
MNT Reform #000120

MNT Reform - 9front

This unit is now being offered as a loaner by


audio, display, ethernet, keyboard, nvme, pcie, sdcard, trackball, usb, wifi


Transcend TS1TMTE220S


MNT Reform - back

Before Sigrid got WiFi working I used an IOgear GWU637 Ethernet to WiFi N bridge.


   ; reform/audio       # provides /dev/audioctl and /dev/volume

screen brightness

   ; reform/pm
   ; echo lcd 33 >>/dev/light  # reduce by half


Obtain kbmap values from evdump.

Add the kbmap entry to /dev/kbmap, changing the final 0 to whichever Rune you want the key to produce on 9front. See /sys/include/keyboard.h for existing “special” keys.

mnt kbmap 9front
2 127 0 ???
HYPER 2 126 0 ???
MNT ??? Mod4
CTRL (bottom) 2 97 0 ???

For example, to turn the HYPER key into ♥:

   echo 2 126 0x2665 >/dev/kbmap

Or, to turn HYPER into Ctrl:

   for(i in `{seq 0 9}){ echo $i 126 61463 } >>/dev/kbmap

Note: Future batches of the MNT Reform will ship with the new 3.0 keyboard, which includes a PC-style, staggered layout. Details of the above will no doubt need to be adjusted for this new keyboard.


   ; reform/shortcuts </dev/kbdtap >/dev/kbdtap

Hyper+F1/F2 decreases/increases LCD brightness, Hyper+F7/F8/F9 skips to the previous track, (un)pauses or skips to the next track in zuke(1), Hyper+F10 (un)mutes the audio, Hyper+F11/F12 decreases/increases “master” volume. Optionally, a single step amount can be set with -l for LCD light level (default is 5) and -v for volume (default is 3). Values can be negative to essentially swap the decrement and increment keys.


sysinfo, termrc

MNT Reform #000120


buy, community, faq, ifixit, reform(1), reform school, sl/mnt


mnt reform, 9front, 9bbs, sam, mother, vncv, netsurf by sl

mnt reform, 9front, minivmac, hypercard, netsurf by sl

MNT Reform - mouse