Introduction to 9front

What is 9front?

Plan9front (or 9front) is a fork of the Plan 9 from Bell Labs operating system. The project was started to remedy a perceived lack of devoted development resources inside Bell Labs, and has accumulated various fixes and improvements.

This FQA specifically covers only the most recent release of 9front.


At some point, Cirno became associated with 9front. Details are sketchy, but this image has been in the wiki since the Google Code days, so I'm leaving it in.



On what systems does 9front run?

9front runs on the following platforms: • 386 • amd64 • arm • arm64 • mips

Read: FQA 3.2 - Selecting Hardware

Why might I want to use 9front?

It is very likely that you do not.

New users frequently want to know whether 9front is superior to some other free UNIX-like operating system. Consider: The question is largely unanswerable. What are your criteria? Why are you even using computers in the first place? Exploring these questions and the implications that derive therefrom may help you sharpen your perceptions and eventually come to some sort of conclusion about which operating system you prefer to use for daily tasks.

Ultimately, whether or not 9front is for you is a question only you can answer.

Note: The above text is lightly plagiarized from the OpenBSD FAQ.

Why might I not want to use 9front?

Hold up. Before you get too excited, consider the following possibilities:

Okay, carry on.

Why did 9front stop making fun of Nazis?

Because you asked us to.

Read: Appendix L - Ruby

Possibly related: Der Anbräuner

Definitely relevant: They Live and the secret history of the Mozilla logo

This poor guy: Anselm Kiefer

New Features

The following list is probably not exhaustive:

New Programs
