)+ beq 2f incb r5 2: cmp r0,$cage+256. blo 1b / / we have a piece of output from current wheel / it needs to be folded to remove lingering hopes of / inverting the function / mov r4,-(sp) clr r4 div $26.+26.+10.,r4 add $'0,r5 cmp r5,$'9 blos 1f add $'A-'9-1,r5 cmp r5,$'Z blos 1f add $'a-'Z-1,r5 1: mov (sp)+,r4 movb r5,(r4)+ cmp r4,$word+8. blo 3b / mov (sp)+,r5 mov (sp)+,r4 mov (sp)+,r3 mov (sp)+,r2 mov (sp)+,r1 mov $word,r0 rts pc .bss key: .=.+128. word: .=.+3r5 rts pc atan: jsr r0,save tstf fr0 cfcc blt 1f jsr pc,satan br ret 1: negf fr0 jsr pc,satan negf fr0 br ret / atan2: jsr r0,save clr -(sp) tstf fr0 cfcc bge 1f inc (sp) negf fr0 1: tstf fr1 cfcc beq 2f bgt 1f add $2,(sp) negf fr1 1: divf fr1,fr0 jsr pc,satan br 1f 2: movf pi2,fr0 1: bit $2,(sp) beq 1f negf fr0 addf pi2,fr0 addf pi2,fr0 1: bit $1,(sp)+ beq 1f negf fr0 1: ret: ldfps (sp)+ movf (sp)+,fr3 movf (sp)+,fr2 movf (sp)+,fr1 mov (sp)+,r0 rts pc save: movf ttyf,r0 sys write; endmsg; eendmsg-endmsg sys exit unknown: mov $"??,ubuf br 6b mshproc: sys exec; msh; mshp sys exit .data nlflg: 1 .text mshp: msh minust 0 msh: minust: <-t\0> argm: eargm: film: efilm: .data < > / is ltty -1 ltty: .=.+1 .text excl: qnl: <...\n> .data ttyx: ttyno = .-2 .text utmp: endmsg: eendmsg: errmsg: < not logged in.\n> eerrmsg: mesg: <\nMessage from > emesg: dnymes2. cage: .=.+256. wheel: .=.+256. fr1,-(sp) movf fr2,-(sp) movf fr3,-(sp) stfps -(sp) ldfps $40200 / DP, no interrupt jmp (r0) satan: cmpf sq2m1,fr0 cfcc bge arctan cmpf sq2p1,fr0 cfcc bgt 1f movf one,fr1 divf fr0,fr1 movf fr1,fr0 jsr pc,arctan negf fr0 addf pi2,fr0 rts pc 1: movf fr0,fr1 subf one,fr0 addf one,fr1 divf fr1,fr0 jsr pc,arctan addf pi4,fr0 rts pc arctan: mov $p4p,r0 mov $4,-(sp) movf fr0,fr3 mulf fr3,fr3 movf *(r0)+,fr1 1: mulf fr3,fr1 addf *(r0)+,fr1 dec (sp) bne 1b mov $4,(sp) movf fr3,: ednymes: .even .bss ttyf: .=.+2 ubuf: .=.+16. statbuf:.=.+40. ch: .=.+2 ufil: .=.+2 signal = 48. .globl release .globl discard .globl iget,succ discard: jsr pc,iget mov (r0),r1 jsr pc,release jmp succ fr2 br 2f 1: mulf fr3,fr2 2: addf *(r0)+,fr2 dec (sp) bne 1b tst (sp)+ divf fr2,fr1 mulf fr1,fr0 rts pc .data p4p: p4;p3;p2;p1;p0 q3;q2;q1;p0 one: 40200;0;0;0 pi2: 40311;7732;121041;64302 pi4: 40111;7732;121041;64302 sq2p1: 40432 101171 114774 167461 sq2m1: 37724 11714 147747 74621 p4: 37442 145026 75504 15621 p3: 40725 21566 115517 50305 p2: 41443 160206 172714 25441 p1: 41632 172223 76027 56645 p0: 41462 25125 6152 126064 q3: 41170 10112 141724 64324 q2: 41573 537/* * who */ int fout; int buf[256]; main(argc, argv) char **argv; { char *s, *cbuf; int n, fi, i; int tty; struct { char name[8]; char tty; char pad1; int time[2]; char pad2[2]; } *p; s = "/etc/utmp"; if(argc == 2) s = argv[1]; fi = open(s, 0); if(fi < 0) { write("cannot open wtmp\n", 17); exit(); } fout = dup(1); close(1); if (argc==3) tty = ttyn(0); loop: n = read(fi, buf, 512); if(n == 0) { flush(); if (argc==3) write(fout, "Nobody.\n", 8); exit(); } p =i = r3 .globl putcall,iget,kput,putdec .globl generate,succ .globl decimal decimal: mov $1f+1,r0 jsr pc,putcall jsr pc,iget mov (r0),r0 jsr pc,kput jmp succ 1: mov (i),r0 jsr pc,putdec jmp generate 76 25372 71522 q1: 41670 123114 51576 75020 / one = 1.00000 00000 00000 00000 d0 / sq2p1=2.41421 35623 73095 04880 d0 / sq2m1= .41421 35623 73095 04880 d0 / pi2 = 1.57079 63267 94896 61923 d0 / p4 = .15897 40288 48230 7048 d0 / p3 = .66605 79017 00926 2658 d1 / p2 = .40969 26483 21022 5637 d2 / p1 = .77477 68771 92042 0862 d2 / p0 = .44541 34005 92906 8032 d2 / q4 = .10000 00000 00000 0000 d1 / q3 = .15503 97755 14219 8753 d2 / q2 = .62835 93051 10323 7683 d2 / q1 = .92324 80107 23009 7484 d2 / q0 = &buf; for(p = &buf; (n =- 16)>=0; p++) { if (argc==3 && tty!=p->tty) continue; if(p->name[0] == '\0' && argc==1) continue; for(i=0; i<8; i++) { if(p->name[i] == '\0') p->name[i] = ' '; putchar(p->name[i]); } for(i=0; i<3; i++) putchar("tty"[i]); putchar(p->tty); cbuf = ctime(p->time); for(i=3; i<16; i++) putchar(cbuf[i]); putchar('\n'); if (argc==3) { flush(); exit(); } } goto loop; } f = r5 .globl j .globl classtab,jget .globl ctest .globl putcstr .globl succ ctest: inc ctestc mov r0,-(sp) jsr pc,jget asl r0 bit *(sp)+,classtab(r0) clc beq 1f asr r0 jsr pc,putcstr inc j(f) sec 1: rts pc .data ctestc: 0 .44541 34005 92906 8044 d2 /* wc line and word count */ int buf[259]; int wordct[2]; int twordct[2]; int linect[2]; int tlinect[2]; main(argc,argv) char **argv; { int i, token; register char *p1, *p2; register int c; i = 1; do { if(argc<=1) buf[0] = 0; else if(fopen(argv[i],buf)<0) { diag(argv[i]); diag(": cannot open\n"); continue; } p1 = 0; p2 = 0; linect[0] = linect[1] = 0; wordct[0] = wordct[1] = 0; token = 0; for(;;) { if(p1 >= p2) { p1 = &buf[1]; c = read(buf[0], p1, 512); if(c # include "ciodec.c" ceof (fn) int fn; { struct fileps *fp; fp = &IEH3fpts[fn]; if (fp->wrflag > 0 && fp->eoferr == 2) return(1); else return(0); } cerr (fn) int fn; { struct fileps *fp; fp = &IEH3fpts[fn]; if (fp->eoferr == 0) fp->eoferr = 1; if (fp->wrflag > 0 && fp->eoferr == 3) return(1); else return(0); } / write -- write to another user .globl ttyn cmp (sp)+,$2 beq 1f bgt 2f mov $1,r0 sys write; argm; eargm-argm sys exit 2: movb *4(sp),ltty 1: tst (sp)+ mov (sp)+,r5 sys open; utmp; 0 bec 1f mov $1,r0 sys write; film; efilm-film sys exit 1: mov r0,ufil 1: mov ufil,r0 sys read; ubuf; 16. tst r0 bne 2f jmp 8f 2: tstb ltty beq 2f cmpb ltty,8.+ubuf bne 1b 2: mov $ubuf,r3 mov r5,r4 mov $9.,r2 2: dec r2 beq 2f cmpb (r4)+,(r3)+ beq 2b tstb -1(r4) bne 1b cmpb $' ,-1(r3) bne 1b 2:<= 0) break; p2 = p1+c; } c = 0; c =| *p1++; if(' ' 20) return; fp = &IEH3fpts[fn]; if (fp->nchars > 0 || fp->wrflag == 3) switch (fp->wrflag) { case 3: seek(fn,0,2); case 2: write (fn, fp->buff, fp->nchars); break; case 1: seek(fn, -(fp->nchars), 1); } fp -> nchars = fp->eoferr = 0; fp -> wrflag = 0; if ( IEH3olbf[fn] != 0 && fp->bsize >4) free(IEH3olbf[fn]); IEH3olbf[fn] = 0; close (fn); } char *IEH3olbf[10] {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; movb 8.+ubuf,ttyno sys open; ttyx; 1 bes 3f sys stat; ttyx; statbuf bes 3f bit $2,statbuf+4 bne 2f 3: mov $1,r0 sys write; dnymes; ednymes-dnymes sys exit 2: mov r0,ttyf clr r0 jsr pc,ttyn mov r0,r3 mov statbuf,r4 mov ufil,r0 sys seek; 0; 0 1: mov ufil,r0 sys read; ubuf; 16. tst r0 beq unknown cmp r3,ubuf+8. bne 1b mov $ubuf,r0 mov $8.,r1 1: cmpb $' ,(r0)+ beq 1f dec r1 bne 1b 1: neg r1 add $8,r1 mov r1,0f 6: mov ttyf,r0 sys write; mesg; emesg-mesg mov ttyf,r0 sys 0; 5f } while(++i 2) { printf("%7s ",locv(tlinect[0],tlinect[1])); printf("%7s ",locv(twordct[0],twordct[1])); printf("total\n"); } } diag(s) char *s; { while(*s) write(2,s++,1); } ldfps = 170100^tst stfps = 170200^tst / .globl atan, _atan .globl atan2, _atan2 / / floating-point arctangent / / atan replaces the value in fr0 by its arctangent / in the range [-pi/2,pi/2]. / / atan2 places in fr0 the arctangent of fr0/fr1 / in the range [-pi,pi]. / / there are no error exits / / coefficients are #5076 from Hart & Cheney. / / _atan: mov r5,-(sp) mov sp,r5 movf 4(r5),fr0 jsr pc,atan br 1f _atan2: mov r5,-(sp) mov sp,r5 movf 4(r5),fr0 movf 12.(r5),fr1 jsr pc,atan2 1: mov (sp)+,.data 5: sys write; ubuf; 0:2 .text mov ttyf,r0 sys write; qnl; 4 sys signal; 2; 9f 7: clr r0 sys read; ch; 1 tst r0 beq 9f tst nlflg beq 1f cmp ch,$'! bne 1f sys fork br mshproc sys wait mov $1,r0 sys write; excl; 2 br 7b 1: clr nlflg cmp ch,$'\n bne 1f inc nlflg 1: mov ttyf,r0 sys write; ch; 1 br 7b 8: movb (r5)+,ch beq 8f mov $1,r0 sys write; ch; 1 br 8b 8: tstb ltty beq 8f mov $1,r0 sys write; ltty-1; 2 8: mov $1,r0 sys write; errmsg; eerrmsg-errmsg sys exit 9: movchar mesg[3000]; int msize; struct { char name[8]; char tty[2]; int time[2]; int junk; } utmp[50]; main(argc, argv) char *argv[]; { register i, *p; int f; f = open("/etc/utmp", 0); if(f < 0) { printf("utmp?\n"); exit(); } read(f, utmp, sizeof utmp); close(f); f = 0; if(argc >= 2) { f = open(argv[1], 0); if(f < 0) { printf("%s?\n", argv[1]); exit(); } } while((i = read(f, &mesg[msize], sizeof mesg - msize)) > 0) msize =+ i; close(f); for(i=0; itty[0] == 0) continue; sleep(1); sendmes(p->tty[0]); } } sendmes(tty) { register i; register char *s; i = fork(); if(i == -1) { printf("try again\n"); return; } if(i) return; s = "/dev/ttyx"; s[8] = tty; i = open(s, 1); if(i < 0) { printf("cannot open tty%c\n", tty); exit(); } close(1); dup(i); printf("Broadcast Message ...\n\n"); write(1, mesg, msize); exit(); } !mflg) { ibuf[0] = -1; sort(); close(0); } for(a = mflg?0:eargc; a+N < nfiles; a=+N) { newfile(); merge(a, a+N); } if(a != nfiles) { oldfile(); merge(a, nfiles); } error = 0; term(); } sort() { register char *cp; register *lp, c; int done; int i; int f; done = 0; i = 0; do { cp = tspace; lp = lspace; while(lp < lspace+nlines && cp < tspace+ntext) { *lp++ = cp; while((*cp++ = c = getc(ibuf)) != '\n') { if(c >= 0) continue; cp--; close(ibuf[0]); if(i = *++s; if(tabchar == 0) s--; break; case 'r': p->rflg = -1; break; default: p->m[k] = number(&s); if(*s == '.') s++; p->n[k] = number(&s); s--; } } } number(ppa) char **ppa; { int n; register char *pa; pa = *ppa; n = 0; while(digit(*pa)) n = n*10 + *pa++ - '0'; *ppa = pa; return(n); } blank(c) { if(c==' ' || c=='\t') return(1); return(0); } int (*qscmp)(); int qses; qsort(a, n, es, fc) char *a; int n, es; int (*fc)(); { qscmp = fc; qses = es; qs1(a, filoruadgjmpsvbehk< eargc) { if((f = setfil(i++)) == 0) ibuf[0] = 0; else if(fopen(f, ibuf) < 0) cant(f); } else break; } if(c < 0) { done++; lp--; break; } } qsort(lspace, lp-lspace, 2, cmp); if(done == 0 || nfiles != eargc) newfile(); else oldfile(); while(lp > lspace) { cp = *--lp; if(*cp) do putc(*cp, obuf); while(*cp++ != '\n'); } fflush(obuf); close(obuf[0]); } while(done == 0); } struct merg { char l[L]; int b[259]; }; mergea+n*es); } qs1(a, l) char *a, *l; { register char *i, *j, *es; char **k; char *lp, *hp; int n, c; es = qses; start: if((n=l-a) <= es) return; n = ((n/(2*es))*es) & 077777; hp = lp = a+n; i = a; j = l-es; for(;;) { if(i < lp) { if((c = (*qscmp)(i, lp)) == 0) { qsexc(i, lp =- es); continue; } if(c < 0) { i =+ es; continue; } } loop: if(j > hp) { if((c = (*qscmp)(hp, j)) == 0) { qsexc(hp =+ es, j); goto loop; } if(c > 0) { if(i == lp)#define L 512 #define N 7 #define C 20 #define MEM (16*2048) #define NF 10 int ibuf[259]; int obuf[259]; char *file; char *filep; int nfiles; int nlines; int ntext; int *lspace; char *tspace; int cmp(); int term(); int mflg; char *outfil; char tabchar; int eargc; char **eargv; char fold[128] { 0000,0001,0002,0003,0004,0005,0006,0007, 0010,0011,0012,0013,0014,0015,0016,0017, 0020,0021,0022,0023,0024,0025,0026,0027, 0030,0031,0032,0033,0034,0035,0036,0037, 0040,0041,0042,0043,0044,0045,0046,0047, 00(a, b) { register struct merg *p; register char *cp; register i; struct { int *ip;}; int f; int j; int k,l,c; p = lspace; j = 0; for(i=a; ib[0] = dup(0); else if(fopen(f, p->b) < 0) cant(f); ibuf[j] = p; if(!rline(p)) j++; p++; } do { i = j; qsort(ibuf, i, 2, cmp); l = 0; while(i--) { cp = ibuf[i]; if(*cp == '\0') { l = 1; if(rline(ibuf[i])) { k = i; while(++k < j) ibuf[k-1] = ibuf[k]; j--; { qstexc(i, hp =+ es, j); i = lp =+ es; goto loop; } qsexc(i, j); j =- es; i =+ es; continue; } j =- es; goto loop; } if(i == lp) { for(k=lp+2; k<=hp;) *(*k++)='\0'; if(lp-a >= l-hp) { qs1(hp+es, l); l = lp; } else { qs1(a, lp); a = hp+es; } goto start; } qstexc(j, lp =- es, i); j = hp =- es; } } qsexc(i, j) char *i, *j; { register char *ri, *rj, c; int n; n = qses; ri = i; rj = j; do { c = *ri; *ri++ = *r50,0051,0052,0053,0054,0055,0056,0057, 0060,0061,0062,0063,0064,0065,0066,0067, 0070,0071,0072,0073,0074,0075,0076,0077, 0100,0101,0102,0103,0104,0105,0106,0107, 0110,0111,0112,0113,0114,0115,0116,0117, 0120,0121,0122,0123,0124,0125,0126,0127, 0130,0131,0132,0133,0134,0134,0136,0137, 0140,0101,0102,0103,0104,0105,0106,0107, 0110,0111,0112,0113,0114,0115,0116,0117, 0120,0121,0122,0123,0124,0125,0126,0127, 0130,0131,0132,0173,0174,0175,0176,0177 }; char nofold[128]; char dict[128] { 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 } } } } while(l); i = j; if(i > 0) for(;;) { cp = ibuf[i-1]; if(i == 1 || cmp(&ibuf[i-1], &ibuf[i-2])) do putc(*cp, obuf); while(*cp++ != '\n'); if(rline(ibuf[i-1])) { i--; if(i == 0) break; } cp = &ibuf[i]; while (--cp.ip > ibuf && cmp(cp.ip, cp.ip-1) < 0) { p = *cp.ip; *cp.ip = *(cp.ip-1); *(cp.ip-1) = p; } } p = lspace; for(i=a; ib[0]); p++; if(i >= eargc) close(creat(setfil(i))); } fflush(obuf); close(obuf[0]); } rlj; *rj++ = c; } while(--n); } qstexc(i, j, k) char *i, *j, *k; { register char *ri, *rj, *rk; char c; int n; n = qses; ri = i; rj = j; rk = k; do { c = *ri; *ri++ = *rk; *rk++ = *rj; *rj++ = c; } while(--n); } ,1,0,0,1,1,1,1,1, 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1, 0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1, 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1, 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1 }; char nodict[128] { 1 }; struct field { char *code; char *ignore; int nflg; int rflg; int bflg; char *m[2]; char *n[2]; } fields[NF]; int proto[9] { &fold, &nodict, 0, 1, 0, 0,-1, 0,0 }; int nfields; int error 1; main(argc, argv) char **aine(mp) struct merg *mp; { register char *cp; register *bp, c; bp = mp->b; cp = mp->l; do { c = getc(bp); if(c < 0) return(1); *cp++ = c; } while(c != '\n'); *cp = '\0'; return(0); } newfile() { if(fcreat(setfil(nfiles), obuf) < 0) { mess("Can't create temp\n"); term(); } nfiles++; } char * setfil(i) { if(i < eargc) if(eargv[i][0] == '-' && eargv[i][1] == '\0') return(0); else return(eargv[i]); i =- eargc; filep[0] = i/26 + 'a'; filep[1] = i%26 + 'a'; return(file) sys fork br 1f sys exit 1: clr r0 sys close mov $1,r0 sys close mov $2,r0 sys close 1: sys sync mov $30.,r0 sys sleep br 1b sleep = 35. sync = 36. rgv; { register a, i; char *arg; register int *p; int *q; for(a=0; a<128; a++) nofold[a] = a; nodict[127] = 1; copyproto(); eargv = argv; while (--argc > 0) { if(**++argv == '-') for(arg = *argv;;) { switch(*++arg) { case '\0': if(arg[-1] == '-') eargv[eargc++] = "-"; break; case 'm': mflg++; continue; case 'o': if(--argc > 0) outfil = *++argv; continue; default: field(++*argv,1); break; } break; } else if (**argv == '+') { ; } oldfile() { if(outfil) { if(fcreat(outfil, obuf) < 0) { mess("Can't create output\n"); term(); } } else obuf[0] = 1; } cant(f) { mess("Can't open "); mess(f); mess("\n"); term(); } term() { register i; if(nfiles == eargc) nfiles++; for(i=eargc; i 1) { if(*argv[1] == '-') { if(argv[1][1] <= '9') fields = conv(&argv[1][1]); else mode = argv[1][1]; argc--; argv++; goto loop; } if(*argv[1] == '+') { letters = conv(&argv[1][1]); argc--; argv++; goto loop; } f = open(argv[1], 0); if(f < 0) { printf("cannot open %s\n", argv[1]); exit(); } fin = if(++nfields>=NF) { mess("Too many keys\n"); exit(1); } copyproto(); field(++*argv,0); } else eargv[eargc++] = *argv; } q = &fields[0]; for(a=1; a<=nfields; a++) { p = &fields[a]; for(i=0; i<5; i++) /*sensitive to sizeof(proto)*/ if(p[i] != proto[i]) goto next; for(i=0; i<5; i++) p[i] = q[i]; next: ; } if(eargc == 0) eargv[eargc++] = "-"; a = MEM; i = lspace = sbrk(0); while(brk(a) == -1) a =- 512; brk(a =- 512); /* for recursion */ a =- i; nlines = ((auct field *fp; char *pp; { register i; register char *p; p = pp; if( (i=fp->m[j]) < 0) return(-1); while(i-- > 0) { if(tabchar != 0) { while(*p != tabchar) if(*p != '\n') p++; else goto ret; p++; } else { while(blank(*p)) p++; while(!blank(*p)) if(*p != '\n') p++; else goto ret; } } if(fp->bflg) while(blank(*p)) p++; i = fp->n[j]; while(i-- > 0) { if(*p != '\n') p++; else goto ret; } ret: return(p); } digit(c) { return(c <= '9' &&f; } else fin = dup(0); if(argc > 2) { f = creat(argv[2], 0666); if(f < 0) { printf("cannot create %s\n", argv[2]); exit(); } fout = f; } else fout = dup(1); close(0); close(1); gline(b1); l1: linec++; if(gline(b2)) { pline(b1); flush(); exit(); } if(equal(b1, b2)) goto l1; pline(b1); linec = 0; l2: linec++; if(gline(b1)) { pline(b2); flush(); exit(); } if(equal(b1, b2)) goto l2; pline(b2); linec = 0; goto l1; } gline(buf) char buf[]; { int c; while((c = -L)>>1) & 077777; nlines =/ 5; ntext = nlines*8; tspace = lspace+nlines; file = "/usr/tmp/stmXaa"; loop: filep = file; while(*filep != 'X') filep++; for(*filep = 'a';;(*filep)++) { if(stat(file, lspace) < 0) { a = creat(file, 0600); if(a >= 0) break; } if(*filep == 'z') { if(file[1] != 't') { file = "/tmp/stmXaa"; goto loop; } mess("Cannot locate temp\n"); exit(1); } } close(a); filep++; if ((signal(2, 1) & 01) == 0) signal(2, term); nfiles = eargc; if( c >= '0'); } mess(s) char *s; { while(*s) write(2, s++, 1); } copyproto() { register int i, *p, *q; p = proto; q = &fields[nfields]; for(i=0; icode = nofold; break; case 'b': p->bflg++; break; case 'd': p->ignore = dict; break; case 'n': p->nflg++; break; case 't': tabchar getchar()) != '\n') { if(c == '\0') return(1); *buf++ = c; } *buf = 0; return(0); } pline(buf) char buf[]; { int c; switch(mode) { case 'u': if(uniq) {; uniq = 0; return; } break; case 'd': if(uniq) break; return; case 'c': printf("%4d ", linec); } uniq = 0; while((c = *buf++) != 0) putchar(c); putchar('\n'); } equal(b1, b2) char b1[], b2[]; { int c; b1 = skip(b1); b2 = skip(b2); while((c = *b1++) != 0) if(c != *b2++) return(0); if(*b2 != 0) return(0); uniq++; return(1); } char * skip(s) char *s; { int nf, nl; nf = nl = 0; while(nf++ < fields) { while(*s==' ' || *s=='\t') s++; while( !(*s==' ' || *s=='\t') ) if(*s == 0) return(s); else s++; } while(nl++ < letters) if(*s == 0) return(s); else s++; return(s); } conv(s) char *s; { int d, n; n = 0; for(;;) { d = *s++ - '0'; if(0>d || d>9) break; n = n*10 + d; } return(n); } 27*wd[k] + wd[l]; if(inctab[tab2[c]] > junk) tab2[c]++; } if(file[2]) close(file[2]); } flsh(0,0); close(file[0]); sw = fork(); if(sw == 0){execl("/usr/bin/usort","usort","-o",name[2],name[0],0); err("sort"); } if(sw == -1)err("fork"); er = wait(); if(er != sw)err("probs"); file[0] = creat(name[0],0666); if(file[0] < 0)err("creat tmp"); file[1] = open("/usr/lib/w2006",0); if(file[1] < 0)err("open w2006"); ptr[1] = 1; for(k=0;((c = w2006[k] = get(1)) != '\n');k++) if(c == -1) ter char c; j = -1; do{ if(( c = nwd[++j] = get(wfile)) == -1)return(0); wd[j] = c - 0140; } while(c != '\n'); wd[j] = '\0'; return(j); } conf(n,width,cbuf) char cbuf[]; { register i,a; i = width; while(i--)cbuf[i] = ' '; cbuf[(a = n/10)?conf(a,--width,cbuf):--width] = n%10 + '0'; return(++width); } rand(){ static gorp; gorp = (gorp + 625) & 077777; return(gorp); } #define NMOUNT 16 #define NAMSIZ 32 struct mtab { char file[NAMSIZ]; char spec[NAMSIZ]; } mtab[NMOUNT]; main(argc, argv) char **argv; { register struct mtab *mp; register char *p1, *p2; int mf; sync(); mf = open("/etc/mtab", 0); read(mf, mtab, NMOUNT*2*NAMSIZ); if(argc != 2) { printf("arg count\n"); return; } if (umount(argv[1]) < 0) { perror("umount"); return; } p1 = argv[1]; while(*p1++) ; p1--; while(*--p1 == '/') *p1 = '\0'; while(p1 > argv[1] && *--p1 != '/') ; if(*p1break; file[2] = open(name[2],0); if(file[2] < 0)err("open tmp"); ptr[2] = 1; while(ptr[2]){ l=0; for(k=0;((c = wd[k] = get(2)) != '\n');k++) if(c == -1)goto done; for(i=0; i<=k;i++){ if(wd[i] < w2006[l]){ put(0,wd,k); break; } if(wd[i] > w2006[l]){ for(l=0;((c = w2006[l] = get(1)) != '\n');l++) if(c == -1){ put(0,wd,k); for(k=0;((c = wd[k] =get(2))!= -1);k++){ put(0,wd,k); k = -1; } goto done; } i = -1; l=0; continue; .globl jget,iget .globl succ .globl create,rewind,putchar,getchar,allocate .globl smark .globl rewcstr,putcstr,getcstr,size / currnet string manipulations / keep a initial fragment handy for quick access /go to allocator for the rest smark: jsr pc,jget clr cstrw jmp succ rewcstr: clr cstrr rts pc putcstr: mov cstrw,r1 inc cstrw cmp r1,$cstrt /is it quick access? bge 1f movb r0,cstrb(r1) /yes, stash the char rts pc 1: bne 1f mov r0,-(sp) /first char to allocator mov symp,r1 bne 2f mov $64 == '/') p1++; argv[1] = p1; for (mp = mtab; mp < &mtab[NMOUNT]; mp++) { p1 = argv[1]; p2 = &mp->spec[0]; while (*p1++ == *p2) if (*p2++ == 0) { for (p1 = mp->file; p1 < &mp->file[NAMSIZ*2];) *p1++ = 0; mp = &mtab[NMOUNT]; while ((--mp)->file[0] == 0); mf = creat("/etc/mtab", 0644); write(mf, mtab, (mp-mtab+1)*2*NAMSIZ); return; } } printf("%s not in mount table\n", argv[1]); } } l++; } } done: close(file[2]); unlink(name[2]); flsh(0,0); close(file[1]); close(file[0]); ptr[1] = 1; file[1] = open(name[0],0); if(file[1] < 0)err("open tmp "); file[0] = creat(name[1],0666); if(file[0] < 0)err("create tmp"); while((j = nwdval(1)) != 0){ wtot = 0; flg = 0; k = -1; l = 0; m = 1; while(m <= j){ tot = 0; c = wd[k++]*27 + wd[l++]; tot =+ (logtab[tab2[c]]+logtab[tab2[wd[k]*27+wd[l]]]); tot =>> 1; c = c*27 + wd[m++]; tot =- logtab[tab3[c] & 0377],r0 jsr pc,allocate mov r1,symp 2: jsr pc,create mov (sp)+,r0 1: mov symp,r1 jsr pc,putchar rts pc getcstr: mov cstrr,r1 cmp r1,cstrw blt 1f clr r0 /end of string rts pc 1: inc cstrr cmp r1,$cstrt bge 1f movb cstrb(r1),r0 rts pc 1: bne 1f mov symp,r1 jsr pc,rewind 1: mov symp,r1 jsr pc,getchar rts pc size: jsr pc,iget mov cstrw,(r0) jmp succ cstrt = 16 /top of quick access current string .data symp: 0 /pointer to dynamicallly allocated current string cstrw: 0 /current string wry|z; if(tot > wtot) wtot = tot; } if(wtot < 0) wtot = 0; t = conf(wtot,2,number); put(0,number,2); put(0,nwd,j); } flsh(0,0); close(file[1]); close(file[0]); sw = fork(); if(sw == 0){execl("/bin/sort","sort","+0nr", "+1","-o",name[1],name[1] ,0); err("sort"); } if(sw == -1)err("fork"); er = wait(); if(er != sw)err("prob"); sw = fork(); if(sw == 0){ if(npr) { execl("/bin/cat","cat",name[1],0); } else { i = 0 ; while((c = "Possible typo's in "[i++])!=0) ite pointer .bss cstrr: .=.+2 /read pointer cstrb: .=.+cstrt /base of quick access fragment char number[3]; int eflg; char w2006[100]; flg 0; char realwd[100]; char *wd {&realwd[1]}; char *fptr; char *ffptr &ffbuf; char ffbuf[36]; int neng; int npr; int table[2]; /*keep these four cards in order*/ int tab1[26]; int tab2[730]; char tab3[19684]; int logtab[256]; float inctab[256]; char nwd[100]; int tot; int wtot; char *buf[3]; file[3]; ptr[3]; char *name[3]; bsp[768]; main(argc,argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { char let,lt; auto arg,t,sw,i,j,salt,er,c; register k,l,m; double junk; int unl(); i *ffptr++ = c; i = 0; while((c = fptr[i++]) != 0) *ffptr++ = c; *ffptr = 0; execl("/bin/pr","pr","-3", "-h", ffbuf,name[1],0); err("pr"); } } if(sw == -1)err("fork"); er = wait(); if(er != sw)err("prob"); unl(); } unl() { register j; j = 2; while(j--)unlink(name[j]); exit(); } err(c) char c[];{ register j; printf("cannot %s\n",c); unl(); } get(ifile) int ifile;{ static char *ibuf[10]; if(--ptr[ifile]){ return(*ibuf[ifile]++ & 0377);} if(ptr[ifile] = reaint dflag 0; int sflag 0; int cflag 0; int save 0; char code[256]; char squeez[256]; char vect[256]; struct string { int last, max, rep; char *p; } string1, string2; int inbuf[259]; main(argc,argv) char **argv; { int i, j; int c, d; char *compl; extern fout; string1.last = string2.last = 0; string1.max = string2.max = 0; string1.rep = string2.rep = 0; string1.p = string2.p = ""; if(--argc>0) { argv++; if(*argv[0]=='-'&&argv[0][1]!=0) { while(*++argv[0]) switch(*argv[0]) { case 'c'nt ii; double log(), exp(), pow(); nice(-20); inctab[0] = 1; logtab[0] = -10; for(ii=1; ii<256; ii++){ inctab[ii] = exp(-ii/30.497); logtab[ii] = log(30.*pow(1.0333,ii+0.) - 30.) + .5; } logtab[1] = -10; number[2] = ' '; buf[0] = bsp; buf[1] = bsp + 0400; buf[2] = bsp + 01000; ptr[0] = 0; ptr[1] = 0; ptr[2] = 1; arg = 1; while(argc>1 && argv[arg][0] == '-') { switch(argv[arg][1]) { default: printf("Unrecognizable argument: %c\n",argv[arg][1]); exit(); case 0: case 'n': d(file[ifile],buf[ifile],512)){ if(ptr[ifile] < 0)goto prob; ibuf[ifile] = buf[ifile]; return(*ibuf[ifile]++ & 0377); } ptr[ifile] = 1; return(-1); prob: ptr[ifile] = 1; printf("read error\n"); return(-1); } put(ofile,s,optr) char s[]; { register i; while(optr-- >= 0) buf[ofile][(ptr[ofile] < 512)?ptr[ofile]++:flsh(ofile,1)] = *s++; return; } flsh(ofile,i){ register error; error = write(file[ofile],buf[ofile],ptr[ofile]); if(error < 0)goto prob; ptr[ofile] = i; return(0); prob: : cflag++; continue; case 'd': dflag++; continue; case 's': sflag++; continue; } argc--; argv++; } } if(argc>0) string1.p = argv[0]; if(argc>1) string2.p = argv[1]; for(i=0; i<256; i++) code[i] = vect[i] = 0; if(cflag) { while(c = next(&string1)) vect[c&0377] = 1; j = 0; for(i=1; i<256; i++) if(vect[i]==0) vect[j++] = i; vect[j] = 0; compl = vect; } for(i=0; i<256; i++) squeez[i] = 0; for(;;){ if(cflag) c = *compl++; else c = neng++; break; case '1': npr++; } arg++; --argc; } if(!neng) { salt = open("/usr/lib/salt",0); er = read(salt,table,21200); if(er != 21200)err("read salt"); close(salt); } if((signal(2,1) & 1) != 1) signal(2,unl); name[0] = "/usr/tmp/ttmpa1"; name[1] = "/usr/tmp/ttmpa2"; name[2] = "/usr/tmp/ttmpa3"; while((file[0] = open(name[0],1)) > 0){ close(file[0]); for(j=0; j < 3; j++)name[j][13]++; if(name[0][13] == 'z')err("creat tmp file"); } file[0] = creat(name[0],066printf("write error on t.%d\n",file[ofile]); unl(); } wdval(wfile) int wfile; { static let,wflg; register j; beg: j = -1; if(wflg == 1){wflg = 0; goto st; } while((let = get(wfile)) != '\n'){ st: switch(let){ case -1: return(0); case '%': if(j != -1)break; goto ret; case '-': if((let = get(wfile)) == '\n'){ while((let = get(wfile)) == '\n')if(let == -1)return(0); goto st; } else {wflg = 1; goto ret; } case '\'': if(eflg != 1){ if(j < 1)goto beg; next(&string1); if(c==0) break; d = next(&string2); if(d==0) d = c; code[c&0377] = d; squeez[d&0377] = 1; } while(d = next(&string2)) squeez[d&0377] = 1; squeez[0] = 1; for(i=0;i<256;i++) { if(code[i]==0) code[i] = i; else if(dflag) code[i] = 0; } inbuf[0] = 0; fout = dup(1); close(1); while((c=getc(inbuf)) >=0 ) { if(c == 0) continue; if(c = code[c&0377]&0377) if(!sflag || c!=save || !squeez[c&0377]) putchar(save = c); } flush(); } next(s) struct string *s; { int a,6); fptr = argv[arg]; if(argc == 1) {argc = 2; arg = 0;} while(--argc){ if(arg == 0){ file[2] = 0; }else{ file[2] = open(argv[arg++],0); if(file[2] < 0)err("open input file"); } eflg = 1; while((j = wdval(2)) != 0){ put(0,nwd,j); k = -1; l = 0; m = 1; if(inctab[table[0]] > (junk=rand()/32768.)) table[0]++; while(m <= j){ c = 27*wd[k++] + wd[l++]; if(inctab[tab2[c]] > junk) tab2[c]++; c = 27*c + wd[m++]; if(inctab[tab3[c]] > junk) tab3[c]++; } c =else break; } case '.': if(eflg == 1){ while((let = get(wfile)) != '\n')if(let == -1)return(0); goto beg; } else goto ret; default: eflg = 0; if(let < 'A')goto ret; if(let <= 'Z'){ wd[++j] = let - 0100; nwd[j] = let + ' '; break; } if(let < 'a' || let > 'z')goto ret; wd[++j] = let - 0140; nwd[j] = let; } eflg = 0; } eflg = 1; ret: if(j < 1)goto beg; nwd[++j] = '\n'; wd[j] = 0; return(j); } nwdval(wfile) int wfile;{ register j; regis b, c, n; int base; if(--s->rep > 0) return(s->last); if(s->last < s->max) return(++s->last); if(*s->p=='[') { nextc(s); s->last = a = nextc(s); s->max = 0; switch(nextc(s)) { case '-': b = nextc(s); if(bp++!=']') goto error; s->max = b; return(a); case '*': base = (*s->p=='0')?8:10; n = 0; while((c = *s->p)>='0' && c<'0'+base) { n = base*n + c - '0'; s->p++; } if(*s->p++!=']') goto error; if(n==0) n = 1000; s->rep = n; return(a); default: error: write(1,"Bad string\n",11); exit(); } } return(nextc(s)); } nextc(s) struct string *s; { int c, i, n; c = *s->p++; if(c=='\\') { i = n = 0; while(i<3 && (c = *s->p)>='0' && c<='7') { n = n*8 + c - '0'; i++; s->p++; } if(i>0) c = n; else c = *s->p++; } if(c==0) *--s->p = 0; return(c&0377); } r0 sys read; tapeb; 512. bes phserr cmp r0,$512. bne phserr jsr pc,twrite sub $512.,r2 sbc mss br 3b 3: mov r2,0f beq 3f mov r3,r0 sys 0; 9f .data 9: sys read; tapeb; 0:.. .text bes phserr cmp r0,0b bne phserr jsr pc,twrite 3: mov r3,r0 sys read; tapeb; 512. bes phserr tst r0 bne phserr mov r3,r0 sys close 2: jmp update1 phserr: mov r1,-(sp) mov $name,r1 jsr pc,pstr jsr r5,mesg < -- Phase error\n\0>; .even mov (sp)+,r1 clr time0(r1) / time beq 2b sys close br 2b bitmap:/ tap4 -- dec-tape lod/dmp .data tc: tcx: mt: mtx: <0\0> tboot: mboot: .even .bss dir: . = .+[mdirent*dirsiz] tapeb: map: .=.+4096. emap: ch: .=.+1 flc: .=.+1 flf: .=.+1 fli: .=.+1 flm: .=.+1 flu: .=.+1 flv: .=.+1 flw: .=.+1 .even command:.=.+2 sum: .=.+2 size: .=.+2 nentr: .=.+2 nused: .=.+2 nfree: .=.+2 lused: .=.+2 catlb: .=.+20. narg: .=.+2 rnarg: .=.+2 parg: .=.+2 fio: .=.+2 mss: .=.+2 ndirent:.=.+2 ndentd8:.=.+2 edir: .=.+2 rseeka: . mov $map,r0 1: clr (r0)+ cmp r0,$emap blo 1b mov $dir,r1 1: tst (r1) beq 2f bit $100000,mode(r1) bne 2f tst size1(r1) bne 3f tstb size0(r1) beq 2f 3: jsr pc,setmap 2: add $dirsiz,r1 cmp r1,edir blo 1b rts pc setmap: movb size0(r1),r2 mov size1(r1),r3 add $511.,r3 adc r2 ashc $-9.,r2 mov tapea(r1),r2 1: jsr pc,bitcalc bitb (sp),map(r0) bne maperr bisb (sp)+,map(r0) inc r2 sob r3,1b rts pc bitcalc: mov (sp),-(sp) cmp r2,tapsiz bhis maperr mov r2,r0 bic $!7,r0 mov r0,-(s/ tap2 -- dec-tape lod/dmp pstr: movb (r1)+,r0 beq 1f jsr pc,putc br pstr 1: rts pc mesg: movb (r5)+,r0 beq 1f jsr pc,putc br mesg 1: inc r5 bic $1,r5 rts r5 putc: movb r0,ch mov $1,r0 sys write; ch; 1 rts pc getc: clr r0 sys read; ch; 1 movb ch,r0 rts pc clrdir: mov $dir,r1 mov ndirent,r2 1: jsr pc,clrent sob r2,1b rts pc clrent: mov r1,-(sp) add $dirsiz,(sp) 1: clr (r1)+ cmp r1,(sp) blo 1b tst (sp)+ rts pc rddir: clr sum jsr pc,clrdir clr r0 jsr pc,rseek jsr pc,=.+2 wseeka: .=.+2 tapsiz: .=.+2 name: .=.+32. name1: .=.+32. statb: .=.+40. smdate = 30. p) mov $1,r0 als (sp)+,r0 mov r0,2(sp) mov r2,r0 ash $-3,r0 bic $160000,r0 rts pc maperr: jsr r5,mesg ; .even jmp done usage: jsr pc,bitmap mov $dir,r2 1: tst (r2) beq 2f inc nentr 2: add $dirsiz,r2 cmp r2,edir blo 1b mov ndentd8,r2 inc r2 mov tapsiz,r3 dec r3 sub ndentd8,r3 1: jsr pc,bitcalc bitb (sp)+,map(r0) beq 2f inc nused mov r2,lused br 3f 2: inc nfree tstb flm bne 1f 3: inc r2 sob r3,1b 1: mov nentr,r0 jsr r5,numb; 4 jsr r5,mesg < entries\tread mov tapeb+510.,r0 beq 1f tstb flm beq 1f mov r0,ndirent 1: mov $dir,r1 mov ndirent,r2 1: bit $7,r2 bne 2f jsr pc,tread mov $tapeb,r3 2: mov r1,-(sp) mov r3,-(sp) mov $32.,r0 clr -(sp) 2: add (r3)+,(sp) sob r0,2b bis (sp),sum tst (sp)+ bne 2f mov (sp),r3 tst (r3) beq 2f mov r3,0f jsr pc,9f .data 9: jsr r5,encode; 0:.. rts pc .text add $32.,r3 mov r1,-(sp) add $dirsiz,(sp) tst (r1)+ / namep 9: mov (r3)+,(r1)+ cmp r1,(sp) blo 9b tst (sp)+ 2: mov (sp)+,r3 add $64.,r3 n\0>; .even mov nused,r0 jsr r5,numb; 4 jsr r5,mesg < used\n\0>; .even tstb flm bne 1f mov nfree,r0 jsr r5,numb; 4 jsr r5,mesg < free\n\0>; .even 1: mov lused,r0 jsr r5,numb; 4 jsr r5,mesg < last\n\0>; .even rts pc taboc: tstb flv beq 4f mov mode(r1),r0 mov r0,-(sp) ash $-6,r0 bit $40,r0 jsr pc,pmod mov (sp),r0 ash $-3,r0 bit $200,r0 jsr pc,pmod mov (sp)+,r0 bit $1000,r0 jsr pc,pmod clr r0 bisb uid(r1),r0 jsr r5,numb; 4 clr r0 bisb gid(r1),r0 jsr r5,numb; 4 mov tapea( mov (sp)+,r1 bic $100000,mode(r1) add $dirsiz,r1 sob r2,1b tst sum beq 1f jsr r5,mesg ; .even tstb fli bne 1f jmp done 1: jsr pc,bitmap rts pc wrdir: clr r0 jsr pc,wseek tstb flm bne 1f sys open; tboot; 0 bes 3f br 2f 1: sys open; mboot; 0 bes 3f 2: mov r0,r1 sys read; tapeb; 512. mov r1,r0 sys close mov ndirent,tapeb+510. 3: jsr pc,twrite mov $dir,r1 mov ndirent,r2 1: bit $7,r2 bne 2f mov $256.,r0 mov $tapeb,r3 3: clr (r3)+ sob r0,3b mov $tapeb/ tap3 -- dec-tape lod/dmp gettape: mov $dir,r1 clr -(sp) 1: tst (r1) beq 2f jsr r5,decode; name cmp rnarg,$2 ble 4f mov $name,r2 mov *parg,r3 3: tstb (r3) beq 3f cmpb (r2)+,(r3)+ beq 3b br 2f 3: tstb (r2) beq 4f cmpb (r2),$'/ bne 2f 4: mov r1,-(sp) jsr pc,*(r5) mov (sp)+,r1 inc (sp) 2: add $dirsiz,r1 cmp r1,edir blo 1b tst (sp)+ bne 2f cmp rnarg,$2 ble 2f mov *parg,r1 jsr pc,pstr jsr r5,mesg < not found\n\0>; .even 2: dec narg add $2,parg cmp narg,$2 bgt gettape tst r1),r0 jsr r5,numb; 5 mov size1(r1),r0 jsr r5,numbx; 9. mov r1,-(sp) add $time0,(sp) jsr pc,_localtime mov r0,(sp) mov 10.(r0),r0 jsr r5,numb; 3 mov $'/,r0 jsr pc,putc mov (sp),r0 mov 8.(r0),r0 inc r0 jsr r5,numb; 2 mov $'/,r0 jsr pc,putc mov (sp),r0 mov 6(r0),r0 jsr r5,numb; 2 mov (sp),r0 mov 4(r0),r0 jsr r5,numb; 3 mov $':,r0 jsr pc,putc mov (sp)+,r0 mov 2(r0),r0 jsr r5,numb; 2 mov $' ,r0 jsr pc,putc 4: mov $name,r1 jsr pc,pstr jsr r5,mesg <\n\0> rts pc pmod: beq 1f ,r3 2: mov r3,-(sp) tst (r1) beq 2f mov r3,0f jsr pc,9f .data 9: jsr r5,decode; 0:.. rts pc .text 2: add $32.,r3 mov r1,-(sp) add $dirsiz,(sp) tst (r1)+ 9: mov (r1)+,(r3)+ cmp r1,(sp) blo 9b tst (sp)+ mov (sp)+,r3 clr -(sp) mov $31.,r0 2: sub (r3)+,(sp) sob r0,2b mov (sp)+,(r3)+ dec r2 bit $7,r2 bne 1b jsr pc,twrite tst r2 bne 1b rts pc tread: mov fio,r0 sys read; tapeb; 512. bes trderr cmp r0,$512. bne trderr 1: inc rseeka rts pc trderr: jsr r5,mesg ; .even tstb fli beq 1f mov $tapeb,r0 2: clr (r0)+ cmp r0,$tapeb+512. blo 2b br 1b 1: jmp done twrite: mov fio,r0 sys write; tapeb; 512. bes twrerr cmp r0,$512. bne twrerr inc wseeka rts pc twrerr: jsr r5,mesg ; .even jmp done rseek: mov r0,rseeka mov r0,0f mov fio,r0 sys 0; 9f .data 9: sys seek; 0:..; 3 .text bes seekerr rts pc wseek: mov r0,-(sp) sub wseeka,r0 bge 1f neg r0 1: cmp r0,$25. / longest write seek ble 1f mov (sp),0f beq 2f dec sr pc,numb1 1: mov (sp)+,r0 add $'0,r0 movb r0,(r2)+ rts pc update: jsr pc,bitmap mov $dir,r1 1: tst (r1) beq 2f bit $100000,mode(r1) beq 2f tstb size0(r1) bne 9f tst size1(r1) beq 2f 9: mov ndentd8,-(sp) inc (sp) movb size0(r1),r2 mov size1(r1),r3 add $511.,r3 adc r2 ashc $-9,r2 mov r3,size 3: mov (sp),r2 mov size,r3 4: jsr pc,bitcalc inc r2 bitb (sp)+,map(r0) bne 4f sob r3,4b mov (sp)+,tapea(r1) jsr pc,setmap br 2f 4: inc (sp) br 3b 2: add $dirsiz,r1 cmp r1,edir blo 1err mov r0,r2 2: tst mss bne 3f cmp r3,$512. blo 2f 3: jsr pc,tread mov r2,r0 sys write; tapeb; 512. bes crterr1 cmp r0,$512. bne crterr1 sub r0,r3 sbc mss br 2b 2: mov r3,0f beq 2f jsr pc,tread mov r2,r0 sys 0; 9f .data 9: sys write; tapeb; 0:.. .text bes crterr1 cmp r0,0b bne crterr1 2: mov r2,r0 sys close movb gid(r1),0f+1 movb uid(r1),0f sys 0; 9f .data 9: sys chown; name; 0:.. .text mov time0(r1),r0 mov r1,-(sp) mov time1(r1),r1 / sys 0; 9f .data 9: sys smdate; name .te0f 2: mov fio,r0 sys 0; 9f .data 9: sys seek; 0:..; 3 .text mov fio,r0 sys read; wseeka; 1 1: mov (sp),wseeka mov (sp)+,0f mov fio,r0 sys 0; 9f .data 9: sys seek; 0:..; 3 .text bes seekerr rts pc seekerr: jsr r5,mesg ; .even jmp done verify: movb (r5)+,0f inc r5 tstb flw bne 1f tstb flv beq 2f 1: jsr pc,9f .data 9: jsr r5,mesg 0:; .even rts pc .text mov r1,-(sp) mov $name,r1 jsr pc,pstr mov (sp)+,r1 tstb flw beq 1f jsr r5,mesg < \0> jsr pc,getcb jsr pc,wrdir update1: mov $dir,r1 clr -(sp) mov $-1,-(sp) 1: tst (r1) beq 2f bit $100000,mode(r1) beq 2f cmp tapea(r1),(sp) bhis 2f mov tapea(r1),(sp) mov r1,2(sp) 2: add $dirsiz,r1 cmp r1,edir blo 1b tst (sp)+ mov (sp)+,r1 bne 1f rts pc 1: bic $100000,mode(r1) movb size0(r1),mss mov size1(r1),r2 bne 4f tst mss beq update1 4: jsr r5,decode; name mov tapea(r1),r0 jsr pc,wseek clr r3 sys open; name; 0 bes phserr mov r0,r3 3: tst mss bne 4f cmp r2,$512. blo 3f 4: mov r3,xt mov (sp)+,r1 1: rts pc crterr1: clr r0 mov r1,-(sp) clr r1 / sys smdate; name mov (sp)+,r1 mov r2,r0 sys close crterr: mov $name,r1 jsr pc,pstr jsr r5,mesg < -- create error\n\0>; .even rts pc cmp r0,$'x bne 3f jsr pc,getc jmp done 3: cmp r0,$'\n beq 3f cmp r0,$'y bne 4f jsr pc,getc cmp r0,$'\n beq 2f 4: jsr pc,getc cmp r0,$'\n bne 4b br 1b 1: jsr r5,mesg <\n\0> 2: tst (r5)+ 3: rts r5 getfiles: cmp narg,$2 bne 1f mov $".\0,name jsr pc,callout 1: cmp narg,$2 ble 1f dec narg mov *parg,r1 add $2,parg mov $name,r2 2: movb (r1)+,(r2)+ bne 2b jsr pc,callout br 1b 1: rts pc expand: sys open; name; 0 bes fserr mov r0,-(sp) 1: mov (sp),r0 sys read; catlb; 16. bes fserr tst r0 beq 1f tst catlb beq 1b mov $name,r0 mov $catlb+2,r1 cmpb (r1),$'. beq 1b 2: tstb (r0)+ bne 2b dec r0 mov r0,-(sp) cmpb -1(r0),$'/ beq 2f movb $'/,(r0)+ 2: movb (r1)+,(r0)+ bne 2b jsr pc,callout clrb *(sp)+ br 1b 1: mov (sp)+,r0 sys close rts pc fserr: mov $name,r1 jsr pc,pstr jsr r5,mesg < -- Cannot open file\n\0>; .even jmp done callout: sys stat; name; statb bes fserr mov statb+4,r0 bic $!60000,r0 beq 1f cmp r0,$40000 beq expand rts pc 1: mov $dir,r1v r0,-(sp) mov r4,r0 add $513.,r0 cmp r0,sp bhis 2f bic $777,r0 cmp r0,0f beq 1f mov r0,0f sys break; 0:.. bes 2f 1: mov (sp)+,r0 rts pc 2: jsr r5,mesg ; .even jmp done } out[p++] = in[r++]; } stash(p); } } stash(p) { int k; int i; int d; d = t ? 10 : p; for(i=0; i; .even jmp done 4: jsr r5,verify; 'a rts pc jsr r5,encode; name br 2f 3: jsr r5,decode; name1 mov $name,r2 mov $name1,r3 3: cmpb (r2)+,(r3) bne 2b tstb (r3)+ bne 3b tst (sp)+ tstb flu beq 3f cmp time0(r1),statb+32. blo 3f bhi 1f cmp time1(r1),statb+34. bhis 1f 3: jsr r5,verify; 'r rts pc 2: mov statb+4,mode(r1) bis $10/ time -- prints out system times times = 43. cmp (sp),$1 bgt 1f sys exit 1: sys time mov r1,ltbuf jsr pc,execarg sys time sub ltbuf,r1 sys times; ltbuf mov r1,r0 mul $60.,r0 mov r0,ltbuf mov r1,ltbuf+2 jsr r5,mesg; <\nreal\0>; .even mov $ltbuf,r2 jsr r5,ptime jsr r5,mesg; ; .even jsr r5,ptime jsr r5,mesg; ; .even jsr r5,ptime sys exit execarg: sys fork br newproc bec 2f jsr r5,mesg; ; .even sys exit 2: mov r0,r2 sys signal; 2; 1 2: sys wait main() { sync(); } 0000,mode(r1) movb statb+7,uid(r1) movb statb+8,gid(r1) tstb flf beq 2f clrb statb+9. clr statb+10. 2: movb statb+9.,size0(r1) mov statb+10.,size1(r1) mov statb+32.,time0(r1) mov statb+34.,time1(r1) 1: rts pc cmp r0,r2 bne 2b bit $377,r1 beq 1f jsr r5,mesg; ; .even clr r0 sys seek; 0; 2 1: rts pc newproc: tst (sp)+ mov (sp)+,r0 tst (sp)+ mov $ibuf,r1 mov $end,r2 1: mov (sp)+,r3 mov r2,(r1)+ 2: movb (r3)+,(r2)+ bne 2b dec r0 cmp r0,$1 bgt 1b clr (r1)+ mov $end,r1 sys exec; end; ibuf cmp $8,r0 beq rcom mov $end-10.,r0 mov $"x/,(r0)+ mov $"us,(r0)+ mov $"r/,(r0)+ mov $"bi,(r0)+ mov $"n/,(r0)+ mov $end-5,r1 sys exec; end-5; ibuf cmp $8,r0 beq rco/ sum -- check sum file mov (sp)+,r3 tst (sp)+ loop: dec r3 bgt 1f sys exit 1: clr bcnt mov (sp)+,0f sys open; 0:..; 0 bec 3f mov $1,r0 sys write; 1f; 2f-1f br loop 1: 2: .even 3: mov r0,r1 clr r5 1: mov r1,r0 sys read; buf; 512. bes err tst r0 beq print inc bcnt mov $buf,r2 2: movb (r2)+,r4 add r4,r5 adc r5 sob r0,2b br 1b err: mov $1,r0 sys write; 1f; 2 print: jsr pc,decml mov $1,r0 sys write; bl; 1 mov bcnt,r5 jsr pc,decml mov $1,r0 sys write; nl; 1 mov r1,r0/ tap1 -- dec-disk lod/dmp .globl _localtime, _end namep = 0 mode = 2 uid = 4; gid = 5 size0 = 7 size1 = 8 time0 = 10. time1 = 12. tapea = 14. dirsiz = 16. mdirent = 496. mov (sp),rnarg mov (sp)+,narg mov $cmr,command incb flu tst (sp)+ cmp narg,$2 bge 1f mov $2,narg br 3f 1: mov (sp)+,r0 mov sp,parg 1: movb (r0)+,r1 beq 3f mov $swtab,r2 2: cmp r1,(r2)+ beq 2f tst (r2)+ bne 2b br useerr 2: jsr pc,*(r2)+ br 1b 3: jsr pc,optap mov $_end,r4 / string pointer jsr pc,setb jmp *command m mov $end-9,r1 sys exec; end-9.; ibuf cmp $8,r0 bne 1f rcom: mov r1,ibuf mov $shname+5,ibuf-2 sys exec ; shname ; ibuf-2 1: jsr r5,mesg; ; .even clr r0 sys seek; 0; 2 sys exit printd: mov $tbuf+4,r4 jsr r5,tdiv; 10. jsr r5,tdiv; 10. jsr r5,tdiv; 10. jsr r5,tdiv; 10. 1: cmpb (r4),$'0 bne 1f movb $' ,(r4)+ cmp r4,$tbuf+3 bne 1b 1: mov $2,r0 sys write; tbuf; 4 rts pc ptime: mov (r2)+,r0 mov (r2)+,r1 div $3600.,r0 mov r0,-(sp) clr r0 div $60.,r0 mov r1,c sys close br loop 1: nl: <\n> bl: < > .even decml: mov r0,-(sp) mov r1,-(sp) mov r5,r1 jsr pc,1f mov (sp)+,r1 mov (sp)+,r0 rts pc 1: clr r0 dvd $10.,r0 mov r1,-(sp) mov r0,r1 beq 1f jsr pc,1b 1: mov (sp)+,ch add $'0,ch mov $1,r0 sys write; ch; 1 rts pc .bss ch: .=.+2 bcnt: .=.+2 buf: .=.+512. optap: tstb flm bne 2f mov $578.,tapsiz mov $192.,ndirent sys open; tc; 2 br 3f 2: mov $-1,tapsiz mov $mdirent,ndirent cmp command,$cmr beq 2f sys open; mt; 0 br 3f 2: sys open; mt; 1 3: bes 1f mov r0,fio mov ndirent,r1 ash $-3,r1 mov r1,ndentd8 mov ndirent,r1 mul $dirsiz,r1 add $dir,r1 mov r1,edir rts pc 1: jsr r5,mesg ; .even jmp done setcom: cmp command,$cmr bne useerr mov (r5)+,command rts r5 noflag: mov (r5)+,r0 beq 1f tstb (r0) beq noflag br ulicks mov $tbuf+9.,r4 jsr r5,tdiv; 10. jsr r5,tdiv; 6. movb $':,-(r4) mov (sp)+,r0 jsr r5,tdiv; 10. jsr r5,tdiv; 6. movb $':,-(r4) jsr r5,tdiv; 10. jsr r5,tdiv; 10. jsr r5,tdiv; 10. 1: cmpb (r4),$'0 beq 2f cmpb (r4),$': bne 1f 2: movb $' ,(r4)+ cmp r4,$tbuf+8. bne 1b 1: mov $2,r0 sys write; tbuf; 9. jsr r5,mesg; <.\0>; .even mov clicks,r1 clr r0 div $6,r0 add $'0,r0 mov r0,ch mov $2,r0 sys write; ch; 1 jsr r5,mesg; <\n\0>; .even rts r5 tdiv: mov r1,-(sp) mov r0,r1 clr r0 d/* su -- become super-user */ char password[100]; char pwbuf[100]; int ttybuf[3]; main() { register char *p, *q; extern fin; if(getpw(0, pwbuf)) goto badpw; (&fin)[1] = 0; p = pwbuf; while(*p != ':') if(*p++ == '\0') goto badpw; if(*++p == ':') goto ok; gtty(0, ttybuf); ttybuf[2] =& ~010; stty(0, ttybuf); printf("password: "); q = password; while((*q = getchar()) != '\n') if(*q++ == '\0') return; *q = '\0'; ttybuf[2] =| 010; stty(0, ttybuf); printf("\n"); q = crypt(passwordseerr 1: rts r5 useerr: jsr r5,mesg ; .even jmp done swtab: '0; dcof '1; dcof '2; dcof '3; dcof '4; dcof '5; dcof '6; dcof '7; dcof 'c; dcc 'd; dcd 'f; dcf 'i; dci 'm; dcm 'r; dcr 't; dct 'u; dcu 'v; dcv 'w; dcw 'x; dcx 0; 0 dcof: movb r1,tcx movb r1,mtx rts pc dcc: incb flc rts pc dcf: incb flf rts pc dcd: jsr r5,setcom; cmd rts pc dci: incb fli rts pc dcm: incb flm rts pc dcu: incb flu jsr r5,setcom; cmr rts pc dcr: clrb flu jsr r5,setcoiv (r5)+,r0 add $'0,r1 movb r1,-(r4) mov (sp)+,r1 rts r5 mesg: movb (r5)+,ch beq 2f mov $2,r0 sys write; ch; 1 br mesg 2: inc r5 bic $1,r5 rts r5 ch: .=.+1 .even .bss clicks: .=.+2 .=.+2 ibuf: .=.+50. tbuf: .=.+10. ltbuf: .=.+16. end: .=.+1000. .data shname: .even ); while(*q++ == *p++); if(*--q == '\0' && *--p == ':') goto ok; goto error; badpw: printf("bad password file\n"); ok: setuid(0); execl("/bin/sh", "-", 0); printf("cannot execute shell\n"); error: printf("sorry\n"); } m; cmr rts pc dct: jsr r5,setcom; cmt rts pc dcv: incb flv rts pc dcw: incb flw rts pc dcx: jsr r5,setcom; cmx rts pc cmd: jsr r5,noflag; flm; flc; flf; 0 cmp narg,$2 bgt 1f jmp useerr 1: jsr pc,rddir jsr r5,gettape; delete jsr pc,wrdir br check cmr: jsr r5,noflag; 0 tstb flc bne 1f tstb flm bne 1f jsr pc,rddir br 2f 1: jsr pc,clrdir 2: jsr pc,getfiles jsr pc,update br check cmt: jsr r5,noflag; flc; flf; flw; 0 jsr pc,rddir tstb flv beq 1f jsr r5,mesg < mode uidf = r5 i = r3 .globl x,k .globl ktab,ktat .globl putcall,obuild .globl errcom,succ,generate .globl rewcstr,getcstr .globl scopy scopy: mov $2f+1,r0 jsr pc,putcall jsr pc,rewcstr mov k(f),r2 neg r2 add $2,r2 1: jsr pc,getcstr tst r0 beq 1f movb r0,ktab(r2) inc r2 cmp r2,$ktat blt 1b jsr r0,errcom ;.even 1: clrb ktab(r2) bic $1,r2 neg r2 mov r2,k(f) jmp succ 2: mov i,r0 jsr pc,obuild jmp generate # /* * set teletype modes */ /* * tty flags */ #define HUPCL 01 #define XTABS 02 #define LCASE 04 #define ECHO 010 #define CRMOD 020 #define RAW 040 #define ODDP 0100 #define EVENP 0200 #define ANYP 0300 /* * Delay algorithms */ #define CR0 0 #define CR1 010000 #define CR2 020000 #define CR3 030000 #define NL0 0 #define NL1 000400 #define NL2 001000 #define NL3 001400 #define TAB0 0 #define TAB1 002000 #define TAB2 004000 #define TAB3 006000 #define FF0 0 #define FF1 040000 #define BS0 0 #define BS1 gid tapa size date time name\n\0>; .even 1: jsr r5,gettape; taboc br check1 cmx: jsr r5,noflag; flc; flf; 0 jsr pc,rddir jsr r5,gettape; xtract br done check: check1: jsr pc,usage done: jsr r5,mesg ; .even sys exit encode: mov r2,-(sp) mov r4,(r1) mov (r5)+,r2 1: movb (r2),(r4)+ jsr pc,setb tstb (r2)+ bne 1b mov (sp)+,r2 rts r5 decode: mov r2,-(sp) mov r1,-(sp) mov (r1),r1 mov (r5)+,r2 1: movb (r1)+,(r2)+ bne 1b mov (sp)+,r1 mov (sp)+,r2 rts r5 setb: moint open[9] { 1 }; int n 1; int t 0; char in[512]; char out[512]; main(argc,argv) char **argv; { int register r,w,p; struct { int x1[2], type, x2[15]; } buf; fstat(1,&buf); t = (buf.type&060000)==020000; while(argc-->1) { open[n++] = creat(argv[1],0666); if(stat(argv[1],&buf)>=0) if((buf.type&060000)==020000) t++; argv++; } r = w = 0; for(;;) { for(p=0;p<512;) { if(r>=w) { if(t>0&&p>0) break; w = read(0,in,512); r = 0; if(w<=0) { stash(p); return; } 0100000 #define ALL 0177400 struct { char *string; int speed; } speeds[] { "0", (0<<8)|0, "50", (1<<8)|1, "75", (2<<8)|2, "110", (3<<8)|3, "134", (4<<8)|4, "134.5",(4<<8)|4, "150", (5<<8)|5, "200", (6<<8)|6, "300", (7<<8)|7, "600", (8<<8)|8, "1200", (9<<8)|9, "1800", (10<<8)|10, "2400", (11<<8)|11, "4800", (12<<8)|12, "9600", (13<<8)|13, "exta", (14<<8)|14, "extb", (15<<8)|15, 0, }; struct { char *string; int set; int reset; } modes[] { "even", EVENP, 0, "-even", 0, EVENP, "odd", ODDP, 0, "-odd", 0, ODDP, "raw", RAW, 0, "-raw", 0, RAW, "cooked", 0, RAW, "-nl", CRMOD, 0, "nl", 0, CRMOD, "echo", ECHO, 0, "-echo", 0, ECHO, "LCASE", LCASE, 0, "lcase", LCASE, 0, "-LCASE", 0, LCASE, "-lcase", 0, LCASE, "-tabs", XTABS, 0, "tabs", 0, XTABS, "hup", HUPCL, 0, "-hup", 0, HUPCL, "cr0", CR0, CR3, "cr1", CR1, CR3, "cr2", CR2, CR3, "cr3", CR3, CR3, "tab0", TAB0, TAB3, "tab1", TAB1, TAB3, "tab2", TAB2, TAB3, "tab3", TAB3, 0 / same mode as before bec 1f jsr r5,mesg; ; .even jmp unloop 1: mov r0,fo sys open; s.tmp; 0 bec 1f jsr r5,mesg; ; .even sys exit 1: mov r0,fi 1: mov fi,r0 sys read; buf; 512. mov r0,0f beq 1f mov fo,r0 sys write; buf; 0:.. br 1b 1: mov fi,r0 sys close mov fo,r0 sys close jmp unloop mesg: movb (r5)+,ch beq 1f mov $1,r0 sys write; ch; 1 br mesg 1: inc r5 bic $1,r5 mov r4,r1 1: movb (r1)+,ch beq 1f mov $1,r0 sys write; ch; #define L 512 #define N 7 #define C 20 #define MEM (16*2048) #define NF 10 int ibuf[259]; int obuf[259]; char *file; char *filep; int nfiles; int nlines; int ntext; int *lspace; char *tspace; int cmp(); int term(); int mflg; char *outfil; char tabchar; int eargc; char **eargv; char fold[128] { 0000,0001,0002,0003,0004,0005,0006,0007, 0010,0011,0012,0013,0014,0015,0016,0017, 0020,0021,0022,0023,0024,0025,0026,0027, 0030,0031,0032,0033,0034,0035,0036,0037, 0040,0041,0042,0043,0044,0045,0046,0047, 00 TAB3, "nl0", NL0, NL3, "nl1", NL1, NL3, "nl2", NL2, NL3, "nl3", NL3, NL3, "ff0", FF0, FF1, "ff1", FF1, FF1, "bs0", BS0, BS1, "bs1", BS1, BS1, "33", CR1, ALL, "tty33", CR1, ALL, "37", FF1+CR2+TAB1+NL1, ALL, "tty37", FF1+CR2+TAB1+NL1, ALL, "05", NL2, ALL, "vt05", NL2, ALL, "tn", CR1, ALL, "tn300", CR1, ALL, "ti", CR2, ALL, "ti700", CR2, ALL, "tek", FF1, ALL, 0, }; char *arg; int mode[3]; struct { char lobyte, hibyte; }; main(argc, argv) char *arg1 br 1b 1: mov $1,r0 sys write; qnl; 1 rts r5 s.tmp: qnl: <\n> .even magic: 407 magic1: 410 magic2: 411 .bss fi: .=.+2 fo: .=.+2 argc: .=.+2 buf: .=.+512. ch: .=.+2 50,0051,0052,0053,0054,0055,0056,0057, 0060,0061,0062,0063,0064,0065,0066,0067, 0070,0071,0072,0073,0074,0075,0076,0077, 0100,0101,0102,0103,0104,0105,0106,0107, 0110,0111,0112,0113,0114,0115,0116,0117, 0120,0121,0122,0123,0124,0125,0126,0127, 0130,0131,0132,0133,0134,0134,0136,0137, 0140,0101,0102,0103,0104,0105,0106,0107, 0110,0111,0112,0113,0114,0115,0116,0117, 0120,0121,0122,0123,0124,0125,0126,0127, 0130,0131,0132,0173,0174,0175,0176,0177 }; char nofold[128]; char dict[128] { 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1v[]; { int i; gtty(1, mode); if(argc == 1) { prmodes(); exit(0); } while(--argc > 0) { arg = *++argv; if (eq("ek")) mode[1] = '#@'; if (eq("erase")) { mode[1].lobyte = **++argv; argc--; } if (eq("kill")) { mode[1].hibyte = **++argv; argc--; } for(i=0; speeds[i].string; i++) if(eq(speeds[i].string)) mode[0] = speeds[i].speed; for(i=0; modes[i].string; i++) if(eq(modes[i].string)) { mode[2] =& ~modes[i].reset; mode[2] =| modes[i].set; } if(arg) int count 1000; int fnumber; int ibuf[259]; int obuf[259]; char fname[100]; char *ifil; char *ofil; main(argc, argv) char *argv[]; { register i, c, f; for(i=1; i 0) { if(**++argv == '-') for(arg = *argv;;) { switch(*++arg) { case '\0': if(arg[-1] == '-') eargv[eargc++] = "-"; break; case 'm': mflg++; continue; case 'o': if(--argc > 0) outfil = *++argv; continue; default: field(++*argv,1); break; } break; } else if (**argv == '+') { ]; if(m & 0200) printf("even "); if(m & 0100) printf("odd "); if(m & 040) printf("raw "); if(m & 020) printf("-nl "); if(m & 010) printf("echo "); if(m & 04) printf("lcase "); if(m & 02) printf("-tabs "); if(m & 01) printf("hup "); delay(m>>8, "nl"); delay(m>>10, "tab"); delay(m>>12, "cr"); delay((m>>14)&1, "ff"); delay((m>>15)&1, "bs"); printf("\n"); } delay(m, s) char *s; { if(m =& 3) printf("%s%d ", s, m); } int speed[] { 0,50,75,110,134,150,200,300,600,1200,1800,2400,4800,9600,0,0 } } while(c != '\n'); fflush(obuf); close(obuf[0]); goto loop; } number(str) char *str; { register n; register char *s; n = 0; for(s = str; *s; s++) if(*s>='0' && *s<='9') n = n*10 + *s-'0'; return(n); } if(++nfields>=NF) { mess("Too many keys\n"); exit(1); } copyproto(); field(++*argv,0); } else eargv[eargc++] = *argv; } q = &fields[0]; for(a=1; a<=nfields; a++) { p = &fields[a]; for(i=0; i<5; i++) /*sensitive to sizeof(proto)*/ if(p[i] != proto[i]) goto next; for(i=0; i<5; i++) p[i] = q[i]; next: ; } if(eargc == 0) eargv[eargc++] = "-"; a = MEM; i = lspace = sbrk(0); while(brk(a) == -1) a =- 512; brk(a =- 512); /* for recursion */ a =- i; nlines = ((a; prspeed(c, s) { printf("%s%d baud\n", c, speed[s]); } putchar(c) { write(2, &c, 1); } .globl getword .globl putword .globl lookword .globl alterword .globl alterchar .globl putchar .globl lookchar .globl w, r, a, l / / routine to put a word onto the string / mov ...,r1 / mov ...,r0 / jsr pc,putword putword: jsr pc,putchar swab r0 jsr pc,putchar swab r0 rts pc / / / routine to look at a word from the string / mov ...,r1 / jsr pc,lookword / mov r0,... lookword: jsr pc,lookchar bes 1f movb r0,nchar inc r(r1) jsr pc,lookchar bes 1f movb r0,nchar+1 dec r(r1) mov nchar,r0 1: rts pc /-L)>>1) & 077777; nlines =/ 5; ntext = nlines*8; tspace = lspace+nlines; file = "/usr/tmp/stmXaa"; loop: filep = file; while(*filep != 'X') filep++; for(*filep = 'a';;(*filep)++) { if(stat(file, lspace) < 0) { a = creat(file, 0600); if(a >= 0) break; } if(*filep == 'z') { if(file[1] != 't') { file = "/tmp/stmXaa"; goto loop; } mess("Cannot locate temp\n"); exit(1); } } close(a); filep++; if ((signal(2, 1) & 01) == 0) signal(2, term); nfiles = eargc; if(/ strip -- strip relocation and symbols mov (sp)+,argc tst (sp)+ br loop unloop: sys unlink; s.tmp loop: dec argc bgt 1f sys exit 1: mov (sp)+,r4 mov r4,0f sys open; 0:..; 0 bec 1f jsr r5,mesg; ; .even br loop 1: mov r0,fi mov $'a,r1 1: movb r1,s.tmp+8 sys stat; s.tmp; buf bec 2f sys creat; s.tmp; 400 bec 1f 2: inc r1 cmp r1,$'z blos 1b jsr r5,mesg; ; .even sys exit 1: mov r0,fo clr buf mov fi,r0 sys read; buf; 512. mov r0,r3 cmp / / routine to get a word from the strng / getword: jsr pc,lookword bes 1f add $2,r(r1) 1: rts pc / / / routine to alter a word in the string / alterword: jsr pc,alterchar swab r0 jsr pc,alterchar swab r0 rts pc nchar: .=.+2 !mflg) { ibuf[0] = -1; sort(); close(0); } for(a = mflg?0:eargc; a+N < nfiles; a=+N) { newfile(); merge(a, a+N); } if(a != nfiles) { oldfile(); merge(a, nfiles); } error = 0; term(); } sort() { register char *cp; register *lp, c; int done; int i; int f; done = 0; i = 0; do { cp = tspace; lp = lspace; while(lp < lspace+nlines && cp < tspace+ntext) { *lp++ = cp; while((*cp++ = c = getc(ibuf)) != '\n') { if(c >= 0) continue; cp--; close(ibuf[0]); if(i buf,magic beq 1f cmp buf,magic1 beq 1f cmp buf,magic2 beq 1f jsr r5,mesg; ; .even br unloop 1: mov buf+2,r2 add buf+4,r2 add $20,r2 clr r1 clr buf+10 mov $1,buf+16 / no reloc bits flag 1: mov r2,0f sub r1,0f cmp 0f,r3 blos 2f mov r3,0f 2: mov fo,r0 sys write; buf; 0:.. add 0b,r1 cmp r1,r2 bhis 1f mov fi,r0 sys read; buf; 512. mov r0,r3 bne 1b jsr r5,mesg; ; .even 1: mov fo,r0 sys close mov fi,r0 sys close mov r4,0f sys creat; 0:..;< eargc) { if((f = setfil(i++)) == 0) ibuf[0] = 0; else if(fopen(f, ibuf) < 0) cant(f); } else break; } if(c < 0) { done++; lp--; break; } } qsort(lspace, lp-lspace, 2, cmp); if(done == 0 || nfiles != eargc) newfile(); else oldfile(); while(lp > lspace) { cp = *--lp; do putc(*cp, obuf); while(*cp++ != '\n'); } fflush(obuf); close(obuf[0]); } while(done == 0); } struct merg { char l[L]; int b[259]; }; merge(a, b) { register struct merg *p; register char *cp; register i; struct { int *ip;}; int f; int j; p = lspace; j = 0; for(i=a; ib[0] = dup(0); else if(fopen(f, p->b) < 0) cant(f); ibuf[j] = p; if(!rline(p)) j++; p++; } i = j; qsort(ibuf, i, 2, cmp); if(i > 0) for(;;) { cp = ibuf[i-1]; do putc(*cp, obuf); while(*cp++ != '\n'); if(rline(ibuf[i-1])) { i--; if(i == 0) break; } cp = &ibuf[i]; while (--cp.ip > ibuf && cmp(cp.ip,ields[nfields]; for(i=0; icode = nofold; break; case 'b': p->bflg++; break; case 'd': p->ignore = dict; break; case 'n': p->nflg++; break; case 't': tabchar = *++s; if(tabchar == 0) s--; break; case 'r': p->rflg = -1; break; default: p->m[k] = number(&s); if(*; char *args[ARGSIZ]; int trebuf[TRESIZ]; main(c, av) int c; char **av; { register f; register char *acname, **v; for(f=2; f<15; f++) close(f); if((f=dup(1)) != 2) close(f); dolc = getpid(); for(f=4; f>=0; f--) { dolc = ldiv(0, dolc, 10); pidp[f] = ldivr+'0'; } v = av; acname = "/usr/adm/sha"; promp = "% "; if(((uid = getuid())&0377) == 0) promp = "# "; acctf = open(acname, 1); if(c > 1) { promp = 0; if (*v[1]=='-') { **v = '-'; if (v[1][1]=='c' && c>2) arginp = v[2]; cp.ip-1) < 0) { p = *cp.ip; *cp.ip = *(cp.ip-1); *(cp.ip-1) = p; } } p = lspace; for(i=a; ib[0]); p++; if(i >= eargc) close(creat(setfil(i))); } fflush(obuf); close(obuf[0]); } rline(mp) struct merg *mp; { register char *cp; register *bp, c; bp = mp->b; cp = mp->l; do { c = getc(bp); if(c < 0) return(1); *cp++ = c; } while(c != '\n'); return(0); } newfile() { if(fcreat(setfil(nfiles), obuf) < 0) { mess("Can't create temp\n"); term(); }s == '.') s++; p->n[k] = number(&s); s--; } } } number(ppa) char **ppa; { int n; register char *pa; pa = *ppa; n = 0; while(digit(*pa)) n = n*10 + *pa++ - '0'; *ppa = pa; return(n); } blank(c) { if(c==' ' || c=='\t') return(1); return(0); } else if (v[1][1]=='t') onelflg = 2; } else { close(0); f = open(v[1], 0); if(f < 0) { prs(v[1]); err(": cannot open"); } } } if(**v == '-') { setintr++; signal(QUIT, 1); signal(INTR, 1); } dolv = v+1; dolc = c-1; loop: if(promp != 0) prs(promp); peekc = getc(); main1(); goto loop; } main1() { register char c, *cp; register *t; argp = args; eargp = args+ARGSIZ-5; linep = line; elinep = line+LINSIZ-5; error = 0; gflg = 0; do { cp = linep; word(); nfiles++; } char * setfil(i) { if(i < eargc) if(eargv[i][0] == '-' && eargv[i][1] == '\0') return(0); else return(eargv[i]); i =- eargc; filep[0] = i/26 + 'a'; filep[1] = i%26 + 'a'; return(file); } oldfile() { if(outfil) { if(fcreat(outfil, obuf) < 0) { mess("Can't create output\n"); term(); } } else obuf[0] = 1; } cant(f) { mess("Can't open "); mess(f); mess("\n"); term(); } term() { register i; if(nfiles == eargc) nfiles++; for(i=eargc; i'9') { printf("bad character\n"); exit(); } n = n*10 + c - '0'; } sleep(n); } } while(*cp != '\n'); treep = trebuf; treeend = &trebuf[TRESIZ]; if(gflg == 0) { if(error == 0) { setexit(); if (error) return; t = syntax(args, argp); } if(error != 0) err("syntax error"); else execute(t); } } word() { register char c, c1; *argp++ = linep; loop: switch(c = getc()) { case ' ': case '\t': goto loop; case '\'': case '"': c1 = c; while((c=readc()) != c1) { if(c == '\n') { error++; peekc = c; return; } *linep++ = c|QUOTE; }nk(setfil(i)); exit(error); } cmp(i, j) int *i, *j; { register char *pa, *pb; char *code, *ignore; int a, b; int k; char *la, *lb; register int sa; int sb; char *ipa, *ipb, *jpa, *jpb; struct field *fp; for(k = nfields>0; k<=nfields; k++) { fp = &fields[k]; pa = *i; pb = *j; if(k) { la = skip(pa, fp, 1); pa = skip(pa, fp, 0); lb = skip(pb, fp, 1); pb = skip(pb, fp, 0); } else { la = -1; lb = -1; } if(fp->nflg) { while(blank(*pa)) pa++; while(blank(*pb))/* size -- determine object size */ main(argc, argv) char **argv; { int buf[010], f, ac, sum; ac = argc; if (ac==1) { *argv = "a.out"; ac++; --argv; } while(--ac) { ++argv; if((f=open(*argv, 0))<0) { printf("%s not found\n", *argv); continue; } read(f, buf, 0020); if(buf[0]!=0411 && buf[0]!=0410 && buf[0]!=0407) { printf("Bad format: %s\n", *argv); close(f); continue; } if (argc>2) printf("%s: ", *argv); printf("%l+%l+%l=", buf[1],buf[2],buf[3]); sum = buf[ goto pack; case '&': case ';': case '<': case '>': case '(': case ')': case '|': case '^': case '\n': *linep++ = c; *linep++ = '\0'; return; } peekc = c; pack: for(;;) { c = getc(); if(any(c, " '\"\t;&<>()|^\n")) { peekc = c; if(any(c, "\"'")) goto loop; *linep++ = '\0'; return; } *linep++ = c; } } tree(n) int n; { register *t; t = treep; treep =+ n; if (treep>treeend) { prs("Command line overflow\n"); error++; reset(); } return(t); } getc() { pb++; sa = sb = fp->rflg; if(*pa == '-') { pa++; sa = -sa; } if(*pb == '-') { pb++; sb = -sb; } if(sa != sb) sa = 0; for(ipa = pa; ipa pa && ipb > pb) if(b = *--ipb - *--ipa) a = b; while(ipa > pa) if(*--ipa != '0') return(sa ? -sa : sb); while(ipb > pb) if(*--ipb != '0') return(sa ? sa : sb); if(a1]+buf[2]+buf[3]; printf("%l (%o)\n", sum, sum); close(f); } } register char c; if(peekc) { c = peekc; peekc = 0; return(c); } if(argp > eargp) { argp =- 10; while((c=getc()) != '\n'); argp =+ 10; err("Too many args"); gflg++; return(c); } if(linep > elinep) { linep =- 10; while((c=getc()) != '\n'); linep =+ 10; err("Too many characters"); gflg++; return(c); } getd: if(dolp) { c = *dolp++; if(c != '\0') return(c); dolp = 0; } c = readc(); if(c == '\\') { c = readc(); if(c == '\n') return(' '); return(c|QUOTE);) return(a*sa); if(*(pa=jpa) == '.') pa++; if(*(pb=jpb) == '.') pb++; while(pacode; ignore = fp->ignore; loop: while(*pa<0 || ignore[*pa]) pa++; while(*pb<0 || ignore[*pb]) pb++; if(pa>=la || *pa=='\n') if(pb } if(c == '$') { c = readc(); if(c>='0' && c<='9') { if(c-'0' < dolc) dolp = dolv[c-'0']; goto getd; } if(c == '$') { dolp = pidp; goto getd; } } return(c&0177); } readc() { char cc; register c; if (arginp) { if (arginp == 1) exit(); if ((c = *arginp++) == 0) { arginp = 1; c = '\n'; } return(c); } if (onelflg==1) exit(); if(read(0, &cc, 1) != 1) exit(); if (cc=='\n' && onelflg) onelflg--; return(cc); } /* * syntax * empty * syn1 */ syntaxrflg); else continue; if(pb>=lb || *pb=='\n') return(-fp->rflg); if((sa = code[*pb++]-code[*pa++]) == 0) goto loop; return(sa*fp->rflg); } pa = *i; pb = *j; while(*pa != '\n') { if(*pa == *pb) { pa++; pb++; continue; } if(*pb == '\n') return(-1); return(*pb - *pa); } return(*pb != '\n'); } skip(pp, fp, j) struct field *fp; char *pp; { register i; register char *p; p = pp; if( (i=fp->m[j]) < 0) return(-1); while(i-- > 0) { i# /* */ #define INTR 2 #define QUIT 3 #define LINSIZ 1000 #define ARGSIZ 50 #define TRESIZ 100 #define QUOTE 0200 #define FAND 1 #define FCAT 2 #define FPIN 4 #define FPOU 8 #define FPAR 16 #define FINT 32 #define FPRS 64 #define TCOM 1 #define TPAR 2 #define TFIL 3 #define TLST 4 #define DTYP 0 #define DLEF 1 #define DRIT 2 #define DFLG 3 #define DSPR 4 #define DCOM 5 #define ENOMEM 12 #define ENOEXEC 8 char *dolp; char pidp[6]; int ldivr; char **dolv; int dolc; char *promp; char *linep; char *elinep; (p1, p2) char **p1, **p2; { while(p1 != p2) { if(any(**p1, ";&\n")) p1++; else return(syn1(p1, p2)); } return(0); } /* * syn1 * syn2 * syn2 & syntax * syn2 ; syntax */ syn1(p1, p2) char **p1, **p2; { register char **p; register *t, *t1; int l; l = 0; for(p=p1; p!=p2; p++) switch(**p) { case '(': l++; continue; case ')': l--; if(l < 0) error++; continue; case '&': case ';': case '\n': if(l == 0) { l = **p; t = tree(4); t[DTYP] = TLST; t[DLEF] = synf(tabchar != 0) { while(*p != tabchar) if(*p != '\n') p++; else goto ret; p++; } else { while(blank(*p)) p++; while(!blank(*p)) if(*p != '\n') p++; else goto ret; } } if(fp->bflg) while(blank(*p)) p++; i = fp->n[j]; while(i-- > 0) { if(*p != '\n') p++; else goto ret; } ret: return(p); } digit(c) { return(c <= '9' && c >= '0'); } mess(s) char *s; { while(*s) write(2, s++, 1); } copyproto() { register int i, *p, *q; p = proto; q = &fchar **argp; char **eargp; int *treep; int *treeend; char peekc; char gflg; char error; char acctf; char uid; char setintr; char *arginp; int onelflg; char *mesg[] { 0, "Hangup", 0, "Quit", "Illegal instruction", "Trace/BPT trap", "IOT trap", "EMT trap", "Floating exception", "Killed", "Bus error", "Memory fault", "Bad system call", 0, "Sig 14", "Sig 15", "Sig 16", "Sig 17", "Sig 18", "Sig 19", }; struct stime { int proct[2]; int cputim[2]; int systim[2]; } timeb; char line[LINSIZ]2(p1, p); t[DFLG] = 0; if(l == '&') { t1 = t[DLEF]; t1[DFLG] =| FAND|FPRS|FINT; } t[DRIT] = syntax(p+1, p2); return(t); } } if(l == 0) return(syn2(p1, p2)); error++; } /* * syn2 * syn3 * syn3 | syn2 */ syn2(p1, p2) char **p1, **p2; { register char **p; register int l, *t; l = 0; for(p=p1; p!=p2; p++) switch(**p) { case '(': l++; continue; case ')': l--; continue; case '|': case '^': if(l == 0) { t = tree(4); t[DTYP] = TFIL; t[DLEF] = syn3(p1, p); t[DRIT] = syn2(p+1, p2); t[DFLG] = 0; return(t); } } return(syn3(p1, p2)); } /* * syn3 * ( syn1 ) [ < in ] [ > out ] * word word* [ < in ] [ > out ] */ syn3(p1, p2) char **p1, **p2; { register char **p; char **lp, **rp; register *t; int n, l, i, o, c, flg; flg = 0; if(**p2 == ')') flg =| FPAR; lp = 0; rp = 0; i = 0; o = 0; n = 0; l = 0; for(p=p1; p!=p2; p++) switch(c = **p) { case '(': if(l == 0) { if(lp != 0) error++; lp = p+1; } l++; continueRS)); execute(t1, pf1, pv); t1 = t[DRIT]; t1[DFLG] =| FPIN | (f&(FPOU|FINT|FAND|FPRS)); execute(t1, pv, pf2); return; case TLST: f = t[DFLG]&FINT; if(t1 = t[DLEF]) t1[DFLG] =| f; execute(t1); if(t1 = t[DRIT]) t1[DFLG] =| f; execute(t1); return; } } texec(f, at) int *at; { extern errno; register int *t; t = at; execv(f, t+DCOM); if (errno==ENOEXEC) { if (*linep) t[DCOM] = linep; t[DSPR] = "/bin/sh"; execv(t[DSPR], t+DSPR); prs("No shell!\n"); exit(); } if case 't': tflg++; break; case 's': sflg++; aflg++; break; case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': thres = argv[0][i]-'0'; break; case 'v': vflg++; break; case 'u': uflg++; break; case 'm': mflg++; break; } } fout = dup(1); if (argc<2) acct("/usr/adm/sha"); else while (--argc) acct(*++argv); if (uflg) { flush(); return; } /* * cleanup pass * put junk togethe; case ')': l--; if(l == 0) rp = p; continue; case '>': p++; if(p!=p2 && **p=='>') flg =| FCAT; else p--; case '<': if(l == 0) { p++; if(p == p2) { error++; p--; } if(any(**p, "<>(")) error++; if(c == '<') { if(i != 0) error++; i = *p; continue; } if(o != 0) error++; o = *p; } continue; default: if(l == 0) p1[n++] = *p; } if(lp != 0) { if(n != 0) error++; t = tree(5); t[DTYP] = TPAR; t[DSPR] = syn1(lp (errno==ENOMEM) { prs(t[DCOM]); err(": too large"); exit(); } } err(s) char *s; { prs(s); prs("\n"); if(promp == 0) { seek(0, 0, 2); exit(); } } prs(as) char *as; { register char *s; s = as; while(*s) putc(*s++); } putc(c) { write(2, &c, 1); } prn(n) int n; { register a; if(a=ldiv(0,n,10)) prn(a); putc(lrem(0,n,10)+'0'); } any(c, as) int c; char *as; { register char *s; s = as; while(*s) if(*s++ == c) return(1); return(0); } equal(as1, as2) char *as1, *as2; { r */ if (vflg) strip(); if(!aflg) for (i=0; i= 0) { seek(i, 0, 2); goto f1; } } i = creat(t[DRIT], 0666); if(i < 0) { prs(t[DRIT]); err(": cannot create" , m; { if(jflg) printf("%9.2f", a/(n*60.)); else printf("%9.2f", a/3600.); if(cflg) { if(a == m) printf("%7s", ""); else printf("%6.2f%%", 100.*a/m); } } acct(f) char *f; { int ff, i, j; float x; struct ftab fbuf; register char *cp; register int c; extern double ltod(); if (sflg && sname) { printf("Only 1 file with -s\n"); exit(); } if (sflg) sname = f; if ((ff=open(f, 0))<0) { printf("Can't open %s\n", f); return; } while (read(ff, &fbuf, sizeof(fbuf))==sizeof(fbuf))); exit(); } f1: close(1); dup(i); close(i); } if((f&FPIN) != 0) { close(0); dup(pf1[0]); close(pf1[0]); close(pf1[1]); } if((f&FPOU) != 0) { close(1); dup(pf2[1]); close(pf2[0]); close(pf2[1]); } if((f&FINT)!=0 && t[DLEF]==0 && (f&FPIN)==0) { close(0); open("/dev/null", 0); } if((f&FINT) == 0 && setintr) { signal(INTR, 0); signal(QUIT, 0); } if(t[DTYP] == TPAR) { if(t1 = t[DSPR]) t1[DFLG] =| f&FINT; execute(t1); exit(); #define size 2000 /* interpret command time accounting */ int lflg; int cflg; int jflg; int nflg; int aflg; int rflg; int tflg; int vflg; int uflg; int thres 1; int sflg; int bflg; int mflg; int fout; struct user { int ncomm; int fill; float fctime; } user[256]; struct tab { char name[8]; int count; float realt; float cput; float syst; } tab[size]; struct ftab { char fname[14]; char shf; char uid; int fdatet[2]; int frealt[2]; int fcput[2]; int fsyst[2]; }; float treal; float tcpu; float t { for (cp = fbuf.name; cp < &fbuf.name[8]; cp++) { c = *cp & 0377; if (c && (c < ' ' || c >= 0200)) *cp = '?'; } if (uflg) { printdate(fbuf.fdatet); printf(" %3d %.8s\n", fbuf.uid, fbuf.name); continue; } if (fbuf.shf==0) { c = fbuf.uid&0377; user[c].ncomm++; user[c].fctime =+ (ltod(fbuf.fcput)+ltod(fbuf.fsyst))/60; } ncom =+ 1.0; i = enter(&fbuf); tab[i].count++; x = ltod(fbuf.frealt); x =* 60.; tab[i].realt =+ x; treal =+ x; x = ltod(fbuf.fcput); } close(acctf); gflg = 0; scan(t, &tglob); if(gflg) { t[DSPR] = "/etc/glob"; execv(t[DSPR], t+DSPR); prs("glob: cannot execute\n"); exit(); } scan(t, &trim); *linep = 0; texec(t[DCOM], t); cp1 = linep; cp2 = "/usr/bin/"; while(*cp1 = *cp2++) cp1++; cp2 = t[DCOM]; while(*cp1++ = *cp2++); texec(linep+4, t); texec(linep, t); prs(t[DCOM]); err(": not found"); exit(); case TFIL: f = t[DFLG]; pipe(pv); t1 = t[DLEF]; t1[DFLG] =| FPOU | (f&(FPIN|FINT|FPsys; int junkp -1; char *sname; float ncom; main(argc, argv) char **argv; { int i, j, k; extern tcmp(), ncmp(), bcmp(); extern float sum(); float ft; init(); if (argc>1) if (argv[1][0]=='-') { argv++; argc--; for(i=1; argv[0][i]; i++) switch(argv[0][i]) { case 'b': bflg++; break; case 'l': lflg++; break; case 'c': cflg++; break; case 'j': jflg++; break; case 'n': nflg++; break; case 'a': aflg++; break; case 'r': rflg++; break; tab[i].cput =+ x; tcpu =+ x; x = ltod(fbuf.fsyst); tab[i].syst =+ x; tsys =+ x; } close(ff); } ncmp(p1, p2) struct tab *p1, *p2; { if(p1->count == p2->count) return(tcmp(p1, p2)); if(rflg) return(p1->count - p2->count); return(p2->count - p1->count); } bcmp(p1, p2) struct tab *p1, *p2; { float f1, f2; float sum(); f1 = sum(p1)/p1->count; f2 = sum(p2)/p2->count; if(f1 < f2) { if(rflg) return(-1); return(1); } if(f1 > f2) { if(rflg) return(1); return(-1); } return(0); } tcmp(p1, p2) struct tab *p1, *p2; { extern float sum(); float f1, f2; f1 = sum(p1); f2 = sum(p2); if(f1 < f2) { if(rflg) return(-1); return(1); } if(f1 > f2) { if(rflg) return(1); return(-1); } return(0); } float sum(p) struct tab *p; { if(p->name[0] == 0) return(0.0); return( p->cput+ p->syst); } init() { struct tab tbuf; int i, j, f; if ((f=open("/usr/adm/sht", 0))<0) goto gshm; while (read(f, &tbuf, sizeof(tbuf)) == sizeof(tbuf)) { i = enter(&tbuf); ncom if(stat(arg, buf)) { printf("%s: non existent\n", arg); return; } if((buf->mode & 060000) == 040000) { if(rflg) { i = fork(); if(i == -1) { printf("%s: try again\n", arg); return; } if(i) { while(wait() != i); return; } if(chdir(arg)) { printf("%s: cannot chdir\n", arg); exit(); } p = 0; execl("/etc/glob", "glob", "rm", "-r", fflg? "-f": "*", fflg? "*": p, 0); printf("%s: no glob\n", arg); exit(); } printf("%s: directory\n", arg); i++) { if(i >= isize) break; dread(i+2, buf); for(ip = &buf[0]; ip < &buf[256]; ip++) { sz = *tap++; if(sz == 0) continue; dealoc(ip); if(sz == -1) { for(p = ip; p < &ip->i_mtime[2]; ) *p++ = 0; continue; } sread(dbuf, 0); q = dbuf; for(p = ip; p < &ip->i_mtime[2]; ) *p++ = *q++; restor(ip, sz-1); } dwrite(i+2, buf); } dwrite(1, &sblock); com = 0; for(; i < isize; i++) for(l = 0; l < 16; l++) { sz = *tap++; if(sz != 0 && sz != -1) =+ tbuf.count; tab[i].count = tbuf.count; treal =+ tbuf.realt; tab[i].realt = tbuf.realt; tcpu =+ tbuf.cput; tab[i].cput = tbuf.cput; tsys =+ tbuf.syst; tab[i].syst = tbuf.syst; } close(f); gshm: if ((f=open("/usr/adm/shm", 0)) < 0) return; read(f, user, sizeof(user)); close(f); } enter(fbuf) struct ftab *fbuf; { int i, j; i = 0; for (j=0; j<8; j++) { i = i*7 + fbuf->fname[j]; } if(i < 0) i = -i; for (i=%size; tab[i].name[0]; i = (i+1)%size) { for (j=0; j<8; j++) if (return; } if(!fflg) { if((getuid()&0377) == buf->uid) b = 0200; else b = 2; if((buf->mode & b) == 0 && ttyn(0) != 'x') { printf("%s: %o mode ", arg, buf->mode); i = b = getchar(); i = b; while(b != '\n' && b != '\0') b = getchar(); if(i != 'y') return; } } if(unlink(arg)) printf("%s: not removed\n", arg); } putchar(c) { write(1, &c, 1); } getchar() { char c; if(read(0, &c, 1) != 1) return(0); return(c); } com++; } if(com) printf("%l files not restored - small ilist\n", com); exit(); case 'x': i = 0; tap = ilist; while(argc > 1) { i++; sz = number(argv[1]); argv++; argc--; if(sz <= 0 || sz >=isize*16) { printf("%l not in range\n", sz); continue; } if(talist[sz-1] == 0) { printf("%l not dumped\n", sz); continue; } if(talist[sz-1] == -1) { printf("%l does not exist\n", sz); continue; } *tap++ = sz; } if(i != 0 && ilist[0] == 0) exit(); tap = talist; for(itab[i].name[j]!=fbuf->fname[j]) goto no; goto yes; no:; } for (j=0; j<8; j++) tab[i].name[j] = fbuf->fname[j]; yes: return(i); } strip() { int i, j, k, c; j = enter("**junk**"); for (i = 0; i tapx: mtx: .even .bss word: .=.+2 =1; i<=isize*16; i++) { if(ilist[0] != 0) { for(sz=0; ilist[sz]; sz++) if(ilist[sz] == i) goto yes; sz = *tap++; no: if(sz == -1) sz = 0; while(sz--) tread(dbuf, 1); continue; } yes: sz = *tap++; if(sz == 0 || sz == -1) continue; fo = dwait(i); if(fo < 0) goto no; sz--; sread(buf, 0); ip = buf; while(sz--) { tread(dbuf, 0); com = 512; if(ip->i_size0 == 0 && ip->i_size1 < 512) com = ip->i_size1; write(fo, dbuf, com); if(com > ip-hile (c && c!='\n') c = getchar(); } } } printdate(tvec) int tvec[2]; { int *lt; int *localtime(); lt = localtime(tvec); printf("%3d %c%c%c %d", lt[7], pair(lt[2]), pair(lt[1]), pair(lt[0]), lt[6]); } pair(n) { return(n/10+'0' | (n%10+'0')<<8); }    #&)>i_size1) ip->i_size0--; ip->i_size1 =- com; } close(fo); chmod(file, ip->i_mode); chown(file, ip->i_uid); } exit(); } } dealoc(p) struct inode *p; { register struct inode *ip; register i, j; int k; int xbuf[256], ybuf[256]; ip = p; if(ip->i_mode & (IFCHR&IFBLK)) return; for(i=7; i>=0; i--) if(ip->i_addr[i]) { if(ip->i_mode&ILARG) { dread(ip->i_addr[i], xbuf); for(j=255; j>=0; j--) if(xbuf[j]) { if(i == 7) { dread(xbuf[j], ybuf); for(k=255; k>=0; k--) / rmdir -- unlink directory mov (sp)+,r5 tst (sp)+ loop: dec r5 ble done mov (sp)+,r1 mov $name,r2 clr r0 1: inc r0 movb (r1)+,(r2)+ bne 1b dec r2 dec r0 mov r0,size cmp r2,$name beq error sys stat; name; stbuf bes error bic $!60000,stbuf+4 cmp $40000,stbuf+4 bne error cmpb -1(r2),$'. bne 1f cmp r2,$name+1 beq error cmpb -2(r2),$'/ beq error cmpb -2(r2),$'. bne 1f cmp r2,$name+2 beq error cmpb -3(r2),$'/ beq error 1: sys open; name; 0 bes error mov r0,r1 1: mov r1,r0 s# /* * restore from incremental dumps */ char *dargv[] { 0, "t", 0 }; char *ifile; char *ofile; #include "/usr/sys/ino.h" #include "/usr/sys/filsys.h" struct filsys sblock; int isize; int *talist; int fi; int buf[256]; int dbuf[256]; int cbuf[256]; char *date[2]; char *ddate[2]; int fo; int pher; char *tsize 15000; int iflg; int wflg; int cflg; char file[10]; int ilist[100]; main(argc, argv) char **argv; { char *key; register *tap, *p; register struct inode *ip; int i, com, sz, *q, l; ifile = if(ybuf[k]) free(ybuf[k]); } free(xbuf[j]); } } free(ip->i_addr[i]); } } restor(p, sz) struct inode *p; { register struct inode *ip; register i, j; int xbuf[256]; ip = p; if(ip->i_mode & (IFCHR&IFBLK)) return; for(i=0; i<8; i++) ip->i_addr[i] = 0; if(sz <= 8) { for(i=0; ii_addr[i] = rcop(); ip->i_mode =& ~ILARG; return; } for(i=0; i<256; i++) xbuf[i] = 0; for(j=0; sz >= 256; j++) { if(j <= 7) ip->i_addr[j] = alloc(); if(j >= 7) xbys read; stbuf; 16. bes 1f tst r0 beq 1f tst stbuf beq 1b cmpb stbuf+2,$'. bne error1 tstb stbuf+3 beq 1b cmpb stbuf+3,$'. bne error1 tstb stbuf+4 beq 1b error1: jsr pc,prname mov r1,r0 sys close mov $1,r0 sys write; mes1; emes1-mes1 br loop 1: mov r1,r0 sys close movb $'/,(r2)+ movb $'.,(r2)+ movb $'.,(r2)+ clrb (r2) sys unlink; name clrb -(r2) sys unlink; name clrb -2(r2) sys unlink; name br loop error: jsr pc,prname mov $1,r0 sys write; mes2; emes2-mes2 br loop prna "/dev/mt0"; if(argc == 1) { argv = dargv; for(argc = 1; dargv[argc]; argc++); } argc--; argv++; key = *argv; while(*key) switch(*key++) { default: printf("bad character in key\n"); exit(); case 't': case 'r': case 'x': com = key[-1]; continue; case 'i': iflg++; continue; case '-': continue; case 'c': cflg++; continue; case 'f': argv++; argc--; ifile = *argv; continue; case 'w': wflg++; continue; } otape(); sread(buf, 0); tap = buf; isize = *tapuf[j-7] = alloc(); for(i=0; i<256; i++) dbuf[i] = rcop(); if(j < 7) dwrite(ip->i_addr[j], dbuf); else dwrite(xbuf[j-7], dbuf); sz =- 256; } if(sz) { if(j <= 7) ip->i_addr[j] = alloc(); if(j >= 7) xbuf[j-7] = alloc(); for(i=0; ii_addr[j], dbuf); else dwrite(xbuf[j-7], dbuf); } if(j >= 7) dwrite(ip->i_addr[7], xbuf); ip->i_mode =| ILARG; } rcop() { register b; b = alloc(); treme: mov $1,r0 sys write; name; size:.. rts pc done: sys exit mes1: < -- directory not empty\n> emes1: mes2: < ?\n> emes2: .even .bss name: .=.+40. stbuf: .=.+40. ++; *tap++; /* fsize */ date[0] = *tap++; date[1] = *tap++; ddate[0] = *tap++; ddate[1] = *tap++; tsize = *tap++; i = size(0, isize*32); talist = sbrk(i*512); tap = talist; while(i--) { tread(tap, 0); tap =+ 256; } switch(com) { case 't': l = 0; com = 0; pdate(ddate); pdate(date); tap = talist; for(i=0; i 0) { arg = *++argv; if(arg[0] == '-') { if(arg[1] == 'f') { fflg++; continue; } if(arg[1] == 'r') { rflg++; continue; } } rm(arg, fflg, rflg); } } struct stbuf { int dev; int inum; int mode; char nlink; char uid; char gid; char siz0; char siz1; int addr[8]; int adate[2]; int mdate[2]; }; rm(arg, fflg, rflg) char arg[]; { char *p; int buf[20]; int i, b; l =+ 10; } if(l > 60) { printf("\n"); l = 0; } else printf(","); com = 0; } else if(com == 0) com = i+1; } if(com) printf("%l-\n", com); printf("\n"); exit(); case 'r': if(argc <= 1) { printf("no filesystem name\n"); exit(); } ofile = argv[1]; fo = open(ofile, 2); if(fo < 0) { printf("can not open %s\n", ofile); exit(); } printf("last chance before scribbling on %s\n", ofile); getchar(); dread(1, &sblock); tap = talist; for(i=0; i= tsize) { pta = 1; ata = 0; close(fi); otape(); ctflg++; } if(flag) return; if(ctflg) { printf("change tapes\n"); if(ctflg > 1) printf("skip %d tapes\n", ctflg-1); while((c = getchar()) != '\n') if(c == 0) exit(); ctflg = 0; } ata++; if(iflg) for(; pta != ata; ata++) read(fi, b, 512); if(pta != ata) { seek(fi, pta-ata, 4); ata = pta; } if(read(fi, b, 512) != 512) { printf("tape read error %l\n", ata-1); if(!iflg) exit(); for(c=0; c<256; c++) b[c] = 0; } } number(s) char *s; { register n, c; n = 0; while(c = *s++) { if(c<'0' || c>'9') continue; n = n*10+c-'0'; } return(n); } size(s0, s1) { register s; extern ldivr; s = ldiv(s0&0377, s1, 512); if(ldivr) s++; return(s); } otape() { register char *p; fi = open(ifile, 0); if(fi < 0) { printf("can not opn",s); av[0] = ratfor; av[1] = s; av[2] = 0; if( (t=fork())==0 ){ close(1); fout = creat("ratjunk", 0666); execv(ratfor, av); fout = 2; error("can't ratfor\n"); exit(1); } while( t!=wait(&status) ); if( (t=(status&0377)) != 0 && t!=14 ) dexit(1); t = (status>>8) & 0377; if( t ) return(++cflag); splitup(); nerr=0; for(i=0; i='a' && c<='z') || (c>='A' && c<='Z') || (c>='0' && c<='9') ); } endcard(s) char *s; { if( *s==0 ) return(1); while( *s==' ' || *s=='\t' ) s++; if( *s!='e' || *(s+1)!='n' || *(s+2)!='d' || *(s+3)!='\n' ) return(0); return(1); } error(s1, s2){ fout = 1; printf(s1,s2); putchar('\n'); flush(1); cflag++; } en %s\n", ifile); exit(); } if(!cflg) return; p = ifile; while(*p++) ; p[-2]++; } dwait(ino) { register i; dconv(ino, file); loop: if(wflg) { printf("%s ", file); i = getchar(); if(i == 'x') exit(); if(i == '\n') return(-1); if(i != 'y') goto flush; i = getchar(); if(i != '\n') { flush: while((i=getchar()) != '\n') if(i == '\0') exit(); goto loop; } } i = creat(file, 0666); return(i); } dconv(n, p) char *p; { register i; if(i = ldiv(0, n, 10)) for(i=0; i=100) { printf("bad freeblock\n"); exit(); } b = sblock.s_free[i]; if(b == 0) { printf("out of freelist\n"); exit(); } if(sblock.s_nfree <= 0) { dread(b, cbuf); sblock.s_nfree = cbuf[0]; for(i=0; i<100; i++) sblock.s_free[i] = cbuf[i+1]; } return(b); } free(in) { register i; if(sblock.s_nfree >= 100) { cbuf[0] = sblock.s_nfree; for(i=0; ias", av); t = setsuf(s, 'o'); if( move("a.out", t) ) return(++cflag); return(0); } getsuf(s) char s[]; { int c; char t, *os; c = 0; os = s; while(t = *s++) if (t=='/') c = 0; else c++; s =- 3; if (c<=14 && c>2 && *s++=='.') return(*s); return(0); } setsuf(s, ch) char s[]; { char *os; os = s; while(*s++); s[-2] = ch; return(os); } move(s,t) char *s, *t; { cunlink(t); if(link(s, t) || cunlink(s)) { printf("move failed: %s\n", t); return(1); } return(0); } callsys(f,+.1478;>ADGJ<100; i++) cbuf[i+1] = sblock.s_free[i]; sblock.s_nfree = 0; dwrite(in, cbuf); } sblock.s_free[sblock.s_nfree++] = in; } v) char f[], *v[]; { int i, t, status; if(dflag){ for(i=0; v[i]; i++) printf("%s ", v[i]); putchar('\n'); } if ((t=fork())==0) { execv(f, v); printf("Can't find %s\n", f); exit(1); } else if (t == -1) { printf("Try again\n"); return(1); } while(t!=wait(&status)); if ((t=(status&0377)) != 0 && t!=14) { if (t!=2) /* interrupt */ printf("Fatal error in %s\n", f); dexit(); } t = (status>>8) & 0377; if(dflag && status != 0) printf("status = %d\n", t); return(t); } c#define NF 10 #define NL 200 #define NC 200 #define SL 100 #define NA 10 int tflag; int xx[NL]; char score[NL]; int rights; int wrongs; int guesses; int buf[259]; int nl 0; int na NA; int inc; int ptr 0; int nc 0; char line[150]; char response[100]; char *tmp[NF]; int select[NF]; readline() { char *t; loop: for(t=line;(*t=getc(buf))!=-1;t++) { nc++; if(*t==' '&&(t==line||t[-1]==' ')) t--; if(*t=='\n') { if(t[-1]=='\\') /*inexact test*/ continue; while(t>line&&t[-1]==' ') *--t = '/25!$'*-036"opy(s) char s[]; { char *otsp; otsp = tsp; while(*tsp++ = *s++); return(otsp); } nodup(l, s) char **l, s[]; { char *t, *os, c; if (getsuf(s) != 'o') return(1); os = s; while(t = *l++) { s = os; while(c = *s++) if (c != *t++) break; if (*t++ == '\0') return(0); } return(1); } llenter(t) char *t; { if (nodup(llist, t)) { llist[nl++] = t; if (getsuf(t)=='o') nxo++; } } cunlink(f) char *f; { if( dflag ) printf("unlink %s\n", f); if (f==0) return(0); return(unlink\n'; *++t = 0; return(1); } if(t-line>=NC) { printf("Too hard for me\n"); do { *line = getc(buf); if(*line==0377) return(0); } while(*line!='\n'); goto loop; } } return(0); } char *eu; char *ev; cmp(u,v) { int x; eu = u; ev = v; x = disj(1); if(x!=1) return(x); return(eat(1,0)); } disj(s) { int t, x; char *u; u = eu; t = 0; for(;;) { x = string(s); if(x>1) return(x); switch(*ev) { case 0: case ']': case '}': return(t|x&s); case '|': /* Ratfor-Fortran command */ extern int fin, fout; char ts[1000]; char *tsp ts; char *av[50]; char *rlist[50]; int nr 0; char *llist[50]; int nl 0; int nxo 0; int bdcount 0; /* count block data files generated */ int rflag; int dflag 0; int vflag 1; int fflag; int cflag; char *complr "/usr/fort/fc1"; char *ratfor "/usr/lib/ratfor"; main(argc, argv) char *argv[]; { char *t; int i, j, c; int dexit(); for(i=0; ++i < argc; ) { if(*argv[i] == '-') switch (argv[i][1]) { default: goto passa; (f)); } splitup(){ char in[200], fname[20]; int buf[259]; int i,fd,c; if( (fin=open("ratjunk", 0)) < 0) error("can't open ratjunk\n"); while( gets(in) ){ getname(in, fname); savename(fname); if( (fd = fcreat(fname, buf)) < 0) error("can't open %s", fname); puts(in,buf); while( ! endcard(in) ){ gets(in); puts(in,buf); } fflush(buf); close(fd); } close(fin); } gets(s) char *s; { int c; while( (*s++=c=getchar()) != '\n' && c != '\0' ); *s = '\0'; return(c); } puts(s,b) ev++; t =| s; s = 0; continue; } if(s) eu = u; if(string(0)>1) return(2); switch(*ev) { case 0: case ']': return(0); case '}': return(1); case '|': ev++; continue; default: return(2); } } } string(s) { int x; for(;;) { switch(*ev) { case 0: case '|': case ']': case '}': return(1); case '\\': ev++; if(*ev==0) return(2); if(*ev=='\n') { ev++; continue; } default: if(eat(s,*ev)==1) continue; return(0); cas case 'd': dflag = 1; break; case 'v': vflag = 0; break; case 'r': rflag = fflag = cflag = 1; break; case 'f': fflag = 1; break; case 'c': cflag = 1; break; case '2': complr = "/usr/fort/fc2"; break; } else { passa: t = argv[i]; if( (c=getsuf(t))=='r' ) ratcomp(t); else if( c=='f') { fortcomp(t); llenter(setsuf(copy(t),'o')); } else llenter(copy(t)); } } if(rflag) dexit(); if ((schar *s; int *b; { while( *s ) putc(*s++, b); } savename(s) char *s; { rlist[nr++] = copy(s); } getname(s,f) char *s,*f; { int i,j,c; loop: while( *s == ' ' || *s == '\t' ) s++; if( compar(s,"subroutine") ){ s =+ 10; goto bot; } else if( compar( s,"function") ){ s =+ 8; goto bot; } else if( compar(s,"real") ){ s =+ 4; goto loop; } else if( compar(s,"integer") ){ s =+ 7; goto loop; } else if( compar(s,"logical") ){ s =+ 7; goto loop; } else if( compar(s,"double") ){ s =+ 6; goto loop; } ee '[': ev++; x = disj(s); if(*ev!=']' || x>1) return(2); ev++; if(s==0) continue; if(x==0) return(0); continue; case '{': ev++; x = disj(s); if(*ev!='}'||x>1) return(2); ev++; continue; } } } eat(s,c) char c; { if(*ev!=c) return(2); if(s==0) { ev++; return(1); } if(fold(*eu)!=fold(c)) return(0); eu++; ev++; return(1); } fold(c) char c; { if(c<'A'||c>'Z') return(c); return(c|040); } publish(t) char *t; { ev = t; pub1(1); } pub1ignal(2, 1) & 01) == 0) signal(2, &dexit); if(dflag) printf("cflag=%d, nl=%d\n", cflag, nl); if (cflag==0 && nl!=0) { i = 0; av[0] = "ld"; av[1] = "-x"; av[2] = "/lib/fr0.o"; j = 3; while(i1) badinfo(); if(x==0) continue; p[i] = j; goto uloop; } return(0); uloop: ; } return(1); } find(u,m) char *u[]; { int n; while(readline()){ n = segment(line,tmp); if(perm(u,m,tmp+1ot)) < 0) prname(); if((file = open(root,0)) < 0) prname(); loop: if((n = read(file,&y,16)) < 16) prname(); if(y.jnum == 0) goto loop; if((n = stat(y.name,&x)) < 0) prname(); if(x.devn != i) goto loop; x.i[0] =& 060000; if(x.i[0] != 040000) goto loop; if(y.name[0]=='.')if(((y.name[1]=='.') && (y.name[2]==0)) || (y.name[1] == 0)) goto pr; cat(); pr: write(1,root,1); prname(); } prname() { if(off<0)off=0; name[off] = '\n'; write(1,name,off+1); exit(); } cat() { int i, j; i = -1; while(yile(++i=NL) { printf("I've forgotten some of it\n"); break; } } } talloc() { int i; for(i=0;i1&&*argv[1]=='-') { switch(argv[1][1]) { case 'i': i.name[++i] != 0); if((off+i+2) > 511) prname(); for(j=off+1; j>=0; --j) name[j+i+1] = name[j]; off=i+off+1; name[i] = root[0]; for(--i; i>=0; --i) name[i] = y.name[i]; } f = r5 g = r4 .globl g1 .globl pbundle,iget .globl succ .globl bundle,reduce reduce: jsr pc,iget mov (r0),r1 mov g,r0 asl r1 sub r1,r0 br 1f br 1f bundle: mov f,r0 add $g1,r0 1: jsr pc,pbundle tst r0 beq 1f mov r0,(g)+ 1: jmp succ f(argc>2) info = argv[2]; argc =- 2; argv =+ 2; goto loop; case 't': tflag = 1; argc--; argv++; goto loop; } } if(fopen(info,buf)== -1) { printf("No info\n"); exit(); } talloc(); if(argc<=2) instruct(info); signal(2,done); argv[argc] = 0; if(find(&argv[1],argc-1)==0) dunno(); close(buf[0]); if(fopen(tmp[0],buf)== -1) dunno(); readindex(); if(!tflag || na>nl) na = nl; for(;;) { i = next(); seek(buf[0],xx[i],0); read(buf[0],line,xx[i+1]-xx[i]); s/* permuted title index */ char *tfil "/tmp/p.tmp"; char *sw[] { "a", "an", "and", "as", "for", "is", "of", "on", "or", "the", "to", "up", 0}; char line[200]; int ch; int ptflg; int llen 72; main(argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { extern fin, fout; extern onintr(); int f; if(argc>1 && *argv[1]=='-') { llen = 100; ptflg++; argc--; argv++; } if(argc<2) { printf("arg count\n"); exit(); } fin = open(argv[1]); if(fin < 0) { printf("%s: cannot open\n", argv[1]); exit();CFILOPSVYegment(line,tmp); if(*tmp[select[0]] == '\0' || *tmp[select[1]] == '\0') { score[i] = 1; continue; } publish(tmp[select[0]]); printf("\n"); for(count=0;;count++) { if(query(response)==0) { publish(tmp[select[1]]); printf("\n"); if(count==0) wrongs++; score[i] = tflag?-1:1; break; } x = cmp(response,tmp[select[1]]); if(x>1) badinfo(); if(x==1) { printf("Right!\n"); if(count==0) rights++; if(++score[i]>=1 && nar&&t[-1]==' ') *--t = '\n'; break; } } *t = 0; return(t-r); } next() { int flag; inc = inc*3125&077777; ptr = (inc>>2)%na; flag = 0; while(score[ptr]>0) if(++ptr>=na) { ptr = 0; if(flag) done(); flag = 1; } return(ptr); } done() { fin < 0) { printf("cannot reopen %s\n", tfil); exit(); } if (argc>=3) f = creat(argv[2], 0666); else f = dup(1); if(f < 0) { printf("%s: cannot open\n", argv[2]); exit(); } fout = f; pass2(); flush(); onintr(); } onintr() { unlink(tfil); exit(); } pass1() { int n, c, i, ll, j, k, cc, ccc; loop: if ((c=getchar())=='\0') return; n = 0; i = 0; while(c!='\n' && c!='\0') { if(c == '(') c = 0177; if(c==' ' || c=='\t') { i++; c = getchar(); continue; } if(i) { int iflags; char inl; char iuid; char igid; char isize0; int isize; int iaddr[8]; char *ictime[2]; char *imtime[2]; int fill; }; int obuf[259]; main(argc, argv) char **argv; { struct proc *p; int n, b; int i, c, mtty; char *ap; int uid, puid; obuf[0] = 1; if (argc>1) { ap = argv[1]; while (*ap) switch (*ap++) { case 'a': aflg++; break; case 't': tflg++; break; case 'x': xflg++; break; case 'l': lflg++; break; case 'k': kflg++; break; } printf("\nRights %d, wrongs %d, ", rights, wrongs); if(guesses) printf("extra guesses %d, ", guesses); printf("score %d%%\n",100*rights/(rights+wrongs)); exit(); } instruct(info) { char *t; int i, n; printf("Subjects:\n\n"); while(readline()) { printf("-"); n = segment(line,tmp); for(i=1;i2? argv[2]:"/unix", nl); if (nl[0].type==0) { printf("No namelist\n"); return; } coref = "/dev/mem"; if(kflg) coref = "/usr/sys/core"; if ((mem = open(coref, 0)) < 0) { printf("No mem\n"); done(); } seek(mem, nl[1].value, 0); read(mem, &nl[1].value, 2); seek(mem, nl[0].value, 0); read(mem, proc, sizeof proc); getdev(); mtty = ttyn(0); uid = geblish(tmp[1]); printf(" "); publish(tmp[2]); printf("\nasks you a "); publish(tmp[1]); printf(" and you answer the "); publish(tmp[2]); printf("\n quiz "); publish(tmp[2]); printf(" "); publish(tmp[1]); printf("\nworks the other way around\n"); printf("\nType empty line to get correct answer.\n"); exit(); } badinfo(){ printf("Bad info %s\n",line); } dunno() { printf("I don't know about that\n"); exit(); } if (c) goto l1; goto loop; } pass2() { int i, n, c, tilde, llen2, nbfore, nafter; llen2 = llen/2+6; loop: if ((c=getchar())=='\0') return; n = nbfore = nafter = 0; tilde = -1; while(c!='\n' && c!='\0') { if(c == 0177) c = '('; if (n<=llen) line[n] = c; if (c=='~') tilde = n; if (tilde>=0) nafter++; else nbfore++; n++; c = getchar(); } if (tilde<0) tilde = n++; nafter--; if (nbfore>llen2) { i = tilde; while (nbfore > llen2) while(line[--i]!=' ' && i>=0) nbfore--; iftuid() & 0377; if(lflg) printf("TTY F S UID PID PRI ADDR SZ WCHAN COMMAND\n"); else printf("TTY PID COMMAND\n"); for (i=0; i= llen-llen2) { i = tilde; while(nafter-- >= llen-llen2) while(line[++i]!=' ' && i=n) goto l1; line[tilde] = 0200; nafter++; tilde = i; } l1: if(!ptflg) { for(i=llen-llen2-nafter; i>=8; i =- 8) putchar('\t'); while(--i>=0) putchar(' '); } else printf(".xx \""); i = tilde; while (++i>3); if (proc[i].p_wchan) printf("%7o", proc[i].p_wchan); else printf(" "); } if (proc[i].p_stat==5) printf(" "); else prcom(i); printf("\n"); } done(); } getdev() { register struct { int dir_ino; char dir_n[14]; } *p; register i, c; int f; char dbuf[512]; int sbuf[20]; f = open("/dev"); if(f < 0) { printf("cannot open /dev\n"); done(); } swap = -1; c = 0; loop: i = read(f, dbuf, 512); if(i <= 0) { close(f); if(swap < 0) { printf("no swap device\n"); done(); } ndev = c; return; } while(i < 512) dbuf[i++] = 0; for(p fstat(pf, buf); read(pf, &lowpc, 2); read(pf, &highpc, 2); read(pf, &ncount, 2); bufs = buf->size/2 - 3*(ncount+1); read(pf, cbuf, ncount*6); lowpc = (lowpc>>1) & 077777; highpc = (highpc>>1) & 077777; npe = nl; initf(nf); for (nname = 0; symsiz > 0; symsiz =- 12) { for(i=0; i<12; i++) buf->fname[i] = getc(ibuf); if ((buf->flag | aflg) != 042) continue; buf->fvalue = (buf->fvalue>>1) & 077777; npe->value = buf->fvalue; for (i=0; i<8; i++) npe->name[i] = buf->fname[i]; npe++; UX[^adghknqt= dbuf; p < dbuf+512; p++) { if(p->dir_ino == 0) continue; if(p->dir_n[0] == 't' && p->dir_n[1] == 't' && p->dir_n[2] == 'y' && p->dir_n[4] == 0 && p->dir_n[3] != 0) { if(stat(p->dir_n, sbuf) < 0) continue; devc[c] = p->dir_n[3]; devl[c] = sbuf->iaddr[0]; c++; continue; } if(swap >= 0) continue; if(stat(p->dir_n, sbuf) < 0) continue; if((sbuf->iflags & 060000) != 060000) continue; if(sbuf->iaddr[0] == nl[1].value) swap = open(p->dir_n, 0); nname++; } if (nname == 0) { printf("No symbols: %s\n", namfil); done(); } npe->value = 077777; npe++; for (cp = cbuf; cp < &cbuf[ncount]; cp++) for (np = nl; np < npe; np++) if (cp->cvalue-8 == np->value<<1) { np->ncall[0] = cp->cncall[0]; np->ncall[1] = cp->cncall[1]; break; } qsort(nl, nname, 18, &valcmp); scale = (highpc-lowpc)/(bufs+0.0); initf(pf); for (i=0; (j = getc(ibuf)) != -1; i++) { ccnt.fname[0] = j; ccnt.fname[1] = getc(ibuf); if (ccnt == 0) continu# /* * print file with headings * 2+head+2+page[56]+5 */ int ncol 1; char *header; int col; int icol; int file; char *bufp; #define BUFS 5120 char buffer[BUFS]; #define FF 014 int line; char *colp[72]; int nofile; char isclosed[10]; int peekc; int fpage; int page; int colw; int nspace; int width 72; int length 66; int plength 61; int margin 10; int ntflg; int mflg; int tabc; char *tty; int mode; struct inode { int dev; int inum; int flags; char nlink; char uid; char gid; char siz0; int size; } goto loop; } setup(p, s) char *p, *s; { while (*p++ = *s++); } prcom(i) { int baddr, laddr, mf; register int *ip; register char *cp, *cp1; int c, nbad; baddr = 0; laddr = 0; if (proc[i].p_flag&SLOAD) { laddr = proc[i].p_addr; mf = mem; } else { baddr = proc[i].p_addr; mf = swap; } laddr =+ proc[i].p_size - 8; baddr =+ laddr>>3; laddr = (laddr&07)<<6; seek(mf, baddr, 3); seek(mf, laddr, 1); if (read(mf, stbuf, 512) != 512) return(0); for (ip = &stbuf[256]; ip > &stbuf[0];) {e; time = ccnt; if (ccnt<0) time =+ 65536.; totime =+ time; if(time > maxtime) maxtime = time; pcl = lowpc + scale*i - 1; pch = lowpc + scale*(i+1) - 1; for (j=0; j= nl[j+1].value) continue; overlap=(min(pch,nl[j+1].value)-max(pcl,nl[j].value)); nl[j].time =+ overlap*time/scale; } } if (totime==0.0) { printf("No time accumulated\n"); done(); } if(!vflg) goto print; vf = open("/dev/vt0", 1); if(vf < 0) int ptr[8]; int atime[2]; int mtime[2]; }; main(argc, argv) char **argv; { int nfdone; int onintr(); extern fout; tty = "/dev/ttyx"; fout = dup(1); close(1); if ((signal(2, 1) & 01) == 0) signal(2, onintr); fixtty(); for (nfdone=0; argc>1; argc--) { argv++; if (**argv == '-') { switch (*++*argv) { case 'h': if (argc>=2) { header = *++argv; argc--; } continue; case 't': ntflg++; continue; case 'l': length = getn(++*argv); continue; if (*--ip == -1) { cp = ip+1; if (*cp==0) cp++; nbad = 0; for (cp1 = cp; cp1 < &stbuf[256]; cp1++) { c = *cp1; if (c==0) *cp1 = ' '; else if (c < ' ' || c > 0176) { if (++nbad >= 5) { *cp1++ = ' '; break; } *cp1 = '?'; } } while (*--cp1==' ') *cp1 = 0; printf(lflg?" %.16s":" %.64s", cp); return(1); } } return(0); } done() { fflush(obuf); exit(); } putchar(c) { putc(c, obuf); } { printf("Cannot open vt\n"); done(); } obuf[0] = vf; vtch(1); vtch(1); vtch(3); point(-2048., -2048.); point(-2048., 2048.); vtch(3); point(0., -2048.); point(0., 2048.); for(j=0; j<9; j++) { vtch(3); point(-2048., 2048. - j*512.); point(0., 2048. - j*512.); } lastx = 0.; lasty = 2048.; scale = 4096./(i+2); seek(pf, 6*(ncount+1), 0); initf(pf); lastsx = 0.0; while((j = getc(ibuf)) != -1) { ccnt.fname[0] = j; ccnt.fname[1] = getc(ibuf); time = ccnt; if(ccnt < 0) timecase 'w': width = getn(++*argv); continue; case 's': if (*++*argv) tabc = **argv; else tabc = '\t'; continue; case 'm': mflg++; continue; default: ncol = getn(*argv); continue; } } else if (**argv == '+') { fpage = getn(++*argv); } else { print(*argv, argv); nfdone++; if (mflg) break; } } if (nfdone==0) print(0); flush(); onintr(); } onintr() { chmod(tty, mode); exit(0); } fixtty() { struct inode sbuf; extern fou_beQTWZ]`cf =+ 65536.; vtch(3); point(lastsx, lasty); lastsx =- 2000.*time/totime; point(lastsx, lasty-scale); if (ccnt!=0 || lastx!=0.0) { vtch(3); point(lastx, lasty); lastx = -time*2000./maxtime; point(lastx, lasty); } lasty =- scale; } scale = 4096./(highpc-lowpc); lastx = 50.; for(np = nl; npvalue < lowpc) continue; if(np->value >= highpc) continue; time = np->time/totime; lasty = 2048. - (np->value - lowpc)*scale; vtch(3); point(0., lasty); t; tty[8] = ttyn(fout); fstat(fout, &sbuf); mode = sbuf.flags&0777; chmod(tty, 0600); } print(fp, argp) char *fp; char **argp; { struct inode sbuf; register int sncol, sheader; register char *cbuf; extern fout; if (ntflg) margin = 0; else margin = 10; if (length <= margin) length = 66; if (width <= 0) width = 72; if (ncol>72 || ncol>width) { write(2, "Very funny.\n", 12); exit(); } if (mflg) { mopen(argp); ncol = nofile; } colw = width/ncol; sncol = ncol; sheader = head/* * Print execution profile */ struct nl { char name[8]; int value; float time; int ncall[2]; }; struct nl nl[600]; struct fnl { char fname[8]; int flag; int fvalue; }; struct cnt { int cvalue; int cncall[2]; } cbuf[200]; struct inode { int idev; int inum; int flags; char nlink; char uid; char gid; char size0; int size; int ptr[8]; int ctime[2]; int mtime[2]; int fill; }; int ibuf[259]; int obuf[259]; int buf[17]; int i; int j; int highpc; int lowpc; int ccnt; int pcl; int pchpoint(50., lasty); vtch(3); point(lastx-50., lasty); point(lastx, lasty); vtch(9); point(lastx+10., lasty+60.); vtch(1); vtch(3); for(j=0; j<8; j++) if(np->name[j] != '_') vtch(np->name[j]); vtch(0); lastx =+ 500.; if(lastx > 2000.) lastx = 50.; } done(); print: printf(" name %%time #call ms/call\n"); if (!lflg) qsort(nl, nname, 18, &timcmp); for (np = nl; nptime/totime; printf("%8.8s%6.1f", np->name, 100*time); fnc = ltod(np->ncaller; plength = length-5; if (ntflg) plength = length; if (--ncol<0) ncol = 0; if (mflg) fp = 0; if (fp) { file = open(fp, 0); if (file<0) return; fstat(file, &sbuf); } else { file = 0; time(sbuf.mtime); } if (header == 0) header = fp; cbuf = ctime(sbuf.mtime); cbuf[16] = '\0'; cbuf[24] = '\0'; page = 1; icol = 0; colp[ncol] = bufp = buffer; if (mflg==0) nexbuf(); while (mflg&&nofile || (!mflg)&&tpgetc(ncol)>0) { if (mflg==0) { colp[ncol]--; if (colp[ncol] < buff; int bufs; int nname; double time; double totime; double maxtime; double scale; double lastx; double lasty; struct nl *np; struct nl *npe; int aflg; int vflg; int lflg; int symoff; int symsiz; int vf; int etext; int ncount; main(argc, argv) char **argv; { char *namfil; int timcmp(), valcmp(); int nf, pf, overlap; double fnc, ltod(), lastsx; struct cnt *cp; obuf[0] = 1; argv++; namfil = "a.out"; while (argc>1) { if (**argv == '-') { if (*++*argv == 'l') lflg++; if (**argv == 'a') ); if (fnc != 0.0) { printf("%6s", locv(np->ncall[0], np->ncall[1])); printf(" %7.2f\n", np->time/(fnc*.06)); } else printf("\n"); } done(); } min(a, b) { if (ab) return(a); return(b); } valcmp(p1, p2) struct nl *p1, *p2; { return(p1->value - p2->value); } timcmp(p1, p2) struct nl *p1, *p2; { float d; d = p2->time - p1->time; if (d > 0.0) return(1); if (d < 0.0) return(-1); return(0); } vtch(c) int c; { putchar(c&0377); }er) colp[ncol] = &buffer[BUFS]; } line = 0; if (ntflg==0) { puts("\n\n"); puts(cbuf+4); puts(" "); puts(cbuf+20); puts(" "); puts(header); puts(" Page "); putd(page); puts("\n\n\n"); } putpage(); if (ntflg==0) while(line 2047.) xy = 2047.; if(xy < -2048.) xy = -2048.; ixy = xy; vtch(ixy.b1); vtch(ixy.b2); } done() { fflush(obuf); exit(); } initf(f) { ibuf[0] = f; ibuf[1] = 0; ibuf[2] = 0; ibuf[3] = 0; } ); if (++nofile>=10) { write(2, "Too many args.\n", 15); exit(); } } } putpage() { register int lastcol, i, c; int j; if (ncol==0) { while (line512) n = 512; if ((n = read(file, rbufp, n)) <= 0) *rbufp = 0376; else { rbufp =+ n; / print last floating error stst = 170300^tst stst r1 cmp r1,$14 blos 1f clr r1 1: bic $1,r1 mov mesg(r1),r1 1: movb (r1)+,ch beq 1f mov $1,r0 sys write; ch; 1 br 1b 1: sys exit mesg: 1f 2f 3f 4f 5f 6f 7f 8f 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: .even .bss ch: .=.+2 = addr[0]; a[1] = addr[1]; for(i=0; i= &buffer[BUFS]) rbufp = buffer; *rbufp = 0375; } bufp = rbufp; } tpgetc(ai) { register char **p; register int c, i; i = ai; if (mflg) { if ((c = getc(&buffer[2*259*i])) < 0) { if (isclosed[i]==0) { isclosed[i] = 1; if (--nofile <= 0) return(0); } return('\n'); } if (c==FF && ncol>0) c = '\n'; return(c); } loop: c = **(p = &colp[i]) & 0377; if (c == 0375) { nexbuf(); c = **p & 0377; } if (c == 0376) return(0); (*p)++; if (*p >= &buffer[B/ tape boot program to load and transfer / to a 'tp' entry / entry is made by jsr pc,*$0 / so return can be rts pc / jsr pc,(r5) is putc / jsr pc,2(r5) is getc / jsr pc,4(r5) is mesg core = 24. .. = [core*2048.]-512. start: mov $..,sp mov sp,r1 cmp pc,r1 bhis 2f clr r0 cmp (r0),$407 bne 1f mov $20,r0 1: mov (r0)+,(r1)+ cmp r1,$core*2048. blo 1b jmp (sp) 2: mov $trvect,r5 mov $name,r4 jsr pc,rew mov $'=,r0 jsr pc,(r5) 2: mov r4,r1 1: jsr pc,getc cmp r0,$'\n beq 1f cmp r0,$'@ beq 2b ; putchar(' '); } line(a, w, n) int w[]; { int i, f, c; f = 1; for(c=1; c; c=+c) { if((c&conv) == 0) continue; if(f) { puta(a); f = 0; } else for(i=0; i<8; i++) putchar(' '); for(i=0; i= ' ') icol++; return(c); } puts(as) char *as; { register int c; register char *s; if ((s=as)==0) return; while (c = *s++) put(c); } putd(an) movb r0,(r1)+ cmp r0,$'# bne 1b sub $2,r1 cmp r1,r4 blo 2b br 1b 1: clrb (r1) cmp r1,r4 blos start mov $1,tapa mov $-6144.,wc jsr pc,tread clr r1 1: mov r1,r2 mov r4,r0 2: cmpb (r0)+,(r1) bne 2f tstb (r1)+ bne 2b br 1f 2: mov r2,r1 add $64.,r1 cmp r1,$12288. blo 1b jsr pc,rew br start 1: mov 44.(r2),tapa mov 38.(r2),r0 inc r0 clc ror r0 neg r0 mov r0,wc clr r0 1: clr (r0)+ cmp r0,sp blo 1b jsr pc,tread jsr pc,rew br callout tapa: 0 wc: 0 ba: 0 name = ..-32. e(5); putc(n); putchar(' '); putc(n>>8); break; case 040: pre(7); putn(n&0377, 8, 3); putchar(' '); putn((n>>8)&0377, 8, 3); break; } } getw() { int b1, b2; b1 = getc(); if(b1 == -1) { eof = 1; return(0); } b2 = getc(); if(b2 == -1) b2 = 0; return(b1|(b2<<8)); } getc() { if(gidx >= gcnt) { gcnt = read(fi, gbuf, 512); if(gcnt <= 0) return(-1); gidx = 0; } if(++addr[1] >= basem) { addr[0]++; addr[1] = 0; } return(gbuf[gidx++]&0377); } putc(c) { c =& 037{ register int a, n; n = an; if (a = n/10) putd(a); put(n%10 + '0'); } put(ac) { register int ns, c; c = ac; if (tabc) { putcp(c); if (c=='\n') line++; return; } switch (c) { case ' ': nspace++; col++; return; case '\n': col = 0; nspace = 0; line++; break; case 010: case 033: if (--col<0) col = 0; if (--nspace<0) nspace = 0; } while(nspace) { if (nspace>2 && col > (ns=((col-nspace)|07))) { nspace = col-ns-1; putcp('\t'); } else { nspace--i = r3 f = r5 .globl x,j .globl succ,fail .globl ctest,iget .globl any any: mov j(f),-(sp) jsr pc,iget jsr pc,ctest bcs 1f mov (sp)+,j(f) jmp fail 1: tst (sp)+ jmp succ 7; if(c>037 && c<0177 && c!='\\') { putchar(' '); putchar(c); return; } putchar('\\'); switch(c) { case '\0': putchar('0'); break; case '\n': putchar('n'); break; case '\\': putchar('\\'); break; case '\t': putchar('t'); break; default: putchar('?'); } } putn(n, b, c) { if(!c) return; putn(ldiv(0,n,b),b,c-1); if((n=lrem(0,n,b)) > 9) putchar(n-10+'a'); else putchar(n+'0'); } pre(n) { int i; for(i=n; i= ' ') col++; putcp(c); } getn(ap) char *ap; { register int n, c; register char *p; p = ap; n = 0; while ((c = *p++) >= '0' && c <= '9') n = n*10 + c - '0'; return(n); } putcp(c) { if (page >= fpage) putchar(c); } /* * opr -- off line print dispatcher * chooses spooling routine appropriate * to destination * * last entry in table isdefault */ char *code[] { "-lp", "/lib/lpr", /* line printer */ 0 }; main(argc, argv) char **argv; { int i, j; argv[argc] = 0; for(i=0; code[i]; i=+2) if(argc > 1) for(j=0; code[i][j]==argv[1][j]; j++) if(code[i][j] == 0) execv(code[i+1], &argv[1]); execv(code[i-1], argv); write(2, "can't start daemon\n", 19); } ; int a[2], d, i, j, b; p = s; while(*p++); i = p-s-1; b = 0; if(i > 0) if(p[-2] == 'b') { i--; b++; p--; } if(i > 0) if(p[-2] == '.') { i--; base = 10; basem = 1000; } a[0] = 0; for(j=0; i-j>3; j++) { d = s[j]; if(d>='0' && d<='9') a[0] = a[0]*base + d-'0'; } a[1] = 0; for(; i-j>0; j++) { d = s[j]; if(d>='0' && d<='9') a[1] = a[1]*base + d-'0'; } if(b) { i = a[0]*basem+a[1]; a[0] = 0; a[1] = 0; while(i--) { a[1] =+ 512; while(a[1] >= base.globl succ,fail,iget .globl seekchar,getword,alterword .globl sprv,update .globl .l,.u,.p,.t,.st, / infix = .st: jsr pc,sprv mov (sp)+,(sp) mov (sp)+,(sp) / update .u: jsr pc,update br 9f / pop stack .p: jsr pc,sprv cmp (sp)+,(sp)+ br 9f / test stack .t: jsr pc,sprv mov (sp)+,(sp)+ bne 9f jmp fail / load named value / rvalue into (sp), lvalue into 2(sp) .l: jsr pc,iget mov r0,-(sp) mov (r0),-(sp) br 9f / update a stored value, used by all assignments update: cmp 2+2(sp),$-1 beq 1f mov 0{~jmpsvy|m) { a[1] =- basem; a[0]++; } } } i = 0; while(a[0] > addr[0]+1) { addr[1] =+ 512; while(addr[1] >= basem) { addr[1] =- basem; addr[0]++; } i++; } seek(fi, i, 3); while(a[0]!=addr[0] || a[1]!=addr[1]) if(getc() == -1) break; } putop(n) { char *p; int i, c; p = getop(n); for(i=0; (c = *p++) != '\0'; i++) putchar(c); for(; i<4; i++) putchar(' '); } getop(n) { switch(n&0170000) { case 0000000: switch(n&0177000) { case 0004000: return("jsr"); cas+2(sp),*2+2(sp) rts pc 1: mov 4+2(sp),r1 mov 6+2(sp),r0 jsr pc,seekchar mov 0+2(sp),r0 jsr pc,alterword / make sp hold a simple rv (forget it might be a table value) sprv: mov (sp)+,r0 cmp $-1,2(sp) bne 1f mov (sp)+,(sp) mov (sp)+,(sp) 1: mov r0,pc 9: jmp succ int word[16]; char gbuf[512]; int fi; int conv; int base 010; int basem 01000; int max; int gidx; int gcnt; int eof; int addr[2]; int from[2]; int key; int flag; int nword 8; main(argc, argv) char **argv; { extern fout; int f, k, w, i, a[2]; char *p; fout = dup(1); argv++; if(argc > 1) { p = *argv; if(*p == '-') { while((i = *p++) != '\0') { switch(i) { case 'o': conv =| 001; f = 6; break; case 'd': conv =| 002; f = 5; break; case 'a': conv =e 0077000: return("sob"); } switch(n&0177400) { case 0000400: return("br"); case 0001000: return("bne"); case 0001400: return("beq"); case 0002000: return("bge"); case 0002400: return("blt"); case 0003000: return("bgt"); case 0003400: return("ble"); } switch(n&0177700) { case 0000100: return("jmp"); case 0000300: return("swab"); case 0005000: return("clr"); case 0005100: return("com"); case 0005200: return("inc"); case 0.globl succ .globl putcstr,iget .globl append append: jsr pc,iget mov r0,-(sp) 1: movb *(sp),r0 beq 1f jsr pc,putcstr inc (sp) br 1b 1: tst (sp)+ jmp succ | 004; f = 4; break; case 'h': conv =| 010; f = 4; break; case 'c': conv =| 020; f = 5; break; case 'b': conv =| 040; f = 7; break; } if(f > max) max = f; } argc--; argv++; } } if(!conv) { max = 6; conv = 1; } if(argc > 1) if(**argv != '+') { fi = open(*argv, 0); if(fi < 0) { printf("cannot open %s\n", *argv); goto done; } argv++; argc--; } if(argc > 1) offset(*argv); loop: f = 1; a[0] 005300: return("dec"); case 0005400: return("neg"); case 0005500: return("adc"); case 0005600: return("sbc"); case 0005700: return("tst"); case 0006000: return("ror"); case 0006100: return("rol"); case 0006200: return("asr"); case 0006300: return("asl"); case 0006400: return("mark"); case 0006500: return("mfpi"); case 0006600: return("mtpi"); case 0006700: return("sxt"); } switch(n&0177740) { case 0000240: return("flag"); } switch(n&0177770) { case 0000200: return("rts"); case 0000230: return("spl"); } switch(n&0177777) { case 0000000: return("halt"); case 0000001: return("wait"); case 0000002: return("rti"); case 0000003: return("bpt"); case 0000004: return("iot"); case 0000005: return("rset"); case 0000006: return("rtt"); } break; case 0010000: return("mov "); case 0020000: return("cmp"); case 0030000: return("bit"); case 0040000: return("bit(); } nlp = sbrk(12*n); read(fi, nlp, n*12); if (pflg==0) qsort(nlp, n, 12, compare); fout = dup(1); close(1); for(i=0; ityp&040)==0) goto out; if(cflg) { if(nlp->name[0] != '_') goto out; for(j=0; j<7; j++) nlp->name[j] = nlp->name[j+1]; nlp->name[7] = '\0'; } j = nlp->typ&037; if(j > 4) j = 1; if(j==0 && nlp->val) j = 5; if(uflg && j!=0) goto out; if(!uflg) { if(j==0) printf(" "); else printo(nlp->val); int gbuf[259]; int pbuf[259]; int ttyb[3]; char name[10]; char passwd[10]; char space[1000]; int peek; int pwdflg; main(argc, argv) char *argv[]; { register id; register char *p, *q; if(argc < 2) { printf("usage: newgrp groupname\n"); done(); } if(fopen("/etc/group", gbuf) < 0) { printf("cannot open group file\n"); done(); } do { field(name, gbuf); p = name; q = argv[1]; while(*p == *q++) if(*p++ == 0 || p >= name+8) goto l1; } while(skip(gbuf)); printf("%s: not a valid groic"); case 0050000: return("bis"); case 0060000: return("add"); case 0070000: switch(n&0177000) { case 0070000: return("mul"); case 0071000: return("div"); case 0072000: return("ash"); case 0073000: return("ashc"); case 0074000: return("xor"); } break; case 0100000: switch(n&0177400) { case 0100000: return("bpl"); case 0100400: return("bmi"); case 0101000: return("bhi"); case 0101400: return("blos"); case 0102000: return("bvc"printf("%c ", (nlp->typ&040? "UATDBC":"uatdbc")[j]); } printf("%.8s\n", nlp); out: nlp++; } flush(); } compare(p1, p2) struct nl *p1, *p2; { int a, i; a = 0; if(nflg) { if(p1->val > p2->val) { a = 1; goto out; } if(p1->val < p2->val) { a = -1; goto out; } } for(i=0; i<8; i++) if(p1->name[i] != p2->name[i]) { if(p1->name[i] > p2->name[i]) a = 1; else a = -1; goto out; } out: return(a*rflg); } printo(v) { int i; printf("%c", v<0?'1':'0'); for(i=0; i<5; i++up name\n", argv[1]); done(); l1: if(fopen("/etc/passwd", pbuf) < 0) { printf("cannot open password file\n"); done(); } p = space; id = getuid() & 0377; do { field(p, pbuf); field(name, pbuf); if(value(pbuf) == id) { if(name[0] == 0) pwdflg++; while(*p++) ; } } while(skip(pbuf)); *p = 0; field(passwd, gbuf); id = value(gbuf); if(id == 1) { pwdflg = 0; goto l2; } do { p = space; field(name, gbuf); while(*p) { q = name; while(*p == *q++) { if(*p++ == 0)); case 0102400: return("bvs"); case 0103000: return("bhis"); case 0103400: return("blo"); case 0104000: return("emt"); case 0104400: return("sys"); } switch(n&0177700) { case 0105000: return("clrb"); case 0105100: return("comb"); case 0105200: return("incb"); case 0105300: return("decb"); case 0105400: return("negb"); case 0105500: return("adcb"); case 0105600: return("sbcb"); case 0105700: return("tstb"); case 0106000: ) { printf("%c", ((v>>12)&7)+'0'); v =<<3; } } goto l2; } while(*p++) ; } } while(peek == ','); goto no; l2: if(pwdflg && passwd[0]) { printf("password: "); gtty(0, pbuf); pbuf[3] = pbuf[2]; pbuf[2] =& ~010; stty(0, pbuf); read(0, gbuf, 512); pbuf[2] = pbuf[3]; stty(0, pbuf); printf("\n"); p = name; q = gbuf; while(p < name+8) { if(*q == '\n') break; *p++ = *q++; } *p = 0; p = crypt(name); q = passwd; while(q < passwd+8) if(*p++ != *q++) goto no; } if(setgid(id) < 0) { perror("setg return("rorb"); case 0106100: return("rolb"); case 0106200: return("asrb"); case 0106300: return("aslb"); case 0106500: return("mfpd"); case 0106600: return("mfpd"); } break; case 0110000: return("movb"); case 0120000: return("cmpb"); case 0130000: return("bitb"); case 0140000: return("bicb"); case 0150000: return("bisb"); case 0160000: return("sub"); case 0170000: switch(n&01777000) { case 0:0; } break; } return("???"); } / read and echo character from tty. / perform normal cr/lf uc/lc mapping. tks = 177560 tkb = 177562 getc: tstb *$tks bge getc mov tkb,r0 bic $!177,r0 cmp r0,$'A blo 1f cmp r0,$'Z bhi 1f add $'a-'A,r0 1: cmp r0,$'\r bne putc mov $'\n,r0 / put a character on the tty. / also performs delay. tps = 177564 tpb = 177566 putc: cmp r0,$'\n bne 1f mov $'\r,r0 jsr pc,(r5) mov $'\n,r0 1: tstb tps bpl 1b mov r0,tpb rts pc / write a string to tty / jsr pc, mesg; ; .even mesg: movb *(sp),id"); goto no; } done(); no: printf("Sorry\n"); done(); } skip(buf) { while(peek > 0) { if(peek == '\n') { peek = 1; return(1); } peek = getc(buf); } return(0); } field(cp, buf) { register c; register char *p, *q; p = cp; q = p+8; while((c = getc(buf)) != '\n') { if(c == ',' || c == ':' || c <= 0) break; if(p < q) *p++ = c; } *p = 0; peek = c; } value(buf) { register n, c; n = 0; while((c = getc(buf)) >= '0' && c <= '9') n = n*10 + c-'0'; peek = c; return/* nohup */ char *args[100]; char string[10000]; main(argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { int i; char **argp, *strp, *p; if(argc < 2) { printf("arg count\n"); exit(); } argc--; argv++; argp = args; strp = string; for (i=0; i<9; i++) *strp++ = "/usr/bin/"[i]; for(i=0; i 1 && argv[1][0] == '-') { nicarg = atoi(&argv[1][1]); argc--; argv++; } if(argc < 2) { printf("usage: nice [ -n ] command\n"); exit(1); } argc--; argv++; argp = args; strp = string; for (i=0; i<9; i++) *strp++ = "/usr/bin/"[i]; for(i=0; i 0 && *argv[1] == '-') { argv++; while (*++*argv) switch (**argv) { case 'n': nflg++; continue; case 'c': cflg++; continue; case 'g': gflg++; continue; case 'u': uflg++; continue; case 'r': rflg = -1; continue; case 'p': pflg ++; cnicarg); execv(string+9, args); execv(string+4, args); execv(string, args); printf("%s not found\n", string+9); exit(1); } # char *dargv[] { "/dev/rrk2", "/dev/rrp0", 0 }; #define NINODE 16*16 #include "/usr/sys/ino.h" #include "/usr/sys/filsys.h" struct filsys sblock; struct inode inode[NINODE]; int sflg; int aflg; #define NI 20 #define NDIRS 787 int ilist[NI] { -1}; int fi; struct htab { int hino; int hpino; char hname[14]; } htab[NDIRS]; int nhent 10; int (*pass[])() { pass1, pass2, pass3 }; char *lasts; int ino; int nerror; int nffil; int fout; int nfiles; struct dir { int ino; char name[14]; }; main(argc, argontinue; default: continue; } argc--; } if (argc==0) fi = open("a.out", 0); else fi = open(*++argv, 0); if(fi < 0) { printf("cannot open input\n"); exit(); } read(fi, buf, 020); if(buf[0]!=0407 && buf[0]!=0410 && buf[0]!=0411) { printf("bad format\n"); exit(); } seek(fi, buf[1], 1); /* text */ seek(fi, buf[2], 1); /* data */ if(buf[7] != 1) { seek(fi, buf[1], 1); seek(fi, buf[2], 1); /* reloc */ } n = ldiv(0, buf[4], 12); if(n == 0) { printf("no name list\n"); ex...+lib,source%runv) char **argv; { register char **p; register int n, *lp; nffil = dup(1); if (argc == 1) { for (p = dargv; *p;) check(*p++); return(nerror); } while (--argc) { argv++; if (**argv=='-') switch ((*argv)[1]) { case 's': sflg++; continue; case 'a': aflg++; continue; case 'i': lp = ilist; while (lp < &ilist[NI-1] && (n = number(argv[1]))) { *lp++ = n; argv++; argc--; } *lp++ = -1; continue; default: printf2("Bad flag\n"); } check(*argv); } return(nerror); } check(file) char *file; { register i, j, pno; fi = open(file, 0); if (fi < 0) { printf2("cannot open %s\n", file); return; } printf2("%s:\n", file); sync(); bread(1, &sblock, 512); nfiles = sblock.s_isize*16; for (i=0; i= 0){ write(1,"main(argc, argv) int argc; char **argv; { int m, a, b; if(argc != 5) { printf("arg count\n"); goto usage; } if(*argv[2] == 'b') m = 0160666; else if(*argv[2] == 'c') m = 0120666; else goto usage; a = number(argv[3]); if(a < 0) goto usage; b = number(argv[4]); if(b < 0) goto usage; if(mknod(argv[1], m, (a<<8)|b) < 0) perror("mknod"); exit(); usage: printf("usage: mknod name b/c major minor\n"); } number(s) char *s; { int n, c; n = 0; while(c = *s++) { if(c<'0' || c>'9') j]); } } } flush(); fout = 1; } pass1(ip) { if ((ip->i_mode&IALLOC)==0 || (ip->i_mode&IFMT)!=IFDIR) return; lookup(ino, 1); } pass2(ip) struct inode *ip; { register doff; register struct htab *hp; register struct dir *dp; int i; if ((ip->i_mode&IALLOC)==0 || (ip->i_mode&IFMT)!=IFDIR) return; doff = 0; while (dp = dread(ip, doff)) { doff =+ 16; if (dp->ino==0) continue; if ((hp = lookup(dp->ino, 0)) == 0) continue; if (dotname(dp)) continue; hp->hpino = ino; for (Directory target exists.\n",25); exit(); } argp1 = argp[1]; argp2 = argp[2]; while(*argp1 == *argp2){ argp1++; if(*argp2++ == 0){ write(1,"???\n",4); exit(); } } while(*argp1)if(*argp1++ == '/'){ write(1,"Directory rename only\n",22); exit(); } while(*argp2)if(*argp2++ == '/'){ write(1,"Directory rename only\n",22); exit(); } if(*--argp1 == '.'){ write(1,"values of B will give rise to dom!\n",37); exit(); } }else{ /* the source is a file. */ setuid(getuid()); if(sta return(-1); n = n*10 + c-'0'; } return(n); } i=0; i<14; i++) hp->hname[i] = dp->name[i]; } } pass3(ip) struct inode *ip; { register doff; register struct dir *dp; register int *ilp; if ((ip->i_mode&IALLOC)==0 || (ip->i_mode&IFMT)!=IFDIR) return; doff = 0; while (dp = dread(ip, doff)) { doff =+ 16; if (dp->ino==0) continue; if (aflg==0 && dotname(dp)) continue; for (ilp=ilist; *ilp >= 0; ilp++) if (*ilp == dp->ino) break; if (ilp > ilist && *ilp!=dp->ino) continue; printf("%d ", dp->ino); pname(ino, 0); prit(argp4, &stbuf[2]) >= 0){ if((stbuf[2].imode & 060000) == 040000){ argp2 = strbuf; while(*argp2++ = *argp4++); argp2[-1] = '/'; argp4 = argp[1]; argp1 = argp[1]; while(*argp4) if(*argp4++ == '/') argp1 = argp4; while(*argp2++ = *argp1++); argp4 = strbuf; } if(stat(argp4, &stbuf[2]) >= 0){ if((stbuf[0]==stbuf[2]) && (stbuf[1]==stbuf[3])){ write(1,"Files are identical.\n",21); exit(); } if((getuid()&0377) == stbuf[2].uid) b = 0200; else if((getgintf("/%.14s\n", dp->name); } } dotname(adp) { register struct dir *dp; dp = adp; if (dp->name[0]=='.') if (dp->name[1]==0 || dp->name[1]=='.' && dp->name[2]==0) return(1); return(0); } pname(i, lev) { register struct htab *hp; if (i==1) return; if ((hp = lookup(i, 0)) == 0) { printf("???"); return; } if (lev > 10) { printf("..."); return; } pname(hp->hpino, ++lev); printf("/%.14s", hp->hname); } lookup(i, ef) { register struct htab *hp; for (hp = &htab[i%NDIRS]; hp->hino;d()&0377) == stbuf[2].gid) b = 020; else b = 02; if((stbuf[2].imode & b) == 0) { printf("%s: %o mode ", argp4, stbuf[2].imode & 07777); i = b = getchar(); while(b != '\n' && b != '\0') b = getchar(); if(i != 'y') exit(); } if(unlink(argp4) < 0){ write(1,"Cannot remove target file.\n",27); exit(); } } } } if(link(argp3, argp4) < 0){ i = fork(); if(i == -1){ write(1,"Try again.\n",11); exit(); } if(i){ while(wait(&status) != i); }else{ # struct { char *s_isize; char *s_fsize; int s_nfree; int s_free[100]; int s_ninode; int s_inode[100]; char s_flock; char s_ilock; char s_fmod; int s_time[2]; } filsys; struct inode { int i_number; int i_mode; char i_nlink; char i_uid; char i_gid; char i_size0; char *i_size1; int i_addr[8]; int i_time[4]; }; /* modes */ #define IALLOC 0100000 #define IFMT 060000 #define IFDIR 040000 #define IFCHR 020000 #define IFBLK 060000 #define ILARG 010000 #define ISUID 04000 #define ISGID 02000) { if (hp->hino==i) return(hp); if (++hp >= &htab[NDIRS]) hp = htab; } if (ef==0) return(0); if (++nhent >= NDIRS) { printf2("Out of core-- increase NDIRS\n"); flush(); exit(1); } hp->hino = i; return(hp); } dread(aip, aoff) { register b, off; register struct inode *ip; static ibuf[256]; static char buf[512]; off = aoff; ip = aip; if ((off&0777)==0) { if (off==0177000) { printf2("Monstrous directory %l\n", ino); return(0); } if ((ip->i_mode&ILARG)==0) { if (o p = place; p1 = p; while(*p++ = *argp3++); p2 = p; while(*p++ = *argp4++); execl("/bin/cp","cp", p1, p2, 0); write(1, "no cp\n", 6); exit(1); } if((status & 0377) != 0){ write(1,"?\n", 2); exit(); } if(status != 0) exit(); } if(unlink(argp3) < 0){ write(1,"Cannot unlink source file.\n",27); exit(); } } putchar(c) { write(1, &c, 1); } getchar() { char c; if(read(0, &c, 1) != 1) return(0); return(c); } #define IREAD 0400 #define IWRITE 0200 #define IEXEC 0100 int utime[2]; int fin; int fsi; int fso; char *charp; int buf[256]; char string[50]; char *fsys; char *proto; int f_n 1; int f_m 1; main(argc, argv) char **argv; { int f, n; /* * open relevent files */ time(utime); if(argc != 3) { printf("arg count\n"); exit(); } fsys = argv[1]; for(n=0; f=fsys[n+1]; n++) if(fsys[n] == 'r') { if(f == 'k') { f_n = 24; f_m = 3; } if(f == 'p') { f_n = 10; f_m = 4; } } proto = aff>=010000 || (b = ip->i_addr[off>>9])==0) return(0); bread(b, buf, 512); } else { if (off==0) { if (ip->i_addr[0]==0) return(0); bread(ip->i_addr[0], ibuf, 512); } if ((b = ibuf[(off>>9)&0177])==0) return(0); bread(b, buf, 512); } } return(&buf[off&0777]); } bread(bno, buf, cnt) { seek(fi, bno, 3); if (read(fi, buf, cnt) != cnt) { printf2("read error %d\n", bno); exit(); } } bwrite(bno, buf) { seek(fi, bno, 3); if (write(fi, buf, 512) != 512) { print#define NMOUNT 16 #define NAMSIZ 32 struct mtab { char file[NAMSIZ]; char spec[NAMSIZ]; } mtab[NMOUNT]; main(argc, argv) char **argv; { register int ro; register struct mtab *mp; register char *np; int n, mf; mf = open("/etc/mtab", 0); read(mf, mtab, NMOUNT*2*NAMSIZ); if (argc==1) { for (mp = mtab; mp < &mtab[NMOUNT]; mp++) if (mp->file[0]) printf("%s on %s\n", mp->spec, mp->file); return; } if(argc < 3) { printf("arg count\n"); return; } ro = 0; if(argc > 3) ro++; if(mounrgv[2]; fso = creat(fsys, 0666); if(fso < 0) { printf("%s: cannot create\n", fsys); exit(); } fsi = open(fsys, 0); if(fsi < 0) { printf("%s: cannot open\n", fsys); exit(); } fin = open(proto, 0); if(fin < 0) { n = 0; for(f=0; proto[f]; f++) { if(proto[f]<'0' || proto[f]>'9') { printf("%s: cannot open\n", proto); exit(); } n = n*10 + proto[f]-'0'; } filsys.s_fsize = n; filsys.s_isize = ldiv(0, n, 43+ldiv(0, n, 1000)); printf("isize = %d\n", filsys.s_isize); if(ff2("write error %d\n", bno); exit(); } } number(as) char *as; { register n, c; register char *s; s = as; n = 0; while ((c = *s++) >= '0' && c <= '9') { n = n*10+c-'0'; } return(n); } printf2(s, a1, a2) { extern fout; flush(); fout = 2; printf(s, a1, a2); fout = nffil; flush(); } t(argv[1], argv[2], ro) < 0) { perror("mount"); return; } np = argv[1]; while(*np++) ; np--; while(*--np == '/') *np = '\0'; while(np > argv[1] && *--np != '/') ; if(*np == '/') np++; argv[1] = np; for (mp = mtab; mp < &mtab[NMOUNT]; mp++) { if (mp->file[0] == 0) { for (np = mp->spec; np < &mp->spec[NAMSIZ-1];) if ((*np++ = *argv[1]++) == 0) argv[1]--; for (np = mp->file; np < &mp->file[NAMSIZ-1];) if ((*np++ = *argv[2]++) == 0) argv[2]--; mp = &mtab[NMOUNT]_n != 1) printf("free list %d/%d\n", f_m, f_n); charp = "d--777 0 0 $ "; goto f3; } /* * get name of boot load program * and read onto block 0 */ getstr(); f = open(string, 0); if(f < 0) { printf("%s: cannot open init\n", string); goto f2; } read(f, buf, 020); if(buf[0] != 0407) { printf("%s: bad format\n", string); goto f1; } n = buf[1]+buf[2]; if(n > 512) { printf("%s: too big\n", string); goto f1; } read(f, buf, n); wtfs(0, buf); f1: close(f); /* * get tota/* mv [-d] file1 file2 unlink file2 link file1 file2 unlink file1 */ int stbuf[42]; struct sbuf { int dev; int inum; int imode; char nlink; char uid; char gid; char siz0; char siz1; int addr[8]; int adate[2]; int mdate[2]; }; char strbuf[70]; main(argc,argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { char **argp; char *argp1, *argp2, *argp3, *argp4; char *p, *p1, *p2; char place[100]; int i; int status; int b; argp = argv; /* check for correct number of arguments */ if(argc != 3){ write(1,"Usage: mv name1 name2\n",22);; while ((--mp)->file[0] == 0); mf = creat("/etc/mtab", 0644); write(mf, mtab, (mp-mtab+1)*2*NAMSIZ); return; } } } l disk size * and inode block size */ f2: filsys.s_fsize = getnum(); filsys.s_isize = getnum(); f3: if(filsys.s_isize > filsys.s_fsize || filsys.s_fsize-filsys.s_isize-2 < filsys.s_isize) { printf("%l/%l: bad ratio\n", filsys.s_fsize, filsys.s_isize); exit(); } bflist(); /* * initialize files */ for(n=0; n<256; n++) buf[n] = 0; for(n=0; n!=filsys.s_isize; n++) wtfs(n+2, buf); cfile(0); /* * write out super block */ for(n=0; n<256; n++) buf[n] = 0; filsys.s_time[0] = utime[0]; filsys.s_time[1] = utime[1]; wtfs(1, &filsys); } cfile(par) struct inode *par; { struct inode in; int db[256], ib[256]; int dbc, ibc; static ino; int i, f, *p1, *p2; /* * get mode, uid and gid */ getstr(); in.i_mode = IALLOC; in.i_mode =| gmode(string[0], "bcd", IFBLK, IFCHR, IFDIR); in.i_mode =| gmode(string[1], "u", ISUID); in.i_mode =| gmode(string[2], "g", ISGID); for(i=3; i<6; i++) { if(string[i]<'0' || string[i]>'7') { printf("%c/%s: bad digit\n", string[i], stri { *s++ = *str; if(*str != '\0') str++; } *adbc =+ 7; if(*adbc >= 256) newblk(adbc, db, aibc, ib); } newblk(adbc, db, aibc, ib) int *adbc, *db, *aibc, *ib; { int bno, i; bno = alloc(); wtfs(bno, db); for(i=0; i<256; i++) db[i] = 0; *adbc = 0; ib[*aibc] = bno; (*aibc)++; if(*aibc >= 256) { printf("indirect block full\n"); exit(); } } getch() { if(charp) return(*charp++); return(getchar()); } bflist() { char flg[100], adr[100]; register i, j; char *low, *high; if(f_n ># /* mail command usage mail prints your mail mail people sends standard input to people */ #define SIGINT 2 struct utmp { char name[8]; char tty; char pad1; int ltime[2]; int pad2; }; struct passwd { char *pw_name; char *pw_passwd; int pw_uid; int pw_gid; char *pw_gecos; char *pw_dir; char *pw_shell; }; char lettmp[] "/tmp/maxxxxx"; char preptmp[] "/tmp/mbxxxxx"; int pwfil; main(argc, argv) char **argv; { register me; extern fout; register struct passwd *p; register char *cp; sng); exit(); } in.i_mode =| (string[i]-'0')<<(15-3*i); } in.i_uid = getnum(); in.i_gid = getnum(); /* * general initialization prior to * switching on format */ ino++; in.i_number = ino; if(ldiv(0, ino, 16) > filsys.s_isize) { printf("too many inodes\n"); exit(); } in.i_nlink = 1; in.i_size0 = 0; in.i_size1 = 0; for(i=0; i<8; i++) in.i_addr[i] = 0; for(i=0; i<256; i++) { db[i] = 0; ib[i] = 0; } if(par == 0) { par = ∈ in.i_nlink--; } dbc = 0; ibc = 0; switch 100) f_n = 100; for(i=0; i= low+f_n; i =- f_n) for(j=0; j= low; i--) free(i); } tatic struct utmp ubuf; int uf; maketemp(); if (argc==1 || argc==2 && argv[1][0]=='-') { printmail(argc, argv); delexit(); } signal(SIGINT, delexit); fout = creat(lettmp, 0600); if (((me=ttyn(1))!='x' || (me=ttyn(2))!='x') && (uf = open("/etc/utmp", 0)) > 0) { while (read(uf, &ubuf, sizeof ubuf) == sizeof ubuf) if (ubuf.tty == me) { ubuf.name[8] = ' '; close(uf); for (cp=ubuf.name; *cp++!=' ';); *--cp = 0; bulkmail(argc, argv, ubuf.name); } } me = getuid() & 0377;(in.i_mode&IFMT) { case 0: /* * regular file * contents is a file name */ getstr(); f = open(string, 0); if(f < 0) { printf("%s: cannot open\n", string); break; } while((i=read(f, db, 512)) > 0) { in.i_size1 =+ i; newblk(&dbc, db, &ibc, ib); } close(f); break; case IFBLK: case IFCHR: /* * special file * content is maj/min types */ in.i_addr[0] = getnum()<<8; in.i_addr[0] =| getnum(); break; case IFDIR: /* * directory * put in extra lin/ makdir -- make a directory sys getuid mov r0,uid mov sp,r5 tst (r5)+ loop: tst (r5)+ dec (sp) bgt 1f sys exit 1: mov (r5),r0 mov $buf1,r1 mov $buf2,r2 clr r3 1: movb (r0)+,r4 beq 2f movb r4,(r1)+ movb r4,(r2)+ cmpb r4,$'/ bne 1b mov r2,r3 br 1b 2: movb $'/,(r1)+ movb $'.,(r1)+ clrb (r1) mov $dot,dir tst r3 beq 1f mov $buf2,dir clrb (r3) cmp r3,$buf2+1 beq 1f clrb -(r3) / ??? 1: tstb uid beq 2f sys stat; dir:..; stbuf / status of parent dir bes error mov stbuf+4,r0 c setpw(); for (;;) if ((p = getpwent()) && p->pw_uid == me) bulkmail(argc, argv, p->pw_name); fout = 1; printf("Who are you?\n"); delexit(); } printmail(argc, argv) char **argv; { extern fin, fout; register n, c, f; if (fopen(".mail", &fin)>=0 && (c = getchar())) { do { putchar(c); } while (c = getchar()); close(fin); c = 'y'; if (argc<2) { if (ttyn(0)!='x') { printf("Save?"); fin = 0; c = getchar(); } } else c = argv[1][1]; if (c=='y') { prepend(".maiks * call recursively until * name of "$" found */ par->i_nlink++; entry(par->i_number, "..", &dbc, db, &ibc, ib); in.i_nlink++; entry(in.i_number, ".", &dbc, db, &ibc, ib); in.i_size1 = 32; for(;;) { getstr(); if(string[0]=='$' && string[1]=='\0') break; entry(ino+1, string, &dbc, db, &ibc, ib); in.i_size1 =+ 16; cfile(&in); } break; } if(dbc != 0) newblk(&dbc, db, &ibc, ib); if(ibc > 8) { in.i_mode =| ILARG; dbc = alloc(); wtfs(dbc, ib); in.i_addr[mpb uid,stbuf+7 bne 1f ash $-6,r0 1: ror r0 ror r0 bcc error / no write permission in parent 2: mov (r5),0f sys makdir; 0:..; 140777; 0 bes error / prob already exists mov (r5),0f sys chown; 0:..; uid:.. mov (r5),0f sys link; 0:..; buf1 bes error movb $'.,(r1)+ clrb (r1) mov dir,0f sys link; 0:..; buf1 bec loop error: mov (r5),r0 mov r0,0f clr 0f+2 1: tstb (r0)+ beq 1f inc 0f+2 br 1b 1: mov $1,r0 sys write; 0:..; .. mov $1,r0 sys write; ques; 3 br loop dot: <.\0> ques: < l", "mbox"); printf("Saved mail in 'mbox'\n"); } close(creat(".mail")); } else printf("No mail.\n"); } bulkmail(argc, argv, from) char **argv, *from; { extern fin, fout; int tbuf[2]; register c; fin = 0; (&fin)[1] = 0; time(tbuf); printf("From %s %s", from, ctime(tbuf)); while (c = getchar()) putchar(c); putchar('\n'); flush(); close(fout); while (--argc > 0) sendto(*++argv); delexit(); } sendto(person) char *person; { static saved; extern fout; extern fin; register struct 0] = dbc; } else for(i=0; i .even .bss buf1: .=.+100. buf2: .=.+100. stbuf: .=.+40. passwd *p; setpw(); while (p = getpwent()) { if (equal(p->pw_name, person)) { if (prepend(lettmp, cat(p->pw_dir, "/.mail"))==0) break; return; } } fout = 1; flush(); printf("Can't send to %s.\n", person); if (ttyn(0)!='x' && saved==0) { unlink("dead.letter"); saved++; printf("Letter saved in 'dead.letter'\n"); prepend(lettmp, "dead.letter"); } } prepend(from, to) char *from, *to; { extern int fin, fout; fcreat(preptmp, &fout); fopen(from, &fin); while (putchar(getchar())etnum() { int n, i; getstr(); n = 0; i = 0; for(i=0; string[i]!='\0'; i++) { if(string[i]<'0' || string[i]>'9') { printf("%s: bad number\n", string); exit(); } n = n*10 + string[i] - '0'; } return(n); } getstr() { int i, c; loop: switch(c=getch()) { case ' ': case '\t': case '\n': goto loop; case '\0': printf("EOF\n"); exit(); case ':': while(getch() != '\n'); goto loop; } i = 0; do { string[i++] = c; c = getch(); } while(c!=' '&&c!='\t'&&c!='\n'&&c!='\0')/* * mesg -- set current tty to accept or * forbid write permission. * * mesg [y] [n] * y allow messages * n forbid messages */ int sbuf[40]; main(argc, argv) char *argv[]; { register char *tty; tty = "/dev/ttyx"; tty[8] = ttyn(1); if(stat(tty, sbuf) < 0) { write(2, "cannot stat\n", 12); exit(1); } if(argc < 2) { if(sbuf[2] & 02) goto no; goto yes; } if(*argv[1] == 'y') goto yes; no: if(chmod(tty, 0600) < 0) goto bad; goto was; yes: if(chmod(tty, 0622) < 0) goto bad); close(fin); fopen(to, &fin); while (putchar(getchar())); close(fin); flush(); close(fout); if (fcreat(to, &fout) < 0) { fout = 1; return(0); } fopen(preptmp, &fin); while(putchar(getchar())); flush(); close(fout); close(fin); fout = 1; return(1); } setpw() { extern fin; if (pwfil == 0) { fopen("/etc/passwd", &fin); pwfil = fin; } else fin = pwfil; (&fin)[1] = 0; seek(fin, 0, 0); } getpwent() { register char *p; register c; static struct passwd passwd; static char line; string[i] = '\0'; } rdfs(bno, bf) { int n; seek(fsi, bno, 3); n = read(fsi, bf, 512); if(n != 512) { printf("read error: %l\n", bno); exit(); } } wtfs(bno, bf) { int n; seek(fso, bno, 3); n = write(fso, bf, 512); if(n != 512) { printf("write error: %l\n", bno); exit(); } } alloc() { int bno, i; filsys.s_nfree--; bno = filsys.s_free[filsys.s_nfree]; filsys.s_free[filsys.s_nfree] = 0; if(bno == 0) { printf("out of free space\n"); exit(); } if(filsys.s_nfree <= 0) { rdfs; was: if(sbuf[2] & 02) write(2, "was y\n", 6); else write(2, "was n\n", 6); exit(0); bad: write(2, "cannot change mode\n", 19); exit(1); } [100]; extern fin; p = line; while((c=getchar()) != '\n') { if(c <= 0) return(0); if(p < line+98) *p++ = c; } *p = 0; p = line; passwd.pw_name = p; p = pwskip(p); passwd.pw_passwd = p; p = pwskip(p); passwd.pw_uid = atoi(p); p = pwskip(p); passwd.pw_gid = atoi(p); p = pwskip(p); passwd.pw_gecos = p; p = pwskip(p); passwd.pw_dir = p; p = pwskip(p); passwd.pw_shell = p; return(&passwd); } pwskip(ap) char *ap; { register char *p; p = ap; while(*p != ':') { if(*p == 0) r(bno, buf); filsys.s_nfree = buf[0]; for(i=0; i<100; i++) filsys.s_free[i] = buf[i+1]; } return(bno); } free(bno) { int i; if(filsys.s_nfree >= 100) { buf[0] = filsys.s_nfree; for(i=0; i<100; i++) buf[i+1] = filsys.s_free[i]; wtfs(bno, buf); filsys.s_nfree = 0; } filsys.s_free[filsys.s_nfree] = bno; filsys.s_nfree++; } entry(ino, str, adbc, db, aibc, ib) char *str; int *adbc, *db, *aibc, *ib; { char *s; int i; db[*adbc] = ino; (*adbc)++; s = &db[*adbc]; for(i=0; i<14; i++)eturn(p); p++; } *p++ = 0; return(p); } delexit() { unlink(lettmp); unlink(preptmp); exit(0); } maketemp() { int i, pid, d; pid = getpid(); for (i=11; i>=7; --i) { d = (pid&07) + '0'; lettmp[i] = d; preptmp[i] = d; pid =>> 3; } } equal(as1, as2) { register char *s1, *s2; s1 = as1; s2 = as2; while (*s1++ == *s2) if (*s2++ == 0) return(1); return(0); } cat(ap1, ap2) char *ap1, *ap2; { register char *p1, *p2; static char fn[32]; p1 = ap1; p2 = fn; while (*p2++ = *p1++); p2--; p1 = ap2; while (*p2++ = *p1++); return(fn); } $2 ); conout( $$, $2 ); bundle( $1, "s.", $3, $2, " " ); } | '~' LETTER '=' e ={ bundle($4,"S",$2); } ; EQOP : EQPL ={ $$ = "+"; } | EQMI ={ $$ = "-"; } | EQMUL ={ $$ = "*"; } | EQDIV ={ $$ = "/"; } | EQREM ={ $$ = "%%"; } | EQEXP ={ $$ = "^"; } ; fprefix : _FOR '(' e ';' ={ $$ = $3; } ; BLEV : ={ --bindx; } ; slist : stat | slist tail stat ={ bundle( $1, $3 ); } ; tail : '\n' | ';' ; re : e EQ e = bundle( $1, $3, "=" ); | e '<' e = bundle( *letr[26] { "a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j", "k","l","m","n","o","p","q","r","s","t", "u","v","w","x","y","z" } ; char *dot { "." }; yylex(){ int c,ch; restart: c = getc(); peekc = -1; while( c == ' ' || c == '\t' ) c = getc(); if( c<= 'z' && c >= 'a' ) { /* look ahead to look for reserved words */ peekc = getc(); if( peekc >= 'a' && peekc <= 'z' ){ /* must be reserved word */ if( c=='i' && peekc=='f' ){ c=_IF; goto skip; } if( c=='w' && peekc=='h' ){ c=_WHIL...y.tab.c!runlex.cl.outr1.or.gr.hr1.cr2.cr2.olex.oa.outa.outa.out $1, $3, ">" ); | e '>' e = bundle( $1, $3, "<" ); | e NE e = bundle( $1, $3, "!=" ); | e GE e = bundle( $1, $3, "!>" ); | e LE e = bundle( $1, $3, "!<" ); | e = bundle( $1, " 0!=" ); ; e : e '+' e = bundle( $1, $3, "+" ); | e '-' e = bundle( $1, $3, "-" ); | '-' e %prec UMINUS = bundle( " 0", $2, "-" ); | e '*' e = bundle( $1, $3, "*" ); | e '/' e = bundle( $1, $3, "/" ); | e '%' e = bundle( $1, $3, "%%" ); | e '^' e = bundle( $1, $3, "^" ); | LETTER '[' eE; goto skip; } if( c=='f' && peekc=='o' ){ c=_FOR; goto skip; } if( c=='s' && peekc=='q' ){ c=SQRT; goto skip; } if( c=='r' && peekc=='e' ){ c=_RETURN; goto skip; } if( c=='b' && peekc=='r' ){ c=_BREAK; goto skip; } if( c=='d' && peekc=='e' ){ c=_DEFINE; goto skip; } if( c=='s' && peekc=='c' ){ c= SCALE; goto skip; } if( c=='b' && peekc=='a' ){ c=BASE; goto skip; } if( c=='o' && peekc=='b' ){ c=OBASE; goto skip; } if( c=='d' && peekc=='i' ){ c=FFF; goto...`sno.hasno1.c'sno2.cGsno3.c/sno4.chrunl.outsno1.osno2.osno3.osno4.oa.out ']' ={ bundle($3, ";", geta($1)); } | LETTER INCR = bundle( "l", $1, "d1+s", $1 ); | INCR LETTER = bundle( "l", $2, "1+ds", $2 ); | DECR LETTER = bundle( "l", $2, "1-ds", $2 ); | LETTER DECR = bundle( "l", $1, "d1-s", $1 ); | LETTER '[' e ']' INCR = bundle($3,";",geta($1),"d1+",$3,":",geta($1)); | INCR LETTER '[' e ']' = bundle($4,";",geta($2),"1+d",$4,":",geta($2)); | LETTER '[' e ']' DECR = bundle($3,";",geta($1),"d1-",$3,":",geta($1)); | DECR LETTER '[' e ']' = bundle($4,"; skip; } if( c=='a' && peekc=='u' ){ c=_AUTO; goto skip; } if( c == 'q' && peekc == 'u')getout(); /* could not be found */ return( error ); skip: /* skip over rest of word */ peekc = -1; while( (ch = getc()) >= 'a' && ch <= 'z' ); peekc = ch; return( c ); } /* usual case; just one single letter */ yylval = letr[c-'a']; return( LETTER ); } if( c>= '0' && c <= '9' || c>= 'A' && c<= 'F' ){ yylval = c; return( DIGIT ); } switch( ",geta($2),"1-d",$4,":",geta($2)); | SCALE INCR = bundle("Kd1+k"); | INCR SCALE = bundle("K1+dk"); | SCALE DECR = bundle("Kd1-k"); | DECR SCALE = bundle("K1-dk"); | BASE INCR = bundle("Id1+i"); | INCR BASE = bundle("I1+di"); | BASE DECR = bundle("Id1-i"); | DECR BASE = bundle("I1-di"); | OBASE INCR = bundle("Od1+o"); | INCR OBASE = bundle("O1+do"); | OBASE DECR = bundle("Od1-o"); | DECR OBASE = bundle("O1-do"); | LETTER '(' cargs ')' = bundle( $3, "l", getf($1), "x" )c ){ case '.': return( DOT ); case '=': switch( peekc = getc() ){ case '=': c=EQ; goto gotit; case '+': c=EQPL; goto gotit; case '-': c=EQMI; goto gotit; case '*': c=EQMUL; goto gotit; case '/': c=EQDIV; goto gotit; case '%': c=EQREM; goto gotit; case '^': c=EQEXP; goto gotit; default: return( '=' ); gotit: peekc = -1; return(c); } case '+': return( cpeek( '+', INCR, '+' ) ); case '-': return( cpee%right '=' %left '+' '-' %left '*' '/' '%' %right '^' %left UMINUS %term LETTER DIGIT SQRT _IF FFF EQ %term _WHILE _FOR NE LE GE INCR DECR %term _RETURN _BREAK _DEFINE BASE OBASE SCALE %term EQPL EQMI EQMUL EQDIV EQREM EQEXP %term _AUTO DOT %term QSTR %{ char cary[1000], *cp { cary }; char string[1000], *str {string}; int crs '0'; int rcrs '0'; /* reset crs */ int bindx 0; int lev 0; int bstack[10] { 0 }; char *numb[15] { " 0", " 1", " 2", " 3", " 4", " 5", " 6", " 7", " 8", " 9", " 10", " 11", " ; | LETTER '(' ')' = bundle( "l", getf($1), "x" ); | cons ={ bundle( " ", $1 ); } | DOT cons ={ bundle( " .", $2 ); } | cons DOT cons ={ bundle( " ", $1, ".", $3 ); } | cons DOT ={ bundle( " ", $1, "." ); } | DOT ={ $$ = "l."; } | LETTER = { bundle( "l", $1 ); } | LETTER '=' e ={ bundle( $3, "ds", $1 ); } | LETTER EQOP e %prec '=' ={ bundle( "l", $1, $3, $2, "ds", $1 ); } | '(' e ')' = { $$ = $2; } | '?' ={ bundle( "?" ); } | SQRT '(' e ')' ={ bundle( $3, "v" k( '-', DECR, '-' ) ); case '<': return( cpeek( '=', LE, '<' ) ); case '>': return( cpeek( '=', GE, '>' ) ); case '!': return( cpeek( '=', NE, '!' ) ); case '/': if((peekc = getc()) == '*'){ peekc = -1; while((getc() != '*') || ((peekc = getc()) != '/')); peekc = -1; goto restart; } else return(c); case '"': yylval = str; while((c=getc()) != '"')*str++ = c; *str++ = '\0'; return(QSTR); default: return( c ); } } cpeek( c, yes, n12", " 13", " 14" }; int *pre, *post; %} %% start : | start stat tail = output( $2 ); | start def dargs ')' '{' dlist slist '}' ={ bundle( pre, $7, post ); conout( $$, $2 ); rcrs = crs; output( "" ); lev = bindx = 0; } ; dlist : tail | dlist _AUTO dlets tail ; stat : e ={ bundle( $1, "ps." ); } | ={ bundle( "" ); } | QSTR ={ bundle("[",$1,"]P");} | LETTER '=' e ={ bundle( $3, "s", $1 ); } | LETTER '[' e ']' '=' e ={ bundle( $6, $3, ":", geta($1)); } | LETT); } | '~' LETTER ={ bundle("L",$2); } | SCALE e = bundle($2,"dk"); | SCALE '=' e = bundle($3,"dk"); | SCALE EQOP e %prec '=' = bundle("K",$3,$2,"dk"); | BASE e = bundle($2,"di"); | BASE '=' e = bundle($3,"di"); | BASE EQOP e %prec '=' = bundle("I",$3,$2,"di"); | OBASE e = bundle($2,"do"); | OBASE '=' e = bundle($3,"do"); | OBASE EQOP e %prec '=' = bundle("O",$3,$2,"do"); | SCALE = bundle("K"); | BASE = bundle("I"); | OBASE = bundle("O"); ; cargs : eora | cargo ){ if( (peekc=getc()) != c ) return( no ); else { peekc = -1; return( yes ); } } getc(){ int ch; loop: ch = (peekc < 0) ? getchar() : peekc; peekc = -1; if(ch != '\0')return(ch); if(++ifile > sargc){ if(ifile >= sargc+2)getout(); fin = dup(0); goto loop; } close(fin); if((fin = open(sargv[ifile],0)) >= 0)goto loop; yyerror("cannot open input file"); } # define b_sp_max 1500 int b_space [ b_sp_max ]; int * b_sp_nxt { b_space }; bdebug 0; bundle(a){ int i, *p, *q; ER EQOP e ={ bundle( "l", $1, $3, $2, "s", $1 ); } | LETTER '[' e ']' EQOP e ={ bundle($3, ";", geta($1), $6, $5, $3, ":", geta($1));} | _BREAK ={ bundle( numb[lev-bstack[bindx-1]], "Q" ); } | _RETURN '(' e ')' = bundle( $3, post, numb[lev], "Q" ); | _RETURN '(' ')' = bundle( "0", post, numb[lev], "Q" ); | SCALE e = bundle( $2, "k" ); | SCALE '=' e = bundle( $3, "k"); | SCALE EQOP e = bundle("K",$3,$2,"k"); | BASE e = bundle( $2, "i" ); | BASE '=' e = bundle($3, "i"); | BASs ',' eora = bundle( $1, $3 ); ; eora: e | LETTER '[' ']' =bundle("l",geta($1)); ; cons : constant ={ *cp++ = '\0'; } constant: '_' ={ $$ = cp; *cp++ = '_'; } | DIGIT ={ $$ = cp; *cp++ = $1; } | constant DIGIT ={ *cp++ = $2; } ; CRS : ={ $$ = cp; *cp++ = crs++; *cp++ = '\0'; bstack[bindx++] = lev++; } ; def : _DEFINE LETTER '(' ={ $$ = getf($2); pre = ""; post = ""; lev = 1; bstack[bindx=0] = 0; } ; dargs : | lora ={ pp( $1 ); } | dargs ',' lora = i = nargs(); q = b_sp_nxt; if( bdebug ) printf("bundle %d elements at %o\n", i, q ); for( p = &a; i-->0; ++p ){ if( b_sp_nxt >= & b_space[b_sp_max] ) yyerror( "bundling space exceeded" ); * b_sp_nxt++ = *p; } * b_sp_nxt++ = 0; yyval = q; return( q ); } routput(p) int *p; { if( bdebug ) printf("routput(%o)\n", p ); if( p >= &b_space[0] && p < &b_space[b_sp_max]){ /* part of a bundle */ while( *p != 0 ) routput( *p++ ); } else printf( p ); /* character strinE EQOP e = bundle("I",$3,$2,"i"); | OBASE e = bundle( $2, "o" ); | OBASE '=' e = bundle($3,"o"); | OBASE EQOP e = bundle("O",$3,$2,"o"); | '{' slist '}' ={ $$ = $2; } | FFF ={ bundle("f"); } | error ={ bundle("c"); } | _IF CRS BLEV '(' re ')' stat ={ conout( $7, $2 ); bundle( $5, $2, " " ); } | _WHILE CRS '(' re ')' stat BLEV ={ bundle( $6, $4, $2 ); conout( $$, $2 ); bundle( $4, $2, " " ); } | fprefix CRS re ';' e ')' stat BLEV ={ bundle( $7, $5, "s.", $3, { pp( $3 ); } ; dlets : lora ={ tp($1); } | dlets ',' lora ={ tp($3); } ; lora : LETTER | LETTER '[' ']' ={ $$ = geta($1); } ; %% # define error 256 int peekc -1; int sargc; int ifile; char **sargv; extern int fin; char *funtab[26]{ 01,02,03,04,05,06,07,010,011,012,013,014,015,016,017, 020,021,022,023,024,025,026,027,030,031,032 }; char *atab[26]{ 0241,0242,0243,0244,0245,0246,0247,0250,0251,0252,0253, 0254,0255,0256,0257,0260,0261,0262,0263,0264,0265,0266, 0267,0270,0271,0272}; charg */ } output( p ) int *p; { routput( p ); b_sp_nxt = & b_space[0]; printf( "\n" ); cp = cary; str = string; crs = rcrs; } conout( p, s ) int *p; char *s; { printf("["); routput( p ); printf("]s%s\n", s ); lev--; str = string; } yyerror( s ) char *s; { printf("c[%s]pc\n", s ); cp = cary; crs = rcrs; bindx = 0; lev = 0; b_sp_nxt = &b_space[0]; str = string; } pp( s ) char *s; { /* puts the relevant stuff on pre and post for the letter s */ bundle( "S", s, pre ); pre = yyval; bundle( post, "L", s, "s." ); post = yyval; } tp( s ) char *s; { /* same as pp, but for temps */ bundle( "0S", s, pre ); pre = yyval; bundle( post, "L", s, "s." ); post = yyval; } yyinit(argc,argv) int argc; char *argv[];{ int (*getout)(); signal( 2, getout ); /* ignore all interrupts */ sargv=argv; sargc= -- argc; if(sargc == 0)fin=dup(0); else if((fin = open(sargv[1],0)) < 0) yyerror("cannot open input file"); ifile = 1; } getout(){ printf("q"); ex for (i=0; i < argc; i++) { if ((ep = gstat(*++argv, 1))==0) continue; ep->namep = *argv; ep->lflags =| ISARG; } qsort(&end, lastp - &end, sizeof *lastp, compar); slastp = lastp; for (ep = &end; eplflags&DIR && dflg==0 || fflg) { if (argc>1) printf("\n%s:\n", ep->namep); lastp = slastp; readdir(ep->namep); if (fflg==0) qsort(slastp,lastp - slastp,sizeof *lastp,compar); if (statreq) printf("total %d\n", tblocks); for (ep1=slastp; ep1lflags = statb.iflags; rep->luid = statb.iuid; rep->lgid = statb.igid; rep->lnl = statb.inl; rep->lsize0 = statb.isize0; rep->lsize = statb.isize; if (rep->lflags & (BLK|CHR) && lflg) rep->lsize = statb.iaddr[0]; rep->lmtime[0] = statb.imtime[0]; rep->lmtime[1it(); } getf(p) char *p;{ return(&funtab[*p -0141]); } geta(p) char *p;{ return(&atab[*p - 0141]); } main(argc, argv) char **argv; { int p[2]; if (argc > 1 && *argv[1] == '-') { if(argv[1][1] == 'd'){ yyinit(--argc, ++argv); yyparse(); exit(); } if(argv[1][1] != 'l'){ printf("unrecognizable argument\n"); exit(); } argv[1] = "/usr/lib/lib.b"; } pipe(p); if (fork()==0) { close(1); dup(p[1]); close(p[0]); close(p[1]); yyinit(argc, argv); yyparse(); exit(); } cp; ep1++) pentry(ep1); } else pentry(ep); } flush(); } pentry(ap) struct lbuf *ap; { struct { char dminor, dmajor;}; register t; register struct lbuf *p; register char *cp; p = ap; if (p->lnum == -1) return; if (iflg) printf("%5d ", p->lnum); if (lflg) { pmode(p->lflags); printf("%2d ", p->lnl); t = p->luid; if(gflg) t = p->lgid; t =& 0377; if (getname(t, tbuf)==0) printf("%-6.6s", tbuf); else printf("%-6d", t); if (p->lflags & (BLK|CHR)) printf("%3d,%3d] = statb.imtime[1]; if(uflg) { rep->lmtime[0] = statb.iatime[0]; rep->lmtime[1] = statb.iatime[1]; } tblocks =+ nblock(statb.isize0, statb.isize); } return(rep); } compar(ap1, ap2) struct lbuf *ap1, *ap2; { register struct lbuf *p1, *p2; register int i; int j; struct { char *charp;}; p1 = ap1; p2 = ap2; if (dflg==0) { if ((p1->lflags&(DIR|ISARG)) == (DIR|ISARG)) { if ((p2->lflags&(DIR|ISARG)) != (DIR|ISARG)) return(1); } else { if ((p2->lflags&(DIR|ISARG)) == (DIR|ISARGlose(0); dup(p[0]); close(p[0]); close(p[1]); execl("/bin/dc", "dc", "-", 0); } ", p->lsize.dmajor&0377, p->lsize.dminor&0377); else printf("%7s", locv(p->lsize0, p->lsize)); cp = ctime(p->lmtime); if(p->lmtime[0] < year) printf(" %-7.7s %-4.4s ", cp+4, cp+20); else printf(" %-12.12s ", cp+4); } else if (sflg) printf("%4d ", nblock(p->lsize0, p->lsize)); if (p->lflags&ISARG) printf("%s\n", p->namep); else printf("%.14s\n", p->lname); } getname(uid, buf) int uid; char buf[]; { int j, c, n, i; if (uid==lastuid) return(0); inf.fdes = uidfil; seek(inf)) return(-1); } } if (tflg) { i = 0; if (p2->lmtime[0] > p1->lmtime[0]) i++; else if (p2->lmtime[0] < p1->lmtime[0]) i--; else if (p2->lmtime[1] > p1->lmtime[1]) i++; else if (p2->lmtime[1] < p1->lmtime[1]) i--; return(i*rflg); } if (p1->lflags&ISARG) p1 = p1->namep; else p1 = p1->lname; if (p2->lflags&ISARG) p2 = p2->namep; else p2 = p2->lname; for (;;) if ((j = *p1.charp++ - *p2.charp++) || p1.charp[-1]==0) return(rflg*j); return(0); } .fdes, 0, 0); inf.nleft = 0; lastuid = -1; do { i = 0; j = 0; n = 0; while((c=getc(&inf)) != '\n') { if (c<0) return(-1); if (c==':') { j++; c = '0'; } if (j==0) buf[i++] = c; if (j==2) n = n*10 + c - '0'; } } while (n != uid); buf[i++] = '\0'; lastuid = uid; return(0); } nblock(size0, size) char *size0, *size; { register int n; n = ldiv(size0, size, 512); if (size&0777) n++; if (n>8) n =+ (n+255)/256; return(n); } int m0[] { 3, DIR, 'd', BLK, /* * dpr -- off line print via dataphone daemon to GCOS * normally invoked through opr */ char tfname[] "/usr/lpd/tfaXXXXX"; char cfname[] "/usr/lpd/cfaXXXXX"; char lfname[] "/usr/lpd/lfaXXXXX"; char dfname[] "/usr/lpd/dfaXXXXX"; int nact; int tff; int mailflg; char person[10]; int inchar; int maxrec 1000; main(argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { register char *arg; int c, f, flag; int out(); pidfn(); if((signal(1, 1) & 01) == 0) signal(1, out); if((signal(2, 1) & 01) == 0) signal(2, out)# /* * list file or directory */ struct { int fdes; int nleft; char *nextc; char buff[512]; } inf; struct ibuf { int idev; int inum; int iflags; char inl; char iuid; char igid; char isize0; int isize; int iaddr[8]; char *iatime[2]; char *imtime[2]; }; struct lbuf { char lname[15]; int lnum; int lflags; char lnl; char luid; char lgid; char lsize0; int lsize; char *lmtime[2]; }; struct lbufx { char *namep; }; int aflg, dflg, lflg, sflg, tflg, uflg, iflg, fflg, gflg; int fout; i'b', CHR, 'c', '-'}; int m1[] { 1, ROWN, 'r', '-' }; int m2[] { 1, WOWN, 'w', '-' }; int m3[] { 2, SUID, 's', XOWN, 'x', '-' }; int m4[] { 1, RGRP, 'r', '-' }; int m5[] { 1, WGRP, 'w', '-' }; int m6[] { 2, SGID, 's', XGRP, 'x', '-' }; int m7[] { 1, ROTH, 'r', '-' }; int m8[] { 1, WOTH, 'w', '-' }; int m9[] { 1, XOTH, 'x', '-' }; int m10[] { 1, STXT, 't', ' ' }; int *m[] { m0, m1, m2, m3, m4, m5, m6, m7, m8, m9, m10}; pmode(aflag) { register int **mp; flags = aflag; for (mp = &m[0]; mp < &m[11];) sel; if((signal(3, 1) & 01) == 0) signal(3, out); flag = 0; tff = nfile(tfname); while (argc>1 && (arg = argv[1])[0]=='-') { switch (arg[1]) { case 'c': flag = '+'; break; case 'r': flag = '-'; break; case 'm': mailflg = 1; break; } argc--; argv++; } ident(); if(argc == 1) copy(0); while(--argc) { arg = *++argv; if(flag == '+') goto cf; if(*arg == '/' && flag != '-') { card('F', arg); nact++; continue; } if(link(arg, lfname) < 0) goto cf;nt rflg 1; char *year; int flags; int uidfil -1; int lastuid -1; char tbuf[16]; int tblocks; int statreq; struct lbuf *lastp &end; struct lbuf *rlastp &end; char *dotp "."; #define IFMT 060000 #define DIR 0100000 #define CHR 020000 #define BLK 040000 #define ISARG 01000 #define LARGE 010000 #define STXT 010000 #define SUID 04000 #define SGID 02000 #define ROWN 0400 #define WOWN 0200 #define XOWN 0100 #define RGRP 040 #define WGRP 020 #define XGRP 010 #define ROTH 04 #define WOTH 02 #define XOTH 01 #define ect(*mp++); } select(pairp) int *pairp; { register int n, *ap; ap = pairp; n = *ap++; while (--n>=0 && (flags&*ap++)==0) ap++; putchar(*ap); } makename(dir, file) char *dir, *file; { static char dfile[100]; register char *dp, *fp; register int i; dp = dfile; fp = dir; while (*fp) *dp++ = *fp++; *dp++ = '/'; fp = file; for (i=0; i<14; i++) *dp++ = *fp++; *dp = 0; return(dfile); } readdir(dir) char *dir; { static struct { int dinode; char dname[14]; } dentry; register char *p card('F', lfname); card('U', lfname); lfname[inchar]++; nact++; goto df; cf: f = open(arg, 0); if(f < 0) { printf("Cannot open %s\n", arg); continue; } copy(f); close(f); df: if(flag == '-') { f = unlink(arg); if(f < 0) printf("Cannot remove %s\n", arg); } } if(nact) { tfname[inchar]--; f = link(tfname, dfname); if(f < 0) { printf("Cannot rename %s\n", dfname); tfname[inchar]++; out(); } unlink(tfname); execl("/etc/lpd", "lpd", 0); dfnamRSTXT 01000 main(argc, argv) char **argv; { int i, j; extern struct lbuf end; register struct lbuf *ep, *ep1; register struct lbuf *slastp; struct lbuf lb; int t; int compar(); fout = dup(1); time(lb.lmtime); year = lb.lmtime[0] - 245; /* 6 months ago */ if (--argc > 0 && *argv[1] == '-') { argv++; while (*++*argv) switch (**argv) { case 'a': aflg++; continue; case 's': sflg++; statreq++; continue; case 'd': dflg++; continue; case 'g': gflg++; continue;; register int j; register struct lbuf *ep; if (fopen(dir, &inf) < 0) { printf("%s unreadable\n", dir); return; } tblocks = 0; for(;;) { p = &dentry; for (j=0; j<16; j++) *p++ = getc(&inf); if (dentry.dinode==0 || aflg==0 && dentry.dname[0]=='.') continue; if (dentry.dinode == -1) break; ep = gstat(makename(dir, dentry.dname), 0); if (ep->lnum != -1) ep->lnum = dentry.dinode; for (j=0; j<14; j++) ep->lname[j] = dentry.dname[j]; } close(inf.fdes); } gstat(file, ae[inchar]++; } out(); } copy(f) int f; { int ff, i, nr, nc; static int buf[256]; card('F', cfname); card('U', cfname); ff = nfile(cfname); nc = 0; nr = 0; while((i = read(f, buf, 512)) > 0) { write(ff, buf, i); nc =+ i; if(nc >= 512) { nc =- 512; nr++; if(nr > maxrec) { printf("Copy file is too large\n"); break; } } } close(ff); nact++; } card(c, s) int c; char s[]; { char *p1, *p2; static char buf[512]; int col; p1 = buf; p2 = s; col = 0; *p1++ = c; whil case 'l': lflg++; statreq++; continue; case 'r': rflg = -1; continue; case 't': tflg++; statreq++; continue; case 'u': uflg++; continue; case 'i': iflg++; continue; case 'f': fflg++; continue; default: continue; } argc--; } if (fflg) { aflg++; lflg = 0; sflg = 0; tflg = 0; statreq = 0; } if(lflg) { t = "/etc/passwd"; if(gflg) t = "/etc/group"; uidfil = open(t, 0); } if (argc==0) { argc++; argv = &dotp - 1; }rgfl) char *file; { struct ibuf statb; register struct lbuf *rep; if (lastp+1 >= rlastp) { sbrk(512); rlastp.idev =+ 512; } rep = lastp; lastp++; rep->lflags = 0; rep->lnum = 0; if (argfl || statreq) { if (stat(file, &statb)<0) { printf("%s not found\n", file); statb.inum = -1; statb.isize0 = 0; statb.isize = 0; statb.iflags = 0; if (argfl) { lastp--; return(0); } } rep->lnum = statb.inum; statb.iflags =& ~DIR; if ((statb.iflags&IFMT) == 060000) { state((c = *p2++) != '\0') { *p1++ = c; col++; } *p1++ = '\n'; write(tff, buf, col+2); } ident() { int c, n; register char *b1p, *pp, *b2p; static char b1[100], b2[100]; b1p = b1; if(getpw(getuid(), b1p)) { b1p = "pdp::::m0000,m000:"; } n = 0; b2p = b2; while(*b2p++ = "$ ident "[n++]); b2p--; n = 5; while(--n) while(*b1p++ != ':'); while((*b2p++ = *b1p++) != ':'); b2p[-1] = ','; b1p = b1; pp = person; while((c = *b1p++) != ':') { *b2p++ = c; *pp++ = c; } *b2p++ = 0; *pp++ = 0; card('L', b2); if (mailflg) card('M', person); } pidfn() { register i, j, c; int p; p = getpid(); i = 0; while(tfname[i] != 'X') i++; i =+ 4; for(j=0; j<5; j++) { c = (p%10) + '0'; p =/ 10; tfname[i] = c; cfname[i] = c; lfname[i] = c; dfname[i] = c; i--; } inchar = i; } nfile(name) char *name; { register f; f = creat(name, 0666); if(f < 0) { printf("Cannot create %s\n", name); out(); } name[inchar]++; return(f); } out() { register i; signal(1, 1); signal(1, 2# /* * ln target [ new name ] */ struct ibuf { int inum; int iflags; char inl; char iuid; int isize; int iaddr[8]; char *ictime[2]; char *imtime[2]; int fill; }; #define DIR 040000 #define FMT 060000 main(argc, argv) char **argv; { static struct ibuf statb; register char *np; if (argc<2) { write(1, "Usage: ln target [ newname ]\n", 29); exit(1); } if (argc==2) { np = argv[1]; while(*np++); while (*--np!='/' && np>argv[1]); np++; argv[2] = np; } stat(argv[1], &statb); if case 'X': Xflag++; continue; case 'r': rflag++; arflag++; continue; case 's': sflag++; xflag++; continue; case 'n': nflag++; continue; case 'd': dflag++; continue; case 'i': iflag++; continue; } load1arg(ap); close(infil); } middle(); setupout(); p = argv+1; libp = liblist; for (c=1; cbno = -1; libp++; return; } mget(&archdr, sizeof archdr); if (load1(1, nbno, noff + (sizeof archdr) / 2)) { libp->bno = nbno; libp->off = noff; libp++; } noff =+ (archdr.asize + sizeof archdr)>>1; nbno # /* * login [ name ] */ struct { char name[8]; char tty; char ifill; int time[2]; int ufill; } utmp; struct { int speeds; char erase, kill; int tflags; } ttyb; struct { int junk[5]; int size; int more[12]; } statb; char *ttyx; #define ECHO 010 main(argc, argv) char **argv; { char pbuf[128]; register char *namep, *np; char pwbuf[9]; int t, sflags, f, c, uid, gid; signal(3, 1); signal(2, 1); nice(0); ttyx = "/dev/ttyx"; if ((utmp.tty=ttyn(0)) == 'x') { write(1, "Sorry.\n", 7);    "% #&=+ (noff >> 8) & 0377; noff =& 0377; } } load1(libflg, bno, off) { register struct symbol *sp, **hp, ***cp; struct symbol *ssymp; int ndef, nloc; readhdr(bno, off); ctrel = tsize; cdrel =+ dsize; cbrel =+ bsize; ndef = 0; nloc = sizeof cursym; cp = local; ssymp = symp; if ((filhdr.relflg&RELFLG)==1) { error(0, "No relocation bits"); return(0); } off =+ (sizeof filhdr)/2 + filhdr.tsize + filhdr.dsize; dseek(&text, bno, off, filhdr.ssize); while (text.size > 0) { mget(&cursym, sizeo exit(); } ttyx[8] = utmp.tty; gtty(0, &ttyb); ttyb.erase = '#'; ttyb.kill = '@'; stty(0, &ttyb); loop: namep = utmp.name; if (argc>1) { np = argv[1]; while (namepstype != EXTERN+UNDEF) continue; if (cursym.stype == EXTERN+UNDEF) { if (cursym.svalue > sp->svalue) sp->svalue = cursym.svalue; continue; } if (sp->svalue != 0 && cursym.stype == EXTERN+TEXT) continue; ndef++; sp->stype = cursym.stype; s{ sflags = ttyb.tflags; ttyb.tflags =& ~ ECHO; stty(0, &ttyb); write(1, "Password: ", 10); namep = pwbuf; while ((c=getchar()) != '\n') { if (c <= 0) exit(); if (namepsvalue = cursym.svalue; } if (libflg==0 || ndef) { tsize =+ filhdr.tsize; dsize =+ filhdr.dsize; bsize =+ filhdr.bsize; ssize =+ nloc; return(1); } /* * No symbols defined by this library member. * Rip out the hash table entries and reset the symbol table. */ symp = ssymp; while (cp > local) **--cp = 0; return(0); } middle() { register struct symbol *sp; register t, csize; int nund, corigin; p_etext = *slookup("_etext"); p_edata = *slookup("_edata"); p_end = *slookup("_end");p != ':') gid = gid*10 + *np++ - '0'; np++; np = colon(np); namep = np; np = colon(np); if (chdir(namep)<0) { write(1, "No directory\n", 13); goto loop; } time(utmp.time); if ((f = open("/etc/utmp", 1)) >= 0) { t = utmp.tty; if (t>='a') t =- 'a' - (10+'0'); seek(f, (t-'0')*16, 0); write(f, &utmp, 16); close(f); } if ((f = open("/usr/adm/wtmp", 1)) >= 0) { seek(f, 0, 2); write(f, &utmp, 16); close(f); } if ((f = open("/etc/motd", 0)) >= 0) { while(read(f, &t, 1) > 0) *libp { &liblist[0] }; struct symbol { char sname[8]; char stype; char spad; int svalue; }; struct symbol cursym; struct symbol symtab[NSYM]; struct symbol *hshtab[NSYM+2]; struct symbol *symp { symtab }; struct symbol **local[NSYMPR]; struct symbol *p_etext; struct symbol *p_edata; struct symbol *p_end; int xflag; /* discard local symbols */ int Xflag; /* discard locals starting with 'L' */ int rflag; /* preserve relocation bits, don't define common */ int arflag; /* original copy of rflag */ i /* * If there are any undefined symbols, save the relocation bits. */ if (rflag==0) for (sp=symtab; spstype==EXTERN+UNDEF && sp->svalue==0 && sp!=p_end && sp!=p_edata && sp!=p_etext) { rflag++; dflag = 0; nflag = 0; iflag = 0; sflag = 0; break; } /* * Assign common locations. */ csize = 0; if (dflag || rflag==0) { for (sp=symtab; spstype==EXTERN+UNDEF && (t=sp->svalue)!=0) { t = (t+1) & ~01; sp->svalue = csize; sp->s write(1, &t, 1); close(f); } if(stat(".mail", &statb) >= 0 && statb.size) write(1, "You have mail.\n", 15); chown(ttyx, uid); setgid(gid); setuid(uid); if (*np == '\0') np = "/bin/sh"; execl(np, "-", 0); write(1, "No shell.\n", 9); exit(); bad: write(1, "Login incorrect.\n", 17); goto loop; } getpwentry(name, buf) char *name, *buf; { extern fin; int fi, r, c; register char *gnp, *rnp; fi = fin; r = 1; if((fin = open("/etc/passwd", 0)) < 0) goto ret; loop: gnp = name; rnp = buf;nt sflag; /* discard all symbols */ int nflag; /* pure procedure */ int dflag; /* define common even with rflag */ int iflag; /* I/D space separated */ int infil; char *filname; int tsize; int dsize; int bsize; int ssize; int nsym; int torigin; int dorigin; int borigin; int ctrel; int cdrel; int cbrel; int errlev; int delarg 4; char tfname[] "/tmp/lxyyyyy"; int toutb[259]; int doutb[259]; int troutb[259]; int droutb[259]; int soutb[259]; struct symbol **lookup(); struct symbol **slookup(); main(atype = EXTERN+COMM; csize =+ t; } if (p_etext && p_etext->stype==EXTERN+UNDEF) { p_etext->stype = EXTERN+TEXT; p_etext->svalue = tsize; } if (p_edata && p_edata->stype==EXTERN+UNDEF) { p_edata->stype = EXTERN+DATA; p_edata->svalue = dsize; } if (p_end && p_end->stype==EXTERN+UNDEF) { p_end->stype = EXTERN+BSS; p_end->svalue = bsize; } } /* * Now set symbols to their final value */ if (nflag || iflag) tsize = (tsize + 077) & ~077; dorigin = tsize; if (nflag) dor while((c=getchar()) != '\n') { if(c <= 0) goto ret; *rnp++ = c; } *rnp++ = '\0'; rnp = buf; while (*gnp++ == *rnp++); if ((*--gnp!=' ' && gnp= argc) error(1, "Bad 'use'"); if (*(hp = slookup(*p++)) == 0) { *hp = symp; enter(); } continue; case 'l': break; case 'x': xflag++; continue; igin = (tsize+017777) & ~017777; if (iflag) dorigin = 0; corigin = dorigin + dsize; borigin = corigin + csize; nund = 0; for (sp=symtab; spstype) { case EXTERN+UNDEF: errlev =| 01; if (arflag==0 && sp->svalue==0) { if (nund==0) printf("Undefined:\n"); nund++; printf("%.8s\n", sp->sname); } continue; case EXTERN+ABS: default: continue; case EXTERN+TEXT: sp->svalue =+ torigin; continue; case EXTERN+DATA: sp->svalue =+ dorigin; continue; case EXTERN+BSS: sp->svalue =+ borigin; continue; case EXTERN+COMM: sp->stype = EXTERN+BSS; sp->svalue =+ corigin; continue; } if (sflag || xflag) ssize = 0; bsize =+ csize; nsym = ssize / (sizeof cursym); } setupout() { register char *p; register pid; if ((toutb[0] = creat("l.out", 0666)) < 0) error(1, "Can't create l.out"); pid = getpid(); for (p = &tfname[12]; p > &tfname[7];) { *--p = (pid&07) + '0'; pid =>> 3; } tcreat(doutb, 'a'); if (sflag==0 || xflag==0) tcreat(so copy(troutb, 'c'); copy(droutb, 'd'); } if (sflag==0) { if (xflag==0) copy(soutb, 'b'); for (p=symtab; p < symp;) putw(*p++, toutb); } fflush(toutb); close(toutb[0]); unlink("a.out"); link("l.out", "a.out"); delarg = errlev; delexit(); } delexit() { register c; unlink("l.out"); for (c = 'a'; c <= 'd'; c++) { tfname[6] = c; unlink(tfname); } if (delarg==0) chmod("a.out", 0777); exit(delarg); } copy(buf, c) int *buf; { register f, *p, n; fflush(buf); close(buf[0]); tf r) { register int *clp, *lp; register sn; lp = alp; sn = (r>>4) & 07777; for (clp=local; clp 1) { n =>> 1; p = doutb; do putw(*p++, toutb); while (--n); } close(f); } mkfsym(s) char *s; { if (sflag || xflag) return; cp8c(s, cursym.sname); cursym.stype = 037; cursym.svalue = torigin; mput(soutb, &cursym, sizeof cursym); } mget(aloc, an) int *aloc; { register *loc, n; register *p; n = an; n =>> 1; loc = aloc; if ((text.nibuf =- n) >= 0) { if ((text.size =- n) > 0) { p = text.ptr; do *loc++} cp8c(from, to) char *from, *to; { register char *f, *t, *te; f = from; t = to; te = t+8; while ((*t++ = *f++) && t= acp && *--cp != '/'); mkfsym(++cp); load2(0, 0); return; } for (lp = libp; lp->bno != -1; lp++) { dseek(&text, lp->bno, lp->off, sizeof archdr); mget(&archdr, sizeof archdr); mkfsym(archdr.aname); load2(lp->bno, lp->off + (sizeof archdr) / 2); } libp = ++lp; } load2(bno, off) { register struct = *p++; while (--n); text.ptr = p; return; } else text.size =+ n; } text.nibuf =+ n; do { *loc++ = get(&text); } while (--n); } mput(buf, aloc, an) int *aloc; { register *loc; register n; loc = aloc; n = an>>1; do { putw(*loc++, buf); } while (--n); } dseek(asp, ab, o, s) { register struct stream *sp; register struct page *p; register b; int n; sp = asp; b = ab + ((o>>8) & 0377); o =& 0377; --sp->pno->nuser; if ((p = &page[0])->bno!=b && (p = &page[1])->bno!=b) if!$'(+.147:=),/258symbol *sp; register int *lp, symno; readhdr(bno, off); ctrel = torigin; cdrel =+ dorigin; cbrel =+ borigin; /* * Reread the symbol table, recording the numbering * of symbols for fixing external references. */ lp = local; symno = -1; off =+ (sizeof filhdr)/2; dseek(&text, bno, off+filhdr.tsize+filhdr.dsize, filhdr.ssize); while (text.size > 0) { symno++; mget(&cursym, sizeof cursym); symreloc(); if ((cursym.stype&EXTERN) == 0) { if (!sflag&&!xflag&&(!Xflag||cursym.sname[0]!='L')) (p->nuser==0 || (p = &page[0])->nuser==0) { if (page[0].nuser==0 && page[1].nuser==0) if (page[0].bno < page[1].bno) p = &page[0]; p->bno = b; seek(infil, b, 3); if ((n = read(infil, p->buff, 512)>>1) < 0) n = 0; p->nibuf = n; } else error(1, "No pages"); ++p->nuser; sp->bno = b; sp->pno = p; sp->ptr = p->buff + o; if (s != -1) sp->size = (s>>1) & 077777; if ((sp->nibuf = p->nibuf-o) <= 0) sp->size = 0; } get(asp) struct stream *asp; { register struct stream *sp/ / c code tables-- compile to register / .globl _regtab .data _regtab=. 106.; cr106 30.; cr70 31.; cr70 32.; cr32 33.; cr32 37.; cr37 38.; cr37 98.; cr100 99.; cr100 80.; cr80 40.; cr40 41.; cr40 / - like + 42.; cr42 43.; cr43 44.; cr43 45.; cr45 46.; cr40 55.; cr40 48.; cr40 49.; cr49 70.; cr70 71.; cr70 72.; cr72 73.; cr73 74.; cr74 75.; cr75 76.; cr72 78.; cr70 85.; cr70 79.; cr79 102.; cr102 51.; cr51 52.; cr52 56.; cr56 57.; cr57 58.; cr58 59.; cr59 91.; cr91 mput(soutb, &cursym, sizeof cursym); continue; } if ((sp = *lookup()) == 0) error(1, "internal error: symbol not found"); if (cursym.stype == EXTERN+UNDEF) { if (lp >= &local[NSYMPR]) error(1, "Local symbol overflow"); *lp++ = symno; *lp++ = sp; continue; } if (cursym.stype!=sp->stype || cursym.svalue!=sp->svalue) { printf("%.8s: ", cursym.sname); error(0, "Multiply defined"); } } dseek(&text, bno, off, filhdr.tsize); dseek(&reloc, bno, off+(filhdr.tsize+filhdr.; sp = asp; if (--sp->nibuf < 0) { dseek(sp, sp->bno+1, 0, -1); --sp->nibuf; } if (--sp->size <= 0) { if (sp->size < 0) error(1, premeof); ++fpage.nuser; --sp->pno->nuser; sp->pno = &fpage; } return(*sp->ptr++); } getfile(acp) char *acp; { register char *cp; register c; cp = acp; archdr.aname[0] = '\0'; if (cp[0]=='-' && cp[1]=='l') { if ((c = cp[2]) == '\0') c = 'a'; cp = "/lib/lib?.a"; cp[8] = c; } filname = cp; if ((infil = open(cp, 0)) < 0) error(1, "cannot ope82.; cr82 83.; cr82 84.; cr82 86.; cr86 87.; cr86 88.; cr86 0 .text / goto cr102: %a,n jmp A1 %n*,n F* jmp #1(R) / call cr100: %a,n jsr pc,IA1 %n*,n F* jsr pc,#1(R) %n,n F jsr pc,(R) / addressible cr106: %z,n clr R %zf,n clrf R %a,n %ad,n movB1 A1,R %af,n movof A1,R %n*,n %nd*,n F* movB1 #1(R),R %nf*,n F* movof #1(R),R %al,n mov A1+,R+ mov A1,R %nl*,n F* mov #1+2(R),R+ mov #1(R),R / ++,-- postfix cr32: %a,1 movB1 A1',R I'B1 A1 %aw,n mov A1',R I A2,A1 %e*,1 F1*dsize)/2, filhdr.tsize); load2td(lp, ctrel, toutb, troutb); dseek(&text, bno, off+(filhdr.tsize/2), filhdr.dsize); dseek(&reloc, bno, off+filhdr.tsize+(filhdr.dsize/2), filhdr.dsize); load2td(lp, cdrel, doutb, droutb); torigin =+ filhdr.tsize; dorigin =+ filhdr.dsize; borigin =+ filhdr.bsize; } load2td(lp, creloc, b1, b2) int *lp; { register r, t; register struct symbol *sp; for (;;) { /* * The pickup code is copied from "get" for speed. */ if (--text.size <= 0) { if (text.size < 0) n"); page[0].bno = page[1].bno = -1; page[0].nuser = page[1].nuser = 0; text.pno = reloc.pno = &fpage; fpage.nuser = 2; dseek(&text, 0, 0, 2); if (text.size <= 0) error(1, premeof); return(get(&text) == ARCMAGIC); } struct symbol **lookup() { int i; register struct symbol **hp; register char *cp, *cp1; i = 0; for (cp=cursym.sname; cp < &cursym.sname[8];) i = (i<<1) + *cp++; for (hp = &hshtab[(i&077777)%NSYM+2]; *hp!=0;) { cp1 = (*hp)->sname; for (cp=cursym.sname; cp < &cursym.sname[8] movB1 #1(R1),R I'B1 #1(R1) %n*,1 F* movB1 #1(R),-(sp) I'B1 #1(R) movB1 (sp)+,R %ew*,n F1* mov #1(R1),R I A2,#1(R1) %nw*,n F* mov #1(R),-(sp) I A2,#1(R) mov (sp)+,R %al,1 F I $1,A1+ V A1 %el*,1 F1* mov #1+2(R1),R+ mov #1(R1),R I $1,#1+2(R1) V #1(R1) %nl*,1 F* mov #1+2(R),-(sp) mov #1(R),-(sp) add $1,#1+2(R) V #1(R) mov (sp)+,R mov (sp)+,R+ / - unary, ~ cr37: %n,n %nf,n F IBF R %nl,n F I R I R+ V R / = cr80: %a,n %ad,nf S movB1 R,A1 %af,nf S movfo R,A1 %nd*,af break; text.size++; t = get(&text); } else if (--text.nibuf < 0) { text.nibuf++; text.size++; t = get(&text); } else t = *text.ptr++; if (--reloc.size <= 0) { if (reloc.size < 0) error(1, "Relocation error"); reloc.size++; r = get(&reloc); } else if (--reloc.nibuf < 0) { reloc.nibuf++; reloc.size++; r = get(&reloc); } else r = *reloc.ptr++; switch (r&016) { case RTEXT: t =+ ctrel; break; case RDATA: t =+ cdrel; break; case RBSS: ;) if (*cp++ != *cp1++) goto no; break; no: if (++hp >= &hshtab[NSYM+2]) hp = hshtab; } return(hp); } struct symbol **slookup(s) char *s; { cp8c(s, cursym.sname); cursym.stype = EXTERN+UNDEF; cursym.svalue = 0; return(lookup()); } enter() { register struct symbol *sp; if ((sp=symp) >= &symtab[NSYM]) error(1, "Symbol table overflow"); cp8c(cursym.sname, sp->sname); sp->stype = cursym.stype; sp->svalue = cursym.svalue; symp++; return(sp); } symreloc() { switch (cursym.s F* S movf R,#1(R) %n*,a F* movB1 A2,#1(R) movB1 #1(R),R %nf*,af F* S movfo R,#1(R) %n*,e F* S1 movB1 R1,#1(R) movB1 R1,R %ed*,nf S F1* movf R,#1(R1) %ef*,nf S F1* movfo R,#1(R1) %n*,n %nd*,nf FS* S movB1 R,*(sp)+ %nf*,nf FS* S movfo R,*(sp)+ / +, -, |, &~, << cr40: %n,z F %n,1 F I' R %[add1:] %n,aw %nf,ad F IB2 A2,R %[add2:] %n,ew* %nf,ed* F S1* IB2 #2(R1),R %[add3:] %n,e %nf,ef F S1 IBF R1,R %[add4:] %n,nw* %nf,nd* SS* F IB2 *(sp)+,R %[add5:] %n,n %nf,n t =+ cbrel; break; case REXT: sp = lookloc(lp, r); if (sp->stype==EXTERN+UNDEF) { r = (r&01) + ((nsym+(sp-symtab))<<4) + REXT; break; } t =+ sp->svalue; r = (r&01) + ((sp->stype-(EXTERN+ABS))<<1); break; } if (r&01) t =- creloc; putw(t, b1); if (rflag) putw(r, b2); } } finishout() { register n, *p; if (nflag||iflag) { n = torigin; while (n&077) { n =+ 2; putw(0, toutb); if (rflag) putw(0, troutb); } } copy(doutb, 'a'); if (rflag) { type) { case TEXT: case EXTERN+TEXT: cursym.svalue =+ ctrel; return; case DATA: case EXTERN+DATA: cursym.svalue =+ cdrel; return; case BSS: case EXTERN+BSS: cursym.svalue =+ cbrel; return; case EXTERN+UNDEF: return; } if (cursym.stype&EXTERN) cursym.stype = EXTERN+ABS; } error(n, s) char *s; { if (filname) { printf("%s", filname); if (archdr.aname[0]) printf("(%.8s)", archdr.aname); printf(": "); } printf("%s\n", s); if (n) delexit(); errlev = 2; } lookloc(alp,f SS F IBF (sp)+,R %nl,c F I A2,R+ V R %nl,al F I A2,R I A2+,R+ V R %nl,el F S1 I R1+,R+ V R I R1,R %nl,nl SS F I (sp)+,R I (sp)+,R+ V R / ^ -- xor cr49: %n,e % [add3] %n,n FS S xor R,(sp) mov (sp)+,R / >> (all complicated cases taken care of by << -) cr45: %n,1 F asr R / * -- R must be odd on integers cr42: %n,aw %nf,ad % [add1] %n,ew* %nf,ed* % [add2] %n,e %nf,ef % [add3] %n,n %nf,nf % [add5] / / R must be odd on integers cr43: %n,aw F T sxt R- div A2,R- %n,ew* F T sxt R- S1* div #2(R1),R- %n,e F T sxt R- S1 div R1,R- %n,n SS F T sxt R- div (sp)+,R- %nf,ad % [add1] %nf,ed* % [add2] %nf,ef % [add3] %nf,nf % [add5] / =+, =-, =|, =&~ cr70: %[addq1:] %aw,aw I A2,A1' mov A1,R %[addq1a:] %a,aw %ad,ad movB1 A1',R IBF A2,R movB1 R,A1 %[addq2:] %aw,nw* S* I #2(R),A1' mov A1,R %[addq3:] %aw,n S I R,A1' mov A1,R %[addq4:] %ew*,nw* S* F1* I #2(R),#1(R1) mov #1(R1),R %[addq4a:] %ad,ef movf A1',R S1 IBF R1,R movf R,A1 %[addq5:] %a,n,2+#1(R) V #1(R) %[move15:] %al,nl S I R,A1 I R+,A1+ V A1 %nl*,aw F* mov A2,#1+2(R) sxt #1(R) %[move16:] %el*,nl S F1* I R+,#1+2(R1) V #1(R1) I R,#1(R1) %nl*,n SS F* mov (sp)+,#1+2(R) sxt #1(R) %[move17:] %nl*,nl SS F* I (sp)+,#1(R) I (sp)+,#1+2(R) V #1(R) / =| and =& ~ ci78: %a,a % [move3] %a,n % [move5] %n*,a % [move6] %n*,e* % [move7] %n*,e % [move8] %e*,n* % [move9] %e*,n % [move10] %n*,n* % [move11] %n*,n % [move12] %al,c % [move13a] %al,al % [move13] %al,nl* % [mse all files and * check switches for magic values */ setexit(); signal(1, reset); for(i=0; i<10; i++) close(i); switch(getcsw()) { case single: error: termall(); i = fork(); if(i == 0) { open(ctty, 2); dup(0); execl(shell, minus, 0); exit(); } while(wait() != i); case reboot: termall(); execl(init, minus, 0); reset(); } /* * open and merge in init file */ fi = open(ifile, 0); q = &itab[0]; while(rline()) { if(line.flag == '0') continue; for(all) %ad,nf SS movB1 A1',R IBF (sp)+,R movB1 R,A1 %[addq6:] %af,nf SS movof A1',R IBF (sp)+,R movfo R,A1 %[addq7:] %ew*,n S F1* I R,#1(R1) mov #1(R1),R %[addq8:] %nw*,n SS F* I (sp)+,#1(R) mov #1(R),R %[addq9:] %n*,n FS* SS movB1 *2(sp),R IBF (sp)+,R movB1 R,*(sp)+ %[addq9a:] %nd*,nf SS F* movB1 #1(R),R IBF (sp)+,R movB1 R,#1(R) %[addq10:] %nf*,nf SS F* movof #1(R),R1 IBF (sp)+,R1 movfo R1,#1(R) movf R1,R / =*, =<< (for integer multiply, R must be odd) cr72: %a,aw %ad,ad %ove14] %al,nl % [move15] %nl*,c % [move14a] %el*,nl % [move16] %nl*,nl % [move17] / =+ ci70: %n*,z %a,z %a,1 I'B1 A1 %aw,aw % [move3] %aw,nw* % [move4] %aw,n % [move5] %n*,1 % [move2] %ew*,nw* % [move9] %a,nw* S* movB1 A1',R1 I #2(R),R1 movB1 R1,A1 %a,n S movB1 A1',R1 I R,R1 movB1 R1,A1 %ew*,n % [move10] %nw*,n % [move12] %n*,n SS F* movB1 #1(R),R1 I (sp)+,R1 movB1 R1,#1(R) %al,c % [move13a] %al,al % [move13] %al,nl* % [move14] %al,nl % [move15] %nl*,c % [move14a] %el*,nl if(p->line==line.line || p->line==0) { if(p >= q) { i = p->pid; p->pid = q->pid; q->pid = i; p->line = q->line; p->comn = q->comn; q->line = line.line; q->coms[0] = line.comn; q++; } break; } } close(fi); if(q == &itab[0]) goto error; for(; q < &itab[tabsize]; q++) term(q); for(all) if(p->line != 0 && p->pid == 0) dfork(p); for(ever) { i = wait(); for(all) if(p->pid == i) { rmut(p); dfork(p); } } } termall() { reg [addq1a] %af,nf % [addq6] %ad,ef % [addq4a] %a,n %ad,nf % [addq5] %n*,n % [addq9] %nd*,nf % [addq9a] %nf*,nf % [addq10] / =/ ; R must be odd on integers cr73: %a,aw movB1 A1',R sxt R- divBF A2,R- movB1 R-,A1 %a,n SS movB1 A1',R sxt R- div (sp)+,R- movB1 R-,A1 %e*,n SS F1* movB1 #1(R1),R sxt R- div (sp)+,R- movB1 R-,#1(R1) %n*,n FS* SS movB1 *2(sp),R sxt R- div (sp)+,R- movB1 R-,*(sp)+ %ad,ad % [addq1a] %ad,ef % [addq4a] %ad,nf % [addq5] %af,nf % [addq6] %nd*,nf % [addq9 % [move16] %nl*,nl % [move17] / =>> (all harder cases handled by =<< -) ci75: %a,1 asrB1 A1 %n*,1 F* asrB1 #1(R) / =<< ci76: %a,1 aslB1 A1 %n*,1 F* aslB1 #1(R) %r,aw ash A2,A1 %r,nw* S* ash #2(R),A1 %r,n S ash R,A1 / =<< for longs ci92: %al,aw F ashc A2,R mov R,A1 mov R+,A1+ %al,n SS F ashc (sp)+,R mov R,A1 mov R+,A1+ %nl*,n FS* SS mov 2(sp),R mov 2(R),R+ mov (R),R ashc (sp)+,R mov R,*(sp) mov (sp)+,R mov R+,2(R) / / c code tables-- set condition codes / .globl _ccister struct tab *p; for(all) term(p); } term(ap) struct tab *ap; { register struct tab *p; p = ap; if(p->pid != 0) { rmut(p); kill(p->pid, 9); } p->pid = 0; p->line = 0; } rline() { static char c[4]; if(read(fi, c, 4) != 4 || c[3] != '\n') return(0); line.flag = c[0]; line.line = c[1]; line.comn = c[2]; return(1); } dfork(ap) struct tab *ap; { register i; register char *tty; register struct tab *p; p = ap; i = fork(); if(i == 0) { signal(1, 0); tty = "/dev/ttyx"; ttya] %nf*,nf % [addq10] / =mod; R must be odd on integers cr74: %a,aw movB1 A1',R sxt R- div A2,R- movB1 R,A1 %a,n SS movB1 A1',R sxt R- div (sp)+,R- movB1 R,A1 %e*,n SS F1* movB1 #1(R1),R sxt R- div (sp)+,R- movB1 R,#1(R1) %n*,n FS* SS movB1 *2(sp),R sxt R- div (sp)+,R- mov R,*(sp)+ / =^ -- =xor cr79: %aw,n % [addq3] %ab,n SS movb A1',R xor R,(sp) mov (sp)+,R movb R,A1 %n*,n FS* movB1 *(sp),-(sp) S xor R,(sp) movB1 (sp)+,R movB1 R,*(sp)+ / =>> (all complicated cases dtab .data _cctab=. 106.; cc60 28.; rest 55.; rest 34.; rest 35.; rest 36.; rest 37.; rest 40.; rest 41.; rest 42.; rest 43.; rest 45.; rest 46.; rest 81.; cc81 / & as in "if ((a&b)==0)" 48.; rest 60.; cc60 61.; cc60 62.; cc60 63.; cc60 64.; cc60 65.; cc60 66.; cc60 67.; cc60 68.; cc60 69.; cc60 72.; rest 73.; rest 79.; rest 0 .text / relationals cc60: %a,z %ad,zf % [move1] %af,z movof A1,R %n*,z %nd*,zf % [move2] %nf*,z F* movof #1(R),R %n,z %nf,zf FC %aw,aw %ab,ab % [8] = p->line; chown(tty, 0); chmod(tty, 0622); open(tty, 2); dup(0); execl("etc/getty", minus, p->coms, 0); exit(); } p->pid = i; } rmut(p) struct tab *p; { register i, f; static char zero[16]; f = open(utmp, 1); if(f >= 0) { i = p->line; if(i >= 'a') i =+ '0' + 10 - 'a'; seek(f, (i-'0')*16, 0); write(f, zero, 16); close(f); } f = open(wtmpf, 1); if (f >= 0) { wtmp.tty = p->line; time(wtmp.time); seek(f, 0, 2); write(f, &wtmp, 16); close(f); } } one by =<< -) cr75: %a,1 asrB1 A1' movB1 A1,R %n*,1 F* asrB1 #1(R) movB1 #1(R),R / << for longs cr91: %nl,aw % [add1] %nl,ew* % [add2] %nl,e % [add3] %nl,nw* % [add4] %nl,n % [add5] / int -> float cr51: %aw,n movif A1,R %nw*,n F* movif #1(R),R %n,n F movif R,R / float, double -> int cr52: %nf,n F movfi R,R / double (float) to long cr56: %nf,n F setl movfi R,-(sp) mov (sp)+,R mov (sp)+,R+ seti / long to double cr57: %al,n setl movif A1,R seti %nl*,n F* setl movif #1(R),R [move3] %nw*,aw %nb*,ab % [move6] %n,aw %nf,ad % [add1] %nw*,ew* %nb*,eb* % [move7] %nw*,e % [move8] %n,ew* %nf,ed* % [add2] %n,e %nf,ef % [add3] %nw*,nw* %nb*,nb* % [move11] %nw*,n % [move12] %n,n %nf,nf % [add5] / & as in "if ((a&b) ==0)" cc81: %a,a % [move3] %n*,a % [move6] %n,a % [add1] %n,e % [add3] %n,n % [add5] / set codes right rest: %n,n %nf,nf H / / c code tables-- expression to -(sp) / .globl _sptab .data _sptab=. 106.; cs106 40.; cs40 41.; cs40 55.; cs40 48.; cs40 58.; c...run m6.hm61.cm62.cm63.cm64.c m65.cm66.cm67.cl.outm61.om62.om63.om64.om65.om66.om67.oa.out seti %nl,n FS setl movif (sp)+,R seti / integer to long cr58: %n,n F1! sxt R / long to integer cr59: %al,n mov A1+,R %nl*,n F* mov #1+2(R),R %nl,n F mov R+,R / *, /, remainder for longs. cr82: %nl,nl SS FS jsr pc,I add $10,sp / =*, =/, =rem for longs / Operands of the form &x op y, so stack space is known. cr86: %n,nl SS FS jsr pc,I add $6,sp / / c code tables -- compile for side effects. / Also set condition codes properly (except for ++, --) / .globl _efftab .data _efftab=. s58 56.; cs56 0 .text / name cs106: %z,n %zf,n clrB1 -(sp) %aw,n mov A1,-(sp) %nw*,n F* mov #1(R),-(sp) %al,n mov A1+,-(sp) mov A1,-(sp) / +, -, |, &~ cs40: %n,1 FS I' (sp) %n,aw FS I A2,(sp) %n,nw* FS S* I #2(R),(sp) %n,n FS S I R,(sp) / integer to long cs58: %n,n FS sxt -(sp) / float to long cs56: %nf,n F setl movfi R,-(sp) seti /* if command */ int ap; int ac; char **av; main(argc, argv) char *argv[]; { argv[argc] = 0; ac = argc; av = argv; ap = 1; if (argc<2) return; if (exp()) if(doex(0)) { write(1, "no command\n", 11); seek(0, 0, 2); } } char *nxtarg() { if (ap>ac) return(0*ap++); return(av[ap++]); } exp(s) { int p1; p1 = e1(); if (eq(nxtarg(), "-o")) return(p1 | exp()); ap--; return(p1); } e1() { int p1; p1 = e2(); if (eq(nxtarg(), "-a")) return (p1 & e1()); ap--; return(p1); } e2() { if (30.; ci70 31.; ci70 32.; ci70 33.; ci70 80.; ci80 70.; ci70 71.; ci70 / - like + 78.; ci78 85.; ci78 75.; ci75 76.; ci76 92.; ci92 0 .text / = ci80: %[move1:] %a,z %ad,zf I'B1 A1 %[move2:] %n*,z %nd*,zf F* I'B1 #1(R) %[move3:] %a,aw %ab,a IBE A2,A1 %[move4:] %ab,n* %a,nw* S* IBE #2(R),A1 %[move5:] %a,n S IB1 R,A1 %[move6:] %n*,aw %nb*,a F* IBE A2,#1(R) %[move7:] %n*,ew* %nb*,e* F* S1* IBE #2(R1),#1(R) %[move8:] %n*,e F* S1 IB1 R1,#1(R) %[move9:] %e*,nw* %eb*,n* S* F1* #define tabsize 20 #define all p = &itab[0]; p < &itab[20]; p++ #define ever ;; #define single 0173030 #define reboot 0173040 char shell[] "/bin/sh"; char minus[] "-"; char runc[] "/etc/rc"; char init[] "/etc/init"; char ifile[] "/etc/ttys"; char utmp[] "/etc/utmp"; char wtmpf[] "/usr/adm/wtmp"; char ctty[] "/dev/tty8"; int fi; struct { int flag; int line; char coms[2]; } line; struct tab { int pid; int line; int comn; } itab[tabsize]; struct { char name[8]; char tty; char fill; int time[2]; inteq(nxtarg(), "!")) return(!e3()); ap--; return(e3()); } e3() { int p1, ccode; register char *a; ccode = 0; if ((a=nxtarg())==0) goto err; if(eq(a, "(")) { p1 = exp(); if(!eq(nxtarg(), ")")) goto err; return(p1); } if(eq(a, "-r")) return(tio(nxtarg(), 0)); if(eq(a, "-w")) return(tio(nxtarg(), 1)); if(eq(a, "-c")) return(tcreat(nxtarg())); if(eq(a, "{")) { /* execute a command for exit code */ if(fork()) /*parent*/ wait(&ccode); else { /*child*/ doex(1); goto err; } IBE #2(R),#1(R1) %[move10:] %e*,n S F1* IB1 R,#1(R1) %[move11:] %n*,nw* %nb*,n* FS* S* IBE #2(R),*(sp)+ %[move12:] %n*,n FS* S IB1 R,*(sp)+ %al,z clr A1 clr A1+ %al,aw mov A2,A1+ sxt A1 %al,nw* mov #2(R),A1+ sxt A1 %al,n S mov R,A1+ sxt A1 %al,nf S setl movfi R,A1 seti %el*,nf S F1* setl movfi R,#1(R1) seti %[move13a:] %al,c I A2,A1+ V A1 %[move13:] %al,al I A2,A1 I A2+,A1+ V A1 %[move14:] %al,nl* S* I #2(R),A1 I #2+2(R),A1+ V A1 %[move14a:] %nl*,c F* I A2 wfill; } wtmp; main() { register i; register struct tab *p, *q; int reset(); /* * if not single user, * run shell sequence */ if(getcsw() != single) { i = fork(); if(i == 0) { open("/", 0); dup(0); dup(0); execl(shell, shell, runc, 0); exit(); } while(wait() != i); close(creat(utmp, 0644)); if ((i = open(wtmpf, 1)) >= 0) { seek(i, 0, 2); wtmp.tty = '~'; time(wtmp.time); write(i, &wtmp, 16); close(i); } } /* * main loop for hangup signal * clo while((a=nxtarg()) && (!eq(a,"}"))); return(ccode? 0 : 1); } p1 = nxtarg(); if (p1==0) goto err; if(eq(p1, "=")) return(eq(a, nxtarg())); if(eq(p1, "!=")) return(!eq(a, nxtarg())); err: write(1, "if error\n", 9); exit(9); } tio(a, f) { a = open(a, f); if (a>=0) { close(a); return(1); } return(0); } tcreat(a) { return(1); } eq(a, b) char *a, *b; { register int i; i = 0; l: if(a[i] != b[i]) return(0); if(a[i++] == '\0') return(1); goto l; } doex(earg) { register int np, i, c; char *nargv[50], *ncom, *na; np = 0; while (na=nxtarg()) { if(earg && eq(na,"}")) break; nargv[np++] = na; } if(earg && (!eq(na, "}"))) return(9); nargv[np] = 0; if (np==0) return(earg); execv(nargv[0], nargv, np); i = 0; ncom = "/usr/bin/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"; while(c=nargv[0][i]) { ncom[9+i++] = c; } ncom[9+i] = '\0'; execv(ncom+4, nargv, np); execv(ncom, nargv, np); return(1); } arge)"); } } return; } for(i=0; i<8; i++) { if (ip->i_addr[i] != 0) chk(ip->i_addr[i], "data (small)"); } } chk(ab, s) char *ab; { register char *b; register n, m; b = ab; if (ino) nused++; if (b=sblock.s_fsize) { printf("%l bad; inode=%l, class=%s\n", b, ino, s); return(1); } m = 1 << (b&017); n = (b>>4) & 07777; if (bmap[n]&m) { printf("%l dup; inode=%l, class=%s\n", b, ino, s); ndup++; } bmap[n] =| m; for (n=0; blist[n] != -1; n++) if (b == / C library -- stat / error = stat(string, statbuf); / int statbuf[18] or / char statbuf[36] / as appropriate .globl _stat, cerror _stat: mov r5,-(sp) mov sp,r5 mov 4(r5),0f mov 6(r5),0f+2 sys 0; 9f bec 1f jmp cerror 1: clr r0 mov (sp)+,r5 rts pc .data 9: sys stat; 0:..; .. FILORUADGJblist[n]) printf("%l arg; inode=%l, class=%s\n", b, ino, s); return(0); } alloc() { register b, i; int buf[256]; i = --sblock.s_nfree; if (i<0 || i>=100) { printf("bad freeblock\n"); return(0); } b = sblock.s_free[i]; if (b == 0) return(0); if (sblock.s_nfree <= 0) { bread(b, buf, 512); sblock.s_nfree = buf[0]; for(i=0; i<100; i++) sblock.s_free[i] = buf[i+1]; } return(b); } bread(bno, buf, cnt) int *buf; { register *ip; seek(fi, bno, 3); if (read(fi, buf, cnt) != cnt) { %term LCURL RCURL LPAR RPAR SCOL DIGITS %term XIF XELSE XFOR XWHILE XBREAK NEXT %term OLDDO NEWDO %term XGOK XDEFINE XINCLUDE %term REPEAT UNTIL %% statl : statl stat | ; stat : if stat ={ outcont($1); } | ifelse stat ={ outcont($1+1); } | while stat ={ whilestat($1); } | for stat ={ forstat($1); } | repeat stat UNTIL ={ untils($1); } | XBREAK ={ breakcode($1); } | NEXT ={ nextcode($1); } | newdo stat ={ dostat($1); } | OLDDO ={ docode(0,$1); } | XGOK ={ gokcode($1); } | SCOL | LCURL stat# char *dargv[] { "/dev/rrk2", "/dev/rrp0", 0 }; #define NINODE 16*16 #define NB 10 #include "/usr/sys/ino.h" #include "/usr/sys/filsys.h" struct inode inode[NINODE]; struct filsys sblock; int sflg; int fi; int nifiles; int nfile; int nspcl; int nlarg; int nvlarg; int nindir; int nvindir; int ndir; int nused; int nfree; int ino; int ndup; int blist[10] { -1}; int nerror; int bmap[4096]; main(argc, argv) char **argv; { register char **p; register int n, *lp; if (argc == 1) { for (p = dargv; *p; printf("read error %d\n", bno); if (sflg) { printf("No update\n"); sflg = 0; } for (ip = buf; ip < &buf[256];) *ip++ = 0; } } free(in) { register i; int buf[256]; if (sblock.s_nfree >= 100) { buf[0] = sblock.s_nfree; for(i=0; i<100; i++) buf[i+1] = sblock.s_free[i]; sblock.s_nfree = 0; bwrite(in, buf); } sblock.s_free[sblock.s_nfree++] = in; } bwrite(bno, buf) { seek(fi, bno, 3); if (write(fi, buf, 512) != 512) printf("write error %d\n", bno); } number(as) char *asl RCURL | label stat | error ={ errcode($1); yyclearin; } ; label : DIGITS ={ outcode($1); outcode("\t"); } ; if : XIF ={ ifcode($1); } ; ifelse : if stat XELSE ={ outgoto($1+1); outcont($1); } ; while : XWHILE ={ whilecode($1); } ; for : XFOR ={ forcode($1); } ; repeat : REPEAT ={ repcode($1); } ; newdo : NEWDO ={ docode(1,$1); } ; %% ) check(*p++); return(nerror); } while (--argc) { argv++; if (**argv=='-') switch ((*argv)[1]) { case 's': sflg++; continue; case 'b': lp = blist; while (lp < &blist[NB-1] && (n = number(argv[1]))) { *lp++ = n; argv++; argc--; } *lp++ = -1; continue; default: printf("Bad flag\n"); } check(*argv); } return(nerror); } check(file) char *file; { register *ip, i, j; fi = open(file, sflg?2:0); if (fi < 0) { printf("cannot open %s\n", file); ner; { register n, c; register char *s; s = as; n = 0; while ((c = *s++) >= '0' && c <= '9') { n = n*10+c-'0'; } return(n); } makefree() { register i; sblock.s_nfree = 0; sblock.s_ninode = 0; sblock.s_flock = 0; sblock.s_ilock = 0; sblock.s_fmod = 0; free(0); for(i=sblock.s_fsize-1; i>=sblock.s_isize+2; i--) { if ((bmap[(i>>4)&07777] & (1<<(i&017)))==0) free(i); } bwrite(1, &sblock); close(fi); sync(); return; } .globl _sleep sleep = 35. _sleep: mov r5,-(sp) mov sp,r5 mov 4(r5),r0 sys sleep mov (sp)+,r5 rts pc ror =| 04; return; } printf("%s:\n", file); nfile = 0; nspcl = 0; nlarg = 0; nvlarg = 0; nindir = 0; nvindir = 0; ndir = 0; nused = 0; nfree = 0; ndup = 0; for (ip = bmap; ip < &bmap[4096];) *ip++ = 0; sync(); bread(1, &sblock, 512); nifiles = sblock.s_isize*16; for(i=0; ino < nifiles; i =+ NINODE/16) { bread(i+2, inode, sizeof inode); for(j=0; ji_mode&IALLOC) == 0) return; if ((ip->i_mode&IFCHR&IFBLK) != 0) { nspcl++; return; } if ((ip->i_mode&IFMT) == IFDIR) ndir++; else nfile++; if ((ip->i_mode&ILARG) != 0) { nlarg++; for(i=0; i<7; i++) if (ip->i_addr[i] != 0) { nindi/ C library -- stty / error = stty(filep, ttyvec); / filep is descriptor of open tty / ttyvec[0, 1, 2] correspond to args of stty .globl _stty, cerror _stty: mov r5,-(sp) mov sp,r5 mov 4(r5),r0 mov 6(r5),0f sys 0; 9f bec 1f jmp cerror 1: clr r0 mov (sp)+,r5 rts pc .data 9: sys stty; 0:.. 0; br 1f; NSIG=NSIG+1 mov r0,-(sp); mov dvect+[NSIG*2],r0; br 1f; NSIG=NSIG+1 mov r0,-(sp); mov dvect+[NSIG*2],r0; br 1f; NSIG=NSIG+1 mov r0,-(sp); mov dvect+[NSIG*2],r0; br 1f; NSIG=NSIG+1 mov r0,-(sp); mov dvect+[NSIG*2],r0; br 1f; NSIG=NSIG+1 mov r0,-(sp); mov dvect+[NSIG*2],r0; br 1f; NSIG=NSIG+1 mov r0,-(sp); mov dvect+[NSIG*2],r0; br 1f; NSIG=NSIG+1 mov r0,-(sp); mov dvect+[NSIG*2],r0; br 1f; NSIG=NSIG+1 mov r0,-(sp); mov dvect+[NSIG*2],r0; br 1f; NSIG=NSIG+1 mov r0,-(sp); mov dvect+[NSIG*2],r++; if (chk(ip->i_addr[i], "indirect")) continue; bread(ip->i_addr[i], buf, 512); for(j=0; j<256; j++) if (buf[j] != 0) chk(buf[j], "data (large)"); } if (ip->i_addr[7]) { nvlarg++; if (chk(ip->i_addr[7], "indirect")) return; bread(ip->i_addr[7], buf, 512); for(i=0; i<256; i++) if (buf[i] != 0) { nvindir++; if (chk(buf[i], "2nd indirect")) continue; bread(buf[i], vbuf, 512); for(j=0; j<256; j++) if (vbuf[j]) chk(vbuf[j], "data (very l.globl _stime, cerror _stime: mov r5,-(sp) mov sp,r5 mov 4(sp),r1 mov (r1)+,r0 mov (r1),r1 sys stime bec 1f jmp cerror 1: clr r0 mov (sp)+,r5 rts pc r0; br 1f; NSIG=NSIG+1 mov r0,-(sp); mov dvect+[NSIG*2],r0; br 1f; NSIG=NSIG+1 mov r0,-(sp); mov dvect+[NSIG*2],r0; br 1f; NSIG=NSIG+1 mov r0,-(sp); mov dvect+[NSIG*2],r0; br 1f; NSIG=NSIG+1 mov r0,-(sp); mov dvect+[NSIG*2],r0; br 1f; NSIG=NSIG+1 1: mov r1,-(sp) mov r2,-(sp) mov r3,-(sp) mov r4,-(sp) jsr pc,(r0) mov (sp)+,r4 mov (sp)+,r3 mov (sp)+,r2 mov (sp)+,r1 mov (sp)+,r0 rtt .data 9: sys signal; 0:..; .. .bss dvect: .=.+[NSIG*2] / C library -- setuid / error = setuid(uid); .globl _setuid, cerror _setuid: mov r5,-(sp) mov sp,r5 mov 4(r5),r0 sys setuid bec 1f jmp cerror 1: clr r0 mov (sp)+,r5 rts pc / C library -- read / nread = read(file, buffer, count); / / nread ==0 means eof; nread == -1 means error .globl _read, cerror _read: mov r5,-(sp) mov sp,r5 mov 4(r5),r0 mov 6(r5),0f mov 8(r5),0f+2 sys 0; 9f bec 1f jmp cerror 1: mov (sp)+,r5 rts pc .data 9: sys read; 0:..; .. +,r5 rts pc / C library -- setgid / error = setgid(uid); setgid = 46. .globl _setgid, cerror _setgid: mov r5,-(sp) mov sp,r5 mov 4(r5),r0 sys setgid bec 1f jmp cerror 1: clr r0 mov (sp)+,r5 rts pc int (*qscmp)(); int qses; qsort(a, n, es, fc) char *a; int n, es; int (*fc)(); { qscmp = fc; qses = es; qs1(a, a+n*es); } qs1(a, l) char *a, *l; { register char *i, *j, *es; char *lp, *hp; int n, c; es = qses; start: if((n=l-a) <= es) return; n = ((n/(2*es))*es) & 077777; hp = lp = a+n; i = a; j = l-es; for(;;) { if(i < lp) { if((c = (*qscmp)(i, lp)) == 0) { qsexc(i, lp =- es); continue; } if(c < 0) { i =+ es; continue; } } loop: if(j > hp) { if/ ptrace -- C library / result = ptrace(req, pid, addr, data); ptrace = 26. indir = 0 .globl _ptrace .globl cerror, _errno _ptrace: mov r5,-(sp) mov sp,r5 mov 4.(r5),0f+4 mov 6.(r5),0f+0 mov 8.(r5),0f+2 mov 10.(r5),r0 clr _errno sys indir; 9f bec 1f jmp cerror 1: mov (sp)+,r5 rts pc .data 9: sys ptrace; 0: .=.+6 / C library -- seek / error = seek(file, offset, ptr); .globl _seek, cerror _seek: mov r5,-(sp) mov sp,r5 mov 4(r5),r0 mov 6(r5),0f mov 8(r5),0f+2 sys 0; 9f bec 1f jmp cerror 1: clr r0 mov (sp)+,r5 rts pc .data 9: sys seek; 0:..; .. ((c = (*qscmp)(hp, j)) == 0) { qsexc(hp =+ es, j); goto loop; } if(c > 0) { if(i == lp) { qstexc(i, hp =+ es, j); i = lp =+ es; goto loop; } qsexc(i, j); j =- es; i =+ es; continue; } j =- es; goto loop; } if(i == lp) { if(lp-a >= l-hp) { qs1(hp+es, l); l = lp; } else { qs1(a, lp); a = hp+es; } goto start; } qstexc(j, lp =- es, i); j = hp =- es; } } qsexc(i, j) char *i, *j; { register char *ri, *rj, c;/ profil .globl _profil _profil: mov r5,-(sp) mov sp,r5 mov 4(r5),0f mov 6(r5),0f+2 mov 10(r5),0f+4 mov 12(r5),0f+6 sys 0; 9f mov (sp)+,r5 rts pc .data 9: sys 44.; 0:..; ..; ..; .. /old = sbrk(increment); / /sbrk gets increment more core, and returns a pointer / to the beginning of the new core area / .globl _sbrk,_end, cerror _sbrk: mov r5,-(sp) mov sp,r5 mov nd,0f add 4(r5),0f sys 0; 9f bec 1f jmp cerror 1: mov nd,r0 add 4(r5),nd mov (sp)+,r5 rts pc .globl _brk / brk(value) / as described in man2. / returns 0 for ok, -1 for error. _brk: mov r5,-(sp) mov sp,r5 mov 4(r5),0f sys 0; 9f bec 1f jmp cerror 1: mov 4(r5),nd clr r0 mov (sp)+,r5 rts pc .data 9: sys br int n; n = qses; ri = i; rj = j; do { c = *ri; *ri++ = *rj; *rj++ = c; } while(--n); } qstexc(i, j, k) char *i, *j, *k; { register char *ri, *rj, *rk; char c; int n; n = qses; ri = i; rj = j; rk = k; do { c = *ri; *ri++ = *rk; *rk++ = *rj; *rj++ = c; } while(--n); } / C library -- printf .globl _printf .globl pfloat .globl pscien .globl _putchar .globl csv .globl cret _printf: jsr r5,csv sub $126.,sp mov 4(r5),formp / format mov r5,r4 add $6,r4 / arglist loop: movb *formp,r0 beq 1f inc formp cmp r0,$'% beq 2f 3: mov r0,(sp) jsr pc,*$_putchar br loop 1: jmp cret 2: clr rjust clr ndigit cmpb *formp,$'- bne 2f inc formp inc rjust 2: jsr r3,gnum mov r1,width clr ndfnd cmp r0,$'. bne 1f jsr r3,gnum mov r1,ndigit 1: mov sp,r3 add $4,r3 meak; 0:.. nd: _end / C library -- putchar .globl _putchar,_flush .globl _fout _putchar: mov r5,-(sp) mov sp,r5 mov _fout+4,r0 bne 1f jsr pc,fl mov _fout+4,r0 1: movb 4(r5),(r0)+ beq 1f inc _fout+4 dec _fout+2 bgt 1f jsr pc,fl 1: mov 4(r5),r0 mov (sp)+,r5 rts pc _flush: mov r5,-(sp) mov sp,r5 jsr pc,fl mov (sp)+,r5 rts pc fl: mov _fout+4,r0 beq 1f sub $_fout+6,r0 mov r0,0f mov _fout,r0 bne 2f inc r0 2: sys 0; 9f .data 9: sys write; _fout+6; 0:.. .text 1: mov $_fout+6,_fout+4 mov $512.,_fout+ov $swtab,r1 1: mov (r1)+,r2 beq 3b cmp r0,(r1)+ bne 1b jmp (r2) .data swtab: decimal; 'd octal; 'o hex; 'x float; 'f scien; 'e charac; 'c string; 's logical; 'l remote; 'r 0; 0 .text decimal: mov (r4)+,r1 bge 1f neg r1 movb $'-,(r3)+ br 1f logical: mov (r4)+,r1 1: jsr pc,1f br prbuf 1: clr r0 div $10.,r0 mov r1,-(sp) mov r0,r1 beq 1f jsr pc,1b 1: mov (sp)+,r0 add $'0,r0 movb r0,(r3)+ rts pc charac: movb (r4)+,(r3)+ bne 1f dec r3 1: movb (r4)+,(r3)+ bne prbrin() { double d; register n, c, f; d = 0.; f = 0; n = 0; loop: c = getchar(); if(c == '\0') exit(); if(c == '-') { f++; goto loop; } if(c == '.') { n++; goto loop; } if(c>='0' && c<='9') { if(n) n++; d = d*10.+c-'0'; goto loop; } if(f) d = -d; for(f=1; f; 9:.even; .text _exit: mov r5,-(sp) mov sp,r5 clr -(sp) jsr pc,_monitor tst (sp)+ mov 4(r5),r0 sys exit eprol: /* * Print the error indicated * in the cerror cell. */ int errno; int sys_nerr; char *sys_errlist[]; perror(s) char *s; { register char *c; register n; c = "Unknown error"; if(errno < sys_nerr) c = sys_errlist[errno]; n = strlen(s); if(n) { write(2, s, n); write(2, ": ", 2); } write(2, c, strlen(c)); write(2, "\n", 1); } /* * Return the number of bytes in a string */ strlen(str) char *str; { register char *s; s = str; while(*s++) ; return(s-str-1); } / C library -- mount / error = mount(dev, file, flag) .globl _mount, cerror _mount: mov r5,-(sp) mov sp,r5 mov 4(sp),0f mov 6(sp),0f+2 mov 8(sp),0f+4 sys 0; 9f bec 1f jmp cerror 1: clr r0 mov (sp)+,r5 rts pc .data 9: sys mount; 0:..; ..; .. / count subroutine calls during profiling .globl mcount .comm countbase,2 mcount: mov (r0),r1 bne 1f mov countbase,r1 beq 2f add $6,countbase mov (sp),(r1)+ mov r1,(r0) 1: inc 2(r1) bne 2f inc (r1) 2: rts pc / C library -- open / file = open(string, mode) / / file == -1 means error .globl _open, cerror _open: mov r5,-(sp) mov sp,r5 mov 4(r5),0f mov 6(r5),0f+2 sys 0; 9f bec 1f jmp cerror 1: mov (sp)+,r5 rts pc .data 9: sys open; 0:..; .. monitor(lowpc, highpc, buf, bufsiz, cntsiz) char *lowpc, *highpc; int *buf, bufsiz; { register char *o; static *sbuf, ssiz; if (lowpc == 0) { profil(0, 0, 0, 0); o = creat("mon.out", 0666); write(o, sbuf, ssiz<<1); close(o); return; } if (nargs() <= 4) cntsiz = 0; ssiz = bufsiz; buf[0] = lowpc; buf[1] = highpc; buf[2] = cntsiz; sbuf = buf; buf =+ 3*(cntsiz+1); bufsiz =- 3*(cntsiz+1); if (bufsiz<=0) return; o = ((highpc - lowpc)>>1) & 077777; if(bufsiz < o) o = ldiv(bufsiz, 0,/ C library -- makdir / error = makdir(string); .globl _makdir, cerror _makdir: mov r5,-(sp) mov sp,r5 mov 4(r5),0f sys 0; 9f bec 1f jmp cerror 1: clr r0 mov (sp)+,r5 rts pc .data 9: sys makdir; 0:.. / nlist -- extract values from name list / / nlist(file, list); / .globl _nlist _nlist: mov r5,-(sp) mov sp,r5 mov 4(r5),0f mov 6(r5),r1 mov r2,-(sp) mov r1,r0 1: tst (r0) beq 1f add $8.,r0 clr (r0)+ clr (r0)+ / initialize to undefined br 1b 1: sys 0; 9f .data 9: sys open; 0:..; 0 .text bes done mov r0,r2 sys read; buf; 20 cmp r0,$20 bne cdone mov buf+4,count / assume older a.out mov buf+2,0f cmp buf,$405 beq 1f mov buf+8.,count / now assume newer mov buf+2,r0 / txt add o<<1); else o = 077777; profil(buf, bufsiz<<1, lowpc, o<<1); } / C library / return floating-point from long integer / d = ltod(l) .globl _ltod _ltod: mov r5,-(sp) mov sp,r5 setl movif *4(r5),fr0 seti mov (sp)+,r5 rts pc / return long integer from floating / dtol(d, l) .globl _dtol _dtol: mov r5,-(sp) mov sp,r5 setl movf 4(r5),fr0 movfi fr0,*12.(r5) seti mov (sp)+,r5 rts pc buf+4,r0 / data cmp buf+16,$1 / relocation? beq 4f asl r0 / txt+data reloc 4: add $20,r0 / header mov r0,0f cmp buf,$411 beq 1f cmp buf,$410 beq 1f cmp buf,$407 bne cdone 1: mov r2,r0 sys 0; 9f .data 9: sys seek; 0:..; 0 .text 1: sub $12.,count blt cdone mov r2,r0 sys read; buf; 12. cmp r0,$12. bne cdone mov r1,r0 2: tst (r0) beq 1b cmp (r0),buf bne 1f cmp 2(r0),buf+2 bne 1f cmp 4(r0),buf+4 bne 1f cmp 6(r0),buf+6 bne 1f mov buf+8.,8.(r0) mov buf+10.,10.(r0) 1: a/ C library -- mknod / error = mknod(string, mode, major.minor); .globl _mknod, cerror mknod = 14. _mknod: mov r5,-(sp) mov sp,r5 mov 4(r5),0f mov 6(r5),0f+2 mov 8(r5),0f+4 sys 0; 9f bec 1f jmp cerror 1: clr r0 mov (sp)+,r5 rts pc .data 9: sys mknod; 0:..; ..; .. / C library -- long output conversion .globl _locv _locv: mov r5,-(sp) mov sp,r5 mov r4,-(sp) mov r3,-(sp) mov r2,-(sp) mov $buf,r4 mov 6(r5),r3 mov 4(r5),r2 bpl 1f neg r2 neg r3 sbc r2 movb $'-,(r4)+ 1: jsr pc,1f clrb (r4)+ mov $buf,r0 mov (sp)+,r2 mov (sp)+,r3 mov (sp)+,r4 mov (sp)+,r5 rts pc 1: jsr pc,divid add $'0,r1 mov r1,-(sp) ashc $0,r2 beq 1f jsr pc,1b 1: movb (sp)+,(r4)+ rts pc divid: clr r1 mov $32.,r0 1: ashc $1,r2 rol r1 cmp r1,$10. blo 2f sub $10.,r1 indd $12.,r0 br 2b cdone: mov r2,r0 sys close done: mov (sp)+,r2 mov (sp)+,r5 rts pc .bss buf: .=.+20 count: .=.+2 .globl getchar .globl lookchar .globl w, r, a, l / / / routine to read next character from string / pointer to by r1; character returned in r0 / c-bit set if character not availiable (eof) / / mov ...,r1 / jsr pc,getchar / movb r0,... / getchar: jsr pc,lookchar bes 1f inc r(r1) tst r0 1: rts pc c r3 2: sob r0,1b rts pc .bss buf: .=.+12. / C library-- nice / error = nice(hownice) .globl _nice, cerror _nice: mov r5,-(sp) mov sp,r5 mov 4(sp),r0 sys nice bec 1f jmp cerror 1: clr r0 mov (sp)+,r5 rts pc / C library-- mdate .globl _mdate, cerror _mdate: mov r5,-(sp) mov sp,r5 mov 4(r5),0f mov 6(r5),r1 mov (r1)+,r0 mov (r1),r1 sys 0; 9f bec 1f jmp cerror 1: clr r0 mov (sp)+,r5 rts pc .data 9: sys mdate; 0:.. / C library -- link / error = link(old-file, new-file); / .globl _link, cerror _link: mov r5,-(sp) mov sp,r5 mov 4(r5),0f mov 6(r5),0f+2 sys 0; 9f bec 1f jmp cerror 1: clr r0 mov (sp)+,r5 rts pc .data 9: sys link; 0:..; .. / C library -- nargs / WARNING: this routine does not work / with user I&D space separate. / Moreover, due to a design botch in / the 11/45, it cannot be made to work / by adding mfpi instructions. .globl _nargs _nargs: mov r5,-(sp) mov 2(r5),r1 / pc of caller of caller mov sp,r5 clr r0 cmp -4(r1),jsrsd bne 8f mov $2,r0 8: cmp (r1),tsti bne 1f add $2,r0 br 2f 1: cmp (r1),cmpi bne 1f add $4,r0 br 2f 1: cmp (r1),addi bne 1f add 2(r1),r0 br 2f 1: cmp (r1),jmpi bne 1f add 2(r1),r1 add/ C runtime startoff including monitoring cbufs = 150. .globl _monitor .globl _sbrk .globl _main .globl _exit .globl _etext .comm countbase,2 .comm savr5,2 start: setd mov sp,r0 mov (r0),-(sp) tst (r0)+ mov r0,2(sp) mov $_etext,r1 sub $eprol,r1 add $7,r1 ash $-3,r1 bic $!17777,r1 mov $cbufs,-(sp) add $3*[cbufs+1],r1 mov r1,-(sp) asl r1 mov r1,-(sp) jsr pc,_sbrk tst (sp)+ cmp r0,$-1 beq 9f mov r0,-(sp) add $6,r0 mov r0,countbase mov $_etext,-(sp) mov $eprol,-(sp) jsr pc,_monitorldfps = 170100^tst / / ldfps(number); .globl _ldfps _ldfps: mov r5,-(sp) mov sp,r5 ldfps 4(r5) mov (sp)+,r5 rts pc / C routine-- long integer subtract and add / ladd/lsub (a, b, c); / int a[2], b[2], c[2]; / a = b +- c; .globl _lsub .globl _ladd .globl csv .globl cret _lsub: jsr r5,csv mov 6(r5),r2 mov (r2)+,r0 mov (r2),r1 mov 10(r5),r2 sub (r2)+,r0 sub (r2),r1 sbc r0 mov 4(r5),r2 mov r0,(r2)+ mov r1,(r2) jmp cret _ladd: jsr r5,csv mov 6(r5),r2 mov (r2)+,r0 mov (r2),r1 mov 10(r5),r2 add (r2)+,r0 add (r2),r1 adc r0 mov 4(r5),r2 mov r0,(r2)+ mov r1,(r2) jmp cret / C library -- getuid / uid = getuid(); / .globl _getuid _getuid: mov r5,-(sp) mov sp,r5 sys getuid mov (sp)+,r5 rts pc dec 2(r1) 1: mov 4(r1),r0 movb (r0)+,-(sp) 3: movb (r0)+,1(sp) mov r0,4(r1) mov (sp)+,r0 mov (sp)+,r5 rts pc _getc: mov r5,-(sp) mov sp,r5 mov 4(r5),r1 dec 2(r1) bge 1f jsr pc,fill 1: clr r0 bisb *4(r1),r0 inc 4(r1) mov (sp)+,r5 rts pc fill: mov r1,r0 add $6,r0 mov r0,0f mov r0,4(r1) mov (r1),r0 sys 0; 9f .data 9: sys read; 0:..; 512. .text bes badret dec r0 bmi badret mov r0,2(r1) rts pc badret: jmp cerror / C library -- kill .globl _kill, cerror kill = 37. indir = 0 _kill: mov r5,-(sp) mov sp,r5 mov 4(sp),r0 mov 6(sp),8f sys indir; 9f bec 1f jmp cerror 1: clr r0 mov (sp)+,r5 rts pc .data 9: sys kill; 8:.. getpw(uid, buf) int uid; char buf[]; { auto pbuf[259]; static pwf; register n, c; register char *bp; if(pwf == 0) pwf = open("/etc/passwd", 0); if(pwf < 0) return(1); seek(pwf, 0, 0); pbuf[0] = pwf; pbuf[1] = 0; pbuf[2] = 0; uid =& 0377; for (;;) { bp = buf; while((c=getc(pbuf)) != '\n') { if(c <= 0) return(1); *bp++ = c; } *bp++ = '\0'; bp = buf; n = 3; while(--n) while((c = *bp++) != ':') if(c == '\n') return(1); while((c = *bp++) != ':') { if(c<'0' / C library -- fstat / error = fstat(file, statbuf); / int statbuf[17] or / char statbuf[34] / as appropriate .globl _fstat, cerror _fstat: mov r5,-(sp) mov sp,r5 mov 4(r5),r0 mov 6(r5),0f sys 0; 9f bec 1f jmp cerror 1: clr r0 mov (sp)+,r5 rts pc .data 9: sys fstat; 0:.. #include "r.h" char outbuf[80]; int outp 0; int cont 0; outcode(p) char *p; { int i,j,c,c1; char *q; if( p == 0 ){ outbuf[outp] = '\0'; printf("%s\n", outbuf); outp = cont = 0; return; } while( (c = *p++) ){ c1 = *p; switch(c){ case '"': case '\'': for( q=p; *q != c; q++ ); outnum(q-p); ptc('h'); while( p != q ) ptc(*p++); p++; break; case '>': if( c1=='=' ){ pts(".ge."); p++; } else pts(".gt."); break; case '<': if( c1=='=' ){ pts(".|| c>'9') continue; n = n*10+c-'0'; } if(n == uid) return(0); } return(1); } / C library -- fork / pid = fork(); / / pid == 0 in child process; pid == -1 means error return / in child, parents id is in par_uid if needed .globl _fork, cerror, _par_uid _fork: mov r5,-(sp) mov sp,r5 sys fork br 1f bec 2f jmp cerror 1: mov r0,_par_uid clr r0 2: mov (sp)+,r5 rts pc .bss _par_uid: .=.+2 le."); p++; } else if( c1=='>' ){ pts(".ne."); p++; } else pts(".lt."); break; case '=': if( c1=='=' ){ pts(".eq."); p++; } else ptc('='); break; case '!': if( c1=='=' ){ pts(".ne."); p++; } else pts(".not."); break; case '&': if( c1=='&' ) p++; pts(".and."); break; case '|': if( c1=='|' ) p++; pts(".or."); break; case '\t': tabs(); break; case '\n': ptc(' '); break; default: ptc(c); break; } } } / getpid -- get process ID getpid = 20. .globl _getpid _getpid: mov r5,-(sp) mov sp,r5 sys getpid mov (sp)+,r5 rts pc / C library-- floating output .globl pfloat .globl pscien .globl fltused .globl _ndigit .globl ecvt .globl fcvt fltused: / force loading pfloat: mov r0,_ndigit tst r2 bne 1f mov $6,_ndigit 1: movf (r4)+,fr0 jsr pc,fcvt tst r1 beq 1f movb $'-,(r3)+ 1: tst r2 bgt 1f movb $'0,(r3)+ 1: mov r2,r1 ble 1f 2: movb (r0)+,(r3)+ sob r1,2b 1: mov _ndigit,r1 beq 1f movb $'.,(r3)+ 1: neg r2 ble 1f 2: dec r1 blt 1f movb $'0,(r3)+ sob r2,2b 1: tst r1 ble 2f 1: movb (r0)+,(r3)+ sob r1,1b 2: ptc(c) char c; { if( outp > 71 ) contcard(); outbuf[outp++] = c; } pts(s) char *s; { while(*s) ptc(*s++); } int contfld 0; contcard(){ outbuf[outp] = '\0'; printf("%s\n", outbuf); for( outp=0; outp 0 ) outnum(n); outcode("\tcontinue"); outcode/ C library -- getgid / gid = getgid(); / getgid = 47. .globl _getgid _getgid: mov r5,-(sp) mov sp,r5 sys getgid mov (sp)+,r5 rts pc rts pc pscien: mov r0,_ndigit tst r2 bne 1f mov $6,_ndigit 1: movf (r4)+,fr0 jsr pc,ecvt tst r1 beq 1f movb $'-,(r3)+ 1: movb (r0)+,(r3)+ movb $'.,(r3)+ mov _ndigit,r1 dec r1 ble 1f 2: movb (r0)+,(r3)+ sob r1,2b 1: movb $'e,(r3)+ dec r2 mov r2,r1 bge 1f movb $'-,(r3)+ neg r1 br 2f 1: movb $'+,(r3)+ 2: clr r0 div $10.,r0 add $'0,r0 movb r0,(r3)+ add $'0,r1 movb r1,(r3)+ rts pc (0); } outgoto(n) int n; { outcode("\tgoto "); outnum(n); outcode(0); } / C library - getcsw / csw = getcsw(); .globl _getcsw _getcsw: mov r5,-(sp) mov sp,r5 sys 38. mov (sp)+,r5 rts pc / C library-- fake floating output .globl pfloat .globl pscien pfloat: pscien: add $8,r4 movb $'?,(r3)+ rts pc .globl _hmul _hmul: mov 2(sp),r0 mul 4(sp),r0 rts pc / getchar() -- get a character from input file fin .globl _getchar .comm _errno,2 .comm _fin,518. _getchar: mov r5,-(sp) mov sp,r5 dec _fin+2 bge 1f mov $_fin+6,_fin+4 mov _fin,r0 sys read; _fin+6; 512. bes badret tst r0 beq badret dec r0 mov r0,_fin+2 1: clr r0 bisb *_fin+4,r0 inc _fin+4 mov (sp)+,r5 rts pc badret: mov r0,_errno clr r0 clr _fin+2 mov (sp)+,r5 rts pc / C runtime startoff / with floating point interpreter .globl savr5 .globl fptrap .globl _exit .globl _main start: sys signal; 4; fptrap setd mov sp,r0 mov (r0),-(sp) tst (r0)+ mov r0,2(sp) jsr pc,_main mov r0,(sp) jsr pc,*$_exit sys exit .bss savr5: .=.+2 / C library -- gtty / error = gtty(filep, ttyvec); / filep is descriptor of open tty / ttyvec[0, 1, 2] correspond to args of gtty .globl _gtty, cerror _gtty: mov r5,-(sp) mov sp,r5 mov 4(r5),r0 mov 6(r5),0f sys 0; 9f bec 1f jmp cerror 1: clr r0 mov (sp)+,r5 rts pc .data 9: sys gtty; 0:.. / getw/getc -- get words/characters from input file / fopen -- open a file for use by get(c|w) indir = 0 .globl _getc, _getw, _fopen .globl cerror .comm _errno,2 _fopen: mov r5,-(sp) mov sp,r5 mov 4(r5),0f sys 0; 9f .data 9: sys open; 0:..; 0 .text bes badret mov 6(r5),r1 mov r0,(r1)+ clr (r1)+ clr r0 mov (sp)+,r5 rts pc _getw: clr _errno mov r5,-(sp) mov sp,r5 mov 4(r5),r1 sub $2,2(r1) bge 1f cmp 2(r1),$-1 blt 2f movb *4(r1),-(sp) jsr pc,fill mov 4(r1),r0 br 3f 2: jsr pc,fill / C library -- exit / exit(code) / code is return in r0 to system .globl _exit _exit: mov r5,-(sp) mov sp,r5 mov 4(r5),r0 sys exit / C library -- execv / execv(file, argv); / / where argv is a vector argv[0] ... argv[x], 0 / last vector element must be 0 / / The _exectrap flags is used by the debugger and causes / a trace trap on the first instruction of the executed instruction / to give a chance to set breakpoints. .globl _execv, cerror .comm __exectrap,2 rtt = 6 _execv: mov r5,-(sp) mov sp,r5 mov 4(r5),0f mov 6(r5),0f+2 tst __exectrap beq 1f mov $170020,-(sp) / t-bit mov $1f,-(sp) rtt 1: sys 0; 9f jmp cerror .data 9: difference between * Greenwich and local standard time (measured in seconds). * In places like Michigan "daylight" must * be initialized to 0 to prevent the conversion * to daylight time. * There is a table which accounts for the peculiarities * undergone by daylight time in 1974-1975. * * The routine does not work * in Saudi Arabia which runs on Solar time. * * asctime(tvec)) * where tvec is produced by localtime * returns a ptr to a character string * that has the ascii time in the form * / C register save and restore -- version 12/74 .globl csv .globl cret csv: mov r5,r0 mov sp,r5 mov r4,-(sp) mov r3,-(sp) mov r2,-(sp) tst -(sp) jmp (r0) cret: mov r5,r1 mov -(r1),r4 mov -(r1),r3 mov -(r1),r2 mov r5,sp mov (sp)+,r5 rts pc sys exec; 0:..; .. Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970n0\\ * 01234567890123456789012345 * 0 1 2 * * ctime(t) just calls localtime, then asctime. */ char cbuf[26]; int dmsize[12] { 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 }; int timezone 5*60*60; int tzname[] { "EST", "EDT", }; int daylight 1; /* Allow daylight conversion */ /* * The following table is used for 1974 and 1975 and * gives the day number of the first day after the Sunday of the * change. */ struct { int daylb; int dayle; } daytab[] { / C runtime startoff .globl savr5 .globl _exit .globl _main start: setd mov sp,r0 mov (r0),-(sp) tst (r0)+ mov r0,2(sp) jsr pc,_main mov r0,(sp) jsr pc,*$_exit sys exit .bss savr5: .=.+2 / C library -- execl / execl(file, arg1, arg2, ... , 0); / .globl _execl, cerror _execl: mov r5,-(sp) mov sp,r5 mov 4(r5),0f mov r5,r0 add $6,r0 mov r0,0f+2 sys 0; 9f jmp cerror .data 9: sys exec; 0:..; .. 5, 333, /* 1974: Jan 6 - last Sun. in Nov */ 58, 303, /* 1975: Last Sun. in Feb - last Sun in Oct */ }; #define SEC 0 #define MIN 1 #define HOUR 2 #define MDAY 3 #define MON 4 #define YEAR 5 #define WDAY 6 #define YDAY 7 #define ISDAY 8 ctime(at) int *at; { return(asctime(localtime(at))); } localtime(tim) int tim[]; { register int *t, *ct, dayno; int daylbegin, daylend; int copyt[2]; t = copyt; t[0] = tim[0]; t[1] = tim[1]; dpadd(t, -timezone); ct = gmtime(t); dayno = ct[YDAY]; daylbegin = / C library -- creat / file = creat(string, mode); / / file == -1 if error .globl _creat, cerror _creat: mov r5,-(sp) mov sp,r5 mov 4(r5),0f mov 6(r5),0f+2 sys 0; 9f bec 1f jmp cerror 1: mov (sp)+,r5 rts pc .data 9: sys creat; 0:..; .. char *sys_errlist[] { "Error 0", "Not super-user", "No such file or directory", "No such process", "Interrupted system call", "I/O error", "No such device or address", "Arg list too long", "Exec format error", "Bad file number", "No children", "No more processes", "Not enough core", "Permission denied", "Error 14", "Block device required", "Mount device busy", "File exists", "Cross-device link", "No such device", "Not a directory", "Is a directory", "Invalid argument", "File table ov119; /* last Sun in Apr */ daylend = 303; /* Last Sun in Oct */ if (ct[YEAR]==74 || ct[YEAR]==75) { daylbegin = daytab[ct[YEAR]-74].daylb; daylend = daytab[ct[YEAR]-74].dayle; } daylbegin = sunday(ct, daylbegin); daylend = sunday(ct, daylend); if (daylight && (dayno>daylbegin || (dayno==daylbegin && ct[HOUR]>=2)) && (dayno= 58) d =+ dysize(t[YEAR]) - 365; return(d - (d - t[YDAY] + t[WDAY] + 700) % 7); } gmtime(tim) int tim[]; { register int d0, d1; register *tp; static xtime[9]; extern int ldivr; /* * break initial number into * multiples of 8 hours. * (28800 = 60*60*8) */ d0 = ldiv(tim[0], tim[1], 28800); d1 = ldivr; tp = &xtime[0]; /* * generate hou/ C library -- chown / error = chown(string, owner); .globl _chown, cerror _chown: mov r5,-(sp) mov sp,r5 mov 4(r5),0f mov 6(r5),0f+2 sys 0; 9f bec 1f jmp cerror 1: clr r0 mov (sp)+,r5 rts pc .data 9: sys chown; 0:..; .. / C library -- dup / f = dup(of) / f == -1 for error dup = 41. .globl _dup, cerror _dup: mov r5,-(sp) mov sp,r5 mov 4(r5),r0 sys dup bec 1f jmp cerror 1: mov (sp)+,r5 rts pc rs:minutes:seconds */ *tp++ = d1%60; d1 =/ 60; *tp++ = d1%60; d1 =/ 60; d1 =+ (d0%3)*8; d0 =/ 3; *tp++ = d1; /* * d0 is the day number. * generate day of the week. */ xtime[WDAY] = (d0+4)%7; /* * year number */ for(d1=70; d0 >= dysize(d1); d1++) d0 =- dysize(d1); xtime[YEAR] = d1; xtime[YDAY] = d0; /* * generate month */ if (dysize(d1)==366) dmsize[1] = 29; for(d1=0; d0 >= dmsize[d1]; d1++) d0 =- dmsize[d1]; dmsize[1] = 28; *tp++ = d0+1; *tp++ = d1; xtime[ISDA/ C library -- chmod / error = chmod(string, mode); .globl _chmod, cerror _chmod: mov r5,-(sp) mov sp,r5 mov 4(r5),0f mov 6(r5),0f+2 sys 0; 9f bec 1f jmp cerror 1: clr r0 mov (sp)+,r5 rts pc .data 9: sys chmod; 0:..; .. Y] = 0; return(xtime); } asctime(t) int *t; { register char *cp, *ncp; register int *tp; cp = cbuf; for (ncp = "Day Mon 00 00:00:00 1900\n"; *cp++ = *ncp++;); ncp = &"SunMonTueWedThuFriSat"[3*t[6]]; cp = cbuf; *cp++ = *ncp++; *cp++ = *ncp++; *cp++ = *ncp++; cp++; tp = &t[4]; ncp = &"JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec"[(*tp)*3]; *cp++ = *ncp++; *cp++ = *ncp++; *cp++ = *ncp++; cp = ct_numb(cp, *--tp); cp = ct_numb(cp, *--tp+100); cp = ct_numb(cp, *--tp+100); cp = ct_numb(cp, *--tp+100)/ C library -- chdir / error = chdir(string); .globl _chdir, cerror _chdir: mov r5,-(sp) mov sp,r5 mov 4(r5),0f sys 0; 9f bec 1f jmp cerror 1: clr r0 mov (sp)+,r5 rts pc .data 9: sys chdir; 0:.. # /* * This routine converts time as follows. * The epoch is 0000 Jan 1 1970 GMT. * The argument time is in seconds since then. * The localtime(t) entry returns a pointer to an array * containing * seconds (0-59) * minutes (0-59) * hours (0-23) * day of month (1-31) * month (0-11) * year-1970 * weekday (0-6, Sun is 0) * day of the year * daylight savings flag * * The routine corrects for daylight saving * time and will work in any time zone provided * "timezone" is adjusted to the; cp =+ 2; cp = ct_numb(cp, t[YEAR]); return(cbuf); } dysize(y) { if((y%4) == 0) return(366); return(365); } ct_numb(acp, n) { register char *cp; cp = acp; cp++; if (n>=10) *cp++ = (n/10)%10 + '0'; else *cp++ = ' '; *cp++ = n%10 + '0'; return(cp); } / C return sequence which / sets errno, returns -1. .globl cerror .comm _errno,2 cerror: mov r0,_errno mov $-1,r0 mov r5,sp mov (sp)+,r5 rts pc atoi(ap) char *ap; { register n, c; register char *p; int f; p = ap; n = 0; f = 0; loop: while(*p == ' ' || *p == ' ') p++; if(*p == '-') { f++; p++; goto loop; } while(*p >= '0' && *p <= '9') n = n*10 + *p++ - '0'; if(f) n = -n; return(n); } add r3,r0 cmp r2,r0 jlo L7 mov r4,r0 asl r0 add r3,r0 mov r0,_allocp cmp r2,r0 jlos L13 mov (r3),*_allocp L13:mov _allocp,r0 bis $1,r0 mov r0,(r3) mov r3,r0 add $2,r0 L11: mov (sp)+,r2 mov (sp)+,r3 mov (sp)+,r4 mov (sp)+,r5 rts pc .globl _free .text _free: mov r5,-(sp) mov sp,r5 mov 4(r5),r0 add $177776,r0 mov r0,_allocp bic $!177776,*_allocp mov (sp)+,r5 rts pc .bss t: .=.+2 ldfps = 170100^tst stfps = 170200^tst / .globl sin, _sin .globl cos, _cos / / floating point sin/cos / replaces the value in fr0 by its sin/cos / there are no error exits / coefficients are #3370 from Hart & Cheney / _sin: mov r5,-(sp) mov sp,r5 movf 4(r5),fr0 jsr pc,sin br 1f _cos: mov r5,-(sp) mov sp,r5 movf 4(r5),fr0 jsr pc,cos 1: mov (sp)+,r5 rts pc cos: absf fr0 mov $1,-(sp) br 1f sin: clr -(sp) 1: stfps -(sp) ldfps $200 movf fr1,-(sp) movf fr2,-(sp) mov r0,-(sp) / / quadrant redu/ C library -- ascii to floating / f = atof(p) / char *p; ldfps = 170100^tst stfps = 170200^tst .globl _atof .globl csv, cret _atof: jsr r5,csv stfps -(sp) ldfps $200 movf fr1,-(sp) clr -(sp) clrf fr0 clr r2 mov 4(r5),r3 1: movb (r3)+,r0 cmp $' ,r0 beq 1b cmpb r0,$'- bne 2f inc (sp) 1: movb (r3)+,r0 2: sub $'0,r0 cmp r0,$9. bhi 2f jsr pc,digit br 1b inc r2 br 1b 2: cmpb r0,$'.-'0 bne 2f 1: movb (r3)+,r0 sub $'0,r0 cmp r0,$9. bhi 2f jsr pc,digit dec r2 br 1b 2: cmpb r0,/ abs - int absolute value. / fabs - floating abs .globl _abs _abs: mov 2(sp),r0 bge 1f neg r0 1: rts pc .globl _fabs _fabs: movf 2(sp),fr0 absf fr0 rts pc ction - arg = (2/J)x / -1 < arg < 1 / movf fr0,-(sp) absf fr0 modf frpi2,fr0 modf $fourth,fr1 mulf $four,fr1 movfi fr1,r0 add 34(sp),r0 movf $one,fr1 inc r0 ror r0 bcs 1f subf $one,fr0 1: ror r0 bcc 1f negf fr0 1: tstf (sp)+ cfcc bpl 1f negf fr0 1: movf fr0,fr1 mulf fr0,fr1 /arg^2 / movf p4,fr2 mulf fr1,fr2 addf p3,fr2 mulf fr1,fr2 addf p2,fr2 mulf fr1,fr2 addf p1,fr2 mulf fr1,fr2 addf p0,fr2 mulf fr2,fr0 / zP(z^2) / movf fr1,fr2 addf q3,fr2 mulf fr1,fr2 addf q2,fr2 $'E-'0 beq 3f cmpb r0,$'e-'0 bne 1f 3: clr r4 clr r1 cmpb (r3),$'- bne 3f inc r4 inc r3 3: movb (r3)+,r0 sub $'0,r0 cmp r0,$9. bhi 3f mul $10.,r1 add r0,r1 br 3b 3: tst r4 bne 3f neg r1 3: sub r1,r2 1: movf $one,fr1 mov r2,-(sp) beq 2f bgt 1f neg r2 1: cmp r2,$38. blos 1f clrf fr0 tst (sp)+ bmi out movf $huge,fr0 br out 1: mulf $ten,fr1 sob r2,1b 2: tst (sp)+ bge 1f divf fr1,fr0 br 2f 1: mulf fr1,fr0 cfcc bvc 2f movf $huge,fr0 2: out: tst (sp)+ beq 1f negf fr0 1:/ C library -- abort .globl _abort iot = 4 _abort: mov r5,-(sp) mov sp,r5 iot mov (sp)+,r5 rts pc mulf fr1,fr2 addf q1,fr2 mulf fr1,fr2 addf q0,fr2 / Q(z^2) / divf fr2,fr0 / zP(z^2)/Q(z^2) / mov (sp)+,r0 movf (sp)+,fr2 movf (sp)+,fr1 ldfps (sp)+ tst (sp)+ / clc /tst clears carry rts pc / fourth = 37600 one = 40200 four = 40600 / .data frpi2: 40042;174603; 67116; 42025 / p0: 046117;031130;175220;165273 p1: 145626;154170;031651;104637 p2: 044726;162341;133224;052302 p3: 143530;056427;005061;125021 p4: 042021;174005;170441;175607 q0: 046003;163716;123445;167144 q1: 044707;047147;032436;120046 movf (sp)+,fr1 ldfps (sp)+ jmp cret / / digit: cmpf $big,fr0 cfcc blt 1f mulf $ten,fr0 movif r0,fr1 addf fr1,fr0 rts pc 1: add $2,(sp) rts pc / / one = 40200 ten = 41040 big = 56200 huge = 77777 / return name of current tty .globl ttyn, _ttyn _ttyn: mov r5,-(sp) mov sp,r5 mov 4(r5),r0 jsr pc,1f mov (sp)+,r5 rts pc ttyn: clr r0 1: mov $'x,name tst -(sp) sys fstat; buf bes er1 mov buf+2,(sp) sys open; dev; 0 bes er1 mov r0,r1 1: mov r1,r0 sys read; buf; 16. bes er cmp r0,$16. bne er mov $buf,r0 cmp (r0)+,(sp) bne 1b cmp (r0)+,$"tt bne 1b cmpb (r0)+,$'y bne 1b tstb (r0)+ beq 1b cmpb (r0),$'\0 bne 1b movb -(r0),name er: mov r1,r0 sys close er1: tst (sp)+ movb naq2: 043423;156142;064161;007314 q3: 042004;123513;026637;160477 / /p0 = .13578 84097 87737 56690 92680 d8 /p1 = -.49429 08100 90284 41611 58627 d7 /p2 = .44010 30535 37526 65019 44918 d6 /p3 = -.13847 27249 98245 28730 54457 d5 /p4 = .14596 88406 66576 87222 26959 d3 /q0 = .86445 58652 92253 44299 15149 d7 /q1 = .40817 92252 34329 97493 95779 d6 /q2 = .94630 96101 53820 81805 71257 d4 /q3 = .13265 34908 78613 63589 11494 d3 /q4 = .1 d1 / storage allocator for use with C / / / / hand-tooled from C compilation to modify save-return / so that it can be called from within the C save / when running with coroutines / /# //* / * C storage allocator / * (circular first fit strategy) / */ /#define BLOK 512 /#define BUSY 01 / /char *allocs[2] { /*initial empty arena*/ / &allocs[1], / &allocs[0] /}; /struct { int word; }; /char **allocp &allocs[1]; /*current search pointer*/ /char **alloct &allocs[1]; /*top of arena (last cell)*/ / /alloc(nbytes) /me,r0 rts pc .data dev: .even .bss buf: .=.+40. name: .=.+2 .A..any.sappend.sarith.sbundle.schar.scopy.s{cstr.smctest.sldecmal.skdiscd.semit.send.sf.sfind.sgetnam.signore.sinc.sinfix.sjget.slvrv.smult.soctal.sparams.spush.sputcal.sputdec.sputoct.spx.sreln.sshift.s{ / register int nwords; / register char **p, **q; / static char **t; / / allocs[0].word =| BUSY; /*static initialization*/ / allocs[1].word =| BUSY; / / nwords = (nbytes+(2*sizeof(p)-1))/sizeof(p); / for(p=allocp;;) { / do { / if((p->word&BUSY)==0) { / while(((q = *p)->word&BUSY)==0) / *p = *q; / if(q >= &p[nwords]) / goto found; / } / q = p; / p = p->word & ~BUSY; / } while(q>=allocp || pword =| BUSY; / alloct = (*t = &t[BLOK]-1); / *alloct = allocs; / alloct->word =| BUSY; / } /found: / allocp = &p[nwords]; / if(q>allocp) / *allocp = *p; / *p = allocp.word|BUSY; / return(p+1); /} / /free(p) /char **p; /{ / allocp = p-1; / allocp->word =& ~BUSY; /} .globl _allocs .data _allocs=. 2+_allocs _allocs .globl _allocp .data _allocp=. 2+_allocs .globl _alloct .data _alloct=. 2+_allocs .globl _alloc .globl _sbrk .text _alloc: mov r5,-(sp) mov sp,r5 mov r4,-(sp) mov r3,-(sp) mov r2,-(sp)ldfps = 170100^tst stfps = 170200^tst / / sqrt replaces the f.p. number in fr0 by its / square root. newton's method / .globl sqrt, _sqrt / / _sqrt: mov r5,-(sp) mov sp,r5 movf 4(r5),fr0 jsr pc,sqrt mov (sp)+,r5 rts pc sqrt: tstf fr0 cfcc bne 1f clc rts pc /sqrt(0) 1: bgt 1f clrf fr0 sec rts pc / sqrt(-a) 1: mov r0,-(sp) stfps -(sp) mov (sp),r0 bic $!200,r0 / retain mode ldfps r0 movf fr1,-(sp) movf fr2,-(sp) / movf fr0,fr1 movf fr0,-(sp) asr (sp) add $20100,(sp) movf (sp)+,fpush.oputcal.oputdec.oputoct.opx.oreln.oshift.ostack.ostring.otable.otq.otrace.otrans.otx.ounary.ounary.o bis $1,_allocs bis $1,2+_allocs mov 4(r5),r4 add $3,r4 asr r4 mov _allocp,r3 jbr L6 L7:mov r3,r2 mov (r3),r3 bic $!177776,r3 cmp r2,_allocp jhis L6 cmp r3,_allocp jlo L6 mov $2000,-(sp) jsr pc,*$_sbrk tst (sp)+ mov r0,t mov r0,*_alloct cmp $177777,r0 jeq L11 mov _alloct,r0 add $2,r0 cmp t,r0 jeq L12 bis $1,*_alloct L12:mov t,r0 add $1776,r0 mov r0,*t mov r0,_alloct mov $_allocs,*_alloct bis $1,*_alloct L6:bit $1,(r3) jeq L8 jbr L7 L20001:mov (r2),(r3) L8:mov (r3),r2 bit $1,(r2) jeq L20001 mov r4,r0 asl r0 r0 /initial guess mov $4,r0 1: movf fr1,fr2 divf fr0,fr2 addf fr2,fr0 mulf $half,fr0 / x = (x+a/x)/2 sob r0,1b 2: movf (sp)+,fr2 movf (sp)+,fr1 ldfps (sp)+ mov (sp)+,r0 clc rts pc / half = 40000 / savr5 - for as progs that call c-callable entries .globl savr5 .bss savr5: .=.+2 / random fixed point number generator .globl rand, srand .globl _rand, _srand _srand: mov 2(sp),ranx rts pc srand: mov r0,ranx rts pc _rand: rand: mov r1,-(sp) mov ranx,r1 mpy $13077.,r1 add $6925.,r1 mov r1,r0 mov r0,ranx bic $100000,r0 mov (sp)+,r1 rts pc .data ranx: 1 di mode movf fr2,-(sp) movf fr1,-(sp) / stexp fr0,-(sp) /scale ldexp $0,fr0 cmpf sqrt2o2,fr0 cfcc blt 1f ldexp $1,fr0 dec (sp) 1: movf fr0,fr1 /(1/2)^(1/2) < x < 2^(1/2) subf $one,fr0 addf $one,fr1 divf fr1,fr0 /z = (x-1)/(x+1) movf fr0,fr1 mulf fr0,fr1 /z^2 / movf p3,fr2 mulf fr1,fr2 addf p2,fr2 mulf fr1,fr2 addf p1,fr2 mulf fr1,fr2 addf p0,fr2 mulf fr2,fr0 /zP(z) / movf fr1,fr2 addf q2,fr2 mulf fr1,fr2 addf q1,fr2 mulf fr1,fr2 addf q0,fr2 /Q(z) / divf fr2,fr0 /zP(z)/Q(zput lines */ for (nlin=0; gets(cstore) && !match(cstore, ".TE"); nlin++) { if (cstore[0] == '.' && letter(cstore[1])) { instead[nlin] = cstore; while (*cstore) cstore++; } else instead[nlin] = 0; for (icol = 0; icol MAXCHS) cstore = cspace = getvec(MAXCHS+100); } /* find longest command string */ for (icol=maxchnge=0; icolmaxchnge) maxchnge = slen(style[icol]); /* set tab stops *; 9f .data 9: sys creat; 0:..; 666 .text bes 1f mov r0,(r1)+ 2: clr (r1)+ clr (r1)+ mov (sp)+,r1 rts r5 1: mov $-1,(r1)+ mov (sp)+,r1 sec rts r5 .data putw: mov (r5),8f mov (r5)+,9f mov r0,-(sp) jsr r5,putc; 8:.. mov (sp)+,r0 swab r0 jsr r5,putc; 9:.. rts r5 .text putc: mov r1,-(sp) mov (r5)+,r1 1: dec 2(r1) bge 1f mov r0,-(sp) jsr pc,fl mov (sp)+,r0 br 1b 1: movb r0,*4(r1) inc 4(r1) mov (sp)+,r1 rts r5 flush: mov r0,-(sp) mov r1,-(sp) mov (r5)+,r1 jsr pc,fl mov (sp)+, 50062 264 d2 /p2 = -.96376 90933 68686 59324 d1 /p3 = .42108 73712 17979 7145 d0 / /q0 = -.12006 95897 79605 25471 7525 d2 /q1 = .19480 96607 00889 73051 623 d2 /q2 = -.89111 09027 93783 12337 d1 /q3 = .1 d1 / / printf(".nr 49 0\n"); for (icol = 0; icol0 ? sep[icol-1] : 0); printf(".nr %2d 0\n", icol+50); for (ilin=0; ilin < nlin; ilin++) { if (icol>0 && dwide[icol-1]>0 && tabentry[ilin][icol]==0) { printf(".nr 48 \\n(%2d+\\w'%s'+%dn\n", icol+48, tabentry[ilin][icol-1], sep[icol-1]); printf(".if \\n(48-\\n(%2d .nr %2d \\n(48\n", icol+50,icol+50); } if ( !span(style[icol],ilin) && /* not part of span */ (dwide[icol] == 0 || tabentry[ilin][icol+1]!=r1 mov (sp)+,r0 rts r5 fl: mov r1,r0 add $6,r0 mov r0,-(sp) mov r0,0f mov 4(r1),0f+2 beq 1f sub (sp),0f+2 mov (r1),r0 sys 0; 9f .data 9: sys write; 0:..; .. .text 1: mov (sp)+,4(r1) mov $512.,2(r1) rts pc / C library-- long divide/remainder .globl _ldiv, _ldivr .globl _lrem _ldiv: mov 2(sp),r0 mov 4(sp),r1 div 6(sp),r0 mov r1,_ldivr rts pc _lrem: mov 2(sp),r0 mov 4(sp),r1 div 6(sp),r0 mov r1,r0 rts pc .bss _ldivr: .=.+2 0) /* not a double item */ && (!span(style[icol+1],ilin) || icol==ncol)) { printf(".nr 47 \\n(%2d+\\w'%s'+%dn\n", icol+49,tabentry[ilin][icol], ct); printf(".if \\n(47-\\n(%2d .nr %2d \\n(47\n", icol+50,icol+50); } } /* clean up spanned headings */ for(ilin=0; ilin1) { argc--; argv++; if (match(*argv, "-ms")) *argv = "/usr/lib/tmac.s"; cin = copen(*argv, 'r'); if (cin < 0) { printf(2,"where is input file %s\n",*argv); cexit(); } } while (gets(line)) if (match(line, ".TS")) tableput(); else puts(line); if (argc <= 1) break; } cexit(); } # define MAXCOL 35 # define MAX { switch ( ylet(style[icol],ilin)) { default: case 'L': case 'l': format = "%s@"; break; case 'R': case 'r': format= "@%s"; break; case 'n': case 'N': if (!dwide[icol] || tabentry[ilin][icol+1] != 0) { format=dwide[icol]? "@%s" : "%s@"; break; } case 'c': case 'C': format = "@%s@"; break; case 's': case 'S': format= ""; break; } if (! (dwide [icol-1]>0 && tabentry[ilin][icol] == 0 )) printf(format, tabentry[ilin][icol]); .globl mesg / usage: / jsr r5,mesg / / .even / ... / / string is output onto $1 / mesg: mov r0,-(sp) mov r5,r0 mov r5,0f 1: tstb (r5)+ bne 1b sub r5,r0 com r0 mov r0,0f+2 mov $1,r0 sys 0; 9f .data 9: sys write; 0:..; .. .text inc r5 bic $1,r5 mov (sp)+,r0 rts r5 LIN 220 # define ONELINE 250 char *tabentry[MAXLIN][MAXCOL]; char extra[MAXCHS]; char *cspace, *cstore; char *exstore extra; int sep[MAXCOL], dwide[MAXCOL]; char *instead[MAXLIN]; int newtab[MAXLIN]; char *style[MAXCOL]; tableput() { /* read input, write output, make tables on the way */ char st[ONELINE], *format; int ilin, nlin, icol, ncol, k, ch, ws, cs, ns; int maxchnge, ct; printf(".TS\n"); /* get command line */ cstore = cspace; exstore = extra; ncol = 0; for (ilin=0; ilin0; k--) printf(" "); } printf("\n"); } printf(".fc\n"); printf(".TE\n"); } match (s1, s2) char *s1, *s2; { while (*s1 == *s2) if (*s1++ == '\0') return(1); else *s2++; return(0); } slen(str) char *str; { int k; for (k=0; *str++ != '\0'; k++); return(k); } space(ch) { switch (ch) { case ' ': case '\t': return(1); } return(0); } letter (ch) { if (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') return(1); if (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z') re.globl log, _log ldfps = 170100^tst stfps = 170200^tst ldexp = 176400^movif stexp = 175000^movfi / / log accepts its argument and returns its result / in fr0. The carry bit is set if the argument is / zero or negative. / The coefficients are #2705 from Hart & Cheney. / / movf arg,fr0 / jsr pc,log / movf fr0,... / _log: mov r5,-(sp) mov sp,r5 movf 4(r5),fr0 jsr pc,log mov (sp)+,r5 rts pc log: tstf fr0 cfcc bgt 1f movf $bigneg,fr0 /return -(big) on error sec rts pc 1: stfps -(sp) ldfps $200 /=0; gets (st); for (k=0; k= '0' && *str <= '9'; str++) k = k*10 + *str - '0'; return(k); } broken(str, nlin) { switch(ylet(str,nlin)) { case 'n': case 'N': return(1); } return(0); } ylet (str, k) char *str; { k++; while (*str &&k--) str++; return(*--str); } span(str, k) { switch(ylet(str,k)) { case 's': case 'S': return(1); } return(0); } maknew(str) char *str; { /* make two numerical fields */ int point; char *p, *q; p = str; for (point=0; *str; str++) if (*str=='.') point=1; if (!point && *(str-1)== '$') return(0); for(; str>p; str--) if ( (point && *str == '.') || (!point && digit(*(str-1)) ) ) break; if (!point && p==str) /* not numerical, don't split */ return(0); p= str; q = exstore; while (*exstore++ = *str++); *p = 0; return(q); } digit(x) { return(x>= '0' && x<= '9'); } settab(ncol, ilin) { int k, icol; printf(".ta "); for (icol = 0; icolhptr) { hptr = params->hptr; hsiz = params->hsiz; symt = params->symt; ssiz = params->ssiz; curb = params->curb; nsym = params->nsym; } symbol[length] = '\0'; /*printf("ssiz = %d; nsym = %d; %s\n", ssiz, nsym, symbol);/*DEBUG*/ sp =amma function is / approximated directly by the asymptotic series. / asymptotic: movf fr0,-(sp) movf fr0,fr1 jsr pc,log subf $half,fr1 mulf fr1,fr0 subf (sp),fr0 addf goobie,fr0 / movf $one,fr1 divf (sp)+,fr1 movf fr0,-(sp) movf fr1,-(sp) mulf fr1,fr1 / mov r0,-(sp) mov $p5p,r0 mov $5,-(sp) movf *(r0)+,fr0 1: mulf fr1,fr0 addf *(r0)+,fr0 dec (sp) bne 1b tst (sp)+ mov (sp)+,r0 mulf (sp)+,fr0 addf (sp)+,fr0 br ret / / here on negative / the negative gamma is computed / in terms of th if ((dwide[icol] == 0 || tabentry[ilin][icol+1] != 0) && !span(style[icol+1],ilin)) printf("\\n(%du ",icol+50); printf("\n"); } symbol; i = length; h = 1; while(i--) h =* *sp++; if(h == 0100000) { h = 1; } else { h = h<0?(-h)%hsiz:h%hsiz; } if(h == 0) h++; /* printf("%s %d\n",symbol,h); /*DEBUG*/ while((p = &symt[hptr[h]]) > symt) { j = length + 2; sp = symbol; while(--j) { if(*p++ != *sp++) goto no; } return(*p); no: h = (h + h)%hsiz; } if(install) { if(++nsym >= hsiz) { printf("Too many symbols in ignore/only file.\n"); dexit(); } hptr[h] = curb; length++; if((curb + length) >= e pos gamma. / negative: absf fr0 movf fr0,fr1 mulf pi,fr0 jsr pc,sin negf fr0 cfcc beq erret bgt 1f inc signgam absf fr0 1: mov signgam,-(sp) mulf fr1,fr0 divf pi,fr0 jsr pc,log movf fr0,-(sp) movf fr1,fr0 jsr pc,gamma addf (sp)+,fr0 negf fr0 mov (sp)+,signgam br ret / / control comes here for arguments less than 8. / if the argument is 23 then the argument / is reduced in range by the formula / gamma(x+1) = x*gamma(x) / r/ getw/getc -- get words/characters from input file / fopen -- open a file for use by get(c|w) / / calling sequences -- / / mov $filename,r0 / jsr r5,fopen; ioptr / / on return ioptr buffer is set up or error bit is set if / file could not be opened. / / jsr r5,get(c|w)1; ioptr / / on return char/word is in r0; error bit is / set on error or end of file. / / ioptr is the address of a 518-byte buffer / whose layout is as follows: / / ioptr: .=.+2 / file descriptor / .=.+2 / charactssiz) { printf("i/o file too big; ssiz = %d\n", ssiz); dexit(); } while(length--) symt[curb++] = *symbol++; symt[curb++] = install; params->curb = curb; params->nsym = nsym; } return(0); } conf(n,width,buf) char *buf; { auto i,a; i = width; while(i--) buf[i] = ' '; buf[(a = n/10)?conf(a,--width,buf):--width] = n%10 + '0'; return(++width); } comp(a,b) char *a; char *b; { a--; b--; while(*++a == *++b) if(*a == '\0') return(1); return(0); } hyphen() { /* printf("hyphegular: subf $two,fr0 cfcc bge 1f addf $two,fr0 movf fr0,-(sp) addf $one,fr0 movf fr0,-(sp) addf $one,fr0 jsr pc,regular divf (sp)+,fr0 divf (sp)+,fr0 rts pc 1: cmpf $one,fr0 cfcc bgt 1f addf $one,fr0 movf fr0,-(sp) subf $two,fr0 jsr pc,1b mulf (sp)+,fr0 rts pc 1: movf fr2,-(sp) mov r0,-(sp) mov $p4p,r0 mov $6,-(sp) movf fr0,fr2 movf *(r0)+,fr0 1: mulf fr2,fr0 addf *(r0)+,fr0 dec (sp) bne 1b mov $7,(sp) movf fr2,fr1 br 2f 1: mulf fr2,fr1 2: addf *(r0)+,fr1 dec (sp) bne +2 / pointer to next character (reset if no. chars=0) / .=.+512. / the buffer .globl getc,getw,fopen fopen: mov r1,-(sp) mov (r5)+,r1 mov r0,0f sys 0; 9f .data 9: sys open; 0:..; 0 .text bes 1f mov r0,(r1)+ clr (r1)+ mov (sp)+,r1 rts r5 1: mov $-1,(r1) mov (sp)+,r1 sec rts r5 .data getw: mov (r5),9f mov (r5)+,8f jsr r5,getc; 8:.. bec 1f rts r5 1: mov r0,-(sp) jsr r5,getc; 9:.. swab r0 bis (sp)+,r0 rts r5 .text getc: mov r1,-(sp) mov (r5)+,r1 dec 2(r1) bge 1f mov en\n"); /*DEBUG*/ if(gch[fl] == 0) flag[++fl] = &hyp1; return(1); } hyp1() { /* printf("hyp1 c = %o\n",c); /*DEBUG*/ if(c != '\n') { fl--; return(0); } else { l =- 2; flag[fl] = &hyp2; hsw = 1; return(1); } } hyp2() { /* printf("hyp2 c = %o l = %d\n",c,l); /*DEBUG*/ if(hsw && (tab[2].cl[c] == 0)) { l--; if(c == 3) pno(); if(c == '\n') tlno++; return(1); } hsw = 0; if(tab[cs].cl[c]) { line[l] = '\n'; out(); fl--; return(0); } return(1); } pno() { if(flag[fl] != &1b tst (sp)+ mov (sp)+,r0 divf fr1,fr0 movf (sp)+,fr2 rts pc / .data p4p: p6;p5;p4;p3;p2;p1;p0 q6;q5;q4;q3;q2;q1;q0 / p6 = -.67449 50724 59252 89918 d1 / p5 = -.50108 69375 29709 53015 d2 / p4 = -.43933 04440 60025 67613 d3 / p3 = -.20085 27401 30727 91214 d4 / p2 = -.87627 10297 85214 89560 d4 / p1 = -.20886 86178 92698 87364 d5 / p0 = -.42353 68950 97440 89647 d5 / q7 = 1.0 d0 / q6 = -.23081 55152 45801 24562 d2 / q5 = +.18949 82341 57028 01641 d3 / q4 = -.49902 85266 21439 04834 d3 / q3 = -.15286r1,r0 add $6,r0 mov r0,0f mov r0,4(r1) mov (r1),r0 sys 0; 9f .data 9: sys read; 0:..; 512. .text bes 2f tst r0 bne 3f 2: mov (sp)+,r1 sec rts r5 3: dec r0 mov r0,2(r1) 1: clr r0 bisb *4(r1),r0 inc 4(r1) mov (sp)+,r1 rts r5 pno) { flag[++fl] = &pno; pn = 0; return(1); } if(c == '\n') { fl--; out(); return(1); } pn = pn*10 + c - '0'; return(1); } 07273 77952 20248 d4 / q2 = +.99403 07415 08277 09015 d4 / q1 = -.29803 85330 92566 49932 d4 / q0 = -.42353 68950 97440 90010 d5 p1: 143643 26671 36161 72154 p2: 143410 165327 54121 172630 p3: 142773 10340 74264 152066 p4: 142333 125113 176657 75740 p5: 141510 67515 65111 24263 p6: 140727 153242 163350 32217 p0: 144045 70660 101665 164444 q1: 143072 43052 50302 136745 q2: 43433 50472 145404 175462 q3: 142677 11556 144553 154177 q4: 142371 101646 141245 11264 q5: # # include "econs.h" # include "ecmn.h" # define SKIP 0 # define COLLECT 1 # define SKIP2 2 char mone -1; int tlno 1; coll() { cs = COLLECT; temp[t1].beg = &line[l]; return; } save() { extern only; char *pt1,*pt2,cbuf[30]; int a,tt,val; cs = SKIP; line[l] = '\0'; temp[t1].ct = &line[l] - temp[t1].beg; if(!count) if(temp[t1].ct == 1) goto no; pt1 = temp[t1].beg-1; pt2 = cbuf-1; while(*++pt2 = *++pt1) if(*pt2 >= 'A' && *pt2 <= 'Z') *pt2 =| 040; if(count) goto yes; val = search(c 42075 77614 43022 27573 q6: 141270 123404 76130 12650 q0: 144045 70660 101665 164444 p5p: s5;s4;s3;s2;s1;s0 / / s5 = -.16334 36431 d-2 / s4 = +.83645 87892 2 d-3 / s3 = -.59518 96861 197 d-3 / s2 = +.79365 05764 93454 d-3 / s1 = -.27777 77777 35865 004 d-2 / s0 = +.83333 33333 33331 01837 d-1 / goobie = 0.91893 85332 04672 74178 d0 s5: 135726 14410 15074 17706 s4: 35533 42714 111634 76770 s3: 135434 3200 171173 156141 s2: 35520 6375 12373 111437 s1: 136066 5540 132625 63540buf,temp[t1].ct,&itab,0); if(!val == !only) goto yes; no: line[l] = c; return(0); yes: if(count == 0) { tt = t1; while(tt) if(comp(temp[t1].beg,temp[--tt].beg)) goto no; } temp[t1++].term = c; return(1); } out() { auto i,ct,t2; char *b,*e; if(cs == COLLECT) save(); ct = t1; while(ct--) temp[ct].beg[temp[ct].ct] = temp[ct].term; t2 = t1 - 1; while(t1--) { /*printf("t1 = %d beg = %o ct = %d\n",t1,temp[t1].beg,temp[t1].ct); /* DEBUG */ if((ct = temp[t1].ct) >= 15) { ct = 15; }.globl gamma, _gamma, signgam, _signgam .globl log, sin half = 040000 one = 40200 two = 40400 eight = 41000 large = 77777 ldfps = 170100^tst stfps = 170200^tst / / gamma computes the log of the abs of the gamma function. / gamma accepts its argument and returns its result / in fr0. The carry bit is set if the result is / too large to represent. / The sign of the gamma function is / returned in the globl cell signgam. / / The coefficients for expansion around zero / are #5243 from Hart & Cheney; for expansi s0: 37252 125252 125252 125047 goobie: 40153 37616 41445 172645 pi: 40511 7732 121041 64302 .bss _signgam: signgam:.=.+2 put(temp[t1].beg,ct); if(count) { put("\n", 1); continue; } put("\t",1); if(!page) { put(curf,curfl); conf(lno,4,curs); put(curs,4); } else { conf(pn,4,curs); put(curs,4); } if(word == 0) { put("\t",1); if(t1 >= 1) b = temp[t1-1].beg; else b = line; if(t2 > t1) e = temp[t1+1].beg + temp[t1+1].ct; else e = &line[l]; /*printf("e = %o b = %o\n",e,b); /*DEBUG*/ put(b,e-b); } put("\n",1); } t1 = 0; l = -1; lno =+ tlno; tlno = 1; on / around infinity they are #5404. / / movf arg,fr0 / jsr pc,gamma / movf fr0,... / _gamma: mov r5,-(sp) mov sp,r5 movf 4(r5),fr0 jsr pc,gamma mov (sp)+,r5 rts pc gamma: stfps -(sp) ldfps $200 clr signgam movf fr1,-(sp) tstf fr0 cfcc ble negative cmpf $eight,fr0 cfcc blt asymptotic jsr pc,regular / lret: jsr pc,log bec ret 4 ret: movf (sp)+,fr1 ldfps (sp)+ clc rts pc / erret: movf $large,fr0 movf (sp)+,fr1 ldfps (sp)+ sec rts pc / / here for positive x > 8 / the log of the g/ fpx -- floating point simulation .data reenter: 1 .bss asign: .=.+2 areg: .=.+8 aexp: .=.+2 bsign: .=.+2 breg: .=.+8 bexp: .=.+2 fpsr: .=.+2 trapins: .=.+2 ac0: .=.+8. ac1: .=.+8. ac2: .=.+8. ac3: .=.+8. ac4: .=.+8. ac5: .=.+8. sr0: .=.+2 sr1: .=.+2 .=.+2 .=.+2 .=.+2 .=.+2 ssp: .=.+2 spc: .=.+2 sps: .=.+2 pctmp: .=.+8 / fp3 -- floating simulation i.addx: jsr pc,setab br 1f i.subx: jsr pc,setab neg bsign 1: tst bsign beq reta tst asign beq retb mov areg+8,r1 sub breg+8,r1 blt 1f beq 2f cmp r1,$56. bge reta mov $breg,r0 br 4f 1: neg r1 cmp r1,$56. bge retb mov $areg,r0 4: mov r1,-(sp) mov (r0)+,r1 mov (r0)+,r2 mov (r0)+,r3 mov (r0)+,r4 add (sp),(r0) 1: clc ror r1 ror r2 ror r3 ror r4 dec (sp) bgt 1b mov r4,-(r0) mov r3,-(r0) mov r2,-(r0) mov r1,-(r0) tst (sp)+ 2: mov $areg+8,r1 movt (r2) bge 1f tst (r3) bge 1f cmp (r2),(r3) bgt 4f blt 3f 1: cmp (r2)+,(r3)+ bgt 3f blt 4f cmp (r2)+,(r3)+ bne 1f bit $m.ext,fpsr beq 2f cmp (r2)+,(r3)+ bne 1f cmp (r2)+,(r3)+ beq 2f 1: bhi 3f 4: mov $1,(r5) rts pc 3: mov $-1,(r5) rts pc 2: clr (r5) rts pc i.ldcyx: mov (r3)+,(r2)+ mov (r3)+,(r2)+ bit $m.ext,fpsr bne 1f mov (r3)+,(r2)+ mov (r3)+,(r2)+ rts pc 1: clr (r2)+ clr (r2)+ rts pc i.stcxy: mov (r2)+,(r3)+ mov (r2)+,(r3)+ bit $m.ext,fpsr bne 1f clr (r3)+ clr (rbadins: inc trapins br ret sret: mov $fpsr,r0 bic $17,(r0) tst (r5) bpl 1f bis $10,(r0) br ret 1: bne ret bis $4,(r0) ret: mov $sr1,r0 mov (r0)+,r1 mov (r0)+,r2 mov (r0)+,r3 mov (r0)+,r4 mov (r0)+,r5 mov (r0)+,sp mov sr0,r0 mov sps,-(sp) mov spc,-(sp) tst trapins bne 1f inc reenter rti 1: bpt freg: mov r5,r2 bic $!300,r2 asr r2 asr r2 asr r2 add $ac0,r2 rts pc fsrc: mov r5,r3 bic $!7,r3 / register asl r3 add $sr0,r3 mov r5,r0 bic $!70,r0 / mode asr r0 asr r0 $breg+8,r2 mov $4,r0 cmp asign,bsign bne 4f clc 1: adc -(r1) bcs 3f add -(r2),(r1) 2: dec r0 bne 1b br 5f 3: add -(r2),(r1) sec br 2b br 5f 4: clc 1: sbc -(r1) bcs 3f sub -(r2),(r1) 2: dec r0 bne 1b br 5f 3: sub -(r2),(r1) sec br 2b saret: mov $areg,r1 5: tst (r1) bge 3f mov $areg+8,r1 mov $4,r0 clc 1: adc -(r1) bcs 2f neg (r1) 2: dec r0 bne 1b neg -(r1) 3: jsr pc,norm br reta retb: mov $bsign,r1 mov $asign,r2 mov $6,r0 1: mov (r1)+,(r2)+ dec r0 bne 1b reta: 3)+ 1: rts pc i.ldcjx: mov $asign,r0 mov $1,(r0)+ mov (r3)+,(r0)+ bit $m.lngi,fpsr beq 1f mov (r3)+,(r0)+ clr (r0)+ clr (r0)+ mov $32.-8,(r0)+ jmp saret 1: clr (r0)+ clr (r0)+ clr (r0)+ mov $16.-8,(r0) jmp saret i.stcxj: mov r3,r5 mov $asign,r0 jsr pc,seta mov $areg,r0 mov (r0)+,r1 mov (r0)+,r2 mov (r0)+,r3 mov aexp,r0 1: cmp r0,$48.-8 bge 1f clc ror r1 ror r2 ror r3 inc r0 br 1b 1: bgt xoflo tst r1 bne xoflo 1: bit $m.lngi,fpsr beq 1f tst asign bge 2f neg r3 adc rjmp *1f(r0) .data 1: mod0 mod1 mod2 mod3 mod4 mod5 mod6 mod7 .text mod24f: mov $4,r0 bit $m.ext,fpsr beq 1f add $4,r0 1: rts pc mod24d: mov $8,r0 bit $m.ext,fpsr beq 1f sub $4,r0 1: rts pc mod242: mov $2,r0 rts pc mod24i: mov $2,r0 bit $m.lngi,fpsr beq 1f add $2,r0 1: rts pc mod0: jmp *(r1)+ mod0f: sub $sr0,r3 / get fp ac cmp r3,$6*2 bhis badi1 asl r3 asl r3 add $ac0,r3 tst (r1)+ rts r1 mod0ra: bit $m.lngi,fpsr bne badi1 mod0r: cmp r3,$ssp bhis badi1 mod0rxmov r5,r2 mov $asign,r0 tst (r0) beq unflo mov aexp,r1 cmp r1,$177 bgt ovflo cmp r1,$-177 blt unflo add $200,r1 swab r1 clc ror r1 tst (r0)+ bge 1f bis $100000,r1 1: bic $!177,(r0) bis (r0)+,r1 mov r1,(r2)+ mov (r0)+,(r2)+ bit $m.ext,fpsr beq 1f mov (r0)+,(r2)+ mov (r0)+,(r2)+ 1: rts pc unflo: clr (r2)+ clr (r2)+ bit $m.ext,fpsr beq 1f clr (r2)+ clr (r2)+ 1: rts pc ovflo: bis $2,fpsr / set v-bit (overflow) jmp ret i.mulx: jsr pc,i.mul br saret i.modx: jsr pc,i.mul 2 bcs 2f neg r2 2: mov r2,(r5) mov r3,2(r5) rts pc 1: tst r2 bne xoflo tst asign bge 2f neg r3 2: mov r3,(r5) rts pc xoflo: bis $1,fpsr / set fixed overflow (carry) jmp ret i.ldexp: mov $asign,r0 jsr pc,seta mov (r3),aexp jsr pc,reta jmp sret i.stexp: mov $asign,r0 jsr pc,seta mov aexp,(r3) mov r3,r5 jmp sret i.ldfps: mov (r3),fpsr jmp ret i.stfps: mov fpsr,(r3) jmp ret : tst (r1)+ rts r1 mod1: cmp r3,$spc beq badi1 mov (r3),r3 br check mod2: mov (r3),-(sp) jsr pc,*2(r1) cmp r3,$spc bne 1f mov $2,r0 mov *(r3),pctmp mov $pctmp,(sp) 1: add r0,(r3) mov (sp)+,r3 br check mod3: mov *(r3),-(sp) add $2,(r3) mov (sp)+,r3 br check mod4: cmp r3,$spc / test pc beq badi1 jsr pc,*2(r1) sub r0,(r3) mov (r3),r3 br check mod5: cmp r3,$spc beq badi1 sub $2,(r3) mov *(r3),r3 br check mod6: mov *spc,-(sp) add $2,spc add (r3),(sp) mov (sp)+,r3 br chejsr pc,norm mov $asign,r0 mov $bsign,r1 mov $6,r2 1: mov (r0)+,(r1)+ dec r2 bne 1b clr r0 / count mov $200,r1 / bit clr r2 / reg offset 1: cmp r0,aexp bge 2f / in fraction bic r1,areg(r2) br 3f 2: bic r1,breg(r2) 3: inc r0 clc ror r1 bne 1b mov $100000,r1 add $2,r2 cmp r2,$8 blt 1b jsr pc,norm jsr pc,reta cmp r5,$ac1 beq 1f cmp r5,$ac3 beq 1f bit $200,breg bne 2f clr bsign 2: add $8,r5 jsr pc,retb sub $8,r5 1: rts pc i.divx: jsr pc,setab tst bsign beq ovflo sub be  ck mod7: jsr r1,mod6; ..; .. mov (r3),r3 br check badi1: jmp badins check: bit $1,r3 bne badi1 cmp (r1)+,(r1)+ rts r1 setab: mov $asign,r0 jsr pc,seta mov r3,r2 mov $bsign,r0 seta: clr (r0) mov (r2)+,r1 mov r1,-(sp) beq 1f blt 2f inc (r0)+ br 3f 2: dec (r0)+ 3: bic $!177,r1 bis $200,r1 br 2f 1: clr (r0)+ 2: mov r1,(r0)+ mov (r2)+,(r0)+ bit $m.ext,fpsr beq 2f mov (r2)+,(r0)+ mov (r2)+,(r0)+ br 3f 2: clr (r0)+ clr (r0)+ 3: mov (sp)+,r1 asl r1 clrb r1 swab r1 sub $200xp,aexp jsr pc,xorsign mov r5,-(sp) mov $areg,r0 mov (r0),r1 clr (r0)+ mov (r0),r2 clr (r0)+ mov (r0),r3 clr (r0)+ mov (r0),r4 clr (r0)+ mov $areg,r5 mov $400,-(sp) 1: mov $breg,r0 cmp (r0)+,r1 blt 2f bgt 3f cmp (r0)+,r2 blo 2f bhi 3f cmp (r0)+,r3 blo 2f bhi 3f cmp (r0)+,r4 bhi 3f 2: mov $breg,r0 sub (r0)+,r1 clr -(sp) sub (r0)+,r2 adc (sp) clr -(sp) sub (r0)+,r3 adc (sp) sub (r0)+,r4 sbc r3 adc (sp) sub (sp)+,r2 adc (sp) sub (sp)+,r1 bis (sp),(r5) 3: asl r4 rol r3 / fp1 -- floating point simulator rti = 2 bpt = 3 m.ext = 200 / long mode bit m.lngi = 100 / long integer mode .globl fptrap .globl ac0, ac1, ac2, ac3 fptrap: dec reenter bge 1f 4 / reentered! 1: mov (sp)+,spc mov (sp)+,sps mov r0,sr0 mov $sr1,r0 mov r1,(r0)+ mov r2,(r0)+ mov r3,(r0)+ mov r4,(r0)+ mov r5,(r0)+ mov sp,(r0)+ sub $8,sp / room for double push mov (r0),r5 / pc clr trapins mov -(r5),r5 / trapped instruction mov r5,r4 bic $7777,r4 cmp r4,$170000 beq 1f jmp badins 1: ,r1 mov r1,(r0)+ / exp rts pc norm: mov $areg,r0 mov (r0)+,r1 mov r1,-(sp) mov (r0)+,r2 bis r2,(sp) mov (r0)+,r3 bis r3,(sp) mov (r0)+,r4 bis r4,(sp)+ bne 1f clr asign rts pc 1: bit $!377,r1 beq 1f clc ror r1 ror r2 ror r3 ror r4 inc (r0) br 1b 1: bit $200,r1 bne 1f asl r4 rol r3 rol r2 rol r1 dec (r0) br 1b 1: mov r4,-(r0) mov r3,-(r0) mov r2,-(r0) mov r1,-(r0) rts pc rol r2 rol r1 clc ror (sp) bne 1b mov $100000,(sp) add $2,r5 cmp r5,$areg+8 blo 1b tst (sp)+ mov (sp)+,r5 jmp saret i.mul: jsr pc,setab add bexp,aexp dec aexp jsr pc,xorsign mov r5,-(sp) mov $breg+4,r5 bit $m.ext,fpsr beq 1f add $4,r5 1: clr r0 clr r1 clr r2 clr r3 clr r4 1: asl r0 bne 2f inc r0 tst -(r5) 2: cmp r0,$400 bne 2f cmp r5,$breg bhi 2f mov $areg,r0 mov r1,(r0)+ mov r2,(r0)+ mov r3,(r0)+ mov r4,(r0)+ mov (sp)+,r5 rts pc 2: clc ror r1 ror r2 ror r3 ro bic $100000,fpsr / clear fp error bic $170000,r5 mov r5,r4 bit $7000,r4 bne class3 bit $700,r4 bne class2 cmp r4,$12 blos 1f jmp badins 1: asl r4 jmp *1f(r4) .data 1: i.cfcc / 170000 i.setf / 170001 i.seti / 170002 badins badins badins badins badins badins i.setd / 170011 i.setl / 170012 .text class2: cmp r5,$400 bge 1f jsr r1,fsrc; mod0rx; mod242 br 2f 1: jsr r1,fsrc; mod0f; mod24f 2: mov r3,r5 asl r4 asl r4 clrb r4 swab r4 asl r4 jsr pc,*1f(r4) jmp sret .data/ C floating mod / fmod(a,b) returns a number n such that / i*b + n is a and 0 <= n < b .globl _fmod _fmod: mov r5,-(sp) mov sp,r5 movf 4(r5),fr0 divf 12.(r5),fr0 modf $one,fr0 mulf 12.(r5),fr1 movf 4(r5),fr0 subf fr1,fr0 mov (sp)+,r5 rts pc one = 40200 r r4 bit r0,(r5) beq 1b mov r0,-(sp) mov $areg,r0 add (r0)+,r1 clr -(sp) add (r0)+,r2 adc (sp) clr -(sp) add (r0)+,r3 adc (sp) add (r0)+,r4 adc r3 adc (sp) add (sp)+,r2 adc (sp) add (sp)+,r1 mov (sp)+,r0 br 1b xorsign: cmp asign,bsign beq 1f mov $-1,asign rts pc 1: mov $1,asign rts pc 1: badins / 1700xx i.ldfps / 1701xx i.stfps / 1702xx badins / 1703xx - stst i.clrx / 1704xx i.tstx / 1705xx i.absx / 1706xx i.negx / 1707xx .text class3: cmp r5,$5000 blt 1f mov r5,r2 clrb r2 cmp r2,$6400 blt 2f sub $1400,r2 2: cmp r2,$5000 bne 2f jsr r1,fsrc; mod0rx; mod242 br 3f 2: cmp r2,$5400 bne 2f jsr r1,fsrc; mod0ra; mod24i br 3f 2: jsr r1,fsrc; mod0f; mod24d br 3f 1: jsr r1,fsrc; mod0f; mod24f 3: jsr pc,freg mov r2,r5 clrb r4 swab r4 asl r4 jsr pc,*1f(r4) .globl _floor, _ceil .globl floor, ceil one = 40200 _floor: mov r5,-(sp) mov sp,r5 movf 4(r5),fr0 jsr pc,floor br 1f _ceil: mov r5,-(sp) mov sp,r5 movf 4(r5),fr0 jsr pc,ceil 1: mov (sp)+,r5 rts pc floor: tstf fr0 cfcc bge 1f modf $one,fr0 cfcc beq 2f subf $one,fr1 br 2f 1: modf $one,fr0 2: movf fr1,fr0 rts pc ceil: negf fr0 jsr pc,floor negf fr0 rts pc / fp2 -- floating point simulation i.ldx: mov (r3)+,(r2)+ mov (r3)+,(r2)+ bit $m.ext,fpsr beq 1f mov (r3)+,(r2)+ mov (r3)+,(r2)+ rts pc 1: clr (r2)+ clr (r2)+ rts pc i.stx: mov (r2)+,(r3)+ mov (r2)+,(r3)+ bit $m.ext,fpsr beq 1f mov (r2)+,(r3)+ mov (r2)+,(r3)+ 1: rts pc i.clrx: clr (r3)+ clr (r3)+ bit $m.ext,fpsr beq 1f clr (r3)+ clr (r3)+ 1: rts pc i.negx: tst (r3) beq 1f add $100000,(r3) 1: rts pc i.absx: bic $!77777,(r3) rts pc i.tstx: rts pc i.cmpx: mov $areg,r5 tsbr sret .data 1: badins / 1700xx badins / 1704xx i.mulx / 1710xx i.modx / 1714xx i.addx / 1720xx i.ldx / 1724xx i.subx / 1730xx i.cmpx / 1734xx i.stx / 1740xx i.divx / 1744xx i.stexp / 1750xx i.stcxj / 1754xx i.stcxy / 1760xx i.ldexp / 1764xx i.ldcjx / 1770xx i.ldcyx / 1774xx .text i.cfcc: mov fpsr,r0 bic $!17,r0 mov r0,sps br ret i.setf: bic $m.ext,fpsr br ret i.setd: bis $m.ext,fpsr br ret i.seti: bic $m.lngi,fpsr br ret i.setl: bis $m.lngi,fpsr br ret / / / f45 -- constant pool .globl constn .globl evalcon .globl error .globl perror .globl code .globl getcon .globl setln .globl getln .globl xbuf .globl symbuf .globl negflg constn: jsr r5,setln mov $xbuf+518.,r3 / pool max pointer mov $ibuf+518.,r4 / pool pointer pointer 1: jsr r5,getln br 1f cmp r0,$'c bne 1b jsr r5,packcon mov r2,-(r4) / put p ptr in p p ptr cmp r3,r4 blo 1b jsr r5,error; 99. jsr r5,perror 1: mov $xbuf+518.,r2 1: cmp r2,r3 bhis 1f mov $ibuf+518.,r1 2: cmp r1,r4 blo 2f cmp -(r1),r2 bne 2b mov r1,r0 sub $ibuf+516.,r0 asr r0 neg r0 jsr r5,code ; .even r0 br 2b 2: mov (r2)+,r0 jsr r5,code < %o\n\0>; .even r0 br 1b 1: rts r5 packcon: mov $line,r1 jsr r5,evalcon mov r1,-(sp) mov r3,-(sp) sub r2,(sp) asr (sp) mov r2,-(sp) mov $xbuf+518.,r2 1: mov (sp),r3 mov r2,r1 tst (r2)+ mov 2(sp),r0 2: cmp (r1)+,(r3)+ bne 1b dec r0 bgt 2b tst -(r2) mov (sp)+,r3 asl (sp) add r2,(sp) cmp (sp),r3 blos 1f mov (sp),r3 / eureka 1: { int hsiz; int ssiz; int nsym; int curb; int *hptr; char *symt; }; struct htab itab; int ipsp[PTRI]; char issp[CHARI]; int ib1[259]; char *ibuf; char *ibuf1; char mone; int order; int ssw; int type; char *utmp; r0,$6. / / blo 1f cmp r0,$8. / * bhi 1f jsr r5,block; e8a br 2b e8a: jsr r5,getsym e8: jsr r5,e9 cmp r0,$4 / ** bne 1f jsr r5,block; e9a 1: rts r5 e9a: jsr r5,getsym e9: cmp r0,$2 / constant beq 3f / (e2) cmp r0,$32. / ( bne 1f jsr r5,e2 br 2f e10: jsr r5,e1 2: cmp r0,$34. / ) beq 2f jsr r5,error; 29. rts r5 2: jsr r5,getsym rts r5 1: tst r0 beq e11 / unknown jsr r5,error; 30. rts r5 / name e11: mov r3,r2 jsr r5,getsym cmp r0,$32. / ( bne 1f jsr r5,appl jsr r5,blotst (sp)+ mov (sp)+,r1 rts r5 evalcon: cmpb efno,$5 bne 2f movb efno+1,r0 mov r3,r2 br 1f 2: jsr r5,getcon tst negflg beq 2f negf fr0 negf fr1 2: mov r3,r2 mov efno,r0 mov r0,r1 clrb r0 swab r0 bic $!7,r1 cmpb r1,$realcon beq 3f cmpb r1,$cplxcon beq 2f setl movfi r0,symbuf+1 seti mov $symbuf+5,r1 sub r0,r1 br 1f 2: mov $symbuf+1,r1 movf fr1,symbuf+1 cmp r0,$8 beq 2f movf fr0,symbuf+9. br 1f 2: movf fr0,symbuf+5 br 1f 3: movf fr0,symbuf+1 mov $symbuf+1,r1 1: movb (r1)+char buf[100]; main(argc, argv) char **argv; { register i; register char *c1, *c2; if(argc < 3) { write(2, "arg count\n", 10); exit(); } argc--; c1 = buf; c2 = argv[argc]; while(*c1++ = *c2++); c1[-1] = '/'; *c1++ = '.'; *c1 = '\0'; for(i=1; iint bne 4f movb $1,2(r2) 4: mov r3,temp mov conu,4(r2) inc conu jsr r5,ptemp; 'c; temp; symbuf jsr r,(r3)+ dec r0 bgt 1b bit $1,r3 beq 1f clrb (r3)+ 1: rts r5 / / / f31 - pass3 dispatcher / / main scan loop for pass3 / picks up executable statements / .globl pass3 .globl ifstmt .globl isagn .globl signon .globl signoff .globl getline .globl lookup .globl sasgn .globl error .globl perror .globl doend .globl sform .globl sdata .globl sdo .globl sassi .globl scall .globl scont .globl sretu .globl sgoto .globl sif .globl spaus .globl sstop .globl sread .globl sprin .globl swrit .globl srewi .globl sback .globl sendf .globl blocks .globl blockp .globl code .globl p5,getsym rts r5 appl: clr functn bit $70,symtab(r2) / class bne 1f bis $30,symtab(r2) jsr r5,funimpl 1: mov r2,r3 jsr r5,declimpl mov symtab(r2),r0 bic $!70,r0 / class again cmp r0,$20 / array beq 1f cmp r0,$30 / funct beq 2f jsr r5,error; 33. bic $70,symtab(r2) br appl 1: mov $32.,r0 rts r5 2: mov $34.,r0 rts r5 block: mov blockp,r3 add $6,blockp mov r0,(r3)+ mov r2,(r3)+ mov r3,-(sp) jsr r5,*(r5)+ mov r2,*(sp) mov (sp)+,r2 sub $4,r2 rts r5 / / / f46 -- constant evaluation .globl getcon .globl dope .globl code getcon: mov r0,-(sp) mov r2,-(sp) clr r2 / dec . counter clrf fr0 movif $10.,fr1 clr -(sp) / - flag cmpb (r1)+,$'+ beq 1f cmpb -(r1),$'- bne 1f inc r1 inc (sp) 1: movb (r1)+,r0 sub $'0,r0 cmp r0,$9 blos 2f cmp r0,$'.-'0 bne 1f dec r2 br 1b 2: tst r2 beq 2f dec r2 2: mulf fr1,fr0 movif r0,fr2 addf fr2,fr0 br 1b 1: tst r2 bne 1f dec r2 1: cmp r0,$'e-'0 beq 2f cmp r0,$'d-'0 bne 1f 2: mov r3,-(sp) temp .globl dotabp pass3: jsr r5,signon; 3 br 2f scan3: jsr r5,getline 2: mov $blocks,blockp mov $line,r1 mov r1,r2 jsr r5,lookup; fmttab br 2f mov r0,-(sp) jsr r5,isagn br 1f mov (sp)+,r0 jsr r5,*fmtlst(r0) br scan3 1: tst (sp)+ 2: mov efno,r0 beq 1f jsr r5,ptemp; 's; efno; line jsr r5,code <.%d:\n\0>; .even r0 1: jsr r5,isagn br 1f mov r1,r2 jsr r5,lookup; stmtab br 2f mov r2,r1 jsr r5,*sublst(r0) br 3f 1: jsr r5,sasgn br 3f 2: jsr r5,error; 101. 3: cmp progt,$6 b/ / / f33 -- do, etal .globl sdo .globl dobeg .globl doend .globl getlab .globl e2 .globl error .globl lvalue .globl rvalue .globl code .globl convrt .globl dou .globl dotabp .globl edotab .globl dotab sdo: jsr r5,getlab br 9f jsr r5,dobeg cmp r0,$40. bne 9f rts r5 7: tst (sp)+ 8: tst (sp)+ 9: jsr r5,error; 42. rts r5 dobeg: mov dotabp,r2 cmp r2,$edotab blo 1f jsr r5,error; 44. rts r5 1: mov dou,dotab(r2) inc dou mov r0,dotab+2(r2) add $4,dotabp jsr r5,e2 cmp r0,$38. / = bne 9bclr r3 clr -(sp) cmpb (r1),$'- bne 3f inc r1 inc (sp) br 2f 3: cmpb (r1),$'+ bne 2f inc r1 2: movb (r1)+,r0 sub $'0,r0 cmp r0,$9 bhi 2f mpy $10.,r3 add r0,r3 br 2b 2: tst (sp)+ beq 2f neg r3 2: add r3,r2 mov (sp)+,r3 1: movf fr1,fr2 add $1,r2 beq 1f blt 2f clr -(sp) br 3f 2: mov pc,-(sp) neg r2 3: sub $1,r2 ble 2f mulf fr1,fr2 br 3b 2: tst (sp)+ bne 2f mulf fr2,fr0 br 1f 2: divf fr2,fr0 1: tst (sp)+ beq 1f negf fr0 1: cmpb -(r1),$', bne 1f movf fr0,-(sp) inc r1 ne 1f jsr r5,error; 50. / execut in block data 1: jsr r5,perror mov efno,r0 beq scan3 jsr r5,doend br scan3 ifstmt: mov $blocks,blockp jsr r5,isagn br 1f mov r1,r2 jsr r5,lookup; stmtab1 br 2f mov r2,r1 cmp r0,$4 / don't allow end beq 2f jmp *sublst1(r0) 1: jmp sasgn 2: jsr r5,error; 101. rts r5 send: tst dotabp beq 1f clr r0 jsr r5,doend br send 1: tst progt bne 1f jsr r5,sstop br 2f 1: cmp progt,$6 / block data beq 2f jsr r5,sretu 2: jsr r5,perror jsr r5,signoff; 3 mov r2,-(sp) jsr r5,lvalue mov r3,-(sp) bic $!7,r3 cmp r3,$1 / integer bne 7b jsr r5,e2 cmp r0,$36. / , bne 7b jsr r5,rvalue mov (sp),r2 jsr r5,convrt mov (sp),r3 clrb r3 swab r3 jsr r5,code < gas%d\n goto; 2f\n\0>; .even r3 mov dotabp,r2 mov dotab-4(r2),r0 jsr r5,code ; .even r0 mov (sp)+,r3 mov (sp)+,r2 mov r0,-(sp) mov r3,-(sp) jsr r5,lvalue jsr r5,e2 mov r0,-(sp) jsr r5,rvalue mov 2(sp),r2 jsr r5,convrt cmp (sp)+,$36. / , bne 1f jsr r5,e2 mov r0,-(sjsr r5,getcon movf (sp)+,fr1 / a,b -> r1,r0 1: mov (sp)+,r2 mov (sp)+,r0 rts r5 dope: cmp progt,$6 / test "block data" bne 1f rts r5 1: clr r3 1: cmp r3,symtp bhis 1f mov symtab(r3),r0 bic $!70,r0 cmp r0,$20 bne 2f mov symtab+2(r3),r0 beq 2f mov (r0)+,r1 mov r1,r2 asl r2 add r0,r2 mov (r2),r0 jsr r5,code ; .even r0 r1 3: dec r1 blt 3f mov -(r2),r0 bge 4f jsr r5,code <..; \0>; .even br 3b 4: jsr r5,code <%d.; \0>; .even r0 br 3b 3: mov symtab(r3),rsublst: sdo sublst1: sif sendf send sassi scall scont sretu sgoto spaus sstop sread sprin swrit srewi sback fmtlst: sform sdata stmtab: stmtab1: / keep in this spot!!! <\0> fmttab: <\0> .even p) jsr r5,rvalue mov 2(sp),r2 jsr r5,convrt mov (sp)+,r0 jsr r5,code < do2\0>; .even br 2f 1: jsr r5,code < do1\0>; .even 2: mov (sp)+,r3 clrb r3 swab r3 mov (sp)+,r2 jsr r5,code <%d; o%d\n2:\n\0>; .even r3 r2 rts r5 doend: tst r0 bne 1f jsr pc,gen rts r5 1: clr r2 1: cmp r2,dotabp bhis 1f add $4,r2 cmp r0,dotab-2(r2) bne 1b jsr pc,gen br doend 1: rts r5 gen: mov r0,-(sp) mov dotabp,r2 cmp r0,dotab-2(r2) beq 1f jsr r5,error; 43. 1: mov dotab-4(r2),r0 sub $4,dotab2 clrb r2 swab r2 jsr r5,code <%d.\n\0>; .even r2 2: add $8,r3 br 1b 1: rts r5 / / / f32 -- expression to tree .globl e1 .globl e2 .globl e11 .globl error .globl getsym .globl blockp .globl blocks .globl declimpl .globl conu .globl ptemp .globl functn .globl funimpl / e1: e2[,e1] / e2: e2[.or.e3] / e3: e3[.and.e4] / e4: [.not.]e5 / e5: e6[.rel.e6] / e6: [+-]e7[+-e6] / e7: e7[*/e8] / e8: e9[**e9] / e9: constant / name[(e1)] / (e2) e1: jsr r5,e2 cmp r0,$36. / , bne 1f jsr r5,block; e1 rts r5 e2: jsr r5,e3 2: cmp r0,$30. / or bne 1f jsr r5,block; e3 br 2b e3: jsr r5,p jsr r5,code < goto; t%d\no%d:\n\0>; .even r0 r0 mov (sp)+,r0 rts pc int count; int page; struct { char *beg; int ct; char term; } temp[30]; int pn; int word; int hsw; int t1; int level; int hlevel; int dlevel; int xtrn; int tp[2]; struct { int cl[NUMC]; } tab[NUMS]; int coll(); int save(); int out(); int hyphen(); int hyp1(); int hyp2(); int pno(); int error(); char line[300]; int l; int lno; char c; int cursl; char curs[9]; int curfl; char curf[10]; int usw; int xsw; int only; int cross; int file; int cs; int (*flag[8])(); int fl; char gch[8]; struct htabe4 2: cmp r0,$28. / and bne 1f jsr r5,block; e4 br 2b e4: jsr r5,getsym cmp r0,$26. / not bne e5 clr r2 jsr r5,block; e5a rts r5 e5a: jsr r5,getsym e5: jsr r5,e6 cmp r0,$14. / .lt. blo 1f cmp r0,$24. / .ge. bhi 1f jsr r5,block; e6a rts r5 e6a: jsr r5,getsym e6: cmp r0,$12. / + beq e6a cmp r0,$10. / - bne 2f clr r2 jsr r5,block; e7a br 3f 2: jsr r5,e7 3: cmp r0,$10. / - blo 1f cmp r0,$12. / + bhi 1f jsr r5,block; e7a br 3b e7a: jsr r5,getsym e7: jsr r5,e8 2: cmp / / / f34 -- if statement .globl sif .globl e2 .globl error .globl rvalue .globl code .globl ifstmt .globl iserror .globl getsym .globl geti .globl genop .globl getlab .globl newline sif: jsr r5,e2 / expression jsr r5,iserror br 9f cmp r0,$34. / ) bne 9f jsr r5,rvalue mov $"if,r0 jsr r5,genop bic $!7,r3 cmp r3,$3 / logical bne 1f jsr r5,code <; 1f\n\0>; .even jsr r5,ifstmt jsr r5,code <1:\n\0>; .even rts r5 1: mov $3,-(sp) 1: jsr r5,getlab br 8f jsr r5,code <; .%d\0>; .even r0 dec (sp) beq 1f jsr r5,getsym cmp r0,$36. beq 1b 8: tst (sp)+ br 9f 1: tst (sp)+ jsr r5,newline jsr r5,getsym cmp r0,$40. bne 9f rts r5 9: jsr r5,error; 40. rts r5 n br arydope 1: cmp (r2),$34. / array appl bne 1f jsr r5,funcappl mov (sp)+,r2 mov 2(r2),r3 movb symtab+1(r3),r0 jsr r5,code <%d.\n\0>; .even r0 mov symtab(r3),r3 rts r5 1: cmp (r2),$2 bne 1f movb 3(r2),r3 mov 4(r2),r2 jsr r5,code < rval%d; c%d\n\0>; .even r3 r2 mov (sp)+,r2 mov 2(r2),r3 rts r5 1: cmp (r2),$24. / arith or relat bhi 1f mov 2(r2),r2 bne 3f mov (sp),r2 sub $10.,(r2) / - bin -> - unary mov 4(r2),r2 jsr r5,rvalue br 2f 3: jsr r5,rvalue mov (sp),r2 mov r/ / / f37 -- goto statements of all kinds .globl sgoto .globl intexp .globl e2 .globl code .globl getsym .globl error .globl getlab .globl rvalue .globl convrt .globl chrtab sgoto: movb (r1),r0 cmpb chrtab(r0),$4 / test digit bne 1f / not constant jsr r5,getlab br 8f jsr r5,code < goto; .%d\n\0>; .even r0 br 9f 1: cmpb (r1),$'( beq 1f jsr r5,intexp cmp r0,$36. / , beq 2f jsr r5,code < agoto\n\0>; .even br 9f 2: jsr r5,code < cagoto\n\0>; .even cmpb (r1)+,$'( bne 8f / syn/ / / f35 -- assignment statement .globl sasgn .globl sassi .globl error .globl e2 .globl lvalue .globl rvalue .globl code .globl convrt .globl geti .globl getsym .globl getlab .globl genop .globl newline .globl name sasgn: jsr r5,e2 cmp r0,$38. / = bne 9f mov r2,-(sp) jsr r5,e2 cmp r0,$40. / =| bne 8f tst *(sp) bne 1f / too hard for simple as jsr r5,rvalue mov (sp)+,r2 mov 2(r2),r2 mov r2,-(sp) mov symtab(r2),r2 jsr r5,convrt mov r2,r3 bis $7,r3 mov $"mv,r0 jsr r5,genop mov (sp3,-(sp) mov 4(r2),r2 jsr r5,type cmp *2(sp),$4 / ** bne 3f mov r3,r2 bic $!7,r2 cmp r2,$1 / ** integer bne 3f mov 2(sp),r2 sub $2,(r2) / pr -> pi mov 4(r2),r2 jsr r5,rvalue mov $intcon,r2 jsr r5,convrt mov (sp)+,r3 br 2f 3: mov (sp),r2 jsr pc,maxtyp mov (sp)+,r3 mov r2,-(sp) jsr r5,convrt mov 2(sp),r2 mov 4(r2),r2 jsr r5,rvalue mov (sp)+,r2 jsr r5,convrt mov r2,r3 br 2f 1: cmp (r2),$30. / and or not bhi 1f mov 2(r2),r2 beq 3f jsr r5,rvalue mov $logcon,r2 jsr r5,convrttax jsr pc,stmlist br 9f 1: mov r1,r4 1: movb (r1)+,r0 beq 8f cmp r0,$') bne 1b cmpb (r1)+,$', bne 8f jsr r5,intexp mov r1,-(sp) jsr r5,code < cgoto\n\0>; .even mov r4,r1 tstb (r1)+ jsr pc,stmlist mov (sp)+,r1 9: tstb (r1) beq 1f 8: jsr r5,error; 35. 1: rts r5 stmlist: jsr r5,getlab br 9f jsr r5,code < .%d\n\0>; .even r0 movb (r1)+,r0 cmp r0,$', beq stmlist cmp r0,$') bne 8f jsr r5,code < 0\n\0>; .even rts pc 8: jsr r5,error; 35. 9: rts pc intexp: jsr r5,e2 mov r)+,r3 jsr r5,name rts r5 1: mov r2,r3 mov (sp)+,r2 mov r3,-(sp) jsr r5,lvalue mov (sp)+,r2 mov r3,-(sp) jsr r5,rvalue 1: mov (sp)+,r2 jsr r5,convrt mov r2,r3 bis $7,r3 / type 'g' mov $"as,r0 jsr r5,genop jsr r5,newline rts r5 sassi: jsr r5,getlab br 9f mov r0,-(sp) cmpb (r1)+,$'t bne 8f cmpb (r1)+,$'o bne 8f jsr r5,e2 cmp r0,$40. / =| bne 8f jsr r5,lvalue mov (sp)+,r0 mov r3,-(sp) jsr r5,code < lval; .%d\n\0>; .even r0 mov $int2con,r3 br 1b 8: tst (sp)+ 9: jsr r5 3: mov (sp),r2 mov 4(r2),r2 jsr r5,rvalue mov $logcon,r2 jsr r5,convrt 2: mov (sp)+,r2 mov (r2),r0 cmp r0,$4 bhis 2f add $10.,(r2) / back to binary tst r0 beq 2f sub $8,(r2) / back to pr 2: mov optab(r0),r0 jsr r5,genop jsr r5,newline cmp (r2),$14. / relat blo 2f mov $logcon,r3 2: rts r5 1: jsr r5,error; 54. mov (sp)+,r2 rts r5 pbit: tstb symtab(r3) bge 1f jsr r5,code 1: rts r5 funcappl: mov r2,-(sp) mov functn,r3 jsr r5,code < stsp; ft+%d.\n\0>; .even r3 mov0,-(sp) jsr r5,rvalue mov $intcon,r2 jsr r5,convrt mov (sp)+,r0 rts r5 ,error; 39. rts r5 r3,-(sp) add $2,r3 mov r3,functn clr -(sp) / nargs 1: mov 4(r2),r2 beq 2f inc (sp) cmp (r2),$36. / , bne 1f mov r2,-(sp) mov 2(r2),r2 mov 6(sp),r3 jsr r5,fapp1 mov (sp)+,r2 br 1b 1: mov 4(sp),r3 jsr r5,fapp1 2: mov (sp)+,r0 / nargs mov (sp)+,r2 mov (sp)+,r3 mov 2(r3),r3 jsr r5,code < call\0>; .even jsr r5,pbit jsr r5,code <; %n.; ft+%d.; %d.; \0>; .even r3 r2 r0 cmp functn,functm ble 1f mov functn,functm 1: mov r2,functn rts r5 fapp1: mov 2(r3),r3 / fetch out func/ / / f38 -- wierdo statements .globl sstop .globl scall .globl spaus .globl sretu .globl scont .globl iserror .globl ptemp .globl code .globl geti .globl getsym .globl error .globl declimpl .globl e11 .globl funcappl sstop: clr r0 tstb (r1) beq 1f jsr r5,getsym cmp r0,$2. / const bne 7f cmp r3,$intcon bne 7f jsr r5,geti 1: jsr r5,code < stop; %d\n\0>; .even r0 br 8f spaus: jsr r5,getsym cmp r0,$2 bne 7f cmp r3,$intcon bne 7f jsr r5,geti jsr r5,code < paus; %d\n\0>; .even r0?BE147:=@CFtion name mov symtab+2(r3),r3 / arg conversion bne 2f tst (r2) beq 1f cmp (r2),$32. beq 4f cmp (r2),$42. / lv if funct or name or arry app beq 1f cmp (r2),$2 / lv if const bne 2f mov 4(r2),r3 jsr r5,code < lval; c%d\n\0> r3 br 3f 2: mov r3,-(sp) jsr r5,rvalue mov (sp)+,r2 beq 2f jsr r5,convrt 2: mov functn,r3 jsr r5,code < stsp; ft+%d.\n\0>; .even r3 add $2,functn rts r5 1: clr (r2) / turn func/array names into lvs 4: jsr r5,lvalue 3: mov functn,r3 jsr r5,code < sts br 8f sretu: tst progt bne 1f jsr r5,error; 37. / return in main br sstop 1: jsr r5,code < retrn\n\0>; .even 8: scont: tstb (r1) bne 7f rts r5 7: jsr r5,error; 38. rts r5 iserror: cmp errp,$errb bne 1f tst (r5)+ 1: rts r5 scall: jsr r5,getsym tst r0 bne 7b bit $70,symtab(r3) bne 1f bis $30,symtab(r3) 1: jsr r5,declimpl jsr r5,e11 cmp r0,$40. bne 7b cmp (r2),$34. beq 1f cmp (r2),$42. bne 7b 1: jsr r5,funcappl jsr r5,code <0\n\0>; .even br 8b / / / f36 -- expression code generation .globl lvalue .globl rvalue .globl convrt .globl type .globl funcappl .globl name .globl error .globl lookup .globl code .globl iserror .globl genop .globl typ .globl newline .globl functn .globl size lvalue: jsr r5,iserror rts r5 tst (r2) bne 1f mov 2(r2),r3 jsr r5,code < lval>; .even br name 1: mov r2,-(sp) cmp (r2),$32. / array appl bne 1f jsr r5,aryappl dec r0 bne 2f / dim =| 1 tstb symtab(r3) blt 2f / p-bit, not simple mov $"al,r0 brt; ft+%d.\n\0>; .even r3 add $2,functn rts r5 aryappl: mov r2,-(sp) clr -(sp) / arg count 2: inc (sp) mov 4(r2),r2 cmp (r2),$36. / , bne 2f mov r2,-(sp) mov 2(r2),r2 jsr r5,rvalue mov $intcon,r2 jsr r5,convrt mov (sp)+,r2 br 2b 2: jsr r5,rvalue mov $intcon,r2 jsr r5,convrt mov (sp)+,r0 mov (sp)+,r2 mov 2(r2),r3 cmp r0,*symtab+2(r3) beq 1f jsr r5,error; 53. / dimension mismatch 1: rts r5 / converts stack from type in r3 to type in r2 convrt: mov r2,-(sp) mov r3,-(sp) bic $![/ / / f39 -- i/o statements .globl sread .globl swrit .globl sprin .globl sback .globl srewi .globl sendf .globl getsym .globl error .globl geticon .globl e2 .globl lvalue .globl rvalue .globl iserror .globl convrt .globl code .globl chrtab .globl blocks .globl blockp .globl doend .globl genop .globl levzer .globl dobeg .globl intexp .globl ptemp .globl blocks .globl blockp .globl intexp .globl newline .globl nelem sprin: mov $8.,-(sp) jsr r5,getfmt br 9f cmp r0,$36. / , beq 1f cmp r0,$40. / simpary 2: jsr r5,code < alval\0>; .even arydope: jsr r5,pbit mov symtab+2(r3),r2 mov (r2)+,r0 asl r0 add r0,r2 mov (r2),r0 jsr r5,code <; d%d\0>; .even r0 br 2f 1: jsr r5,error; 54. mov (sp)+,r2 rts r5 simpary: mov r3,-(sp) mov symtab(r3),r3 bis $7,r3 jsr r5,genop mov (sp)+,r3 jsr r5,size jsr r5,code <; %d.\0>; .even r0 br 2f name: mov r2,-(sp) jsr r5,pbit 2: jsr r5,code <; \0>; .even bit $100,symtab(r3) / common beq 1f mov symtab+4(r3),r2 jsr r5,code <%n+\0>; 377\<8+7],r2 bic $![377\<8+7],r3 cmp r2,r3 beq 1f jsr r5,code < \0>; .even jsr pc,2f mov r2,r3 jsr pc,2f jsr r5,code <\n\0>; .even 1: mov (sp)+,r3 mov (sp)+,r2 rts r5 2: mov r2,-(sp) mov r3,r2 clrb r3 swab r3 bic $!7,r2 movb typ(r2),r2 jsr r5,code <%c%d\0>; .even r2 r3 mov (sp)+,r2 rts pc type: cmp (r2),$32. beq 2f cmp (r2),$34. beq 2f tst (r2) bne 1f 2: mov 2(r2),r3 mov symtab(r3),r3 rts r5 1: cmp (r2),$2 bne 1f mov 2(r2),r3 rts r5 1: cmp (r2),$14. blo 1f mov =| bne 8f clrb (r1) 1: mov $34.,r0 / simulate ) br 2f sread: mov $2,-(sp) br 1f swrit: clr -(sp) 1: cmpb (r1)+,$'( bne 8f jsr r5,intexp mov $blocks,blockp cmp r0,$34. / ), implies unformatted beq 2f cmp r0,$36. / , bne 8f jsr r5,getfmt br 9f add $4,(sp) cmp r0,$34. / ) bne 8f 2: mov (sp),r0 mov iotype(r0),r0 jsr r5,code < %s\n\0>; .even r0 1: tstb (r1) beq 9f 1: jsr r5,list cmp r0,$40. / |= beq 9f 8: jsr r5,error; 41. 9: jsr r5,code < endio\n\0>; .even ts.even r2 1: movb symtab(r3),r2 bic $!70,r2 cmp r2,$30 / external bne 1f jsr r5,code <%n.\n\0>; .even r3 br 2f 1: jsr r5,code <%n_\n\0>; .even r3 2: mov symtab(r3),r3 mov (sp)+,r2 rts r5 rvalue: jsr r5,iserror rts r5 mov r2,-(sp) tst (r2) bne 1f mov 2(r2),r3 movb symtab+1(r3),r2 jsr r5,code < rval%d>; .even r2 mov (sp)+,r2 br name 1: cmp (r2),$32. bne 1f jsr r5,aryappl dec r0 bne 3f tstb symtab(r3) blt 3f mov $"ar,r0 br simpary 3: jsr r5,code < arval\0>; .eve$logcon,r3 rts r5 1: mov r2,-(sp) mov 2(r2),r2 bne 1f mov (sp),r2 mov 4(r2),r2 jsr r5,type br 2f 1: jsr r5,type mov (sp),r2 mov r3,-(sp) mov 4(r2),r2 jsr r5,type mov (sp)+,r2 jsr pc,maxtyp mov r2,r3 2: mov (sp)+,r2 rts r5 maxtyp: mov r2,r0 cmp r2,r3 bhis 2f mov r3,r2 2: clrb r2 bic $!7,r0 bic $!7,r3 cmp r0,r3 bhis 2f mov r3,r0 2: bis r0,r2 rts pc optab: t (sp)+ rts r5 iotype: 1f 2f 3f 4f 5f 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: .even getfmt: movb (r1),r0 cmpb chrtab(r0),$4 / digit beq 1f jsr r5,e2 jsr r5,iserror rts r5 mov r0,-(sp) jsr r5,lvalue mov $blocks,blockp br 8f 1: jsr r5,geticon br 8f mov r0,temp jsr r5,ptemp; 'i; temp; line / register use of format jsr r5,code < lval; .%d\n\0>; .even r0 jsr r5,getsym mov r0,-(sp) 8: mov (sp)+,r0 tst (r5)+ rts r5 list: jsr r5,lstitm cmp r0,$36. / , beq list rts r5 lstitm: mov $blocks,blockp cmpb (r1),$'( / test for sublist beq 1f jsr r5,e2 jsr r5,iserror rts r5 mov r0,-(sp) clr -(sp) tst (r2) bne 2f / test for name mov 2(r2),r3 mov symtab(r3),r0 bic $!70,r0 cmp r0,$20 / test for short list bne 2f mov pc,(sp) mov symtab+2(r3),r3 mov (r3)+,-(sp) asl (sp) add (sp)+,r3 mov (r3),r3 jsr r5,code < slist1; d%d\n2:\0>; .even r3 2: jsr r5,lvalue tst (sp) beq 3f jsr r5,code < slist3\n\0>; .even 3: mov $"io,r0 jsr r5,/ / / f22 -- allocate common .globl calloc .globl entry .globl declimpl .globl size .globl getc .globl getw .globl xbuf .globl code .globl typ calloc: clr r3 1: cmp r3,symtp bhis 1f mov symtab(r3),r0 bic $!70,r0 / class cmp r0,$40 / common block bne 3f mov r3,-(sp) mov symtab+2(r3),r3 clr r2 / byte offset 2: tst r3 beq 2f jsr r5,declimpl mov symtab+4(r3),-(sp) mov 2(sp),symtab+4(r3) mov r2,symtab+6(r3) jsr r5,size add r0,r2 mov (sp)+,r3 br 2b 2: mov (sp)+,r3 clr symtab+2(r3) mo for already allocated bne 1b / yes mov symtab(r3),r0 bic $!70,r0 cmp r0,$10 / test class=simple beq 2f cmp r0,$20 / test array bne 1b / no, not a variable 2: bit $200,symtab(r3) / test parameter bne 1b tst eqvtab+2(r3) / test for equivalence bne 2f / yes bit $100,symtab(r3) / test common bne 1b / yes, nothing to do mov nxtaloc,symtab+6(r3) / offset jsr r5,size / get byte count add r0,nxtaloc inc eqvtab(r3) / mark allocated br 1b 2: clr r4 / common variable of group mgenop tst (sp)+ beq 2f jsr r5,code <\n slist2; 2b\0>; .even 2: jsr r5,newline mov (sp)+,r0 rts r5 1: inc r1 jsr r5,levzer; '= br 1f / yes, implied do jsr r5,list jsr r5,chkel jsr r5,getsym rts r5 1: cmp r1,r0 bhis 8f cmpb -(r0),$', / look backwards bne 1b mov r0,-(sp) mov r1,-(sp) movb $'),(r0) / fake!! mov r0,r1 inc r1 clr r0 jsr r5,dobeg / get do jsr r5,chkel mov (sp)+,r0 mov r1,-(sp) mov r0,r1 jsr r5,list jsr r5,chkel clr r0 jsr r5,doend mov (sp)+,r1 movb $',,*(v r2,symtab+6(r3) / common block size 3: add $8,r3 br 1b 1: rts r5 entry: mov progt,r0 jmp *1f(r0) 1: main subr funct blocd main: jsr r5,code ; .even rts r5 subr: funct: jsr r5,code <%n.: %n_\n\0>; .even 8 8 clr r3 1: cmp r3,symtp bhis 1f mov symtab+2(r3),r0 beq 2f mov (r0)+,r1 / num dims asl r1 add r0,r1 / ptr to last dim mov r3,-(sp) mov (r1),-(sp) / dope id clr r2 / dope offset 3: add $2,r2 mov -(r1),r3 cmp r0,r1 bhi 3f neg r3 / adjustable dimension ov $77777,r1 / infinity to smallest offset mov r3,r5 2: cmp eqvtab+4(r3),r1 bgt 3f mov eqvtab+4(r3),r1 / replace smallest offset 3: bit $100,symtab(r3) / test common beq 3f mov r3,r4 / yes 3: mov eqvtab+2(r3),r3 / next group member cmp r3,r5 bne 2b tst r4 bne 2f / *there was a common in group / equivalence group w/o common sub nxtaloc,r1 / get -(group offset) 3: inc eqvtab(r3) / mark allocated mov eqvtab+4(r3),r2 sub r1,r2 / compute offset mov r2,symtab+6(r3) / enter offsetsp)+ / unfake!! jsr r5,getsym rts r5 chkel: cmp r0,$34. / ) beq 1f 8: jsr r5,error; 41. 1: rts r5 sback: mov $bksp,r2 br 1f srewi: mov $rewi,r2 br 1f sendf: mov $enfl,r2 1: mov r2,-(sp) jsr r5,intexp mov (sp),r2 jsr r5,code < %s\n\0>; .even r2 cmp r0,$40. / =| beq 9f 8: jsr r5,error; 41. 9: tst (sp)+ rts r5 bksp: rewi: enfl: ble 3b mov r0,-(sp) jsr r5,declimpl mov symtab(r3),r0 clrb r0 swab r0 jsr r5,code < rval%dp; %n_\n\0>; .even r0 r3 mov symtab(r3),r3 bic $![377\<8+7],r3 cmp r3,$2\<8+1 / is it i*2 beq 4f bic $!7,r3 movb typ(r3),r3 jsr r5,code < %c%di2\n\0>; .even r3 r0 4: mov 2(sp),r0 jsr r5,code < stst; d%d+%d.\n\0>; .even r0 r2 mov (sp)+,r0 br 3b 3: tst (sp)+ mov (sp)+,r3 2: add $8,r3 br 1b 1: blocd: rts r5 jsr r5,size add r0,r2 / highest loc of variable cmp r2,r4 ble 4f mov r2,r4 / extends storage 4: mov eqvtab+2(r3),r3 / next of group cmp r3,r5 bne 3b mov r4,nxtaloc / account for space br 1b / done! 2: / equivalence group w/ common mov symtab+6(r4),r1 / actual common offset sub eqvtab+4(r4),r1 / virtual common offset 2: inc eqvtab(r3) / mark allocated bit $100,symtab(r3) / is variable already in common beq 3f / *no cmp symtab+4(r4),symtab+4(r3) beq 4f jsr r5,error; 25. / <...0ecmn.h_econs.hl.outind0.oLind0.c%ind1.cind2.cind1.oind2.oa.out/ / / f23 -- do equivalence statements .globl equiv .globl getsym .globl consub .globl eqvtab .globl error .globl declimpl .globl perror .globl setln .globl getln / equivalence statements, part 1 / destroys all registers equiv: jsr r5,setln 1: jsr r5,getln rts r5 cmp r0,$'e bne 1b mov $line+11.,r1 mov r5,-(sp) 2: / start equivalence group cmpb (r1)+,$'( / check ( bne 9f / syntax error jsr r5,getsym tst r0 bne 9f / not identifier mov r3,r5 jsr r5,equset movb (r1)+,r2 clr r4 / different blocks equiv. 4: mov r1,r0 add eqvtab+4(r3),r0 cmp r0,symtab+6(r3) beq 4f / ok jsr r5,error; 27. / same variable, different offsets br 4f 3: bis $100,symtab(r3) / mark common now mov symtab+4(r4),symtab+4(r3)/ get right common block mov r1,r0 add eqvtab+4(r3),r0 bge 3f jsr r5,error; 26. / block extended leftward clr r0 3: mov r0,symtab+6(r3) / get proper offset mov r0,-(sp) jsr r5,size / see if size is extended add (sp)+,r0 mov symtab+4(r3),r2 / common block cmp symtab+/ / / idint fortran function .globl idint. .globl retrn .globl temp idint.: temp .+2 setd setl movf *2(r3),r0 movfi r0,temp jmp retrn offset cmp r2,$', beq 3f cmp r2,$'( / subscripted vble bne 9f / syntax error jsr r5,consub / get subscript mov r0,r4 cmpb (r1)+,$', bne 9f 3: / rest of group jsr r5,getsym / next ident tst r0 bne 9f / syntax jsr r5,equset clr r0 mov r3,r2 cmpb (r1),$'( / subscript? bne 4f inc r1 jsr r5,consub 4: mov eqvtab+2(r2),r2 cmp r2,r5 beq 5f / already in same group cmp r2,r3 bne 4b / not yet in different group sub r4,r0 / adjust offsets sub eqvtab+4(r5),r0 / left vble's of6(r2),r0 bge 4f / ok mov r0,symtab+6(r2) / extend size 4: mov eqvtab+2(r3),r3 cmp r3,r5 bne 2b jmp 1b / / / catch runtime errors: / if (ierror(errno)) goto place / on call, returns 0 / on occurrence of error, returns non-zero .globl ierror. .globl erret .globl rerr .globl retrn ierror.:zero .+2 mov 2(r3),r0 mov 2(r0),r1 mov $errbuf,r0 1: cmp r0,cerrp blo 2f cmp cerrp,$eerbuf blo 3f jsr r5,rerr; 120. 3: add $8,cerrp br 1f 2: cmp r1,(r0) beq 1f add $8,r0 br 1b 1: mov r1,(r0)+ mov r3,(r0)+ mov 2(sp),(r0)+ mov 4(sp),(r0)+ jmp retrn .data erret: jmp 9f .text 9: mov $errbuf,r0 cmp (r0)fset add eqvtab+4(r3),r0 / new vble's offset 4: sub r0,eqvtab+4(r2) mov eqvtab+2(r2),r2 cmp r2,r3 bne 4b mov eqvtab+2(r3),r0 / link up groups mov eqvtab+2(r5),eqvtab+2(r3) mov r0,eqvtab+2(r5) / link groups br 6f 5: / here already in same group cmp r0,r4 / offset must be same beq 6f jsr r5,error; 23. / inconsistency! 6: movb (r1)+,r0 cmp r0,$', beq 3b cmp r0,$') bne 9f movb (r1)+,r0 bne 3f jsr r5,perror mov (sp)+,r5 br 1b 3: cmp r0,$', beq 2b 9: jsr r5,error; 24. / equivalchdir tab cc mtab.c a.out atable atab a.out ctable ctab a.out etable etab cmp atab /usr/lib/atab cp atab /usr/lib/atab cmp ctab /usr/lib/ctab cp ctab /usr/lib/ctab cmp etab /usr/lib/etab cp etab /usr/lib/etab rm a.out atab ctab etab chdir ../src cc -s -O upost.c cmp a.out /usr/bin/upost cp a.out /usr/bin/upost cc -s -O crpost.c cmp a.out /usr/bin/crpost cp a.out /usr/bin/crpost cc -s -O dr.c acts.c put.c cmp a.out /usr/bin/cref cp a.out /usr/bin/cref rm a.out *.o chdir ../index cc -s -O ind?.c cmp a.out /,r1 beq 1f add $8,r0 cmp r0,cerrp blo 1b rts pc 1: add $8,r0 mov -(r0),-(sp) mov -(r0),-(sp) mov $one,-(sp) mov -(r0),r3 jmp retrn .data one: 77777; 177777 zero: 0; 0 cerrp: errbuf .bss errbuf: .=.+50 eerbuf: ence syntax jsr r5,perror mov (sp)+,r5 br 1b / initialize member of equivalence group equset: jsr r5,declimpl / declare if necessary mov symtab(r3),r0 bit $200,r0 / test parameter bne 2f bic $!70,r0 cmp r0,$10 / simple beq 1f cmp r0,$20 / array beq 1f 2: jsr r5,error; 31. / non-equivalencable variable 1: tst eqvtab+2(r3) / see if mentioned yet bne 1f mov r3,eqvtab+2(r3) / points to itself 1: rts r5 usr/bin/index cp a.out /usr/bin/index rm a.out *.o / / / f21 -- storage allocation / .globl pass2 .globl signon .globl signoff .globl calloc .globl salloc .globl equiv .globl entry pass2: jsr r5,signon; 2 mov $errb,errp jsr r5,calloc jsr r5,equiv jsr r5,salloc jsr r5,entry jsr r5,signoff; 2 / / / f24 -- allocate storage for non-common variables / called after common and equivalence have been done .globl salloc .globl eqvtab .globl error .globl declimpl .globl size .globl perror / destroys all registers salloc: mov r5,-(sp) clr r3 / loop over symbol table br 2f 1: add $8.,r3 / next variable 2: cmp r3,symtp blo 2f mov (sp)+,r5 mov $line,r1 jsr r5,perror / flush errors rts r5 2: bit $70,symtab(r3) beq 1b / unclassed jsr r5,declimpl / just in case tst eqvtab(r3) / test/ / / ifix & int fortran functions .globl ifix. .globl int. .globl lval .globl r4i4 .globl gas4 .globl rval4p .globl retrn .globl temp int.: ifix.: temp lval; temp rval4p; 2 r4i4 gas4 retrn / / / f11 -- fortran command / .globl pass1 .globl fptrap .globl getline .globl flush .globl perror .globl lookup .globl getype .globl ssubr .globl sfunc .globl sbloc .globl sextr .globl sdime .globl scomm .globl sequi .globl sdata .globl sform .globl simpl .globl stype .globl isagn .globl ptemp .globl funok .globl signoff .globl fopen .globl fcreat .globl lookid .globl tfil1, tfil2 .globl tfildiag pass1: sys signal; 4; fptrap cmp (sp)+,$2 bge 1f 2: mov $1,r0 sys write; mes2; emes2-mes2 clr r0 sy1 points just beyond ( sdime1: bit $70,symtab(r3) / class beq 1f jsr r5,error; 6. / already classed 1: mov r3,-(sp) bic $70,symtab(r3) bis $20,symtab(r3) / set as array clr -(sp) / marker 1: jsr r5,getsym cmp r0,$2 / constant bne 2f cmp r3,$intcon / integer*4 bne 3f jsr r5,geti tst r0 ble 3f mov r0,-(sp) br 4f 2: tst r0 bne 3f / identifer tstb symtab(r3) bge 3f / not parameter neg r3 mov r3,-(sp) mov sp,r0 2: tst (r0)+ bne 2b mov (r0),r0 tstb symtab(r0) bge 3f / array not a/ / / f17 -- implicit statement .globl simpl .globl getype .globl chrtab .globl error simpl: jsr r5,getype br 9f mov r2,r1 mov r0,-(sp) movb (r1)+,r0 cmp r0,$'( beq 1f cmpb r0,$'/ bne 8f 1: movb (r1)+,r0 cmpb chrtab(r0),$2 bne 8f cmpb r0,$'a blo 2f sub $6,r0 / map 'a into 'Z+1 2: movb (r1)+,r2 cmpb r2,$'- bne 2f movb (r1)+,r2 cmpb chrtab(r2),$2 bne 8f cmp r2,$'a blo 3f sub $6,r2 / map 'a into 'Z+1 br 3f 2: mov r0,r2 dec r1 3: cmp r0,r2 bhi 8f asl r0 asl r2 3: mov (sp),s seek; 0; 2 mov $-1,r0 / bad status sys exit 1: tst (sp)+ mov (sp)+,r0 jsr r5,fopen; ibuf bcs 2b mov $tfil1,r0 jsr r5,fcreat; obuf bcs 2f mov $tfil2,r0 jsr r5,fcreat; tbuf bcc 1f 2: jmp tfildiag 1: / data segment initialization mov $2,nxtaloc mov $errb,errp mov $esymtab,esymp mov $namebuf,namep movb $'_,symbuf-1 jsr r5,lookid; blankc bis $40,symtab(r3) mov $imptab,r3 1: mov $realcon,r0 / real*4 cmp r3,$imptab+[2*['i-'a]] blo 2f cmp r3,$imptab+[2*['n-'a]] bhi 2f mov $intcon,r0 param 4: jsr r5,getsym cmp r0,$36. / , beq 1b cmp r0,$34. / ) beq 1f 3: jsr r5,error; 7. 1: mov esymp,r0 clr r2 mov dimu,-(r0) inc dimu / unique number 1: inc r2 mov (sp)+,-(r0) bne 1b dec r2 mov r2,(r0) mov r0,esymp mov (sp)+,r3 mov r0,symtab+2(r3) rts r5 imptab-[2*'A](r0) add $2,r0 cmp r0,r2 blos 3b movb (r1)+,r0 cmp r0,$', beq 1b tst (sp)+ cmp r0,$') beq 1f cmp r0,$'/ bne 9f 1: tstb (r1) bne simpl rts r5 8: tst (sp)+ 9: jsr r5,error; 16. / implicit syntax error rts r5 / integer*4 2: mov r0,[2*26.](r3) / lower case mov r0,(r3)+ / upper case cmp r3,$imptab+[2*26.] blo 1b / call pass1 / main scan loop for pass1 / picks up non executable statements / scan1: jsr r5,getline mov $line,r1 jsr r5,isagn br 2f mov r1,r2 jsr r5,lookup; stmtab br 1f mov r2,r1 jsr r5,*sublst(r0) mov pc,funok jsr r5,perror br scan1 1: jsr r5,getype br 2f mov r2,r1 jsr r5,stype jsr r5,perror mov pc,funok br scan1 2: jsr r5,ptemp; 'l; efno; line jsr r5,flush; tbuf jsr / / / f14 -- common statement / .globl scomm .globl getsym .globl sdime1 .globl error .globl getid .globl lookid scomm: mov r5,-(sp) jsr r5,getsym cmp r0,$6 / / for named common beq ncom 3: tst r0 bne 9f mov r3,-(sp) clr r5 br 2f ncom: cmpb (r1),$'/ bne 3f inc r1 jsr r5,getsym br 3b 3: jsr r5,getid br 9f / not identifier jsr r5,lookid; symbuf-1 bis $40,symtab(r3) / set named common mov r3,r5 jsr r5,getsym cmp r0,$6 / / bne 9f 1: jsr r5,getsym tst r0 bne 9f mov r3,-(sp) 2: / / / isign fortran function .globl isign. .globl retrn .globl rerr .globl temp isign.: temp .+2 setd setl cmp *2(sp),$2 bne 2f movif *2(r3),r0 absf r0 movif *4(r3),r1 cfcc bge 1f negf r0 1: movfi r0,temp jmp retrn 2: jsr r5,rerr; 10. r5,signoff; 1 sublst: ssubr sfunc sbloc sextr sdime scomm sequi sdata sform simpl stmtab: <\0> .even mes2: emes2: blankc: <_\n\0> .even jsr r5,getsym cmp r0,$32. / ( bne 2f mov (sp),r3 jsr r5,sdime1 jsr r5,getsym 2: mov (sp)+,r3 bit $300,symtab(r3) / test param/common beq 2f jsr r5,error; 9. / not commonable or already commoned br 3f 2: mov r0,-(sp) mov symtab+4(r5),r0 beq 2f mov r3,symtab+4(r0) / next ptr of old last block 2: mov (sp)+,r0 mov r3,symtab+4(r5) / new last ptr of head block tst symtab+2(r5) bne 3f mov r3,symtab+2(r5) / first ptr if first block 3: bis $100,symtab(r3) cmp r0,$36. / , beq 1b cmp r0,$6 /skip collect save skip2 cont coll save out egobl hyphen pno skip//pno; skip/ /out; skip/a/coll; skip/b/coll; skip/c/coll; skip/d/coll; skip/e/coll; skip/f/coll; skip/g/coll; skip/h/coll; skip/i/coll; skip/j/coll; skip/k/coll; skip/l/coll; skip/m/coll; skip/n/coll; skip/o/coll; skip/p/coll; skip/q/coll; skip/r/coll; skip/s/coll; skip/t/coll; skip/u/coll; skip/v/coll; skip/w/coll; skip/x/coll; skip/y/coll; skip/z/coll; skip/A/coll; skip/B/coll; skip/C/coll; skip/D/coll; skip/E/coll; skip/F/coll; skip/G/col/ / / f12 -- type statements and type getter subroutine / / .globl stype .globl getype .globl typtab .globl sfunc1 .globl lookup .globl getsym .globl error .globl sdime1 stype: mov r0,-(sp) mov r1,r2 jsr r5,lookup; funtab br 1f mov r2,r1 mov (sp)+,r0 jmp sfunc1 1: jsr r5,getsym tst r0 bne 3f / junk error if not identifier mov symtab(r3),r0 bic $![377\<8+7],r0 / size,type beq 2f cmp r0,(sp) / redefined, but same beq 2f jsr r5,error; 3. 2: bic $377\<8+7,symtab(r3) bis (sp),symtab(r3) another / beq ncom cmp r0,$40. / =| beq 8f 9: jsr r5, error; 10. / common syntax error 8: mov (sp)+,r5 rts r5 l; skip/H/coll; skip/I/coll; skip/J/coll; skip/K/coll; skip/L/coll; skip/M/coll; skip/N/coll; skip/O/coll; skip/P/coll; skip/Q/coll; skip/R/coll; skip/S/coll; skip/T/coll; skip/U/coll; skip/V/coll; skip/W/coll; skip/X/coll; skip/Y/coll; skip/Z/coll; collect/'/cont; collect/-/hyphen; collect/ /out; collect/a/cont; collect/b/cont; collect/c/cont; collect/d/cont; collect/e/cont; collect/f/cont; collect/g/cont; collect/h/cont; collect/i/cont; collect/j/cont; collect/k/cont; collect/l/cont; collect/m/cont; colle/ set in type and size mov r3,-(sp) jsr r5,getsym cmp r0,$32. / ( for dimension bne 2f mov (sp),r3 jsr r5,sdime1 jsr r5,getsym 2: tst (sp)+ cmp r0,$36. / , for another list element beq 1b cmp r0,$40. / eos beq 1f 3: jsr r5,error; 2. / junk 1: tst (sp)+ rts r5 funtab: <\0> getype: mov r1,r2 jsr r5,lookup; typtab br 1f mov tvaltab(r0),r0 tst (r5)+ 1: rts r5 tvaltab: log1con logcon int1con int2con intcon dcplxcon dblcon cplxcon dblcon realcon typtab: <\0> sr r5,getsym tst r0 beq 3f tst (sp)+ br 2b 3: bis $200,symtab(r3) / param mov (sp),symtab+6(r3) / param number jsr r5,getsym cmp r0,$36. / , beq 1b tst (sp)+ cmp r0,$34. / ) bne 2b jsr r5,getsym cmp r0,$40. bne 2b rts r5 sbloc: mov $6,progt jsr r5,getsym tst funok beq 1f jsr r5,error; 11. 1: cmp r0,$40. beq 1f jsr r5,error; 13. 1: rts r5 .data funok: 0 ct/T/cont; collect/U/cont; collect/V/cont; collect/W/cont; collect/X/cont; collect/Y/cont; collect/Z/cont; skip2/a/coll; skip2/b/coll; skip2/c/coll; skip2/d/coll; skip2/e/coll; skip2/f/coll; skip2/g/coll; skip2/h/coll; skip2/i/coll; skip2/j/coll; skip2/k/coll; skip2/l/coll; skip2/m/coll; skip2/n/coll; skip2/o/coll; skip2/p/coll; skip2/q/coll; skip2/r/coll; skip2/s/coll; skip2/t/coll; skip2/u/coll; skip2/v/coll; skip2/w/coll; skip2/x/coll; skip2/y/coll; skip2/z/coll; skip2/A/coll; skip2/B/coll; skip2/C/coll;/ / / f13 -- dimension and array declarator / / dimension / / .globl sdime .globl sdime1 .globl getsym .globl error .globl geti .globl dimu sdime: jsr r5,getsym tst r0 bne 3f / junk error mov r3,-(sp) jsr r5,getsym mov (sp)+,r3 cmp r0,$32. / ( beq 2f jsr r5,error; 4. / no ( in dimension rts r5 2: jsr r5,sdime1 jsr r5,getsym cmp r0,$36. / , beq sdime cmp r0,$40. beq 1f 3: jsr r5,error; 5. 1: rts r5 / get dimension info and store in / symbol table entry / r3 points at symbol table / r/ / / f16 -- extrn, equiv, data .globl sextr .globl sequi .globl getsym .globl putc .globl error .globl ptemp sextr: jsr r5,getsym tst r0 bne 1f bit $70,symtab(r3) beq 2f jsr r5,error; 14. 2: bis $30,symtab(r3) jsr r5,getsym cmp r0,$36. / , beq sextr cmp r0,$40. / eos beq 2f 1: jsr r5,error; 15. 2: rts r5 sequi: jsr r5,ptemp; 'e; efno; line rts r5 skip2/D/coll; skip2/E/coll; skip2/F/coll; skip2/G/coll; skip2/H/coll; skip2/I/coll; skip2/J/coll; skip2/K/coll; skip2/L/coll; skip2/M/coll; skip2/N/coll; skip2/O/coll; skip2/P/coll; skip2/Q/coll; skip2/R/coll; skip2/S/coll; skip2/T/coll; skip2/U/coll; skip2/V/coll; skip2/W/coll; skip2/X/coll; skip2/Y/coll; skip2/Z/coll; / example of UNIX fortran / calling interface to machine code / this example is a function that / returns the single precision / sum of all of its single precision arguments. / for example: / f = sum(1.,2.,3.) / sets f to 6. .globl sum. / defination of entry .globl retrn / reference of return sum.: / entry point value / location of return value .+2 / pointer to execution code setf / no d/f i/l modes guaranteed mov *2(sp),r0 / arg count mov r3,r1 / r3 points to arg list tst (rbin/goto cp a.out /bin/goto cc -s -O grep.c cmp a.out /usr/bin/grep cp a.out /usr/bin/grep cc -s -O gsi.c cmp a.out /usr/bin/gsi cp a.out /usr/bin/gsi cc -s -O icheck.c cmp a.out /bin/icheck cp a.out /bin/icheck cc -s -O if.c cmp a.out /bin/if cp a.out /bin/if cc -s -n -O init.c cmp a.out /etc/init cp a.out /etc/init as kill.s strip a.out cmp a.out /bin/kill cp a.out /bin/kill cc -s -n -O ld.c cmp a.out /bin/ld cp a.out /bin/ld cc -s -O ln.c cmp a.out /bin/ln cp a.out /bin/ln cc -s -O login.c cmp aQ.[..Wplot.sVrio.sUopenrw.sTnice.sSctime.sRsetfil.sQgetarg.sPrand.sa.outuio.sctime.ogetarg.onice.orand.osetfil.ouio.o1)+ / zeroth arg is old r3 clrf fr0 / start of actual function 1: addf *(r1)+,fr0 / add in each argument sob r0,1b / for each argument movf fr0,value / make returned value available jmp retrn / actual return .bss value: .=.+4 / space for return value / synopsis: / 1. save registers r3, sp / 2. arg list (pointers to values) / begins at 2(r3) / 3. entry name is name of function / followed by "." / 4. first word after entry point is / location of return value. this is / true f.out /bin/login cp a.out /bin/login as lpd.s ld -s a.out -l cmp a.out /etc/lpd cp a.out /etc/lpd cc -s -O lpr.c cmp a.out /lib/lpr cp a.out /lib/lpr cc -s -n -O ls.c cmp a.out /bin/ls cp a.out /bin/ls rm a.out R.[..ccos.fcsqrt.fabs.saimag.stanh.fcsin.faint.salog.salog10.samax0.samax1.samin0.samin1.samod.sclog.fatan.satan2.scabs.scexp.scmplx.sconjg.scos.sdble.sdim.sdimag.sexp.sfloat.sXiabs.sidim.s=idint.sor both functions and subroutines / 5. second word after entry point is / pointer to pdp-11 code body / 6. return is expedited by a jump to / the globl routine "retrn" /*int mbuf[1024]; /*INSTR*/ int psw 1; int initf 1; main(argc, argv) char *argv[]; { auto f,fct,file; if(argc < 2) { printf("Usage: cpost [-d] file1 file2 ...\n"); exit(); } if(*argv[1] == '-') { fct = argv[1][1] - '0'; if((fct < 1) || (fct > 9)) { printf("-d: 0 < d < 10\n"); exit(); } argv++; argc--; } else { fct = 1; } f = 0; while(++f < argc) { file = open(argv[f], 0); edl(file, fct); close(file); psw = 0; } flsh(0); exit(); } int lno 1; edl(file) { aut>ierr.sDifix.sLisign.sTmod.sreal.ssign.ssin.ssngl.ssqrt.sdcsqrt.fdcsin.fdccos.fYdclog.ff.tmp1abs.oaimag.oaint.oalog.oalog10.oamax0.oamax1.oamin0.oamin1.oamod.oatan.oatan2.ocabs.ocexp.occos.ocmplx.oclog.oconjg.occ -s -f -O ac.c cmp a.out /usr/bin/ac cp a.out /usr/bin/ac as ar.s strip a.out cmp a.out /bin/ar cp a.out /bin/ar cc -s -O banner.c cmp a.out /usr/bin/banner cp a.out /usr/bin/banner as bas.s ld -s -n a.out -l cmp a.out /bin/bas cp a.out /bin/bas yacc bc.y cc -s -O y.tab.c -ly cmp a.out /usr/bin/bc cp a.out /usr/bin/bc rm y.tab.c cc -s -O bcd.c cmp a.out /usr/bin/bcd cp a.out /usr/bin/bcd cc -s -O cal.c cmp a.out /usr/bin/cal cp a.out /usr/bin/cal as cat.s strip a.out cmp a.out /bin/cat cp a.out /bio t,l; char static buf[20],fld[20],line[200]; char c; field: t = -1; while(((buf[++t] = get(file)) != '\t') && (buf[t] != -1)) if(buf[t] == '\0') goto done; if((c = buf[t]) == -1) c = ' '; buf[t] = '\0'; if(comp(buf,fld)) { lno++; goto junk; } else { if(lno == 0) { put(0,line,++l); } l = copy(buf,line); copy(buf,fld); line[--l] = c; lno = 0; goto fill; } fill: while((line[++l] = get(file)) != '\n') { if(line[l] == -1) line[l] = ' '; if(line[l] == '\0') goto done; } cos.odble.ocsin.ocsqrt.odim.odccos.odclog.odcsin.odcsqrt.odimag.oexp.ofloat.oiabs.oidim.oidint.oierr.oifix.oisign.omod.oreal.osign.osin.osngl.osqrt.oa.outtanh.on/cat cc -s -n -O cc.c cmp a.out /bin/cc cp a.out /bin/cc cc -s -f -O cdb?.c cmp a.out /bin/cdb cp a.out /bin/cdb rm cdb?.o as chgrp.s ld -s a.out -l cmp a.out /bin/chgrp cp a.out /bin/chgrp cc -s -O chmod.c cmp a.out /bin/chmod cp a.out /bin/chmod as chown.s ld -s a.out -l cmp a.out /bin/chown cp a.out /bin/chown as clri.s strip a.out cmp a.out /bin/clri cp a.out /bin/clri cc -s -O cmp.c cmp a.out /bin/cmp cp a.out /bin/cmp cc -s -O col.c cmp a.out /usr/bin/col cp a.out /usr/bin/col cc -s -O comm.goto field; junk: while((*line = get(file)) != '\n') if(*line == '\0') goto done; goto field; done: if(lno == 0) put(0,line,++l); lno = 1; return(0); } gfld(file, buf) char *buf; { char c; buf--; while(*++buf = get(file)) { if((*buf == '\t') || (*buf == '\n')) { c = *buf; *buf = '\0'; return(c); } else { continue; } } return('\0'); } copy(a, b) char *a,*b; { char *c; b--; c = --a; while(*++b = *++a); return(a - c); } comp(a, b) char *a, *b; { /* printf("cS.[..rh.sr0.srg.srf.sre.sa.outrc.sra.srb.sr8.sr9.sr7.sr6.sr5.sr4.sr3.sr2.sr1.srd.srx.sr1.or2.or3.or4.or5.or6.or7.or8.or9.ora.oc cmp a.out /usr/bin/comm cp a.out /usr/bin/comm cc -s -O cp.c cmp a.out /bin/cp cp a.out /bin/cp cc -s -O cpall.c cmp a.out /usr/bin/cpall cp a.out /usr/bin/cpall cc -s -O cron.c cmp a.out /etc/cron cp a.out /etc/cron cc -s -O crypt.c cmp a.out /usr/bin/crypt cp a.out /usr/bin/crypt cc -s -O date.c cmp a.out /bin/date cp a.out /bin/date as db?.s strip a.out cmp a.out /bin/db cp a.out /bin/db as dc?.s strip a.out cmp a.out /bin/dc cp a.out /bin/dc cc -s -O dcheck.c cmp a.out /bin/dcheck cp a.out /biomp: %s %s\n",a,b); /*DEBUG*/ a--; b--; while(*++a == *++b) { if(*a == '\0') return(1); } return(0); } char buf[512]; int nread 1; get(ifile) int ifile; { char static *ibuf; if(--nread){ return(*ibuf++); } if(nread = read(ifile,buf,512)){ if(nread < 0)goto err; ibuf = buf; return(*ibuf++); } nread = 1; return(0); err: nread = 1; printf("read error\n"); return(0); } int tp[1] 1; int optr[4]; char bsp[512]; char *obuf[1] bsp; int nflush; put(fil,string,n) char *string;rb.orc.ord.ore.orf.org.orh.orx.on/dcheck cc -s -O dd.c cmp a.out /bin/dd cp a.out /bin/dd cc -s -O df.c cmp a.out /bin/df cp a.out /bin/df cc -c -O diff1.c as diff2.s cc -s diff1.o a.out cmp a.out /usr/bin/diff cp a.out /usr/bin/diff rm diff1.o as dsw.s strip a.out cmp a.out /bin/dsw cp a.out /bin/dsw as du.s ld -s a.out -l cmp a.out /bin/du cp a.out /bin/du cc -s -O dump.c cmp a.out /bin/dump cp a.out /bin/dump cc -s -O echo.c cmp a.out /bin/echo cp a.out /bin/echo cc -s -n -O ed.c cmp a.out /bin/ed cp a.out /bin/ed cc -s -O exi { int i; char *o; /*printf("%d %c %d\n",fil,*string,n);/*DEBUG*/ string--; if((i = optr[fil] + n - 512) >= 0) { n =- i; o = &obuf[fil][optr[fil]] -1; while(--n >= 0) *++o = *++string; optr[fil] = 512; flsh(fil); n = i; } o = &obuf[fil][optr[fil]] - 1; optr[fil] =+ n; while(--n >= 0) { *++o = *++string; } return(0); } flsh(fil) { extern tp[]; if(optr[fil] <= 0) return(optr[fil]); nflush++; if(write(tp[fil],obuf[fil],optr[fil]) != optr[fil]) return(-1); optr[fil] = 0/ / / mod fortran function .globl mod. .globl retrn .globl temp one = 40200 .globl rerr mod.: temp .+2 setd setl cmp *2(sp),$2 bne 1f movif *2(r3),r0 movf r0,r2 movif *4(r3),r1 divf r1,r2 modf $one,r2 mulf r1,r3 subf r3,r0 movfi r0,temp jmp retrn 1: jsr r5,rerr; 11. t.c cmp a.out /bin/exit cp a.out /bin/exit cc -s -O fc.c cmp a.out /bin/fc cp a.out /bin/fc as fed?.s form[56].s strip a.out cmp a.out /usr/bin/fed cp a.out /usr/bin/fed cc -s -O file.c cmp a.out /bin/file cp a.out /bin/file cc -s -O find.c cmp a.out /usr/bin/find cp a.out /usr/bin/find as form?.s strip a.out cmp a.out /usr/bin/form cp a.out /usr/bin/form cc -s -n -O getty.c cmp a.out /etc/getty cp a.out /etc/getty cc -s -n -O glob.c cmp a.out /etc/glob cp a.out /etc/glob cc -s -O goto.c cmp a.out /; return(0); } U.[..io1.sio2.sio3.sio4.sio5.sio6.siox.sio7.sa.outio.oV.[..l.outfxx.sfxh.sfxg.sfxf.sfx7.sfx8.sfx1.ofxe.sfxd.sfxc.sfxb.sfx6.sfx5.sfx4.sfx3.sfx2.sfx1.sfxa.sfhd.sfx9.sfx2.ofxi.sfx3.ofx4.ofx5.ofx6.ofx7.ofx8.ofx9.oturn(0); } flsh(fil) { extern tp[],utmp; if(optr[fil] <= 0) return(optr[fil]); if(bct[fil]++ >= 128 && utmp == 0) { printf("Wraparound temp file %d\n",fil); dexit(); } nflush++; if(write(tp[fil],obuf[fil],optr[fil]) != optr[fil]) return(-1); optr[fil] = 0; return(0); } # define NUMA 14 # define NUMC 128 # define NUMS 3 # define SIZA 8 # define SIZC 2 # define SIZS 8 # define PTRI 509 # define CHARI 4000 # define PTRX 5147 # define CHARX 40000 # define CONT 0 # define COLL 1 # define SAVE 2 # define OUT 3 # define EGOBL 4 # define SHARP 5 # define PNO 6 # define SKIP 0 # define COLLECT 1 # define SKIP2 2 #define CREATC 0644 fxa.ofxb.ofxc.ofxd.ofxe.ofxf.ofxg.ofxh.ofxi.ofxx.oa.outfxi.oa.out# include "../mcons.h" struct { int cl[NUMC]; }tab[NUMS]; char state[NUMS][SIZS]; char class[NUMC][SIZC]; char act[NUMA][SIZA]; char def[NUMS][SIZA]; char temp[SIZA]; char *st[NUMS]; char *df[NUMS]; char *cl[NUMC]; char *ac[NUMA]; int t1; int t2; main(argc,argv) char **argv; { extern fin; char fl,nlfl,c,bfl,fo,brk; int cs,ca,cc,i,j,cd; if(argc != 3) { printf("Usage: mtab input output\n"); exit(); } if((fo = creat(argv[2],0644)) < 0) { printf("Output file.\n"); exit(); } if((fin = oW.[..l.out/f46.s.f45.sf44.sf43.sf42.sf41.of47.sf41.sf42.of43.of44.of45.of46.of47.oa.outf47.oa.outpen(argv[1],0)) < 0) { printf("Input file.\n"); exit(); } nlfl = 1; i = -1; while(brk = rword()) { switch (brk) { case '\n': if(nlfl) { move(temp,state[++i]); st[i] = &state[i]; } else { move(temp,def[i]); df[i] = &def[i]; nlfl = 1; } continue; case ' ': if(nlfl) { move(temp,state[++i]); st[i] = &state[i]; nlfl = 0; } else { error(7); } continue; } } i = 128; while(--i) { class[i][0] = i; class[i][1] =# # include "../mcons.h" # include "../ccmn.h" /*int mbuf[1024]; /*INSTR*/ /*int tbuf[36]; /*INSTR*/ int (*acts[])() {0, &coll, &save, &out, &asym, &asw, &csym, &csw, &incl, &decl, &sk2, &sk, &tabs, &semi }; char *tmp[5] {"/tmp/crt0a", "/tmp/crt1a", "/tmp/crt2a", "/tmp/crt3a", "/tmp/crt4a" }; char *ignonl "/usr/lib/aign"; char *gtab "/usr/lib/atab"; main(argc,argv) char *argv[]; { auto i,j,tm1,tm2,tm3; char *fn,*av[8]; /* extern etext; /*INSTR*/ /*X.[..l.out;f39.s:f38.s9f37.s8f36.s7f35.s6f34.s5f33.s4f32.sf31.o2f31.sf32.of33.of34.of35.of36.of37.of38.of39.oa.outf39.oa.out '\0'; cl[i] = &class[i]; } cl[0] = &class[0]; bfl = nlfl = 0; t1 = 0; t2 = -1; while(c = getchar()) { switch(c) { default: if(t1 >= NUMA) error(4); bfl = nlfl = 0; act[t1][++t2<8?t2:7] = c; continue; case '\n': if(nlfl) break; nlfl = 1; case ' ': if(bfl) continue; bfl = 1; act[t1][++t2<8?t2:7] = '\0'; ac[t1] = &act[t1]; t1++; t2 = -1; continue; } break; } if(c == '\0') exit(); i = -1; while(++i < NUMS) { if(df[i]) { c monitor(&main,&etext,&mbuf,1024); /*INSTR*/ if(argc < 2) { printf("Usage: cref [-aceilosux] file1 ...\n"); exit(); } lbuf[4] = '\t'; if(*argv[1] == '-') { j = flags(argv); argv =+ j; argc =- j; } init(); i = 0; while(++i < argc) { curs[0] = '_'; curs[1] = '\t'; curs[4] = '\t'; cursl = 2; if(fopen(argv[i],ibuf1) < 0) { printf("Can't open %s\n",argv[i]); dexit(); } ibuf = ibuf1; curf[0] = '\t'; curfl = 1; while((curf[curfl] = *argv[i]++) != 0 && curfl <= 8) Y.[..l.outBf24.sAf23.s@f22.s?f21.sf21.of22.of23.of24.oa.outf24.oa.outd = find(ac,df[i],NUMA); j = -1; while(++j < NUMC) tab[i].cl[j] = cd; } } fl = 0; i = -1; while(c = getchar()) { switch(c) { case '\\': temp[++i] = getchar(); continue; case '\n': if(fl != 1) continue; default: temp[++i] = c; continue; case '/': temp[++i] = '\0'; i = -1; switch(fl) { case 0: cs = find(st,temp,NUMS); fl = 1; continue; case 1: cc = find(cl,temp,NUMC); fl = 2; continue; def if(curf[curfl++] == '/') curfl = 1; curf[curfl++] = '\t'; if(curfl == 10) curf[9] = -1; /* printf("%s %d\n",curf,curfl);/*DEBUG*/ lno = 1; driver(); close(file); } for(j = 0; j < 4;) { flsh(j,0); close(tp[j++]); } /* monitor(0); /*INSTR*/ /* dexit(); /*INSTR*/ /* times(tbuf); /*INSTR*/ /* tm1 = tbuf[15]/6; /*INSTR*/ /* tm2 = tbuf[19]/6; /*INSTR*/ /* tm3 = tbuf[23]/6; /*INSTR*/ /* printf("Prep: %d %d %d\n",tm1,tm2,tm3); /*INSTR*/ if(utmp) exit(); fn = "/bin/sort"; av[0] = "sortZ.[..l.outf11.oKf17.sJf16.sIf15.sHf14.sGf13.sFf12.sEf11.sf12.of13.of14.of15.of16.of17.oa.outf17.oa.outault: error(1); } case ';': if(fl != 2) error(2); temp[++i] = '\0'; i = -1; ca = find(ac,temp,NUMA); /*printf("%o %o %o\n",cs,cc,ca); /*DEBUG*/ tab[cs].cl[cc] = ca; fl = 0; continue; } } i = -1; while(++i < NUMS) write(fo,tab[i].cl,256); } error(a) { printf("Error %d\n",a); exit(); } find(a,b,c) char (*a[])[]; char b[]; int c; { int i,j; /* printf("%s\n",b); /*DEBUG*/ i = -1; while(++i < c) { /* printf(" %s\n",a[i]); /*DEBUG*/ j = 0; "; av[1] = "-a"; av[3] = "-o"; av[5] = 0; for(i = 0; i < 4; i++) { av[4] = av[2] = tmp[i]; callsys(fn,av); if(utmp) break; } /* times(tbuf); /*INSTR*/ /* tm1 = tbuf[27]/6; /*INSTR*/ /* tm2 = tbuf[31]/6; /*INSTR*/ /* tm3 = tbuf[35]/6; /*INSTR*/ /* printf("Sort: %d %d %d\n",tm1,tm2,tm3); /*INSTR*/ if(usw) { fn = "/usr/bin/upost"; av[0] = "upost"; i = 0; } else { fn = "/usr/bin/crpost"; av[0] = "crpost"; av[1] = cross? "-4x": "-3"; i = 1; } j = -1; while(++j < 4) { av[++i] =[...Zf1Yf2Xf3Wf4VfxUioa.outSrtRrt1Qrt2runl.outNsum.sf.tmp1fpl.out/* printf("b = %c\ta = %c\n",b[0],(*a[i])[0]); /*DEBUG*/ while(b[j] == (*a[i])[j]) { if(b[j] == '\0') goto found; j++; } } found: return(i); } rword() { char c; int ct; ct = -1; while(c = getchar()) { switch(c) { default: temp[++ct] = c; continue; case '\n': if(ct == -1) return('\0'); case ' ': temp[++ct] = '\0'; return(c); } } } move(a,b) char *a; char *b; { while((*b++ = *a++) != '\0'); return; } tmp[j]; if(utmp) break; } av[++i] = 0; callsys(fn,av); /* times(tbuf); /*INSTR*/ /* tm1 = tbuf[27]/6 - tm1; /*INSTR*/ /* tm2 = tbuf[31]/6 - tm2; /*INSTR*/ /* tm3 = tbuf[35]/6 - tm3; /*INSTR*/ /* printf("Post: %d %d %d\n",tm1,tm2,tm3); /*INSTR*/ dexit(); } driver() { auto p; top: l = -1; while((c = line[++l] = getc(ibuf)) != -1) { if(l >= 131) { printf("Line too long: %d %s\n",lno,curf); dexit(); } if(c & 0200) { printf("Illegal character: %o line %d\n",c,lno); dexit(); int bct[4]; int optr[4]; char bsp[2048]; char *obuf[4] {bsp, bsp + 512, bsp + 1024, bsp + 1536 }; int nflush; put(fil,string,n) char *string; { extern utmp; int i; char *o; /*printf("%d %c %d\n",fil,*string,n);/*DEBUG*/ string--; if((i = optr[fil] + n - 512) >= 0) { n =- i; o = &obuf[fil][optr[fil]] -1; while(--n >= 0) *++o = *++string; optr[fil] = 512; flsh(fil); n = i; } o = &obuf[fil][optr[fil]] - 1; optr[fil] =+ n; while(--n >= 0) { *++o = *++string; } re# define NUMA 14 # define NUMC 128 # define NUMS 3 # define SIZA 8 # define SIZC 2 # define SIZS 8 # define PTRI 509 # define CHARI 4000 # define PTRX 509 # define CHARX 4000 # define CONT 1 # define COLL 2 # define SAVE 3 # define OUT 4 # define ASYM 5 # define ASW 6 # define CSYM 7 # define CSW 8 # define INCL 9 # define DECL 10 # define SK2 11 # define SK 12 # define TABS 13 # define SEMI 14 # define SHARP 15 # define SKIP 0 # define COLLECT 1 # define SKIP2 2 #define CREATC 0644 } if(fl) { if((*flag[fl])()) continue; } /*printf("cs = %d cc = %c ca = %d\n",cs,c,tab[cs].cl[c]); /*DEBUG*/ if(p = tab[cs].cl[c]) (*acts[p])(); continue; } if(ibuf == ibuf1) return; ibuf = ibuf1; goto top; } init() { int b[3]; auto fi,i; extern coll(),save(),out(),asym(),asw(),csym(),csw(); extern incl(),decl(),sk(),sk2(); extern dexit(); ibuf1 = &ib1; ibuf2 = &ib2; xtab.hptr = &xpsp; xtab.symt = &xssp; xtab.hsiz = PTRX; xtab.ssiz = CHARX; xtab.nsym = 0; xtab.curb = 1; itab.hptr = &ipsp; itab.symt = &issp; itab.hsiz = PTRI; itab.ssiz = CHARI; itab.nsym = 0; itab.curb = 1; if((fi = open(gtab,0)) < 0) { printf("Cannot open grammar table; see lem\n"); dexit(); } i = -1; while(++i < NUMS) if(read(fi,tab[i].cl,256) < 256) { printf("Bad grammar table.\n"); dexit(); } close(fi); if((fi = open(ignonl,0)) < 0) { printf("Cannot open ignore/only file: %s\n",ignonl); dexit(); } if((read(fi,b,6) == 6) && (b[0] == 0100200)) { if(read(fi,itab/*int mbuf[1024]; /*INSTR*/ int ig 100; int esw; int initf 1; char ssp[270]; char *sym[9] {ssp, ssp + 30, ssp + 60, ssp + 90, ssp + 120, ssp + 150, ssp + 180, ssp + 210, ssp + 240, ssp + 270 }; main(argc, argv) char *argv[]; { auto f,fct,file,i; if(argc < 2) { printf("Usage: crpost [-d] file1 file2 ...\n"); exit(); } if(*argv[1] == '-') { if(argv[1][1] == 'E') { fct = 3; esw = 1; goto on; } fct = argv[1][1] - '0'; if((fct < 1) || (fct > 9)) { printf("-d: 0struct tempent { char *beg; int ct; char term; } temp[30]; char lbuf[5]; int cflag; int t1; int level; int hlevel; int dlevel; int xtrn; int tp[5]; struct { int cl[NUMC]; } tab[NUMS]; int coll(); int save(); int out(); int asym(); int asw(); int csym(); int csw(); int incl(); int decl(); int sk2(); int sk(); int tabs(); int semi(); char line[132]; int l; int lno; char c; int cursl; char curs[9]; int curfl; char curf[10]; int usw; int xsw; int only; int cross; int file; int cs; int (*flag[8].hptr,b[1]) < b[1]) { printf("Cannot read ignore/only file: %s\n",ignonl); dexit(); } if(read(fi,itab.symt,b[2]) < b[2]) { printf("Cannot read ignore/only file: %s\n",ignonl); dexit(); } close(fi); } else { close(fi); compile(); } if((signal(1,1) & 1) == 0) signal(1,&dexit); if((signal(2,1) & 1) == 0) signal(2,&dexit); if((signal(3,1) & 1) == 0) signal(3,&dexit); /* signal(4,&dexit); signal(5,&dexit); signal(6,&dexit); signal(7,&dexit); signal(8,&dexit); signal(10,&dexit); < d < 10\n"); exit(); } if(argv[1][2] == 'x') { ig = fct-1; } on: argv++; argc--; } else { fct = 3; } f = 0; while(++f < argc) { file = open(argv[f], 0); edf(file, fct); close(file); } flsh(0); exit(); } int lno 1; edf(file, fct) { auto i,j,l; extern lno,etext; char brk,*buf,bufsp[150],line[150]; char extern *sym[]; /* monitor(&main,&etext,&mbuf,1024); /*INSTR*/ for(i = 0; i < fct; i++) *sym[i] = 0200; fields: l = -1; buf = &bufsp; for(i = 0; i < fct; ++i) {)(); int fl; char gch[8]; struct htab { int hsiz; int ssiz; int nsym; int curb; int *hptr; char *symt; }; struct htab itab; struct htab xtab; int ipsp[PTRI]; char issp[CHARI]; int xpsp[PTRX]; char xssp[CHARX]; int ib1[259]; int ib2[259]; char *ibuf; char *ibuf1; char *ibuf2; char mone; int order; int ssw; int type; char *utmp; signal(11,&dexit); signal(12,&dexit); */ if(utmp == 0) { while((tp[4] = creat(tmp[4],0)) < 0) tmp[4][9]++; close(tp[4]); tmp[0][9] = tmp[4][9]; tmp[1][9] = tmp[4][9]; tmp[2][9] = tmp[4][9]; tmp[3][9] = tmp[4][9]; tp[0] = creat(tmp[0],CREATC); tp[1] = creat(tmp[1],CREATC); tp[2] = creat(tmp[2],CREATC); tp[3] = creat(tmp[3],CREATC); } else { if((tp[0] = creat(utmp,CREATC)) < 0) { printf("Can't create user's temp file.\n"); exit(); } } return; } error(a) { printf("Erro buf--; swt: switch(*++buf = get(file)) { default: if(esw && *buf >= 'A' && *buf <= 'Z' && i == 0) *buf =| 040; goto swt; case -1: *buf = ' '; case '\t': if(i == ig) continue; brk = *buf; *buf = '\0'; buf = &bufsp; if(comp(buf, sym[i])) { if(esw && i == 0) { line[0] = line[1] = '\t'; l = 1; goto rest; } line[++l] = '\t'; continue; } else { copy(buf, sym[i]); l =+ copy(buf, &line[++l]); line[--skip collect save skip2 sk cont coll save out asym agobl csym cgobl incl decl sk2 sk tab semi collect/\;/semi; collect/_/cont; collect/{/incl; collect/}/decl; collect/'/cgobl; collect/\\/cgobl; collect/"/cgobl; collect/a/cont; collect/b/cont; collect/c/cont; collect/d/cont; collect/e/cont; collect/f/cont; collect/g/cont; collect/h/cont; collect/i/cont; collect/j/cont; collect/k/cont; collect/l/cont; collect/m/cont; collect/n/cont; collect/o/cont; collect/p/cont; collect/q/cont; collect/r/cont; collect/s/cr %d\n",a); dexit(); } dexit() { extern nflush; /* printf("nflush = %d\n",nflush); /*DEBUG*/ if(tp[0] > 0 && utmp == 0) { unlink(tmp[0]); unlink(tmp[1]); unlink(tmp[2]); unlink(tmp[3]); unlink(tmp[4]); } exit(); } callsys(f,v) char f[],*v[]; { int t,status,i; if((t = fork()) == 0) { execv(f,v); printf("Can't find %s\n",f); exit(1); } else { if(t == -1) { printf("Try again\n"); return(1); } } while(t != wait(&status)); /* printf("Status = %o, %s\n",status,f); /*DEBUGl] = brk; if(l < 8 && esw && i == 0) line[++l] = '\t'; j = i; while(++j < fct) *sym[j] = 0200; continue; } case '\n': lno++; brk = *buf; *buf = '\0'; buf = &bufsp; if(comp(buf, sym[i])) { goto fields; } else { copy(buf, sym[i]); l =+ copy(buf, &line[++l]); line[--l] = '\n'; j = i; while(++j < fct) *sym[j] = 0; goto out; } case '\0': goto fexit; } } rest: while((line[++l] = get(file)) != ont; collect/t/cont; collect/u/cont; collect/v/cont; collect/w/cont; collect/x/cont; collect/y/cont; collect/z/cont; collect/A/cont; collect/B/cont; collect/C/cont; collect/D/cont; collect/E/cont; collect/F/cont; collect/G/cont; collect/H/cont; collect/I/cont; collect/J/cont; collect/K/cont; collect/L/cont; collect/M/cont; collect/N/cont; collect/O/cont; collect/P/cont; collect/Q/cont; collect/R/cont; collect/S/cont; collect/T/cont; collect/U/cont; collect/V/cont; collect/W/cont; collect/X/cont; collect/Y/c*/ if((t = (status & 0377)) != 0) { if(t != 2) { printf("Fatal error in %s\n",f); printf("t = %d\n",t); } dexit(); } return((status>>8) & 0377); } flags(argv) char *argv[]; { int j,xx; char *ap; j = 1; ap = argv[1]; while(*++ap != '\0') { switch(*ap) { default: printf("Unrecognized flag: %c\n",*ap); dexit(); case '1': /* Symbol first */ order = 1; continue; case '2': /* Current file first */ order = 2; continue; case '3': /* Current symbol fir'\n') if(line[l] == '\0') goto fexit; lno++; out: if(*line != '\t') { put(0,"\n",1); lno++; } put(0,line,++l); goto fields; fexit: /* monitor(0); /*INSTR*/ return(0); } copy(a, b) char *a,*b; { char *c; b--; c = --a; while(*++b = *++a); return(a - c); } comp(a, b) char *a, *b; { /* printf("comp: %s %s\n",a,b); /*DEBUG*/ a--; b--; while(*++a == *++b) { if(*a == '\0') return(1); } return(0); } char buf[512]; int nread 1; get(ifile) int ifile; { char static *ibuf; if(-ont; collect/Z/cont; collect/1/cont; collect/2/cont; collect/3/cont; collect/4/cont; collect/5/cont; collect/6/cont; collect/7/cont; collect/8/cont; collect/9/cont; collect/0/cont; collect/ /out; skip/\;/semi; skip/_/coll; skip/ /tab; skip/{/incl; skip/}/decl; skip/*/cgobl; skip/'/cgobl; skip/"/cgobl; skip/\\/cgobl; skip/ /out; skip/1/sk2; skip/2/sk2; skip/3/sk2; skip/4/sk2; skip/5/sk2; skip/6/sk2; skip/7/sk2; skip/8/sk2; skip/9/sk2; skip/0/sk2; skip/a/coll; skip/b/coll; skip/c/coll; skip/d/coll; skip/e/colst */ order = 3; continue; case 'a': /* Assembler */ cflag = 0; continue; case 'c': /* C */ gtab = "/usr/lib/ctab"; if(!xx) ignonl = "/usr/lib/cign"; cflag = 1; continue; case 'e': /* English */ gtab = "/usr/lib/etab"; if(!xx) ignonl = "/usr/lib/eign"; continue; case 'i': /* Ignore file */ if(!xx) { xx = 1; only = 0; ignonl = argv[++j]; } continue; case 'l': /* Line numbers in col. 3 */ cross = 0; co-nread){ return(*ibuf++); } if(nread = read(ifile,buf,512)){ if(nread < 0)goto err; ibuf = buf; return(*ibuf++); } nread = 1; return(0); err: nread = 1; printf("read error\n"); return(0); } int tp[1] 1; int optr[4]; char bsp[512]; char *obuf[1] bsp; int nflush; put(fil,string,n) char *string; { int i; char *o; /*printf("%d %c %d\n",fil,*string,n);/*DEBUG*/ string--; if((i = optr[fil] + n - 512) >= 0) { n =- i; o = &obuf[fil][optr[fil]] -1; while(--n >= 0) *++o = *+l; skip/f/coll; skip/g/coll; skip/h/coll; skip/i/coll; skip/j/coll; skip/k/coll; skip/l/coll; skip/m/coll; skip/n/coll; skip/o/coll; skip/p/coll; skip/q/coll; skip/r/coll; skip/s/coll; skip/t/coll; skip/u/coll; skip/v/coll; skip/w/coll; skip/x/coll; skip/y/coll; skip/z/coll; skip/A/coll; skip/B/coll; skip/C/coll; skip/D/coll; skip/E/coll; skip/F/coll; skip/G/coll; skip/H/coll; skip/I/coll; skip/J/coll; skip/K/coll; skip/L/coll; skip/M/coll; skip/N/coll; skip/O/coll; skip/P/coll; skip/Q/coll; skip/R/coll; skntinue; case 'o': /* Only file */ if(!xx) { xx = 1; only = 1; ignonl = argv[++j]; } continue; case 's': /* Symbols in col. 3 */ cross = 1; continue; case 't': utmp = argv[++j]; tmp[0] = argv[j]; continue; case 'u': /* Unique symbols only */ usw = 1; continue; case 'x': /* C externals */ xsw = 1; gtab = "/usr/lib/ctab"; if(!xx) ignonl = "/usr/lib/cign"; cflag = 1; continue; } } return(j); } compile() { +string; optr[fil] = 512; flsh(fil); n = i; } o = &obuf[fil][optr[fil]] - 1; optr[fil] =+ n; while(--n >= 0) { *++o = *++string; } return(0); } flsh(fil) { extern tp[]; if(optr[fil] <= 0) return(optr[fil]); nflush++; if(write(tp[fil],obuf[fil],optr[fil]) != optr[fil]) return(-1); optr[fil] = 0; return(0); } ip/S/coll; skip/T/coll; skip/U/coll; skip/V/coll; skip/W/coll; skip/X/coll; skip/Y/coll; skip/Z/coll; skip2/{/incl; skip2/}/decl; skip2/a/cont; skip2/b/cont; skip2/c/cont; skip2/d/cont; skip2/e/cont; skip2/f/cont; skip2/g/cont; skip2/h/cont; skip2/i/cont; skip2/j/cont; skip2/k/cont; skip2/l/cont; skip2/m/cont; skip2/n/cont; skip2/o/cont; skip2/p/cont; skip2/q/cont; skip2/r/cont; skip2/s/cont; skip2/t/cont; skip2/u/cont; skip2/v/cont; skip2/w/cont; skip2/x/cont; skip2/y/cont; skip2/z/cont; skip2/A/cont; skipchar buf[40],*b; int i,v; fopen(ignonl,ibuf1); b = buf - 1; while((*++b = getc(ibuf1)) != -1) { if(*b == '\n') { *b = '\0'; search(buf,b - buf,&itab,1); b = buf - 1; } else { if(*b == '\t') { v = 0; while((i = getc(ibuf1)) != -1) { if(i == '\n') break; v = v*10 + (i - '0'); } search(buf,b - buf,&itab,v); b = buf - 1; } else { if((b - buf) > 39) { printf("Ignore/only symbol too long"); dexit(); } } } } close(ibuf1); return; } / reset 5 rts pc 2/B/cont; skip2/C/cont; skip2/D/cont; skip2/E/cont; skip2/F/cont; skip2/G/cont; skip2/H/cont; skip2/I/cont; skip2/J/cont; skip2/K/cont; skip2/L/cont; skip2/M/cont; skip2/N/cont; skip2/O/cont; skip2/P/cont; skip2/Q/cont; skip2/R/cont; skip2/S/cont; skip2/T/cont; skip2/U/cont; skip2/V/cont; skip2/W/cont; skip2/X/cont; skip2/Y/cont; skip2/Z/cont; skip2/1/cont; skip2/2/cont; skip2/3/cont; skip2/4/cont; skip2/5/cont; skip2/6/cont; skip2/7/cont; skip2/8/cont; skip2/9/cont; skip2/0/cont; skip2/./cont; skip2/ /out; 00+'t,'a,'t /-TATE .byte 6,200+'t,'o,'r,200+'a,'t /-TOR-ATE .byte 5,'e,'n,200+'a,'t /EN-ATE .byte 4,200+'m,'a,'t /-MATE .byte 5,200+'h,'o,'u,'s /-HOUSE .byte 5,200+'c,'l,'o,'s /-CLOSE .byte 4,'i,200+'o,'s /I-OSE .byte 4,200+'w,'i,'s /-WISE .byte 5,'a,'s,200+'u,'r /AS-URE .byte 40+4,200+'s,'u,'r /-SURE .byte 6,200+'f,'i,'g,200+'u,'r /-FIG-URE .byte 40+3,200+'t,'r /-TRE .byte 5,200+'s,'t,'o,'r /-STORE .byte 4,200+'f,'o,'r /-FORE .byte 5,200+'w,'h,'e,'r /-WHERE .byte 3,200+'d,'r /-DRE .byte 3,200+'c,'r /-CRE .'r,'g /-BURGH .byte 4,200+'v,'i,'c /-VICH .byte 3,200+'n,'a /-NAH .byte 3,200+'l,'a /-LAH .byte 4,200+'m,'i,200+'a /-MI-AH .byte 0 sufi: .byte 3,200+'t,'r /-TRI .byte 3,200+'c,'h /-CHI .byte 200+3,'i,'f /IF-I .byte 200+3,'e,'d /ED-I .byte 5,200+'a,'s,'c,'i /-ASCII .byte 0 sufk: .byte 4,200+'w,'o,'r /-WORK .byte 4,200+'m,'a,'r /-MARK .byte 4,200+'b,'o,'o /-BOOK .byte 4,200+'w,'a,'l /-WALK .byte 5,200+'c,'r,'a,'c /-CRACK .byte 4,200+'b,'a,'c /-BACK .byte 0 sufl: .byte 3,200+'f,'u /-FUL .byte 5,'s,200+'w,'e,'lbyte 3,200+'b,'r /-BRE .byte 5,200+'s,'c,'o,'p /-SCOPE .byte 4,'y,200+'o,'n /Y-ONE .byte 5,200+'s,'t,'o,'n /-STONE .byte 5,200+'p,'h,'o,'n /-PHONE .byte 4,200+'g,'o,'n /-GONE .byte 4,'e,200+'o,'n /E-ONE .byte 40+4,200+'e,'n,'n /-ENNE .byte 40+5,'a,200+'r,'i,'n /A-RINE .byte 5,200+'c,'l,'i,'n /-CLINE .byte 4,200+'l,'i,'n /-LINE .byte 4,200+'s,'o,'m /-SOME .byte 4,200+'c,'o,'m /-COME .byte 4,200+'t,'i,'m /-TIME .byte 3,200+'z,'l /-ZLE .byte 3,200+'t,'l /-TLE .byte 3,200+'s,'l /-SLE .byte 3,200+'p,'l /-PLE .by /S-WELL .byte 4,200+'t,'e,'l /-TELL .byte 5,200+'s,'h,'e,'l /-SHELL .byte 5,200+'s,'t,'a,'l /-STALL .byte 4,200+'s,'t,'a /-STAL .byte 4,200+'b,'a,'l /-BALL .byte 3,'v,200+'e /V-EL .byte 3,'u,200+'e /U-EL .byte 3,'k,200+'e /K-EL .byte 4,'t,'h,200+'e /TH-EL .byte 5,'t,'c,'h,200+'e /TCH-EL .byte 3,'a,200+'e /A-EL .byte 140+4,200+'q,'u,'a //QUAL .byte 40+3,'u,200+'a /U-AL .byte 3,200+'t,'a /-TAL .byte 4,'u,'r,200+'a /UR-AL .byte 40+5,'g,200+'o,200+'n,'a /G-O-NAL .byte 4,'o,'n,200+'a /ON-AL .byte 3,200+'n,'a /-/ suftab - suffix table suftab: sufa+20 0 sufc+20 sufd+20 sufe+20 suff+20 sufg+20 sufh+20 sufi+20 0 sufk+20 sufl+20 sufm+20 sufn+20 sufo+20 sufp+20 0 sufr+20 sufs+20 suft+20 0 0 0 0 sufy+20 0 sufa: .byte 2,200+'t /-TA .byte 2,200+'s /-SA .byte 3,200+'t,'r /-TRA .byte 3,200+'d,'r /-DRA .byte 3,200+'b,'r /-BRA .byte 2,200+'p /-PA .byte 2,200+'n /-NA .byte 2,200+'m /-MA .byte 3,200+'p,'l /-PLA .byte 2,200+'l /-LA .byte 2,200+'k /-Kte 5,200+'v,'i,'l,'l /-VILLE .byte 4,'c,'k,200+'l /CK-LE .byte 3,200+'k,'l /-KLE .byte 3,200+'g,'l /-GLE .byte 3,200+'f,'l /-FLE .byte 3,200+'d,'l /-DLE .byte 3,200+'c,'l /-CLE .byte 5,200+'p,'a,200+'b,'l /-PA-BLE .byte 5,'f,'a,200+'b,'l /FA-BLE .byte 5,200+'c,'a,200+'b,'l /-CA-BLE .byte 6,200+'s,'t,'a,'b,'l /-STABLE .byte 4,200+'a,'b,'l /-ABLE .byte 3,200+'b,'l /-BLE .byte 4,200+'d,'a,'l /-DALE .byte 4,200+'m,'a,'l /-MALE .byte 4,200+'s,'a,'l /-SALE .byte 4,200+'l,'i,'k /-LIKE .byte 340+5,'g,200+'u,'a,'g /NAL .byte 4,200+'t,'i,'a /-TIAL .byte 4,200+'s,'i,'a /-SIAL .byte 40+5,200+'t,'r,'i,200+'a /-TRI-AL .byte 4,'r,'i,200+'a /RI-AL .byte 4,200+'n,'i,200+'a /-NI-AL .byte 4,200+'d,'i,200+'a /-DI-AL .byte 4,200+'c,'i,'a /-CIAL .byte 3,200+'g,'a /-GAL .byte 4,200+'m,'e,'a /-MEAL /.byte 40+4,200+'r,'e,200+'a /-RE-AL .byte 40+4,200+'r,'e,'a /-REAL .byte 6,'c,200+'t,'i,200+'c,'a /C-TI-CAL .byte 5,200+'s,'i,200+'c,'a /-SI-CAL .byte 4,200+'i,200+'c,'a /-I-CAL .byte 3,200+'c,'a /-CAL .byte 3,200+'b,'a /-BAL .byte 6,200A .byte 3,200+'t,'h /-THA .byte 3,200+'s,'h /-SHA .byte 2,200+'g /-GA .byte 2,200+'d /-DA .byte 2,200+'c /-CA .byte 2,200+'b /-BA .byte 0 sufc: .byte 4,'e,'t,200+'i /ET-IC .byte 7,'a,'l,200+'i,'s,200+'t,'i /AL-IS-TIC .byte 4,'s,200+'t,'i /S-TIC .byte 4,'p,200+'t,'i /P-TIC .byte 5,200+'l,'y,'t,200+'i /-LYT-IC .byte 4,'o,'t,200+'i /OT-IC .byte 5,'a,'n,200+'t,'i /AN-TIC .byte 4,'n,200+'t,'i /N-TIC .byte 4,'c,200+'t,'i /C-TIC .byte 4,'a,'t,200+'i /AT-IC .byte 4,'h,200+'n,'i /H-NIC .byte 3,'n,200+'i /N-IC .byte -G/UAGE .byte 5,200+'r,'i,'a,'g /-RIAGE .byte 5,'e,'r,200+'a,'g /ER-AGE .byte 4,'m,200+'a,'g /M-AGE .byte 4,'k,200+'a,'g /K-AGE .byte 4,'d,200+'a,'g /D-AGE .byte 4,200+'w,'i,'f /-WIFE .byte 5,200+'k,'n,'i,'f /-KNYFE .byte 3,200+'s,'e /-SEE .byte 4,200+'f,'r,'e /-FREE .byte 340+2,'e /EE .byte 4,200+'w,'i,'d /-WIDE .byte 4,200+'t,'i,'d /-TIDE .byte 4,200+'s,'i,'d /-SIDE .byte 6,200+'q,'u,'e,'n,'c /-QUENCE .byte 7,200+'f,'l,'u,200+'e,'n,'c /-FLU-ENCE .byte 40+6,'e,'s,200+'e,'n,'c /ES-ENCE .byte 6,'e,'r,200+'e,+'n,'o,200+'m,'i,200+'a /-NO-MI-AL .byte 0 sufm: .byte 3,200+'n,'u /-NUM .byte 5,'o,200+'r,'i,200+'u /O-RI-UM .byte 40+3,'i,200+'u /I-UM .byte 40+3,'e,200+'u /E-UM .byte 5,'i,'v,200+'i,'s /IV-ISM .byte 4,200+'t,'i,'s /-TISM .byte 5,'i,200+'m,'i,'s /I-MISM .byte 5,'a,'l,200+'i,'s /AL-ISM .byte 40+4,'e,200+'i,'s /E-ISM .byte 40+4,'a,200+'i,'s /A-ISM .byte 4,200+'r,'o,'o /-ROOM .byte 3,200+'d,'o /-DOM .byte 3,200+'h,'a /-HAM .byte 6,200+'a,200+'r,'i,'t,'h /-A-RITHM .byte 5,200+'r,'i,'t,'h /-RITHM .byte 0 sufn:3,'m,200+'i /M-IC .byte 4,'l,200+'l,'i /L-LIC .byte 4,'b,200+'l,'i 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40+4,200+'l,'i,'e /-LIEF .byte 0 sufg: .byte 3,200+'l,'o /-LOG .byte 4,200+'l,'o,'n /-LONG .byte 5,'t,200+'t,'i,'n /T-TING .byte 6,200+'s,'t,'r,'i,'n / -STRING .byte 5,'r,200+'r,'i,'n /R-RING .byte 5,'p,200+'p,'i,'n /P-PING .byte 5,'n,200+'n,'i,'n /N-NING .byte 5,'m,200+'m,'i,'n /M-MING .byte 5,'l,200+'l,'i,'n / L-LING .byte 5,200+'z,'l,'i,'n /-ZLING .byte 5,200+'t,'l,'i,'n /-TLING .byte 40+5,'s,200+'l,'i,'n /S-LING .byte 5,'r,200+'l,'i,'n /R-LING .byte 5,200+'p,'l,'i,'n /-PLING .byte 6,'n,200+' 3,200+'c,'o /-CON .byte 3,200+'t,'o /-TON .byte 3,200+'s,'o /-SON .byte 3,200+'r,'i /-RIN .byte 3,200+'p,'i /-PIN .byte 3,200+'n,'i /-NIN .byte 3,200+'m,'i /-MIN .byte 3,200+'l,'i /-LIN .byte 3,200+'k,'i /-KIN .byte 5,200+'s,'t,'e,'i /-STEIN .byte 4,200+'t,'a,'i /-TAIN .byte 5,'g,'h,'t,200+'e /GHT-EN .byte 5,200+'w,'o,'m,200+'e /-WOM-EN .byte 3,200+'m,'e /-MEN .byte 4,'o,200+'k,'e /O-KEN .byte 3,'k,200+'e /K-EN .byte 4,200+'t,'e,'e /-TEEN .byte 4,200+'s,'e,'e /-SEEN .byte 40+3,200+'s,'a /-SAN 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5,200+'m,'o,'u,'t /-MOUTH .byte 5,200+'w,'o,'r,'w,'o,'m,200+'a /-WOM-AN .byte 3,200+'m,'a /-MAN .byte 4,200+'t,'i,'a /-TIAN .byte 4,200+'s,'i,'a /-SIAN .byte 40+4,'e,200+'i,'a /E-IAN .byte 4,200+'c,'i,'a /-CIAN .byte 300+3,'i,'a /IA/N .byte 5,200+'c,'l,'e,'a /-CLEAN .byte 4,200+'m,'e,'a /-MEAN .byte 40+3,'e,200+'a /E-AN .byte 0 sufo: .byte 5,200+'m,'a,'c,200+'r /-MAC-RO .byte 0 sufp: .byte 5,200+'g,'r,'o,'u /-GROUP .byte 2,200+'u /-UP .byte 4,200+'s,'h,'i /-SHIP .byte 4,200+'k,'e,'e /-KEEP .byte 0 sufr: .byte 4,200+'z,'a,'r /-ZARR .byte 300+2,'r /R/R .by4,200+'h,'e,'a /-HEAD .byte 0 sufe: .byte 5,'a,'r,200+'i,'z /AR-IZE .byte 5,'a,'n,200+'i,'z /AN-IZE .byte 5,'a,'l,200+'i,'z /AL-IZE .byte 6,200+'a,'r,'d,200+'i,'z /-ARD-IZE .byte 5,200+'s,'e,'l,'v /-SELVE .byte 5,200+'k,'n,'i,'v /-KNIVE .byte 5,200+'l,'i,'e,'v /-LIEVE .byte 100+3,200+'q,'u //QUE .byte 7,'o,'n,200+'t,'i,'n,200+'u /ON-TIN-UE .byte 3,200+'n,'u /-NUE .byte 3,200+'d,'u /-DUE .byte 300+2,'u /U/E .byte 300+5,'q,'u,'a,'t / QUAT/E .byte 4,'u,200+'a,'t /U-ATE .byte 5,200+'s,'t,'a,'t /-STATE .byte 4,2t /-WORTH .byte 4,200+'w,'i,'t /-WITH .byte 5,'t,200+'t,'i,'s /T-TISH .byte 5,'e,200+'t,'i,'s /E-TISH .byte 5,'p,200+'p,'i,'s /P-PISH .byte 5,'r,200+'n,'i,'s /R-NISH .byte 5,'n,200+'n,'i,'s /N-NISH .byte 5,200+'p,'l,'i,'s /-PLISH .byte 5,200+'g,'u,'i,'s / -GUISH .byte 5,200+'g,'l,'i,'s / -GLISH .byte 5,'b,200+'l,'i,'s / B-LISH .byte 5,'g,200+'g,'i,'s /G-GISH .byte 5,'d,200+'d,'i,'s /D-DISH .byte 3,200+'i,'s /-ISH .byte 5,200+'g,'r,'a,'p /-GRAPH .byte 7,200+'b,'o,'r,200+'o,'u,'g /-BOR-OUGH .byte 5,200+'b,'u,te 3,200+'t,'o /-TOR .byte 40+3,200+'s,'o /-SOR .byte 40+4,200+'r,'i,200+'o /-RI-OR .byte 4,'i,'z,200+'e /IZ-ER .byte 5,200+'c,'o,'v,200+'e /-COV-ER .byte 4,'o,200+'v,'e /O-VER .byte 4,200+'e,'v,200+'e /-EV-ER .byte 8.,200+'c,'o,'m,200+'p,'u,'t,200+'e /-COM-PUT-ER .byte 40+5,'u,'s,200+'t,'e /US-TER .byte 5,'o,'s,'t,200+'e /OST-ER .byte 40+5,200+'a,'c,200+'t,'e /-AC-TER .byte 6,200+'w,'r,'i,'t,200+'e /-WRIT-ER .byte 40+5,'i,'s,200+'t,'e /IS-TER .byte 40+5,'e,'s,200+'t,'e /ES-TER .byte 40+5,'a,'s,200+'t,'e /AS-TER .byte 4,200+'s,'t,'e /-STER .byte 5,'a,'r,200+'t,'e /AR-TER .byte 4,'r,'t,200+'e /RT-ER .byte 40+5,'m,200+'e,200+'t,'e /M-E-TER .byte 5,200+'w,'a,200+'t,'e /-WA-TER .byte 3,'r,200+'e /R-ER .byte 4,'o,'p,200+'e /OP-ER .byte 5,200+'p,'a,200+'p,'e /-PA-PER .byte 4,'w,'n,200+'e /WN-ER .byte 40+4,'s,200+'n,'e /S-NER .byte 4,'o,'n,200+'e /ON-ER .byte 4,'r,'m,200+'e /RM-ER .byte 3,200+'m,'e /-MER .byte 4,'l,'l,200+'e /LL-ER .byte 5,'d,200+'d,'l,'e /D-DLER .byte 4,200+'b,'l,'e /-BLER .byte 3,'k,200+'e /K-ER .byte 0 .even 20 .byte 000,000,000,000,360,000,000,000,000,000,160,000,000 .byte 100,000,040,005,120,000,000,100,000,000,060,000,140 .byte 140,040,100,001,240,041,000,242,000,002,140,000,100 .byte 240,000,120,002,200,000,000,320,007,000,240,000,340 .byte 101,021,041,020,040,005,042,121,002,021,201,000,020 .byte 160,000,100,000,140,000,000,160,006,000,220,000,140 .byte 140,000,020,001,020,000,000,100,001,000,300,000,000 .byte 000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 .byte 106,041,040,147,040,000,063,041,001,102byte 5,'n,200+'t,'h,'e /N-THER .byte 6,200+'f,'a,200+'t,'h,'e /-FA-THER .byte 6,'e,'i,200+'t,'h,'e /EI-THER .byte 4,'t,'h,200+'e /TH-ER .byte 4,'s,'h,200+'e /SH-ER .byte 4,200+'p,'h,'e /-PHER .byte 4,'c,'h,200+'e /CH-ER .byte 4,'d,'g,200+'e /DG-ER .byte 4,'r,'d,200+'e /RD-ER .byte 6,'o,'u,'n,'d,200+'e /OUND-ER .byte 4,'l,'d,200+'e /LD-ER .byte 4,'i,'d,200+'e /ID-ER .byte 5,200+'d,'u,'c,200+'e /-DUC-ER .byte 4,'n,'c,200+'e /NC-ER .byte 100+2, 200+'e / /ER .byte 3,200+'s,'a /-SAR .byte 40+6,'a,'c,200+'u,200+'cc -s -O sno?.c cmp a.out /usr/bin/sno cp a.out /usr/bin/sno rm *.o a.out ,160,002,002 .byte 300,000,040,017,140,017,000,240,000,000,140,000,120 bxxh: .byte 005,150,153,062,062,246,152,127,146,203,310,017,206 .byte 100,000,120,000,140,000,000,100,000,000,120,000,060 .byte 100,000,040,000,060,000,000,060,000,000,220,000,040 .byte 100,000,120,000,200,000,000,100,000,000,140,000,060 .byte 043,142,046,140,062,147,210,131,046,106,246,017,111 .byte 060,000,020,000,060,000,000,040,000,000,100,000,000 .byte 060,000,040,000,040,000,000,040,000,000,100,000,040 .byte 100,000,100,000,100,00l,'a /AC-U-LAR .byte 40+6,'e,'c,200+'u,200+'l,'a /EC-U-LAR .byte 40+6,'i,'c,200+'u,200+'l,'a /IC-U-LAR .byte 40+6,'e,'g,200+'u,200+'l,'a /EG-U-LAR .byte 0 sufs: .byte 40+4,'u,200+'o,'u /U-OUS .byte 5,200+'t,'i,'o,'u /-TIOUS .byte 5,200+'g,'i,'o,'u /-GIOUS .byte 5,200+'c,'i,'o,'u /-CIOUS .byte 40+4,'i,200+'o,'u /I-OUS .byte 5,200+'g,'e,'o,'u /-GEOUS .byte 5,200+'c,'e,'o,'u /-CEOUS .byte 4,'e,200+'o,'u /E-OUS .byte 140+2,200+'u //US .byte 4,200+'n,'e,'s /-NESS .byte 4,200+'l,'e,'s /-LESS .byte 140+2,200+'s /// / / roff5 -- runoff slow: 1 pto: 9999. po: 0 ls: 1 ls1: 1 pn: 1 ma1: 2 ma2: 2 ma3: 1 ma4: 3 ll: 65. llh: 65. hx: 1 pl: 66. ad: 1 fi: 1 cc: '. ohc: 200 hyf: 1 hypedf: 0 obufp: obuf thresh: 240 tabc: ' tabtab: .byte 8.,16.,24.,32.,40.,48.,56.,64.,72.,0 suffil: ones: fives: ttyx: bfn: .even ofile: -1 nextb: 4 ilistp: ilist .bss old: .=.+2 stop: .=.+2 garb: .=.+2 bname: nextf: .=.+20. nx: .=.+2 ibf: .=.+2 ibf1: .=.+2 skp: .=.+2 ip: .=.+2 il0,000,040,000,000,100,000,140 .byte 066,045,145,140,000,070,377,030,130,103,003,017,006 .byte 040,000,040,000,020,000,000,040,000,000,100,000,000 .byte 200,000,020,000,140,000,000,120,000,000,120,000,040 .byte 120,000,040,000,060,000,000,060,000,000,160,000,040 .byte 120,000,040,000,120,000,000,040,000,000,160,000,040 .byte 120,000,020,000,140,000,000,120,000,000,140,000,040 .byte 051,126,150,140,060,210,146,006,006,165,003,017,244 .byte 120,000,040,000,160,000,000,140,000,000,060,000,140 .byte 000,000,000,SS .byte 40+5,'p,200+'o,200+'l,'i /P-O-LIS .byte 140+2,200+'i //IS .byte 100+3,200+'x,'e /X/ES .byte 100+3,200+'s,'e /S/ES .byte 100+4,'s,'h,200+'e /SH/ES .byte 100+4,'c,'h,200+'e /CH/ES .byte 300+1 //S .byte 0 suft: .byte 6,'i,'o,'n,200+'i,'s /ION-IST .byte 5,'i,'n,200+'i,'s /IN-IST .byte 5,'a,'l,200+'i,'s /AL-IST .byte 6,'l,200+'o,200+'g,'i,'s /L-O-GIST .byte 5,'h,'t,200+'e,'s /HT-EST .byte 4,'i,200+'e,'s /I-EST .byte 5,'g,200+'g,'e,'s /G-GEST .byte 4,'g,200+'e,'s /G-EST .byte 5,'d,200+'d,'e,'s /D-DEST .bist: .=.+8. iliste: .=.+2 column: .=.+2 ocol: .=.+2 nspace: .=.+2 fac: .=.+2 fmq: .=.+2 nhl: .=.+2 nel: .=.+2 jfomod: .=.+2 wordp: .=.+2 nlflg: .=.+2 /tottext: .=.+2 /totcon: .=.+2 spaceflg: .=.+2 ch: .=.+2 linep: .=.+2 undflg: .=.+2 wordend: .=.+2 maxdig: .=.+2 maxloc: .=.+2 totout: .=.+2 hstart: .=.+2 nhstart: .=.+2 nhyph: .=.+2 argc: .=.+2 argp: .=.+2 ibufp: .=.+2 eibuf: .=.+2 wne: .=.+2 nl: .=.+2 bl: .=.+2 nc: .=.+2 ne: .=.+2 lnumber: .=.+2 numbmod: .=.+2 skip: .=.+2 nwd: .=.+2 ulstate: .=.+2 ulc: .=.+2000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 .byte 140,000,140,000,060,000,000,100,000,000,140,000,020 .byte 120,000,020,000,060,000,000,060,000,000,060,000,040 .byte 140,000,020,000,100,000,000,140,000,000,140,000,020 .byte 070,125,051,162,120,105,126,104,006,044,000,017,052 .byte 140,000,020,000,140,000,000,060,000,000,060,000,040 .byte 020,000,000,000,020,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,060 .byte 140,000,160,000,200,000,000,140,000,000,000,000,240 .byte 065,042,060,200,000,210,222,146,006,204,220,012,003 .byte 24yte 4,'d,200+'e,'s /D-EST .byte 4,200+'c,'a,'s /-CAST .byte 5,200+'h,'e,'a,'r /-HEART .byte 4,200+'f,'o,'o /-FOOT .byte 3,'i,200+'o /I-OT .byte 5,200+'f,'r,'o,'n /-FRONT .byte 5,200+'p,'r,'i,'n /-PRINT .byte 4,200+'m,'e,'n /-MENT .byte 5,200+'c,'i,'e,'n /-CIENT .byte 4,'i,200+'a,'n /I-ANT .byte 6,200+'w,'r,'i,'g,'h /-WRIGHT .byte 6,200+'b,'r,'i,'g,'h /-BRIGHT .byte 6,200+'f,'l,'i,'g,'h /-FLIGHT .byte 6,200+'w,'e,'i,'g,'h /-WEIGHT .byte 5,200+'s,'h,'i,'f /-SHIFT .byte 5,200+'c,'r,'a,'f /-CRAFT .byte 40+4,'d, bsc: .=.+2 nsp: .=.+2 nn: .=.+2 ro: .=.+2 pfrom: .=.+2 ni: .=.+2 onesp: .=.+2 fivesp: .=.+2 ul: .=.+2 ce: .=.+2 in: .=.+2 un: .=.+2 wch: .=.+2 suff: .=.+2 sufb: .=.+20. sufbuf: .=.+512. suftab: .=.+[2*26.] ifile: .=.+2 char: .=.+2 nfile: .=.+2 ehead: .=.+2 ohead: .=.+2 efoot: .=.+2 ofoot: .=.+2 trtab: .=.+128. word: .=.+200. stbuf: linsiz = 500. line: .=.+linsiz end: 0,000,020,000,120,000,000,200,000,000,200,000,240 xhx: .byte 032,146,042,107,076,102,042,146,202,050,006,000,051 .byte 036,377,057,013,057,366,377,057,001,377,057,000,040 .byte 037,377,020,000,100,022,377,057,362,116,100,000,017 .byte 057,377,057,031,137,363,377,037,362,270,077,000,117 .byte 074,142,012,236,076,125,063,165,341,046,047,000,024 .byte 020,017,075,377,040,001,377,017,001,204,020,000,040 .byte 057,017,057,340,140,362,314,117,003,302,100,000,057 .byte 057,357,077,017,100,366,314,057,342,346,037,'g,200+'e /DG-ET .byte 4,200+'g,'o,'a /-GOAT .byte 4,200+'c,'o,'a /-COAT .byte 4,200+'b,'o,'a /-BOAT .byte 4,200+'w,'h,'a /-WHAT .byte 4,200+'c,'u,'i /-CUIT .byte 0 sufy: .byte 40+4,'e,'s,200+'t /ES-TY .byte 40+5,'q,'u,'i,200+'t /QUI-TY .byte 4,200+'t,'i,200+'t /-TI-TY .byte 40+5,'o,'s,200+'i,200+'t /OS-I-TY .byte 4,200+'s,'i,200+'t /-SI-TY .byte 5,'i,'n,200+'i,200+'t /IN-I-TY .byte 4,'n,'i,200+'t /NI-TY .byte 40+10,'f,'a,200+'b,'i,'l,200+'i,200+'t /FA-BIL-I-TY .byte 10,200+'c,'a,200+'b,'i,'l,200+'i,200+'t 000,060 .byte 252,145,072,157,377,165,063,066,164,050,363,000,362 .byte 000,000,020,000,020,000,000,017,000,000,020,000,000 .byte 117,017,237,377,200,354,125,110,004,257,000,000,300 .byte 057,367,054,357,157,216,314,114,217,353,053,000,057 .byte 077,213,077,077,177,317,377,114,377,352,077,000,076 .byte 077,213,077,077,157,177,377,054,377,352,117,000,075 .byte 125,230,065,216,057,066,063,047,345,126,011,000,033 .byte 057,377,051,360,120,361,273,056,001,256,057,000,060 .byte 000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,00/-CA-BIL-I-TY .byte 10,200+'p,'a,200+'b,'i,'l,200+'i,200+'t /-PA-BIL-I-TY .byte 6,200+'b,'i,'l,200+'i,200+'t /-BIL-I-TY .byte 3,'i,200+'t /I-TY .byte 4,200+'b,'u,'r /-BUR-Y .byte 4,200+'t,'o,200+'r /-TO-RY .byte 5,200+'q,'u,'a,'r /-QUAR-Y .byte 40+4,'u,200+'a,'r /U-ARY .byte 7,200+'m,'e,'n,200+'t,'a,200+'r /-MEN-TA-RY .byte 6,'i,'o,'n,200+'a,'r /ION-ARY .byte 4,'i,200+'a,'r /I-ARY .byte 4,'n,200+'o,200+'m /N-O-MY .byte 3,200+'p,'l /-PLY .byte 4,'g,200+'g,'l /G-GLY .byte 5,200+'p,'a,200+'b,'l /-PA-BLY .byte / / / hyp4 -- digram tables bxh: .byte 060,000,040,000,040,000,000,040,000,000,040,000,040 hxx: .byte 006,042,041,123,021,024,063,042,002,043,021,001,022 .byte 140,000,200,003,260,006,000,160,007,000,140,000,320 .byte 220,000,160,005,240,010,000,100,006,000,200,000,320 .byte 240,000,120,003,140,000,000,240,010,000,220,000,160 .byte 042,023,041,040,040,022,043,041,030,064,021,000,041 .byte 100,000,140,000,220,006,000,140,003,000,200,000,000 .byte 200,000,120,002,220,010,000,160,006,000,140,000,320 .byte 00,000,000,000,000 .byte 076,310,056,310,137,174,273,055,335,266,033,000,155 .byte 077,157,057,360,057,063,042,024,077,206,020,000,040 .byte 057,037,077,360,100,365,377,037,362,176,050,000,026 .byte 167,146,042,112,077,110,062,254,366,052,377,000,163 .byte 060,000,040,000,120,000,377,060,012,000,037,000,257 .byte 037,232,157,361,040,003,125,010,001,256,000,000,340 .byte 377,377,377,377,377,377,377,377,377,377,377,017,277 .byte 253,315,257,216,377,206,146,306,371,126,232,000,004 .byte 057,012,100,360,160,360,5,'f,'a,200+'b,'l /FA-BLY .byte 5,200+'c,'a,200+'b,'l /-CA-BLY .byte 4,200+'a,'b,'l /-ABLY .byte 3,200+'b,'l /-BLY .byte 2,200+'l /-LY .byte 3,200+'s,'k /-SKY .byte 40+6,'g,200+'r,'a,200+'p,'h /G-RA-PHY .byte 4,'l,200+'o,200+'g /L-O-GY .byte 2,200+'f /-FY .byte 3,200+'n,'e /-NEY .byte 3,200+'l,'e /-LEY .byte 4,'c,'k,200+'e /CK-EY .byte 3,200+'k,'e /-KEY .byte 4,200+'b,'o,'d /-BODY .byte 5,200+'s,'t,'u,'d /-STUDY .byte 340+4,'e,'e,'d /EEDY .byte 2,200+'b /-BY .byte 3,200+'w,'a /-WAY .byte 3,200+'d,'a /-DAY .20,000,020,000,020,000,000,020,000,000,020,000,000 .byte 043,163,065,044,022,043,104,042,061,146,061,000,007 .byte 100,000,140,000,040,000,000,100,000,000,120,000,000 .byte 140,000,040,011,060,004,001,120,003,000,140,000,040 .byte 200,000,100,000,140,000,000,140,000,000,140,000,240 .byte 200,000,140,000,160,000,000,220,000,000,140,000,240 .byte 200,000,140,000,160,000,000,220,000,000,060,000,240 .byte 021,043,041,121,040,023,042,003,142,042,061,001,022 .byte 120,000,140,010,140,010,000,140,002,000,120,000,1000,040,000,017,157,000,176 xxh: .byte 045,150,154,162,042,246,210,147,152,103,230,017,206 .byte 100,000,040,000,140,000,000,100,000,021,120,017,060 .byte 100,000,040,002,140,320,000,060,000,001,220,017,040 .byte 100,001,120,001,241,000,000,100,000,020,140,017,060 .byte 023,162,046,142,022,207,210,131,052,106,250,017,110 .byte 060,000,042,000,160,000,000,040,000,212,100,017,000 .byte 140,000,040,002,140,000,000,120,000,040,120,017,040 .byte 100,000,100,000,140,001,021,140,000,046,100,017,140 .byte 066,045,025,201,020,130,146,030,130,103,025,017,006 .byte 100,000,040,000,020,000,000,040,000,000,200,017,000 .byte 200,000,020,001,140,000,000,140,000,000,120,017,040 .byte 120,026,042,020,140,161,042,143,000,022,162,017,040 .byte 121,042,060,020,140,200,000,123,000,021,220,017,041 .byte 121,042,060,120,140,200,000,123,000,021,160,017,041 .byte 051,126,150,141,060,210,146,066,026,165,026,017,247 .byte 120,000,040,003,160,000,000,140,000,021,100,017,140 .byte 000,000,000,000,200,000,000,000,000,000,000,017,000 .bytp r3,r1 ble 2f tstb -(r3) bpl 2b 1: mov r0,hstart dec hstart bitb $100,-1(r1) bne 2b jsr r5,checkvow bne 4f bisb $200,(r0) br 2b 2: bitb $40,-(r1) beq suffix br 4f 3: tst (sp)+ 4: rts r5 rdsuf: mov r0,-(sp) mov suff,nfile mov 4(sp),r1 jsr pc,rdsufb mov $sufb,r2 movb r0,(r2)+ mov r0,r3 bic $!17,r3 1: dec r3 blt 1f inc r1 jsr pc,rdsufb movb r0,(r2)+ br 1b 1: mov $sufb,r1 mov (sp)+,r0 rts pc eadout: tst hx bne 0f tst (r5)+ rts r5 0: clr -(sp) mov *(r5),r2 mov ibf1,nfile jsr r5,headseg; width mov r0,-(sp) jsr r5,headseg; width mov r0,-(sp) jsr r5,headseg; width mov r0,-(sp) mov po,r0 jsr pc,space tst numbmod beq 1f mov $5,r0 add ni,r0 mov r0,6(sp) 1: mov *(r5)+,r2 jsr r5,headseg; putchar mov llh,r0 add 6(sp),r0 sub 2(sp),r0 asr r0 sub 4(sp),r0 bge 1f clr r0 1: mov r0,-(sp) jsr pc,space jsr r5,headseg; putchar mov llh,r0 sub (sp)+,r0 sub (sp)+,r0 sub (sp)+,r0 e 141,023,122,040,160,143,042,142,000,047,143,017,020 .byte 120,000,040,006,140,060,000,141,000,026,100,017,040 .byte 140,000,020,007,100,000,000,140,000,001,140,017,020 .byte 110,125,051,162,120,125,127,104,006,104,000,017,052 .byte 140,000,040,000,160,000,000,140,000,000,060,017,000 .byte 040,005,020,000,040,313,231,030,000,140,000,017,056 .byte 140,000,160,000,200,000,000,140,000,000,000,017,240 .byte 065,042,060,040,000,206,231,146,006,224,220,017,004 .byte 240,000,020,000,140,000,000,220,000,000,200,01sub (sp)+,r0 add (sp)+,r0 jsr pc,space jsr r5,headseg; putchar jsr pc,newline rts r5 headseg: clr -(sp) 1: mov r1,-(sp) mov r2,r1 inc r2 jsr pc,rdsufb mov (sp)+,r1 tstb r0 beq 1f cmp r0,$'% beq 2f jsr pc,*(r5) add r1,(sp) br 1b 2: mov pn,r0 clr r1 tst ro beq 2f mov $ones,onesp mov $fives,fivesp jsr pc,roman add r1,(sp) br 1b 2: jsr pc,decml add r1,(sp) br 1b 1: mov (sp)+,r0 tst (r5)+ rts r5 space: jsr r5,nlines; putchar rts pc nlines: mov r0,-(sp) 1: dec (sp) blt 1f 7,141 .even / / / roff4 -- runoff text: / inc tottext clr ulstate clr wch clr wne tst ce bne nofill tst fi beq nofill jsr pc,getchar 2: mov r0,ch cmp $' ,r0 bne 2f jsr pc,rbreak 1: jsr pc,getchar cmp $' ,r0 bne 2b inc un br 1b 2: cmp r0,$'\n bne 2f jsr pc,rbreak clr ch jsr pc,nline br 4f 2: tst wch bne 3f jsr pc,getword br 4f 3: jsr pc,movword bne 2b jsr pc,adjust br 2b 4: dec ul bge 1f clr ul 1: rts pc nofill: jsr pc,rbreak 1: jsr pc,gettchar cmp r0,$'\n beq 1f jsr pc,width mov $' ,r0 jsr pc,*(r5) br 1b 1: cmp (r5)+,(sp)+ rts r5 decimal: jsr pc,decml tst (r5)+ rts r5 decml: mov r2,-(sp) mov r3,-(sp) jsr pc,decml1 mov (sp)+,r3 mov (sp)+,r2 rts pc decml1: mov r1,-(sp) clr r2 mov r0,r3 dvd $10.,r2 mov r3,-(sp) mov r2,r0 beq 1f jsr pc,decml mov r1,2(sp) 1: mov (sp)+,r0 add $'0,r0 jsr pc,*(r5) add (sp)+,r1 rts pc roman: mov r2,-(sp) mov r3,-(sp) jsr pc,roman1 mov (sp)+,r3 mov (sp)+,r2 rts pc roman1: clr r2 mov r0,r3 bne .+4 rts pc mov r1,-/ / / hyp1 -- driver hyphen: tst hypedf bne 3f tst hyf beq 3f inc hypedf mov wordp,r0 clr nhyph 1: jsr pc,punct bne 1f inc r0 br 1b 1: jsr pc,alph bne 3f 1: inc r0 jsr pc,alph beq 1b dec r0 mov r0,hstart 1: inc r0 tstb (r0) beq 2f jsr pc,punct bne 3f br 1b 2: jsr r5,suffix jsr r5,digram 3: rts pc punct: tst old bne 4f cmpb (r0),$010 beq 0f movb (r0),r2 jsr pc,alph2 beq 0f sez rts pc 0: clz rts pc 4: mov $3f,r2 1: cmpb (r0),(r2)+ beq 2f tstb (r2) bne 1b clz 2 add r1,ne jsr pc,storeline br 1b 1: tst ce ble 2f dec ce mov nel,r0 asr r0 bpl 1f clr r0 1: add r0,un tst numbmod beq 2f add $2,un 2: clr fac clr fmq mov $1000,nwd mov $' ,r0 jsr pc,storeline jsr pc,rbreak dec ul bpl 2f clr ul 2: rts pc adjust: mov r2,-(sp) mov r3,-(sp) clr r2 clr r3 tst ad beq 1f mov nwd,r0 dec r0 ble 1f mov nel,r3 ble 1f dvd r0,r2 1: mov r3,fac mov r2,fmq mov (sp)+,r3 mov (sp)+,r2 jsr pc,rbreak rts pc fill: mov fmq,r0 1: inc r0 dec nc cmpb ((sp) dvd $10.,r2 mov r3,-(sp) mov r2,r0 inc onesp inc fivesp jsr pc,roman mov r1,2(sp) dec onesp dec fivesp clr r2 mov (sp)+,r3 dvd $5.,r2 cmp r3,$4 bne 1f movb *onesp,r0 jsr pc,*(r5) add r1,(sp) tst r2 beq 2f inc onesp movb *onesp,r0 dec onesp br 3f 2: movb *fivesp,r0 3: jsr pc,*(r5) add (sp)+,r1 rts pc 1: tst r2 beq 2f movb *fivesp,r0 jsr pc,*(r5) add r1,(sp) 2: dec r3 blt 1f movb *onesp,r0 jsr pc,*(r5) add r1,(sp) br 2b 1: mov (sp)+,r1 rts pc : rts pc 3: < .,()"\'`\0> /should be more .even maplow: cmp r2,$'a bhis 1f add $'a-'A,r2 1: rts pc vowel: cmp r2,$'a beq 1f cmp r2,$'e beq 1f cmp r2,$'i beq 1f cmp r2,$'o beq 1f cmp r2,$'u beq 1f cmp r2,$'y 1: rts pc checkvow: mov r0,-(sp) 1: movb -(r0),r2 jsr pc,vowel beq 1f jsr pc,alph beq 1b mov (sp)+,r0 clz rts r5 1: mov (sp)+,r0 sez rts r5 / hyp2 -- suffix and digram digram: mov hstart,r0 1: jsr pc,alph bne 3f jsr pc,vowel beq 1f dec r0 br 1b 1: mov r0,hstart 1:r2)+,$' beq 1b dec r2 bit $1,totout beq 2f inc fac cmp fac,nwd blt 1f inc r0 br 1f 2: dec fac bmi 1f inc r0 1: jsr pc,space movb (r2),r0 rts pc movword: mov wch,wordend mov wordp,r4 add r4,wordend tst nwd bne 2f 1: movb (r4)+,r0 cmp r0,$' bne 1f dec wch jsr pc,width sub r1,wne br 1b 1: dec r4 2: cmp wne,nel ble 1f cmp nel,$4 ble 1f mov ls,r0 add nl,r0 cmp r0,bl bgt 2f mov ls,r0 asl r0 add nl,r0 cmp r0,bl bgt 1f 2: jsr pc,hyphen 1: clr nhyph mov wch,-(sp) 1: mo  movb -(r0),r2 jsr pc,alph2 bne 3f jsr pc,vowel bne 1b clr maxdig mov r0,nhstart 1: mov $1,r3 movb -1(r0),r2 jsr pc,alph2 beq 2f movb (r0),r2 mov $'a,r1 jsr r5,dilook; bxh br 4f 2: movb -2(r0),r2 mov $xxh,0f jsr pc,alph2 beq 2f mov $bxxh,0f 2: movb -1(r0),r1 movb (r0),r2 jsr r5,dilook; 0:xxh 4: movb (r0)+,r1 movb (r0),r2 jsr r5,dilook; xhx movb (r0),r1 movb 1(r0),r2 jsr r5,dilook; hxx cmp r3,maxdig blos 2f mov r3,maxdig mov r0,maxloc 2: cmp r0,hstart blo 1b mov nhstart,hsvb (r4)+,r0 cmp r0,$'- bne 2f movb (r4),r2 jsr pc,alph2 bne 2f bisb $200,(r4) 2: tst r0 bpl 2f bic $!177,r0 mov r4,r3 sub $4,r3 cmp r3,$word blo 2f movb (r3),r2 bic $!177,r2 jsr pc,alph2 beq 3f cmp nel,$2 ble 2f 3: mov r0,-(sp) clr r0 jsr pc,storeline mov (sp)+,r0 inc nhyph 2: jsr pc,width sub r1,wne jsr pc,storeline dec wch bne 1b tst nel blt 1f inc nwd tst (sp)+ clz rts pc 1: mov linep,r3 1: tst nhyph bne 2f tst nwd beq 3f cmp wch,(sp) beq 4f 2: movb -(r3),r0 bn/ / /roff3 -- runoff skipcont: jsr pc,getchar mov r0,r2 jsr pc,alph2 beq skipcont 1: cmp $' ,r0 bne 1f jsr pc,getchar br 1b 1: mov r0,ch rts pc rbreak: tst nc ble 4f clrb *linep inc totout mov ls,r0 dec r0 jsr r5,nlines; nline tst pl beq 4f cmp nl,bl bne 1f 3: jsr pc,eject 1: tst nl bne 3f mov ma1,r0 jsr r5,nlines; newline bit $1,pn bne 1f jsr r5,headout; ehead br 2f 1: jsr r5,headout; ohead 2: mov ma2,r0 jsr r5,nlines; newline dec skip bge 3b 3: mov po,r0 jsr pc,spactart cmp maxdig,thresh blo digram bisb $200,*maxloc inc nhyph / mov maxdig,*octbufp / inc octcnt / add $2,octbufp br digram 3: rts r5 dilook: mov r4,-(sp) bic $!177,r2 bic $!177,r1 jsr pc,maplow sub $'a,r2 cmp r2,$'z-'a bhi 3f mov r2,r4 mov r1,r2 jsr pc,maplow sub $'a,r2 cmp r2,$'z-'a bhi 3f mov r3,-(sp) mov r2,r3 mpy $13.,r3 clr r2 clc ror r4 adc r2 add r3,r4 add (r5)+,r4 movb (r4),r4 tst r2 bne 1f asr r4 asr r4 asr r4 asr r4 1: bic $!17,r4 mov r4,r3 mpy (sp)+,r3 br e 2f dec nhyph bne 5f tst nwd beq 6f 5: tst nel ble 2f 6: cmpb -1(r3),$'- beq 3f movb $'-,(r3) dec nel inc ne br 3f 2: dec nc tstb (r3) beq 1b jsr pc,width sub r1,ne add r1,nel inc wch dec r4 add r1,wne br 1b 3: inc nwd 4: mov r4,wordp bicb $!177,(r4) cmp r4,$word bge 4f 4 4: tst (sp)+ sez rts pc topbot: mov pl,r0 bne 1f clr bl rts pc 1: sub ma3,r0 sub ma4,r0 sub hx,r0 mov r0,bl mov ma1,r0 add ma2,r0 add hx,r0 cmp r0,bl blt 1f mov $2,r0 mov r0,ma1 mov r0,ma2 e jsr pc,donum mov un,r0 jsr pc,space jsr pc,jfo mov $line,r2 1: movb (r2)+,r0 cmp $' ,r0 bne 2f jsr pc,fill tst nc bne 1b br 3f 2: jsr pc,putchar dec nc bgt 1b 3: jsr pc,newline clr nwd clr ne mov in,un 4: jsr pc,setnel rts pc jfo: tst jfomod beq 1f mov fac,r0 add fmq,r0 beq 1f clr fac clr fmq mov nel,r0 cmp jfomod,$1 bne 2f asr r0 2: jsr pc,space 1: rts pc donum: tst numbmod beq 2f dec nn blt 1f mov $5,r0 add ni,r0 jsr pc,space rts pc 1: clr r0 cmp lnumber,$104f 3: clr r3 tst (r5)+ 4: mov (sp)+,r4 rts r5 suffix: mov hstart,r0 jsr pc,alph bne 4f jsr pc,maplow sub $'a,r2 asl r2 mov suftab(r2),-(sp) bic $!37777,(sp) beq 3f 1: mov hstart,r0 mov (sp),r1 jsr pc,rdsuf movb (r1),r3 beq 3f bic $!17,r3 add r3,(sp) add r1,r3 2: movb -(r3),r2 cmp r3,r1 ble 2f bic $!177,r2 mov r2,-(sp) movb -(r0),r2 jsr pc,maplow cmp r2,(sp)+ bne 1b br 2b 2: mov hstart,r0 tst (sp)+ movb (r1),r3 bic $!17,r3 add r1,r3 bitb $200,(r1)+ bne 1f 2: dec r0 cmmov r0,ma3 mov r0,ma4 mov $66.,pl br topbot 1: cmp nl,bl ble 1f mov bl,nl 1: rts pc width: cmp r0,ohc beq 2f tst r0 beq 2f cmp r0,$0177 beq 2f cmp r0,$010 bne 1f mov $-1,r1 rts pc 1: cmp $' ,r0 bgt 2f mov $1,r1 rts pc 2: clr r1 rts pc headin: jsr pc,skipcont mov nextb,r1 mov r1,*(r5)+ jsr pc,gettchar cmp r0,$'\n beq 2f mov r0,r2 1: jsr pc,gettchar cmp r0,$'\n beq 2f cmp r0,r2 bne 3f clr r0 3: jsr pc,wbf br 1b 2: clr r0 jsr pc,wbf mov r1,nextb mov ll,llh rts r5 h0. bge 1f inc r0 cmp lnumber,$10. bge 1f inc r0 1: add ni,r0 jsr pc,space mov lnumber,r0 jsr r5,decimal; putchar mov $2,r0 jsr pc,space inc lnumber 2: rts pc newline: mov $'\n,r0 jsr pc,putchar inc nl rts pc nline: mov nl,r0 beq 1f cmp r0,bl beq 1f jsr pc,newline 1: rts pc number: jsr pc,skipcont number1: mov r1,-(sp) mov r3,-(sp) clr r3 clr -(sp) clr -(sp) 1: jsr pc,getchar cmp r0,$'+ beq 2f cmp r0,$'- beq 2f sub $'0,r0 cmp r0,$9. bhi 3f inc (sp) mpy $10.,r3 add r0,r3 br 1b 2: mov r0,2(sp) br 1b 3: add $'0,r0 mov r0,ch mov (sp)+,r0 bne 1f mov $1,r3 mov r3,r0 1: mov (r5)+,r0 beq 1f mov (r0),r0 1: mov (sp)+,r1 cmp r1,$'- bne 1f sub r3,r0 br 2f 1: cmp r1,$'+ bne 1f add r3,r0 br 2f 1: mov r3,r0 2: mov (sp)+,r3 mov (sp)+,r1 rts r5 eject: tst pl beq 1f tst nl beq 1f mov pl,r0 sub nl,r0 sub ma4,r0 sub hx,r0 jsr r5,nlines; newline bit $1,pn bne 2f jsr r5,headout; efoot br 3f 2: jsr r5,headout; ofoot 3: cmp numbmod,$1 bne 3f mov $1c caseli: jsr r5,number; 0 mov r0,-(sp) 1: dec (sp) blt 1f jsr pc,flushi clr nlflg jsr pc,text br 1b 1: tst (sp)+ rts pc casell: jsr r5,number; ll jsr pc,min mov r0,ll rts pc casels: jsr pc,rbreak jsr pc,skipcont jsr pc,getchar cmp r0,$'\n bne 1f mov ls1,ls rts pc 1: mov r0,ch jsr r5,number1; ls dec r0 jsr pc,min inc r0 mov r0,ls mov r0,ls1 rts pc casena: jsr pc,rbreak clr ad rts pc casene: jsr r5,number; 0 jsr pc,min jsr pc,need rts pc casenf: jsr pc,rbreak clr f/ / / roff1 -- text formatter .globl ttyn nop = 000240 signal = 48. ibuf: /init code in ibuf+obuf cmp sp,$end bhi 1f jsr r5,string; emes1 sys exit 1: clr r0 jsr pc,mesg sys signal; 1; place sys signal; 2; place jsr pc,makebf sys open; suffil; 0 bes 1f mov r0,suff sys seek; 20; 0 bes 1f mov suff,r0 sys read; suftab; 2*26. 1: clr r0 mov (sp)+,argc dec argc bne 1f jmp place 1: tst (sp)+ mov (sp),r4 cmpb (r4)+,$'+ bne 2f jsr r5,pnum; pfrom br 3f 2: cmpb -1(r4),$'- bne 2f cmpb,lnumber 3: mov ma4,r0 jsr r5,nlines; newline clr nl inc pn 1: cmp pn,pto ble 1f jsr pc,flush jmp place 1: istop: tst stop beq 2f cmp pn,pfrom blo 2f jsr pc,flush / mov sp,r1 / sys signal; 2; 1f clr r0 sys read; garb; 1 1: / mov r1,sp / sys signal; 2; place 2: rts pc storeline: cmp linep,$line+linsiz bhis 1f movb r0,*linep inc linep jsr pc,width add r1,ne sub r1,nel inc nc 1: rts pc getword: mov $word,r2 clr wne clr wch clr nhyph clr hypedf mov $word,wordp clr -(sp) 1: jsi rts pc casepa: casebp: jsr pc,rbreak jsr pc,eject jsr pc,skipcont tst nlflg bne 1f jsr r5,number; pn jsr pc,min mov r0,pn 1: rts pc casebl: jsr pc,rbreak jsr r5,number; 0 jsr pc,min mov r0,-(sp) jsr pc,need2 1: dec (sp) blt 1f mov $' ,r0 jsr pc,storeline jsr pc,rbreak br 1b 1: tst (sp)+ rts pc casepl: jsr r5,number; pl mov r0,pl jsr pc,topbot rts pc casesk: jsr r5,number; 0 jsr pc,min mov r0,skip rts pc casesp: jsr pc,rbreak jsr r5,number; 0 jsr r5,nlines; nline rts (r4),$'s bne 0f inc stop br 3f 0: cmpb (r4),$'h bne 0f clr slow br 3f 0: jsr r5,pnum; pto 3: dec argc bgt 1b 2: mov $nop,get1a mov $ibuf,ibufp mov $ibuf,eibuf mov sp,argp jsr pc,topbot clr r0 1: movb r0,trtab(r0) inc r0 cmp r0,$128. bne 1b jsr pc,rbreak jsr pc,istop jmp loop makebf: sys stat; bfn; stbuf bec 2f sys creat; bfn; 400 bec 1f 2: incb bfn+8 cmpb bfn+8,$'z blos makebf jmp place 1: mov r0,ibf sys write; sufbuf;128. sys open; bfn;0 mov r0,ibf1 rts pc string: movr pc,gettchar cmp r0,$'\n beq 3f cmp r0,ohc bne 2f inc hypedf br 1b 2: cmp $' ,r0 bne 2f jsr pc,storeword br 1b 2: mov r0,-(sp) mov $' ,r0 jsr pc,storeword tst spaceflg beq 2f jsr pc,storeword clr spaceflg 2: mov (sp)+,r0 2: jsr pc,storeword bisb (sp),-1(r2) /add in hyphen clr (sp) jsr pc,gettchar cmp r0,ohc bne 1f inc hypedf jsr pc,gettchar mov $200,(sp) 1: cmp $' ,r0 beq 1f cmp $'\n,r0 bne 2b cmpb -1(r2),$'. bne 1f inc spaceflg 1: add $2,2(sp) 1: clrb (r2)+ 3: tst (sp) pc casess: jsr pc,rbreak mov $1,ls rts pc casetr: jsr pc,skipcont 1: jsr pc,getchar cmp r0,$'\n beq 1f mov r0,r1 jsr pc,getchar cmp r0,$'\n bne 2f mov $' ,r0 2: movb r0,trtab(r1) br 1b 1: rts pc caseta: mov $tabtab,r1 1: jsr r5,number; 0 jsr pc,min dec r0 ble 1f movb r0,(r1)+ br 1b 1: clrb (r1)+ rts pc caseti: jsr pc,rbreak jsr r5,number; in jsr pc,min mov r0,un rts pc caseul: jsr r5,number; 0 jsr pc,min mov r0,ul rts pc caseun: jsr r5,number; 0 sub in,r0 neg r0 j (r5)+,r1 mov r1,r2 mov r1,0f 1: tstb (r1)+ bne 1b sub r2,r1 mov r1,1f mov $1,r0 sys write; 0:..; 1:.. rts r5 emes1: xxx: .even obuf=ibuf+512. .=ibuf+1024. loop: clr nlflg jsr pc,getchar cmpb r0,cc beq 2f movb r0,ch jsr pc,text br loop 2: jsr pc,control jsr pc,flushi br loop mesg: tst r0 bne setsame jsr pc,ttyn movb r0,ttyx+8. sys stat; ttyx; stbuf mov stbuf+4,0f mov 0f,1f bic $22,0f sys chmod; ttyx; 0:.. rts pc setsame: sys chmod; ttyx; 1:.. rts pc pn+ mov $word,wordp tst nc bne 1f jsr pc,setnel 1: rts pc setnel: mov $line,linep mov ll,nel sub un,nel clr ne clr fac clr fmq rts pc storeword: jsr pc,width add r1,wne inc wch movb r0,(r2)+ rts pc need: mov r0,r3 mpy ls,r3 mov r3,r0 need2: add nl,r0 cmp r0,bl ble 1f jsr pc,eject 1: rts pc min: tst r0 bge 1f clr r0 1: rts pc getname: mov r1,-(sp) mov r2,-(sp) mov (r5)+,r1 mov $18.,r2 1: jsr pc,getchar cmp r0,$041 blt 2f cmp r0,$0176 ble 4f 2: mov r0,ch 3: clrb (r1)sr pc,min mov r0,un rts pc casehx: tst hx beq 1f clr hx br 2f 1: inc hx 2: jsr pc,topbot rts pc casehe: jsr r5,headin; ehead mov ehead,ohead rts pc casefo: jsr r5,headin; efoot mov efoot,ofoot rts pc caseeh: jsr r5,headin; ehead rts pc caseoh: jsr r5,headin; ohead rts pc caseef: jsr r5,headin; efoot rts pc caseof: jsr r5,headin; ofoot rts pc casem1: jsr r5,number; ma1 jsr pc,min mov r0,ma1 br 1f casem2: jsr r5,number; ma2 jsr pc,min mov r0,ma2 br 1f casem3: jsr r5,nuum: mov r4,ibufp mov $37777,eibuf jsr r5,number1; 0 mov r0,*(r5)+ clr ch rts r5 flushi: clr ch tst nlflg bne 1f jsr pc,getchar br flushi 1: rts pc gettchar: tst ul ble getchar tst ulstate beq 3f tst bsc bgt 1f tst ulc bgt 2f clr ulstate br 3f 1: dec bsc mov $010,r0 rts pc 2: dec ulc mov $'_,r0 rts pc 3: jsr pc,getchar cmp r0,$'0 blt 1f cmp r0,$'9 ble 2f cmp r0,$'A blt 1f cmp r0,$'Z ble 2f cmp r0,$'a blt 1f cmp r0,$'z ble 2f 1: tst ulc bgt 3f rts pc 3: mov $1,ul+ mov (sp)+,r2 mov (sp)+,r1 rts r5 4: movb r0,(r1)+ dec r2 beq 3b br 1b copyb: mov (r1),r1 jsr pc,flushi clr nlflg mov $1,-(sp) 1: jsr pc,getchar cmp r0,$'\n bne 2f mov $1,(sp) clr nlflg br 4f 2: cmp r0,$'. bne 9f cmp (sp),$1 bgt 3f blt 9f inc (sp) br 4f 3: dec r1 clr r0 inc (sp) br 4f 9: clr (sp) 4: tst skp bne 5f jsr pc,wbf 5: cmp (sp),$3 bne 1b tst (sp)+ tst skp bne 6f mov r1,nextb 6: rts pc popi: cmp ilistp,$ilist beq 1f sub $2,ilistp mov *ilistp,ip 1: rts pmber; ma3 jsr pc,min mov r0,ma3 br 1f casem4: jsr r5,number; ma4 jsr pc,min mov r0,ma4 1: jsr pc,topbot rts pc casehc: jsr pc,skipcont jsr pc,getchar cmp r0,$'\n bne 1f movb $200,r0 1: mov r0,ohc rts pc casetc: jsr pc,skipcont jsr pc,getchar cmp r0,$'\n bne 1f mov $' ,r0 1: mov r0,tabc rts pc casehy: jsr r5,number; 0 mov r0,hyf rts pc casen1: jsr pc,rbreak mov $1,numbmod br 1f casen2: jsr pc,rbreak mov $2,numbmod 1: clr nn jsr r5,number; 0 tst r0 ble 1f mov r0,lnumberstate mov r0,ch br gettchar 2: inc bsc inc ulc rts pc getchar: mov ch,r0 beq 1f clr ch rts pc 1: tst nlflg beq 1f mov $'\n,r0 rts pc 1: jsr pc,get1 cmp r0,$'\\ bne 2f jsr pc,get1 jsr r5,switch; esctab br 3f 2: cmp r0,$033 /prefix bne 3f jsr pc,get1 jsr r5,switch; pfxtab 3: cmp r0,$'\n bne 3f inc nlflg clr column 3: mov r1,-(sp) jsr pc,width add r1,column mov (sp)+,r1 rts pc esctab: .byte 'd, 032 /hlf (down) .byte 'u, 035 /hlr (up) .byte 'r, 036 /flr (reverse) c wbf: mov r0,char mov r1,offb mov ibf,r0 sys seek; offb:..;0 mov ibf,r0 sys write; char;1 inc r1 cmp ibf1,ofile bne 1f mov $-1,ofile 1: rts pc rbf: mov ip,r1 mov ibf1,nfile jsr pc,rdsufb tstb r0 bne 2f jsr pc,popi rts pc 2: inc ip rts pc alph: movb (r0),r2 alph2: cmp r2,$'A blo 1f cmp r2,$'Z blos 2f cmp r2,$'a blo 1f cmp r2,$'z bhi 1f 2: sez rts pc 1: clz rts pc rdsufb: mov r1,-(sp) bic $77,r1 cmp r1,sufoff bne 1f cmp nfile,ofile beq 2f 1: mov r1,sufoff mov nfile rts pc 1: clr numbmod rts pc casenn: jsr r5,number; 0 jsr pc,min mov r0,nn rts pc caseni: jsr r5,number; ni jsr pc,min mov r0,ni rts pc casejo: jsr r5,number; 0 mov r0,jfomod rts pc casear: clr ro rts pc casero: inc ro rts pc casenx: jsr pc,skipcont jsr r5,getname; nextf inc nx jsr pc,nextfile inc nlflg clr ip mov $ilist,ilistp rts pc casepo: jsr pc,rbreak jsr r5,number; po jsr pc,min mov r0,po rts pc casede: tst ip bne 5f jsr pc,skipcont jsr r5,getname; bname cl .byte 'x, 016 /SO (extra chars) .byte 'y, 017 /SI (normal characters) .byte 'l, 0177 /delete .byte 't, 011 /hor tab .byte 'a, 0100 /at sign .byte 'n, 043 /number sign .byte '\\, 134 /backslash .byte 0, 0 pfxtab: .byte '7, 036 /flr .byte '8, 035 /hlr .byte '9, 032 /hlf .byte '4, 030 /brs .byte '3, 031 /rrs .byte '1, 026 /set hor tabs .byte '2, 027 /clr hor tabs .byte 0,0 pfxtab1: switch: mov r1,-(sp) mov (r5)+,r1 1: cmpb (r1)+,r0 beq 1f tstb (r,ofile mov nfile,r0 sys seek; sufoff: -1; 0 mov nfile,r0 sys read; sufbuf; 512. 2: mov (sp),r0 bic $!77,r0 movb sufbuf(r0),r0 mov (sp)+,r1 rts pc r skp mov $contab,r1 clr -(sp) 1: mov (r1)+,(sp) beq 2f bic $100000,(sp) cmp bname,(sp) bne 3f 2: bis $100000,bname mov nextb,(r1) mov bname,-(r1) br 4f 3: cmp (r1)+,$-1 bne 1b inc skp 4: tst (r1)+ jsr pc,copyb tst (sp)+ 5: rts pc caseig: inc skp jsr pc,copyb rts pc casemk: jsr pc,rbreak mov $002,r0 /stx jsr pc,putchar rts pc 1)+ bne 1b cmp r1,$pfxtab ble 0f cmp r1,$pfxtab1 bgt 0f mov $037,r0 0: mov (sp)+,r1 rts r5 1: movb (r1)+,r0 mov (sp)+,r1 rts r5 get1: tst nspace ble 1f dec nspace mov tabc,r0 rts pc 1: mov r1,-(sp) 4: tst ip beq 5f jsr pc,rbf br 6f 5: tst nx bne 0f mov ibufp,r1 cmp r1,eibuf bne 3f 0: mov ifile,r0 bne 2f 1: jsr pc,nextfile 2: clr nx sys read; ibuf; 512. bes done tst r0 beq 1b mov $ibuf,r1 add r1,r0 mov r0,eibuf 3: movb (r1)+,r0 mov r1,ibufp 1: cmp r0,$011 /tab bne 6f/ / / roff2 -- runoff casead: jsr pc,rbreak inc ad rts pc rts pc casebr: jsr pc,rbreak rts pc casecc: jsr pc,skipcont jsr pc,getchar cmp r0,$'\n beq 1f movb r0,cc 1: mov r0,ch rts pc casece: jsr pc,rbreak jsr r5,number; 0 jsr pc,min mov r0,ce jsr pc,need rts pc caseds: jsr pc,rbreak mov $2,ls rts pc casefi: jsr pc,rbreak inc fi rts pc casein: jsr pc,rbreak jsr r5,number; in jsr pc,min mov r0,in mov r0,un rts pc caseix: jsr r5,number; in jsr pc,min mov r0,in rts p   #&), mov (sp)+,r1 mov $tabtab,r0 inc nspace 1: tstb (r0) beq get1 cmpb column,(r0)+ bge 1b movb -(r0),nspace sub column,nspace br get1 6: get1a: br 7f tst r0 beq 4b 7: mov (sp)+,r1 rts pc nextfile: mov ifile,r0 beq 1f sys close 1: tst nx beq 2f mov $nextf,0f br 3f 2: dec argc blt done mov *argp,0f add $2,argp 3: sys open; 0:..; 0 bes done mov r0,ifile rts pc done: jsr pc,rbreak jsr pc,eject jsr pc,flush place: sys signal; 2; 1 mov $1,r0 jsr pc,mesg sys unlink; bfn sys exit rts pc putchar: cmp pn,pfrom blt 2f clr pfrom bic $!177,r0 beq 2f movb trtab(r0),r0 cmp r0,$' bne 1f inc nsp 2: rts pc 1: cmp r0,$'\n bne 1f clr nsp clr ocol br 2f 1: tst nsp beq 2f tst slow bne 4f jsr pc,dsp cmp nsp,r1 blt 4f mov $011,3f+2 cmp r1,$1 bgt 8f mov $040,3f+2 dec nsp br 9f 8: sub r1,nsp 9: mov r0,-(sp) 3: mov $011,r0 jsr pc,pchar1 mov (sp)+,r0 br 1b 4: mov r0,-(sp) mov $' ,r0 jsr pc,pchar1 mov (sp)+,r0 dec nsp bne 4b 2: cmp r0,$026 blt 2f cmp r0,$0ip/p/coll; skip/q/coll; skip/r/coll; skip/s/coll; skip/t/coll; skip/u/coll; skip/v/coll; skip/w/coll; skip/x/coll; skip/y/coll; skip/z/coll; skip/A/coll; skip/B/coll; skip/C/coll; skip/D/coll; skip/E/coll; skip/F/coll; skip/G/coll; skip/H/coll; skip/I/coll; skip/J/coll; skip/K/coll; skip/L/coll; skip/M/coll; skip/N/coll; skip/O/coll; skip/P/coll; skip/Q/coll; skip/R/coll; skip/S/coll; skip/T/coll; skip/U/coll; skip/V/coll; skip/W/coll; skip/X/coll; skip/Y/coll; skip/Z/coll; skip/0/sk2; skip/1/sk2; skip/2/skaxdig: .=.+2 maxloc: .=.+2 hstart: .=.+2 nhstart: .=.+2 nhyph: .=.+2 argc: .=.+2 argp: .=.+2 ibufp: .=.+2 xbufp: .=.+2 xbuf: .=.+514. eibuf: .=.+2 xeibuf: .=.+2 ulstate: .=.+2 ulc: .=.+2 bsc: .=.+2 nsp: .=.+2 ro: .=.+2 pfrom: .=.+2 onesp: .=.+2 fivesp: .=.+2 suff: .=.+2 sufb: .=.+20. sufbuf: .=.+128. suftab: .=2*26.+. ifile: .=.+2 char: .=.+2 nfile: .=.+2 headp: .=.+2 trtab: .=.+128. blocksize: .=.+2 enda: .=.+2 ybuf: cbuf: .=.+34. ilist: stk: .=.+60. end: 37 beq 3f bgt 2f mov r0,-(sp) jsr r5, switch; unpfx cmp (sp)+,r0 beq 2f mov r0,-(sp) mov $033,r0 /prefix jsr pc,pchar1 dec ocol mov (sp)+,r0 2: pchar1: cmp r0,$011 bne 1f jsr pc,dsp br 2f 1: jsr pc,width 2: add r1,ocol movb r0,*obufp inc obufp cmp obufp,$obuf+128. beq flush 3: rts pc dsp: clr r1 1: add $8.,r1 cmp ocol,r1 bgt 1b sub ocol,r1 bne 2f mov $8.,r1 2: rts pc unpfx: .byte 032, '9 .byte 035, '8 .byte 036, '7 .byte 031, '3 .byte 030, '4 .byte 026, '12; skip/3/sk2; skip/4/sk2; skip/5/sk2; skip/6/sk2; skip/7/sk2; skip/8/sk2; skip/9/sk2; skip2/a/cont; skip2/b/cont; skip2/c/cont; skip2/d/cont; skip2/e/cont; skip2/f/cont; skip2/g/cont; skip2/h/cont; skip2/i/cont; skip2/j/cont; skip2/k/cont; skip2/l/cont; skip2/m/cont; skip2/n/cont; skip2/o/cont; skip2/p/cont; skip2/q/cont; skip2/r/cont; skip2/s/cont; skip2/t/cont; skip2/u/cont; skip2/v/cont; skip2/w/cont; skip2/x/cont; skip2/y/cont; skip2/z/cont; skip2/A/cont; skip2/B/cont; skip2/C/cont; skip2/D/cont; skip2(+.1478;> .byte 027, '2 .byte 0,0 flush: mov obufp,r0 sub $obuf,r0 mov r0,0f mov $1,r0 sys write; obuf; 0:0 mov $obuf,obufp rts pc control: jsr pc,getchar mov r0,-(sp) jsr pc,getchar swab r0 bis (sp),r0 mov $contab,r1 1: mov (r1)+,(sp) bic $100000,(sp) cmp r0,(sp) bne 4f mov (r1),(sp) tst -(r1) bpl 3f jsr pc,flushi cmp ilistp,$iliste bgt 5f mov ip,*ilistp add $2,ilistp mov (sp),ip br 5f 3: jmp *(sp)+ 4: cmp (r1)+,$-1 bne 1b 5: tst (sp)+ rts pc contab: ; casead ;/E/cont; skip2/F/cont; skip2/G/cont; skip2/H/cont; skip2/I/cont; skip2/J/cont; skip2/K/cont; skip2/L/cont; skip2/M/cont; skip2/N/cont; skip2/O/cont; skip2/P/cont; skip2/Q/cont; skip2/R/cont; skip2/S/cont; skip2/T/cont; skip2/U/cont; skip2/V/cont; skip2/W/cont; skip2/X/cont; skip2/Y/cont; skip2/Z/cont; skip2/0/cont; skip2/1/cont; skip2/2/cont; skip2/3/cont; skip2/4/cont; skip2/5/cont; skip2/6/cont; skip2/7/cont; skip2/8/cont; skip2/9/cont; skip2/ /out; skip2/\//agobl; / / / hyp1 -- driver hyphen: tst hypedf bne 3f tst hyf beq 3f inc hypedf mov wordp,r0 clr nhyph 1: jsr pc,punct bne 1f inc r0 br 1b 1: jsr pc,alph bne 3f mov r0,wordstart 1: inc r0 jsr pc,alph beq 1b dec r0 mov r0,hstart 1: inc r0 tstb (r0) beq 2f jsr pc,punct bne 3f br 1b 2: mov hstart,wordend jsr pc,exword beq 0f jsr r5,suffix tst exf bne 0f jsr r5,digram 0: bit $4,hyf beq 0f mov wordend,r0 bicb $!177,-1(r0) 0: mov wordstart,r0 bicb $!177,1(r0) bit $10,hyf beq 3f casebp
; casebr ; casecc ; casece ; caseds ; casefi ; casein ; caseix
  • ; caseli ; casell ; casels ; casena ; casene ; casenf ; casepa ; casebl ; casepl ; casesk ; casesp ; casess ; caseta ; caseti ; casetr
      ; caseul ; caseun ; casehe ; casehx ; casefo ; caseeh ; caseoh ; caseef ; caseof ;/ / / nroff8 .data nexth: hbuf outid: 1 init: 1 slow: 1 nflush: 0 nev: 2 ev: 0 nextb: .=.+2 evp: elist pto: 9999. po: 0 po1: 0 npn: 0 pl: 66. obufp: obuf wbufp: wbuf thresh: 240 suffil: ones: fives: cones: cfives: ttyx: tmfile: bfn: bfn1: /indf: .even ttyid: 0 ttyod: 2 ilistp: frame: stk nxf: stk+12. dolc: 020 tch: 024 ifp: ifl namesiz = 88. bname: nextf: nextf1: .=nextf+namesiz ename: . bicb $!177,2(r0) 3: rts pc casehw: jsr pc,skipcont bne 2f mov nexth,r1 cmp r1,$ehbuf-2 bhis 3f 1: jsr pc,getchar bmi 1f cmpb r0,$' / beq 4f cmpb r0,$012 beq 1f movb r0,(r1)+ cmp r1,$ehbuf-2 blo 1b br 3f 1: clrb (r1)+ mov r1,nexth clrb (r1)+ 2: rts pc 3: jsr r5,string;hmess clrb *nexth br 2b 4: jsr pc,1b br casehw hmess: .even exword: clr exf clr -(sp) mov r1,-(sp) mov r2,-(sp) mov r3,-(sp) mov r4,-(sp) mov $hbuf,r2 mov hstart,r0 cmpb (r0) casem1 ; casem2 ; casem3 ; casem4 ; casehc ; casehy ; casen1 ; casen2 ; casenn ; caseni ; casejo ; casear ; casero ; casenx ; casepo ; casede ; caseig ; casetc ; casemk bnames: .=.+100. -1; -1 =.+2 fc: 004 block: /environment block totout: .=.+2 ls: 1 ls1: 1 ll: 65. ll1: 65. llh: 65. llh1: 65. ad: 1 nms: 1 ndf: 1 fi: 1 cc: '. c2: '' ohc: 200 hyf: 1 hypedf: 0 un1: -1 tabc: 014 dotc: '. numc: 034 tabtab: 8.;16.;24.;32.;40.;48.;56.;64.;72. 80.;88.;96.;104.;112.;120.;128.;136.;144.;152.;160. .=.+44. .even etabtab: fac: .=.+2 fmq: .=.+2 ne: .=.+2 nel: .=.+2 lastl: 0 jfomod: .=.+2 wordp: .=.+2 spaceflg: .=.+2 linep: .=.+2 wordend: .=.+2 wordstart: .=.+2 wne: .=.+2 nc: .=.+2 nb: .=.+2 lnumber: .=.+2+,(r0)+ 0: mov r2,8(sp) mov wordstart,r1 tstb (r2) beq 4f 1: movb (r2)+,r4 cmpb r4,$'- beq 1b movb (r1)+,r3 / tstb r3 / bne 2f cmp r1,r0 blo 2f tstb r4 beq 3f 2: tstb r4 bne 2f / tstb (r1) tstb -1(r0) bne 2f cmpb r3,$'s beq 3f 2: tstb r4 beq 0b / tstb r3 / beq 2f cmp r1,r0 bhis 2f cmpb r4,r3 beq 1b 2: tstb (r2)+ bne 2b br 0b 3: mov wordstart,r1 mov 8(sp),r2 clr 8(sp) inc exf 1: tstb (r1)+ cmpb (r2)+,$'- bne 0f bisb $200,-1(r1) tstb (r2)+ 0: tstb (r2) bne 1b 4: mov (sp)skip collect save skip2 sk cont coll save out asym agobl csym cgobl incl decl sk2 sk collect/'/agobl; collect/"/agobl; collect/ /should be more .even maplow: cmp r2,$'a bhis 1f add $'a-'A,r2 1: rts pc vowel: cmpb r2,$'a beq 1f cmpb r2,$'e beq 1f cmpb r2,$'i beq 1f cmpb r2,$'o beq 1f cmpb r2,$'u beq 1f cmpb r2,$'y beq 1f cmpb r2,$'A beq 1f cmllect/u/cont; collect/v/cont; collect/w/cont; collect/x/cont; collect/y/cont; collect/z/cont; collect/A/cont; collect/B/cont; collect/C/cont; collect/D/cont; collect/E/cont; collect/F/cont; collect/G/cont; collect/H/cont; collect/I/cont; collect/J/cont; collect/K/cont; collect/L/cont; collect/M/cont; collect/N/cont; collect/O/cont; collect/P/cont; collect/Q/cont; collect/R/cont; collect/S/cont; collect/T/cont; collect/U/cont; collect/V/cont; collect/W/cont; collect/X/cont; collect/Y/cont; collect/Z/cont; cod: .=.+2 raw: .=.+2 raw1: .=.+2 xpc: .=.+2 copyf: .=.+2 aplnk: .=.+2 apptr: .=.+2 app: .=.+2 blist: .=.+512. eblist: .=.+2 diflg: .=.+2 ditf: .=.+2 first: .=.+2 macerr: .=.+2 numerr: .=.+2 newptr: .=.+2 oldptr: .=.+2 rbuf: .=.+256. wbuf: .=.+256. wbufe: .=.+2 mflg: .=.+2 iflg: .=.+2 pendnf: .=.+2 over: .=.+2 temp: .=.+2 nfo: .=.+2 ds: .=.+2 markline: .=.+2 litlev: .=.+2 lit: .=.+2 ioff: .=.+2 ifl: .=.+8. ifle: .=.+2 offl: .=.+10. noset: .=.+2 quote: .=.+2 x.5: .=.+2 /index: .=.+2 stdi: .=.+2 /indid: .=.+2 spb r2,$'E beq 1f cmpb r2,$'I beq 1f cmpb r2,$'O beq 1f cmpb r2,$'U beq 1f cmpb r2,$'Y 1: rts pc checkvow: mov r0,-(sp) 1: movb -(r0),r2 jsr pc,vowel beq 1f jsr pc,alph beq 1b mov (sp)+,r0 clz rts r5 1: mov (sp)+,r0 sez rts r5 / hyp2 -- suffix and digram digram: mov hstart,r0 1: jsr pc,alph bne 3f jsr pc,vowel beq 1f dec r0 br 1b 1: mov r0,hstart 1: movb -(r0),r2 jsr pc,alph2 bne 3f jsr pc,vowel bne 1b clr maxdig mov r0,nhstart 1: mov $1,r3 movb -1(r0),r2 jsr pc,alphllect/1/cont; collect/2/cont; collect/3/cont; collect/4/cont; collect/5/cont; collect/6/cont; collect/7/cont; collect/8/cont; collect/9/cont; collect/0/cont; collect/./cont; collect/_/cont; collect/ /out; skip/'/agobl; skip/"/agobl; skip/ / .even /numb: / mov r2,-(sp) / mov r3,-(sp) / mov *(r5)+,r3 / mov r0,r1 / jsr pc,numb1 / r5,checkvow bne 4f bisb $200,(r0) br 2b 2: bitb $40,-(r1) bne 4f jsr pc,exword bne suffix br 4f / beq suffix / br 4f 3: tst (sp)+ 4: rts r5 rdsuf: mov r0,-(sp) mov suff,nfile mov 4(sp),r1 jsr pc,rdsufb mov $sufb,r2 movb r0,(r2)+ mov r0,r3 bic $!17,r3 1: dec r3 blt 1f inc r1 jsr pc,rdsufb movb r0,(r2)+ br 1b 1: mov $sufb,r1 mov (sp)+,r0 rts pc 77,r0 cmp r0,ohc beq 2f tst r0 beq 2f cmp r0,$0177 beq 2f cmp r0,$010 bne 1f mov $-1,r1 br 3f 1: cmp $' ,r0 bgt 2f mov $1,r1 br 3f 2: clr r1 3: mov (sp)+,r0 rts pc setwd: mov column,-(sp) clr column mov r2,-(sp) clr -(sp) jsr pc,*(r5) mov r0,r2 1: jsr pc,*(r5) bmi 0f cmpb r0,r2 beq 2f 0: tst nlflg bne 2f jsr pc,width add r1,(sp) br 1b 2: mov (sp)+,r0 jsr pc,setn0 mov (sp)+,r2 mov (sp)+,column tst (r5)+ rts r5 header: /headin: clr nls jsr pc,skipcont mov $'',r2 tst mov (sp)+,r3 / mov (sp)+,r2 / rts r5 /numb1: / clr r2 / dvd $10.,r2 / mov r3,-(sp) / mov r2,r3 / beq 1f / jsr pc,numb1 /1: / add $'0,(sp) / mov (sp)+,char / mov r1,r0 / sys write; char; 1 / rts pc setstr: clr -(sp) clr -(sp) 0: jsr pc,get1 bmi 3f bic $!177,r0 cmpb r0,$'\\ bne 1f 4: jsr pc,get1 jsr r5,switch;esctab cmpb r0,dolc bne 2f jsr pc,seta br 0b 2: cmpb r0,numc bne 1f clr r1 jsr pc,setn br 0b 1: tst 2(sp) bne 5f bic $!177,r0 cmpb r0,$'( bne 1f inc 2(sp) jsr pc,get1 bic $!17DGJM9<?BEHKN:=@CFILop beq 1f jsr pc,wbfl 1: jsr pc,alloc bne 0f rts pc 0: mov nextb,r1 2: mov r1,headp jsr pc,getchar bmi 3f cmpb r0,$'\n beq 2f mov r0,r2 1: jsr pc,getchar bmi 3f cmpb r0,$'\n beq 2f 0: cmpb r0,r2 bne 3f mov $004,r0 3: jsr pc,wbf br 1b 2: mov $004,r0 jsr pc,wbf mov $004,r0 jsr pc,wbf clr r0 jsr pc,wbt /headout: clr -(sp) mov headp,r2 jsr r5,headseg; width mov r0,-(sp) jsr r5,headseg; width mov r0,-(sp) jsr r5,headseg; width mov r0,-(sp) tst op bne 1f mov po,r0 jsr pc,sp7,r0 cmpb r0,$'\\ beq 4b 5: mov r0,-(sp) jsr pc,get1 bic $!177,r0 swab r0 bis (sp)+,r0 1: mov $contab,r1 1: mov (r1)+,(sp) bic $100000,(sp) cmp r0,(sp) beq 2f cmp (r1)+,$-1 bne 1b br 3f 2: mov (r1),(sp) tst -(r1) bpl 3f clr *nxf jsr pc,pushi mov (sp),ip 3: cmp (sp)+,(sp)+ rts pc copys: inc copyf jsr pc,skipcont bne 2f jsr pc,getchar bmi 0f cmpb r0,$'" bne 0f 1: jsr pc,getchar tst nlflg bne 2f 0: jsr pc,wbf br 1b 2: clr r0 jsr pc,wbt clr copyf rts pc setrpt: inc copy/ / / nroff4 text: inc nflush cmp nl,$-1 bne 0f jsr pc,newln1 rts pc 0: clr ulstate jsr pc,setnel tst ce bne nofill tst fi beq nofill tst pendw bne 7f tst pendt bne 8f inc pendt tst x bne 0f 1: jsr pc,getchar bmi 1f cmpb r0,$' / beq 3f cmpb r0,tabc bne 1f 3: inc x br 1b 1: tst nlflg bne 6f mov r0,ch tst x beq 2f 0: jsr pc,rbreak tst nc bne 5f tst wch bne 5f add x,un clr x jsr pc,setnel tst trap bne 5f 2: tst x bne 0b tst nlflg beq 2f 6: clr nflush clr x clr ace 1: mov headp,r2 jsr r5,headseg; putchar mov llh,r0 add 6(sp),r0 sub 2(sp),r0 asr r0 sub 4(sp),r0 mov r0,-(sp) tst 4(sp) bne 1f tst 2(sp) beq 2f 1: jsr pc,space 2: jsr r5,headseg; putchar mov llh,r0 sub (sp)+,r0 sub (sp)+,r0 sub (sp)+,r0 sub (sp)+,r0 add (sp)+,r0 tst -10(sp) beq 1f jsr pc,space jsr r5,headseg; putchar 1: jsr pc,newline cmp nl,hnl ble 0f mov nl,hnl 0: mov headp,r0 jsr pc,free rts pc headseg: clr -(sp) 1: mov r1,-(sp) mov r2,r1 jsr pc,rbf0 jsr pc,incofff inc raw1 jsr pc,get1 dec copyf dec raw1 mov r0,r1 jsr pc,get1 cmpb r0,$006 beq 1f 0: movb r0,rchar movb r1,nspace cmpb r1,$377 bne 1f clr nspace 1: rts pc setfield: clr npad mov r1,-(sp) mov r2,-(sp) mov r3,-(sp) mov r4,-(sp) clr r4 clr -(sp) jsr pc,width sub r1,column /start mov column,-(sp) mov $tabtab,r0 1: tst (r0) beq 4f cmp (sp),(r0)+ bge 1b mov -(r0),2(sp) sub (sp),2(sp) /h mov $fbuf,r2 1: jsr pc,getch1 bmi 0f cmpb r0,padc bne 2f jsr pc,width sub r1,column inpendt clr ch mov $1,r0 jsr pc,casesp1 rts pc 8: tst x bne 0b 2: tst spread bne 1f tst pendw bne 0f tst wch bne 3f 0: 7: jsr pc,getword br 4f 3: jsr pc,movword bne 2b tst nlflg beq 1f clr pendt 1: jsr pc,adjust tst trap beq 2b tst nlflg beq 5f 4: clr pendt tst pendw bne 5f dec ul bge 5f clr ul 5: clr nflush rts pc nofill: tst pendnf bne 1f clr over jsr pc,rbreak tst trap bne 3f tst nlflg bne 6b clr fac clr fmq mov $1000,nwd 1: jsr pc,gettchar bmi 0f cmpb r0,$'\ mov r1,r2 mov (sp)+,r1 tst r0 beq 1f bmi 0f cmpb r0,$004 beq 1f cmpb r0,$'% beq 2f 0: jsr pc,*(r5) add r1,(sp) br 1b 2: mov $'%,r0 jsr pc,findr mov [flist-vlist](r1),nform mov pn,r0 clr r1 jsr pc,fnumb add r1,(sp) br 1b 1: mov (sp)+,r0 tst (r5)+ rts r5 space: jsr r5,nlines;putchar rts pc nlines: mov r0,-(sp) 1: dec (sp) blt 1f mov $' ,r0 jsr pc,*(r5) br 1b 1: cmp (r5)+,(sp)+ rts r5 decimal: jsr pc,decml tst (r5)+ rts r5 decml: mov r2,-(sp) mov r3,-(sp) jsr pc,decmc npad mov r2,-(sp) add $2,r2 2: cmpb r0,fc beq 3f cmpb r0,$'\n bne 0f mov $012,r4 clr nlflg br 3f 0: movb r0,(r2)+ cmp r2,$efbuf-6 blo 1b 3: tst npad bne 0f inc npad mov r2,-(sp) add $3,r2 0: movb r4,(r2)+ clrb (r2)+ jsr pc,width sub r1,column mov npad,r1 asl r1 add sp,r1 mov (r1),-(sp) sub column,(r1) /-s mov (sp)+,column add 2(r1),(r1) /h-s mov (r1),r1 mov r1,r2 sxt r0 div npad,r0 mov $014,r3 /unpaddable sp tst r2 bpl 1f neg r0 neg r1 mov $010,r3 1: mov (sp)+,r2 mon beq 1f cmpb r0,ohc beq 1b cmpb r0,$005 beq 4f 0: jsr pc,storeline br 1b 1: tst ce ble 2f dec ce mov nel,r0 asr r0 bpl 1f clr r0 1: add r0,un 2: tst nc bne 0f mov $037,r0 jsr pc,storeline 0: jsr pc,rbreak dec ul bpl 3f clr ul 3: clr nflush clr pendnf rts pc 4: inc pendnf clr nflush jsr pc,flushi rts pc adjust: mov r2,-(sp) mov r3,-(sp) clr r2 clr r3 tst ad beq 1f mov nwd,r0 dec r0 ble 1f mov nel,r3 ble 1f dvd r0,r2 1: mov r3,fac mov r2,fmq mov (sp)+,r3 mov (spl1 mov (sp)+,r3 mov (sp)+,r2 rts pc decml1: mov r1,-(sp) clr r2 mov r0,r3 dvd $10.,r2 mov r3,-(sp) mov r2,r0 beq 1f jsr pc,decml1 mov r1,2(sp) 1: mov (sp)+,r0 add $'0,r0 jsr pc,*(r5) add (sp)+,r1 rts pc roman0: jsr pc,roman tst (r5)+ rts r5 roman: tst r0 beq decml mov r2,-(sp) mov r3,-(sp) cmp ro,$2 bne 1f mov $cones,onesp mov $cfives,fivesp br 2f 1: mov $ones,onesp mov $fives,fivesp 2: jsr pc,roman1 mov (sp)+,r3 mov (sp)+,r2 rts pc roman1: clr r2 mov r0,r3 bne .+4 rvb $006,(r2)+ movb r0,(r2)+ movb r3,(r2) tst r1 beq 0f incb -1(r2) dec r1 0: tstb -(r2) bne 0f movb $377,(r2) 0: dec npad bgt 1b mov $fbuf,cp 4: cmp (sp)+,(sp)+ mov (sp)+,r4 mov (sp)+,r3 mov (sp)+,r2 mov (sp)+,r1 rts pc )+,r2 mov $-1,lastl jsr pc,rbreak1 clr spread rts pc fill: mov fmq,r0 1: inc r0 dec nc cmpb (r2)+,$' beq 1b dec r2 bit $1,totout beq 2f inc fac cmp fac,nwd blt 1f inc r0 br 1f 2: dec fac bmi 1f inc r0 1: jsr pc,space movb (r2),r0 rts pc movword: mov wordp,r4 tst nwd bne 2f 1: movb (r4)+,r0 cmp r0,$' bne 1f dec wch jsr pc,width sub r1,wne br 1b 1: dec r4 2: cmp wne,nel ble 1f tst nwd beq 2f cmp nel,$4 blt 1f cmp wch,$5 /don't do 4 char words ble 1f 2: bit $2,hyfts pc mov r1,-(sp) dvd $10.,r2 mov r3,-(sp) mov r2,r0 inc onesp inc fivesp jsr pc,roman1 mov r1,2(sp) dec onesp dec fivesp clr r2 mov (sp)+,r3 dvd $5.,r2 cmp r3,$4 bne 1f movb *onesp,r0 jsr pc,*(r5) add r1,(sp) tst r2 beq 2f inc onesp movb *onesp,r0 dec onesp br 3f 2: movb *fivesp,r0 3: jsr pc,*(r5) add (sp)+,r1 rts pc 1: tst r2 beq 2f movb *fivesp,r0 jsr pc,*(r5) add r1,(sp) 2: dec r3 blt 1f movb *onesp,r0 jsr pc,*(r5) add r1,(sp) br 2b 1: mov (sp)+,r1 rts pc abc0:PSVY\_beQTWZ]`cfRUX[^adgh/ / / nroff3 skipcont: / mov r2,-(sp) 0: jsr pc,getchar / mov r0,r2 / jsr pc,alph2 / beq 0b 1: cmp $' ,r0 bne 1f jsr pc,getchar br 1b 1: / mov (sp)+,r2 mov r0,ch tst nlflg rts pc rbreak: jsr pc,rbreak1 clr totout rts pc rbreak1: clr trap tst nb beq 1f rts pc 1: cmp nl,$-1 bne 1f jsr pc,newln1 rts pc 1: tst nc bne 1f tst pendw bne 4f tst wch beq 4f jsr pc,setnel jsr pc,movword nop 1: clrb *linep clr nls inc totout tst lastl bmi 1f mov ne,lastl br 0f 1: mov ll,lastl 0: bmi 2b cmpb $' ,r0 beq 1f cmpb $'\n,r0 bne 2b cmpb -1(r2),$'. beq 0f cmpb -1(r2),$'! beq 0f cmpb -1(r2),$'? bne 1f 0: inc spaceflg 1: add $2,4(sp) clrb (r2)+ 3: clr pendw cmp (sp)+,(sp)+ mov $word,wordp jsr pc,setnel / jsr pc,wordout rts pc 6: tst (sp)+ tst (sp)+ beq 7f mov r2,pendw 0: clr nflush jsr pc,flushi rts pc 7: clr wch br 0b setnel: tst nc bne 2f mov $line,linep mov ll,nel tst un1 blt 1f mov un1,un mov $-1,un1 1: sub un,nel clr ne clr fac clr fmq 2: rts pcov r0,ch 3: mov (sp)+,r0 mov (sp)+,r1 tst pc rts pc 4: jsr pc,atoi1 beq 3b add r0,(sp) br 1b 5: jsr pc,atoi1 beq 3b sub r0,(sp) br 1b atoi1: clr -(sp) mov r3,-(sp) clr -(sp) clr r3 jsr pc,getchar cmp r0,$'- bne 2f inc (sp) 1: jsr pc,getchar 2: sub $'0,r0 cmp r0,$9 bhi 1f inc 4(sp) mpy $10.,r3 add r0,r3 br 1b 1: add $'0,r0 mov r0,ch bne 0f mov $' ,ch 0: tst (sp)+ beq 1f neg r3 1: mov r3,r0 mov (sp)+,r3 tst (sp)+ rts pc findt: mov r0,-(sp) mov $-1,-(sp) mov $nlist,rtst op bne 0f mov po,r0 jsr pc,space 0: jsr pc,donum mov un,r0 jsr pc,space jsr pc,jfo mov $line,r2 1: movb (r2)+,r0 cmp $' ,r0 bne 2f jsr pc,fill tst nc bne 1b br 3f 2: jsr pc,putchar dec nc bgt 1b 3: clr nwd clr ne mov in,un jsr pc,setnel jsr pc,newline cmp nl,hnl ble 0f mov nl,hnl 0: tst trap bne 3f mov ls,r2 dec r2 clr r0 jsr pc,findt cmp r1,r2 bgt 1f mov r1,r0 jsr r5,nlines; newline br 3f 1: mov r2,r0 jsr r5,nlines;newline 3: / clr pendb clr spread rts pc 4: js storeword: cmp r2,$eword bhis 1f jsr pc,width add r1,wne inc wch movb r0,(r2)+ rts pc 1: tst over bne 2f jsr r5,stringfl; wordmes 2: inc over rts pc wordmes: .even need: need2: mov r0,-(sp) clr r0 jsr pc,findt cmp (sp)+,r1 ble 1f / mov ilistp,r0 / jsr pc,eject mov r1,r0 clr nls jsr r5,nlines;newline 1: rts pc min: tst r0 bge 1f clr r0 1: rts pc getname: mov r1,-(sp) mov r2,-(sp) mov (r5),r1 mov $namesiz,r2 1: jsr pc,getchar tst nlflg bne 2f cmp r0,$1 1: tst [mlist-nlist](r1) bne 3f 2: tst (r1)+ cmp r1,$nliste ble 1b br 8f 3: mov (r1),r0 tst 2(sp) bmi 6f /- traps beq 4f /all traps tst (r1) /+ traps bmi 2b 4: tst (r1) bpl 5f mov pl,r0 inc r0 add (r1),r0 5: sub nl,r0 ble 2b cmp r0,(sp) bhis 2b mov r0,(sp) br 2b 6: tst (r1) bpl 2b br 4b 8: mov (sp),r1 bpl 9f mov pl,r1 sub nl,r1 9: cmp (sp)+,(sp)+ rts pc findr: mov $rlist,r1 1: tst (r1) beq 2f cmp (r1)+,r0 beq 3f cmp r1,$rliste blos 1b tst numerr bne 0f jsr r5,strr pc,setnel rts pc jfo: tst jfomod beq 1f mov fac,r0 add fmq,r0 beq 1f clr fac clr fmq mov nel,r0 cmp jfomod,$1 bne 2f asr r0 2: jsr pc,space 1: rts pc donum: tst numbmod beq 2f dec nn blt 1f 0: mov $3,r0 add nms,r0 add ni,r0 jsr pc,space rts pc 1: mov lnumber,r1 sxt r0 mov ndf,-(sp) dvd (sp)+,r0 tst r1 beq 1f inc lnumber br 0b 1: clr r0 cmp lnumber,$100. bge 1f inc r0 cmp lnumber,$10. bge 1f inc r0 1: add ni,r0 jsr pc,space mov lnumber,r0 jsr r5,decimal; putchar 040 beq 2f cmp r0,$0176 blos 4f 2: mov r0,ch 3: clrb (r1)+ mov (sp)+,r2 mov (sp)+,r1 tstb *(r5)+ rts r5 4: movb r0,(r1)+ dec r2 beq 3b br 1b copyb: inc copyf jsr pc,flushi clr nlflg clr -(sp) mov $1,-(sp) 1: jsr pc,getchar bmi 9f cmpb r0,$'\n bne 2f mov $1,(sp) clr nlflg br 4f 2: cmpb r0,$'. bne 9f cmp (sp),$1 bgt 3f blt 9f inc (sp) br 4f 3: tst skp bne 0f jsr pc,wbfl mov 2(sp),r1 clr r0 jsr pc,wbt 0: inc (sp) br 5f 9: clr (sp) 4: mov r1,2(sp) tst skp bne 5f jsringfl; 9f 0: inc numerr / clr r1 / rts pc cmp numerr,$1 jeq edone jmp done2 2: mov r0,(r1) br 4f 3: tst -(r1) 4: add $[vlist-rlist],r1 rts pc 9: .even setn0: clr -(sp) clr -(sp) mov $1,nform jbr setn1 setn: mov r1,-(sp) clr -(sp) clr temp jsr pc,get1 cmpb r0,$'+ bne 1f inc (sp) 0: jsr pc,get1 1: cmpb r0,$'\\ bne 1f 3: jsr pc,get1 jsr r5,switch;esctab cmpb r0,dolc bne 1f jsr pc,seta br 0b 1: tst temp bne 2f bic $!177,r0 cmpb r0,$'( bne 1f i mov nms,r0 jsr pc,space inc lnumber 2: rts pc newline: mov $'\n,r0 jsr pc,putchar tst op beq 1f inc dnl rts pc 1: tst x.5 beq 1f mov $032,r0 jsr pc,putchar 1: inc nl cmp nl,pl blo 3f newln1: clr nl clr hnl clr ejf mov $ilist,ejl tst donef beq 2f tst nc bne 1f tst wch bne 1f jmp done1 1: tst ndone jne done1 inc ndone clr donef cmp frame,$stk bne 2f inc nflush 2: inc pn tst npn beq 1f mov npn,pn clr npn 1: cmp pn,pto ble 2f jsr pc,flush jmp place 2: tst stop beq pc,wbf 5: cmp (sp),$3 bne 1b cmp (sp)+,(sp)+ 6: clr copyf rts pc allocmes: .even alloc: mov r1,-(sp) clr nextb mov $blist,r1 1: tst (r1)+ beq 3f cmp r1,$eblist blo 1b 2: mov (sp)+,r1 tst nextb rts pc 3: mov $-1,-(r1) jsr pc,offset cmp r1,first blo 2b mov r1,nextb br 2b free: mov r1,-(sp) mov r0,r1 beq 2f 1: jsr pc,blistptr tst (r1) beq 2f cmp (r1),$-1 bne 3f clr (r1) 2: mov (sp)+,r1 rts pc 3: mov (r1),-(sp) clr (r1) mov (sp)+,r1 br 1b onc temp jsr pc,get1 2: bic $!177,r0 cmpb r0,$'\\ beq 3b mov r0,-(sp) jsr pc,get1 bic $!177,r0 swab r0 bis (sp)+,r0 1: cmpb 2(sp),$372 beq 5f /exit if called by \k clr nform cmp r0,$".v bne 0f mov ls,r0 br setn1 0: cmp r0,$".p bne 0f mov pl,r0 br setn1 0: cmp r0,$".t bne 0f clr r0 jsr pc,findt mov r1,r0 br setn1 0: cmp r0,$".o bne 0f mov po,r0 br setn1 0: cmp r0,$".l bne 0f mov ll,r0 br setn1 0: cmp r0,$".i bne 0f mov in,r0 br setn1 0: cmp r0,$".$ bne 0f mov *frame,r02f cmp pn,pfrom blo 2f jsr pc,flush / mov sp,r1 / sys signal; 2; 1f mov ttyid,r0 sys read; char; 1 1: / mov r1,sp / sys signal; 2; place 2: / cmp numbmod,$1 / bne 3f / mov $1,lnumber 3: clr trap jsr pc,findnl tst r1 beq 4f mov [mlist-nlist](r1),r0 mov frame,-(sp) jsr pc,cont1 cmp (sp)+,frame beq 4f inc trap / inc nlflg rts pc 4: tst ejf beq 5f cmp ilistp,ejl beq newline 5: rts pc findnl: mov $nlist,r1 1: mov (r1),r0 tst r0 bpl 2f add pl,r0 inc r0 2: cmp nl,r0 beq 4f 3: tst (r1ffset: sub $blist,r1 ash $7,r1 add first,r1 rts pc blistptr: mov r0,-(sp) clr r0 sub first,r1 ashc $-7,r0 bic $1,r1 add $blist,r1 mov (sp)+,r0 rts pc wbt: jsr pc,wbf jsr pc,wbfl rts pc wbf: tst woff bne 0f mov r1,woff mov $wbuf,wbufp 0: mov r0,*wbufp add $2,wbufp add $2,r1 bit $377,r1 bne 2f sub $2,r1 jsr pc,blistptr cmp (r1),$-1 bne 1f jsr pc,wbfl jsr pc,alloc bne 0f jsr r5,stringfl;allocmes jmp done 0: mov nextb,(r1) 1: mov (r1),r1 2: cmp wbufp,$wbufe bhis wbfl rts br setn1 0: cmp r0,$".x bne 0f mov evp,r0 br setn1 0: cmp r0,$".c bne 0f mov iline,r0 br setn1 0: cmp r0,$".h bne 0f mov hnl,r0 br setn1 0: cmp r0,$".n bne 0f mov lastl,r0 br setn1 0: jsr pc,findr tst r1 beq 5f tst (sp) beq 1f add [inclist-vlist](r1),(r1) 1: mov (r1),r0 mov [flist-vlist](r1),nform setn1: mov r4,-(sp) mov $cbuf,r4 tst r0 bge 1f movb $'-,(r4)+ neg r0 1: jsr r5,fnumb0;wrc clrb (r4) mov (sp)+,r4 mov $cbuf,cp 5: tst (sp)+ mov (sp)+,r1 rts pc wrc: cmp r4,$)+ cmp r1,$nliste bne 1b clr r1 rts pc 4: tst [mlist-nlist](r1) beq 3b rts pc number: jsr pc,skipcont number1: clr -(sp) mov r1,-(sp) mov r3,-(sp) clr r3 clr -(sp) 1: jsr pc,getchar cmp r0,$'+ beq 2f cmp r0,$'- beq 2f mov r0,ch 1: jsr pc,atoi beq 3f mov r0,r3 inc 6(sp) br 3f 2: mov r0,(sp) br 1b 3: tst 6(sp) bne 1f mov $1,r3 1: mov (r5)+,r0 beq 1f mov (r0),r0 1: mov (sp)+,r1 cmp r1,$'- bne 1f sub r3,r0 br 2f 1: cmp r1,$'+ bne 1f add r3,r0 br 2f 1: mov r3,r0 2: movpc wbfl: tst woff beq 0f mov wbufp,9f sub $wbuf,9f beq 0f mov ibf,r0 sys 0;7f .data 7: sys seek; woff:..;0 .text mov ibf,r0 sys 0;7f .data 7: sys write; wbuf; 9:.. .text clr woff mov $-1,roff 0: rts pc rbf: mov ip,r1 jsr pc,rbf0 bne 0f tst app bne 1f jsr pc,popi rts pc 0: jsr pc,incoff 1: mov r1,ip rts pc rbf0: mov r1,-(sp) bic $377,r1 cmp r1,roff beq 1f mov r1,roff mov ibf1,r0 sys 0;7f .data 7: sys seek; roff:-1 ;0 .text mov ibf1,r0 sys read;rbuf;256. tst r0 bne 1f tst (sstk bhis 1f movb r0,(r4)+ 1: rts pc seta: jsr pc,get1 cmp r0,$'\\ bne 1f jsr pc,get1 jsr r5,switch;esctab cmp r0,numc bne 1f clr r1 jsr pc,setn br seta 1: sub $060,r0 ble 2f cmp r0,$9. bgt 2f cmp r0,*frame bgt 2f asl r0 add frame,r0 add $stksiz-2,r0 mov (r0),ap 2: rts pc stksiz = 16. pushi: clr r0 mov enda,-(sp) sub $stksiz,(sp) cmp nxf,(sp)+ blo 0f jsr pc,setbrk beq 2f br pushi 0: mov nxf,r0 tst (r0)+ /nargs mov frame,(r0)+ mov ip,(r0)+ mov nspace,(r0)+ clr nspace (sp)+,r3 mov (sp)+,r1 tst (sp)+ rts r5 eject: / tst ejf / bne 2f inc ejf mov r0,ejl tst trap bne 2f jsr pc,newline 2: rts pc storeline: cmp linep,$line+linsiz bhis 1f movb r0,*linep inc linep jsr pc,width add r1,ne sub r1,nel inc nc rts pc 1: tst over bne 2f jsr r5,stringfl; linemes 2: inc over rts pc linemes: .even getword: clr -(sp) clr -(sp) mov pendw,r2 bne 5f mov $word,r2 clr over clr wne clr wch clr nhyph clr hypedf mov $word,wordp 1: jsr pc,p)+ sez rts pc 1: mov (sp),r0 bic $!377,r0 mov (sp)+,r1 mov rbuf(r0),r0 rts pc incoff: add $2,r1 bit $377,r1 bne 1f sub $2,r1 jsr pc,blistptr mov (r1),r1 beq 5f cmp $-1,r1 beq 5f 1: rts pc 5: jsr r5,stringfl; badmes jmp place badmes: .even alph: movb (r0),r2 alph2: cmp r2,$'A blo 1f cmp r2,$'Z blos 2f cmp r2,$'a blo 1f cmp r2,$'z bhi 1f 2: sez rts pc 1: clz rts pc rdsufb: mov r1,-(sp) bic $177,r1 cmp r1,sufoff beq 2f mov r1,sufoff mov suf mov rchar,(r0)+ clr rchar mov pendt,(r0)+ mov ap,(r0)+ mov ch,(r0)+ clr ch clr ap clr pendt mov nxf,frame tst *nxf bne 1f add $stksiz,nxf br 2f 1: mov r1,nxf 2: tst r0 rts pc popi: cmp frame,$stk beq 1f mov frame,r0 mov r0,nxf clr (r0)+ mov (r0)+,frame mov (r0)+,ip mov (r0)+,nspace mov (r0)+,rchar mov (r0)+,pendt mov (r0)+,ap mov (r0)+,r0 / cmp frame,litlev / bhis 1f / clr lit 1: rts pc setbrk: tst noset bne 2f mov enda,-(sp) add $516.,(sp) bic $777,(sp) mov (sp)+,0f sygettchar bmi 4f cmpb r0,$'\n bne 0f clr wne clr wch br 3f 0: cmpb r0,ohc bne 2f inc hypedf br 1b 2: cmpb $' ,r0 bne 2f jsr pc,storeword br 1b 2: 4: mov r0,-(sp) mov $' ,r0 / bis chbits,r0 jsr pc,storeword tst spaceflg beq 2f jsr pc,storeword clr spaceflg 2: mov (sp)+,r0 2: tst r0 bmi 0f cmpb r0,$005 beq 6f 0: inc 2(sp) jsr pc,storeword bisb (sp),-1(r2) /add in hyphen clr (sp) 5: jsr pc,gettchar bmi 1f cmpb r0,ohc bne 1f inc hypedf jsr pc,gettchar mov $200,(sp) 1: tst r0f,r0 sys 0;7f .data 7: sys seek; sufoff: -1; 0 .text mov suff,r0 sys read; sufbuf; 128. 2: mov (sp),r0 bic $!177,r0 movb sufbuf(r0),r0 mov (sp)+,r1 rts pc atoi: jsr pc,atoi1 bne 1f rts pc 1: mov r1,-(sp) mov r0,-(sp) 1: jsr pc,getchar cmp r0,$'+ beq 4f cmp r0,$'- beq 5f 2: cmp r0,$'* bne 2f jsr pc,atoi1 beq 3f mov r0,r1 mpy (sp),r1 mov r1,(sp) br 1b 2: cmp r0,$'\/ bne 2f jsr pc,atoi1 beq 3f mov r0,-(sp) mov 2(sp),r1 sxt r0 dvd (sp),r0 mov r0,2(sp) tst (sp)+ br 1b 2: ms 0;7f .data 7: sys break; 0:.. .text bes 1f mov 0b,enda sub $2,enda clz rts pc 1: inc noset 2: sez rts pc collect: inc copyf jsr pc,skipcont clr *nxf mov nxf,r2 add $stksiz,r2 mov r2,r1 add $18.,r1 mov r1,-(sp) mov nxf,-(sp) cmp r1,enda blo 1f jsr pc,setbrk beq 7f 1: clr quote cmp r2,2(sp) beq 9f jsr pc,skipcont tst nlflg bne 9f mov r1,(r2)+ jsr pc,getchar cmp r0,$'" bne 3f inc quote 2: jsr pc,getchar 3: tst nlflg bne 8f tst quote bne 4f cmp r0,$' / beq 8f br 5f 4: cmp r0,$'" bne 5f jsr pc,getchar cmpb r0,$'" bne 8f 5: movb r0,(r1)+ mov enda,-(sp) sub $4,(sp) cmp r1,(sp)+ blo 2b jsr pc,setbrk beq 6f br 2b 8: mov r0,ch 6: clrb (r1)+ tst nlflg bne 9f tst noset beq 1b 9: mov (sp),nxf sub nxf,r2 sub $stksiz,r2 asr r2 mov r2,*nxf bit $1,r1 beq 7f inc r1 7: clr copyf cmp (sp)+,(sp)+ rts pc ar tst nlflg bne 1f cmpb r0,$'+ bne 0f inc (sp) br 2f 0: cmpb r0,$'- beq 2f cmpb r0,$'0 blo 1b cmpb r0,$'9 bhi 1b 2: mov r0,ch jsr pc,atoi beq 1f jsr pc,min dec r0 ble 1f cmp r1,$tabtab beq 0f tst (sp) bne 3f cmp r0,-2(r1) bgt 0f 3: add -2(r1),r0 0: clr (sp) mov r0,(r1)+ cmp r1,$etabtab blo 1b tst -(r1) 1: tst (sp)+ clr (r1) rts pc caseti: jsr r5,number; in jsr pc,min mov r0,-(sp) jsr pc,rbreak mov (sp)+,un1 jsr pc,setnel rts pc caseul: jsr r5,number; 0 jsr pc,mineq 1f jsr pc,free 1: rts pc caseda: inc app casedi: / inc lgf clr ditf jsr pc,skipcont jsr r5,getname; bname beq 1f tst op bne 3f inc diflg jsr pc,finds beq 3f mov r1,op jsr pc,clrold / mov blss,sblss / mov alss,salss / clr blss / clr alss clr dnl br 3f 1: tst op beq 3f clr r0 jsr pc,pchar1 jsr pc,wbfl / mov sblss,blss / mov salss,alss clr op 3: clr app clr diflg rts pc caseev: jsr pc,skipcont tst nlflg beq 2f cmp evp,$elist ble 5f 1: sub $2,evp mov *evp,-(sp) br 3f 2: jsnqtwz}ilorux{~jmpsvy| mov r0,ul rts pc casetl: jsr pc,header rts pc caselt: jsr pc,skipcont tst nlflg beq 1f mov llh1,r0 br 2f 1: jsr r5,number1; llh jsr pc,min 2: mov llh,llh1 mov r0,llh rts pc casehc: jsr pc,skipcont jsr pc,getchar cmp r0,$'\n bne 1f movb $200,r0 1: mov r0,ohc rts pc casetc: jsr pc,skipcont jsr pc,getchar cmp r0,$'\n bne 1f mov $014,r0 1: mov r0,tabc rts pc caselc: jsr pc,skipcont jsr pc,getchar cmp r0,$'\n bne 1f mov $'.,r0 1: mov r0,dotc rts pc casenc: jsr pc,skipcr pc,atoi beq 6f cmp r0,nev bgt 6f tst r0 blt 6f cmp evp,$eliste bgt 6f mov r0,-(sp) mov ev,*evp add $2,evp 3: cmp (sp),ev beq 4f mov $1024.,r3 mpy ev,r3 mov r3,8f mov $1024.,r3 mpy (sp),r3 mov r3,9f mov ibf,r0 sys 0;7f .data 7: sys seek; 8:.. ; 0 .text mov ibf,r0 sys write; block; 1024. mov ibf1,r0 sys 0;7f .data 7: sys seek; 9:.. ; 0 .text mov blocksize,0f mov ibf1,r0 sys 0;7f .data 7: sys read; block; 0:.. .text 4: mov (sp)+,ev 5: rts pc 6: jsr r5,string;9f rts pc 9: .even caseif: clr -(sp) jsr pc,skipcont jsr pc,getchar cmp r0,$'! bne 1f inc (sp) br 2f 1: mov r0,ch 2: jsr pc,atoi beq 1f tst r0 bgt 5f /true br 6f /false 1: jsr pc,getchar cmp r0,$'e bne 1f bit $1,pn bne 6f br 5f 1: cmp r0,$'o bne 1f bit $1,pn beq 6f br 5f 1: cmpb r0,$'n beq 5f 1: tst (sp)+ rts pc 5: tst (sp) bne 1b 2: clr column jsr pc,getchar bmi 0f cmpb r0,$' / beq 2b 0: mov r0,ch inc nflush br 1b 6: tst (sp) beq 1b br 2b casewh: clr -(sp) js mov r0,c2 2: mov r0,ch tst (sp)+ rts pc casece: jsr r5,number; 0 jsr pc,min mov r0,-(sp) jsr pc,rbreak mov (sp)+,ce rts pc casefi: jsr pc,rbreak inc fi rts pc casein: jsr pc,skipcont tst nlflg beq 1f mov in1,r0 br 2f 1: jsr r5,number1; in jsr pc,min 2: mov r0,-(sp) jsr pc,rbreak mov in,in1 mov (sp)+,in tst nc bne 1f mov in,un jsr pc,setnel 1: rts pc caseli: jsr r5,number; 0 jsr pc,min mov r0,lit mov frame,litlev cmp nl,$-1 bne 0f jsr pc,newln1 0: rts pc casell: jsnt jsr r5,3f; nms jsr pc,skipcont jsr r5,3f; ni rts pc 3: tst nlflg bne 4f jsr pc,atoi beq 4f jsr pc,min mov r0,*(r5) 4: tst (r5)+ rts r5 casenn: jsr r5,number; 0 jsr pc,min mov r0,nn rts pc casear: clr ro rts pc caseroc: mov $2,ro rts pc casero: mov $1,ro rts pc casenx: jsr pc,skipcont jsr r5,getname; nextf inc nx jsr pc,nextfile inc nlflg clr ip clr ap clr nspace clr pendt mov $ilist,ilistp rts pc casepo: jsr pc,skipcont tst nlflg beq 1f mov po1,r0 br 2f 1: jsr r pc,skipcont jsr pc,getchar cmp r0,$'x bne 1f mov $-1,r0 jsr pc,findt add nl,r1 sub dnl,r1 mov r1,r0 br 2f 1: mov r0,ch jsr pc,atoi beq 4f 2: mov r0,(sp) jsr pc,skipcont jsr r5,getname; bname tstb bname bne 1f clr bname 1: mov (sp),r0 jsr pc,findn tst r1 beq 1f mov bname,[mlist-nlist](r1) br 4f 1: mov $mlist,r1 2: tst (r1)+ beq 3f cmp r1,$mliste bgt 4f br 2b 3: mov bname,-2(r1) mov (sp),[nlist-mlist-2](r1) 4: tst (sp)+ rts pc findn: mov $nlist,r1 1: cmp (r1),r0 beq 3f r pc,skipcont tst nlflg beq 1f mov ll1,r0 br 2f 1: jsr r5,number1; ll jsr pc,min 2: mov ll,ll1 mov r0,ll 2: jsr pc,setnel rts pc casels: jsr pc,skipcont tst nlflg beq 1f mov ls1,r0 br 2f 1: jsr r5,number1; ls dec r0 jsr pc,min inc r0 2: mov r0,-(sp) / jsr pc,rbreak mov ls,ls1 mov (sp)+,ls rts pc casens: inc nls rts pc casers: clr nls rts pc casena: clr ad rts pc casene: jsr r5,number; 0 jsr pc,min jsr pc,need2 rts pc casenf: jsr pc,rbreak clr fi rts pc casepn: jsrr5,number1; po jsr pc,min 2: mov r0,-(sp) / jsr pc,rbreak mov po,po1 mov (sp)+,po rts pc caseig: inc skp jsr pc,copyb rts pc casern: / inc lgf jsr pc,skipcont jsr r5,getname;bname beq 2f jsr pc,findmn beq 2f mov oldptr,-(sp) / inc lgf jsr pc,skipcont jsr r5,getname;bname beq 1f jsr pc,findmn jsr pc,clrold mov (sp),r1 tst -(r1) mov (r1),(sp) bic $77777,(sp) mov bname,(r1) bis (sp),(r1) 1: tst (sp)+ 2: rts pc caserm: / inc lgf jsr pc,skipcont jsr r5,getname;bname beq 1f jsr p2: tst (r1)+ cmp r1,$nliste bne 1b clr r1 rts pc 3: tst [mlist-nlist](r1) beq 2b rts pc findm: mov $mlist,r1 1: cmp (r1),bname beq 3f 2: tst (r1)+ cmp r1,$mliste bne 1b clr r1 rts pc 3: sub $[mlist-nlist],r1 rts pc casech: clr -(sp) jsr pc,skipcont jsr pc,atoi beq 2f jsr pc,findn br 3f 2: jsr r5,getname; bname tstb bname beq 1f jsr pc,findm 3: tst r1 beq 1f mov r1,(sp) jsr pc,skipcont jsr pc,atoi beq 2f mov r0,*(sp) 1: tst (sp)+ rts pc 2: jsr pc,getchar tst nlflg bn pc,skipcont bne 1f jsr r5,number1; pn jsr pc,min mov r0,npn 1: rts pc casebp: mov ilistp,-(sp) clr -(sp) jsr pc,skipcont bne 1f jsr r5,number1; pn jsr pc,min mov r0,(sp) 1: jsr pc,rbreak mov (sp)+,r0 beq 0f mov r0,npn 0: bne 2f tst nls bne 3f 2: mov (sp),r0 jsr pc,eject 3: tst (sp)+ rts pc casepl: jsr pc,skipcont tst nlflg bne 1f jsr r5,number1; pl mov r0,pl rts pc 1: mov $66.,pl rts pc casesp: mov pc,-(sp) br 0f casesp1: clr -(sp) 0: mov r0,-(sp) tst nb bne 0f jsr pc,findmn jsr pc,clrold 1: rts pc caseas: inc app caseds: inc ds br casede caseam: inc app casede: tst op beq 1f jsr pc,wbfl 1: / inc lgf jsr pc,skipcont jsr r5,getname; bname bne 1f clr r1 br 6f 1: clr skp jsr pc,finds beq 7f tst ds beq 0f tst skp bne 5f jsr pc,copys br 5f 0: jsr pc,copyb 5: jsr pc,wbfl jsr pc,clrold tst newptr beq 0f bis $100000,bname mov bname,*newptr 0: mov r1,-(sp) mov apptr,r1 beq 0f mov $004,r0 jsr pc,wbt 0: mov (sp)+,r1 6: clr app clr ds rts pce 1b mov *(sp),r0 beq 1b bgt 0f add pl,r0 inc r0 0: sub nl,r0 ble 1b dec r0 ble 1b cmp dnl,r0 bge 0f mov dnl,r0 0: sub r0,*(sp) br 1b casemk: jsr pc,skipcont beq 1f mov nl,markline rts pc 1: jsr r5,getname; bname mov bname,r0 beq 2f jsr pc,findr beq 2f mov nl,(r1) 2: rts pc casetm: inc copyf jsr pc,skipcont mov $bname,r1 1: jsr pc,getchar bmi 1b movb r0,(r1)+ tst nlflg bne 2f cmp r1,$ename blo 1b movb $'\n,-1(r1) 2: clrb (r1) jsr r5,stringfl; bname clr copyf rts pc c,rbreak 0: tst nls bne 2f clr r0 jsr pc,findt tst nb bne 1f tst trap bne 2f 1: tst 2(sp) beq 1f jsr r5,number;0 mov r0,(sp) 1: cmp r1,(sp) bge 1f mov r1,(sp) 1: mov (sp),r0 ble 3f jsr r5,nlines; newline 2: cmp (sp)+,(sp)+ rts pc 3: add nl,r0 cmp (sp)+,(sp)+ br casert1 casert: mov markline,r2 jsr pc,skipcont bne 0f jsr r5,number1;nl casert1: mov r0,r2 0: tst r2 blt 2f cmp r2,nl bge 2f mov nl,r1 mov r2,nl sub r2,r1 mov r1,r2 1: mov $036,r0 jsr pc,putchar dec r2 bgt 1b 7: tst macerr bne 0f jsr r5,stringfl; 8f 0: inc macerr cmp macerr,$1 jeq edone jmp done2 / br 6b 8: .even findmn: mov $contab,r1 1: mov (r1)+,r0 bic $100000,r0 cmp bname,r0 beq 2f cmp (r1)+,$-1 bne 1b clr r1 2: mov r1,oldptr rts pc finds: jsr pc,findmn clr newptr clr apptr clr aplnk tst app beq 0f tst oldptr bne 5f 0: mov $contab,r1 1: tst (r1)+ beq 2f cmp (r1)+,$-1 bne 1b 1: inc skp clr r1 rts pc 2: jsr pc,alloc beq 1b tst oldptr b caserd: jsr pc,skipcont jsr r5,getname; bname tst iflg bne 1f tst quiet bne 2f tstb bname beq 5f jsr r5,string; bname jsr r5,string; 3f 1: jsr pc,collect inc tty jsr pc,pushi beq 6f mov $-1,ip rts pc 2: bic $10,ttym mov ttyid,r0 sys stty; ttys jsr pc,flush 5: jsr r5,string;4f br 1b 6: jmp rdtty2 3: <: \0> 4: <\0> /bell .even caseaf: jsr pc,skipcont bne 3f jsr r5,getname;bname mov bname,r0 beq 3f jsr pc,findr jsr pc,skipcont jsr pc,getchar mov $4f,r2 1: cmpb r0,(r2)+ beq mov $015,r0 jsr pc,putchar 2: rts pc casesv: clr r0 jsr pc,findt jsr r5,number; 0 cmp r1,r0 bge 1f mov r0,sv rts pc 1: jsr r5,nlines; newline rts pc caseos: tst sv beq 2f clr r0 jsr pc,findt cmp r1,sv bge 1f rts pc 1: mov sv,r0 clr sv jsr r5,nlines; newline 2: rts pc casetr: jsr pc,skipcont 1: jsr pc,getchar cmp r0,$'\n beq 1f mov r0,r1 jsr pc,getchar cmp r0,$'\n bne 2f mov $' ,r0 2: movb r0,trtab(r1) br 1b 1: rts pc caseta: clr -(sp) mov $tabtab,r1 1: jsr pc,getchne 3f 4: tst -(r1) bis $100000,bname mov bname,(r1)+ mov nextb,(r1) br 6f 3: tst diflg bne 4b mov nextb,(r1) tst -(r1) mov r1,newptr br 6f 5: tst -(r1) bmi 1f clr app br 0b 1: tst (r1)+ clr oldptr mov ip,-(sp) mov (r1),ip 1: jsr pc,rbf tst r0 bne 1b mov ip,r1 mov r1,apptr tst diflg bne 0f jsr pc,incoff 0: mov r1,nextb mov (sp)+,ip 6: clr app mov nextb,r1 rts pc clrold: mov oldptr,r0 beq 1f mov (r0),-(sp) clr (r0) tst -(r0) bmi 0f clr (sp) 0: clr (r0) mov (sp)+,r0 b 2f inc r2 tstb (r2) bne 1b 2: movb (r2),[flist-vlist](r1) 3: rts pc 4: .byte '1,1 .byte 'i,2 .byte 'I,3 .byte 'a,4 .byte 'A,5 .byte 0,0 casenr: jsr pc,skipcont bne 5f jsr r5,getname; bname mov bname,r0 jsr pc,findr mov r1,0f beq 5f jsr pc,skipcont bne 5f jmp 7f .data 7: jsr r5,number1; 0:.. jmp 8f .text 8: bne 1f clr r0 1: mov r0,*0b jsr pc,skipcont bne 5f jsr pc,atoi beq 5f mov r0,[inclist-vlist](r1) 5: rts pc casefl: jsr pc,rbreak jsr pc,flush rts pc casexh: / tst x.5 / bne 1f inc x.5 rts pc /1: / clr x.5 / rts pc caseso: jsr pc,skipcont tst nlflg bne 1f jsr r5,getname; nextf tstb nextf beq 1f sys open; nextf; 0 bes 1f mov ifp,r1 cmp r1,$ifle bhi 1f mov r0,-(sp) jsr pc,flushi mov ifile,(r1) mov (sp)+,ifile mov ioff,[offl-ifl](r1) add $2,ifp clr ioff inc nx inc nflush tst (r1) bne 1f jsr pc,savebuf 1: rts pc caseeo: clr r0 br 1f caseec: jsr pc,skipcont jsr pc,getchar cmpb r0,$'\n bne 1f movb $'\\,r0 1: movb r0,eschar movb r0,eschar+1 rts p sys creat; 9:bfn; 600 bec 1f 2: incb bfn1+3 cmpb bfn1+3,$'z blos 0b jmp place 1: mov r0,ibf mov $blockend,r0 sub $block,r0 cmp r0,$1024. blos 1f 4 1: mov r0,blocksize clr -(sp) 2: mov ibf,r0 sys write; block; 1024. inc (sp) cmp (sp),nev ble 2b mov (sp)+,r3 mpy $1024.,r3 mov r3,nextb mov r3,first mov ibf,r0 sys close sys open; 7:bfn; 2 jes place mov r0,ibf mov r0,ibf1 cmp $bfn1,7b beq 1f sys unlink; bfn 1: rts pc ctime: sys time sub $18000.,r1 /5hrs for est sbc r0 ashc br 1b 2: cmpb r0,$026 /font indicator bne 2f jsr pc,get1 br 1b 2: cmpb r0,$027 /point size bne 2f jsr pc,eatps br 1b 2: cmpb r0,$021 /spead line bne 2f tst copyf bne 2f inc spread br 1b 2: cmpb r0,$006 /repeat bne 2f jsr pc,setrpt br 1b 2: cmp r0,$'\n bne 3f inc nlflg clr column tst ip bne 3f inc iline 3: mov (sp)+,r1 tst r0 rts pc eatps: jsr pc,get1 cmpb r0,$'+ beq 0f cmpb r0,$'- beq 0f sub $'0,r0 ble 1f cmp r0,$3 bgt 1f 0: jsr pc,get1 1: rts pc .data esctab: .bytec casest: 4 caseem: clr em jsr pc,skipcont bne 1f jsr r5,getname;bname beq 1f mov bname,em 1: rts pc casefc: mov $4,fc mov $' ,padc jsr pc,skipcont bne 1f jsr pc,getchar bmi 1f movb r0,fc jsr pc,skipcont bne 1f mov ch,r0 bmi 1f cmpb r0,fc beq 1f movb r0,padc 1: rts pc casepi: tst toolate bne 1f jsr pc,skipcont jsr r5,getname;bname beq 1f sys 42. /pipe jes place mov r0,pipin mov r1,outid sys fork br 2f jes place mov $1,r0 sys close mov pipin,r0 sys close 1: inc too $-2,r0 div $21600.,r0 inc r0 mov r0,dy / mov r1,fd add $3,r0 mov r0,r1 sxt r0 div $7,r0 inc r1 mov r1,dw 3: mov yr,r1 sxt r0 div $4,r0 mov $28.,ms+2 tst r1 bne 0f mov $29.,ms+2 0: clr r0 1: cmp dy,ms(r0) ble 2f sub ms(r0),dy tst (r0)+ cmp r0,$24. blt 1b inc yr mov yr,r1 br 3b 2: asr r0 inc r0 mov r0,mo rts pc ms: 31.;28.;31.;30.;31.;30.;31.;31.;30.;31.;30.;31. pnum: clr -(sp) clr r3 1: movb (r4)+,r0 sub $'0,r0 cmp r0,$9 bhi 1f inc (sp) mpy $10.,r3 add r0,r3 br 1b 1: '*, 025 /text string .byte 'n, 034 /number char .byte '$, 020 /dollar char eschar: .byte '\\, 134 /backslash .byte 'e, 013 /printable escape char .byte 'f, 026 /font indicator .byte 's, 027 /point size .byte '&, 037 /filler .byte 't, 011 /hor tab .byte '!, 024 /transparent char .byte 'p, 021 /spread line .byte 'c, 005 /interrupted text .byte 'k, 372 /mk hor / 014 hidden tab replacement character .byte ' , 014 /\(space) .byte 'x, 016 /SO (extra chars) .byte 'y, 017 /SI (normal characters) .byte 'late rts pc 2: clr r0 sys close mov pipin,r0 sys 41. /dup mov outid,r0 sys close sys exec;bname;args jsr r5,string;9f sys exit args: bname;0 9: .even mov r3,r0 tst (sp)+ beq 2f mov r0,*(r5)+ 1: rts r5 2: tst (r5)+ br 1b emes1: .even obuf=ibuf+512. .=ibuf+1024. .text loop: clr nlflg clr nflush clr nb mov ilistp,r1 jsr pc,getch1 mov r0,ch cmp ilistp,r1 beq 1f tst ejf beq 1f cmp ilistp,ejl bhi 1f mov ilistp,ejl inc nflush jsr pc,newline br loop 1: jsr pc,getchar tst pendt bne 0f tst lit ble 1f cmp frame,litlev bhi 1f dec lit br 0f 1: cmpb r0,cc beq 3f cmpb r0,c2 beq 2f cmpb r0,tch beq 4f cmpb r0l, 0177 /delete .byte 'd, 032 /hlf (down) .byte 'u, 035 /hlr (up) .byte 'r, 036 /flr (reverse) .byte 'a, 001 /leader char .byte ':, 003 /lem char .byte '?, 002 /raw trans .byte '", 376 /comment .byte 'w, 030 /width size char .byte 0, 0 .text pfxtab: .byte '7, 036 /flr .byte '8, 035 /hlr .byte '9, 032 /hlf .byte '1, 026 /set hor tabs .byte '2, 027 /clr hor tabs .byte 0,0 pfxtab1: switch: mov r1,-(sp) mov (r5)+,r1 1: cmpb (r1)+,r0 beq 1f tstb (r1)+ bne 1b cmp r1,$pfxtab b,$002 beq 6f 0: movb r0,ch jsr pc,text br loop 4: inc tflg inc copyf 0: jsr pc,getchar mov r0,r5 jsr pc,putchar cmp r5,$'\n bne 0b clr tflg clr copyf br loop 2: inc nb 3: jsr pc,control 5: jsr pc,flushi br loop 6: inc raw jsr pc,get1 movb r0,xpc clr nlflg 0: jsr pc,get1 cmpb r0,xpc beq 7f jsr pc,pchar2 br 0b 7: clr raw jbr loop mesg: tst r0 bne setsame sys stat; ttyx; stbuf mov stbuf+4,0f mov 0f,1f bic $22,0f sys 0;7f .data 7: sys chmod; ttyx; 0:.. .text rts pc setsame:le 0f cmp r1,$pfxtab1 bgt 0f mov $037,r0 0: mov (sp)+,r1 rts r5 1: movb (r1)+,r0 mov (sp)+,r1 rts r5 get1: tst nspace ble 1f dec nspace mov rchar,r0 rts pc 1: mov r1,-(sp) 4: tst cp beq 2f movb *cp,r0 bne 1f clr cp br 4b 1: inc cp br 8f 2: tst ap beq 2f movb *ap,r0 bne 1f clr ap br 4b 1: inc ap br 8f 2: cmp $-1,ip bne 1f jsr pc,rdtty br 8f 1: tst ip beq 5f jsr pc,rbf br 8f 5: tst donef beq 0f jmp done 0: tst nx bne 0f 3: mov ibufp,r1 cmp r1,eibuf bne 3f cmp r1/ / / nroff1 -- text formatter / rts = 104000 signal = 48. nop = 000240 jmp ibuf .data ibuf: /init code in ibuf+obuf cmp sp,$end bhi 1f jsr r5,string; emes1 sys exit 1: clr r0 jsr pc,ttyn cmpb r0,$'x bne 0f inc iflg mov $1,r0 jsr pc,ttyn 0: movb r0,ttyx+8 clr r0 jsr pc,mesg sys open; ttyx; 2 bes 0f mov r0,ttyid mov r0,ttyod 0: mov ttyid,r0 sys gtty; ttys sys signal; 1; place sys signal; 2; place bit $1,r0 beq 0f sys signal; 2; 1 /no deletes sys signal; 3; 1 /no quits sys sig sys 0;7f .data 7: sys chmod; ttyx; 1:.. .text rts pc stringfl: jsr pc,flush string: mov r0,-(sp) mov r1,-(sp) mov r2,-(sp) mov (r5)+,r1 mov r1,r2 mov r1,9f 1: tstb (r1)+ bne 1b dec r1 sub r2,r1 mov r1,1f mov ttyod,r0 cmp r0,ibf beq 2f 0: sys 0;7f .data 7: sys write; 9:..; 1:.. .text bes 2f 1: mov (sp)+,r2 mov (sp)+,r1 mov (sp)+,r0 rts r5 2: sys creat; tmfile; 666 bes 1b mov r0,ttyod br 0b flushi: tst nflush bne 1f clr ch tst nlflg bne 1f tst donef beq 2f cmp $ilist,ilis,$-1 beq 3f 0: tst nfo bne 2f 1: jsr pc,nextfile bne 3b 2: clr nx mov ifile,r0 sys read; ibuf; 512. bes 1b tst r0 beq 1b mov $ibuf,r1 add r1,r0 mov r0,eibuf 3: movb (r1)+,r0 bic $!377,r0 inc ioff mov r1,ibufp tst raw bne 6f cmpb r0,$040 bhis 8f mov r0,-(sp) mov cbits,r0 mov cbits+2,r1 ashc (sp),r0 bmi 0f clr (sp) 0: mov (sp)+,r0 8: tst raw1 bne 6f cmp r0,$004 beq 4b tst copyf bne 6f cmpb r0,$011 /tab bne 0f mov tabc,rchar br 1f 0: cmpb r0,$001 bne 6f mov dotc,rchar nal; 1; 1 /allow hangup 0: mov $'%,rlist mov $"nl,rlist+2 mov $"dn,rlist+4 mov $"yr,rlist+6 mov $"mo,rlist+8. mov $"dy,rlist+10. mov $"dw,rlist+12. mov $"hp,rlist+14. mov sp,r0 jsr pc,makebf sys open; suffil; 0 bes 1f mov r0,suff sys seek; 20; 0 bes 1f mov suff,r0 sys read; suftab; 2*26. 1: clr r0 mov (sp)+,argc dec argc ble 4f 1: tst (sp)+ mov (sp),r4 cmpb (r4)+,$'+ bne 2f jsr r5,pnum; pfrom br 3f 2: cmpb -1(r4),$'- bne 2f tstb (r4) beq 4f cmpb (r4),$'m bne 0f mov $nextf1,tp beq 1f 2: jsr pc,getchar br flushi 1: rts pc gettchar: tst ul ble getchar tst ulstate beq 3f tst bsc bgt 1f tst ulc bgt 2f clr ulstate br 3f 1: dec bsc mov $010,r0 rts pc 2: dec ulc mov $'_,r0 rts pc 3: jsr pc,getchar cmp r0,$016 beq 4f cmp r0,$017 beq 4f cmp r0,$'0 blt 1f cmp r0,$'9 ble 2f cmp r0,$'A blt 1f cmp r0,$'Z ble 2f cmp r0,$'a blt 1f cmp r0,$'z ble 2f 1: tst ulc ble 4f 3: mov $1,ulstate mov r0,ch br gettchar 2: inc bsc inc ulc 4: tst r0 rts pc rtn1: cmpb r0,fc beq 6f cmpb r0,padc beq 6f mov (sp)+,r1 mov $tabtab,r0 inc nspace 1: tst (r0) jeq get1 cmp column,(r0)+ bge 1b mov -(r0),nspace sub column,nspace jbr get1 6: /get1a: br 7f tst init bne 7f tst r0 jeq 4b 7: mov (sp)+,r1 tst r0 rts pc cbits: 040743;20 /001,007-012,033 (soh,bel,bs,tab,nl,so,si,esc) /cbits: 041743;20 /001,006-012,033 (soh,ack,bel,bs,tab,nl,so,si,esc) edone: mov $stk,frame clr ip done: clr app clr ds mov em,r0 beq 0f clr em mov pc,donef mov frame,-(sp)r0 tstb (r4)+ 8: movb (r4)+,(r0)+ bne 8b inc nx inc mflg br 3f 0: cmpb (r4),$'r bne 0f tstb (r4)+ movb (r4)+,r0 beq 3f jsr pc,findr mov r1,-(sp) mov r4,ibufp mov $-1,eibuf jsr pc,atoi mov (sp)+,r1 mov r0,(r1) clr ch br 3f 0: cmpb (r4),$'s bne 0f inc stop br 3f 0: cmpb (r4),$'o bne 0f inc old br 3f 0: cmpb (r4),$'i bne 0f inc stdi br 3f 0: cmpb (r4),$'q bne 0f inc quiet br 3f 0: cmpb (r4),$'h bne 0f clr slow br 3f 0: cmpb (r4),$'n bne 0f inc r4 jsr r5,pnum; npn brch: mov ch,r0 clr ch tst r0 rts pc getchar: mov r1,-(sp) 1: jsr pc,getch1 bmi 2f cmpb r0,fc bne 2f tst copyf bne 2f jsr pc,setfield br 1b 2: mov (sp)+,r1 tst r0 rts pc getch1: tst ch bne rtnch mov r1,-(sp) 1: jsr pc,getch0 bmi 2f tst copyf bne 2f cmpb r0,$030 /\w bne 2f jsr r5,setwd;getch0 br 1b 2: jsr pc,width add r1,column mov (sp)+,r1 tst r0 rts pc getch0: tst ch bne rtnch 1: tst nlflg beq 1f mov $'\n,r0 rts pc 1: mov r1,-(sp) 1: jsr pc,get1 cmpb r0,eschar bne jsr pc,cont1 cmp (sp)+,frame bne 1f 0: tst nfo beq 3f clr op clr mflg tst woff beq 0f clr r0 jsr pc,wbt 0: clr pendnf tst pendw beq 0f clr *pendw clr pendw 0: cmp $1,donef beq done1 mov $1,donef clr ip mov $ilist,ilistp jsr pc,rbreak inc nflush mov $ilist,r0 jsr pc,eject 1: mov ssp,sp jmp loop done1: / tst pendb / bne 0b tst nl beq 1f jsr pc,newline br 1b 1: 3: done2: jsr pc,flush place: sys signal; 2; 1 tst quiet beq 1f bis $10,ttym mov ttyid,r0 sys stty; ttys 1: mov 3f 0: jsr r5,pnum; pto 3: dec argc bgt 1b 2: 4: / tst index / beq 1f / sys creat; indf; 666 / mov r0,indid 1: / mov $nop,get1a clr init mov $ibuf,ibufp mov $ibuf,eibuf mov sp,argp clr r0 1: movb r0,trtab(r0) inc r0 cmp r0,$128. bne 1b movb $040,trtab+014 mov sp,ssp mov $70.,vlist+6 jsr pc,ctime mov $-1,nl mov $end,enda clr ioff jmp loop makebf: tst (r0)+ mov (r0),r0 cmpb (r0),$'a bne 0f mov $bfn1,r0 mov r0,7f mov r0,8f mov r0,9f / mov r0,place1 0: sys stat; 8:bfn; stbuf bec 2f2f jsr pc,get1 jsr r5,switch; esctab cmpb r0,$'\n bne 3f / clr column br 1b 2: cmp r0,$033 /prefix bne 3f jsr pc,get1 jsr r5,switch; pfxtab 3: cmpb r0,$376 /comment bne 2f 0: jsr pc,get1 bmi 0b cmpb r0,$012 bne 0b 2: cmpb numc,r0 bne 2f clr r1 jsr pc,setn br 1b 2: cmpb r0,$372 /mark hor place bne 2f tst copyf bne 2f mov r0,r1 jsr pc,setn jsr pc,findr jeq 1b mov column,(r1) jbr 1b 2: cmpb r0,$025 /text string bne 2f jsr pc,setstr br 1b 2: cmpb dolc,r0 bne 2f jsr pc,seta $1,r0 jsr pc,mesg mov outid,r0 sys close sys wait sys exit nextfile: mov ifile,r0 beq 1f sys close 1: tst nx beq 2f mov $nextf,r0 br 3f 2: cmp ifp,$ifl beq 1f jsr pc,popf bne nextfile tst pc rts pc 1: dec argc blt 4f mov *argp,r0 add $2,argp 3: mov r0,5f cmpb (r0)+,$'- bne 0f tstb (r0) bne 0f clr r0 br 1f 0: sys 0;7f .data 7: sys open; 5:..; 0 .text bec 1f sub mflg,nfo jgt done jsr r5,string; omes mov 5b,8f jmp 7f .data 7: jsr r5,string; 8:.. jmp 6f .text 6: jsr r5,string; 9f jbr done 1: clr iline inc nfo mov r0,ifile clr ioff rts pc 4: sub mflg,nfo beq 0f tst stdi jeq done 0: clr iline clr mflg inc nfo clr stdi clr ifile clr ioff rts pc omes: 9: <\n\0> .even popf: clr -(sp) mov ifp,r1 cmp r1,$ifl beq 1f sub $2,ifp mov -(r1),ifile mov [offl-ifl](r1),ioff mov ioff,0f bic $777,0f mov ifile,r0 beq 4f sys 0;7f .data 7: sys seek; 0:..; 0 .text bes 2f mov ifile,r0 sys read; ibuf; 512. bes 2f add $ibuf,r0 mov r0,eibuf sub ; caseroc ; casenx ; caseso ; casepo ; casede ; caseds ; caseam ; caseas ; caseda ; casedi ; caserm ; casern ; caseig ; casetc ; caseec ; caseeo ; caselc ; casenc ; caseev ; caseif ; casewh ; casech ; caserd ; casetm ; casenr ; casemk ; casert ; casest ; casefl ; done ; casexh ; caseem ; casefc ; caseaf ; casepi ; casehw bnames: .=.+512. -1; -1 .text ) { globfont(); goto beg; } else return( icntrl[type] ); } getstr(s,c) char *s, c; { for (sp=0; c!=' ' && c!='\t' && c!='\n' && c!='{' && c!='}' && c!='"' && c!='~' && c!='^' && c!=righteq; ) { if(c == '\\') if((c = getc()) != '"')s[sp++] = '\\'; s[sp++] = c; if( sp>=SSIZE ) error(FATAL,"token %.20s... too long",s); c = getc(); } if( c=='{' || c=='}' || c=='"' || c=='~' || c=='^' || c=='\t' || c==righteq ) peek = c; s[sp]='\0'; yylval = s; } lookup(str,tbl) char *str; char *tioff,0b mov $ibuf,ibufp mov ifile,r0 jsr pc,ttyn cmpb r0,$'x bne 1f sub 0b,ibufp cmp ibufp,eibuf blo 1f 2: inc (sp) 1: tst (sp)+ rts pc 4: jsr pc,restbuf br 1b savebuf: mov $ibuf,r0 mov $xbuf,r1 mov ibufp,xbufp mov eibuf,xeibuf 1: mov (r0)+,(r1)+ cmp r0,eibuf blo 1b rts pc restbuf: mov $xbuf,r0 mov $ibuf,r1 mov xbufp,ibufp mov xeibuf,eibuf 1: mov (r0)+,(r1)+ cmp r1,eibuf blo 1b rts pc putchar: bic $!377,r0 beq 2f tstb r0 bmi pchar2 cmpb r0,$013 /\e bne 0f tst op bne 0bl[]; { register i,j, r; for(i=0; tbl[i]!=0; i++){ /* table of tbl wds */ for( j=0; (r=tbl[i][j])==str[j] && r!='\0'; j++); if( r == str[j] ) return(i); } return( -1 ); } cstr(s,quote) char *s; int quote; { int del,c,i; while((del=getc()) == ' ' || del == '\t' || del == '\n'); if(quote) for(i=0; (c=getc()) != del;) s[i++] = c; else { s[0] = del; for(i=1; (c=getc())!=' ' && c!= '\t' && c!='\n';) s[i++]=c; } s[i] = '\0'; return(s); } define() { char *alloc(); int i, c; whilef movb eschar,r0 br putchar 0: movb trtab(r0),r0 cmp r0,$' bne 1f inc nsp 2: rts pc 1: cmp r0,$'\n bne 1f clr nsp clr ocol br pchar1 1: mov $011,-(sp) 1: tst nsp beq 2f tst slow bne 4f tst op bne 4f jsr pc,dsp cmp nsp,r1 blt 4f mov $011,(sp) cmp r1,$1 bgt 8f mov $040,(sp) dec nsp br 9f 8: sub r1,nsp 9: mov r0,-(sp) 3: mov 2(sp),r0 jsr pc,pchar1 mov (sp)+,r0 br 1b 4: mov r0,-(sp) mov $' ,r0 jsr pc,pchar1 mov (sp)+,r0 dec nsp bne 4b 2: tst (sp)+ cmp r0,$026 blt 2f # #include "ne.h" #include "y.tab.c" char *cntrl[] { "sup", "super", "sub", ".EN", "sum", "from", "to", "hat", "dot", "dotdot", "bar", "tilde", "under", "prod", "int", "integral", "union", "inter", "pile", "lpile", "cpile", "rpile", "over", "sqrt", "above", "size", "font", "roman", "italic", "bold", "left", "right", "delim", "DELIM", "DEFINE","define", ".gsize", ".GSIZE", "gsize", "GSIZE", "gfont", "GFONT", "HAT", "DOT", "DOTDOT", "BAR", "TILDE", "UNDER", "PROD", "INT", "INTEGRAL", "UNION", "I( (c=getc())==' ' || c=='\n' ); getstr(token,c); if((i = lookup(token,nptr)) >= 0){ yyval = i; free(sptr[yyval]); } else { yyval = ptr++; for(i=0; token[i] != '\0'; i++); nptr[yyval] = alloc(i+1); for(i=0; nptr[yyval][i]=token[i]; i++); } if(dbg)printf(".\tdefine %s\n",nptr[yyval]); cstr(token,1); for(i=0; token[i] != '\0'; i++); sptr[yyval] = alloc(i+1); for(i=0; sptr[yyval][i] = token[i]; i++); if(dbg)printf(".\tname %s defined as %s\n",nptr[yyval],sptr[yyval]); } delim() { char *scmp r0,$037 beq 3f bgt 2f mov r0,-(sp) jsr r5, switch; unpfx cmp (sp)+,r0 beq 2f mov r0,-(sp) mov $033,r0 /prefix jsr pc,pchar1 dec ocol mov (sp)+,r0 2: pchar1: cmp r0,$011 bne 1f jsr pc,dsp br 2f 1: jsr pc,width 2: add r1,ocol pchar2: tst op beq 1f mov op,r1 jsr pc,wbf mov r1,op br 3f 1: tst tflg bne 1f cmp pn,pfrom blt 3f clr pfrom 1: movb r0,*obufp inc obufp cmp obufp,$obuf+512. beq flush 3: rts pc dsp: clr r1 1: add $8.,r1 cmp ocol,r1 bgt 1b sub ocol,r1 bne 2f mNTER", "SUM", "FROM", "TO", "SUP", "SUPER", "SUB", "PILE", "LPILE", "CPILE", "RPILE", "OVER", "SQRT", "ABOVE", "SIZE", "FONT", "ROMAN", "ITALIC", "BOLD", "LEFT", "RIGHT", "up", "UP", "down", "DOWN", "fwd", "FWD", "back", "BACK", "mark", "MARK", "lineup", "LINEUP", "matrix", "lcol", "ccol", "rcol", "col", 0}; int icntrl[]{ SUPER, SUPER, SUB, 0, /* EOF */ SUM, FROM, TO, HAT, DOT, DOTDOT, BAR, TILDE, UNDER, PROD, INT, INT, UNION, INTER, PILE, LPILE, CPILE, RPILE, OVER, SQRT, ABOVE, SIZE, FONT; yyval = eqnreg = 0; cstr(token,0); lefteq = token[0]; righteq = token[1]; if( (lefteq == 'o' && righteq == 'f') || (lefteq == 'O' && righteq == 'F') ) lefteq = righteq = '\0'; } globsize() { extern int gsize; int c; while( (c=getc())==' ' || c=='\n' ); getstr(token,c); gsize = numb(token); yyval = eqnreg = 0; } globfont() { extern int gfont; while( (gfont=getc())==' ' || gfont=='\n' ); yyval = eqnreg = 0; } ov $8.,r1 2: rts pc unpfx: .byte 032, '9 .byte 035, '8 .byte 036, '7 .byte 031, '3 .byte 030, '4 .byte 026, '1 .byte 027, '2 .byte 0,0 flush: mov obufp,r0 sub $obuf,r0 mov r0,0f mov outid,r0 sys 0;7f .data 7: sys write; obuf; 0:0 .text jes place inc toolate mov $obuf,obufp rts pc rdtty: / mov sp,r1 / sys signal; 2; rdtty1 clr r0 sys read; char; 1 tst r0 bne 2f rdtty1: / mov r1,sp jsr pc,popi rdtty2: clr tty tst quiet beq 0f bis $10,ttym mov ttyid,r0 sys stty; , ROMAN, ITALIC, BOLD, LEFT, RIGHT, DELIM, DELIM, DEFINE, DEFINE, GSIZE, GSIZE, GSIZE, GSIZE, GFONT, GFONT, HAT, DOT, DOTDOT, BAR, TILDE, UNDER, PROD, INT, INT, UNION, INTER, SUM, FROM, TO, SUPER, SUPER, SUB, PILE, LPILE, CPILE, RPILE, OVER, SQRT, ABOVE, SIZE, FONT, ROMAN, ITALIC, BOLD, LEFT, RIGHT, UP, UP, DOWN, DOWN, FWD, FWD, BACK, BACK, MARK, MARK, LINEUP, LINEUP, MATRIX, LCOL, CCOL, RCOL, COL, 0}; int peek -1; #define SSIZE 400 char token[SSIZE]; int sp; int speek[10]; char *swt[10]; int#include "ne.h" column(type, p1, p2) int type, p1, p2; { int i, n; lp[p1] = ct - p1 - 1; if( dbg ){ printf(".\t%c column of", type); for( i=p1+1; i= 0){ lastchar = (peek<0) ? *swt[sw]++ : peek; peek = -1; if(lastchar != '\0')return(lastchar); peek = speek[sw--]; return(' '); } lastchar = (peek<0) ? getchar() : peek; if( lastchar=='\n' ) linect++; peek = -1; if( lastchar!= '\0' ) return(lastchar); if( ++ifile > svargc ){ peek = '\0'; return('\0'); } close(fin); linect = 1; if( (fin=open(svargv[ifile],0)) >= 0 ) goto loop; error(FATAL,"can't open file %s\n", svargv[ifile]); } yylex(){ in} for( k=1; k<=nrow; k++ ) { hb = b = 0; j = p1 + k; for( i=0; i .even cont1: mov r0,-(sp) mov pc,r2 br 0f control: jsr pc,getchar mov r0,-(sp) jsr pc,getchar cmpb r0,$'\n beq 8f cmpb r0,$' / bne 9f 8: mov r0,ch clr r0 9: swab r0 bis (sp),r0 clr r2 0: mov $contab,r1 1: mov (r1)+,(sp) bic $100000,(sp) cmp r0,(sp) bne 4f mov (r1),(sp) tst -(r1) bpl 3f clr *nxf tst r2 bne 2f jsr pc,collect 2: jsr pc,flushi jsr pc,pushi beq 5f mov (sp),ip br 5f 3: jmp *(sp)+ 4: cmp (r1)+,$-1 t c, type; beg: while( (c=getc())==' ' || c=='\n'); yylval=c; switch(c){ case '\0': return('\0'); case '~': return(SPACE); case '^': return(THIN); case '\t': return(TAB); case '{': return(MQ); case '}': return(MQ1); case '"': for(sp=0; (c=getc())!='"'; ){ if(c !='\\')token[sp++]=c; else { if((c=getc())!= '"')token[sp++]='\\'; token[sp++] = c; } if( sp>=SSIZE ) error(FATAL,"quoted string %.20s... too long", token); } token[sp]='\0'; yylval= &token[0]; returyyval] = eht[val[0]]; ebase[yyval] = ebase[val[0]]; ewid[yyval] = w + 2 * (ncol-1); /* 2 = width(space) */ if(dbg)printf(".\tmatrix S%d: r=%d, c=%d, h=%d, b=%d, w=%d\n", yyval,nrow,ncol,eht[yyval],ebase[yyval], ewid[yyval]); printf(".ds %d \"", yyval); for( i=0; i; casead ; casebp ; casepn
      ; casebr ; casecc ; casec2 ; casece ; casefi ; casein
    • ; caseli ; casell ; casels ; casens ; casers ; casena ; casene ; casenf ; casepl ; casesp ; casesv ; casesv ; caseos ; caseta ; caseti ; casetr
        ; caseul ; casetl ; caselt ; casehc ; casehy ; casenh ; casenm ; casenp ; casenn ; casear ; caseron(QTEXT); } if( c==righteq ) return('\0'); getstr(token, c); if((type = lookup(token,nptr)) >= 0){ if(sw >= 9) error(FATAL,"definitions nested > 9", sw); swt[++sw] = sptr[type]; speek[sw] = peek; peek = -1; goto beg; } type = lookup(token,cntrl); if( type < 0 ) return(CONTIG); if( icntrl[type]==DEFINE ) { define(); goto beg; } else if( icntrl[type]==DELIM ) { delim(); goto beg; } else if( icntrl[type]==GSIZE ){ globsize(); goto beg; } else if( icntrl[type]==GFONT#include "ne.h" int markpos; mark(n) int n; { if( n ) markpos = ewid[n]; else { yyval = oalloc(); printf(".ds %d \"\n", yyval); ebase[yyval] = ewid[yyval] = markpos = 0; eht[yyval] = 2; } if(dbg)printf(".\tmark %d as %d\n", n, markpos); } lineup(n) int n; { if( n ) { printf(".ds %d \"", n); fwd(markpos-ewid[n]); printf("\\*(%d\n", n); ewid[n] = markpos; } else { yyval = oalloc(); printf(".ds %d \"", yyval); fwd(markpos); printf("\n"); ebase[yyval] = 0; eht[yyval] = 2; ewid[yyval] = markpos; } if(dbg)printf(".\tlineup %d at %d\n", n, markpos); } # include "ne.h" char *res[] { ">=", "<=", "!=", "+-", "==", "cdot", "CDOT", "times", "TIMES", "SIGMA", "pi", "PI", "alpha", "beta", "gamma", "GAMMA", "delta", "epsilon", "omega", "DELTA", "LAMBDA", "PHI", "OMEGA", "lambda", "mu", "nu", "theta", "rho", "sigma", "tau", "phi", "INF", "INFINITY", "inf", "infinity", "partial", "PARTIAL", "zeta", "eta", "iota", "kappa", "xi", "omicron", "upsilon", "chi", "psi", "THETA", "XI", "UPSILON", "PSI", "del", "DEL", "nothing", "NOTHING", "approx", "APPROX(1); up(2); } down(n+1); fwd(1); } diacrit(p1,type) int p1,type; { int c,t; c = oalloc(); switch(type){ case 'H': printf(".ds %d ^\n",c); ewid[c] = 1; break; case 'T': printf(".ds %d ~\n",c); ewid[c] = 1; break; case 'D': printf(".ds %d ", c); up(2); putchar('.'); down(2); putchar('\n'); ewid[c] = 1; break; case 'U': printf(".ds %d ", c); up(2); printf(".."); down(2); putchar('\n'); ewid[c] = 2; break; case 'B': printf(".ds %d# include "ne.h" # define SIGPIPE 13 /* nroff has stopped reading */ int ESC 033; int HREV '8'; int HFWD '9'; int SI 017; int SO 016; int ESCOUT 033; int HFWDOUT '9'; int HREVOUT '8'; int BKSPOUT '\b'; int FWDOUT '~'; char in[400]; /* input buffer */ int exit(); main(argc,argv) int argc; char *argv[];{ int i, type; flush(); first = 0; lefteq = righteq = '\0'; signal(SIGPIPE, &exit); setfile(argc,argv); while( (type=getline(in)) != '\0' ){ eqline = linect; if( in[0]=='.' && in[1]=='E' && in[2]=", 0}; char *restran[] { ">\b_", "<\b_", "/\b=", "+\b_", "=\b_", "8.9", "8.9", "x", "x", "R", "J", "P", "A", "B", "\\e", "G", "D", "S", "C", "W", "E", "F", "Z", "L", "M", "@", "T", "K", "Y", "I", "U", "o", "o", "o", "o", "]", "]", "Q", "N", "i", "k", "X", "o", "u", "X", "V", "O", "X", "U", "H", "[", "[", "", "", "~\b=", "~\b=", 0}; int csp; int psp; #define CSSIZE 400 char cs[420]; text(t,p1) int t; char *p1; { in ", c); up(eht[p1]); line(ewid[p1]); down(eht[p1]); putchar('\n'); ewid[c] = ewid[p1]; break; case 'N': printf(".ds %d ", c); down(ebase[p1]); line(ewid[p1]); up(ebase[p1]); putchar('\n'); ewid[c] = ewid[p1]; break; } yyval = oalloc(); printf(".ds %d \\*(%d", yyval, p1); back((ewid[p1]+ewid[c])/2); printf("\\*(%d", c); fwd(abs(ewid[p1]-ewid[c])/2); putchar('\n'); ewid[yyval] = max(ewid[p1], ewid[c]); ebase[yyval] = ebase[p1]; eht[yyval] = eht[p1]; if( typ='Q' ){ for( i=11; i<100; used[i++]=0 ); printf(".tr ~\n"); printf("%s",in); init(); yyparse(); if( eqnreg>0 ) printf(".ne %d\n.rs\n'sp %d\n\\*(%d\n'sp %d\n", (eqnht+1)/2, (eqnht-eqnbase-2)/2,eqnreg,eqnbase/2); printf(".EN"); if( lastchar == '\0' ){ putchar('\n'); break; } if( putchar(lastchar) != '\n' ) while( putchar(getc()) != '\n' ); flush(); } else if( type != lefteq ) printf("%s",in); else inline(); } putchar('\0'); flush(); exit(); }t i,j,c; int w; yyval = oalloc(); ebase[yyval] = 0; eht[yyval] = 2; /* ht in 1/2 spaces */ if( t=='q' ) j = p1; else if ( t == '~' ) j = &"~"; else if ( t == '^' ) j = &""; else if ( t == '\t' ) j = &"\\t"; else if( (i=lookup(p1,res))>=0 ) j = restran[i]; else { for( csp=psp=0; (c=p1[psp++])!='\0'; ){ trans(c,p1); if( csp>CSSIZE ) error(FATAL,"converted token %.20s... too long",p1); } cs[csp] = '\0'; j = cs; } ewid[yyval] = width(j); if(dbg)printf(".\t%ctext: S%d <- e != 'N' ) eht[yyval]++; if(dbg)printf(".\t%c diacrit: S%d <- %d; h=%d,b=%d,w=%d\n", type, yyval, p1, eht[yyval], ebase[yyval], ewid[yyval]); ofree(p1); ofree(c); } move(dir, amt, p) int dir, amt; char *p; { yyval = p; printf(".ds %d ", yyval); if( dir==0 ) fwd(amt); else if( dir==1 ) up(amt); else if( dir==2 ) back(amt); else if( dir==3 ) down(amt); printf("\\*(%d\n", p); if( dir==1 ) ebase[yyval] =- amt; else if( dir==3 ) ebase[yyval] =+ amt; if(dbg)printf(".\tmove %d dir %d amt %d; h getline(s) char *s; { char c; while((*s++=c=getc())!='\n' && c!='\0' && c!=lefteq ); if( c==lefteq ) s--; *s++ = '\0'; return(c); } inline() { int i,j,ds[20],t; i = -1; do{ if( i>=17 ){ while((j=getline(in))!='\n' && j!='\0'); error(!FATAL,"missing right delim (?) at %.20s",in); break; } ds[++i] = oalloc(); printf(".ds %d \"%s\n", ds[i], in); init(); yyparse(); if( eqnreg > 0 ) ds[++i] = eqnreg; } while( (t=getline(in)) == lefteq ); ds[++i] = oalloc(); printf(".ds %s; b=%d,h=%d,w=%d\n", t, yyval, j, ebase[yyval], eht[yyval], ewid[yyval]); printf(".ds %d \"%s\n",yyval,j); } width(s) char *s; { int c,w; w = 0; while( (c = *s++) != '\0' ){ if( c == '\b' || c == 033 ) w--; else if ( c == '\\' && *s == '\\' ); else if ( c == '\\' && *s == 'e' ); else if ( c >= 040 ) w++; } return(w); } trans(c,p1) int c; char *p1; { switch( c){ case '>': case '<': case '=': if( p1[psp]=='=' ){ /* look ahead for == <= >= */ cs[csp++] = c; cs[csp++] = '\b'; cs=%d b=%d\n", p,dir,amt,eht[yyval],ebase[yyval]); } %d \"%s", ds[i], in); for( j=0; j<=i; j++){ printf("\\*(%d", ds[j]); ofree(ds[j]); } putchar('\n'); flush(); } putout(p1) int p1; { if(dbg)printf(".\tanswer <- S%d\n",p1); eqnht = eht[p1]; eqnbase = ebase[p1]; eqnreg = p1; } abs(v) int v; { return( v>0 ? v : -v ); } max(i,j) int i,j; { return( i>j ? i : j ); } oalloc(){ int i; for( i=11; i<100; i++) if( used[i]++ == 0 ) return(i); error( FATAL, "no strings left", i); } ofree(n) int n; { used[n] = 0; } setfile(argc, argv) int argc; [csp++] = '_'; psp++; } else cs[csp++] = c; break; case '\\': /* troff - pass 2 or 3 more chars */ cs[csp++] = c; cs[csp++] = c = p1[psp++]; cs[csp++] = p1[psp++]; if( c=='(' ) cs[csp++] = p1[psp++]; break; default: cs[csp++] = c; break; } } char *argv[]; { svargc = --argc; svargv = argv; while( svargc > 0 && svargv[1][0] == '-'){ switch( svargv[1][1] ){ case 'd': lefteq=svargv[1][2]; righteq=svargv[1][3]; break; case 's': break; case 'f': break; default: dbg = 1; ESCOUT = 'E'; HFWDOUT = 'F'; HREVOUT = 'R'; BKSPOUT = 'B'; FWDOUT = 'S'; } svargc--; svargv++; } if( svargc == 0 ) fin = dup(0); else if( (fin = open(svargv[1], 0)) < 0) error( FATAL,"can't open file %s", argv[1]); ptr = 0; fout = dup(1);# include "ne.h" fromto(p1,p2,p3) int p1,p2,p3; { int w,h,b,h1,b1; yyval = oalloc(); h1 = eht[yyval] = eht[p1]; b1 = ebase[p1]; b = 0; w = ewid[p1]; if( p2>0 ){ w = max(w, ewid[p2]); eht[yyval] =+ eht[p2]; b = eht[p2]; } if( p3>0 ){ w = max(w, ewid[p3]); eht[yyval] =+ eht[p3]; } ewid[yyval] = w; printf(".ds %d ", yyval); /* bottom of middle box */ if( p2>0 ){ down(eht[p2]-ebase[p2]+b1); fwd((w-ewid[p2])/2); printf("\\*(%d", p2); back((w+ewid[p2])/2); up(eht[p2]-ebase[p2]+b1# include "ne.h" boverb(p1,p2) int p1,p2; { int h,b,w,treg; yyval = oalloc(); eht[yyval] = eht[p1] + eht[p2] ; ebase[yyval] = eht[p2] - 1; ewid[yyval] = w = max(ewid[p1],ewid[p2]); if(dbg)printf(".\tb:bob: S%d <- S%d over S%d; b=%d,h=%d,w=%d\n", yyval, p1, p2, ebase[yyval], eht[yyval], ewid[yyval]); printf(".ds %d ", yyval); down(eht[p2]-ebase[p2]-1); fwd((ewid[yyval]-ewid[p2])/2); printf("\\*(%d", p2); back((ewid[yyval]+ewid[p2])/2); up(eht[p2]-ebase[p2]+ebase[p1]); fwd((ewid[yyval]-ewid[p1 ifile = 1; linect = 1; } yyerror(){;} int gsize 10; int gfont 'I'; init(){ ct = 0; first++; } error(fatal, s1, s2) int fatal; char *s1, *s2; { int sfout; printf("NEQN ERROR HERE"); flush(fout); sfout = fout; fout = 2; if( fatal>0 ) printf("fatal error: "); printf(s1,s2); printf(" file %s, between lines %d and %d\n", svargv[ifile], eqline, linect); flush(2); fout = sfout; if( fatal > 0 ) exit(1); } down(n) int n; { int c; if( n<= 0 ) c = HREVOUT; else c = HFWDOUT; n = abs(); } fwd((w-ewid[p1])/2); printf("\\*(%d", p1); fwd((1+w-ewid[p1])/2); if( p3>0 ){ up(h1-b1+ebase[p3]); back((w+ewid[p3])/2); printf("\\*(%d", p3); fwd((w-ewid[p3])/2); down(h1-b1+ebase[p3]); } putchar('\n'); ebase[yyval] = b + b1; if(dbg)printf(".\tfrom to: S%d <- %d f %d t %d; h=%d b=%d,w=%d\n", yyval,p1,p2,p3,eht[yyval], ebase[yyval], ewid[yyval]); ofree(p1); if( p2>0 ) ofree(p2); if( p3>0 ) ofree(p3); } paren(leftc,p1,rightc) int p1, leftc, rightc; { int n,h1,b1; yyval = oallo])/2); printf("\\*(%d", p1); back((ewid[yyval]+ewid[p1])/2); down(ebase[p1]); line(ewid[yyval]); down(1); putchar('\n'); ofree(p1); ofree(p2); } bshiftb(p1,dir,p2) int p1,dir,p2; { int shval, d1, h1, b1,h2,b2; yyval = oalloc(); ewid[yyval] = ewid[p1] + ewid[p2]; h1 = eht[p1]; b1 = ebase[p1]; h2 = eht[p2]; b2 = ebase[p2]; printf(".ds %d \"\\*(%d", yyval, p1); if( dir > 0 ){ /* subscript */ shval = h2-b2-1; if( shval < b1 ) shval = b1; down(shval); printf("\\*(%d", p2); up(shval);n); while( n-- > 0 ){ putchar(ESCOUT); putchar(c); } } up(n) int n; { int c; if( n<= 0 ) c = HFWDOUT; else c = HREVOUT; n = abs(n); while( n-- > 0 ){ putchar(ESCOUT); putchar(HREVOUT); } } fwd(n) int n; { int c,i; c = n<0 ? BKSPOUT : FWDOUT; n = abs(n); while( n-- > 0 ) putchar(c); } back(n) int n; { int c,i; c = n>0 ? BKSPOUT : FWDOUT; n = abs(n); while( n-- > 0 ) putchar(c); } line(n) int n; { while( n-- > 0 ) putchar('_'); } c(); h1 = eht[p1]; ebase[yyval] = b1 = ebase[p1]; n = max(b1+1, h1-b1-1); eht[yyval] = 2*n; if( eht[yyval] > h1 ) ++ebase[yyval]; printf(".ds %d ", yyval); brack(n,'|'); printf("\\*(%d", p1); if( rightc ) brack(n,'|'); putchar('\n'); ewid[yyval] = ewid[p1] + 1 + (rightc ? 1 : 0); if(dbg)printf(".\tcurly: h=%d b=%d n=%d w=%d l=%c,r=%c\n", eht[yyval],ebase[yyval],n,ewid[yyval],leftc,rightc); ofree(p1); } brack(n,c) int n,c; { int j; down(n-1); for( j=0; j < n; j++ ){ putchar(c); back ebase[yyval] = max(b1, h2-1); eht[yyval] = h1 + max(0,h2-b1-1); } else { /* superscript */ ebase[yyval] = b1; shval = b2+1; if( shval+h2 < h1-b1 ) shval = h1-b1-h2; up(shval); printf("\\*(%d", p2); down(shval); eht[yyval] = max(h1, b1+1+h2); } putchar('\n'); if(dbg)printf(".\tb:b shift b: S%d <- S%d vert %d S%d vert %d; b=%d,h=%d,w=%d\n", yyval,p1,shval,p2,-shval,ebase[yyval],eht[yyval],ewid[yyval]); ofree(p1); ofree(p2); } eqnbox(p1,p2) int p1,p2; { int b,h; if( p1==0 ){ yyval = p2; return; } yyval = oalloc(); b = max(ebase[p1], ebase[p2]); eht[yyval] = h = b + max(eht[p1]-ebase[p1], eht[p2]-ebase[p2]); ebase[yyval] = b; ewid[yyval] = ewid[p1] + ewid[p2]; if(dbg)printf(".\te:eb: S%d <- S%d S%d; b=%d,h=%d,w=%d\n", yyval,p1,p2,b,h,ewid[yyval]); printf(".ds %d \\*(%d\\*(%d\n", yyval, p1, p2); ofree(p1); ofree(p2); } size(p1,p2) int p1,p2; { yyval = p2; } numb(p1) char *p1; { int i, n, c; for(i=n=0; (c=p1[i++])!='\0'; ) if( c>='0' && c<='9' ) n = n*10 +stchar; /* last character read by lex */ #define FATAL 1 int ESC; int HREV; int HFWD; int SI; int SO; / tape boot program to load and transfer / to a 'tp' entry / entry is made by jsr pc,*$0 / so return can be rts pc / jsr pc,(r5) is putc / jsr pc,2(r5) is getc / jsr pc,4(r5) is mesg core = 24. .mt. = 0 .. = [core*2048.]-512. start: mov $..,sp mov $name,r4 mov sp,r1 cmp pc,r1 bhis 2f clr r0 cmp (r0),$407 bne 1f mov $20,r0 1: mov (r0)+,(r1)+ cmp r1,$end blo 1b jmp (sp) 2: jsr pc,rew mov $tvec,r5 mov $'=,r0 jsr pc,(r5) 2: mov r4,r1 1: jsr pc,2(r5) cmp r0,$'\n beq 1f cmp r0,$'@ beq 2b c-'0'; if(dbg)printf(".\tnumb: %s %d\n",p1,n); return( n ); } font(p1,p2) int p1,p2; { yyval = p2; } shift(p1) int p1; { yyval = p1; if(dbg)printf(".\tshift: %d\n",yyval); } sqrt(p2) int p2; { int nps, h, i; yyval = oalloc(); h = eht[p2]; eht[yyval] = h+1; nps = h-1; ebase[yyval] = ebase[p2]; ewid[yyval] = ewid[p2] + 2; if(dbg)printf(".\tsqrt: S%d <- S%d;b=%d,h=%d,w=%d\n", yyval,p2,ebase[yyval],eht[yyval],ewid[yyval]); printf(".ds %d \\e|", yyval); for( i=2; i<=nps; i++ ){ back(1); \{# # int fromflg 0; \} %term CONTIG QTEXT SPACE THIN TAB %term UP DOWN BACK FWD %term MATRIX LCOL CCOL RCOL COL %term MARK LINEUP %term SUM INT PROD UNION INTER %term LPILE PILE CPILE RPILE ABOVE %term DEFINE DELIM GSIZE GFONT %right FROM TO %left OVER SQRT %right SUPER SUB %right SIZE FONT ROMAN ITALIC BOLD %left MQ MQ1 %left LEFT RIGHT %right DOT DOTDOT HAT TILDE BAR UNDER %% stuff : eqn ={ putout($1); } | error ={ error(!FATAL, "syntax error in equation %d", first); } | ={ eqnreg = 0; } ; eqn movb r0,(r1)+ cmp r0,$'# bne 1b sub $2,r1 cmp r1,r4 blo 2b br 1b 1: clrb (r1) cmp r1,r4 blos start mov $1,tapa mov $-6144.,wc jsr pc,taper clr r1 1: mov r1,r2 mov r4,r0 2: cmpb (r0)+,(r1) bne 2f tstb (r1)+ bne 2b br 1f 2: mov r2,r1 add $64.,r1 cmp r1,$12288. blo 1b jsr pc,rew br start 1: mov 44.(r2),tapa mov 38.(r2),r0 inc r0 clc ror r0 neg r0 mov r0,wc clr r0 1: clr (r0)+ cmp r0,sp blo 1b jsr pc,taper jsr pc,rew clr r0 cmp (r0),$407 / unix a.out? bne 2f 1: mov up(1); putchar('|'); } up(2); line(ewid[p2]); back(ewid[p2]); down(h); printf("\\*(%d\n", p2); ofree(p2); } lpile(type,p1,p2) int type,p1,p2; { int w,bi,hi,i,gap,h,b,j, nlist, nlist2, mid; yyval = oalloc(); gap = type == '-' ? 0 : 1; nlist = p2 - p1; nlist2 = (nlist+1)/2; mid = p1 + nlist2 -1; h = b = w = 0; for( i=p1; imid; i-- ) b =+ eht[lp[i]] + gap; ebase[y: box ={ if(dbg)printf(".\teqn: S%d\n",$1); } | eqn box ={ eqnbox($1,$2); } | eqn MARK ={ mark($1); } | MARK ={ mark(0); } | eqn LINEUP ={ lineup($1); } | LINEUP ={ lineup(0); } ; matrix : MATRIX ={ $$ = ct; } ; collist : column | collist column ; column : lcol MQ list MQ1 ={ column('L',$1,$3); } | ccol MQ list MQ1 ={ column('C',$1,$3); } | rcol MQ list MQ1 ={ column('R',$1,$3); } | col MQ list MQ1 ={ column('-',$1,$3); } ; lcol : LCOL ={ $$ = ct++; } ; ccol : CCOL ={ $$ = ct++; } ; rcol : R20(r0),(r0)+ cmp r0,sp blo 1b 2: jsr pc,*$0 br start .if .mt. mts = 172520 mtc = 172522 mtbrc = 172524 mtcma = 172526 taper: clr mtma cmp mtapa,tapa beq 1f bhi 2f jsr pc,rrec br taper 2: jsr pc,rew br taper 1: mov wc,r1 1: jsr pc,rrec add $256.,r1 bmi 1b rts pc rrec: bit $2,*$mts bne rrec tstb *$mtc bge rrec mov $-512.,*$mtbrc mov mtma,*$mtcma mov $60003,*$mtc 1: tstb *$mtc bge 1b tst *$mtc bge 1f mov $-1,*$mtbrc mov $60013,*$mtc br rrec 1: add $512.,mtma inc mtapa rts pyval] = (nlist%2) ? b + ebase[lp[mid]] : b - gap -1; if(dbg){ printf(".\tS%d <- %c pile of:", yyval, type); for( i=p1; i=p1; i--){ hi = eht[lp[i]]; bi = ebase[lp[i]]; switch(type){ case 'L': up(bi); printf("\\*(%d", lp[i]); back(ewid[lp[i]]); up(hi-bi+gap); printf("\\\n"); COL ={ $$ = ct++; } ; col : COL ={ $$ = ct++; } ; sbox : super box %prec SUPER ={ $$ = $2; } | %prec SUB ={ $$ = 0; } ; box : box OVER box ={ boverb($1,$3); } | size box %prec SIZE ={ size($1,$2); } | font box %prec FONT ={ font($1,$2); } | SQRT box ={ sqrt($2); } | lpile MQ list MQ1 %prec LPILE ={ lpile('L', $1, ct); ct=$1; } | cpile MQ list MQ1 %prec CPILE ={ lpile('C', $1, ct); ct=$1; } | rpile MQ list MQ1 %prec RPILE ={ lpile('R', $1, ct); ct=$1; } | pile MQ list MQ1 %prec PILE c rew: mov $60017,*$mtc clr mtapa rts pc .endif .if .mt.-1 tcdt = 177350 tccm = 177342 taper: mov $tcdt,r0 mov $tccm,r1 for: mov $3,(r1) / rbn for 1: tstb (r1) bge 1b tst (r1) blt rev cmp tapa,(r0) beq rd bgt for rev: mov $4003,(r1) / rbn bac 1: tstb (r1) bge 1b tst (r1) blt for mov (r0),r2 add $5,r2 cmp tapa,r2 blt rev br for rd: clr -(r0) / bus addr mov wc,-(r0) / wc mov $5,-(r0) / read 1: tstb (r1) bge 1b tst (r1) blt taper rts pc rew: mov $4003,tccm rts pc continue; case 'R': up(bi); back(ewid[lp[i]]); printf("\\*(%d", lp[i]); up(hi-bi+gap); printf("\\\n"); continue; case 'C': case '-': up(bi); fwd((ewid[yyval]-ewid[lp[i]])/2); printf("\\*(%d", lp[i]); back((ewid[yyval]+ewid[lp[i]])/2); up(hi-bi+gap); printf("\\\n"); continue; } } down(eht[yyval]-ebase[yyval]+gap); if( type!='R' ) fwd(ewid[yyval]); putchar('\n'); for( i=p1; i h2 ) subsh = b1-b2; supsh = b3 + 1; if( supsh+h3 < h1-b1 ) supsh = h1-b1-h3; eht[yyval] = h1 + max(0,h3-1) + max(0,h2-b1-d1); ebase[yyval] = b1+max(0,h2-b1-d1); ewid[yyval] = ewid[p1] + max(ewid[p2], ewid[p3]); printf(".ds %d \\*(%d", yyval, p1); down(subsh); printf("\\*(%d", p2); back(ewid[p2]); up(subsh+supsh); printf("\\*(%d", p3); dow | fwd box ={ move(0,$1,$2); } | up box ={ move(1,$1,$2); } | back box ={ move(2,$1,$2); } | down box ={ move(3,$1,$2); } | matrix MQ collist MQ1 ={ matrix($1,$3); } ; fwd : FWD text ={ $$ = numb($1); } ; up : UP text ={ $$ = numb($1); } ; back : BACK text ={ $$ = numb($1); } ; down : DOWN text ={ $$ = numb($1); } ; diacrit : HAT ={ $$ = 'H'; } | BAR ={ $$ = 'B'; } | UNDER ={ $$ = 'N'; } /* under bar */ | DOT ={ $$ = 'D'; } | TILDE ={ $$ = 'T'; } | DOTDOT ={ $$ = 'U'; } /* umlaut = double dot *ic $1,(sp) rts pc end: tapa: .=.+2 mtapa: .=.+2 mtma: .=.+2 wc: .=.+2 name: .=.+32. n(supsh); if(ewid[p3] < ewid[p2] ) fwd(ewid[p2]-ewid[p3]); putchar('\n'); if(dbg)printf(".\tshift2 s%d <- %d %d %d",yyval,p1,p2,p3); if(dbg)printf(" h=%d,b=%d,w=%d\n", eht[yyval],ebase[yyval],ewid[yyval]); ofree(p1); ofree(p2); ofree(p3); } / ; from : FROM ; to : TO ; left : LEFT text ={ $$ = $2->c1; } | LEFT MQ ={ $$ = '{'; } ; right : RIGHT text ={ $$ = $2->c1; } | RIGHT MQ1 ={ $$ = '}'; } | ={ $$ = 0; } ; list : eqn ={ lp[ct++] = $1; } | list ABOVE eqn ={ lp[ct++] = $3; } ; lpile : LPILE ={ $$=ct; } ; cpile : CPILE ={ $$=ct; } ; pile : PILE ={ $$=ct; } ; rpile : RPILE ={ $$=ct; } ; size : SIZE text ; font : ROMAN | ITALIC | BOLD | FONT text ; sub : SUB ={ shift(1); } ; super : SUPER ={ shift(-1); } ; pbox : MQ eqn / format RK03/05 disk packs rkda = 177412 jsr pc,4(r5) ; .even jsr pc,2(r5) mov r0,-(sp) mov $'\n,r0 jsr pc,(r5) cmp (sp)+,$'y beq 1f rts pc 1: mov $203.*2,r4 clr r3 1: mov $rkda+2,r0 mov r3,-(r0) mov $buf,-(r0) mov $-12.*256.,-(r0) mov $6003,-(r0) 2: tstb (r0) bge 2b tst (r0) blt 1f add $20,r3 dec r4 bne 1b rts pc 1: jsr pc,4(r5) ; .even rts pc buf: .=.+2 # int dbg; int ct; int lp[40]; char used[100]; /* available registers */ int ps; /* dflt init pt size */ int ft; /* dflt font */ int first; extern int fout, fin; int ifile; int linect; /* line number in file */ int eqline; /* line where eqn started */ int svargc; char **svargv; int eht[100]; int ebase[100]; int ewid[100]; struct { char c1; char c2; }; int yyval; int *yypv; int yylval; int tht[30]; int tbase[30]; int ptr; char *nptr[50]; char *sptr[50]; int eqnreg, eqnht, eqnbase; int lefteq, righteq; int laMQ1 ={ $$ = $2; } | QTEXT ={ text('q',$1); } | CONTIG ={ text('c',$1); } | SPACE ={ text('~', $1); } | THIN ={ text('^', $1); } | TAB ={ text('\t', $1); } | SUM ={ text('c', "SIGMA"); } | PROD ={ text('c', "PI"); } | INT ={ text('c', "^"); } | UNION ={ text('c' ,"U"); } | INTER ={ text('c', "A"); } ; text : CONTIG | QTEXT | SPACE ={ $$ = & "\\|\\|"; } | THIN ={ $$ = & "\\|"; } ; %% / disk boot program to load and transfer / to a unix entry / entry is made by jsr pc,*$0 / so return can be rts pc core = 24. .. = [core*2048.]-512. start: mov $..,sp mov sp,r1 cmp pc,r1 bhis 2f reset clr r0 cmp (r0),$407 bne 1f mov $20,r0 1: mov (r0)+,(r1)+ cmp r1,$end blo 1b jmp (sp) 2: mov $inod,r0 1: clr (r0)+ cmp r0,sp blo 1b jsr pc,getc cmp r0,$'k bne 3f mov $rkblk,r0 br 1f 3: cmp r0,$'p bne 2b mov $rpblk,r0 1: mov r0,rxblk mov $'\n,r0 jsr pc,putc mov $names,r1 1: mov r1,r2 2: jsr pc,getc cmp r0,$'\n beq 1f cmp r0,$'/ beq 3f movb r0,(r2)+ br 2b 3: cmp r1,r2 beq 2b add $14.,r1 br 1b 1: mov $names,r1 mov $1,r0 1: clr bno jsr pc,iget tst (r1) beq 1f 2: jsr pc,rmblk br start mov $buf,r2 3: mov r1,r3 mov r2,r4 add $16.,r2 tst (r4)+ beq 5f 4: cmpb (r3)+,(r4)+ bne 5f cmp r4,r2 blo 4b mov -16.(r2),r0 add $14.,r1 br 1b 5: cmp r2,$buf+512. blo 3b br 2b 1: clr r1 1: jsr pc,rmblk br 1f mov $buf,r2 2: mov (r2)+,(r1)+ cmp r2,$buf+512. blo 2 26); goto out; } while((c = read(tbuf[0], tbuf+1, 512)) > 0) write(pbuf[0], tbuf+1, c); unlink(tfile); exit(0); } putc(c, tbuf); } ill: write(2, "Password file illformed\n", 24); out: unlink(tfile); bex: exit(1); } ck numbers / write all 1's in data check: clrb tcst clr (r5) jsr pc,flag1 br check clr r4 1: mov $3,tccm jsr pc,flag cmp (r5),r4 bne error1 mov $-nword,tcwc mov $buffer,tcba mov $15,tccm jsr pc,flag inc r4 cmp r4,$nblock bne 1b mov $3,tccm jsr pc,flag1 br error2 / reverse pass / confirm block numbers / read data and compare / to all 1's 1: mov $4003,tccm jsr pc,flag dec r4 cmp r4,(r5) bne error3 mov $-nword,tcwc mov $buffer,tcba mov $4005,tccm jsr pc,compare jsr pc,flag tsb br 1b 1: clr r0 cmp (r0),$407 bne 2f 1: mov 20(r0),(r0)+ cmp r0,sp blo 1b 2: jsr pc,*$0 br start iget: add $31.,r0 mov r0,r5 ash $-4.,r0 jsr pc,rblk bic $!17,r5 ash $5.,r5 add $buf,r5 mov $inod,r4 1: mov (r5)+,(r4)+ cmp r4,$addr+16. blo 1b rts pc rmblk: add $2,(sp) mov bno,r0 inc bno bit $LRG,mode bne 1f asl r0 mov addr(r0),r0 bne rblk 2: sub $2,(sp) rts pc 1: clr -(sp) movb r0,(sp) clrb r0 swab r0 asl r0 mov addr(r0),r0 beq 2b jsr pc,rblk mov (sp)+,r0 asl r0 mo/ copy mag tape to disk / load with proper tape and disk drivers jsr pc,rew 2: jsr pc,4(r5) .even jsr pc,numb mov r0,dska jsr pc,4(r5) .even jsr pc,numb mov r0,tapa jsr pc,4(r5) .even jsr pc,numb mov r0,r2 1: jsr pc,tread jsr pc,wblk inc tapa inc dska dec r2 bne 1b jsr pc,rew rts pc numb: clr r1 1: jsr pc,2(r5) cmp r0,$'\n beq 1f sub $'0,r0 cmp r0,$9 bhi 2f mul $10.,r1 add r0,r1 br 1b 1: mov r1,r0 rts pc 2: jsr pc,4t r4 bne 1b mov $4003,tccm jsr pc,flag1 br error4 jsr pc,compare jmp start error1: mov $1,r0 br 1f error2: mov $1,r0 br 1f error3: mov $3,r0 br 1f error4: mov $4,r0 br 1f error5: mov $5,r0 br 1f error6: mov $6,r0 br 1f error7: mov $7,r0 1: add $'0,r0 movb r0,0f mov tcst,-(sp) mov tccm,-(sp) mov $1,tccm mov savr5,r5 jsr pc,4(r5) 0: .even mov (sp)+,r1 mov (sp)+,r0 0 rts pc compare: mov r0,-(sp) mov $buffer,r0 1: cmp (r0)+,$-1 bv buf(r0),r0 beq 2b rblk: mov r1,-(sp) mov r0,r1 clr r0 jmp *rxblk rpda = 176724 rpblk: div $10.,r0 mov r1,-(sp) mov r0,r1 clr r0 div $20.,r0 bisb r1,1(sp) mov $rpda,r1 mov (sp)+,(r1) br 1f rkda = 177412 rkblk: div $12.,r0 ash $4.,r0 bis r1,r0 mov $rkda+2,r1 1: mov r0,-(r1) mov $buf,-(r1) mov $-256.,-(r1) mov $5,-(r1) 1: tstb (r1) bge 1b mov (sp)+,r1 rts pc tks = 177560 tkb = 177562 getc: mov $tks,r0 inc (r0) 1: tstb (r0) bge 1b mov tkb,r0 bic $!177,r0 cmp r0,$'A blo 1(r5) .even tst (sp)+ rts pc ba: buf wc: -256. .bss buf: .=.+512. dska: .=.+2 tapa: .=.+2 .text ne error5 cmp r0,$buffer+nword+nword blo 1b mov (sp)+,r0 rts pc mtrack: mov (r0)+,(r5) jsr pc,flag rts r0 flag: bit $100200,tccm beq flag blt error6 rts pc flag1: bit $100200,tccm beq flag1 bge 1f tst tcst bge error7 add $2,(sp) 1: rts pc comobv: mov r0,r4 bic $!777,r0 asl r0 mov cobtab(r0),r0 swab r0 clr r1 ror r0 rol r1 asl r0 asl r0 rol r1 swab r4 bic $177401,r4 bis cobtab(r4),r0 rts pc bcomobv: mov r0,r2 bic $!70,r2 mov r0,r3 mov $6.,r4 1: asr r3 dec r4 bne 1f cmp r0,$'Z bhi 1f add $40,r0 1: cmp r0,$'\r bne putc mov $'\n,r0 tps = 177564 tpb = 177566 putc: tstb tps bge putc cmp r0,$'\n bne 1f mov $'\r,r0 jsr pc,putc mov $'\n+200,r0 jsr pc,putc clr r0 jsr pc,putc mov $'\n,r0 rts pc 1: mov r0,tpb rts pc end: inod = ..-1024. mode = inod addr = inod+8. buf = inod+32. bno = buf+514. rxblk = bno+2 names = rxblk+2 LRG = 10000 reset = 5 ...$dldr.sdtf.smcopy.srkf.stboot.suboot.sfsboot.smboot.sJrun]hp.s[ht.sbreset.s"rhp.srk.sWrp.srrk.sIrrp.stc.sPtcf.sXtm.stpboot.stty.swhp.sYwrk.s|wrp.smaka.outb bic $!7,r3 bis r3,r2 mov r0,r3 mov $6.,r4 1: asl r3 dec r4 bne 1b bic $!700,r3 bis r3,r2 com r2 bic $!777,r2 rts pc bn: .=.+2 savr5: .=.+2 savsp: .=.+2 cobtab: .=.+1024. buffer: .=.+nword+nword /* * enter a password in the password file * this program should be suid with owner * with an owner with write permission on /etc/passwd */ char *tfile { "/tmp/ptmp" }; char *pfile { "/etc/passwd" }; int tbuf[259]; int pbuf[259]; main(argc, argv) char *argv[]; { register u, c; register char *p; if(argc != 3) { write(2, "Usage: passwd user password\n", 28); goto bex; } signal(1, 1); signal(2, 1); signal(3, 1); if(stat(tfile, tbuf+20) >= 0) { write(2, "Temporary file busy -- try again\n",/ unix DEC-tape time/mtrack track formatter nword = 256. nblock = 578. endz = 7200. ps = 177776 tcst = 177340 tccm = 177342 tcwc = 177344 tcba = 177346 tcdt = 177350 mov r5,savr5 mov sp,savsp start: mov savr5,r5 mov savsp,sp jsr pc,4(r5) .even clr r0 mov $cobtab,r1 1: jsr pc,bcomobv mov r2,(r1)+ inc r0 cmp r0,$512. bne 1b mov $buffer,r0 1: mov $-1,(r0)+ cmp r0,$buffer+nword+nword blo 1b mov savr5,r5 jsr pc,2(r5) mov $340,ps mov $tcdt,r5 mov cc -s -O mail.c cmp a.out /bin/mail cp a.out /bin/mail cc -s -O mesg.c cmp a.out /usr/bin/mesg cp a.out /usr/bin/mesg as mkdir.s strip a.out cmp a.out /bin/mkdir cp a.out /bin/mkdir cc -s -O mkfs.c cmp a.out /etc/mkfs cp a.out /etc/mkfs cc -s -O mknod.c cmp a.out /etc/mknod cp a.out /etc/mknod cc -s -O mount.c cmp a.out /etc/mount cp a.out /etc/mount cc -s -O mv.c cmp a.out /bin/mv cp a.out /bin/mv cc -s -O ncheck.c cmp a.out /bin/ncheck cp a.out /bin/ncheck cc -s -O newgrp.c cmp a.out /bin/newgrp c 33); goto bex; } tbuf[0] = creat(tfile, 0600); if(tbuf[0] < 0) { write(2, "Cannot create temporary file\n", 29); goto bex; } pbuf[0] = open(pfile, 0); if(pbuf[0] < 0) { write(2, "Cannot open /etc/passwd\n", 24); goto out; } goto l1; /* * skip to beginning of next line */ skip: while(c != '\n') { if(c < 0) goto ill; c = getc(pbuf); putc(c, tbuf); } /* * compare user names */ l1: c = getc(pbuf); putc(c, tbuf); if(c < 0) { write(2, "User name not found in password fil$13,tccm jsr pc,flag / 8Kch for end zone mov $endz,r4 1: jsr r0,mtrack; 101101 dec r4 bne 1b / foreward guard mov $199.,r4 1: jsr r0,mtrack; 10101 dec r4 bne 1b / blocks mov $nblock,r3 1: jsr r0,mtrack; 10101 jsr r0,mtrack; 10110 jsr r0,mtrack; 11010 jsr r0,mtrack; 01000 jsr r0,mtrack; 01000 jsr r0,mtrack; 01000 jsr r0,mtrack; 01000 mov $nword-4,r4 2: jsr r0,mtrack; 111000 dec r4 bne 2b jsr r0,mtrack; 111011 jsr r0,mtrack; 111011 jsr r0,mtrack; 111011 jsr r0,mtrack; 111011 jsp a.out /bin/newgrp cc -s -O nice.c cmp a.out /usr/bin/nice cp a.out /usr/bin/nice cc -s -O nm.c cmp a.out /bin/nm cp a.out /bin/nm cc -s -O nohup.c cmp a.out /usr/bin/nohup cp a.out /usr/bin/nohup cc -s -O od.c cmp a.out /bin/od cp a.out /bin/od cc -s -O opr.c cmp a.out /bin/opr cp a.out /bin/opr cc -s -O passwd.c cmp a.out /bin/passwd cp a.out /bin/passwd as pfe.s strip a.out cmp a.out /usr/bin/pfe cp a.out /usr/bin/pfe cc -s -O pr.c cmp a.out /bin/pr cp a.out /bin/pr cc -s -f -O prof.c cmp a.oute\n", 37); goto out; } p = argv[1]; while(c != ':') { if(*p++ != c) goto skip; c = getc(pbuf); putc(c, tbuf); } if(*p) goto skip; /* * skip old password */ do { c = getc(pbuf); if(c < 0) goto ill; } while(c != ':'); /* * copy in new password */ p = argv[2]; for(c=0; c<9; c++) if(*p++ == 0) break; *--p = 0; if(p != argv[2]) p = crypt(argv[2]); while(*p) putc(*p++, tbuf); putc(':', tbuf); /* * validate uid */ u = 0; do { c = getc(pbuf); putc(c, tbuf); r r0,mtrack; 101001 jsr r0,mtrack; 100101 jsr r0,mtrack; 10101 dec r3 bne 1b / rear guard mov $199.,r4 1: jsr r0,mtrack; 10101 dec r4 bne 1b / rear end zone mov $endz,r4 1: jsr r0,mtrack; 10010 dec r4 bne 1b clr tccm / end of mtrack pass / go back 12 blocks mov $12.,r0 mov $4002,tccm 1: incb tccm jsr pc,flag dec r0 bne 1b / put comobv(nblock-1) in everything / up to end zone mov $nblock-1,r0 mov r0,bn jsr pc,comobv mov $17,tccm jsr pc,flag 1: movb r1,tcst mov r0,(r5) jsr p /usr/bin/prof cp a.out /usr/bin/prof cc -s -O ps.c cmp a.out /bin/ps cp a.out /bin/ps cc -s -O ptx.c cmp a.out /usr/bin/ptx cp a.out /usr/bin/ptx cc -s -O pwd.c cmp a.out /usr/bin/pwd cp a.out /usr/bin/pwd cc -s -O quiz.c cmp a.out /usr/bin/quiz cp a.out /usr/bin/quiz cc -s -O rc.c cmp a.out /usr/bin/rc cp a.out /usr/bin/rc cc -s -O restor.c cmp a.out /bin/restor cp a.out /bin/restor as rew.s strip a.out cmp a.out /bin/rew cp a.out /bin/rew cc -s -O rm.c cmp a.out /bin/rm cp a.out /bin/rm as rmdir if(c >= '0' && c <= '9') u = u*10 + c-'0'; if(c < 0) goto ill; } while(c != ':'); c = getuid() & 0377; if(c != 0 && c != u) { write(2, "Permission denied\n", 18); goto out; } /* * copy out and back */ for(;;) { c = getc(pbuf); if(c < 0) { fflush(tbuf); close(pbuf[0]); close(tbuf[0]); tbuf[0] = open(tfile, 0); if(tbuf[0] < 0) { write(2, "Urk\n", 4); goto out; } pbuf[0] = creat(pfile, 0644); if(pbuf[0] < 0) { write(2, "Cannot create /etc/passwd\n",c,flag1 br 1b / reverse pass put in / foreward and reverse / block numbers mov $4017,tccm jsr pc,flag 1: mov $nword+3.,r4 2: clrb tcst clr (r5) jsr pc,flag dec r4 bne 2b clrb tcst clr (r5) mov bn,r0 jsr pc,comobv jsr pc,flag movb r1,tcst mov r0,(r5) jsr pc,flag dec bn blt check clrb tcst clr (r5) jsr pc,flag clrb tcst clr (r5) jsr pc,flag clrb tcst mov bn,(r5) jsr pc,flag clrb tcst clr (r5) jsr pc,flag clrb tcst clr (r5) jsr pc,flag br 1b / foreward pass / confirm blo.s strip a.out cmp a.out /bin/rmdir cp a.out /bin/rmdir cc -s -f -O sa.c cmp a.out /usr/bin/sa cp a.out /usr/bin/sa cc -s -n -O sh.c cmp a.out /bin/sh cp a.out /bin/sh cc -s -O size.c cmp a.out /bin/size cp a.out /bin/size cc -s -O sleep.c cmp a.out /usr/bin/sleep cp a.out /usr/bin/sleep cc -s -O sort.c cmp a.out /bin/sort cp a.out /bin/sort cc -s -O split.c cmp a.out /usr/bin/split cp a.out /usr/bin/split as strip.s strip a.out cmp a.out /bin/strip cp a.out /bin/strip cc -s -O stty.c cmp a.out /bin/stty cp a.out /bin/stty cc -s -O su.c cmp a.out /bin/su cp a.out /bin/su as sum.s strip a.out cmp a.out /bin/sum cp a.out /bin/sum cc -s -O sync.c cmp a.out /bin/sync cp a.out /bin/sync cc -s -O tbl.c -lp cmp a.out /usr/bin/tbl cp a.out /usr/bin/tbl cc -s -O tee.c cmp a.out /usr/bin/tee cp a.out /usr/bin/tee as time.s strip a.out cmp a.out /bin/time cp a.out /bin/time as tp?.s ld a.out -lc -l cmp a.out /bin/tp cp a.out /bin/tp cc -s -O tr.c cmp a.out /usr/bin/tr cp a.out /usr/bin/tr as tty.s ld -s i = dfile(temp[t1].beg); if((ct = temp[t1].ct) >= 8) { ct = 8; *curf = -1; } else { *curf = '\t'; } put(i,temp[t1].beg,ct); put(i,curf,curfl); if(cross) put(i,curs,cursl); conf(lno,4,lbuf); put(i,lbuf,5); break; case 2: i = dfile(curf+1); put(i,curf+1,curfl-1); if(cross) put(i,curs,cursl); else { conf(lno,4,lbuf); put(i,lbuf,5); } if((ct = temp[t1].ct) >= 8) { put(i,temp[t1].beg,8); put(i,&mone,1); : h = (h + h)%hsiz; } if(install) { if(++nsym >= hsiz) { printf("Too many symbols.\n"); dexit(); } hptr[h] = curb; length++; if((curb + length) >= ssiz) { printf("Too many characters in symbols.\n"); dexit(); } while(length--) symt[curb++] = *symbol++; symt[curb++] = install; params->curb = curb; params->nsym = nsym; } return(0); } conf(n,width,buf) char *buf; { auto i,a; i = width; while(i--) buf[i] = ' '; buf[(a = n/10)?conf(a,--width,buf):--width] = n%1 a.out -l cmp a.out /bin/tty cp a.out /bin/tty cc -s -f -O typo.c cmp a.out /usr/bin/typo cp a.out /usr/bin/typo cc -s -O umount.c cmp a.out /etc/umount cp a.out /etc/umount cc -s -O uniq.c cmp a.out /bin/uniq cp a.out /bin/uniq cc -s -f -O units.c cmp a.out /usr/bin/units cp a.out /usr/bin/units as update.s strip a.out cmp a.out /etc/update cp a.out /etc/update cc -s -O usort.c cmp a.out /usr/bin/usort cp a.out /usr/bin/usort cc -s -O wall.c cmp a.out /etc/wall cp a.out /etc/wall cc -s -O wc.c cmp } else { put(i,temp[t1].beg,ct); put(i,"\t",1); } if(cross) { conf(lno,4,lbuf); put(i,lbuf,5); } break; case 3: i = dfile(curs); put(i,curs,cursl); if((ct = temp[t1].ct) >= 8) { put(i,temp[t1].beg,8); *curf = -1; } else { put(i,temp[t1].beg,ct); *curf = '\t'; } put(i,curf,curfl); conf(lno,4,lbuf); put(i,lbuf,5); } put(i,line,l + 1); } t1 = 0; l = -1; lno++; cs = SKIP; return; } asym() { int i; char *p0 + '0'; return(++width); } comp(a,b) char *a; char *b; { a--; b--; while(*++a == *++b) if(*a == '\0') return(1); return(0); } semi() { if(cs == COLLECT) save(); if(only) return; xtrn = 0; if(!level) { ssw = 0; if(!type) { hlevel = 0; curs[0] = '_'; curs[1] = '\t'; cursl = 2; } type = 0; } cs = SKIP; } wspace() { if(c == ' ' || c == '\t') return(1); sav1(); fl--; return(0); } a.out /usr/bin/wc cp a.out /usr/bin/wc cc -s -O who.c cmp a.out /bin/who cp a.out /bin/who as write.s ld -s a.out -l cmp a.out /bin/write cp a.out /bin/write rm a.out ; if(cs == COLLECT) { if(cross) { p = temp[t1].beg; cursl = &line[l] - p; cursl = cursl>8?8:cursl; i = -1; while(++i < cursl) curs[i] = *p++; if(cursl < 8) curs[cursl++] = '\t'; else curs[cursl++] = -1; } save(); } cs = SKIP; } asw() { switch(gch[fl]) { case 0: if(cs == COLLECT) save(); cs = SKIP; flag[++fl] = &asw; gch[fl] = c; return(1); case '\'': if(c == '\\') { gch[fl] = c; return(1); } break; case '"': gch[fl] = '/ C library -- write / nwritten = write(file, buffer, count); / / nwritten == -1 means error .globl _write, cerror _write: mov r5,-(sp) mov sp,r5 mov 4(r5),r0 mov 6(r5),0f mov 8(r5),0f+2 sys 0; 9f bec 1f jmp cerror 1: mov (sp)+,r5 rts pc .data 9: sys write; 0:..; .. ...acts.cdr.oacrpost.c`dr.cl.outacts.oput.o\put.cPupost.ca.outa.out\''; if(c == '\\') { flag[++fl] = &asw; gch[fl] = c; return(1); } return(1); case '<': if(c == '\n') out(); if(c == '\\') { flag[++fl] = &asw; gch[fl] = c; return(1); } if(c != '>') return(1); break; case '/': if(c != '\n') return(1); case '\\': if(c == '\n') out(); } fl--; return(1); } csw() { if(cs == COLLECT) save(); switch(gch[fl]) { case 0: if(c == '*') if(line[l - 1] != '/') return(1); gch[++fl] = c; flag[fl/ C library -- wait / pid = wait(); / or, / pid = wait(&status); / / pid == -1 if error / status indicates fate of process, if given .globl _wait, _nargs, cerror _wait: mov r5,-(sp) mov sp,r5 jsr pc,_nargs mov r0,-(sp) sys wait bec 1f tst (sp)+ jmp cerror 1: tst (sp)+ beq 2f mov r1,*4(r5) / status return 2: mov (sp)+,r5 rts pc    ] = &csw; return(1); case '*': if(c == '\n') out(); if(c == '/' && line[l - 1] == '*') break; return(1); case '\'': case '"': if(c == gch[fl]) break; if(c == '\\') { gch[++fl] = c; flag[fl] = &csw; } return(1); case '\\': break; } fl--; return(1); } incl() { /* printf("incl: l = %d hl = %d dl = %d\n",level,hlevel,dlevel);/*DEBUG*/ if(cs == COLLECT) save(); if(hlevel) { hlevel = 0; level++; } else { dlevel++; } cs = SKIP; } decl() { /*int optr; char obuf[512]; int nflush; put(string,n) char *string; { extern utmp; int i; char *o; /*printf("%d %c %d\n",fil,*string,n);/*DEBUG*/ string--; if((i = optr + n - 512) >= 0) { n =- i; o = &obuf[optr] -1; while(--n >= 0) *++o = *++string; optr = 512; flsh(1); n = i; } o = &obuf[optr] - 1; optr =+ n; while(--n >= 0) { *++o = *++string; } return(0); } flsh(fil) { extern tp[],utmp; if(optr <= 0) return(optr); nflush++; if(write(tp[0],obuf,optr) != optr) re# # include "../mcons.h" # include "../ccmn.h" # define SKIP 0 # define COLLECT 1 # define SKIP2 2 int cross 1; int order 1; char mone -1; coll() { cs = COLLECT; temp[t1].beg = &line[l]; return; } save() { extern wspace(); line[l] = '\0'; temp[t1].ct = &line[l] - temp[t1].beg; temp[t1].term = c; if((c == ' ' || c == '\t') && cflag) { gch[++fl] = mone; flag[fl] = &wspace; } else { sav1(); } return; } sav1() { extern only; struct tempent *ptr; int a,tt,val; if(cflag && c == '(' && printf("decl: l = %d hl = %d dl = %d\n",level,hlevel,dlevel);/*DEBUG*/ if(cs == COLLECT) save(); cs = SKIP; if(dlevel) { dlevel--; return; } if(--level > 0) return; curs[0] = '_'; curs[1] = '\t'; cursl = 2; level = 0; return; } csym() { int i; char *p; /* printf("csym: l = %d hl = %d dl = %d\n",level,hlevel,dlevel);/*DEBUG*/ p = temp[t1].beg; if(cs == COLLECT && level == 0) { if(cross) { cursl = temp[t1].ct; cursl = cursl>8?8:cursl; i = -1; while(++i < cursl) curs[i] =turn(-1); optr = 0; return(0); } level == 0) csym(); cs = SKIP; ptr = &temp[t1]; val = search(ptr->beg,ptr->ct,&itab,0); if(xsw) { switch(val) { case 0: if((!level&&!hlevel)||(c == '(')||xtrn || ssw) { search(ptr->beg,ptr->ct,&xtab,1); goto yes; } else { if(search(ptr->beg,ptr->ct,&xtab,0)) goto yes; } goto no; case 1: goto no; case 2: xtrn = 1; goto no; case 3: if(hlevel) type = 1; if(!level&&!hlevel) ssw = 1; goto no; case 4: if(hlevel) type = 1; goto no; *p++; if(cursl < 8) curs[cursl++] = '\t'; else curs[cursl++] = -1; } hlevel = 1; } cs = SKIP; } dfile(a) char *a; { if(*a < 'c') return(0); if(*a < 'h') return(1); if(*a < 'r') return(2); return(3); } sk2() { cs = SKIP2; } sk() { cs = SKIP; } tabs() { if(l == 0) l = -1; } search(symbol,length,params,install) char *symbol; int length; struct htab *params; int install; { char *sp,*p; static int curb,*hptr,hsiz,nsym,ssiz; static char *symt; auto h,i,j,k; if(hptr !=/ C library -- unlink / error = unlink(string); / .globl _unlink, cerror _unlink: mov r5,-(sp) mov sp,r5 mov 4(r5),0f sys 0; 9f bec 1f jmp cerror 1: clr r0 mov (sp)+,r5 rts pc .data 9: sys unlink; 0:.. } } if(hlevel && (val == 4 || val == 3)) type = 1; if(!val == !only) goto yes; no: *(ptr->beg + ptr->ct) = ptr->term; return(0); yes: tt = t1; while(tt) if(comp(ptr->beg,temp[--tt].beg)) goto no; t1++; return(1); } out() { auto i,ct; if(cs == COLLECT) save(); ct = t1; while(ct--) temp[ct].beg[temp[ct].ct] = temp[ct].term; while(t1--) { /*printf("t1 = %d beg = %d ct = %d\n",t1,temp[t1].beg,temp[t1].ct); /* DEBUG */ switch(order) { case 1: if(utmp) i = 0; else params->hptr) { hptr = params->hptr; hsiz = params->hsiz; symt = params->symt; ssiz = params->ssiz; curb = params->curb; nsym = params->nsym; } symbol[length] = '\0'; sp = symbol; i = length; h = 1; while(i--) h =* *sp++; if(h == 0100000) { h = 1; } else { h = h<0?(-h)%hsiz:h%hsiz; } if(h == 0) h++; /* printf("%s %d\n",symbol,h); /*DEBUG*/ while((p = &symt[hptr[h]]) > symt) { j = length + 2; sp = symbol; while(--j) { if(*p++ != *sp++) goto no; } return(*p); no/ C library -- umount/ .globl _umount .globl cerror indir = 0 .comm _errno,2 _umount: mov r5,-(sp) mov sp,r5 mov 4(sp),0f sys indir; 9f bec 1f jmp cerror 1: clr r0 mov (sp)+,r5 rts pc .data 9: sys umount; 0:.. / C library -- times .globl _times times = 43. _times: mov r5,-(sp) mov sp,r5 mov 4(r5),0f sys 0; 9f mov (sp)+,r5 rts pc .data 9: sys times; 0:.. / / / conjg fortran function .globl conjg. .globl rval8p .globl retrn .globl temp conjg.: temp rval8p; 2 .+2 setf movf (sp)+,r0 movf r0,temp movf (sp)+,r0 negf r0 movf r0,temp+4 jmp retrn / / / alog10 & dlog10 fortran functions .globl dlog10. .globl alog10. .globl log .globl retrn .globl rerr .globl temp dlog10.:temp .+2 setd br 1f alog10.:temp .+2 setf 1: movf *2(r3),r0 jsr pc,log bes 1f mulf const,r0 movf r0,temp jmp retrn 1: jsr r5,rerr; 1 const: 37736;55730;124467;24146 function dccos(z1) double complex dccos, z1, z2 double precision dummy(2), a, b, c, d equivalence (a,z2,dummy(1)), (b,dummy(2)) z2 = z1 c = dexp(b) d = 1.0d0/c b = dsin(a)*(d-c)/2.0d0 a = dcos(a)*(c+d)/2.0d0 dccos = z2 return end / / / cmplx fortran function .globl cmplx. .globl dcmplx. .globl retrn .globl temp .globl rerr dcmplx.:temp .+2 setd br 1f cmplx.: temp .+2 setf 1: cmp *2(sp),$2 bne 1f mov r3,r1 tst (r1)+ movf *(r1)+,r0 movf *(r1)+,r1 mov $temp,r1 movf r0,(r1)+ movf r1,(r1)+ jmp retrn 1: jsr r5,rerr; 6. / / / alog & log fortran functions .globl alog. .globl dlog. .globl log .globl retrn .globl rerr .globl temp dlog.: temp .+2 setd br 1f alog.: temp .+2 setf 1: seti movf *2(r3),r0 jsr pc,log bes 1f movf r0,temp jmp retrn 1: jsr r5,rerr; 1 function dcsin(z1) double complex dcsin, z1, z2 double precision dummy(2), a, b, c, d equivalence (a,z2,dummy(1)), (b,dummy(2)) z2 = z1 c = dexp(b) d = 1.0d0/c b = dcos(a)*(c-d)/2.0d0 a = dsin(a)*(c+d)/2.0d0 dcsin = z2 return end / / / cexp fortran function .globl cexp. .globl rval8p .globl retrn .globl temp .globl rerr .globl exp .globl sin .globl cos cexp.: temp rval8p; 2 .+2 setf movf (sp)+,r0 jsr pc,exp bes 1f movf r0,temp movf (sp),r0 jsr pc,sin mulf temp,r0 movf r0,temp+4 movf (sp)+,r0 jsr pc,cos mulf temp,r0 movf r0,temp jmp retrn 1: jsr r5,rerr; 5. / / / dble fortran function .globl dble. .globl rval4p .globl lval .globl r4r8 .globl gas8 .globl retrn .globl temp dble.: temp lval; temp rval4p; 2 r4r8 gas8 retrn function dcsqrt(z1) double complex dcsqrt, z1, z2 double precision dummy(2), a, b, c equivalence (a,z2,dummy(1)), (b,dummy(2)) z2 = z1 c = dcabs(z2) c = dsqrt(c) b = datan2(b, a)/2.0d0 a = c*dcos(b) b = c*dsin(b) dcsqrt = z2 return end / / / cabs fortran function .globl cabs. .globl dcabs. .globl sqrt .globl retrn .globl rerr .globl temp dcabs.: temp .+2 setd br 1f cabs.: temp .+2 setf 1: mov 2(r3),r1 movf (r1)+,r0 movf (r1)+,r1 jsr pc,hypot bes 1f movf r0,temp jmp retrn 1: jsr r5,rerr; 4 hypot: movf fr1,-(sp) absf fr0 absf fr1 cmpf fr0,fr1 cfcc bne 1f movf $one,fr0 br 3f 1: blt 2f movf fr0,-(sp) movf fr1,fr0 movf (sp)+,fr1 2: divf fr1,fr0 mulf fr0,fr0 3: addf $one,fr0 jsr pc,sqrt mulf fr1,fr0 cfcc mov/ / / min1, amin1 & dmin1 fortran functions .globl amin1. .globl dmin1. .globl min1. .globl retrn .globl temp min1.: temp .+2 setl setf mov pc,r2 br 2f dmin1.: temp .+2 setd br 1f amin1.: temp .+2 setf 1: clr r2 2: mov *2(sp),r0 / arg count mov r3,r1 tst (r1)+ / argpp movf *(r1)+,r1 br 2f 1: movf *(r1)+,r0 cmpf r0,r1 cfcc bge 2f movf r0,r1 2: dec r0 bgt 1b tst r2 bne 1f movf r1,temp br 2f 1: movfi r1,temp 2: jmp retrn / / / float fortran function .globl float. .globl rval4p .globl lval .globl gas4 .globl i4r4 .globl retrn .globl temp float.: temp lval; temp rval4p; 2 i4r4 gas4 retrn f (sp)+,fr1 rts pc one = 40200 / / / exp & dexp fortran functions .globl exp. .globl dexp. .globl exp .globl retrn .globl rerr .globl temp dexp.: temp .+2 setd br 1f exp.: temp .+2 setf 1: seti movf *2(r3),r0 jsr pc,exp bes 1f movf r0,temp jmp retrn 1: jsr r5,rerr; 8. / / / dimag fortran function .globl dimag. .globl rval16p .globl retrn .globl temp dimag.: temp rval16p; 2 .+2 setd tstf (sp)+ movf (sp)+,r0 movf r0,temp jmp retrn / / / atan2 & datan2 fortran functions .globl atan2. .globl datan2. .globl retrn .globl rerr .globl temp .globl atan2 datan2.: temp .+2 setd br 1f atan2.: temp .+2 setf 1: cmp *2(sp),$2 bne 1f movf *2(r3),r0 movf *4(r3),r1 jsr pc,atan2 movf r0,temp jmp retrn 1: jsr r5,rerr; 3 / / / aimag fortran function .globl aimag. .globl rval8p .globl retrn .globl temp aimag.: temp rval8p; 2 .+2 setf tstf (sp)+ movf (sp)+,r0 movf r0,temp jmp retrn / / / dim fortran function .globl dim. .globl retrn .globl temp .globl rerr / dim.: temp .+2 setf cmp *2(sp),$2 bne 2f movf *2(r3),r0 subf *4(r3),r0 cfcc bge 1f clrf r0 1: movf r0,temp jmp retrn 2: jsr r5,rerr; 7. / / / max1, amax1 & dmax1 fortran functions .globl amax1. .globl dmax1. .globl max1. .globl retrn .globl temp max1.: temp .+2 setl setf mov pc,r2 / integer flag br 2f dmax1.: temp .+2 setd br 1f amax1.: temp .+2 setf 1: clr r2 / integer flag 2: mov *2(sp),r0 / arg count mov r3,r1 tst (r1)+ / argpp movf *(r1)+,r1 br 2f 1: movf *(r1)+,r0 cmpf r0,r1 cfcc ble 2f movf r0,r1 2: dec r0 bgt 1b tst r2 bne 1f movf r1,temp br 2f 1: movfi r1,temp 2: jmp retrn / / / abs & dabs fortran functions .globl abs. .globl dabs. .globl retrn .globl temp dabs.: temp .+2 setd br 1f abs.: temp .+2 setf 1: movf *2(r3),r0 absf r0 movf r0,temp jmp retrn / / / cos & dcos fortran functions .globl cos. .globl dcos. .globl cos .globl retrn .globl temp dcos.: temp .+2 setd br 1f cos.: temp .+2 setf 1: movf *2(r3),r0 jsr pc,cos movf r0,temp jmp retrn / / / max0 & amax0 fortran functions .globl amax0. .globl max0. .globl retrn .globl temp max0.: temp .+2 mov pc,r2 br 1f amax0.: temp .+2 clr r2 1: setf setl mov *2(sp),r0 / arg count mov r3,r1 tst (r1)+ / argpp movif *(r1)+,r1 br 2f 1: movif *(r1)+,r0 cmpf r0,r1 cfcc ble 2f movf r0,r1 2: dec r0 bgt 1b tst r2 bne 1f movf r1,temp br 2f 1: movfi r1,temp 2: jmp retrn / fortran to UNIX IO / .globl read. .globl write. .globl seek. .globl seek0. .globl open. .globl creat. .globl close. .globl errno. indir = 0 / integer function read(f, a, n) / integer f, n / logical*1 a(n) / same as C read.: temp rval4p; 2 / f i4i2 lvalp; 4 / a rval4p; 6 / n i4i2 .+2 mov (sp)+,9f+4 mov (sp)+,9f+2 mov (sp)+,r0 sys indir; 9f br ret .data 9: sys read; ..; .. .text / integer function read(f, a, n) / integer f, n / logical*1 a(n) / same as C write.: temp rval4p; 2 / f i4i2 lvalp; 4 / a rval4p; 6 / n i4i2 .+2 mov (sp)+,9f+4 mov (sp)+,9f+2 mov (sp)+,r0 sys indir; 9f br ret .data 9: sys write; ..; .. .text / integer function seek(f, o, b) / integer f, o, b / same as C seek.: temp rval4p; 2 / f i4i2 rval4p; 4 / o i4i2 rval4p; 6 / b i4i2 .+2 mov (sp)+,9f+4 mov (sp)+,9f+2 mov (sp)+,r0 sys indir; 9f br ret / integer function seek0(f, n) / integer f, n / same as seek(f, n, 0) / but with 24 bit `n' seek0.: temp rval4p; 2 / f i4i2 rval4p; 4 / n .+2 / rk05 disk driver rkda = 177412 mov dska,r1 clr r0 div $12.,r0 ash $4.,r0 bis r1,r0 mov $rkda,r1 mov r0,(r1) mov ba,-(r1) mov wc,-(r1) mov $iocom,-(r1) 1: tstb (r1) bpl 1b rts pc ,r4 1: mov (r5)+,(r4)+ cmp r4,$addr+16. blo 1b rts pc / routine to read in block / number specified by bno / after applying file system / mapping algorithm in inode. / bno is incremented, success / return is a skip, error (eof) / is direct return. rmblk: add $2,(sp) mov bno,r0 inc bno bit $LRG,mode bne 1f asl r0 mov addr(r0),r0 bne rblka 2: sub $2,(sp) rts pc / large algorithm / huge algorithm is not implemented 1: clr -(sp) movb r0,(sp) clrb r0 swab r0 asl r0 mov addr(r0),r0 beq 2b j mov (sp)+,r0 mov (sp),r1 bic $!777,(sp) ashc $-9.,r0 mov r1,9f+2 mov $3,9f+4 mov 2(sp),r0 sys indir; 9f / to block mov (sp)+,9f+2 mov $1,9f+4 mov (sp)+,r0 sys indir; 9f / to byte within block br ret .data 9: sys seek; ..; .. .text / integer function open(a, m) / logical*1 a(n) / integer m / same as C, name is ` ' terminated open.: temp lvalp; 2 / a rval4p; 4 / m i4i2 .+2 mov (sp)+,9f+4 mov (sp)+,r0 mov r0,9f+2 1: cmpb (r0)+,$' / bne 1b clrb -(r0) sys indir; 9f br ret .data 9: / / / atan & datan fortran functions .globl atan. .globl datan. .globl atan .globl retrn .globl temp datan.: temp .+2 setd br 1f atan.: temp .+2 setf 1: movf *2(r3),r0 jsr pc,atan movf r0,temp jmp retrn sr pc,rblka mov (sp)+,r0 asl r0 mov buf(r0),r0 beq 2b rblka: mov r0,dska br rblk ba: buf wc: -256. .bss end: inod = ..-1024. mode = inod addr = inod+8. buf = inod+32. bno = buf+514. dska = bno+2 names = dska+2 LRG = 10000 .text sys open; ..; .. .text / integer function creat(a, m) / logical*1 a(n) / integer m / same as C, name is ` ' terminated creat.: temp lvalp; 2 / a rval4p; 4 / m i4i2 .+2 mov (sp)+,9f+4 mov (sp)+,r0 mov r0,9f+2 1: cmpb (r0)+,$' / bne 1b clrb -(r0) sys indir; 9f br ret .data 9: sys creat; ..; .. .text / integer function close(f) / integer f / same as C close.: temp rval4p; 2 / f i4i2 .+2 mov (sp)+,r0 sys close ret: bec 1f mov r0,error mov $-1,r0 1: mov r0,temp+2 sxt temp jmp ret/ / / min0 & amin0 fortran functions .globl amin0. .globl min0. .globl retrn .globl temp min0.: temp .+2 mov pc,r2 br 1f amin0.: temp .+2 clr r2 1: setf setl mov *2(sp),r0 / arg count mov r3,r1 tst (r1)+ / argpp movif *(r1)+,r1 br 2f 1: movif *(r1)+,r0 cmpf r0,r1 cfcc bge 2f movf r0,r1 2: dec r0 bgt 1b tst r2 bne 1f movf r1,temp br 2f 1: movfi r1,temp 2: jmp retrn / / / idim fortran function .globl idim. .globl retrn .globl rerr .globl temp idim.: temp .+2 setd setl cmp *2(sp),$2 bne 2f movif *2(r3),r0 movif *4(r3),r1 subf r1,r0 cfcc bge 1f clrf r0 1: movfi r0,temp jmp retrn 2: jsr r5,rerr; 9. rn / error = errno / returns last error number errno.: temp .+2 mov error,r0 br ret .globl temp .globl retrn .globl rval4p .globl lvalp .globl i4i2 .bss error: .=.+2 function clog(z1) complex clog, z1, z2 dimension dummy(2) equivalence (a,z2,dummy(1)), (b,dummy(2)) z2 = z1 c = cabs(z2) b = atan2(b, a) a = alog(c) clog = z2 return end / / / amod & dmod fortran functions .globl amod. .globl dmod. .globl retrn one = 40200 .globl temp .globl rerr dmod.: temp .+2 setd br 1f amod.: temp .+2 setf 1: cmp *2(sp),$2 bne 1f movf *2(r3),r0 movf r0,r2 movf *4(r3),r1 divf r1,r2 modf $one,r2 mulf r1,r3 subf r3,r0 movf r0,temp jmp retrn 1: jsr r5,rerr; 2 # define PL 102 # define ESC 033 # define SI 017 # define SO 016 # define LINELN 800 char *page[PL]; char lbuff [LINELN], *line; main () { int c, i, j, ll, cp, mustwr; extern int fin, fout; fin = dup(0); fout = dup(1); for (ll=0; ll0) switch (c = getchar()) { case '\n': store (ll%PL); if (++ll >= mustwr) if (page[ll%PL] != 0) { printf ("%s\n",page[ll%PL]); mustwr++; free (page[ll%PL]); .globl length .globl position .globl w, r, a, l / / / routine to return the length of a string / / mov ...,r1 / jsr pc,length / mov r0,... / length: mov w(r1),r0 sub a(r1),r0 rts pc / / / routine to return the read pointer position / / mov ...,r1 / jsr pc,position / mov r0,... / position: mov r(r1),r0 sub a(r1),r0 rts pc .globl rewind .globl create .globl fsfile .globl w, r, a, l / / / routine to rewind read pointer of string / pointed to by r1 / / mov ...,r1 / jsr pc,rewind / rewind: mov a(r1),r(r1) rts pc / / routine to rewind write pointer of string / pointed to by r1 / / mov ...,r1 / jsr pc,create / create: mov a(r1),w(r1) mov a(r1),r(r1) rts pc / / / routine to copy read pointer of string to end of string / / mov ...,r1 / jsr pc,fsfile / fsfile: mov w(r1),r(r1) rts pc page[ll%PL]=0; } fetch (ll%PL); cp = 0; continue; case '\0': continue; case ESC: c = getchar(); if (c == '7') { store(ll%PL); ll--; fetch (ll%PL); } else { outc (ESC, &line); outc (c, &line ); } continue; case '\r': line = lbuff; continue; case '\t': outc (' ', &line); cp = line-lbuff; while (cp++%8) outc(' ', &line); continue; default: outc(c, &line); } for (i=0; i0 || *(*lp) == '\b' || *(*lp) == ESC || **lp == SI || **lp == SO) { switch (*(*lp)) { case '\b': j++; (*lp)++; break; case '\0': *(*lp)++ = ' '; j--; break; case ESC: /* 'escape' */ (*lp) =+ 2; break; case SI: case SO: (*lp)++; break; default: (*lp)++; j--; break; } } if (c != ' ' || *(*lp) == '\0') *(*lp) = c; (*lp)++; } store (ll) { if (page[ll clr (r0)+ cmp r0,sp blo 2b / prompt / read in path name / breaking on '/' into 14 ch names mov $trvect,r5 mov $'@,r0 jsr pc,(r5) mov $names,r2 1: mov r2,r1 2: jsr pc,getc cmp r0,$'\n beq 1f cmp r0,$'/ beq 3f movb r0,(r1)+ br 2b 3: cmp r2,r1 beq 2b add $14.,r2 br 1b 1: / start of path name decoding / start with first name and root ino mov $names,r2 mov $1,r0 / get next inode 1: clr bno jsr pc,iget tst (r2) beq 1f / read next directory looking for next name 2: jsr pc,rmblk function tanh(a) b = exp(a) c = 1.0/b tanh = (b-c)/(b+c) return end ] != 0) free (page[ll]); page[ll] = alloc ( leng (lbuff) + 2); copy (page[ll],lbuff); } fetch(ll) { int i; for (i=0; i < LINELN; i++) lbuff[i] = '\0'; copy (line=lbuff, page[ll]); } copy (s,t) char *s, *t; { if (t == 0) return (*s=0); while (*s++ = *t++); } leng (s) char *s; { int l; for (l=0; s[l]; l++); return (l); } br start mov $buf,r1 3: mov r2,r3 mov r1,r4 add $16.,r1 tst (r4)+ beq 5f 4: cmpb (r3)+,(r4)+ bne 5f cmp r4,r1 blo 4b mov -16.(r1),r0 add $14.,r2 br 1b 5: cmp r1,$buf+512. blo 3b br 2b / last entry was found / read into 0. 1: clr r2 1: jsr pc,rmblk br callout mov $buf,r1 2: mov (r1)+,(r2)+ cmp r1,$buf+512. blo 2b br 1b / subroutine will read in inode / number specified in r0 iget: add $31.,r0 mov r0,r5 ash $-4.,r0 jsr pc,rblka bic $!17,r5 ash $5.,r5 add $buf,r5 mov $inod/ / / aint fortran function .globl aint. .globl temp one = 40200 .globl retrn aint.: temp .+2 setf movf *2(r3),r0 modf $one,r0 movf r1,temp jmp retrn function csqrt(z1) complex csqrt, z1, z2 dimension dummy(2) equivalence (a,z2,dummy(1)), (b,dummy(2)) z2 = z1 c = cabs(z2) c = sqrt(c) b = atan2(b, a)/2.0 a = c*cos(b) b = c*sin(b) csqrt = z2 return end jsr pc,compar bge one br zero bhis one br zero igt4: jsr pc,compar bgt one br zero bhi one br zero one: mov $1,(sp) jmp *(r4)+ zero: clr (sp) jmp *(r4)+ compar: mov (sp)+,r0 mov (sp)+,r1 mov (sp)+,r2 cmp (sp)+,r1 beq 1f jmp (r0) 1: cmp (sp),r2 jmp 4(r0) lor2: bis (sp)+,(sp) jmp *(r4)+ lan2: tst (sp)+ bne 1f clr (sp) 1: jmp *(r4)+ lnt2: tst (sp) beq one br zero ieq2: leq2: cmp (sp)+,(sp) beq one br zero ilt2: cmp (sp)+,(sp) bgt one br zero ile2: cmp (sp)+,(sp) r0 movfi fr0,-(sp) jmp *(r4)+ function ccos(z1) complex ccos, z1, z2 dimension dummy(2) equivalence (a,z2,dummy(1)), (b,dummy(2)) z2 = z1 c = exp(b) d = 1.0/c b = sin(a)*(d-c)/2.0 a = cos(a)*(c+d)/2.0 ccos = z2 return end bge one br zero igt2: cmp (sp)+,(sp) blt one br zero ige2: cmp (sp)+,(sp) ble one br zero ine2: lne2: cmp (sp)+,(sp) bne one br zero leq1: cmpb (sp)+,(sp) beq one br zero lne1: cmpb (sp)+,(sp) bne one br zero / / / r7 -- fortran runtime achk = 1 / 1 to check array bounds .globl lvalp .globl rval1p .globl rval2p .globl rval4p .globl rval8p .globl alval .globl alvalp .globl arval .globl arvalp .globl rerr lvalp: mov r3,r0 add (r4)+,r0 mov (r0)+,-(sp) jmp *(r4)+ rval1p: mov r3,r0 add (r4)+,r0 movb *(r0)+,-(sp) jmp *(r4)+ rval2p: mov r3,r0 add (r4)+,r0 mov *(r0)+,-(sp) jmp *(r4)+ rval4p: mov r3,r0 add (r4)+,r0 mov (r0),r0 cmp (r0)+,(r0)+ mov -(r0),-(sp) mov -(r0),-(sp) jmp *(r4)+ rval8p: / / / rtx -- last routine .globl ecore .bss ecore: / / / r3 -- comparisons .globl lif2 .globl lif1 .globl rif4 .globl iif2 .globl iif4 .globl rif8 lif2: lif1: tst (sp)+ bne 1f mov (r4),r4 jmp *(r4)+ 1: tst (r4)+ jmp *(r4)+ rif8: setd tstf (sp)+ cfcc br 2f iif4: rif4: mov (sp)+,r0 mov (sp)+,r1 tst r0 bne 2f tst r1 cln br 2f iif2: tst (sp)+ 2: bmi 1f beq 2f tst (r4)+ 2: tst (r4)+ 1: mov (r4),r4 jmp *(r4)+ setd mov r3,r0 add (r4)+,r0 movf *(r0)+,fr0 movf fr0,-(sp) jmp *(r4)+ alval: jsr r5,getsub; 1 mov (r4)+,-(sp) add r1,(sp) jmp *(r4)+ arvalp: jsr r5,getsub; 0 mov r3,r2 add (r4)+,r2 mov (r2),r2 br 1f arval: jsr r5,getsub; 1 mov (r4)+,r2 1: add r2,r1 mov -(r0),r2 asr r2 bcc 1f movb (r1),-(sp) jmp *(r4)+ 1: add (r0),r1 1: mov -(r1),-(sp) sob r2,1b jmp *(r4)+ getsub: tst (sp)+ mov (r4)+,r0 mov (r0)+,r2 clr r1 tst (r0)+ 1: tst (sp)+ dec (sp) add (sp)+,r1 mpy (r0)+,r1 sob r/ / / rd -- short list I/O do loop .globl slist1 .globl slist2 .globl slist3 .globl temp slist1: mov (r4)+,r0 mov (r0)+,r2 mov $1,r1 1: mpy (r0)+,r1 sob r2,1b mov $temp,r2 mov r1,(r2)+ clr (r2)+ mov (r0)+,(r2)+ jmp *(r4)+ slist2: mov (r4)+,r0 dec temp ble 1f mov r0,r4 1: jmp *(r4)+ slist3: mov $temp+2,r0 add (r0)+,(sp) add (r0),-(r0) jmp *(r4)+ / / / r4 -- short integer arithmetic .globl iad2 .globl isb2 .globl imp2 .globl idv2 .globl i2i4 .globl i1i4 .globl i4i2 .globl i4i1 .globl ing2 .globl rval2 .globl rval1 .globl l2l1 iad2: add (sp)+,(sp) jmp *(r4)+ isb2: sub (sp)+,(sp) jmp *(r4)+ imp2: mov (sp)+,r1 mul (sp)+,r1 mov r1,-(sp) jmp *(r4)+ idv2: mov 2(sp),r1 sxt r0 div (sp)+,r0 mov r0,(sp) jmp *(r4)+ i4i2: i4i1: tst (sp)+ jmp *(r4)+ i2i4: i1i4: tst (sp) sxt -(sp) jmp *(r4)+ ing2: neg (sp) jmp *(r4)+ rval2: mov *(r42,1b tst (r5)+ beq 2f mov r1,-(sp) mov -2(r4),r0 mov (r0)+,r2 inc r2 mov $1,r1 1: mpy (r0)+,r1 sob r2,1b .if achk cmp r1,(sp) bhi 1f jsr r5,rerr; 15. .endif 1: mov (sp)+,r1 2: jmp (r5) alvalp: jsr r5,getsub; 0 mov r3,r0 add (r4)+,r0 mov (r0),-(sp) add r1,(sp) jmp *(r4)+ / / / r1 -- fortran runtime .globl gas1 .globl gas2 .globl gas4 .globl gas8 .globl stop .globl lval .globl rval4 .globl rval8 .globl do1 .globl do12 .globl do14 .globl do2 .globl do22 .globl do24 .globl goto .globl cgoto .globl cagoto .globl agoto .globl rerr gas8: mov 8.(sp),r0 mov (sp)+,(r0)+ mov (sp)+,(r0)+ br 1f gas1: movb (sp)+,*(sp)+ jmp *(r4)+ gas2: mov (sp)+,*(sp)+ jmp *(r4)+ gas4: mov 4(sp),r0 1: mov (sp)+,(r0)+ mov (sp)+,(r0) tst (sp)+ jmp *(r4)+ stop: sys exit lval: mov (r)+,-(sp) jmp *(r4)+ rval1: movb *(r4)+,r0 mov r0,-(sp) l2l1: jmp *(r4)+ / / one = 40200 / r9 -- fortran runtime -- real**integer .globl ipi4 .globl rpi4 .globl rpi8 .globl rerr ipi4: setf setl movif 4(sp),fr0 movf fr0,4(sp) jsr r5,1f movfi fr1,-(sp) jmp *(r4)+ rpi4: setf br 2f rpi8: setd 2: jsr r5,1f movf fr1,-(sp) jmp *(r4)+ 1: cmp (sp)+,(sp)+ / jsr + msp of i4 mov (sp)+,r0 movf $one,fr1 movf (sp)+,fr0 tst r0 bgt 1f cfcc beq 9f tst r0 beq 3f divf fr0,fr1 movf fr1,fr0 neg r0 movf $one,fr1 1: asr r0 bcc 2f mulf fr0,fr1 2: tst r0 beq 3f m4)+,-(sp) jmp *(r4)+ rval8: mov (r4)+,r0 add $8.,r0 mov -(r0),-(sp) mov -(r0),-(sp) mov -(r0),-(sp) mov -(r0),-(sp) jmp *(r4)+ rval4: mov (r4)+,r0 mov 2(r0),-(sp) mov (r0),-(sp) jmp *(r4)+ do22: mov (sp)+,r1 br 1f do12: mov $1,r1 1: mov (sp)+,r2 mov (sp)+,r0 add r1,(r0) cmp (r0),r2 bgt goto tst (r4)+ jmp *(r4)+ do24: do2: mov (sp)+,r2 mov (sp)+,r1 br 1f do14: do1: clr r2 mov $1,r1 1: mov 4(sp),r0 add r1,2(r0) adc r2 add r2,(r0) cmp (r0)+,(sp)+ bgt 1f blt 2f cmp (r0),/ / / r5 -- long integer arithmetic .globl iad4 .globl isb4 .globl imp4 .globl idv4 .globl ing4 .globl rerr iad4: jsr pc,load addf fr0,fr1 br store isb4: jsr pc,load subf fr0,fr1 br store imp4: jsr pc,load mulf fr0,fr1 br store idv4: jsr pc,load divf fr0,fr1 store: movfi fr1,-(sp) jmp *(r4)+ load: mov (sp)+,r0 setd setl movif (sp)+,fr0 movif (sp)+,fr1 jmp (r0) ing4: neg (sp) neg 2(sp) sbc (sp) jmp *(r4)+ ulf fr0,fr0 br 1b 3: jmp (r5) 9: jsr r5, rerr; 17. (sp) bhi 1f 2: cmp (sp)+,(sp)+ tst (r4)+ jmp *(r4)+ 1: cmp (sp)+,(sp)+ goto: mov (r4),r4 jmp *(r4)+ cgoto: tst (sp)+ mov (sp)+,r0 asl r0 add r4,r0 1: tst (r4)+ beq gotoe cmp r0,r4 bne 1b mov -(r0),r4 jmp *(r4)+ cagoto: tst (sp)+ mov (sp)+,r0 1: tst (r4) beq gotoe cmp r0,(r4)+ bne 1b mov r0,r4 jmp *(r4)+ agoto: tst (sp)+ mov (sp)+,r4 jmp *(r4)+ gotoe: jsr r5,rerr; 14. / / / r6 -- real arithmetic .globl rad4 .globl rad8 .globl rsb4 .globl rsb8 .globl rmp4 .globl rmp8 .globl rdv4 .globl rdv8 .globl rng4 .globl rng8 .globl r4r8 .globl r8r4 .globl i4r4 .globl i2r4 .globl r4i4 .globl r8i2 .globl i2r8 .globl r4i2 .globl i4r8 .globl r8i4 .globl rerr rad8: setd br 1f rad4: setf 1: movf (sp)+,fr0 addf (sp)+,fr0 br store rsb8: setd br 1f rsb4: setf 1: movf (sp)+,fr0 negf fr0 addf (sp)+,fr0 br store rmp8: setd br 1f rmp4: setf 1: movf (sp)+,fr0 mulf (sp)+,fr0/ / / r8 - fortran runtime -- powers of integers .globl ipi2 ipi2: tst (sp)+ mov (sp)+,r0 bge 1f clr (sp) jmp *(r4)+ 1: mov (sp)+,r1 mov r3,-(sp) mov $1,r3 1: tst r0 beq 1f asr r0 bcc 2f mpy r1,r3 2: mpy r1,r1 br 1b 1: mov r3,r1 mov (sp)+,r3 mov r1,-(sp) jmp *(r4)+ / / / r2 -- comparison of 4-byte integers .globl ilt4 .globl ile4 .globl ieq4 .globl ine4 .globl ige4 .globl igt4 .globl lan2 .globl lor2 .globl lnt2 .globl ieq2 .globl ile2 .globl igt2 .globl ige2 .globl leq2 .globl ine2 .globl ilt2 .globl lne2 .globl leq1 .globl lne1 ilt4: jsr pc,compar blt one br zero blo one br zero ile4: jsr pc,compar ble one br zero blos one br zero ieq4: jsr pc,compar beq one br zero beq one br zero ine4: jsr pc,compar bne one br zero bne one br zero ige4: br store rdv8: setd br 1f rdv4: setf 1: movf (sp)+,fr1 movf (sp)+,fr0 divf fr1,fr0 store: movf fr0,-(sp) jmp *(r4)+ rng8: setd br 1f rng4: setf 1: negf (sp) jmp *(r4)+ r8r4: setd br 1f r4r8: setf 1: movf (sp)+,fr0 movfo fr0,-(sp) jmp *(r4)+ i2r8: seti br 1f i4r8: setl 1: setd br 2f i2r4: seti br 1f i4r4: setl 1: setf 2: movif (sp)+,fr0 movf fr0,-(sp) jmp *(r4)+ r8i2: seti br 1f r8i4: setl 1: setd br 2f r4i2: seti br 1f r4i4: setl 1: setf 2: movf (sp)+,f/ / / rb -- funct/subr stuff .globl call .globl callp .globl retrn .globl stsp callp: mov (r4)+,r0 add r3,r0 mov (r0),r0 br 1f call: mov (r4)+,r0 1: mov r3,-(sp) mov (r4)+,r3 mov r4,-(sp) mov r0,r4 mov (r4)+,-(sp) / lv of funct jmp *(r4)+ retrn: mov r3,r0 mov (sp)+,r1 / lv of funct mov (sp)+,r4 mov (sp)+,r3 mov (r0),sp tst (r4)+ / arg count mov (r4)+,r0 / return byte count inc r0 bic $1,r0 add r0,r1 1: sub $2,r0 blt 1f mov -(r1),-(sp) br 1b 1: jmp *(r4)+ stsp: mov sp,*(r4)+ jmp *(r4)+ as suftab.s strip a.out cmp a.out /usr/lib/suftab cp a.out /usr/lib/suftab as roff?.s ld -s a.out -l cmp a.out /usr/bin/roff cp a.out /usr/bin/roff as nroff[1-5].s roff7.s nroff8.s ld -s -n a.out cmp a.out /usr/bin/nroff cp a.out /usr/bin/nroff yacc ne.g cc -s -O -n ne*.c -ly cmp a.out /usr/bin/neqn cp a.out /usr/bin/neqn rm y.tab.c *.o a.out dec (sp) asl (sp) asl (sp) asl (sp) cmp (sp),(r4)+ .if achk bhis 9b .endif add (r4)+,(sp) movf *(sp)+,fr0 movf fr0,-(sp) jmp *(r4)+ gar16: setd tst (sp)+ dec (sp) mov (sp)+,r0 asl r0 asl r0 asl r0 asl r0 cmp r0,(r4)+ .if achk bhis 9b .endif add (r4)+,r0 movf (r0)+,fr0 movf (r0)+,fr1 movf fr1,-(sp) movf fr0,-(sp) jmp *(r4)+ / / / ra -- fortran runtime -- real ** real .globl rpr4 .globl rpr8 .globl log .globl exp .globl rerr rpr8: setd br 1f rpr4: setf 1: seti movf (sp)+,fr1 movf (sp)+,fr0 cfcc beq 3f / 0**x movf fr1,-(sp) jsr pc,log bes error mulf (sp)+,fr0 jsr pc,exp bes error 2: movf fr0,-(sp) jmp *(r4)+ 3: tstf r1 cfcc bgt 2b error: jsr r5,rerr; 17. / / / re -- comparison of 8-byte quantities .globl rle8 .globl rlt8 .globl req8 .globl rne8 .globl rge8 .globl rgt8 rlt8: jsr pc,compar blt one br zero rle8: jsr pc,compar ble one br zero req8: jsr pc,compar beq one br zero rne8: jsr pc,compar bne one br zero rge8: jsr pc,compar bge one br zero rgt8: jsr pc,compar bgt one br zero one: mov $1,-(sp) jmp *(r4)+ zero: clr -(sp) jmp *(r4)+ compar: setd mov (sp)+,r0 movf (sp)+,fr0 cmpf (sp)+,fr0 cfcc jmp (r0) / / / Fortran binary I/O .globl iowu .globl ioru .globl rewi .globl enfl iowu: tst (sp)+ mov (sp)+,r1 / unit number jsr r5,setio; 42 1: jsr r5,getitm br 1f movb ilen,r1 mov ilval,r2 2: movb (r2)+,r0 jsr r5,fputc sob r1,2b br 1b 1: jsr r5,fflush jmp *(r4)+ ioru: tst (sp)+ mov (sp)+,r1 / unit number jsr r5,setio; 41 clr nlflg mov pc,binflg 1: jsr r5,getitm br 1f movb ilen,r1 mov ilval,r2 2: jsr r5,fgetc movb r0,(r2)+ sob r1,2b br 1b 1: jmp *(r4)+ rewi: enfl: tst (sp)+ mov/ / / rc -- complex arithmetic .globl c8c16 .globl c16c8 .globl i4c8 .globl r4c8 .globl r8c8 .globl i4c16 .globl r4c16 .globl r8c16 .globl cad8 .globl csb8 .globl cmp8 .globl cdv8 .globl cng8 .globl cad16 .globl csb16 .globl cmp16 .globl cdv16 .globl cng16 .globl rval16 .globl rval16p .globl gas16 .globl ceq8 .globl cne8 .globl ceq16 .globl cne16 .globl cpi8 .globl cpi16 one = 040200 a = r2 b = r3 c = r4 d = r5 e = r0 f = r1 gas16: mov 16.(sp),r0 setd movf (sp)+,a movf (sp)+,b tst (sp)+ movf a,(/ / / rf -- real comparisons .globl rlt4 .globl rle4 .globl req4 .globl rne4 .globl rge4 .globl rgt4 rlt4: jsr pc,compar blt one br zero rle4: jsr pc,compar ble one br zero req4: jsr pc,compar beq one br zero rne4: jsr pc,compar bne one br zero rge4: jsr pc,compar bge one br zero rgt4: jsr pc,compar bgt one br zero one: mov $1,-(sp) jmp *(r4)+ zero: clr -(sp) jmp *(r4)+ compar: mov (sp)+,r0 setf movf (sp)+,r0 cmpf (sp)+,r0 cfcc jmp (r0) (sp)+,r1 / unit number jsr r5,chkunit clrb utable(r1) asl r1 mov *btable(r1),r0 cmp r0,$1 bhi 1f sys seek; 0; 0 jmp *(r4)+ 1: sys close jmp *(r4)+ r0)+ movf b,(r0)+ jmp *(r4)+ rval16p: mov r3,r0 add (r4)+,r0 mov (r0),r0 br 1f rval16: mov (r4)+,r0 1: setd movf (r0)+,a movf (r0)+,b movf b,-(sp) movf a,-(sp) jmp *(r4)+ cad16: setd br 1f cad8: setf 1: jsr pc,garg addf a,e addf b,f br sarg csb16: setd br 1f csb8: setf 1: jsr pc,garg subf a,e negf e subf b,f negf f br sarg cmp16: setd br 1f cmp8: setf 1: jsr pc,garg mulf a,e mulf b,f subf f,e mulf d,a mulf c,b movf a,f addf b,f sarg: movf f,-(sp) movf e,-(s/ / / rg -- assignments .globl gmv1 .globl gmv2 .globl gmv4 .globl gmv8 .globl gmv16 .globl stst gmv1: movb (sp)+,*(r4)+ jmp *(r4)+ gmv2: stst: mov (sp)+,*(r4)+ jmp *(r4)+ gmv4: mov (r4)+,r0 mov (sp)+,(r0)+ mov (sp)+,(r0)+ jmp *(r4)+ gmv8: setd movf (sp)+,fr0 movf fr0,*(r4)+ jmp *(r4)+ gmv16: setd mov (r4)+,r0 movf (sp)+,fr0 movf fr0,(r0)+ movf (sp)+,fr0 movf fr0,(r0)+ jmp *(r4)+ .globl gmv1p .globl gmv2p .globl gmv4p .globl gmv8p .globl gmv16p gmv1p: mov (r4)+,r0 add r3,r0 mo/ / / iox -- io variables .globl _nocr .globl utable .globl btable .globl ftable .globl _end .globl formp bufp: _end filnam: ; .even .bss gflg: .=.+2 formp: .=.+2 rdflg: .=.+2 nflg: .=.+2 unit: .=.+2 buffer: .=.+2 slcnt: .=.+2 itype: .=.+1 ilen: .=.+1 ilval: .=.+2 width: .=.+2 twidth: .=.+2 ndig: .=.+2 pbuf: .=.+10 ppar: .=.+2 llp: .=.+2 llpcnt: .=.+2 itmflg: .=.+2 nspace: .=.+2 gcflg: .=.+2 binflg: .=.+2 utable: .=.+20. btable: .=.+40. ftable: .=.+2. rep: .=.+2 scale: .=.+2 itmfnd: .=.+2p) jmp *(r4)+ cdv16: setd br 1f cdv8: setf 1: divide: jsr pc,garg absf e absf f cmpf e,f cfcc blt 1f / algorithm #1 |c| > |d| movf d,e divf c,e / r = d/c movf d,f mulf e,f addf c,f / x = c+rd movf f,c movf a,f mulf e,f negf f addf b,f mulf b,e addf a,e divf c,e divf c,f br sarg / algorithm #2 |c| < |d| 1: movf c,e divf d,e / r = c/d movf c,f mulf e,f addf d,f / x = d+rc movf f,c movf b,f mulf e,f subf a,f mulf a,e addf b,e divf c,e divf c,f br sarg cng16: svb (sp)+,*(r0)+ jmp *(r4)+ gmv2p: mov (r4)+,r0 add r3,r0 mov (sp)+,*(r0)+ jmp *(r4)+ gmv4p: mov (r4)+,r0 add r3,r0 mov (r0),r0 mov (sp)+,(r0)+ mov (sp)+,(r0)+ jmp *(r4)+ gmv8p: setd mov (r4)+,r0 add r3,r0 movf (sp)+,fr0 movf fr0,*(r0)+ jmp *(r4)+ gmv16p: setd mov (r4)+,r0 add r3,r0 mov (r0),r0 movf (sp)+,fr0 movf fr0,(r0)+ movf (sp)+,fr0 movf fr0,(r0)+ jmp *(r4)+ ngflg: .=.+2 nlflg: .=.+2 _nocr: .=.+2 etd br 1f cng8: setf 1: movf (sp)+,a negf a negf (sp) movf a,-(sp) jmp *(r4)+ / setup the following registers / (a,bi) +o (c,di) -> (e+fi) / a,b,c,d are input / e,f are output and also contain / c,d on input garg: mov (sp)+,r0 movf (sp)+,e movf e,c movf (sp)+,f movf f,d movf (sp)+,a movf (sp)+,b jmp (r0) i4c8: setf br 1f i4c16: setd 1: setl movif (sp)+,fr0 br 2f r4c8: setf br 1f r8c16: setd 1: movf (sp)+,fr0 br 2f r4c16: setd br 1f r8c8: setf 1: movof (sp)+,fr0 2: cl/ / .globl main .globl temp .globl rerr .globl fptrap .comm erret,2 .comm argp,2 ldfps = 170100^tst sys signal; 4; fptrap ldfps $5400 mov sp,argp mov $main,r4 jmp *(r4)+ rerr: mov (r5)+,r1 tst erret beq 1f jsr pc,erret 1: mov $temp,r2 jsr r5,1f movb $'\n,(r2)+ sub $mesg,r2 mov r2,0f mov $2,r0 sys write; mesg; 0:.. sys exit 1: clr r0 div $10.,r0 mov r1,-(sp) mov r0,r1 beq 1f jsr r5,1b 1: mov (sp)+,r0 add $'0,r0 movb r0,(r2)+ rts r5 mesg: temp: .=.+16. / / / io6 -- input conversions /.globl aicv /.globl gicv / /.globl ilval /.globl width /.globl ilen /.globl fgetc /.globl itype /.globl nlflg /.globl gcflg aicv: mov ilval,r1 movb width,r2 movb ilen,r0 mov r0,-(sp) 1: cmp r2,(sp) ble 1f jsr r5,fgetc dec r2 br 1b 1: tst r2 ble 1f jsr r5,fgetc movb r0,(r1)+ dec r2 dec (sp) br 1b 1: tst (sp) ble 1f movb $' ,(r1)+ dec (sp) br 1b 1: tst (sp)+ rts r5 licv: mov width,twidth setd seti clrf fr0 1: jsr r5,fgetcn cmp r0,$'t beq 2f crf -(sp) movf fr0,-(sp) jmp *(r4)+ c16c8: setd br 1f c8c16: setf 1: movf (sp)+,r0 movf (sp)+,r1 movfo r1,-(sp) movfo r0,-(sp) jmp *(r4)+ ceq16: setd br 1f ceq8: setf 1: mov $1,r1 br 2f cne16: setd br 1f cne8: setf 1: clr r1 2: jsr pc,garg cmpf c,a cfcc bne 1f cmpf d,b cfcc beq 2f 1: inc r1 bic $2,r1 2: mov r1,-(sp) jmp *(r4)+ cpi8: setf br 1f cpi16: setd 1: clr r0 tst (sp)+ mov (sp)+,r1 bge 1f inc r0 neg r1 1: movf (sp)+,fr0 movf fr0,fr4 movf (sp)+,fr0 movf / / / rh -- simple array l/r values achk = 1 / 1 to check array bounds .globl gal1 .globl gal2 .globl gal4 .globl gal8 .globl gal16 .globl gar1 .globl gar2 .globl gar4 .globl gar8 .globl gar16 .globl rerr gal1: tst (sp)+ dec (sp) br 1f gal2: tst (sp)+ dec (sp) asl (sp) br 1f gal4: tst (sp)+ dec (sp) asl (sp) asl (sp) br 1f gal8: tst (sp)+ dec (sp) asl (sp) asl (sp) asl (sp) br 1f gal16: tst (sp)+ dec (sp) asl (sp) asl (sp) asl (sp) asl (sp) 1: cmp (sp),(r4)+ .if achk bhis mp r0,$'T beq 2f cmp r0,$'1 beq 2f cmp r0,$', beq 1f br 1b 2: movif $1,fr0 br 1b 1: br storin iicv: clr ndig ficv: eicv: dicv: mov width,twidth br 1f gicv: mov $16383.,twidth clr ndig mov pc,gcflg br 2f 1: clr gcflg 2: jsr r5,gatof storin: cmpb itype,$'r beq 1f cmpb ilen,$1 beq 3f cmpb ilen,$4 bne 2f setl 2: movfi fr0,*ilval rts r5 3: movfi fr0,r0 movb r0,*ilval rts r5 1: cmpb ilen,$8. beq 2f setf 2: movf fr0,*ilval rts r5 gatof: setd seti movif $10.,fr3 clr r2 clfr0,fr5 movf $one,fr0 clrf fr1 1: dec r1 bmi 1f movf fr0,fr2 movf fr1,fr3 mulf fr4,fr0 mulf fr4,fr1 mulf fr5,fr2 mulf fr5,fr3 subf fr3,fr0 addf fr2,fr1 br 1b 1: tst r0 beq 1f clrf -(sp) movf $one,fr2 movf fr2,-(sp) movf fr1,-(sp) movf fr0,-(sp) jmp divide 1: movf fr1,-(sp) movf fr0,-(sp) jmp *(r4)+ 9f .endif add (r4)+,(sp) jmp *(r4)+ 9: jsr r5,rerr; 15. 4 gar1: tst (sp)+ dec (sp) cmp (sp),(r4)+ .if achk bhis 9b .endif add (r4)+,(sp) movb *(sp)+,r0 mov r0,-(sp) jmp *(r4)+ gar2: tst (sp)+ dec (sp) asl (sp) cmp (sp),(r4)+ .if achk bhis 9b .endif add (r4)+,(sp) mov *(sp)+,-(sp) jmp *(r4)+ gar4: tst (sp)+ dec (sp) mov (sp)+,r0 asl r0 asl r0 cmp r0,(r4)+ .if achk bhis 9b .endif add (r4)+,r0 cmp (r0)+,(r0)+ mov -(r0),-(sp) mov -(r0),-(sp) jmp *(r4)+ gar8: setd tst (sp)+rf fr0 clr -(sp) 1: jsr r5,fgetcn cmp $' ,r0 bne 1f tst nlflg beq 1b tst (sp)+ rts r5 1: cmp r0,$'+ beq 1f cmp r0,$'- bne 2f inc (sp) 1: jsr r5,fgetcn 2: cmp $' ,r0 bne 3f tst gcflg bne 3f mov $'0,r0 3: sub $'0,r0 cmp r0,$9. bhi 2f mulf fr3,fr0 movif r0,fr1 addf fr1,fr0 dec r1 br 1b 2: add $'0,r0 cmp r0,$'. bne 1f inc r2 clr r1 br 1b 1: mov r3,-(sp) clr r3 cmp r0,$'d beq 3f cmp r0,$'+ beq 3f cmp r0,$'- beq 3f cmp r0,$'e bne 2f 3: jsr r5,atoi 2: tst r2 bne 1f mov ndig,r1 neg r1 1: movf fr3,fr2 add r3,r1 mov (sp)+,r3 tst r1 beq 1f bpl 3f neg r1 mov pc,-(sp) br 2f 3: clr -(sp) 2: dec r1 ble 2f mulf fr3,fr2 br 2b 2: tst (sp)+ bne 2f mulf fr2,fr0 br 1f 2: divf fr2,fr0 1: tst (sp)+ beq 1f negf r0 1: cmp r0,$', beq 1f cmp $' ,r0 beq 1f jsr r5,rerr; 110. 1: rts r5 atoi: clr -(sp) cmp r0,$'+ beq 1f cmp r0,$'- beq 3f jsr r5,fgetcn cmp r0,$'+ beq 1f cmp r0,$'- bne 2f 3: inc (sp) 1: jsr r5,fgetcn 2: sub $'0,r0 cmp r0,$'9. bhi 2f f *ilval,r0 br 2f 3: movb *ilval,r0 movif r0,fr0 br 2f 1: cmpb ilen,$4 bne 1f movof *ilval,r0 br 2f 1: movf *ilval,r0 2: cfcc bge 1f absf r0 mov $1,nflg 1: rts r5 / / / io2 -- format cracker .globl iowf .globl iowp .globl iorf iowp: mov (sp)+,formp mov $6,r1 br 1f iowf: mov (sp)+,formp tst (sp)+ mov (sp)+,r1 1: jsr r5,setio; 2 / write clr rdflg br 1f iorf: mov (sp)+,formp tst (sp)+ mov (sp)+,r1 jsr r5,setio; 1 / read mov pc,rdflg 1: clr binflg clr slcnt clr itmfnd clr scale clr itmflg mov $pbuf,ppar mov $-1,llpcnt jsr r5,fmtchr mov formp,llp cmp r0,$'( beq crack jsr r5,rerr; 106. sys exit crack: clr ngflg mov $1,rep item: jsr r5,mpy $10.,r3 add r0,r3 br 1b 2: add $'0,r0 tst (sp)+ beq 1f neg r3 1: rts r5 fgetcn: tst twidth bgt 1f mov $',,r0 rts r5 1: jsr r5,fgetc dec twidth rts r5 / / / io3 -- Fortran I/O .globl getbuf .globl chkunit .globl creatf .globl openf setio: mov r1,unit jsr r5,chkunit movb utable(r1),r0 beq 1f bpl 2f mov r1,r0 asl r0 mov btable(r0),r0 mov r0,r2 br 4f 2: cmp (r5),r0 beq 3f jsr r5,rerr; 101. / inconsistent use of unit sys exit 1: mov r1,-(sp) clr r0 dvd $10.,r0 swab r1 bis r1,r0 add $"00,r0 mov r0,filnam+4 mov (sp)+,r1 jsr r5,getbuf mov $filnam,r0 4: movb (r5),utable(r1) bit $1,(r5) bne 2f jsr r5,creatf br 3f 2: jsr r5,openf fmtchr cmp $' ,r0 beq item cmp $'\t,r0 beq item jsr r5,switch; mswitch jsr r5,rerr; 105. sys exit mswitch: 'a; afmt 'f; ffmt 'e; efmt 'g; gfmt 'd; dfmt 'i; ifmt 'l; lfmt 'h; hfmt 'x; xfmt 'p; scal '-; minus '0; numb '1; numb '2; numb '3; numb '4; numb '5; numb '6; numb '7; numb '8; numb '9; numb ',; crack '/; slash '(; lpar '); rpar '"; quote ' ; item 0; 0 minus: jsr r5,gnum neg r0 br 1f numb: dec formp jsr r5,gnum 1: mov r0,rep br item scal: mov rep,scale br c/ / / io5 -- more conversions /.globl hocv /.globl qocv /.globl xocv /.globl aocv /.globl locv / /.globl fmtchr /.globl fputcc /.globl rep /.globl formp /.globl spaces /.globl ilen /.globl width /.globl ilval .globl rerr hocv: jsr r5,fmtchr tst r0 beq 2f jsr r5,fputcc dec rep bgt hocv rts r5 2: jsr r5,rerr; 111. sys exit qocv: mov formp,-(sp) 1: jsr r5,fmtchr tst r0 beq 2f cmp r0,$'" beq 2f jsr r5,fputcc br 1b 2: dec rep ble 1f mov (sp),formp br 1b 1: tst (sp)+ rts r5 xocv: mov 3: tst (r5)+ asl r1 mov btable(r1),buffer rts r5 getbuf: mov $utable,r0 mov $btable,r2 1: tstb (r0)+ beq 2f tst (r2)+ br 3f 2: tst (r2)+ beq 3f mov -(r2),r0 clr (r2) mov r0,r2 br 2f 3: cmp r0,$utable+20. blo 1b mov bufp,r2 add $134.,bufp mov bufp,0f sys break; 0:.. 2: mov r1,r0 asl r0 mov r2,btable(r0) mov r2,buffer rts r5 chkunit: cmp r1,$20. blo 1f jsr r5,rerr; 100. / illegal unit number sys exit 1: rts r5 creatf: cmp unit,$6 bne 2f mov $1,r0 br 1f 2: mov r0,0f syrack elist: tst _nocr beq 1f tst rdflg bne 1f jsr r5,eorec1 br 2f 1: jsr r5,eorec 2: jmp *(r4)+ slash: jsr r5,eorec br crack rpar: mov ppar,r0 cmp r0,$pbuf / see if outer parens blos 2f dec -2(r0) ble 1f / no repeats left mov -4(r0),formp / reset scan br crack 1: sub $4,ppar br crack / pop parens 2: jsr r5,getitm br elist tst itmfnd bne 1f jsr r5,rerr; 107. sys exit 1: jsr r5,eorec inc itmflg mov llpcnt,r1 bpl 1f mov llp,formp jmp crack 1: mov llp,r2 mov r2,formp mov$1,r1 jsr r5,spaces rts r5 aocv: movb ilen,r1 sub width,r1 neg r1 bpl 1f clr r1 1: jsr r5,spaces mov ilval,r2 mov width,r1 cmpb r1,ilen ble 2f movb ilen,r1 2: movb (r2)+,r0 jsr r5,fputcc dec r1 bgt 2b rts r5 locv: mov width,r1 dec r1 jsr r5,spaces mov $'f,r0 movb ilen,r1 mov ilval,r2 2: tstb (r2)+ bne 1f dec r1 bgt 2b br 2f 1: mov $'t,r0 2: jsr r5,fputcc rts r5 s creat; 0:..; 666 bec 1f jsr r5,rerr; 102. / create error sys exit 1: mov r2,-(sp) mov r0,(r2)+ clr (r2)+ clr (r2)+ mov r2,-(r2) mov (sp)+,r2 rts r5 openf: cmp unit,$5 bne 2f clr r0 br 1f 2: mov r0,0f sys open; 0:..; 0 bec 1f jsr r5,rerr; 103. / open error sys exit 1: mov r2,-(sp) mov r0,(r2)+ clr (r2)+ clr (r2)+ mov (sp)+,r2 rts r5 fputc: mov r1,-(sp) mov buffer,r1 dec 2(r1) bge 1f mov r0,-(sp) jsr pc,flush1 dec 2(r1) mov (sp)+,r0 1: movb r0,*4(r1) inc 4(r1) mov (sp ppar,r0 mov r2,(r0)+ mov r1,(r0)+ mov r0,ppar jbr crack1 lpar: mov ppar,r0 cmp r0,$pbuf+10 blo 1f jsr r5,rerr; 108. sys exit 1: mov formp,(r0)+ mov rep,(r0)+ mov r0,ppar cmp r0,$pbuf+4 bhi 1f mov formp,llp mov rep,llpcnt 1: jmp crack quote: inc ngflg mov $44,-(sp) br 3f hfmt: inc ngflg mov $40,-(sp) br 3f xfmt: inc ngflg mov $34,-(sp) br 3f afmt: mov $30,-(sp) br 1f ifmt: clr -(sp) br 1f lfmt: mov $4,-(sp) 1: jsr r5,gnum mov r0,width br 2f ffmt: mov $10,-(sp) br 1/ / / io4 -- numeric output conversion qicv: hicv: jsr r5,rerr; 999. sys exit xicv: jsr r5,fgetc rts r5 gocv: mov pc,gflg jsr r5,getarg mov ndig,_ndigit jsr pc,ecvt tst r2 bmi eocv cmp r2,ndig bgt eocv sub r2,ndig sub $4,width jsr r5,focv add $4,width add $4,nspace rts r5 eocv: mov $'e,-(sp) br 1f docv: mov $'d,-(sp) 1: tst gflg bne 1f jsr r5,getarg 1: mov ndig,r1 add $6,r1 add nflg,r1 sub width,r1 bge 2f sub r1,nspace 2: tst nflg beq 2f mov $'-,r0 jsr r5,fputcc 2: m)+,r1 rts r5 fflush: mov r1,-(sp) mov buffer,r1 jsr pc,flush1 mov (sp)+,r1 rts r5 flush1: mov r1,r0 add $6,r0 mov r0,-(sp) mov r0,0f neg r0 add 4(r1),r0 bhis 1f mov r0,0f+2 mov (r1),r0 sys write; 0:..; .. 1: mov (sp)+,4(r1) mov $128.,2(r1) rts pc fgetc: tst nlflg bne 4f mov r1,-(sp) mov buffer,r1 dec 2(r1) bge 1f mov r1,r0 add $6,r0 mov r0,0f mov r0,4(r1) mov (r1),r0 sys read; 0:..; 128. bes 2f tst r0 bne 3f 2: jsr r5,rerr; 104. / EOF on input sys exit 3: dec r0 movf dfmt: mov $14,-(sp) br 1f gfmt: mov $20,-(sp) br 1f efmt: mov $24,-(sp) 1: jsr r5,gnum mov r0,width 4: jsr r5,fmtchr cmp r0,$' / beq 4b cmp r0,$'. bne err1 jsr r5,gnum mov r0,ndig 2: inc itmfnd 3: add $cvsw,(sp) tst rdflg beq 1f add $2,(sp) 1: mov *(sp)+,-(sp) 1: tst ngflg bne 2f jsr r5,getitm br 1f 2: clr gflg jsr r5,*(sp) dec rep bgt 1b tst (sp)+ br crack1 1: tst (sp)+ jmp elist cvsw: iocv; iicv / 0 locv; licv / 4 focv; ficv / 10 docv; dicv / 14 gocv; gicv / 20ov ndig,r1 mov scale,r0 bgt 2f add r0,r1 br 3f 2: inc r1 3: mov r1,_ndigit jsr pc,ecvt mov r0,r1 mov r2,-(sp) mov scale,r2 sub r2,(sp) tst r2 bgt 2f mov $'0,r0 jsr r5,fputcc br 3f 2: movb (r1)+,r0 dec _ndigit jsr r5,fputcc sob r2,2b 3: mov $'.,r0 jsr r5,fputcc neg r2 ble 2f 3: mov $'0,r0 jsr r5,fputcc sob r2,3b 2: mov _ndigit,r2 ble 2f 3: movb (r1)+,r0 jsr r5,fputcc sob r2,3b 2: mov 2(sp),r0 jsr r5,fputcc mov (sp)+,r1 bge 2f mov $'-,r0 jsr r5,fputcc neg r1 br 3f 2: m r0,2(r1) 1: clr r0 bisb *4(r1),r0 inc 4(r1) mov (sp)+,r1 tst binflg bne 1f cmp r0,$'\n bne 1f 4: mov pc,nlflg mov $' ,r0 1: rts r5 gnum: mov r1,-(sp) clr r1 1: jsr r5,fmtchr cmp r0,$' / beq 1b sub $'0,r0 cmp r0,$9. bhi 1f mpy $10.,r1 add r0,r1 br 1b 1: mov r1,r0 mov (sp)+,r1 dec formp rts r5 switch: mov (r5)+,r1 1: tst (r1) beq 1f cmp r0,(r1)+ bne 1b tst (sp)+ jmp *(r1) 1: rts r5 fmtchr: movb *formp,r0 inc formp rts r5 getitm: tst itmflg bne 1f mov r5,-(sp) jmp eocv; eicv / 24 aocv; aicv / 30 xocv; xicv / 34 hocv; hicv / 40 qocv; qicv / 44 crack1: jmp crack err1: jsr r5,rerr; 109. sys exit ov $'+,r0 jsr r5,fputcc 3: clr r0 div $10.,r0 add $'0,r0 jsr r5,fputcc mov r1,r0 add $'0,r0 jsr r5,fputcc tst (sp)+ rts r5 iocv: clr -(sp) clr ndig br 1f focv: mov $1,-(sp) 1: clr -(sp) tst gflg bne 1f jsr r5,getarg tst 2(sp) beq 1f mov scale,(sp) 1: mov ndig,_ndigit add (sp)+,_ndigit jsr pc,fcvt mov r0,r1 tst (sp) beq 1f tst gflg bne 1f add scale,r2 1: mov ndig,r0 add (sp),r0 add nflg,r0 tst r2 ble 1f add r2,r0 br 2f 1: inc r0 2: sub width,r0 bge 1f sub r0,nspace *(r4)+ 1: clr itmflg tst (r5)+ rts r5 / just a fake, there's no carriage control fputcc: cmp $' ,r0 bne 1f inc nspace rts r5 1: mov r0,-(sp) 1: dec nspace blt 1f mov $' ,r0 jsr r5,fputc br 1b 1: clr nspace mov (sp)+,r0 beq 1f jsr r5,fputc 1: rts r5 eorec: mov unit,r0 bitb $1,utable(r0) bne 1f clr nspace mov $'\n,r0 jsr r5,fputc eorec1: clr r0 jsr r5,fputcc / cmp unit,$6 / tty output / bne 2f jsr r5,fflush 2: rts r5 1: tst nlflg bne 1f jsr r5,fgetc br 1b 1: clr nlflg r/ / / io1 -- I/O operators .globl rerr .globl endio .globl rio4 .globl rio8 .globl iio2 .globl iio4 .globl lio2 .globl lio1 .globl cio8 .globl cio16 .globl ecvt .globl fcvt .globl _ndigit endio: mov (sp)+,r5 rts r5 cio8: tst slcnt bne 2f inc slcnt tst -(r4) br rio4 2: clr slcnt mov ilval,-(sp) add $4,(sp) br rio4 cio16: tst slcnt bne 2f inc slcnt tst -(r4) br rio8 2: clr slcnt mov ilval,-(sp) add $8,(sp) br rio8 rio8: mov $8.\<8+'r,r0 br 1f rio4: mov $4\<8+'r,r0 br 1f iio4:1: tst nflg beq 1f mov $'-,r0 jsr r5,fputcc 1: tst r2 bgt 1f mov $'0,r0 jsr r5,fputcc br 2f 1: movb (r1)+,r0 jsr r5,fputcc sob r2,1b 2: tst (sp)+ beq 1f mov $'.,r0 jsr r5,fputcc 1: mov ndig,-(sp) ble 1f tst r2 bge 1f neg r2 2: mov $'0,r0 jsr r5,fputcc dec ndig ble 1f sob r2,2b 1: mov ndig,r2 ble 2f 1: movb (r1)+,r0 jsr r5,fputcc sob r2,1b 2: mov (sp)+,ndig rts r5 getarg: clr nflg setd cmpb itype,$'r beq 1f seti cmpb ilen,$4 bne 2f setl 2: cmpb ilen,$1 beq 3f movits r5 spaces: add r1,nspace rts r5 mov $4\<8+'i,r0 br 1f iio2: mov $2\<8+'i,r0 br 1f lio2: mov $2\<8+'l,r0 br 1f lio1: mov $1\<8+'l,r0 1: mov r0,itype mov (sp)+,ilval mov (sp)+,r5 tst (r5)+ rts r5 / / / quicker sort / mov $base,r1 / mov $base+[n*width],r2 / mov $width,r3 / jsr pc,qsort / r0,r1,r2,r3,r4 are used .globl qsort .globl compare qsort: mov r5,-(sp) mov r4,-(sp) bit $1,r3 bne 1f bit $1,r1 bne 1f cmp r3,$2 bne 2f mov $exch1,exchange br 3f 2: mov r3,r5 clc ror r5 mov r5,width mov $exchw,exchange br 3f 1: mov $exchb,exchange 3: jsr pc,qs1 mov (sp)+,r4 mov (sp)+,r5 rts pc qs1: mov r1,r5 neg r5 add r2,r5 bgt 1f rts pc 1: clr r4 dvd r3,r4 asr r4 mpy r3,r4 mov rmtp .globl namebuf .globl enamebuf .globl namep .globl symbuf .globl esymbuf .globl ch .globl ch1 .globl progt .globl holquo .globl nxtaloc .globl imptab .globl nerror .globl temp .globl functm .globl edata .globl dsize 5,r4 add r1,r4 mov r1,-(sp) mov r2,-(sp) loop: cmp r1,r4 bhis loop1 mov r1,r0 jsr pc,compare bgt loop1 add r3,r1 br loop loop1: cmp r2,r4 blos 1f sub r3,r2 mov r2,r0 jsr pc,compare bge loop1 jsr pc,*exchange cmp r1,r4 bne loop mov r2,r4 br loop 1: cmp r1,r4 beq 1f jsr pc,*exchange mov r1,r4 br loop1 1: mov (sp)+,r2 mov r4,-(sp) mov r4,r1 add r3,r1 mov r2,r0 sub r1,r0 sub 2(sp),r4 cmp r0,r4 blo 1f mov (sp)+,r0 mov (sp)+,r4 mov r1,-(sp) mov r2,-(sp) mov r0,r2 mov/ / / fxa -- genop -- output a typed operator .globl genop .globl newline .globl code .globl typ genop: mov r1,-(sp) mov r3,-(sp) bic $!7,r3 movb typ(r3),r1 mov (sp),r3 clrb r3 swab r3 jsr r5,code < %c%c%d\0>; .even r1 r0 r3 mov (sp)+,r3 mov (sp)+,r1 rts r5 newline: jsr r5,code <\n\0>; .even rts r5 typ: / / / fx4 -- get symbol .globl getsym .globl getid .globl lookid .globl chrtab .globl lookup .globl error .globl geti .globl holround / getsym returns the next basic symbol / 0 name (symbol table entry in r3) / 2 number (type in r3) / 4 ** / 6 / / 8 * / 10 - / 12 + / 14 .lt. / 16 .le. / 18 .eq. / 20 .ne. / 22 .gt. / 24 .ge. / 26 .not. / 28 .and. / 30 .or. / 32 ( / 34 ) / 36 , / 38 = / 40 =| / getsym: mov r2,-(sp) mov r1,r2 jsr r5,lookup; bastab br 1f mov r2,r1 cmp r0,$4 bhis 2f asr r0 add $'0 r4,r1 1: jsr pc,qs1 mov (sp)+,r2 mov (sp)+,r1 br qs1 exchb: mov r1,-(sp) mov r2,-(sp) mov r3,r5 1: movb (r1),r0 movb (r2),(r1)+ movb r0,(r2)+ sob r5,1b mov (sp)+,r2 mov (sp)+,r1 rts pc exchw: mov r1,-(sp) mov r2,-(sp) mov width,r5 1: mov (r1),r0 mov (r2),(r1)+ mov r0,(r2)+ sob r5,1b mov (sp)+,r2 mov (sp)+,r1 rts pc exch1: mov (r1),r0 mov (r2),(r1) mov r0,(r2) rts pc .bss exchange: .=.+2 width: .=.+2 / / / fx1 -- utility .globl lookup / lookup / lookup string pointed at by r2 / in table pointed at by arg1 / r0 returns symbol number*2 / r2 is advanced by matched string / registers used: r0,r2 lookup: mov r1,-(sp) clr r0 mov r2,-(sp) mov (r5)+,r1 1: mov (sp),r2 tstb (r1) beq 1f 2: cmpb (r2)+,(r1)+ bne 2f tstb (r1) bne 2b asl r0 cmp (r5)+,(sp)+ mov (sp)+,r1 rts r5 2: tstb (r1)+ bne 2b inc r0 br 1b 1: mov (sp)+,r2 mov (sp)+,r1 rts r5 ,r0 movb r0,symbuf movb $12,symbuf+1 clrb symbuf+2 mov $logcon,r3 / logical*2 mov $2,r0 2: cmp r0,$32. bne 2f / check for possible complex constant mov r1,-(sp) movb -2(r1),r0 movb chrtab(r0),r0 beq 4f cmp r0,$4 blos 3f 4: jsr r5,srconst br 3f mov r3,r2 cmpb (r1)+,$', bne 3f jsr r5,srconst br 3f cmp r3,r2 bhis 4f mov r2,r3 4: cmpb (r1)+,$') bne 3f mov (sp)+,r1 mov $symbuf,r2 4: movb (r1)+,(r2) cmpb (r2)+,$') bne 4b clrb -(r2) mov $2,r0 br 2f 3: mov (sp)+,r1 mov $32.,r.globl zero .globl putchar .globl w, r, a, l / / / routine to zero a string / / mov ...,r1 / jsr pc,zero / zero: mov r0,-(sp) mov a(r1),w(r1) clrb r0 1: cmp w(r1),l(r1) bhis 1f jsr pc,putchar br 1b 1: mov a(r1),w(r1) mov (sp)+,r0 rts pc / / / fx2 -- error setting and printing .globl error .globl perror .globl tput .globl tdecml error: inc nerror mov r0,-(sp) mov r2,-(sp) mov (r5)+,r0 mov $errb,r2 1: cmp r2,errp bhis 1f cmp r0,(r2)+ beq 2f tst (r2)+ br 1b 1: cmp r2,$eerrb bhis 2f mov r0,(r2)+ mov r1,(r2) dec (r2)+ / r1 is often 1 too far mov r2,errp 2: mov (sp)+,r2 mov (sp)+,r0 rts r5 perror: cmp errp,$errb beq 1f mov r1,-(sp) mov r2,-(sp) mov ifno,r0 jsr r5,tdecml mov $'\t,r0 jsr r5,tput mov $line,r1 2: 0 2: mov (sp)+,r2 rts r5 1: clr lstchr cmp r1,$line blos 1f movb -1(r1),lstchr 1: mov $symbuf,r2 movb (r1)+,r0 movb r0,(r2)+ bic $!177,r0 movb chrtab(r0),r0 jmp *1f(r0) 1: eos let num per eos: mov $40.,r0 tstb -(r1) beq 2b jsr r5,error; 8. br 2b let: dec r1 jsr r5,getid br .+2 / cannot happen jsr r5,lookid; symbuf mov (sp)+,r2 clr r0 rts r5 num: mov $intcon,r3 / integer*4 jsr r5,numst cmpb (r1),$'. bne 2f mov r2,-(sp) mov r1,r2 jsr r5,lookup; bastab br 1f mov (sp)+/ / / fx9 -- code / jsr r5,code; ; .even / arg1 / arg2 / ... / / args specified by % in string. / %s: string / %d: decimal number / %o: octal number / %c: character / / args are addresses / or registers r0-r4 .globl code .globl putc .globl getname code: mov r4,-(sp) mov r3,-(sp) mov r2,-(sp) mov r1,-(sp) mov r0,-(sp) mov r5,r4 1: tstb (r5)+ bne 1b inc r5 bic $1,r5 1: movb (r4)+,r0 beq 1f cmp r0,$'% beq 2f jsr r5,putc; obuf br 1b 2: movb (r4)+,r0 beq 1f cmpmovb (r1),r0 beq 2f jsr r5,tput mov $errb+2,r2 3: cmp r1,(r2)+ bne 4f mov $1,r0 sys write; mes2; 2 / bs, _ br 3f 4: cmp r2,errp blo 3b 3: inc r1 br 2b 2: mov $errb,r1 2: mov $1,r0 sys write; mes1; 4 3: sys open; errfil; 0 bec 3f mov (r1)+,r0 tst (r1)+ jsr r5,tdecml cmp r1,errp bhis 2f mov $',,r0 jsr r5,tput br 3b 3: mov r0,-(sp) mov (r1)+,r2 tst (r1)+ 3: dec r2 ble 3f 4: mov (sp),r0 sys read; ich; 1 bes 4f tst r0 beq 4f cmpb ich,$'\n bne 4b br 3b 3: mov (sp),r0 sys re,r2 br 3f 1: mov (sp)+,r2 movb (r1)+,(r2)+ br 1f 2: cmpb (r1),$'h / hollerith const? bne 2f mov lstchr,r0 cmpb chrtab(r0),$2 / letter? beq 2f / not h, then cmp r0,$'* beq 2f / e.g. real*4 h... clrb (r2) jsr r5,geti mov $symbuf,r2 inc r1 mov holround,-(sp) dec (sp) clr -(sp) 4: movb (r1)+,(r2)+ bne 5f jsr r5,error; 55. br 6f 5: inc (sp) dec r0 bgt 4b 6: bit (sp),2(sp) beq 6f movb $' ,(r2)+ inc (sp) br 6b 6: mov (sp)+,r3 tst (sp)+ swab r3 clrb r3 bis $5,r3 mov $2,r0 r0,$'s beq cstr cmp r0,$'c beq cchr cmp r0,$'d beq cdec cmp r0,$'o beq coct cmp r0,$'n beq cnam jsr r5,putc; obuf br 1b cnam: jsr pc,cget mov r1,r3 jsr r5,getname mov $symbuf,r1 br 2f cstr: jsr pc,cget 2: movb (r1)+,r0 beq 1b cmp r0,$'\n beq 2b jsr r5,putc; obuf br 2b cchr: jsr pc,cget mov r1,r0 jsr r5,putc; obuf mov r1,r0 clrb r0 swab r0 beq 1b jsr r5,putc; obuf br 1b coct: jsr pc,cget mov $8.,r2 br 2f cdec: jsr pc,cget mov $10.,r2 2: jsr pc,2f br 1b 2: clr r0 dvd ad; ich; 1 bes 4f tst r0 beq 4f movb ich,r0 cmp r0,$'\n beq 3f jsr r5,tput br 3b 4: mov $1,r0 sys write; mes3; 18. 3: mov (sp)+,r0 sys close cmp r1,$errp blo 2b 2: mov $'\n,r0 jsr r5,tput mov $errb,errp mov (sp)+,r2 mov (sp)+,r1 1: rts r5 mes1: <\n** > mes2: .byte 010, '_ mes3: errfil: .even .bss ich: .=.+2 mov (sp)+,r2 rts r5 .bss lstchr: .=.+2 .text per: jsr r5,isnum br eos 1: mov $realcon,r3 / real*4 jsr r5,numst 2: jsr r5,expon 3: clrb (r2) mov $2,r0 mov (sp)+,r2 rts r5 isnum: movb (r1),r0 cmpb chrtab(r0),$4 bne 1f tst (r5)+ 1: rts r5 numst: jsr r5,isnum br 1b inc r1 movb r0,(r2)+ br numst expon: cmpb (r1)+,$'e beq 1f cmpb -1(r1),$'d beq 1f 2: dec r1 rts r5 1: cmpb (r1),$'+ beq 1f cmpb (r1),$'- beq 1f jsr r5,isnum br 2b 1: mov $realcon,r3 / real*4 cmpb -(r1),$'e br2,r0 mov r1,-(sp) mov r0,r1 beq 2f jsr pc,2b 2: mov (sp)+,r0 add $'0,r0 jsr r5,putc; obuf rts pc 1: mov (sp)+,r0 mov (sp)+,r1 mov (sp)+,r2 mov (sp)+,r3 mov (sp)+,r4 rts r5 cget: mov (r5)+,r1 cmp r1,$4 blos 1f rts pc 1: asl r1 add $2,r1 add sp,r1 mov (r1),r1 rts pc / / / fx3 -- get integer .globl geti .globl ptemp .globl putc .globl putw geti: mov r1,-(sp) mov r3,-(sp) clr r3 mov $symbuf,r0 1: movb (r0)+,r1 sub $'0,r1 cmp r1,$9 bhi 1f mpy $10.,r3 add r1,r3 br 1b 1: mov r3,r0 mov (sp)+,r3 mov (sp)+,r1 rts r5 ptemp: mov r0,-(sp) mov r1,-(sp) mov (r5)+,r0 / character jsr r5,putc; tbuf mov *(r5)+,r0 / word jsr r5,putw; tbuf mov ifno,r0 jsr r5,putw; tbuf mov (r5)+,r1 / string 1: movb (r1),r0 jsr r5,putc; tbuf tstb (r1)+ bne 1b mov (sp)+eq 1f mov $dblcon,r3 / real*8 1: movb (r1)+,(r2)+ movb (r1)+,(r2)+ jsr r5,numst rts r5 getid: mov r0,-(sp) mov r2,-(sp) movb (r1),r0 cmpb chrtab(r0),$2 bne 3f tst (r5)+ mov $symbuf,r2 1: movb (r1)+,r0 movb r0,(r2)+ movb chrtab(r0),r0 cmp r0,$2 beq 1b cmp r0,$4 beq 1b dec r1 clrb (r2) movb $12,-(r2) 3: mov (sp)+,r2 mov (sp)+,r0 rts r5 lookid: mov r0,-(sp) mov r2,-(sp) 2: mov (r5),r2 jsr r5,lookup; namebuf br 1f asl r0 asl r0 mov r0,r3 mov (sp)+,r2 mov (sp)+,r0 tst (r5)+/ / / fhd -- data segment header / symsize = 1600. linsize = 800. namsize = 1200. smblsize = 399. intcon = 4\<8+1 / type of integer constant realcon = 4\<8+2 logcon = 2\<8+3 / type of logical constant log1con = 1\<8+3 int1con = 1\<8+1 int2con = 2\<8+1 dblcon = 10\<8+2 dcplxcon = 20\<8+4 cplxcon = 10\<8+4 .globl data .globl ibuf .globl obuf .globl tbuf .globl line .globl eline .globl ifno .globl efno .globl errp .globl errb .globl eerrb .globl symtab .globl esymtab .globl esymp .globl sy,r1 mov (sp)+,r0 rts r5 rts r5 1: mov namep,r0 add $8.,symtp 1: movb (r2)+,(r0)+ bne 1b mov r0,namep cmp r0,$enamebuf bhis 1f mov symtp,r0 add $symtab,r0 cmp r0,esymp blo 2b 1: mov $1,r0 sys write; ovfl; eovfl-ovfl clr r0 sys seek; 0; 2 mov $-1,r0 sys exit ovfl: eovfl: .even srconst: cmpb (r1)+,$'+ beq 1f cmpb -(r1),$'- bne 1f inc r1 1: jsr r5,getsym cmp r0,$2 bne 1f clrb r3 add r3,r3 bisb $cplxcon,r3 tst (r5)+ 1: rts r5 chrtab: .byte 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 .byte 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 .byte 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 .byte 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 .byte 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 .byte 0,0,0,0,0,0,6,0 .byte 4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4 .byte 4,4,0,0,0,0,0,0 .byte 0,2,2,2,2,2,2,2 .byte 2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2 .byte 2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2 .byte 2,2,2,0,0,0,0,0 .byte 0,2,2,2,2,2,2,2 .byte 2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2 .byte 2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2 .byte 2,2,2,0,0,0,0,0 bastab: <.false.\0> <.true.\0> <**\0> <*\0> <-\0> <+\0> <.lt.\0> <.le.\0> <.eq.\0> <.ne.\0> <.gt.\0> <.ge.\0> <.not.\0> <.and.\0> <.or.\0> <(\0> <)\0> <,\0> emes1: tfil1: tfil2: beq 1b cmp r0,$4 bne 3b 2: cmp r0,$'\n bne 2f inc nlflg 2: rts pc 1: mov $4,r0 rts pc .data nlflg: 1 .text mes: emes: .bss lino: .=.+2 =\0> <\0> .globl alterchar .globl plausible .globl stats .globl allocate, release .globl copy .globl bufchar, getbuf .globl swap .globl w, r, a, l .globl w1, flag, u1, fixct / / routine to rewrite the character pointer to by / read pointer. The read pointer is advanced. / the string is extended if necessary. / there is no error return. / / movb ch,r0 / mov ...,r1 / jsr pc,alterchar / mov r1,... / alterchar: mov r2,-(sp) mov r1,-(sp) mov r0,nchar jsr pc,plausible inc stats+8. 1: cmp r(r1),l(r1) /W,L blt 3f mov/ / / fx7 -- passes advancement .globl signon .globl signoff .globl pass2 .globl pass3 .globl pass4 signon: tst (r5)+ rts r5 signoff: mov (r5)+,r0 tst (sp)+ dec r0 asl r0 jmp *passtab(r0) passtab: pass2 pass3 pass4 .data / / / fx5 -- declare implicit .globl declimpl .globl getname declimpl: bit $7,symtab(r3) bne 1f / already declared jsr r5,getname movb symbuf,r0 cmp r0,$'a blo 2f sub $6,r0 / map 'a -> 'Z+1 2: asl r0 bis imptab-[2*'A](r0),symtab(r3) 1: bit $70,symtab(r3) / class bne 1f bis $10,symtab(r3) / simple 1: rts r5 getname: mov r3,-(sp) clr r3 mov $namebuf,r0 1: cmp r3,(sp) bhis 1f 2: tstb (r0)+ bne 2b add $8,r3 br 1b 1: mov $symbuf,r3 2: movb (r0)+,(r3)+ bne 2b mov (sp)+,r3 rts r5 l(r1),r0 inc r0 sub a(r1),r0 /W-A+1 jsr pc,allocate mov (sp),r0 jsr pc,copy jsr pc,swap jsr pc,release mov (sp),r1 / 3: mov r(r1),r0 jsr pc,bufchar bec 2f jsr pc,getbuf 2: movb nchar,(r0) mov nchar,r0 /to preserve r0 for user inc r(r1) mov $1,w1(r2) cmp r(r1),w(r1) ble 3f mov r(r1),w(r1) 3: inc flag bne 1f jsr pc,fixct br 2f 1: mov flag,u1(r2) 2: mov (sp)+,r1 mov (sp)+,r2 rts pc / nchar: .=.+2 / / / fxf -- format statements .globl sform .globl sdata .globl ptemp .globl error sform: cmp progt,$6 / block data bne 1f jsr r5,error; 50. 1: jsr r5,ptemp; 'f; efno; line rts r5 sdata: jsr r5,ptemp; 'd; efno; line rts r5 / / / fx8 -- read source line .globl getline .globl isagn .globl levzer .globl error .globl getc .globl chrtab getline: mov r3,-(sp) clr holquo clr r3 / line number clr line mov $line,r1 1: jsr pc,get sub $'0,r0 cmp r0,$9 bhi 1f mpy $10.,r3 add r0,r3 br 1b 1: add $'0,r0 movb r0,ch mov r3,efno 1: mov lino, ifno inc ifno jsr pc,get cmp r0,$'\n / nl beq 1f cmp r0,$'' beq 2f cmp r0,$'" bne 3f 2: mov r0,holquo add $4,r1 / room for h count mov r1,-(sp) 2: jsr pc,get cmp r0,$'\n/ / / fxg -- declare implicit functions .globl funimpl .globl getname .globl lookup funimpl: bit $7,symtab(r3) bne 1f jsr r5,getname mov r2,-(sp) mov $symbuf,r2 jsr r5,lookup; funtab br 2f cmpb (r2),$'\n bne 2f asr r0 movb funtabt(r0),r0 mov r0,-(sp) bic $!17,r0 bis typtab(r0),symtab(r3) mov (sp)+,r0 asr r0 asr r0 asr r0 asr r0 bic $!17,r0 mov typtab(r0),symtab+2(r3) / save argument conversion 2: / in dimension pointer mov (sp)+,r2 1: rts r5 typtab: intcon realcon dblcon / / / fx6 -- teletype .globl tput .globl tdecml tdecml: mov r1,-(sp) jsr r5,td mov (sp)+,r1 rts r5 td: mov r0,r1 clr r0 dvd $10.,r0 mov r1,-(sp) tst r0 beq 1f jsr r5,td 1: mov (sp)+,r0 add $'0,r0 tput: movb r0,ch+1 mov $1,r0 sys write; ch+1; 1 rts r5 beq 4f cmp r0,holquo beq 2f bis $200,r0 movb r0,(r1)+ cmp r1,$eline-1 blo 2b 4: tst (sp)+ br err1 2: mov (sp)+,r3 mov r1,-(sp) sub r3,r1 movb $'h,-(r3) clr r0 div $10.,r0 add $'0,r1 movb r1,-(r3) mov r0,r1 clr r0 div $10.,r0 add $'0,r1 movb r1,-(r3) add $'0,r0 movb r0,-(r3) mov (sp)+,r1 clr holquo br 1b 3: cmp r0,$'h bne 2f clr r3 / quote count mov r1,-(sp) 3: cmp r1,$line blos 4f movb -(r1),r0 cmpb chrtab(r0),$4 / digit? beq 3b cmpb chrtab(r0),$2 / test letter beq 3f cplxcon dcplxcon funtab: <\0> / function type xy / x = arg types / y = result type / 0 = integer / 2 = real / 4 = double / 6 = complex / 8 = doublecomplex funtabt: .byte 2\<4+2 / tanh .byte 2\<4+2 / sqrt .byte 4\<4+2 / sngl .byte 2\<4+2 / sin .byte 2\<4+2 / sign .byte 6\<4+2 / real .byte 0\<4+0 / mod .byte 2\<4+0 / min1 ./ / / fxc -- size of array .globl size .globl nelem .globl error size: movb symtab+1(r3),r0 jsr r5,nelem inc r0 bic $1,r0 / round to 0 mod 2 rts r5 nelem: mov r1,-(sp) mov r0,r1 mov symtab(r3),r0 bic $!70,r0 cmp r0,$20 bne 1f mov symtab+2(r3),r0 mov (r0)+,-(sp) 2: mpy (r0)+,r1 dec (sp) bgt 2b tst (sp)+ 1: mov r1,r0 mov (sp)+,r1 rts r5 er; '= br 1f br 3f 1: mov r0,-(sp) jsr r5,levzer; ', br 4f jsr r5,levzer; '( br 1f tst (sp)+ 2: rts r5 1: cmp (sp)+,r0 blt 2b mov r1,-(sp) mov r0,r1 inc r1 jsr r5,levzer; ') br 1f 1: mov (sp)+,r1 cmpb 1(r0),$'= bne 3f rts r5 levzer: mov r1,r0 clr -(sp) 1: tst (sp) bne 2f cmpb (r0),(r5) beq 1f 2: cmpb (r0),$'( bne 2f inc (sp) 2: cmpb (r0),$') bne 2f dec (sp) blt 5f 2: tstb (r0)+ bne 1b 5: tst (r5)+ 1: 4: tst (sp)+ 3: tst (r5)+ rts r5 get: movb ch,r0 beq 1f clrbbyte 0\<4+0 / min0 .byte 2\<4+0 / max1 .byte 0\<4+0 / max0 .byte 0\<4+0 / isign .byte 2\<4+0 / int .byte 2\<4+0 / ifix .byte 4\<4+0 / idint .byte 0\<4+0 / idim .byte 0\<4+0 / iabs .byte 0\<4+2 / float .byte 2\<4+2 / exp .byte 4\<4+4 / dsqrt .byte 4\<4+4 / dsin .byte 4\<4+4 / dsign .byte 8\<4+4 / dreal .byte 4\<4+4 / dmod .byte 4\<4+4 / dmin1 .byte 4\<4+4 / dmax1 .byte 4\<4+4 / dlog10 .byte 4\<4+4 / dlog .byte 8\<4+4 / dimag .byte 2\<4+2 / dim .byte 4\<4+4 / dexp / / / xd -- tmp file 2 handl .globl setln .globl getln .globl tfil2 .globl tfildiag .globl fopen .globl getc .globl getw .globl xbuf setln: mov $tfil2,r0 jsr r5,fopen; xbuf bcc 1f jmp tfildiag 1: rts r5 getln: jsr r5,getc; xbuf bcs 3f mov r0,-(sp) jsr r5,getw; xbuf mov r0,efno jsr r5, getw; xbuf mov r0,ifno mov $line,r1 1: jsr r5,getc; xbuf bcs 1f tst r0 beq 1f bic $200,r0 movb r0,(r1)+ br 1b 1: clrb (r1)+ mov (sp)+,r0 tst (r5)+ rts r5 3: mov xbuf,r0 sys close rts r5 ch rts pc 1: jsr pc,get1 cmp r0,$'\n bne 2f jsr pc,get1 cmp r0,$'& beq 1b movb r0,ch1 mov $'\n,r0 2: tst holquo bne 1f cmp $' ,r0 beq 1b cmp $'\t,r0 beq 1b 1: cmp r0,$4 / test EOT bne 1f mov $1,r0 sys write; mes; emes-mes mov $1,r0 / syntax errors detected sys exit 1: rts pc get1: movb ch1,r0 beq 1f clrb ch1 br 2f 1: jsr r5,getc; ibuf bcs 1f bic $!177,r0 beq 1b cmp r0,$'\n bne 2f inc lino 2: tst nlflg beq 2f clr nlflg cmp r0,$'c bne 2f 3: jsr pc,get1 cmp r0,$'\n .byte 8\<4+8 / dcsqrt .byte 8\<4+8 / dcsin .byte 4\<4+4 / dcos .byte 8\<4+8 / dconjg .byte 4\<4+8 / dcmplx .byte 8\<4+8 / dclog .byte 8\<4+8 / dcexp .byte 8\<4+8 / dccos .byte 8\<4+4 / dcabs .byte 2\<4+4 / dble .byte 4\<4+4 / datan2 .byte 4\<4+4 / datan .byte 4\<4+4 / dabs .byte 6\<4+6 / csqrt .byte 6\<4+6 / csin .byte 2\<4+2 / cos .byte 6\<4+6 / conjg .byte 2\<4+6 / cmplx .byte 6\<4+6 / clog .byte 6\<4+6 / cexp .byte 6\<4+6 / ccos .byte 6\<4+2 / cabs .byte 2\<4+2 / atan2 .byte 2\<4+2 / atan .byte 2\<4+2 / amod .byte 2\<4+2 / amin1 .byte 0\<4+2 / amin0 .byte 2\<4+2 / amax1 .byte 0\<4+2 / amax0 .byte 2\<4+2 / alog10 .byte 2\<4+2 / alog .byte 2\<4+2 / aint .byte 6\<4+2 / aimag .byte 2\<4+2 / abs .globl backspace .globl lookchar .globl w, r, a, l / / routine to read a string backwards / the read pointer is decremented before reading / / mov ...,r1 / jsr pc,backspace / mov r0,... / backspace: cmp a(r1),r(r1) bhis nochc dec r(r1) jsr pc,lookchar rts pc nochc: clr r0 sec rts pc v $contab,r5 jsr r5,perror 1: jmp dloop dodata: cmp progt,$6 beq 1f / block data mov $dattab,r3 cmp r3,r4 bne 2f / is data mov nxtaloc,r0 jsr r5,code <.=.+%d.\n.text\n\0>; .even r0 rts r5 2: jsr r5,onedata sub nxtaloc,r1 neg r1 blt 9b jsr r5,code <.=.+%d.\n.text\n\0>; .even r1 1: rts r5 onedata: clr r1 2: mov 2(r3),r0 sub r1,r0 bmi 9f beq 3f jsr r5,code <.=.+%d.\n\0>; .even r0 add r0,r1 3: mov 4(r3),r0 add r0,r1 asr r0 mov r0,-(sp) mov 6(r3),r2 3: mov (r2)+,r0 / / / fxh -- array constant offset .globl consub .globl getsym .globl geti .globl error .globl geticon / turn constant subscripts into offset. / in: r3 -> symtab / r1 -> just beyond ( / out:r0 has offset consub: mov symtab(r3),r0 bic $!70,r0 cmp r0,$20 / test class == array beq 1f jsr r5,error; 17. clr r0 rts r5 1: mov r5,-(sp) mov r4,-(sp) mov r3,-(sp) mov r2,-(sp) clr r4 / accumulated offset mov symtab+2(r3),r2 / ptr to declarator mov (r2)+,-(sp) / dimensionality mov $1,r5 / pro/ / / f41 -- everything else .globl pass4 .globl signon .globl flush .globl dope .globl formts .globl globls .globl constn .globl fopen .globl bsss .globl tfil2 pass4: setd jsr r5,signon; 4 mov ibuf,r0 sys close jsr r5,flush; obuf jsr r5,flush; tbuf jsr r5,dope jsr r5,formts jsr r5,constn jsr r5,bsss jsr r5,globls / uses r4 from bsss jsr r5,flush; obuf sys unlink; tfil2 clr r0 tst nerror beq 1f sys seek; 0; 2 mov $1,r0 / syntax errors 1: sys exit jsr r5,code <%o\n\0>; .even r0 dec (sp) bne 3b tst (sp)+ add $8.,r3 cmp r3,r4 bhis 1f cmp (r3),-8(r3) / any more in this block beq 2b 1: rts r5 9: clr line jsr r5,error; 32. / overlapping data init jsr r5,perror rts r5 / comparison routine for qsort compare: cmp (r0),(r4) bne 1f cmp 2(r0),2(r4) 1: rts pc d of declarators 1: jsr r5,geticon br 9f cmp r0,(r2) bgt 3f dec r0 bge 2f 3: jsr r5,error; 19. / out of range clr r0 2: mov r5,-(sp) mpy r0,r5 add r5,r4 mov (sp)+,r5 mpy (r2)+,r5 jsr r5,getsym cmp r0,$36. / comma bne 1f dec (sp) bgt 1b jsr r5,error; 18. / wrong subscript count br 1b 1: cmp r0,$34. / ) beq 1f 9: jsr r5,error; 20. clr r0 1: cmp (sp)+,$1 beq 1f jsr r5,error; 18. / subscript count 1: mov (sp)+,r2 mov (sp)+,r3 movb symtab+1(r3),r5 mpy r4,r5 mov r5,r0 mov (sp)+/ / / f47 -- analysis of data statements .globl cdata .globl dodata .globl onedata .globl compare .globl code .globl getcon .globl error .globl getsym .globl consub .globl size .globl geti .globl setln .globl getln .globl declimpl .globl evalcon .globl dattab .globl contab .globl efno .globl perror .globl qsort .globl negflg .globl repfact .globl geti .globl holround cdata: mov r5,-(sp) jsr r5,setln mov $dattab,r4 mov $contab,r5 dloop: jsr r5,getln br 2f br 1f 2: mov r4,-(sp) mov $dattab,r1 mcc -s -O m6?.c cmp a.out /usr/bin/m6 cp a.out /usr/bin/m6 rm a.out *.o ,r4 mov (sp)+,r5 rts r5 ov r4,r2 mov $8.,r3 jsr pc,qsort mov (sp)+,r4 mov (sp)+,r5 rts r5 1: cmp r0,$'d bne dloop mov $line+4,r1 / loop per specification-set 1: clr repfact mov r1,r2 2: jsr r5,getsym cmp r0,$40. / =| bne 3f 8: jmp 8f 9: jmp 9f 3: cmp r0,$6 / / bne 2b mov r1,-(sp) mov r2,r1 mov (sp)+,r2 / loop per specification 2: cmp r4,r5 blo 3f jmp 7f 3: jsr r5,getsym tst r0 bne 8b bit $70,symtab(r3) / test classed bne 3f jsr r5,declimpl 3: mov symtab(r3),r0 mov r0,holquo / temp storage incb / / / 42 -- definition .globl bsss .globl code .globl size .globl declimpl .globl cdata .globl dodata .globl dattab bsss: jsr r5,cdata cmp progt,$6 / test block common bne 1f rts r5 1: jsr r5,code <.bss\n\0>; .even mov functm,r3 beq 1f jsr r5,code ; .even r3 1: cmp r4,$dattab / any data? beq 1f jsr r5,code <.data\n\0>; .even 1: jsr r5,code ; .even clr r3 1: cmp r3,symtp bhis pass2 bit $70,symtab(r3) / test classed bne 2f jsr r5,declimpl 2: mo/ / / fxx -- data segment definition .data .globl holround holround: 4 .bss / pass 1 .globl dimu dimu: .=.+2 / pass 2 .globl eqvtab / pass 3 stuff .globl conu .globl dou .globl blockp .globl dotabp .globl dotab .globl edotab .globl functn .globl blocks conu: .=.+2 dou: .=.+2 blockp: .=.+2 dotabp: .=.+2 dotab: .=.+60. edotab: functn: .=.+2 / pass 4 .globl negflg .globl repfact .globl contab .globl dattab negflg: .=.+2 repfact:.=.+2 / general buffer xbufsiz = 2200. .globl xbuf xbuf: .=.+xbufsholquo+1 / round size bicb $1,holquo+1 bit $200,r0 / test parameter bne 9b bic $!70,r0 cmp r0,$10 / simple beq 3f cmp r0,$20 / array bne 9b 3: bit $100,symtab(r3) / test common beq 3f cmp progt,$6 / test block data bne 9b mov symtab+4(r3),(r4)+ / common block br 4f 3: cmp progt,$6 / test block data beq 9b clr (r4)+ tst symtab+6(r3) / test allocated bne 4f mov nxtaloc,symtab+6(r3) jsr r5,size add r0,nxtaloc 4: clr (r4) / offset slot cmpb (r1),$'( / test subscript bne 3fv symtab(r3),r0 mov symtab+6(r3),r2 bic $!70,r0 / class cmp r0,$10 / simple beq 1f cmp r0,$20 / array beq 1f cmp r0,$30 / extrn bne 2f bit $200,symtab(r3) / param beq 2f jsr r5,code <%n. = %d.\n\0>; .even r3 r2 2: cmp r0,$40 / common block bne 2f mov symtab+6(r3),r2 / size beq 2f jsr r5,code <.comm %n,%d.\n\0>; .even r3 r2 2: add $8,r3 br 1b 1: bit $300,symtab(r3) beq 1f jsr r5,code <%n_ = %d.\n\0>; .even r3 r2 br 2b 1: tst r2 bne 1f jsr r5,size mov niz eqvtab = xbuf+518. / for pass 2 blocks = xbuf / for pass 3 dattab = xbuf+518. / for pass 4 contab = xbuf+xbufsiz / for all passes data: ibuf: .=.+518. obuf: .=.+518. tbuf: .=.+518. line: .=.+linsize eline: .=.+4 ifno: .=.+2 efno: .=.+2 errp: .=.+2 / init(errb) errb: .=.+12. eerrb: / size 0 mod 4 symtab: .=.+symsize esymtab: esymp: .=.+2 / init(esymtab) symtp: .=.+2 namebuf:.=.+namsize enamebuf: namep: .=.+2 / init(namebuf) .=.+40 /fake .=.+1 / make odd symbuf: .=.+smblsize / in inc r1 jsr r5,consub bic $70,holquo bis $10,holquo / array -> scalar mov r0,(r4) 3: movb symtab+1(r3),r0 / width of item inc r0 bic $1,r0 mov r0,holround add symtab+6(r3),(r4)+ tst repfact beq 3f dec repfact movb efno+1,r3 mov r3,(r4)+ mov r5,(r4)+ br 4f 3: mov r1,-(sp) mov r2,r1 mov (sp)+,r2 5: jsr r5,getsym cmp r0,$2 / constant beq 3f cmp r0,$10. / - bne 8f inc negflg jsr r5,getsym cmp r0,$2 / constant bne 8f 3: cmpb (r1)+,$'* bne 3f cmp r3,$intcon bne 8f jsr r5,gextaloc,r2 mov r2,symtab+6(r3) add r0,nxtaloc 1: jsr r5,code <%n_ = base+%d.\n\0>; .even r3 r2 br 2b pass2: jsr r5,dodata rts r5 it(<_>) esymbuf: ch: .=.+1 ch1: .=.+1 progt: .=.+2 holquo: .=.+2 nxtaloc:.=.+2 imptab: .=.+[26.*2*2] / 26 letters, 2 alphabets, 2 bytes nerror: .=.+2 temp: .=.+2 functm: .=.+2 edata: dsize =.-data ti dec r0 bmi 8f mov r0,repfact br 5b 3: dec r1 mov r1,-(sp) mov r2,-(sp) mov r3,efno clrb r3 swab r3 mov r3,(r4)+ sub r3,r5 mov r5,(r4)+ / ptr to const mov r5,r3 mov $symbuf,r1 jsr r5,evalcon clr negflg mov (sp)+,r1 mov (sp)+,r2 / note r1 <=> r2 4: cmpb efno+1,holquo+1 / compare sizes blt 9f / constant too small beq 3f bicb $!77,holquo cmp holquo,$int2con+10 / simple int*2? bne 4f sub $2,-4(r4) / reduce const length cmpb efno,$5 beq 3f / hollerith, OK add $2,-2(r4) / g/ / / f43 -- output globals and bdata bss's .globl globls .globl code .globl dattab .globl onedata .globl error .globl perror globls: mov progt,r0 jmp *1f(r0) 1: 1f 2f 3f 4f 1: jsr r5,code <.globl main\n\0>; .even rts r5 2: 3: jsr r5,code <.globl %n.\n\0>; .even 8 rts r5 4: 1: clr r3 1: cmp r3,symtp blo 2f rts r5 2: mov symtab(r3),r0 bic $!270,r0 cmp r0,$40 / common block bne 2f mov symtab+6(r3),r2 beq 2f mov $dattab,r1 3: cmp r1,r4 bhis 3f cmp (r1),r3 beq 4f add $8.,r1...patablefctable]mtab.catabctabMetablea.outetabctaba.outetabetabet least sig. br 3f 4: bit $20,holquo / test array beq 9f cmpb efno,$5 / test hollerith bne 9f 3: cmpb (r1),$'/ beq 3f cmpb (r1)+,$', bne 8f tst repfact bne 4f cmpb (r2)+,$', bne 8f 4: jmp 2b 3: cmpb (r2)+,$'/ bne 8f tstb (r2) beq 1f cmpb (r2),$', bne 3f inc r2 3: mov r2,r1 tst repfact bne 8f jmp 1b 7: jsr r5,error; 28. / data table overflow br 2f 8: jsr r5,error; 21. / data syntax error br 2f 9: jsr r5,error; 22. / data semantic error 2: mov $dattab,r4 / reset ptrs mo br 3b 3: jsr r5,code <.bss\n.globl %n\n%n: .=.+%d.\n.text\n\0>; .even r3 r3 r2 br 2f 4: jsr r5,code <.data\n.globl %n\n%n:\n\0>; .even r3 r3 mov r2,-(sp) mov r3,-(sp) mov r1,r3 jsr r5,onedata mov (sp)+,r3 mov (sp)+,r2 sub r1,r2 bge 9f jsr r5,error; 22. / data overrun jsr r5,perror 9: jsr r5,code <.=.+%d.\n.text\n\0>; .even r2 2: add $8,r3 br 1b / / / f44 -- formats .globl formts .globl strout .globl setln .globl getln .globl code .globl error .globl perror .globl putc .globl xbuf formts: jsr r5,setln mov $2,r3 clr xbuf+518. / pick up zero efn formats 1: jsr r5,getln br 1f cmp r0,$'s beq 2f cmp r0,$'f bne 1b mov efno,r0 jsr r5,code <.%d: <\0>; .even r0 mov $line+6,r1 jsr r5,strout mov efno,r0 neg r0 br 3f 2: mov efno,r0 3: clr r2 2: cmp r2,r3 bhis 2f cmp r0,xbuf+518.(r2) beq 3f neg r0 cmp r0,xbuf+518.(r2) beq 3f / / / real & dreal fortran function .globl real. .globl dreal. .globl retrn .globl temp dreal.: temp .+2 setd br 1f real.: temp .+2 setf 1: movf *2(r3),r0 movf r0,temp jmp retrn <=13) binop(n); else { switch(n) { case 20: doif(); return; case 21: define(); return; case 22: copy(); return; case 23: meta(); return; case 24: size(); return; case 25: substr(); return; case 26: case 27: go(n); return; case 28: remove(1); return; case 29: dnl(); return; case 32: quote(); return; case 33: result(finddef(1)->dswitch); return; case 34: list(); return; case 35: add $2,r2 neg r0 br 2b 3: jsr r5,error; 51. jsr r5,perror 2: mov r0,xbuf+518.(r3) add $2,r3 br 1b 1: jsr r5,code < .even\n>; .even jsr r5,setln 1: jsr r5,getln br 1f cmp r0,$'r beq 2f cmp r0,$'i bne 1b mov efno,r0 neg r0 br 3f 2: mov efno,r0 3: mov $2,r2 / not zero 2: cmp r2,r3 bhis 2f cmp r0,xbuf+518.(r2) beq 1b add $2,r2 br 2b 2: jsr r5,error; 52. jsr r5,perror br 1b 1: rts r5 strout: movb (r1)+,r0 beq 3f cmp r0,$'> beq 4f cmp r0,$'\\ bne 5f 4: mov r0,-(sp) mov / / / sign & dsign fortran functions .globl sign. .globl dsign. .globl retrn .globl temp .globl rerr dsign.: temp .+2 setd br 1f sign.: temp .+2 setf 1: cmp *2(sp),$2 bne 2f movf *2(r3),r0 absf r0 tstf *4(r3) cfcc bge 1f negf r0 1: movf r0,temp jmp retrn 2: jsr r5,rerr; 12. traceflag = comp(arg(1),one); return; } } } $'\\,r0 jsr r5,putc; obuf mov (sp)+,r0 5: jsr r5,putc; obuf br strout 3: jsr r5,code <\\0\>\n\0>; .even rts r5 / / / sin & dsin fortran functions .globl sin. .globl dsin. .globl sin .globl retrn .globl temp dsin.: temp .+2 setd br 1f sin.: temp .+2 setf 1: movf *2(r3),r0 jsr pc,sin movf r0,temp jmp retrn # #include "m6.h" char * finddef(n) { char *p; if((p = lookup(arg(n)))==0) if((p = lookup(""))==0) diag("Software error"); return(p); } char * lookup(s) { char *dt; dt = df; while(dt>d0) { if(dt->dswitch>=0 && comp(s,&dt->dident)) return(dt); dt =+ dt->prev; } return(0); } comp(s,t) char *s, *t; { for(;*s++ == *t;t++) if(*t==0) return(1); return(0); } remove(n) { char *p; if(p = lookup(arg(n))) if(p>d0+2) { trashflag++; p->dswitch = -1; } } trash() { char *p,*q,*r; i/ / / PDP-11 assembler pass 0 indir = 0 jmp start go: jsr pc,assem movb pof,r0 sys write; outbuf; 512. movb pof,r0 sys close movb fbfil,r0 sys close tstb errflg bne aexit jsr r5,fcreat; a.tmp3 mov r0,r1 mov symend,0f sub $usymtab,0f sys indir; 9f .data 9: sys write; usymtab; 0:.. .text mov r1,r0 sys close sys exec; 2f; 1f mov $2f,r0 jsr r5,filerr; "?\n aexit: sys unlink; a.tmp1 sys unlink; a.tmp2 sys unlink; a.tmp3 sys exit .data 1: 2f a.tmp1 a.tmp2 a.tmp3 unglob: 3f 0 ./ / / sngl fortran function .globl sngl. .globl rval8p .globl lval .globl r8r4 .globl gas4 .globl retrn .globl temp sngl.: temp lval; temp rval8p; 2 r8r4 gas4 retrn f(lg>0) return; while(df->dswitch<0) { de = df; df =+ df->prev; trashflag--; } if(trashflag<=0) return; de = (de+1)&0177776; revptr(de,df,&p,&q); q = p; for(;p->word!=0;p=+r->word) { r = p; if(p->dswitch>=0) { r = q; q = move(p,q,p->word); } } q->word = 0; revptr(d0,d0+2,&df,&de); } revptr(p,q,np,nq) char *p, *q, **np, **nq; { int t; p->word = 0; while((t = q->word)!=0) { q->word = p-q; p = q; q =+ t; if(qdmax) diag("Software error"); } *np = p; *text 2: fpass2: 3: <-g\0> .even filerr: mov r4,-(sp) mov r0,r4 mov r4,0f clr r0 1: tstb (r4)+ beq 1f inc r0 br 1b 1: mov r0,1f mov $1,r0 sys indir; 9f .data 9: sys write; 0:0; 1:0 .text mov r5,0f mov $1,r0 sys indir; 9f .data 9: sys write; 0:0; 2 .text tst (r5)+ mov (sp)+,r4 rts r5 fcreat: mov r4,-(sp) mov (r5)+,r4 mov r4,0f 1: sys indir; 9f .data 9: sys stat; 0:..; outbuf .text bec 2f mov r4,0f sys indir; 9f .data 9: sys creat; 0:..; 444 .text bes 2f mov / / / sqrt & dsqrt fortran functions .globl sqrt. .globl dsqrt. .globl sqrt .globl retrn .globl rerr .globl temp dsqrt.: temp .+2 setd br 1f sqrt.: temp .+2 setf 1: movf *2(r3),r0 jsr pc,sqrt bes 1f movf r0,temp jmp retrn 1: jsr r5,rerr; 13. nq = q; } char * move(from,to,count) char *from, *to; { while(count-->0) *to++ = *from++; return(to); } (sp)+,r4 rts r5 2: incb 9.(r4) cmpb 9.(r4),$'z blos 1b mov r4,r0 jsr r5,filerr; "?\n sys exit cc -c -O c0[012345].c cc -c -O c1[0123].c as c1t.s; mv a.out c1t.o cc cvopt.c a.out table.s table.i as table.i; mv a.out table.o cc -c -O c2[01].c ed c0t.s g/fpp =/s/1/0/ w q as c0t.s; mv a.out c0t.o cc -s -n c0?.o cmp a.out /lib/c0 cp a.out /lib/c0 ed c0t.s g/fpp =/s/0/1/ w q as c0t.s; mv a.out c0t.o cc -f -s -n c0?.o cmp a.out /lib/fc0 cp a.out /lib/fc0 cc -s -n c1?.o table.o cmp a.out /lib/c1 cp a.out /lib/c1 cc -f -s -n c1?.o table.o cmp a.out /lib/fc1 cp a.out /lib/fc1 cc -s -n c2?.o cmp a.out /li/ read rk rblk: iocom = 5 b/c2 cp a.out /lib/c2 rm *.o table.i a.out # include "r.h" char *keyword []{ "do", "DO", /* have to be first */ "if", "IF", "else", "ELSE", "for", "FOR", "repeat", "REPEAT", "until", "UNTIL", "while", "WHILE", "break", "BREAK", "next", "NEXT", "define", "DEFINE", "include", "INCLUDE", 0}; #include "y.tab.c" int keytran[]{ 0, 0, XIF, XIF, XELSE, XELSE, XFOR, XFOR, REPEAT, REPEAT, UNTIL, UNTIL, XWHILE, XWHILE, XBREAK, XBREAK, NEXT, NEXT, XDEFINE, XDEFINE, XINCLUDE, XINCLUDE, 0}; int svargc; char **svargv; int infile 0; int .globl backword .globl lookchar .globl w, r, a, l / / / routine to get words backwards from string / / mov ...,r1 / jsr pc,backword / mov r0,... / backword: cmp a(r1),r(r1) bhis nochw dec r(r1) jsr pc,lookchar movb r0,nchar+1 cmp a(r1),r(r1) bhis nochw dec r(r1) jsr pc,lookchar movb r0,nchar mov nchar,r0 rts pc / nochw: clr r0 sec rts pc / nchar: .=.+2 # #include "m6.h" define() { remove(1); newdef(decbin(3)); setdef(arg(1),arg(2)); } newdef(n) { pushdef(); de = &df[df->dtext = dend]; if((df->dswitch = n)<0) trashflag++; } setdef(s1,s2) { copydef(s1); df->dtext = de -df; copydef(s2); } copydef(s) char *s; { while(*de++ = *s++) if(de>dmax) diag("Definition table overflow"); } char * arg(n) { char *p; p = &gf->ga0; while(--n>=0 && p->word!=0) p =+ p->word; return(p->word!=0?p+2:p); } function(n) { if(n==0) ; else if(1<=n && nfd 0; int ninclude 0; int filestack[10]; int linect[10]; main(argc,argv) int argc; char **argv; { contfld = errorflag = 0; if(argc>1 && argv[1][0]=='-'){ if(argv[1][1]=='6') contfld=6; argc--; argv++; } svargc = argc; svargv = argv; filestack[0] = infile = fd = ninclude = linect[0] = 0; if(--svargc>0) if( (fd = filestack[0] = copen(svargv[++infile],'r')) < 0 ) { error("can't open %s", svargv[infile]); cexit(1); } yyparse(); cexit(errorflag); } int peek -1; int nextchar '\n'; getc(){ nextchar = (peek<0) ? gchar(): peek; peek = -1; return(nextchar); } int gcp 0; char gcbuf[300]; int apos -1; gchar(){ extern int linect[], nnames; extern char *names[], *nameptr[]; int c,i,atype,t; if( c=gcbuf[gcp++] ) return(c); loop: for(gcp=0; (c=gcbuf[gcp]=cgetc(fd))!='\0' ; gcp++ ){ if( gcbuf[0]== '%' ){ while(putchar(cgetc(fd))!='\n'); gcp = -1; ++linect[ninclude]; continue; } if( (atype=alphanum(c)) && apos < 0 ){ apos = gcp; continue; } if( !atype ) r( i=0; nameptr[index][i]=str[i]; i++ ); } / hpwrite wblk: iocom = 61 if( apos >= 0 ){ gcbuf[gcp] = '\0'; if( nnames>0 && (t=lookup(&gcbuf[apos],names))>=0){ for(i=0;gcbuf[apos++]=nameptr[t][i];i++); gcp = apos-1; } apos = -1; gcbuf[gcp] = c; } if( c < ' ' && (c!='\n' && c!='\t') ) /* strip crap */ c = gcbuf[gcp] = ' '; if( c=='#' ){ gcbuf[gcp] = '\n'; while( (c=cgetc(fd))!='\n' && c!='\0'); } if( c=='"' || c=='\'' ){ while( (gcbuf[++gcp]=t=cgetc(fd)) != c ) if( t=='\n' ) { error("unbalanced quote"); gcbuf[...Cruntab<indexsrc^mcons.hdccmn.h# #include "m6.h" main(argc,argv) char **argv; { extern fin; int t; gf = ge = g0; pf = pe = p0; t = g0; gmax =+ t-10; t = d0; dmax =+ t-10; t = p0; pmax =+ t-10; revptr(d0,d0+2,&df,&de); if(argc>1) { fin = open(argv[1],0); control(); close(fin); } fin = dup(0); control(); } diag(m) { printf("%s\n",m); iot(); } /* abort */ int iot 4; gcp] = c; gcbuf[++gcp] = c = '\n'; goto newline; } continue; } newline: if( c=='\n' ){ gcbuf[gcp+1] = '\0'; gcp = 1; ++linect[ninclude]; return(gcbuf[0]); } } if(ninclude){ cclose(filestack[ninclude--]); fd = filestack[ninclude]; goto loop; } cclose(filestack[ninclude]); if(--svargc>0){ if( (fd = filestack[ninclude] = copen(svargv[++infile],'r')) < 0) { error("can't open %s", svargv[infile]); cexit(1); } linect[0] = 0; goto loop; } return(0); } ...`alloc.cZcalloc.cocclose.cnceof.ccerror.cycexit.cbcflush.cNcfree.cxcgetc.cwciodec.cvclenf.cucopen.ctcputc.cscwrd.cddummy.srftoa.cagetch.cqgets.c^getvec.cpmakbuf.comaktab.cnnexch.cmnodig.clprintf.ckputch.cjputs.c]relvec.cirevput.chscan1.cgscan2.c#define PSIZE 1000 #define GSIZE 2000 #define DSIZE 5000 int pmax PSIZE; char p0[PSIZE]; int gmax GSIZE; char g0[GSIZE]; int dmax DSIZE; char d0[DSIZE] { 0,0, 8,0, 0,0, 6,0, 0,0, /*null*/ 12,0, 35,0, 11,0, 't','r','a','c','e',0, 12,0, 23,0, 10,0, 'w','a','r','n',0,0, 12,0, 22,0, 10,0, 'c','o','p','y',0,0, 12,0, 32,0, 11,0, 'q','u','o','t','e',0, 14,0, 33,0, 12,0, 's','e','r','i','a','l',0,0, 12,0, 34,0, 10,0, 'l','i','s','t',0,0, 12,0, 24,0, 10,0, 's','i','z','e',0,0, 14,0, 25,0, 12,0, 's',' inclstat(){ int i,c; char fname[100]; while( (c=getc())==' ' || c=='\t' ); peek = c; for(i=0; (fname[i]=c=getc())!='\n' && c!=';' && c!=' ' && c!='\t'; i++); fname[i] = '\0'; if( (fd = copen(fname,'r')) < 0 ) { error("can't open %s", fname); cexit(1); } else { filestack[++ninclude] = fd; linect[ninclude] = 0; } } lookup(string,tbl) char *string; char *tbl[]; { register i,j, r; for(i=0; tbl[i]!=0; i++){ for( j=0; (r=tbl[i][j])==string[j] && r!='\0'; j++); if( r == string[j] ) refscan3.c\system.c[tmpnam.ceunget.ccunprnt.s_wdleng.cruna.out@iehzap.calloc.ocalloc.occlose.oceof.ocerror.ocexit.ocflush.ocfree.ocgetc.ociodec.oclenf.ocopen.ocputc.ocwrd.odummy.oftoa.ogetch.ogets.ogetvec.oiehzap.omakbuf.omaktab.onexch.ou','b','s','t','r',0,0, 10,0, 26,0, 8,0, 'g','o',0,0, 12,0, 27,0, 10,0, 'g','o','b','k',0,0, 10,0, 28,0, 9,0, 'd','e','l',0, 10,0, 29,0, 9,0, 'd','n','l',0, 10,0, 7,0, 9,0, 's','e','q',0, 10,0, 8,0, 9,0, 's','n','e',0, 10,0, 9,0, 9,0, 'a','d','d',0, 10,0, 10,0, 9,0, 's','u','b',0, 10,0, 11,0, 9,0, 'm','p','y',0, 10,0, 12,0, 9,0, 'd','i','v',0, 10,0, 13,0, 9,0, 'e','x','p',0, 10,0, 1,0, 8,0, 'g','t',0,0, 10,0, 2,0, 8,0, 'e','q',0,0, 10,0, 3,0, 8,0, 'g','e',0,0, 10,0, 4,0, 8turn(i); } return( -1 ); } char str[200]; int strp; int nstr; yylex(){ int c, type; top: while( (c=getc())==' ' || c=='\n' || c=='\t' ); yylval = c; switch(c){ case '\0': return('\0'); case ';': return(SCOL); case'{': return(LCURL); case '}': return(RCURL); } peek = c; nstr = getstr(str); yylval = &str[0]; if( alldigits(str) ) return(DIGITS); type = lookup(str,keyword); if( keytran[type]==XDEFINE ) { defstat(); goto top; } else if( keytran[type]==XINCLUDE ) { inclstat(nodig.oprintf.oputch.oputs.orelvec.orevput.oscan1.oscan2.oscan3.osystem.otmpnam.ounget.ounprnt.owdleng.o,0, 'l','t',0,0, 10,0, 5,0, 8,0, 'n','e',0,0, 10,0, 6,0, 8,0, 'l', 'e',0,0, 10,0, 21,0, 9,0, 'd','e','f',0, 10,0, 20,0, 8,0, 'i','f',0, 0,0 }; int dummy[] { 0, 0, 6, '$0', 0 }; char metas[] { '<', '>', '#', ':', ';', ',', '$' }; int rescan 1; int traceflag 0; int trashflag 0; char one[] { '1',0 }; ); goto top; } else if( type > 1 ) return(keytran[type]); else if( type < 0 ) return(XGOK); while( (c=getc())==' ' || c=='\t' || c=='\n' ); peek = c; if( c>='a' && c<='z' || c>='A' && c<='Z' ) return(NEWDO); else return(OLDDO); } getstr(s) char *s; { int c, sp; for (sp=0; (c=s[sp++]=getc())!=' ' && c!='\t' && c!='\n' && c!='{' && c!='}' && c!=';' && c!='(' && c!=')' ; ) if( c=='\'' || c=='"' ) while( (s[sp++]=getc())!=c ); peek = c; s[--sp]='\0'; return(sp); } alldigits(s) c# #include "m6.h" control() { while(1) { get(); if(c==0 && lg>0) { popget(); trash(); rescan = 1; } else { if(!rescan) put(); else if(lq>0) { if(c==lquote) { lq++; put(); } else if(c==rquote || c==0) { lq--; if(lq>0 || l9>0) put (rquote); } else put(); } else if(l9>0) if(c==colon||c==0||c==semi) if(--l9<=0) endcall(); else put(); else { if(c==sharp) l9++; else if(c==lquote) lq++; put(); IEH3err (message, a, b, c, d, e) char message[]; { extern int cgoof; printf("ERROR "); printf(message, a, b, c, d, e); cputc('\n'); cexit(cgoof); } cgoof 127; har *s; { int c; if( *s == '\0' ) return(0); while( (c = *s++) != '\0' ) if( c<'0' || c>'9' ) return(0); return(1); } int dbg 0; yyerror(){;} alphanum(c) int c; { if(c>='0' && c<='9') return(1); if(c>='a' && c<='z') return(1); if(c>='A' && c<='Z') return(1); return(0); } #define MAXNAMES 100 char *names[MAXNAMES]; char *nameptr[MAXNAMES]; int nnames 0; defstat(){ int c,i,index; extern int peek,nstr; extern char str[]; char *getvec(); while( (c=getc())==' ' || c=='\t' ); peek = c; } else { if(c==sharp) begincall(); else if(c==lquote) lq++; else if(lp>0) { if(c==colon||c==0||c==semi) endcall(); else if(c==comma) newarg(); else put(); } else if(c==0) return; /* lg=lp=lq=0 */ else put(); } } } } endcall() { char *pt, *p; rescan = c!=semi; newarg(); pushget(); pt = &pf->pa0; ge = move(pt,&gf->ga0,pe-pt); if(ge>gmax) diag("Call stack overflow"); if(traceflag) dotrace(); p = finddef(0); setscan(p); popput(); lp--; function(         for(nstr=0; c=getc(); nstr++ ){ if(c==' ' || c=='\t' || c=='\n') break; str[nstr] = c; } peek = c; str[nstr] = '\0'; if( (index=lookup(str,names)) >= 0 ) nameptr[index] = 0; else if( (index = nnames++)>=MAXNAMES-1 ){ error("too many defined names"); cexit(1); } names[index] = getvec(nstr+1); for( i=0; names[index][i]=str[i]; i++ ); while( (c=getc())==' ' || c=='\t' ); peek = c; for( i=0; (c=getc())!='\n' && c!='\0'; i++ ) str[i] = c; str[i] = '\0'; nameptr[index] = getvec(i+1); fop->dswitch); } begincall() { lp++; pushput(); pe = pf+pend; pf->pan = pf->pa0 = 0; } newarg() { char *p; if(++pf->pan>=9) if(c==comma) l9++; *pe++ = 0; pe = (pe+1)&0177776; p = &pf->pa0; while(p->word!=0) p =+ p->word; p->word = pe - p; *pe++ = *pe++ = 0; } setscan(p) char *p; { gf->mchar = (gf->mframe = p)->dtext; gf->marg = 0; } / / / a6 -- pdp-11 assembler pass 2 opline: mov r4,r0 jsr r5,betwen; 0; 177 br 2f cmp r4,$5 beq opeof cmp r4,$'< bne xpr jmp opl17 xxpr: tst (sp)+ xpr: jsr pc,expres jsr pc,outw rts pc 2: movb (r4),r0 cmp r0,$24 /reg beq xpr cmp r0,$33 /est text beq xpr cmp r0,$34 / est data beq xpr jsr r5,betwen; 5; 36 br xpr mov 2(r4),-(sp) mov r0,-(sp) jsr pc,readop mov (sp)+,r0 asl r0 mov $adrbuf,r5 clr swapf mov $-1,rlimit jmp *1f-10.(r0) 1: opl5 opl6 opl7 opl10 opl11 opl12 opl13 opl14 opl15 opl16 opl17 opl20 opl21 opl22 opl23 xxpr opl25 opl26 opl27 opl30 opl31 opl32 xxpr xxpr opl35 opl36 opeof: mov $1,line mov $20,-(sp) mov $argb,r1 1: jsr pc,getw tst r4 bmi 1f movb r4,(r1)+ dec (sp) bgt 1b tstb -(r1) br 1b 1: movb $'\n,(r1)+ clrb (r1)+ tst (sp)+ rts pc opl30: / mpy, dvd etc inc swapf mov $1000,rlimit br opl13 opl14: / flop freg,fsrc inc swapf opl5: / flop src,freg mov $400,rlimit /double opl13: jsr pc,addres op2a: mov r2,-(sp) 2 rts pc alp: jsr pc,readop jsr pc,expres jsr pc,checkrp jsr pc,checkreg cmp r4,$'+ beq 1f tst (sp)+ beq 2f bis $70,r2 clr (r5)+ clr (r5)+ mov xsymbol,(r5)+ rts pc 2: bis $10,r2 rts pc 1: jsr pc,readop bis $20,r2 bis (sp)+,r2 rts pc amin: jsr pc,readop cmp r4,$'( beq 1f mov r4,savop mov $'-,r4 br getx 1: jsr pc,readop jsr pc,expres jsr pc,checkrp jsr pc,checkreg bis (sp)+,r2 bis $40,r2 rts pc adoll: jsr pc,readop jsr pc,expres mov r2,(r5)+ mov r3,(r5)+ mov xsymbol,(r         ! $ ' * -    " % jsr pc,readop op2b: jsr pc,addres tst swapf beq 1f mov (sp),r0 mov r2,(sp) mov r0,r2 1: swab (sp) asr (sp) asr (sp) cmp (sp),rlimit blo 1f jsr r5,error; 'x 1: bis (sp)+,r2 bis (sp)+,r2 clr r3 jsr pc,outw mov $adrbuf,r1 1: cmp r1,r5 bhis 1f mov (r1)+,r2 mov (r1)+,r3 mov (r1)+,xsymbol jsr pc,outw br 1b 1: rts pc opl15: / single operand clr -(sp) br op2b opl12: / movf mov $400,rlimit jsr pc,addres cmp r2,$4 / see if source is fregister blo 1f inc swapf br op2a 1: mov $175)+ mov (sp)+,r2 bis $27,r2 rts pc astar: tst (sp) beq 1f jsr r5,error; '* 1: mov $10,(sp) jsr pc,readop jmp 4b errora: jsr r5,error; 'a rts pc checkreg: cmp r2,$7 bhi 1f cmp r1,$1 blos 2f cmp r3,$5 blo 1f 2: rts pc 1: jsr pc,errora clr r2 clr r3 rts pc errore: jsr r5,error; 'e rts pc checkrp: cmp r4,$') beq 1f jsr r5,error; ') rts pc 1: jsr pc,readop rts pc setbr: mov brtabp,r1 cmp r1,$brlen blt 1f mov $2,r2 rts pc 1: inc brtabp clr -(sp) sub dot,r0 ble 1f sub # include "dextern" output(){ /* print the output for the states */ int i, j, k, c; settab(); arrset("yyact"); for( i=0; i0 && c>4])&(1<<(k&017))) != 0 ) { if( temp1[k] == 0 ) temp1[k] = c; else if( temp1[k]<0 ){ /* reduce/reduce conflict */ settty(); printf("\n%d: reduce/reduce conflict (red'ns %d and %d ) on %s", i, -temp1[k], lastrc,expres jsr pc,checkreg swab r2 asr r2 asr r2 bis r2,(sp) jsr pc,readop jsr pc,expres tstb passno beq 3f sub dot,r2 neg r2 mov r2,r0 jsr r5,betwen; -2; 175 br 2f add $4,r2 br 1f /branch opl6: jsr pc,expres tstb passno beq 3f dobranch: sub dot,r2 mov r2,r0 jsr r5,betwen; -254.; 256. br 2f 1: bit $1,r2 bne 2f cmp r3,dot-2 / same relocation as . bne 2f asr r2 dec r2 bic $177400,r2 3: bis (sp)+,r2 clr r3 jsr pc,outw rts pc 2: jsr r5,error; 'b clr r2 br 3b /jsr opl7: js/* fake portable I/O routines, for those sites so backward as to not have the port. library */ int cin, cout; extern int fin, fout; copen( s, c ) char *s; { int f; if( c == 'r' ){ fin = f = open( s, 0 ); } else if( c == 'a' ){ f = open( s, 1 ); seek( f, 0, 2 ); } else { /* c == w */ f = creat( s, 0666 ); } return( f ); } cflush(x){ /* fake! sets file to x */ flush(); fout = x; } system(){ error( "The function \"system\" is called" ); } ccled, symnam(k) ); if( -temp1[k] > lastred ) temp1[k] = -lastred; ++zzrrconf; settab(); } else { /* potential shift/reduce conflict */ switch( precftn( lastred, k ) ) { case 0: /* precedence does not apply */ settty(); printf("\n%d: shift/reduce conflict (shift %d, red'n %d) on %s", i, temp1[k], lastred, symnam(k) ); ++zzsrconf; settab(); r pc,expres jsr pc,checkreg jmp op2a / rts opl10: jsr pc,expres jsr pc,checkreg br 1f / sys, emt etc opl11: jsr pc,expres cmp r2,$64. bhis 0f cmp r3,$1 ble 1f 0: jsr pc,errora 1: bis (sp)+,r2 jsr pc,outw rts pc / .byte opl16: jsr pc,expres jsr pc,outb cmp r4,$', bne 1f jsr pc,readop br opl16 1: tst (sp)+ rts pc / < (.ascii) opl17: jsr pc,getw mov $1,r3 mov r4,r2 bmi 2f bic $!377,r2 jsr pc,outb br opl17 2: jsr pc,getw rts pc /.even opl20: bit $1,dot beq 1f cmp dot-2,$4 ose(i){ close(i); } cexit(i){ flush(); exit(); } break; case 1: /* reduce */ temp1[k] = -lastred; break; case 2: /* error, binary operator */ temp1[k] = ERRCODE; break; case 3: /* shift ... leave the entry alone */ break; } } } } } } wract(i); } settab(); arrdone(); /* now, output the pointers to the action array */ /* also output the info about beq 2f / bss mode clr r2 clr r3 jsr pc,outb br 1f 2: inc dot 1: tst (sp)+ rts pc opl21: /if jsr pc,expres opl22: oplret: tst (sp)+ rts pc /.globl opl23: cmp r4,$200 blo 1f bisb $40,(r4) jsr pc,readop cmp r4,$', bne 1f jsr pc,readop br opl23 1: tst (sp)+ rts pc / .text, .data, .bss opl25: opl26: opl27: inc dot bic $1,dot mov r0,-(sp) mov dot-2,r1 asl r1 mov dot,savdot-4(r1) tstb passno beq 1f jsr r5,flush; txtp jsr r5,flush; relp mov (sp),r2 add $txtseek-[2*25],r2 mov r2main( argc, argv ) int argc; char *argv[]; { yyinit( argc, argv ); if( yyparse() ) return; yyaccpt(); } reductions */ prred(); } prred(){ /* print the information about the actions and the reductions */ int index, i; arrset("yypact"); index = 1; /* position in the output table */ for( i=0; i0 ){ /* the state is real */ temp1[i] = index; arrval( index ); index =+ tystate[i]; } else { arrval( temp1[-tystate[i]] ); } } arrdone(); arrset("yyr1"); for( i=1; i j ){ /etx jmp astar getx: jsr pc,expres cmp r4,$'( bne 2f jsr pc,readop mov r2,(r5)+ mov r3,(r5)+ mov xsymbol,(r5)+ jsr pc,expres jsr pc,checkreg jsr pc,checkrp bis $60,r2 bis (sp)+,r2 rts pc 2: cmp r3,$24 bne 1f jsr pc,checkreg bis (sp)+,r2 rts pc 1: mov r3,-(sp) bic $40,r3 mov (sp)+,r3 bis $100000,r3 sub dot,r2 sub $4,r2 cmp r5,$adrbuf beq 1f sub $2,r2 1: mov r2,(r5)+ / index mov r3,(r5)+ / index reloc. mov xsymbol,(r5)+ / index global mov $67,r2 / address mode bis (sp)+,r/ hpread rblk: iocom = 71 * no actions */ return(0); } j =- off; for( k=0; k= actsiz ) error("action table overflow"); if( k+l >= memact ) memact = k+l; amem[k+l] = p[off+l]; } } if( pkdebug ){ for( k=0; kpitem) ) < NTBASE ) goto standard; if( p0 == 0 ) p0 = p1; else if( p0 != p1 ) goto standard; } /* now, all items have dots before p0 */ if( cdebug ){ settty(); printf("state %d, pre-nonterminal %s\n",i,nontrst[p0-NTBASE].name); } for( j=0; j times ){ best = cbest; times = count; } } /* best is now the default entry */ zzgobest =+ (times-1)*2; cdebug )printf("states %d and %d have equal positions\n",i,j); q1 = pstate[j+1]; for( q0=pstate[j]; q0pitem) != p0 ) goto nextj; } /* we have a match with state j ! */ tystate[i] = -j; zzacsave =+ tystate[j]; zznsave++; wrstate(i); return; nextj: ; } standard: tystate[i] = 2; wrstate(i); size = 0; for( p0=1; p0<=nterms; ++p0 ) if( (p1=temp1[p0])!=0 ) { arrval( TESTACT+trmsent *prdptr[]; /* pointers to descriptions of productions */ extern int prdlim; /* the number of productions allowed */ extern int levprd[] ; /* contains production levels to break conflicts */ /* last two bits code associativity: 0 = no definition 1 = left associative 2 = binary 3 = right associative bit 04 is 1 if the production has an action the high 13 bits have the production level */ extern int nterms ; /* number of terminals */ extern int nerrors; /* number settab(); for( j=0; j<=nstate; ++j ){ if( tystate[j] != 0 && tystate[j]!=best ){ arrval( j ); arrval( tystate[j] ); offset =+ 2; zzgoent =+ 2; } } /* now, the default */ zzgoent =+ 2; arrval( -1 ); arrval( best ); offset =+ 2; } arrdone(); arrset("yypgo"); for( i=1; i<=nnonter; ++i ) arrval( temp2[i] ); arrdone(); } int g2debug 0; go2gen(c){ /* output the gotos for nonterminal c */ int i, work, cc; struct[p0].value ); if( p1 < 0 ) arrval( REDUCACT - p1 ); else if( p1 == ACCEPTCODE ) arrval( ACCEPTACT ); else if( p1 == ERRCODE ) arrval( ERRACT ); else arrval( SHIFTACT + p1 ); size =+ 2; } if( lastred ) arrval( REDUCACT + lastred ); else arrval( ERRACT ); tystate[i] = size+1; /* store entry size in tystate */ zzacent =+ (size+1); return; } wrstate(i){ /* writes state i */ int j0,j1,s; struct item *pp, *qq; settty(); printf("\ns of errors */ extern int fatfl; /* if on, error is fatal */ /* the ascii representations of the terminals */ extern int extval; /* start of output values */ extern struct sxxx1 {char *name; int value;} trmset[]; extern char cnames[]; extern int cnamsz; extern char *cnamp; extern int maxtmp ; /* the size of the temp arrays */ /* temporary vectors, indexable by states, terms, or nterms */ extern int temp1[]; extern int temp2[]; extern int trmlev[]; /* vector with the precedence of the terminals */ /* t item *p, *q; /* first, find nonterminals with gotos on c */ aryfil( temp1, nnonter+1, 0 ); temp1[c] = 1; work = 1; while( work ){ work = 0; for( i=0; i= 0 ){ /* cc is a nonterminal */ if( temp1[cc] != 0 ){ /* cc has a goto on c */ cc = *prdptr[i]-NTBASE; /* thus, the left side of production i does too */ if( temp1[cc] == 0 ){ work = 1; temp1[cc] = 1; } } tate %d\n",i); qq = pstate[i+1]; for( pp=pstate[i]; pp0 ){ /* shift, error, or accept */ if( j1 == ACCEPTCODE ) printf( "accept" ); else if( j1 == ERRCODE ) printThe levels are the same as for levprd, but bit 04 is always 0 */ /* the ascii representations of the nonterminals */ extern struct sxxx2 { char *name; } nontrst[]; extern int indgo[]; /* index to the stored goto table */ extern int ***pres; /* vector of pointers to the productions yielding each nonterminal */ extern struct looksets **pfirst; /* vector of pointers to first sets for each nonterminal */ extern int *pempty ; /* table of nonterminals nontrivially deriving e */ extern int nnonter ; /* the numb } } } /* now, we have temp1[c] = 1 if a goto on c in closure of cc */ if( g2debug ){ settty(); printf("%s: gotos on ", nontrst[c].name ); for( i=0; i<=nnonter; ++i ) if( temp1[i]) printf("%s ", nontrst[i].name); printf("\n"); } /* now, go through and put gotos into tystate */ aryfil( tystate, nstate, 0 ); settty(); printf("\nnonterminal %s\n", nontrst[c].name ); for( i=0; ipitem) >= NTBASE ){ if( temp1[cc =- NTBASE] ){ /* goto on c is possible */ tystate[i] = amem[indgo[i]+c]; break; } } } if( tystate[i] ) printf("\t%d\t%d\n", i, tystate[i]); } } precftn(r,t){ /* decide a shift/reduce conflict by precedence. Returns 0 if action is 'do nothing',1 if action is reduce, 2 if the action is 'error,binary operator' and 3 if the action is 'reduce'. */ int lp,lt; lp = levprd[r]; lt = trmlev[t]; if ((lt==0)+ .   # & ) , truct {int **ppi;} ; extern int ntlim ; /* maximum number of nonterminals */ extern int tlim ; /* maximum number of terminals */ extern int lineno; /* current line number */ extern int peekc; /* look-ahead character */ extern int tstates[]; extern int ntstates[]; extern int mstates[]; extern struct looksets clset; extern struct looksets lkst[]; extern int nlset; /* next lookahead set index */ extern int lsetsz; /* number of lookahead sets */ extern struct wset { int *pitem, flag, ws[ _tbitset ]; } wsets[||((lp&03)==0))return(0); if((lt>>3) == (lp>>3)){ return(lt&03); } if((lt>>3) > (lp>>3)) return(3); return(1); } int cdebug 0; /* debug for common states */ wract(i){ /* output state i */ /* temp1 has the actions, lastred the default */ int p, p0, p1, size; int ntimes, tred, count, j; struct item *q0, *q1; /* find the best choice for lastred */ lastred = 0; ntimes = 0; for( j=1; j<=nterms; ++j ){ if( temp1[j] >= 0 ) continue; if( temp1[j]+lastred == 0 ) continue; /* co# /* MANIFEST CONSTANT DEFINITIONS */ # define NTBASE 010000 /* internal codes for error and accept actions */ # define ERRCODE 8190 # define ACCEPTCODE 8191 # define errfileno 1 /* file number for erros and reduction message */ # define _tbitset 6 /* 16*_tbitset - 1 >= _nterms */ extern int tbitset; /* number of wds of lookahead vector */ extern int nolook; /* flag to turn off lookahed computations */ struct looksets { int lset[ _tbitset ]; } ; struct item { int *pitem; struct looksets *lo]; extern int cwset; extern int wssize; extern int numbval; /* the value of an input number */ extern int rflag; /* ratfor flag */ extern int oflag; /* optimization flag */ extern int ndefout; /* number of defined symbols output */ extern int machine; # define UNIX 1 # define GCOS 2 # define IBM 3 unt the number of appearances of temp1[j] */ count = 0; tred = -temp1[j]; for( p=1; p<=nterms; ++p ){ if( temp1[p]+tred == 0 ) ++count; } if( count >ntimes ){ lastred = tred; ntimes = count; } } /* clear out entries in temp1 which equal lastred */ for( p=1; p<= nterms; ++p ) if( temp1[p]+lastred == 0 )temp1[p]=0; /* write out the state */ /* first, check for equality with another state */ /* see if there is a nonterminal with all dots ok; } ; /* output actions */ # define ERRACT 0 # define TESTACT 4096 # define SHIFTACT 8192 # define REDUCACT 12288 # define ACCEPTACT 16384 # define _REGISTER register extern int nstate ; /* number of states */ extern struct item *pstate[]; /* pointers to the descriptions of the states */ extern int apstate[]; /* index to actions in amem by state */ extern int actsiz; /* size of the action table array */ extern int tystate[]; /* contains type information about the states */ /* 0 = simple state,chdir lib cc -c -O *.c ar r /lib/liby.a *.o rm *.o chdir ../source cc -s -O y?.c cmp a.out /usr/bin/yacc cp a.out /usr/bin/yacc rm a.out *.o # define _actsize 1500 # define _memsize 3500 # define _nstates 400 # define _nterms 95 # define _nprod 250 # define _nnonterm 100 # define _tempsize 400 # define _cnamsz 2000 # define _lsetsize 200 # define _wsetsize 150 # define _tbitset 6 int tbitset; /* size of lookahed sets */ int nolook 0; /* flag to suppress lookahead computations */ struct looksets { int lset[ _tbitset ]; } ; struct item { int *pitem; } ; /* this file contains the definitions for most externally known data */ int nstate 0; /* 4 7 : = @ C F 2 5 8 ; > A D G H tack); if (stack == 0) { list->typ = 0; return(comp); } if (op1 == 6) { if (op != 5) writes("too many ('s"); goto l1; } if (op1 == 7) c = alloc(); list->typ = op1; list->p2 = c->p1; list->p1 = c; list = c; goto l6; } match(start, m) struct node *m; { register struct node *list, *comp, *term; struct node *a; int b, bal; term = bal = 0; list = alloc(); m->p2 = list; comp = start; if (!comp) comp = compon(); goto l2; l3: list->p1 = a = alloc(); list = a; l2: switch (compnumber of states */ struct item *pstate[_nstates]; /* pointers to the descriptions of the states */ int apstate[_nstates]; /* index to the actions for the states */ int tystate[_nstates]; /* contains type information about the states */ int stsize _nstates; /* maximum number of states, at present */ int memsiz _memsize; /* maximum size for productions and states */ int mem0[_memsize] ; /* production storage */ int *mem mem0; int amem[_actsize]; /* action table storage */ int actsiz _actsize; /* action tabl#include "sno.h" compon() { register struct node *a, *b; register int c; static next; if (next == 0) schar = getc(); else next = 0; if (schar == 0) { (a=alloc())->typ = 0; return(a); } switch (class(schar->ch)) { case 1: schar->typ = 5; return(schar); case 2: schar->typ = 16; return(schar); case 3: a = schar; for(;;) { schar = getc(); if (schar == 0) { a->typ = 0; return(a); } if (class(schar->ch) != 3) break; free(schar); } next = 1; a->t->typ) { case 7: free(comp); comp = compon(); goto l2; case 12: case 14: case 15: case 16: term = 0; comp = expr(comp, 6, list); list->typ = 1; goto l3; case 1: free(comp); comp = compon(); bal = 0; if (comp->typ == 16) { bal = 1; free(comp); comp = compon(); } a = alloc(); b = comp->typ; if (b == 2 | b == 5 | b == 10 | b == 1) a->p1 = 0; else { comp = expr(comp, 11, a); a->p1 = a->p2; } if (comp->typ != 2) { a->p2 = 0; } else { free(comp);e size */ int memact 0; /* next free action table position */ int nprod 1; /* number of productions */ int *prdptr[_nprod]; /* pointers to descriptions of productions */ int prdlim _nprod ; /* the maximum number of productions */ /* levprd - productions levels to break conflicts */ int levprd[_nprod] {0,0}; /* last two bits code associativity: 0 = no definition 1 = left associative 2 = binary 3 = right associative bit 04 is 1 if the production has an action the higyp = 7; return(a); case 4: schar->typ = 8; return(schar); case 5: schar->typ = 9; return(schar); case 6: a = schar; schar = getc(); if (class(schar->ch) == 3) a->typ = 10; else a->typ = 1; next = 1; return(a); case 7: a = schar; schar = getc(); if (class(schar->ch) == 3) a->typ = 11; else a->typ = 2; next = 1; return(a); case 8: schar->typ = 12; return(schar); case 9: c = schar->ch; a = getc(); if(a == 0) goto lerr; b = schar; if(a->ch = comp = expr(0, 6, a); } if (bal) { if (comp->typ != 5) goto merr; free(comp); comp = compon(); } b = comp->typ; if (b != 1 & b != 10) goto merr; list->p2 = a; list->typ = 2; a->typ = bal; free(comp); comp = compon(); if(bal) term = 0; else term = list; goto l3; } if(term) term->typ = 3; list->typ = 0; return(comp); merr: writes("unrecognized component in match"); } compile() { register struct node *b, *comp; struct node *r, *l, *xs, *xf, *g; regih 13 bits have the production level */ int nterms 0; /* number of terminals */ int tlim _nterms ; /* the maximum number of terminals */ /* the ascii representations of the terminals */ int extval 0; /* start of output values */ struct sxxx1 {char *name; int value;} trmset[_nterms]; char cnames[_cnamsz]; int cnamsz _cnamsz; char *cnamp; int maxtmp _tempsize; /* the size of the temp1 array */ int temp1[_tempsize]; /* temporary storage, indexed by terms + nterms or states */ int temp2[_nnonterm]; /* temp= c) { free(schar); a->typ = 15; a->p1 = 0; return(a); } b->p1 = a; for(;;) { schar = getc(); if (schar == 0) lerr: writes("illegal literal string"); if(schar->ch == c) break; a->p1 = schar; a = schar; } b->p2 = a; schar->typ = 15; schar->p1 = b; return(schar); case 10: schar->typ = 3; return(schar); case 11: schar->typ = 4; return(schar); } b = alloc(); b->p1 = a = schar; schar = getc(); while(schar!=0 & !class(schar->ch)) { a->p1 = ster int a; int m, t, as; m = l = as = xs = xf = t = 0; comp = compon(); a = comp->typ; if (a == 14) { l = comp->p1; free(comp); comp = compon(); a = comp->typ; } if (a != 7) writes("no space beginning statement"); free(comp); if (l == lookdef) goto def; comp = expr(0, 11, r=alloc()); a = comp->typ; if (a == 0) goto asmble; if (a == 2) goto xfer; if (a == 3) goto assig; m = alloc(); comp = match(comp, m); a = comp->typ; if (a == 0) goto asmble; if (a == 2) goto xferorary storage indexed by nonterminals */ int trmlev[_nterms]; /* vector with the precedence of the terminals */ /* The levels are the same as for levprd, but bit 04 is always 0 */ /* the ascii representations of the nonterminals */ struct sxxx2 { char *name; } nontrst[_nnonterm]; int ntlim _nnonterm ; /* limit to the number of nonterminals */ int indgo[_nstates]; /* index to the stored goto table */ int ***pres; /* vector of pointers to the productions yielding each nonterminal */ struct looksets **pfirsschar; a = schar; schar = getc(); } b->p2 = a; next = 1; a = look(b); delete(b); b = alloc(); b->typ = 14; b->p1 = a; return(b); } nscomp() { register struct node *c; while((c=compon())->typ == 7) free(c); return(c); } push(stack) { register struct node *a; (a=alloc())->p2 = stack; return(a); } pop(stack) struct node *stack; { register struct node *a, *s; s = stack; if (s == 0) writes("pop"); a = s->p2; free(s); return(a); } expr(start, eof, e) struct node *e; { register; if (a == 3) goto assig; writes("unrecognized component in match"); assig: free(comp); comp = expr(0, 6, as=alloc()); a = comp->typ; if (a == 0) goto asmble; if (a == 2) goto xfer; writes("unrecognized component in assignment"); xfer: free(comp); comp = compon(); a = comp->typ; if (a == 16) goto xboth; if (a == 0) { if (xs!=0 | xf!=0) goto asmble; goto xerr; } if (a != 14) goto xerr; b = comp->p1; free(comp); if (b == looks) goto xsuc; if (b == lookf) goto xfail; t; /* vector of pointers to first sets for each nonterminal */ int *pempty 0 ; /* table of nonterminals nontrivially deriving e */ int nnonter -1; /* the number of nonterminals */ int lastred 0; /* the number of the last reduction of a state */ int ftable; /* y.tab.c file */ int foutput; /* y.output file */ int arrndx; /* used in the output of arrays on y.tab.c */ int zzcwset 0; int zzpairs 0; int zzgoent 0; int zzgobest 0; int zzacent 0; int zzacsave 0; int zznsave 0; int zzclose 0; int zzsrconf 0; int z struct node *stack, *list, *comp; int operand, op, space, op1; struct node *a, *b, *c; int d; list = alloc(); e->p2 = list; stack = push(0); stack->typ = eof; operand = 0; space = start; l1: if (space) { comp = space; space = 0; } else comp = compon(); l3: op = comp->typ; switch (op) { case 7: space = 1; free(comp); comp = compon(); goto l3; case 10: if (space == 0) { comp->typ = 1; goto l3; } case 11: if (space == 0) { comp->typ = 2; goto l3; } casexerr: writes("unrecognized component in goto"); xboth: free(comp); xs = alloc(); xf = alloc(); comp = expr(0, 6, xs); if (comp->typ != 5) goto xerr; xf->p2 = xs->p2; comp = compon(); if (comp->typ != 0) goto xerr; goto asmble; xsuc: if(xs) goto xerr; comp = compon(); if (comp->typ != 16) goto xerr; comp = expr(0, 6, xs=alloc()); if (comp->typ != 5) goto xerr; goto xfer; xfail: if (xf) goto xerr; comp = compon(); if (comp->typ != 16) goto xerr; comp = expr(0, 6, xf=alloc(zrrconf 0; char *ctokn; int lineno 1; /* current input line number */ int peekc -1; /* look-ahead character */ int tstates[ _nterms ]; /* states generated by terminal gotos */ int ntstates[ _nnonterm ]; /* states generated by nonterminal gotos */ int mstates[ _nstates ]; /* chain of overflows of term/nonterm generation lists */ struct looksets clset; struct looksets lkst [ _lsetsize ]; int nlset 0; /* next lookahead set index */ int lsetsz _lsetsize; /* number of lookahead sets */ struct wset { int *pite 8: case 9: if (operand == 0) writes("no operand preceding operator"); operand = 0; goto l5; case 14: case 15: if (operand == 0) { operand = 1; goto l5; } if (space == 0) goto l7; goto l4; case 12: if (operand == 0) goto l5; if (space) goto l4; l7: writes("illegal juxtaposition of operands"); case 16: if (operand == 0) goto l5; if (space) goto l4; b = compon(); op = comp->typ = 13; if (b->typ == 5) { comp->p1 = 0; goto l10; } comp->p1 )); if (comp->typ != 5) goto xerr; goto xfer; asmble: if(l) { if (l->typ) writes("name doubly defined"); l->p2 = comp; l->typ = 2; /* type label;*/ } comp->p2 = r; if (m) { t++; r->p1 = m; r = m; } if (as) { t =+ 2; r->p1 = as; r = as; } (g=alloc())->p1 = 0; if (xs) { g->p1 = xs->p2; free(xs); } g->p2 = 0; if (xf) { g->p2 = xf->p2; free(xf); } r->p1 = g; comp->typ = t; comp->ch = lc; return(comp); def: r = nscomp(); if (r->typ != 14) goto derr; l = r-m, flag, ws[_tbitset]; } wsets[ _wsetsize ]; int cwset; int wssize _wsetsize; int numbval; /* the value of an input number */ int rflag 0; /* ratfor flag */ int oflag 0; /* optimization flag */ int ndefout 3; /* number of defined symbols output */ int nerrors 0; /* number of errors */ int fatfl 1; /* if on, error is fatal */ int machine; /* has a number describing the machine */ = a = alloc(); b = expr(b, 6, a); while((d=b->typ) == 4) { a->p1 = b; a = b; b = expr(0, 6, a); } if (d != 5) writes("error in function"); a->p1 = 0; l10: free(b); goto l6; l4: space = comp; op = 7; operand = 0; goto l6; } if (operand==0) writes("no operand at end of expression"); l5: space = 0; l6: op1 = stack->typ; if (op > op1) { stack = push(stack); if (op == 16) op = 6; stack->typ = op; stack->p1 = comp; goto l1; } c = stack->p1; stack = pop(s>p1; if (l->typ) writes("name doubly defined"); l->typ = 5; /*type function;*/ a = r; l->p2 = a; r = nscomp(); l = r; a->p1 = l; if (r->typ == 0) goto d4; if (r->typ != 16) goto derr; d2: r = nscomp(); if (r->typ != 14) goto derr; a->p2 = r; r->typ = 0; a = r; r = nscomp(); if (r->typ == 4) { free(r); goto d2; } if (r->typ != 5) goto derr; free(r); if ((r=compon())->typ != 0) goto derr; free(r); d4: r = compile(); a->p2 = 0; l->p1 = r; l->p2 = 0; return(r); derr: writes("illegal component in define"); } ; p = prdptr[-*p]; q = chcopy( sarr, nontrst[*p-NTBASE].name ); q = chcopy( q, " : " ); for(;;){ *q++ = ++p==(pp->pitem) ? '_' : ' '; if((i = *p) <= 0) break; q = chcopy( q, symnam(i) ); } *q = '\0' ; return( sarr ); } char *symnam(i){ /* return a pointer to the name of symbol i */ char *cp; cp = (i>=NTBASE) ? nontrst[i-NTBASE].name : trmset[i].name ; if( *cp == ' ' ) ++cp; return( cp ); } summary(){ /* output the summary on the tty */ int i, s, *pn; if( !rflag ){ settab(yyinit(){} N Q T W Z ] I L O R U X [ ); printf("\nint nterms %d;",nterms); printf("\nint nnonter %d;", nnonter); printf("\nint nstate %d;", nstate); printf("\nchar *yysterm[] {"); for (i=1;i<=nterms;i++) if( trmset[i].value >= 0400 ) printf("\n\"%s\",",symnam(i)); printf( "\n0 };\n" ); printf("\nchar *yysnter[] {"); for (i=0;igrammar rules, term=>token, etc. *** handle # define, #ifdef, etc., in yacc actions, %{ %} ; printf("%d/%d grammar rules, %d/%d states\n", nprod, prdlim, nstate, stsize ); printf("%d shift/reduce, %d reduce/reduce conflicts reported\n", zzsrconf, zzrrconf ); pn = pstate[nstate+1]; printf("%d/%d working sets used\n", zzcwset, wssize ); printf("memory: states,etc. %d/%d, parser %d/%d\n", pn-mem0, memsiz, memact, actsiz ); printf("%d/%d distinct lookahead sets\n", nlset, lsetsz ); printf("%d extra closures\n", zzclose - 2*nstate ); printf("%d action entries\n", zzacent ); pr,...$dextern&y0.c(y1.cKy2.c1y3.c#y4.cy5.cl.outy0.oy1.oy2.oy3.oy4.oy5.oa.out */ /* new features to be added *** reductions by single productions ( by request ) *** follow sets for start symbol *** option to only do slr(1) *** easily changed array names on output *** allocate core, rather than predefined *** input controlled by a grammar *** support multiple choices for conflicts *** better conflict diagnostics */ main(argc,argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { auto int n; whereami(); setup(argc,argv); /* initialize and read productions */ intf("%d action entries saved through merging %d states\n",zzacsave,zznsave); printf("%d goto entries\n", zzgoent ); printf("%d entries saved by goto default\n", zzgobest ); if( zzsrconf!=0 || zzrrconf!=0 ){ cflush( errfileno ); cout = errfileno; printf("\nconflicts: "); if( zzsrconf )printf( "%d shift/reduce" , zzsrconf ); if( zzsrconf && zzrrconf )printf( ", " ); if( zzrrconf )printf( "%d reduce/reduce" , zzrrconf ); printf( "\n" ); } } error(s,a1){ /* write out erV Y \ _ ` c f i l tbitset = (nterms+16)/16; cpres(); /* make table of which productions yield a given nonterminal */ cempty(); /* make a table of which nonterminals can match the empty string */ cpfir(); /* make a table of e free first lists */ stagen(); /* generate the states */ output(); /* write the states and the tables */ go2out(); summary(); windup(); } whereami(){ /* sets the variable machine to UNIX, GCOS, or IBM */ int i; i = 1; i = i << 30; if( i == 0 ) { machine = UNIX; returnror comment */ int c; ++nerrors; cflush( errfileno ); cout = errfileno; /* set output to tty */ printf("\n fatal error: "); printf(s,a1); printf(", line %d\n", lineno ); if( !fatfl ) return; summary(); cexit(1); } arrset(s) char s[]; { printf("\nint %s[] {0", s ); arrndx = 1; } arrval(n){ printf(",%d",n); if( (++arrndx%10) == 0 ) printf("\n"); } arrdone(){ printf(",-1};\n"); } copy(v) char *v; { /* copy ctokn to v */ char *p; p=ctokn; while( *v++ = *p++ ); } compare(vint nofloat; int peekc; int obuf[259]; int tabflg; int labno 1; main(argc, argv) char **argv; { /* A1 -> A A2 B A O B1 C B2 D BE L BF P C1 E C2 F F G H H R I R1 J S K I M M N * +1 S +2 C +4 1 +8 z -> 4 c 10 a 14 e 20 n 63 * +0100 */ auto c,snlflg,nlflg,t,smode,m,ssmode; extern fin; smode = nlflg = snlflg = ssmode = 0; if (argc>1) if ((fin = open(argv[1], 0)) < 0) { putchar('?\n'); return; } ; } i = i << 4; if( i == 0 ){ machine = IBM; return; } machine = GCOS; } windup(){ /* no errors, do the optimization if appropriate */ char *cp; int i; cflush(1); if( !oflag ) cexit(0); for( i=3; i<10; ++i ) cclose(i); switch( machine ){ case GCOS: if( rflag ){ if( foutput<0 ) system( "./yopt -r" ); else system( "./yopt -rv" ); } else { if( foutput<0 ) system( "./yopt" ); else system( "./yopt -v" ); } cexit(0); /* t) char *v; { /* compare ctokn with v */ char *p; for( p=ctokn; ; ++p ){ if( *p != *v++ ) return( 0 ); if( *p == 0 ) return(1); } } int *yalloc(n){ /* allocate n+1 words from vector mem */ int *omem; omem = mem; mem =+ n+1; if(mem-mem0 >= memsiz) error("memory overflow"); return(omem); } aryfil( v, n, c ) int *v,n,c; { /* set elements 0 through n-1 to c */ int i; for( i=0; i2) if ((obuf[0] = creat(argv[2], 0666)) < 0) { putchar('?\n'); return; } loop: c = getc(); if (c!='\n' && c!='\t') nlflg = 0; if (ssmode!=0 && c!='%') { ssmode = 0; printf(".data\nL%d:<", labno++); } switch(c) { case '\0': printf(".text; 0\n"); fflush(obuf); return; case ':': if (!smode) printf("=.+2; 0"); else putchar(':'); goto loop; case 'A': if ((c=getc())=='1' || c=='2') { putchar(c+'A'-'1'); goto loop; } putchar('O'); peekerminate */ case UNIX: cp = "/usr/yacc/yopti"; if( rflag ) execl( cp, cp, (foutput<0)?"-r":"-rv", 0 ); else if( foutput<0 ) execl( cp, cp, 0 ); else execl( cp, cp, "-v", 0 ); error( "optimization execl call fails" ); case IBM: if( rflag ){ if( foutput<0 ) system( "MH2019.yaccopt -r" ); else system( "MH2019.yaccopt -rv" ); } else { if( foutput<0 ) system( "MH2019.yaccopt" ); else system( "MH2019.yaccopt -v" ); } cexit(0); } } b */ /* return 1 if c is not a subset of b, 0 otherwise */ _REGISTER int i, x, sub; sub = 0; for( i=0; ilset; if( pp == 0 ) printf("\tNULL"); else { printf(" { " ); for( j=1; j<=nterms; ++j ){ if( (pp[j>>4]>>(j&017) )&01 != 0 ) printf( "%s ", symnam(j) ); } printf( "}" ); } } c = c; goto loop; case 'B': switch (getc()) { case '1': putchar('C'); goto loop; case '2': putchar('D'); goto loop; case 'E': putchar('L'); goto loop; case 'F': putchar('P'); goto loop; } putchar('?'); goto loop; case 'C': putchar(getc()+'E'-'1'); goto loop; case 'F': putchar('G'); goto subtre; case 'R': if ((c=getc()) == '1') putchar('J'); else { putchar('I'); peekc = c; } goto loop; case 'H': putchar('H'); goto subtre; cassettty() /* sets the output file to y.output */ { cflush( foutput ); /* a bit of a cheat */ cout = foutput; } settab(){ /* sets the output file to y.tab.c */ cflush( ftable ); cout = ftable; } char *chcopy( p, q ) char *p, *q; { /* copies string q into p, returning next free char ptr */ while( *p = *q++ ) ++p; return( p ); } char *writem(pp) struct item *pp; { /* creates output string for item pointed to by pp */ int i,*p; static char sarr[100]; char *q; for( p=pp->pitem; *p>0 ; ++p )extern int yyline; /* input line number */ yyerror(s) char *s; { extern int yychar; extern char *yysterm[]; printf("\n%s", s ); if( yyline ) printf(", line %d,", yyline ); printf(" on input: "); if( yychar >= 0400 ) printf("%s\n", yysterm[yychar-0400] ); else switch ( yychar ) { case '\t': printf( "\\t\n" ); return; case '\n': printf( "\\n\n" ); return; case '\0': printf( "$end\n" ); return; default: printf( "%c\n" , yychar ); return; } } e 'I': putchar('M'); goto loop; case 'S': putchar('K'); subtre: snlflg = 1; t = 'A'; l1: switch (c=getc()) { case '*': t++; goto l1; case 'S': t =+ 2; goto l1; case 'C': t =+ 4; goto l1; case '1': t =+ 8; goto l1; case '2': t =+ 16; goto l1; } peekc = c; putchar(t); goto loop; case '#': if(getc()=='1') putchar('#'); else putchar('"'); goto loop; case '%': if (smode) printf(".text;"); if (ssmode==0) { if ((peekc=getc())=='[') { peekc = 0; printf(".data;"); while((c=getc())!=']') putchar(c); getc(); printf(";.text;"); goto loop; } } loop1: switch (c=getc()) { case ' ': case '\t': goto loop1; case 'a': m = 16; t = flag(); goto pf; case ',': putchar(';'); goto loop1; case 'i': m = 12; t = flag(); goto pf; case 'z': m = 4; t = flag(); goto pf; case 'r': m = 9; t = flag(); goto pf; case '1': m = 5; t = flag(); goto p if (stack->typ) writes("illegal function"); a1 = stack->p1; if (a1->typ!=5) writes("illegal function"); a1 = a1->p2; op = a1->p1; a3base = a3 = alloc(); a3->p2 = op->p2; op->p2 = 0; a1 = a1->p2; a2 = list->p2; f1: if (a1!=0 & a2!=0) goto f2; if (a1!=a2) writes("parameters do not match"); op = op->p1; goto f3; f2: a3->p1 = a4 = alloc(); a3 = a4; a3->p2 = and(a1); assign(a1->p1, eval(a2->p2, 1));/* recursive */ a1 = a1->p2; a2 = a2->p1; goto f1; f3: oe h k n q t w x { ~ y |  f; case 'c': t = 0; m = 8; goto pf; case 'e': t = flag(); m = 20; goto pf; case 'n': t = flag(); m = 63; pf: if ((c=getc())=='*') m =+ 0100; else peekc = c; printf(".byte %o,%o", m, t); goto loop1; case '[': printf("L%d=", labno++); while ((c=getc())!=']') putchar(c); ssmode = 0; smode = 0; goto loop; case '\n': printf("\nL%d\n", labno); ssmode = 1; nlflg = 1; smode = 1; goto loop; } putchar(c); goto loop1; casep = execute(op); /* recursive */ if (op) goto f3; a1 = stack->p1->p2; op = a1->p1; a3 = a3base; stack->p1 = op->p2; stack->typ = 1; op->p2 = a3->p2; f4: a4 = a3->p1; free(a3); a3 = a4; a1 = a1->p2; if (a1 == 0) goto advanc; assign(a1->p1, a3->p2); goto f4; case 11: case 10: case 9: case 8: case 7: a1 = and(stack); stack = pop(stack); a2 = and(stack); a3 = doop(op, a2, a1); delete(a1); delete(a2); stack->p1 = a3; stack->typ = 1; goto advanc; case 15:# include "dextern" cpres(){ /* conpute an array with the beginnings of productions yielding given nonterminals The array pres points to these lists */ int i,j,c; pres = yalloc(nnonter+1); for(i=0;i<=nnonter;i++){ c = i+NTBASE; pres[i] = mem; fatfl = 0; /* make undefined symbols nonfatal */ for(j=0;j\n.text\n"); smode = 0; goto loop; } if (!snlflg) printf("\\n"); snlflg = 0; printf(">\n<"); nlflg = 1; goto loop; case 'X': case 'Y': case 'T': snlflg++; } putchar(c); goto loop; } getc() { auto t, ifcnt; ifcnt = 0; gc: if (peekc) { t a1 = copy(list->p2); a2 = 1; goto l3; case 14: a1 = list->p2; a2 = 0; l3: stack = push(stack); stack->p1 = a1; stack->typ = a2; goto advanc; } } doop(op, arg1, arg2) { register int a1, a2; a1 = arg1; a2 = arg2; switch (op) { case 11: return(div(a1, a2)); case 10: return(mult(a1, a2)); case 8: return(add(a1, a2)); case 9: return(sub(a1, a2)); case 7: return(cat(a1, a2)); } return(0); } execute(e) struct node *e; { register struct node *r, *b, *c; struct node *ummary(); cexit(1); } } int indebug 0; cpfir() { /* compute an array with the first of nonterminals */ int i, ch, **s, **t, changes, *p; pfirst = yalloc(nnonter+1); for (i=0;i<=nnonter;i++) { aryfil( wsets[i].ws, tbitset, 0 ); t = pres[i+1]; for( s=pres[i]; s 0 ; ++p ) { if( ch < NTBASE ) { wsets[i].ws[ch>>4] =| (1 << (ch&017) ); break; } else if( !pempty[ch-NTBASE] = peekc; peekc = 0; } else t = getchar(); if (t==0) return(0); if (t=='{') { ifcnt++; t = getchar(); } if (t=='}') { t = getc(); if (--ifcnt==0) if (t=='\n') t = getc(); } if (ifcnt && nofloat) goto gc; return(t); } flag() { register c, f; f = 0; l1: switch(c=getc()) { case 'w': f = 1; goto l1; case 'i': f = 2; goto l1; case 'b': f = 3; goto l1; case 'f': f = 4; goto l1; case 'd': f = 5; goto l1; case 's': f = 6; goto l1; case 'l': m, *ca, *d, *a; r = e->p2; lc = e->ch; switch (e->typ) { case 0: /* r g */ a = r->p1; delete(eval(r->p2, 1)); goto xsuc; case 1: /* r m g */ m = r->p1; a = m->p1; b = eval(r->p2, 1); c = search(m, b); delete(b); if (c == 0) goto xfail; free(c); goto xsuc; case 2: /* r a g */ ca = r->p1; a = ca->p1; b = eval(r->p2, 0); assign(b, eval(ca->p2, 1)); goto xsuc; case 3: /* r m a g */ m = r->p1; ca = m->p1; a = ca->p1; b = eval(r->p2, 0); d = search(m, b->p2 ) break; } } } /* now, reflect transitivity */ changes = 1; while( changes ){ changes = 0; for( i=0; i<=nnonter; ++i ){ t = pres[i+1]; for( s=pres[i]; s= 0; ++p ) { changes =| union( wsets[i].ws, wsets[i].ws, wsets[ch].ws ); if( !pempty[ch] ) break; } } } } for( i=0; i<=nnonter; i++ ) pfirst[i] = flset( wsets[i].ws ); if( !indebug ) return; settty(); f f = 8; goto l1; case 'p': f =+ 16; goto l1; } peekc = c; return(f); } putchar(c) { if (tabflg) { tabflg = 0; printf(">;.byte %o;<", c+0200); } else putc(c, obuf); } ); if (d == 0) goto xfail; c = eval(ca->p2, 1); if (d->p1 == 0) { free(d); assign(b, cat(c, b->p2)); delete(c); goto xsuc; } if (d->p2 == b->p2->p2) { assign(b, c); free(d); goto xsuc; } (r=alloc())->p1 = d->p2->p1; r->p2 = b->p2->p2; assign(b, cat(c, r)); free(d); free(r); delete(c); goto xsuc; } xsuc: if (rfail) goto xfail; b = a->p1; goto xboth; xfail: rfail = 0; b = a->p2; xboth: if (b == 0) { return(e->p1); } b = eval(b, 0); if (b == lookror( i=0; i<=nnonter; i++ ){ printf( "\n%s: ", nontrst[i].name ); prlook( pfirst[i] ); printf( " %d\n", pempty[i] ); } } state(c){ /* sorts last state,and sees if it equals earlier ones. returns state number */ int s,size1,size2; _REGISTER i; struct item *p1, *p2, *k, *l, *q1, *q2; p1 = pstate[nstate]; p2 = pstate[nstate+1]; if(p1==p2) return(0); /* null state */ /* sort the items */ for(k=p2-1;k>p1;k--) { /* make k the biggest */ for(l=k-1;l>=p1;--l)if( l->pitem > k->pitem ){ r u a d g j m p s et) return(0); if (b == lookfret) { rfail = 1; return(0); } if (b->typ!=2) writes("attempt to transfer to non-label"); return(b->p2); } assign(adr, val) struct node *adr, *val; { register struct node *a, *addr, *value; addr = adr; value = val; if (rfail == 1) { delete(value); return; } switch (addr->typ) { default: writes("attempt to make an illegal assignment"); case 0: addr->typ = 1; case 1: delete(addr->p2); addr->p2 = value; return; case 4: sysput(value); return s = k->pitem; k->pitem = l->pitem; l->pitem = s; s = k->look; k->look = l->look; l->look = s; } } size1 = p2 - p1; /* size of state */ for( i= (c>=NTBASE)?ntstates[c-NTBASE]:tstates[c]; i != 0; i = mstates[i] ) { /* get ith state */ q1 = pstate[i]; q2 = pstate[i+1]; size2 = q2 - q1; if (size1 != size2) continue; k=p1; for(l=q1;lpitem != k->pitem ) break; ++k; } if (l != q2) continue; /* found it */ pstate[nstate+1] = pstate[nstate]; /* d#include "sno.h" /* * sno4 */ and(ptr) struct node *ptr; { register struct node *a, *p; p = ptr; a = p->p1; if (p->typ == 0) { switch (a->typ) { case0: case 0: a->typ = 1; case 1: goto l1; case 3: flush(); return(syspit()); case 5: a = a->p2->p1; goto l1; case 6: return(binstr(nfree())); } writes("attempt to take an illegal value"); goto case0; l1: a = copy(a->p2); } return(a); } eval(e, t) struct node *e; { struct node *list, *a2, *a3, *a4, *a3base; ; case 5: a = addr->p2->p1; delete(a->p2); a->p2 = value; return; } } elete last state */ /* fix up lookaheads */ k=p1; for( l=q1; llook->lset, k->look->lset ) ) { tystate[i] = 1; /* register the new set */ l->look = flset( &clset ); } ++k; } return (i); } /* state is new */ pstate[nstate+2] = p2; if(nstate+1 >= stsize) error("too many states"); if( c >= NTBASE ){ mstates[ nstate ] = ntstates[ c-NTBASE ]; ntstates[ c-NTBASE ] = nstate; } else { mstates[ nstate ] = tstates[ c ]; tstates[ c ] register struct node *a1, *stack, *op; if (rfail == 1) return(0); stack = 0; list = e; goto l1; advanc: list = list->p1; l1: op = list->typ; switch (op) { default: case 0: if (t == 1) { a1 = and(stack); goto e1; } if (stack->typ == 1) writes("attempt to store in a value"); a1 = stack->p1; e1: stack = pop(stack); if (stack) writes("phase error"); return(a1); case 12: a1 = and(stack); stack->p1 = look(a1); delete(a1); stack->typ = 0; goto advanc; case 13: yyaccpt(){} = nstate; } tystate[nstate]=1; return(nstate++); } int pidebug 0; /* debugging flag for putitem */ putitem ( ptr, lptr ) int *ptr; struct looksets *lptr;{ int *jip, k; struct item *i, *j; if( pidebug ) { settty(); printf("putitem(%s), state %d\n", writem(&ptr), nstate ); } /* see if it's there */ j = pstate[nstate+1]; for( i=pstate[nstate]; ipitem == ptr) { error("yacc error--duplicate item"); } /* not there */ j->pitem = ptr; j->look = flset( lptr ); pstate[nstate+1] = ++j; jip = j; if(jip-mem0 >= memsiz) error("out of state space"); } cempty(){ /* mark nonterminals which derive the empty string */ int i, *p; /* set pempty to 0 */ pempty = yalloc( nnonter ); aryfil( pempty, nnonter+1, 0 ); for( i=1; i= s ) { for( p= &yyact[ yypact[*ps+1] ] ; (*p>>12) == 1 ; p =+ 2 ) /* search ps actions */ if( *p == 4352 ) goto found; /* the current ps has no shift onn "op as long as we keep finding nontrivial empty nonterminals */ again: for( i=1; i=NTBASE && pempty[*p-NTBASE]!=0 ; ++p ) ; if( *p < 0 ){ /* we have a nontrivially empty nonterminal */ pempty[*prdptr[i]-NTBASE] = 1; goto again; /* got one ... try for another */ } } } } int gsdebug 0; stagen(){ /* generate the states */ int i, j, k, c; /* initialts[k].ws, clset.lset ) ) wsets[k].flag = work = 1; goto nexts; } } /* not there; make a new entry */ if( cwset+1 >= wssize ) error( "working set overflow" ); wsets[cwset].pitem = *s; wsets[cwset].flag = 1; if( nolook ){ cwset++; goto nexts; } work = 1; for( k=0; k zzcwset ) zzcwset = cwset; if( !cldebug ) return; settty(); printf("\nState %d, nolook = %d\n", i, nolook ); for( j=0; jlset; v = lkst[i].lset; w = & v[tbitset]; while( v= lsetsz )error("too many lookahead sets"); for( j=0; jlset[j]; } return( & lkst[nlset++]); } /* * Header for object code improver */ #define JBR 1 #define CBR 2 #define JMP 3 #define LABEL 4 #define DLABEL 5 #define EROU 7 #define JSW 9 #define MOV 10 #define CLR 11 #define COM 12 #define INC 13 #define DEC 14 #define NEG 15 #define TST 16 #define ASR 17 #define ASL 18 #define SXT 19 #define CMP 20 #define ADD 21 #define SUB 22 #define BIT 23 #define BIC 24 #define BIS 25 #define MUL 26 #define DIV 27 #define ASH 28 #define XOR 29 #define TEXT 30 #define DATA 31 #define BSS 32 #define EVEN 33 #dSE+nterms] = state(c); } if( gsdebug ){ settty(); printf( "%d: ", i ); for( j=1; j<=nterms; ++j ){ if( temp1[j] != 0 ) printf( "%s %d, ", symnam(j), temp1[j]); } for( j=1; j<=nnonter; ++j ){ if( temp1[j+nterms] ) printf( "%s %d, ", nontrst[j].name, temp1[j+nterms] ); } printf("\n"); } apstate[i] = apack( &temp1[0], nterms ); indgo[i] = apack( &temp1[nterms+1], nnonter-1 ) - 1; goto more; /* we have done one goto; do so# define _maxdepth 150 /* parser for yacc output */ extern int yyval; /* defined in the table file */ extern int yylval; /* defined in the table file */ extern int *yypv; /* defined in the table file */ int yydebug 0; /* 1 for debugging */ int yyv[_maxdepth]; /* where the values are stored */ int yystate 0; /* current parser state */ int yychar -1; /* current input token number */ int yynerrs 0; /* number of errors */ int yyerrflag 0; /* error recovery flag */ yyparse() { extern int yygo[], yypgoefine MOVF 34 #define MOVOF 35 #define MOVFO 36 #define ADDF 37 #define SUBF 38 #define DIVF 39 #define MULF 40 #define CLRF 41 #define CMPF 42 #define NEGF 43 #define TSTF 44 #define CFCC 45 #define SOB 46 #define JSR 47 #define END 48 #define JEQ 0 #define JNE 1 #define JLE 2 #define JGE 3 #define JLT 4 #define JGT 5 #define JLO 6 #define JHI 7 #define JLOS 8 #define JHIS 9 #define BYTE 100 struct node { char op; char subop; struct node *forw; struct node *back; struct node *ref; int labno; charme more */ } /* no more to do... stop */ } int cldebug 0; /* debugging flag for closure */ closure(i){ /* generate the closure of state i */ int c, ch, work; _REGISTER j, k; int *pi; int **s, **t; struct item *q; _REGISTER struct item *p; ++zzclose; /* first, copy kernel of state i to wsets */ cwset = 0; q = pstate[i+1]; for( p=pstate[i]; ppitem; wsets[cwset].flag = 1; /* this item must get closed */ for( k=0; klook->lset[k]; ++cwset; } /* now, go through the loop, closing each item */ work = 1; while( work ){ work = 0; for( j=0; j>12 ) { /* switch on operation */ case 1: /* skip on test */ if( yydebug && (yychar<0) ){ yychar = yylex(); printf( "character %d read\n", yychar ); } if( n != ( (yychar<0) ? ( yychar=yylex() ) : yychar ) ) ++p; goto actn; /* get next action */ case 2: /* shift */ yystate=n; yyval=yylval; yychar= -1; if( yyerrfine RT2 11 #define FREG 5 #define NREG 5 #define LABHS 127 #define OPHS 57 struct optab *ophash[OPHS]; struct { char lbyte; }; /* find items involving c */ for( k=j; k0 ){ if( ch < NTBASE ){ /* terminal symbol */ clset.lset[ch>>4] =| (1<<(ch&017)); break; } /* nonterminal symbol */ union( clset.lset, clset.lset, pfirst[ch-NTBASE] ); if( !pempty[ch-NTBASE] ) break; lag ) --yyerrflag; goto stack; /* stack new state */ case 3: /* reduce */ if( yydebug ) printf("reduce %d\n",n); ps =- yyr2[n]; yypv =- yyr2[n]; yyval=yypv[1]; yyactr(n); /* consult goto table to find next state */ for( p= &yygo[yypgo[yyr1[n]]]; *p != *ps && *p >= 0 ; p =+ 2 ) ; yystate = p[1]; goto stack; /* stack new state and value */ case 4: /* accept */ return(0); case 0: /* error ... attempt to resume parsing */ / tmg tables and global definitions / in addition to these definitions each routine / follows the convention / f = stack frame pointer during parse and translation / g = stack frame end during parse / i = interprested instruction counter during parse and translation .globl tables .globl x,si,j,k,n,g1,env .globl ek,ek.fs,ep,ep.fs,fs .globl lptr,sptr,rptr .globl outb,outt,outw .globl stkt,stkb,stke .globl ktat,ktab .globl input,cfile,lfile,dfile,ofile / parse stack frame layout / 0 is previous frame pointer / return address in (sp) x = 2. /exit bit, nonzero at end of rule si = 4. / save location for instruction counter j = 6. / input cursor counts characters k = 8. / ktable water mark, last use location relative to base n = 10. /address of ignored character class env = 12. / frame pointer for static environment g1 = 14. / frame length during parse /symbol table entry layout /word 0 is for customer lptr=2. /index of next entry on tree to left rptr=4. /index of next entry to right sptr=6. /first character of case CBR: case CFCC: ccloc[0] = 0; continue; case JBR: redunbr(p); default: clearreg(); } } } jumpsw() { register struct node *p, *p1; register t; int nj; t = 0; nj = 0; for (p=first.forw; p!=0; p = p->forw) p->refc = ++t; for (p=first.forw; p!=0; p = p1) { p1 = p->forw; if (p->op == CBR && p1->op==JBR && p->ref && p1->ref && abs(p->refc - p->ref->refc) > abs(p1->refc - p1->ref->refc)) { p->subop = revbr[p->subop]; t = p1->ref; p1->ref = p->ref; p->ref = t; ]; for (p1 = rt1; *p1++ = *p2++;); if (regs[RT2][0]) { p1 = rt2; *p1++ = ','; for (p2 = regs[RT2]; *p1++ = *p2++;); } else rt2[0] = 0; if (r>=0) { rt1[0] = 'r'; rt1[1] = r + '0'; rt1[2] = 0; nsaddr++; } if (r1>=0) { rt2[1] = 'r'; rt2[2] = r1 + '0'; rt2[3] = 0; nsaddr++; } p->code = copy(rt1, rt2); } } movedat() { register struct node *p1, *p2; struct node *p3; register seg; struct node data; struct node *datp; if (first.forw == 0) return; datp string in this entry /next char is in 7, etc / translation frame layout / used as ek(f), ep(f), etc / x and si have same meaning as in parse stack frame / return address in (sp) ek = 0 / k environment, frame where bunlde address is in si ep = 6 / p environment, frame where si points to parameter list fs = 10 / frame size ek.fs = ek+fs / k environment in next frame ep.fs = ep+fs / p env in next frame .data tables = . /marks break between routines and tables outt = 64. / output buffer top stkt = 800. / t = p1->labno; p1->labno = p->labno; p->labno = t; nrevbr++; nj++; } } return(nj); } addsob() { register struct node *p, *p1; for (p = &first; (p1 = p->forw)!=0; p = p1) { if (p->op==DEC && isreg(p->code)>=0 && p1->combop==(CBR|JNE<<8)) { if (p->refc < p1->ref->refc) continue; if (p->refc - p1->ref->refc > 50) continue; p->labno = p1->labno; p->combop = SOB; p1->forw->back = p; p->forw = p1->forw; nsob++; } } } abs(x) { return(x<0? -x: x); } equop= &data; for (p1 = first.forw; p1!=0; p1 = p1->forw) { if (p1->op == DATA) { p2 = p1->forw; while (p2 && p2->op!=TEXT) p2 = p2->forw; if (p2==0) break; p3 = p1->back; p1->back->forw = p2->forw; p2->forw->back = p3; p2->forw = 0; datp->forw = p1; p1->back = datp; p1 = p3; datp = p2; } } if (data.forw) { datp->forw = first.forw; first.forw->back = datp; data.forw->back = &first; first.forw = data.forw; } seg = -1; for (p1 = first.forw; p1!=0; p1 = p1-stack top for (f), not for (sp) ktat = 1200. / k table top input: -1 / stream number of input cfile: 1 / stream number of current output lfile: 1 / last current output dfile: 2 / diagnostic file ofile: 1 /output file outw: 0 / output write pointer, number of chars in buffer .bss outb: .=.+outt /output buffer ktab: . = .+ktat / contains translation rules that have been bundled stkb: . = .+stkt / stack, (f) ponts into this stke = . /stack end (ap1, p2) struct node *ap1, *p2; { register char *cp1, *cp2; register struct node *p1; p1 = ap1; if (p1->combop != p2->combop) return(0); if (p1->op>0 && p1->opcode; cp2 = p2->code; if (cp1==0 && cp2==0) return(1); if (cp1==0 || cp2==0) return(0); while (*cp1 == *cp2++) if (*cp1++ == 0) return(1); return(0); } decref(ap) { register struct node *p; p = ap; if (--p->refc <= 0) { nrlab++; p->back->forw = p->forw; p->forw->back = p->back; } } nonl>forw) { if (p1->op==TEXT||p1->op==DATA||p1->op==BSS) { if (p1->op == seg || p1->forw&&p1->forw->op==seg) { p1->back->forw = p1->forw; p1->forw->back = p1->back; p1 = p1->back; continue; } seg = p1->op; } } } redunbr(ap) struct node *ap; { register struct node *p, *p1; register char *ap1; char *ap2; if ((p1 = p->ref) == 0) return; p1 = nonlab(p1); if (p1->op==TST) { singop(p1); savereg(RT2, "$0"); } else if (p1->op==CMP) dualop(p1); else return; if (p1->for ab(ap) struct node *ap; { register struct node *p; p = ap; while (p && p->op==LABEL) p = p->forw; return(p); } alloc(an) { register int n; register char *p; n = an; n++; n =& ~01; if (lasta+n >= lastr) { if (sbrk(2000) == -1) { write(2, "Optimizer: out of space\n", 14); exit(1); } lastr =+ 2000; } p = lasta; lasta =+ n; return(p); } clearreg() { register int i; for (i=0; i<2*NREG; i++) regs[i][0] = '\0'; conloc[0] = 0; ccloc[0] = 0; } savereg(ai, as) char *as; { regiw->op!=CBR) return; ap1 = findcon(RT1); ap2 = findcon(RT2); p1 = p1->forw; if (compare(p1->subop, ap1, ap2)) { nredunj++; nchange++; decref(p->ref); p->ref = p1->ref; p->labno = p1->labno; p->ref->refc++; } } findcon(i) { register char *p; register r; p = regs[i]; if (*p=='$') return(p); if ((r = isreg(p)) >= 0) return(regs[r]); if (equstr(p, conloc)) return(conval); return(p); } compare(op, acp1, acp2) char *acp1, *acp2; { register char *cp1, *cp2; register n1; int n2;# /* * C object code improver-- second part */ #include "c2h.c" rmove() { register struct node *p; register char *cp; register int r; int r1, flt; for (p=first.forw; p!=0; p = p->forw) { if (debug) { for (r=0; r<2*NREG; r++) if (regs[r][0]) printf("%d: %s\n", r, regs[r]); printf("-\n"); } flt = 0; switch (p->op) { case MOVF: case MOVFO: case MOVOF: flt = NREG; case MOV: if (p->subop==BYTE) goto badmov; dualop(p); if ((r = findrand(regs[RT1], flt)) >= 0) { if (r =ster char *p, *s, *sp; sp = p = regs[ai]; s = as; if (source(s)) return; while (*p++ = *s) { if (s[0]=='(' && s[1]=='r' && s[2]<'5') { *sp = 0; return; } if (*s++ == ',') break; } *--p = '\0'; } dest(as, flt) char *as; { register char *s; register int i; s = as; if ((i = isreg(s)) >= 0) regs[i+flt][0] = 0; while ((i = findrand(s, flt)) >= 0) regs[i][0] = 0; while (*s) { if ((*s=='(' && (*(s+1)!='r' || *(s+2)!='5')) || *s++=='*') { for (i=flt; i= '0' && *cp2 <= '7') { n1 =<< 3; n1 =+ *cp2++ - '0'; } n2 = n1; n1 = 0; while (*cp1 >= '0' && *cp1 <= '7') { n1 =<< 3; n1 =+ *cp1++ - '0'; } if (*cp1=='+') cp1++; if (*cp2=='+') cp2++; do { if (*cp1++ != *cp2) return(0); } while (*cp2++); cp1 = n1; cp2 = n2; switch(op) { case JEQ: return(cp1 == cp2); case JNE: return(cp1 != cp2); case JLE: return(cp1= flt+isreg(regs[RT2]) && p->forw->op!=CBR) { p->forw->back = p->back; p->back->forw = p->forw; redunm++; continue; } } repladdr(p, 0, flt); r = isreg(regs[RT1]); r1 = isreg(regs[RT2]); dest(regs[RT2], flt); if (r >= 0) if (r1 >= 0) savereg(r1+flt, regs[r+flt]); else savereg(r+flt, regs[RT2]); else if (r1 >= 0) savereg(r1+flt, regs[RT1]); else setcon(regs[RT1], regs[RT2]); source(regs[RT1]); setcc(regs[RT2]); continue; case ADDF: case SUBf (regs[i][0] != '$') regs[i][0] = 0; conloc[0] = 0; } return; } } } singop(ap) struct node *ap; { register char *p1, *p2; p1 = ap->code; p2 = regs[RT1]; while (*p2++ = *p1++); regs[RT2][0] = 0; } dualop(ap) struct node *ap; { register char *p1, *p2; register struct node *p; p = ap; p1 = p->code; p2 = regs[RT1]; while (*p1 && *p1!=',') *p2++ = *p1++; *p2++ = 0; p2 = regs[RT2]; *p2 = 0; if (*p1++ !=',') return; while (*p2++ = *p1++); } findrand(as, flt) char *as; {.i <= cp2.i); case JGE: return(cp1.i >= cp2.i); case JLT: return(cp1.i < cp2.i); case JGT: return(cp1.i > cp2.i); case JLO: return(cp1 < cp2); case JHI: return(cp1 > cp2); case JLOS: return(cp1 <= cp2); case JHIS: return(cp1 >= cp2); } return(0); } setcon(ar1, ar2) char *ar1, *ar2; { register char *cl, *cv, *p; cl = ar2; cv = ar1; if (*cv != '$') return; if (!natural(cl)) return; p = conloc; while (*p++ = *cl++); p = conval; while (*p++ = *cv++); } equstr(ap1, ap2) chaF: case DIVF: case MULF: flt = NREG; case ADD: case SUB: case BIC: case BIS: case MUL: case DIV: case ASH: badmov: dualop(p); repladdr(p, 0, flt); source(regs[RT1]); dest(regs[RT2], flt); if (p->op==DIV && (r = isreg(regs[RT2])>=0)) regs[r+1][0] = 0; ccloc[0] = 0; continue; case CLRF: case NEGF: flt = NREG; case CLR: case COM: case INC: case DEC: case NEG: case ASR: case ASL: case SXT: singop(p); dest(regs[RT1], flt); if (p->op==CLR && flt==0) if ((r = is register int i; for (i = flt; i='0' && s[1]<='4' && s[2]==0) return(s[1]-'0'); return(-1); } check() { register struct node *p, *lp; lp = &first; for (p=first.forw; p!=0; p = p->forw) { if (p->back != lp) abort(); lp = p; } } source(ap) char *ap; { register char *p1, *p2; p1 = ap; p2 = p1; if (*p1==0) return(0); while (*p2++); ifr *ap1, *ap2; { char *p1, *p2; p1 = ap1; p2 = ap2; do { if (*p1++ != *p2) return(0); } while (*p2++); return(1); } setcc(ap) char *ap; { register char *p, *p1; p = ap; if (!natural(p)) { ccloc[0] = 0; return; } p1 = ccloc; while (*p1++ = *p++); } natural(ap) char *ap; { register char *p; p = ap; if (*p=='*' || *p=='(' || *p=='-'&&*(p+1)=='(') return(0); while (*p++); p--; if (*--p == '+' || *p ==')' && *--p != '5') return(0); return(1); } reg(regs[RT1])) >= 0) savereg(r, "$0"); else setcon("$0", regs[RT1]); setcc(regs[RT1]); continue; case TSTF: flt = NREG; case TST: singop(p); repladdr(p, 0, flt); source(regs[RT1]); if (equstr(regs[RT1], ccloc)) { p->back->forw = p->forw; p->forw->back = p->back; p = p->back; nrtst++; nchange++; } continue; case CMPF: flt = NREG; case CMP: case BIT: dualop(p); source(regs[RT1]); source(regs[RT2]); repladdr(p, 1, flt); ccloc[0] = 0; continue; (*p1=='-' && *(p1+1)=='(' || *p1=='*' && *(p1+1)=='-' && *(p1+2)=='(' || *(p2-2)=='+') { while (*p1 && *p1++!='r'); if (*p1>='0' && *p1<='4') regs[*p1 - '0'][0] = 0; return(1); } return(0); } repladdr(p, f, flt) struct node *p; { register r; int r1; register char *p1, *p2; static char rt1[50], rt2[50]; if (f) r1 = findrand(regs[RT2], flt); else r1 = -1; r = findrand(regs[RT1], flt); if (r1 >= NREG) r1 =- NREG; if (r >= NREG) r =- NREG; if (r>=0 || r1>=0) { p2 = regs[RT1 1 ..1 ..1:begin: ignore blanks pr1: comment salt;pr1 parse first salt;pr2 diag error pr2: comment salt;pr2 parse line salt;pr2 diag error salt;pr2 putcharcl 1 parse last .3=. <1 \0>;.even .2=. .tx;.3 .tp;.byte 1,0; 1 .tn .1=. fref 1 trans;1 .2 .4=. .tp;.byte 2,0; .txs;': 1 .tp;.byte 1,0; first: parse .1 getfref line 1 trans;1 .4 .1=. 1 .2=. 2 .3=. 1 .txs;'; .5=. ;.even .4=. .tn .tx;.5 .tp;.byte 2,0; .tp;.byte 1,0; 1 .tn error: smark ignore none any .1 string .2 scopy .pxs;'; alt;..3 trans;1 .3 go0>;.even .10=. .tp;.byte 1,0;nil nil .tn 1 .tx;.11 specparg: number salt;..46 charcl salt;..47 .pxs;'< alt;..57 longlit goto;..50 ..57:.pxs;'* alt;..56 trans;1 .1 goto;..51 ..56:.pxs;'( .pxs;') alt;..55 trans;1 .3 goto;..52 ..55:push .5 dtt ndt sndt .l;dtt .l;.6 .st .p prule .pxs;') oldtab dtt ifelem alt;..54 trans;1 .7 goto;..53 ..54:trans;1 .10 ..53: ..52: ..51: ..50: ..47: ..46: 1 succ .1=. 1 iseasy: .l;easy .l;.1 .st 1 .p .1=. 0 ishard: .l;easy .l;.1 .st 1 .p .1=. 2 noelem: .l;easy .l;.1 .st 1 .p .1e 1,0; .tn 1 .tp;.byte 2,0; .3=. .tp;.byte 1,0; .tn 1 .tp;.byte 2,0; .5=. <.l;\0>;.even .4=. .tx;.5 1 .tp;.byte 1,0; prime: lv alt;..135 suffix alt;done trans;1 .1 goto;..126 ..135:prefix alt;..134 lv trans;1 .2 goto;..127 ..134:.pxs;'( alt;..133 expr .pxs;') goto;..130 ..133:unary alt;..132 prime trans;1 .3 goto;..131 ..132:remote number trans;1 .4 ..131: ..130: ..127: ..126: 1 succ .2=. <.l;\0>;.even .1=. .tx;.2 1 .tp;.byte 1,0; .4=. <.rv\0>;.even .3=. .tp;.byte 1,0; .tn 1 .tx;.4 .6=. <.f\0>;.even .5=. .to;..2 ..3:null ..2: 1 trans;1 .4 .1=. .tp;.byte 2,0; .tn .tp;.byte 1,0; 1 .tn line: labels charcl alt;..7 .pxs;'; goto;..4 ..7:statement salt;..5 numbers salt;..6 trule .pxs;'; ..6: ..5: ..4: 1 trans;1 .1 .1=. .tp;.byte 2,0; .tn 1 .tp;.byte 1,0; numbers: number .pxs;'; numbers alt;done 1 trans;1 .1 .1=. .tp;.byte 2,0; .tn 1 .tp;.byte 1,0; labels: label labels alt;done 1 trans;1 .1 .1=. .tp;.byte 1,0; 1 .txs;': label: name .pxs;': 1 trans;1 .1 .2=. <.pn:1 .pxs;12\0>;.even .3=. <.tn:1 .txs;12\0>;.even .1=. 2 ifelem: .l;easy .l;.1 .ne 1 .t .2=. 1 ifeasy: .l;easy .l;.2 .eq 1 .t .2=. ;.even .1=. gpar;1 .tq;1 .tx;.2 1 .tp;.byte 1,0; .4=. <.px\0>;.even .3=. gpar;1 .tq;1 .tx;.4 1 .tp;.byte 1,0; .6=. <.pn\0>;.even .5=. gpar;1 .tq;1 1 .tx;.6 .10=. <.t\0>;.even .7=. 1 .tx;.10 .12=. <.p\0>;.even .11=. 1 .tx;.12 .13=. gpar;1 .tp;.byte 2,0; .tn .tq;1 1 .tp;.byte 1,0; special: .pxs;'= alt;..70 rname salt;..60 remote trule ..60: trans;1 .1 goto;..61 ..70:.pxs;'< alt;..67 literal trans;1 .3 goto;..62 ..67:tp;.byte 2,0; .tn .tp;.byte 1,0; .tn 1 .tx;.6 lv: rname alt;..141 trans;1 .1 goto;..136 ..141:.pxs;'( alt;..140 lv .pxs;') goto;..137 ..140:.pxs;'* prime trans;1 .3 ..137: ..136: lv1: .pxs;'[ alt;done bundle expr .pxs;'] trans;1 .5 1 salt;lv1 .2=. <.u\0>;.even .1=. .tp;.byte 1,0; .tn 1 .tx;.2 .4=. <.st\0>;.even .3=. 1 .tx;.4 assign: .pxs;'= ignore none infix alt;..143 trans;1 .1 goto;..142 ..143:trans;1 .3 ..142: 1 succ .2=. 1 .pxs;'+ .1=. .pxs;'+ 1 not .2 .4=. <.a\0>;.even .3=. 1 .tx;.4 .6=. <.s\0>;.even=. .tx;.2 .tn .tx;.3 1 .tn last: 1 trans;1 .1 .1=. ;.even .2=. 4 comment: .px;.1 co1: ignore .2 .pxs;'* ignore none .pxs;'/ 1 alt;co1 .1=. 0 .2=. gpar;1 .tp;.byte 2,0; 1 .tp;.byte 1,0; .3=. gpar;1 1 generate .4=. gpar;1 .tp;.byte 2,0;nil .tn 1 .tp;.byte 1,0;q1 .5=. 1 .tp;.byte 1,0;xbit .7=. <1 succ\0>;.even .6=. .tp;.byte 1,0;nil .tn 1 .tx;.7 statement: .l;csym .l;.1 .st .p oldtab dtt oldtab pat proc alt;..11 plst tlst .pxs;') trans;1 .2 goto;..10 ..11:trans;1 .3 noelem ..10: stt1: bundle frag alt;.pxs;'* alt;..66 trans;1 .5 goto;..63 ..66:.pxs;'[ expr .pxs;'? alt;..65 trans;1 .7 goto;..64 ..65:trans;1 .11 ..64: .pxs;'] trans;1 .13 ..63: ..62: ..61: 1 succ .2=. <[-\0>;.even .3=. <\\<1]\0>;.even .1=. .tx;.2 .tp;.byte 1,0; 1 .tx;.3 rname: name alt;..72 tabval pat npa alt;done goto;..71 ..72:.pxs;'$ number ..71: 1 trans;1 .1 .2=. ;.even .1=. .tx;.2 .tp;.byte 2,0; .tn 1 .tp;.byte 1,0; trule: oldtab ptt tbody salt;..73 .pxs;'( number salt;..74 tra ..74: .pxs;') tbody trans;1 .1 ..73: 1 succ tra .5=. 1 .tx;.6 .10=. <.m\0>;.even .7=. 1 .tx;.10 .12=. <.q\0>;.even .11=. 1 .tx;.12 .14=. <.r\0>;.even .13=. 1 .tx;.14 .16=. <.o\0>;.even .15=. 1 .tx;.16 .20=. <.x\0>;.even .17=. 1 .tx;.20 .22=. <.n\0>;.even .21=. 1 .tx;.22 .23=. <==\0>;.even .25=. <.eq\0>;.even .24=. 1 .tx;.25 .26=. ;.even .30=. <.ne\0>;.even .27=. 1 .tx;.30 .31=. <<=\0>;.even .33=. <.le\0>;.even .32=. 1 .tx;.33 .34=. <\>=\0>;.even .36=. <.ge\0>;.even .35=. 1 .tx;.36 .37=. <<<\0>;.even .41=. <.sl\0>;.even .40=. 1 .tx;.41 .43=. <.lt\0..15 trans;1 .4 salt;stt1 goto;..12 ..15:.pxs;'; ifelem alt;..14 trans;1 .5 goto;..13 ..14:trans;1 .6 ..13: ..12: 1 succ .1=. ;.even proc: smark ignore none 1 .px;.1 .1=. 1 octal npa .3=. ;.even .2=. .tx;.3 .tp;.byte 1,0; 1 .tn plst: list pident alt;null remote .1 1 trans;1 .2 pident: ident 1 newtab pat npa .1=. 0 .2=. name .l;i .ia 1 .p .3=. 1 octal i .5=. ;.even .4=. .tx;.5 .tp;.byte 1,0; .tn .tp;.byte 2,0; 1 .tn tlst: .pxs;'; alt;null .l;i .l;.1 .st .p list .2 remote .3 1: list tident 1 octal npt tident: ident 1 newtab ptt npt .2=. <1 generate\0>;.even .1=. 1 .tx;.2 tbody: .pxs;'{ .pxs;'} alt;..76 trans;1 .1 goto;..75 ..76:trb ..75: 1 succ .1=. xbit 1 .tp;.byte 1,0; .2=. .tp;.byte 2,0; .tn 1 .tp;.byte 1,0; trb: telem .pxs;'} alt;..100 trans;1 .1 goto;..77 ..100:trb trans;1 .2 ..77: 1 succ .2=. <.tx\0>;.even .1=. .tx;.2 1 .tp;.byte 1,0; .4=. <.tn\0>;.even .3=. 1 .tx;.4 .6=. <.tq;\0>;.even .5=. .tx;.6 1 .tp;.byte 1,0; telem: .pxs;'< alt;..110 literal trans;1 .1 goto;..10>;.even .42=. 1 .tx;.43 .44=. <\>\0>;.even .45=. <\>\0>;.even .47=. <.sr\0>;.even .46=. 1 .tx;.47 .51=. <.gt\0>;.even .50=. 1 .tx;.51 infix: smark ignore none .pxs;'+ alt;..201 not .1 trans;1 .3 goto;..144 ..201:.pxs;'- alt;..200 trans;1 .5 goto;..145 ..200:.pxs;'* alt;..177 trans;1 .7 goto;..146 ..177:.pxs;'/ alt;..176 trans;1 .11 goto;..147 ..176:.pxs;'% alt;..175 trans;1 .13 goto;..150 ..175:.pxs;'| alt;..174 trans;1 .15 goto;..151 ..174:.pxs;'^ alt;..173 trans;1 .17 goto;..152 ..173:.pxs;'& alt;..172 t trans;1 .4 .1=. gpar;1 1 .tp;.byte 1,0;nil q1 .2=. gpar;1 1 .tp;.byte 1,0; frag: prule alt;..17 trans;1 .1 goto;..16 ..17:labels noelem trans;1 .2 ..16: 1 succ .2=. ;.even .1=. gpar;2 .tp;.byte 3,0;nil nil .tn .tx;.2 .tp;.byte 2,0; .tn .tp;.byte 1,0;q2 q1 .tn .tp;.byte 2,0; 1 .txs;': .5=. ;.even .4=. .tn .tx;.5 1 .tp;.byte 1,0; .6=. ;.even .3=. gpar;2 .tp;.byte 4,0;.4 q1 .tn .tx;.6 .tp;.byte 3,0; .tn .tp;.byte 1,0; .txs;': .tp;.byte 2,0;q2 q1 .tn .tp;.byte 3,0; 1 .txs;': prule: 1 ..110:.pxs;'* alt;..107 trans;1 .3 goto;..102 ..107:.pxs;'$ alt;..106 number trans;1 .5 goto;..103 ..106:number alt;..105 tdot trans;1 tpt goto;..104 ..105:name te1 salt;done te2 salt;done ..104: ..103: ..102: ..101: 1 succ te1: tabval dtt ndt tdot 1 trans;1 tpt .2=. <.tq;\0>;.even .1=. .tx;.2 1 .tp;.byte 1,0; te2: tabval ptt npt 1 trans;1 .1 .1=. 1 .txs;'0 .2=. .tp;.byte 2,0; .txs;'; 1 .tp;.byte 1,0; tdot: .pxs;'. alt;..112 number goto;..111 ..112:trans;1 .1 ..111: .pxs;'( alt;..114 list targ .pxs;') rans;1 .21 goto;..153 ..172:.px;.23 alt;..171 trans;1 .24 goto;..154 ..171:.px;.26 alt;..170 trans;1 .27 goto;..155 ..170:.px;.31 alt;..167 trans;1 .32 goto;..156 ..167:.px;.34 alt;..166 trans;1 .35 goto;..157 ..166:.px;.37 alt;..165 trans;1 .40 goto;..160 ..165:.pxs;'< alt;..164 trans;1 .42 goto;..161 ..164:.px;.44 .px;.45 alt;..163 trans;1 .46 goto;..162 ..163:trans;1 .50 ..162: ..161: ..160: ..157: ..156: ..155: ..154: ..153: ..152: ..151: ..150: ..147: ..146: ..145: ..144: 1 succ .2=. <.lv\0>;.even .1=..l;sndt .l;ndt .st .p disj .pxs;'| alt;..23 .l;ndt .l;sndt .st .p fref ifeasy alt;..21 prule trans;1 .1 goto;..20 ..21:prule fref trans;1 .3 ..20: noelem goto;..22 ..23: ..22: 1 succ .1=. gpar;2 .tp;.byte 2,0;q2 nil .tn 1 .tp;.byte 1,0;nil q1 disj: pelem pdot disj alt;..25 trans;1 .1 ifelem alt;done ishard goto;..24 ..25: ..24: 1 succ .1=. gpar;2 .tp;.byte 1,0;q1 1 .tq;2 .2=. 1 .3=. gpar;2 1 generate pelem: pprim alt;..31 trans;1 .1 iseasy goto;..26 ..31:.pxs;'( push .2 sndt prule alt;..30 .pxs;') goto;..goto;..113 ..114:null ..113: 1 trans;1 .2 targ: name salt;..115 remote tbody ..115: 1 succ .1=. <.tp;.byte \0>;.even tpt: .tx;.1 .tp;.byte 2,0; .txs;', 1 .tp;.byte 1,0; .1=. .txs;'; 1 .tp;.byte 1,0; literal: shortlit salt;..116 remote longlit trans;1 .1 ..116: 1 succ .1=. <\>\0>;.even .3=. ;.even .2=. .tx;.3 1 .tp;.byte 1,0; shortlit: ignore none smark any litch .px;.1 scopy 1 trans;1 .2 .1=. <\>\0>;.even .3=. <\\\0>;.even .4=. <\>\0>;.even .2=. .tx;.3 1 .tx;.4 .5=. <\>\0>;.even .7=. <\\0\0>;.even 1 .tx;.2 .3=. <++\0>;.even .5=. <.ib\0>;.even .4=. 1 .tx;.5 .6=. <--\0>;.even .10=. <.db\0>;.even .7=. 1 .tx;.10 prefix: smark ignore none .pxs;'& alt;..205 trans;1 .1 goto;..202 ..205:.px;.3 alt;..204 trans;1 .4 goto;..203 ..204:.px;.6 trans;1 .7 ..203: ..202: 1 succ .1=. <++\0>;.even .3=. <.ia\0>;.even .2=. 1 .tx;.3 .4=. <--\0>;.even .6=. <.da\0>;.even .5=. 1 .tx;.6 suffix: smark ignore none .px;.1 alt;..207 trans;1 .2 goto;..206 ..207:.px;.4 trans;1 .5 ..206: 1 succ .2=. <.nt\0>;.even .1=. 1 .tx;.2 .427 ..30:.pxs;') trans;1 .3 noelem ..27: ..26: 1 succ .1=. gpar;1 .tq;1 .tp;.byte 2,0; .tn 1 .tp;.byte 1,0; .2=. gpar;1 .tq;1 1 .tp;.byte 1,0; .4=. ;.even .3=. 1 .tx;.4 .5=. <\\\0>;.even .7=. ;.even .6=. 1 .tx;.7 .10=. gpar;1 .tp;.byte 3,0;nil .tn .tq;1 .tp;.byte 2,0; 1 .tp;.byte 1,0; pprim: special salt;..32 rname .pxs;': alt;..37 fail goto;..33 ..37:spdot salt;..34 ..34: ignore none .pxs;'( alt;..36 ignore blanks list parg .pxs;') trans;1 .1 goto;..35 ..36:trans;1 .2 ..35: ..33: ..32: .p .10=. <\>;.even\0>;.even .6=. .txs;'< .tp;.byte 2,0; .tp;.byte 1,0; .tx;.7 1 .tx;.10 longlit: ignore none .px;.1 alt;..120 trans;1 .2 goto;..117 ..120:null ..117: litb .px;.5 1 trans;1 .6 .1=. <\\\0>;.even .3=. <\\\\\0>;.even .2=. .tp;.byte 2,0; .tx;.3 1 .tp;.byte 1,0; litb: smark string litch scopy .px;.1 alt;done litb 1 trans;1 .2 expr: assignment salt;..121 rv ..121: 1 succ .1=. .tp;.byte 3,0; .tn .tp;.byte 1,0; .tn 1 .tp;.byte 2,0; assignment: lv assign expr 1 trans;1 .1 .1=. .tp;.byte 3,0; .tn .tp=. <.ng\0>;.even .3=. 1 .tx;.4 .6=. <.cm\0>;.even .5=. 1 .tx;.6 unary: .pxs;'! alt;..213 trans;1 .1 goto;..210 ..213:.pxs;'- alt;..212 trans;1 .3 goto;..211 ..212:.pxs;'~ trans;1 .5 ..211: ..210: 1 succ charcl: .pxs;'! alt;..215 ccla cclb goto;..214 ..215:ccla ..214: 1 octal classmask .1=. <<<\0>;.even .2=. 1 .4=. <<<\0>;.even ccla: .px;.1 .l;classmask .l;.2 .l;nclass .ia .sl .st .p .l;classmask .t alt;cherr ccl1: cclc .px;.4 1 salt;ccl1 .1=. <\>\0>;.even cclc: ignore none ccl3: .px;.1 salt;ccl4 ccle 1 xs;'/ alt;..41 trans;1 .3 goto;..40 ..41:.px;.5 alt;..43 trans;1 .6 ..40: rname trans;1 .10 goto;..42 ..43: ..42: 1 succ .2=. 0 pdot: .pxs;'. alt;done ignore none ident salt;alias .l;dtt .t salt;..44 table dtt .l;ndt .l;.2 .st .p ..44: .l;ndt .ia 1 .p .1=. 1 any letter spdot: .pxs;'. ignore none not .1 alias: 1 newtab dtt ndt parg: rname salt;..45 remote specparg ..45: 1 succ .2=. <\\n\\0\0>;.even .1=. 1 .tx;.2 .4=. <1 succ\0>;.even .3=. 1 .tx;.4 .5=. 3 .6=. 0 .7=. 1 .tp;.byte 1,0;nil xbit .11=. <1 succ\;.byte 1,0; .tn 1 .tp;.byte 2,0; .2=. .tp;.byte 2,0; .tn 1 .tp;.byte 1,0; rv: prime rv1: bundle infix alt;..125 prime trans;1 .1 salt;rv1 goto;..122 ..125:rva alt;..124 trans;1 .2 goto;..123 ..124: ..123: ..122: 1 succ .2=. <.t;alt;\0>;.even .3=. ;.even .1=. .tx;.2 .tp;.byte 2,0; .tn .tp;.byte 4,0; .tn .tx;.3 .tp;.byte 1,0; .tn .tp;.byte 2,0; .txs;': .tp;.byte 3,0; .tn .tp;.byte 1,0; 1 .txs;': rva: .pxs;'? rv .pxs;': rv fref fref 1 trans;1 .1 .1=. .tp;.byte 2,0; .tn 1 .tp;.byte 1,0; .2=. .tp;.bytsalt;ccl3 .1=. <\>\0>;.even .3=. <\>\0>;.even .2=. 1 .px;.3 ccl4: .px;.1 salt;..216 cclx fail ..216: not .2 salt;..217 ccle ..217: 1 succ .1=. 2 ccle: char n .l;.1 .l;n .m .l;classes .lv .a .rv .l;classmask .o .u 1 .p cclb: zeron ccl5: .l;classes .lv .l;n .a .rv .l;classmask .x .u .p testn 1 salt;ccl5 cclx: .l;nclass .da .p zeron ccl6: .l;classes .lv .l;n .a .rv .l;classmask .cm .n .u .p testn 1 salt;ccl6 .3=. ;.even .2=. 1 .tx;.3 .1=. 1 trans;1 .2 cherr: 1 diag .1 .1=. 0 zeron: .l;n .l;.1 .st 1 .p .1=. 2 .2=. 400 testn: .l;n .l;.1 .a .u .l;.2 .lt 1 .t .1=. 0 .4=. <.globl classtab\0>;.even .5=. ;.even .3=. .tn .tx;.4 .tn .tx;.5 1 .tn .2=. 1 trans;1 .3 .7=. .tp;.byte 1,0; 1 .tn .6=. octal w 1 trans;1 .7 putcharcl: zeron .l;classes .l;.1 .st .p parse .2 ptc1: .l;w .l;classes .lv .l;n .a .rv .st .p parse .6 bundle testn 1 salt;ptc1 classmask: 0 nclass: 0 classes: cl1: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 cl2: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 cl3: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 "bit", BIT, "bic", BIC, "bis", BIS, "mul", MUL, "ash", ASH, "xor", XOR, ".text",TEXT, ".data",DATA, ".bss", BSS, ".even",EVEN, "movf", MOVF, "movof",MOVOF, "movfo",MOVFO, "addf", ADDF, "subf", SUBF, "divf", DIVF, "mulf", MULF, "clrf", CLRF, "cmpf", CMPF, "negf", NEGF, "tstf", TSTF, "cfcc", CFCC, "sob", SOB, "jsr", JSR, ".end", END, 0, 0}; char revbr[] { JNE, JEQ, JGT, JLT, JGE, JLE, JHIS, JLOS, JHI, JLO }; int isn 20000; main(argc, argv) char **argv; { register int niter, maxit printf("\n"); continue; case JSW: printf("L%d\n", t->labno); continue; case SOB: printf("sob %s,L%d\n", t->code, t->labno); continue; case 0: if (t->code) printf("%s", t->code); printf("\n"); continue; } } /* * Notice addresses of the form * $xx,xx(r) * and replace them with (pc),xx(r) * -- Thanx and a tip of the Hatlo hat to Bliss-11. */ reducelit(at) struct node *at; { register char *c1, *c2; char *c2s; register struct node *t; t = at; if (*t->code != '$') re0 0 0 cl4: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 cl5: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 cl6: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 cl7: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 cl8: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 done: 1 succ .1=. .txs;'. 1 .tp;.byte 1,0; create: .l;csym .ia .p getcsym: octal csym 1 trans;1 .1 .2=. <..\0>;.even .1=. .tx;.2 1 .tp;.byte 1,0; fref: .l;fsym .ia .p getfref: octal fsym 1 trans;1 .1 .1=. 1 not: params .1 [-1\<1] alt;done 1 fail .1=. 1 .2=. .tp;.byte 2,0; .tn 1 .tp;.byte 1,0; list: params .1 [-1\<1er, isend; extern end; extern fin, fout; int nflag; if (argc>1 && argv[1][0]=='+') { argc--; argv++; debug++; } if (argc>1 && argv[1][0]=='-') { argc--; argv++; nflag++; } if (argc>1) { if ((fin = open(argv[1], 0)) < 0) { printf("C2: can't find %s\n", argv[1]); exit(1); } } else fin = dup(0); if (argc>2) { if ((fout = creat(argv[2], 0666)) < 0) { fout = 1; printf("C2: can't create %s\n", argv[2]); exit(1); } } else fout = dup(1); lasta = firstr = lastr = sturn; c1 = t->code; while (*c1 != ',') if (*c1++ == '\0') return; c2s = c1; c1++; if (*c1=='*') c1++; c2 = t->code+1; while (*c1++ == *c2++); if (*--c1!='(' || *--c2!=',') return; t->code = copy("(pc)", c2s); nlit++; } copy(ap) char *ap; { register char *p, *np; char *onp; register n; int na; na = nargs(); p = ap; n = 0; if (*p==0) return(0); do n++; while (*p++); if (na>1) { p = (&ap)[1]; while (*p++) n++; } onp = np = alloc(n); p = ap; while (*np++ = *p++); ] list1: bundle .pxs;', alt;done [-1\<1] trans;1 .2 1 salt;list1 .1=. 1 remote: params .1 create 1 parse rem1 [-1\<1] .1=. 1 .3=. <=.\0>;.even .2=. .tp;.byte 2,0; .tx;.3 .tn .tp;.byte 1,0; 1 .tn rem1: params .1 getcsym [-1\<1] 1 trans;1 .2 number: smark ignore none any digit string digit 1 scopy name: ident 1 scopy ident: smark ignore none any letter 1 string alpha .1=. 1 .3=. 0 oldtab: params .1 .l;[-1\<1] .t alt;done discard [-1\<1] .l;[-1\<1] .l;.3 .st 1 .p .1=. 2 .3=. 0 newtab: params .1 .l;[-2\ maxiter) maxiter = niter; lasta = firstr; } while (isend); flush(); fout = 2; if (nflag) { printf("%d iterations\n", maxiter); printf("%d jumps to jumps\n", nbrbr); printf("%d inst. after jumps\n", iaftbr); printf("%dif (na>1) { p = (&ap)[1]; np--; while (*np++ = *p++); } return(onp); } opsetup() { register struct optab *optp, **ophp; register char *p; for (optp = optab; p = optp->opstring; optp++) { ophp = &ophash[(((p[0]<<3)+(p[1]<<1)+p[2])&077777) % OPHS]; while (*ophp++) if (ophp > &ophash[OPHS]) ophp = ophash; *--ophp = optp; } } oplook() { register struct optab *optp; register char *lp, *op; static char tmpop[32]; struct optab **ophp; op = tmpop; for (lp = line; *lp && *lp!=' ' &1] .t salt;..220 table [-2\<1] .l;[-1\<1] .l;.3 .st .p ..220: enter [-2\<1] i .l;[-2\<1] .l;i .f .l;[-1\<1] .ia .st 1 .p .1=. 2 tabval: params .1 .l;[-2\<1] .t find [-2\<1] i .l;i .l;[-1\<1] .l;[-2\<1] .l;i .f .s .st .p 1 octal i null: 1 trans;1 nil .1=. <1 \0>;.even xbit: 1 .tx;.1 q1: 1 .tq;1 q2: 1 .tq;2 nil: 1 generate blanks: 10 digit: 20 letter: 40 alpha: 100 litch: 200 none: 400 csym: 0 fsym: 0 easy: 0 w: 0 n: 0 dtt: 0 ndt: 0 sndt: 0 pat: 0 npa: 0 ptt: 0 npt: 0 i: 0 .globl classtab classtab: 0 207 2 jumps to .+2\n", njp1); printf("%d redundant labels\n", nrlab); printf("%d cross-jumps\n", nxjump); printf("%d code motions\n", ncmot); printf("%d branches reversed\n", nrevbr); printf("%d redundant moves\n", redunm); printf("%d simplified addresses\n", nsaddr); printf("%d loops inverted\n", loopiv); printf("%d redundant jumps\n", nredunj); printf("%d common seqs before jmp's\n", ncomj); printf("%d skips over jumps\n", nskip); printf("%d sob's added\n", nsob); printf("%d redundant t& *lp!='\t';) *op++ = *lp++; *op++ = 0; while (*lp=='\t' || *lp==' ') lp++; curlp = lp; ophp = &ophash[(((tmpop[0]<<3)+(tmpop[1]<<1)+tmpop[2])&077777) % OPHS]; while (optp = *ophp) { op = optp->opstring; lp = tmpop; while (*lp == *op++) if (*lp++ == 0) return(optp->opcode); if (*lp++=='b' && *lp++==0 && *--op==0) return(optp->opcode + (BYTE<<8)); ophp++; if (ophp >= &ophash[OPHS]) ophp = ophash; } if (line[0]=='L') { lp = &line[1]; while (*lp) if (*lp<'0' || *lp++>07 207 207 207 207 207 207 217 217 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 217 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 207 203 207 207 207 207 207 327 327 327 327 327 327 327 327 327 327 207 205 207 207 7 207 207 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 207 7 207 207 207 207 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 347 207 207 207 207 207 .pn:1 .pxs;12st's\n", nrtst); printf("%d literals eliminated\n", nlit); printf("%dK core\n", ((lastr+01777)>>10)&077); flush(); } exit(0); } input() { register struct node *p, *lastp; register int op; lastp = &first; for (;;) { op = getline(); switch (op.op) { case LABEL: p = alloc(sizeof first); if (line[0] == 'L') { p->combop = LABEL; p->labno = getnum(line+1); p->code = 0; } else { p->combop = DLABEL; p->labno = 0; p->code = copy(line); } break; case JB'9') return(0); curlp = line; return(JSW); } curlp = line; return(0); } refcount() { register struct node *p, *lp; static struct node *labhash[LABHS]; register struct node **hp; for (hp = labhash; hp < &labhash[LABHS];) *hp++ = 0; for (p = first.forw; p!=0; p = p->forw) if (p->op==LABEL) { labhash[p->labno % LABHS] = p; p->refc = 0; } for (p = first.forw; p!=0; p = p->forw) { if (p->op==JBR || p->op==CBR || p->op==JSW) { p->ref = 0; lp = labhash[p->labno % LABHS]; i .tn:1 .txs;12 R: case CBR: case JMP: case JSW: p = alloc(sizeof first); p->combop = op; if (*curlp=='L' && (p->labno = getnum(curlp+1))) p->code = 0; else { p->labno = 0; p->code = copy(curlp); } break; default: p = alloc(sizeof first); p->combop = op; p->labno = 0; p->code = copy(curlp); break; } p->forw = 0; p->back = lastp; lastp->forw = p; lastp = p; p->ref = 0; if (op==EROU) return(1); if (op==END) return(0); } } getline() { register chaf (lp==0 || p->labno!=lp->labno) for (lp = first.forw; lp!=0; lp = lp->forw) { if (lp->op==LABEL && p->labno==lp->labno) break; } if (lp) { hp = nonlab(lp)->back; if (hp!=lp) { p->labno = hp->labno; lp = hp; } p->ref = lp; lp->refc++; } } } for (p = first.forw; p!=0; p = p->forw) if (p->op==LABEL && p->refc==0 && (lp = nonlab(p))->op && lp->op!=JSW) decref(p); } iterate() { register struct node *p, *rp, *p1; nchange = 0; for (p = first.forw r *lp; register c; lp = line; while (c = getchar()) { if (c==':') { *lp++ = 0; return(LABEL); } if (c=='\n') { *lp++ = 0; return(oplook()); } *lp++ = c; } *lp++ = 0; return(END); } getnum(ap) char *ap; { register char *p; register n, c; p = ap; n = 0; while ((c = *p++) >= '0' && c <= '9') n = n*10 + c - '0'; if (*--p != 0) return(0); return(n); } output() { register struct node *t; register struct optab *op; register int byte; t = &first; while (t = t->forw) ; p!=0; p = p->forw) { if ((p->op==JBR||p->op==CBR||p->op==JSW) && p->ref) { rp = nonlab(p->ref); if (rp->op==JBR && rp->labno && p!=rp) { nbrbr++; p->labno = rp->labno; decref(p->ref); rp->ref->refc++; p->ref = rp->ref; nchange++; } } if (p->op==CBR && (p1 = p->forw)->op==JBR) { rp = p->ref; do rp = rp->back; while (rp->op==LABEL); if (rp==p1) { decref(p->ref); p->ref = p1->ref; p->labno = p1->labno; p1->forw->back = p; p->forw = p1# /* * C object code improver */ #include "c2h.c" struct optab optab[] { "jbr", JBR, "jeq", CBR | JEQ<<8, "jne", CBR | JNE<<8, "jle", CBR | JLE<<8, "jge", CBR | JGE<<8, "jlt", CBR | JLT<<8, "jgt", CBR | JGT<<8, "jlo", CBR | JLO<<8, "jhi", CBR | JHI<<8, "jlos", CBR | JLOS<<8, "jhis", CBR | JHIS<<8, "jmp", JMP, ".globl",EROU, "mov", MOV, "clr", CLR, "com", COM, "inc", INC, "dec", DEC, "neg", NEG, "tst", TST, "asr", ASR, "asl", ASL, "sxt", SXT, "cmp", CMP, "add", ADD, "sub", SUB,switch (t->op) { case END: return; case LABEL: printf("L%d:", t->labno); continue; case DLABEL: printf("%s:", t->code); continue; default: if ((byte = t->subop) == BYTE) t->subop = 0; for (op = optab; op->opstring!=0; op++) if (op->opcode == t->combop) { printf("%s", op->opstring); if (byte==BYTE) printf("b"); break; } if (t->code) { reducelit(t); printf("\t%s\n", t->code); } else if (t->op==JBR || t->op==CBR) printf("\tL%d\n", t->labno); else ->forw; p->subop = revbr[p->subop]; nchange++; nskip++; } } if (p->op==JBR || p->op==JMP) { while (p->forw && p->forw->op!=LABEL && p->forw->op!=EROU && p->forw->op!=END) { nchange++; iaftbr++; if (p->forw->ref) decref(p->forw->ref); p->forw = p->forw->forw; p->forw->back = p; } rp = p->forw; while (rp && rp->op==LABEL) { if (p->ref == rp) { p->back->forw = p->forw; p->forw->back = p->back; p = p->back; decref(rp); nchange++; njp1++; break; } rp = rp->forw; } xjump(p); p = codemove(p); } } } xjump(ap) { register int *p1, *p2, *p3; int nxj; nxj = 0; p1 = ap; if ((p2 = p1->ref)==0) return(0); for (;;) { while ((p1 = p1->back) && p1->op==LABEL); while ((p2 = p2->back) && p2->op==LABEL); if (!equop(p1, p2) || p1==p2) return(nxj); p3 = insertl(p2); p1->combop = JBR; p1->ref = p3; p1->labno = p3->labno; p1->code = 0; nxj++; nxjump++; nchange++; } } insertl(ap) s; 1f; 1f; .text; 1:; .data 38.; 1f; 1f; .text; 1:; .data 98.; 1f; 1f; .text; 1:<*$\0>; .data 99.; 1b+2; 1b+2 91.; 1f; 1f; .text; 1: ; .data 92.; 1b; 1b 82.; 1f; 1f; .text; 1:; .data 83.; 1f; 1f; .text; 1:; .data 84.; 1f; 1f; .text; 1:; .data 86.; 1f; 1f; .text; 1:; .data 87.; 1f; 1f; .text; 1:; .data 88.; 1f; 1f; .text; 1:; .data 0 .data _branchtab: 60.; 0f; 1f; .text; 0:; 1:; .data 61.; 1b; 0b 62.; 2f; 5b(ptt) ( tbody | <(> (number|tra) <)> tbody = { 2 * 1 } ); tra: list(tident) octal(npt); tident: ident newtab(ptt,npt); tbody: <{> ( <}> = { <1 generate> } | trb); trb: telem ( <}> = { xbit 1 } | trb = { 2 * 1 } ); telem: <<> literal = { <.tx> 1 } | <*> = {<.tn>} | <$> number = { <.tq;> 1 } | number tdot = tpt | name te1\done te2\done; te1: tabval(dtt,ndt) tdot = tpt; te2: tabval(ptt,npt) = {<.tq;>1}; tdot: (<.> number | ={<0>}) ( <(> list(targ) <)> | null) = { 2 <;> 1 }; targ: namtruct node *ap; { register struct node *lp, *op; op = ap; if (op->op == LABEL) { op->refc++; return(op); } if (op->back->op == LABEL) { op = op->back; op->refc++; return(op); } lp = alloc(sizeof first); lp->combop = LABEL; lp->labno = isn++; lp->ref = 0; lp->code = 0; lp->refc = 1; lp->back = op->back; lp->forw = op; op->back->forw = lp; op->back = lp; return(lp); } codemove(ap) struct node *ap; { register struct node *p1, *p2, *p3; struct node *t, *tl; int n; p1 = ap; if f; .text; 2:; 5:; .data 63.; 3f; 4f; .text; 3:; 4:; .data 64.; 4b; 3b 65.; 5b; 2b 66.; 6f; 9f; .text; 6:; 9:; .data 67.; 7f; 8f; .text; 7:; 8:; .data 68.; 8b; 7b 69.; 9b; 6b 260.; 0b; 1b 261.; 1b; 0b 262.; 2b; 5b 263.; 3b; 4b 264.; 4b; 3b 265.; 5b; 2b 266.; 0b; 1b 267.; 7f; 8f; .text; 7:; 8:; .data 268.; 8b; 7b 269.; 1b; 0b 0 e|remote(tbody); tpt: { <.tp;.byte > 2 <,> 1 }; literal: ( shortlit | remote(longlit) = { <;> 1} ); shortlit: ignore(none) smark any(litch) <>> scopy = { 1 }; longlit: ignore(none) (<>> = { <\> <>> } | null) litb <>> = { <<> 2 1 <\0> <>;.even> }; litb: smark string(litch) scopy <\>/done litb = { 2 <\\> 1 }; expr: assignment | rv ; assignment: lv assign expr = { 3 * 1 * 2 }; rv: prime rv1: bundle ( infix prime = { 3 * 1 * 2 }\rv1 | rva = { 2 * 1 } | () ); rva: rv <:> rv fref fref =(p1->op!=JBR || (p2 = p1->ref)==0) return(p1); while (p2->op == LABEL) if ((p2 = p2->back) == 0) return(p1); if (p2->op!=JBR && p2->op!=JMP) goto ivloop; p2 = p2->forw; p3 = p1->ref; while (p3) { if (p3->op==JBR || p3->op==JMP) { if (p1==p3) return(p1); ncmot++; nchange++; p1->back->forw = p2; p1->forw->back = p3; p2->back->forw = p3->forw; p3->forw->back = p2->back; p2->back = p1->back; p3->forw = p1->forw; decref(p1->ref); return(p2); } else p3 = p { <.t;alt;> 2 * 4 * 1 * 2 <:> 3 * 1 <:> }; prime: lv suffix/done = { 2 * 1 } | prefix lv = { 1 * 2 } | <(> expr <)> | unary prime = { 1 * 2 } | remote(number) = { <.l;> 1 }; lv: ( rname = { <.l;> 1 } | <(> lv <)> | <*> prime = { 1 * <.rv> } ) lv1: <[>/done bundle expr <]> = { 2 * 1 * <.f> }\lv1; assign: <=> ignore(none) ( infix = { 1 * <.u> } | = { <.st> } ); infix: smark ignore(none) ( <+> not((<+> not((<+>)) )) = {<.a>} | <-> = {<.s>} | <*> = {<.m>} | = {<.q>} | <%> = {<.r3->forw; } return(p1); ivloop: if (p1->forw->op!=LABEL) return(p1); p3 = p2 = p2->forw; n = 16; do { if ((p3 = p3->forw) == 0 || p3==p1 || --n==0) return(p1); } while (p3->op!=CBR || p3->labno!=p1->forw->labno); do if ((p1 = p1->back) == 0) return(ap); while (p1!=p3); p1 = ap; tl = insertl(p1); p3->subop = revbr[p3->subop]; decref(p3->ref); p2->back->forw = p1; p3->forw->back = p1; p1->back->forw = p2; p1->forw->back = p3; t = p1->back; p1->back = p2->back; p2->back = t; t begin: ignore(blanks) pr1: comment\pr1 parse(first)\pr2 diag(error) pr2: comment\pr2 parse(line)\pr2 diag(error)\pr2 putcharcl parse(last); first: parse(( fref = {<1 > 1 *})) getfref line = { 2<:> 1 }; error: smark ignore(none) any(!<<>>) string(!<<;>>) scopy ( <;> = {<;>} | null ) = { * 2 1 * }; line: labels ( charcl <;> | statement | numbers | trule <;> ) = { 2 * 1 * }; numbers: number <;> numbers/done = { 2 * 1 }; labels: label labels/done = { 2 * 1 }; label: name <:> = { 1 <>} | <|> = {<.o>} | <^> = {<.x>} | <&> = {<.n>} | <==> = {<.eq>} | = {<.ne>} | <<=> = {<.le>} | <>=> = {<.ge>} | <<<> = {<.sl>} | <<> = {<.lt>} | <>> ( <>> = {<.sr>} | = {<.gt>} ) ); prefix: smark ignore(none) ( <&> = {<.lv>} | <++> = {<.ib>} | <--> = {<.db>} ); suffix: smark ignore(none) ( <++> = {<.ia>} | <--> = {<.da>} ); unary: ( = {<.nt>} | <-> = {<.ng>} | <~> = {<.cm>} ); charcl: ( ccla cclb | ccla ) octal(classmask); ccla: (<<<>) [classmask = 1<forw; p1->forw = p3->forw; p3->forw = t; p2 = insertl(p1->forw); p3->labno = p2->labno; p3->ref = p2; decref(tl); if (tl->refc<=0) nrlab--; loopiv++; nchange++; return(p3); } comjump() { register struct node *p1, *p2, *p3; for (p1 = first.forw; p1!=0; p1 = p1->forw) if (p1->op==JBR && (p2 = p1->ref) && p2->refc > 1) for (p3 = p1->forw; p3!=0; p3 = p3->forw) if (p3->op==JBR && p3->ref == p2) backjmp(p1, p3); } backjmp(ap1, ap2) struct node *ap1, *ap2; { register struct n:> }; last: = { <.pn:1 .pxs;12> * <.tn:1 .txs;12> * }; comment: co1: ignore(!<<*>>) <*> ignore(none) /co1; statement: [csym=0] oldtab(dtt) oldtab(pat) ( proc plst tlst <)> = (1){2 1 } | = (1){} noelem ) stt1: bundle ( frag = (1){ 2(nil) * 1(q1) }\stt1 | <;> ( ifelem = { 1(xbit) } | ={ 1(nil) * <1 succ> } ) ); proc: smark ignore(none) ; plst: list(pident)/null remote((octal(npa))) = { 1 * }; pident: ident newtab(pat,npa); tlst: <;>/null [i=0] list((name [i++])) remlassmask?]/cherr ccl1: cclc <<<>\ccl1; cclc: ignore(none) ccl3: <>>\ccl4 ccle\ccl3; ccl4: (<>> | cclx fail) (not((<>>)) | ccle); ccle: char(n) [*(2*n+&classes) =| classmask]; cclb: zeron ccl5: [*(&classes+n) =^ classmask] testn\ccl5; cclx: [nclass--] zeron ccl6: [*(&classes+n) =& ~classmask] testn\ccl6; cherr: diag(( ={} )); zeron: [n=0]; testn: [(n=+2)<400?]; putcharcl: zeron [classes=0] parse(( = { * <.globl classtab> * * } )) ptc1: [w = *(&classes+n)] parse((octal(ode *p1, *p2, *p3; p1 = ap1; p2 = ap2; for(;;) { while ((p1 = p1->back) && p1->op==LABEL); p2 = p2->back; if (equop(p1, p2)) { p3 = insertl(p1); p2->back->forw = p2->forw; p2->forw->back = p2->back; p2 = p2->forw; decref(p2->ref); p2->labno = p3->labno; p2->ref = p3; nchange++; ncomj++; } else return; } } ote((octal(i))) = { 1 * 2 * }; frag: prule = (1){ 1(nil,q1) } | labels noelem = (1){ 1 }; /*in sequel q2 is where to go on fail,q1 is exit bit*/ prule: [sndt=ndt] disj ( <|> [ndt=sndt] fref ( ifeasy prule = (2){3(nil,nil)*2* 1(q2,q1)*2<:>} | prule fref = (2){4({*1},q1)*3* 1<:>2(q2,q1)*3<:>} ) noelem | () ); disj: pelem pdot ( disj = (2){2(q2,nil) * 1(nil,q1)} ifelem/done ishard | () ); pelem: pprim = (2){1(q1)$2} iseasy | <(> push(1,sndt) ( prule <)> w) = {1*})) bundle testn\ptc1; classmask: 0; nclass: 0; classes: cl1: 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0; cl2: 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0; cl3: 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0; cl4: 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0; cl5: 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0; cl6: 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0; cl7: 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0; cl8: 0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0; done: ; create: [csym++] getcsym: octal(csym) = {<.> 1}; fref: [fsym++] getfref: octal(fsym) = { <..> 1 }; not: params(1) $1/done fail; / C operator tables .globl fltused; fltused=. .globl _instab .globl _branchtab .data _instab: 80.; 1f; 2f; .text; 1:; 2:; .data 60.; 1f; 2f; .text; 1: ; 2: ; .data 106.; 1b; 2b 61.; 1b; 2b 62.; 1b; 2b 63.; 1b; 2b 64.; 1b; 2b 65.; 1b; 2b 66.; 1b; 2b 67.; 1b; 2b 68.; 1b; 2b 69.; 1b; 2b 40.; 1f; 3f; .text; 1:; .data 70.; 1b; 3f 41.; 2f; 4f; .text; 2:; .data 71.; 2b; 4f 30.; 1b; 3f; .text; 3:; .data 31.; 2b; 4f; .text; 4:; .data 32.; 1 | <)> = (2){} noelem ); pprim: ( special | rname ( <:> fail | (spdot|()) ignore(none) ( <(> ignore(blanks) list(parg) <)> = (1){$1 2 * 1} | = (1){$1 1} ))) ( ( = {} | <\>={}) rname = (1){3(nil)*$1 2 1} | () ); pdot: <.>/done ignore(none) ident\alias ([dtt?] | table(dtt) [ndt=0]) [ndt++]; spdot: <.> ignore(none) not(( any(letter) )) alias: newtab(dtt,ndt); parg: rname | remote(specparg); specparg: number | charcl | <<> longlit | <*> = { <\n\0> } | <(> ( <)> = {<1 slist: params(1) $1 list1: bundle <,>/done $1 = { 2 * 1 }\list1; remote: params(1) create parse(rem1,$1); rem1: params(1) getcsym $1 = { 2 <=.> * 1 * }; number: smark ignore(none) any(digit) string(digit) scopy; name: ident scopy; ident: smark ignore(none) any(letter) string(alpha); oldtab: params(1) [$1?]/done discard($1) [$1=0]; newtab: params(2) ([$2?] | table($2) [$1=0]) enter($2,i) [$2[i] = $1++]; tabval: params(2) [$2?] find($2,i) [i=$1-$2[i]] octal(i); null: = nil; xbit: {<1 >}; q1: { $1 };b; 3b 33.; 2b; 4b 42.; 5f; 5f; .text; 5:; .data 72.; 5b; 5b 43.; 6f; 6f; .text; 6:; .data 73.; 6b; 6b 44.; 5b; 6b 74.; 5b; 6b 45.; 5f; 6f; .text; 6:; .data 75.; 5f; 6b 46.; 5f; 6f; .text; 5:; 6:; .data 76.; 5b; 6b 47.; 5f; 5f; .text; 5:; 6:; .data 55.; 5b; 6b 85.; 5b; 6b 81.; 5f; 6f; .text; 5:; 6:; .data 48.; 5f; 6f; .text; 5:; 6:; .data 78.; 5b; 6b 49.; 5f; 5f; .text; 5:; .data 79.; 5b; 5b 37.ucc>} | push(3,dtt,ndt,sndt) [dtt=0] prule <)> oldtab(dtt) ( ifelem = {1(nil,xbit) } | = {1(nil,nil)*<1 succ>} ) ); iseasy: [easy = 1]; ishard: [easy = 0]; noelem: [easy = 2]; ifelem: [easy!=2?]; ifeasy: [easy==1?]; special: <=> (rname | remote(trule)) = (1){ $1 1 } | <<> literal = (1){ $1 <.px> 1 } | <*> = (1){ $1 <.pn> } | <[> expr ( = {<.t>} | = {<.p>} ) <]> = (1){ 2 * $1 1 }; rname: ( name tabval(pat,npa)/done | <$> number ) = { <[-> 1 <\<1]> }; trule: oldta q2: { $2 }; nil: {}; blanks: << >>; digit: <<0123456789>>; letter: <> <>; alpha: <<0123456789>> <> <>; litch: !<<\>>>; none: <<>>; csym: 0; fsym: 0; easy: 0; w: 0; n: 0; dtt: 0; /*delivered translation table*/ ndt: 0; /*numb of delivered translations*/ sndt: 0; /*saved ndt at beginning of disjunctive term*/ pat: 0; /*parsing rule parameter table*/ npa: 0; /*number of parsing rule params*/ ptt: 0; /*table of params of translation*/ npt: 0; /*number of params of translation*/ i: 0; FFS 21 #define SOFFS 22 /* Flag bits */ #define BINARY 01 #define LVALUE 02 #define RELAT 04 #define ASSGOP 010 #define LWORD 020 #define RWORD 040 #define COMMUTE 0100 #define RASSOC 0200 #define LEAF 0400 #define CNVRT 01000 E) { t = t1; p2->type = INT; /* no int cv for struct */ t2 = INT; } else cvn = cvtab[lintyp(t1)][lintyp(t2)]; leftc = (cvn>>4)&017; cvn =& 017; t = leftc? t2:t1; if (dope&ASSGOP) { t = t1; if (op==ASSIGN && (cvn==ITP||cvn==PTI)) cvn = leftc = 0; if (leftc) cvn = leftc; leftc = 0; } else if (op==COLON && t1>=PTR && t1==t2) cvn = 0; else if (dope&RELAT) { if (op>=LESSEQ && (t1>=PTR || t2>=PTR)) op =+ LESSEQP-LESSEQ; if (cvn==PTI) cvn = 0; } if (cvn==PTI) { cvn = 0;/* * C pass 2 header */ #define swsiz 200 #define ossiz 500 struct tnode { int op; int type; int degree; struct tnode *tr1, *tr2; }; struct bnode { int bop; struct tnode *btree; int lbl; int cond; }; struct tname { int nop; int ntype; int elsize; char class; char regno; int offset; int nloc; }; /* * for field selections */ struct tsel { int op; int type; int degree; struct tnode *tr1; char flen; char bitoffs; }; struct tconst { int cop; int ctype; int cdeg; int value; };        if (op==MINUS) { t = INT; pcvn++; } else { if (t1!=t2 || t1!=(PTR+CHAR)) cvn = XX; } } if (cvn) { t1 = plength(p1); t2 = plength(p2); if (cvn==XX || (cvn==PTI&&t1!=t2)) error("Illegal conversion"); else if (leftc) p1 = convert(p1, t, cvn, t2); else p2 = convert(p2, t, cvn, t1); } if (dope&RELAT) t = INT; if (fold(op, p1, p2)==0) *cp++ = block(2,op,t,(p1->dimp==0? p2:p1)->dimp,p1,p2); if (pcvn && t1!=(PTR+CHAR)) { p1 = *--cp; *cp++ = convert(p1, 0, PTI, plstruct optab { char tabdeg1; char tabtyp1; char tabdeg2; char tabtyp2; char *tabstring; }; struct table { int tabop; struct optab *tabp; }; struct instab { int iop; char *str1; char *str2; }; struct swtab { int swlab; int swval; }; char maprel[]; char notrel[]; int nreg; int isn; int namsiz; int line; char ascbuf[518]; int nerror; struct table cctab[]; struct table efftab[]; struct table regtab[]; struct table sptab[]; struct table lsptab[]; struct instab instab[]; struct instab branchtab[];# /* * C compiler * * */ #include "c0h.c" /* * Called from tree, this routine takes the top 1, 2, or 3 * operands on the expression stack, makes a new node with * the operator op, and puts it on the stack. * Essentially all the work is in inserting * appropriate conversions. */ build(op) { register int t1; int t2, t3, t; struct tnode *p3, *disarray(); register struct tnode *p1, *p2; int d, dope, leftc, cvn, pcvn; /* * a[i] => *(a+i) */ if (op==LBRACK) { build(PLUS); op = STAR; }ength(p1->tr1)); } } /* * Generate the appropirate conversion operator. * For pointer <=> integer this is a multiplication * or division, otherwise a special operator. */ convert(p, t, cvn, len) struct tnode *p; { register int n; switch(cvn) { case PTI: case ITP: if (len==1) return(p); return(block(2, (cvn==PTI?DIVIDE:TIMES), t, 0, p, block(1, CON, 0, 0, len))); case ITF: n = ITOF; break; case FTI: n = FTOI; break; case ITL: n = ITOL; break; case LTI: n = LTOI; bre int opdope[]; char *opntab[]; int nstack; int nfloat; int *spacep; int treespace[ossiz]; int eolflg; struct tconst czero, cone, fczero; /* operators */ #define EOF 0 #define SEMI 1 #define LBRACE 2 #define RBRACE 3 #define LBRACK 4 #define RBRACK 5 #define LPARN 6 #define RPARN 7 #define COLON 8 #define COMMA 9 #define FSEL 10 #define KEYW 19 #define NAME 20 #define CON 21 #define STRING 22 #define FCON 23 #define SFCON 24 #define AUTOI 27 #define AUTOD 28 #define INCBEF 30 #define DECBEF 31 #define IN dope = opdope[op]; if ((dope&BINARY)!=0) { p2 = chkfun(disarray(*--cp)); t2 = p2->type; } p1 = *--cp; /* * sizeof gets turned into a number here. * Bug: sizeof(structure-member-array) is 2 because * the array has been turned into a ptr already. */ if (op==SIZEOF) { t1 = length(p1); p1->op = CON; p1->type = INT; p1->dimp = 0; p1->value = t1; *cp++ = p1; return; } if (op!=AMPER) { p1 = disarray(p1); if (op!=CALL) p1 = chkfun(p1); } t1 = p1->type; pcvn = 0; t = INTak; case FTL: n = FTOL; break; case LTF: n = LTOF; break; } return(block(1, n, t, 0, p)); } /* * Traverse an expression tree, adjust things * so the types of things in it are consistent * with the view that its top node has * type at. * Used with structure references. */ setype(ap, at, adimptr) struct tnode *ap; { register struct tnode *p; register t, dimptr; p = ap; t = at; dimptr = adimptr; p->type = t; if (dimptr != -1) p->dimp = dimptr; switch(p->op) { case AMPER: setypCAFT 32 #define DECAFT 33 #define EXCLA 34 #define AMPER 35 #define STAR 36 #define NEG 37 #define COMPL 38 #define DOT 39 #define PLUS 40 #define MINUS 41 #define TIMES 42 #define DIVIDE 43 #define MOD 44 #define RSHIFT 45 #define LSHIFT 46 #define AND 47 #define NAND 55 #define OR 48 #define EXOR 49 #define ARROW 50 #define ITOF 51 #define FTOI 52 #define LOGAND 53 #define LOGOR 54 #define FTOL 56 #define LTOF 57 #define ITOL 58 #define LTOI 59 #define EQUAL 60 #define NEQUAL 61 #define LESSEQ 62 #defin; switch (op) { /* end of expression */ case 0: *cp++ = p1; return; /* no-conversion operators */ case QUEST: if (p2->op!=COLON) error("Illegal conditional"); t = t2; case COMMA: case LOGAND: case LOGOR: *cp++ = block(2, op, t, 0, p1, p2); return; case CALL: if ((t1&XTYPE) != FUNC) error("Call of non-function"); *cp++ = block(2,CALL,decref(t1),p1->dimp,p1,p2); return; case STAR: if (p1->op==AMPER ) { *cp++ = p1->tr1; return; } if ((t1&XTYPE) == FUNC) erre(p->tr1, decref(t), dimptr); return; case STAR: setype(p->tr1, incref(t), dimptr); return; case PLUS: case MINUS: setype(p->tr1, t, dimptr); } } /* * A mention of a function name is turned into * a pointer to that function. */ chkfun(ap) struct tnode *ap; { register struct tnode *p; register int t; p = ap; if (((t = p->type)&XTYPE)==FUNC) return(block(1,AMPER,incref(t),p->dimp,p)); return(p); } /* * A mention of an array is turned into * a pointer to the base of the array. */ e LESS 63 #define GREATEQ 64 #define GREAT 65 #define LESSEQP 66 #define LESSP 67 #define GREATQP 68 #define GREATP 69 #define ASPLUS 70 #define ASMINUS 71 #define ASTIMES 72 #define ASDIV 73 #define ASMOD 74 #define ASRSH 75 #define ASLSH 76 #define ASSAND 77 #define ASOR 78 #define ASXOR 79 #define ASSIGN 80 #define TAND 81 #define LTIMES 82 #define LDIV 83 #define LMOD 84 #define ASSNAND 85 #define LASTIMES 86 #define LASDIV 87 #define LASMOD 88 #define QUEST 90 #define LLSHIFT 91 #define ASLSHL 92 #deor("Illegal indirection"); *cp++ = block(1,STAR,decref(t1),p1->dimp,p1); return; case AMPER: if (p1->op==STAR) { p1->tr1->dimp = p1->dimp; p1->tr1->type = incref(t1); *cp++ = p1->tr1; return; } if (p1->op==NAME) { *cp++ = block(1,op,incref(t1),p1->dimp,p1); return; } error("Illegal lvalue"); break; /* * a->b goes to (*a).b */ case ARROW: *cp++ = p1; chkw(p1, -1); p1->type = PTR+STRUCT; build(STAR); p1 = *--cp; /* * In a.b, a fairly complicated processstruct tnode *disarray(ap) struct tnode *ap; { register int t; register struct tnode *p; p = ap; /* check array & not MOS */ if (((t = p->type)&XTYPE)!=ARRAY || p->op==NAME&&p->class==MOS) return(p); p->ssp++; *cp++ = p; setype(p, decref(t), -1); build(AMPER); return(*--cp); } /* * make sure that p is a ptr to a node * with type int or char or 'okt.' * okt might be nonexistent or 'long' * (e.g. for <<). */ chkw(p, okt) struct tnode *p; { register int t; if ((t=p->type)>CHAR && top!=NAME || (p2->class!=MOS && p2->class!=FMOS)) error("Illegal structure ref"); *cp++ = p1; t = t2; if ((t&XTYPE) == ARRAY) { t = decref(t); p2->ssp++; } setype(p1, t, p2->dimp); build(AMPER); *cp++ = block(1,CON,NOTYPE,0,p2->nloc); build(PLUS); if ((t2&XTYPE) != ARRAY) t!=okt) error("Integer operand required"); return; } /* *'linearize' a type for looking up in the * conversion table */ lintyp(t) { switch(t) { case INT: case CHAR: return(0); case FLOAT: case DOUBLE: return(1); case LONG: return(2); default: return(3); } } /* * Report an error. */ error(s, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6) { nerror++; printf("%d: ", line); printf(s, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6); printf("\n"); } /* * Generate a node in an expression tree, * setting the operator, type,WIT 213 #define EXPR 214 #define SNAME 215 #define RNAME 216 #define ANAME 217 #define NULL 218 /* * types */ #define INT 0 #define CHAR 1 #define FLOAT 2 #define DOUBLE 3 #define STRUCT 4 #define RSTRUCT 5 #define LONG 6 #define TYLEN 2 #define TYPE 07 #define XTYPE (03<<3) #define PTR 010 #define FUNC 020 #define ARRAY 030 /* storage classes */ #define KEYWC 1 #define MOS 10 #define AUTO 11 #define EXTERN 12 #define STATIC 13 #define REG 14 #define STRTAG 15 #define ARG 16 #define OFFS 20 #define XO build(STAR); if (p2->class == FMOS) *cp++ = block(2, FSEL, t, 0, *--cp, p2->dimp); return; } if ((dope&LVALUE)!=0) chklval(p1); if ((dope&LWORD)!=0) chkw(p1, LONG); if ((dope&RWORD)!=0) chkw(p2, LONG); if ((dope&BINARY)==0) { if (op==ITOF) t1 = DOUBLE; else if (op==FTOI) t1 = INT; if (!fold(op, p1, 0)) *cp++ = block(1,op,t1,p1->dimp,p1); return; } cvn = 0; if (t1==STRUCT || t2==STRUCT) { error("Unimplemented structure operation"); t1 = t2 = INT; } if (t2==NOTYP degree (unused in this pass) * and the operands. */ block(an, op, t, d, p1,p2,p3) int *p1, *p2, *p3; { register int *ap, *p, n; int *oldp; n = an+3; p = gblock(n); oldp = p; ap = &op; do { *p++ = *ap++; } while (--n); return(oldp); } /* * Assign an unitialized block for use in the * expression tree. */ gblock(n) { register int *p; p = space; if ((space =+ n) >= &osspace[OSSIZ]) { error("Expression overflow"); exit(1); } return(p); } /* * Check that a tree can be used as an lvalue. */ chklval(ap) struct tnode *ap; { register struct tnode *p; p = ap; if (p->op!=NAME && p->op!=STAR) error("Lvalue required"); } /* * reduce some forms of `constant op constant' * to a constant. More of this is done in the next pass * but this is used to allow constant expressions * to be used in switches and array bounds. */ fold(op, ap1, ap2) struct tnode *ap1, *ap2; { register struct tnode *p1; register int v1, v2; p1 = ap1; if (p1->op!=CON || (ap2!=0 && ap2->op!=CON)) return(0)the object * whose tree node is acs. */ length(acs) struct tnode *acs; { register t, n; register struct tnode *cs; cs = acs; t = cs->type; n = 1; while ((t&XTYPE) == ARRAY) { t = decref(t); n = dimtab[cs->ssp&0377]; } if ((t&~TYPE)==FUNC) return(0); if (t>=PTR) return(2*n); switch(t&TYPE) { case INT: return(2*n); case CHAR: return(n); case FLOAT: case LONG: return(4*n); case DOUBLE: return(8*n); case STRUCT: return(n * dimtab[cs->lenp&0377]); case RSTRUCT: error int op; int type; int dimp; int class; int offset; char nname[ncps]; }; struct tconst { int op; int type; int dimp; int value; }; struct hshtab { char hclass; char hflag; int htype; int hdimp; int hoffset; char name[ncps]; }; struct { char hclass; char hflag; int htype; char flen; /* Field length */ char bitoffs; /* Offset of field */ }; struct swtab { int swlab; int swval; }; struct bnode { int bop; struct tnode *btree; int lbl; int cond; }; char cvtab[4][4]; char savstr[S; v1 = p1->value; v2 = ap2->value; switch (op) { case PLUS: v1 =+ v2; break; case MINUS: v1 =- v2; break; case TIMES: v1 =* v2; break; case DIVIDE: v1 =/ v2; break; case MOD: v1 =% v2; break; case AND: v1 =& v2; break; case OR: v1 =| v2; break; case EXOR: v1 =^ v2; break; case NEG: v1 = - v1; break; case COMPL: v1 = ~ v1; break; case LSHIFT: v1 =<< v2; break; case RSHIFT: v1 =>> v2; break; default: return(0); } p1->value = v1; ("Bad structure"); return(0); } error("Compiler error (length)"); } /* * The number of bytes in an object, rounded up to a word. */ rlength(cs) struct tnode *cs; { return((length(cs)+ALIGN) & ~ALIGN); } /* * After an "if (...) goto", look to see if the transfer * is to a simple label. */ simplegoto() { register struct hshtab *csp; if ((peeksym=symbol())==NAME && nextchar()==';') { csp = csym; if (csp->hclass==0 && csp->htype==0) { csp->htype = ARRAY; if (csp->hoffset==0) csp->hoTRSIZ]; char *strptr; int opdope[]; char ctab[]; char symbuf[ncps+2]; int hshused; struct hshtab hshtab[hshsiz]; int *space; int *cp; int cmst[cmsiz]; int isn; struct swtab swtab[swsiz]; struct swtab *swp; int contlab; int brklab; int retlab; int deflab; int nauto; int autolen; int peeksym; int peekc; int eof; int line; int osspace[OSSIZ]; int *treespace; struct hshtab *defsym; struct hshtab *funcsym; int xdflg; int proflg; int stflg; struct hshtab *csym; int cval; double fcval; int nchstr; int nerror; stru *cp++ = p1; return(1); } /* * Compile an expression expected to have constant value, * for example an array bound or a case value. */ conexp() { register struct tnode *t; initflg++; if (t = tree()) if (t->op != CON) error("Constant required"); initflg--; return(t->value); } ffset = isn++; } if ((csp->hclass==0||csp->hclass==STATIC) && csp->htype==ARRAY) { peeksym = -1; return(csp->hoffset); } } return(0); } /* * Return the next non-white-space character */ nextchar() { while (spnextchar()==' ') peekc = 0; return(peekc); } /* * Return the next character, translating all white space * to blank and handling line-ends. */ spnextchar() { register c; if ((c = peekc)==0) c = getchar(); if (c=='\t') c = ' '; else if (c=='\n') { c = ' '; if (inct hshtab *paraml; struct hshtab *parame; int strflg; int mosflg; int initflg; int inhdr; int dimtab[dimsiz]; char obuf[518]; char sbuf[518]; int dimp; int regvar; int bitoffs; struct tname funcblk; /* operators */ #define EOF 0 #define SEMI 1 #define LBRACE 2 #define RBRACE 3 #define LBRACK 4 #define RBRACK 5 #define LPARN 6 #define RPARN 7 #define COLON 8 #define COMMA 9 #define FSEL 10 #define KEYW 19 #define NAME 20 #define CON 21 #define STRING 22 #define FCON 23 #define SFCON 24 #define SIZEOF 91        hdr==0) line++; inhdr = 0; } else if (c=='\001') { /* SOH, insert marker */ inhdr++; c = ' '; } peekc = c; return(c); } /* * is a break or continue legal? */ chconbrk(l) { if (l==0) error("Break/continue error"); } /* * The goto statement. */ dogoto() { register struct tnode *np; *cp++ = tree(); build(STAR); chkw(np = *--cp, -1); rcexpr(block(1,JUMP,0,0,np)); } /* * The return statement, which has to convert * the returned object to the function's type. */ doret() { register #define INCBEF 30 #define DECBEF 31 #define INCAFT 32 #define DECAFT 33 #define EXCLA 34 #define AMPER 35 #define STAR 36 #define NEG 37 #define COMPL 38 #define DOT 39 #define PLUS 40 #define MINUS 41 #define TIMES 42 #define DIVIDE 43 #define MOD 44 #define RSHIFT 45 #define LSHIFT 46 #define AND 47 #define OR 48 #define EXOR 49 #define ARROW 50 #define ITOF 51 #define FTOI 52 #define LOGAND 53 #define LOGOR 54 #define FTOL 56 #define LTOF 57 #define ITOL 58 #define LTOI 59 #define EQUAL 60 #define NEQ# /* * C compiler * * */ #include "c0h.c" /* * Reduce the degree-of-reference by one. * e.g. turn "ptr-to-int" into "int". */ decref(at) { register t; t = at; if ((t & ~TYPE) == 0) { error("Illegal indirection"); return(t); } return((t>>TYLEN) & ~TYPE | t&TYPE); } /* * Increase the degree of reference by * one; e.g. turn "int" to "ptr-to-int". */ incref(t) { return(((t&~TYPE)<tr2; build(RFORCE); rcexpr(*--cp); } branch(retlab); } /* * write out a character to the usual output * or to the string file */ putchar(c) { write(1, &c, 1); } outcode(s, a) char *s; { register char *sp; register *ap, *bufp; int n; char *np; bufp = obuf; if (strflg) bufp = sbuf; ap = &a; for (;;) switch(*s++) { case 'B': putw(*ap++ | (0376<<8), bufp); cUAL 61 #define LESSEQ 62 #define LESS 63 #define GREATEQ 64 #define GREAT 65 #define LESSEQP 66 #define LESSP 67 #define GREATQP 68 #define GREATP 69 #define ASPLUS 70 #define ASMINUS 71 #define ASTIMES 72 #define ASDIV 73 #define ASMOD 74 #define ASRSH 75 #define ASLSH 76 #define ASSAND 77 #define ASOR 78 #define ASXOR 79 #define ASSIGN 80 #define QUEST 90 #define CALL 100 #define MCALL 101 #define JUMP 102 #define CBRANCH 103 #define INIT 104 #define SETREG 105 #define RFORCE 110 #define BRANCH 111 #defo together with the cond. */ cbranch(tree, lbl, cond) struct tnode *tree; { rcexpr(block(1,CBRANCH,tree,lbl,cond)); } /* * Write out a tree. */ rcexpr(tree) struct tnode *tree; { treeout(tree); outcode("BN", EXPR, line); } treeout(atree) struct tnode *atree; { register struct tnode *tree; if ((tree = atree) == 0) return; switch(tree->op) { case 0: outcode("B", NULL); return; case NAME: outcode("BNN", NAME, tree->class, tree->type); if (tree->class==EXTERN) outcode("S", tree->nnontinue; case 'N': putw(*ap++, bufp); continue; case 'S': np = *ap++; n = ncps; while (n-- && *np) { putc(*np++, bufp); } putc(0, bufp); continue; case '1': putw(1, bufp); continue; case '0': putw(0, bufp); continue; case '\0': return; } error("Botch in outcode"); } ine LABEL 112 #define NLABEL 113 #define RLABEL 114 /* types */ #define INT 0 #define CHAR 1 #define FLOAT 2 #define DOUBLE 3 #define STRUCT 4 #define RSTRUCT 5 #define LONG 6 #define NOTYPE 7 /* used internally */ #define ALIGN 01 #define TYPE 07 #define TYLEN 2 #define XTYPE (03<<3) #define PTR 010 #define FUNC 020 #define ARRAY 030 /* storage classes */ #define KEYWC 1 #define MOS 10 #define AUTO 11 #define EXTERN 12 #define STATIC 13 #define REG 14 #define STRTAG 15 #define ARG 16 #define ARG1 17ame); else outcode("N", tree->nloc); return; case CON: case FCON: case SFCON: outcode("BNN", tree->op, tree->type, tree->value); return; case FSEL: treeout(tree->tr1); outcode("BNN", tree->op, tree->type, tree->tr2); return; case CBRANCH: treeout(tree->btree); outcode("BNN", tree->op, tree->lbl, tree->cond); return; default: treeout(tree->tr1); if (opdope[tree->op]&BINARY) treeout(tree->tr2); outcode("BN", tree->op, tree->type); return; } } /* * Generate a bran       #define FMOS 18 /* keywords */ #define GOTO 20 #define RETURN 21 #define IF 22 #define WHILE 23 #define ELSE 24 #define SWITCH 25 #define CASE 26 #define BREAK 27 #define CONTIN 28 #define DO 29 #define DEFAULT 30 #define FOR 31 /* characters */ #define INSERT 119 #define PERIOD 120 #define SQUOTE 121 #define DQUOTE 122 #define LETTER 123 #define DIGIT 124 #define NEWLN 125 #define SPACE 126 #define UNKN 127 /* * Special operators in intermediate code */ #define BDATA 200 #define WDATA 201 #definech */ branch(lab) { outcode("BN", BRANCH, lab); } /* * Generate a label */ label(l) { outcode("BN", LABEL, l); } /* * ap is a tree node whose type * is some kind of pointer; return the size of the object * to which the pointer points. */ plength(ap) struct tname *ap; { register t, l; register struct tname *p; p = ap; if (p==0 || ((t=p->type)&~TYPE) == 0) /* not a reference */ return(1); p->type = decref(t); l = length(p); p->type = t; return(l); } /* * return the number of bytes in # /* C compiler-- pass 1 header */ /* parameters */ #define ncps 8 #define hshsiz 200 #define cmsiz 40 #define swsiz 200 #define OSSIZ 500 #define dimsiz 100 #define NBPW 16 #define NBPC 8 #define NCPW 2 #define STRSIZ 256 struct tnode { int op; int type; int dimp; struct tnode *tr1, *tr2; }; struct { int op; int type; char ssp; /* subscript list */ char lenp; /* structure length */ }; struct tname { int op; int type; int dimp; int class; int offset; int nloc; }; struct txname { PROG 202 #define DATA 203 #define BSS 204 #define CSPACE 205 #define SSPACE 206 #define SYMDEF 207 #define SAVE 208 #define RETRN 209 #define EVEN 210 #define PROFIL 212 #define SWIT 213 #define EXPR 214 #define SNAME 215 #define RNAME 216 #define ANAME 217 #define NULL 218 /* Flag bits */ #define BINARY 01 #define LVALUE 02 #define RELAT 04 #define ASSGOP 010 #define LWORD 020 #define RWORD 040 #define COMMUTE 0100 #define RASSOC 0200 #define LEAF 0400 /* * Conversion codes */ #define ITF 1 #define ITL 2 #define LTF 3 #define ITP 4 #define PTI 5 #define FTI 6 #define LTI 7 #define FTL 8 #define XX 15 /* * symbol table flags */ #define FNDEL 01 #define FNUND 02 #define FKEYW 04 #define FFIELD 020 nerating * the converted int in a register by * movf double,fr0; movfi fr0,int . */ if(opdope[p1->op]&CNVRT && (opdope[p2->op]&CNVRT)==0) { tree->tr1 = p1->tr1; if (opt = match(tree, table, nrleft)) return(opt); tree->tr1 = p1; } else if (opdope[p2->op]&CNVRT && (opdope[p1->op]&CNVRT)==0) { tree->tr2 = p2->tr1; if (opt = match(tree, table, nrleft)) return(opt); tree->tr2 = p2; } t2 = p2->type; d2 = dcalc(p2, nrleft); } for (; table->op!=op; table++) if (table /* * Longs need special treatment. */ case ASLSH: case LSHIFT: if (tree->type==LONG) { if (tree->tr2->op==ITOL) tree->tr2 = tree->tr2->tr1; if (tree->op==ASLSH) tree->op = ASLSHL; else tree->op = LLSHIFT; } break; /* * Try to change * and / to shifts. */ case TIMES: case DIVIDE: case ASTIMES: case ASDIV: tree = pow2(tree); } /* * Try to find postfix ++ and -- operators that can be * pulled out and done after the rest of the expression */ if (table!=cctIEHzap(s) { write(2,s,6); write(2,": argument count wrong\n",23); write(2,"That's all, folks\n",18); exit(); } ->op==0) return(0); for (opt = table->tabp; opt->tabdeg1!=0; opt++) { if (d1 > (opt->tabdeg1&077) || (opt->tabdeg1 >= 0100 && (p1->op != STAR))) continue; if (notcompat(p1, opt->tabtyp1, op)) { continue; } if ((opdope[op]&BINARY)!=0 && p2!=0) { if (d2 > (opt->tabdeg2&077) || (opt->tabdeg2 >= 0100) && (p2->op != STAR) ) continue; if (notcompat(p2,opt->tabtyp2, 0)) continue; } return(opt); } return(0); } /* * Given a tree, a code table, and a register, * produceab && table!=cregtab && recurf<2 && (opdope[tree->op]&LEAF)==0) { if (r=delay(&atree, table, reg)) { tree = atree; table = efftab; reg = r-1; } } /* * Basically, try to reorder the computation * so reg = x+y is done as reg = x; reg =+ y */ if (recurf==0 && reorder(&atree, table, reg)) { if (table==cctab && atree->op==NAME) return(reg); } tree = atree; if (table==efftab && tree->op==NAME) return(reg); if ((r=cexpr(tree, table, reg))>=0) return(r); if (table!=regtab) A...Htmga.szrun4tmgc.s6tmgl.s9tmgl.ttmgba.outxalloc.d code to evaluate the tree with the appropriate table. * Registers reg and upcan be used. * If there is a value, it is desired that it appear in reg. * The routine returns the register in which the value actually appears. * This routine must work or there is an error. * If the table called for is cctab, sptab, or efftab, * and tree can't be done using the called-for table, * another try is made. * If the tree can't be compiled using cctab, regtab is * used and a "tst" instruction is produced. * If{ if((r=cexpr(tree, regtab, reg))>=0) { fixup: modf = isfloat(tree); if (table==sptab || table==lsptab) { if (tree->type==LONG) { printf("mov\tr%d,-(sp)\n",r+1); nstack++; } printf("mov%c r%d,%c(sp)\n", modf, r, table==sptab? '-':0); nstack++; } if (table==cctab) printf("tst%c r%d\n", modf, r); return(r); } } if (tree->op>0 && tree->opop]) error("No code table for op: %s", opntab[tree->op]); else error("No code table for o, / 2 5 ! $ ' * - 0 3 6 " % ( + . 1 4 7 8 ; > A D G J M 9 < ? B E H K N : the tree can't be compiled using sptab, * regtab is used and the register is pushed on the stack. * If the tree can't be compiled using efftab, * just use regtab. * Regtab must succeed or an "op not found" error results. * * A number of special cases are recognized, and * there is an interaction with the optimizer routines. */ rcexpr(atree, atable, reg) struct tnode *atree; struct table *atable; { register r; int modf, nargs, recurf; register struct tnode *tree; register struct table *table; p %d", tree->op); return(reg); } /* * Try to compile the tree with the code table using * registers areg and up. If successful, * return the register where the value actually ended up. * If unsuccessful, return -1. * * Most of the work is the macro-expansion of the * code table. */ cexpr(atree, table, areg) struct tnode *atree; struct table *table; { int c, r; register struct tnode *p, *p1, *tree; struct table *ctable; struct tnode *p2; char *string; int reg, reg1, rreg, flag, opd; char *o# /* C compiler, part 2 */ #include "c1h.c" char maprel[] { EQUAL, NEQUAL, GREATEQ, GREAT, LESSEQ, LESS, GREATQP, GREATP, LESSEQP, LESSP }; char notrel[] { NEQUAL, EQUAL, GREAT, GREATEQ, LESS, LESSEQ, GREATP, GREATQP, LESSP, LESSEQP }; struct tconst czero { CON, INT, 0, 0}; struct tconst cone { CON, INT, 0, 1}; struct tconst fczero { SFCON, DOUBLE, 0, 0 }; struct table *cregtab; int nreg 3; int isn 10000; int namsiz 8; main(argc, argv) char *argv[]; { extern fout; if (argc<4) { etable = atable; recurf = 0; if (reg<0) { recurf++; reg = ~reg; if (reg>=020) { reg =- 020; recurf++; } } if((tree=atree)==0) return(0); switch (tree->op) { /* * A conditional branch */ case CBRANCH: cbranch(optim(tree->btree), tree->lbl, tree->cond, 0); return(0); /* * An initializing expression */ case INIT: if (tree->tr1->op == AMPER) tree->tr1 = tree->tr1->tr1; if (tree->tr1->op==NAME) pname(tree->tr1); else if (tree->tr1==CON) psoct(tree->tr1->valuept; tree = atree; reg = areg; p1 = tree->tr2; c = tree->op; opd = opdope[c]; /* * When the value of a relational or a logical expression is * desired, more work must be done. */ if ((opd&RELAT||c==LOGAND||c==LOGOR||c==EXCLA) && table!=cctab) { cbranch(tree, c=isn++, 1, reg); rcexpr(&czero, table, reg); branch(isn, 0); label(c); rcexpr(&cone, table, reg); label(isn++); return(reg); } if(c==QUEST) { if (table==cctab) return(-1); cbranch(tree->tr1, c=isn++, 0, reg); flag rror("Arg count"); exit(1); } if(fopen(argv[1], ascbuf)<0) { error("Missing temp file"); exit(1); } if ((fout = creat(argv[3], 0666)) < 0) { error("Can't create %s", argv[3]); exit(1); } spacep = treespace; getree(); /* * If any floating-point instructions * were used, generate a reference which * pulls in the floating-point part of printf. */ if (nfloat) printf(".globl fltused\n"); /* * tack on the string file. */ close(ascbuf[0]); if (fopen(argv[2], ascbuf)<0) { error); else error("Illegal initialization"); putchar('\n'); return(0); /* * Put the value of an expression in r0, * for a switch or a return */ case RFORCE: if((r=rcexpr(tree->tr1, regtab, reg)) != 0) printf("mov%c r%d,r0\n", isfloat(tree->tr1), r); return(0); /* * sequential execution */ case COMMA: rcexpr(tree->tr1, efftab, reg); atree = tree = tree->tr2; break; /* * In the generated &~ operator, * fiddle things so a PDP-11 "bit" * instruction will be produced whe= nstack; rreg = rcexpr(p1->tr1, table, reg); nstack = flag; branch(r=isn++, 0); label(c); reg = rcexpr(p1->tr2, table, rreg); if (rreg!=reg) printf("mov%c r%d,r%d\n", isfloat(tree),reg,rreg); label(r); return(rreg); } reg = oddreg(tree, reg); reg1 = reg+1; /* * long values take 2 registers. */ if (tree->type==LONG && tree->op!=ITOL) reg1++; /* * Leaves of the expression tree */ if ((r = chkleaf(tree, table, reg)) >= 0) return(r); /* * x + (-1) is better done ("Missing temp file"); exit(1); } printf(".globl\n.data\n"); getree(); flush(); exit(nerror!=0); } /* * Given a tree, a code table, and a * count of available registers, find the code table * for the appropriate operator such that the operands * are of the right type and the number of registers * required is not too large. * Return a ptr to the table entry or 0 if none found. */ char *match(atree, table, nrleft) struct tnode *atree; struct table *table; { int op, d1, d2, t1, t2, dope; strucn cctab is used. */ case NAND: if (table==cctab) { tree->op = TAND; tree->tr2 = optim(block(1, COMPL, INT, 0, tree->tr2)); } break; /* * Handle a subroutine call. It has to be done * here because if cexpr got called twice, the * arguments might be compiled twice. * There is also some fiddling so the * first argument, in favorable circumstances, * goes to (sp) instead of -(sp), reducing * the amount of stack-popping. */ case CALL: r = 0; nargs = 0; modf = 0; if (treas x-1. */ if ((tree->op==PLUS||tree->op==ASPLUS) && (p1=tree->tr2)->op == CON && p1->value == -1) { p1->value = 1; tree->op =+ (MINUS-PLUS); } if (table==cregtab) table = regtab; /* * The following peculiar code depends on the fact that * if you just want the codition codes set, efftab * will generate the right code unless the operator is * postfix ++ or --. Unravelled, if the table is * cctab and the operator is not special, try first * for efftab; if the table isn't, if thet tnode *p2; register struct tnode *p1, *tree; register struct optab *opt; if ((tree=atree)==0) return(0); if (table==lsptab) table = sptab; if ((op = tree->op)==0) return(0); dope = opdope[op]; if ((dope&LEAF) == 0) p1 = tree->tr1; else p1 = tree; t1 = p1->type; d1 = dcalc(p1, nrleft); if ((dope&BINARY)!=0) { p2 = tree->tr2; /* * If a subtree starts off with a conversion operator, * try for a match with the conversion eliminated. * E.g. int = double can be done without gee->tr1->op!=NAME) { /* get nargs right */ nargs++; nstack++; } tree = tree->tr2; if(tree->op) { while (tree->op==COMMA) { r =+ comarg(tree->tr2, &modf); tree = tree->tr1; nargs++; } r =+ comarg(tree, &modf); nargs++; } tree = atree; tree->op = CALL2; if (modf && tree->tr1->op==NAME && tree->tr1->class==EXTERN) tree->op = CALL1; cexpr(tree, regtab, reg); popstk(r); nstack =- nargs; if (table==efftab || table==regtab) return(0); r = 0; goto fixup; operator is, * or the first match fails, try to match * with the table actually asked for. */ if (table!=cctab || c==INCAFT || c==DECAFT || (opt = match(tree, efftab, nreg-reg)) == 0) if ((opt=match(tree, table, nreg-reg))==0) return(-1); string = opt->tabstring; p1 = tree->tr1; p2 = 0; if (opdope[tree->op]&BINARY) p2 = tree->tr2; loop: /* * The 0200 bit asks for a tab. */ if ((c = *string++) & 0200) { c =& 0177; putchar('\t'); } switch (c) { case '\0': if (!isfloat(tree)) if (tree->op==DIVIDE || tree->op==ASDIV) reg--; return(reg); /* A1 */ case 'A': p = p1; goto adr; /* A2 */ case 'B': p = p2; goto adr; adr: c = 0; if (*string=='\'') { c = 1; string++; } else if (*string=='+') { c = 2; string++; } pname(p, c); goto loop; /* I */ case 'M': if ((c = *string)=='\'') string++; else c = 0; prins(tree->op, c, instab); goto loop; /* B1 */ case 'C': if ((opd&LEAF) != 0) p = tree; else p = p1; goto pwo kinds of optimization. * First, it observes that "x + (reg = y)" where actually * the = is any assignment op is better done as "reg=y; x+reg". * In this case rcexpr is called to do the first part and the * tree is modified so the name of the register * replaces the assignment. * Moreover, expressions like "reg = x+y" are best done as * "reg = x; reg =+ y" (so long as "reg" and "y" are not the same!). */ sreorder(treep, table, reg) struct tnode **treep; struct table *table; { register struct tnod| isfloat(tree) || tree->type==LONG) { rcexpr(tree, sptab, 0); retval = arlength(tree->type); } else { (*flagp)++; rcexpr(tree, lsptab, 0); retval = 0; } return(retval); } byte; /* BF */ case 'P': p = tree; goto pb1; /* B2 */ case 'D': p = p2; pbyte: if (p->type==CHAR) putchar('b'); pb1: if (isfloat(p)) putchar('f'); goto loop; /* BE */ case 'L': if (p1->type==CHAR || p2->type==CHAR) putchar('b'); p = tree; goto pb1; /* F */ case 'G': p = p1; flag = 01; goto subtre; /* S */ case 'K': p = p2; flag = 02; goto subtre; /* H */ case 'H': p = tree; flag = 04; subtre: ctable = regtab; c = *string++ - 'A'; if (*ste *p, *p1; p = *treep; if (opdope[p->op]&LEAF) return(0); if (p->op==PLUS) if (reorder(&p->tr2, table, reg)) *treep = p = optim(p); p1 = p->tr1; if (p->op==STAR || p->op==PLUS) { if (reorder(&p->tr1, table, reg)) *treep = p = optim(p); p1 = p->tr1; } if (p1->op==NAME) switch(p->op) { case ASLSH: case ASRSH: case ASSIGN: if (p1->class != REG || isfloat(p->tr2)) return(0); if (p->op==ASSIGN) switch (p->tr2->op) { case TIMES: case DIVIDE: if (!ispow2(p->tr2)) @ C F I L O P S V Y \ _ b e Q T W Z ] ` c f R U X [ ring=='!') { string++; c =| 020; /* force right register */ } if ((c&02)!=0) ctable = sptab; if ((c&04)!=0) ctable = cctab; if ((flag&01) && ctable==regtab && (c&01)==0 && (tree->op==DIVIDE||tree->op==MOD || tree->op==ASDIV||tree->op==ASMOD)) ctable = cregtab; if ((c&01)!=0) { p = p->tr1; if(collcon(p) && ctable!=sptab) { if (p->op==STAR) p = p->tr1; p = p->tr1; } } if (table==lsptab && ctable==sptab) ctable = lsptab; if (c&010) r = reg1; break; p->tr2 = pow2(p->tr2); case PLUS: case MINUS: case AND: case NAND: case OR: case EXOR: case LSHIFT: case RSHIFT: p1 = p->tr2->tr2; if (xdcalc(p1) > 12 || p1->op==NAME &&(p1->nloc==p->tr1->nloc || p1->regno==p->tr1->nloc)) return(0); p1 = p->tr2; p->tr2 = p1->tr1; if (p1->tr1->op!=NAME || p1->tr1->class!=REG || p1->tr1->nloc!=p->tr1->nloc) rcexpr(p, efftab, reg); p->tr2 = p1->tr2; p->op = p1->op + ASPLUS - PL# /* * C compiler */ #include "c1h.c" max(a, b) { if (a>b) return(a); return(b); } degree(at) struct tnode *at; { register struct tnode *t, *t1; if ((t=at)==0 || t->op==0) return(0); if (t->op == CON) return(-3); if (t->op == AMPER) return(-2); if (t->op==ITOL && (t1 = isconstant(t)) && t1->value>= 0) return(-2); if ((opdope[t->op] & LEAF) != 0) { if (t->type==CHAR || t->type==FLOAT) return(1); return(0); } return(t->degree); } pname(ap, flag) struct tnode *ap; { register else if (opdope[p->op]&LEAF || p->degree < 2) r = reg; else r = areg; rreg = rcexpr(p, ctable, r); if (ctable!=regtab && ctable!=cregtab) goto loop; if (c&010) { if (c&020 && rreg!=reg1) printf("mov%c r%d,r%d\n", isfloat(tree),rreg,reg1); else reg1 = rreg; } else if (rreg!=reg) if ((c&020)==0 && oddreg(tree, 0)==0 && (flag&04 || flag&01 && xdcalc(p2, nreg-rreg-1) <= (opt->tabdeg2&077) || flag&02 && xdcalc(p1,nreg-rreg-1) <= (opt->taUS; *treep = p; return(1); } goto OK; case ASTIMES: case ASDIV: if (!ispow2(p)) return(0); case ASPLUS: case ASMINUS: case ASSAND: case ASSNAND: case ASOR: case ASXOR: case DECBEF: case INCBEF: OK: if (table==cctab||table==cregtab) reg =+ 020; rcexpr(optim(p), efftab, ~reg); *treep = p1; return(1); } return(0); } /* * Delay handles postfix ++ and -- * It observes that "x + y++" is better * treated as "x + y; y++". * If the operator is ++ or i; register struct tnode *p; p = ap; loop: switch(p->op) { case SFCON: case CON: printf("$"); psoct(p->value); return; case FCON: printf("L%d", p->value); return; case NAME: i = p->offset; if (flag==2) i =+ 2; if (i) { psoct(i); if (p->class!=OFFS) putchar('+'); if (p->class==REG) regerr(); } switch(p->class) { case SOFFS: case XOFFS: pbase(p); case OFFS: printf("(r%d)", p->regno); return; case EXTERN: case STATIC: pbase(p); retbdeg1&077))) { reg = rreg; reg1 = rreg+1; } else printf("mov%c\tr%d,r%d\n", isfloat(tree), rreg, reg); goto loop; /* R */ case 'I': r = reg; if (*string=='-') { string++; r--; } goto preg; /* R1 */ case 'J': r = reg1; preg: if (*string=='+') { string++; r++; } if (r>nreg) error("Register overflow: simplify expression"); printf("r%d", r); goto loop; case '-': /* check -(sp) */ if (*string=='(') { nstack++; if (table!=lsptab) pu -- itself, * it calls rcexpr to load the operand, letting * the calling instance of rcexpr to do the * ++ using efftab. * Otherwise it uses sdelay to search for inc/dec * among the operands. */ delay(treep, table, reg) struct tnode **treep; { register struct tnode *p, *p1; register r; p = *treep; if (table!=efftab && (p->op==INCAFT||p->op==DECAFT) && p->tr1->op==NAME) { return(1+rcexpr(p->tr1, table, reg)); } p1 = 0; if (opdope[p->op]&BINARY) p1 = sdelay(&p->tr2); if (p1==0) p1 = sdeurn; case REG: printf("r%d", p->nloc); return; } error("Compiler error: pname"); return; case AMPER: putchar('$'); p = p->tr1; if (p->op==NAME && p->class==REG) regerr(); goto loop; case AUTOI: printf("(r%d)%c", p->nloc, flag==1?0:'+'); return; case AUTOD: printf("%c(r%d)", flag==1?0:'-', p->nloc); return; case STAR: p = p->tr1; putchar('*'); goto loop; } error("pname called illegally"); } regerr() { error("Illegal use of register"); } pbase(ap) struct tchar('-'); goto loop; } break; case ')': /* check (sp)+ */ putchar(')'); if (*string=='+') nstack--; goto loop; /* #1 */ case '#': p = p1->tr1; goto nmbr; /* #2 */ case '"': p = p2->tr1; nmbr: if(collcon(p)) { if (p->op==STAR) { printf("*"); p = p->tr1; } if ((p = p->tr2)->op == CON) { if (p->value) psoct(p->value); } else if (p->op==AMPER) pname(p->tr1, 0); } goto loop; case 'T': /* "tst R" if 1st op not in cctab */ if (dcalc(p1,lay(&p->tr1); if (p1) { r = rcexpr(optim(p), table, reg); *treep = p1; return(r+1); } return(0); } sdelay(ap) struct tnode **ap; { register struct tnode *p, *p1; p = *ap; if ((p->op==INCAFT||p->op==DECAFT) && p->tr1->op==NAME) { *ap = ncopy(p->tr1); return(p); } if (p->op==STAR || p->op==PLUS) if (p1=sdelay(&p->tr1)) return(p1); if (p->op==PLUS) return(sdelay(&p->tr2)); return(0); } /* * Copy a tree node for a register variable. * Used by sdelay because if *reg-- is turned *tnode *ap; { register struct tnode *p; p = ap; if (p->class==SOFFS || p->class==STATIC) printf("L%d", p->nloc); else printf("_%.8s", &(p->nloc)); } xdcalc(ap, nrleft) struct tnode *ap; { register struct tnode *p; register d; p = ap; d = dcalc(p, nrleft); if (d<20 && p->type==CHAR) { if (nrleft>=1) d = 20; else d = 24; } return(d); } dcalc(ap, nrleft) struct tnode *ap; { register struct tnode *p, *p1; if ((p=ap)==0) return(0); switch (p->op) { case NAME: if (p->class==R 5)>12 && !match(p1, cctab, 10)) printf("tst r%d\n", reg); goto loop; case 'V': /* adc or sbc as required for longs */ switch(tree->op) { case PLUS: case ASPLUS: case INCBEF: case INCAFT: printf("adc"); break; case MINUS: case ASMINUS: case NEG: case DECBEF: case DECAFT: printf("sbc"); break; default: while ((c = *string++)!='\n' && c!='\0'); break; } goto loop; } putchar(c); goto loop; } /* * This routine just calls sreorder (below) * on the subtree into *reg; reg-- the *reg will in turn * be changed to some offset class, accidentally * modifying the reg--. */ ncopy(ap) struct tname *ap; { register struct tname *p; p = ap; if (p->class!=REG) return(p); return(block(3, NAME, p->type, p->elsize, p->tr1, p->offset, p->nloc)); } /* * If the tree can be immediately loaded into a register, * produce code to do so and return success. */ chkleaf(atree, table, reg) struct tnode *atree; { struct tnode lbuf; register struct tnode *tree; trEG) return(9); case AMPER: case FCON: case AUTOI: case AUTOD: return(12); case CON: case SFCON: if (p->value==0) return(4); if (p->value==1) return(5); if (p->value > 0) return(8); return(12); case STAR: p1 = p->tr1; if (p1->op==NAME||p1->op==CON||p1->op==AUTOI||p1->op==AUTOD) if (p->type!=LONG) return(12); } if (p->type==LONG) nrleft--; return(p->degree <= nrleft? 20: 24); } notcompat(ap, ast, op) struct tnode *ap; { register at, st; register struct tnode s and then on the tree itself. * It returns non-zero if anything changed. */ reorder(treep, table, reg) struct tnode **treep; struct table *table; { register r, r1; register struct tnode *p; p = *treep; if (opdope[p->op]&LEAF) return(0); r1 = 0; while(sreorder(&p->tr1, table, reg)) r1++; if (opdope[p->op]&BINARY) while(sreorder(&p->tr2, table, reg)) r1++; r = 0; while (sreorder(treep, table, reg)) r++; *treep = optim(*treep); return(r); } /* * Basically this routine carries out tee = atree; if (tree->op!=STAR && dcalc(tree, nreg-reg) > 12) return(-1); lbuf.op = LOAD; lbuf.type = tree->type; lbuf.degree = tree->degree; lbuf.tr1 = tree; return(rcexpr(&lbuf, table, reg)); } /* * Compile a function argument. * If the stack is currently empty, put it in (sp) * rather than -(sp); this will save a pop. * Return the number of bytes pushed, * for future popping. */ comarg(atree, flagp) int *flagp; { register struct tnode *tree; register retval; tree = atree; if (nstack |*p; p = ap; at = p->type; st = ast; if (st==0) /* word, byte */ return(at>CHAR && atINT && atop==NAME && p->class==REG && op==ASSIGN && st==CHAR) return(0); return(st != at); } prins(op, c, itable) struct instab *itable; { register struct instab *insp; register char *ip; for (insp=itable; insp->op != 0; insp++) { if (insp->op == op) { ip = c? insp->str2: insp->str1; if (ip==0) break; printf("%s", ip); return; } } error("No match' for op %d", op); } collcon(ap) struct tnode *ap; { register op; register struct tnode *p; p = ap; if (p->op==STAR) p = p->tr1; if (p->op==PLUS) { op = p->tr2->op; if (op==CON || op==AMPER) return(1); } return(0); } isfloat(at) struct tnode *at; { register struct tnode *t; t = at; if ((opdope[t->op]&RELAT)!=0) t = t->tr1; i for (i=0; (d=>>1)!=0; i++); tree->tr2->value = i; d = tree->op; tree->op = d==TIMES? LSHIFT: (d==DIVIDE? RSHIFT: (d==ASTIMES? ASLSH: ASRSH)); tree = optim(tree); } return(tree); } cbranch(atree, albl, cond, areg) struct tnode *atree; { int l1, op; register lbl, reg; register struct tnode *tree; lbl = albl; reg = areg; if ((tree=atree)==0) return; switch(tree->op) { case LOGAND: if (cond) { cbranch(tree->tr1, l1=isn++, 0, reg); cbranch(tree->tr2, lbl, 1, reg); lace; break; case NAME: t = getw(ascbuf); if (t==EXTERN) { t = getw(ascbuf); *sp = block(6, NAME, t, 0, EXTERN, 0, 0,0,0,0); outname(&(*sp)->nloc); sp++; break; } *sp = block(3, NAME, 0, 0, t, 0, 0); (*sp)->type = getw(ascbuf); (*sp)->nloc = getw(ascbuf); sp++; break; case CON: case SFCON: case FCON: t = getw(ascbuf); *sp++ = block(1, op, t, 0, getw(ascbuf)); break; case FSEL: t = getw(ascbuf); sp[-1] = block(2, op, t, 0, sp[-1], getw(ascbuf)); break; caf (t->type==FLOAT || t->type==DOUBLE) { nfloat = 1; return('f'); } return(0); } oddreg(t, areg) struct tnode *t; { register reg; reg = areg; if (!isfloat(t)) switch(t->op) { case DIVIDE: case MOD: case ASDIV: case ASMOD: reg++; case TIMES: case ASTIMES: return(reg|1); } return(reg); } arlength(t) { if (t>=PTR) return(2); switch(t) { case INT: case CHAR: return(2); case LONG: return(4); case FLOAT: case DOUBLE: return(8); } return(1024); } /* * Stringabel(l1); } else { cbranch(tree->tr1, lbl, 0, reg); cbranch(tree->tr2, lbl, 0, reg); } return; case LOGOR: if (cond) { cbranch(tree->tr1, lbl, 1, reg); cbranch(tree->tr2, lbl, 1, reg); } else { cbranch(tree->tr1, l1=isn++, 1, reg); cbranch(tree->tr2, lbl, 0, reg); label(l1); } return; case EXCLA: cbranch(tree->tr1, lbl, !cond, reg); return; case COMMA: rcexpr(tree->tr1, efftab, reg); tree = tree->tr2; break; } op = tree->op; if (tree->type==LONG || opdopse NULL: *sp++ = block(0, 0, 0, 0); break; case CBRANCH: t = getw(ascbuf); sp[-1] = block(1, CBRANCH, sp[-1], t, getw(ascbuf)); break; case LABEL: label(getw(ascbuf)); break; case NLABEL: printf("_%s:\n", outname(s)); break; case RLABEL: t = outname(s); printf("_%s:\n~~%s:\n", t, t); break; case BRANCH: branch(getw(ascbuf), 0); break; case SETREG: nreg = getw(ascbuf)-1; break; default: if (opdope[op]&BINARY) { if (sp < &expstack[1]) { error("Binary exprs for switch code. */ char dirsw[] {"\ cmp r0,$%o\n\ jhi L%d\n\ asl r0\n\ jmp *L%d(r0)\n\ .data\n\ L%d:\ " }; char simpsw[] {"\ mov $L%d,r1\n\ mov r0,L%d\n\ L%d:cmp r0,(r1)+\n\ jne L%d\n\ jmp *L%d-L%d(r1)\n\ .data\n\ L%d:\ "}; char hashsw[] {"\ mov r0,r1\n\ clr r0\n\ div $%o,r0\n\ asl r1\n\ add $L%d,r1\n\ mov r0,*(r1)+\n\ mov (r1)+,r1\n\ L%d:cmp r0,-(r1)\n\ jne L%d\n\ jmp *L%d-L%d(r1)\n\ .data\n\ L%d:\ "}; pswitch(afp, alp, deflab) struct swtab *afp, *alp; { int tlab, ncase, i, j, tabs, worst, best, re[op]&RELAT&&tree->tr1->type==LONG) { if (tree->type!=LONG) { tree->op = MINUS; tree->type = LONG; tree = optim(tree); } else op = NEQUAL; rcexpr(tree, regtab, 0); printf("ashc $0,r0\n"); branch(lbl, op, !cond); return; } rcexpr(tree, cctab, reg); op = tree->op; if ((opdope[op]&RELAT)==0) op = NEQUAL; else { l1 = tree->tr2->op; if ((l1==CON || l1==SFCON) && tree->tr2->value==0) op =+ 200; /* special for ptr tests */ else op = maprel[op-EQUAL]; } if (isfloat(treession botch"); exit(1); } t = *--sp; *sp++ = block(2, op, getw(ascbuf), 0, *--sp, t); } else { sp[-1] = block(1, op, getw(ascbuf), 0, sp[-1]); } break; } } } outname(s) { register char *p, c; register n; p = s; n = 0; while (c = getc(ascbuf)) { *p++ = c; n++; } while (n++ < 8) *p++ = 0; return(s); } seq(c) { register o; if (getw(ascbuf) == 0) return; for (;;) { printf("%o", getw(ascbuf)); if ((o = getw(ascbuf)) != 1) break; printf("%c", c); } printfange; register struct swtab *swp, *fp, *lp; int poctab[swsiz]; fp = afp; lp = alp; if (fp==lp) { printf("jbr L%d\n", deflab); return; } tlab = isn++; if (sort(fp, lp)) return; ncase = lp-fp; lp--; range = lp->swval - fp->swval; /* direct switch */ if (range>0 && range <= 3*ncase) { if (fp->swval) printf("sub $%o,r0\n", fp->swval); printf(dirsw, range, deflab, isn, isn); isn++; for (i=fp->swval; i<=lp->swval; i++) { if (i==fp->swval) { printf("L%d\n", fp->swlab); fp+e)) printf("cfcc\n"); branch(lbl, op, !cond); } branch(lbl, aop, c) { register op; if(op=aop) prins(op, c, branchtab); else printf("jbr"); printf("\tL%d\n", lbl); } label(l) { printf("L%d:", l); } popstk(a) { switch(a) { case 0: return; case 2: printf("tst (sp)+\n"); return; case 4: printf("cmp (sp)+,(sp)+\n"); return; } printf("add $%o,sp\n", a); } error(s, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6) { register f; extern fout; nerror++; flush(); f = fout; fout = 1; printf("%d: ", li("\n"); } +; } else printf("L%d\n", deflab); } goto esw; } /* simple switch */ if (ncase<8) { i = isn++; j = isn++; printf(simpsw, i, j, isn, isn, j, i, i); isn++; for (; fp<=lp; fp++) printf("%o\n", fp->swval); printf("L%d:..\n", j); for (fp = afp; fp<=lp; fp++) printf("L%d\n", fp->swlab); printf("L%d\n", deflab); goto esw; } /* hash switch */ best = 077777; for (i=ncase/4; i<=ncase/2; i++) { for (j=0; j= &expstack[20]) error("Stack botch"); op = getw(ascbuf); if ((op&0177400) a d g h k n q t w z } i l o r u x { ~ j m p s v em(0, swp->swval, i)]++; worst = 0; for (j=0; jworst) worst = poctab[j]; if (i*worst < best) { tabs = i; best = i*worst; } } i = isn++; printf(hashsw, tabs, isn, i, i, isn+tabs+1, isn+1, isn); isn++; for (i=0; i<=tabs; i++) printf("L%d\n", isn+i); for (i=0; iswval, tabs) == i) printf("%o\n", ldiv(0, swp->swval, tabs)); } printf("L%d:", isn++); for (i=0; iop)==0) return(tree); if (op==NAME && tree->class==AUTO) { tree->class = OFFS; tree->regno = 5; tree->offset = tree->nloc; } dope = opdope[op]; if ((dope&LEAF) != 0) return(tree); if ((dope&BINARY) == 0) return(unoptim(tree)); /* is known to be biabs; i++) { printf("L%d\n", deflab); for (swp=fp; swp<=lp; swp++) if (lrem(0, swp->swval, tabs) == i) printf("L%d\n", swp->swlab); } esw: printf(".text\n"); } sort(afp, alp) struct swtab *afp, *alp; { register struct swtab *cp, *fp, *lp; int intch, t; fp = afp; lp = alp; while (fp < --lp) { intch = 0; for (cp=fp; cpswval == cp[1].swval) { error("Duplicate case (%d)", cp->swval); return(1); } if (cp->swval > cp[1].swval) { intch++; t = cp-)); break; case SSPACE: printf(".=.+%o\n", getw(ascbuf)); break; case EVEN: printf(".even\n"); break; case SAVE: printf("jsr r5,csv\n"); t = getw(ascbuf)-6; if (t==2) printf("tst -(sp)\n"); else if (t > 2) printf("sub $%o,sp\n", t); break; case PROFIL: t = getw(ascbuf); printf("mov $L%d,r0\njsr pc,mcount\n", t); printf(".bss\nL%d:.=.+2\n.text\n", t); break; case SNAME: t = outname(s); printf("~%s=L%d\n", t, getw(ascbuf)); break; case ANAME: t = outname(snary */ if (tree->type==CHAR) tree->type = INT; if ((dope&COMMUTE)!=0) { acomm: d1 = tree->type; tree = acommute(tree); tree->type = d1; /* * PDP-11 special: * replace a&b by a NAND ~ b. * This will be undone when in * truth-value context. */ if (tree->op!=AND) return(tree); tree->op = NAND; tree->tr2 = block(1, COMPL, tree->tr2->type, 0, tree->tr2); } again: tree->tr1 = optim(tree->tr1); tree->tr2 = optim(tree->tr2); if ((dope&RELAT) != 0) { if ((d1=degree(tree->swval; cp->swval = cp[1].swval; cp[1].swval = t; t = cp->swlab; cp->swlab = cp[1].swlab; cp[1].swlab = t; } } if (intch==0) break; } return(0); } ispow2(atree) { register int d; register struct tnode *tree; tree = atree; if (!isfloat(tree) && tree->tr2->op==CON) { d = tree->tr2->value; if (d>1 && (d&(d-1))==0) return(d); } return(0); } pow2(atree) struct tnode *atree; { register int d, i; register struct tnode *tree; tree = atree; if (d = ispow2(tree)) {); printf("~%s=%o\n", t, getw(ascbuf)); break; case RNAME: t = outname(s); printf("~%s=r%d\n", t, getw(ascbuf)); break; case SWIT: t = getw(ascbuf); line = getw(ascbuf); swp = treespace; while (swp->swlab = getw(ascbuf)) { swp->swval = getw(ascbuf); swp++; } pswitch(treespace, swp, t); break; case EXPR: line = getw(ascbuf); if (sp != &expstack[1]) { error("Expression input botch\n"); exit(1); } nstack = 0; rcexpr(optim(*--sp), efftab, 0); spacep = treesp>tr1)) < (d2=degree(tree->tr2)) || d1==d2 && tree->tr1->op==NAME && tree->tr2->op!=NAME) { t = tree->tr1; tree->tr1 = tree->tr2; tree->tr2 = t; tree->op = maprel[op-EQUAL]; } if (tree->tr1->type==CHAR && tree->tr2->op==CON && (dcalc(tree->tr1) <= 12 || tree->tr1->op==STAR) && tree->tr2->value <= 127 && tree->tr2->value >= 0) tree->tr2->type = CHAR; } d1 = max(degree(tree->tr1), islong(tree->type)); d2 = max(degree(tree->tr2), 0); if (tree->tr1->type==LONG && dope&RELAT) d1 = 10; switch (op) { case LTIMES: case LDIV: case LMOD: case LASTIMES: case LASDIV: case LASMOD: tree->degree = 10; break; /* * PDP-11 special: * generate new =&~ operator out of =& * by complementing the RHS. */ case ASSAND: op = ASSNAND; tree->op = op; tree->tr2 = block(2, COMPL, tree->tr2->type, 0, tree->tr2); goto again; case NAND: if (isconstant(tree->tr2) && tree->tr2->value==0) return(tree->tr1); goto def; case CALL: tree->degree = 10; break; case QUEST: &fv; p++; if (*p++==0 && *p++==0 && *p++==0) { subtre->type = DOUBLE; subtre->value = fv.integer; subtre->op = SFCON; return(subtre); } break; } tree->degree = max(islong(tree->type), degree(subtre)); return(tree); } struct acl { int nextl; int nextn; struct tnode *nlist[20]; struct tnode *llist[21]; }; acommute(atree) { struct acl acl; int d, i, op, flt; register struct tnode *t1, **t2, *tree; struct tnode *t; acl.nextl = 0; acl.nextn = 0; tree = atree; op = tree->op;MOD: if (v==0) error("Divide check"); else if (op==DIVIDE) *vp =/ v; else *vp =% v; return; case RSHIFT: *vp =>> v; return; case LSHIFT: *vp =<< v; return; case NAND: *vp =& ~ v; return; } error("C error: const"); } insert(op, atree, alist) struct acl *alist; { register d; register struct acl *list; register struct tnode *tree; int d1, i; struct tnode *t; tree = atree; list = alist; if (tree->op == op) { ins: list->nlist[list->nextn++] = tree; insert(o case COLON: tree->degree = max(d1, d2); break; case MINUS: if (t = isconstant(tree->tr2)) { tree->op = PLUS; if (t->type==DOUBLE) /* PDP-11 FP representation */ t->value =^ 0100000; else t->value = -t->value; goto acomm; } goto def; case DIVIDE: case ASDIV: case ASTIMES: if (tree->tr2->op==CON && tree->tr2->value==1) return(tree->tr1); if (ispow2(tree) == 0) { case MOD: case ASMOD: d1 =+ 2; d2 =+ 2; } if (tree->type==LONG) return(hardlongs(t flt = isfloat(tree); insert(op, tree, &acl); acl.nextl--; t2 = &acl.llist[acl.nextl]; if (!flt) { /* put constants together */ for (i=acl.nextl;i>0&&t2[0]->op==CON&&t2[-1]->op==CON;i--) { acl.nextl--; t2--; const(op, &t2[0]->value, t2[1]->value); } } if (op==PLUS || op==OR) { /* toss out "+0" */ if (acl.nextl>0 && (t1 = isconstant(*t2)) && t1->value==0) { acl.nextl--; t2--; } if (acl.nextl <= 0) return(*t2); /* subsume constant in "&x+c" */ if (op==PLUS && t2[0]->p, tree->tr1, list); insert(op, tree->tr2, list); return; } tree = optim(tree); if (tree->op == op) goto ins; if (!isfloat(tree)) { /* c1*(x+c2) -> c1*x+c1*c2 */ if ((tree->op==TIMES||tree->op==LSHIFT) && tree->tr2->op==CON && tree->tr2->value>0 && tree->tr1->op==PLUS && tree->tr1->tr2->op==CON) { d = tree->tr2->value; if (tree->op==TIMES) tree->tr2->value =* tree->tr1->tr2->value; else tree->tr2->value = tree->tr1->tr2->value << d; tree->tr1->tr2->value = d; treree)); goto constant; case LSHIFT: case RSHIFT: case ASRSH: case ASLSH: if (tree->tr2->op==CON && tree->tr2->value==0) return(tree->tr1); /* * PDP-11 special: turn right shifts into negative * left shifts */ if (op==LSHIFT||op==ASLSH) goto constant; if (tree->tr2->op==CON && tree->tr2->value==1) goto constant; op =+ (LSHIFT-RSHIFT); tree->op = op; tree->tr2 = block(1, NEG, tree->type, 0, tree->tr2); goto again; constant: if (tree->tr1->op==CON && tree->tr2->op==Cop==CON && t2[-1]->op==AMPER) { t2--; t2[0]->tr1->offset =+ t2[1]->value; acl.nextl--; } } else if (op==TIMES || op==AND) { t1 = acl.llist[acl.nextl]; if (t1->op==CON) { if (t1->value==0) return(t1); if (op==TIMES && t1->value==1 && acl.nextl>0) if (--acl.nextl <= 0) return(acl.llist[0]); } } if (op==PLUS && !flt) distrib(&acl); tree = *(t2 = &acl.llist[0]); d = max(degree(tree), islong(tree->type)); if (op==TIMES && !flt) d++; for (i=0; itr1->op = tree->op; tree->op = PLUS; if (op==PLUS) goto ins; } } d = degree(tree); for (i=0; inextl; i++) { if ((d1=degree(list->llist[i]))llist[i]; list->llist[i] = tree; tree = t; d = d1; } } list->llist[list->nextl++] = tree; } block(an, args) { register int *p; int *oldp; register *argp, n; oldp = p = spacep; n = an+3; argp = &args; do *p++ = *argp++; while (--n); if (p >= &treespace[ossiz]) { error("Exp. ov. pass 2"); exit(1); ON) { const(op, &tree->tr1->value, tree->tr2->value); return(tree->tr1); } def: default: tree->degree = d1==d2? d1+islong(tree->type): max(d1, d2); break; } return(tree); } unoptim(atree) struct tnode *atree; { register struct tnode *subtre, *tree; register int *p; double static fv; struct { int integer; }; if ((tree=atree)==0) return(0); if (tree->op==CBRANCH) { tree->btree = optim(tree->btree); return(tree); } subtre = tree->tr1 = optim(tree->tr1); switch (tree->op) { 1 = acl.nlist[i]; t1->tr2 = t = *++t2; t1->degree = d = d==degree(t)? d+islong(t1->type): max(d, degree(t)); t1->tr1 = tree; tree = t1; if (tree->type==LONG) { if (tree->op==TIMES) tree = hardlongs(tree); else if (tree->op==PLUS && (t = isconstant(tree->tr1)) && t->value < 0) { tree->op = MINUS; t->value = - t->value; t = tree->tr1; tree->tr1 = tree->tr2; tree->tr2 = t; } } } if (tree->op==TIMES && ispow2(tree)) tree->degree = max(degree(tree->tr1), } spacep = p; return(oldp); } islong(t) { if (t==LONG) return(2); return(1); } isconstant(at) struct tnode *at; { register struct tnode *t; t = at; if (t->op==CON || t->op==SFCON) return(t); if (t->op==ITOL && t->tr1->op==CON) return(t->tr1); return(0); } hardlongs(at) struct tnode *at; { register struct tnode *t; t = at; switch(t->op) { case TIMES: case DIVIDE: case MOD: t->op =+ LTIMES-TIMES; break; case ASTIMES: case ASDIV: case ASMOD: t->op =+ LASTIMES-ASTIMES; t-case FSEL: tree->tr1 = block(2, RSHIFT, INT, 0, subtre, block(1, CON, INT, 0, tree->bitoffs)); tree->op = AND; tree->type = INT; tree->tr2 = block(1, CON, INT, 0, (1<flen)-1); return(optim(tree)); case AMPER: if (subtre->op==STAR) return(subtre->tr1); if (subtre->op==NAME && subtre->class == OFFS) { p = block(2, PLUS, tree->type, 1, subtre, tree); subtre->type = tree->type; tree->op = CON; tree->type = INT; tree->degree = 0; tree->value = subtre->offset; islong(tree->type)); return(tree); } distrib(list) struct acl *list; { /* * Find a list member of the form c1c2*x such * that c1c2 divides no other such constant, is divided by * at least one other (say in the form c1*y), and which has * fewest divisors. Reduce this pair to c1*(y+c2*x) * and iterate until no reductions occur. */ register struct tnode **p1, **p2; struct tnode *t; int ndmaj, ndmin; struct tnode **dividend, **divisor; struct tnode **maxnod, **mindiv; loop: maxnod = &list->l>tr1 = block(1, AMPER, LONG+PTR, 0, t->tr1); break; default: return(t); } return(optim(t)); } subtre->class = REG; subtre->nloc = subtre->regno; subtre->offset = 0; return(p); } break; case STAR: if (subtre->op==AMPER) return(subtre->tr1); if (subtre->op==NAME && subtre->class==REG) { subtre->type = tree->type; subtre->class = OFFS; subtre->regno = subtre->nloc; return(subtre); } p = subtre->tr1; if ((subtre->op==INCAFT||subtre->op==DECBEF)&&tree->type!=LONG && p->op==NAME && p->class==REG && p->type==subtre->type) { p->type = tree->type; p->op = subtlist[list->nextl]; ndmaj = 1000; dividend = 0; for (p1 = list->llist; p1 <= maxnod; p1++) { if ((*p1)->op!=TIMES || (*p1)->tr2->op!=CON) continue; ndmin = 0; for (p2 = list->llist; p2 <= maxnod; p2++) { if (p1==p2 || (*p2)->op!=TIMES || (*p2)->tr2->op!=CON) continue; if ((*p1)->tr2->value == (*p2)->tr2->value) { (*p2)->tr2 = (*p1)->tr1; (*p2)->op = PLUS; (*p1)->tr1 = (*p2); *p1 = optim(*p1); squash(p2, maxnod); list->nextl--; goto loop; } if (((*p2)->tint opdope[] { 000000, /* EOF */ 000000, /* ; */ 000000, /* { */ 000000, /* } */ 036000, /* [ */ 002000, /* ] */ 036000, /* ( */ 002000, /* ) */ 014201, /* : */ 007001, /* , */ 000000, /* field selection */ 000000, /* 11 */ 000000, /* 12 */ 000000, /* 13 */ 000000, /* 14 */ 000000, /* 15 */ 000000, /* 16 */ 000000, /* 17 */ 000000, /* 18 */ 000000, /* 19 */ 000400, /* name */ 000400, /* short constant */ 000400, /* string */ 000400, /* float */ 000400, /* double */ 000000, /* 25 */re->op==INCAFT? AUTOI: AUTOD; return(p); } if (subtre->op==PLUS && p->op==NAME && p->class==REG) { if (subtre->tr2->op==CON) { p->offset =+ subtre->tr2->value; p->class = OFFS; p->type = tree->type; p->regno = p->nloc; return(p); } if (subtre->tr2->op==AMPER) { subtre = subtre->tr2->tr1; subtre->class =+ XOFFS-EXTERN; subtre->regno = p->nloc; subtre->type = tree->type; return(subtre); } } break; case EXCLA: if ((opdope[subtre->op]&RELAT)==0) r2->value % (*p1)->tr2->value) == 0) goto contmaj; if (((*p1)->tr2->value % (*p2)->tr2->value) == 0) { ndmin++; mindiv = p2; } } if (ndmin > 0 && ndmin < ndmaj) { ndmaj = ndmin; dividend = p1; divisor = mindiv; } contmaj:; } if (dividend==0) return; t = list->nlist[--list->nextn]; p1 = dividend; p2 = divisor; t->op = PLUS; t->type = (*p1)->type; t->tr1 = (*p1); t->tr2 = (*p2)->tr1; (*p1)->tr2->value =/ (*p2)->tr2->value; (*p2)->tr1 = t; t = optim(*p2); if 000000, /* 26 */ 000400, /* autoi, *r++ */ 000400, /* autod, *--r */ 000000, /* 29 */ 034203, /* ++pre */ 034203, /* --pre */ 034203, /* ++post */ 034203, /* --post */ 034220, /* !un */ 034202, /* &un */ 034220, /* *un */ 034200, /* -un */ 034220, /* ~un */ 036001, /* . (structure reference) */ 030101, /* + */ 030001, /* - */ 032101, /* * */ 032001, /* / */ 032001, /* % */ 026061, /* >> */ 026061, /* << */ 020161, /* & */ 016161, /* | */ 016161, /* ^ */ 036001, /* -> */ 001000, /* break; tree = subtre; tree->op = notrel[tree->op-EQUAL]; break; case NEG: case COMPL: if (tree->type==CHAR) tree->type = INT; if (tree->op == subtre->op) return(subtre->tr1); if (subtre->op==ITOL) { subtre->op = tree->op; subtre->type = INT; tree->op = ITOL; } } if (subtre->op == CON) switch(tree->op) { case NEG: subtre->value = -subtre->value; return(subtre); case COMPL: subtre->value = ~subtre->value; return(subtre); case ITOF: fv = subtre->value; p =(p1 < p2) { *p1 = t; squash(p2, maxnod); } else { *p2 = t; squash(p1, maxnod); } list->nextl--; goto loop; } squash(p, maxp) struct tnode **p, **maxp; { register struct tnode **np; for (np = p; np < maxp; np++) *np = *(np+1); } const(op, vp, av) int *vp; { register int v; v = av; switch (op) { case PLUS: *vp =+ v; return; case TIMES: *vp =* v; return; case AND: *vp =& v; return; case OR: *vp =| v; return; case EXOR: *vp =^ v; return; case DIVIDE: case int -> double */ 001000, /* double -> int */ 000001, /* && */ 000001, /* || */ 030001, /* &~ */ 001000, /* double -> long */ 001000, /* long -> double */ 001000, /* integer -> long */ 001000, /* long -> integer */ 022005, /* == */ 022005, /* != */ 024005, /* <= */ 024005, /* < */ 024005, /* >= */ 024005, /* > */ 024005, /*

        p */ 024005, /* >=p */ 012213, /* =+ */ 012213, /* =- */ 012213, /* =* */ 012213, /* =/ */ 012213, /* =% */ 012253, /* =>> */ 012253, /* =<< */ 012253, /* =& */ 012253, /* =| */ 012253, /* =^ */ 012213, /* = */ 030001, /* & for tests */ 032101, /* * (long) */ 032001, /* / (long) */ 032001, /* % (long) */ 012253, /* =& ~ */ 012213, /* =* (long) */ 012213, /* / (long) */ 012213, /* % (long) */ 000000, /* 89 */ 014201, /* ? */ 026061, /* long << */ 012253, /* long =<< */ 000000, /* 93 */ 000000, /* 94 */ 000000, /* 95 */ 000000, /* 96 */ 000000, /* 97 */ 000000, /* 98 */ 000000, /* 99 */ 036001, /* call */ ; a subroutine * of getkeywords. */ strdec(tkwp, mosf) int *tkwp; { register elsize, o; register struct hshtab *ssym; int savebits; struct hshtab *ds; mosflg = 1; ssym = 0; if ((o=symbol())==NAME) { ssym = csym; if (ssym->hclass==0) { ssym->hclass = STRTAG; ssym->lenp = dimp; chkdim(); dimtab[dimp++] = 0; } if (ssym->hclass != STRTAG) redec(); mosflg = mosf; o = symbol(); } mosflg = 0; if (o != LBRACE) { if (ssym==0) { syntax: decsyn(o); return(0); } if m = ds; xdflg++; } else if ((o=symbol()) != RPARN) goto syntax; type = type<ssp&0377; ohclass!=STRTAG) error("Bad structure name"); if ((elsize = dimtab[ssym->lenp&0377])==0) { *tkwp = RSTRUCT; elsize = ssym; } peeksym = o; } else { ds = defsym; mosflg = 0; savebits = bitoffs; bitoffs = 0; elsize = declist(MOS); bitoffs = savebits; defsym = ds; if ((o = symbol()) != RBRACE) goto syntax; if (ssym) { if (dimtab[ssym->lenp&0377]) error("%.8s redeclared", ssym->name); dimtab[ssym->lenp&0377] = elsize; } } return(elsize); } /* * Check tha /* * Enforce alignment restrictions in structures, * including bit-field considerations. */ align(type, offset, aflen) { register a, t, flen; char *ftl; flen = aflen; a = offset; t = type; ftl = "Field too long"; if (flen==0 && bitoffs) { a =+ (bitoffs-1) / NBPC; bitoffs = 0; } while ((t&XTYPE)==ARRAY) t = decref(t); if (t!=CHAR) { a = (a+ALIGN) & ~ALIGN; if (a>offset) bitoffs = 0; } if (flen) { if (type==INT) { if (flen > NBPW) error(ftl); if (flen+bitoffs > NBPW)"-", "*", "/", "%", ">>", "<<", "&", "|", "^", "->", "int->double", "double->int", "&&", "||", "&~", "double->long", "long->double", "integer->long", "long->integer", "==", "!=", "<=", "<", ">=", ">", "p", ">=p", "=+", "=-", "=*", "=/", "=%", "=>>", "=<<", "=&", "=|", "=^", "=", "& for tests", "*", "/", "%", "=& ~", "=*", "=/", "=%", 0, "?", "<<", "=<<", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "call", "call", "call", 0, "goto", "jump cond", "branch cond", t the dimension table has not overflowed */ chkdim() { if (dimp >= dimsiz) { error("Dimension/struct table overflow"); exit(1); } } /* * Process a comma-separated list of declarators */ declare(askw, tkw, offset, elsize) { register int o; register int skw; skw = askw; do { offset =+ decl1(skw, tkw, offset, elsize); } while ((o=symbol()) == COMMA); if (o==SEMI || o==RPARN && skw==ARG1) return(offset); decsyn(o); } /* * Process a single declarator */ decl1(askw, tkw, offset, elsize) { { bitoffs = 0; a =+ NCPW; } } else if (type==CHAR) { if (flen > NBPC) error(ftl); if (flen+bitoffs > NCPW) { bitoffs = 0; a =+ 1; } } else error("Bad type for field"); } return(a-offset); } /* * Complain about syntax error in declaration */ decsyn(o) { error("Declaration syntax"); errflush(o); } /* * Complain about a redeclaration */ redec() { error("%.8s redeclared", defsym->name); } "set nregs", "load value", 0, 0, 0, "force register" }; int t1, chkoff, a; register int type, skw; register struct hshtab *dsym; skw = askw; chkoff = 0; mosflg = skw==MOS; if ((peeksym=symbol())==SEMI || peeksym==RPARN) return(0); /* * Filler field */ if (peeksym==COLON && skw==MOS) { peeksym = -1; t1 = conexp(); elsize = align(tkw, offset, t1); bitoffs =+ t1; return(elsize); } if ((t1=getype()) < 0) goto syntax; type = 0; do type = type<>TYLEN) & XTYPE)!=0); type =| tkw; dsym = defsym; i#include "sno.h" /* * sno3 */ bextend(str, last) struct node *str, *last; { register struct node *a, *s; register int b; int c, d; s = str; if ((c = s->p1) == 0) goto bad; b = d = 0; a = s->p2; if(a == 0) { a = c; goto eb2; } eb1: if (a == last) goto bad; a = a->p1; eb2: d++; c = class(a->ch); if (c == 1) { /* rp */ if (b == 0) goto bad; b--; goto eb3; } if (c == 2) { /* lp */ b++; goto eb1; } eb3: if (b == 0) { s->p2= a; return(d); } goto eb1; bad: return f (!(dsym->hclass==0 || (skw==ARG && dsym->hclass==ARG1) || (skw==EXTERN && dsym->hclass==EXTERN && dsym->htype==type))) if (skw==MOS && dsym->hclass==MOS && dsym->htype==type) chkoff = 1; else { redec(); goto syntax; } dsym->htype = type; if (skw) dsym->hclass = skw; if (skw==ARG1) { if (paraml==0) paraml = dsym; else parame->hoffset = dsym; parame = dsym; } if (elsize && ((type&TYPE)==RSTRUCT || (type&TYPE)==STRUCT)) { dsym->lenp = dimp; chkdim(); dimtab[dim(0); } ubextend(str, last) struct node *str, *last; { register struct node *a, *b, *s; s = str; a = s->p1; if(a == 0) goto bad; b = s->p2; if(b == 0) goto good; if (b == last) goto bad; a = b->p1; good: s->p2 = a; return(1); bad: return(0); } search(arg, r) struct node *arg, *r; { struct node *list, *back, *str, *etc, *next, *last, *base, *e; register struct node *a, *b, *var; int c, d; a = arg->p2; list = base = alloc(); last = next = 0; goto badv1; badvanc: a = a->p1; if (a# /* * C compiler, phase 1 * * * Handles processing of declarations, * except for top-level processing of * externals. */ #include "c0h.c" /* * Process a sequence of declaration statements */ declist(sclass) { register sc, elsize, offset; int type; offset = 0; sc = sclass; while ((elsize = getkeywords(&sclass, &type)) != -1) { offset = declare(sclass, type, offset, elsize); sclass = sc; } return(offset+align(INT, offset, 0)); } /* * Read the keywords introducing a declaration statemp++] = elsize; } elsize = 0; if (skw==MOS) { elsize = length(dsym); t1 = 0; if ((peeksym = symbol())==COLON) { elsize = 0; peeksym = -1; t1 = conexp(); dsym->hflag =| FFIELD; } a = align(type, offset, t1); elsize =+ a; offset =+ a; if (t1) { if (chkoff && (dsym->bitoffs!=bitoffs || dsym->flen!=t1)) redec(); dsym->bitoffs = bitoffs; dsym->flen = t1; bitoffs =+ t1; } if (chkoff && dsym->hoffset != offset) redec(); dsym->hoffset = offset; } if ((ds->typ == 0) { list->p1 = 0; if (rfail == 1) { a = 0; goto fail; } list = base; if (r == 0) next = last = 0; else { next = r->p1; last = r->p2; } goto adv1; } b = alloc(); list->p1 = b; list = b; badv1: list->p2 = back = alloc(); back->p1 = last; b = a->p2; c = a->typ; list->typ = c; if (c < 2) { back->p2 = eval(b, 1); goto badvanc; } last = list; str = alloc(); etc = alloc(); back->p2 = var = alloc(); var->typ = b->typ; var->p1 = str; var->p2 = etc; e = b-ent */ getkeywords(scptr, tptr) int *scptr, *tptr; { register skw, tkw, longf; int o, elsize, isadecl, ismos; isadecl = 0; longf = 0; tkw = -1; skw = *scptr; elsize = 0; ismos = skw==MOS; for (;;) { mosflg = ismos; switch ((o=symbol())==KEYW? cval: -1) { case AUTO: case STATIC: case EXTERN: case REG: if (skw && skw!=cval) error("Conflict in storage class"); skw = cval; break; case LONG: longf++; break; case STRUCT: o = STRUCT; elsize = strdec(&o, ismosym->htype&XTYPE)==FUNC) { if (dsym->hclass!=EXTERN && dsym->hclass!=AUTO) error("Bad function"); dsym->hclass = EXTERN; } if (dsym->hclass==AUTO) { autolen =+ rlength(dsym); dsym->hoffset = -autolen; } else if (dsym->hclass==STATIC) { dsym->hoffset = isn; outcode("BBNBNB", BSS, LABEL, isn++, SSPACE, rlength(dsym), PROG); } else if (dsym->hclass==REG) { if ((type&TYPE)>CHAR && (type&XTYPE)==0 || (type&XTYPE)>PTR || regvar<3) error("Bad register %o", type); dsym->hoffset = ->p1; if (e == 0) etc->p1 = 0; else etc->p1 = eval(e, 0); e = b->p2; if (e == 0) etc->p2 = 0; else { e = eval(e, 1); etc->p2 = strbin(e); delete(e); } goto badvanc; retard: a = back->p1; if (a == 0) { rfail = 1; goto fail; } list = a; back = list->p2; var = back->p2; str = var->p1; etc = var->p2; if (etc->p2) goto retard; if (var->typ == 1) { if (bextend(str, last) == 0) goto retard; goto adv0; } if (ubextend(str, last) == 0) goto retard; adv0: a = str->p2; adv01); cval = o; case INT: case CHAR: case FLOAT: case DOUBLE: if (tkw>=0) error("Type clash"); tkw = cval; break; default: peeksym = o; if (isadecl==0) return(-1); if (tkw<0) tkw = INT; if (skw==0) skw = AUTO; if (longf) { if (tkw==FLOAT) tkw = DOUBLE; else if (tkw==INT) tkw = LONG; else error("Misplaced 'long'"); } *scptr = skw; *tptr = tkw; return(elsize); } isadecl++; } } /* * Process a structure declaration-regvar; } syntax: return(elsize); } /* * Read a declarator and get the implied type */ getype() { register int o, type; register struct hshtab *ds; switch(o=symbol()) { case TIMES: return(getype()<ssp = dimp; getf: switch(o=symbol()) { case LPARN: if (xdflg) { xdflg = 0; ds = defsym; declare(ARG1, 0, 0, 0); defsy: if (a == last) next = 0; else next = a->p1; advanc: a = list->p1; if (a == 0) { a = alloc(); if (r == 0) { a->p1 = a->p2 = 0; goto fail; } b = r->p1; a->p1 = b; if (next == 0) { a->p2 = r->p2; goto fail; } while(1) { e = b->p1; if (e == next) { a->p2 = b; goto fail; } b = e; } } list = a; adv1: back = list->p2; var = back->p2; d = list->typ; if(d < 2) { if (var == 0) goto advanc; if (next == 0) goto retard; a = next; b = var->p1; e = var->p2; while(1) { if (a->ch != b->ch) goto retard; if (b == e) goto adv01; if (a == last) goto retard; a = a->p1; b = b->p1; } } str = var->p1; etc = var->p2; str->p1 = next; str->p2 = 0; c = etc->p2; if (var->typ == 1) { d = bextend(str, last); if (d == 0) goto retard; if (c == 0) goto adv0; while(1) { c =- d; if (c == 0) goto adv0; if (c < 0) goto retard; d = bextend(str, last); if (d == 0) goto retard; } } if (c =se do a fail return fail: inc failc bit $1,x(f) bne fret jsr pc,iget mov r0,x(f) bic $1,r0 cmp r0,$alt beq salt cmp r0,$salt bne fret alt: tst (i)+ br succ salt: jsr pc,iget mov r0,i br contin goto: br salt / do a success return / bundle translations delivered to this rule, / pop stack frame / restore interpreted instruction counter (i) / update input cursor (j) for invoking rule / update high water mark (k) in ktable / if there was a translation delivered, add to stack frame / clear tsr pc,gcontin br generate / tmg output routines/ and iget f = r5 i = r3 .globl env,si .globl errcom .globl cfile,lfile .globl putch,obuild,iget,flush .globl outb,outt,outw .globl start / adds 1 or 2 characters in r0 to output putch: clr -(sp) mov r0,-(sp) mov sp,r0 jsr pc,obuild add $4,sp rts pc / r0 points to string to put out on current output file (cfile) / string terminated by 0 / if last file differed from current file, flush output buffer first / in any case flush output buffer when its wr= 0) { if(d==3 & next!=0) { str->p2 = last; goto adv0; } goto advanc; } while(c--) if (ubextend(str, last) == 0) goto retard; goto adv0; fail: list = base; goto f1; fadv: free(back); b = list->p1; free(list); if (b == 0) return(a); list = b; f1: back = list->p2; var = back->p2; if (list->typ < 2) { delete(var); goto fadv; } str = var->p1; etc = var->p2; if (a != 0 & etc->p1 != 0) { if (str->p2 == 0) { free(str); str = 0; } assign(etc->p1, copy(str)); } he fail flag sret: mov f,r0 add $g1,r0 jsr pc,pbundle mov f,g mov (f),f mov si(f),i mov j(g),j(f) mov k(g),k(f) tst r0 beq 1f mov r0,(g)+ 1: clf rts pc / do a fail return / pop stack / do not update j or k / restore interpreted instruction counter fret: mov f,g mov (f),f mov si(f),i sef rts pc / diag and parse builtins / set current file to diagnostic or output / save and restore ktable water mark around parse-translate / also current file and next frame pointer (g) / execute parsing rite pointer (outw) / reaches its top (outt) obuild: cmp cfile,lfile beq 1f mov r0,-(sp) jsr pc,flush mov (sp)+,r0 mov cfile,lfile 1: mov outw,r1 1: tstb (r0) beq 1f movb (r0)+,outb(r1) inc r1 mov r1,outw cmp r1,$outt blt 1b mov r0,-(sp) jsr pc,flush mov (sp)+,r0 br obuild 1: rts pc / copy output buffer onto last output file and clear buffer flush: mov outw,0f mov lfile,r0 sys write;outb;0:0 clr outw rts pc / get interpreted instruction for a parsing rule / negative instruction iif (str) free(str); free(etc); free(var); goto fadv; } ule diag: mov dfile,r1 br 1f parse: mov ofile,r1 1: mov cfile,-(sp) mov r1,cfile mov k(f),-(sp) mov g,-(sp) jsr pc,iget jsr pc,adv bfs 1f / rule succeeded / if it delivered translation, put it in ktable and set / instruction counter for / translation generator to point there / go generate cmp g,(sp)+ ble 2f mov -(g),r0 jsr pc,kput mov k(f),i neg i add $ktab,i mov f,-(sp) mov g,f clr x(f) jsr pc,generate mov (sp)+,f mov si(f),i 2: mov (sp)+,k(f) mov (sp)+,cfile jmp succ 1: mov (sps a pointer to a parameter in this / stack fromae, fetch that instead / put environment pointer in r1 iget: mov f,r1 mov (i)+,r0 bge 2f mov r0,-(sp) /save the exit bit bic $-2,(sp) bic (sp),r0 1: /chase parameter mov env(r1),r1 add si(r1),r0 mov (r0),r0 blt 1b mov env(r1),r1 bis (sp)+,r0 2: rts pc /there followeth the driving tables start: .data succc: 0 continc: 0 failc: 0 advc: 0 .text )+,g mov (sp)+,k(f) mov (sp)+,cfile br fail / advance stack frame to invoke a parsing rule / copy corsor, watr mark, ignored class to new frame / set intial frame length to default (g1) / check end of stack / r0,r1 are new i,environment adv: inc advc mov f,(g) mov i,si(f) mov j(f),j(g) mov k(f),k(g) mov n(f),n(g) mov g,f add $g1,g cmp g,$stke bhis 1f mov r0,i mov r1,env(f) jmp contin 1: jsr r0,errcom ;.even /pbundle entered with pointer to earliest element of bunlde / read rp rblk: iocom = 5 / tmg / main program and parsing rule interpreter / tracing = 1 f = r5 g = r4 i = r3 sef=sec^sec; clf=clc^clc; bfs=bcs^bcs; bfc=bcc^bcc /fail indicator .globl flush,obuild,putch,iget,kput .globl generate .globl cfile,dfile,ofile,input .globl main,succ,fail,errcom,pbundle,parse,diag .globl alt,salt,stop,goto .globl tables,start,end .globl stkb,stke .globl ktab .globl trswitch,trace .globl x,si,j,k,n,g1,env / begin here / get arguments from shell / arg1 is input file / arg2 is output file (standard output /to reduce from the top of stack in r0 /exit with pointer to bundle in r0, or zero if bundle is empty pbundle: cmp r0,g blo 1f clr r0 /empty bundle rts pc 1: mov r0,-(sp) mov r0,r1 mov (r1)+,r0 cmp r1,g beq 2f /trivial bundle 1: mov r1,-(sp) jsr pc,kput mov (sp)+,r1 mov (r1)+,r0 cmp r1,g blos 1b mov k(f),r0 2: mov (sp)+,g rts pc / tmg translation rule interpreter (generator) / see tmgc.s for definitions tracing = 1 f = r5 .globl x,si,ek,ep,ek.fs,ep.fs,fs .globl trswitch,trace .globl stas fsboot.s tty.s rrk.s rk.s strip a.out ls -l a.out cp a.out /usr/mdec/rkuboot as fsboot.s tty.s rrp.s rp.s strip a.out ls -l a.out cp a.out /usr/mdec/rpuboot as fsboot.s tty.s rhp.s hp.s strip a.out ls -l a.out cp a.out /usr/mdec/hpuboot as tpboot.s tty.s tc.s strip a.out ls -l a.out cp a.out /usr/mdec/tboot as tpboot.s tty.s tm.s strip a.out ls -l a.out cp a.out /usr/mdec/mboot as tpboot.s tty.s ht.s strip a.out ls -l a.out cp a.out /usr/mdec/hboot as tcf.s strip a.out cp a.out /usr/mdec/tcf as rkif missing) main: dec (sp) beq 3f mov 4(sp),0f sys open;0:0;0 bes 1f mov r0,input dec (sp) beq 3f mov 6(sp),0f sys creat;0:0;666 bes 1f mov r0,ofile / set up tables / initialize stack, for definitions see tmgc.s / go interpret beginning at "start" / finish up 3: mov $stkb,f clr j(f) clr k(f) clr n(f) mov f,g add $g1,g mov $start,r0 jsr pc,adv jsr pc,flush 1: sys unlink;1f sys exit 1: ;.even / fatal processor error /write a two letter message on diagnostic file / get a dart,end,tables,ktab,ktat .globl errcom .globl generate,.tp i = r3 / if exit bit is on pop stack frame restore inst counter and return generate: bit $1,x(f) beq gcontin sub $fs,f mov si(f),i rts pc gcontin: .if tracing tst trswitch beq 1f mov $'g,r0 jsr pc,trace 1: .endif / get interpreted instruction, decode by range of values mov (i)+,r0 mov r0,x(f) bic $1,r0 .if .. cmp r0,$.. blo badadr .endif cmp r0,$start blo gf cmp r0,$end blo gc cmp r0,$tables blo gf neg r0 cmp r0,$ktaf.s strip a.out cp a.out /usr/mdec/rkf as reset.s strip a.out cp a.out /usr/mdec/reset as dldr.s strip a.out cp a.out /usr/mdec/dldr as mcopy.s tm.s wrk.s rk.s strip a.out cp a.out /usr/mdec/tmrk as mcopy.s tm.s wrp.s rp.s strip a.out cp a.out /usr/mdec/tmrp as mcopy.s tm.s whp.s hp.s strip a.out cp a.out /usr/mdec/tmhp as mcopy.s ht.s wrk.s rk.s strip a.out cp a.out /usr/mdec/htrk as mcopy.s ht.s wrp.s rp.s strip a.out cp a.out /usr/mdec/htrp as mcopy.s ht.s whp.s hp.s strip a.out cp a.out /usr/mdeump errcom: mov dfile,cfile jsr pc,obuild mov $1f,r0 jsr pc,obuild jsr pc,flush stop: 4 1: <--fatal\n\0>;.even / all functions that succeed come here / test the exit indicator, and leave the rule if on succ: inc succc bit $1,x(f) bne sret contin: inc continc .if tracing tst trswitch beq 1f mov $'r,r0 jsr pc,trace 1: .endif / get interpreted instruction / save its exit bit (bit 0) on stack / distinguish type of instruction by ranges of value jsr pc,iget mov r0,x(f) bic $1,r0 .if t blo gk badadr: jsr r0,errcom ;.even / builtin translation function gf: jmp (r0) / tmg-coded translation subroutine / execute it in current environment gc: mov i,si(f) mov r0,i mov ek(f),ek.fs(f) mov ep(f),ep.fs(f) add $fs,f jsr pc,gcontin br generate / delivered compound translation / instruction counter is in ktable / set the k environment for understanding 1, 2 ... / to designate this frame gk: mov f,ek(f) add $ktab,r0 mov r0,i br gcontin / execute rulec/hthp rm a.out .. cmp r0,$.. blo 1f .endif cmp r0,$start blo 2f cmp r0,$end blo 3f cmp r0,$tables blo 2f / bad address 1: jsr r0,errcom ;.even / machine coded function 2: jmp (r0) / tmg-coded rule, execute and test its success / bfc = branch on fail clear 3: jsr pc,adv bfc succ / all functions and rules that fail come here / if exit bit is on do a fail return / if following instruction is an alternate (recognized literally) / do a goto, if a success alternate, do a nop / otherwi called for by 1 2 ... / found relative to instruction counter in the k environment / this frame becomes th p environment for / any parameters passed with this invocation / e.g. for 1(x) see also .tq .tp: movb (i)+,r0 movb (i)+,r2 inc r0 asl r0 mov i,si(f) mov f,ep.fs(f) mov ek(f),r1 mov si(r1),i sub r0,i add $fs,f mov f,ek(f) asl r2 beq 2f /element is 1.1, 1.2, .. 2.1,... mov (i),i neg i bge 1f jsr r0,errcom ;.even 1: cmp i,$ktat bhis badadr add $ktab,i sub r2,i 2: j # include "dextern" # define IDENTIFIER 257 # define MARK 258 # define TERM 259 # define LEFT 260 # define BINARY 261 # define RIGHT 262 # define PREC 263 # define LCURLY 264 # define C_IDENTIFIER 265 /* name followed by colon */ # define NUMBER 266 setup(argc,argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { int i,j,lev,t; int c; foutput = -2; i = 1; while( argc >= 2 && argv[1][0] == '-' ) { while( *++(argv[1]) ){ switch( *argv[1] ){ case 'v': case 'V': foutput = copen("y.output", 'w' ); if( foutpj]; continue; case LCURLY: if( i!=0 ) error( "%%{ appears within a rule" ); cpycode(); continue; default: error( "syntax error, input %d", t ); } } finact(){ /* finish action routine */ register i; if( rflag ){ printf( "\n1000 goto(" ); for( i=1; i='0' && c<='9'; c=getchar() ){ numbval = numbval*base + c - '0'; } peekc = c; return(NUMBER); } else if( (c>='a'&&c<='z')||(c>='A'&&c<='Z')||c=='_'||c=='.'||c=='$'){ ctokn = cnamp; while( (c>='a'&&c<='z') || (c>='A'&&c<='Z') || (c>='0'&&c<='9') || c=='_' || c=='.' || c=='$' ) { chstash( c ); if( peekc>=0 ) { c = peekc; peekc = -1; } else c = getchar(); } } else return(c); peekc=c; ut < 0 ) error( "cannot open y.output"); continue; case 'o': case 'O': oflag = 1; continue; case 'r': case 'R': oflag = 1; rflag = 1; continue; default: error( "illegal option: %c", *argv[1]); } } argv++; argc--; } ftable = copen( oflag ? "yacc.tmp" : "y.tab.c" , 'w' ); if( ftable<0 ) error( "cannot open table file" ); if( argc > 1 ) cin = copen( argv[1], 'r' ); if( cin < 0 ) error( "cannot open input" ); settab(); printf("#\n"); ctokn = "$end"; %d;\n", trmset[2].value ); } } defin(t) { /* define ctokn to be a terminal if t=0 or a nonterminal if t=1 */ char *cp,*p; int c; if (t) { if( ++nnonter >= ntlim ) error("too many nonterminals, limit %d",ntlim); nontrst[nnonter].name = ctokn; return( NTBASE + nnonter ); } else { if( ++nterms >= tlim ) error("too many terminals, limit %d",tlim ); trmset[nterms].name = ctokn; if( ctokn[0]==' ' && ctokn[2]=='\0' ) /* single character litera } chstash( '\0' ); if( reserve ){ /* find a reserved word */ if( compare("term")) return( TERM ); if( compare("TERM")) return( TERM ); if( compare("token")) return( TERM ); if( compare("TOKEN")) return( TERM ); if( compare("left")) return( LEFT ); if( compare("LEFT")) return( LEFT ); if( compare("nonassoc")) return( BINARY ); if( compare("NONASSOC")) return( BINARY ); if( compare("binary")) return( BINARY ); if( compare("BINARY")) return( BINARY ); if( compare("right")) return( RIGdefin(0); /* eof */ extval = 0400; /* beginning of assigned values */ ctokn = "error"; defin(0); ctokn = "$accept"; defin(1); mem=mem0; cnamp = cnames; lev=0; i=0; while( t = gettok() ){ switch( t ){ case IDENTIFIER: j = chfind(0); trmlev[j] = lev; continue; case ',': case ';': continue; case TERM: lev=0; continue; case LEFT: lev=(++i<<3)|01; continue; case BINARY: lev=(++i<<3)|02; continue; case RIGHT: lev=(++i<<3)|03; continue; case MARK: defout(); l */ trmset[nterms].value = ctokn[1]; else if ( ctokn[0]==' ' && ctokn[1]=='\\' ) { /* escape sequence */ if( ctokn[3] == '\0' ){ /* single character escape sequence */ switch ( ctokn[2] ){ /* character which is escaped */ case 'n': trmset[nterms].value = '\n'; break; case 'r': trmset[nterms].value = '\r'; break; case 'b': trmset[nterms].value = '\b'; break; case 't': trmset[nterms].value = '\t'; break; case '\'': trmset[nterms].value = '\''; break; case '"': trmset[nterms].vaHT ); if( compare("RIGHT")) return( RIGHT ); if( compare("prec")) return( PREC ); if( compare("PREC")) return( PREC ); error("invalid escape, or illegal reserved word: %s", ctokn ); } /* look ahead to distinguish IDENTIFIER from C_IDENTIFIER */ look: while( peekc==' ' || peekc=='\t' || peekc == '\n' ) { if( peekc == '\n' ) ++peekline; peekc = getchar(); } if( peekc != ':' ) return( IDENTIFIER ); peekc = -1; lineno =+ peekline; peekline = 0; return( C_IDENTIFIER ); } chfind(t) { if( rflag ){ /* RATFOR */ printf( "define yyerrok yyerrf = 0\n" ); printf( "define yyclearin yychar = -1\n" ); printf( "subroutine yyactr(yyprdn)\n"); printf( "common/yycomn/yylval,yyval,yypv,yyvalv(150)\n" ); printf( "common/yylcom/yychar,yyerrf,yydebu\n" ); printf( "integer yychar, yyerrf, yydebu\n" ); printf( "integer yyprdn,yyval,yylval,yypv,yyvalv\n" ); } else { printf( "#define yyclearin yychar = -1\n" ); printf( "#define yyerrok yylue = '"'; break; case '\\': trmset[nterms].value = '\\'; break; default: error( "invalid escape" ); } } else if( ctokn[2] <= '7' && ctokn[2]>='0' ){ /* \nnn sequence */ if( ctokn[3]<'0' || ctokn[3] > '7' || ctokn[4]<'0' || ctokn[4]>'7' || ctokn[5] != '\0' ) error("illegal \\nnn construction" ); trmset[nterms].value = 64*(ctokn[2]-'0')+8*(ctokn[3]-'0')+ctokn[4]-'0'; if( trmset[nterms].value == 0 ) error( "'\\000' is illegal" ); } } else { trmset[nterms].value = extval++; int i,j; if (ctokn[0]==' ')t=0; for(i=1;i<=nterms;i++) if(compare(trmset[i].name)){ cnamp = ctokn; return( i ); } for(i=1;i<=nnonter;i++) if(compare(nontrst[i].name)) { cnamp = ctokn; return( i+NTBASE ); } /* cannot find name */ if( t>1 && ctokn[0] != ' ' ) error( "%s should have been defined earlier", ctokn ); return( defin( t ) ); } cpycode(){ /* copies code between \{ and \} */ int c; c = getchar(); if( c == '\n' ) { c = getchar(); lineno++; } while( c ){ if(errflag = 0\n" ); printf( "extern int yychar, yyerrflag;\n" ); printf("\nint yyval 0;\nint *yypv;\nint yylval 0;"); printf("\nyyactr(__np__){\n"); } break; case LCURLY: defout(); cpycode(); continue; case NUMBER: trmset[j].value = numbval; if( j < ndefout && j>2 ) error("please define type # of %s earlier", trmset[j].name ); continue; default: error("bad precedence syntax, input %d", t ); } break; } prdptr[0]=mem; /* added production } trmlev[nterms] = 0; return( nterms ); } } defout(){ /* write out the defines (at the end of the declaration section) */ _REGISTER int i, c; _REGISTER char *cp; for( i=ndefout; i<=nterms; ++i ){ cp = trmset[i].name; if( *cp == ' ' ) ++cp; /* literals */ for( ; (c= *cp)!='\0'; ++cp ){ if( c>='a' && c<='z' || c>='A' && c<='Z' || c>='0' && c<='9' || c=='_' ) ; /* VOID */ else goto nodef; } /* define it */ printf( "%c define %s %d\n", rflag?' c=='\\' ) if( (c=getchar()) == '}' ) return; else putchar('\\'); if( c=='%' ) if( (c=getchar()) == '}' ) return; else putchar('%'); putchar( c ); if( c == '\n' ) ++lineno; c = getchar(); } error("eof before %%}"); } cpyact(){ /* copy C action to the next ; or closing } */ int brac, c, match, *i, j, s; brac = 0; loop: c = getchar(); swt: switch( c ){ case ';': if( brac == 0 ){ putchar( c ); return; } goto lcopy; case '{': brac++; goto lcopy; case '$': s = */ *mem++ = NTBASE; *mem++ = NTBASE+1; *mem++ = 1; *mem++ = 0; prdptr[1]=mem; i=0; /* i is 0 when a rule can begin, 1 otherwise */ for(;;) switch( t=gettok() ) { case C_IDENTIFIER: if( mem == prdptr[1] ) { /* first time */ if( rflag ){ printf( "goto 1000\n" ); } else printf("\nswitch(__np__){\n"); } if( i != 0 ) error( "previous rule not terminated" ); *mem = chfind(1); if( *mem < NTBASE )error( "token illegal on lhs of grammar rule" ); i=1; ':'#', trmset[i].name, trmset[i].value ); nodef: ; } ndefout = nterms+1; } chstash( c ){ /* put character away into cnames */ if( cnamp >= &cnames[cnamsz] ) error("too many characters in id's and literals" ); else *cnamp++ = c; } int gettok() { int j, base; static int peekline; /* number of '\n' seen in lookahead */ auto int c, match, reserve; begin: reserve = 0; if( peekc>=0 ) { c = peekc; lineno =+ peekline; peekc = -1; peekline = 0; } else c = getchar(); 1; c = getchar(); if( c == '$' ){ printf("yyval"); goto loop; } if( c == '-' ){ s = -s; c = getchar(); } if( c>='0' && c <= '9' ){ j=0; while( c>='0' && c<= '9' ){ j= j*10+c-'0'; c = getchar(); } if( rflag ) printf( "yyvalv(yypv%c%d)", s==1?'+':'-', j ); else printf("yypv[%d]", s*j ); goto swt; } putchar( '$' ); if( s<0 ) putchar('-'); goto swt; case '}': brac--; if( brac == 0 ){ putchar( c ); return; } goto lcopy; case '/': /* ++mem; continue; case IDENTIFIER: *mem=chfind(1); if(*mem < NTBASE)levprd[nprod]=trmlev[*mem]; mem++; if(i==0) error("missing :"); continue; case '=': levprd[nprod] =| 04; if( i==0 ) error("semicolon preceeds action"); printf( rflag?"\n%d ":"\ncase %d:", nprod ); cpyact(); printf( rflag ? " return" : " break;" ); case '|': case ';': if(i){ *mem++ = -nprod; prdptr[++nprod] = mem; levprd[nprod]=0; i=0;} if (t=='|'){i=1;*mem++ = *prdptr[nprod-1];} con while( c==' ' || c=='\n' || c=='\t' ){ if( c == '\n' ) ++lineno; c=getchar(); } if (c=='/') {if (getchar()!='*')error("illegal /"); c=getchar(); while(c) { if( c == '\n' ) ++lineno; if (c=='*') {if((c=getchar())=='/')break;} else c=getchar();} if (!c) return(0); goto begin;} j=0; switch(c){ case '"': case '\'': match = c; ctokn = cnamp; chstash( ' ' ); while(1){ c = getchar(); if( c == '\n' || c == '\0' ) error("illegal look for comments */ putchar( c ); c = getchar(); if( c != '*' ) goto swt; /* it really is a comment */ putchar( c ); while( c=getchar() ){ if( c=='*' ){ putchar( c ); if( (c=getchar()) == '/' ) goto lcopy; } putchar( c ); } error( "EOF inside comment" ); case '\'': /* character constant */ match = '\''; goto string; case '"': /* character string */ match = '"'; string: putchar( c ); while( c=getchar() ){ if( c=='\\' ){ putchar( c ); c=getchar(tinue; case 0: /* End Of File */ case MARK: if( i != 0 ) error( "rule not terminated before %%%% or EOF" ); settab(); finact(); /* copy the programs which follow the rules */ if( t == MARK ){ while (c=getchar()) putchar(c); } return; case PREC: if( i==0 ) error( "%%prec must appear inside rule" ); if( gettok()!=IDENTIFIER)error("illegal %%prec syntax" ); j=chfind(2); if(j>=NTBASE)error("nonterminal %s illegal after %%prec", nontrst[j-NTBASE].name); levprd[nprod]=trmlev[or missing ' or \""); if( c == '\\' ){ c = getchar(); chstash( '\\' ); } else if( c == match ) break; chstash( c ); } break; case '%': case '\\': switch(c=getchar()) {case '0': return(TERM); case '<': return(LEFT); case '2': return(BINARY); case '>': return(RIGHT); case '%': case '\\': return(MARK); case '=': return(PREC); case '{': return(LCURLY); default: reserve = 1; } default: if( c >= '0' && c <= '9' ){ /* number */ numbval = c-'0' ; base); } else if( c==match ) goto lcopy; putchar( c ); } error( "EOF in string or character constant" ); case '\0': error("action does not terminate"); case '\n': ++lineno; goto lcopy; } lcopy: putchar( c ); goto loop; } urn; } error(a) { printf("Error %d\n",a); dexit(); } dexit() { extern nflush; /* printf("nflush = %d\n",nflush); /*DEBUG*/ if(tp[0] > 0 && utmp == 0) { unlink(tmp[0]); unlink(tmp[1]); } exit(); } callsys(f,v) char f[],*v[]; { int t,status,i; if((t = fork()) == 0) { for(i = 1; i <= 12; i++) signal(i,0); execv(f,v); printf("Can't find %s\n",f); exit(1); } else { if(t == -1) { printf("Try again\n"); return(1); } } while(t != wait(&status)); /* printf("Status = %o, %s\n",r0,... / lookchar: mov r2,-(sp) jsr pc,plausible cmp w(r1),r(r1) /W,R blos noch mov r(r1),r0 jsr pc,bufchar bec 2f jsr pc,getbuf / 2: inc flag bne 2f jsr pc,fixct br 1f 2: mov flag,u1(r2) 1: mov (sp)+,r2 movb (r0),r0 tst r0 /clears c-bit rts pc / noch: mov (sp)+,r2 clr r0 sec rts pc / / / routine to put a character into the string / pointed to by r1; character in r0 / r0 is preserved; r1 points to the string / after return and must be saved. / / movb ch,r0 / mov ...,r1 / jsr pc,putchar# # include "econs.h" # include "ecmn.h" /*int mbuf[1024]; /*INSTR*/ /*int tbuf[12]; /*INSTR*/ int (*acts[])() {0, &coll, &save, &out, &error, &hyphen, &pno }; char *tmp[2] {"/tmp/crt0a", "/tmp/crt1a" }; char *ignonl "/usr/lib/eign"; char *gtab "/usr/lib/etab"; main(argc,argv) char *argv[]; { auto i,j,tm1,tm2,tm3; char *fn,*av[8]; /* extern etext; /*INSTR*/ /* monitor(&main,&etext,&mbuf,1024); /*INSTR*/ if(*argv[1] == '-') { j = flags(argv); argv =+ j; argc =- j; } status,f); /*DEBUG*/ if((t = (status & 0377)) != 0) { if(t != 2) { printf("Fatal error in %s\n",f); printf("t = %d\n",t); } dexit(); } return((status>>8) & 0377); } flags(argv) char *argv[]; { int j,xx; char *ap; j = 1; ap = argv[1]; while(*++ap != '\0') { switch(*ap) { default: printf("Unrecognized flag: %c\n",*ap); dexit(); case 'c': count = 1; continue; case 'i': /* Ignore file */ if(!xx) { xx = 1; only = 0; ignonl = argv[++j]; } / mov r1,... / putchar: mov r2,-(sp) mov r1,-(sp) mov r0,nchar jsr pc,plausible 1: cmp w(r1),l(r1) /W,L blt 3f mov w(r1),r0 inc r0 sub a(r1),r0 /W-A+1 jsr pc,allocate mov (sp),r0 jsr pc,copy jsr pc,swap jsr pc,release mov (sp),r1 / 3: mov w(r1),r0 jsr pc,bufchar bec 2f jsr pc,getbuf 2: movb nchar,(r0) mov $1,w1(r2) mov nchar,r0 /to preserve r0 for user inc w(r1) inc flag bne 2f jsr pc,fixct br 1f 2: mov flag,u1(r2) 1: mov (sp)+,r1 mov (sp)+,r2 rts pc / / fixct: mov r1,-(sp) init(); i = 0; if(argc == 1) { *ibuf1 = 0; curfl = 2; curf[0] = '_'; curf[1] = '\t'; goto pipe; } while(++i < argc) { curs[4] = '\t'; if(fopen(argv[i],ibuf1) < 0) { printf("Can't open %s\n",argv[i]); dexit(); } curfl = 0; while((curf[curfl] = *argv[i]++) != 0 && curfl <=8) if(curf[curfl++] == '/') curfl = 0; curf[curfl++] = '\t'; if(curfl == 8) curf[8] = -1; pipe: ibuf = ibuf1; lno = 1; driver(); close(file); } flsh(0); close(tp[0]); /* monitor(0); / continue; case 'o': /*only file*/ if(!xx) { xx = 1; only = 1; ignonl = argv[++j]; } continue; case 'p': page = 1; continue; case 't': utmp = argv[++j]; tmp[0] = argv[j]; continue; case 'u': /* Unique symbols only */ usw = 1; continue; case 'w': /* Word list only */ word = 1; continue; } } return(j); } compile() { char buf[40],*b; int i,v; fopen(ignonl,ibuf1); b = buf - 1; while((*++b = getc(ibuf1)) != -1) {mov r3,-(sp) mov nbuf,r1 mov nbuf,flag 2: mov r1,u1(r2) dec r1 bge 1f mov (sp)+,r3 mov (sp)+,r1 rts pc 1: clr r2 mov $2,r3 1: cmp r3,nbuf2 bge 2b cmp u1(r3),u1(r2) blo 2f mov r3,r2 2: add $2,r3 br 1b *INSTR*/ /* dexit(); /*INSTR*/ /* times(tbuf); /*INSTR*/ /* tm1 = tbuf[0]/6; /*INSTR*/ /* tm2 = tbuf[1]/6; /*INSTR*/ /* printf("Prep: %d %d\n", tm1, tm2); /*INSTR*/ /* exit(); /*DEBUG*/ fn = "/bin/sort"; av[0] = "sort"; av[1] = tmp[0]; av[2] = "-o"; av[3] = tmp[0]; av[4] = 0; callsys(fn, av); /* times(tbuf); /*INSTR*/ /* tm1 = tbuf[3]/6; /*INSTR*/ /* tm2 = tbuf[5]/6; /*INSTR*/ /* printf("Sort: %d %d\n", tm1, tm2); /*INSTR*/ if(usw) { fn = "/usr/bin/upost"; av[0] = "upost"; i = 0; } e if(*b == '\n') { *b = '\0'; search(buf,b - buf,&itab,1); b = buf - 1; } else { if(*b == '\t') { v = 0; while((i = getc(ibuf1)) != -1) { if(i == '\n') break; v = v*10 + (i - '0'); } search(buf,b - buf,&itab,v); b = buf - 1; } else { if((b - buf) > 39) { printf("Ignore/only symbol too long.\n"); dexit(); } } } } close(ibuf1); return; } cfree (ptr) { free(ptr); } lse if(count) { fn = "count"; av[0] = "count"; i = 0; } else { fn = "/usr/bin/crpost"; av[0] = "crpost"; av[1] = "-E"; i = 1; } av[++i] = tmp[0]; av[++i] = 0; callsys(fn,av); /* times(tbuf); /*INSTR*/ /* tm1 = tbuf[3]/6 - tm1; /*INSTR*/ /* tm2 = tbuf[5]/6 - tm2; /*INSTR*/ /* printf("Post: %d %d\n", tm1, tm2); /*INSTR*/ dexit(); } driver() { auto p; top: l = -1; while((c = line[++l] = getc(ibuf)) != -1) { /* printf("driver: c = %o l = %d\n",c,l); /*DEBUG*/ if(l >= 299) { pr/ / routine to read from disc to a buffer / wcing the buffer if necessary / mov disc addr,r0 / mov buffer addr,r2 / jsr pc,getb / on return r0 = addr of byte in buffer / getb: mov r3,-(sp) mov r1,-(sp) mov r0,-(sp) mov r2,r3 asr r3 mov r3,r1 ashc $9.,r1 bic $777,r1 add $b1,r1 tst w1(r2) / w ble 1f jsr pc,clean 1: mov (sp),r0 bic $777,r0 /get lowest multiple of 512. mov r0,0f mov r0,b1s(r2) /set start mov afi,r0 sys seek;0:..;0 mov r1,0f sys read;0:..;512. mov b1s(r2),b1e(r2) add $51 intf("Line too long: %d.\n",lno); dexit(); } if(c & 0200) { printf("Illegal character: %o line %d\n",c,lno); dexit(); } if(fl) { if((*flag[fl])()) continue; } /*printf("cs = %d cc = %c ca = %d\n",cs,c,tab[cs].cl[c]); /*DEBUG*/ if(p = tab[cs].cl[c]) (*acts[p])(); continue; } if(ibuf == ibuf1) return; ibuf = ibuf1; goto top; } init() { int b[3]; auto fi,i; extern coll(),save(),out(),asym(),asw(),csym(),csw(); extern incl(),decl(),sk(),sk2(); extern dexit(); ib2.,b1e(r2) / set end clr w1(r2) /clear w mov (sp)+,r0 sub b1s(r2),r0 add r1,r0 / set r0=byte addr in buffer mov (sp)+,r1 mov (sp)+,r3 rts pc / / / routine to wc a buffer / mov buffer addr,r2 / mov buffer addr+6,r1 beginning of buffer / jsr pc,clean / clean: mov r0,-(sp) mov b1s(r2),0f mov afout,r0 sys seek;0:..;0 mov r1,0f sys write;0:..;512. clr w1(r2) /clear w mov (sp)+,r0 rts pc / / routine to get buffer addr of byte whose disc / addr is in r0 - also returns addr of write / flag for buff.globl flag .globl b1, w1, u1, b1s, b1e / here to allocate a new block / / / mov ...,r0 / jsr pc,allocate / mov r1,... / / requested size in bytes in r0 / pointer to header of allocated block returned in r1 / r0 is preserved / / convert to words, adjust for header, round up / to a power of two / / each block has a four-word header / W - write ptr (also used as link ptr in frlist) / R - read ptr / A - pointer to head of data / L - ptr to (end+1) of data hsz=1024. numb=4. numb2=2*numb w=0 r=2 a=4 l=6 / aluf1 = &ib1; if((fi = open(gtab,0)) < 0) { printf("Cannot open grammar table; see lem\n"); dexit(); } i = -1; while(++i < NUMS) if(read(fi,tab[i].cl,256) < 256) { printf("Bad grammar table; see lem\n"); dexit(); } close(fi); if(signal(1,1) != 1) signal(1,&dexit); if(signal(2,1) != 1) signal(2,&dexit); if(signal(3,1) != 1) signal(3,&dexit); while((tp[1] = creat(tmp[1],0)) < 0) tmp[1][9]++; close(tp[1]); tmp[0][9] = tmp[1][9]; tp[0] = creat(tmp[0],CREATC); if(count) returner in r2 / mov disc addr,r0 / jsr pc,bufchar / mov (r0),r0 for read / inc (r2) for write must inc w / c-bit set if char not in either buffer / bufchar: mov r1,-(sp) mov r3,-(sp) clr r3 1: mov r3,r2 asl r2 cmp r0,b1s(r2) blo 2f cmp r0,b1e(r2) bhis 2f sub b1s(r2),r0 mov r3,r1 ashc $9.,r1 bic $777,r1 add r1,r0 add $b1,r0 mov (sp)+,r3 mov (sp)+,r1 clc rts pc 2: inc r3 cmp r3,nbuf blt 1b mov (sp)+,r3 mov (sp)+,r1 sec rts pc / / routine to get a buffer / mov disc addr,r0 / jsr pc,getbuf locate: mov r0,-(sp) mov r2,-(sp) mov r3,-(sp) tst stats bne 1f jsr pc,initl 1: inc stats dec r0 bmi 1f jsr pc,log2 inc r0 1: asl r0 mov r0,-(sp) / / look on free list for block of required size / zzz: mov (sp),r0 tst frlist(r0) beq xxx / / found it, allocate and return / mov frlist(r0),r1 add $hblk,r1 mov (r1),frlist(r0) mov a(r1),r0 mov r0,w(r1) mov r0,r(r1) tst (sp)+ mov (sp)+,r3 mov (sp)+,r2 mov (sp)+,r0 / jsr pc,whead rts pc / / no block of required size / look for larger bloc; itab.hptr = &ipsp; itab.symt = &issp; itab.hsiz = PTRI; itab.ssiz = CHARI; itab.nsym = 0; itab.curb = 1; if((fi = open(ignonl,0)) < 0) { printf("Cannot open ignore/only file.\n"); dexit(); } if((read(fi,b,6) == 6) && (b[0] == 0100200)) { if(read(fi,itab.hptr,b[1]) < b[1]) { printf("Cannot read ignore/only file.\n"); dexit(); } if(read(fi,itab.symt,b[2]) < b[2]) { printf("Cannot read ignor/only file.\n"); dexit(); } close(fi); } else { close(fi); compile(); } ret/ mov (r0),r0 (for read) / inc (r2) must inc w for w / getbuf: mov r4,-(sp) mov r3,-(sp) mov $2,r3 clr r2 mov $1,r4 1: cmp r4,nbuf bge 1f cmp u1(r3),u1(r2) bhis 2f mov r3,r2 2: inc r4 add $2.,r3 br 1b 1: mov r2,r3 jsr pc,getb add $stats+6.,r3 inc (r3) mov (sp)+,r3 mov (sp)+,r4 rts pc / / routine to look at next character from string / pointed to by r1; character returned in r0 / c-bit set if character not available (end of file) / r1 is preserved / / mov ...,r1 / jsr pc,lookchar / movb k / xxx: tst (r0)+ cmp r0,$frend-frlist bhis www tst frlist(r0) bne yyy br xxx / / there are no larger blocks; must garbage collect / www: jsr pc,collect tst r0 bne zzz / / out of space / mov $1,r0 sys write; 1f; 2f-1f 4 1: 2: .even / / split larger block into two smaller pieces and / link together as smaller blocks in the free list. / yyy: mov hblk,r3 /get free header block beq www mov frlist(r0),r1 add $hblk,r1 mov w(r1),frlist(r0) mov r3,w(r1) add $hblk,r3 mov exp2-2(r0),r2 add a(r1),r2 mov w(r3),hblk mov l(r1),l(r3) mov r2,l(r1) /L mov r2,a(r3) clr w(r3) /W' mov r1,r2 sub $hblk,r2 mov r2,frlist-2(r0) br zzz / / / here to release a block / / mov ...,r1 / jsr pc,release / / pointer to block in r1 / release: / / discover that this is a plausible pointer / mov r0,-(sp) jsr pc,preposterous / / find free list index and link block to that entry / inc stats+2 mov frlist(r0),w(r1) clr r(r1) sub $hblk,r1 mov r1,frlist(r0) clr r1 /self-defense / jsr pc,wheamov $hblk,r1 1: mov (r1),r1 beq 1f add $hblk,r1 mov headsz,a(r1) mov headsz,l(r1) br 1b / 1: mov afout,r0 sys write;hblk;hsz jsr pc,reset mov (sp)+,r2 mov (sp)+,r0 rts pc . = b1 + [512.*numb] / .bss flag: .=.+2 stats: .=.+18. useful: .=.+2 afi: .=.+2 afout: .=.+2 datadr: .=.+2 hblk: .=.+2 /must remain here - pointer to free header frlist: .=hblk+34. frend: headers: strbuf: .=hblk+hsz strend: nchar: .=.+2 end: *argp bhi err asl r0 add argp,r0 br 2f 1: tst (sp)+ beq 1f movb $1,utable(r1) d mov (sp)+,r0 rts pc / / / jsr pc,collect / / coalesce free storage by rejoining paired blocks / on the free list. / zero is returned in r0 if no paired blocks were found. / collect: mov r1,-(sp) mov r2,-(sp) mov r3,-(sp) mov r4,-(sp) clr useful inc stats+4. clr r0 /start with smallest blocks /r0 contains frlist index loop1: mov $frlist,r1 add r0,r1 / / try next list member at this level / loop2: mov (r1),r3 beq advance /list is empty add $hblk,r3 tst (r3) /W beq advance /only one lis/ fortran random number generator. / either single or double prec. .globl rand., srand. .globl retrn srand.: value .+2 mov *2(r3),seed1 inc first jmp retrn rand.: value .+2 tst first bne 1f sys time mov r1,seed1 inc first 1: mov seed1,r1 jsr pc,ran mov r1,seed1 seti setd movif r0,fr0 divf $44000,fr0 movf fr0,value jmp retrn ran: mpy $13077.,r1 add $6925.,r1 mov r1,r0 bic $100000,r0 rts pc .bss first: .=.+2 seed1: .=.+2 value: .=.+8 / / / fortran random I/O .globl rread. .globl rwrite. .globl temp .globl retrn .globl rerr rread.: temp .+2 mov 2(r3),r0 mov 2(r0),0f mov rfin,r0 bne 1f sys open; rf; 0 bes 9f mov r0,rfin 1: sys seek; 0:..; 0 mov 4(r3),0f mov 6(r3),r0 mov 2(r0),0f+2 mov rfin,r0 sys read; 0:..; 0 jmp retrn rwrite.:temp .+2 mov 2(r3),r0 mov 2(r0),0f mov rfout,r0 bne 1f sys creat; rf; 17 bes 9f mov r0,rfout 1: sys seek; 0:..; 0 mov 4(r3),0f mov 6(r3),r0 mov 2(r0),0f+2 mov rfout,r0 sys write; 0t element / / calculate address of buddy / mov a(r3),r4 sub headsz,r4 bit exp2(r0),r4 beq 2f bic exp2(r0),r4 br 1f 2: bis exp2(r0),r4 1: add headsz,r4 / / and search for him / loop3: cmp a(r3),r4 beq coal mov r3,r2 mov w(r3),r3 tst r3 beq nocoal add $hblk,r3 br loop3 / / have found a pair; remove both blocks from list, / coalesce them, and put them on next higher list / coal: inc useful mov w(r3),w(r2) /remove him from list mov (r1),r2 add $hblk,r2 mov r3,r4 mov w(r2),w(r1) /remove other / call getarg(n, array [, nword] ) / / fill in the array with the n-th argument to the routine. / array is integer. / n counts from 1 for the file name (first) arg / if nword is specifies it gives the max number / of words to fill in / If no nword is given the array ends with at least one blank. / if nword is given the array is blank-padded to that length. / iargc(dummy) returns the number of arguments / (1-origin) .globl getarg., iargc. .globl retrn, temp .comm argp,2 getarg.: temp .+2 mov $512.,r2 :..; .. jmp retrn 9: jsr r5,rerr; 456. sys exit rf: .even rfin: .=.+2 rfout: .=.+2 one cmp a(r2),a(r4) bgt 1f mov r2,-(sp) mov r4,r2 mov (sp)+,r4 1: mov hblk,(r2) clr r(r2) mov headsz,a(r2) mov headsz,l(r2) sub $hblk,r2 mov r2,hblk add exp2(r0),l(r4) /L clr r(r4) mov frlist+2(r0),w(r4) sub $hblk,r4 mov r4,frlist+2(r0) br loop2 / / no buddy found, try next block on this list / nocoal: mov (r1),r1 add $hblk,r1 br loop2 / / advance to next free list / advance: tst (r0)+ cmp r0,$frend-frlist blo loop1 mov useful,r0 / / restore registers and return / mov (sp)+,r4 mov (cmp *2(sp),$3 blt 1f mov 6(r3),r2 mov 2(r2),r2 asl r2 asl r2 1: mov 4(r3),r4 mov 2(r3),r1 mov 2(r1),r1 mov argp,r0 cmp r1,(r0) bgt 1f asl r1 add r0,r1 mov (r1),r1 2: tst r2 ble 1f movb (r1)+,(r4)+ beq 2f dec r2 br 2b 2: dec r4 1: movb $' ,(r4)+ dec r2 bit $3,r2 bne 1b cmp r2,$256. bge 1f tst r2 bgt 1b 1: jmp retrn iargc.: temp .+2 clr temp mov *argp,temp+2 jmp retrn / / / move, line sct = 2 / fortran vt0 interfaces / erase screen erase.: temp .+2 jsr pc,setfil mov f,r0 sys write; erase; 2 jmp retrn / move(x, y) / / sets current x,y to arguments / .globl move. .globl line. .globl erase. .globl frame. .globl arc. .globl circle. .globl temp .globl retrn frame.: temp .+2 jsr pc,setfil mov 2(r3),r0 movb 2(r0),frame+1 mov f,r0 sys write; frame; 2 jmp retrn move.: temp .+2 jsr pc,garg mov r0,x mov r1,y jmp retrn / line(x, y) / / plot vector from cursp)+,r3 mov (sp)+,r2 mov (sp)+,r1 rts pc / / routine to find integer part of log2(x) / / jsr pc,log2 / / r0 = log2(r0) / log2: mov $15.,-(sp) tst r0 beq 2f 1: asl r0 bcs 2f dec (sp) br 1b 2: mov (sp)+,r0 rts pc / 0 exp2: 1;2;4;10;20;40;100;200;400;1000;2000;4000; 10000;20000;40000;100000 / / routine to discover whether r1 points to / a plausible header - to avoid ruination. / / r1 is preserved and r0 gets a suitable index for frlist / / jsr pc,preposterous / plausible: cmp r1,$strbuf blo bo/ Fortran library-- setfil / call setfil(unit, 5hname ) .globl setfil. .globl getbuf .globl chkunit .globl retrn .globl utable .globl temp .globl rerr setfil.: temp .+2 mov 2(r3),r1 mov 2(r1),r1 jsr r5,chkunit tstb utable(r1) beq 1f jsr r5,rerr; 112. 1: jsr r5,getbuf movb $-1,utable(r1) mov 4(r3),r0 mov r2,r1 1: movb (r0)+,(r1) beq 1f cmpb $' ,(r1)+ bne 1b clrb -(r1) 1: jmp retrn rent x,y / to arguments, setting current / x,y when done to arguments / line.: temp .+2 jsr pc,garg mov r0,x1 mov r1,y1 movb $3,command mov f,r0 sys write; command; 9 mov x1,x mov y1,y jmp retrn / call circle(x, y, radius) / circle's center at x, y circle.:temp .+2 jsr pc,garg mov r0,x mov r1,y mov 6(r3),r0 mov 2(r0),r0 ash $2,r0 mov r0,x1 movb $5,command mov f,r0 sys write; command; 7 jmp retrn / call arc(xo, yo, x1, y1, x2, y2) / plot circle arc: origin xo,yo; / counterclockwise tch cmp r1,$strend bhis botch rts pc / / botch: mov r0,-(sp) mov $1,r0 sys write; 1f; 2f-1f 4 1: 2: .even / / preposterous: cmp r1,$strbuf blo botch cmp r1,$strend bhis botch cmp a(r1),headsz /A blo botch cmp l(r1),datadr /L bhi botch mov l(r1),r0 /L sub a(r1),r0 /A mov r0,-(sp) jsr pc,log2 asl r0 cmp exp2(r0),(sp) bne botch mov r0,(sp) mov frlist(r0),r0 1: beq 1f add $hblk,r0 cmp r0,r1 beq botch mov (r0),r0 br 1b 1: mov (sp)+,r0 rts pc / / whead: m.globl ctime., retrn, temp ctime.: temp .+2 sys time clr temp mov r0,temp+2 setd setl movif temp,fr0 mulf $44200,fr0 mov r1,temp+2 movif temp,fr1 addf fr1,fr0 movf fr0,temp jmp retrn from x1,y1 to x2,y2 arc.: temp .+2 jsr pc,garg mov r0,x mov r1,y cmp (r3)+,(r3)+ jsr pc,garg mov r0,x1 mov r1,y1 cmp (r3)+,(r3)+ jsr pc,garg mov r0,x2 mov r1,y2 movb $6,command mov f,r0 sys write; command; 13. sub $8.,r3 jmp retrn setfil: tst f bne 1f sys creat; vt; 17 bes 9f mov r0,f 1: rts pc garg: jsr pc,setfil mov 2(r3),r0 mov 2(r0),r0 mov 4(r3),r1 mov 2(r1),r1 ash $2,r0 ash $2,r1 sub $2048.,r0 sub $2048.,r1 rts pc 9: mov $1,r0 sys write; bmes; emes-bmes sys exit ov r0,-(sp) mov afout,r0 sys seek;0;0 /write pointer to 0 sys write;hblk;hsz mov (sp)+,r0 rts pc / datasz: 16384. headsz: hsz nbuf: numb nbuf2: numb2 b1s: .=.+numb2 b1e: .=.+ numb2 w1: .=.+ numb2 u1: .=.+ numb2 b1 = . / initl: mov r0,-(sp) mov r2,-(sp) sys open;asmem; 1 /open for write bec 2f sys creat;asmem; 606 bes err2 2: mov r0,afout 1: sys open; asmem; 0 /open for read bes err2 mov r0,afi 1: br gargs / err2: mov $1,r0 sys write; 1f; 2f-1f 4 1: 2: asmem: / / / fortran nice subroutine .globl nice. .globl retrn, temp nice.: temp .+2 mov $16.,r0 tst *2(sp) beq 1f mov 2(r3),r0 mov 2(r0),r0 1: sys nice jmp retrn frame: .byte 4,0 erase: .byte 1,1 .byte 0 vt: bmes: ; emes: .bss .=.+1 command:.=.+1 x: .=.+2 y: .=.+2 x1: .=.+2 y1: .=.+2 x2: .=.+2 y2: .=.+2 f: .=.+2 .even / gargs: mov $headers,r2 mov r2,r0 sub $hblk,r0 mov r0,hblk 1: add $8,r0 mov r0,(r2) add $8,r2 cmp r2,$strend-8. blo 1b clr -8(r2) / mov headsz,datadr add datasz,datadr / mov $frlist,r0 1: clr (r0)+ cmp r0,$frend blo 1b mov hblk,r2 add $hblk,r2 mov (r2),hblk clr w(r2) mov headsz,a(r2) mov datadr,l(r2) mov datasz,r0 jsr pc,log2 asl r0 cmp r0,$frend-frlist blo 9f; 4; 9: sub $hblk,r2 mov r2,frlist(r0) / / install plausible pointers to make octal dumps look ok / / / / openr, openw-- / / call open(r|w) (string, iunit) / or, / call open(r|w) (argno, iunit) / where argno is an argument number (0 is command name) .globl openr. .globl openw. .globl utable .globl btable .globl ftable .globl getbuf .globl fopen .globl fcreat openr.: temp .+2 mov pc,-(sp) br 1f openw.: temp .+2 clr -(sp) 1: mov 4(r3),r1 mov 2(r1),r1 jsr r5,chkunit tstb utable(r1) beq 1f jsr r5,rerr; 101. sys exit 1: jsr r5,getbuf mov 2(r3),r0 mov 2(r0),r0 cmp r0,$32. bhi 1f cmp r0,/ / / iabs fortran function .globl iabs. .globl retrn .globl temp iabs.: temp .+2 setl setd movif *2(r3),r0 absf r0 movfi r0,temp jmp retrn function dclog(z1) double complex z1, z2, dclog double precision a,b,c double precision dummy(2) equivalence (a,z2,dummy(1)), (b,dummy(2)) z2=z1 c=dcabs(z2) b=datan2(b,a) a=dlog(c) dclog=z2 return end np+size; cp->size = np->size - size; cp->next = np->next; np->size = size; return(&np->next); } } asize = size<1024? 1024: size; if ((cp = sbrk(asize)) == -1) { return (-1); } cp->size = asize; free(&cp->next); } } free(aptr) char *aptr; { register logical ptr; register logical cp; register logical np; ptr = aptr-2; cp = freelist; while ((np = cp->next) < ptr) cp = np; if (ptr+ptr->size == np) { ptr->size =+ np->size; ptr->next = np->next; np = ptr; } elsr0 mov r1,*(r3)+ rts r3 .bss ndigix: .=.+2 width: .=.+2 formp: .=.+2 rjust: .=.+2 ndfnd: .=.+2 bufp: .=.+2 spaces: .=.+2 calloc(n, s) { return(alloc(n*s)); } e ptr->next = np; if (cp+cp->size == ptr) { cp->size =+ ptr->size; cp->next = ptr->next; } else cp->next = ptr; } .globl ndigit .globl _ieh305i ndigit: .=.+2 _ieh305i: .=.+2 int IEH0958g 0; tmpnam(s) char *s; { printf(-1,s,"pl%d%c",getpid(),'a'+IEH0958g++); return(s); } getchar() { extern cin; return (cgetc(cin)); } # include "ciodec.c" ungetc (c, fn) { struct fileps *fp; if (nargs() != 2) IEHzap("ungetc"); /* push back onto input */ fp = &IEH3fpts[fn]; if (fp->wrflag == 0) IEH3mbuf(fn,0); if (fp->bptr <= fp->buff - 100) IEH3err("ungetc/unprintf: buffer full file %d",fn); *--fp->bptr = c; fp->nchars++; } system(str) char *str; { int status; if(fork() == 0) execl("/bin/sh", "sh", "-c", str, 0); wait(&status); } # include "ciodec.c" cflush (fn) int fn; { struct fileps *fp; if (nargs() != 1) IEHzap("cflush"); if (fn < 0 || fn >15) return; fp = &IEH3fpts[fn]; if (fp->nchars > 0 && fp->wrflag >= 2) { write (fn, fp->buff,fp->nchars); fp->bptr = fp->buff; fp -> nchars = fp->eoferr = 0; } if (fp->wrflag == 1) seek(fn, -(fp->nchars),1); return; } _Ierr (message, a, b, c, d, e) char message[]; { extern int cgoof; printf("ERROR "); printf(message, a, b, c, d, e); cputc('\n'); cexit(cgoof); } char _Iendm[128] {0}; _Imtab (formatp) char **formatp; { /* make up special table of string ending characters */ int i, normal; char ch; /* normally all characters end string except those listed */ normal = 1; if (**formatp == '^') {normal = 0; (*formatp)++;} for (i= 0; i < 128; i++) _Iendm[i] = normal; while ((ch = *((*formatp)++)) != ']') _Iendm[ch] = relvec (ptr) { free(ptr); } / C library -- unprintf .globl _unprintf .globl ndigix .globl pfloat .globl pscien .globl _IEH3revp .globl _IEH3bcko _unprintf: mov r5,-(sp) mov sp,r5 mov 4(r5),formp / format mov r5,r4 add $6,r4 / arglist sub $128.,sp / buffer loop: movb *formp,r0 beq 1f inc formp cmp r0,$'% beq 2f 3: mov r4,-(sp) mov r0,-(sp) jsr pc,*$_IEH3revp tst (sp)+ mov (sp)+,r4 br loop 1: add $128.,sp mov (sp)+,r5 jsr pc,_IEH3bcko rts pc 2: clr rjust clr ndigix cmpb *formp,$'- bne 2f inc formp inc !_Iendm[ch]; } _Inxch () /* returns next character which is not _Ispce */ { extern int _Isfil, (*_Igetc)(); int ch; while ((ch = (*_Igetc)(_Isfil)) > 0 && _Ispce(ch)); if (ch > 0) return (ch); return (-1); } _Ispce (c) char c; { switch (c) { case ' ': case '\n': case '\t': return(1); } return(0); } _Ispnd (ch) char ch; { return (_Iendm[ch] > 0); } char *_Iinpt; int (*_Igetc)(), (*_Iungc)(); _Igstr () { extern char *_Iinpt; return (*_Iinpt++); } _Iungs(ch) { extern char *_Iinpt; *--_Iingetvec (n) { return (alloc(n)); } rjust 2: jsr r3,gnum; width clr ndfnd cmp r0,$'. bne 1f jsr r3,gnum; ndigix 1: mov sp,r3 mov $swtab,r1 1: mov (r1)+,r2 beq 3b cmp r0,(r1)+ bne 1b jmp (r2) swtab: decimal; 'd octal; 'o float; 'f scien; 'e charac; 'c string; 's logical; 'l 0; 0 decimal: mov (r4)+,r1 bge 1f neg r1 movb $'-,(r3)+ br 1f logical: mov (r4)+,r1 1: jsr pc,1f br prbuf 1: clr r0 div $10.,r0 mov r1,-(sp) mov r0,r1 beq 1f jsr pc,1b 1: mov (sp)+,r0 add $'0,r0 movb r0,(r3)+ rts pc charac: mopt = ch; } wdleng () /* returns number of bits in a machine integer */ /* written so kernighan can tell where he is running */ { int k, leng; k = leng = 1; while (k =<< 1) leng++; return (leng); } vb (r4)+,(r3)+ bne 1f dec r3 1: movb (r4)+,(r3)+ br prbuf string: mov ndigix,r1 1: mov (r4)+,r2 1: movb (r2)+,(r3)+ beq prbuf sob r1,1b br prbuf octal: mov (r4)+,r1 jsr pc,1f br prbuf 1: mov r1,-(sp) beq 1f ash $-3,r1 bic $!17777,r1 jsr pc,1b 1: mov (sp)+,r0 bic $!7,r0 add $'0,r0 movb r0,(r3)+ rts pc float: mov ndfnd,r2 jsr pc,pfloat br prbuf scien: mov ndfnd,r2 jsr pc,pscien br prbuf prbuf: cmp r3,sp blos 1f tstb -1(r3) bne 1f dec r3 br prbuf 1: mov sp,r2 mov r4,-(_Iint (iptr, length, numbase) int *iptr, length; { int n, minus, numdig; extern int _Isfil, (*_Iungc)(), (*_Igetc)(); int c, dval; n = minus = numdig = 0; switch ((c=_Inxch())) { case '-': minus = 1; case '+': break; default: (*_Iungc)(c,_Isfil); } while ((dval=_Idigt(c=((*_Igetc)(_Isfil)), numbase ) ) >= 0 && numdig++ < length) n = n*numbase + dval; (*_Iungc)(c,_Isfil); if (numdig == 0) return (-1); if (iptr == 0) return (0); *iptr = minus ? -n : n; return (1); } _Idigt (x, base) { switch (x)# /* * C library -- alloc/free */ #define logical char * struct fb { logical size; char *next; }; int freelist[] { 0, -1, }; logical slop 2; alloc(asize) logical asize; { register logical size; register logical np; register logical cp; if ((size = asize) == 0) return(0); size =+ 3; size =& ~01; for (;;) { for (cp=freelist; (np= cp->next) != -1; cp=np) { if (np->size>=size) { if (size+slop >= np->size) { cp->next = np->next; return(&np->next); } cp = cp->next = sp) mov $' ,-(sp) mov width,r1 sub r3,r1 clrb (r3)+ add r2,r1 mov r1,spaces ble 1f tst rjust bne 1f 2: jsr pc,*$_IEH3revp dec spaces bne 2b 1: mov r2,bufp 1: movb *bufp,(sp) beq 1f inc bufp jsr pc,*$_IEH3revp br 1b 1: tst spaces ble 1f tst rjust beq 1f mov $' ,(sp) 2: jsr pc,*$_IEH3revp dec spaces bne 2b 1: tst (sp)+ mov (sp)+,r4 jmp loop gnum: clr ndfnd clr r1 1: movb *formp,r0 inc formp sub $'0,r0 cmp r0,$9. bhi 1f inc ndfnd mul $10.,r1 add r0,r1 br 1b 1: add $'0, { case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': return(x-'0'); case '8': case '9': if (base > 8) return(x - '0'); case 'a': case 'b': case 'c': case 'd': case 'e': case 'f': if (base >10) return(x - 'a' + 10); case 'A': case 'B': case 'C': case 'D': case 'E': case 'F': if (base > 10) return(x-'A' + 10); } return(-1); } _Ilong (dptr, length) double *dptr; int length; { char temp[75]; int _Inodg(); double x; double atof(); if (_Isstr(temp, length, _Inodg) < 0) return (-1); x = atof(temp); if (dptr == 0) return (0); *dptr = x; return (1); } _Isstr (sptr, length, stopf) char *sptr; int length, (*stopf)(); { int ch, initlen, _Inxch(); extern int _Isfil, (*_Igetc)(), (*_Iungc)(); initlen = length; if ((ch=_Inxch()) < 0) return (-1); (*_Iungc)(ch,_Isfil); while (!((*stopf)(ch=(*_Igetc)(_Isfil))) && length-- > 0) if (sptr != 0) *(sptr++) = ch; if (ch >= 0) (*_Iungc)(ch,_Isfil); if (length == initlen) return (-1); if (spt# define bufflen 100 IEH3revp (c) char c; { /* reversed line IEH3outputter */ extern char *IEH3outp, *IEH3outlim; *IEH3outp++ = c; if (IEH3outp > IEH3outlim+100) IEH3err("unprint producing too many chars"); } IEH3nodg (ch) char ch; { if (IEH3digt(ch)) return (0); switch (ch) { case 'E': case 'e': case '.': case '+': case '-': return (0); } return (1); } r == 0) return (0); *sptr = '\0'; return (1); } _Iestr (c) char c; { if (_Ispce(c)) return (1); if (c == '\0') return (1); return (0); } puts(str) char *str; { auto char *p,c; auto int f; extern int cout; if (nargs() != 1) IEHzap("puts "); p = str; while( (c = *p++)!= '\0') cputc(c,cout); cputc('\n',cout); return(str); } IEH3nxch () /* returns next character which is not IEH3spce */ { char ch, cgetc(); extern int IEH3sfil; while ((ch = cgetc(IEH3sfil)) > 0 && IEH3spce(ch)); if (ch > 0) return (ch); return (-1); } scanf (p1, p2, p3, p4) int p1, p2, p3, p4; { /* first arg can be a control string, a file id, or -1 */ int ptrs[10], j, ip, flp, k; char *np; /* extern int cin;*/ extern (*_Igetc)(), (*_Iungc)(), cgetc(), ungetc(), _Igstr(), _Iungs(); extern char *_Iinpt; ip = 0; if (p1 == -1) {k = 1; _Iinpt = p2;} else if (p1 >= 0 && p1 < 10) k = 0; else k = -1; if (k <= 0) {_Igetc = cgetc; _Iungc = ungetc;} else {_Igetc = _Igstr; _Iungc = _Iungs;} j = 0; for (np = (&p2)[k]; *np; np++) if (*np == '%' && *(putchar (c) char c; { extern cout; cputc(c,cout); } char IEH3endm[128] {0}; IEH3mtab (formatp) char **formatp; { /* make up special table of string ending characters */ int i, normal; char ch; /* normally all characters end string except those listed */ normal = 1; if (**formatp == '^') {normal = 0; (*formatp)++;} for (i= 0; i < 128; i++) IEH3endm[i] = normal; while ((ch = *((*formatp)++)) != ']') IEH3endm[ch] = !IEH3endm[ch]; } np+1) != '%' && *(np+1) != '*') ptrs[ip++] = (&p3)[(j++)+k]; return (_Iscan ((k==0 ? p1 : 0), (&p2)[k], ptrs)); } _Iscan (fileid, format, listp) char *format; int *listp; { char ch, _Inxch(); int nmatch; extern int _Isfil; _Isfil = fileid; nmatch = 0; while (1) switch (ch= *format++) { case '\0': return (nmatch); case '%': switch (_Isfrm(&format, *listp++)) { case 0: listp--; break; case -1: return (nmatch > 0 ? nmatch : -1); default: nmatch++; } case ' ': case '\n': case '\t':char *_ptrbf, *_ptrst, *__fmt; printf(a1,a2,a3,a4){ auto char c, *s, adj, *ptr,*p, buf[30]; extern cputc(),_putstr(), cout; auto int *adx, x, n, m, width, prec,i, padchar, fd; double zz, *dblptr; char (*f)(); _ptrbf = buf; fd=cout; adx = &a1; f = cputc; if (a1 == -1) { f = _putstr; _ptrst = a2; adx =+ 2; } else if (a1 >= 0 && a1 <= 9) fd = *adx++; __fmt = *adx++; while( c = *__fmt++ ){ if(c != '%') (*f)(c,fd); else { x = *adx++; if( *__fmt == '-' ){ adj = 'l'; __fmt++; } # include "ciodec.c" IEH3bsz 512; IEH3mbuf (fn, type) int fn, type; { struct fileps *fp; extern char *IEH3olbf[], *alloc(); extern int IEHfbak[10]; int bx[19], size, bloc; fp = &IEH3fpts[fn]; fp->eoferr = fp->nchars = 0; fp->wrflag = type+1; /* decide whether to buffer or not */ if (ttyn(fn) != 'x') size = 1; else if (fstat(fn,bx) > 0 && bx[0] == 40 && type == 0) size = 1; else size = IEH3bsz; for (fp->buff = 0; size >10 && fp->buff == 0; size =/ 4) if ((bloc = alloc(size+100)) != -1) { IEH3olbf[ break; default: if (ch != _Inxch()) return(nmatch); } } int _Isfil 0; _Ichar (cptr) char *cptr; { char ch, _Inxch(); if ((ch = _Inxch()) < 0) return (-1); if (cptr == 0) return (0); *cptr = ch; return (1); } _Iflot (fptr, length) float *fptr; int length; { char temp[75]; int _Inodg(); float x; double atof(); if (_Isstr(temp, length, _Inodg) < 0) return (-1); x = atof(temp); if (fptr == 0) return (0); *fptr = x; return (1); } _Inodg (ch) char ch; { if (_Idigt(ch,10) >= 0) return (0); else adj = 'r'; padchar = (*__fmt=='0') ? '0' : ' '; width = __conv(); if( *__fmt == '.'){++__fmt; prec = __conv();} else prec = 0; s = 0; switch ( c = *__fmt++ ) { case 'D': case 'd': _prt1(x); break; case 'o': case 'O': _prnt8(x); break; case 'x': case 'X': _prntx(x); break; case 'S': case 's': s=x; break; case 'C': case 'c': *_ptrbf++ = x&0777; break; case 'E': case 'e': fn] = bloc; fp->buff = fp->bptr =bloc + 100; fp->bsize = size; break; } if (fp->buff == 0) { fp->buff = fp->bptr = &IEHfbak[fn]; fp->bsize = size>1 ? 2 : 1; } } struct fileps IEH3fpts [10]; int IEHfbak[10]; switch (ch) { case 'E': case 'e': case '.': case '+': case '-': return (0); } return (1); } _Isfrm (spec, pointer) char **spec; int pointer; { int length, lflag, _Iestr(), _Ispnd(); char ch; length = lflag = 0; while (1) switch (ch = *((*spec)++)) { case '*': pointer=0; break; case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': length = length*10 + ch - '0' ; lflag++; break; case 'o': /* octal */ return(_Iint(pointer, lflag ? length : case 'F': case 'f': dblptr = adx-1; zz = *dblptr; adx =+ 3; ftoa (zz, buf, prec, c); prec = 0; s = buf; break; default: (*f)(c,fd); adx--; } if (s == 0) {*_ptrbf = '\0'; s = buf;} n = _clenf (s); n = (prec 0) (*f)(padchar,fd); while (n--) (*f)(*s++,fd); while (m-- > 0) (*f)(padchar,fd); _ptrbf = buf; } } if(a1 == -1) (*f)('\0',fd); } _prntgets (s) char *s; { /* gets (s) - read a string with cgetc and store in s */ char *p; extern int cin; if (nargs () == 2) IEHzap("gets "); p=s; while ((*s = cgetc(cin)) != '\n' && *s != '\0') s++; if (*p == '\0') return (0); *s = '\0'; return (p); } 100, 8)); case 'x': /* hex */ return(_Iint(pointer, lflag ? length : 100, 16)); case 'd': /* decimal */ return (_Iint(pointer, lflag ? length : 100, 10)); case 'c': /* character */ return (_Ichar(pointer)); case 's': /* string */ return (_Isstr(pointer, lflag ? length : 100, _Iestr)); case 'f': case 'e': /* float */ return (_Iflot(pointer, lflag ? length : 100)); case 'l': /* (long) double or int */ switch(*(*spec)++) { case 'f': case 'F': case 'e': case 'E': return (_Ilong 8 (n) { /* print in octal */ int p, k, sw; if (n==0) {*_ptrbf++ = '0'; return;} sw = 0; for (p=15; p >= 0; p =- 3) if ((k = (n>>p)&07) || sw) { *_ptrbf++ = '0' + k; sw = 1; } } _prntx (n) { int d,a; if (a = n>>4) _prntx ( a & 07777); d = n&017; *_ptrbf++ = d > 9 ? 'A'+d-10 : '0' + d; } __conv() { auto c,n; n = 0; while( ((c = *__fmt++) >= '0') && (c<='9')) n = n*10+c-'0'; __fmt--; return(n); } _putstr(chr,str){ *_ptrst++ = chr; return; ieh305i(); /* force loading of dummy.s */ } ftoa (x, str, prec, format) float x; char *str; { /* converts a floating point number to an ascii string */ /* x is stored into str, which should be at least 30 chars long */ int ie, i, k, ndig, fstyle; double y; if (nargs() != 7) IEHzap("ftoa "); ndig = ( prec<=0) ? 7 : (prec > 22 ? 23 : prec+1); if (format == 'f' || format == 'F') fstyle = 1; else fstyle = 0; /* print in e format unless last arg is 'f' */ ie = 0; /* if x negative, write minus and reverse */ if ( x < 0) { *str++ = '-'; x = -x; (pointer, lflag ? length : 100)); default: printf(2, "long not yet implemented\n"); return(0); } case '[': /* special strings */ _Imtab(spec); return (_Isstr (pointer, lflag ? length : 100, _Ispnd)); case '%': if (_Inxch() != '%') return (-1); return(0); case '\0': _Ierr("scanf: bad format termination\n"); default: _Ierr ("scanf: format character %c", ch); } } _prt1(n) { int digs[15], *dpt; dpt = digs; if (n >= 0) n = -n; else *_ptrbf++ = '-'; for (; n != 0; n = n/10) *dpt++ = n%10; if (dpt == digs) *dpt++ = 0; while (dpt != digs) { --dpt; *_ptrbf++ = '0' - *dpt; } } } /* put x in range 1 <= x < 10 */ if (x > 0.0) while (x < 1.0) { x =* 10.0; ie--; } while (x >= 10.0) { x = x/10.0; ie++; } /* in f format, number of digits is related to size */ if (fstyle) ndig =+ ie; /* round. x is between 1 and 10 and ndig will be printed to right of decimal point so rounding is ... */ for (y = i = 1; i < ndig; i++) y = y/10.; x =+ y/2.; if (x >= 10.0) {x = 1.0; ie++;} /* repair rounding disasters */ /* now loop. put out a digit (obtain by multiplying by 10, truncating, subtracting) until enough digits out */ /* if fstyle, and leading zeros, they go out special */ if (fstyle && ie<0) { *str++ = '0'; *str++ = '.'; if (ndig < 0) ie = ie-ndig; /* limit zeros if underflow */ for (i = -1; i > ie; i--) *str++ = '0'; } for (i=0; i < ndig; i++) { k = x; *str++ = k + '0'; if (i == (fstyle ? ie : 0)) /* where is decimal point */ *str++ = '.'; x =- (y=k); x =* 10.0; } /* now, in estyle, put out exponent if not zero */ if (!fstyle && ie # include "ciodec.c" char cgetc(fn) { struct fileps *fp; if (nargs() != 1) IEHzap("cgetc "); if (fn <0 || fn >15) IEH3err("cgetc: %d illegal file number",fn); fp = &IEH3fpts[fn]; if (fp == 0 || fp->wrflag > 1) IEH3err("cgetc: %d not open to read",fn); if (fp->wrflag == 0) /* file not opened with fopen: try making a buffer */ IEH3mbuf (fn, 0); if (fp->eoferr > 1) return ('\0'); if (fp->nchars == 0) switch (fp->nchars = read(fn, fp->bptr=fp->buff, fp->bsize)) { case -1: /* error */ if (fp->eof->word; if(pf->prev&1) { pe--; pf->prev =& 0177776; } if(pfword = df-de; df = de; de =+2; } put() { if(lp>0) { *pe++ = c; if(pe>pmax) diag("Arg collection overflow"); } else putchar(c); } get() { char *p; int n; if(lg==0) c = getchar(); else while(1) { if(gf->marg!=0) { if((c = gf[gf->marg++])==0) gf->marg = 0; else return; } c = (p = gf->mframe)[gf->mchar++]; if(c!=dollar) return; n = p[g!= 0) { *str++ = 'E'; if (ie < 0) { ie = -ie; *str++ = '-'; } for (k=100; k > ie; k =/10); for (; k > 0; k =/10) { *str++ = ie/k + '0'; ie = ie%k; } } *str = '\0'; return; } err == 0) IEH3err("cgetc: error on %d",fn); fp->eoferr = 3; return ('\0'); case 0: fp->eoferr = 2; return ('\0'); } fp->nchars--; return (*(fp->bptr++)); } cin 0; f->mchar] - '0'; if(n<0 || n>9) return; ++gf->mchar; gf->marg = arg(n) - gf; } } cwrite (buff, buffp1, len, fn) char *buff, *buffp1; int len, fn; { int unit, nwr; unit = buffp1-buff; len =* unit; nwr = write (fn, buff, len); return (nwr < 0 ? -1 : nwr/unit); } cread (buff, buffp1, len, fn) char *buff, *buffp1; int len, fn; { int unit, nrd; unit = buffp1 - buff; len =* unit; nrd = read(fn, buff, len); return (nrd < 0 ? -1 : nrd/unit); } cexit (rcode) { /* closes all files and exits */ int i; for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) cclose(i); exit(rcode); /* rcode courtesy of sny */ } # #include "m6.h" doif() { int i; int *p; char *arg(); i = 1; while(!comp(arg(i),one)) if((i =+ 2)>8) return; p = arg(i+1) - 2; ge = move(p,&gf->ga0,p->word+1); setscan(dummy); } bindec(n) { if(n == 0) return; bindec(n/10); *ge++ = (n%10) + '0'; } result(n) { char *p; setscan(dummy); ge = 2 + (p = &gf->ga0); if(n<0) { *ge++ = '-'; n = -n; } if(n==0) *ge++ = '0'; else bindec(n); *ge++ = 0; ge = (ge+1)&0177776; p->word = ge - p; *ge++ = *ge++ = 0; } binop(code) { int r1# include "ciodec.c" char cputc(ch, fn) { struct fileps *fp; if (nargs() != 2) IEHzap("cputc "); if (fn<0 || fn>20) return(ch); fp = &IEH3fpts[fn]; if (fp->wrflag == 1) IEH3err("cputc: %d not open",fn); if (fp->wrflag == 0) IEH3mbuf(fn,1); *(fp->bptr++) = ch; if (++(fp->nchars) < fp->bsize) return(ch); if (fp->wrflag == 3) /* append, seek to end */ { seek(fn, 0, 2); fp->wrflag = 2; /* now just write from here on */ } if ( write(fn, fp->bptr=fp->buff, fp->nchars) < 0) { if (fp->eoferr == 0) IEHas tmga.s cmp a.out /usr/lib/tmga cp a.out /usr/lib/tmga as tmgc.s cmp a.out /usr/lib/tmgc cp a.out /usr/lib/tmgc chdir tmgb as any.s; mv a.out any.o as append.s; mv a.out append.o as arith.s; mv a.out arith.o as bundle.s; mv a.out bundle.o as char.s; mv a.out char.o as copy.s; mv a.out copy.o as cstr.s; mv a.out cstr.o as ctest.s; mv a.out ctest.o as decmal.s; mv a.out decmal.o as discd.s; mv a.out discd.o as emit.s; mv a.out emit.o as end.s; mv a.out end.o as f.s; mv a.out f.o as find.s; mv a.out find.o,r2; int r,t; int arg1, arg2; arg1 = decbin(1); arg2 = decbin(2); if(code < 7) /* relationals */ result((code & ((arg1ga0 = 0; return; case 13: /* exp */ r = 1; while(arg2-->0) r =* 3err("cputc: writing %d",fn); fp->eoferr = 3; } fp->nchars = 0; return (ch); } cout 1; as getnam.s; mv a.out getnam.o as ignore.s; mv a.out ignore.o as inc.s; mv a.out inc.o as infix.s; mv a.out infix.o as jget.s; mv a.out jget.o as lvrv.s; mv a.out lvrv.o as mult.s; mv a.out mult.o as octal.s; mv a.out octal.o as params.s; mv a.out params.o as push.s; mv a.out push.o as putcal.s; mv a.out putcal.o as putdec.s; mv a.out putdec.o as putoct.s; mv a.out putoct.o as px.s; mv a.out px.o as reln.s; mv a.out reln.o as shift.s; mv a.out shift.o as stack.s; mv a.out stack.o as string.s; mv a.out striarg1; result(r); if(arg2<-1) gf->ga0 = 0; } } decbin(i) { char *s; char t; int n; if(t = (*(s = arg(i))=='-')) s++; n = 0; while(*s>='0' && *s<='9') n = 10*n + *s++ - '0'; return(t?-n:n); } dnl() { char d; d = 0; while(d=getchar()) if(d=='\n') return; } quote() { char *p,*s; p = finddef(1); s = &p[p->dtext]; while(c = *s++) put(); } list() { int n,i; char *p; if((n=decbin(1))<=0) return; p = df; for(i=1;;) { if(p<=d0) return; if(p->dswitch>=0) if(i++>=n) break; p =+copen (filename, type) char *filename; int type; { int fn; switch (type) { case 'r': type = 0; case 0: fn = open(filename,0); break; case 'a': type = 2; case 2: if ((fn=open(filename,1))>=0) break; /* courtesy of sny */ /* append defaults to write if file missing */ case 'w': type = 1; case 1: fn = creat(filename,0666); break; default: IEH3err("copen: bad file %s",filename); } if (fn >= 0) IEH3mbuf(fn,type); return(fn); } ng.o as table.s; mv a.out table.o as tq.s; mv a.out tq.o as trace.s; mv a.out trace.o as trans.s; mv a.out trans.o as tx.s; mv a.out tx.o as unary.s; mv a.out unary.o ar r /lib/tmgb *.o rm *.o chdir .. as - tmgl.s ld -s /usr/lib/tmga a.out /usr/lib/tmgb /usr/lib/tmgc -ls cmp a.out /usr/lib/tmg cp a.out /usr/lib/tmg /usr/lib/tmg tmgl.t x cmp x tmgl.s cp x tmgl.s rm a.out x p->prev; } for(p = &p->dident;c = *p++;) put(); } copy() { char *p; p = finddef(1); remove(2); newdef(p->dswitch); setdef(arg(2),p+p->dtext); } go(n) { if(comp(arg(1),one)) { popget(); if(lg>0) if(n==26) popget(); else setscan(gf->mframe); /* gobk=27 */ } } size() { int i; char *p; i = 0; p = arg(1); while(*p++ != 0) i++; result(i); } meta() { char d; int i; char *arg(); if((d = *arg(2))!=0) { for(i=0;i0 && *s!=0) s++; while(arg3-->0) { if((*de++ = *s++)==0) return; if(de>dmax) diag("No room for substr"); } *de++ = 0; } struct fileps { char *buff, *bptr; int nchars, bsize; char eoferr, wrflag; }; extern struct fileps IEH3fpts[10]; # #include "m6.h" pushget() { ge = (ge+1)&0177776; ge->word = gf-ge; gf = ge; ge =+2; ++lg; } dotrace() { char *arg(); int i,j; printf("\n%d %c%s",lg,sharp,arg(0)); for(j=9;j>0&&*arg(j)==0;j--); for(i=1;i<=j;i++) printf("%c%c%s%c",comma,lquote,arg(i),rquote); printf("%c\n",c); } popget() { ge = gf; gf =+ gf->word; --lg; if(gfprev =| 1; pe++; } pe->word = pf-pe; pf = pe; pe =+2; } popput() { pe = pf; pf =+ pf@ C F I L O R U A #include "r.h" char scrat[500]; int brkptr -1; int brkstk[10]; int forptr 0; int forstk[10]; repcode() { outcont(0); yyval = genlab(); outcont(yyval); brkstk[++brkptr] = yyval+1; genlab(); genlab(); } untils(p1) int p1; { outnum(p1+1); outcode("\tif(.not."); balpar(scrat); outcode(scrat); outcode(")"); outgoto(p1); outcont(p1+2); brkptr--; } ifcode(p1) int p1; { outcode("\tif(.not."); balpar(scrat); outcode(scrat); outcode(")"); outgoto(yyval=genlab()); genlab(); } whilecode(p1) int "error at line %d, file %d: ",linect[ninclude],infile); printf( 2, s1,s2); printf( 2, "\n"); errorflag = 1; } errcode(p1) char *p1; { int c; extern int yychar; extern int linect[],ninclude,infile; printf( 2, "\nsyntax error, line %d, file %d\n", linect[ninclude],infile); while( (c=getc()) != ';' && c != '}' && c != '\n' && c != '\0' ); yychar = -1; errorflag = 1; } c rew: mov $60017,*$mtc clr mtapa rts pc .endif .if .mt.-1 tcdt = 177350 tccm = 177342 taper: mov $tcdt,r0 mov $tccm,r1 for: mov $3,(r1) / rbn for 1: tstb (r1) bge 1b tst (r1) blt rev cmp tapa,(r0) beq rd bgt for rev: mov $4003,(r1) / rbn bac 1: tstb (r1) bge 1b tst (r1) blt for mov (r0),r2 add $5,r2 cmp tapa,r2 blt rev br for rd: clr -(r0) / bus addr mov wc,-(r0) / wc mov $5,-(r0) / read 1: tstb (r1) bge 1b tst (r1) blt taper rts pc rew: mov $4003,tccm rts pc p1; { outcont(0); brkstk[++brkptr] = yyval = genlab(); genlab(); outnum(yyval); outcode("\tif(.not."); balpar(scrat); outcode(scrat); outcode(")"); outgoto(yyval+1); } whilestat(p1) int p1; { outgoto(p1); outcont(p1+1); brkptr--; } balpar(bp) char *bp; { int i, c, lpar; extern int peek; while( (c=getc()) == ' ' || c == '\t' || c=='\n' ); peek = c; if( c != '(' ){ error("missing left paren"); bp[0] = '\0'; return(bp); } for( lpar=i=0; (bp[i++]=c=getc())!='\0'; ){ if( c=='\'' || tcdt = 177350 tccm = 177342 tread: mov $tcdt,r0 mov $tccm,r1 for: mov $3,(r1) / rbn for 1: tstb (r1) bge 1b tst (r1) blt rev cmp tapa,(r0) beq rd bgt for rev: mov $4003,(r1) / rbn bac 1: tstb (r1) bge 1b tst (r1) blt for mov (r0),r2 add $5,r2 cmp tapa,r2 blt rev br for rd: mov ba,-(r0) / bus addr mov wc,-(r0) / wc mov $5,-(r0) / read 1: tstb (r1) bge 1b tst (r1) blt tread rts pc rew: mov $4003,tccm rts pc .endif tvec: br putc br getc br mesg tks = 177560 tkb = 177562 getc: mov $tks,r0 inc (r0) 1: tstb (r0) bge 1b mov tkb,r0 bic $!177,r0 cmp r0,$'A blo 1f cmp r0,$'Z bhi 1f add $40,r0 1: cmp r0,$'\r bne putc mov $'\n,r0 tps = 177564 tpb = 177566 putc: tstb tps bge putc cmp r0,$'\n bne 1f mov $'\r,r0 jsr pc,(r5) mov $'\n+200,r0 jsr pc,(r5) clr r0 jsr pc,(r5) mov $'\n,r0 rts pc 1: mov r0,tpb rts pc mesg: movb *(sp),r0 beq 1f jsr pc,(r5) inc (sp) br mesg 1: add $2,(sp) bc=='"' ) while( (bp[i++]=getc()) != c ); if( i>=499 || c=='{' || c=='}' ){ error("missing right parenthesis at %.20s", bp); break; } if( c=='(' ) lpar++; else if( c==')' ) lpar--; if( lpar == 0 ) break; } bp[i] = '\0'; return(bp); } int labval 23000; genlab(){ return(++labval); } gokcode(p1) char *p1; { outcode("\t"); outcode(p1); eatup(p1,scrat); outcode(scrat); outcode(0); } eatup(p1,bp) char *p1, *bp; { extern int peek; int i,c,lnb,lpar; lnb = '\n'; while( c =as mcrt0.s cmp a.out /lib/mcrt0.o cp a.out /lib/mcrt0.o as makdir.s; mv a.out makdir.o as mcount.s; mv a.out mcount.o as mdate.s; mv a.out mdate.o as mknod.s; mv a.out mknod.o as mount.s; mv a.out mount.o as nargs.s; mv a.out nargs.o as nice.s; mv a.out nice.o as nlist.s; mv a.out nlist.o as open.s; mv a.out open.o as pipe.s; mv a.out pipe.o as printf.s; mv a.out printf.o as prof.s; mv a.out prof.o as ptrace.s; mv a.out ptrace.o as putc.s; mv a.out putc.o as putchr.s; mv a.out putchr.o as read.s; mv a.out ric $1,(sp) rts pc end: tapa: .=.+2 mtapa: .=.+2 mtma: .=.+2 wc: .=.+2 name: .=.+32. *p1++ ) if( c!=' ' ) lnb = c; i = lpar = 0; more: for( ; (bp[i++]=c=getc())!=';' && c!='{' && c!='\n' && c!='}'; ){ if( i>=499 ){ error("statement too long at %.20s", bp); break; } if( c != ' ' && c != '\t' ) lnb = c; if( c=='\'' || c=='"' ) while( (bp[i++]=getc()) != c ); if( c=='(' ) lpar++; else if( c==')' ) { lpar--; if( lpar < 0 ) error("missing left paren at %.20s",bp); } } if( c == '\n' ){ if( lnb=='\n' || lnb=='+' || lnb=='-' || lnb=='*' || lnb=='ead.o as reset.s; mv a.out reset.o as sbrk.s; mv a.out sbrk.o as seek.s; mv a.out seek.o as setgid.s; mv a.out setgid.o as setuid.s; mv a.out setuid.o as signal.s; mv a.out signal.o as sleep.s; mv a.out sleep.o as stat.s; mv a.out stat.o as stime.s; mv a.out stime.o as stty.s; mv a.out stty.o as sync.s; mv a.out sync.o as time.s; mv a.out time.o as times.s; mv a.out times.o as umount.s; mv a.out umount.o as unlink.s; mv a.out unlink.o as wait.s; mv a.out wait.o as write.s; mv a.out write.o cc -c -O mon.c peas as1?.s ld -s -n a.out cmp a.out /bin/as cp a.out /bin/as as as2?.s ld -s -n a.out cmp a.out /lib/as2 cp a.out /lib/as2 rm a.out (' || lnb=='/' || lnb==',' || lnb=='&' || lnb=='|' || lnb=='=' ) goto more; c = ';'; } if( c!=';' ) peek = c; bp[i-1] = '\0'; if( lpar > 0 ) error("missing right paren at %.20s",bp); return(bp); } forcode(){ extern int peek; int i,j,c; char *bp, *getvec(); outcont(0); balpar(scrat); yyval = genlab(); genlab(); genlab(); brkstk[++brkptr] = yyval+1; if( scrat[0] == '\0' ){ forstk[forptr++] = bp = getvec(1); *bp = '\0'; return; } scrat[0] = '\t'; for( i=1; (c=scrat[i++])rror.c qsort.c cc -c -f -O rin.c ar r /lib/libc.a rm *.o / / / as9 -- PDP-11 assembler pass 2 eae = 0 .data symtab: / special variables dotrel: 02; dot:000000 /. 01; dotdot:000000 /.. / register 24;000000 /r0 24;000001 /r1 24;000002 /r2 24;000003 /r3 24;000004 /r4 24;000005 /r5 24;000006 /sp 24;000007 /pc .if eae /eae & switches 01;177570 /csw 01;177300 /div 01;177302 /ac 01;177304 /mq 01;177306 /mul 01;177310 /sc 01;177311 /sr 01;177312 /nor 01;177314 /lsh 01;177316 /ash .endif / system calls 01;0000001 /exit 01;0000002 /fork 01;0000003 /read 01;0!=';' && c!='\0' ; ) if( c=='\'' || c=='"' ) while( scrat[i++] != c ); scrat[i-1] = '\0'; if( nonblank(scrat) ){ outcode(scrat); outcode(0); } for( j=i; (c=scrat[i++])!=';' && c!='\0' ; ) if( c=='\'' || c=='"' ) while( scrat[i++] != c ); scrat[i-1] = '\0'; if( nonblank(&scrat[j]) ){ outnum(yyval); outcode("\tif(.not.("); outcode(&scrat[j]); outcode("))"); outgoto(yyval+2); } else outcont(yyval); for( j=0; scrat[i+1]!='\0'; ) scrat[j++] = scrat[i++]; scrat[j] = '\0'; fo/ tape boot program to load and transfer / to a 'tp' entry / entry is made by jsr pc,*$0 / so return can be rts pc / jsr pc,(r5) is putc / jsr pc,2(r5) is getc / jsr pc,4(r5) is mesg core = 24. .mt. = 1 .. = [core*2048.]-512. start: mov $..,sp mov $name,r4 mov sp,r1 cmp pc,r1 bhis 2f clr r0 cmp (r0),$407 bne 1f mov $20,r0 1: mov (r0)+,(r1)+ cmp r1,$end blo 1b jmp (sp) 2: jsr pc,rew mov $tvec,r5 mov $'=,r0 jsr pc,(r5) 2: mov r4,r1 1: jsr pc,2(r5) cmp r0,$'\n beq 1f cmp r0,$'@ beq 2b000004 /write 01;0000005 /open 01;0000006 /close 01;0000007 /wait 01;0000010 /creat 01;0000011 /link 01;0000012 /unlink 01;0000013 /exec 01;0000014 /chdir 01;0000015 /time 01;0000016 /makdir 01;0000017 /chmod 01;0000020 /chown 01;0000021 /break 01;0000022 /stat 01;0000023 /seek 01;0000024 /tell 01;0000025 /mount 01;0000026 /umount 01;0000027 /setuid 01;0000030 /getuid 01;0000031 /stime 01;0000034 /fstat 01;0000036 /mdate 01;0000037 /stty 01;0000040 /gtty 01;0000042 /nice 01;0000060 /signal / double operandrstk[forptr++] = bp = getvec(j+1); for(i=0; *bp++ = scrat[i++]; ); } forstat(p1) int p1; { char *bp, *q; int i; bp = forstk[--forptr]; outnum(p1+1); if( nonblank(bp) ){ outcode("\t"); outcode(bp); outcode(0); } outgoto(p1); outcont(p1+2); for( q=bp; *q++; ); relvec(bp, q-bp); brkptr--; } docode(new,p1) int new; char *p1; { outcode("\t"); outcode(p1); eatup(p1,scrat); yyval = 0; if(new){ yyval = genlab(); genlab(); brkstk[++brkptr] = yyval; outnum(yyval); } outcode(scrat); o movb r0,(r1)+ cmp r0,$'# bne 1b sub $2,r1 cmp r1,r4 blo 2b br 1b 1: clrb (r1) cmp r1,r4 blos start mov $1,tapa mov $-6144.,wc jsr pc,taper clr r1 1: mov r1,r2 mov r4,r0 2: cmpb (r0)+,(r1) bne 2f tstb (r1)+ bne 2b br 1f 2: mov r2,r1 add $64.,r1 cmp r1,$12288. blo 1b jsr pc,rew br start 1: mov 44.(r2),tapa mov 38.(r2),r0 inc r0 clc ror r0 neg r0 mov r0,wc clr r0 1: clr (r0)+ cmp r0,sp blo 1b jsr pc,taper jsr pc,rew clr r0 cmp (r0),$407 / unix a.out? bne 2f 1: mov 13;0010000 /mov 13;0110000 /movb 13;0020000 /cmp 13;0120000 /cmpb 13;0030000 /bit 13;0130000 /bitb 13;0040000 /bic 13;0140000 /bicb 13;0050000 /bis 13;0150000 /bisb 13;0060000 /add 13;0160000 /sub / branch 06;0000400 /br 06;0001000 /bne 06;0001400 /beq 06;0002000 /bge 06;0002400 /blt 06;0003000 /bgt 06;0003400 /ble 06;0100000 /bpl 06;0100400 /bmi 06;0101000 /bhi 06;0101400 /blos 06;0102000 /bvc 06;0102400 /bvs 06;0103000 /bhis 06;0103000 /bec 06;0103000 /bcc 06;0103400 /blo 06;0103400 /bcs 06;0103400 /butcode(0); } dostat(p1) int p1; { if( p1==0 ) return; outcont(p1); outcont(p1+1); brkptr--; } breakcode(p1) int p1; { if(brkptr<0){ error("illegal BREAK"); return; } outgoto(brkstk[brkptr]+1); } nextcode(p1) int p1; { if(brkptr<0){ error("illegal NEXT"); return; } outgoto(brkstk[brkptr]); } nonblank(s) char *s; { int c; while( c = *s++ ) if( c!=' ' && c!='\t' && c!='\n' ) return(1); return(0); } error(s1, s2) char *s1, *s2; { extern int linect[],ninclude,infile; printf( 2,20(r0),(r0)+ cmp r0,sp blo 1b 2: jsr pc,*$0 br start .if .mt. mts = 172520 mtc = 172522 mtbrc = 172524 mtcma = 172526 taper: clr mtma cmp mtapa,tapa beq 1f bhi 2f jsr pc,rrec br taper 2: jsr pc,rew br taper 1: mov wc,r1 1: jsr pc,rrec add $256.,r1 bmi 1b rts pc rrec: bit $2,*$mts bne rrec tstb *$mtc bge rrec mov $-512.,*$mtbrc mov mtma,*$mtcma mov $60003,*$mtc 1: tstb *$mtc bge 1b tst *$mtc bge 1f mov $-1,*$mtbrc mov $60013,*$mtc br rrec 1: add $512.,mtma inc mtapa rts pes / jump/ branch type 35;0000400 /jbr 36;0001000 /jne 36;0001400 /jeq 36;0002000 /jge 36;0002400 /jlt 36;0003000 /jgt 36;0003400 /jle 36;0100000 /jpl 36;0100400 /jmi 36;0101000 /jhi 36;0101400 /jlos 36;0102000 /jvc 36;0102400 /jvs 36;0103000 /jhis 36;0103000 /jec 36;0103000 /jcc 36;0103400 /jlo 36;0103400 /jcs 36;0103400 /jes / single operand 15;0005000 /clr 15;0105000 /clrb 15;0005100 /com 15;0105100 /comb 15;0005200 /inc 15;0105200 /incb 15;0005300 /dec 15;0105300 /decb 15;0005400 /neg 15;0105400 /negb 15;0005500 /adc 15;0105500 /adcb 15;0005600 /sbc 15;0105600 /sbcb 15;0005700 /tst 15;0105700 /tstb 15;0006000 /ror 15;0106000 /rorb 15;0006100 /rol 15;0106100 /rolb 15;0006200 /asr 15;0106200 /asrb 15;0006300 /asl 15;0106300 /aslb 15;0000100 /jmp 15;0000300 /swab / jsr 07;0004000 /jsr / rts 10;000200 /rts / simple operand 11;104400 /sys / flag-setting 01;0000241 /clc 01;0000242 /clv 01;0000244 /clz 01;0000250 /cln 01;0000261 /sec 01;0000262 /sev 01;0000264 /sez 01;0000270 /sen / floating point o)+,r3 mov (sp)+,r2 oprand: mov $exsw2,r5 1: cmp (sp),(r5)+ beq 1f tst (r5)+ bne 1b br eoprnd 1: jmp *(r5) exsw2: '+; exadd '-; exsub '*; exmul '/; exdiv 037; exor '&; exand 035;exlsh 036;exrsh '%; exmod '^; excmbin '!; exnot 200; 0 excmbin: mov r0,r3 br eoprnd exrsh: neg r1 beq exlsh inc r1 clc ror r2 exlsh: jsr r5,combin; relte2 als r1,r2 br eoprnd exmod: jsr r5,combin; relte2 mov r3,r0 mov r2,r3 clr r2 dvd r1,r2 mov r3,r2 mov r0,r3 br eoprnd exadd: jsr r5,comb../fx/fhd.s f31.s; mv a.out f31.o as ../fx/fhd.s f32.s; mv a.out f32.o as ../fx/fhd.s f33.s; mv a.out f33.o as ../fx/fhd.s f34.s; mv a.out f34.o as ../fx/fhd.s f35.s; mv a.out f35.o as ../fx/fhd.s f36.s; mv a.out f36.o as ../fx/fhd.s f37.s; mv a.out f37.o as ../fx/fhd.s f38.s; mv a.out f38.o as ../fx/fhd.s f39.s; mv a.out f39.o ld -r ../a.out *.o mv a.out .. rm *.o chdir ../f4 as ../fx/fhd.s f41.s; mv a.out f41.o as ../fx/fhd.s f42.s; mv a.out f42.o as ../fx/fhd.s f43.s; mv a.out f43.o as ../fx/fhd.s f44.sps 01;170000 / cfcc 01;170001 / setf 01;170011 / setd 01;170002 / seti 01;170012 / setl 15;170400 / clrf 15;170700 / negf 15;170600 / absf 15;170500 / tstf 12;172400 / movf 14;177000 / movif 05;175400 / movfi 14;177400 / movof 05;176000 / movfo 14;172000 / addf 14;173000 / subf 14;171000 / mulf 14;174400 / divf 14;173400 / cmpf 14;171400 / modf 14;176400 / movie 05;175000 / movei 15;170100 / ldfps 15;170200 / stfps 24;000000 / fr0 24;000001 / fr1 24;000002 / fr2 24;000003 / fr3 24;000004 / fr4 24;000005 / in; reltp2 add r1,r2 br eoprnd exsub: jsr r5,combin; reltm2 sub r1,r2 br eoprnd exand: jsr r5,combin; relte2 com r1 bic r1,r2 br eoprnd exor: jsr r5,combin; relte2 bis r1,r2 br eoprnd exmul: jsr r5,combin; relte2 mpy r2,r1 mov r1,r2 br eoprnd exdiv: jsr r5,combin; relte2 mov r3,r0 mov r2,r3 clr r2 dvd r1,r2 mov r0,r3 br eoprnd exnot: jsr r5,combin; relte2 com r1 add r1,r2 br eoprnd eoprnd: mov $'+,(sp) jmp advanc combin: tstb passno bne combin1 mov r0,-(sp) bis r3,(s; mv a.out f44.o as ../fx/fhd.s f45.s; mv a.out f45.o as ../fx/fhd.s f46.s; mv a.out f46.o as ../fx/fhd.s f47.s; mv a.out f47.o ld -r ../a.out *.o mv a.out .. rm *.o chdir ../fx as fhd.s fx1.s; mv a.out fx1.o as fhd.s fx2.s; mv a.out fx2.o as fhd.s fx3.s; mv a.out fx3.o as fhd.s fx4.s; mv a.out fx4.o as fhd.s fx5.s; mv a.out fx5.o as fhd.s fx6.s; mv a.out fx6.o as fhd.s fx7.s; mv a.out fx7.o as fhd.s fx8.s; mv a.out fx8.o as fhd.s fx9.s; mv a.out fx9.o as fhd.s fxa.s; mv a.out fxa.o as fhd.s fxb.s; mv a.oufr5 / 11/45 operations 30;072000 /als (ash) 30;073000 /alsc (ashc) 30;070000 /mpy .if eae-1 30;070000/ mul 30;071000 / div 30;072000 / ash 30;073000 /ashc .endif 30;071000 /dvd 07;074000 /xor 15;006700 /sxt 11;006400 /mark 31;077000 /sob / specials 16;000000 /.byte 20;000000 /.even 21;000000 /.if 22;000000 /.endif 23;000000 /.globl 25;000000 /.text 26;000000 /.data 27;000000 /.bss 32;000000 /.comm start: cmp (sp),$4 bge 1f jmp aexit 1: cmp (sp)+,$5 blt 1f mov $40,defund / globalize all undefinedp) bic $!40,(sp) bic $!37,r0 bic $!37,r3 cmp r0,r3 ble 1f mov r0,-(sp) mov r3,r0 mov (sp)+,r3 1: tst r0 beq 1f cmp (r5)+,$reltm2 bne 2f cmp r0,r3 bne 2f mov $1,r3 br 2f 1: tst (r5)+ clr r3 2: bis (sp)+,r3 rts r5 combin1: mov r1,-(sp) clr maxtyp jsr pc,maprel mov r0,r1 mpy $6,r1 mov r3,r0 jsr pc,maprel add (r5)+,r0 add r1,r0 movb (r0),r3 bpl 1f cmp r3,$-1 beq 2f jsr r5,error; 'r 2: mov maxtyp,r3 1: mov (sp)+,r1 rts r5 maprel: cmp r0,$40 bne 1f mov $5,r0 rts pc 1: bit fxb.o as fhd.s fxc.s; mv a.out fxc.o as fhd.s fxd.s; mv a.out fxd.o as fhd.s fxe.s; mv a.out fxe.o as fhd.s fxf.s; mv a.out fxf.o as fhd.s fxg.s; mv a.out fxg.o as fhd.s fxh.s; mv a.out fxh.o as fhd.s fxi.s; mv a.out fxi.o as fhd.s fxx.s; mv a.out fxx.o ld -r ../a.out *.o mv a.out .. rm *.o chdir .. ld -s a.out -l cmp a.out /usr/fort/fc1 cp a.out /usr/fort/fc1 rm a.out chdir io as io?.s mv a.out io.o ar r /lib/filib.a io.o rm io.o chdir ../rt as r0.s cmp a.out /lib/fr0.o cp a.out /lib/fr0.o as r1.s; mvs 1: tst (sp)+ mov (sp)+,a.tmp1 mov (sp)+,a.tmp2 mov (sp)+,a.tmp3 jsr r5,ofile; a.tmp1 movb r0,txtfil jsr r5,ofile; a.tmp2 movb r0,fbfil jsr r5,ofile; a.tmp3 movb r0,symf movb r0,fin sys creat; a.out; 0 bec 1f jsr r5,filerr; a.outp 1: movb r0,fout jmp go / overlaid buffer inbuf = start . = inbuf+512. c $!37,r0 cmp r0,maxtyp blos 1f mov r0,maxtyp 1: cmp r0,$5 blos 1f mov $1,r0 1: rts pc X = -2 M = -1 reltp2: .byte 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 .byte 0, M, 2, 3, 4,40 .byte 0, 2, X, X, X, X .byte 0, 3, X, X, X, X .byte 0, 4, X, X, X, X .byte 0,40, X, X, X, X reltm2: .byte 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 .byte 0, M, 2, 3, 4,40 .byte 0, X, 1, X, X, X .byte 0, X, X, 1, X, X .byte 0, X, X, X, 1, X .byte 0, X, X, X, X, X relte2: .byte 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 .byte 0, M, X, X, X, X .byte 0, X, X, X, X, X .byte 0, X, X, X a.out r1.o as r2.s; mv a.out r2.o as r3.s; mv a.out r3.o as r4.s; mv a.out r4.o as r5.s; mv a.out r5.o as r6.s; mv a.out r6.o as r7.s; mv a.out r7.o as r8.s; mv a.out r8.o as r9.s; mv a.out r9.o as ra.s; mv a.out ra.o as rb.s; mv a.out rb.o as rc.s; mv a.out rc.o as rd.s; mv a.out rd.o as re.s; mv a.out re.o as rf.s; mv a.out rf.o as rg.s; mv a.out rg.o as rh.s; mv a.out rh.o as rx.s; mv a.out rx.o ar r /lib/filib.a *.o rm *.o chdir ../rt1 as abs.s; mv a.out abs.o as aimag.s; mv a.out aimag.o as aint.s; m/ / / as8 -- PDP-11 assembler pass 2 qnl: a.out: .even a.outp: a.out .data a.tmp1: 0 a.tmp2: 0 a.tmp3: 0 tseekp: txtseek rseekp: trelseek txtmagic: br .+20 txtsiz: .=.+2 datsiz: .=.+2 bsssiz: .=.+2 symsiz: .=.+2 stksiz: .=.+2 exorig: .=.+2 .=.+2 txtseek: 20 datseek:.=.+2 .=.+2 trelseek:.=.+2 drelseek:.=.+2 .=.+2 symseek:.=.+2 .bss brlen = 1024. brtab: .=.+[brlen\/8.] brtabp: .=.+2 brdelt: .=.+2 fbbufp: .=.+2 defund: .=.+2 savdot: .=.+6 datbase:.=.+2 bssbase:.=.+2 fbfil: .=.+2 f, X, X .byte 0, X, X, X, X, X .byte 0, X, X, X, X, X v a.out aint.o as alog.s; mv a.out alog.o as alog10.s; mv a.out alog10.o as amax0.s; mv a.out amax0.o as amax1.s; mv a.out amax1.o as amin0.s; mv a.out amin0.o as amin1.s; mv a.out amin1.o as amod.s; mv a.out amod.o as atan.s; mv a.out atan.o as atan2.s; mv a.out atan2.o as cabs.s; mv a.out cabs.o fc -c ccos.f as cexp.s; mv a.out cexp.o fc -c clog.f as cmplx.s; mv a.out cmplx.o as conjg.s; mv a.out conjg.o as cos.s; mv a.out cos.o fc -c csin.f fc -c csqrt.f as dble.s; mv a.out dble.o fc -c dccos.f fc -c dclin: .=.+2 ibufc: .=.+2 txtfil: .=.+2 symf: .=.+2 adrbuf: .=.+12. xsymbol:.=.+2 fout: .=.+2 ch: .=.+2 wordf: .=.+2 argb: .=.+22. line: .=.+2 savop: .=.+2 curfb: .=.+20. nxtfb: .=.+20. numval: .=.+2 maxtyp: .=.+2 relfil: .=.+2 ibufp: .=.+2 txtp: .=.+6+512. relp: .=.+6+512. swapf: .=.+2 rlimit: .=.+2 passno: .=.+2 endtable:.=.+2 usymtab:.=.+20. end: .text / / / as25 is empty og.f fc -c dcsin.f fc -c dcsqrt.f as dim.s; mv a.out dim.o as dimag.s; mv a.out dimag.o as exp.s; mv a.out exp.o as float.s; mv a.out float.o as iabs.s; mv a.out iabs.o as idim.s; mv a.out idim.o as idint.s; mv a.out idint.o as ierr.s; mv a.out ierr.o as ifix.s; mv a.out ifix.o as isign.s; mv a.out isign.o as mod.s; mv a.out mod.o as real.s; mv a.out real.o as sign.s; mv a.out sign.o as sin.s; mv a.out sin.o as sngl.s; mv a.out sngl.o as sqrt.s; mv a.out sqrt.o fc -c tanh.f ar r /lib/libf.a *.o rm *.o chdi/ / / a7 -- pdp-11 assembler expres: clr xsymbol expres1: mov r5,-(sp) mov $'+,-(sp) clr r2 mov $1,r3 br 1f advanc: jsr pc,readop 1: mov r4,r0 jsr r5,betwen; 0; 177 br .+4 br 7f movb (r4),r0 tst r0 bne 1f tstb passno beq 1f jsr r5,error; 'u 1: cmp r0,$40 bne 1f mov r4,xsymbol clr r1 br oprand 1: mov 2(r4),r1 br oprand 7: cmp r4,$141 blo 1f asl r4 mov curfb-[2*141](r4),r0 mov 2(r0),r1 movb (r0),r0 br oprand 1: mov $esw1,r1 1: cmp (r1)+,r4 beq 1f tst (r1)+ bne 1b tst (/ tty -- get tty number .globl ttyn clr r0 jsr pc,ttyn movb r0,nam mov $1,r0 sys write; name; 5 sys exit .data name: nam: .even r ../rt2 as ctime.s; mv a.out ctime.o as getarg.s; mv a.out getarg.o as nice.s; mv a.out nice.o as rand.s; mv a.out rand.o as setfil.s; mv a.out setfil.o as uio.s; mv a.out uio.o ar r /lib/libf.a rm *.o sp)+ mov (sp)+,r5 rts pc 1: jmp *(r1) esw1: '+; binop '-; binop '*; binop '/; binop '&; binop 037; binop 035; binop 036; binop '%; binop '[; brack '^; binop 1; exnum 2; exnum1 '!; binop 200; 0 binop: cmpb (sp),$'+ beq 1f jsr pc,errore 1: movb r4,(sp) br advanc exnum1: mov numval,r1 br 1f exnum: jsr pc,getw mov r4,r1 1: mov $1,r0 br oprand brack: mov r2,-(sp) mov r3,-(sp) jsr pc,readop jsr pc,expres1 cmp r4,$'] beq 1f jsr r5,error; '] 1: mov r3,r0 mov r2,r1 mov (spchdir f1 as ../fx/fhd.s f11.s; mv a.out f11.o as ../fx/fhd.s f12.s; mv a.out f12.o as ../fx/fhd.s f13.s; mv a.out f13.o as ../fx/fhd.s f14.s; mv a.out f14.o as ../fx/fhd.s f15.s; mv a.out f15.o as ../fx/fhd.s f16.s; mv a.out f16.o as ../fx/fhd.s f17.s; mv a.out f17.o ld -r *.o mv a.out .. rm *.o chdir ../f2 as ../fx/fhd.s f21.s; mv a.out f21.o as ../fx/fhd.s f22.s; mv a.out f22.o as ../fx/fhd.s f23.s; mv a.out f23.o as ../fx/fhd.s f24.s; mv a.out f24.o ld -r ../a.out *.o mv a.out .. rm *.o chdir ../f3 as / / / a4 -- pdp-11 assembler pass 2 oset: mov r2,-(sp) mov (r5)+,r1 mov r0,r2 bic $!777,r0 add r1,r0 add $6,r0 mov r0,(r1)+ / next slot mov r1,r0 add $1004,r0 mov r0,(r1)+ / buf max mov r2,(r1)+ / seek addr mov (sp)+,r2 rts r5 putw: mov r1,-(sp) mov r2,-(sp) mov (r5)+,r2 mov (r2)+,r1 / slot cmp r1,(r2) / buf max bhis 1f mov r0,(r1)+ mov r1,-(r2) br 2f 1: tst (r2)+ mov r0,-(sp) jsr r5,flush1 mov (sp)+,r0 mov r0,*(r2)+ add $2,-(r2) 2: mov (sp)+,r2 mov (sp)+,r1 rts r5 flush: mov (r5)+,r2 cmp (r2)+,(r2)+ flush1: mov (r2)+,r1 mov r1,0f / seek address mov fout,r0 sys indir; 9f .data 9: sys seek; 0:..; 0 .text bic $!777,r1 add r2,r1 / write address mov r1,0f mov r2,r0 bis $777,-(r2) inc (r2) / new seek addr cmp -(r2),-(r2) sub (r2),r1 neg r1 mov r1,0f+2 / count mov r0,(r2) / new next slot mov fout,r0 sys indir; 9f .data 9: sys write; 0:..; .. .text rts r5 readop: mov savop,r4 beq 1f clr savop rts pc 1: jsr pc,getw1 cmp r4,$200 blo 1f cmp r4,$4r0 jsr r5,putw; relp add $2,*rseekp add $2,*tseekp br 2f 1: mov txtp,r0 movb r2,-1(r0) 2: inc dot rts pc error: mov $666,outmod / make nonexecutable mov r3,-(sp) mov r2,-(sp) mov r1,-(sp) mov r0,-(sp) mov $argb,r1 1: movb (r1),ch beq 1f clrb (r1)+ mov $1,r0 sys write; ch; 1 br 1b 1: mov (r5)+,r0 movb r0,0f mov line,r3 mov $0f+6,r0 mov $4,r1 2: clr r2 dvd $10.,r2 add $'0,r3 movb r3,-(r0) mov r2,r3 sob r1,2b mov $1,r0 sys write; 0f; 7 mov (sp)+,r0 mov (sp)+,r1 mov (sp)+,rf = r5 i = r3 .globl j .globl succ .globl ctest,iget .globl string string: tst -(sp) jsr pc,iget 1: mov j(f),(sp) mov r0,-(sp) jsr pc,ctest mov (sp)+,r0 bcs 1b mov (sp)+,j(f) jmp succ 000 blo 2f add $usymtab-4000,r4 rts pc 2: add $symtab-1000,r4 1: rts pc getw: mov savop,r4 beq getw1 clr savop rts pc getw1: dec ibufc bgt 1f movb fin,r0 sys read; inbuf; 512. bes 3f asr r0 mov r0,ibufc bne 2f 3: mov $4,r4 sev rts pc 2: mov $inbuf,ibufp 1: mov *ibufp,r4 add $2,ibufp rts pc 2 mov (sp)+,r3 rts r5 .data 0: .even .text betwen: cmp r0,(r5)+ blt 1f cmp (r5)+,r0 blt 2f 1: tst (r5)+ 2: rts r5 / builtins for shift-reduce parsking f = r5 i = r3 g = r4 .globl succ,pbundle,goto,iget .globl g1 .globl stack,unstack,gotab,accept /stack label of present rule (state) /should come first in a rule stack: mov i,(g) sub $2,(g)+ jmp succ /unstack(n) deletes last n stacked states /states are distinguishable from translations in not having /an exit bit ($1) nor being bundles ($100000) unstack: jsr pc,iget mov (r0),r0 mov g,r1 1: bit -(r1),$100001 bne 1b dec r0 bge 1b tst (r1)+ br 1f accept: /c/ / / a3 -- pdp-11 assembler pass 2 assem: jsr pc,readop cmp r4,$5 beq 2f cmp r4,$'< beq 2f jsr pc,checkeos br eal1 mov r4,-(sp) cmp (sp),$1 bne 1f mov $2,(sp) jsr pc,getw mov r4,numval 1: jsr pc,readop cmp r4,$'= beq 4f cmp r4,$': beq 1f mov r4,savop mov (sp)+,r4 2: jsr pc,opline dotmax: tstb passno bne eal1 movb dotrel,r0 asl r0 cmp dot,txtsiz-4(r0) blos ealoop mov dot,txtsiz-4(r0) eal1: jmp ealoop 1: mov (sp)+,r4 cmp r4,$200 bhis 1f cmp r4,$2 beq 3f jsr r5,error; 'x .globl succ .globl .ng,.nt,.cm / ! .nt: tst (sp) beq 1f clr (sp) br 9f 1: mov $1,(sp) br 9f /unary - .ng: neg (sp) br 9f / ~ .cm: com (sp) 9: jmp succ lean out all states from stack mov f,r1 add $g1,r1 1: mov r1,r0 mov r1,-(sp) 1: cmp r1,g bge 2f bit (r1)+,$100001 beq 1b mov -2(r1),(r0)+ br 1b 2: mov r0,g mov (sp)+,r0 jsr pc,pbundle tst r0 beq 1f mov r0,(g)+ 1: jmp succ /gotab(s1,t1,s2,t2,...sn,tn,0,t) /checks top of stack for states /s1,s2,... and goes to t1, t2 accordingly /if top of stack is not in table, goes to t gotab: mov g,r0 1: bit -(r0),$100001 /find top state bne 1b mov (r0),-(sp) 1: jsr pc,iget tst (r0) beq 1f cmp (s br assem 1: tstb passno bne 2f movb (r4),r0 bic $!37,r0 beq 5f cmp r0,$33 blt 6f cmp r0,$34 ble 5f 6: jsr r5,error; 'm 5: bic $37,(r4) bis dotrel,(r4) mov 2(r4),brdelt sub dot,brdelt mov dot,2(r4) br assem 2: cmp dot,2(r4) beq assem jsr r5,error; 'p br assem 3: mov numval,r4 jsr pc,fbadv asl r4 mov curfb(r4),r0 movb dotrel,(r0) mov 2(r0),brdelt sub dot,brdelt mov dot,2(r0) br assem 4: jsr pc,readop jsr pc,expres mov (sp)+,r1 cmp r1,$symtab /test for dot bne 1f bic $40,r3 i = r3 .globl generate .globl obuild .globl .tx,.txs .txs: mov i,r0 tst (i)+ br 1f .tx: mov (i)+,r0 1: jsr pc,obuild jmp generate p),r0 beq 1f jsr pc,iget br 1b 1: tst (sp)+ jmp goto cmp r3,dotrel / can't change relocation bne 2f cmp r3,$4 / bss bne 3f mov r2,dot br dotmax 3: sub dot,r2 bmi 2f mov r2,-(sp) 3: dec (sp) bmi 3f clr r2 mov $1,r3 jsr pc,outb br 3b 3: tst (sp)+ br dotmax 2: jsr r5,error; '. br ealoop 1: cmp r3,$40 bne 1f jsr r5,error; 'r 1: bic $37,(r1) bic $!37,r3 bne 1f clr r2 1: bisb r3,(r1) mov r2,2(r1) ealoop: cmp r4,$'\n beq 1f cmp r4,$'\e bne 9f rts pc 1: inc line 9: jmp assem checkeos: cmp r4,$'\n beq 1f cmp r4,$'; beq 1f cmpg = r4 .globl succ,iget .globl trans trans: jsr pc,iget mov r0,(g)+ jmp succ .globl .p,sprv .globl .sr,.sl / >> .sr: neg (sp) / << .sl: mov 4(sp),r1 clr r0 alsc (sp),r0 mov r1,4(sp) jmp .p r4,$'\e beq 1f add $2,(sp) 1: rts pc fbadv: asl r4 mov nxtfb(r4),r1 mov r1,curfb(r4) bne 1f mov fbbufp,r1 br 2f 1: add $4,r1 2: cmpb 1(r1),r4 beq 1f tst (r1) bpl 1b 1: mov r1,nxtfb(r4) asr r4 rts pc i = r3 .globl putch,putoct .globl trswitch .globl trace trace: jsr pc,putch mov i,r0 jsr pc,putoct mov $'\n,r0 jsr pc,putch rts pc .data trswitch: 0 .globl .p,sprv .globl .eq,.ne,.lt,.le,.gt,.ge .eq: jsr pc,sprv cmp 4(sp),(sp) beq true br false .ne: jsr pc,sprv cmp 4(sp),(sp) bne true br false .lt: jsr pc,sprv cmp 4(sp),(sp) blt true br false .le: jsr pc,sprv cmp 4(sp),(sp) ble true br false .gt: jsr pc,sprv cmp 4(sp),(sp) bgt true br false .ge: jsr pc,sprv cmp 4(sp),(sp) bge true br false true: mov $1,4(sp) jmp .p false: clr 4(sp) jmp .p / / / a2 -- pdp-11 assembler pass 2 outw: cmp dot-2,$4 beq 9f bit $1,dot bne 1f add $2,dot tstb passno beq 8f clr -(sp) rol r3 adc (sp) asr r3 / get relative pc bit cmp r3,$40 bne 2f / external references mov $666,outmod / make nonexecutable mov xsymbol,r3 sub $usymtab,r3 asl r3 bis $4,r3 / external relocation br 3f 2: bic $40,r3 / clear any ext bits cmp r3,$5 blo 4f cmp r3,$33 / est. text, data beq 6f cmp r3,$34 bne 7f 6: jsr r5,error; 'r 7: mov $1,r3 / make absolute 4: f = r5 i = r3 .globl ek,ep,ek.fs,ep.fs,si,x,fs .globl generate .globl .tq,gpar .tq: mov (i)+,r0 mov i,si(f) mov ep(f),r1 mov ep(r1),ep.fs(f) mov ek(r1),ek.fs(f) mov si(r1),r1 asl r0 sub r0,r1 mov (r1),i add $fs,f clr x(f) jsr pc,generate jmp generate gpar: mov (i)+,r0 mov ep(f),r1 asl r0 add r0,si(r1) jmp generate .globl gq;gq=.tq f = r5 i = r3 .globl j,n .globl iget,jget .globl succ,fail .globl .px,.pxs .pxs: mov i,r0 tst (i)+ br 1f .px: jsr pc,iget 1: inc litc mov n(f),-(sp) mov j(f),-(sp) mov r0,-(sp) 2: tstb *(sp) beq 2f jsr pc,jget cmpb r0,*(sp) beq 1f tst (sp)+ mov (sp)+,j(f) mov (sp)+,n(f) jmp fail 1: clr n(f) inc (sp) inc j(f) br 2b 2: cmp (sp)+,(sp)+ mov (sp)+,n(f) jmp succ litc: 0 cmp r3,$2 blo 5f cmp r3,$4 bhi 5f tst (sp) bne 4f add dotdot,r2 br 4f 5: tst (sp) beq 4f sub dotdot,r2 4: dec r3 bpl 3f clr r3 3: asl r3 bis (sp)+,r3 mov r2,r0 jsr r5,putw; txtp add $2,*tseekp mov r3,r0 jsr r5,putw; relp add $2,*rseekp 8: rts pc 1: jsr r5,error; 'o clr r3 jsr pc,outb rts pc 9: jsr r5,error; 'x rts pc outb: cmp dot-2,$4 / test bss mode beq 9b cmp r3,$1 blos 1f jsr r5,error; 'r 1: tstb passno beq 2f mov r2,r0 bit $1,dot bne 1f jsr r5,putw; txtp clr .globl allocate,putword,putchar .globl iget .globl succ .globl table table: mov $10,r0 jsr pc,allocate mov r1,-(sp) clr r0 jsr pc,putword jsr pc,putword jsr pc,putword jsr pc,putchar jsr pc,iget mov (sp)+,(r0) jmp succ .globl putch,obuild .globl putoct putoct: mov r0,-(sp) bic $7,r0 bic r0,(sp) clc ror r0 ror r0 ror r0 beq 1f jsr pc,putoct 1: mov (sp)+,r0 add $'0,r0 jsr pc,putch rts pc .globl putch,obuild .globl putdec putdec: tst r0 bge 1f cmp r0,$100000 beq 2f mov r0,-(sp) mov $'-,r0 jsr pc,putch mov (sp)+,r0 neg r0 1: alsc $-16.,r0 dvd $10.,r0 beq 1f mov r1,-(sp) jsr pc,1b mov (sp)+,r1 1: mov r1,r0 add $'0,r0 jmp putch 2: mov $1f,r0 jmp obuild 1: <-32768\0>;.even .globl .p,sprv .globl .a,.s,.o,.n,.x / + .a: jsr pc,sprv add (sp),4(sp) br 9f / - .s: jsr pc,sprv sub (sp),4(sp) br 9f / | .o: jsr pc,sprv bis (sp),4(sp) br 9f / & .n: jsr pc,sprv com (sp) bic (sp),4(sp) br 9f / ^ exclusive or .x: jsr pc,sprv mov (sp),r0 xor r0,4(sp) 9: jmp .p .globl .f .globl succ .globl seekchar,getword .f: mov (sp),r0 mov r0,6(sp) mov 4(sp),r1 jsr pc,seekchar jsr pc,getword mov r0,(sp) mov $-1,2(sp) jmp succ f = r5 g = r4 .globl k .globl errcom .globl ktab,ktat .globl putcall,kput putcall: jsr pc,kput mov k(f),(g)+ rts pc kput: sub $2,k(f) mov k(f),r1 neg r1 mov r0,ktab(r1) cmp r1,$ktat bhis 1f rts pc 1: jsr r0,errcom ;.even .globl succ,.u,update .globl .ia,.ib,.da,.db /prefix ++ .ib: inc (sp) jmp .u /prefix -- .db: dec (sp) jmp .u /postfix++ .ia: inc (sp) jsr pc,update dec (sp) jmp succ /potsfix -- .da: dec (sp) jsr pc,update inc (sp) jmp succ .globl end / the driving tables ended just before here end: .globl succ .globl iget .globl push push: jsr pc,iget mov (r0),r2 mov r2,r1 1: mov r1,-(sp) jsr pc,iget mov (sp)+,r1 mov r0,-(sp) mov (r0),-(sp) dec r2 bgt 1b mov r1,-(sp) jsr pc,succ / preserve c bit from here on mov (sp)+,r2 1: mov (sp)+,*(sp)+ dec r2 bgt 1b rts pc /pass sret or fret back to invoking rule f = r5 .globl n .globl succ,iget .globl ignore ignore: jsr pc,iget mov (r0),n(f) jmp succ f=r5 g=r4 .globl ofile .globl dogen .globl succ .globl g1,k .globl emit emit: mov f,-(sp) add $g1,(sp) mov g,r1 1: /look for a translation cmp (sp),r1 bge 3f /none at all bit -(r1),$100001 beq 1b /move it to end of stak mov (r1)+,r0 1: cmp g,r1 ble 1f mov (r1),-2(r1) mov r0,(r1)+ br 1b 1: mov ofile,r0 jsr pc,dogen mov g,r1 1: cmp (sp),r1 /try to find prev value of k bge 1f /nothing more in this stack frame tst -(r1) bge 1b /this isnt a k pointer (negative) mov (r1),k(f) br 3f 1:f = r5 .globl iget .globl env,si .globl succ .globl params params: jsr pc,iget mov (r0),r0 asl r0 mov env(f),r1 add r0,si(r1) jmp succ i = r3 .globl putcall,kput,obuild .globl seekchar .globl getchar .globl outb, outw, outt .globl cfile, lfile, flush .globl iget .globl sptr .globl generate,succ .globl getnam getnam: mov $1f+1,r0 jsr pc,putcall jsr pc,iget mov (r0),r0 jsr pc,kput jsr pc,iget mov (r0),r0 jsr pc,kput jmp succ 1: cmp cfile,lfile beq 1f jsr pc,flush mov cfile,lfile 1: mov (i)+,r1 mov r1,-(sp) mov (i)+,r0 add $sptr,r0 jsr pc,seekchar 2: mov (sp),r1 mov outw,r2 1: jsr pc,getchar tst r0 beq 1f movb r0,out mov f,r0 /go back to prev stack frame mov k(r0),k(f) 3: tst (sp)+ jmp succ i = r3 .globl putcall,iget,kput,putoct .globl generate,succ .globl octal octal: mov $1f+1,r0 jsr pc,putcall jsr pc,iget mov (r0),r0 jsr pc,kput jmp succ 1: mov (i),r0 jsr pc,putoct jmp generate b(r2) inc r2 mov r2,outw cmp r2,$outt blt 1b / jsr pc,flush br 2b 1: tst (sp)+ jmp generate / / / a21 -- pdp-11 assembler pass 2 indir = 0 main: sys signal; 2; 1 ror r0 bcs 1f sys signal; 2; aexit 1: jmp start / set up sizes and origins go: / read in symbol table mov $usymtab,r1 1: jsr pc,getw bvs 1f add $14,symsiz / count symbols jsr pc,getw jsr pc,getw jsr pc,getw jsr pc,getw mov r4,r0 bic $!37,r0 cmp r0,$2 /text blo 2f cmp r0,$3 /data bhi 2f add $31,r4 /mark "estimated" mov r4,(r1)+ jsr pc,getw mov r4,(r1)+ br 3f 2: clr (r1)+ clr (r1)+ jsr pc,getw 3: j.globl .m,.q,.r .globl .p,sprv .m: jsr pc,sprv mov (sp),r0 mpy 4(sp),r0 mov r1,4(sp) br 1f .q: jsr pc,sprv mov 4(sp),r1 sxt r0 dvd (sp),r0 mov r0,4(sp) br 1f .r: jsr pc,sprv mov 4(sp),r1 sxt r0 dvd (sp),r0 mov r1,4(sp) 1: jmp .p i=r3 .globl lptr,rptr,sptr .globl succ,fail .globl iget .globl find,enter .globl seekchar,getword,getchar .globl putword,putchar,alterword .globl getcstr,rewcstr .globl length,rewind index=0 tablep=2 temp=4 which=6 framel=10 find: mov pc,-(sp) /which(sp) br 1f enter: clr -(sp) 1: jsr pc,rewcstr jsr pc,getcstr bne 1f tst (sp)+ jmp fail 1: clr -(sp) /temp(sp) jsr pc,iget mov (r0),-(sp) /tablep(sp) clr -(sp) /index(sp) right: add $rptr,index(sp) br 1f left: add $lptr,index(sp) 1: /get indexsr pc,setbrk br 1b 1: / read in f-b definitions mov r1,fbbufp movb fbfil,fin clr ibufc 1: jsr pc,getw bvs 1f add $31,r4 / "estimated" mov r4,(r1)+ jsr pc,getw mov r4,(r1)+ jsr pc,setbrk br 1b 1: mov r1,endtable mov $100000,(r1)+ / set up input text file; initialize f-b table jsr pc,setup / do pass 1 jsr pc,assem / prepare for pass 2 cmp outmod,$777 beq 1f jmp aexit 1: clr dot mov $2,dotrel mov $..,dotdot clr brtabp movb fin,r0 sys close jsr r5,ofile; a.tmp1 movb r0,fin cl.globl .lv,.rv .globl succ / unary & .lv: mov 2(sp),(sp) jmp succ / * .rv: mov (sp),2(sp) mov *2(sp),(sp) jmp succ of next entry mov tablep(sp),r1 mov index(sp),r0 jsr pc,seekchar jsr pc,getword tst r0 beq nomore mov r0,index(sp) add $sptr,r0 jsr pc,seekchar jsr pc,rewcstr 1: /comparison loop mov tablep(sp),r1 jsr pc,getchar mov r0,-(sp) jsr pc,getcstr cmp r0,(sp)+ bgt right blt left tst r0 beq found br 1b nomore: /not in table tst which(sp) beq 1f tst (i)+ /exit from find add $framel,sp jmp fail 1: mov tablep(sp),r1 jsr pc,length mov r0,temp(sp) clr r0 jsr pc,putword /scratch word jsr ibufc jsr pc,setup inc passno inc bsssiz bic $1,bsssiz mov txtsiz,r1 inc r1 bic $1,r1 mov r1,txtsiz mov datsiz,r2 inc r2 bic $1,r2 mov r2,datsiz mov r1,r3 mov r3,datbase / txtsiz mov r3,savdot+2 add r2,r3 mov r3,bssbase / txtsiz+datsiz mov r3,savdot+4 asl r3 add $20,r3 mov r3,symseek / 2*txtsiz+2*datsiz+20 sub r2,r3 mov r3,drelseek / 2*txtsiz+datsiz sub r1,r3 mov r3,trelseek / txtsiz+datsiz+20 sub r2,r3 mov r3,datseek / txtsiz+20 mov $usymtab,r1 1: jsr pc,doreloc add $4,r1 cf = r5 .globl j,n .globl input .globl classtab .globl jget jget: inc jgetc 3: mov j(f),r1 mov r1,r0 bic $inpt-1,r0 bic r0,r1 cmp r0,inpr beq 1f inc readc mov r0,inpr mov input,r0 sys seek inpr: 1;0 sys read;inpb;inpt 2: cmp r0,$inpt bge 1f clrb inpb(r0) inc r0 br 2b 1: movb inpb(r1),r0 asl r0 bit n(f),classtab(r0) beq 1f inc j(f) inc r1 cmp r1,$inpt blt 1b br 3b 1: asr r0 rts pc inpt = 128. .bss inpb: . = .+inpt .data jgetc: 0 readc: 0 r pc,putword /left pointer jsr pc,putword /right mov index(sp),r0 jsr pc,seekchar mov temp(sp),r0 mov r0,index(sp) jsr pc,alterword jsr pc,rewcstr 1: /copy loop jsr pc,getcstr mov tablep(sp),r1 jsr pc,putchar tst r0 bne 1b found: jsr pc,iget mov index(sp),(r0) add $framel,sp jmp succ mp r1,endtable blo 1b clr r0 jsr r5,oset; txtp mov trelseek,r0 jsr r5,oset; relp mov $8.,r2 mov $txtmagic,r1 1: mov (r1)+,r0 jsr r5,putw; txtp dec r2 bne 1b jsr pc,assem /polish off text and relocation jsr r5,flush; txtp jsr r5,flush; relp / append full symbol table mov symf,r0 mov r0,fin sys seek; 0; 0; clr ibufc mov symseek,r0 jsr r5,oset; txtp mov $usymtab,r1 1: jsr pc,getw bvs 1f mov r4,r0 jsr r5,putw; txtp jsr pc,getw mov r4,r0 jsr r5,putw; txtp jsr pc,getw mov r4,r0 jsr r5,putw; txtp jsr pc,getw mov r4,r0 jsr r5,putw; txtp mov (r1)+,r0 jsr r5,putw; txtp mov (r1)+,r0 jsr r5,putw; txtp jsr pc,getw jsr pc,getw br 1b 1: jsr r5,flush; txtp jmp aexit .data aexit: mov a.tmp1,0f sys unlink; 0:.. mov a.tmp2,0f sys unlink; 0:.. mov a.tmp3,0f sys unlink; 0:.. sys chmod; a.out; outmod: 777 sys exit .text filerr: mov *(r5),r5 1: movb (r5)+,ch beq 1f mov $1,r0 sys write; ch; 1 br 1b 1: mov $1,r0 sys write; qnl; 2 jmp aexit doreloc: movb (r1),r0 bnuble operand ; 13;0010000 ; 13;0110000 ; 13;0020000 ; 13;0120000 ; 13;0030000 ; 13;0130000 ; 13;0040000 ; 13;0140000 ; 13;0050000 ; 13;0150000 ; 13;0060000 ; 13;0160000 / branch ; 06;0000400 ; 06;0001000 ; 06;0001400 ; 06;0002000 ; 06;0002400 ; 06;0003000 ; 06;0003400 ; 06;0100000 ; 06;0100400 ; 06;0101000 ; 06;0101400 ; 06;0102000 ; 06;0102400 ; 06;0103000 ; 06;0103000 ; 06;0103000 ; 06;0103400 ; 06;0103400 ; 06;0103400 / jump/branch type ; 35;0000400 ; 36;0001000 ; 36;0001400 ; 36;00020pc /overlay buffer inbuf = setup . =inbuf+512. .text bes 1f tst (r5)+ rts r5 1: jmp filerr 00 ; 36;0002400 ; 36;0003000 ; 36;0003400 ; 36;0100000 ; 36;0100400 ; 36;0101000 ; 36;0101400 ; 36;0102000 ; 36;0102400 ; 36;0103000 ; 36;0103000 ; 36;0103000 ; 36;0103400 ; 36;0103400 ; 36;0103400 / single operand ; 15;0005000 ; 15;0105000 ; 15;0005100 ; 15;0105100 ; 15;0005200 ; 15;0105200 ; 15;0005300 ; 15;0105300 ; 15;0005400 ; 15;0105400 ; 15;0005500 ; 15;0105500 ; 15;0005600 ; 15;0105600 ; 15;0005700 ; 15;0105700 ; 15;0006000 ; 15;0106000 ; 15;0006100 ; 15;0106100 ; 15;0037 .byte -14,141,142,143,144,145,146,147 .byte 150,151,152,153,154,155,156,157 .byte 160,161,162,163,164,165,166,167 .byte 170,171,172,-14,-26,-14,176,-14 .data namedone:.byte 0 a.tmp1: a.tmp2: a.tmp3: .even curfb: -1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1;-1 obufp: outbuf symend: usymtab .bss curfbr: .=.+10. savdot: .=.+6 bufcnt: .=.+2 hshsiz = 1553. hshtab: .=2*hshsiz+. pof: .=.+1 wordf: .=.+1 fin: .=.+1 fbfil: .=.+1 fileflg:.=.+1 errflg: .=.+1 ch: .=.+1 .even symbol/ / / a9 -- pdp-11 assembler pass 1 eae = 0 / key to types / 0 undefined / 1 absolute / 2 text / 3 data / 4 bss / 5 flop freg,dst (movfo, = stcfd) / 6 branch / 7 jsr / 10 rts / 11 sys / 12 movf (=ldf,stf) / 13 double operand (mov) / 14 flop fsrc,freg (addf) / 15 single operand (clr) / 16 .byte / 17 string (.ascii, "<") / 20 .even / 21 .if / 22 .endif / 23 .globl / 24 register / 25 .text / 26 .data / 27 .bss / 30 mul,div, etc / 31 sob / 32 .comm / 33 estimated text / 34 estimated data / 35 jbr / 36 jeq, 06200 ; 15;0106200 ; 15;0006300 ; 15;0106300 ; 15;0000100 ; 15;0000300 / jsr ; 07;0004000 / rts ; 010;000200 / simple operand ; 011;104400 / flag-setting ; 01;0000241 ; 01;0000242 ; 01;0000244 ; 01;0000250 ; 01;0000261 ; 01;0000262 ; 01;0000264 ; 01;0000270 / flo: .=.+8. obufc: .=.+2 outbuf: .=.+512. line: .=.+2 inbfcnt:.=.+2 ifflg: .=.+2 inbfp: .=.+2 nargs: .=.+2 curarg: .=.+2 opfound:.=.+2 savop: .=.+2 numval: .=.+2 nxtfb: .=.+4 usymtab:.=.+36. end: .text jne, etc .data symtab: / special variables <.\0\0\0\0\0\0\0>; dotrel:02; dot:000000 <..\0\0\0\0\0\0>; 01; dotdot:000000 / register ; 24;000000 ; 24;000001 ; 24;000002 ; 24;000003 ; 24;000004 ; 24;000005 ; 24;000006 ; 24;000007 .if eae /eae & switches ; 01;177570 ; 01;177300 ; 01;177302 ; 01;177304 ating point ops ; 01;170000 ; 01;170001 ; 01;170011 ; 01;170002 ; 01;170012 ; 15;170400 ; 15;170700 ; 15;170600 ; 15;170500 ; 12;172400 ; 14;177000 ; 05;175400 ; 14;177400 ; 05;176000 ; 14;172000 ; 14;173000 ; 14;171000 ; 14;174400 ; 01;177310 ; 01;177311 ; 01;177312 ; 01;177314 ; 01;177316 .endif / system calls ; 01;0000001 ; 01;0000002 ; 01;0000003 ; 01;0000004 ; 01;0000005 ; 01;0000006 ; 01;0000007 ; 01;0000010 ; 01;0000011 ; 01;0000012 ; 01;0000013 ; 01;0000014 ; 14;173400 ; 14;171400 ; 14;176400 ; 05;175000 ; 15;170100 ; 15;170200 ; 24;000000 ; 24;000001 ; 24;000002 ; 24;000003 ; 24;000004 ; 24;000005 / 11/45 operations ; 30;072000 ; 30;073000 ; 30;070000 .if eae-1 ; 30;070000 ; 30;071000 ; 30;072000 ; 01;0000015 ; 01;0000016 ; 01;0000017 ; 01;0000020 ; 01;0000021 ; 01;0000022 ; 01;0000023 ; 01;0000024 ; 01;0000025 ; 01;0000026 ; 01;0000027 ; 01;0000030 ; 01;0000031 ; 01;0000034 ; 01;0000036 ; 01;0000037 ; 01;0000040 ; 01;0000042 ; 01;0000060 / do0>; 30;073000 .endif ; 30;071000 ; 07;074000 ; 15;006700 ; 11;006400 ; 31;077000 / specials <.byte\0\0\0>; 16;000000 <.even\0\0\0>; 20;000000 <.if\0\0\0\0\0>; 21;000000 <.endif\0\0>; 22;000000 <.globl\0\0>; 23;000000 <.text\0\0\0>; 25;000000 <.data\0\0\0>; 26;000000 <.bss\0\0\0\0>; 27;000000 <.comm\0\0\0>; 32;000000 ebsymtab: start: sys signal; 2; 1 ror r0 bcs 1f sys signal; 2; aexit 1: mov sp,r5 mov (r5)+,r0 cmpr5 1: cmp (sp),(r5)+ beq 1f tst (r5)+ bne 1b br eoprnd 1: jmp *(r5) exsw2: '+; exadd '-; exsub '*; exmul '/; exdiv 037; exor '&; exand 035;exlsh 036;exrsh '%; exmod '!; exnot '^; excmbin 0; 0 excmbin: mov r0,r3 / give left flag of right br eoprnd exrsh: neg r1 beq exlsh inc r1 clc ror r2 exlsh: jsr r5,combin; 0 als r1,r2 br eoprnd exmod: jsr r5,combin; 0 mov r1,-(sp) mov r2,r1 clr r0 dvd (sp)+,r0 mov r1,r2 br eoprnd exadd: jsr r5,combin; 0 add r1,r2 br eoprnd exsub: jsr r5,combin; 1 sub r1,r2 br eoprnd exand: jsr r5,combin; 0 com r1 bic r1,r2 br eoprnd exor: jsr r5,combin; 0 bis r1,r2 br eoprnd exmul: jsr r5,combin; 0 mpy r2,r1 mov r1,r2 br eoprnd exdiv: jsr r5,combin; 0 mov r1,-(sp) mov r2,r1 clr r0 dvd (sp)+,r0 mov r0,r2 br eoprnd exnot: jsr r5,combin; 0 com r1 add r1,r2 br eoprnd eoprnd: mov $'+,(sp) jmp advanc combin: mov r0,-(sp) bis r3,(sp) bic $!40,(sp) bic $!37,r0 bic $!37,r3 cmp r0,r3 ble 1f mov r0,-(sp) mov r3,/ / / a5 -- pdp-11 assembler pass 1 readop: mov savop,r4 beq 1f clr savop rts pc 1: jsr pc,8f jsr pc,putw rts pc 8: jsr pc,rch _readop: mov r0,r4 movb chartab(r0),r1 bgt rdname jmp *1f-2(r1) fixor escp 8b retread dquote garb squote rdname skip rdnum retread string 1: escp: jsr pc,rch mov $esctab,r1 1: cmpb r0,(r1)+ beq 1f tstb (r1)+ bne 1b rts pc 1: movb (r1),r4 rts pc esctab: .byte '/, '/ .byte '\<, 035 .byte '>, 036 .byte '%, 037 .byte 0, 0 fixor: mov $037,r4 3: mov (sp),r0 jsr pc,allocate mov 2(sp),r0 jsr pc,copy jsr pc,swap jsr pc,release mov 2(sp),r1 br 1b 1: mov (sp)+,r0 mov (sp)+,r1 rts pc / reset: mov r3,-(sp) mov r2,-(sp) clr r3 1: cmp r3,nbuf bge 1f mov r3,r2 asl r2 mov $-1.,w1(r2) clr b1s(r2) clr b1e(r2) clr u1(r2) inc r3 br 1b 1: clr flag mov (sp)+,r2 mov (sp)+,r3 rts pc / r0 mov (sp)+,r3 1: tst r0 beq 1f tst (r5)+ beq 2f cmp r0,r3 bne 2f mov $1,r3 br 2f 1: tst (r5)+ clr r3 2: bis (sp)+,r3 rts r5 retread: rts pc rdname: movb r0,ch cmp r1,$'0 blo 1f cmp r1,$'9 blos rdnum 1: jmp rname rdnum: jsr pc,number br 1f rts pc squote: jsr pc,rsch br 1f dquote: jsr pc,rsch mov r0,-(sp) jsr pc,rsch swab r0 bis (sp)+,r0 1: mov r0,numval mov $1,r4 jsr pc,putw mov numval,r4 jsr pc,putw mov $1,r4 tst (sp)+ rts pc skip: jsr pc,rch mov r0,r4 cmp r0,$'\e beq 1f cmp r0,$'\n bne skip 1: rts pc garb: jsr r5,error; 'g br 8b string: mov $'<,r4 jsr pc,putw clr numval 1: jsr pc,rsc...alloc1.sMalloc2.sOalloc3.saltch.sbsp.sbword.sgetch.sgetwd.slength.srewind.szero.sa.outrunalloc.oaltch.obsp.obword.ogetch.ogetwd.olength.orewind.ozero.o/ / / a6 -- pdp-11 assembler pass 1 opline: mov r4,r0 jsr r5,betwen; 0; 200 br 1f cmp r0,$'< bne xpr jmp opl17 xpr: jsr pc,expres add $2,dot rts pc 1: movb (r4),r0 cmp r0,$24 beq xpr jsr r5,betwen; 5; 36 br xpr mov r0,-(sp) jsr pc,readop mov (sp)+,r0 asl r0 jmp *1f-12(r0) 1: opl13 / map fop freg,fdst to double opl6 opl7 opl10 opl11 opl13 / map fld/fst to double opl13 opl13 / map fop fsrc,freg to double opl15 opl16 opl17 opl20 opl21 opl22 opl23 xpr opl25 opl26 opl27h tst r1 bne 1f mov r0,r4 bis $400,r4 jsr pc,putw inc numval br 1b 1: mov $-1,r4 jsr pc,putw mov $'<,r4 tst (sp)+ rts pc rsch: jsr pc,rch cmp r0,$'\e beq 4f cmp r0,$'\n beq 4f clr r1 cmp r0,$'\\ bne 3f jsr pc,rch mov $schar,r2 1: cmpb (r2)+,r0 beq 2f tstb (r2)+ bpl 1b rts pc 2: movb (r2)+,r0 clr r1 rts pc 3: cmp r0,$'> bne 1f inc r1 1: rts pc 4: jsr r5,error; '< jmp aexit schar: .byte 'n, 012 .byte 't, 011 .byte 'e, 004 .byte '0, 000 .byte 'r, 015 .byte 'a, 006 opl13 / map mul s,r to double opl31 opl32 xpr xpr opl35 opl36 / jbr opl35: mov $4,-(sp) br 1f / jeq, etc opl36: mov $6,-(sp) 1: jsr pc,expres cmp r3,dotrel bne 1f sub dot,r2 bge 1f cmp r2,$-376 blt 1f mov $2,(sp) 1: add (sp)+,dot rts pc /double opl13: opl7: jsr pc,addres op2: cmp r4,$', beq 1f jsr pc,errora rts pc 1: jsr pc,readop opl15: / single operand jsr pc,addres add $2,dot rts pc opl31: / sob jsr pc,expres cmp r4,$', beq 1f jsr pc,errora 1: jsr pc,readop /bra.byte 'p, 033 .byte 0, -1 #define NDIM 10 #define NTAB 601 char *dfile "/usr/lib/units"; char *unames[NDIM]; double getflt(); int fperr(); struct unit { double factor; char dim[NDIM]; }; struct table { double factor; char dim[NDIM]; char *name; } table[NTAB]; char names[NTAB*10]; struct prefix { double factor; char *pname; } prefix[] { 1e-18, "atto", 1e-15, "femto", 1e-12, "pico", 1e-9, "nano", 1e-6, "micro", 1e-3, "milli", 1e-2, "centi", 1e-1, "deci", 1e1, "deka", 1e2, "hecta", 1e2, "hecto", 1e3, "kilo", 1e6, "nch opl6: opl10: opl11: jsr pc,expres add $2,dot rts pc / .byte opl16: jsr pc,expres inc dot cmp r4,$', bne 1f jsr pc,readop br opl16 1: rts pc / < (.ascii) opl17: add numval,dot jsr pc,readop rts pc /.even opl20: inc dot bic $1,dot rts pc /.if opl21: jsr pc,expres tst r3 bne 1f jsr r5,error; 'U 1: tst r2 bne opl22 inc ifflg opl22: /endif rts pc /.globl opl23: cmp r4,$200 blo 1f bisb $40,(r4) jsr pc,readop cmp r4,$', bne 1f jsr pc,readop br opl23 1: rts pc opl25: opl26.globl plausible .globl lookchar .globl wc .globl seekchar .globl putchar .globl allocate .globl release .globl stats .globl w,r,a,l .globl bufchar .globl copy .globl getbuf .globl swap .globl fixct / / routine to copy the contents of one string / to another. / / mov source,r0 / mov dest,r1 / jsr pc,copy / mov r1,... / / on return, r1 points to the new string and should / be saved. r0 is preserved. / copy: mov r0,-(sp) mov r2,-(sp) mov r3,-(sp) jsr pc,wc 1: jsr pc,reset mov w(r0),r2 sub a(r0),r2 /W-Amega", 1e6, "meg", 1e9, "giga", 1e12, "tera", 0.0, 0 }; int ibuf[259]; int fperrc; int peekc; int dumpflg; main(argc, argv) char *argv[]; { register i; register char *file; struct unit u1, u2; double f; if(argc>1 && *argv[1]=='-') { argc--; argv++; dumpflg++; } file = dfile; if(argc > 1) file = argv[1]; if(fopen(file, ibuf) < 0) { printf("no table\n"); exit(); } ldfps(07600); /* interrupt on fp errors */ signal(8, fperr); init(); close(ibuf[0]); ibuf[0] = 0; loop: fperrc =: opl27: mov dotrel,r1 asl r1 mov dot,savdot-4(r1) mov savdot-[2*25](r0),dot asr r0 sub $25-2,r0 mov r0,dotrel rts pc / .common opl32: cmp r4,$200 blo 1f bis $40,(r4) jsr pc,readop cmp r4,$', bne 1f jsr pc,readop jsr pc,expres rts pc 1: jsr r5,error; 'x rts pc addres: cmp r4,$'( beq alp cmp r4,$'- beq amin cmp r4,$'$ beq adoll cmp r4,$'* beq astar getx: jsr pc,expres cmp r4,$'( bne 2f jsr pc,readop jsr pc,expres jsr pc,checkreg jsr pc,checkrp add $2,dot clr r0 rts pc 2 mov l(r1),r3 sub a(r1),r3 /L-A cmp r2,r3 ble 1f jsr pc,release mov r2,r0 jsr pc,allocate mov 4(sp),r0 / 1: mov a(r1),w(r1) /rewind w pointer mov a(r0),-(sp) / 4: mov (sp),0f mov afi,r0 sys seek;0:.. ;0 /set input pointer cmp r2,$512. ble 2f mov $512.,r3 /# output this time mov r3,0f mov r3,3f add r3,(sp) sub r3,r2 /# left to output br 1f / 2: mov r2,0f mov r2,3f mov r2,r3 clr r2 / 1: mov afi,r0 sys read;b1;0:.. bes bad cmp r0,r3 bne bad mov afout,r0 mov (r1),0f add r3,(r1) sys 0; printf("you have: "); if(convr(&u1)) goto loop; if(fperrc) goto fp; loop1: printf("you want: "); if(convr(&u2)) goto loop1; for(i=0; i 2: .even / / wc: mov r1,-(sp) mov r2,-(sp) mov r3,-(sp) clr r3 1: cmp r3,nbuf bge 1f mov r3,r2 asl r2 tst w1(r2) ble 2f mov r3,r1 ashc $9.,r1 bic $777,r1 add $b1,r1 jsr pc,er struct unit *p; register f, i; p = up; printf("\t%e ", p->factor); f = 0; for(i=0; idim[i], i, f); if(f&1) { putchar('/'); f = 0; for(i=0; idim[i], i, f); } putchar('\n'); } pu(u, i, f) { if(u > 0) { if(f&2) putchar('-'); if(unames[i]) printf("%s", unames[i]); else printf("*%c*", i+'a'); if(u > 1) putchar(u+'0'); return(2); } if(u < 0) return(1); return(0); } convr(up) struct unit *up; { register struct unit jsr r5,error; '* 1: jsr pc,addres add r0,dot rts pc errora: jsr r5,error; 'a rts pc checkreg: cmp r2,$7 bhi 1f cmp r3,$1 beq 2f cmp r3,$4 bhi 2f 1: jsr pc,errora 2: rts pc errore: jsr r5,error; 'e rts pc checkrp: cmp r4,$') beq 1f jsr r5,error; ') rts pc 1: jsr pc,readop rts pc clean 2: inc r3 br 1b 1: jsr pc,whead mov (sp)+,r3 mov (sp)+,r2 mov (sp)+,r1 rts pc swap: mov w(r1),-(sp) mov w(r0),w(r1) mov (sp),w(r0) mov r(r1),(sp) mov r(r0),r(r1) mov (sp),r(r0) mov a(r1),(sp) mov a(r0),a(r1) mov (sp),a(r0) mov l(r1),(sp) mov l(r0),l(r1) mov (sp)+,l(r0) rts pc / / / / / / mov position,r0 / mov ...,r1 / jsr pc,seekchar / seekchar: mov r1,-(sp) mov r0,-(sp) 1: mov (sp),r0 add a(r1),r0 cmp r0,l(r1) bhi 3f mov r0,r(r1) cmp r0,w(r1) blo 1f mov r0,w(r1) br 1f *p; register c; register char *cp; char name[20]; int den, err; p = up; for(c=0; cdim[c] = 0; p->factor = getflt(); if(p->factor == 0.) p->factor = 1.0; err = 0; den = 0; cp = name; loop: switch(c=get()) { case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': case '-': case '/': case ' ': case '\t': case '\n': if(cp != name) { *cp++ = 0; cp = name; err =| lookup(cp, p, den, c); } if(c == '/') den++; if(c == '\n') return(err); goto loop; } *cp++ = c; goto loop; } lookup(name, up, den, c) char *name; struct unit *up; { register struct unit *p; register struct table *q; register i; char *cp1, *cp2; double e; p = up; e = 1.0; loop: q = hash(name); if(q->name) { l1: if(den) { p->factor =/ q->factor*e; for(i=0; idim[i] =- q->dim[i]; } else { p->factor =* q->factor*e; for(i=0; idim[i] =+ q->dim[i]; } if(c >= '2' && c <= '9') { c--;1,041, /*A*/ 076,041,076,041,041,076, /*B*/ 036,041,040,040,041,036, /*C*/ 076,041,041,041,041,076, /*D*/ 077,040,076,040,040,077, /*E*/ 077,040,076,040,040,040, /*F*/ 036,041,040,047,041,036, /*G*/ 041,041,077,041,041,041, /*H*/ 004,004,004,004,004,004, /*I*/ 001,001,001,001,041,036, /*J*/ 041,042,074,044,042,041, /*K*/ 040,040,040,040,040,077, /*L*/ 041,063,055,041,041,041, /*M*/ 041,061,051,045,043,041, /*N*/ 036,041,041,041,041,036, /*O*/ 076,041,041,076,040,040, /*P*/ 036,041,041,045,04 mov r5,r1 clr r0 2: movb r0,ch mov r1,r0 mov (sp)+,r5 mov (sp)+,r3 mov (sp)+,r2 rts pc 1: mov r0,r3 mov r5,r0 jsr pc,fbcheck add $141,r0 cmp r3,$'b beq 1f add $10.,r0 1: mov r0,r4 mov (sp)+,r5 mov (sp)+,r3 mov (sp)+,r2 add $2,(sp) rts pc rch: movb ch,r0 beq 1f clrb ch rts pc 1: dec inbfcnt blt 2f movb *inbfp,r0 inc inbfp bic $!177,r0 beq 1b rts pc 2: movb fin,r0 beq 3f sys read; inbuf;512. bcs 2f tst r0 beq 2f mov r0,inbfcnt mov $inbuf,inbfp br 1b 2: movb fin,r0 goto l1; } return(0); } for(i=0; cp1 = prefix[i].pname; i++) { cp2 = name; while(*cp1 == *cp2++) if(*cp1++ == 0) { cp1--; break; } if(*cp1 == 0) { e =* prefix[i].factor; name = cp2-1; goto loop; } } for(cp1 = name; *cp1; cp1++); if(cp1 > name+1 && *--cp1 == 's') { *cp1 = 0; goto loop; } printf("cannot recognize %s\n", name); return(1); } equal(s1, s2) char *s1, *s2; { register char *c1, *c2; c1 = s1; c2 = s2; while(*c1++ == *c2) if(*c2++ == 0) re2,035, /*Q*/ 076,041,041,076,042,041, /*R*/ 036,040,036,001,041,036, /*S*/ 037,004,004,004,004,004, /*T*/ 041,041,041,041,041,036, /*U*/ 041,041,041,041,022,014, /*V*/ 041,041,041,055,063,041, /*W*/ 041,022,014,014,022,041, /*X*/ 021,012,004,004,004,004, /*Y*/ 077,002,004,010,020,077, /*Z*/ 016,010,010,010,010,016, /*[*/ 040,020,010,004,002,001, /*\*/ 034,004,004,004,004,034, /*]*/ 004,012,000,000,000,000, /*^*/ 000,000,000,000,000,077, /*_*/ 000,000,000,000,000,000, /* */ 010,010,010,010,00clrb fin sys close 3: decb nargs bgt 2f mov $'\e,r0 rts pc 2: tst ifflg beq 2f jsr r5,error; 'i jmp aexit 2: mov curarg,r0 tst (r0)+ mov (r0),0f mov r0,curarg incb fileflg sys indir; 9f .data 9: sys open; 0:0; 0 .text bec 2f mov 0b,r0 jsr r5,filerr; jmp aexit 2: movb r0,fin mov $1,line mov r4,-(sp) mov r1,-(sp) mov $5,r4 jsr pc,putw mov *curarg,r1 2: movb (r1)+,r4 beq 2f jsr pc,putw br 2b 2: mov $-1,r4 jsr pc,putw mov (sp)+,r1 mov (sp)+,r4 br 1b turn(1); return(0); } init() { register char *cp; register struct table *tp, *lp; int c, i, f, t; char *np; cp = names; for(i=0; iname = np; lp->factor = 1.0; lp->dim[i] = 1; } lp = hash(""); lp->name = cp-1; lp->factor = 1.0; l0: c = get(); if(c == 0) { printf("%l units; %l bytes\n\n", i, cp-names); if(dumpflg) for(tp = &table[0]; tp < &table[NTAB]; tp++) { if(tp->name ==0,010, /*!*/ 022,022,000,000,000,000, /*"*/ 022,077,022,022,077,022, /*#*/ 036,054,036,015,055,036, /*$*/ 001,062,064,013,023,040, /*%*/ 014,022,014,024,042,035, /*&*/ 010,010,000,000,000,000, /*'*/ 004,010,010,010,010,004, /*(*/ 010,004,004,004,004,010, /*)*/ 000,022,014,014,022,000 /***/ }; char blank ' '; char plot 'X'; int msk 040; /*mask at sixth bit*/ main(argc,argp) char **argp;int argc; { int i; /*if invoked with no arguments, prints error comment; if invoked with an argument, prints/ / / a2 -- pdp-11 assembler pass 1 error: incb errflg mov r0,-(sp) mov r1,-(sp) mov (r5)+,r0 tst *curarg beq 1f mov r0,-(sp) mov *curarg,r0 clr *curarg jsr r5,filerr; '\n mov (sp)+,r0 1: mov r2,-(sp) mov r3,-(sp) mov line,r3 movb r0,1f mov $1f+6,r0 mov $4,r1 2: clr r2 dvd $10.,r2 add $'0,r3 movb r3,-(r0) mov r2,r3 sob r1,2b mov $1,r0 sys write; 1f; 7 mov (sp)+,r3 mov (sp)+,r2 mov (sp)+,r1 mov (sp)+,r0 rts r5 .data 1: .even .text betwen: cmp r0,(r5)+ blt 1f 0) continue; printf("%s", tp->name); units(tp); } return; } if(c == '/') while(c != '\n') c = get(); if(c == '\n') goto l0; np = cp; while(c != ' ' && c != '\t') { *cp++ = c; c = get(); if(c == '\n') { *cp++ = 0; tp = hash(np); if(tp->name) goto redef; tp->name = np; tp->factor = lp->factor; for(c=0; cdim[c] = lp->dim[c]; i++; goto l0; } } *cp++ = 0; lp = hash(np); if(lp->name) goto redef; convr(lp); lp->name = np; f it in banner form. */ if(argc<2){ printf("missing argument\n"); exit(); } banner(argp[1],bp); banprt(bp); } banner(s,bufp) char *s;struct bann *bufp; { char c,*p,*q,*r; p=s; r=bufp; banset(blank,bufp); while((c= *s++)!=0){ if((s-p)>chpln)return(s-p); if(c>='`')c =- ' '; /*map lower to upper case*/ if(c<' ')c='#'; if(c>'?')c=- 0100; q=ctbl[c]; banfil(q,r); r=+pospch; } } banfil(c,p) char *c; struct bann *p; { int i,j; for(i=0;ifactor != 1.0) goto l0; for(c=0; cdim[c]; if(t>1 || (f>0 && t!=0)) goto l0; if(f==0 && t==1) { if(unames[c]) goto l0; f = c+1; } } if(f>0) unames[f-1] = np; goto l0; redef: printf("redefination %s\n", np); goto l0; } double getflt() { register c, i, dp; double d, e; int f; d = 0.; dp = 0; do c = get(); while(c == ' ' || c == '\t'); l1: if(c >= '0' && c <= '9') { d = d*10. + c-'0'; if(dp) dp++; c = get(); goto l){ if(((c[i]<alpha[i][j] = plot; } } return(0); } banset(c,p) char c; struct bann *p; { int i,j; for(i=0;ialpha[i][j] = c; } banprt(ptr) struct bann *ptr; { int i,j; for(i=0;ialpha[i][pposs-1]='\0'; for(j=pposs-2;j>=0;j--){ if(ptr->alpha[i][j]!=blank)break; ptr->alpha[i][j]='\0'; } printf("%s\n",ptr->alpha[i]); } } cc -c -O alloc.c cc -c -O calloc.c cc -c -O cclose.c cc -c -O ceof.c cc -c -O cerror.c cc -c -O cexit.c cc -c -O cflush.c cc -c -O cfree.c cc -c -O cgetc.c cc -c -O ciodec.c cc -c -O clenf.c cc -c -O copen.c cc -c -O cputc.c cc -c -O cwrd.c as dummy.s; mv a.out dummy.o cc -c -f -O ftoa.c cc -c -O getch.c cc -c -O gets.c cc -c -O getvec.c cc -c -O iehzap.c cc -c -O makbuf.c cc -c -O maktab.c cc -c -O nexch.c cc -c -O nodig.c cc -c -O printf.c cc -c -O putch.c cc -c -O puts.c cc -c -O relvec.c cc -c -O revput1; } if(c == '.') { dp++; c = get(); goto l1; } if(dp) dp--; if(c == '+' || c == '-') { f = 0; if(c == '-') f++; i = 0; c = get(); while(c >= '0' && c <= '9') { i = i*10 + c-'0'; c = get(); } if(f) i = -i; dp =- i; } e = 1.; i = dp; if(i < 0) i = -i; while(i--) e =* 10.; if(dp < 0) d =* e; else d =/ e; if(c == '|') return(d/getflt()); peekc = c; return(d); } get() { register c; if(c=peekc) { peekc = 0; return(c); } c = getc(ibuf); if(c name == 0) return(tp); if(equal(name, tp->name)) return(tp); tp++; if(tp >= &table[NTAB]) tp = table; goto l0; } fperr() { signal(8, fperr); fperrc++; } bhi 2f add $2*hshsiz,r1 2: mov $symbol,r2 mov -(r1),r4 beq 3f cmp (r2)+,(r4)+ bne 1b cmp (r2)+,(r4)+ bne 1b cmp (r2)+,(r4)+ bne 1b cmp (r2)+,(r4)+ bne 1b br 1f 3: mov symend,r4 mov r4,(r1) 4: mov $symbol,r2 mov r4,-(sp) add $20,r4 cmp r4,0f blos 4f add $512.,0f sys indir; 9f .data 9: sys break; 0:end .text 4: mov (sp)+,r4 mov (r2)+,(r4)+ mov (r2)+,(r4)+ mov (r2)+,(r4)+ mov (r2)+,(r4)+ clr (r4)+ clr (r4)+ mov r4,symend sub $4,r4 1: mov r4,-(sp) mov r4,r3 sub $8,r3 cmp r3,as alloc?.s; mv a.out alloc.o as altch.s; mv a.out altch.o as bsp.s; mv a.out bsp.o as bword.s; mv a.out bword.o as getch.s; mv a.out getch.o as getwd.s; mv a.out getwd.o as length.s; mv a.out length.o as rewind.s; mv a.out rewind.o as zero.s; mv a.out zero.o ar r /lib/libs.a *.o rm *.o #define nchars 64 /*number of chars in char set*/ #define nlines 6 /*number of lines in a banner character*/ #define pposs 85 /*number of print positions on a line (must be multiple of 4)*/ /*followed by end of string character*/ #define pospch 8 /*number of char positions per banner char*/ #define chpln 10 /*number of banner characters per line*/ struct bann{ char alpha[nlines][pposs]; }; struct bann buffer,*bp buffer; char ctbl[nchars][nlines]{ 036,041,046,051,046,035, /*@*/ 014,022,041,077,04$usymtab blo 1f sub $usymtab,r3 clr r2 div $3,r2 mov r2,r4 add $4000,r4 / user symbol br 2f 1: sub $symtab,r3 clr r2 div $3,r2 mov r2,r4 add $1000,r4 / builtin symbol 2: jsr pc,putw mov (sp)+,r4 mov (sp)+,r3 mov (sp)+,r2 mov (sp)+,r1 tst (sp)+ rts pc number: mov r2,-(sp) mov r3,-(sp) mov r5,-(sp) clr r1 clr r5 1: jsr pc,rch jsr r5,betwen; '0; '9 br 1f sub $'0,r0 mpy $10.,r5 add r0,r5 als $3,r1 add r0,r1 br 1b 1: cmp r0,$'b beq 1f cmp r0,$'f beq 1f cmp r0,$'. bne 2f/ / / a3 -- pdp-11 assembler pass 1 assem: jsr pc,readop jsr pc,checkeos br ealoop tst ifflg beq 3f cmp r4,$200 blos assem cmpb (r4),$21 /if bne 2f inc ifflg 2: cmpb (r4),$22 /endif bne assem dec ifflg br assem 3: mov r4,-(sp) jsr pc,readop cmp r4,$'= beq 4f cmp r4,$': beq 1f mov r4,savop mov (sp)+,r4 jsr pc,opline br ealoop 1: mov (sp)+,r4 cmp r4,$200 bhis 1f cmp r4,$1 / digit beq 3f jsr r5,error; 'x br assem 1: bitb $37,(r4) beq 1f jsr r5,error; 'm 1: bisb dot-2,(r4) mov dot,2(r4) br assem 3: mov numval,r0 jsr pc,fbcheck movb dotrel,curfbr(r0) asl r0 movb dotrel,nxtfb mov dot,nxtfb+2 movb r0,nxtfb+1 mov dot,curfb(r0) movb fbfil,r0 sys write; nxtfb; 4 br assem 4: jsr pc,readop jsr pc,expres mov (sp)+,r1 cmp r1,$200 bhis 1f jsr r5,error; 'x br ealoop 1: cmp r1,$dotrel bne 2f bic $40,r3 cmp r3,dotrel bne 1f 2: bicb $37,(r1) bic $!37,r3 bne 2f clr r2 2: bisb r3,(r1) mov r2,2(r1) br ealoop 1: jsr r5,error; '. movb $2,dotrel ealoop: cmp r FTI: float (or double) to integer * ITF: integer to float * ITP: integer to pointer * ITL: integer to long * LTI: long to integer * LTF: long to float * FTL: float to long * PTI: pointer to integer * XX: usually illegal * When FTI, LTI, FTL are added in they specify * that it is the left operand that should be converted. * For + this is done and the conversion is turned back into * ITF, ITL, LTF. * For = however the left operand can't be converted * and the specified conversion is applied to L33__exit L304,$'; beq assem1 cmp r4,$'\n bne 1f inc line br assem1 1: cmp r4,$'\e bne 2f tst ifflg beq 1f jsr r5,error; 'x 1: rts pc 2: jsr r5,error; 'x 2: jsr pc,checkeos br assem1 jsr pc,readop br 2b assem1: jmp assem fbcheck: cmp r0,$9. bhi 1f rts pc 1: jsr r5,error; 'f clr r0 rts pc checkeos: cmp r4,$'\n beq 1f cmp r4,$'; beq 1f cmp r4,$'\e beq 1f add $2,(sp) 1: rts pc the rhs. */ char cvtab[4][4] { /* int double long ptr */ /* int */ 0, (FTI<<4)+ITF, (LTI<<4)+ITL, (ITP<<4)+ITP, /* double */ ITF, 0, LTF, XX, /* long */ ITL, (FTL<<4)+LTF, 0, XX, /* ptr */ ITP, XX, XX, PTI }; /* * character type table */ char ctab[] { EOF, INSERT, UNKN, UNKN, UNKN, UNKN, UNKN, UNKN, UNKN, SPACE, NEWLN, UNKN, UNKN, UNKN, UNKN, UNKN, UNKN, UNKN, UNKN, UNKN, UNKN, UNKN, UNKN, UNKN, UNKN, UNKN, UNKN, UNKN, UNKN, UNKN, UNKN, UNKN, SPACE, EXCLA, DQUOTE, UNKN, UNKN, MOD, AND, SQx & 6  w  %@  u-% @ @m  @ @m w:w (  f > 7 N      5 $  N   (ww   %d  C@ 5  8xe@--l N-  $ TNef  w<5 %d @ A Aap @ww  f ~%f \%5%NB   UOTE, LPARN, RPARN, TIMES, PLUS, COMMA, MINUS, PERIOD, DIVIDE, DIGIT, DIGIT, DIGIT, DIGIT, DIGIT, DIGIT, DIGIT, DIGIT, DIGIT, DIGIT, COLON, SEMI, LESS, ASSIGN, GREAT, QUEST, UNKN, LETTER, LETTER, LETTER, LETTER, LETTER, LETTER, LETTER, LETTER, LETTER, LETTER, LETTER, LETTER, LETTER, LETTER, LETTER, LETTER, LETTER, LETTER, LETTER, LETTER, LETTER, LETTER, LETTER, LETTER, LETTER, LETTER, LBRACK, UNKN, RBRACK, EXOR, LETTER, UNKN, LETTER, LETTER, LETTER, LETTER, LETTER, LETTER, LETTER, LETTER, LETTER, LfQ % ww ~wDe   % w7 7 ׯ|- t r(wf7 h .w\ejB J ӕ- R r f e0 @ > ҋ D~8 ӕ0 $f v Le0 9e  7we&  mr p ~    ~ w7 D : 60   "Wp `e0eӕ?f  ,P   @f # #include "c0h.c" /* * info on operators: * 01-- is binary operator * 02-- left (or only) operand must be lvalue * 04-- is relational operator * 010-- is assignment-type operator * 020-- non-float req. on left * 040-- non-float req. on right * 0100-- is commutative * 0200-- is right, not left-associative * 0400-- is leaf of tree * *0XX000-- XX is priority of operator */ int opdope[] { 000000, /* EOF */ 000000, /* ; */ 000000, /* { */ 000000, /* } */ 036000, /* [ */ 002000, /* ] ETTER, LETTER, LETTER, LETTER, LETTER, LETTER, LETTER, LETTER, LETTER, LETTER, LETTER, LETTER, LETTER, LETTER, LETTER, LETTER, LETTER, LBRACE, OR, RBRACE, COMPL, UNKN };  7 -f@w fwZwVwzf@w>w:wXf@w"ww6 f$f@@& HADCBF7F/dev/rk0/dev/rk1/dev/rk2%s cannot open %s %l bad free count bad free block (%l) read error %d count = %d; errno = %d |doxfecsl*rcrt0.ostartdf.o~mainargcar*/ 036000, /* ( */ 002000, /* ) */ 014201, /* : */ 007001, /* , */ 000000, /* field selection */ 000000, /* 11 */ 000000, /* 12 */ 000000, /* 13 */ 000000, /* 14 */ 000000, /* 15 */ 000000, /* 16 */ 000000, /* 17 */ 000000, /* 18 */ 000000, /* 19 */ 000400, /* name */ 000400, /* short constant */ 000400, /* string */ 000400, /* float */ 000400, /* double */ 000000, /* 25 */ 000000, /* 26 */ 000000, /* 27 */ 000000, /* 28 */ 000000, /* 29 */ 034203, /* ++pre */ 034203, /* --pre */ $w %@  u-% @ @m @ @m r ww  f 7x tN  ^  5 $  N' , w$w   %d+ C@ 5  8e@-- N; $ Nef  w5 %d @ A Aap @wnw j f\ %fJ %5%NP (f_ % wgvi~dfreefilei~allocbibuf~breadnbufbnoprintf.oformplooprjustndigitgnumzwidthndfndswtabjdecimal|octalhexfloatsciencharacstringlogicalremote*prbuf4prstr<ffltpr.oputchr.oflclose.o(open.o>read.o\seek.o~sync.osync$exit.o034203, /* ++post */ 034203, /* --post */ 034220, /* !un */ 034202, /* &un */ 034220, /* *un */ 034200, /* -un */ 034220, /* ~un */ 036001, /* . (structure reference) */ 030101, /* + */ 030001, /* - */ 032101, /* * */ 032001, /* / */ 032001, /* % */ 026061, /* >> */ 026061, /* << */ 020161, /* & */ 017161, /* | */ 017161, /* ^ */ 036001, /* -> */ 000000, /* int -> double */ 000000, /* double -> int */ 016001, /* && */ 015001, /* || */ 030001, /* &~ */ 000000, /* 56 */ 000000, /* 57  /dev/rk0/dev/rk1/dev/rk2%s cannot open %s %l bad free count bad free block (%l) read error %d count = %d; errno = %d HYYH HHYhIIHHIIHIIcsv.ocerror.osavr5$_exit"_main"_dargv#_sblock$_fi$csv"_printf"_dfree"cret"_open">_sync"_bread"_alloc"_close"(_seek"~_read"\_errno$pfloat"pscien"_putchar"_flush"_fout$cerror"*/ 000000, /* 58 */ 000000, /* 59 */ 022005, /* == */ 022005, /* != */ 024005, /* <= */ 024005, /* < */ 024005, /* >= */ 024005, /* > */ 024005, /*

        p */ 024005, /* >=p */ 012213, /* =+ */ 012213, /* =- */ 012213, /* =* */ 012213, /* =/ */ 012213, /* =% */ 012253, /* =>> */ 012253, /* =<< */ 012253, /* =& */ 012253, /* =| */ 012253, /* =^ */ 012213, /* = */ 000000, /* 81 */ 000000, /* 82 */ 000000, /* 83 */ 000000, /* 84 */ 000000, /* 85 */ 000HYYHH_dargv#L1L2L3 _sblock _fi _main"~mainargcargvicsv L5,L6L7&L8 L92L10nL12XL13_printf _dfrf = r5 .globl iget .globl env,si .globl succ .globl params params: jsr pc,iget mov (r0),r0 asl r0 mov env(f),r1 add r0,si(r1) jmp succ 000, /* 86 */ 000000, /* 87 */ 000000, /* 88 */ 000000, /* 89 */ 014201, /* ? */ 034200, /* sizeof */ 000000, /* 92 */ 000000, /* 93 */ 000000, /* 94 */ 000000, /* 95 */ 000000, /* 96 */ 000000, /* 97 */ 000000, /* 98 */ 000000, /* 99 */ 036001, /* call */ 036001, /* mcall */ 000000, /* goto */ 000000, /* jump cond */ 000000, /* branch cond */ 000000, /* 105 */ 000000, /* 106 */ 000000, /* 107 */ 000000, /* 108 */ 000000, /* 109 */ 000000 /* force r0 */ }; /* * conversion table: *ee"rL11hL4ncret ~dfreerfilei_open L15L16L14_sync _bread"L17_alloc"L18L19'_close ~allocbibufL10000L21L22+L20L23L100014L24FL25;L26L27fL28L29~breadnbufbno_seek _read L31L32P_errno b:bob: S%d <- S%d over S%d; b=%d,h=%d,w=%d .ds %d \*(%d\*(%d.ds %d "\*(%d\*(%d\*(%d. b:b shift b: S%d <- S%d vert %d S%d vert %d; b=%d,h=%d,w=%d . e:eb: S%d <- S%d S%d; b=%d,h=%d,w=%d .ds %d \*(%d\*(%d . numb: %s %d . shift: %d . sqrt: S%d <- S%d;b=%d,h=%d,w=%d .ds %d \e|\*(%d . S%d <- %c pile of: S%d;h=%d b=%d,w=%d .ds %d \ \*(%d\ \*(%d\ \*(%d\ .ds %d \*(%d\*(%d\*(%d. shift2 s%d <- %d %d %d h=%d,b=%d,w=%d s==STATIC) { dsym->hoffset = isn; printf(".bss\nL%d:.=.+%o\n.text\n", isn++, rlength(dsym)); } else if (dsym->hclass==REG) { if ((type&TYPE)>CHAR && (type&XTYPE)==0 || (type&XTYPE)>PTR || regvar<3) error("Bad register %o", type); dsym->hoffset = --regvar; } syntax: return(elsize); } getype() { register int o, type; register struct hshtab *ds; switch(o=symbol()) { case TIMES: return(getype()< 2: .even / / wc: mov r1,-(sp) mov r2,-(sp) mov r3,-(sp) clr r3 1: cmp r3,nbuf bge 1f mov r3,r2 asl r2 tst w1(r2) ble 2f mov r3,r1 ashc $9.,r1 bic $777,r1 add $b1,r1 jsr pc, goto getf; case NAME: defsym = ds = csym; type = 0; ds->ssp = dimp; getf: switch(o=symbol()) { case LPARN: if (xdflg) { xdflg = 0; ds = defsym; declare(ARG1, 0, 0, 0); defsym = ds; xdflg++; } else if ((o=symbol()) != RPARN) goto syntax; type = type<ssp&0377; oname); } ont; collect/t/cont; collect/u/cont; collect/v/cont; collect/w/cont; collect/x/cont; collect/y/cont; collect/z/cont; collect/A/cont; collect/B/cont; collect/C/cont; collect/D/cont; collect/E/cont; collect/F/cont; collect/G/cont; collect/H/cont; collect/I/cont; collect/J/cont; collect/K/cont; collect/L/cont; collect/M/cont; collect/N/cont; collect/O/cont; collect/P/cont; collect/Q/cont; collect/R/cont; collect/S/cont; collect/T/cont; collect/U/cont; collect/V/cont; collect/W/cont; collect/X/cont; collect/Y/c/ / / a6 -- pdp-11 assembler pass 1 opline: mov r4,r0 jsr r5,betwen; 0; 200 br 1f cmp r0,$'< bne xpr jmp opl17 xpr: jsr pc,expres add $2,dot rts pc 1: movb (r4),r0 cmp r0,$24 beq xpr jsr r5,betwen; 5; 36 br xpr mov r0,-(sp) jsr pc,readop mov (sp)+,r0 asl r0 jmp *1f-12(r0) 1: opl13 / map fop freg,fdst to double opl6 opl7 opl10 opl11 opl13 / map fld/fst to double opl13 opl13 / map fop fsrc,freg to double opl15 opl16 opl17 opl20 opl21 opl22 opl23 xpr opl25 opl26 opl27tate %d\n",i); qq = pstate[i+1]; for( pp=pstate[i]; pp0 ){ /* shift, error, or accept */ if( j1 == ACCEPTCODE ) printf( "accept" ); else if( j1 == ERRCODE ) printh tst r1 bne 1f mov r0,r4 bis $400,r4 jsr pc,putw inc numval br 1b 1: mov $-1,r4 jsr pc,putw mov $'<,r4 tst (sp)+ rts pc rsch: jsr pc,rch cmp r0,$'\e beq 4f cmp r0,$'\n beq 4f clr r1 cmp r0,$'\\ bne 3f jsr pc,rch mov $schar,r2 1: cmpb (r2)+,r0 beq 2f tstb (r2)+ bpl 1b rts pc 2: movb (r2)+,r0 clr r1 rts pc 3: cmp r0,$'> bne 1f inc r1 1: rts pc 4: jsr r5,error; '< jmp aexit schar: .byte 'n, 012 .byte 't, 011 .byte 'e, 004 .byte '0, 000 .byte 'r, 015 .byte 'a, 006 / / / a8 -- pdp-11 assembler pass 1 chartab: .byte -14,-14,-14,-14,-02,-14,-14,-14 .byte -14,-22, -2,-14,-14,-22,-14,-14 .byte -14,-14,-14,-14,-14,-14,-14,-14 .byte -14,-14,-14,-14,-14,-14,-14,-14 .byte -22,-20,-16,-14,-20,-20,-20,-12 .byte -20,-20,-20,-20,-20,-20,056,-06 .byte 060,061,062,063,064,065,066,067 .byte 070,071,-20,-02,-00,-20,-14,-14 .byte -14,101,102,103,104,105,106,107 .byte 110,111,112,113,114,115,116,117 .byte 120,121,122,123,124,125,126,127 .byte 130,131,132,-20,-24,-20,-20,1f( "error" ); else printf( "shift %d", j1 ); } else printf("reduce %d",-j1 ); } /* output the final production */ if( lastred ) printf("\n\t. reduce %d\n\n", lastred ); else printf("\n\t. error\n\n" ); ret: settab(); } % r@& . 7 9  9 /9R~ \ z,9@~ \ 94~ \ KX*vu5 5 5X r e8A! y 5 pЁ5  @tU5 @tU @tU p +L9 /9 /9 /9 /(: /L: /l: /)~i)e~)x)er)l)ef)? b)e\)X)Li5 5 r eT8A! y: /: /: /: /;   _h@t6t-+_h%_h@tt+;  jsr r5,error; '* 1: jsr pc,addres add r0,dot rts pc errora: jsr r5,error; 'a rts pc checkreg: cmp r2,$7 bhi 1f cmp r3,$1 beq 2f cmp r3,$4 bhi 2f 1: jsr pc,errora 2: rts pc errore: jsr r5,error; 'e rts pc checkrp: cmp r4,$') beq 1f jsr r5,error; ') rts pc 1: jsr pc,readop rts pc /* fake portable I/O routines, for those sites so backward as to not have the port. library */ int cin, cout; extern int fin, fout; copen( s, c ) char *s; { int f; if( c == 'r' ){ fin = f = open( s, 0 ); } else if( c == 'a' ){ f = open( s, 1 ); seek( f, 0, 2 ); } else { /* c == w */ f = creat( s, 0666 ); } return( f ); } cflush(x){ /* fake! sets file to x */ flush(); fout = x; } system(){ error( "The function \"system\" is called" ); } ccll; skip/H/coll; skip/I/coll; skip/J/coll; skip/K/coll; skip/L/coll; skip/M/coll; skip/N/coll; skip/O/coll; skip/P/coll; skip/Q/coll; skip/R/coll; skip/S/coll; skip/T/coll; skip/U/coll; skip/V/coll; skip/W/coll; skip/X/coll; skip/Y/coll; skip/Z/coll; collect/'/cont; collect/-/hyphen; collect/ /out; collect/a/cont; collect/b/cont; collect/c/cont; collect/d/cont; collect/e/cont; collect/f/cont; collect/g/cont; collect/h/cont; collect/i/cont; collect/j/cont; collect/k/cont; collect/l/cont; collect/m/cont; colle: cmp r3,$24 / register type bne 1f jsr pc,checkreg clr r0 rts pc 1: add $2,dot clr r0 rts pc alp: jsr pc,readop jsr pc,expres jsr pc,checkrp jsr pc,checkreg cmp r4,$'+ bne 1f jsr pc,readop clr r0 rts pc 1: mov $2,r0 rts pc amin: jsr pc,readop cmp r4,$'( beq 1f mov r4,savop mov $'-,r4 br getx 1: jsr pc,readop jsr pc,expres jsr pc,checkrp jsr pc,checkreg clr r0 rts pc adoll: jsr pc,readop jsr pc,expres add $2,dot clr r0 rts pc astar: jsr pc,readop cmp r4,$'* bne 1fose(i){ close(i); } cexit(i){ flush(); exit(); } mov l(r1),r3 sub a(r1),r3 /L-A cmp r2,r3 ble 1f jsr pc,release mov r2,r0 jsr pc,allocate mov 4(sp),r0 / 1: mov a(r1),w(r1) /rewind w pointer mov a(r0),-(sp) / 4: mov (sp),0f mov afi,r0 sys seek;0:.. ;0 /set input pointer cmp r2,$512. ble 2f mov $512.,r3 /# output this time mov r3,0f mov r3,3f add r3,(sp) sub r3,r2 /# left to output br 1f / 2: mov r2,0f mov r2,3f mov r2,r3 clr r2 / 1: mov afi,r0 sys read;b1;0:.. bes bad cmp r0,r3 bne bad mov afout,r0 mov (r1),0f add r3,(r1) sys2J` & 6  v2w d2 BNf  |4et7A  |  R " <' p Fw*2w 2 @t5t@t5^Vw1w 1 >/ (4 p/N `/ %  ` x4 3  4 4 p5 5 P/ p/5 3  H&5)5 6  ff 2%  -5ff 2e05  d3  N5 `5 s55 P/ p/w0w 0Ƅ >//&w0w 0 @ =||((lp&03)==0))return(0); if((lt>>3) == (lp>>3)){ return(lt&03); } if((lt>>3) > (lp>>3)) return(3); return(1); } int cdebug 0; /* debug for common states */ wract(i){ /* output state i */ /* temp1 has the actions, lastred the default */ int p, p0, p1, size; int ntimes, tred, count, j; struct item *q0, *q1; /* find the best choice for lastred */ lastred = 0; ntimes = 0; for( j=1; j<=nterms; ++j ){ if( temp1[j] >= 0 ) continue; if( temp1[j]+lastred == 0 ) continue; /* co/ / / cmplx fortran function .globl cmplx. .globl dcmplx. .globl retrn .globl temp .globl rerr dcmplx.:temp .+2 setd br 1f cmplx.: temp .+2 setf 1: cmp *2(sp),$2 bne 1f mov r3,r1 tst (r1)+ movf *(r1)+,r0 movf *(r1)+,r1 mov $temp,r1 movf r0,(r1)+ movf r1,(r1)+ jmp retrn 1: jsr r5,rerr; 6. / / / cexp fortran function .globl cexp. .globl rval8p .globl retrn .globl temp .globl rerr .globl exp .globl sin .globl cos cexp.: temp rval8p; 2 .+2 setf movf (sp)+,r0 jsr pc,exp bes 1f movf r0,temp movf (sp),r0 jsr pc,sin mulf temp,r0 movf r0,temp+4 movf (sp)+,r0 jsr pc,cos mulf temp,r0 movf r0,temp jmp retrn 1: jsr r5,rerr; 5. turn(1); return(0); } numb(str) char *str; { /* convert to integer */ int k; for (k=0; *str >= '0' && *str <= '9'; str++) k = k*10 + *str - '0'; return(k); } broken(str, nlin) { switch(ylet(str,nlin)) { case 'n': case 'N': return(1); } return(0); } ylet (str, k) char *str; { k++; while (*str &&k--) str++; return(*--str); } span(str, k) { switch(ylet(str,k)) { case 's': case 'S': return(1); } return(0); } maknew(str) char *str; { /* make two numerical fields */ ine error5 cmp r0,$buffer+nword+nword blo 1b mov (sp)+,r0 rts pc mtrack: mov (r0)+,(r5) jsr pc,flag rts r0 flag: bit $100200,tccm beq flag blt error6 rts pc flag1: bit $100200,tccm beq flag1 bge 1f tst tcst bge error7 add $2,(sp) 1: rts pc comobv: mov r0,r4 bic $!777,r0 asl r0 mov cobtab(r0),r0 swab r0 clr r1 ror r0 rol r1 asl r0 asl r0 rol r1 swab r4 bic $177401,r4 bis cobtab(r4),r0 rts pc bcomobv: mov r0,r2 bic $!70,r2 mov r0,r3 mov $6.,r4 1: asr r3 dec r4 bne 1d Missing temp fileIllegal initialization.bss L%d:.=.+4 .text mov%c r%d,r0 mov%c r%d,%c(sp) tst%c r%d No code table for op: %sNo code table for op %dmov%c r%d,r%d mov%c r%d,r%d Register overflow: simplify expressionr%d*tst r%d adcsbc r%d """""Hh(FTNTNNNt*+,HIJB@@B@@L\\nnh "56&$L%d(r%d)r%dCompiler error: pname(r%d)%c%c(r%d)pname called illegallyIllegal use of re?{xuJ q | z * inp1L24L20004L27L28 _font"~fontp1p2_shift"~shiftp1L30L32 _sqrt"~sqrthinpsp2L34L35 L36 L37L20006L40 _lpile"0L10005 L10006 L69L62>L65L59~lpile0binlist2hitypebhgetvec (n) { return (alloc(n)); } alloc(); while(a != '\n') { c->p1 = d = alloc(); c = d; l: c->ch = a; if(a == '\0') { if(fin) { close(fin); fin = 0; a = getchar(); goto l; } rfail = 1; break; } a = getchar(); } b->p2 = c; if(rfail) { delete(b); b = 0; } return(b); } syspot(string) struct node *string; { register struct node *a, *b, *s; s = string; if (s!=0) { a = s; b = s->p2; while(a != b) { a = a->p1; putchar(a->ch); } } putchar('\n'); } strstr(s) char s[]; { inti = r3 .globl putcall,iget,kput,putdec .globl generate,succ .globl decimal decimal: mov $1f+1,r0 jsr pc,putcall jsr pc,iget mov (r0),r0 jsr pc,kput jmp succ 1: mov (i),r0 jsr pc,putdec jmp generate 2.,b1e(r2) / set end clr w1(r2) /clear w mov (sp)+,r0 sub b1s(r2),r0 add r1,r0 / set r0=byte addr in buffer mov (sp)+,r1 mov (sp)+,r3 rts pc / / / routine to wc a buffer / mov buffer addr,r2 / mov buffer addr+6,r1 beginning of buffer / jsr pc,clean / clean: mov r0,-(sp) mov b1s(r2),0f mov afout,r0 sys seek;0:..;0 mov r1,0f sys write;0:..;512. clr w1(r2) /clear w mov (sp)+,r0 rts pc / / routine to get buffer addr of byte whose disc / addr is in r0 - also returns addr of write / flag for buffb = isn++; brklab = isn++; label(o3 = isn++); statement(0); label(contlab); contlab = o1; if ((o=symbol())==KEYW && cval==WHILE) { cbranch(tree(), o3, 1); label(brklab); brklab = o2; goto semi; } goto syntax; case CASE: o1 = conexp(); if ((o=symbol())!=COLON) goto syntax; if (swp==0) { error("Case not in switch"); goto stmt; } if(swp>=swtab+swsiz) { error("Switch table overflow"); } else { swp->swlab = isn; (swp++)->swval =.globl allocate,putword,putchar .globl iget .globl succ .globl table table: mov $10,r0 jsr pc,allocate mov r1,-(sp) clr r0 jsr pc,putword jsr pc,putword jsr pc,putword jsr pc,putchar jsr pc,iget mov (sp)+,(r0) jmp succ dy ~ { x w t q n k h e b v s p m j g d a u r o l i f c ` _ \ Y V S P M J ^ [ X U R O L I ] Z W T Q N K H G D A > ; 8 5 2 F C @ = : 7 4 1 E B ? < 9 6 3 0 / , ) & #   . + ( % "    - * ' o1; label(isn++); } goto stmt; case SWITCH: o1 = brklab; brklab = isn++; np = pexpr(); chkw(np); rcexpr(block(1,RFORCE,0,0,np), regtab); pswitch(); brklab = o1; return; case DEFAULT: if (swp==0) error("Default not in switch"); if ((o=symbol())!=COLON) goto syntax; label(deflab = isn++); goto stmt; case FOR: o1 = contlab; o2 = brklab; contlab = isn++; brklab = isn++; if (o=forstmt()) goto syntax; label(brklab); contlab = i = dfile(temp[t1].beg); if((ct = temp[t1].ct) >= 8) { ct = 8; *curf = -1; } else { *curf = '\t'; } put(i,temp[t1].beg,ct); put(i,curf,curfl); if(cross) put(i,curs,cursl); conf(lno,4,lbuf); put(i,lbuf,5); break; case 2: i = dfile(curf+1); put(i,curf+1,curfl-1); if(cross) put(i,curs,cursl); else { conf(lno,4,lbuf); put(i,lbuf,5); } if((ct = temp[t1].ct) >= 8) { put(i,temp[t1].beg,8); put(i,&mone,1); PARN) { /* incr part */ peeksym = -1; statement(0); branch(contlab); return(0); } l = contlab; contlab = isn++; st = tree(); if ((o=symbol()) != RPARN) return(o); ss = space; if (space-treebase > forsps) { error("Expression too large"); space = &treebase[forsps]; } sp2 = savxpr; for (sp1=treebase; sp1hclass>0) { error("Redefinition"); goto stmt; } o1->hclass = STATIC; o1->htype = ARRAY; if (o1->hoffset==0) o1->hoffset = isn++; label(o1->hoffset); if ((peeksym=symbol())==RBRACE) return; goto stmt; } } peeksym = o; rcexpr(tree(), efftab); semi: if ((o=symbol())==SEMI) return; syntax: error("Statement synturn(0); } flsh(fil) { extern tp[],utmp; if(optr[fil] <= 0) return(optr[fil]); if(bct[fil]++ >= 128 && utmp == 0) { printf("Wraparound temp file %d\n",fil); dexit(); } nflush++; if(write(tp[fil],obuf[fil],optr[fil]) != optr[fil]) return(-1); optr[fil] = 0; return(0); } nt point; char *p, *q; p = str; for (point=0; *str; str++) if (*str=='.') point=1; if (!point && *(str-1)== '$') return(0); for(; str>p; str--) if ( (point && *str == '.') || (!point && digit(*(str-1)) ) ) break; if (!point && p==str) /* not numerical, don't split */ return(0); p= str; q = exstore; while (*exstore++ = *str++); *p = 0; return(q); } digit(x) { return(x>= '0' && x<= '9'); } settab(ncol, ilin) { int k, icol; printf(".ta "); for (icol = 0; icolname, cval); if (nel>nchstr) { strflg++; printf(".=.+%o\n", nel-nchstr); strflg = 0; nchstr = nel; } return(nchstr); } if (peeksym==RBRACE) return(ninit); initflg++; s = tree(); initflg = 0; switch(width) { case 1: printf(".byte "); if (s->op != CON) goto bad; case 2: if (s->op==CON) { printf("%o\n", s->value) case SFCON: case CON: printf("$"); psoct(p->value); return; case FCON: printf("L%d", p->value); return; case NAME: i = p->offset; if (flag==2) i =+ 2; if (i) { psoct(i); if (p->class!=OFFS) putchar('+'); if (p->class==REG) regerr(); } switch(p->class) { case SOFFS: case XOFFS: pbase(p); case OFFS: printf("(r%d)", p->regno); return; case EXTERN: case STATIC: pbase(p); return; case REG: printf("r%d", p->nloc); return; } ellect/1/cont; collect/2/cont; collect/3/cont; collect/4/cont; collect/5/cont; collect/6/cont; collect/7/cont; collect/8/cont; collect/9/cont; collect/0/cont; collect/./cont; collect/_/cont; collect/ /out; skip/'/agobl; skip/"/agobl; skip/op==FCON || s->op==SFCON) { if (type==STRUCT) { ninit =+ 3; goto prflt; } goto bad; } rcexpr(block(1,INIT,0,0,s), regtab); break; case 4: sf = fcval; printf("%o;%o\n", sf); goto flt; case 8: prflt: printf("%o;%o;%o;%o\n", fcval); flt: if (s->op==FCON || s->op==SFCON) break; default: bad: bxdec(); } return(++ninit); } bxdec() { error("Inconsistent external initialization"); } statement(d) { register o, o1, o2; int o3, o4; structrror("Compiler error: pname"); return; case AMPER: putchar('$'); p = p->tr1; if (p->op==NAME && p->class==REG) regerr(); goto loop; case AUTOI: printf("(r%d)%c", p->nloc, flag==1?0:'+'); return; case AUTOD: printf("%c(r%d)", flag==1?0:'-', p->nloc); return; case STAR: p = p->tr1; putchar('*'); goto loop; } error("pname called illegally"); } regerr() { error("Illegal use of register"); } pbase(ap) struct tnode *ap; { register struct tnode *p; p = ap; if (p->class=ength(ds) / nel; /* * Pretend a structure is kind of an array of integers. * This is a kludge. */ if (basetype==STRUCT) { nel =* realwidth/2; width = 2; } if ((peeksym=symbol())==COMMA || peeksym==SEMI) { printf(".comm\t_%.8s,%o\n",ds->name,(nel*width+ALIGN)&~ALIGN); return; } ninit = 0; printf(".data\n_%.8s=.\n", ds->name); if ((o=symbol())==LBRACE) { do ninit = cinit1(ds, basetype, width, ninit, nel); while ((o=symbol())==COMMA); if (o!=RBRACE) peeksym = o; } else { pe; > A 7 C F 2 5 D G " % ( + ' " %   7 : ) , / =SOFFS || p->class==STATIC) printf("L%d", p->nloc); else printf("_%.8s", &(p->nloc)); } xdcalc(ap, nrleft) struct tnode *ap; { register struct tnode *p; register d; p = ap; d = dcalc(p, nrleft); if (d<20 && p->type==CHAR) { if (nrleft>=1) d = 20; else d = 24; } return(d); } dcalc(ap, nrleft) struct tnode *ap; { register struct tnode *p, *p1; if ((p=ap)==0) return(0); switch (p->op) { case NAME: if (p->class==REG) return(9); case AMPER: case FCON: case AUTOI: case AL209 L210 L211+L212/~label lL2145_popstk" L10057( L215 L216 L219 L221 ~popstk aL220:L20072 L222EL223V~error fsp1p2p3 p4 p5p6_flush _fout L225b~psocth ansignnL227~ L228g# /* C compiler */ #include "c0h.c" extdef() { register o, elsize; int type, sclass; register struct hshtab *ds; if(((o=symbol())==EOF) || o==SEMI) return; peeksym = o; type = INT; sclass = EXTERN; xdflg = FNDEL; if ((elsize = getkeywords(&sclass, &type)) == -1 && peeksym!=NAME) goto syntax; if (type==STRUCT) blkhed(); do { defsym = 0; decl1(EXTERN, type, 0, elsize); if ((ds=defsym)==0) return; funcsym = ds; ds->hflag = FNDEL; printf(".globl _%.8s\n", ds->name); xdflg UTOD: return(12); case CON: case SFCON: return(p->value==0? 4:(p->value==1?5:8)); case STAR: p1 = p->tr1; if (p1->op==NAME || p1->op==CON) return(12); } return(p->degree<=nrleft? 20: 24); } notcompat(ap, ast, op) struct tnode *ap; { register at, st; register struct tnode *p; p = ap; at = p->type; st = ast; if ((at&07)==STRUCT) at =& 077770; /* map to int */ if (st==0) /* word, byte */ return(at>1 & at<=07); if (st==1) /* word */ return(at>0 & at<=07); st =- 2; if ((at&0%7 te`  %7    7  ww Z@e5@e5 H r e.A! y0Zʋ  L%(ʕ  6ʕ    0 7&e e & %&  e&  &  e ?e%P   VeS Q  _ D &7>%7L7F_%$ 76707x($_%" %/= 0; if ((ds->type&XTYPE)==FUNC) { if ((peeksym=symbol())==LBRACE || peeksym==KEYW) { funcblk.type = decref(ds->type); cfunc(ds->name); return; } } else cinit(ds); } while ((o=symbol())==COMMA); if (o==SEMI) return; syntax: error("External definition syntax"); errflush(o); statement(0); } cfunc(cs) char *cs; { register savdimp; savdimp = dimp; printf(".text\n_%.8s:\n", cs); if (stflg) printf("~~%.8s:\n", cs); declist(ARG); regvar = 5; retlab = isn++; if ((peeksym07L41L42 L43*L44J_lintyp"L10008jL10009lL45L46L10010L47L48L49L20002L52L10011L54(L55L10012"L58_plength L10013TL59^L60 L62~_convert"L64L10014L10015cret L10019L72L74L77L70.L73L75L76~convertnpt/L61RL67L68L69rL20005L71}L72L73L74*L75L200070L77\L79L81L82L10012L83L10013L84_cpyact"" L10014L85L10015L86 L89L93&L94_finact"L1L966_getchar _putchar L99VL100;L101hL102ZL103L104pL106L107L109cret ~fin = symbol()) != LBRACE) error("Compound statement required"); statement(1); printf("L%d:jmp cret\n", retlab); dimp = savdimp; } cinit(ds) struct hshtab *ds; { register basetype, nel, ninit; int o, width, realwidth; nel = 1; basetype = ds->type; /* * If it's an array, find the number of elements. * "basetype" is the type of thing it's an array of. */ while ((basetype&XTYPE)==ARRAY) { if ((nel = dimtab[ds->ssp&0377])==0) nel = 1; basetype = decref(basetype); } realwidth = width = l_debug _defsym _funcsym _xdflg _proflg _stflg _csym _cval _fcval _nchstr _nerror _paraml _parame _strflg _osleft _mosflg _initflg _inhdr _dimtab _obuf _sbuf _dimp _regvar _funcblk eksym = o; ninit = cinit1(ds, basetype, width, 0, nel); } /* * Above we pretended that a structure was a bunch of integers. * Readjust in accordance with reality. * First round up partial initializations. */ if (basetype==STRUCT) { if (o = 2*ninit % realwidth) printf(".=.+%o\n", realwidth-o); ninit = (2*ninit+realwidth-2) / realwidth; nel =/ realwidth/2; } /* * If there are too few initializers, allocate * more storage. * If there are too many initializers, extend * the decla tnode *np; stmt: switch(o=symbol()) { case EOF: error("Unexpected EOF"); case SEMI: case RBRACE: return; case LBRACE: if (d) { o2 = blkhed() - 6; if (proflg) { printf("mov\t$L%d,r0\n", isn); printf("jsr\tpc,mcount\n"); printf(".bss\nL%d:.=.+2\n.text\n", isn++); } printf("jsr r5,csv\n"); if (o2==2) printf("tst -(sp)\n"); else if (o2 != 0) printf("sub $%o,sp\n", o2); } while (!eof) { if ((o=symbol())==RBRACE) return; peeksym = o; statement(llect/u/cont; collect/v/cont; collect/w/cont; collect/x/cont; collect/y/cont; collect/z/cont; collect/A/cont; collect/B/cont; collect/C/cont; collect/D/cont; collect/E/cont; collect/F/cont; collect/G/cont; collect/H/cont; collect/I/cont; collect/J/cont; collect/K/cont; collect/L/cont; collect/M/cont; collect/N/cont; collect/O/cont; collect/P/cont; collect/Q/cont; collect/R/cont; collect/S/cont; collect/T/cont; collect/U/cont; collect/V/cont; collect/W/cont; collect/X/cont; collect/Y/cont; collect/Z/cont; cored size for benefit of "sizeof" */ if (ninitnel) { if ((ds->type&XTYPE)==ARRAY) dimtab[ds->ssp&0377] = ninit; nel = ninit; } /* * If it's not an array, only one initializer is allowed. */ if (ninit>1 && (ds->type&XTYPE)!=ARRAY) error("Too many initializers"); if (((nel&width)&ALIGN)) printf(".even\n"); } cinit1(ds, type, awidth, aninit, nel) struct hshtab *ds; { float sf; register struct tnode *s; register width, n0); } error("Missing '}'"); return; case KEYW: switch(cval) { case GOTO: if (o1 = simplegoto()) branch(o1); else dogoto(); goto semi; case RETURN: doret(); goto semi; case IF: np = pexpr(); o2 = 0; if ((o1=symbol())==KEYW) switch (cval) { case GOTO: if (o2=simplegoto()) goto simpif; cbranch(np, o2=isn++, 0); dogoto(); label(o2); goto hardif; case RETURN: if (nextchar()==';') { o2 = retlab; goto simpif; } actiL111$L112L113L20009L10023L10024L116L117L118L119L200114L121L122 L10026L10027L141^L140NL142nL138*L136L137L139<L143~~defin>cpcptL124~L125fL126L123zL128L129?L130L131$L132L133L10028L144\L20012  if (stack->typ) writes("illegal function"); a1 = stack->p1; if (a1->typ!=5) writes("illegal function"); a1 = a1->p2; op = a1->p1; a3base = a3 = alloc(); a3->p2 = op->p2; op->p2 = 0; a1 = a1->p2; a2 = list->p2; f1: if (a1!=0 & a2!=0) goto f2; if (a1!=a2) writes("parameters do not match"); op = op->p1; goto f3; f2: a3->p1 = a4 = alloc(); a3 = a4; a3->p2 = and(a1); assign(a1->p1, eval(a2->p2, 1));/* recursive */ a1 = a1->p2; a2 = a2->p1; goto f1; f3: o; case 5: a = addr->p2->p1; delete(a->p2); a->p2 = value; return; } } >p1; if (e == 0) etc->p1 = 0; else etc->p1 = eval(e, 0); e = b->p2; if (e == 0) etc->p2 = 0; else { e = eval(e, 1); etc->p2 = strbin(e); delete(e); } goto badvanc; retard: a = back->p1; if (a == 0) { rfail = 1; goto fail; } list = a; back = list->p2; var = back->p2; str = var->p1; etc = var->p2; if (etc->p2) goto retard; if (var->typ == 1) { if (bextend(str, last) == 0) goto retard; goto adv0; } if (ubextend(str, last) == 0) goto retard; adv0: a = str->p2; adv01->typ == 0) { list->p1 = 0; if (rfail == 1) { a = 0; goto fail; } list = base; if (r == 0) next = last = 0; else { next = r->p1; last = r->p2; } goto adv1; } b = alloc(); list->p1 = b; list = b; badv1: list->p2 = back = alloc(); back->p1 = last; b = a->p2; c = a->typ; list->typ = c; if (c < 2) { back->p2 = eval(b, 1); goto badvanc; } last = list; str = alloc(); etc = alloc(); back->p2 = var = alloc(); var->typ = b->typ; var->p1 = str; var->p2 = etc; e = b-+... main.c2parser.c0zacc.c)zerr.c*zinit.ca.outmain.oparser.ozacc.ozerr.ozinit.o: if (a == last) next = 0; else next = a->p1; advanc: a = list->p1; if (a == 0) { a = alloc(); if (r == 0) { a->p1 = a->p2 = 0; goto fail; } b = r->p1; a->p1 = b; if (next == 0) { a->p2 = r->p2; goto fail; } while(1) { e = b->p1; if (e == next) { a->p2 = b; goto fail; } b = e; } } list = a; adv1: back = list->p2; var = back->p2; d = list->typ; if(d < 2) { if (var == 0) goto advanc; if (next == 0) goto retard; a = next; b = var->p1;p = execute(op); /* recursive */ if (op) goto f3; a1 = stack->p1->p2; op = a1->p1; a3 = a3base; stack->p1 = op->p2; stack->typ = 1; op->p2 = a3->p2; f4: a4 = a3->p1; free(a3); a3 = a4; a1 = a1->p2; if (a1 == 0) goto advanc; assign(a1->p1, a3->p2); goto f4; case 11: case 10: case 9: case 8: case 7: a1 = and(stack); stack = pop(stack); a2 = and(stack); a3 = doop(op, a2, a1); delete(a1); delete(a2); stack->p1 = a3; stack->typ = 1; goto advanc; case 15:,...$dextern&y0.c(y1.cKy2.c1y3.c#y4.cy5.cl.outy0.oy1.oy2.oy3.oy4.oy5.oa.out e = var->p2; while(1) { if (a->ch != b->ch) goto retard; if (b == e) goto adv01; if (a == last) goto retard; a = a->p1; b = b->p1; } } str = var->p1; etc = var->p2; str->p1 = next; str->p2 = 0; c = etc->p2; if (var->typ == 1) { d = bextend(str, last); if (d == 0) goto retard; if (c == 0) goto adv0; while(1) { c =- d; if (c == 0) goto adv0; if (c < 0) goto retard; d = bextend(str, last); if (d == 0) goto retard; } } if (c = a1 = copy(list->p2); a2 = 1; goto l3; case 14: a1 = list->p2; a2 = 0; l3: stack = push(stack); stack->p1 = a1; stack->typ = a2; goto advanc; } } doop(op, arg1, arg2) { register int a1, a2; a1 = arg1; a2 = arg2; switch (op) { case 11: return(div(a1, a2)); case 10: return(mult(a1, a2)); case 8: return(add(a1, a2)); case 9: return(sub(a1, a2)); case 7: return(cat(a1, a2)); } return(0); } execute(e) struct node *e; { register struct node *r, *b, *c; struct node *[], yyr1[], yyr2[], yyact[], yypact[]; auto int *ps, s[_maxdepth]; auto int ac, n, *p; yystate = 0; yychar = -1; yynerrs = 0; yyerrflag = 0; ps= &s[0]-1; yypv= &yyv[0]-1; stack: /* put a state and value onto the stack */ if( yydebug ) printf( "state %d, value %d, char %d\n",yystate,yyval,yychar ); *++ps = yystate; *++yypv = yyval; newstate: /* set ap to point to the parsing actions for the new state */ p = &yyact[ yypact[yystate+1] ]; actn: /* get= 0) { if(d==3 & next!=0) { str->p2 = last; goto adv0; } goto advanc; } while(c--) if (ubextend(str, last) == 0) goto retard; goto adv0; fail: list = base; goto f1; fadv: free(back); b = list->p1; free(list); if (b == 0) return(a); list = b; f1: back = list->p2; var = back->p2; if (list->typ < 2) { delete(var); goto fadv; } str = var->p1; etc = var->p2; if (a != 0 & etc->p1 != 0) { if (str->p2 == 0) { free(str); str = 0; } assign(etc->p1, copy(str)); } m, *ca, *d, *a; r = e->p2; lc = e->ch; switch (e->typ) { case 0: /* r g */ a = r->p1; delete(eval(r->p2, 1)); goto xsuc; case 1: /* r m g */ m = r->p1; a = m->p1; b = eval(r->p2, 1); c = search(m, b); delete(b); if (c == 0) goto xfail; free(c); goto xsuc; case 2: /* r a g */ ca = r->p1; a = ca->p1; b = eval(r->p2, 0); assign(b, eval(ca->p2, 1)); goto xsuc; case 3: /* r m a g */ m = r->p1; ca = m->p1; a = ca->p1; b = eval(r->p2, 0); d = search(m, b->p2d p  ~ | !  |  c = j f   z C } n  }   \!  f  } x { B y  2 n LOPS  'M8 N=@Cp) o& +MK c  *MB =  'M88)  'wD [^MPSV)  *MX b &M0J) & &M  &M$#&), M  Uif (str) free(str); free(etc); free(var); goto fadv; } ); if (d == 0) goto xfail; c = eval(ca->p2, 1); if (d->p1 == 0) { free(d); assign(b, cat(c, b->p2)); delete(c); goto xsuc; } if (d->p2 == b->p2->p2) { assign(b, c); free(d); goto xsuc; } (r=alloc())->p1 = d->p2->p1; r->p2 = b->p2->p2; assign(b, cat(c, r)); free(d); free(r); delete(c); goto xsuc; } xsuc: if (rfail) goto xfail; b = a->p1; goto xboth; xfail: rfail = 0; b = a->p2; xboth: if (b == 0) { return(e->p1); } b = eval(b, 0); if (b == lookr movb r0,(r1)+ cmp r0,$'# bne 1b sub $2,r1 cmp r1,r4 blo 2b br 1b 1: clrb (r1) cmp r1,r4 blos start mov $1,tapa mov $-6144.,wc jsr pc,tread clr r1 1: mov r1,r2 mov r4,r0 2: cmpb (r0)+,(r1) bne 2f tstb (r1)+ bne 2b br 1f 2: mov r2,r1 add $64.,r1 cmp r1,$12288. blo 1b jsr pc,rew br start 1: mov 44.(r2),tapa mov 38.(r2),r0 inc r0 clc ror r0 neg r0 mov r0,wc clr r0 1: clr (r0)+ cmp r0,sp blo 1b jsr pc,tread jsr pc,rew br callout tapa: 0 wc: 0 ba: 0 name = ..-32. #include "sno.h" /* * sno4 */ and(ptr) struct node *ptr; { register struct node *a, *p; p = ptr; a = p->p1; if (p->typ == 0) { switch (a->typ) { case0: case 0: a->typ = 1; case 1: goto l1; case 3: flush(); return(syspit()); case 5: a = a->p2->p1; goto l1; case 6: return(binstr(nfree())); } writes("attempt to take an illegal value"); goto case0; l1: a = copy(a->p2); } return(a); } eval(e, t) struct node *e; { struct node *list, *a2, *a3, *a4, *a3base; et) return(0); if (b == lookfret) { rfail = 1; return(0); } if (b->typ!=2) writes("attempt to transfer to non-label"); return(b->p2); } assign(adr, val) struct node *adr, *val; { register struct node *a, *addr, *value; addr = adr; value = val; if (rfail == 1) { delete(value); return; } switch (addr->typ) { default: writes("attempt to make an illegal assignment"); case 0: addr->typ = 1; case 1: delete(addr->p2); addr->p2 = value; return; case 4: sysput(value); returnd1h1h2h3p1p2p3supshL772 L78\ L79f L80s L81y L82d L83 L84 L85 L86 register struct node *a1, *stack, *op; if (rfail == 1) return(0); stack = 0; list = e; goto l1; advanc: list = list->p1; l1: op = list->typ; switch (op) { default: case 0: if (t == 1) { a1 = and(stack); goto e1; } if (stack->typ == 1) writes("attempt to store in a value"); a1 = stack->p1; e1: stack = pop(stack); if (stack) writes("phase error"); return(a1); case 12: a1 = and(stack); stack->p1 = look(a1); delete(a1); stack->typ = 0; goto advanc; case 13: Z ] I O R U X [ J 9 ,68,16,74,17,75,18,76,19,77,50 ,92,51,93,52,94,53,95,54,96,73 ,47,87,47,98,47,116,131,117,132,133 ,47,-1,4,-1,20,-1,104,104,125,-1 ,105,-1,106,70,99,71,100,72,101,127 ,134,128,135,129,136,130,137,-1,97,-1 ,107,-1,108,-1,109,-1,115,93,116,-1 ,52,-1,7,-1,8,-1,10,-1,11,-1 ,12,-1,13,-1,51,-1,14,-1,102,-1 ,15,-1,53,95,117,-1,54,-1,55,-1 ,16,-1,17,-1,18,-1,19,25,84,30 ,85,42,88,43,89,44,90,45,91,103 ,123,-1,79,-1}; int yypgo[] {0,1,3,13,53,55,57,61,63,79 ,81,83,85,87,91,93,95,97,99,101 ,103,105,107,109,111,1138ii8Y ((89((9Y 99 IHH HI((9Y extern int yyline; /* input line number */ yyerror(s) char *s; { extern int yychar; extern char *yysterm[]; printf("\n%s", s ); if( yyline ) printf(", line %d,", yyline ); printf(" on input: "); if( yychar >= 0400 ) printf("%s\n", yysterm[yychar-0400] ); else switch ( yychar ) { case '\t': printf( "\\t\n" ); return; case '\n': printf( "\\n\n" ); return; case '\0': printf( "$end\n" ); return; default: printf( "%c\n" , yychar ); return; } } tcdt = 177350 tccm = 177342 tread: mov $tcdt,r0 mov $tccm,r1 for: mov $3,(r1) / rbn for 1: tstb (r1) bge 1b tst (r1) blt rev cmp tapa,(r0) beq rd bgt for rev: mov $4003,(r1) / rbn bac 1: tstb (r1) bge 1b tst (r1) blt for mov (r0),r2 add $5,r2 cmp tapa,r2 blt rev br for rd: mov ba,-(r0) / bus addr mov wc,-(r0) / wc mov $5,-(r0) / read 1: tstb (r1) bge 1b tst (r1) blt tread rts pc rew: mov $4003,tccm rts pc 8ii8Y ((89((9Y 99 IHH HI((9Y  the next action, and perform it */ n = ( ac = *p++ ) & 07777; /* n is the "address" of the action */ switch( ac>>12 ) { /* switch on operation */ case 1: /* skip on test */ if( yydebug && (yychar<0) ){ yychar = yylex(); printf( "character %d read\n", yychar ); } if( n != ( (yychar<0) ? ( yychar=yylex() ) : yychar ) ) ++p; goto actn; /* get next action */ case 2: /* shift */ yystate=n; yyval=yylval; yychar= -1; if( yyerrfb bic $!7,r3 bis r3,r2 mov r0,r3 mov $6.,r4 1: asl r3 dec r4 bne 1b bic $!700,r3 bis r3,r2 com r2 bic $!777,r2 rts pc bn: .=.+2 savr5: .=.+2 savsp: .=.+2 cobtab: .=.+1024. buffer: .=.+nword+nword 7    r epA! y.  7  w(& %2)> 2e&&  % P 6%(#%1  X R7NJ~%)%/%* $e%P<7 & & % .>?=& & % -@A=" * % +_F  _D  l 7 ~ z\7  y b \%/_7L%0 %_ &  _ _F H_f = r5 i = r3 .globl j,n .globl iget,jget .globl succ,fail .globl .px,.pxs .pxs: mov i,r0 tst (i)+ br 1f .px: jsr pc,iget 1: inc litc mov n(f),-(sp) mov j(f),-(sp) mov r0,-(sp) 2: tstb *(sp) beq 2f jsr pc,jget cmpb r0,*(sp) beq 1f tst (sp)+ mov (sp)+,j(f) mov (sp)+,n(f) jmp fail 1: clr n(f) inc (sp) inc j(f) br 2b 2: cmp (sp)+,(sp)+ mov (sp)+,n(f) jmp succ litc: 0 _dlag ) --yyerrflag; goto stack; /* stack new state */ case 3: /* reduce */ if( yydebug ) printf("reduce %d\n",n); ps =- yyr2[n]; yypv =- yyr2[n]; yyval=yypv[1]; yyactr(n); /* consult goto table to find next state */ for( p= &yygo[yypgo[yyr1[n]]]; *p != *ps && *p >= 0 ; p =+ 2 ) ; yystate = p[1]; goto stack; /* stack new state and value */ case 4: /* accept */ return(0); case 0: /* error ... attempt to resume parsing */ F  ӕ.7 % {|%7 ,7%[[_F7_F_F5/&_T60|_T __Fw ZV P7J% %  D-@w,7 (@w  7  & 1 " t5 7 ww 7   %' t%8 ww C _. 7 _47  yP 7PC J r eA! y  1 .+  %00,8252 ,4401,8256,4402,8253,4403,8254,12312,4398,8255,4399 ,8257,4400,8252,4401,8256,4402,8253,4403,8254,12313 ,4387,8249,4388,8248,4398,8255,4399,8257,4400,8252 ,4401,8256,4402,8253,4403,8254,12314,4353,8225,4354 ,8224,4355,8226,4356,8227,4357,8228,4358,8235,4359 ,8237,4360,8236,4361,8234,4362,8238,4367,8197,4368 ,8198,4369,8229,4370,8231,4371,8230,4372,8232,4373 ,8233,4374,8218,4375,8221,4376,8219,4377,8220,4386 ,8201,4389,8213,4390,8217,4391,8214,4392,8215,4393 ,8216,4394,8223,4396,8222,0,4353,8225,4354, switch( yyerrflag ){ case 0: /* brand new error */ ++yynerrs; yyerror( "syntax error" ); case 1: case 2: /* incompletely recovered error ... try again */ yyerrflag = 3; /* find a state where "error" is a legal shift action */ while ( ps >= s ) { for( p= &yyact[ yypact[*ps+1] ] ; (*p>>12) == 1 ; p =+ 2 ) /* search ps actions */ if( *p == 4352 ) goto found; /* the current ps has no shift onn "rb.orc.ord.ore.orf.org.orh.orx.o39L213L214L10048_ispow2 L235hL10043L236L20045L10046L249~delayprregtabletreepp1L251HL10055(L20046BL250DL252b_sdelay"L253rL254~sdelayappp1L10056L256_ncopy"L255L10057L257L20049~ncopyappL261L260~chkleaf:error", pop stack */ if( yydebug ) printf( "error recovery pops state %d, uncovers %d\n", *ps, ps[-1] ); --ps; --yypv; } /* there is no state on the stack with an error shift ... abort */ abort: return(1); found: /* we have a state with a shift on "error", resume parsing */ yystate = p[1] & 07777; goto stack; case 3: /* no shift yet; clobber input char */ if( yydebug ) printf( "error recovegnore erase label dlabel setsiz 2: erase: jsr pc,cerase br disp label: jsr pc,getc tst r0 bne label br disp dlabel: clr vtcol clr vtlc 1: jsr pc,getc tst r0 beq disp jsr pc,char br 1b setsiz: jsr pc,getc mov r0,cscale br disp point: jsr r5,collect 4 jsr pc,vtpoint br disp vect: jsr r5,collect 8. jsr pc,vtvect br disp frame: jsr pc,getc br disp circle: clr xory mov $cxy,r1 1: jsr pc,getc movb r0,(r1)+ cmp r1,$cxy+6 blo 1b jmp disp / temp mov radius,r1 mov r1,# define NUMA 14 # define NUMC 128 # define NUMS 3 # define SIZA 8 # define SIZC 2 # define SIZS 8 # define PTRI 509 # define CHARI 4000 # define PTRX 509 # define CHARX 4000 # define CONT 1 # define COLL 2 # define SAVE 3 # define OUT 4 # define ASYM 5 # define ASW 6 # define CSYM 7 # define CSW 8 # define INCL 9 # define DECL 10 # define SK2 11 # define SK 12 # define TABS 13 # define SEMI 14 # define SHARP 15 # define SKIP 0 # define COLLECT 1 # define SKIP2 2 #define CREATC 0644 ry discards char %d\n", yychar ); if( yychar == 0 ) goto abort; /* don't discard EOF, quit */ yychar = -1; goto newstate; /* try again in the same state */ } } } @w0w 0ue @ 5r@ b  55_N f  5e}- = u=w0w / %@ b@tt5  @w/w / 2\ 15 / 15 / /5 / 5 /@t%t N 5 / -l15 /5 /5 @ 5 / -D1<1 6 /  1 11 16 /e....46 /e10W6 /%. 58B0 lA / eu-@ vH @ vH qA / M4@ 5}+N A / %AA /%NA@ A / - A / A / ww  %r  f 42 57o%af 42 5& f R2% f 1 5@wPw > w,qw>w ,A w.w N 1ww   ww ~wpDep  p % 21w7 p7 pׯp- p p(wp7 p .wpeAByyaccpt(){} _pres _pfirst _pempty#_nnonter#_lastred#_ftable _foutput _arrndx _zzcwset#_zzpairs#_zzgoent#_zzgobes#_zzacent# _zzacsav#"_zznsave#$_zzclose#&_zzsrcon#(_zzrrcon#*_ctokn _lineno#,_peekc#._tstates _ntstate _mstates _clset _lkst ` _nlset#0_lsetsz#2_wsets ` _cwset _wssize#4_numbval _rflag#6_oflag#8_ndefout#:_nerrors#<_fatfl#>_machine 15,01114,01122,01107,03111,01120, 01103,01126,01105,01132,01104,01102,01123,01131, xxxxx,01106,01130,01101,01127,01112,01125,01113, 01060,03061,01062,01063,01064,01065,01066,01067, 01070,01071,01052,01055,00004,00005,00006,01055, 00007,01100,02050,02051,03133,02135,00010,00011, 01075,00012,03072,01053,xxxxx,04041,00013,01077, 02047,04174,xxxxx,01043,00014,01044,xxxxx,xxxxx, xxxxx,xxxxx,xxxxx,xxxxx,xxxxx,xxxxx,xxxxx,xxxxx, xxxxx,xxxxx,xxxxx,xxxxx,xxxxx,xxxxx,xxxxx,xxxxx, }; int ibuf[259]; int obuf[2(chdir ../util; tp 2cr *) >/dev/null : 0 mboot dd if=../util/mboot ibs=512 count=1 conv=sync : 1 hboot dd if=../util/hboot ibs=512 count=1 conv=sync : 2 thru 97 dd if=/dev/tap2 bs=512 skip=1 count=96 : 98 dd if=../util/hpuboot ibs=512 count=1 conv=sync : 99 dd if=../util/rpuboot ibs=512 count=1 conv=sync : 100 dd if=../util/rkuboot ibs=512 count=1 conv=sync : 101 thru 4099 dd if=/dev/rk0 bs=512 skip=1 count=3999 : 4100 dd if=../util/rkuboot ibs=512 count=1 conv=sync : 4101 thru 8099 dd if=/dev/rk1 bs=512 skd } z  | } break; case 46:{ yyval = numb(yypv[1]); } break; case 47:{ yyval = numb(yypv[1]); } break; case 48:{ yyval = 'H'; } break; case 49:{ yyval = 'B'; } break; case 50:{ yyval = 'N'; } break; case 51:{ yyval = 'D'; } break; case 52:{ yyval = 'T'; } break; case 53:{ yyval = 'U'; } break; case 56:{ yyval = yypv[2]->c1; } break; case 57:{ yyval = '{'; } break; case 58:{ yyval = yypv[2]->c1; } break; case 59:{ yyval = '}'; } break; case 60:{ yyval = 0; } break; case 61:{ lp[ct++] = yypv[1]; } break; case 62:{ lp[.globl .m,.q,.r .globl .p,sprv .m: jsr pc,sprv mov (sp),r0 mpy 4(sp),r0 mov r1,4(sp) br 1f .q: jsr pc,sprv mov 4(sp),r1 sxt r0 dvd (sp),r0 mov r0,4(sp) br 1f .r: jsr pc,sprv mov 4(sp),r1 sxt r0 dvd (sp),r0 mov r1,4(sp) 1: jmp .p { switch ( ylet(style[icol],ilin)) { default: case 'L': case 'l': format = "%s@"; break; case 'R': case 'r': format= "@%s"; break; case 'n': case 'N': if (!dwide[icol] || tabentry[ilin][icol+1] != 0) { format=dwide[icol]? "@%s" : "%s@"; break; } case 'c': case 'C': format = "@%s@"; break; case 's': case 'S': format= ""; break; } if (! (dwide [icol-1]>0 && tabentry[ilin][icol] == 0 )) printf(format, tabentry[ilin][icol]); onbr"~chconbrlL40L42_dogoto"~dogotonp_tree _build _chkw _doret"~dorettL45D~putcharPbcL47b_putc L271 L273 ~getypez dstypeoL10071 L268 L274x L20048 L279 L280 L282` _conexp L283< L20046$ L286p ~decsyn oL288~redec L290fltused { int i; char *o; /*printf("%d %c %d\n",fil,*string,n);/*DEBUG*/ string--; if((i = optr[fil] + n - 512) >= 0) { n =- i; o = &obuf[fil][optr[fil]] -1; while(--n >= 0) *++o = *++string; optr[fil] = 512; flsh(fil); n = i; } o = &obuf[fil][optr[fil]] - 1; optr[fil] =+ n; while(--n >= 0) { *++o = *++string; } return(0); } flsh(fil) { extern tp[]; if(optr[fil] <= 0) return(optr[fil]); nflush++; if(write(tp[fil],obuf[fil],optr[fil]) != optr[fil]) return(-1); optr[fil] = 0/ read rk rblk: iocom = 5 f = r5 i = r3 .globl j .globl succ .globl ctest,iget .globl string string: tst -(sp) jsr pc,iget 1: mov j(f),(sp) mov r0,-(sp) jsr pc,ctest mov (sp)+,r0 bcs 1b mov (sp)+,j(f) jmp succ *INSTR*/ /* dexit(); /*INSTR*/ /* times(tbuf); /*INSTR*/ /* tm1 = tbuf[0]/6; /*INSTR*/ /* tm2 = tbuf[1]/6; /*INSTR*/ /* printf("Prep: %d %d\n", tm1, tm2); /*INSTR*/ /* exit(); /*DEBUG*/ fn = "/bin/sort"; av[0] = "sort"; av[1] = tmp[0]; av[2] = "-o"; av[3] = tmp[0]; av[4] = 0; callsys(fn, av); /* times(tbuf); /*INSTR*/ /* tm1 = tbuf[3]/6; /*INSTR*/ /* tm2 = tbuf[5]/6; /*INSTR*/ /* printf("Sort: %d %d\n", tm1, tm2); /*INSTR*/ if(usw) { fn = "/usr/bin/upost"; av[0] = "upost"; i = 0; } e@ & e %   0 %c t  - x lf X R D>  w(w $   Nf    ww N ww N  r  ww  wzw v p@ A HwVw R L@A H w. w  @ i))99d, w BNf et7 p Fww @t5@t5~vwrw n ^ N % 8 ` x $     !(  2  BE  ff %  Iff eL   j |   wjw fb ZXwTw PL DBw>w : @ =@ww uurn; } error(a) { printf("Error %d\n",a); dexit(); } dexit() { extern nflush; /* printf("nflush = %d\n",nflush); /*DEBUG*/ if(tp[0] > 0 && utmp == 0) { unlink(tmp[0]); unlink(tmp[1]); } exit(); } callsys(f,v) char f[],*v[]; { int t,status,i; if((t = fork()) == 0) { for(i = 1; i <= 12; i++) signal(i,0); execv(f,v); printf("Can't find %s\n",f); exit(1); } else { if(t == -1) { printf("Try again\n"); return(1); } } while(t != wait(&status)); /* printf("Status = %o, %s\n",i = r3 .globl putcall,iget,kput,putoct .globl generate,succ .globl octal octal: mov $1f+1,r0 jsr pc,putcall jsr pc,iget mov (r0),r0 jsr pc,kput jmp succ 1: mov (i),r0 jsr pc,putoct jmp generate L227 L220 L221, L219~treeDcsandflgoppppsosopstprstopL160L10034L164_nextcha L165L167_copname" L20042PL173eL10031L10032 _block L177rL178L179L183,L228_errflus L159 L20043*L189L190L195L199L10043LL206XL10044zL207r(yyprdn) common/yycomn/yylval,yyval,yypv,yyvalv(150) common/yylcom/yychar,yyerrf,yydebu integer yychar, yyerrf, yydebu integer yyprdn,yyval,yylval,yypv,yyvalv #define yyclearin yychar = -1 #define yyerrok yyerrflag = 0 extern int yychar, yyerrflag; int yyval 0; int *yypv; int yylval 0; yyactr(__np__){ please define type # of %s earlierbad precedence syntax, input %dgoto 1000 switch(__np__){ previous rule not terminatedtoken illegal on lhs of grammar rulemissing :semicolon preceeds action * intcharfloatdoublestructlongautoexternstaticregistergotoreturnifwhileelseswitchcasebreakcontinuedodefaultforsizeofArg countCan't find %sCan't create temp.globl .data Symbol table overflowWarning: assignment operator assumedNonterminated commentUnknown characterL%d:.byte %o,0 Long character constantNonterminated string.data L%d:%o;%o;%o;%o .text Expression overflowexpression overflowExpression syntaxBad function.bss L%d:.=.+%o .text Bad register %of = r5 .globl j .globl classtab,jget .globl ctest .globl putcstr .globl succ ctest: inc ctestc mov r0,-(sp) jsr pc,jget asl r0 bit *(sp)+,classtab(r0) clc beq 1f asr r0 jsr pc,putcstr inc j(f) sec 1: rts pc .data ctestc: 0 L10012 L65:L20024RL20026T_subseq"L71L20031L72L73L74L10003L75L76L78L20032L804L89L91~L85L10007L10008L10009_getnum _getstr"_getcc"6L102L10010L104L105(L20021&L107fL108TL112~subseqxcabcL114L10019L115L116L113entry[ilin][icol], ct); else if (span(style[icol],ilin) && (icol+1==ncol || !span(style[icol+1],ilin))) printf(".if \\n(%d-\\n(%d .nr %d \\n(%d\n", 30+ilin, icol+50, icol+50, ilin+30); } } /* run out table, put field characters in */ printf (".fc  @\n"); for (ilin=0; ilin  _b>  _h >  _h>  _n>  _n#>  _n*>  _n1>  _t7>  _t=>  _B>  _sG>  % " 7 "% "% !% !%:!_!mn!7 h _w p fs5 @tt  @sj@4sj@ew4 -N! @    -6!%  rrt>  N \ w  5% 3 5 !,%\  5%}(\0(%( 5 @ `, 5!@ `5,@ `,BD " `,w w 15BeCe~-1nF  271@wt movclrcmptstaddsubincdecmuldivasrashaslbicbic $1,bitbit $1,bisbis $1,xornegcom*$jeqjnejlejgtjltjgejlosjhijlojhis/nopjbr ?K?K?K?K?K?K??K??K?K?K?L?L?L?L?L?&L?6L?JLhL?xLTLLT?L?LLT5 %5 %)5 D-%  3  5%%   Nff e ff ef %  &ff xe ?.e( %  &  e?eww @ / x% @wN & &  xef& f%+* xe 3N& f& xe4:;89w >DCB%#  x used _hshtab _space _cp _cmst P_isn _swtab _swp _contlab _brklab _retlab _deflab _nauto _autolen _peeksym _peekc _eof _line _treebas _debug _defsym _funcsym _xdflg _proflg _stflg _csym _cval _fcval _nchstr _nerror _paraml _parame _strflg _osleft _mosflg _initflg _inhdr _dimtab _obuf _sbuf _dimp _regvar _funcblk 7 % %upN Efe %_^ Ne 5%f&f be 5% %7w& f&f be%# 5ru NN  Ame 5rA f r upN  @E% @E % @E% AA @@5 ww CB 7%-%)r  ffe %-P  HN @# 7 2w ,(?% :  7  $f v Le0 9ev*p* h*b* 7R*we&  m6* 4* 0~  0  0~ w7 * ) )0   )Wp `e0eӕ?f) ,)P ) ) @f ) Z7D') JXZ|)t)-n)f)f@w fw'w&PXwfw&VXJA 7 (fAW,f B@ 8 @&61fA   @ @er3 / byte 1: mov 2(sp),r4 / working x bisb (r1)+,r3 2: add cscale,r4 aslb r3 bcs 3f bne 2b sub cscale,r5 dec (sp) bne 1b tst (sp)+ mov (sp)+,x add $8*7,x add $16.*7,r5 mov r5,y incb vtcol rts pc 3: mov r4,x mov r5,y jsr pc,vtpoint br 2b .bss .=.+50. stack: eof: .=.+2 lchar: .=.+2 nchar: .=.+2 hiwat: .=.+2 fchar: .=.+2 charb: .=.+nbuf scnt: .=.+2 xy: .=.+12. x = xy y = xy+2 count: .=.+2 evenodd:.=.+2 vtcol: .=.+2 vtlc: .=.+2 cscale: .=.+2 cxy: ox: .=.+2 oy: .=.+2 radius: cx: .=.+2 _d"x./yopt -r./yopt -rv./yopt./yopt -v/usr/yacc/yopti-r-rv-voptimization execl call failsMH2019.yaccopt -rMH2019.yaccopt -rvMH2019.yaccoptMH2019.yaccopt -v : int nterms %d; int nnonter %d; int nstate %d; char *yysterm[] { "%s", 0 }; char yy y   y%;  f %   f % %_< %%__  f %  l%%^X T    _74,($7    7 &  & %   _ _ _  5   x t%_< %b_< f P& %D <_, 4 .%_<   5 B@ @ae54N @-#@ !%*@ @a% %  @@54 u-%* \  ~ &  2_z#w b @ @me,55 De,_%%*_%%f5 Ce,M I%*E%@Ap,p(  N d& AA 2r %AA 2r  eC- u-u5ueD- FA1@ @m5...patablefctable]mtab.catabctabMetablea.outetabctaba.outetabetabmq mov r1,mul mov ac,rsq mov mq,rsq+2 mov r1,cy mov $-1,cx asl r1 asl r1 mov r1,count br cirarc cirarc: jsr r5,idle; 10 br 2f br 1f 2: jmp disp 1: loop: tst cx bge 2f mov $-ssize,r0 br 1f 2: mov $ssize,r0 1: mov r0,dely tst cy bge 2f mov $ssize,r0 br 1f 2: mov $-ssize,r0 1: mov r0,delx mov cx,mq mov cx,mul mov mq,r1 mov ac,r0 mov cy,mq mov cy,mul add mq,r1 adc r0 add ac,r0 sub rsq+2,r1 sbc r0 sub rsq,r0 mov cx,r1 mov cy,r2 bic $!100000,r0 bic $!100000,r1 bic $!100L3N_disarra"X_chkfun"L4_length L20000 L5L10002L11L12@ _error" L20006_block"xL20001L17L18T _decref L208L20007.L21LL22i L20010`L24_incref L25L20013L26} L33_chklval"L34_chkw"L35L36L37L38L10000.L296L30 L31d_setype"L1_fold"L100~getstrcL118&L119L20034L1211_mapch"tL1225~getcc6cccpccL124RL20036FL127lL1288L10022L10023L10024L10025L10026L135@L153L156L157 L145L144L143L10028L10029$L138L140~mapchtL130acnmpeekacL131.L1334L134L100f = r5 i = r3 .globl j .globl jget,iget .globl char .globl succ,fail char: jsr pc,jget bne 1f tst (i)+ jmp fail 1: mov r0,-(sp) jsr pc,iget mov (sp)+,(r0) inc j(f) jmp succ / read and echo character from tty. / perform normal cr/lf uc/lc mapping. tks = 177560 tkb = 177562 getc: tstb *$tks bge getc mov tkb,r0 bic $!177,r0 cmp r0,$'A blo 1f cmp r0,$'Z bhi 1f add $'a-'A,r0 1: cmp r0,$'\r bne putc mov $'\n,r0 / put a character on the tty. / also performs delay. tps = 177564 tpb = 177566 putc: cmp r0,$'\n bne 1f mov $'\r,r0 jsr pc,(r5) mov $'\n,r0 1: tstb tps bpl 1b mov r0,tpb rts pc / write a string to tty / jsr pc, mesg; ; .even mesg: movb *(sp),0) printf ("%s\n",page[(mustwr+i) % PL]); flush(); } outc (c, lp) char **lp; { int j; j = 0; while (j >0 || *(*lp) == '\b' || *(*lp) == ESC || **lp == SI || **lp == SO) { switch (*(*lp)) { case '\b': j++; (*lp)++; break; case '\0': *(*lp)++ = ' '; j--; break; case ESC: /* 'escape' */ (*lp) =+ 2; break; case SI: case SO: (*lp)++; break; default: (*lp)++; j--; break; } } if (c != ' ' || *(*lp) == '\0') *(*lp) = c; (*lp)++; } store (ll) { if (page[ll/ / / sqrt & dsqrt fortran functions .globl sqrt. .globl dsqrt. .globl sqrt .globl retrn .globl rerr .globl temp dsqrt.: temp .+2 setd br 1f sqrt.: temp .+2 setf 1: movf *2(r3),r0 jsr pc,sqrt bes 1f movf r0,temp jmp retrn 1: jsr r5,rerr; 13. 8253 ,4403,8254,12328,4383,8250,4384,8251,4385,8242,4387 ,8249,4388,8248,4398,8255,4399,8257,4400,8252,4401 ,8256,4402,8253,4403,8254,12329,4383,8250,4384,8251 ,4385,8242,4387,8249,4388,8248,4398,8255,4399,8257 ,4400,8252,4401,8256,4402,8253,4403,8254,12330,4363 ,8302,4364,8303,4365,8304,4366,8305,0,12355,12373 ,12374,12375,12376,12359,12344,12345,4353,8225,4354,8224 ,4355,8226,4356,8227,4357,8228,4358,8235,4359,8237 ,4360,8236,4361,8234,4362,8238,4367,8240,4368,8241 ,4369,8229,4370,8231,4371,8230,4372,8232xxxxArg countMissing temp fileCan't create %sTree space botch.globl fltused Missing temp fileIllegal initialization.bss L%d:.=.+4 .text mov%c r%d,r0 mov%c r%d,%c(sp) tst%c r%d No code table for op: %sNo code table for op %dmov%c r%d,r%d mov%c r%d,r%d Register overflow: simplify expressionr%d*tst r%d adcsbc r%d  Bb"|@NHNHHHn*+,HIJ<::<::FVVhhz/ PDP-11/20 vt01 driver ssize = 2 nbuf = 4500. rti = 2 reset = 5 drsc = 167770 drrc = 167774 dr11cx = 167772 dr11ps = 167750 dr11pb = 167752 lks = 177546 vtsc = 176756 vtxr = 176760 vtyr = 176762 csw = 177570 ps = 177776 ac = 177302 mq = 177304 mul = 177306 div = 177300 sr = 177311 ash = 177316 .. = 20 jmp *$restart .+2; 0 / bus .+2; 0 / ins .+2; 0 / bpt .+2; 0 / iot .+2; 0 / pwr .+2; 0 / emt .+2; 0 / sys . = [100-..]^. / clock clint; 300 . = [500-..]^. / dr11c dr11int; 240 restart:too many lookahead sets$$$~$yyact %d: reduce/reduce conflict (red'ns %d and %d ) on %s %d: shift/reduce conflict (shift %d, red'n %d) on %syypactyyr1yyr2off = %d, k = %d action table overflow %d no space in action tableyygoyypgo%s: gotos on %s nonterminal %s %d %d state %d, pre-nonterminal %s states %d and %d have equal positions state %d %s same as %d %s accepterrorshift %dreduce %d . reduce %d . error The function "system" is called/dL0oF0dV     r h  4 G  : o  m  _ & s  k  z  b \  D 8 B ?   i g   t   =   t hpunixrp40xvC',I sxt- div,I- movC,A KCmovC',I sxt- divsp)+,I- movC,A KCGJmovC(J),I sxt- divsp)+,I- movC,#(J) GDKCmovC2(sp),I sxt- divsp)+,I- mov,*(sp)+ KCmovb',I xor,(sp) movsp)+,I movb,A GDmovC(sp),-(sp) KAxor,(sp) movCsp)+,I movC,*(sp)+ movC',I asr movC,A GBasrC(I) movC(I),I movif,I GBmovif(I),I GAmovif,I GAmovfi,I GAsetl movfi,-(sp) movsp)+,I seti setl movif,I seti GBsetl movif(I),I seti GAmov,-(sp) setl movifsp)+,I seti GCsxt GAmovsp)+,I -- 7j&1@\X 1w&f@@& HADCBF7F(F6rwH*6r@<=@A>?DEBC=EDCB(KfSVW' P<@#<@d@p@|@@ #!""$vJJJHJ0@@@## @@@A A  L v R r  < HH00HHHHHHbAjArAzAAiy(8XyyXyyXyy$ 5&  5&  \5@&  wL   w>\ \& (    5@x&  Z& B    @& UJ&w\ ,& w\ &w&w&w  7 % %a %U%%W 8U] W 8E\fc     ` \ ]-%% a h h   \ \a  ! p ]\R B\ %W !W e,8224,4355,8226,4356,8227,4357,8228,4358,8235,4359 ,8237,4360,8236,4361,8234,4362,8238,4367,8240,4368 ,8241,4369,8229,4370,8231,4371,8230,4372,8232,4373 ,8233,4374,8218,4375,8221,4376,8219,4377,8220,4386 ,8201,4389,8213,4390,8217,4391,8214,4392,8215,4393 ,8216,4394,8223,4396,8222,12350,4378,8311,4395,8330 ,0,4378,8311,4395,8331,0,4378,8311,4395,8332 ,0,4378,8311,4395,8333,0,12301,12302,12303,12304 ,-1}; int yypact[] {0,1,62,65,124,125,148,149,150,150 ,150,205,208,211,214,217,276,150,150,150 ,150,277,280,28s rkf.s strip a.out cp a.out ../util/rkf as reset.s strip a.out cp a.out ../util/reset as dldr.s strip a.out cp a.out ../util/dldr as mcopy.s tm.s wrk.s rk.s strip a.out cp a.out ../util/tmrk as mcopy.s tm.s wrp.s rp.s strip a.out cp a.out ../util/tmrp as mcopy.s tm.s whp.s hp.s strip a.out cp a.out ../util/tmhp as mcopy.s ht.s wrk.s rk.s strip a.out cp a.out ../util/htrk as mcopy.s ht.s wrp.s rp.s strip a.out cp a.out ../util/htrp as mcopy.s ht.s whp.s hp.s strip a.out cp a.out ../util/hthp rm a.o((hxx(h(xx(H((hx8H( mov $inod,r4 1: mov (r5)+,(r4)+ cmp r4,$addr+16. blo 1b rts pc / routine to read in block / number specified by bno / after applying file system / mapping algorithm in inode. / bno is incremented, success / return is a skip, error (eof) / is direct return. rmblk: add $2,(sp) mov bno,r0 inc bno bit $LRG,mode bne 1f asl r0 mov addr(r0),r0 bne rblka 2: sub $2,(sp) rts pc / large algorithm / huge algorithm is not implemented 1: clr -(sp) movb r0,(sp) clrb r0 swab r0 asl r0 mov addr(r0),r0)Hyiy)iHy)yy))vH%5 @ 5vHu @ p-vH - u-uu -d @ 7`p h5 @ vH@ p-vHN ^@ vH ^ee( - e  ^N ^e - _' @ B @  ^ -  w w p   } .%@ } 15 5 -n @ re5 }@ re5 } @ }  p) @ @ / 5 @ } @ @ / - ump condbranch condset nregsload valueforce registerP((<((j((=((>((?((@((A((B((C((D((E(((((F(()((G(((((( ((!((*((H((+((I((,((J((-((K((.((L((/((W((7((U((Q((0()N()1 ) )O ) )%))&))b))c))<))=))>")&)?*).)@.)*)A&)")B2)7)C<)@)D@)<)E7)2)))))")&)*).).)*) &)") )) F)K) K)F) ))j)0+0+ )!)%)&)b`)c`)P*(Z*)Z***+*,*-*.Z*7Z* Z& f% w$ w  u-@w @w D  w%%%%%# 5~Fw C_ xCC / p_C / _%e  p+ 0    xB C G CC=$ 0%*& d#% + C /% %& -C* 0 _C ww pC wrw `D  Ce C / w<fr0,fr5 movf $one,fr0 clrf fr1 1: dec r1 bmi 1f movf fr0,fr2 movf fr1,fr3 mulf fr4,fr0 mulf fr4,fr1 mulf fr5,fr2 mulf fr5,fr3 subf fr3,fr0 addf fr2,fr1 br 1b 1: tst r0 beq 1f clrf -(sp) movf $one,fr2 movf fr2,-(sp) movf fr1,-(sp) movf fr0,-(sp) jmp divide 1: movf fr1,-(sp) movf fr0,-(sp) jmp *(r4)+ )9999(9h9yyyy9yyyyyyy9Ix _cvtab _opdope _ctab _symbuf _hshDeclaration syntax%.8s redeclared(8HY(8(888ii(IHIyI888X88XXII(888AE@ 5N  AE@ u@ 5_Z Nf & e_Z u- u- N _ (_ X%_Z -_V ) +_Z ,_Z @ _Z %$ %  _Z  _Z %#_Z  &_  % _Z   % _Z N r eA! y 'N_ _Z N_V w ,4R,8Z,9b,:v,;~,jmp GBjmp(I) jsrc,MA GBjsrc,#(I) GAjsrc,(I) clr clrf movC,I movof,I GBmovC(I),I GBmovof(I),I mov+,-(sp) mov,I GBmov+2(I),-(sp) mov(I),I movC',I M'C mov',I M,A GJmovC(J),I M'C(J) GBmovC(I),-(sp) M'C(I) movCsp)+,I GJmov(J),I M,#(J) GBmov(I),-(sp) M,#(I) movsp)+,I GAM1,A+ V'GJmov+2(J),-(sp) mov(J),I M1,#+2(J) V'(J)GBmov+2(I),-(sp) mov(I),-(sp) add1,#+2(I) V'(I)movs rts r5 vtvect: jsr r5,idle; 10 rts pc mov xy+4,r0 mov xy+6,r1 mov $2,r3 / sign(dx) mov r0,r2 sub x,r2 / abs(dx) bge 1f mov $-2,r3 neg r2 1: mov $2,r4 / sign(dy) sub y,r1 / abs(dy) bge 1f mov $-2,r4 neg r1 1: clr r5 clr -(sp) / residules cmp r2,r1 blt 2f / select loop on max(dx,dy) mov r2,count asr count loop1: jsr pc,xvtpoint cmp r5,(sp) ble 1f add r2,(sp) sub r5,(sp) clr r5 add r4,y 1: add r1,r5 add r3,x dec count bge loop1 tst (sp)+ rts pc 2: mov r1,count asr X w e d V _foutput _cin _cout _arrndx _zzcwset _zzpairs _zzgoent _zzgobes _zzacent _zzacsav _zznsave _zzclose _zzrrcon _zzsrcon _ctokn _ntlim _tlim _lineno _peekc _tstates _ntstate _mstates _clset _lkst _nlset _lsetsz _wsets _cwset _wssize _numbval _rflag _oflag _ndefout _machine _setup"L10001L10002L14ZL16bL9<L17pL10008"L100 8 8(iY Y Y yyyYyY Duplicate case (%d)cfcc jbr L%d L%d:tst (sp)+ cmp (sp)+,(sp)+ add $%o,sp %d: %c%oEEEE! r * * r * * dr D" Hn(& $&@@ @ \@<FNV\bl& |&|&"& "&0& !d  ! !BL z V V L V  L V ,   7` 25ʥ    %!ʥE%5 E%% @ _ w J7j y tU_ VR :` x >7 84 & &   e  %YtU= %)7 7E  feVp^ -  v% # tU P 7Zwl  .% w J N w6w 2.e w _%2 5@ "r%/_7& & & v(e2 2 25L "5& 5% @-%% r? %% ,% %$%    &  5   &  5 r eEA! y"U & &&_: % $ v(e Nf  2%wf%U(A p_%p)+,I GAMP GAMsp) VM KAmovC,A KAmovfo,A GBKAmovf,#(I) GBmovC,#(I) movC(I),I GBKAmovfo,#(I) GBKImovC,#(I) movC,I KAGJmovf,#(J) KAGJmovfo,#(J) GDKAmovC,*(sp)+ GDKAmovfo,*(sp)+ GAGAM' GAMD,I GAKJMD(J),I GAKIMP,I KDGAMD(sp)+,I KCGAMPsp)+,I GAM,I M+,(sp) VGAKIMsp)+,(sp) VM,I KCGAMsp)+,2(sp) VMsp)+,(sp) GCKAxor,(sp) movsp)+,I GAasr GATsxt- div,I- GATsxt- KJdiv(J),I- GATsxt- KIdiv,I- KCGATsxt- divsp)+,I- M,A' mov,I movC',I MP,I movC,A KBM(I),A' mov,I KAM,A' mov,I KBGJM(I),#(J) mov(J),I movf',I KIMP,I movf,A KCmovC',I MPsp)+,I movC,A KCmovof',I MPsp)+,I movfo,A KAGJM,#(J) mov(J),I KCGBMsp)+,#(I) mov(I),I GDKCmovC2(sp),I MPsp)+,I movC,*(sp)+ KCGBmovC(I),I MPsp)+,I movC,#(I) KCGBmovof(I),J MPsp)+,J movfo,#(I) movf,I movC',I sxt- divP,I- movC-,A KCmovC',I sxt- divsp)+,I- movC-,A KCGJmovC(J),I sxt- divsp)+,I- movC-,#(J) GDKCmovC2(sp),I sxt- divsp)+,I- movC-,*(sp)+ mo L10027& L126L127L10025L118:L119PL120TL121\L122fL129L128L123nL124vL125z~foldopap1ap2p1v1v2L115L114L116<L20019XL20020b_conexp"~conexpt_tree L132L134  s $ ~ t   =    t   g mv a.out r3.o as r4.s; 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memory overflow NULL { %s }  )9IyiiiyHIhi9YY(h9YY9YY(hyYHYyyIHIyy+2(sp),*2+2(sp) rts pc 1: mov 4+2(sp),r1 mov 6+2(sp),r0 jsr pc,seekchar mov 0+2(sp),r0 jsr pc,alterword / make sp hold a simple rv (forget it might be a table value) sprv: mov (sp)+,r0 cmp $-1,2(sp) bne 1f mov (sp)+,(sp) mov (sp)+,(sp) 1: mov r0,pc 9: jmp succ 8224 ,4355,8226,4356,8227,4357,8228,4358,8235,4359,8237 ,4360,8236,4361,8234,4362,8238,4367,8240,4368,8241 ,4369,8229,4370,8231,4371,8230,4372,8232,4373,8233 ,4374,8218,4375,8221,4376,8219,4377,8220,4386,8201 ,4389,8213,4390,8217,4391,8214,4392,8215,4393,8216 ,4394,8223,4396,8222,4397,8295,12348,4383,8250,4384 ,8251,4385,8242,4387,8249,4388,8248,4398,8255,4399 ,8257,4400,8252,4401,8256,4402,8253,4403,8254,12327 ,4383,8250,4384,8251,4385,8242,4387,8249,4388,8248 ,4398,8255,4399,8257,4400,8252,4401,8256,4402,bol"L10005\L10006dL88dL92L90tL94L84L10013pL10014zL10015L10016L10017L10018L61L67@L68JL110~L70xL96L69\L79L99L640L81>L98L20018L82HL109nL77L63(L100L111~symbolspcL55L56L54FL57L60 L20016D_getchar .globl putch,obuild .globl putoct putoct: mov r0,-(sp) bic $7,r0 bic r0,(sp) clc ror r0 ror r0 ror r0 beq 1f jsr pc,putoct 1: mov (sp)+,r0 add $'0,r0 jsr pc,putch rts pc ? 7 `    / copy and execute DEC loaders core = 24. prs = 177550 mov $dldr,r0 mov $[core*2048.]-300,r1 mov r1,r2 1: mov (r0)+,(r1)+ cmp r0,$end blo 1b jmp (r2) dldr: 10706 24646 10705 62705 114 5001 13716 177570 6016 103402 5016 404 241 6116 1001 10116 5000 4715 105303 1374 4715 4767 74 10402 162702 4 22702 2 1441 4767 54 61604 10401 4715 2004 105700 1753 0 751 110321 770 16703 150 105213 105713 100376 116303 2 60300 42703 177400 5302 207 12667 44 4715.globl .p,sprv .globl .a,.s,.o,.n,.x / + .a: jsr pc,sprv add (sp),4(sp) br 9f / - .s: jsr pc,sprv sub (sp),4(sp) br 9f / | .o: jsr pc,sprv bis (sp),4(sp) br 9f / & .n: jsr pc,sprv com (sp) bic (sp),4(sp) br 9f / ^ exclusive or .x: jsr pc,sprv mov (sp),r0 xor r0,4(sp) 9: jmp .p  9 y)) yiyy yyiiiiii) y)y yy)) iiii iy5 %5 %)5 D-%  3  5%%   Nff e ff ef %  &ff xe ?.e( %  &  e?eww @ / x% @wN & &  xef& f%+* xe 3N& f& xe4:;89w >DCB%#  x _svargv _eht _ebase _ewid _yyval _yypv _yylval _tht <_tbase <_ptr _nptr d_sptr d_eqnreg _eqnht _eqnbase _lefteq _righteq _lastcha _ESC _HREV _HFWD _SI _SO _boverb"~boverbtregbhwp1p2csv _oalloc _max L2L3 _printf L4 _down _fwd L5$ _back _upc,flag1 br 1b / reverse pass put in / foreward and reverse / block numbers mov $4017,tccm jsr pc,flag 1: mov $nword+3.,r4 2: clrb tcst clr (r5) jsr pc,flag dec r4 bne 2b clrb tcst clr (r5) mov bn,r0 jsr pc,comobv jsr pc,flag movb r1,tcst mov r0,(r5) jsr pc,flag dec bn blt check clrb tcst clr (r5) jsr pc,flag clrb tcst clr (r5) jsr pc,flag clrb tcst mov bn,(r5) jsr pc,flag clrb tcst clr (r5) jsr pc,flag clrb tcst clr (r5) jsr pc,flag br 1b / foreward pass / confirm blo/ copy mag tape to disk / load with proper tape and disk drivers jsr pc,rew 2: jsr pc,4(r5) .even jsr pc,numb mov r0,dska jsr pc,4(r5) .even jsr pc,numb mov r0,tapa jsr pc,4(r5) .even jsr pc,numb mov r0,r2 1: jsr pc,tread jsr pc,wblk inc tapa inc dska dec r2 bne 1b jsr pc,rew rts pc numb: clr r1 1: jsr pc,2(r5) cmp r0,$'\n beq 1f sub $'0,r0 cmp r0,$9 bhi 2f mul $10.,r1 add r0,r1 br 1b 1: mov r1,r0 rts pc 2: jsr pc,4L20052 _declare L10020DL212\L2082L217xL201L205~getkeyw elsizetptrolongfisadeclskwtkwscptrL197 L199L206,L207L10017BL10018F_strdec"L213hL214L215~L218L196L219L220L221L222L224L226~strdecdsmosftkwpelsizessymoL228 mov f,r0 /go back to prev stack frame mov k(r0),k(f) 3: tst (sp)+ jmp succ cerase: bit $1,csw bne cerase jsr r5,vtcom 6 rts pc vtcom: jsr r5,idle; 10 br 1f jsr pc,vtok mov (r5)+,vtsc rts r5 1: tst (r5)+ rts r5 getc: tst nchar bne 2f tst eof beq 1f jmp restart 1: mov $240,ps jsr pc,stardr clr ps br getc 2: movb *fchar,r0 bic $!377,r0 inc fchar dec nchar cmp fchar,$charb+nbuf bne 1f mov $charb,fchar 1: rts pc stardr: cmp nchar,$nbuf\/2 ble 2f cmp nchar,$nbuf blt 1f mov pc,hiwat rts pc 1: tst hiwat bne 1f 2: clr hiwat bis $2,drsc 1: rts pc ww D% % w@@% x& `?eBpC r r@ @Px @ t tw b ^ Z%  Dw<-2x(p ..:PT\fnvzIllegal conditionalCall of non-functionIllegal indirectionIllegal lvalueIllegal structure refUnimplemented structure operationIllegal conversionInteger operand required...$dldr.sdtf.smcopy.srkf.stboot.suboot.sfsboot.smboot.sJrun]hp.s[ht.sbreset.s"rhp.srk.sWrp.srrk.sIrrp.stc.sPtcf.sXtm.stpboot.stty.swhp.sYwrk.s|wrp.smakout cmp a.out /bin/rmdir cc -s -f -O sa.c cmp a.out /usr/bin/sa cc -s -n -O sh.c cmp a.out /bin/sh cc -s -O size.c cmp a.out /bin/size cc -s -O sleep.c cmp a.out /usr/bin/sleep cc -s -O sort.c cmp a.out /bin/sort cc -s -O split.c cmp a.out /usr/bin/split as strip.s strip a.out cmp a.out /bin/strip cc -s -O stty.c cmp a.out /bin/stty cc -s -O su.c cmp a.out /bin/su as sum.s strip a.out cmp a.out /bin/sum cc -s -O sync.c cmp a.out /bin/sync cc -s -O tbl.c -lp cmp a.out /usr/bin/tbl cc -s -O tee.crd+nword blo 1b mov (sp)+,r0 rts pc mtrack: mov (r0)+,(r5) jsr pc,flag rts r0 flag: bit $100200,tccm beq flag blt error6 rts pc flag1: bit $100200,tccm beq flag1 bge 1f tst tcst bge error7 add $2,(sp) 1: rts pc comobv: mov r0,r4 bic $!777,r0 asl r0 mov cobtab(r0),r0 swab r0 clr r1 ror r0 rol r1 asl r0 asl r0 rol r1 swab r4 bic $177401,r4 bis cobtab(r4),r0 rts pc bcomobv: mov r0,r2 bic $!70,r2 mov r0,r3 mov $6.,r4 1: asr r3 dec r4 bne 1b bic $!7,r3 bis r3,r2 movf = r5 i = r3 .globl x,k .globl ktab,ktat .globl putcall,obuild .globl errcom,succ,generate .globl rewcstr,getcstr .globl scopy scopy: mov $2f+1,r0 jsr pc,putcall jsr pc,rewcstr mov k(f),r2 neg r2 add $2,r2 1: jsr pc,getcstr tst r0 beq 1f movb r0,ktab(r2) inc r2 cmp r2,$ktat blt 1b jsr r0,errcom ;.even 1: clrb ktab(r2) bic $1,r2 neg r2 mov r2,k(f) jmp succ 2: mov i,r0 jsr pc,obuild jmp generate .globl .p,sprv .globl .sr,.sl / >> .sr: neg (sp) / << .sl: mov 4(sp),r1 clr r0 alsc (sp),r0 mov r1,4(sp) jmp .p  -% N A 1} N Am 1] -_6 P ^N? / @ }@ }f &? /% -@m }@m }@ &? /% -? /} X& A 1VE  &e} X& A 1V5 @ %vH_ -dw>w , t7 ~@ 58B@ 6B#x~tl~t Z~t`  lp -" :~eB-ڂ _!5  t0 -~/usr/bin/wc cc -s -O who.c cmp a.out /bin/who as write.s ld -s a.out -l cmp a.out /bin/write rm a.out / unix DEC-tape time/mtrack track formatter nword = 256. nblock = 578. endz = 7200. ps = 177776 tcst = 177340 tccm = 177342 tcwc = 177344 tcba = 177346 tcdt = 177350 mov r5,savr5 mov sp,savsp start: mov savr5,r5 mov savsp,sp jsr pc,4(r5) .even clr r0 mov $cobtab,r1 1: jsr pc,bcomobv mov r2,(r1)+ inc r0 cmp r0,$512. bne 1b mov $buffer,r0 1: mov $-1,(r0)+ cmp r0,$buffer+nword+nword blo 1b mov savr5,r5 jsr pc,2(r5) mov $340,ps mov $tcdt,r5 mov clr eof mov $stack,sp mov $7,cscale mov $charb,fchar mov $charb,lchar clr nchar mov $100,drsc / IE on dr11c / mov $100,lks / IE on clock disp: jsr pc,getc asl r0 cmp r0,$2f-1f bhis 2f jmp *1f(r0) 1: disp / ignore order point vect frame circle arc explor disp / screw movexy disp / photo 2: jsr pc,cerase clr vtcol clr vtlc mov $-4000,x mov $3777,y mov $7,cscale 1: jsr pc,getc jsr pc,char br 1b order: jsr pc,getc asl r0 cmp r0,$2f-1f bhis disp jmp *1f(r0) 1: disp / iopr.c cmp a.out /bin/opr cc -s -O passwd.c cmp a.out /bin/passwd as pfe.s strip a.out cmp a.out /usr/bin/pfe cc -s -O pr.c cmp a.out /bin/pr cc -s -f -O prof.c cmp a.out /usr/bin/prof cc -s -O ps.c cmp a.out /bin/ps cc -s -O ptx.c cmp a.out /usr/bin/ptx cc -s -O pwd.c cmp a.out /usr/bin/pwd cc -s -O quiz.c cmp a.out /usr/bin/quiz cc -s -O rc.c cmp a.out /usr/bin/rc cc -s -O restor.c cmp a.out /bin/restor as rew.s strip a.out cmp a.out /bin/rew cc -s -O rm.c cmp a.out /bin/rm as rmdir.s strip a.<=@A>?DEBC=EDCB(KfSVW' P<@#<@d@p@|@@ #!""$|PPPNP6@@@## @@@A A  R | X x  B NN66NNNNNNbAjArAzAA~~~~Arg countMissing temp fileCan't create %sTree space botch.globl fltuse Xh(r5) .even tst (sp)+ rts pc ba: buf wc: -256. .bss buf: .=.+512. dska: .=.+2 tapa: .=.+2 .text L167L168L20053L170L172~sortcpfplpafptalpintchL175L176VL177LL20055L180L181L174L179H_ispow2"Z~ispow2ZtreedatreeL184L183_pow2"~pow2treediatreeL187L188L20057L10041L10042L10043L10045_optim V V V ?VSSlWSSvW?W?WSSSS?NN?NNTSTSS?TXN?TXN?fN?fNTT?$T??N??NSS?NN?fN??N??W??W?W?W?W?W?W?W?W?W?? 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mv a.out f31.o as ../fx/fhd.s f32.s; mv a.out f32.o as ../fx/fhd.s f33.s; mv a.out f33.o as ../fx/fhd.s f34.s; mv a.out f34.o as ../fx/fhd.s f35.s; mv a.out f35.o as ../fx/fhd.s f36.s; mv a.out f36.o as ../fx/fhd.s f37.s; mv a.out f37.o as ../fx/fhd.s f38.s; mv a.out f38.o as ../fx/fhd.s f39.s; mv a.out f39.o ld -r ../a.out *.o mv a.out .. rm *.o chdir ../f4 as ../fx/fhd.s f41.s; mv a.out f41.o as ../fx/fhd.s f42.s; mv a.out f42.o as ../fx/fhd.s f43.s; mv a.out f43.o as ../fx/fhd.s f44.s $-4000,x clrb vtcol ret: rts pc vtbs: sub $8.*7,x decb vtcol rts pc vttab: incb vtcol add $8.*7,x bitb $7,vtcol bne vttab rts pc vtpfx: jsr pc,getc mov r0,r1 sub $'7,r1 cmp r1,$2 bhi ret asl r1 jmp *0f(r1) 0: vtrev vthrev vthfor vtrev: add $8.*7,y decb vtlc vthrev: add $8.*7,y decb vtlc rts pc vthfor: sub $8.*7,y incb vtlc rts pc gchar: asl r1 asl r1 asl r1 asl r1 add $chrtab,r1 mov x,-(sp) / reference x mov y,r5 / working y mov $16.,-(sp) / table counter clr i = r3 .globl putch,putoct .globl trswitch .globl trace trace: jsr pc,putch mov i,r0 jsr pc,putoct mov $'\n,r0 jsr pc,putch rts pc .data trswitch: 0 0003,00004,00005,01141,00007,01130, 02042,02145,00003,02157,00005,02160,00007,00008, 01137,01134,00003,00004,00005,00006,00007,00008, 00001,01167,00003,00004,00005,00006,00007,00008, 00001,01055,01055,00004,01075,00006,00007,00008, 00001,00002,00003,00004,00005,00006,00007,001075, 00001,01076,00003,01074,01057,00006,01131,00008, 01135,01050,01174,01173,01050,01051,01175,01051, 01135,01133,01133,01130,00005,00006,00007,00008, 00001,00002,02173,02175,02047,02140,02136,00008, 00001,00002,02176,00004,/ read rp rblk: iocom = 5 ,4373,8233 ,4374,8218,4375,8221,4376,8219,4377,8220,4386,8201 ,4389,8213,4390,8217,4391,8214,4392,8215,4393,8216 ,4394,8223,4395,8306,4396,8222,0,12332,12333,12334 ,12335,4387,8249,4388,8248,4398,8255,4399,8257,4400 ,8252,4401,8256,4402,8253,4403,8254,12311,4387,8249 ,4388,8248,4398,8255,4399,8257,4400,8252,4401,8256 ,4402,8253,4403,8254,12310,4387,8249,4388,8248,4398 ,8255,4399,8257,4400,8252,4401,8256,4402,8253,4403 ,8254,12320,4383,8250,4384,8251,4385,8242,4387,8249 ,4388,8248,4398,8255,4399,8257,4400,8296 ,8222,12291,4096,16384,0,4353,8225,4354,8224,4355 ,8226,4356,8227,4357,8228,4358,8235,4359,8237,4360 ,8236,4361,8234,4362,8238,4367,8240,4368,8241,4369 ,8229,4370,8231,4371,8230,4372,8232,4373,8233,4374 ,8218,4375,8221,4376,8219,4377,8220,4386,8201,4389 ,8213,4390,8217,4391,8214,4392,8215,4393,8216,4394 ,8223,4396,8222,12289,12290,4383,8250,4384,8251,4385 ,8242,4387,8249,4388,8248,4398,8255,4399,8257,4400 ,8252,4401,8256,4402,8253,4403,8254,12292,12295,12297 ,4353,8225,4354,8224,4355,8226,4356,8227,4357,L95GL20018L10012L90L10013L10014L91*L93<L97`L10027L10028L10029L10030L184 L189 L195 L10033L10034L10035L10036L10037L10038L112 L114 L1324 L140 L135^ L130z L180: L168 L165 L117 L158Z L123 L172 L119 L161r L183r L170 L126$ L137~ L139 ~cex_cvtab _opdope _ctab _symbuf _hshused _hshtab _space _cp _cmst P_isn _swtab _swp _contlab _brklab _retlab _deflab _nauto _autolen _peeksym _peekc _eof _line _treebas _debug _defsym _funcsym _xdflg _proflg _stflg _csym _cval _fcval _nchstr _nerror yy)I  9 I y x 9 x I x yy))x ye @ 5@   5_N vf  5e}- = u= ww %@ @t5  @wLw H @\ 6 (   @t% N v -  5 @  -   ~zvr* eb^ZVP eFBs %4 5($ %ite pointer .bss cstrr: .=.+2 /read pointer cstrb: .=.+cstrt /base of quick access fragment status,f); /*DEBUG*/ if((t = (status & 0377)) != 0) { if(t != 2) { printf("Fatal error in %s\n",f); printf("t = %d\n",t); } dexit(); } return((status>>8) & 0377); } flags(argv) char *argv[]; { int j,xx; char *ap; j = 1; ap = argv[1]; while(*++ap != '\0') { switch(*ap) { default: printf("Unrecognized flag: %c\n",*ap); dexit(); case 'c': count = 1; continue; case 'i': /* Ignore file */ if(!xx) { xx = 1; only = 0; ignonl = argv[++j]; }.globl succ .globl iget .globl push push: jsr pc,iget mov (r0),r2 mov r2,r1 1: mov r1,-(sp) jsr pc,iget mov (sp)+,r1 mov r0,-(sp) mov (r0),-(sp) dec r2 bgt 1b mov r1,-(sp) jsr pc,succ / preserve c bit from here on mov (sp)+,r2 1: mov (sp)+,*(sp)+ dec r2 bgt 1b rts pc /pass sret or fret back to invoking rule [] {0,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2 ,4,5,5,6,6,6,6,7,9,10 ,11,12,12,3,3,3,3,3,3,3 ,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3 ,3,3,3,3,27,28,29,30,26,26 ,26,26,26,26,24,25,21,21,22,22 ,22,8,8,16,17,19,18,14,15,15 ,15,15,20,13,23,23,23,23,23,23 ,23,23,23,23,23,31,31,31,31,-1}; int yyr2[] {0,1,1,0,1,2,2,1,2,1 ,1,1,2,4,4,4,4,1,1,1 ,1,2,0,3,2,2,2,4,4,4 ,4,4,3,3,1,5,3,3,2,2 ,2,2,2,4,2,2,2,2,1,1 ,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2 ,0,1,3,1,1,1,1,2,1,1 ,1,2,1,1,3,1,1,1,1,1 ,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,-1}; int yygo[] {0,-1,1,0,2,14,73,31,87,119 ,133,-1,98,2,47,7,66,8,67,omp: %s %s\n",a,b); /*DEBUG*/ a--; b--; while(*++a == *++b) { if(*a == '\0') return(1); } return(0); } char buf[512]; int nread 1; get(ifile) int ifile; { char static *ibuf; if(--nread){ return(*ibuf++); } if(nread = read(ifile,buf,512)){ if(nread < 0)goto err; ibuf = buf; return(*ibuf++); } nread = 1; return(0); err: nread = 1; printf("read error\n"); return(0); } int tp[1] 1; int optr[4]; char bsp[512]; char *obuf[1] bsp; int nflush; put(fil,string,n) char *string;?O?nP?PnQ?QT?Q?Q?O?R? 0: .even mov (sp)+,r1 mov (sp)+,r0 0 rts pc compare: mov r0,-(sp) mov $buffer,r0 1: cmp (r0)+,$-1 b; itab.hptr = &ipsp; itab.symt = &issp; itab.hsiz = PTRI; itab.ssiz = CHARI; itab.nsym = 0; itab.curb = 1; if((fi = open(ignonl,0)) < 0) { printf("Cannot open ignore/only file.\n"); dexit(); } if((read(fi,b,6) == 6) && (b[0] == 0100200)) { if(read(fi,itab.hptr,b[1]) < b[1]) { printf("Cannot read ignore/only file.\n"); dexit(); } if(read(fi,itab.symt,b[2]) < b[2]) { printf("Cannot read ignor/only file.\n"); dexit(); } close(fi); } else { close(fi); compile(); } retct/T/cont; collect/U/cont; collect/V/cont; collect/W/cont; collect/X/cont; collect/Y/cont; collect/Z/cont; skip2/a/coll; skip2/b/coll; skip2/c/coll; skip2/d/coll; skip2/e/coll; skip2/f/coll; skip2/g/coll; skip2/h/coll; skip2/i/coll; skip2/j/coll; skip2/k/coll; skip2/l/coll; skip2/m/coll; skip2/n/coll; skip2/o/coll; skip2/p/coll; skip2/q/coll; skip2/r/coll; skip2/s/coll; skip2/t/coll; skip2/u/coll; skip2/v/coll; skip2/w/coll; skip2/x/coll; skip2/y/coll; skip2/z/coll; skip2/A/coll; skip2/B/coll; skip2/C/coll; 10304 4715 303 50304 16707 26 4767 177752 4715 105700 1342 6204 103002 0 677 6304 114 0 . = dldr-500+744 16701 26 12702 352 5211 105711 100376 116162 2 [core*2048.]-400 5267 177756 765 prs end: VV V V ?VSSlWSSvW?W?WSSSS?NN?NNTSTSS?TXN?TXN?fN?fNTT?$T??N??NSS?NN?fN??N??W??W?W?W?W?W?W?W?W?W?? Xw ~w+De+  + % 0w7 +7 +ׯ+- + +(w|+7 ~+ .wr+eXB J ӕ- R r f e0 @ >+ ҋ D~8BXFX *; return(0); } $13,tccm jsr pc,flag / 8Kch for end zone mov $endz,r4 1: jsr r0,mtrack; 101101 dec r4 bne 1b / foreward guard mov $199.,r4 1: jsr r0,mtrack; 10101 dec r4 bne 1b / blocks mov $nblock,r3 1: jsr r0,mtrack; 10101 jsr r0,mtrack; 10110 jsr r0,mtrack; 11010 jsr r0,mtrack; 01000 jsr r0,mtrack; 01000 jsr r0,mtrack; 01000 jsr r0,mtrack; 01000 mov $nword-4,r4 2: jsr r0,mtrack; 111000 dec r4 bne 2b jsr r0,mtrack; 111011 jsr r0,mtrack; 111011 jsr r0,mtrack; 111011 jsr r0,mtrack; 111011 js b ee%5%1e& &%% %.%L%% & %_6u- @w C   3w%g 3" _0" xF%$%_0"_0"&( v(e 3 3 34 4 %#% 4 % %%%2- %  %(;%84%2l %intf("Line too long: %d.\n",lno); dexit(); } if(c & 0200) { printf("Illegal character: %o line %d\n",c,lno); dexit(); } if(fl) { if((*flag[fl])()) continue; } /*printf("cs = %d cc = %c ca = %d\n",cs,c,tab[cs].cl[c]); /*DEBUG*/ if(p = tab[cs].cl[c]) (*acts[p])(); continue; } if(ibuf == ibuf1) return; ibuf = ibuf1; goto top; } init() { int b[3]; auto fi,i; extern coll(),save(),out(),asym(),asw(),csym(),csw(); extern incl(),decl(),sk(),sk2(); extern dexit(); ib, 7 $7 $7 7 w @  7  . $ e!& 7 7   + - 7w t 7 rn7h ' t ~    7  0 wp`w e0YYYI9YY9 init(); i = 0; if(argc == 1) { *ibuf1 = 0; curfl = 2; curf[0] = '_'; curf[1] = '\t'; goto pipe; } while(++i < argc) { curs[4] = '\t'; if(fopen(argv[i],ibuf1) < 0) { printf("Can't open %s\n",argv[i]); dexit(); } curfl = 0; while((curf[curfl] = *argv[i]++) != 0 && curfl <=8) if(curf[curfl++] == '/') curfl = 0; curf[curfl++] = '\t'; if(curfl == 8) curf[8] = -1; pipe: ibuf = ibuf1; lno = 1; driver(); close(file); } flsh(0); close(tp[0]); /* monitor(0); /DEBC=EDCB' P&#&NZfl #!""$^22202##   4 ^ z : Z r r $ ~ 00000000LT\dn````Arg countMissing temp fileCan't create %sTree space botch.globl fltused Missing temp fileI M8M??xM??xM??M?M?M?MMMMMT?MT? 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yB /'NB_ _x BN_t w <$B 5~F 5~F55N& , 55V 5~F@ 5~F3Nf %3@ 5~F 5~F@3Nf %s@5Nf , 5 e}-@=E@-5ʥ@%$/N&& % $@ 5~F E@-@%$  &f % eʋ_w .B5  @@ 5% C w. r e\@A! y7 < 7f<  e%#>HCHRHYH_HfHkHpHvH|HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHI IIIIIIII"I&I)I,I/I2I5I9I=I@ICIFIHITIYI[I`IeIjIoIyIIII:,nameshort constantstringfloatdouble*r++*--r++pre--pre++post--post!un&*-~.+-*/%>><<&|^->int->doubledouble->int&&||&~double->longlong->doubleinteger->longlong->integer==!=<=<>=>p>=p=+=-=*=/=%=>>=<<=&=|=^=& for tests=& ~?callcallcallgotoj w4$  Nfe j%  5~F  Nfe j%   Nff j% N =w #D 5~F w#%(Nf&e %  =%$%(Nf&e %  =% r eXAA! y"  %Pe( ^ x8A b U 4 % %, p _~%p, NfS& f%e =_ b _~%Vf = 1; goto loop; /* lead backward */ case 014: leadf = 0; goto loop; /* initialize */ case 000: escf = 1; leadf = 1; rail = 0; mag = 0; font = 0; x = 0; y = 1300; goto loop; default: error("Bad control"); } /* flash code */ case 00: case 01: flash(code&077); goto loop; } error("Eh?"); } done() { fflush(obuf); exit(); } erase() { wvt(2, 01, 01); } flash(c) { char *cp; int sx, sy; int ft; if (font) c =| 0100; if(rail && mag) ft = p'+ N& | @5%' 5 If `%5D%b 0  f 0_x %@%b 0 D(K@e5 5W5V5%(K5%+ %,%I%JO5  %W%$%Z%WZ5u 5~F%uuNf& f%5%(K- O_x 5u_x u-_x    75)00005,00006,00007,00008, 00001,00002,00003,00004,00005,00006,00007,00008, 00001,00002,00003,00004,00005,00006,00007,00008, 00001,00002,00003,00004,00005,00006,00007,00008, }; int fontab[128] { 00000,01150,01164,01156,01155,03154,03151,01172, 01163,01144,01142,01170,01146,02152,01165,01153, xxxxx,01160,01055,02073,xxxxx,01141,01137,01143, 02140,01145,02047,01157,00001,01162,00002,01166, 01055,01167,01161,01057,03056,01147,00003,03054, 01046,01171,xxxxx,01045,xxxxx,01121,01124,01117, 01110,01116,011Z S P W R U \ ] ^ _ ` a } :0j2 & 6  2w 1%A  2X@& l1 A  2@& N1 7rZ @A   2X 17.Z@e-$ZA  2@e7ZBZX 1X 1X 1 5,@X 17WX 1  &Y %7Y 7 Y f f%# 0X 1 lYA /PW 81X@& l1 A  2 0X 1 F/ Y  2wf0w T0C wR0%ZW@Duplicate case (%d)cfcc jbr L%d L%d:tst (sp)+ cmp (sp)+,(sp)+ add $%o,sp %d: %c%oEEEE! r * * r * * dr D" AWp 8 E / .)*)ffD /e ),b, *E / eN/E / %M( (( (Nff((ffJD /e ( 4E / e N8E / C@E / e NEE / jE /w(@t5M5 @ @a0 Z u-N&& Z2% @a Ze 5 5 @ @ap-Z@ @a5Z u-AupA- uAupu @ @-v' p'l'h' b'Nm ffP'fD /e <'5 2'NmJE / u-5 *' 'OE / N&& Z2%@-N&& H2%WE / e ㆵ u-& &[E / 5 u-_N`E / N&& Z2%@-eE / e 놵 w 4CB 05 '4- qE  w4- 54t5 te ׂ  w C  %% 1w w ~B b#  %*.%+-%HLK  w2w DC B_tC7^( y & %5& $ e& eN _& & e& & e& e_ z$5& p$ e&  & &  z  k   s & _  mts = 172520 mtc = 172522 mtbrc = 172524 mtcma = 172526 tread: 1: mov ba,mtma cmp mtapa,tapa beq 1f bhi 2f jsr pc,rrec br 1b 2: jsr pc,rew br 1b 1: mov wc,r1 1: jsr pc,rrec add $256.,r1 bmi 1b rts pc rrec: mov $mts,r0 bit $2,(r0)+ bne rrec tstb (r0)+ bpl rrec inc r0 mov $-512.,(r0)+ mov mtma,(r0) mov $mtc,r0 mov $60003,(r0) 1: tstb (r0) bpl 1b tst (r0)+ bpl 1f mov $-1,(r0) mov $60013,-(r0) br rrec 1: add $512.,mtma inc mtapa rts pc rew: mov $60017,*$mtc clr mtapa rts pto loop; /* lower rail */ case 001: rail = 0; goto loop; /* upper mag */ case 003: mag = 1; goto loop; /* lower mag */ case 004: mag = 0; goto loop; /* upper font */ case 006: font = 1; goto loop; /* lower font */ case 005: font = 0; goto loop; /* escape forward */ case 007: escf = 1; goto loop; /* escape backward */ case 010: escf = 0; goto loop; /* stop */ case 011: error("done"); /* lead forward */ case 012: leadase(); y = 1300; } } else { y =+ esc; /* if (y>1300) error("Off top"); */ } goto loop; /* control, size change */ case 02: if ((code&020) != 0) { /* size */ esc = code & 017; if (esc==15) error("Bad size"); size = sizetab[esc]; wvt(3, 1, 4, size); if (dflag & single[esc]) x =+ 55; if (!dflag & !single[esc]) x =- 55; dflag = !single[esc]; goto loop; } switch(code&017) { /* control */ /* upper rail */ case 002: rail = 1; gohSwitch table overflowDefault not in switchUnknown keywordRedefinitionStatement syntaxExpression too largeStatement syntaxUndefined structure: %.8sNot an argument: %.8s%.8s undefined~%.8s=%c%o ~%.8s=L%d Conflict in storage classType clashMisplaced 'long'Bad structure name%.8s redeclaredDimension/struct table overflowiy))ytermTERMtokenTOKENleftLEFTnonassocNONASSOCbinaryBINARYrightRIGHTprecPRECinvalid escape, or illegal reserved word: %s%s should have been defined earliereof before %%}yyvalyyvalv(yypv%c%d)yypv[%d]EOF inside commentEOF in string or character constantaction does not terminatenonterminal %s not defined! %s: %d too many statesputitem(%s), state %d yacc error--duplicate itemout of state space%d: %s %d, %s %d, working set overflow State %d, nolook = %d flag set! %s     XX@ 5u-_H @  5@  5@ 7 yN @ K @   NNNm Q N @   @ T NNNm Z N " A A @  @ ]  A A @l  NNNm c   Nm %R   u @  u-wXw T L7H@ 5@ 5@ 5@ 5@ 506L10007L58~summarypnisL60zL61_printf L62L63L64L65(L20021L67$L69L70L71L72^L20023FL75L76 L77*L78PL79sL80L81L82L83 L84 L850 L86c L87t L10008zL59L89 L90L91 L92L93 L94L95 yi9X99 )999 9 i9 H 9 H H i9  9 H H 9 9 ip=1 count=3999 : 8100 : dd if=../util/rkuboot ibs=512 count=1 conv=sync : 8101 thru 12099 : dd if=/dev/rk0 bs=512 skip=1 count=3999 aregtregL100380L89@_arlengt"HL10040 L20031TL107fL101xL105`~arlengtHtL100nL99jL20033Z_dirsw# L108 _simpsw# L109 _hashsw#6 L1106 _pswitch"~~pswitch~deflabfptlablptabsbestpoctabZijafpalpncaserangeswpworstL112L113 L111_sortjle  $ %%  eu@E%N 5f %#  &  xe?fe`( @E%_$ _%4  f % _&_5 %%  5%52 5 N &&  te5@tE5E @555%P %% 55 u5 $%%D-55 %> %%e%_cbranch"L10050 L10051 L201 L200 L194 L197 L192 ~cbranchalblareg condoptreelblregatreel1L191 L10052 L195b L20063H _label" L20067 L20071z L20069 L10047 L10048 _rcexpr L202& L203Z L10053< L204N L206l L207%L10054v L10055z _branch" ~branch opclblaop` Cc % bN(K $% wT%fS_%(K_ 7 _C%fS%_FN $%F%(K D%nA \G< \G]B8N(K $% 5%W%Z%W- &f@B /e S%VfRB /%_vB  _Fw *Bu@ 5~F5%5 %6%"_%V_N85& 8 eNf@ f% 8  N Nf@ f%b8 ^8 @ZW%V page[ll%PL]=0; } fetch (ll%PL); cp = 0; continue; case '\0': continue; case ESC: c = getchar(); if (c == '7') { store(ll%PL); ll--; fetch (ll%PL); } else { outc (ESC, &line); outc (c, &line ); } continue; case '\r': line = lbuff; continue; case '\t': outc (' ', &line); cp = line-lbuff; while (cp++%8) outc(' ', &line); continue; default: outc(c, &line); } for (i=0; i  _%\ N 21 5u-_w X 7HCHRHYH_HfHkHpHvH|HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHI IIIIIIII"I&I)I,I/I _ !5%  = %\  !5\ u-_N ^!5 r e8A! y%02%9.@e7H%0 5 5%0w$ _%9 upAmew%a%z%A%Z %_%.%$:lDu%a%z%A%Z%0%9 %_%.%$N  H#B#:# 5@_w #  _=  _b=  _b= xxxxArg countMissing temp fileCan't create %sTree space botch.globl fltused Missing temp fileIllegal initialization.bss L%d:.=.+4 .text mov%c r%d,r0 mov%c r%d,%c(sp) tst%c r%d No code table for op: %sNo code table for op %dmov%c r%d,r%d mov%c r%d,r%d Register overflow: simplify expressionr%d*tst r%d adcsbc r%d  Bb"|@NHNHHHn*+,HIJ<::<::FVVhhzzb "56  $L%d(r%d)r%dCompiler error: pname(r%d)%c%c(r%d)pname called illegallyIllegal use of registerL%d_%.8s%sNo match' for op %dcmp r0,$%o jhi L%d asl r0 jmp *L%d(r0) .data L%d:mov $L%d,r1 mov r0,L%d L%d:cmp r0,(r1)+ jne L%d jmp *L%d-L%d(r1) .data L%d:mov r0,r1 clr r0 div $%o,r0 asl r1 add $L%d,r1 mov r0,*(r1)+ mov (r1)+,r1 L%d:cmp r0,-(r1) jne L%d jmp *L%d-L%d(r1) .data L%d:jbr L%d sub $%o,r0 L%d L%d %o L%d:.. L%d L%d L%d L%d:.. %o L%d:L%d L%d .text _%2 5@ "r%/_7& & & v(e2 2 25L "5& 5% @-%% r? %% ,% %$%    &  5   &  5 r eEA! y"U & &&_: % $ v(e Nf  2%wf%U(A p_%5DC(@p@0@pAf r2p 5 _R% N&_Z%w w D eD-w w D@( = x2F=a;ADp}5@ =@0=Q-=x@' RF %+A r=A r &@t@t=A_F w w BCJ- `f "'%f "'%_r( J-  H%*%.B%> 9%(5%/%*eAfVp^ AAfS f%V f%@ 5~F=%%  e@?5  E /  f& %ww D Jf& `%E /NE / wdw RNE / wNw <@  xCE / ENE / ww  = ==;E / Nff f fff /e  0 7=ww  D -E /%ww B __%     ~F5_5 ӕ0 $f v Le0 9e** ** 7*we&  m* * 0~  0  0~ w7 Z* P* L*0   8*Wp `e0eӕ?f * ,*P * * @f ) Z7>') JXZ))-))f@w fw&w&PXwfw&VXJA 7 H)fAW,f B@ 8 @&61fA   @ Dtp0(%( "5 @ `, "5!@ `5,@ `,BD " `,w w L25BeCe~-42nF  272@wt movclrcmptstaddsubincdecmuldivasrashaslbicbic $1,bitbit $1,bisbis $1,xornegcom*$jeqjnejlejgtjltjgejlosjhijlojhis/nopjbr ?K?K?K?K?K?K??K??K?K?K?L?L?L?L?L?&L?6L?JLhL?xLTLLT?L?LLT M8M??xM??xM??M?M?M?MMMMMT?MT? N?N?N?.N?BN?FN?NN?NN?TXN?TXN?fN?fN?rN?rN??N??N?N?N??N?fN??N?N?NN?NN?TXN?TXN?fN?fN??N??N?N?TO?(O??@p ҋ D~8BB pӕ0 $f v Le0 9eoo oo 7owe&  mo o 21~  21  21~ w7 |o ro no0   ZoWp `e0eӕ?fBo ,8oP .o (o @f  o ~7n B~nn-nnf VlPlHl  78l 4l 0l7*n 7 lf@l _fcval _nchstr _nerror _paraml _parame _strflg _osleft _mosflg _initflg _inhdr _dimtab _obuf _sbuf _dimp _regvar _funcblk _extdef"~extdefdselsizetypesclassocsv _symbol L1_getkeyw" L10000TL2L6`_blkhed" _decl1 L7b_printf L8L10001L4_decref _cfunc"_cinit"|L11p_error Y IIY Y yyyyY Y  IY  IY Y iYY8228 ,4358,8235,4359,8237,4360,8236,4361,8234,4362,8238 ,4369,8229,4370,8231,4371,8230,4372,8232,4373,8233 ,4374,8218,4375,8221,4376,8219,4377,8220,4386,8201 ,4389,8213,4390,8217,4391,8214,4392,8215,4393,8216 ,4394,8223,4396,8222,0,4394,8261,0,4394,8262 ,0,4394,8263,0,4394,8264,0,4353,8225,4354 ,8224,4355,8226,4356,8227,4357,8228,4358,8235,4359 ,8237,4360,8236,4361,8234,4362,8238,4367,8197,4368 ,8198,4369,8229,4370,8231,4371,8230,4372,8232,4373 ,8233,4374,8218,4375,8221,4376,8219,4377,8220,4386 ,8201,4389,8_cvtab#_opdope#_ctab#_symbuf _hshused _hshtab _space _cp _cmst P_isn _swtab _swp _contlab _brklab _retlab _deflab _nauto _autolen _peeksym _peekc _eof _line _treebas L20035 L20034 L124 L125 _prins L1270 L1298 L131H L20036V L10019r L138 L141 L142 L143 L10020 L144. _collcon L146* L147D L148T L149v L10021h L150p L10022 L152 L1558 L10023$ L10024 _xdcalc L157L160x L162 L163L164L20037 L171 L174 L175L176& L182L10026 L190L20030erm[] { "%s", 0 }; char *yysnter[] { "%s", "%s" }; %d/%d terminals, %d/%d nonterminals %d/%d grammar rules, %d/%d states %d shift/reduce, %d reduce/reduce conflicts reported %d/%d working sets used memory: states,etc. %d/%d, parser %d/%d %d/%d distinct lookahead sets %d extra closures %d action entries %d action entries saved through merging %d states %d goto entries %d entries saved by goto default conflicts: %d shift/reduce, %d reduce/reduce fatal error: , line %d int %s[] {0# `t  5~F? %5"F7# y%3  #_  4@ 47b8Ze   D8_h! "  3_ w ``5 5 B 5Nef "'% C Cae !u%% ef &% %(_,$ %%   w%%# A1l %( Ne $Ce L &  5%* ?O?O?nP?PnQ?QT?Q?Q?O?R?+ ҋ D~8BXFX *@e7d&1@\X 1w&f@@& HADCBF7(F6rw*6r@ J&**7*B]PP7 v*EDE!wE\*ED5!5! w |bXW!wZ44w643  xXwW! 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L%d L%d L%d L%d:.. %o L%d:L%d L%d .text Duplicate case (%d)cfcc jbr L%d L%d:tst (sp)+ cmp (sp)+,(sp)+ add $%o,sp %d: %c%oEEEE! # define PL 102 # define ESC 033 # define SI 017 # define SO 016 # define LINELN 800 char *page[PL]; char lbuff [LINELN], *line; main () { int c, i, j, ll, cp, mustwr; extern int fin, fout; fin = dup(0); fout = dup(1); for (ll=0; ll0) switch (c = getchar()) { case '\n': store (ll%PL); if (++ll >= mustwr) if (page[ll%PL] != 0) { printf ("%s\n",page[ll%PL]); mustwr++; free (page[ll%PL]); ijgapmidwnlistp1p2L10000LL10001PL42L20008L45L20010L10002FL10003PL48L49 L50L20012tL53* L540 L55A L56L57L58H L100076L63K L64Q L20013L66T L67Z L70] L71c L72z L73 L20015 _shift2" ~shift2 b1b2b3subsh+2(I) ML,A KAMC,A GBML,#(I) KBGJML(I),#(J) KAGJML,#(J) GBKJML(J),#(I) GBKIML,#(I) GDKBML(I),*(sp)+ GDKAML,*(sp)+ M'C M,A KBM(I),A KAM,A GBM'C(I) KBGJM(I),#(J) KBmovC',J M(I),J movC,A KAmovC',J M,J movC,A KAGJM,#(J) KCGBMsp)+,#(I) KCGBmovC(I),J Msp)+,J movC,#(I) asrC GBasrC(I) aslC GBaslC(I) ash,A KBash(I),A KAash,A j ..7.".#.$.%.(.).*.+.-...Q.0.< .= .> .? .@ .A .B .C .D .E .H.I.O.movo-!-P,F-G-NT-UT-K-L-M'C GBM'C(I) ML,A KBML(I),A KAMC,A GBML,#(I) GBKJML(J),#(I) GBKIMC,#(I) KBGJML(I),#(J) KAGJMC,#(J) GDKBML(I),*(sp)+ GDKAMC,*(sp)+ clr clr+ mov,A+ sxt mov,A mov+,A+ mov(I),A+ sxt KAmov,A+ sxt KAsetl movfi,A seti KAGJsetl movfi,#(J) seti KBmov(I),A mov+2(I),A+ KAmov,A movsp)+,A+ GBmov,#+2(I) sxt(I) KAGJmovsp)+,#+2(J) mov,#(J) GBKImov+2,#(I) sxt(I) KCGBmovsp)+,#+2(I) sxt(I) KCGBmovsp)+,#(I) movsp)+,#vC',I sxt- div,I- movC,A KCmovC',I sxt- divsp)+,I- movC,A KCGJmovC(J),I sxt- divsp)+,I- movC,#(J) GDKCmovC2(sp),I sxt- divsp)+,I- mov,*(sp)+ KCmovb',I xor,(sp) movsp)+,I movb,A GDmovC(sp),-(sp) KAxor,(sp) movCsp)+,I movC,*(sp)+ movC',I asr movC,A GBasrC(I) movC(I),I movif,I GBmovif(I),I GAmovif,I GAmovfi,I GAsetl movfi,-(sp) movsp)+,I seti setl movif,I seti GBsetl movif(I),I seti GAmov,-(sp) setl movifsp)+,I seti GCsxt GAmovsp)+,I -- >HCHRHYH_HfHkHpHvH|HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHI IIIIIIII"I&I)I,I/I2I5I9I=I@ICIFIHITIYI[I`IeIjIoIyIIII:,nameshort constantstringfloatdouble*r++*--r++pre--pre++post--post!un&*-~.+-*/%>><<&|^->int->doubledouble->int&&||&~double->longlong->doubleinteger->longlong->integer==!=<=<>=>p>=p=+=-=*=/=%=>>=<<=&=|=^=& for tests=& ~?callcallcallgotoj clint: rti dr11int: bic $2,drsc movb drrc,*lchar tst drrc bge 1f inc eof br 3f 1: inc lchar inc nchar cmp lchar,$charb+nbuf bne 3f mov $charb,lchar 3: jsr pc,stardr 2: rti char: bit $!177,r0 jne disp jsr r5,idle; 10 rts pc mov r0,r1 sub $40,r1 bpl gchar movb chrsw+40(r1),r1 jmp *0f(r1) 0: ret / ignore vtnl vtcr vtbs vttab vtpfx ret / was escape vtnl: sub $16.*7,y incb vtlc incb vtlc cmpb vtlc,$[256.\/7]*2-6 blt vtcr mov $3777,y clrb vtlc jsr pc,cerase vtcr: movf,I GBmovof(I),I GEHAj.(.).7.0.clrC(sp) mov,-(sp) GBmov(I),-(sp) mov+,-(sp) mov,-(sp) GCM'sp) GCM,(sp) GCKBM(I),(sp) GCKAM,(sp) /d/o/x0f&0e/c/s/l40rZ2I5I9I=I@ICIFIHITIYI[I`IeIjIoIyIIII:,nameshort constantstringfloatdouble*r++*--r++pre--pre++post--post!un&*-~.+-*/%>><<&|^->int->doubledouble->int&&||&~double->longlong->doubleinteger->longlong->integer==!=<=<>=>p>=p=+=-=*=/=%=>>=<<=&=|=^=& for tests=& ~?callcallcallgotojump condbranch condset nregsload valueforce registerP((<((j((=((>((?((@((A((B((C((D((E(((((F(()((G(((((( ((!((*((H((+((I((,((J((-((K((.((L((/((W((7((U((Q((0))N))1))O))%))&))b))c))< )$)=$) )>(),)?0)4)@4)0)A,)()B8)=)CB)F)DF)B)E=)8) )$)$) )(),)0)4)4)0) ,)()  )$) L)Q) Q)L) $) )j)6+6+ )!)%*&*bf)cf)P*(`*)`***++,+-*.`*7`*0`*1*F6+G6+H+I+J,K6,L+N6+U6+O",fX)3D,4X,8`,9h,:|,;,jmp GBjmp(I) jsrc,MA GBjsrc,#(I) GAjsrc,d       movC,I KAGJmovf,#(J) KAGJmovfo,#(J) GDKAmovC,*(sp)+ GDKAmovfo,*(sp)+ GAGAM' GAMD,I GAKJMD(J),I GAKIMP,I KDGAMD(sp)+,I KCGAMPsp)+,I GAM,I M+,(sp) VGAKIMsp)+,(sp) VM,I KCGAMsp)+,2(sp) VMsp)+,(sp) GCKAxor,(sp) movsp)+,I GAasr GATsxt- div,I- GATsxt- KJdiv(J),I- GATsxt- KIdiv,I- KCGATsxt- divsp)+,I- M,A' mov,I movC',I MP,I movC,A KBM(I),A' mov,I KAM,A' mov,I KBGJM(I),#(J) mov(J),I movf',I KIMP,I movf,A KCmovC',I MPsp)+,I movC,A KCmovof',I MPsp)+,I movfo,A KAGJM,#(J) mov(J),I KCGBMsp)+,#(I) mov(I),I GDKCmovC2(sp),I MPsp)+,I movC,*(sp)+ KCGBmovC(I),I MPsp)+,I movC,#(I) KCGBmovof(I),J MPsp)+,J movfo,#(I) movf,I movC',I sxt- divP,I- movC-,A KCmovC',I sxt- divsp)+,I- movC-,A KCGJmovC(J),I sxt- divsp)+,I- movC-,#(J) GDKCmovC2(sp),I sxt- divsp)+,I- movC-,*(sp)+ movC',I sxt- div,I- movC,A KCmovC',I sxt- divsp)+,I- movC,A KCGJmovC(J),I sxt- divsp)+,I- movC,#(J) GDKCmovC2(sp),I sxt- divsp)+,I- mov,*(sp)+ KCmovb',I xor,(sp) movsp)+,I movb,A GDmovC(sp),-(sp) KAxor,(sp) movCsp)+,I movC,*(sp)+ movC',I asr movC,A GBasrC(I) movC(I),I movif,I GBmovif(I),I GAmovif,I GAmovfi,I GAsetl movfi,-(sp) movsp)+,I seti setl movif,I seti GBsetl movif(I),I seti GAmov,-(sp) setl movifsp)+,I seti GCsxt GAmovsp)+,I -- -!-P,F-G-NZ-UZ-K-L-M'C GBM'C(I) ML,A KBML(I),A KAMC,A GBML,#(I) GBKJML(J),#(I) GBKIMC,#(I) KBGJML(I),#(J) KAGJMC,#(J) GDKBML(I),*(sp)+ GDKAMC,*(sp)+ clr clr+ mov,A+ sxt mov,A mov+,A+ mov(I),A+ sxt KAmov,A+ sxt KAsetl movfi,A seti KAGJsetl movfi,#(J) seti KBmov(I),A mov+2(I),A+ KAmov,A movsp)+,A+ GBmov,#+2(I) sxt(I) KAGJmovsp)+,#+2(J) mov,#(J) GBKImov+2,#(I) sxt(I) KCGBmovsp)+,#+2(I) sxt(I) KCGBmovsp)+,#(I) movsp)+,#+2(I) ML,A KAMC,A GBML,#(I) KBGJML(I),#(J) KAGJML,#(J) GBKJML(J),#(I) GBKIML,#(I) GDKBML(I),*(sp)+ GDKAML,*(sp)+ M'C M,A KBM(I),A KAM,A GBM'C(I) KBGJM(I),#(J) KBmovC',J M(I),J movC,A KAmovC',J M,J movC,A KAGJM,#(J) KCGBMsp)+,#(I) KCGBmovC(I),J Msp)+,J movC,#(I) asrC GBasrC(I) aslC GBaslC(I) ash,A KBash(I),A KAash,A j..7.".#.$.%.(.).*.+.-...Q.0.<.=.>.?.@.A.B.C.D.E.H.I.O.movof,I GBmovof(I),I GEHAj.(.).7.0.clrC(sp) mov,-(sp) GBmov(I),-(sp) mov+,-(sp) mov,-(sp) GCM'sp) GCM,(sp) GCKBM(I),(sp) GCKAM,(sp) /d/o/x0f,0e/c/s/l:0rZV3d3t3333333l3|3366355553328886z575586^66606644^4h444444 5 B@ @ae54N "@-#@ !%*@ @a% %  @@54 u-%* b  ~ &  2_#w b @ @me,55 De,_%%*_%%f5 Ce,M I%*E%@Ap,p(  N j& AA 2r %AA 2r  eC- u-u5ueD- FA1@ @m5DC(@p@0@pAf r2p 5 _R% N&_Z%w w D eD-w w D@( = x2F=a;ADp}5@ =@0=Q-=x@' RF %+A r=A r &@t@t=A_F w w BCJ- `f "'%f "'%_r( J-  H%*%.B%> 9%(5%/%*eAfVp^ AADtp0(%( "5 @ `, "5!@ `5,@ `,BD " `,w w L25BeCe~-42nF  272@wt movclrcmptstaddsubincdecmuldivasrashaslbicbic $1,bitbit $1,bisbis $1,xornegcom*$jeqjnejlejgtjltjgejlosjhijlojhis/nopjbr ?K?K?K?K?K?K??K??K?K?K?L?L?L?L?L?&L?6L?JLhL?xLTLLT?L?LLT M8M??xM??xM??M?M?M?MMMMMT?MT? 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Any 5 areas 4 ~ 14 4 used fo 4 shows t 4 purpose 5 -node. 5 are al 4 ~ 12 s 4 urring 4 showing 4 previou Aug 23 14:16 \n", ciotp) ; extern int *iot, iotta[], *ciotp, ef[], *cacms ; ccih.c ccih extern int selmes[], *ciotp, *irr, *iras ; start( ciotp ) ; commd.c commd pt[10] = ciotp ; /* store link into last to this iot */ ciotp = iotp ; ciotp = iotp ; ciotp = iotp ; ciotp = iotp ; ciotp = iotp ; ciotp = iotp ; /* set curren iotp */ fcp[11] = ciotp ; fcp[11] = ciotp ; /* update last link */ extern int *iot, fct[], *bt, *ciotp ; /*diag*/printf(" cief[1] == 2 ) goto badf ; if( ef[1] == 2 ) goto badf ; if( ef[1] == 2 ) goto badf ; if( op[0] == '\n' ) { ef[1] = 1; goto badf; } if(( ef[1] == 2) &&( ef[2] == 'l') ) if(( op[0] = getchar() ) == '\n' ){ ef[1] = 1; goto lir ;} if((ef[1]==1) &&(i==0) ) ; if((op[0] = getchar() ) == '\n') { ef[1] = 1 ; goto badf ; } if((op[0] = getchar() ) == '\n') {ef[1] = 1 ; goto badf ; } if((op[1] = getchar() ) == '\n') { ef[1] = 1 ; goto badf ; } _sidcf _chcnt _maxch _p20flg _printf"S_getchar"zR_savpsw"Q_ef _ciotp _dcdspy"4_mtdspy"_iodspy"T!_dkdspy"h$_qdspy"_bfdspy"$._ccdspy"J_numbrs"_getnum"~_pswold _pswtmp _dccs#^V_mtc#fV_dkc#lV_ccs#xV_mts#dV_reboot"~S_ccsr#V_cco#zV_cci#|V_dcwc#`V_dcma#bV_c1 _c2 _c3 _d1 _d2 _d3 _syinit"_ldunix"S_iras"P_irc _ircmax sswiely, a ively, ma ively, wh ively. 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Tog k 10  w2w 2 5 @? 5@ HNe17 2 @ /  4@@ @ ,:5 N H7 4 5* 4- 4 47 2@7 27 27 2w21w 17@5@5@,:5N 7575 t5 @ 5@ 5Z8M@CNff %@M MȕxNff % L Lȕ-Nf * )7 7  7 7 7   ch points ch provid ch refer ch reliev ch system ch the co ch the sa ch they h ch throug ch throug ch time t ch user a ch user h ch user. ch users ch will b ch will b ch will n ch would ch, root chal arra chal dire chal dire chal dire chal dire chal dire chal dire chal file chal file chal file chal file chal file chal file chal name chal name chal nami chal nami chal nami chal nami chal~~~ 1 chal~~~ 1 chal~~~ 1 changed a changed b changed.~ character character chart for charts sh charts sh charts sh chart prior art prior art prior art prior art prior art prising a prising a prising t problem o procedure process i process.~ program a program e program i program p program s program s program. programmi programs programs programs programs programs programs programs programs programs programs programs programs programs programs programs programs programs programs programs programs programs programs programs programs programs programs programs programs programs programs, programsart FIG. art arran art file art file~ art form. art from art from art gener art metho art metho art of a art of th art root~ art suffe art syste art, diff art. A g art. Com art. In articular articular articular articular articular articular articular articular articular articular arting lo arting po arting po arts show arts show arts show arts, the art~~~ 20 ary ary and f ary conce ary depen ary diagr ary for d ary maxim ary numbe ary numbe ary stora ary, it i ary. Phy ary~~~ 15 ar~~~ 13 as again~ All da all I- all of all of all of alloca alloca alloca alloca alloca alloca alloca alloca alloca alloca alloca alloca alloca alloca alloca along~ alread Also c also c also c also c also c Also l also c altern altern Althou Althou altern always always always always amodif among an alt An an an att an end an ent an I-n an I-n an I-n an I-n an exi an ind an ind an ind an ind an int an inv an ope an unu and "A and 22 and 22 and 22 and 23 11 or~~~ 11 or~~~ 13 or~~~ 14 or~~~ 17 or~~~ 18 or~~~ 18 or~~~ 20 or~~~ 20 or~~~~~ ose I-no ose I-nu ose a da ose a se ose crea ose data ose digi ose digi ose much ose of p ose phys ose prog ose prog oses, bu ose~~~ 1 osing ca osition osition ossibili ossibili ossible ossible ossible. ossible~ ost due ost due ost file ost part ost, all ost. Th ost~~~ osure ot a dat ot a dir ot appar ot be er ot conce ot conta ot conta ot direc ot direc ot direc ot direc ot direc ot direc ot direc ot direc ot d struct struct struct struct sub-~~ subdir subdir subrou subrou subrou subrou subrou subrou subrou subtle such a such a such a such b Such m such s suer. suffer Summar symbol symbol symbol symbol symbol symbol System System symbol symbol SYSTEM System system system system system system system system system system system system system system system system system system system system system system system system system system system system system ut.cgetchar chcnt = 0 ; chcnt getput.cgetchar chin[++chcnt] = *tkb & 0177 ; chcnt getput.cgetchar extern maxch, chcnt ; chcnt getput.cgetchar if( chcnt > maxch ) goto newlin ; chcnt getput.cgetchar if( chin[chcnt] == '#' ) {if(chcnt >=1 ) { chcnt=-2; /*decr*/ chcnt getput.cgetchar if( chin[chcnt] == '@' ) { chcnt = -1 ; /* delete line*/ chcnt getput.cgetchar if(( chin[chcnt] == '\n' ) ||( chin[chcnt] == '\r' ) ) chcnt getput.cgetchar maxch = chcnt ; chcnt getput.cgetchar return( chin[ch-' wJ f'4^@x;  N @e -|' wf@OB&L 6= .& f & 8%@e& & 8%@,u-z;  eu-~;  N N Nf V eFf)EwEEeEHEeEAeAH@wf)Ed&; 8 7P&L&;  0% ; 8 7%%;  >% 8% J&VE$ $ 7 7 2 $$-" 7 $ @7z$- & 6 % mlevniceprintplaymanualsetupscore/xxxxxxxxseektestinputxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxehpictscaleforeachbookw 5D 55 5 LdED .@ 5 7CC DC 4%5 @Z w-Z@D &*N w-D e V3e `47 e5 @ @ r @_l X 7@_ X  6_ _ X 5___ 5>@ 2  3"c `4wc er m a single a single a single a single a small a small~ a specia a specia a storag a storag a storag a stored a subrou a summar a symbol A throug A throug A throug a true h a used b a user d a user m a user m a user m a user w a user w a user w a user w a user w a user~~ a user~~ A" is fo A" is no A" is se A", for~ A"~~~ 4 a volume a which a whole A" is se A, 1B an A, 1B, a A, 2B, 2 A, 3B an A, 4B an a write a, and i a, direc A, I-lis A, inclu A, it wi A. All A.~~~ 10 A.~~~ 15 a, e.g. A.1" are A.1@_ - ]f 95-\_ -\@\ff h&%_ kkW T%jjW T%_ W T5 \e@-A mp\Aup@ m^\ fW T% _ W T F1=% W \_ @ @[[r[#h[f[[[s[a    x _ W _ 0=% [_ WuWf_ _ -j[gW T_ -V[V[W T_ -B[F[ X T_ X T_ f 9 this ero, the ero~~~ ero~~~ 1 erpreted erred be erred fr erred fr erred fr erred th erred to erred to erred to erred to erred to erred to errelati erring t erring~~ erroneou erroneou error an error,~~ Errors i error. error.~~ error.~~ errorono errors i errors i errors m errors n errors o errors o errors. error~~~ ers 223, ers 420. ers and ers and ers and ers and ers appe ers are ers are ers are ers are ers are ers are~ ers asso ers caut ers cont ers easi ers file ers for ers from ers in b er@    xzzzz@ @ @    xL&0@8U 4Uȕ+,U (Uc U : W-_Rc@ 2 ;@ 2 TA 2cA 2 wf/w T/@ ?T TwF/w 4/N T  J AT T @T ~Tȕ/Nef . w.w .@t5A ru%@5W-@ T Tȕk W-@T Tȕq@A5S SHS@ @5S SAe0HwJ.w 8. , H i ntion, ph ntion: t ntion;~~~ ntion;~~~ ntions of ntions, a ntive phy ntly bein ntly bein ntly occu ntly prov nto I-lis nto buffe nto buffe nto open nto the I nto the I nto the I nto the I nto the c nto the f nto the l nto the o nto the o nto the v nto this nto~~~ 4 nto~~~ 5 nto~~~ 9 nto~~~ 10 ntrast to ntrast to ntries (l ntries 10 ntries 11 ntries 52 ntries ar ntries co ntries co ntries ha ntries ha ntries is ntries mu ntries po ntries po ntries.~~ ntries.~~ ntries~~~ ntries~~~ ntroduced ntroducti e. A file. B file. D file. I file. L file. T file. T file. T file. T file. T file. W file. W file.~~~ file.~~~ file.~~~ file.~~~ file.~~~ file.~~~ file.~~~ Files 20 file; wh files 20 files 22 files am files an files an files an files an files an files an Files ar files ar files be files be files by files by files by files co files cr files ex files ex files fo files fo files in files in files in files in files is files is files of files of files of files on files or files su files th files th fi1 file~~~ 2 file~~~ 2 file~~~ 2 file~~~ 2 file~~~~~ file~~~~~ filled, t filled, t find a ma find each find phys first I-n first I-n first be first por first por first ref first use first use first use first use first use first use first~~~ first~~~ first~~~ fit from fix A.~~~ fix the m fixed and fixed len fixed len fixed~~~ flag indi flagged f flags are flexible flow char flow char flow char flow char flow char for a fir for a par for a sec for a sin for all d for all o for all o for a~~~ for backu ng 6 ion poi 6 econd u 7 e~~~ 6 7 to dat 6 tion in 6 path na 6 inters~ 6 each I- 7 es~~~ 1 7 to a d 6 th~~~ 6 own in 6 ing and 6 e open 7 esent i 7 the nu 6 the ope 6 ould be 6 indepen 6 e indic 7 erred t 7 the in 6 the new 6 or~~~ 6 in open 6 e first 7 er wish 7 subrou 6 the fre 6 ory is 6 implifi 6 e acces 7 er may 7 simpli 6 ter mem 6 ond use 6 ill be 6 e I-~~~ 7 ent~~~ 7 simple 6 tem dir 6 oncerne  ]c v4 7\\ cA 2 w\ @ w-w -5 NS JS5W- @ pc@ W- w-w -< # <; z5%@e&; 4%@ N N   wT-w B-@@t5%b@ t@mDC! #e "! L3t!$@t&@t% Ne   f  e5 L3twp,w ^,Q 8   8 (  r4)+ rts pc patt: bit (r5)+,_dir(r0) bne 1f mov r0,r1 add (r5)+,r1 jsr pc,look jsr pc,look rts r5 1: add $6,r5 rts r5 satt: mov r5,-(sp) bit (r5)+,_dir(r0) bne 1f mov r0,r1 add (r5)+,r1 jsr pc,look / pawn mov r0,r1 2: mov (sp),r5 bit (r5)+,_dir(r1) bne 1f add (r5)+,r1 tst _board(r1) beq 2b tst (r5)+ mov r4,-(sp) jsr pc,look jsr pc,look jsr pc,look jsr pc,look cmp (sp)+,r4 bne 2b 1: mov (sp)+,r5 add $14.,r5 rts r5 look: cmp (r5)+,_board(r1) bne 1f mov -2(r5),(r4)+ 1:d|yvspolifc`]Znkheb_\Ymjgda^[XWTQNKHEBVSPMJGDAUROLIFC@?<9630-*>;852/,)=:741.+('$!&# %"lr r4 div r3,r4 asr r4 mul r3,r4 mov r5,r4 add r1,r4 mov (sp)+,r5 mov r1,-(sp) mov r2,-(sp) loop: mov r1,r0 cmp (r0),(r4) bge loop1 add r3,r1 br loop loop1: cmp r2,r4 blos 1f sub r3,r2 mov r2,r0 cmp (r0),(r4) bge loop1 jsr pc,exchange cmp r1,r4 bne loop mov r2,r4 br loop 1: cmp r1,r4 beq 1f jsr pc,exchange mov r1,r4 br loop1 1: mov (sp)+,r2 mov r4,-(sp) mov r4,r1 add r3,r1 jsr pc,qsort mov (sp)+,r2 mov (sp)+,r1 br qsort done: rts pc exchange: mov r1,-(sp) mov ode, her ode, sto ode, tha ode. Ea ode. Fi ode. Fu ode. It ode. Wi ode.~~~ ode.~~~ odern~~~ odes 201 odes all odes and odes are odes are odes are odes are odes are odes as odes by odes by~ odes dir odes for odes in odes in odes in odes on odes per odes per odes poi odes res odes tak odes to odes) st odes, an odes, th odes. A odes. D odes. T odes; di odes;~~~ odes~~~ odes~~~ odes~~~ odes~~~ ode~~~ ode~~~ ode~~~ ode~~~ ode~~~ 1 ode~~~ 1 ode~~~ 1 ode~~~ 1 ode~~~ 2 ode~~~ 2 odicall ame is r ame is s ame is~~ ame is~~ ame is~~ ame mann ame matc ame may ame must ame of a ame of a ame of a ame of a ame of t ame of t ame or a ame phys ame refe ame sear ame spec ame time ame tree ame volu ame". T ame, and ame, et~ ame, whi ame,~~~ ame. "R ame. A ame. In ame. Th amed fil amed in amed~~~ amees fo ames and ames and ames and ames app ames are ames are ames for ames for ames in ames is~ ames may ames mus ames of ames of ames of ames of~ ames of~ ames onl ames whi ames wit ames, a name Newly neces need No pe node node not a numbe numbe numbe numbe numbe numbe numbe numbe numbe obtai occur of fi of le of wo on th one w opera opera or wr own c Physi Physi owner permi Physi physi point point point point previ progr progr progr read read readi refer refer regar reque retur role Root root same same searc secon set i set t shari shari shari shown Singl 12 l~~~ 13 l~~~ 13 l~~~ 14 l~~~ 15 l~~~ 15 l~~~ 16 l~~~ 16 l~~~ 18 l~~~ 18 l~~~ 18 l~~~ 18 l~~~ 19 l~~~ 21 l~~~~~ l~~~~~ l~~~~~ m actions m and use m and use m area 50 m area 50 m as a do m a~~~ 20 m because m debuggi m directo m directo m directo m directo m directo m directo m directo m directo m directo m directo m drawbac m each I- m entry) m error,~ m errors m file si m file~~~ m for dat m for the m form in m giving m in Tabl m in comm m indexes m informa m in~~T>XX  w7vPPE@E? (E p@Ext.$ZFUE ]&&   5  c  (7  E w*  &PC @EE 7H 7BE 6-0U, $( $E U5@ D &5@775@  wD J@ Ex.>6HPe5.e(`D E ectory rectory rectory rectory rectory rectory rectory rectory rectory rectory rectory rectory rectory rectory rectory rectory rectory rectory rectory rectory rectory rectory rectory rectory rectory rectory rectory rectory rectory rectory rectory rectory rectory rectory rectory rectory rectory rectory" rectory, rectory, rectory, rectory, rectory. rectory. rectory. rectory. rectory. rectory. rectory. rectory~ rectory~ rectory~ rectory~ rectory~ rectory~ rectory~ rectory~ r = ob; symtab = stab; for (c=0; c<200; c++) { stab[c].name[0] = '\0'; stab[c].value = 0; } defloc = lookup("define", 1); defloc->value = defloc->name; incloc = lookup("include", 1); incloc->value = incloc->name; stringbuf = sbf; line = ln; lineno = 0; if (fcreat(tmp4, obuf) < 0) { printf("Can't creat %s\n", tmp4); dexit(); } while(getline()) { if (ibuf==ibuf2) putc(001, obuf); /*SOH: insert */ if (ln[0] != '#') for (lp=line; *lp!='\0'; lp++) putc(*lp, obuf); putc('\n', e~~~ 13 e~~~ 13 e~~~ 13 e~~~ 13 e~~~ 13 e~~~ 13 e~~~ 13 e~~~ 13 e~~~ 14 e~~~ 14 e~~~ 14 e~~~ 14 e~~~ 14 e~~~ 14 e~~~ 14 e~~~ 14 e~~~ 14 e~~~ 14 e~~~ 14 e~~~ 14 e~~~ 15 e~~~ 15 e~~~ 15 e~~~ 15 e~~~ 15 e~~~ 15 e~~~ 15 e~~~ 15 e~~~ 15 e~~~ 15 e~~~ 15 e~~~ 15 e~~~ 16 e~~~ 16 e~~~ 16 e~~~ 16 e~~~ 16 e~~~ 16 e~~~ 16 e~~~ 16 e~~~ 16 e~~~ 16 e~~~ 17 e~~~ 17 e~~~ 17 e~~~ 17 e~~~ 17 e~~~ 17 e~~~ 17 e~~~ 17 e~~~ 18 otp = %o\n",ciotp ) ; common.c _ int *iot; int *ciotp; dspydr.c main ccdspy( ciotp ) ; ciotp = iodspy() ; dcdspy(ciotp) ; /* call dc display routine */ dkdspy(ciotp) /* call dk display routine */ ; mtdspy(ciotp) /* call mt display routine */ ; extern int *ciotp ; /*diag*/ printf("ciotp = %o \n", ciotp ) ; iodspy.c iodspy return(ciotp) ; pter = ciotp ; extern int *iot, ef[], *ciotp ; syinit.c syinit ciotp = iot ; extern int fct[], *ciotp, *tsical physical physical physical physical physical pical of pid acce pid acce pid inde ping tra place, t placed i placed i placing ple and ple and~ ple arra ple exte ple file ple file ple file ple in a ple" fil ple, a u ple, a~~ ple, inc ple, nam ple, sys ple, the ple, to ple, to plement plemente plementi ples of plete se pleted.~ pleted.~ pletely~ pletes t plex and plex sin plexitie plexity plicate plicate plicate plicated plicated plicated plicated plicate~ plicatio plicatio plies a plified pl 7 w f $"_- 7    "p$"_$׭\ p$"d^'$"׭\   "dp$"IF׭P  ׭D\ pl  "`(p$"+׭>$׭  ׭   ^"B'/<\ Ff - $"N׭* c!/T p$" *"C׭f  ׭Z/Nc!*.0t7$":%׭4\ `\$p$"P *" F"data file data file data file data file data file data file data file data file data file data file data file data file data file data file data file data file data file data file data file data file data file data file data file data file data file data file data is t data layo data layo data layo data layo data rema data stor data stor data used data whic data, and data, dir data. A data~~~ data~~~ data~~~ data~~~ data~~~ 1 data~~~ 1 data~~~ 1 data~~~ 1 data~~~ 1 data~~~ 2 date the dated as da_ccint"`_dcint"`_mtint"(`_dkint"8`_clkint"H`_ccih _dcih _mtih _dkih _iras _pswold _reg rtistreg`testirT`tstretX`phighb`retx`resregldunix.oJ.+X  Xȋ_X_ldunix"printf.oJ{+HPw A 5r5Nf ` A 5rNe0 ww @e5@ les f files f files f files f files f files f file~~ f file~~ f file~~ f file~~ f I-node f I-node f I-node f I-node f I-node f indica f indica f indire f indire f indire f indire f indire f input/ f its po f large f levels f links f links f many o f miscel f of the f physic f primar f provid f read a f refere f simple f simult f stored f system f system f system f the bl f the cl f the co f the cu f the cu f the cu f the da f the da f the da f the da f the da f the da f the da f the de f the di f t 03<5m@,=5 @> _&e u@ 03<5m@,=5@$> :e  L= @m,= e5  @3== 5 @5== Ff50 %  %  %  0* F" %  %  %  0* u@Juw-&$eN  %  =% e}ee Nfw hB@w \B-*w nB@7 *wxfw*w TB7 *wbf@w`w\w<w@fwHw$ w&f \w }w7n,FB@$Y r Cd$YDf 7-.7#(e 7#e7#m  %efwwwVwZf@www4w8fAww5WpeW  W D wDwwf& @&HFfA7hJ  first~ e fixed e flags e flow c e flow c e flow c e for ma e for th e for th e for th e for th e form o e format e format e format e format e format e formin e for~~~ e free I e free b e free I e free I e free. e free~~ e free~~ e full p e full p e full p e functi e functi e functi e genera e genera e given e given e given e given e greatl e handli e has be e having e having e having e having e I-node e I-node e I-node e I-node e I-~~~ e herein e hierar e hierar e hierar e hierar e I-list e I-list C __dklast C __dklser 053160D __dkma C __dkntf C __dkq 026060T __dkstat C __dktl 022042T __dktran 053156D __dkwc C __ef 020220T __endiot C __eof 017616T __fatal C __fclen C __fct C __fcthrs C __frecnt 051172T __getchar 016176T __getnum 012464T __gq 033770T __initb 012402T __initq C __inmess 020524T __iodspy C __iot C __iotta 050326T __iras C __irc C __ircmax C __klcs 051606T __l - - - - - - - - - on 5 rams~~~ 5 length 5 es may 6 ame~~~ 6 an ind 5 themsel 5 rammati 5 le. Th 5 es in t 6 ame of 6 an I-n 5 the vol 5 r.~~~ 1 5 le and 5 erences 6 ame fil 6 additi 5 the sec 5 r ident 5 layout 5 erence 6 additio 6 256 wo 5 the roo 5 r I-nod 5 l stora 5 er.~~~ 6 _____ o 6 21 5 the buf 5 own at 5 l data 5 er iden 6 ____ of 6 locat 5 the_ 5 ow char 5 its I-n 5 er area 6 I-node. 6 File 5 4 check t 4 ows the 4 ng bit 4 ist (I- 4 h the I 4 ectory, 4 ch user 4 ovide f 4 ng a~~~ 4 isk fil 4 h of th 4 eatment 4 ch is~~ 4 ough th 4 nes for 4 is then 4 h is~~~ 4 earch i 4 ce~~~ 1 4 ossible 4 neously 4 is prov 4 h data 4 e. Thi 4 ccurrin 4 ory str 4 ned as 4 is perf 4 gh the 4 e. I-n 4 ccordin 4 ory nam 4 ne or m 4 is not 4 ge arra 4 e the f 4 cation, 4 ory lev 4 nd writ 4 ion~~~ 4 ge area 4 e that e simpli e simply e simult e single e size 4 e size 4 e size o e size, e size~~ e size~~ e so tha e some d e space e space e specia e specia e specia e specia e spectr e starti e starti E STORAG e storag e storag e storag e storag e storag e storag e storag e storag e storag e storag e storag e storag e storag e storag e storag e storag e stored e stored e subrou e such b e superv e superv e superv e swappe e symbol e symbol E SYSTEM e symbol e symbol e system e system e system e system e system e syste I-number I-number I-number I-number I-number I-number I-number I-number I-number I-number I-number I-number I-number I-~~~ 7 I-~~~ 8 I-~~~ 10 I-~~~ 10 I-~~~ 11 I-~~~ 17 h~~~ 13 h~~~ 13 h~~~ 15 h~~~ 19 i -~~~~~ I-list ( I-list 2 I-list 2 I-list 2 I-list 2 I-list 2 I-list a I-list a I-list i I-list i I-list) I-list), I-list, I-list. I-list.~ I-list.~ I-node 2 I-node 2 I-node 2 I-node 2 I-node 2 I-node 2 I-node c I-node c I-node w I-node) I-node, I-nodes I-nodes I-nodes I-nodes I-nodes I-nodes5-[K@Hw [I[6X T _ f 95-Z1@.wZ/ZBX T _ _ RI NX`XrX|XX TW _ @ _ zZX Tw2Iw IW- NX T 5 Ih FN 7 T w6dccs = %o dcwc = %o dcma = %o dcbe blocks o blocks o blocks o blocks o blocks p blocks u blocks w blocks, blocks, blocks, blocks, blocks. blocks. blocks. blocks.~ blocks.~ blocks.~ blocks; block~~~ block~~~ block~~~ block~~~ block~~~ block~~~ block~~~ block~~~ block~~~ block~~~ block~~~ block~~~ bodiment bodiment bodiment bolic fi bolic fi bolic na bolic na bolic na bolic na bolic na bolic na bolic na bolic na bolic na bolic na bolic ne both ent both. N both~~~ Brief bove. T branches broadly broutine broutine broutine broutin @ uu- e}eew!w-eN j*F % }ee Tw\Ff@wH@wB@@ _,*,=_) <55 3=e& 0* ee& 0* 55=e & 0* e z & 0* 4=e& 0* 5 <=e& 0* n== 5<@ K=a& 0* e_(= ==@ 5@ 2< l@& 0* e:5: 5N wR3f 5 @? 5@ HNe1v9 4 @ /  6@@ @ D<5 N 9 6 5* 6- 6 69 4@9 49 49 4wf2f 69  r6 V O9  O @5@5@D<5N n95_N b/  N 89x  9 b/  - ified plified plified plified plified, plify fi plished plishes pluralit pluralit pluralit ply inde ply.~~~ point fr point in point of point to point to point to point to point.~~ pointer pointer pointer pointer pointer pointer pointer pointer pointer pointer pointer pointer pointer pointer pointer pointer pointer pointer pointer pointer pointer pointer pointer pointer pointer pointer pointer pointers pointers pointers pointers pointers pointers pointers pointers pointers ps of f mes of f mes of~~ mes of~~ mes only mes such mes the mes whic mes with mes, and mes, nam mes. A~ mes. Fo mes.~~~ mes~~~ mes~~~ 1 mes~~~~~ method f method o method o method o method o methods methods me~~~ 3 me~~~ 8 me~~~ 8 me~~~ 11 me~~~ 12 me~~~ 14 me~~~ 14 me~~~ 18 me~~~ 20 might wr milar~~~ minated minated, minated. mination mine the mined an mined lo mined lo mined,~~ minent m ming con ming fun ming fun ming lar ming may ming of ming of ming or ming sch ming ser ming sma ming, an m1-1 pson 1-1 pson 1-1 pson 1-1 pson 1-1 pson 1-1 pson 1-1 pson 1-1 pson 1-1 pson 1-1 pson 1-1 pson 1-1 pson 1-1 pson 1-1 pson 1-1 pson 1-1 pson 1-1 pson 1-1 pson 1-1 pson 1-1 pson 1-1 pt to th ption ption ption is ption of ptions~~ ptually pt~~~ 7 pular, a pularity pulate f pulate I pulating pulating purpose purpose purpose purposes put buff put data put into put reso put/outp put/outp put/outp puter ap puter me puter me puter me puter me puter me puter me puter sy puter sy puters, puters~~ pute g~~~ 6 g~~~ 8 g~~~ 8 g~~~ 9 g~~~ 10 g~~~ 11 g~~~ 12 g~~~ 13 g~~~ 13 g~~~ 13 g~~~ 14 g~~~ 14 g~~~ 14 g~~~ 15 g~~~ 15 g~~~ 17 g~~~ 19 g~~~ 19 g~~~ 20 g~~~ 20 g~~~ 20 g~~~ 21 g~~~ 21 g~~~~~ g~~~~~ g~~~~~ h 14B ar h 16 wor h 18 are h 20 are h 23 are h 24 giv h 25B ar h a flag h a numb h a numb h admini h all of h all~~~ h an arr h anothe h any ar h any fi h any ot h any~~~ h are eq h are us h as dat h as dis h as lis h assure h a~~~ h a~~~ h become h begins h being h betwe is rea is rea is rep is res is res is ret is ret is ret is rew is sea is set is set is set is set is set is sho is sho is sig is so is sto is ter is the is the is the is the is the is the is the is the is to is to is tra is tra is tra is use is use is, ea is, th is, th is~~~ is~~~ is~~~ is~~~ It is is~~~ is~~~ is~~~ is~~~ is~~~ it is it mus it the it wil its "f its co its co Its I- its I- its I- its I- its I- its ph its po itself ]; selmes[10]; reg[8]; siccf common.c _ siccf;sidcf; dspydr.c main siccf = 0 ; siccf = 1 ; extern siccf, sidcf; siccf = 1 ; /*init to simulate the ccreg on pdp20 */ syinit.c syinit extern siccf, sidcf ; if( siccf == 0 ) { sidcf common.c _ siccf;sidcf; dspydr.c main sidcf = 0 ; sidcf = 1 ; extern siccf, sidcf; sidcf = 1 ; /*init to simulate the dcreg on pdp 20 */ syinit.c syinit extern siccf, sidcf ; if( sidcf == 0 ) { snack ccdspy on the on the on the on the Once~~ on the on the one di one or one or one or one or one su ones.~ one~~~ only a only b only d only,~ on~~~ open f operat operat operat operat operat operat operat operat operat operat operat operat operat operat operat operat operat operat operat or dir or for or mor or mor or mor or mor or mor or oth or pro or pro or pro or pro or the order order order order~ orient orient or~~~ other other other other f he new n he norma he norma he numbe he numbe he numbe he numbe he numbe he numbe he numbe he occas he only he open he open he open he open he open he open he opera he order he outse he outse he owner he owner he owner he parti he physi he physi he physi he physi he physi he physi he physi he physi he physi he physi he physi he physi he physi he physi he physi he physi he physi he point he possi he preci he prefi he prese he prese he prese he prese he prese he prese he prese he prese he Prior he pr er of th er of th er of th er of th er of th er of th er of wo er of wo er of~~~ er of~~~ er of~~~ er opera er point er prese er previ er progr er progr er read~ er reque er reque er retur er searc er servi er stora er stora er stora er store er subdi er subro er syste er syste er that er the m er the p er the u er to an er to an er to di er to fi er to op er to pe er to ph er to re er to re er to re er to re er to th er to th er to th er to us er twice er two. er user er user er which er which er whicor dir e or ind e or mor e or mor e or mor e or mor e or pro e or pro e order~ e outset e outset e owner e owner e owner e partic e partic e passed e pass~~ e perfor e permis e permis e permis e physic e physic e physic e physic e physic e physic e physic e physic e physic e physic e physic e physic e physic e physic e physic e physic e physic e physic e physic e physic e physic e physic e physic e physic e physic e pointe e pointe e point~ e popula e possib e precis e prefix e prepar e presen e presen eal~~~ 16 al~~~ 18 al~~~ 18 al~~~ 18 al~~~ 19 al~~~ 21 al~~~~~ am actio am error am form am itsel am parti am size, am subro am. Eac ame "1" ame "1"~ ame "A" ame "A" ame "A" ame "A", ame "A.1 ame "USE ame (the ame 123. ame 125 ame 127~ ame A.1, ame and ame and ame I-no ame I-no ame and ame and ame as~~ ame a~~~ ame begi ame begi ame by w ame data ame dire ame file ame file ame file ame file ame file ame file ame I-no ame in a ame in o ame in s ame is a ame is a ame is a ame is f ame is f ame is p ) ) extern int ef[] ; dkdspy.c dkdspy n[i++] = getnum(ef) ; ef[1] = 1 ; ef[1] = 0 ; if( ef[1] == 2 ) goto badf ; if( ef[1] == 2 ) goto badf ; if(( ef[1] == 1 ) &&( n[i] == 0 ) ) i =-1 /* decr */; if(ef[1] == 2 ) goto badf ; while(( ef[1] == 0 ) &&( i <= 5 ) ) extern int ef[] ; dspydr.c main i = getnum(ef) ; if( ef[1] == 2 ) goto badf ; if( ef[1] == t e is fir e is fou e is fou e is fou e is in e is lin e is mad e is mod e is ope e is ope e is par e is poi e is poi e is pre e is rea e is rea e is rea e is ref e is sea e is sep e is so e is ver e is~~~ e is~~~ e is~~~ e is~~~ e is~~~ e is~~~ e is~~~ e it app e it is e itself e key to e key~~~ e large e last d e last d e last m e last~~ e later e layout e length e less s e less~~ e level e linear e linkin e linkin e linkin e linkin e links e list ( e list 5 e list 5 e list 5 e list 5 e list per~~~ per~~~ pesudo Physic physic physic physic physic physic physic physic physic physic physic physic physic physic physic physic physic place, placed placed placin plural point point point pointe pointe pointe pointe pointe pointe pointe pointe pointe pointe pointe pointe pointe pointe pointe pointe pointe pointe pointe pointe pointe pointe pointe pointe pointe pointe pointe pointe pointe pointe pointe pointe pointe pointe pointe pointi i o locati o locati o longer o lose d o marked o named~ o not co o not in o obtain o one in o one, t o open a o open a o open a o open f o open t o open t o open t o permit o permit o pesudo o physic o physic o physic o physic o physic o physic o possib o princi o prior o provid o provid o read b o read o o read o o read, o reduce o refer o refer o refer o refer o refer o relate o remove o rename o share o simpli o simula o specia o that a o that a o that b o that i o that s o that t o the ad o the ed, the~~ ed, thus ed,~~~ 16 ed,~~~ 18 ed. Also ed. As b ed. As f ed. Comp ed. Each ed. If t ed. In t ed. Inst ed. Main ed. The ed. The ed. The ed. The ed. The ed. Ther ed. This ed. This ed. User ed. When ed.~~~ 4 ed.~~~ 5 ed.~~~ 7 ed.~~~ 7 ed.~~~ 7 ed.~~~ 10 ed.~~~ 11 ed.~~~ 12 ed.~~~ 16 ed.~~~ 18 ed.~~~ 18 ed.~~~ 21 eded for eded to c eded.~~~ edetermin edetermin edetermin ediate ac edicated edicated edicated edly comp edly upda eds the f eds the f eds. It educe the ed~~ 5 d~~~ 6 d~~~ 7 d~~~ 7 d~~~ 8 d~~~ 8 d~~~ 9 d~~~ 10 d~~~ 11 d~~~ 11 d~~~ 13 d~~~ 13 d~~~ 15 d~~~ 15 d~~~ 16 d~~~ 17 d~~~ 17 d~~~ 18 d~~~ 19 d~~~ 20 d~~~ 21 d~~~ 21 d~~~ 21 99 89i9HH 89YYY? ???TDRRRRS3pFf 55% 5 @0 @0 W-- 55W-oW-0W-0HW-9D 97 AupAmeu `55W-0u-@@4  7  ,@@p@@ h7 ,@@pAupu@Ff5 @5@LW-9ast I-no ast modi ast modi ast one ast port ast to t ast to~~ ast~~~ as~~~ 13 as~~~ 17 at 205. at 304 s at 3B, i at 408 w at a dif at a dir at a kno at a kno at a kno at A.1, at a pre at all I at all p at any p at any~~ at an~~~ at a~~~ at a~~~ at block at data At FIG. at FIG. at FIG. at FIG. at deal at error at file at file at immed at immin at is de at is, e at is, s at is, t at is, t at least at locat at locat at locat at locat at locat at no sp at of st at of th at one p at shown at the b"(.6<BDJPV\bhntz~/mnt/chess/book/treeseek 0 /%s Cannot open %s %c kqrbnp PNBRQK r n b k q b n rr n b q k b n r %d. ... o-oo-o-onullresignep(q) pnbrqkrnb/dev/vscannot open vs /mnt/chess/draw/cvtabcannot open cvtab Cannot create %s nullresigno-ooo-oo*x-ep(q)ch+junk on end ambiguous illegal . . /dev/vt0cannot open vt /mnt/chess/draw/cvtabcannot open cvtab %d %d %d %d wgen %9.0f bgen %9.0%q k @5@5@N Ne18N ww A rNea 8@t ww |A r NC r  rfA r<& ew>w :4 (  ww   7ww  7 ww - -j7 W-7@ m5@2e2@ A rd 5A rd5@ @ m4AWpd(H 5@@ become become been l before begin. beginn behalf being being~ benefi betwee betwee betwee be~~~ be~~~ be~~~ bit 12 bit 12 bit 20 bit 20 bits 2 block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block block BLOCKS blocks blocks blocks blocks [0] ; /*diag*/printf("(at %o)", ccs ) ; extern int selmes[], fct[], *ccs, *cco, *cci, *cacms, ef[] ; printf("ccs= %o cco= %o\n", *ccs, *cco ) ; ccih.c ccih *ccs = 0 ; *ccs = 0100100 ; /* left bit is read only bit. extern int inmess[], *cco, *cci, *ccs ; cctran.c cctran extern int *ccs, *cci, *cco ; if( *ccs >= 0 ) { while( *ccs >= 0 ) while(( i<=(len-1) ) &&( ccs[0] < 0 ) ) *cco = mess[i++] ; common.c _ int *ccs c1; int *cco c2; int *cci c3; dspydr.c main iv; int *dciv; int *mtiv; int *dkiv; int *clkiv; syinit.c syinit *dciv = &dcint ; cciv[1] = dciv[1] = mtiv[1] = dkiv[1] = clkiv[1] = 0340 ; /* set priority */ dciv = 0124 ; extern int *cciv, *dciv, *mtiv, *dkiv, *clkiv ; dclast common.c _ int *cclast; int *dclast; int *mtlast; int *dklast; dcbeg.c dcbeg dclast = iotp ; extern int *dclast, *sycroq ; dcdspy.c dcdspy if( i >= 1 ) dclast = n[0] ; printf("dclast = %o dclser =%o\n", dclast, dclser ) ; extern int *d se r user. r users' r users, r using t r which d r which i r which i r which p r who cre r wishes r wishes r wishes r wishes r wishes r wishes r wishes~ r within r write i r write r r writing r writing r writing r writing r writing r writing r written r's area, r's~~~ 9 r's~~~ 9 r) to loc r)~~~ 7 r, a link r, altern r, altern r, and th r, and~~~ r, mainte r, or sys r, the su r, there r,~~~ 5 r,~~~ 6 r,~~~ 7 r,~~~ 8 r. Advan r. Any d r. As be r. Diagr r. Furth r. In a r. In od/: t s r o j i h g f e d a M L   ybA'? , } `O  0 z0g^A MLS5 s X : . -d*  &" %5 F  777& ewr&7r7l7 @ 5N  w w @ 5 @ 5 @  ~ ww u@ @@mȕ A r 5 N ff % @@mC r e0Ȑ @wN V7 L ӕ0B~8ӕ.  ӕ0~ B~  :ӕ. B~ӕe ӕ- ӕ+ r e0e0S&e@7 e(  @&-8w 5 @5@LW-9DW-d<A r5A ruA r5A ruA r 5A r u@t AWt@PAWt@P@]=@w> 8 ; int comd, ba, *fcp, fc ; switch(comd) { /* comds that need to deallocate buffers */ commd ccdspy.c ccdspy flag = commd( mess, &i ) ; ccih.c ccih na = commd( inmess, &linked ) ; commd.c commd commd(sc,linked) int sc[], *linked ; { d1 common.c _ d1; d2; d3; d4; d5; d6; d7; d8; d9; int *dccs d1; int *dcwc d2; int *dcma d3; dspydr.c main dccs = icle sketches the history of their use in Bell Laboratories research, and describes some of the current frontiers of our minicomputer work. While some of these applications will by their nature remain closely associated with research, an increasing number of them have already impacted and will continue to impact directly on the Bell System. Background__________ By 1966 it was clear that the single-stream batch com- puting era at Bell Laboratories, typified by computers *mtcr m2; char *dkcr d4; char *ccsr c1; int *mts m1; int *mtc m2; int *mtbrc m3; int *mtma m4; m1; m2; m3; m4; m3 common.c _ int *mts m1; int *mtc m2; int *mtbrc m3; int *mtma m4; m1; m2; m3; m4; m4 common.c _ int *mts m1; int *mtc m2; int *mtbrc m3; int *mtma m4; m1; m2; m3; m4; main dspydr.c main main() { /* display driver - dspydr */ maxch common.c _ fclen; fcthrs; comd; chcnt; maxch; dspydr.c main extern chcnt, maxch ; maxch = 0 ; fatal.c fatal chcnt = maxch + 1 ; /* deled the co d the di d the I- d the en d the I- d the I- d the la d the na d the ph d the ph d the ph d the pr d the re d the se d the us d the us d their d then p d then t d then u d there d theref d therei d the~~~ d the~~~ d the~~~ d the~~~ d throug d thus c d thus~~ d thus~~ d time~~ d to a s d to acc d to acc d to as d to ass d to be d to be d to be d to be d to buf d to by d to cho d to con d to con d to cor d to cur d to fil d to for d to I-n d to I-n d to hav d to loc d to ref d to sim d to theors gone */ dkstat.c dkstat *dkc, *dkds, *dker, *dkda ) ; *dkc, *dkds, *dker, *dkda ) ; extern int *dkc, *dkds, *dker, *dkda ; if((*dker & 1 ) != 0 ) ss = ss | 010000 ; /* cksum */ if((*dker & 2 ) != 0 ) ss = ss | 010000 ; /* cksum */ if((*dker & 040 ) != 0 ) ss = ss | 01000 ; /* misc */ if((*dker & 0100 ) != 0 ) ss = ss | 01000 ; /* misc */ if((*dker & 0200 ) != 0 ) ss = ss | 01000 ; /* misc */ if((*dker & 0400 ) != dclser, p20flg ; if( dclser != 1 ) goto er2 ; syinit.c syinit dclser = 0 ; extern dclser, mtlser, dklser ; dcma common.c _ int *dccs d1; int *dcwc d2; int *dcma d3; dcdspy.c dcdspy case 2: *dcma = n[2] ; printf("dccs = %o dcwc = %o dcma = %o\n", *dccs, *dcwc, *dcma); extern int *dccs, *dcwc, *dcma, *dclast ; dctran.c dctran *dcma = dct[2] ; extern int *dccs, *dcwc, *dcma ; dspydr.c main dcma = 0172412 ; } dcma = &d3 ; extern int *dccs, *d goto ret ; } { deallb( iotp, 1, iot ) ; { deallb(iotp,1,iot); {deallb(iotp,1,iot); { deallb(iotp, 1, iot ) ; { deallb(iotp,1,iot); /* deal iot entry */ { deallb(iotp,1,iot); /* deall iot entry */ { deallb( iotp, 1, iot ) ; if( i != 0 ) { deallb(iotp,1,iot); na = 15; goto ret; } iotp = allocb( 1, iot ) ; iotp = allocb( 1, iot); iotp = allocb(1, iot ) ; iotp = allocb(1, iot ) ; /* alloc io225 c de 225. de 230 h de 230 i de 235 h de 235 w de 301 i de 308, de 308. de 408 s de 408 s de 408 w de 520 i de 520. de 530 o de 530. de a con de a dir de alloc de also de also de also de an ad de and r de and t de and~~ de arbit de arbit de are a de arran de as wi de by pl de by th de capac de chang de conta de conta de conte de corre de fixed de for t de for t de for t de for t de havin de havin de in a de in th de in th de in th de in tu de inacc de in~~~ de is ag de is al de is co de is in deYi @mV `U V `U_j `N5 5-_` @D@-wV `U _j @-wV `U _j pnhdV `U _j RPLV `U _j h  xV pppppppp* _` ?bQ?fQ?hQnQ@TQ_j V `U_j W `U LN_j @M=% _` f "M% _` @&-7 7P7PPP_j -d 7 \ PP P_j cc  xN_` L=% _` f] ) ; bt delb.c deallb if( bt[i] == ba ) bt[i] = -bt[i] ; bt delb.c deallb if( i >(bt[-1] - 1) ) goto allfre /* if past end of table error */ ; bt delb.c deallb blksz = bt[-2] ; bt delb.c deallb if(( ba< bt[-4] ) ||( ba > bt[-5] ) ) bt delb.c deallb while( i < bt[-1] ) if(ba == bt[i++] ) goto releas ; bt delb.c deallb deallb(ba, size, bt) int ba, size, bt[]; { bt endiot.cendiot deallb( iotp[8], fcp[5], bt ) ; bt endiot.cendiot extern int *iot, *bt, fct[] ; bt inb.c initb *(bt-1) = q ;pO_n  :9 cx xhv  71sd { t^ odjx  i:!h $   ?:68$ "  ~hcnt fatal.c fatal chcnt = maxch + 1 ; /* deletes present input line */ chcnt fatal.c fatal extern chcnt, maxch ; chcnt getput.cgetchar else chcnt = -1 ; /* reinit */ chcnt getput.cgetchar chin[chcnt] = chin[chcnt] | 040 ; chcnt getput.cgetchar chin[chcnt] = '\n' ; chcnt getput.cgetchar if((chin[chcnt] >= 0101 ) &&(chin[chcnt] <= 0132 ) ) chcnt getput.cgetchar putchar( chin[chcnt] ) ; chcnt getput.cgetchar chcnt = -1 ; /* init cnt */ chcnt getpd~}|{zyxwvucwc, *dcma, *dclast ; syinit.c syinit dcma = &d3 ; } dcma = 0172412 ; } extern int *dccs, *dcwc, *dcma ; dctran dcbeg.c dcbeg if( dctran( &iotp[2] ) == 0 ) goto que ; dcdspy.c dcdspy flag = dctran( &iotp[2] ) ; dcih.c dcih i = dctran( &dclast[2] ) ; dctran.c dctran dctran( dct ) int dct[] ; { dcwc common.c _ int *dccs d1; int *dcwc d2; int *dcma d3; dcdspy.c dcdspy case 1: *dcwc = n[1] ; printf("dccs = %o dcwc = %o dcma = %o\n", *dccs, *dcwc, *dcma); <= 3 ) ) extern int ef[] ; numbrs.c numbrs ef[1] = 0 ; extern int ef[] ; if( ef[1] == 1 ) /* no line left */ { *amount = 0; goto ret; } if( ef[1]==2 ) i =-1 ; /* decr since error in last num */ if((ef[1]==1) &&(array[i]==0) ) i =-1 ; /* decr again */ while((ef[1]==0) &&(i < max) ) array[i++] = getnum(ef) ; qdspy.c qdspy {n = 0 ; ef[1] = 1 ; { ef[1] = 1 ; /* have blank*/ n= getnc ata buff ata by i ata cont ata due ata file ata file ata file ata file ata file ata file ata file ata file ata file ata file ata file ata file ata file ata file ata file ata file ata file ata file ata file ata file ata file ata file ata file ata file ata file ata file ata file ata file ata file ata file ata file ata file ata file ata file ata file ata file ata file ata file ata file ata file ata file ata file ata file ata file ata file ata file ata file ata file ata file ata file ata file ata file ata fiyiy9I9)y)v, *mtiv, *dkiv, *clkiv ; dclast common.c_ int *cclast; int *dclast; int *mtlast; int *dklast; dclast dcbeg.c dcbeg dclast = iotp ; dclast dcbeg.c dcbeg extern int *dclast, *sycroq ; dclast dcdspy.cdcdspy if( i >= 1 ) dclast = n[0] ; dclast dcdspy.cdcdspy printf("dclast = %o dclser =%o\n", dclast, dclser ) ; dclast dcdspy.cdcdspy extern int *dccs, *dcwc, *dcma, *dclast ; dclast dcih.c dcih else /* disk */ dkbeg(dclast) ; dclast dcih.c dcih endiot(dclast) ; dclast /* tape */ mtbeg(iotp) ; mtbrc common.c _ int *mts m1; int *mtc m2; int *mtbrc m3; int *mtma m4; mtdspy.c mtdspy case 1: *mtbrc = n[1] ; extern int *mtc, *mts, *mtbrc, *mtma ; printf("mtc= %o mtbrc= %o mtma= %o mts= %o\n",*mtc,*mtbrc,*mtma,*mts); mtih.c mtih ames[5] =(*mtbrc - mtlast[7]) >> 1 ; /* actual words(not bytes)trans*/ extern int *mtlast, *mtc, *mts, *mtbrc, *mtma, *iot ; mtstat.c mtstat extern int *mts, *mtbrc ; if(((*mts&01000 )!=0) &(*mtbrc!=0) ) ss = ss | d~{xur}zwtqtes present input line */ extern chcnt, maxch ; getput.c getchar extern maxch, chcnt ; if( chcnt > maxch ) goto newlin ; maxch = chcnt ; syinit.c syinit extern irc, ircmax, maxch, chcnt, p20flg ; maxch = 0 ; mtbeg dcih.c dcih if((dclast[5]&3) == 1 ) mtbeg(dclast) ;/*tape*/ mtbeg.c mtbeg mtbeg(iotp) int iotp[] ; { mtdspy.c mtdspy flag = mtbeg(iotp) ; snack.c snack if( dev == 1 ) { mtbeg(iotp) ; goto pop ; } /* mag tape */ start.c start if((iotp[5]&3) == 1 ) dklast[9], usn ) ; /* get unique sector number */ dcbeg dcbeg.c dcbeg dcbeg(iotp) int iotp[] ; { dcdspy.c dcdspy flag = dcbeg(iotp) ; dkih.c dkih { if( ackqed == 1 ) /* ack sent */ dcbeg( dklast ) ; } mtih.c mtih dcbeg(mtlast) ; snack.c snack if((*iotp &(3<<8) ) == 0 ) {dcbeg(iotp); goto pop ; } start.c start dcbeg( iotp ) ; dccs common.c _ int *dccs d1; int *dcwc d2; int *dcma d3; dcdspy.c dcdspy case 0: *dccs = n[0] ; printf("dccs = %o dcwc = %o - Nf  _Z `U_N 5NZ `U _N J5@_N[ `U _@A1,_@ @m[ `U _@A1,i@@5@e5@ @m[ `U _@A1,A@5@A1,@5,@ @m[ `U 5 @5,@ @m [ `U   ;&[<[J[ `UFfu  f x9%7DN  72N@ &e  7N@5NBX `U _ @e@e& %-_ @W-wW-wVX `U%_ @e@e& %-~^@5 N rX `U R X `U I@e@e& %-*4@W-wW-wX `U% I laF be re( ihd tr: nt st X `UX `UFf)5 5 K@U55@J@U 55J@U55J@U55J  J @0@U55J@U@55ast = %o \n", dclast ) ; dspydr.c main extern int *dccs, *dcwc, *dcma, *dclast ; dclser common.c _ dclser; mtlser; dklser; dcbeg.c dcbeg dclser = 1 ; /* say dclast awaiting service */ extern dclser ; if( dclser != 0 ) goto que ; dcdspy.c dcdspy if( i == 2 ) dclser = n[1] ; printf("dclast = %o dclser =%o\n", dclast, dclser ) ; extern dclser ; dcih.c dcih dclser = 0 ; /* say dclast has been serviced by int */ dclser = 1 ; /* say needs service */ externed "f arked as arked fr arked fr arked us arked. arly ben arly sea arly, to arly~~~ arrangem arrangem arrangem arrangem arrangem arrangem arrangem arrangem arrangem arrangem arrangem arrangem arrangem arrangem arrangem arrangem arrangem arrangem arrangem arrangem arrangem arrows a arrows a ars at a ars in s Art art FIG. art arra art file art file art form art from art from art gene art meth art meth art of a art of t art root art suff art syst art, dif art. A art. Co art. In articula articula ar i = getnum(ef) ; getnum.c getnum getnum(ef) int ef[]; { iodspy.c iodspy i = getnum(ef) ; mtdspy.c mtdspy n[i++] = getnum(ef) ; numbrs.c numbrs while((ef[1]==0) &&(i < max) ) array[i++] = getnum(ef) ; qdspy.c qdspy /* have blank*/ n= getnum(ef) ; n = getnum(ef) ; gq dcih.c dcih if(( ndc = gq(sycroq) ) == 0 ) goto st; /*trans on empty*/ dkih.c dkih dklast = gq(dkq) ; /* get top of disk q */ if(( nq = gq(dkq) ) == 0 ) goto sendac ; /* q empty iii9IY9)yiYyy)9IYi)9YIi)9IYi95 W-@?Ne,:fe,: * 5 W-&5 W-@AWpAN?@`eRAWpAfNmeR *  w w Nf * @ =@ =wr w ` @5}}wT w B W- "5 W-@AWpAAmBtC r 49eR  w w "@e 5u@e 57 /4[0  _,P$1 D 5@ A@ A@  _,W-57N N  _,7x 5&557!X5N &5spy printf("dcih returns %d\n", dcih() ) ; dcih dcih.c dcih dcih() { /* data channel interrupt handler */ dcint syinit.csyinit *dciv = &dcint ; dcint syinit.csyinit extern ccint, dcint, dkint, mtint, clkint ; dciv common.c_ int *cciv; int *dciv; int *mtiv; int *dkiv; int *clkiv; dciv syinit.csyinit *dciv = &dcint ; dciv syinit.csyinit cciv[1] = dciv[1] = mtiv[1] = dkiv[1] = clkiv[1] = 0340 ; /* set priority */ dciv syinit.csyinit dciv = 0124 ; dciv syinit.csyinit extern int *cciv, *dciUDX w7vPPE@E? (E p@Ext.$ZFUE ]&&   5  c  (7  E w*  &PC @EE 7H 7BE 6-0U, $( $E U5@ D &5@775@  wD J@ Ex.>6HPe5.e(`D E erea bfdspy.cbfdspy area = iotta ; area bfdspy.cbfdspy area = ackara ; area bfdspy.cbfdspy area = bufara; area bfdspy.cbfdspy if( area == ackara ) area bfdspy.cbfdspy if( area == bufara) area bfdspy.cbfdspy if( area == iotta ) area bfdspy.cbfdspy printf("area(%o) not equal to either bufara(%o)",area,bufara); area bfdspy.cbfdspy extern int *table, *area ; area common.c_ int *table;int *area; area syinit.csyinit area = ackara ; area syinit.csyinit if((op[1] = getchar() ) == '\n') {ef[1] = 1 ; goto badf ; } ef[1] = 0 ; extern int ef[] ; if( ef[1] == 1 ) goto end2 ; getnum.c getnum case 10: /* newline */ ef[1] =1; ef[1] = 0 ; ef[1] = 1 ; ef[1] = 2 ; ef[1] = 2 ; ef[2] = 0 ; ef[2] = i ; ef[2] = i ; getnum(ef) int ef[]; { iodspy.c iodspy if( ef[1] == 2 ) goto getptr ; i = getnum(ef) ; if( ef[1] == 1 ) goto curptr ; if( ef[1] == 2 ) goto per ; if( i == '\n' ) { ef[1] == 1; goto curptr ; p [?q on, ention: ention;~ ention;~ entions entions, entive p ently be ently be ently oc ently pr entries entries entries entries entries entries entries entries entries entries entries entries entries entries. entries. entries~ entries~ entry 11 entry 11 entry 12 entry 12 entry 12 entry ac entry co entry co entry ha entry in entry in entry in entry is entry is entry ma entry po entry so entry) f entry. entry.~~ entry~~~ entry~~~ entry~~~ entry~~~ entry~~~ ents are ents are ents are ents for ent dspydr.cmain dccs = &d1 ; dccs dspydr.cmain *dkc = *mtc = *dccs = 0200 ; dccs dspydr.cmain extern int *dccs, *dcwc, *dcma, *dclast ; dccs syinit.csyinit dccs = &d1 ; dccs syinit.csyinit *ccs = *dccs = *mts = *dkc = 0 ; /* 4 major channels */ dccs syinit.csyinit dccs = 0172414 ; dccs syinit.csyinit extern int *dccs, *dcwc, *dcma ; dcdspy dcdspy.cdcdspy dcdspy(iotp) int iotp[] ; { dcdspy dspydr.cmain dcdspy(ciotp) ; /* call dc display routine */ dcih dcdspy.cdcdextern int *bt, bufara[], *ackmes, ackara[] ; commd.c commd iotp[8] = allocb( fcp[5], bt ) ; iotp[8] = allocb( fcp[5], bt ) ; if( i != 0) { deallb(fcp[3],fcp[5],bt); na = 15; if( sc[3] > fcp[5]*bt[-2]) if( sc[3] > fcp[5]*bt[-2]) deallb(fcp[3], fcp[5], bt ) ; fcp[3] = allocb(n,bt) ; if( iotp == 0 ) { deallb(fcp[3],fcp[5],bt);na=6;goto ret;} extern int *iot, fct[], *bt, *ciotp ; common.c _ int *bt; delb.c deallb bt[-4],bt[-5]prisam ; mtih.c mtih extern mtq, irc, ircmax ; syinit.c syinit extern irc, ircmax, maxch, chcnt, p20flg ; irc = ircmax = 0 ; ircmax = 1 ; irr ccih.c ccih extern int selmes[], *ciotp, *irr, *iras ; klcs common.c _ int *klcs; syinit.c syinit *tks = *tps = *klcs = 0 ; /* tty and clock */ extern int *klcs ; klcs = 0172540 ; ldunix dspydr.c main ldunix() ; /* no return */ m1 common.c _ int *mts m1; int *mtc m2; int *mtbrc m3; int *mtma m4; m1; m2; m3; m4; m2 common.c _ char int *dkds d9; d8 common.c_ d1; d2; d3; d4; d5; d6; d7; d8; d9; d8 common.c_ int *dkc d4; int *dkwc d5; int *dkma d6; int *dkda d7; int *dker d8; int *dkds d9; d9 common.c_ d1; d2; d3; d4; d5; d6; d7; d8; d9; d9 common.c_ int *dkc d4; int *dkwc d5; int *dkma d6; int *dkda d7; int *dker d8; int *dkds d9; damin commd.c commd i = damin( &sc[2], &fcp[8]) + damin( &sc[4], &fcp[9] ) ; damin commd.c commd i = damin( &sc[4], &iotp[9] ) ; /* disk adr conversion */ damin commd.c commd if( dami   xjd^XBRBLBZ `Ue_zN 5N*Z `U ^Ne l5N@h~z  p .ɉ$m#<.ɁBijkl#Y(ɁJh*Y(  +ɁhZ[\MY(ɁYXWVZ,QQɁ GHIJKLMY( 1 ; iotp[5] = comd << 8 | 2 ; iotp[5] = comd << 8 | 1 ; iotp[5] = comd<< 8 | 2 ; iotp[5] = comd<<8 | 1 ; iotp[5] = comd<<8 | 1 ; /* store comd and tape op */ iotp[5] = comd<<8 | 2 ; iotp[5] = comd<<8 | 2 ; /* store comd and disk op */ iotp[5] = comd<<8 | 1 ; iotp[5] = comd<<8 | 2 ; /*diag*/ printf("comd= %d fc= %d\n",comd,fc) ; comd = 63 & sc[1] ; extern fclen, comd ; printf("unknown command from sel comd = 5_N*Y `U Ne  _@EU=_8Y `UNJY `U 5_50-V-V-V7 V VTnh5 Z EU 5@e  __& -|Ve  _!55 EU 5@e  __50 V V-V7 _U-55 u5 Fh@ 5OX55 u 55<  x^$tt$$$$t[ fclen *(dklast[1] & 037) ] ; i =( dklast[0] &(3<<8) ) >> 8 ; /* dc status */ if( dklser == 1 ) dklast = nq ; if( dktran(&dklast[6]) == 0 ) { e = 301 ; goto er1 ; } if( i == 3 ) endiot( dklast ) ; /* dc half done - release iot entry */ if((dklast[0] & 01400 ) == 0 ) ac[6] = dklast ; /*dc stat not started*/ ldc =(dklast[5] & 0177400 ) >> 8 ; /* last device comd */ printf("from dklast = %o ", dklast ) ; while( i < 10 ) printf(" %o", dklast[i++] ) ; dklser common.c _ & sc[1] ; comd commd.c commd extern fclen, comd ; comd commd.c commd printf("unknown command from sel comd = %o\n", comd ) ; comd commd.c commd switch(comd) { comd common.c_ fclen; fcthrs; comd; chcnt; maxch; comd endiot.cendiot comd =( iotp[5] &(0377<<8) ) >> 8 ; comd endiot.cendiot int comd, ba, *fcp, fc ; comd endiot.cendiot switch(comd) { /* comds that need to deallocate buffers */ commd ccdspy.cccdspy flag = commd( mess, &i ) ; commd ccih.c ccih na = commd( inmess, &linked ) ; como badf ; if( ef[1] == 2 ) goto badf ; if( ef[1] == 2 ) goto badf ; if( ef[1] == 2 ) goto badf; if( ef[1] == 2 ) goto badf; if( ef[1] == 2 ) goto pbi ; if( op[0] == '\n' ) {ef[1] = 1; goto badf; } if(( ef[1] == 1 ) &&( n == 0 ) ) goto pre ; if((ef[1] == 1 ) &&( n == 0 ) )goto dedef ; if((ef[1] == 1) &&( n == 0 ) ) goto aldef ; if((ef[1] == 1) &&( n2 == 0 ) ) goto wrone ; if((ef[1] == 1) &&(n==0) ) goto indef ; if((ef[1] == 2)DW-d<A r5A ruA r5A ruA r 5A r u@t AWt@PAWt@P@]=@Ff @Et5@Et5@Et5@E5@AWpCp`Cp `Amp= Ff)@= 9-= 25 7 u-  A Am  - - @ @m @ =Ff NT[ `U @?z[ `U[ `U=[ `U8[ `U\ `U/&\ `U*T\ `U%\ &5 & 4/e5 5555N&  55 x7-5ww  w- N5 &5& H-eXv-r-el- . $ 5@57 55  -N N5&5 & D0e5 ,5555N&  55  7,5ww  ,,e, h5T#Wp mJ#Au55 @ 5555 Vw- @zEu@u@55B  @  -  -N N5&5 & H-e5 J5% - I_wf) J N  5 @EU=Ne  @EU=w|@Ff)w"@?M@?MM5 @Ff@e55 W-f Nm I% _ @_ 5 7 W-  A Aa1-_ - @ @a @ LLLL   x   LLLL X `Ue_ N 5N0X `U _ Ne  rJ@U55^J@U55 JJ@U55@6J@U 55"J"5@JW-W-W- 5I@U5@U5NX `U @Ff(I-LIU?I-8_,&IE 7xX Et7fXbX\XX `U%TI_FXBXX `U%4X5 @e  __5_  xlU?d7 `W 5PE5Awp< 1 Awp. qNY `U  t&e  7NAWpfe  7f x9%7f x9%7 7777w5 W- A wp 1 vrpljd 7^7ZT7 P7 L7 H7 D7 @7 <67 2-. ;;;_ 57z;v;r; 57`;\;X;  .;*; &; ;;;P;R57;T;V:;:57::: :p:r:t:v:`JD>8 2 ?:?:?:?: ??:?: w -He 7 5uw-%@e5N N 5 u- uNf ewjwd@wZw V P? J-FD>f  [.55 "w-HL e f Hw-.+eN  N 5u- uNf u-ew w@wxw tn? h-db@_ T555 Dw->C@e 5w-$2u-.AWt = 0100 ; /* select remote bit */ extern int *mtc, *mts ; mtdspy.c mtdspy case 3: *mts = n[3] ; extern int *mtc, *mts, *mtbrc, *mtma ; printf("mtc= %o mtbrc= %o mtma= %o mts= %o\n",*mtc,*mtbrc,*mtma,*mts); mtih.c mtih extern int *mtlast, *mtc, *mts, *mtbrc, *mtma, *iot ; tmpsta = *mts ; mtstat.c mtstat if((*mts & 0100 ) == 0 ) ; /* selr off do nothing */ extern int *mts, *mtbrc ; if(( *mts & 0100 ) == 0 ) ss = ss | 020000 ; /* selr */ if(( *mts & 01000er 523 fer 523, fer 523. fer 523. fer 523. fer and fer and fer dire fer from fer is f fer to a fer to a fer to d fer to f fer to p fer to t fer to t fer to t fer to u fere wit ference ference ference ference ference ferenced ferences ferences ferences ferences ferences ferent f ferent f ferent n ferent p ferent p ferent s ferent u fering a ferred b ferred f ferred f ferred f ferred t ferred t ferred t ferred t ferred t ferred t ferred t ferring ferring~ fers to ffected ffective ffective ffer 523 eady */ /*diag*/ if( p20flg != 1 ) *dkc = *dkc | 0200 ; extern p20flg, dkntf; if( p20flg != 1 ) *dkc = *dkc | 0200 ; /* set ready */ dspydr.c main if( p20flg == 1 ) { if( p20flg == 1 ) { else p20flg = i ; if( p20flg == 0 ) { printf("no unix load\n" ); goto endlin; } printf("p20flg = %d\n", p20flg ) ; if( p20flg == 0 ) { printf("no reboot\n"); goto endlin ; } if( p20flg == 1 ) savpsw() ; if( p20flg == 1 ) savpsw() ; extern p2ccs, *dcwc, *dcma, *dclast ; dcih.c dcih else /* disk */ dkbeg(dclast) ; endiot(dclast) ; if((dclast[5]&3) == 1 ) mtbeg(dclast) ;/*tape*/ dclast = ndc ; /* save last transfer */ dclast[0] = dclast[0] | 3<<8 ; /* dc status to done */ dclast[0] =( dclast[0] & 0377 ) | 2<<8 ; dcold = dclast ; /* save present dclast for starting linked iot */ extern int *dclast, *sycroq, *dccs ; i = dclast[0] & 3 ; i = dctran( &dclast[2] ) ; /*diag*/printf(" new dcliiYYiYiY ccs = ccsr = 0167770 ; ccs = ccsr = &c1 ; *ccs = 0100000 ; extern int *ccs, *cco, *cci ; syinit.c syinit ccs = ccsr = &c1 ; *ccs = *dccs = *mts = *dkc = 0 ; /* 4 major channels */ ccs = ccsr = 0167770 ; ccsr = ccs ; extern int *ccs, *cco, *cci ; ccsr ccih.c ccih extern char *ccsr; while((i@CNff 2%@ ȕxNiled in t iles 204 iles 204, iles 221 iles amon iles and iles and iles and iles and iles and iles and~ iles are iles are iles beco iles begi iles by n iles by s iles by~~ iles cont iles crea iles exis iles expe iles for iles for iles in a iles in a iles in c iles in t iles is e iles is~~ iles of a iles of a iles of~~ iles on~~ iles or i iles such iles them iles them iles they iles to b iles whic iles, and iles, and iles, but iles, dir iles, how iles, so~ iles, the iles, una iles,~~~ iles. 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F ames.~~~ ames~~~ ames~~~~ ame~~~ ame~~~ ame~~~ 1 ame~~~ 1 ame~~~ 1 ame~~~ 2 amined,~ aming co aming fu aming fu aming ma aming of aming of aming sc aming, a aming. aming~~~ ammatica ammatica ammatica ammatica ammatica amming o amodific among fi among se ample in ample, a ample, a ample, i ample, n ample, s ample, t ample, t ample, t amples o ams and ams are ams are ams are ams as p ams beca ams conc ams conc ams deal ams deta ams gain ams in d ams in f ams may ams may ams ma ng may b ng metho ng name ng name ng name ng of a ng of da ng of da ng of di ng of in ng of th ng of th ng on th ng on th ng only ng open ng or ti ng or wr ng or wr ng or wr ng other ng physi ng physi ng point ng point ng previ ng proce ng progr ng progr ng pseud ng rapid ng schem ng servi ng sever ng shown ng simpl ng small ng succe ng symbo ng syste ng syste ng syste ng syste ng syste ng syste ng syste ng syste ng syste ng syste ng syste ng syste ng syste ng syste ng syste ng syste ng syste ng syst When When Word "A" i "defa "ROOT "ROOT (FIG. - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 - 21 - 22 - 23 - 24 - 25 - 26 - 27 - 28 - 29 - 30 - 31 - 32 1 an 1 ar 1 ar 1 be 1 da 1 I- 1 di 1 I- 1 in 1 in 1 lo 1 st 1 th 1 th 1 tr 1 tr 2 2 2 2 2 da 2 di 2 I- 2 en 2 fi 2 in 2 is 2 nu 2 ow 2 re 2 tr 2 us 256 w 256 w 3 3 3 30 3 ar 3 bl 3 co at"4pscien"zndigit$retrn"cerror"_putcha"putc"flush"2_errno$_getcha"getc"log"lgetw#V fopen"putw# fcreat" 5 e list 5 e list 5 e list 5 e list 5 e list e e list~~ e list~~ e locate e locate e locate e locati e locati e locati e locati e locati e locati e locati e locati e locati e locati e logica e lose m e lost d e lost. e made a e made b e made i e made m e made m e mainta e mainte e mainte e mainte e mainte e mainte e mainte e mainte e mainte e mainte e manner e manner e map 40 e map 40 e map 40 e map 40 e map 40 e map bi e mared e mared e marked e marked e matche e maximu e may ac e may ac e may be e may) sub $512.,save(r3) 1: clr ct br 2b .bss buf: .=.+512. bufe: ct: .=.+2 end: .=.+2 file: .=.+2 count: .=.+2 ind: .=.+2 save: .=.+100. ;z$. & 6 % mlevxxxxprintplaymanualsetupscore/xxxxxxxxseektestinputxxxxxxxxspeakxxxxehpictscaleforeachbookw B:@ 95 5 6`A@ < : 7?? @? 9%5 @V w-~V@@ h.N pw-z@  a .8a :97 a5 @ ;  @_z 7<__ _  5___ | 5< 7  7_ :9w_ _Umcheck.s!/ check -- verify consistency of file system clr r2 mov $argbuf,r3 mov (sp)+,r5 tst (sp)+ 1: dec r5 ble 1f mov (sp)+,r4 cmpb (r4),$'0 blo 2f cmpb (r4),$'9 bhi 2f clr r1 3: movb (r4)+,r0 beq 3f sub $'0,r0 mpy $10.,r1 add r0,r1 br 3b 3: mov r1,(r3)+ br 1b 2: mov r4,r2 br 1b 1: mov $-1,(r3)+ tst r2 bne 1f mov $rf0,0f jsr r5,mesg; ; .even jsr pc,check mov $rk1,0f jsr r5,mesg; <\nRK1:\n\0>; .even jsr pc,check mov $rk2,0f jsr r5,mesg; <\nRK2:\n\0>; .ev&d1 ; extern c1,c2,c3,d1,d2,d3; syinit.c syinit dccs = &d1 ; extern c1, c2, c3, d1, d2, d3 ; d2 common.c _ d1; d2; d3; d4; d5; d6; d7; d8; d9; int *dccs d1; int *dcwc d2; int *dcma d3; dspydr.c main dcwc = &d2 ; extern c1,c2,c3,d1,d2,d3; syinit.c syinit dcwc = &d2 ; extern c1, c2, c3, d1, d2, d3 ; d3 common.c _ d1; d2; d3; d4; d5; d6; d7; d8; d9; int *dccs d1; int *dcwc d2; int *dcma d3; dspydr.c main dcma = &d3 ; extern c1,c2,c3,d1,d2,d3; alloc alloc alloc Also Altho Altho alway an I- Any a Any~~ and " and a and i and o and t Any f Any n are c are c are n area area arran arran arrow As bl As fi as al As an As se at 40 At FI At th At th be un below bit s block block Buffe block block block block block block block block block branc buffe but n by al by in By se by re Canad Canad Canad Canad Canad Canad Canad Canad t& 6 % Ff07 @e5V `UV `U P=% - jOW z_` 7 r OA1@ T_` -J $O@_, 6 _j * L _j r7V `U _j  %_j _j +_j  ^L_j 5 @e@e& %--l 5-_` W-_` -_` W-_` uW-@ 5 u-@ @mA AaH u-u5 u-@ _ 5% W 7 5-_-@# 5-_@@e@-@e5-jNfZ %7PLJ>-DNf4 %7*&$+-Nf %7 % %0 _B w 5% W  5- -@tpjR _ T5% W >_ 5-(_-@# M 9-  ^ L K J I H G F E D C B A @ ? > = < ; : 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 / . - , + * ) ( ' & % $ # " !     r inters ar inters as inters ca inters co inters ea inters fo inters fr inters in inters in inters in inters in inters in inters in inters in inters is inters of inters pe inters po inters th inters to inters to inters to inters to inters to inters to inters to inters to inters to inters to inters to inters to inters wh inters, a inters, p inters,~~ inters. inters. inters. inters.~~ inters.~~ inters.~~ inters.~~ inters; I inters~~~ inters~~~ inters~~~ inters~~~ inters~~~ inters~~~ inter~~~ inter~~~  w"w "@O'L > x' fj' x5%@e&T' 4%@,u-x8 2eu-|8 2N N  Nf  Vewn!w \!D2GT7"GwL!w :!,G'8 5 7''8 2& 8 5 7&&8 2;p& 4% p'FX& T& 4 4 2 8&4&-$ 7 *& (&$&-#7 & JwvFw w v  7r# r#wp%N r#wp%f 7r#`e &% ron.c _ int *sycroq; int *ackq; int *mtq; int *dkq; mtbeg.c mtbeg extern int *mtq, *mtlast ; if( testq(mtq) == 0 ) goto empty ; pq(mtq,iotp) ; mtih.c mtih extern mtq, irc, ircmax ; if((nq = gq(mtq) ) == 0 ) goto sendac ; qdspy.c qdspy q = mtq ; extern int *sycroq, *ackq, *mtq, *dkq ; syinit.c syinit extern int *sycroq, *ackq, *mtq, *dkq, qa[] ; mtq = initq( &qa[ql*2], ql ) ; mts common.c _ int *mts m1; int *mtc m2; int *mtbrc m3; int *mtma m4; dspydr.c main *mtsirect e direct e direct e direct e direct e direct e direct e direct e direct e direct e direct e direct e direct e direct e direct e direct e direct e direct e direct e each~~ e elimin e embodi e end of e end of e entrie e entry e entry~ e equal e erroro e errors e errors e exampl e except e exerci e extens e file A e file a e file a e file a e file d e file d e file f e file i e file i e file i e file i e file i e file n e file n e file n e file n e file n e file n e file n e file n e file n e file n e drawba Drawin due to due to due to duplic duplic Each d duplic duplic duplic During during each d each I each f Embodi each~~ easily effect effect effici elimin elimin elimin embodi encoun encoun ending entrie entrie entrie entrie entrie entrie entrie entrie entrie entrie entry entry entry entry entry entry entry entry entry entry entry entry entry) entry. entry~ entry~ errone error Errors error, errors errors errors errors errors made mo e maintai e mainten e mainten e mainten e mainten e mainten e mainten e mainten e mainten e mainten e manner e manner~ e map 402 e map 406 e map 406 e map 406 e map 406 e map bit e mared " e mared a e marked e marked e matches e maximum e may acc e may acc e may be e may be e may be e may loc e may thu e method e modific e modifie e more co e more th e more us e more va e more~~~ e more~~~ e most pa e much of e must be e must be e must pr e name "1 e name "A e name "A e name "U e name (t e nan ind n and ma n and pr n anothe n any di n any ev n any I- N are~~~ n area o n are~~~ n arises n arrang n as I-n n as set n at 205 n at 3B, n at FIG n at FIG n at FIG n attemp n a~~~ n a~~~ 1 n a~~~ 2 n backup n be giv n be sei n become n behalf n bit is n bit is n bit wh n bits 4 n bits f n block n block n block n blocks n but on n by any n change n checki n choosi n common n comput n comput n comput n comput n conjun n conjun n contai n contra n contra n creati n data b n dealin n diagra n differ n deallb /* incr not in use counter */ niucnt =+1 ; extern niucnt, toterr, rngcnt, frecnt ; syinit.c syinit extern niucnt, toterr, rngcnt, frecnt ; niucnt = toterr = rngcnt = frecnt = 0 ; numbrs ccdspy.c ccdspy numbrs( 3, n, &i ) ; numbrs( 6, n, &i ) ; numbrs( 6, n, &i ) ; numbrs( 6, n, &i ) ; numbrs( 6, n, &i ) ; numbrs( 6, n, &i ) ; numbrs( fclen, n, &i ) ; dcdspy.c dcdspy numbrs(2, n, &i ) ; dkdspy.c dkdspy numbrs(2, n, &i ) ; _commd"L2rsave _fclen _fct _comd L3_printf L5 L6V_fcthrs L7hL8 L9zL10000L10L10001L11_bt _allocb L12 _iot L13H_deallb L148_damin L15L16L17>L18X_ciotp L19(L20L21L22<L23:L24@L25RL26bL27xL28@L29re es to th es to th es to~~~ es which es which es which es which es which es withi es) stor es, and es, and es, and es, and~ es, but es, but es, but es, comp es, dire es, FIG. es, for~ es, howe es, name es, so~~ es, the es, the es, unaf es, user es, viol es, whil es,~~~ 1 es-- to es. A l es. All es. As es. As es. At es. A~~ es. Dir es. Dir es. For es. For es. For es. Fur es. I-l es. In es. Onc es. Suc es. Sys es. The es. The es. The es. The es. Thu es. Thu es.~~~ es.~~W-"XN  @ , `5@-W- @N  W-\ 4  7 W--? 5% @-> f  NP  _@N  5_  W-` @ww bp Nf   @ ,wlw Z*e- v  He-e7w&w  Hww _ 7 @_ 5%/:7 t7%*/07  \5@ % J5%/-ZZ X r~~~ puter~~~ puter~~~ p~~~ 10 qual and qual the que.~~~ quence o quence o quence w quential quently ques of quest in quest is quest is questing quests d quire le quired i quiring quite di quite si r (index r 211 to r 211. r 212 wh r 234 wi r 239 is r 239 to r 523 an r 523 an r 523 is r 523 is r 523, a r 523. r 523. r 523. r 528 of r a diff r a firs r a full r a part r a seco r a sing r a smal r access r admini r all da r all of r all of r also g r always r amy us r and co r and lo r and th r ad=:741EB?<9630/,)&# .+(%"-*'$!     , the a ks, the c ks. An i ks. Fixe ks. Many ks.~~~ 3 ks.~~~ 12 ks.~~~ 19 ks; I-nod ks~~~ 20 kup stora kup stora kup stora kup.~~~ 1 k~~~ 2 k~~~ 2 k~~~ 4 k~~~ 5 k~~~ 5 k~~~ 6 k~~~ 7 k~~~ 8 k~~~ 10 k~~~ 11 k~~~ 14 k~~~ 16 k~~~ 17 direct n direct n direct n direct n direct n direct n direct n direct n direct n disk s n duplic n each 1 n each~~ n end of n entrie n entry n entry n error. n error. n error~ n exampl n FIG. 1 n FIG. 1 n FIG. 1 n FIG. 2 n existi n FIG. 3 n FIG. 3 n FIG. 3 n FIG. 3 n FIG. 3 n FIG. 4 n FIG. 4 n FIG. 4 n FIG. 5 n file i n file l n file l n file l n file l n file l n file l n file l n file l n file l n file l n file l n file l n file n n file.~ n file~~ n file~~ n file~~ n flow c n for ke n free b n free b n just~~ keepin key to key to key~~~ known Large large large large large. large~ large~ last m last m later later~ layout layout layout leads~ least length length length length length length level level levels levels Likewi linear link i link t links links links list 4 list 5 list 5 list 5 list 5 list 5 list 5 list 5 list e list. list~~ list~~ locate locate Locati Locati Locati locati locati locati locati locati locati locati locati e& e@e5EW 25 2 5%W- AWp AmeuN,"f@e@e& e@e5@Ae@%'( h (2 nFf \Wp*ed!Ff7 4 0d!lWped!\p ,"FWpf:Wpf e5_ @V ׭(l18"WpfWpf ec 8"WpfWpf e MDC?002z0+   numbrs(2,n,&i) ; dspydr.c main numbrs( 11, n, &r) ; iodspy.c iodspy numbrs( l, n, &nums ) ; mtdspy.c mtdspy numbrs(1,n,&i) ; numbrs(2, n, &i ) ; numbrs(2,n,&i) ; numbrs.c numbrs numbrs(max,array,amount) int array[],amount[] ; { oldpri common.c _ p20flg; irc; ircmax; oldpri; p20flg common.c _ p20flg; irc; ircmax; oldpri; dcih.c dcih extern dclser, p20flg ; if( p20flg != 1 ) *dccs = *dccs | 0200 ; dkih.c dkih /*diag*/if(p20flg != 1) *dkc = *dkc | 0200 ; /* rlves emselves emselves, emselves, em~~~ 3 em~~~ 9 em~~~ 13 em~~~ 16 em~~~ 18 em~~~~~ en a data en a data en a data en a data en a dire en a dire en a file en a file en a pseu en a user en a user en a user en a user en an exi en be sei en become en by any en change en comput en direct en direct en file i en file l en file l en file l en file l en file l en file l en file l en file l en file l en file l en file l en file l en file.~ en file~~ en file~~ en into t en locate en make i en moment en no d<;:9876543210/.-,+*)('&%$#"!      th ion;~~~ ion;~~~ ional di ional na ional na ional na ional sy ionally ional~~~ ions bet ions for ions of ions of ions to ions und ions wil ions wit ions, an ions. B ions.~~~ ionship ions~~~ ions~~~ ions~~~ ion~~~ ion~~~ ion~~~ 1 ion~~~ 1 ior Art ior art ior art ior art ior art ior art ior art ior art ior art ior art ior art ior art, ior art. ior art. ior art~ ious pro ious ser iously d iously d iously n iously. iously.~ ip among ipal fun ipal wit ipal~~~ iprogram iption iptiota, alpha, lev); remove(); if(v > alpha) { alpha = v; use(pv, m); if(alpha >= beta) break; } } lmp = p2; f1: pvp = pv; return(alpha); } double maxmin(alpha, beta, lev) double alpha, beta; int lev; { int m; register *pv, *p1, *p2; double v, minmax(); if(lev >= xlev) return(maxqui(alpha, beta, lev)); pv = pvp; *pvp++ = 0; p1 = lmp; agen(false); p2 = lmp; m = p2-p1; if(m == 0) { alpha = -1.0e4+lev; goto f1; } p2 = p1; lev++; while(p1 != lmp) { m = *p1++; move( C 4 EC`fC K"e  "@@ b(C C @@ b(Ce  @ v0&0, P &f @ ,ty_qsort"qsortdoneloop$loop12))99ii_attacv _center _wheur _bheur _control _qdepth _mdepth _rand _matflg _bookf _bookp _intrp _moveno _gval _vtabf _fout _vx _vy _vtab ._game _fault _pvalue _abmove _pvbuf _pvp _lmp _sbufp _clktim _mantom _ply _value _evalue _mfmt _debug _deptory rectory rectory rectory rectory rectory rectory rectory rectory rectory rectory rectory rectory rectory rectory rectory rectory rectory rectory rectory rectory rectory rectory rectory rectory rectory rectory rectory rectory rectory rectory rectory rectory rectory rectory rectory rectory rectory rectory rectory rectory rectory rectory rectory rectory rectory rectory rectory rectory rectory rectory rectory rectory rectory rectory rectory rectory rerenc erformed erformed erformed erformed erformed erformed erformed erformed erformin erical d ering an eriodica eriods f eristics erly acc erly app erly dup ermed a ermed he ermed hi ermine t ermined ermined ermined ermissib ermissio ermissio ermissio ermit ac ermit fi ermit in ermit ra ermits d ermits t ermitted ermitted ermitted ermittin ermittin ermittin ermore, ern in t ern to t ernative ernative ernative ernative erned wi erned wi erned wi erned wi erned wi erned wi ern~~~ 1 ero coun ero dedi ero_`a bU Bh er who c er wishe er wishe er wishe er wishe er wishe er wishe er wishe er withi er's are er's~~~ er's~~~ er) to l er)~~~ er, and er, main er, or s er, the er, ther er,~~~ er,~~~ er,~~~ er. Adv er. As er. Dia er. In er. In er. In er. Thu er. Use er.~~~ er.~~~ 1 er.~~~ 1 er.~~~ 1 er.~~~ 1 ER1" is~ ER1.A.1" era. Th era. Th eral and eral dir eral hie eral hie eral pur eral pur eral tim eral use erally a erally l erally n erally p erally q erally r erally~~ eral~~~ erarchal erarch88Y_printn"`rsave L2$`_putchar L18`rretrn _printf"<`L4L`L5L`L6t`L3DaL8aL9`L10`L11`L12`L13`L14HaL15`L16PaL10000`L10001`L17`L18`L19`L20aL70asswitch psw.o.oJ;+`$_֠_savpsw" *area ; common.c _ int *table;int *area; syinit.c syinit extern int fct[], *ciotp, *table, *area ; table = ackmes ; testq ccbeg.c ccbeg if( testq( ackq ) == 0 ) goto empty ; dcbeg.c dcbeg if( testq(sycroq) != 0 ) goto que ; dkbeg.c dkbeg if( testq(dkq) == 0 ) goto empty ; iras.c iras if( testq( ackq ) == v ) goto prisam ; v = testq( ackq ) ; mtbeg.c mtbeg if( testq(mtq) == 0 ) goto empty ; qdspy.c qdspy n = testq(q) ; qu.c testq testq(qt) int qt[] ; { snack.c snack ifA & 9 &fA @e&7w@&./lib/crt20.o/usr/c/c0/usr/c/c1/usr/bin/nas/tmp/ctm0a%s: c0c1as-a.outa.outmove failed: %s ld-l2/lib/libc.a-l/bin/lddefineincludeCan't creat %s Undefined controlNested 'include'Missing file %sControl syntax%d: Line overflowCan't find %s Try again Fatal error in %s  fw  7 df\w 7 Finb.oiodspy.oMiras.omtbeg.omtdspy.omtih.omtstat.omttran.onumbrs.oqdspy.oqu.osnack.ostart.osyinit.oLcompsyinit.osnack.ostart.osyinit.oiear.oldunix.opsw.oreboot.ocrt20.siear.sa.outf the ll of the ll of the ll of the ll of the ll of the ll of the ll path n ll path n ll path n ll path n ll path n ll path n ll physic ll physic ll pointi ll possib ll unallo llaneous llaneous lled, the lled, the lling fil llocatabl llocatabl llocatabl llocatabl llocatabl llocated llocated llocated llocated llocated llocated llocated llocated llocated, llocated. llocated~ llocating llocation llustrate llustrate llustrate llustrate llustrate llustrate llustrate llustrate llustrate llustrati llustrY `U e l5NY `U @d !EU? Y `Ug ! @ z:@0 Ff) J xNe l @EU=wJDN:  5 @EU=@Ff)5fC5 ^C@?VC@?JCBC5 @Ff@e55 W-f Nm ?% _h@_L5 7 |xW-  A Aa1-P_r -@ @ @a @ ~BvBnB br err 1: mov r1,r3 clr r4 / count entries 2: cmp (r3),ii bne 2f inc r4 add $12.,r3 br 2b 2: cmpb r4,(r2) beq pall jsr r5,mesg; <#\0>; .even err: incb longf+1 jsr r5,mesg ; .even pall: tst longf beq 1f mov r5,-(sp) mov ii,r5 jsr pc,decml mov (sp)+,r5 1: cmp (r1),ii bne 1f tst longf beq 2f jsr pc,pentry jsr r5,mesg <\n\0>; .even 2: add $12.,r1 br 1b 1: tst longf beq ep2 jsr r5,mesg; <\n\0>; .even ep2: inc r2 inc ii cmp ii,maxi ble p2 tst (r1) beq 1f mov (r1),ii " may A.1" the a. A se a. The a. The A.1 is a A.1, A.2 A.1, the A.2, A.3 A.3,..., A.~~~ 12 Abstract ability able 1. able blo able blo able blo able for able spa able spa able to above. absence abular f access I access I access c access d access d access i access t access t access t access t access t access t access t access t access t access t access t access t access t access t access. access. accessib accessib accessin access~~ accommod accompli accompli accordin accordin accordin accordin ac)())99I)()))())9h999I)Y9y9y9y the~ ein, and ein:~~~ eing dea eing sho eing~~~ eir corr eir file eir need eir stor eized fo el file el of in el of in el, each elate th elates t elations eld of t eld. Th eleted a eleted, eletion, elf to~~ elf) is elf-~~~ elf. Th elf. Us elieve t eliminat eliminat eliminat eliminat ell as t ellaneou ellaneou elow.~~~ elow.~~~ els --sy els may els of i els, for els, mai els. Sy elves ar elves st elves st elves, c elves, v ely by t ely cont ely inde ely open ely sepa ely, a b ely, may ely, whi el 7 I- 7 ma 7 me 7 me 7 mo 7 na 7 no 7 oc 7 Ph 7 of 7 sa 7 te 7 to 8 50 8 by 8 co 8 co 8 en 8 fi 8 fi 8 in 8 li 8 ma 8 nu 8 re 8 se 8 sh 8 st 8 un 8 un 8 x 2 9 9 25 9 25 9 FI 9 a 9 ad 9 bu 9 di 9 fi 9 fi 9 in 9 nu 9 ow 9 ro 9 si 9 Th 9 th A dir A lar A lin A plu A use a man A num A sin a use accom Admin admin Advan All d Also An an $$jUTY `U rY `U 5 W- @ mY `U Y `U55 N@e& J%5NY `U Y `U5 W-@ @aY `U Y `UFEt5W-. "@@   !-w-w@ z:@0  N ! !Ff-DU?D-f7 U?|xE5@f E%T J (%@ "82 5=NY `U w ed in op ed in pr ed in pr ed in ta ed in th ed in th ed in th ed in th ed in th ed in th ed in th ed in th ed in th ed in th ed in th ed in th ed into~ ed in~~~ ed in~~~ ed lengt ed lengt ed lengt ed lengt ed locat ed locat ed on a ed on a~ ed on du ed on th ed on th ed on th ed on th ed ones. ed physi ed previ ed separ ed since ed so th ed the~~ ed throu ed to a ed to ac ed to ac ed to as ed to as ed to be ed to be ed to be ed to bu ed to by ed to ch ed to co ed to co ed to cu ed to fi ed to fo ed to It common.c _ fclen; fcthrs; comd; chcnt; maxch; dspydr.c main chcnt = 5 ; extern chcnt, maxch ; fatal.c fatal chcnt = maxch + 1 ; /* deletes present input line */ extern chcnt, maxch ; getput.c getchar else chcnt = -1 ; /* reinit */ chin[chcnt] = chin[chcnt] | 040 ; chin[chcnt] = '\n' ; if((chin[chcnt] >= 0101 ) &&(chin[chcnt] <= 0132 ) ) putchar( chin[chcnt] ) ; chcnt = -1 ; /* init cnt */ chcnt = 0 ; chin[++chcnt] @5W- W-@5N (5W- 5 5W- Nf  Nf  Nf  Nf   Ff @ N (@- Ff BҤ Ff'5 u- -'> 'u-w'@5@ 5N N ewV'wf (=@ 5 W-.W-b  8 5`>@ -&e a num gh all o gh any a gh a~~~ gh buffe gh direc gh direc gh direc gh not s gh the I gh the d gh the I gh the I gher in ght loca ght phys ght phys ght writ gh~~~ 3 gh~~~ 13 gical or gin. In ging.~~~ ginning ginning ginning ginning ginning ginning ginning ginning ginning ginning ginning~ ginning~ gins in gins wit gins~~~ gital co gital co give the given by given di given fi given mo given th given to given wh given. given. gives to giving a giving i gle acce gle dire gle dire gle file g= *tkb & 0177 ; extern maxch, chcnt ; if( chcnt > maxch ) goto newlin ; if( chin[chcnt] == '#' ) {if(chcnt >=1 ) { chcnt=-2; /*decr*/ if( chin[chcnt] == '@' ) { chcnt = -1 ; /* delete line*/ if(( chin[chcnt] == '\n' ) ||( chin[chcnt] == '\r' ) ) maxch = chcnt ; return( chin[chcnt++] ) ; syinit.c syinit chcnt = 5 ; extern irc, ircmax, maxch, chcnt, p20flg ; chin common.c _ char chin[70]; getput.c getchar chin[chcnt] = chin[chcnt] | 040 ; chin[chcnt] may b ing metho ing name ing name ing name ing of a ing of da ing of da ing of di ing of in ing of th ing of th ing on th ing on th ing only ing open ing or ti ing or wr ing or wr ing or wr ing other ing physi ing physi ing point ing point ing previ ing proce ing progr ing progr ing pseud ing rapid ing schem ing servi ing shown ing simpl ing small ing succe ing symbo ing syste ing syste ing syste ing syste ing syste ing syste ing syste ing syste ing syste ing syste ing syste ing syste ing syste ing symd commd.c commd commd(sc,linked) int sc[], *linked ; { d1 common.c_ d1; d2; d3; d4; d5; d6; d7; d8; d9; d1 common.c_ int *dccs d1; int *dcwc d2; int *dcma d3; d1 dspydr.cmain dccs = &d1 ; d1 dspydr.cmain extern c1,c2,c3,d1,d2,d3; d1 syinit.csyinit dccs = &d1 ; d1 syinit.csyinit extern c1, c2, c3, d1, d2, d3 ; d2 common.c_ d1; d2; d3; d4; d5; d6; d7; d8; d9; d2 common.c_ int *dccs d1; int *dcwc d2; int *dcma d3; d2 dspydr.cmain dcwc = &d2 ; d2 dspydr.cmain extern c1,c2k d @95 N f d L@@ 5Ne0 f V w/f W- Nfe( IW-Ne  N7 7W-dA r   9 A r uA rd& V : A rdu@Ff @     xF  $ N , fe( w.f)@   F. bv k nz q~ r Nf w-f3_ -ZT_ 49 7 74extern int *mtlast, *mtc, *mts, *mtbrc, *mtma, *iot ; if( *mtc < 0 ) goto deverr ; if( p20flg != 1 ) *mtc = *mtc | 0200 ; /* mtc ready */ lfunc =(*mtc & 016 ) >> 1 ; mttran.c mttran *mtc = mtreg[0] ; /* function and go */ extern int *mts, *mtc, *mtbrc, *mtma ; if(( *mtc & 0200 ) == 0 ) goto busy /* controller busy */ ; syinit.c syinit extern int *mts, *mtc, *mtbrc, *mtma ; mtc = mtcr= 0172522 ; mtcr = mtc ; mtcr common.c _ char *mtcr m2; char *dkcr d4; char *ccsr c1; mtII9)Iy)III9)99)with on word on, a na on, all on, all on, phys on, rena on, stor on, the on, the on, this on,~~~ 1 on,~~~ 1 on. In on. The on. Thi on. Wor on.~~~ 1 on.~~~ 2 on: tha on;~~~ on;~~~ 2 onal dir onal nam onal nam onal nam onal sys onally a onal~~~~ onceptua oncern i oncern t oncerned oncerned Once~~~ oncerned oncerned oncerned oncerned ond dire ond dire ond dire ond leve ond port ond port ond port ond set ond the ond to I ond user ond user ond user ond user ond user ond user ond, for ondary s on 3 loc 3 rea 3 sam 3 sto 3 wri 30 -~~ 301 is 302 re 303 ex 303~~~ 304 sh 305. 306 an 307 ea 308, t 308. 31 -~~ 32 -~~ 3A and 3A sho 3A, in 3A, it 3A.~~~ 3A.~~~ 3B is 3B, is 3B.~~~ 3C ill 3C is 4 4 4 and 4 bit 4 blo 4 com 4 dat 4 Gen 4 exp 4 is 4 it 4 key 4 lar 4 nee 4 sta 4 the 401 ar 401 be 401. 402 of 402. 403, b 404 co 404. 404. 404~~~ 405 is 406 ar 406 co 406. 406.~~ 407 co 408 wh 408 wi 420. L% _` @ 7dP7VPRPNP_j  PPP_j cc  x_`  W `U_j "W `U_j L 5-b_` -V@wB>0W `U _j K=% @5O I>W `U _j  5-d-@wPW `U _j  5-a-x->-@wZW `U _j  ^Mp pacm& 4  NM6 B hW~WWWWWW `UW @ W `U-ng~ erating~ eration eration, eration, eration, eration, erations erations erations ercised ere a la ere are ere are ere I-no ere shou ere shou ere to d ere user ere with ereby ma ereby po ered in ered in ered use ered. I erefore erefore erefore, erefore, erein as erein re erein te erein th erein, a erein:~~ erence t erence t erence t erence t erence w erenced~ erences erences erences erences erences erent fi erent fr erent na erent po erent po erent sy erent us erest in erest in erfere w erfeer~~~ her~~~ hes begi hes file hes the hes to c hes to c hes to e hes to l hes to o hes to o hes to r hes to r hese cha hese dir hese spe hese two hese~~~ hese~~~ hes~~~ 1 hether t hey cont hey deal hey do n hey had hey have hey repr he~~~ 2 he~~~ 2 he~~~ 2 he~~~ 3 he~~~ 3 he~~~ 3 he~~~ 4 he~~~ 4 he~~~ 4 he~~~ 4 he~~~ 4 he~~~ 5 he~~~ 5 he~~~ 5 he~~~ 6 he~~~ 6 he~~~ 6 he~~~ 7 he~~~ 7 he~~~ 7 he~~~ 8 he~~~ 8 he~~~ 9 he~~~ 9 he~~~ 10 he~~~ 10 he~~~ 10 he~~~ 11 he~~~ 13 he~~~ 13 ta bl l data bl l data bl l data fi l data fi l datum g l directo l directo l directo l directo l directo l directo l directo l directo l directo l directo l directo l directo l disk fi l file fo l file na l file na l file na l file na l file na l file na l file st l find a l form a~ l form of l form;~~ l functio l handlin l handlin l hierarc l hierarc l illustr l illustr l its dat l linking l linking l locatio l locatio l modern~ l name in l name is l name tr l names w l names~~ l naming l naming l nami name ile name ile name ile name ile name ile name ile name ile name ile name ile name ile name ile name ile name ile name ile name ile name ile name ile name ile name ile nami ile of a ile of a ile oper ile oper ile oper ile oper ile oper ile oper ile oper ile oper ile oper ile oper ile oper ile oper ile oper ile oper ile oper ile oper ile oper ile oper ile oper ile oper ile oper ile oper ile oper ile oper ile oper ile oper ile oper ile or b ile or d ile or p ile read ile retu ile sepa ile seve ile shar ilies ectories ectories ectories ectories ectories ectories ectories ectories ectories ectories ectories ectories ectories ectories ectories ectories ectories ectories ectories ectories ectory 1 ectory 1 ectory 1 ectory 1 ectory 1 ectory 1 ectory 1 ectory 1 ectory 1 ectory 1 ectory 1 ectory 1 ectory 1 ectory 1 ectory 1 ectory 1 ectory 1 ectory 1 ectory 3 ectory 3 ectory a ectory a ectory a ectory a ectory a ectory a ectory a ectory a ectory a ectory a ectory b ectory b ectory b ectory b ectory b ectory b ecto               _value _bkpos _game errorVpmoveXnmoveHbmoveHrmoveqmove<kmovemoveHmovekmovexmoveomoveoomovepmoveq _ char *mtcr m2; char *dkcr d4; char *ccsr c1; dspydr.c main ccs = ccsr = 0167770 ; ccs = ccsr = &c1 ; extern char *ccsr ; syinit.c syinit ccs = ccsr = &c1 ; ccs = ccsr = 0167770 ; ccsr = ccs ; char *mtcr, *dkcr, *ccsr ; cctran ccbeg.c ccbeg if( cctran(mess,len) == 0 ) goto alack ; ccdspy.c ccdspy flag = cctran( mess,6 ) ; cctran.c cctran cctran(mess,len) int mess[],len ; { snack.c snack if( cctran(idx,6) == 0 ) goto ret ; /* busy */ chcnret phigh: mov _reg+12.,r0 / get old stack pter add $2,r0 / get psw word mov (r0),r1 bic $!0340,r1 / have old priority mov r1,_pswold bis $0340,(r0) / set psw priority high ret: jsr pc,resreg / restore regs mov _reg+12.,sp / set stack rti / interrupt return / / / internal sub to store regs ( not sp ) streg: mov r0,_reg mov $_reg+2,r0 mov r1,(r0)+ mov r2,(r0)+ mov r3,(r0)+ mov r4,(r0)+ ii} if(( c[0] = getchar() ) == '\n' ) { ef[1] = 1 ; goto badf ; } if((ef[1]==2) &&( ef[2]!='p') ) goto badf ; extern int *iot, ef[], *ciotp ; mtdspy.c mtdspy n[i++] = getnum(ef) ; ef[1] = 1 ; ef[1] = 0 ; if ( ( ef[1] == 1 ) && ( n[i] == 0 ) ) i =-1 /* decr */; if ( ef[1] == 2 ) goto badf ; if ( ef[1] == 2 ) goto badf ; if ( ef[1] == 2 ) goto badf ; if ( ef[1] == 2 ) goto badf ; while ( ( ef[1] == 0 ) && ( i k d @:5 N f d M@@ 5Ne0 f V w/f W- Nfe( IW-Ne  N7 7W-dA r   9 A r uA rd& V : A rdu@Ff @     xF  $ N , fe( w.f)@   ,/ bv k nz q~ r Nf w.f4_ -BU_ 5: 8 75p[9] ) ; i = damin( &sc[4], &iotp[9] ) ; /* disk adr conversion */ if( damin( &sc[4], &iotp[9] ) != 0 ) /* error in adr */ if( damin(&sc[4],&iotp[9]) != 0 ) if( damin(&sc[4],&iotp[9]) != 0 ) dam.c damin damin(secptr,pdp) int secptr[], pdp[] ; { dkih.c dkih damin( usn, &da ) ; /* map sector num back to disk adr */ damout dam.c damout damout(pdp,secptr) int pdp[], secptr[] ; { dkih.c dkih damout( &dklast[9], &ac[4] ) ; /* disk adr, sel format damout( &0 ) != 0 ) ss = ss | 010000 ; /* pae */ if(( *mts & 0200 ) != 0 ) ss = ss | 01000 ; /* nxm */ if(( *mts & 02000 ) != 0 ) ss = ss | 0100 ; /* eot */ if(( *mts & 020000 ) != 0 ) ss = ss | 010000 ; /* cr */ if(( *mts & 040 ) != 0 ) ss = ss | 020 ; /* bot */ if(( *mts & 0400 ) != 0 ) ss = ss | 01000 ; /* bte */ if(( *mts & 04000 ) != 0 ) ss = ss | 0400 ; /* bgl */ if(( *mts & 040000 ) != 0 ) ss = ss | 040 ; /* eof */ if(((*mts&01000 )!=0) &(*bf _fout _vx _vy _vtab ._game _fault _pvalue _abmove _pvbuf _pvp _lmp _sbufp _clktim _mantom _ply _value _evalue _mfmt _debug _depth _flag _eppos _bkpos _wkpos _edge _pval _dir _board _mbuf ` _sbuf d_use"rsave L2L3L1rretrn _princ""L52L6~_putchar _out L10000ld [ 3?v d .b ; 50xj Y A .4LpO_n  :9 cx xhv  71sd { t^nmnohupnroffodoedoprovpasswdpfeplotprproofpsptiptxrelocrewrmrmdir+] ) ; extern fclen ; commd.c commd while( i < fclen )fcp[i++] = 0 ; extern fclen, comd ; fcp = &fct[ fc*fclen ] ; while( i < fclen ) printf(" %o", fcp[i++] ) ; common.c _ fclen; fcthrs; comd; chcnt; maxch; dkih.c dkih ba = fct[ fc * fclen + 8 ] ; ea = fct[ fc * fclen + 9 ] ; extern fclen ; fcp = &fct[ fclen *(dklast[1] & 037) ] ; endiot.c endiot extern fclen ; fcp = &fct[ fc*fclen ] ; mtih.c mtih extern fclen ; fct[ fc * fclen + 1 ] = 0 ; fct[ spydr.cmain extern int *ciotp ; ciotp dspydr.cmain /*diag*/ printf("ciotp = %o \n", ciotp ) ; ciotp iodspy.ciodspy return(ciotp) ; ciotp iodspy.ciodspy pter = ciotp ; ciotp iodspy.ciodspy extern int *iot, ef[], *ciotp ; ciotp syinit.csyinit ciotp = iot ; ciotp syinit.csyinit extern int fct[], *ciotp, *table, *area ; clkint syinit.csyinit *clkiv = &clkint ; clkint syinit.csyinit extern ccint, dcint, dkint, mtint, clkint ; clkiv common.c_ int *cciv; int *dciv; int *mtiv; int *dkiv; int *c at the b at the c at the I at the I At the o At the o at the d at the d at the f at the s at the t at the u at they at the~~ at the~~ at the~~ at the~~ at this at to pr at volum at when at, dupl at. Use ata arra ata as n ata bloc ata bloc ata bloc ata bloc ata bloc ata bloc ata bloc ata bloc ata bloc ata bloc ata bloc ata bloc ata bloc ata bloc ata bloc ata bloc ata bloc ata bloc ata bloc ata bloc ata bloc ata bloc ata bloc ata bloc ata bloc ata bloc ata bloc ata bloc ata bloc ata bloc ata bloc ata blo W-  5@@ @ A Aapvwtwr> KP `  x 7 -~<-Ul-U^-Z-RUH-RU:47 07 ,w&w"BrKN<Qr Rp PbNkn*qbad char -- %c too many squares illegal position only one king each side needs a king black is in check iYYi)ufara[], *ackmes, ackara[] ; bufara bfdspy.cbfdspy area = bufara; bufara bfdspy.cbfdspy if( area == bufara) bufara bfdspy.cbfdspy printf("area(%o) not equal to either bufara(%o)",area,bufara); bufara bfdspy.cbfdspy extern int *bt, bufara[], *ackmes, ackara[] ; bufara common.c_ bufara[1550]; ackara[117]; qa[68]; ef[3]; iotta[150]; bufara syinit.csyinit bt = initb( bufara, bufl, 256 ) ; bufara syinit.csyinit extern int *iot, iotta[], *bt, bufara[], *ackmes, ackara[] ; n = getnum(ef) ; n = getnum(ef) ; n = getnum(ef) ; n = getnum(ef) ; n = getnum(ef) ; n2 = getnum(ef) ; n2 = getnum(ef) ; ccdspy.c ccdspy i = getnum(ef) ; i = getnum(ef) ; dcdspy.c dcdspy n[i++] = getnum(ef) ; dkdspy.c dkdspy n[i++] = getnum(ef) ; dspydr.c main i = getnum(ef) ; lmax: i = getnum(ef) ; { l = getnum(ef) ; if( ef[1] == 2 ) goto badf ; i = getnum(ef) ; cnt++] ) ; chcnt syinit.csyinit chcnt = 5 ; chcnt syinit.csyinit extern irc, ircmax, maxch, chcnt, p20flg ; chin common.c_ char chin[70]; chin getput.cgetchar chin[chcnt] = chin[chcnt] | 040 ; chin getput.cgetchar chin[chcnt] = '\n' ; chin getput.cgetchar if((chin[chcnt] >= 0101 ) &&(chin[chcnt] <= 0132 ) ) chin getput.cgetchar putchar( chin[chcnt] ) ; chin getput.cgetchar chin[++chcnt] = *tkb & 0177 ; chin getput.cgetchar extern char chin[] ; chin getput.cgetchar if( c 01 ;/*rle*/ mttran.c mttran *mtbrc = mtreg[1] ; extern int *mts, *mtc, *mtbrc, *mtma ; syinit.c syinit extern int *mts, *mtc, *mtbrc, *mtma ; mtbrc = 0172524 ; mtc common.c _ int *mts m1; int *mtc m2; int *mtbrc m3; int *mtma m4; dspydr.c main *dkc = *mtc = *dccs = 0200 ; extern int *mtc, *mts ; mtdspy.c mtdspy case 0: *mtc = n[0] ; extern int *mtc, *mts, *mtbrc, *mtma ; printf("mtc= %o mtbrc= %o mtma= %o mts= %o\n",*mtc,*mtbrc,*mtma,*mts); mtih.c mtih fc * fclen + 2 ] = selsta ; syinit.c syinit extern fclen ; fclen = fcel ; while( i < 32 ) fct[ i++ * fclen ] = 0 ; fct ccdspy.c ccdspy fcp = &fct[ i*fclen ] ; extern int selmes[], fct[], *ccs, *cco, *cci, *cacms, ef[] ; commd.c commd extern int *iot, fct[], *bt, *ciotp ; fcp = &fct[ fc*fclen ] ; common.c _ fct[320]; inmess[10]; selmes[10]; reg[8]; dkih.c dkih ba = fct[ fc * fclen + 8 ] ; ea = fct[ fc * fclen + 9 ] ; extern int fct[], *dktl, *dkq , *dklast ; _-  5-_-@ff %_d % %_ 5 e@-A mjAup@ mX f % _  &=% W _@ @#a    xFXXXXXX$_W _ =% _WuWf_h_-db _-PN _-<: _ _ 5-ly, to rly~~~ rm as a rm a~~~ rm in Ta rm in~~~ rm of an rm of fi rm of~~~ rm. As rm;~~~ rmal dir rmal use rmat A.1 rmat is rmat of rmat of rmat to rmat, du rmat. U rmation rmation rmation rmation rmation rmation rmation rmation rmation rmats sh rmed a " rmed by rmed by rmed by rmed by rmed by rmed her rmed his rmed on rmed on rmed, an rmed~~~ rmine th rmined a rmined l rmined l rming la rming se rming sm rmissibl rmission rmission rmission rmit acc rmit fix rmit ind rmit rap data f data f data f data f data f data f data f data f data f data f data f data f data l data l data s data w data. data~~ data~~ data~~ datum deal o deal p deal w deal w dealin dealin deal~~ debugg dedica Descri degree deleti denied Descri Descri descri descri descri design Detail desire detail detail detail determ diagra differ differ differ differ Direct Direct Direct Direct differ diffic diffic digita digita Direct Direct Direct Direct Y9i99Y99I_attacv _center _wheur _bheur _control _qdepth _mdepth _rand _matflg _bookf _bookp _intrp _moveno _gval _vtabf _fout _vx _vy  2f 3: add $12.,r1 br 2b 2: jsr pc,pentry1 mov (sp)+,r1 1: rts pc 9: jsr r5,mesg <\0>; .even mov (sp)+,r1 rts pc xit: jsr r5,flush; obuf sys exit decml: mov r4,-(sp) jsr pc,1f mov (sp)+,r4 rts pc 1: clr r4 div $10.,r4 mov r5,-(sp) mov r4,r5 beq 1f jsr pc,1b 1: mov (sp)+,r0 add $'0,r0 jsr r5,putc; obuf rts pc mesg: movb (r5)+,r0 beq 1f jsr r5,putc; obuf br mesg 1: inc r5 bic $1,r5 rts r5 qsort: mov r2,r0 sub r1,r0 cmp r0,r3 ble done mov r5,-(sp) mov r0,r5 c 4 spe 4 thr 4 -~~~ 4A, 4B 4B and 4C sho 5 5 5 a s 5 a s 5 are 5 com 5 com 5 dir 5 lea 5 nam 5 of 5 ope 5 par 5 poi 5 poi 5 sym 5 the 5 the 5 -~~~ 5 show 6 6 6 6 app 6 dir 6 dir 6 dir 6 fil 6 may 6 poi 6 pro 6 rem 6 sig 6 sto 6 sto 6 thr 6 to 6 wit 6 -~~~ 6 show 7 7 7 all 7 and 7 dat 7 dif 7 dir 7 ent 7 exa 7 gen 7 hie 7 is 7 met 7 poi 7 pro 7 suc 7 wit 7 -~~~ d08wv_^BA.-RQ\n.Ja'mgo /X(  4 x r  *$ W 6; A@ t =59:TUlm]meae.s.ch+qdiv = 177300 ac = 177302 mq = 177304 mul = 177306 sc = 177310 sr = 177311 nor = 177312 lsh = 177314 ash = 177316 get.s.ch+/ getw/getc -- get words/characters from input file / fopen -- open a file for use by get(c|w) / / calling sequences -- / / mov $filename,r0 / jsr r5,fopen; ioptr / / on return ioptr buffer is set up or error bit is set if / file could not be opened. / / jsr r5,get(c|w)1; ioptr / / on return char/word is in r0; error bit is / set on error or end of filhhhhhIh9HIh9x))x contai contai contai contai contai contai contai contai contai contai contai contai contai contai contai contai contai contai conten conten contig contig contra conven conven conven conven coordi correc corres corres corres corres creati creati creati curren dapt t Data b data a data b data b data b data b data b data b data b data b data b data b data b data d data f data f data f data f data f data f data f data f data f data f data f data f )99ii))H9Hyyy)y name o name r name, name. named named~ namees names names names names names names names names names names names names names names names names names, names. names~ names~ name~~ name~~ name~~ naming naming naming naming naming naming neames necess necess need f needs. new us new~~~ no int no phy normal normal not a not co not co not lo not pe not pr not se not to novel novel~ now ce now ma now ma now pr number number number ~ and 26B a and 307 e and 3C il and 3C sh and 4C sh and 529. and I-num and a cou and a sep and a spe and all o and alloc and an I- and an en and anew, and anoth and any d and apart and are u and block and block and block and conta and conta and corre and data and data and data and diffi and direc and direc and direc and direc and direc and disk and each and each and each and effic and endin and erron and exten and file and file and fixed and flexi and for w and for w and freed and freed and indic inn d below. d betwee d betwee d betwee d beyond d be~~~ d bit 52 d bit wh d block d block d block. d blocks d by I-n d by a s d by all d by any d by dir d by dir d by eac d by eli d by ind d by pro d by pro d by ref d by the d by the d by the d by the d by the d by the d by the d by the d by the d by the d by the d by~~~ d by~~~ d contai d contai d contai d contai d contai d correc d corres d data b d data b d data b d data b d data f d data f d data f d data f d data f d data w d diffic d direct d dire be next be one a be one o be opene be opene be passe be prepa be provi be provi be searc be seize be self- be separ be share be share be short be store be swapp be taken be the o be the p be treat be under be under be used be used be used Because Because be used. be used. because because because because because because become l becomes becomes becomes becomes~ bed abov bed belo bed for bed for bed in m bed whic bed. Al bed. Co bed. Ea bed. Th bed. Th bed.~~~ been cha been loc beenA  u /  v "9 Qcked to cked.~~~ ckground cking th cks (I-n cks 103~ cks 231 cks 236 cks 236 cks 403, cks acco cks and cks are cks are cks are~ cks are~ cks are~ cks as n cks comp cks cont cks cont cks curr CKS FOR cks impl cks in t cks incr cks incr cks inst cks is~~ cks is~~ cks may cks of 2 cks of a cks of a cks of d cks of f cks of i cks of t cks of t cks of t cks perm cks up t cks whic cks, I-l cks, a l cks, the cks, the cks. An cks. Fi cks. Ma cks.~~~ cks.~~~ cks.~~~ cks; I-n cks~~~ 2 ckup sto ckup stok point ck point ck point ck point ck point ck point ck point ck point ck point ck point ck point ck point ck point ck point ck point ck point ck point ck point ck point ck point ck point ck point ck point ck point ck point ck point ck point ck point ck point ck point ck point ck point ck point ck point ck point ck point ck point ck point ck point ck point ck point ck shoul ck that ck the c ck the c ck the i ck usage ck withi ck, a co ck, and ck. A n ck. For ck.~~~ cked and cked and cked as cked in if (aflg) { printf("II\n"); nbad = 0; eachi(&pass2); printf("bad: %d\ndup: %d\n", nbad, ndup); } seek(sfo, 0, 3); write(sfo, sblock, 1024); } eachi(f) int (*f)(); { static struct inode buf[16]; int i; struct inode *ip; int pass2(); inumber = 0; for (i=magic2/2; i>0; i--) { seek(sfi, (inumber+32)/16, 3); if (read(sfi,buf,512)!=512) { printf("Read error\n"); exit(); } for(ip=buf; ipw2,w ,@@ @w,w ,HC 7Hw+w +2 b -2wx2wl2 w+w +5 <5% @@ p_@0__H wj+w X+ *5W-AW-Ze W-  @w.+w +5 G G5W-0W-9@owners a owners. ows a da ows a si ows a tr ows as i ows as i ows data ows data ows in a ows the ows the ows the ows the o~~~ 2 o~~~ 3 o~~~ 3 o~~~ 4 o~~~ 5 o~~~ 5 o~~~ 6 o~~~ 6 o~~~ 8 o~~~ 9 o~~~ 9 o~~~ 9 o~~~ 10 o~~~ 10 o~~~ 11 o~~~ 11 o~~~ 12 o~~~ 14 o~~~ 16 o~~~ 17 o~~~ 18 o~~~ 20 o~~~ 20 o~~~ 21 o~~~ 21 o~~~ 21 o~~~ 21 o~~~~~ p 402 of p 404 co p 404 to p 404. p 404. p 404. p 404~~~ p 404~~~ p 406 ar p 406 co p 406, a p 406. p 406.~~ p among p bits cns ed. Mai ed. The ed. The ed. The ed. The ed. The ed. The ed. Thi ed. Thi ed. Use ed. Whe ed.~~~ ed.~~~ ed.~~~ ed.~~~ ed.~~~ ed.~~~ 1 ed.~~~ 1 ed.~~~ 1 ed.~~~ 1 ed.~~~ 1 ed.~~~ 1 ed.~~~ 2 eded for eded to eded.~~~ edetermi edetermi edetermi ediate a edicated edicated edicated edly com edly upd eds the eds the eds. It educe th educes t edures f edure~~~ ed~~~ 2 ed~~~ 2 ed~~~ 2 ed~~~ 3 ed~~~ 3 ed~~~ 3 ed~~~ 6 ed~~~ 11 ed~~~ 13 ed~~~ 18 ee and~~ ee begin ee block ee block ee blu multaneou multaneou multaneou multaneou multiprog mum file mum file~ mum of ei mum size must acce must be e must be g must be p must be t must be u must be~~ must coor must deal must firs must now must prop mutiliate my use th m~~~ 3 m~~~ 6 m~~~ 9 m~~~ 13 m~~~ 16 m~~~ 17 m~~~ 18 m~~~~~ n n n n n n 1-1-2~~ n 1-1-2~~ n 1-1-2~~ n 1-1-2~~ n 1-1-2~~ n 1-1-2~~ n 1-1-2~~ n 1-1-2~~ n 1-1-2~~ n 1-1-2~~ n 1-1-2~~ n 1-1-2~~ n 1-1-2~~ n 1-1-2~~ n 1-1-2~~ n/nas"; break; } else { passa: t = copy(argv[i]); if(getsuf(t)=='c') { clist[nc++] = t; t = setsuf(copy(t), 'o'); } if (nodup(llist, t)) llist[nl++] = t; } } if(nc==0) goto nocom; if (pflag==0) { tmp0 = copy("/tmp/ctm0a"); while((c=open(tmp0, 0))>=0) { close(c); tmp0[9]++; } while((creat(tmp0, 0400))<0) tmp0[9]++; } signal(2, &dexit); (tmp1 = copy(tmp0))[8] = '1'; (tmp2 = copy(tmp0))[8] = '2'; (tmp3 = copy(tmp0))[8] = '3'; (tmp4 = copy(tmp0)) o count o create o create o create o curren o data f o data f o data f o data f o data f o data f o data~~ o dedica o direct o direct o direct o distin o each I o end at o errors o figure o file s o file s o files o files o files o find e o find p o fix th o form a o I-list o I-node o I-node o I-numb o gives o hardwa o have I o have m o have t o have~~ o identi o incons o indepe o indica o indica o indica o indire o indire o intere o levels o levels o link t o locate o locate o locate o locate o locat Ff) T(5W-AW-Ze W-  @Ff5 ^E ZE5W-0W-9@5  AWp Ameu@Ff&E55555555555 5W-. W- W-0W-9 $;  _,*;  _,2;  6;  :;  >;  ^@e@e&@e&@e& e@;  B;  @e@e&@e&@e& eD;  5 ion poi ation sho ation sho ation to ation was ation wor ation, a ation, al ation, al ation, st ation, th ation, th ation, th ation,~~~ ation,~~~ ation. T ation. T ation. W ations fo ations to ations wi ations wi ations. ations.~~ ationship ation~~~ ation~~~ ation~~~ ation~~~ ative, a atively c atively, atively, ative~~~ atly simp atly~~~ 1 atment gi atment of atment of atment~~~ ator 234 ator 239 ator 239 ats showi attempt~~ atum givi atus and at~~~ 3 ault dire ault dire ault dire aultmain() { char c; extern fin,fout; fin = open("qwer",0); fout = creat("asdf",0666); while(c = getchar()) { if(c == ' ') putchar('\n'); else putchar(c); } flush(); exit(); } sort f01 f01 sort f11 f11 sort f21 f21 sort f31 f31 sort f41 f41 sort f51 f51 sort f61 f61 sort f71 f71 f("table adr = %o\n", table ) ; if( table == bt ) { printf("table is io buffers\n");goto ret;} if(table == ackmes){printf("table is ack\n"); goto ret ; } if(table == iot ) {printf("table is iot\n"); goto ret ; } printf( "allocb %d units from adr = %o\n", n, ba ) ; printf("area index = %d\n", table[-3] ) ; printf("cacms = %o\n", cacms) ; printf("ciotp = %o\n", ciotp) ; printf("free areas\n"); printf("in use areas\n") ; printf("rng = %d frecnt = %dt ; niucnt = toterr = rngcnt = frecnt = 0 ; tpb common.c _ char *tks 0177560 ; char *tps 0177564 ; int *tkb 0177562 ; int *tpb 0177566 ; getput.c putchar *tpb = ch[i++] ; } *tpb = c | 0200 ; extern char *tps, *tpb ; syinit.c syinit extern int *tks, *tkb, *tps, *tpb ; tpb = 0177566 ; tps common.c _ char *tks 0177560 ; char *tps 0177564 ; int *tkb 0177562 ; int *tpb 0177566 ; getput.c putchar { while( *tps >= 0 ) ; extern char *tps, *tpb ; while( tps[0] >= 0 ) ; snd wh r appara r Art r area 5 r area 5 r areas r areas r areas. r are~~~ r art FI r art ar r art fi r art fi r art ge r art me r art me r art ro r art su r art sy r art, d r art. r art. r art~~~ r as a d r a~~~ r backup r block r block r block r block. r blocks r blocks r blocks r blocks r blocks r blocks r blocks r blocks r blocks r both. r both~~ r by lin r corres r creati r data f r data f r data f r data f r data f r data f r data~~ r data~~ r defaul r defaul r descri r direct r direct r ~@AA,:up,:@0,:^AWpAAmAVCpACmÜVw`\4@AWpAAmAVw`B4@97`84@_@ _ _ _  @@A@@A@@@0,:@p$: _@e7   @ 59 @,:t [RRNJJwH<@@7 >7 5  xPb4 #  x:2*z@ wFw 4  5 5a~~~ 10 a~~~ 11 a~~~ 11 a~~~ 11 a~~~ 12 a~~~ 12 a~~~ 14 a~~~ 14 a~~~ 14 a~~~ 15 a~~~ 16 a~~~ 17 a~~~ 18 a~~~ 19 a~~~ 19 a~~~ 20 a~~~ 20 a~~~ 20 a~~~ 21 a~~~~~ a~~~~~ a~~~~~ b-~~~ 21 backs~~~ backup st backup st backup st bdirector bdirector bdirector be a full be anothe be a~~~ 1 be better be broadl be checke be comple be consid be contai be create be dedica be descri be descri be descri be erroro be exerci be functi be given be given be given be greatl ber root dir root dir root dir root dir ROOT" is ROOT.USE root dir root dir root I-n root~~~ root~~~ root~~~~ roper fo roper na roper na roperly roperly roperly ropriate ropriate ror and ror,~~~ ror. Fu ror.~~~ ror.~~~~ roronous rors in rors in rors in~ rors mus rors now rors occ rors occ rors. T ror~~~ 1 rough 14 rough 18 rough 20 rough 23 rough 24 rough 25 rough a rough al rough an rough a~ rough bu rough di rough di rough di rough th rough th rough th rough~~~ rough~~~ round routine routinepeat- edly. Another frustration was the unreliability of the hardware on which the big operating systems were supposed to run. Conse- quently the "computer utility", in the sense discussed in the middle 60's, has not arrived. It is true that the best modern computation centers now combine efficient batch service with moderately sophisticated interactive computing and with remote access by minicomputers; but the goals are less ambitious than they were in 1966, and ther 5-_06-@_06- 5-_06-@ff .8%_:6` `U%a `U%_:6(a `U5 \e@-A mDAup@ m2 f4a `U% _:6Da `U z=% W _06@ @#̰̾a    x4444444444_06W _:6 =% `_:6WuWf_4_06-><Ra `U_:6-*(ha `U_:6-5 @ 5 www   w-  _`  @ww |x r l5db@wXResign t = %d depth = %d depth = %d Illegal move Black to move White to move resignsaverestorerandrand = %d playresign firstpictinputwinputbinputprincmovenot able to back up incdepth = %d decdepth = %d removenot able to back up / mateno mate matflgmatflg = %d hint %d statd~}|{zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba`_^]\[ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA@?>=d}z|y~{xwtqnkhebvspmjgdaurolifc`_\YVSPMJ^[XUROLI]ZWTQNKHGDA>;852FC@ach blo each con each dat each dat Each dir Each dir each dir each dir Each I-n Each I-n each I-n each I-n each I-n each I-n each dir Each fil each I-n each fil each I-n each ind each of each of each tim Each use each use each use each~~~ each~~~ ead and ead and ead are~ ead at a ead beyo ead by t ead cont ead from ead in u ead in, ead in,~ ead in. ead in. ead into ead into ead of t ead of~~ ead oper ead or w ead or w ead or~~ ead or~~ ead the ead" fas ead, dat ead/writ eading a eading a eading a )9))9yy))9)n multip n names n nine p n no lon n no phy n not sh n of a h n of a s n of all n of an n of dat n of dir n of fil n of I-n n of ind n of ind n of the n of the n of the n of the n of the n of the n of the n of the n of the n of the n of the n of the n of the n of the n of the n of whi n of~~~ n on dis n on sto n on the n one di n one or n one or n one us n only b n open f n open f n open f n open f n open f n open f n open f n order n order n other n out on n out on n part f n physic n physic n physicdX L!B R9p^ a \][  4 & _l)  j( f  %VU a @|+  I+^XH O S Z KK` ݯlZq? U~ Z))CF)ccG  ԯ Z dire 2 ast modi 3 at a kno 2 at a~~~ 3 at FIG. 2 at file 2 at is, t 5 at locat 2 at the b 2 at the I 2 At the o 2 at the d 4 at the~~ 32 ata bloc 66 ata file 4 ata layo 2 ata stor 3 atable b 2 atable s 4 ata~~~ 5 ata~~~ 1 3 ate dire 2 ate I-no 6 ate the 3 ated and 4 ated by 2 ated dat 2 ated I-n 2 ated for 3 ated fro 6 ated in 5 ated to 2 ated wit 2 ated, an 2 ated~~~ 2 ates tha 3 ate~~~ 1 |w       ww N N ww hw-  7 vrn h2 `\ %d@e&F %7 <5 @ @a@ @a5,@ @a7 eN ww @ N N  7ww 7 7 ww  7~z t p jwfw b@@ @wHw D>C 7&ww met r art met r art roo r art suf r art sys r art, di r art. A r art. I r art~~~ r as a da r a~~~ 9 r backup r block ( r block 2 r block i r block. r blocks r blocks r blocks r blocks r blocks r blocks r blocks r blocks, r blocks. r both. r both~~~ r by link r corresp r creatin r data fi r data fi r data fi r data fi r data fi r data fi r data~~~ r data~~~ r default r default r describ r directl r directo r directo r directo r directo r directo r directo r directo r directo r directo r direct @ @ @e=ׯ/  N f > ww  5%1 W-8@e=G@4Nf > @2Nf > @@=   bkntqr ww A ru@t5@5W- W-@5N 5W- 5 5W- Nf  Nf  Nf  Nf   w_maxply _attab _pvbuf _pvp _ispawn _isknig _isdiag _isrigh _check"rsave L2$_wattack L1<_battack rretrn _agen"@L10000V_bagen L10001^_wagen L3^_gmove"bL5_use L6L7_seek _read L8L9L11L10_move" L4L13_done"L12JL140_bmove L158_wmove _gremove"N_remove as $1.s reloc a.out 60000 mv a.out $1.o ju i< 4_ ^ 5  t i g J *   " Ny {  G1 t  07 ;   y  Q ~ ; 5> Ns ' R q lP- O x vlkL earing~~ early se ears at ears in eas 503 eas as n eas may eas not~ eas rese eas. Sy ease of eases~~~ easily a easing d easing t easons f eassigne east one eat deal eat erro eate a n eate add eated by eated by eated fi eated in eated th eated to eated, I eatedly eatedly eated~~~ eate~~~ eating a eating a eating f eation, eation. eatly si eatly~~~ eatment eatment eatment eatment~ ebugging eby made eby poin ecause a ecause d ecause d ecause i ecause m ecause o ecause s ecause t ecaution ecessarniz record 5 record 5 rect blo rect blo rect err RECT POI rect poi rect poi rect poi rect poi rect poi rect poi rect poi rect poi rect poi rect poi rect poi rect poi rect sto rectly t rectly w rectly~~ rectorie rectorie rectorie rectorie rectorie rectorie rectorie rectorie rectorie rectorie rectorie rectorie rectorie rectorie rectorie rectorie rectorie rectorie rectorie rectorie rectorie rectorie rectorie rectorie rectorie rectorie rectorie rectorie rectorie rectorie rectorie rectorie rectorie rectorie rect L m >@h~z  p [ 3?v d .b ; 50xj Y A .4 es creat es direc es do no es exist es expec es file es fille es for b es for c es for d es for e es for f es for f es for h es for m es for u es for w es forme es for~~ es for~~ es found es havin es havin es in I- es in a es in ac es in co es in pr es in th es in th es in th es in th es in th es indic es indic es indic es into es into es is ef es is ge es is pe es is to es is~~~ es is~~~ es it th es its p es makin es may b es may b es may b es may h es may r es must es must es must es must es musts b ctories c ctories d ctories i ctories m ctories m ctories m ctories o ctories r ctories t ctories t ctories t ctories w ctories, ctories, ctories, ctories-- ctories. ctories. ctories. ctories. ctories. ctories. ctories. ctories.~ ctories;~ ctories~~ ctories~~ ctory 101 ctory 101 ctory 101 ctory 110 ctory 110 ctory 110 ctory 110 ctory 112 ctory 112 ctory 112 ctory 112 ctory 112 ctory 112 ctory 112 ctory 112 ctory 120 ctory 120 ctory 120 ctory 303 ctory 303 ctory I-n ctory I-n ctory I-n ctory I-cke e checke e class e comple e comple e comple e comput e comput e concer e consid e consis e consis e contai e contai e contai e contai e contai e contai e contai e conten e conten e conten e conten e conten e conten e conten e conten e conten e conten e conten e conten e conven e corres e corres e corres e create e create e creati e creati e curren e curren e curren e curren e curren e curren e curren e curren e curren e curren e data a e data a e data b e data b e data b e data b e data b e data b e da/ ; syinit.c syinit char *mtcr, *dkcr, *ccsr ; dkc=dkcr= 0177404; dkcr = dkc ; dkda common.c _ int *dkc d4; int *dkwc d5; int *dkma d6; int *dkda d7; int *dker d8; int *dkds d9; dkdspy.c dkdspy case 3: *dkda = n[3] ; *dkc, *dkwc, *dkma, *dkda, *dker, *dkds ) ; extern int *dkc, *dkwc, *dkma, *dkda ; dkstat.c dkstat *dkc, *dkds, *dker, *dkda ) ; *dkc, *dkds, *dker, *dkda ) ; unit =( * dkda & 0160000 ) >> 13 ; undL83R_out L84ZL85L86L87L88L89L90L91L92L93_statc L94L95L96L97_score _algin">L98L21:_stdin L99.L100_cooin"pL102^L101lL10009L104L103L10010L105L107L108 L109L106L100112_bagen L100126_wagen L111n_check spsw,_pswtmp _respsw: mov _pswtmp,*$177776 rts pc reboot.s1+ .globl _reboot / / this routine branches into the second instruction / of the rom (read only memory) pdp bootstrap / loader. it does not read the console switches and / boots from disk. / _reboot: mov $177406,r1 jmp *$173104 / rom bootstrap loader zzzz.ss2+..globl _edata,_end .data _edata: .bss _end: e~~~ 5 e~~~ 5 e~~~ 5 e~~~ 5 e~~~ 6 e~~~ 6 e~~~ 6 e~~~ 6 e~~~ 6 e~~~ 6 e~~~ 6 e~~~ 7 e~~~ 7 e~~~ 7 e~~~ 7 e~~~ 7 e~~~ 7 e~~~ 7 e~~~ 7 e~~~ 7 e~~~ 7 e~~~ 7 e~~~ 8 e~~~ 8 e~~~ 8 e~~~ 8 e~~~ 8 e~~~ 8 e~~~ 8 e~~~ 8 e~~~ 8 e~~~ 9 e~~~ 9 e~~~ 9 e~~~ 9 e~~~ 9 e~~~ 9 e~~~ 10 e~~~ 10 e~~~ 10 e~~~ 10 e~~~ 10 e~~~ 10 e~~~ 10 e~~~ 11 e~~~ 11 e~~~ 11 e~~~ 11 e~~~ 11 e~~~ 12 e~~~ 12 e~~~ 12 e~~~ 12 e~~~ 12 e~~~ 12 e~~~ 13 e~~~ 13n int *ackq, *ackmes, *iot ; gq(ackq) ; if(( idx = testq(ackq)) == 0 ) goto ret ; /* no items in q */ syinit.c syinit ackq = initq( &qa[ql] , ql ) ; extern int *sycroq, *ackq, *mtq, *dkq, qa[] ; allocb allb.c allocb allocb(n,bt) int bt[] ; { bfdspy.c bfdspy ba = allocb(n, table) ; ccbeg.c ccbeg if((ackp = allocb(1,ackmes) ) == 0 ) goto er1 ; commd.c commd iotp[8] = allocb( fcp[5], bt ) ; iotp[8] = allocb( fcp[5], bt ) ; fcp[3] = allocb(n,bt) ; m); v = minmax(beta, alpha, lev); remove(); if(v > alpha) { alpha = v; use(pv, m); if(alpha >= beta) break; } } lmp = p2; f1: pvp = pv; return(alpha); } double minqui(alpha, beta, lev) double alpha, beta; int lev; { double v; int m; register *pv, *p1, *p2; pv = pvp; *pvp++ = 0; m = check(); v = valuep*10 + valueb; if(v= mlev) { if(m) v =+ 1000.0; alpha = v; goto f1; } lev++; p1 = lmp; if(m 421 an 421~~~ 423 is 423 st 423.~~ 424 is 424~~~ 424~~~ 425 co 426 (F 426 co 426 of 426 of 426 of 426 of 4A and 4A sho 4A, I- 4A. A 4B and 4B sho 4C sho 4C) is 4C). 4C)~~~ 5 5 5 5 (FI 5 all 5 arr 5 con 5 dat 5 des 5 fil 5 imp 5 in 5 inv 5 or 5 thr 5 to 5 is a 5 show 5.~~~ 501 an 501 ar 501 il 501 wh 502 ac 502 is 502 of 502. 503 an 503 is 504 an 504 co 505 co 505 co 505 is 505. 506 al 506 is 506 is 506 is ble = ackmes ; if( table == ackmes ) cacms = ba ; /* update current ackmes pter */ if(table == ackmes){printf("table is ack\n"); goto ret ; } extern int *bt, bufara[], *ackmes, ackara[] ; ccbeg.c ccbeg extern int ackq, ackmes ; if((ackp = allocb(1,ackmes) ) == 0 ) goto er1 ; common.c _ int *cacms;int *ackmes; snack.c snack deallb(idx, 1, ackmes ) ; extern int *ackq, *ackmes, *iot ; while( i < ackmes[-2] ) printf(" %o",idx[i++]) ; syinit.c syinit ackmes = initb( ackaointers~ ointers~ ointers~ ointers~ ointers~ ointers~ OINTER~ ointer~~ ointer~~ ointer~~ ointer~~ ointing ointing ointing ointing ointing ointing ointing ointing~ oints to oints to oints to oint~~~ ok ahead okup.~~~ ol bit 4 ol bits olating ole is l ole of I olic fil olic fil olic nam olic nam olic nam olic nam olic nam olic nam olic nam olic nam olic nam olic nam olic nea olidatio olume 50 olume 50 olume 50 olume 50 olume ac olume an olume ar olume at olume co olume in olume of olume so olume sts illus as illus as illus as indic as just~ as listi as may s as neces as neces as neces as neede as not~~ as part As physi as physi as physi as physi as reser As seque as set f as shown as the I as the I as the I as to da as well as will as. Sys ase a us ase of f ase the ases~~~ ashion t ashion. ashion.~ ashion.~ asily an asing da asing th asion ar asons fo ass of f assed be assigned associat associat associat assumed assure t assure t assure t assure t assure t assure~~ ass~~~ ast dire ast dire ry entry ry entry ry entry ry entry ry entry ry entry ry file ry file ry file ry file ry file ry file ry file ry file ry file ry file ry file ry file ry file ry file ry file ry file ry file ry file. ry file. ry file. ry file; ry files ry files ry files ry files ry files ry files ry files ry files ry files ry files ry files ry files ry for d ry for t ry for~~ ry havin ry I-nod ry I-nod ry I-num ry I-num ry hiera ry hiera ry hiera ry in a ry in di ry in op ry in op ry in th ry in th ry is d nt ny prior ny such ny valid nym dire nym dire nym dire nym entr nym for nym for nym is e nym is p nym, a s nym, the nym. A~ nym. Th ny~~~ 2 ny~~~ 18 ny~~~ 19 ny~~~ 19 nzero~~~ n~~~ 2 n~~~ 3 n~~~ 4 n~~~ 4 n~~~ 5 n~~~ 5 n~~~ 5 n~~~ 6 n~~~ 6 n~~~ 8 n~~~ 8 n~~~ 9 n~~~ 9 n~~~ 9 n~~~ 9 n~~~ 10 n~~~ 11 n~~~ 12 n~~~ 12 n~~~ 13 n~~~ 14 n~~~ 14 n~~~ 15 n~~~ 16 n~~~ 16 n~~~ 17 n~~~ 18 n~~~ 18 n~~~ 18 n~~~ 19 n~~~ 20 n~~~ 20 n~~~~~ n~~~~~ re data re denie re descr re detai re direc re elimi re equal re examp re files re flow re flow re flow re free. re I-nod re gener re invol re is ve re less re lose re lost re made re made re maint re marke re modif re must re must re neede re not c re not g re now c re now m re of a re of di re or pr re parti re perfo re physi re physi re physi re popul re provi re read re read re repea re requi re searc re secon re set t re sever re shoul re shoul re shown re subro re syste re takes re than access access access access access access access access access access access access access accord accord accord accoun accoun action activi actual actual additi additi additi additi addres addres adjunc admini admini admini admini admini agains all da All I- all it all mo all of all of all of all of all of all ph all po all po all~~~ along along also h also~~ altern among amy us an add an add an adj an alt an arr an ent an exa an I-n An ind - - - - - - - - - - A A A Ad Al Al An As At At Ca Ca Ca Ca Ca Ca Ca Ca Ca Ca Ca Ca Ca Ca Ca Ca FI FI FI FI FI FI FI FI In In Lo No Ph Sy Th Th Th Th Th Wh Wh Wh Wh Wh Wo - 1 - 1 - 1 e directo e directo e directo e directo e directo e directo e directo e directo e directo e directo e directo e directo e directo e directo e directo e directo e directo e directo e directo e directo e directo e directo e directo e directo e directo e each~~~ e elimina e embodim e end of e end of e entries e entry i e entry~~ e equal a e erroron e errors e errors. e example e excepti e exercis e extensi e file A. e file an e file as e file at e file da e file da e file fo e file in e file in e file in e the va the vo the vo the vo their their themse themse themse themse then m There thereb theref theref These these they c they d they h they h they r The~~~ the~~~ the~~~ the~~~ the~~~ the~~~ the~~~ the~~~ the~~~ the~~~ the~~~ the~~~ the~~~ the~~~ the~~~ the~~~ the~~~ the~~~ the~~~ the~~~ the~~~ This l the~~~ the~~~ the~~~ This a this a this f This g This i This l this l This r this p This~~ this~~ those those throug throug throug throug in the d in the d in the d in the d in the d in the d in the d in the d in usi d in, an d in,~~~ d in. T d in. T d indexi d indica d indice d indire d into b d into~~ d into~~ d in~~~ d in~~~~ d is inc d is pro d is the d its I- d its I- d its co d its I- d known d length d length d length d length d level d locati d locati d lost f d mainta d mainte d makes d manipu d many o d match d may~~~ d may~~~ d method d more~~ d name, d nonown d not a d obtain d of acc d of dir d of fil d of fil d of the d/ putw/putc -- write words/characters on output file / / fcreat -- create an output file for use by put(w|c) / / calling sequences -- / / mov $filename,r0 / jsr r5,fcreat; ioptr / / on return ioptr is set up for use by put or error / bit is set if file could not be created. / / mov(b) thing,r0 / jsr r5,put(w|c)1; ioptr / / the character or word is written out. / / jsr r5,flush; ioptr / / the buffer is fled. / .globl putc, putw, flush, fcreat fcreat: mov r1,-(sp) mov (r5)+,r1 mov r0,0f sys c cmp r0,$1 beq phigh / here return same priority jmp ret phigh: mov _reg+12.,r0 / get old stack pter add $2,r0 / get psw word mov (r0),r1 bic $!0340,r1 / have old priority mov r1,_pswold bis $0340,(r0) / set psw priority high ret: jsr pc,resreg / restore regs mov _reg+12.,sp / set stack rti / interrupt return / / / internal sub to store regs ( not sp ) streg: mov r0,_reg mov $_reg+2,r0 /* C command */ char *tmp0; char *tmp1; char *tmp2; char *tmp3; char *tmp4; char ts[1000]; char *tsp ts; char *av[50]; char *clist[50]; char *llist[50]; int instring; int pflag; int cflag; int *ibuf; int *ibuf1; int *ibuf2; int *obuf; char *lp; char *line; int lineno; int exfail; struct symtab ( char name[8]; char *value; ) *symtab; int symsiz 200; struct symtab *defloc; struct symtab *incloc; char *stringbuf; char *pass0 "/lib/c0"; char *pass1 "/lib/c1"; char *assem "/bin/as"; char *pref "/lib/crt0.o"; 21 lo 21 ma 21 ma 21 ph 21 st 21 su 21 to 210 de 210 is 210 to 210. 211 to 211. 212 wh 21A th 23 are 24 thr 256 wo 25B ar 26A an 26B ar 2A is~ 2A sho 2A, 2B 2B, 2C 2C sho 3 3 3 and 3 det 3 dir 3 dir 3 dir 3 dir 3 dis 3 fou 3 if 3 loc 3 of 3 pse 3 spe 3 sys 3 the 3 whi 3 -~~~ 3A, 3B 3B and 3C sho 4 4 4 4 ana 4 Det 4 app 4 con 4 fil 4 gua 4 I-l 4 los 4 pos 4 pri 4 pro 4 ret 4 spe IYxYYY99YYI(I8Xh9_fault _xlev le. a file. a file. a file. a file. a file. a files a a files a a files a a files b a files f a files s a files t a files, a files, a files. a files. a files. a files. a files. a files. a files.~ a files.~ a files;~ a file~~~ a file~~~ a file~~~ a file~~~ a file~~~ a first u a first u a first~~ a flag in a form of a full pa a full pa a hierarc a hierarc a in mult a is then a known a a known p a known s a large n a large~~ a layout a layout a layout a layout a lengthy a link ma a link FIG. FIG. FIG. FIG. FIG. FIG. FIG. FIG. File File ended entry entry erron examp expec FIG. FIG. FIG. FIGS. file file file file file file file file file, files files Fixed Fixed For e For~~ Free Free Free Gener first first flagg for r found given givin I-nod I-nod I-nod I-nod I-nod I-num If th If th hiera hiera I-lis I-lis I-lis I-lis I-nod I-nod I-nod I-nod grams wh grams wh grams wh grams wh grams wh grams, s grams, t grams~~~ grams~~~ grams~~~ grams~~~ grams~~~ gram~~~ great de greatly greatly~ gree of grity ch grity of grity of grity of ground GS. 15A GS. 19A GS. 1A, GS. 1A, GS. 21A GS. 24 t GS. 26A GS. 2A, GS. 3A, GS. 4A, GS. 7 th GS.~~~ gs are~~ GS. 7~~~ gth data gth I-no gth I-no gth inpu gth of t gth, and gthy pro gth~~~ guarded guish be guish ov guous ar guous li gures, F g~~~ 2 g~~~ 3 g~~~ 3 g~~~ 4 g~~~ 4 g~~~ 5 g~~~ 6 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 3 - 3 - 3 A d A p A s Adm Alt Alt An As At At Can Can Can Can Can Can Can Can Can Can Can Can Can Can Can Can FIG FIG FIG FIG FIG FIG FIG FIG In Inf Loc No Phy Sys The The The The The Whe Whe Whe Whe Whe Wor 6 iles an 6 ditiona 7 ention 7 set to 6 ted in 6 on poin 6 ile sys 6 dificat 7 entific 7 read i 6 ted by 6 odifica 6 ile siz 6 de~~~ 1 7 ent of 7 point 6 t of th 6 ode map 6 icular 6 depende 7 enerall 7 other 6 t locat 6 o the I 6 hown in 6 default 7 ed~~~ 7 of ind 6 t inven 6 o that 6 hich ma 6 de map 7 ed from 7 necess 6 s~~~ 15 6 o physi 6 he~~~ 2 6 ddition 7 ectory. 7 name o 6 s~~~ 11 6 o data ied, thu ief ield of ield. T ient for ient in ient mai ient ot ient ref ient, fo iented f iented f ierarcha ierarcha ierarcha ierarcha ierarcha ierarcha ierarcha ierarcha ierarcha ierarcha ierarcha ierarcha ierarcha ierarcha ierarcha ierarcha ierarcha ierarcha ierarcha ierarcha ierarcha ierarcha ierarchy ierarchy ierarchy ierarchy ies (lin ies 102 ies 113 ies 204 ies 306 ies 528 ies a ma ies also ies and ies and ies and ies appe ies are ies are ies are ies are ies are ies are ies are ies are ies are~ ies as w ies by t ies comp ies cont ies cont ies do n ies havi ies havi ies in p ies indi ies indi ies indi ies is t ies maki ies may ies must ies must ies of~~ ies poin ies poin ies refe ies to a ies to b ies to f ies to~~ ies whic ies, but ies, use ies, whi ies-- to ies. As ies. At ies. Fo ies. I- ies. On ies. Su ies. Th ies. Th ies.~~~ ies.~~~ ies.~~~ ies;~~~ ies~~~ ies~~~ ies~~~ 1 ies~~~ 1 ieval by ieval, d ieve the ieving v iew of t iew take if I-nod If the r If the~ single single single size, so nam so tha so tha so tha so tha some d some r so~~~ space specia specia specia specia specia specia specia specia specia specia spectr starti starti STORAG starti storag storag storag storag storag storag storag storag storag storag storag storag storag storag storag storag storag storag storag storag storag storag storag storag storag storag stored stored stored stored stored stored stored stored stored stored bheur.obook.obplay.odata.odraw.oinit.oinput.omater.oplay.oprinc.osavres.oscore.ostat.ostdin.owheur.owplay.ol.outzatt.oybgen.oxbmove.owctrl.ovqsort.ouwgen.otwmove.oa.outl.outa.outirec ot disti ot gener ot I-nod ot inter OT" is a OT.USER1 ot lost ot permi ot pract ot provi ot set i ot shown ot stric ot to lo otal dir otal num oth entr oth. Ne other di other di other di other er other fa other fi other mi other op other se other us other us other. other. other~~~ other~~~ oth~~~ ot~~~ 2 ot~~~ 3 ot~~~ 5 ot~~~~~ ouble ar ouble ch ough 14B ough 18 ough 20 ough 23 ough 24 ough 25B ough a n ough all ough any ough a~~ ough buf ough dir ough dir ough dir ough not ough the ougical physical physical physical physical physical physical physical physical physical physical physical physical physical physical physical physical physical physical physical physical physical physical physical physical physical physical physical physical physical physical physical physical physical physicall physical~ physical~ physical~ physical~ physical~ physical~ physical~ pical of pid acces pid acces pid index ping trac place, th placed in placed in placing i ple an ; #b wQp I )IxI 9)IIIr_wplay L47L48,L494L50L51:L52_draw L53@L54_input L55FL56L57NL58L59VL60_princ L61\L62ZL63>L64bL10007NL10008RL65xL66|L67|L68L69L70L71L72L73L74L75L76L77L78L79L80_putchar L81L82 _"e u@ 03";5m@;5 @x< _"e u@ 03";5m@;5@< :e  L= @m; e5  @;4< 5 @;4< ww . !  !  !  J& "C>9 !  !  !  J& u@Juw-~$eN , !  =% e}cacms = %o\n", cacms) ; extern int *iot, iotta[], *ciotp, ef[], *cacms ; ccdspy.c ccdspy extern int selmes[], fct[], *ccs, *cco, *cci, *cacms, ef[] ; common.c _ int *cacms;int *ackmes; ccbeg ccbeg.c ccbeg ccbeg(mess,len,iotp) int mess[] ; { ccdspy.c ccdspy flag = ccbeg(mess,6,iotp) ; ccih.c ccih ccbeg(outmes, 6, 0 ) ; commd.c commd ccbeg( ac, 6, 0 ) ; ccbeg( ac, 6, 0 ) ; ccbeg( ac, 6, 0 ) ; dkih.c dkih ackqed = ccbeg( ac, 6, ac[6] ) ; mtih.c mtih ackqed = ccbeg(a2,bfr+2(r1) blo 2b 3: mov r0,ptr(r1) mov (sp)+,r2 rts pc 1: mov ptr(r1),r0 sub bfr(r1),r0 mov r0,9f mov bfr(r1),0f mov f(r1),r0 sys write; 0:..; 9:.. mov bfr(r1),ptr(r1) rts pc / tab: .byte 16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16 .byte 16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16 .byte 16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16 .byte 16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16 .byte 14,16,16,16,16,16,16,16 .byte 16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16 .byte 16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16 .byte 16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16 .byte 16, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 2, 4 .byte 4, 4, 4, 4, 6, 6, 6,10 .bytees a sim es acces es all p es also es among es an in es and a es and d es and d es and d es and I es and e es and e es and f es and i es and s es and t es and t es and~~ es appea es appea es are a es are a es are a es are a es are c es are f es are i es are m es are n es are n es are p es are p es are p es are r es are s es are s es are t es are t es are~~ es are~~ es as ac es as we es at a es becom es begin es begin es by na es by sy es by th es by th es by~~~ es by~~~ es compl es conta es conta es conta locati locati locati locati locati locati locati locati locati locati locati locati locati locati longer made a made a made i made~~ made~~ mainte mainte mainte makes manner manner manner manner map 40 map 40 map 40 map 40 map 40 map 40 map 40 map 40 map 40 map bi map bi marked marked marked marked maximu maximu maximu maximu may ac may ac may al may be may be may be may be may be may be may ha may in may re may si may th memory memory memory  Nf f Z%@ 5 7r5` @ 5 7r5 ww @  5@  @5T fn %N@e&X %5 u-9 N@ @a& 4 N@ @a& 4 N@ @a& 4 N@ @a& 4 ww A 7r@m5W-NE @tE ww @@  | @ W- W-@e w2 . . /dev/vt0cannot open c1 common.c_ c1; c2; c3; c1 common.c_ char *mtcr m2; char *dkcr d4; char *ccsr c1; c1 common.c_ int *ccs c1; int *cco c2; int *cci c3; c1 dspydr.cmain ccs = ccsr = &c1 ; c1 dspydr.cmain extern c1,c2,c3,d1,d2,d3; c1 syinit.csyinit ccs = ccsr = &c1 ; c1 syinit.csyinit extern c1, c2, c3, d1, d2, d3 ; c2 common.c_ c1; c2; c3; c2 common.c_ int *ccs c1; int *cco c2; int *cci c3; c2 dspydr.cmain cco = &c2 ; c2 dspydr.cmain extern c1,c2,c3,d1,d2,d3; c2 syinit.csyinit system system system system system system system system taken~ techni termed than a than o that a that a that b that f that f that i that i that s that t that t that t that w the the the the the the __ the ac the ad the ad the ar the bl the bl the cl the co the co the co the co the da the da the da the da the da the da the de the di the di the di the di The fi the em The fi The fi the fi the fi the fi the fi the fi the fi the fi ng dicating dicating dicating dicating dicating~ dicating~ dication, dicator 2 dicator 2 dicator 2 dices int different different different different different different different difficult difficult dificatio dificatio dificatio dificatio dificatio dificatio dified, c dified, t digital c digital c diment diment of diment, a dinate ac ding a da ding an a ding and ding and ding and ding an~~ ding a~~~ ding bit ding bit ding bloc ding disk ding file ding in a ding its ding on t ding or w ding or w ding or w ding othe ding pseu ding succ ding the~ ding thro ding to a ding to p ding to t ding to t ding to t ding to t ding to t ding to~~ ding~~~ ding~~~ 1 ding~~~~~ direct bl direct bl direct po direct po direct po direct po direct po direct po direct po direct po direct po direct po direct po direct po direct st directly directly directly~ directori directori directori directori directori directori directori directori directori directori directori directori directori directori directori directori g. D ring. I Ritchie- Ritchie- Ritchie- Ritchie- Ritchie- Ritchie- ring; an ring~~~ ring~~~ ring~~~ riodical riods fo rior Art rior art rior art rior art rior art rior art rior art rior art rior art rior art rior art rior art rior art rior art rior art rious pr rious se ription ription ription rise in rises.~~ Ritchie- Ritchie- Ritchie- Ritchie- Ritchie- Ritchie- Ritchie- Ritchie- Ritchie- Ritchie- Ritchie- Ritchie- Ritchie- Ritchie- Ritchie- Ritchie- Ritchie- rising a rising a rising t ristics RiFor file for file for file for file for gene for havi for in p for in t for in~~ for keep for late for main for mani for mani for phys for prov for rapi for read for read for sear for some for symb For the for the for the for the for the for the for the for the for the for thes for the~ for this for thos for use for use for use for user for user for usin for whic for writ for writ for writ for. An fore eli fore los fore, fi fore, re fore, th fore. T form as form a~~ form in form in~ form of ng l naming~ l not be l now be~ l number l of indi l of indi l of the l of the l of the l of the l of the l of the l of the l of the~ l of the~ l of the~ l of the~ l order o l path na l path na l path na l path na l path na l path na l physica l physica l physica l pointin l possibl l primari l provisi l purpose l purpose l reading l set of l storage l storage l storage l storage l storage l system l the num l times. l to have l treatme l unalloc l user da l user re l with a l with an l with n 11 th 12 12 12 12 12 co 12 in 12 of 12 op 12 pe 12 pr 12 st 12 sy 12 Th 12 th 12 th 12 us 12 Wh 13 ar 13 bl 13 by 13 FI 13 co 13 FI 13 fi 13 hi 13 is 13 la 13 ob 13 re 13 Th 13 st 13 sy 13 to 13 wi 14 14 14 14 "A 14 al 14 al 14 an 14 ar 14 bl 14 bl 14 bl 14 fi 14 nu 14 Th 14 se 14 th 14 wr 15 15 be 15 bu 15 cu 15 de 15 en 15 fi 15 fl 15 fo 15 mu 15 nu 15 po 1 I-n 1 dir 1 I-n 1 in 1 int 1 loc 1 sto 1 tha 1 the 1 tra 1 tra 1 in F 1, and 1-1-2~ 1-1-2~ 1-1-2~ 1-1-2~ 1-1-2~ 1-1-2~ 1-1-2~ 1-1-2~ 1-1-2~ 1-1-2~ 1-1-2~ 1-1-2~ 1-1-2~ 1-1-2~ 1-1-2~ 1-1-2~ 1. FI 1. To 10 10 10 "R 10 8 10 at 10 br 10 de 10 I- 10 di 10 du 10 I- 10 is 10 no 10 nu 10 si 10 th 10 wi 11 11 "d 11 ac 11 an 11 co 11 De 11 di 11 ea 11 fi 11 fi 11 li 11 nu 11 of 11 on 11 sh 11 st 10 r~~~ 11 r~~~ 11 r~~~ 11 r~~~ 12 r~~~ 13 r~~~ 13 r~~~ 13 r~~~ 14 r~~~ 16 r~~~ 16 r~~~ 17 r~~~ 17 r~~~ 18 r~~~ 18 r~~~ 18 r~~~ 19 r~~~ 19 r~~~ 20 r~~~ 20 r~~~ 20 r~~~~~    7 32  xV>JJX  3 7 v_ 0\h V2\ PqP7B ~E4> p;E&7 E x >  |7 |7 :  Z7 P7 e 7  77777 s x j7 <X7 <F3 IyYi L24L25L26ge vo orage wh orage wh orage,~~ orage. orage. orage. orage.~~ orage.~~ orage;~~ ORAGE~~~ orage~~~ orage~~~ orating~ ord 405 ord 407 ord 421~ ord 423 ord 424 ord 424~ ord 425 ord 426 ord 524, ord 524~ ord bloc ord data ord I-no ord phys order of order to order to order~~~ ordinate ording t ording t ording t ording t ords are ords in ords on ords per ords use ords whi ords.~~~ ords~~~ ore comp ore data ore deta ore elim ore lose ore phys ore phys ore seco ore than ore than ore than ore usef org thro 5 he buff 5 e buffe 6 that i 5 ~ 4 5 set of 5 ng the~ 5 he__ 5 e and~~ 6 same f 5 ystems 5 service 5 ndling 5 haring 5 e alloc 6 return 5 ystem i 5 ser.~~~ 5 nding t 5 handlin 5 e___ 6 proper 5 written 5 s. The 5 ndex in 5 h conta 5 ding an 6 possib 5 with~~~ 5 s to re 5 name~~~ 5 grams~~ 5 diagram 6 path n 5 w chart 5 s to fi 5 name "A 5 grams a 5 de~~~ 6 or wri 5 ust be 5 s to da 5 n)Ixyyxxxxxxx9)9I 9IHH Y 2 cess is 12 cess to 3 cessary 2 cessible 2 cetera. 2 ch block 2 ch check 5 ch conta 2 ch data 6 ch direc 2 ch file 2 ch have 2 ch I-nod 6 ch I-nod 2 ch is pe 2 ch is se 4 ch is~~~ 2 ch may b 3 ch of th 2 ch throu 2 ch user 3 ch will 6 chal dir 6 chal fil 6 chal nam 3 chal~~~ 2 changed 2 characte 3 charts s 2 check is 4 check th 5 checked 2 ched in 39 chie-Tho 2 ch~~~ 10 2 ch~~~ 12 2 ciaes must nes whic nes whic nes. As nes.~~~ new data new data new entr new file new file new file new name new user new, sim Newly cr new~~~ next rea ne~~~ 8 ne~~~ 16 ne~~~ 17 nformati nformati nformati nformati nformati nformati nformati nformati nformati nfrequen ng ng a bul ng a dat ng a fal ng a new ng a new ng a non ng a rea ng a sec ng a sma ng a sym ng a wri ng acces ng an ad ng an I- ng an un ng and d ng and f ng and f ng and m ng and t ng and w ng an~~~ ng as sh ng at an ng at an ng a~~~ d with ned with ned with ned with ned, tha ned, the ned,~~~ ned. Th ned. Th ned. Wh ned.~~~ need be need for need for needed f needed t needed.~ needs. nefficie nefit fr nent mod neous ac neous ac neous fi neous st neously neously neously neously neous~~~ ner as a ner iden ner iden ner iden ner prev ner whic neral an neral hi neral hi neral pu neral pu nerally nerally nerally nerally nerally nerally nerally~ ners and ners. W ner~~~ 1 nes for nes for nes for nes for~ nes is g nes may n is~~~ is~~~ is~~~ is~~~~ it app It is it is it is its I- its da its ps its ps itself itself known known known large large large last d layout layout leads leads leads length length less s less~~ level, levels levels levels levels limits linear linkin linkin linkin linkin linkin linkin list ( list ( list ( list i list) list;~ listin locate locate locate locate locate locate locate locate locate locati locati locati locati locati locati locati logica lookup lose d lose m lost d lost d lost f lost, lost. made i made l made m made m Mainte mainta mainta Mainte Mainte Mainte Mainte mainte mainte mainte mainte mainte mainte mainte mainte mainte mainte mainte mainte mainte mainte mainte make i making manipu manipu manipu manipu many f many o many o many o Many p match matche may be may be may be may be may be may be may be may be may be may be may be may be may be may be with write writt writt "1" is "A" is "A" is "A" is "A", f "A"~~~ "A.1" "A.1" "curre "defau "free" "full "ROOT" "ROOT. 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