sl/plan9 OK, uriel.


Mother is an rc(1) script that provides an experience similar to nedmail(1).

Download it here.


usage: mother [ -d ] [ -f mbox ] [ -p msg ] [ -r ]
Commands are of the form [<range>] <command> [args]
<range> := <addr> | <addr>,<addr>
<command> :=
a		reply to sender and recipients
b		print the next ten headers
d		mark for deletion
e ...		enter message (args passed to upas/marshal)
g/regexp/cmd	grep headlines for regexp and run cmd on matches
h		print message headline (,h for all)
help		print this help message
m ...		forward mail to address(es)
mb ...		change to specified mailbox
p		print the processed message
P		print the raw message
q		quit
r		reply to message
s ...		store message in specified mailbox
u		remove deletion mark
y		synchronize with mail box
"		print message in quoted form, suitable for reply
|cmd		pipe the processed message to a command
||cmd		pipe the raw message to a command
!cmd		run a command


A script may be used in conjunction with faces(1) and the plumber(4) to open individual messages (or the entire mailbox) by clicking mb1 on a face in the faces(1) window. Each click produces a new window containing the selected message.

The script: facemother <- read and modify as needed before using

The plumber rule:

# faces -> new mail window for message
type	is	text
data	matches	'[a-zA-Z¡-￿0-9_\-./]+'
data	matches	'/mail/fs/[a-zA-Z¡-￿0-9/]+/[0-9]+'
plumb	to	showmail
plumb	start	window -r 646 117 1366 676 facemother $0
