sl/plan9 OK, uriel.


citadel style bbs for plan 9, written in rc



hg clone


9bbs is started by a listen(8) script that runs on an arbitrary port. The example files included with this distribution are setup to run on port 666, but may be modified to suit. The following instructions assume that a listener is already scanning the directory /rc/bin/service (true by default for cpu servers). In this scenario, the 9bbs script will be run as user none, which has special properties limiting its access to system resources. Run 9bbs as any user other than none at your own risk. WARNING: Because user none can only read and write files that are world-accessible, anyone with access to the file system will be able to read and write files under etc/.

First, edit src/tcp666 to reflect the location of the 9bbs files on your system, and set any desired options. Edit etc/motd and etc/welcome according to taste.

Next, build and install the programs:

cd 9bbs/src
mk install
cd ..
mk log
mk perms	# user who runs this must be a member of group none

Note: 9bbs uses a modified copy of the Plan 9 pager, p(1). It is identical in all ways to the original except that the ! command for issuing shell commands has been removed. The resulting np binary is copied to $objtype/bin/, the tcp666 script is copied to /rc/bin/service/, and a log file is created in /sys/log/9bbs. All other 9bbs files remain within the 9bbs directory.

All of that completed, 9bbs will now answer telnet connections on port 666.

Suggested: Read the source.


The following commands have been implemented:

[0-9]+	print specified message
b		back
B		toggle biff
C		change password
d [...]		delete message
D [...]		view, set message delimiter
>D		truncate message delimiter
e		enter message
E [...]		view, set editor (choices: sam, simple)
f		jump to first message
g [...]		list rooms with unread messages, go to specified room
gr		list ten most recently active rooms
grep [...]	grep messages in current room for regexp
h, help		print this help message
k [...]		print roomlist or grep for specified regexp
l		jump to last message
L [...]		view, set number of lines to print before engaging pager (enter to continue, q to quit)
n		next
p, re [...]		print message with minimal headers
P [...]		print message with full headers
r [...]		reply to message
q		quit
S [...]		view, set signature
>S		truncate signature
t		print current date and time
u		list users
w		who is online
wr		list ten most recently active users
W [...]		view, set line wrap width
y		synchronize message list for current room
z		mark all messages (on the entire bbs) as read
" [...]		print message in quoted form, suitable for reply
?		print debug information


A room is a directory somewhere under rooms/ that contains at least one numbered message file. An example room has been included in the distribution: rooms/lobby/.

To create a room:

cd 9bbs
./bin/mkroom roomname

Note: Rooms may be nested.


The message format is as follows:

To: lobby
Date: Wed, 31 Dec 1969 19:00:01 EST
X-Date-N: 1

This is a placeholder message created to bootstrap the system.


g [room]/[n] to print message [n] in [room].

mailing list

Mainly for announcements.

To subscribe:

echo subscribe | mail

After you're subscribed, messages will arrive from, and may be sent to,

To unsubscribe:

echo unsubscribe | mail

powered - telnet port 666, ssh port 999 - telnet port 999